tv FOX and Friends FOX News September 30, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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we are seeing they are going to get there. got to go, gentlemen, gianno, tony, appreciate it. jillian: coverage continues on fox and friends. have a good day, everyone. we will be back here tomorrow. >> under this president we have become weaker, sicker, poorer, more divided. >> in 47 months, i have done more than have you done in 47 years, joe. a lot of people die and a lot more are going to die unless he gets smarter. >> don't use the word smart with me. because you know what? nothing smart about you. >> i'm not going to answer the question. >> why won't he answer the question? >> the question is. >> just radical left. >> will you shut up, man? >> who is on your list, joe? >> your party wants to go socialist. >> i amount democratic party right now. number two. number- >> -- far left. >> i'm not going to listen to him. the fact of the matter is, i beat bernie sanders. >> the democrats have run. >> absolutely ridiculous.
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>> don't want to talk like you about law and order. >> violent crime. >> are you in favor o law and order. >> i'm in favor of law order. >> what did he is disastrous. >> he treated the black community about as bad as anybody in this country. >> you call them super predators and i'm letting people out of jail now. snowt shout it ♪ shout it out loud. steve: there was a lot of interrupting and shouting last night. today is wednesday, september 30th, 2020. so perhaps the more appropriate song would be wake me when september ends because it's ending today october tomorrow. and, brian and ainsley, good morning to you and everybody watching. you know, i was just thinking about it coming out of elevator. brian: not escalator. [laughter] steve: is her escalator here gold?
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i don't think so. it's silver. my idea was because we had been looking forward to the debate so long. you know how you really look forward to friday night and plan on going to the restaurant and you get there after a wea week f anticipation that was just okay. a lookout of people today are frustrated because we thought on this the post game show we would have a winner or have somebody who landed a knockout punch. we didn't see that last night. ainsley: i know, when we were walking into work this morning everyone was just shaking their heads. punches were thrown. it lot a little nasty. that's the headline of the "new york post" this morning. i don't think any minds were changed after watching last night there weren't any big zingers, we did learn more about their issues. antifa comment just an idea joe biden said the president said give me a break. we were listening to lee carter this morning on fox and friends first. she said she looked at the dials and talked to the people. a third liked trump. a third liked biden and a third
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said they are not going to vote. brian: we were the big losers last night the american people. we wanted to see what joe biden would do different on coronavirus. we wanted to see how joe biden is going to blend the left with what he says are his beliefs. but he signed a document that said he does have a manifesto, whatever you call it. he does a series of memos of understandings with bernie sanders. and we don't know really what his economy is going to look like because it was so much interruption and if you are going to say that president trump was rude, there was only one personal who called the other one a clown, a racist, the worst president ever, and told to shut up. and that was joe biden on donald trump. but donald trump biggest layup nut histories of debates by saying not condemning white supremacists. i don't know if he did not hear it. it's like are you against sneefl why the president didn't just knock that out of the park, i'm not sure. griff jenkins joins us live from
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cleveland with last night's biggest moments. griff? steve: good luck. griff: good morning, brian, ainsley and steve. you are right, brian. it takes two to tango. if you are looking for political brawling you got a lookout of it. political discussion a lot of that for sure. the president came out charging. biden gave it right back. both had disregard for the formatted itself and the moderator. they did manage to address some of the issues in the country stearating with the coronavirus. watch. >> if we would have listened to you, the country would have been left wide open. >> and by the way. >> they will have the vaccine very soon. >> you believe for a moment what he is telling you in light of all the lies he has told you about the whole issue relating to covid. griff: talk of the pandemic led to a big fight over the economy. >> we handed him a booming
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economy. he blew it. >> blew it? it wasn't. wait a minute, joe, let me shut you down for a second, joe. one of the reasons they want to keep it shut down until after the election. >> why doesn't he take care until after -- you can't fix the economy until you fix the covid crisis. griff: there was the moment, brian, mentioned getting a lot of attention this morning the president's refusal to denounce white supremacy while having a discussion law and order. >> you want to call them. give me a name. >> white supremacists and right wing militia. >> stand back and stand by. >> antifa is an idea, not an organization. >> oh, you have got to be kidding. >> that's his fbi director said. chris: gentlemen? griff: when talk turned to the supreme court the president vigorously defended his nominee. >> we have the senate. we have the white house. and we have a phenomenal nominee. i'm not elected for three years.
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i'm elected for four years. the bigger problem that you have is that you are going to extinguish 180 million people with their private healthcare. >> that's simply not true. >> you know he's a socialist. >> as for the winner we will hear the candidates on the campaign trail today probably claiming victory. you've got the president at a rally tonight in minnesota while biden is on a train tour from ohio to pennsylvania. brian, ainsley, steve? steve: all aboard. all right, griff, thank you very much. ainsley, you were talking about that headline from the "new york post." there it is right there. nasty and a hot mess according to michael good win. interesting, chris christie who was one of the president's debate preppers said that his assessment of the event was that joe biden was actually shaky and did not look good. but chris christie also said that the president was too hot. he was going to -- he was right to be aggressive, he said.
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but he was simply too hot in his appearance. but he also said that potentially could be fixed. how did brit hume look at the event? we have a sound bite on that, listen. >> if you were judging this on -- if the winner was the person who displayed the greatest force of personality obviously i would think you would have to declare donald trump the winner because he was like a bucking bronco throughout the whole thing i'm not sure, however that people would find that all that appealing as for vice president biden one of the big questions that hung over him tonight is whether the age and the forgetfulness and the confusion that has overtaken him at times would assert itself tonight. as far as i could see, it did not. i felt he held up very well. he was largely clear. at times he was thrown off stride by the president's interruptions but who wouldn't have been? ♪
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steve: i better develop a good idea. because the president and his teamed so long lowered the bar joe biden is going to be drooling and in the fetal position and joe biden showed up and stood up for 90 minutes, you know, it was awash. ainsley: something that was interesting the way the president handled the tax comments or tax issues. did you pay $750 in federal income tax in 2016, 2017 he said no, that's not true, i paid millions. then he looked at joe biden and he said you know you gave us these tax laws given by president obama, given by you, biden, biden said i'm going to eliminate those tax codes. and the president said why didn't you do it over 47 years. also he said joe biden, i don't support the neil. that was a shock because the progressives are listening for that how does aoc feel about that? and how does his own vice presidential nominee feel about that? she was one of the ones who
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co-sponsored the green new deal, brian. brian: he believes the neil green new deal is a crucial framework for meeting the challenge of climate change that we face. okay, it's a framework. so don't say -- you can say it's not my plan. but when you say it's a framework, it's pretty significant. ainsley, please pay attention when i'm talking. steve: it's a developing story. brian: when steve talks you are glued to the camera. when i talk lose interest. unbelievable. ainsley: i learned it from you, brian. brian does that all the time. steve: there you go. brian: one thing that kamala harris and vice president biden had done is gotten away with not answering the question are you going to pack the court? they said in the past they would. others said they wouldn't. now he will not answer. listen. chris: are you willing to tell the american people tonight whether or not you will support either ending the filibuster or
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packing the court? >> whatever position i take on that, that will become the issue. the issue is the american people should speak. you should go out and vote. you are in voting now. vote and let your senators know how strongly you feel. >> are you going to pack the court? >> vote now. >> are you going to pack the court? >> make sure you in fact let people know. >> he doesn't want to answer the question. >> i'm not going to answer the question. >> why widget you answer that question? radical left. >> will you shut up, man? >> who is on your list, joe? >> this is so. chris: gentlemen, i think this is so. >> he is not going to give a list. brian: if donald trump had said to joe biden shut up, man. that would have been the headline in the "new york post." but it wasn't. and he still didn't answer the question. maybe president trump would have done better to let joe biden finish. i think chris wallace probably would have found out so what are you going to do? are you going to pack the court or not? why is that a difficult answer? last summer you said you wouldn't do that in front of the
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11 of the democrats. what changed? steve: yeah, exactly. and, there was so much cross talk i feel sorry for our producers who are trying to find sound bites this morning where there is a clean in or clean out so you have one coherent run-on sentence that works on tv. i will tell you what though, the president and his backers says he has been strong on law and order and, in fact, he had a point last night where the interrupting did work. it worked with hunter biden where he was able to inject that into the conversation and got the conversation going about what hunter biden did and all that money and stuff like that which joe biden said not true, not true, not true. but also when it came to law enforcement, the president, you know, once again injecting himself strongly made it very clear that joe biden doesn't have a lot of law enforcement backing. watch this. >> the top 10 cities in just about the top 40 cities are run by democrats.
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there are many cases radical left. and they have got you wrapped around their finger, joe, to a point where you don't want to say anything about law and order. i will tell you what, the people of this country want and demand law and order. and you are afraid to even statement are you in favor of law and order. >> i'm in favor of law. you following it and a little bit of order. >> are you in favor. chris: you asked a question let him finish. >> law and order. chris: let him. >> law and order with justice where people get treated fairly. >> he has no law enforcement support. >> that's not true. >> who do you have? name one group that supports you? name one group that came out and supported you. go ahead. think. we have time. >> we don't have time to do anything. steve: you know, had there been a group and had joe biden been able to answer that, it would have been an effective answer. but the way joe just left that hanging. brian: trump won that. ainsley: i think that's how law enforcement feels the ones we talk to out on the streets of new york. they feel like they have been
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left behind, and they are not supported. that was a good moment for president trump last night. i thought joe biden when president trump was talking about his son and his drug problem i thought joe biden that pulled at everyone's heart strings saying look. steve: it was very personal. ainsley: he said my son has dealt with it and he got help and related that to the american family. he said so many people watching are dealing with these types of things, too. that's how it affected my family. i also thought that last night it was interesting because i wanted to find out how joe biden was going to handle the progressive party and how he was going to bring them into the fold. because aoc said hey, basically, don't forget about us. he has been called the trojan horse. is he going to go through the city gates and out are going to jump the progressives and take over the party. he has been called a place holder for kamala harris. we were all watching to see how he was going to be tied to bernie sanders. he said, you know what? i am the democratic party. listen to this. >> wants to go socialist.
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>> the party is me. >> socialist healthcare and they are going to dominate you, joe, you know that. >> i am the democratic party right now. the platform of the democratic party. >> not according to harris. >> the democratic party is what i, in fact, approved of. what i approved of. >> you agreed with bernie sanders far left on the manifesto we call socialized medicine. >> look, i'm not going to listen to him. the fact of the matter is, i beat bernie sanders. >> not by much. >> i beat him a whole hell of a lot. >> not by much. pocahontas would have left two days earlier you would have lost every primary or super tuesday. you got very lucky. >> i got very lucky and i am going to get very lucky tonight as well. ainsley: katie pavlich was struggling to unite the left wing democrats and the moderates. listen to. this tonight was also a reflection of you who joe biden has struggled throughout the year to marry the leftist progressive wing of the party with the moderate democrats that he won in the primary. tonight he didn't do a good job
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of that when he was asked about packing the supreme court. he refused to answer that question. he denied supporting the green new deal, when his vice presidential nominee co-sponsored the green new deal with alexandria ocasio-cortez. and he had a hard time articulating his economic plan and how he would get the country out of the recession that we have been in as a result of the coronavirus. brian: joe biden's nonanswers on packing the court. his nonanswers on a joint document that he and bernie sanders signed to get sanders on board to support him because he didn't support hillary clinton. just did it with lip service. didn't do it with his army. created chaos of the dnc in philadelphia we witnessed it. they will signed a joint document and now we want to pretend as if joe biden is not going to be listening to socialist bernie sanders. that's not a dig on bernie sanders. he calls himself a socialist. the way this debate ended is significant. talking about the ballots. and i think joe biden would do himself well to say he is concerned about states starting
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three months before an election to for the first time in new jersey and other places like nevada mail everybody a ballot unrequested. and then today we get up with this story. 140,000 new yorkers received absentee ballots with the wrong names and addresses and it leads to mass confusion. the democratic governor condemning the mayor who condemns the local board of elections. we know about the minneapolis story, the new jersey story, the problems they are having in iowa. getting people to prevent election officials from completing partially filled ballots. so if you make a mistake in iowa, they are worried that people are going to fix it for you before you vote. these are issues both sides should be equally concerned about. this should not be a partisan issue, steve. steve: it should thought. but then again, what we saw last night reflected perfectly america. america is so divided. and they were on that stage. you know what? ultimately, we are back to monday. we thought today we would have a winner. we are back to monday. ainsley: i know.
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brian: we might thought have another debate. steve: vice presidents coming up next week. it will be interesting to see how the campaigns change their strategy because last night i think a juvenile court of our viewers would say just wasn't great. anyway, we are going to have more of the post debate analysis and reaction from senator marco rubio, ted cruz, tom cotton, there we go. dan crenshaw and lara trump. so you are watching fox and friends for a very busy wednesday ♪ word up ♪ ♪
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this is our chance to put the darkness of the past four years behind us. to end the anger, the insults, the division. and start fresh in america. i don't pledge allegiance to red states of america or blue states of america. i pledge allegiance to the united states of america. i'm gonna fight as hard for those who supported me as those who did not support me. we have a chance to put anger and division that has overtaken this country behind us. and we can. we've done it so many times in our history. we begun anew. we can get control of this virus. we can reward work. we can make healthcare affordable. we can be a safe and just nation. we can deal with the existential threat of climate change.
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we can be what we are at our best. one nation, one people, one america. i'm joe biden and i approve this message. everyone said i was crazy. when i started this commute, so fifteen years ago, i got my first subaru and i did it anyway. for more than five hundred thousand miles, my outback always got me there. so when it was time, of course i got a new one. because my kids still need me. and i need them. (vo) welcome to the 2020 subaru outback. the most reliable outback ever. go where love takes you.
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>> president trump and joe biden made their case last night to america kind of in their first debate faceoff. so what did the voters think of last night's top moments? here with the dials partner and president at maslansky and partners, lee carter. lee, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: so were your dialers, as frustrated as a lot of us in what was live from cleveland last night. >> no doubt about it. i have never seen anything like it. when i asked who they thought won last night, a third said biden, a third said trump and a third said no one. i have never seen a third of people who washed the debate think no one won. and i think that was general sentiment, independent voters. i think that was the general sentiment of people who were undecided. i think if you were already shored up on trump you would see the best in him. if you are shored up on biden you would see the most in biden.
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for the most part people felt like nobody won last night. steve: folks, watch this question and the answer. remember the blue represents progressives. the gold represents the independents. and the red conservatives. here's joe biden talking about how, look, i'm the democratic party right now. >> one of the big debates we had with 23 of my colleagues trying to win the nomination that i won were saying that biden wanted to allow people to have private insurance still. they can. they do. they will under my proposal. >> not what you have said and not what your party has said. >> that is simply a lie. >> your party wants to go socialist. >> the party is me right now i am the democratic party. >> they you joe, you know that. >> i am the democratic party right now. >> not according to harris. >> the democratic party is what i, in fact, approved of. brian: joe's blue line took a dip in the middle there that's bad for him. >> it is but at the end of the day it was very, very important
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for him to clarify. this people were not sure on which joe biden going to be a progressive joe biden, a moderate joe biden, the joe biden they used to know. the joe biden that seems to be moving towards the left. this is a really important moment for him. so democrats gave it a b plus. independents a c minus and republicans not surprisingly an f. it was very important for joe biden to clarify who he was and what his candidacy was about. this is the closest that people really got to an answer on what he is all about. it was an important answer for him. steve: sure. the president did very well with his base when he was talking about reopening the economy. and he did pretty well with independents. watch. this open these states up. it's not fair. you are talking about almost like being in prison. you look at what is going on with divorce. look at what is going on with alcoholism and drugs. it's a very, very sad thing. he will close down the whole country. this guy will close down the whole country and destroy our country. our country is coming back incredibly well.
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setting records as it does it. we don't need somebody to come in and say let's shut it down. steve: okay. the grades are good for the president. >> they sure are. republicans gave it an a. independents a b. democrats an f. this is not that surprising to me. one of the worst moments that i have tested in biden so far is when he said if things get bad again, i will shut it down. people do not want the economy to shut all the way down again. they want us to be smart. they want to be safe. they want to be protected. they want the economy focused. steve: listen, the question is will joe biden pack the court? here's what he said last night. watch. >> vote now. >> are you going to pack the court? >> make sure you, in fact, let people know. >> he is not going to answer the question. >> i'm not going to answer the question. >> why won't you answer the question? supreme court justice. radical left. >> you shut up, man. >> who is on your list, joe? steve: the president was right in his face and republicans gave him as we look at the grades an f. >> they sure did. independents gave it a c and democrats a b.
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but, independents were really frustrated with all the cross talk and they were frustrated with both sides. they really felt like they didn't get a chance to hear from either candidate what they were all about. the cross talk didn't work. i think people were upset that they saw joe biden get rattled enough to say shut up. if you were in the middle a lot of democrats celebrated that moment. bottom line is this, this debate did not bring out the best in either candidate. it brought out the worst. i think that's what people saw. i think a lot of people are celebrating the fact that joe biden withstood all the attacks last night. they weren't sure how he was going to stand up for 90 minutes against joe biden. they felt -- against donald trump. they feel satisfied he was able to do his part. at the end of the day, it's hard to be excited about what they saw last night. i think most people are disappointed and feeling a little confused about what they saw. steve: i think that's probably a pretty accurate analysis. lee, thank you very much for staying up late and doing the dials for us. >> of course. happy to see you this morning. steve: thank you. meanwhile, straight ahead on this wednesday, president trump accusing joe biden of being weak
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democrats. in many cases radical left. they have got you wrapped around their finger, joe, to a point where you don't want to say anything about law and order. i will tell you what, the people of this country want and demand law and order. and you are afraid to even say it. brian: it did take him months to do it but he eventually did say it, i'm talking about condemning the rioters because were no longer protesters. taking center stage as agenda. joining us live is rachel campus duffy and david webb. rachel first t.>> this is one oe debate, brian, there were a lot of points missed in the cross talk that the president did underline. but it also goes to chris wallace's question. biden, who said, i am the democratic party, then doesn't want the responsibility or accept the responsibility in the question of calling the governor and the mayor out there in washington state or in portland or in any other left wing
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governor that doesn't support law and order by their own actions. by letting the riots in portland continue. the occupation in seattle. or even you look at the riots in kenosha, wisconsin or the attempts to do the same in lancaster, pennsylvania. so he can't have it both ways. i think this is one punch in a whole lot of, to be honest, flurry of punches that got the audience confused at times that trump really landed well. brian: rachel, if you look at what the president -- when he breaks down the numbers in which he has to improve the most, it is suburban women. you fit that category. whether a did they hear last night that feel better or worse if you are the president? >> well, overall, if you -- you know, trump can be very charming. and i don't think he brought that to the table. he can be funny, too. he didn't bring that to the debate either. i think that would have helped him with suburban moms. he can come off kind of hard and very combative.
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it's understandable why he does that at times. i think he could have brought that funny, charging side as well that would have helped him. i do think on the topic of law and order. you know, biden never said and never denounced antifa or blm. and i know that chris wallace talked about trump denouncing white supremacists but all summer long i didn't see white supremacists, you know, burning down businesses and causing the violence and the destruction that has so upset so many americans, destroyed so many lives. and so, again, this shows exactly what david is saying, he is beholden to the left. he just cannot say blm and antifa, burn down cities and that is bad. and that is weird to a lot of americans. they are like why can't you denounce what's so obviously wrong? brian: david is writing today do you condemn white supremacist? yes, proud boys, yes, stand down
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but stand by. why do you think the president didn't just say of course i condemn white supremacists because you know him. he has no interest in white supremacists. >> no, he doesn't. i don't know why the answer was given that way. i think he should have just left it at i have always condemned it, which he did. joe biden lied when he said the president did not when it came to charlottesville and he launched his campaign for the presidency of the united states. but we also have to see something about joe biden that is true. he's a creature of washington, d.c. joe biden and the creature that he is, and other creatures in washington, d.c. say what's in front of them to the audience in front of them at the moment. joe biden was the most progressive in the race. but now he's the democrat party. he plays to antifa and blm and the left wing base by not denouncing them, but he wants to claim responsibility for, what? creatures do what creatures do. the difference is donald trump, yes, i'm with rachel last night.
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i would have liked to have seen a bit more of the funny donald trump. he can be humorous. he can be charming. i think that would have helped. but, joe biden can't stop being the creature and i hope americans saw that as well. brian: rachel, we are out of time. real quick i want you to weigh in on the fact that chris wallace said hey it's not just democratic cities have a problem. fort worth and tulsa. i thought to myself there is a huge difference between ceilings and portland and fort worth and tulsa. your thoughts? >> yeah, listen. again, i want to go back to antifa. he said antifa is an idea and donald trump said yeah, until a bat hits you over the head. antifa is not an idea. antifa is an organization. so is blm. they are funded by corporations and left wingers his own staffers, biden's staffers and kamala herself helped to bail out many of these people who caused the violence and even some of the killings. again, law and order, donald trump wins. on that issue. and for a lot of people, that's
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now the number two issue for them. brian: very interesting that would have been a great come back for the president to say yeah you are for law and order but your own staffers are bailing out the rioters from prison and kamala harris. >> he missed a lot of opportunities, brian. brian: that's a big one. he is going to have some other appearances. antifa is more than ideology. they have ear pieces they deliver bats and bricks and weapons to events. that's more than ideology. thanks, guys. appreciate it. >> thank you, brian. brian: joe biden refusing to answer questions about packing the courts. >> i'm not going to answer the question. >> why wouldn't you answer that question? you want to put a new supreme court justices radical left. >> excuse me. >> will you shut up, man? >> who is on your list, joe? brian: really, that's classy. senator tom cotton says it's clear where the democrat stats stands. he's up next. but today there's a combination of two immunotherapies you can take first. one that could mean... a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed
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i do motivational speakingld. in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. chris: are you willing to tell the american people tonight whether or not you will support either ending the filibuster or
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packing the court. >> whatever position i take on that that will become the issue. the issue is the american people should speak. you should go out and vote. make sure you, in fact, let people know. >> he doesn't want to answer the question. >> i'm not going to answer the question. >> why wouldn't you answer that question? >> because the question is -- the question is. >> justice radical left. >> you shut up, man. >> listen, who is on your list, joe? ainsley: let's bring in arkansas gop member tom cotton. good morning to you. >> good morning, ainsley. ainsley: good morning to you. what was your reaction to that? he would not answer the question. >> well, joe biden obviously doesn't want to answer the question whether he will pack the court because his far left flank wants to pack the court. a packed court means that you will lose your right to religious freedom. means they will take away your second amendment rights. they will force you to use your taxes to pay for abortion on demand up to the ninth month, maybe even yawkd. they will take your home and give it to giant corporations to use for a parking lot at their
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office complex. that's what joe biden is dodging. it wouldn't become the issue if he would have said no i don't want to pack the court it. would put the issue to rest. the reason he doesn't want to put the issue to rest by simply saying no, i don't want to pack the court, is because the democrats have become so radical that they are willing to take unprecedented steps to fundamentally restructure the nature of our government to achieve their far left agenda. brian: yeah. and you know what, senator you? knocked the moderate joe who is going to bring a semblance of law and order to the white house and a sense of discipline if you are going to pack the court. that makes you radical. and he just refused to answer that question. also, it's important not only did he break decorum by saying will you shut up, they are making t-shirts that say shut up, man. is that the person that is supposedly claim to bring class and continuity back to the white house? here is kamala harris on the same question about joe biden packing the court. listen. >> his answer on court packing, adding more justices to the
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court, just sounds like a straight up dodge. why won't he talk about what he wants to do, what he thinks should happen? >> well, i think he is very clear, john, which is that he is focused as we all should be, on the next 35 days. and he is focused on one, the process by which we are even having the conversation about the united states supreme court. brian: right. she didn't answer either. think we all realized that senator, have you picked that up? >> >> yeah. that's the kind of clear and crisp answer that kamala harris zero delegates and dropping out before the iowa caucuses despite the tens of millions of dollars the party bosses of the democratic party gave to her. look, it makes no sense what they're saying. they claim if they answer that question, it will be the central issue of the campaign for the next five weeks. not if they say no. if they simply say no, chris, no, john, we don't want to pack the court, of course not. we are going to keep the court of the same size it's been for 150 years, it puts the issue to
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rest. the reason why they don't want to answer it is clearly is in their hearts and they know on their left wing flank the answer is yes. they do want to pack the court. because they want to fundamentally restructure the nature of american government and that that would be extremely unpopular and probably cost them the election. the american people should keep that in mind when they go to vote. steve: but, at the same time, they don't want to alienate the left flank that thinks court pack something a good idea. meanwhile, they did clash as well on the topic of violence in american streets. the president said it's a left-wing problem. and joe had this observation about antifa. watch. >> somebody has got to do something about antifa and the left. because this is not a right wing. >> it's own fbi director said. >> this is a left wing problem. >> white supremacist. antifa is an idea. not an organization. >> oh, you have got to be kidding. >> not a militia. that's what his fbi director
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said. steve: senator, is antifa just an idea? >> yeah. hardly. antifa is a radical decentralized network of anarchists and insurrectionists. those bricks that you see in the streets, chunks of concrete, they don't get there by themselves. brian: they are on pallets. steve: they're not ideas. >> joe biden refuses to condemn them. joe biden wouldn't say i support law enforcement. i support the men and women who help keep us safe who put their lives on the line this help protect innocent citizens from radical insurrectionists and anarchists in the street. again, because is he afraid of alienating far left flank. earlier in the debate he said louis xivth the son king i am the democratic party. then when asked why he couldn't call the mayor of portland to stop the violence i'm just a retired politician not my place. goes to show you how far joe biden will go to avoid
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condemning antifa and these other radical insurrectionists in our streets. preview of what will happen the next four years should he win this election. brian: senator, how did the president do last night. >> i thought the president did well in pointing out how joe biden has become beholden to radical left flank. whether weather it's the green new deal one hand he didn't support it and/or the other hand it would pay for itself or start taking health insurance away from people on the job and encroaching on government run healthcare. of course talking about pointing out the radical steps the democrats would take to fundamentally alter the nature of american government tone act their left wing agenda through the courts, not through the ballot box on all those points i think the president did well. ainsley: senator cotton, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. joe biden pushing for private health insurance while distancing himself from medicare for all. but president trump says that will cost him votes on the left. who won the healthcare debate? dr. nicole saphier is here to weigh in on that next.
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steve: and we may not have a debate winner but we have a clear winner because yesterday the happy in a hurry cookbook debuted at number one on amazon. brian: wow. ainsley: that's great, steve. steve: unbelievable. get your copy today. amazon, target, barnes and noble, books a million or walmart. wherever you buy your book. can you get a free copy when you sign up for fox nation patriot plan. and thanks again for making the happy in a hurry cookbook the number one book in america today. brian: all right. good job. ♪ oh you make me smile ♪ want to brain better? unlike ordinary memory supplements... neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory... focus... accuracy...
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jillian: hillary clinton approved a plan to create a russian scandal surrounding then candidate donald trump. the notes were released by director of national intelligence john ratcliffe. the unverified russian intel k4r5eu78d cia director john brennan briefed president obama about the plan in july of 2016 just days before the fbi opened its russia investigation into the trump campaign. ratliff's letter was released by senator lindsey graham. a marine fighter pilot is recovering after his jet collided with a refueling tanker in mid-air.
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the pilot ejected just after his f-35 clipped the plane's wing. the jet crashed into a field in southern california. the tanker made an emergency landing nearby. none of the crew members on board were hurt no. word on what caused the crash. anxiously? ainsley: all right. thanks so much, jillian. the debate over healthcare got pretty heathed last night in cleveland. watch. this your party wants to go socialist. >> the party is me right now i'm the democratic party. >> they are going to dominate you, joe, you know that. >> i am the democratic party right now. >> not according to harris. >> the democratic party is what i, in fact, approved of. >> you agreed with her. >> the whole idea. chris: let him -- >> there is no manifesto. chris: please let him speak, mr. >> you just lost the left. >> number two. >> you just lost the left. ainsley: joining me now to react is author of that book right there called "make america healthy again" dr. nicole saphier. good morning, dr. saphier. >> good morning, ainsley.
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ainsley: whose plan makes america healthy? >> let me tell you the debate last night was a lot of things but informative was not one of them there was a lot of back and forth commentary with very little substance. president trump discussed the recent executive order which he implemented which were very strong in terms of lowering drug prices and maintaining coverage for pre-existing conditions. unfortunately executive orders without actually seeing the results is a lot of grand standing. so americans need to seat results of those executive orders. which we haven't seen quite yet. joe biden, on the other hand, his message to americans was essentially the government will provide. and in a nation that has not adopted socialism, i don't think that's going to be a good enough answer for most people. he essentially discussed expanding on the affordable care act. expanding the subsidies the government insurance program. lowering the age of medicare. essentially just putting a lot more onus on government for healthcare. that being said, anxiously, the only way he discusses lessening or decreasing prices drug caps
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on drug companies and insurance companies and restricting reimbursements for physicians and hospitals. ainsley, i have never heard of increased quality of anything by payment cuts. ainsley: so another topic that i wanted to ask you about, they talked about keeping the country closed or reopening the country. and the president basically said we have to weigh it all out because it's not just about covid deaths. we have to think about the economy and how that effects americans as well. listen to this. >> a lot of people between drugs and alcohol and depression, when you stuart shutting it down, you take a look at what's happening in some of your democrat-run states where they have these tough shutdowns, you are talking about almost like being in prison. it's a very, very sad thing. he will close down the whole country. this guy will close down the whole country and destroy our country. ainsley: nicole, he also talked about not opening up it can cause divorce going up and that's another factor. by not opening up, you are trying to make it political. why did you give out the date november 9th to open up why?
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because it's after the election. what do you think about all these comments about depression and alcoholism and the effects of not going back to work? >> well, ainsley, one goal that is to lessen the spread of the virus so it's very easy to say can you close things down. a president's task with taking the entire country, looking at the economic health, the mental health, the physical health of the virus, all of that combined, joe biden just saying is he only going to listen to the public health experts is not actually looking at the country as a whole. as you have edges inned the mental health effects of the unemployment and the social ice labor relation are extreme and the cdc just released some data saying over a third the country is reporting clinical signs of anxiety and depression. with that becomes alcoholism, drug use and domestic violence, so forth and so forth. from that will all come more chronic illness. we need to look at the country as a whole. we need to do what we can to continue the decreased vital transmission as we wait for the
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vaccine which, by the way, is being produced in record time. ultimately we will need that vaccine to get back to some level of normalcy. continue to decrease spread of the virus and do what we can to get people back to work to limit the effects of the psychosocial effects of social isolation. get the country mentally and physically strong. ainsley: next time you are in a liquor store ask them how their sales are doing. most of them are saying view this the roof right now. >> absolutely. ainsley: what did the media have to say about the debate? we are breaking it down at the top of the hour ♪ ♪ ♪ my nunormal: fewer asthma attacks. less oral steroids. taking my treatment at home. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred.
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>> he knew it was a deadly disease. what did he do? >> in fact, dr. you fauci said president trump said thousands of lives. you didn't think we should have closed our country because you said i is he a xenophobia, is ha racist. >> he is also opposed to roe v. wade. that's on the ballot as well. >> that's not on the ballot. >> it's on the ballot in the courts. >> i don't think so. there is nothing happening. >> there you know, he talks about the art of the deal. china haas made -- perfected the art of the steal. >> i have brought back 700,000 jobs. they brought back nothing. they gave up on manufacturing. china ate your lunch, joe. >> no, i don't support the green new deal. >> oh, you don't? you don't? oh, that's a big statement. >> i support the.
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>> radical left why did you do it. >> because you are a president screwing things up. >> you are the worst president america has ever had it's hard to get any word in with this clown. >> it's going to be a fair election. i'm 100 percent on board. but if i see tens of thousands of ballots being manipulated, i can't go along with that. >> he is afraid of counting the votes. >> you are wrong, you are wrong. >> keep yapping, man. >> people understand, joe. 47 years you have done nothing. ♪ wake me up when september ends ♪ steve: tomorrow. ainsley: wake me when the election is over. steve: wake me when september ends. this the is last day of september. ainsley: you saw the boxing gloves. that's what it was. it was a fight last night. that's what america looks like right now it. is a fight for the soul of america whether or not you like this guy or you like the other guy. it is a fight for our country. and the fight is real.
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and it is burbling up. i don't think any minds were changed. lee carter we had other on earlier she said 1/3 of the people she polled liked trump and one third liked biden and one third aren't going to the polls, brian. brian: the way the night ended sticks with me because it matters the most. and if is the ballot. it's not so much people is going to focus on one lekdz because you have a winner one day and not the next week? it should concern the biden camp too that these states that are deciding on the drop of a hat because of the coronavirus we're going to mail everybody a ballot it. is confusing everyone. the delay of the time in which you can count ballots confusing everybody. the way that poll workers might be able to fix ballots because maybe they were done wrong or the envelope wasn't sealed correctly or you didn't sign the back. that is a problem. that's what donald trump was saying but i wish joe biden would join trump in saying we just want to get the right verdict. it doesn't mean a certain
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verdict. steve: well, last night's event was at the cleveland clinic, just in case there was a knockout punch, and there was not. griff jenkins joins us live this morning from cleveland. and, you know, griff, yesterday, predebate there was a suggestion that they should have a third party inspect the ears of the ear canals of the candidates to check for, you know, for. brian: wax. steve: ear pieces. i think what they mental should check for ear plugs because i think after that a lot of people stopped listening. griff: that's put well. steve, anxiously, brian good morning. it wasn't just a brawl. it was a political mma fight. it was a constant taunting and accusations and cross talk and name calling. and probably the voters would have been better served with a little more policy discussion. but, when the president came out charging, biden engaged as well. it takes two to tango as i mentioned in the last hour. somehow though, amidst all of the chaos, they were able to
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address the most important issues facing the country and that began with the coronavirus. watch. >> if we would have listened to you, the country would have been left wide open. >> and by the way. >> not just -- they will have the vaccine very soon. >> do you believe for a moment what he's telling you in light of all the lies he has told you about the whole issue relating to covid? griff: there was talk of the coronavirus led to the question of the election itself. >> this is going to be a fraud like have you never seen. we might not know for months because these ballots are going to be all over. chris: are you counting on the supreme court, including a justice barrett to settle any dispute. >> yeah. i think i'm counting on them to look at the ballots, definitely. >> if it doesn't get in until the 7th, 8th, 9th, it should still be counted. he is afraid of counting the votes. >> you're wrong. griff: when the talk turned to the supreme court, biden refused
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to answer the question over whether he would seek to pack it. >> are you going to pack the court. >> make sure in fact, make. >> he doesn't want to answer the question. >> i'm not going to answer the question. >> why wouldn't you answer that question? supreme court justices radical left. >> you shut up, man. >> listen, who is on your list, joe? >> this is so -- chris: gentlemen, i think. >> this is so unpresidential. griff: finally a moment getting a lot of attention this morning the president's refusal to discuss white supremacy while talking about law and order. >> you want to call him -- what do you want to call him? give me a name. chris: white supremacists and right wing militia. >> stand back and stand by. >> antifa is an idea. not an organization. >> oh you have got to be kidding him. >> that's his fbi director. chris: gentlemen? griff: we will see if the president gets more questions about that moment or any others this morning as he heads to minnesota for a rally tonight. meanwhile biden is taking a
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train tour through ohio and pennsylvania. brian, ainsley, steve? ainsley: all right. thanks so much, griff. everyone is talking about that moment when he didn't answer the question. is he not releasing his list of who his supreme court justices would be like president trump did. he is not answering the question about packing the court. we had senator tom cotton on earlier. he was saying -- he was talking about the facts that joe biden says he wouldn't answer it because if i answered it, then that would be the soundbite. that would be the one topic issue everyone would be talking about. listen to tom cotton. >> if they simpl simply say no , john. don't want to pack the court of course not. we are going to keep the court the same size it has been 150 years. it puts the issue to rest. the reason why they don't want to answer it clearly in their hearts and they know on their left wing flank the answer is yes. they do want to pack the court. because they want to fundamentally restructure the nature of american government and that that would be extremely unpopular and probably cost them the election. the american people should keep that in mind when they go to
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vote. ainsley: two more things about the supreme court that i thought were interesting. the president said when it comes to filling the seat before the election, if the democrats had the same tiewngtsd they would do the same thing do it in a heart beat. he said we won the election and had a right to do it. he quoted ruth bader ginsburg and she said the president and senate elected for four years. as far as roe v. wade biden says he is worried about this justice. justice barrett because he said she will strip women's rights and president trump made an interesting points he said you don't know how -- what remember views are on roe v. wade. we haven't talked to her about that brian. brian: that was an effective comeback and that's how this whole thing started. let's talk to joe concha media reporter for the hill. before i went to bed i flipped around to see what everyone was saying. amazing i couldn't find an anchor. i saw an anchor pretending to be anchors who were just anti-trump. >> brian, a lot were calling, it seemed, the anchors that you were talking about for the next debates not even to happen for joe biden not even to show up. joe scarborough called on
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canceling the debates, for example. slate and atlantic already have headlines out that joe biden shungt show up for the next debates all in the name of tone and civility as if tone and civility is something that we have seen in coverage of the president over the last four years. but, look, debates sometimes just come down to one line. right? you can remember 30, 40 years from now. reagan saying he is not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience as far as mondale or 88 lloyd benson, right? i knew jack kennedy, senator. jack kennedy was a friend of mine. senator you are no jack kennedy. lloyd benson to dan quayle. can i recite these things verbatim the line i have done more in 47 months, joe, than have you done in 47 years. what it does is it serves as a remind to a lot of people that joe biden is somebody who is not an outsider with fresh ideas to fix washington. he has been there for nearly five decades and when you look at congress' approval around 15%. luke at joe biden and say that's
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right. this is not a new guy. barack obama was a new guy in essence in 2008 and obviously donald trump is a businessman in 2016. people like outsiders trump reminded people that biden was an insider. the things that really resonated, guys, was the fact that and, remember, have you got to get by the noise. the fact that joe biden wouldn't support the green new deal. you literally can go on his website right now and see he embraces the green new deal. alexandria ocasio-cortez is the head of his task force on climate change. kamala harris co-sponsored the green new deal as a senator. so, he doesn't support that he says pat pack between he and bernie sanders doesn't exist and antifa is an idea. when you look at those three things, the far left that joe biden desperately needs in terms of enthusiasm to get out to the polls, they already didn't really trust him going into this debate and i think he cemented that fact. when i hear that well this really didn't change things one way or another. i know that trump supporters are on board with him completely.
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they like the fact that he fought last night. maybe the interruptions were a turnoff for some but for the most part they like the fact that he fought. joe biden alienated a key part of his voting block. that's something i'm seeing a lot on line right now. the bernie bros not happy with joe biden. steve: joe, as you adjust your ear piece. people know what they saw last night. and then immediately afterwards, there is always analysis so, here is a little of it. watch this. >> most chaotic presidential debate i have ever seen. >> that was a hot mess inside a dumpster fire inside a train wreck. that was the worst debate i have ever seen. >> that was a [bleep] show. this felt like an assault. it felt like an assault on our senses. felt like an assault on our presidential campaign process. i think this is about trump saying this process illegitimate. we got two minutes forget that i'm talking over you. >> a friend of mine daughter burst into tears and have to run
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to bed because she was so appalled the sixth grade girl at what she saw from the president. steve: you know, joe, so that's their analysis and i think somebody had to put a quarter in the swear jar. but, ultimately, what people saw was the entire 90 minutes was essentially a split screen. and on one side you saw on screen left, you saw donald trump. he was the human jack hammer just letting joe biden have it. and as he was letting them have it, joe biden was looking down or looking puzzled by what trump was saying. but, joe, for the most part, was just trying to ignore the president or look at chris or directly at the camera. he was trying to bypass the guy who was letting him have it. >> sometime steve, cite, he did call the president a clown. he did call him a racist. he did call him a liar. he said he wasn't presidential. at times joe biden did take the bait and did get angry.
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but boy when you watch that analysis october is going to be a long decade. there were fireworks last night. there were fireworks last night. if you set off fireworks in the studio apartment. but, again, this is built in for the trump stock. we already knew that he is the type of guy who has no filter and was going to go after joe biden the way he was. when i see people act shocked when trump acted the way he did. this is consistent the way he has been the last four years. ainsley: consistent with how a lot of people feel. people are complaining about the interruptions they feel like this country they are scared for this country. and they want a president that will support them. i know law enforcement feels that way. joe biden did say he is committed to the next debate. but, if you look at google searches, this is interesting. there is a spike now after the presidential debate for people ting in move to canada. >> yeah. i never understand that argument. i mean, if you are going to move to canada in november. have you been to boston or chicago before? try edmonton sometime, right?
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that's amazing that google search. i don't see why people don't go south. is there a problem with peru. as problem no stanley cup winner since 1993. we know from the 2016 election, everybody was moving out of the country if trump won, right? all those celebrities that said that not one left. get a new punch line, people, please. there is other jokes throughout to say or look for in terms of if somebody wins i want out of the country or oh my sensibilities were offended last night because of that anyway guys got to go and get the kids off to school two kids at once. i got six hours with the wife at work alone this hasn't happened since march you never saw somebody so pleased in person. it's amazing. brian: hope you have a great six hours. >> thank you. brian: steve i agree a bye joe concha i do believe there will be a vice presidential debate big push to. steve: i bet you a dollar they do have a second presidential debate. brian: ainsley? ainsley: i will pull a mitt
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romney, i'm not a betting woman. [laughter] brian: i bet you a dollar, steve. steve: game on. jillian: good morning, guys. steve: good morning to you, jillian, what's happening? jillian: start off with this story. kentucky's attorney general will release grand jury recordings in the broosht case. daniel cammeron said he never asked jurors to consider homicide charges against the officers. he says it was, quote: not appropriate because their actions were justified. none of the three officers were directly charged in taylor's death. former detective brett hankenson was indicted on wanton endangerment he has pleaded not guilty. two major wildfires are intensifying in northern california. grass fire 46,000 acres in wine country. >> nearly 70,000 people forced to leave their homes. meanwhile officials say a lack of resources are making it hard to battle the deadly zogg fire. it's charred more than 50,000 acres. at least three people have been
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killed. in just a few hours, james comey will be back in the hot seat. the former fbi director will testify in the senate's investigation of the russia probe's origins. he is expected to be grilled about the steel dot way roll in the investigation. he will appear virtually before the senate judiciary committee. former fbi director andy mccabe is scheduled to testify next week. the mlb playoffs starting off with a bang. watch this. >> judge on the first pitch sends the ball well hit out to right center field on the run it's deshields and it's gone. jillian: new york yankees crushing the cleveland indians 12-3. yankees pitcher gator striking out 13 battles. he wasn't the only ace in control. white sox starter pitching a perfect game until the 7th inning. chicago beat the oakland a's 4 to 1. tampa bay striking out 9 and the
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rays 3 to 1 win over toronto. minnesota twins lose 17th straight pro-season game fallings to the houston astros 4 to 1. a look at your headlines. i will send it back to you. steve: so there was something tolls watch last night on tv. jillian: a little bit. steve: thank you very much, jillian. president trump warning about voting by mail. >> as far as the ballots are concerned, it's a disaster. this is going to be a fraud like you have never seen. steve: this comes as philadelphia has already seen problems with its early voting. lara trump on that coming up next. bill belichick! really? you're right, i s-should get a delicious footlong from subway. that would be better. (scissors cutting) now you look better too. now get a free footlong when you buy two, because it's footlong season! it's time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. powerful relief so you can restore and recover.
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because of covid voting by mail-in ballots like he does by the way. >> this is a horrible thing for this country. >> there is no evidence of that. >> this is not going to end well there. >> no evidence of that. >> vice president biden. >> he is just afraid of counting the votes. >> you're wrong. you're wrong. >> i want to continue. ainsley: president trump and joe biden sparring over mail in ballots at the first presidential debated last night and here to weigh in is his senior advisor to the trump 2020 campaign and his daughter-in-law lara trump. hey, lara. >> hey, ainsley, great to be with you. >> great to be with you. we all competent in our elections. you are hearing them talk about this. there is evidence when you hear what happened in philadelphia the president was talking about last night 140,000 new yorkers asked for absentee ballots and they went to different addresses. wrong names, wrong addresses. it has -- there is evidence that it can be problematic. what are your thoughts about this? you are on the trump bus. you are touring the country. what are people saying about this? >> yeah. it's a really scary thing. the president said it really
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clearly last night whenever have you an absentee ballot that you request that has to be validated in some way via signature or identification of some variety. that is safe. we have always had absentee voting in the united states of america. that is how the president votes. the problem comes in whenever you have the universal mail-in ballots that are just sent out by the millions across the country. we have seen that people are getting double ballots. they are getting ballots from people that used to live at their address. ballots being sent to cats that have been dead for 12 years. these are legitimate things that have happened. we want to know that this election is free, fair and everything single american gets one vote. and so it's a very scary prospect to people the idea that 90 days before a presidential election the democrats knowing that on election night donald trump is going to win are trying to change the game to help out their candidate. so, i think that that was very clearly put on display last night. you heard the president talk about it, but i will tell you, you are right.
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i'm out on a bright pink women for trump bus all over this country. people know this is a problem. that's why we keep telling people donald trump has to win by such an overwhelming margin of victory on november 3rd they cannot dispute the results of this election. no matter how many dead cats are voting. ainsley: larr remarks when i was watching our coverage last night they showed video of who was in the room. not a lot of people. you are on our screens. and just curious what was it like there in the room because i know a lot of people couldn't be there. what was your feeling? >> yeah, well, it was a very unusual debate. obviously i was lucky in 2016 to be able to attend so many of the debates that we had. and it was very different because there were so few of us there. it was a very quiet debate hall. chris wallace before hand was very clear that he did not want us to clap in any manner. he didn't want any excitement of any variety from the audience. he wanted the people at home to be able to hear directly from the candidates. so it was a little bit different. look, you could very clearly see even from the audience on stage
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donald trump dominated the entire debate. you could feel the energy that he had. you could feel quite frankly how it felt like joe biden was on defense. he couldn't really get his points out, couldn't articulate what he wanted to say in many cases. so, it was a different debated that i think many of us have ever been. to say but, look, it was great to be there we were there to support my father-in-law and i'm very proud of his performance. ainsley: what did he say after the debate, the president? >> i think he felt great. look, this is man we all know donald trump to be a fighter. he had to get out there and he had to fight. unfortunately, joe biden was telling some very clear lies about him. about his positions on things, about the job he and his administration have done. the problem i think for joe biden is that on many points people did not get answers at all from joe biden. he wouldn't say that he supported law and order. he couldn't name a single law enforcement group that supported him. he called antifa an idea. which is terrifying when these
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people are just absolutely disseminating cities all across america. he flip flopped on the green new deal. and i thought the president had so many strong points. talked about what he has done for america. joe biden as you heard the president say, hasn't done anything in 47 years. donald trump has done more in 47 months than joe biden in 47 years. so i think he felt great. ainsley: all right. thanks so much, lara, for being with us. >> you got it. thanks so much. ainsley: you are welcome. president trump and joe biden fight it out over the economy as well. listen. >> now, we are reopening and we are doing record business. he wants to close down -- he will shut it down again. he will destroy this country. >> we handed him a booming economy, he blew it. ainsley: who is flight a former obama economic advisor and recovery task force are here next. ♪ - [narrator] the shark vacmop combines powerful suction
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and he wants to close down -- he will shut it down again. he will destroy this country. >> we inherited the worst recession short of a depression in american history. i was asked to bring it back. we were able to have an economic recovery that created the jobs you are talking about. we handed him a booming economy. he blew it.
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steve steve there you go. president trump and joe biden toe to toe on the economy during last night's debate. here with reaction fox news contributor and former economic advisor robert woflt screen left and member of the white house economic recovery task force steve moore screen right. guys, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> good morning, steve. >> robert, i said last week i would give you the first question the next week and here we are. what did you think of the 90 minute telecast last night? >> well, it was not a debate. it was nonstop arguing and felt more like an awful reality show president trump in my opinion was over the top acting like a school yard bully where chris christie said way too hot. i think the president's response on white supremacists. almost every poll had joe biden
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winner. more swing votes will vote for him. it was not a good night for this country. steve: steven, what i think we saw last night is reflective of the country right now because america is super divided. i think both sides feel that this is a fight for the heart and soul of america. the fight is real and raw. >> we are two countries right now no. question about it. the divide between the democrats and the republicans is as wide as it has been in 50 or 60 or seventh years. and i agree with robert. i thought the president interrupted way too much. mr. president, please don't do that in the next debate. but on the white supremacy issue. my goodness, robert, trump wouldn't even call antifa a terrorist organization. which was amazing thing. the group that sponsored all the violence and crime and looting in these cities. on the economy. that's really, i thought where trump, the one area where trump had the upper hand in terms of
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making these two points, steve. number one, the clip that you displayed i think was critical that joe biden will not admit that he is going to lock down the economy. you see the blue state governors all around the country locking down their economy where the red states are opening up. the other big problem for biden quite frankly he keeps saying 4 trillion-dollar tax increase. $4 trillion is going continue to crease jobs. i don't think any american believes that to be true. steve: there were some questions by chris wallace that mr. biden simply would not answer like packing the court and things like that. we are sure what his economic plan is because he has released it and talked about it? >> right. steve: if elected president he would increase the corporate tax 21 to 28. social security incomes above 400,000 per year. raise the federal income tax rate back to almost 40% and
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increase the top tax rate for capital gains on the highest earners. now, robert you know and you have heard this criticism and joe biden is talking about what terrible economic situation we are in right now people say this probably not the time to raise taxes on anybody. >> there is so much to unpack there let me go clearly right at first debate and then to the plan. one, i think chris wallace said the best statement about the economy. that literally the obama administration and vice president biden had faster job growth than president trump's administration. so i think chris wallace gave you the answer. he also last night said very clearly that president trump will likely be the first president to actually leave the presidency with fewer jobs than when he entered. now, with respect to the biden economic plan. steve: yep. >> don't ask me ask moody analytics and wharton school when which by the way the president and i went.
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to say. steve: they won't answer our calls. >> just came out with analytics last week saying that the biden plan would create 7 million more jobs. steve: okay. >> have less debt. and actually add to growth. those are two independent analytic teams that did that research. that isn't barbara wolf talking. we should go to that. that's not me vs. steve. those are independent organizations. those are the only two that came out last week. steve: steve, you get the final word. >> the problem with that robert, those are the people that said that the 800 billion-dollar stimulus plan by obama and biden was going to cause all these jobs and in fact it lost jobs. the same economists. of the same economists said that 10 years ago. >> steve. steve: are you interrupting? >> look, let me just say this, steve, if you actually believe that a 4 trillion-dollar tax increase is going to raise 7 million jobs, you probably should vote for joe biden. steve: all right.
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there you go. that was very civil and we are out of time. robert and steven, thank you very much for joining us live. >> thank you. steve: great assessment today. all right. very good. we will see you next week. meanwhile president trump and joe biden clashed in cleveland over that vacancy on the supreme court. >> i will tell you very simply we won the election. elections have consequences. >> the american people have a right to have a say in who the supreme court nominee is. steve: well, senator marco rubio is going to join us with his take on that coming up next. but, first, my wife cathy and i would like to thank all of you who helped make our brand new "the happy in a hurry cookbook" the number one book on all of amazon yesterday. it debuted at number one. so you can hurry and get your copy today from amazon and target, barnes & noble, books a million, walmart, wherever you buy your books. and here's a great deal. a free copy when you sign up for fox nation's patriot plan. so do it today.
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steve: welcome back, joe biden heading back on the campaign trail after last night's debate. former vp kicking off a train tour across two states, ainsley. ainsley: hillary vaughn with our sister network fox business in cleveland where that tour kicks off today. hey, hillary. >> hey, ainsley, brian and steve. good morning. it's fitting that democratic nominee joe biden is kicking off the busiest day he has had on the campaign trail since the primaries with a train tour. because he commuted to work in washington on the amtrak nearly every day for a quarter of a century. biden will launch a 7-stop tour through ohio and into pennsylvania today. starting here in cleveland and ending in johnstown, pennsylvania. his first two stops in ohio are in two counties where they are almost 100,000 people that work in manufacturing. so it makes sense that the two candidates last night tangled over who is better for business in the buckeye state.
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>> manufacturing went in the hole. >> they said it could take back a miracle to bring back manufacturing. i brought back 700,000 jobs. they brought back nothing. ohio had the best year it's ever had last year. michigan had the best year they have ever had. >> that is not true. >> last friday we were here in ohio on the ground talking to manufacturers and their workers. and the one thing they said made a huge difference for their business was president trump's tax cuts but last night biden said he wants to repeal those, his first day on the job. brian, ainsley and steve, back to you. brian: all right. great. thanks so much, hillary vaughn. it looks like joe biden is going to get out of house for an extended period of time. we know this the president of the united states is going to have a rally this duluth. he is going to minneapolis first fundraiser first. let's bring in senator marco rubio on the republican side chairman of the small business entrepreneurship committee everything to do with the ppp program and concerns running out of money there got to get some
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money there. there could be something brewing with steve mnuchin and nancy pelosi. so, senator, i would like you to weigh in on that. first, when the president was told last night that he has done nothing for small business jobs, do you think joe biden's accusation was correct? >> well, first thing i thought of is the democrats who helped us craft and support ppp program must be saying wait, wait wait, hold on a second. what about ppp that we worked on together in a bipartisan way that steve mnuchin from the administration was a part of as well. we sat in that room along with the help of the administration couldn't have been more helpful. we drafted a bipartisan proposal that's helped, you know, millions of people keep their jobs and hundreds of thousands of small businesses stay afloat. and we are working to do that again. we need to do that again. the only reason why it's not happening yet is because of the way pelosi and schumer have sort of frozen the process. the first thought i had was boy he needs to talk to the people in the senate and the house that are supporting him because they were a big part of it. brian: are you optimistic at all, just to follow up real quick, that something is going
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to get done because they have been talking every day for the last three or four days? >> i feel a little more optimistic about it simply because i know secretary mnuchin has been talking to speaker pelosi over in the house what they are going to do. obviously house and senate. i don't think there is any issue getting ppp passed. the issue is they want to part of the bill with other things. the other things we don't have agreement on it. we can't wait until november. this isn't something you can put off until after the election and deal with it then. in florida you see hotel workers who have lost their jobs and about to get laid off. brian: 28,000. >> yeah, it's devastating to these families. i was raised by two motel workers. i can't imagine what would have happened to us or what our life would have been like had those jobs been lost. i hope they will stop playing games and get this thing done. we have got to get this done. steve: something that joe biden and a lot of democrats would like to put off is confirming amy coney barrett. she would -- he would like to see the whole thing put on ice until after the election.
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but that is not how it works, senator, according to the president last night. >> i will tell you very simply we won the election. elections have consequences. we have the senate. we have the white house. and we have a phenomenal nominee respected by all. top, top, academic. good in every way. good in every way. by the way, the democrats wouldn't even think about not doing it. the only difference is they are trying to do it faster. there is no way they would give it up. steve: senator, is the president right if the democrats were in your shoes they would do exactly the same thing? >> yeah. look, here's how people have this all twisted objection? 2016 they keep comparing it to merrick garland. he was not going to be confirmed. a republican senate was not going to confirm someone that doesn't fit our criteria. what they were asking for at that time wasn't that he be confirmed. they were asking that he have a hearing. the republican's position is look this was two years into the
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obama term, you can make that argument. but it's the end of his term. the end of his second term. is he not even coming back and not even accountable to the voters. we are not going to waste our time for a hearing on a nominee who in the end is not going to be confirmed. this is a very different situation we have right now. this vacancy has he occurred. the president has a constitutional not right, obligation to nominate one. it's someone that i support. that the majority of senators and republican senators are going to be able to support. because she meets the criteria of everything we look for in a supreme court justice. so, why wouldn't we confirm someone like that? it was no mystery that if you elected republicans to the senate and donald trump to the presidency four years ago, three and a half years ago, that we would put people up that were strict constructionists that were going to interpret the constitution according to its original meaning. people know that and very clear about that. i have certainly been very clear about it. ainsley: this d&i john ratcliffe letter just declassified refeels that president obama his briefed
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on the claims that hillary clinton was dreaming up russian collusion to vilify president trump and also to distracted from her emails. this is part of the d&i john ratcliffe letter. according to handwritten note former central intelligence director brennan subsequently briefed president obama and other senior national security officials on the intelligence including the alleged approval by north korea july 26th, 2016, of a proposal foreign policy advisors to vilify donald trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by russia's security services. what is your reaction after reading that? >> here is the reaction. we have to understand why it's relevant. key point and ratcliffe letter. they don't know if it was true or russians putting it out there in order to sow confusion and chaos. what's relevant is the community had it and gave it to the fbi. we came across this and you guys
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need to look at it. what did the fbi do with it? they also had a dossier in their hands which we know was highly questionable. probably a fraud. they are sitting on this thing or entirely a fraud. lots that we know wasn't true. and why did they give one thing more weight than the other? how did they weigh these two things together? how do you balance? wouldn't you at a minimum say hold on a seconds before we take this document serious. let's also take this other thing serious and balance it out together. and we know that brennan updated the president on it. this isn't an fbi issue. the intelligence community said we came across, this sent it to the fbi. what did you guy does with it. this was the same fbi willing to go to court and vouch for a dossier that it turns out they should not have done but apparently ignored this information. and didn't even look into what it meant in the bigger picture. that's very, very disturbing because -- we will see what happens in the hearing today. what it lends credibility is to the argument that there were some people in the fbi who were obsessed with reaching an outcome and are only going to pay attention to the facts that
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strengthened their pre-existing outcome that they wanted. brian: thanks for putting on the air pods and visiting us this morning. appreciate it, senator rubio. >> thank you. thanks for not interrupting me. brian: no problem. change formats just a bit. steve: it's already been done. brian: james comey today and next week andy mccabe and peter strzok they are negotiating now to get to the bottom of this. meanwhile straight ahead, joe biden says he is now the face of the democrats. >> your party wants to go socialist medicine and socialist healthcare and they are going to dominate you, joe, you know that. >> i am the democratic party right now. brian: is he right? lawrence jones here to react next. - [narrator] the shark vacmop combines powerful suction with spray mopping to lock away debris and absorb wet messes, all in one disposable pad. just vacuum, spray mop, and toss. the shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one disposable pad.
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>> your party wants to go socialist medicine and socialist healthcare. >> the party is me and right now i dom i'm the democratic party. >> they will dominate you, joe you know that. >> i'm the democratic party right now. >> not according to harris. >> the democratic party is what i approved of. >> you just lost the left. >> number two. >> you just lost the left. brian: joe biden insisting he is in control of the democratic party when challenged by president trump by frozens like bernie sanders and aoc taking over the party. after all they do have prominent roles in his campaign. here now to react is lawrence
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jones. what was the president getting at yesterday with that line of questioning? >> you know, it's interesting because typically in a presidential debate, both candidates try to rush to the center and they kind of forget about their base for a second. it seemed like the president's strategy was to only talk to his base and not really to independent voters. it was like either you are with me or you are not. but the other side was to show that biden isn't with the progressive wing of the democratic party to create that doubt. remember, they are already shaky as it is, those bernie sanders supporters. so the president unleashed commentary. he would say the green new deal or medicaid for all. and when joe biden would push back and say well, i'm not for that, he would say well you just lost progressives. you just lost your base. so you heard that commentary debate the entire time. will that strategy work? i don't know. i'm going to be out there talking with voters today. and until the election it seems like that's the president's
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strategy so far. and will that work for joe biden as well because he did try to move to the center he abandoned progressives as well will they react to that we will see. brian: he did sign a manifesto it was a series of memorandums of agreement with bernie sanders. that's what the president is getting at. he is trying to shake the left wing's ground which is underneath biden's feet. i remember what aoc said when he said i beat the socialist. she said this to axios. we are working really hard to try turn out young people. it's just not helpful to decry people like myself or bernie sanders. that shows a little bit of shakiness. maybe that's what the president is getting at. >> there was some shakiness and then as you know there was a report from bernie sanders camp saying they are worried that he is not catering to that progressive wing enough. what you are referring to in your initial statement was that the party platform and the argument for bernie sanders to
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his supporters was look, we have a lot of influence on this process. we are going to put all these issues out there in the party platform. and then joe biden is going to take it and run with it if he becomes president. he kind of pushed that to the side. so when the president says manifesto, it was the party platform. joe biden kind of distances himself from that last night. brian: so when you looked at the president's performance last night and joe biden's performance last night, what do you think? >> i mean, it was a blood bath. it was octagon style match. i don't know how it's going to resonate with voters. i think looking at the initial polling it turned a lot of folks off. but i think that may have been the strategy of the president. like i said, i don't think he is going after independent voters. it seems like he has this strategy of either you are with me or you are not. while still trying to depress the vote when it comes to those progressive voters that may not vote for him but will stay at home because they are not pleased where joe biden stands. how that is going to work again i continue to say i don't know,
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i will be talking with voters to see where that stands with them. i think a lot of folks watching it, either you are in one camp or the other. i don't think many minds were changed. brian: all right. we will see if there is even another debate. we know the vice presidential debate is on tuesday. good luck today, lawrence. >> appreciate it, brother. brian: lawrence is on the streets in cleveland. by the way one candidate who called the other names, a clown, a racist, the worst president ever and told him to shut up and that was biden to trump. meanwhile a big hour coming your way, senator ted cruz is scheduled. congressman dan crenshaw always brings the a game. sarah sanders will be here live and ari flish his or her was great last night. we will see if he still has what it takes today. don't move. you can bring the music up ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and downtown. but don't worry, julie... robitussin shuts coughs down.
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♪ ♪ >> we could lose as many as another 200,000 people between now and the end of the year. >> he wants to shut down this country, and i want to keep it open. and we did a great thing -- wait a minute, joe. let me shut you down for a second. chris: are you willing to tell the american people whether or not you will -- >> i'm not going to answer the question -- >> why would you not answer the question? >> would you shut up, man? >> you in favor of law and order? >> he has no finish. >> that's not true. >> who do you have? name one group that supports
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you. >> what he did has disaster a rouse -- >> he treated the black community about as bad as anybody in this country. you called them super predators -- >> you're the worst president america's ever had, come on. >> let me just tell you, joe, i've done more in 47 months, i've done more than you've done in 47 years, joe. ♪ ♪ brian: so much to say, but they said it at the same time, so you couldn't even hear them. can't really come prehedged it. today it looks like the president's going to go to minnesota, a state he still thinks he can win, and he's going to be in duluth for a rally tonight and a fundraiser earlier. it's interesting, steve, joe biden not going back to delaware. steve: he's going to get on a train and go across two different states. you know, he'll -- brian: like babe ruth with the yankees.
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steve: kind of like the whistle stop tours back in truman and fdr. it is interesting to see how joe biden feels he did last night, because if you were watching, there were a couple of times joe would answer chris wallace's question and then kind of out of nowhere wallace would say, by the way, mr. vice president, we're not talking about that. i asked you about that, something else. and then he'd go, oh, that's right. and then he would, ainsley, switch back to whatever the actual question was, not a canned answer. auction indiana we know that biden thinks antifa's an idea, not an organization. he doesn't support the green new deal, he has his own plan. i wonder how aoc feels about that or even kamala harris. he talked about the tax issue, and that was interesting because the president, chris wallace asked him is it true you paid $750 in federal income tax in 2016 and 2017. the president said, no, that's not true, i paid millions. but then he looked at joe biden,
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and he said you gave us these tax laws given to us by president obama. and then joe biden said, well, i'm going to eliminate those tax code es, and he said why didn't you do it over the past 47 years? we have the night's biggest moments. >> i think a lot of voters are thinking they would have been better served in terms of the policy information had they not disrespected the moderator. it was a blood sport, name calling, but somehow they addressed some of the most important issues facing the nation starting with the pandemic. >> if we would have listened to you, the country would have been left wide open -- >> and, by the way -- >> they will have the vaccine for soon. >> if you believe for a moment what he's telling you in light of all the lies he's told you about the whole issue relating to covid.
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>> reporter: and talk of the pandemic led to talk of the economy and who handled it best. watch. >> handed him a booming economy. he blew it. >> it wasn't booming. wait a minute, joe, let me shut you down for a second. one with of the reasons it's shut down is he wants to keep it shut down until after the election. >> you can't fix the economy until you fix the covid crisis. >> reporter: and another issue because of the coronavirus, of course, was the election itself and talk of the integrity of the results. listen. >> this is going to be a fraud like you've never seen. we might not know for months because these ballots are going to be all over. chris: are you counting on the supreme court, including a justice barrett, to settle any dispute? >> yeah, i think i'm counting on them to look at the balls, definitely -- ballots, definitely. >> if it doesn't get in to the 7th, 8th, 9th, it should be counted. he's just afraid of counting
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the -- >> you're wrong. >> reporter: and finally, the president's refusal to denounce white supremacy, talking about law and order. >> you want to call them -- what do you want to call them? chris: white supremacists. >> give me a name. stand back and stand by -- >> antifa's an idea, not an organization. >> oh, you've got to be -- >> his fbi director said. >> reporter: the big question now is what are we in for in two weeks in miami when they meet again? now, that format will be different. it'll be conducted by steve scully of c-span, but it'll be a town hall format. steve will moderate questions from voters from an audience in south florida. we will see if they have a different decorum in that sort of setting and if the commission on presidential debates folks try to cut down on the amount of interruptions and cross-talk. brian bruin it'll be all about
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the town hall and who's in that audience with. george stephanopoulos picked one , anderson cooper. appreciate it, thanks. let's brick in texas -- bring in texas senator ted cruz. author of a brand new book, "one vote away: how a single supreme court seat can change history." we want to talk about that but, first, senator, you were considered by alan dershowitz one of his finest students and one of the great debaters in college, and you did a strong job with the president. how do you think the president did last night, how do you think joe biden didst last night? >> well, i thought it was a raucous debate. it kind of reminded me of detroit pistons basketball in the '90s where there were a lot of hard fouls, a lot of missed shots, but at the end of the day, i doubt the dedebate changed the election -- debate changed the election in any
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fundamental way. i think if you started the debate with trump, you're still with him, if you started the debate with biden, they're still with him. they both had good moments. i think the president's strongest moment, you played that clip, was when he made the point on the shutdown, that joe biden wants to shut down the economy, shut down small businesses, take away people's jobs, shut down schools, and president trump is fighting to open up the economy and get people back to work. i think that was a very good moment. and biden didn't have a very good response to that. steve: well, you've got the brand new book about the supreme court, and chris wallace asked joe biden a question that he has refused to answer thus far. we all figured that last night would be night we would finally get an answer. it's just a yes yes or no answer. -- yes or no answer. did we get it? let's watch. >> will he pack the court. chris: just tell the american people tonight whether or not you will support either ending the filibuster or packing the
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court. >> whatever position i take on that, that'll become the issue. the issue is the american people should speak. you should go out and vote. you're in voting now. vote and let your senators know -- >> you going to pack the court? are you going to pack the court? >> make sure you, in fact -- >> he doesn't want to answer -- >> i'm not going to answer the question. >> why wouldn't you answer the question? >> the question is -- the question is -- >> radical left -- >> would you shut up, man? >> who is on your list, joe? chris: gentlemen, i think -- >> so un-presidential. steve: senator, ultimately, he was in a pickle because if he said i'm going to pack the court, he's going to make his left wing very happy, but at the same time if he says i won't pack the court, he's going to anger them. >> well, listen, his answer to both of those questions is, hell, yes. and he's just afraid to tell the voters, so he's trying to hide. if the democrats take power, if you have bind, schumer and pelosi, within the first couple
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of weeks they'll end the filibuster. that is 100%. i've served with these democrats, that's what they're ready to do, and biden will enthusiastically cheer them on. on packing the court, if they get power p they will pack the court. and the reason that joe is doing those gymnast ins is that he doesn't want to admit it to the voters who recognize packing the court is really extreme. you know, we had another democratic president, fdr, try to do that, and his own party bucked him and said, no, we're not going to do that. the difference is today democrats aren't prepared to stand up to the left wing and say no. and, you know, this issue goes really to what i think is the most important issue in this election, which is the supreme court and the constitution and bill of rights. it's why i've written this book, "one vote away," and it focuses on the major constitutional issues that are before the court. each chapter is a different bill of right, is a different
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fundamental liberty, so there's a chapter on free speech, a chapter on the second amendment, a chapter on religious liberty. and it tells war stories from the inside. before i was in the senate, i was a supreme court litigator, so i try to bring readers inside to understand what's going on in the court. and issue after issue the big landmark cases, many of which i helped argue, were decided 5-4, were one vote away from losing those key liberties. and this book is really designed to explain it. you don't have to be a lawyer, but just to explain what's going on in the fight at the supreme court, what's going on in the presidential election and what's going on in the glad to have y'all battle we have right now confirming judge barrett. ainsley: we had tom cotton on, senator cotton on earlier, and he said it's so important, like you did, he said it could take away religious freedoms, it could take away gun rights, it could the allow abortion at nine months. that's why the supreme court is so important. i know you met with judge amy
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coney barrett, one of the republican senators who agreed to meet with her. what was that meeting like, what happened? >> so it was a very good meeting. i wet with judge barrett -- i met with judge barrett yesterday for about 45 minutes at the capitol. her academic credentials are impeccabling. she was number one in her class at notre dame law school, she was a law clerk to the great justice antonin scalia. she spent 20 years as a law professor at notre dame. she's one of the most respected appellate judges in the country. and incredibly enough, she e manages to do all of that and at the same time be a mom to seven kids which i can't even imagine how you do the last item, much less everything else she does at the same time. and i thought shelfs really strong -- she was really strong. i was in particular impressed with her demeanor. i mean, the democrats are attacking her, they've already signaled they're going to try to turn this into a circus like they did with brett kavanaugh,
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and she has a calm and seriousness that i think is going to get her through this and serve her well and the country well when she, when she is on the court. brian: it would be a huge political mistake for them to do that, but let's see what happens. it's never stopped them before. i've been listening to your book, even i can understand it, and i'm not a lawyer. congratulations on that. the other big issue that a lot of americans are concerned on, should be on both sides of the aisle, are these mail-in ballots. not if you request it, but if you don't. here's the moment in the debate that really ended the debate. watch. >> there are going to be millions of people because of covid that are going to be voting by mail-in ballots. like he does, by the way. >> this is a horrible thing for our country -- >> there is no, there is no -- >> this is not going to end well. chris okay. >> there is no -- >> he's just afraid of counting the votes because. >> you're wrong. you're wrong. chris: i want to continue -- brian: people are worried about our democracy if we don't accept
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the election, but i'm just worried about getting the right decision first. how do you solve this problem? i didn't ask for this ballot problem as to opposed to the absentee ballot issue. when you request it, you have an address and you do things right. how do we solve this? >> it's an enormous problem. it's going to inject massive uncertainty into the election, it's going to inject the potential for delay, and what we've seen in blue jurisdictions where democrats control them have shifted to overwhelming mail ballots which increase risks of fraud, they increase the ability for democratic operatives to steal votes. i think the president did a good job of e highlighting that. joe biden had no real response to that. and there's an enormous risk of in this going to litigation. you know, one of the chapters in my book, "one vote away," is on bush v. gore. i was part of the legal team representing george w. bush and was down in tallahassee for 36 days we had utter chaos. we didn't know who had won.
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we went to the u.s. supreme court twice. first time we won unanimously. the second time the court ruled 5-4, enough is enough, it's over, the ballots have been counted four times, bush has won all four, and we need finality under the law. it's over. 36 days no one knew who the president was. this year we've got a risk that this could last much, much longer, and it's one of the reasons why it's so important for the senate to confirm judge barrett before election day. i believe we will do that. because if we don't confirm her before election day, we could have -- we would have an eight-justice court which could divide 4-4, and a 4-4 court can't decide anything. that would create a constitutional crisis. we have a responsibility to make sure there's a functioning nine-justice supreme court that can resolve any election disputes and try to get through the chaos and uncertainty that we may see in this election. steve: certainly could be the
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case. you are going to sit down at your desk there in the senate, and you're going to have in front of you james comey later today. what is the one question you want to ask him, and what do you want to hear him say? >> well, i'm not going to preview the exact questions i'm going to ask, but i will say this, james comey was part of and a leader of the deep politicization of the fbi and the department of justice and intelligence under barack obama and joe biden. it's one of the most shameful legacies. you know, we just had yesterday declassified documents that show in july of 2016, in the middle of the presidential campaign, the hillary clinton campaign personally signed off on a scheme to try to blame the president or then just donald trump the businessman for russia collusion, and it was hillary clinton who personally signed off. barack obama was directly briefed on it, and james comey
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was right in the middle of turning doj and the fbi into an or oppo research and attack dog for the democrats, and there's been no accountability yet. people need to be held accountable, and those who abused the power and broke the law need to be prosecuted. so i hope we get some real accountability. comey was also right in the center of targeting general michael flynn which was a disgraceful episode -- brian: still going on. >> and he played a pivotal part. ainsley: senator, thank you -- >> one quick thing, steve, congrats on your cookbook which is number one on amazon bestsellers, and you and i are both on the top ten. i'm not number one, but let me encourage your viewers, bundle them together. it'd make a good combination, have a great meal and understand what's going on at the supreme court at the same time. ainsley: did you write this quickly or had you been working on this?
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it just so happens that we're talking about this in the news right now? >> so i wrote it this spring and summer right on covid lockdown, you know, i was in my living room with my laptop and, obviously, didn't know we'd have a vacancy now, but i knew the election was coming up in november and it was going to be a huge election issue. and so then, and then the timing, once the vacancy happened, we're actually supposed to have the book come out next week but we moved it forward -- ainsley: smart. >> -- so relevant. brian: go get 'em, senator. ainsley: we've got to go to commercial break, and he's got to answer his phone. president trump and joe biden light up the stage, and pete hegseth is here with his take on last night coming up next. steve: and you just heard the senator, and my wife kathy and i would like to thank everybody who helped make our new cookbook -- it i debuted number one on amazon, so today get your own copy wherever you get books, amazon, target, barnes & noble,
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♪ ♪ >> almost every law enforcement group in the united states -- i don't think you have any law enforcement. you can't even say the word law enforcement, because if you say those words, you're going to lose all of your radical left supporters. they've got you wrapped around their finger, joe, to a point with where you don't want to say anything about law and order. steve: the president portraying joe biden as weak on crime, accusing him of not believing in
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law and order. here with reaction, "fox & friends" weekend cohost pete hegseth. hey, pete. do you believe what the president said, that if joe biden came out pro-law enforcement, pro-law and order, he would lose his radical left, as the president called it? >> of course. when president trump asked the question, name one law enforcement group that supports you, it was crickets. absolute -- and you got the stare into the camera look that you got from joe biden last night. he was bailed out a lot, and he couldn't even look at president trump. can't say the words law and order, and you know what? i don't know how many times president trump has to be asked to condemn white supremacy, which he has done time and time again, but joe biden's not asked to condemn antifa or the radical aspect of black lives matter. well, is it a good idea or a bad idea with, joe? because it's both. he should be pinned down on these points.
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if you won't condemn it and confront it, you can't stop it. and the president's right, it's the left-wing groups out creating chaos in our cities, yet somehow that got deflected. steve: well, it's hard to pin him down. he was asked some yes or no questions, and he would not simply answer them. >> nope. steve: here he is, a topic near and dear to your heart about the v.a., how it was operated during the obama years versus how president trump did it. listen to this. >> we got hit but now we're building it back up. rebuilding of the military, including space force and all of the other things. a fixing of the v.a. which was a mess urn him. -- under him. 308,000 people died because they didn't have proper health care, it was a mess. and we've now got a 91% approval at the v.a. our vets, we take care of our vet es. we've rebuilt our military. steve: pete? >> the v.a. was an afterthought to the obama administration. i was there.
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i watched the wait lust scandal, the v.a. scandal, they never addressed it. donald trump, to his credit, has always made it a priority. he's always talked about it. it would not have been a topic in the debate last night if donald trump hadn't brought up the v.a. and rebuilding our military. he stayed laser focused on that issue, and he's delivered on veterans choice, on accountability, on rebuilding the military. and, you know, the extension of that is law enforcement. people that put on a badge or put on a uniform and fight for something greater than themselves, he has a heart for that. that's why he can say law and order, back the blue, blue lives matter, because he understands how critical those functions are. no surprise to me that it was donald trump being proactive about it last night. steve: pete, exit question. who won? >> i think -- [laughter] i think donald trump won because joe biden ultimately had to disavow the green new deal, won't answer questions about packing the court, and he's going to have to deal with the fact that he won't actually stand up for law enforcement.
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so at the end of the day, you tease out the fact that he's trying to serve two masters, steve. he's trying to serve the moderate voters in places like ohio, and he wants to serve the radical left, so he can't condemn blm and antifa. steve: let's see how they do at the next one. pete, thanks very much. >> thanks, guys. steve: 7:26 in texas where everything is better -- bigger, including campaign ads. take a look at this one. >> the omissions, should you -- your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to save texas. steve: congressman dan crenshaw joins us to talk about his ad coming up next. ♪ ♪ did you know you can go to to customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah!
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>> i support the biden plan. brian: but he says the biden plan was based, the framework of which was the green new deal. that's why aoc signed onboard. everybody talked at the same time. is he worried about the left wing or the democratic party? here to react congressman dan crenshaw. your takeaway as the president tried to push away and make, and disseminate between the so-called moderates of the democrats who joe biden says he represents and the left wing of the democrats who joe biden says he represents. >> thanks for having me on. it was a lot of noise to sift through last night, so let's try and objectively look at what was said and what policies, you know, biden actually stands by. there's obviously some concerning things. he was, he conflicted, he contradicted himself multiple times about the green new deal, for instance. let's remember, he claims to be the democratic party. no, he's trying to tell you he's
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the moderate that can actually, you know, like, wrangle the radicals in the democratic party. on his web site it said the green new deal is a crucial framework for solving climate change, claims he has his own deal, but he's also talking about formatting 4 million buildings across america. he says the green new deal would pay for itself, he said that last night. he said that antifa's just an idea, not an organization. i think a lot of people who have been beaten up in the streets, who have watched antifa riding around in well-organized, uniformed, tearing up cities, would not agree. he wouldn't answer the question about packing the court. he talked about raising taxes and then made a very absurd claim that some unknown wall street firms would say that a trillion dollars in wealth would be created after he raises everybody's taxes. i don't know what kind of loophole he has planned for those particular wall street
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firms, but he did say that. and these are really ridiculous claims. they're also representative of the radical left's rhetoric. so t just not true to say that he's the moderate reforming the democrat party. brian: so, dan, the president's not the only one on the ballot, joe biden's not the only one who wants to win. so do you. this is one of the ads that you think can deliver it. here is dan crenshaw. >> your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to save texas. to do so, you must recruit an exceptional team of congressional candidates. they must be courageous. brian: so, dan, you're doing something, kind of a spin-off of "mission impossible." how beneficial was it that you'd done impossible missions before? [laughter] >> it was a lot of fun, i'll tell you this, if you didn't like watching the debate last night, go to and watch this movie. there's no divisiveness, there's
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no real politics in it. it was just fun. and the entire point of this was to introduce these new candidates from texas to the world and also raise them a lot of money. if you go to, you can donate to them, and as of now we've raised almost a million dollars just from this ad. i'm so proud of it, and it showcases how great of a bench we have in the republican party. i could have done this ad a million times over throughout the country. i've never seen a better bench of candidates running on the gop side; young, diverse. t just incredible, and you can see that from this ad. it was just a loot -- lot of fun. brian: and, of course, you're relatively new, ted poe, you stepped in there, and they're all in this ad. as we take a look at the six boxes and just go over those names, you have wesley hunt, you, august flowinger, beth van done, tony gonzalez, genevieve
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collins, all running first time, right in. >> absolutely. and they're all great candidates. you've got former military, candidate collins, businesswoman up in dallas, beth is a former mayor, tony a master chief in the navy, august is an f-22 pilot. and, again, i could have expanded this m i only just have so much time and resources. there's a lot of amazing latino women running in south texas, war veterans. i mean, across the country, you can imagine this theme gaining steam throughout the next couple years, and you might see a lot more of that. brian: love the feedback you're getting, right? >> i do. we've been really happy with it. it makes politics fun and gives people something to actually support. so it's, you know, sporting the -- supporting the a-team in texas and keeping texas red. brian: and you didn't need a body double, like i would have. [laughter] fantastic. it helps to have that on your
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less mate. dan, thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. brian: meanwhile, the media painting a chaotic picture of last night's debate. >> this was the most chaotic presidential debate i've ever seen. >> a hot mess. >> i'm talking over you. >> that was a [bleep] show. brian: two former white house press secretaries, sarah sanders, ari fliewsher, here to react next -- ari fleischer. it's time for sleep number's fall sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed.
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years, joe. we've done things you never even thought of, including fixing the broken military that you -- steve: president trump and joe biden trying to make their case to america in the first debate. they did talk a lot at the same time. ainsley: and here with their top takeaways, fox news contributors and former white house press secretaries sarah sanders and ari fleischer. good morning. >> good morning. ainsley: sarah, we'll start with you. what are your major takeaways from last night in. >> well, i think the biggest takeaways of the night were the fact that joe biden reminded all of america that he's willing to shut down the economy again and raise taxes. i think that should scare every american business, every american worker. that, to me, was one of the most important takeaways, that we cannot ignore despite all of the cross-talk. that has real impact. forget all of the back and forth and the fighting between the two candidates. this hurts every single american, something that
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everyone should be paying very close attention to, and he wasn't ashamed of it. he was of proud to say he would shut down the economy again. he was proud to say that he would raise taxes on every american. that is not a good thing. he also showed he has no ability to restore law and order in this country. he couldn't name a single law enforcement agency or individual that is endorsing him and supporting him. to me, those are the two biggest issues driving voters in this election, and he's weak and vulnerable on both of them. the voters try to get through the noise, try to get through the chaos and realize those two big things, and that should give everybody pause and reason to vote for donald trump in november. brian: yeah. and also when it comes to the virus, i couldn't think of one thing that joe biden said that hasn't been done and, of course, the rest of the world is dealing with the same thing. before you react, i want you to hear what the media reaction was on other channels. >> the most chaotic presidential debate i've ever seen. >> that was a hot mess inside a
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dumpster fire inside a train wreck. that was the worst debate i have ever seen -- >> that was a [bleep] show. it just felt like an assault. it felt like an assault on our senses, on our presidential campaign promise. i think this was about trump saying this process is el legitimate. we've got two minutes? forget that. i'm talking over you. >> a friend of mine's daughter burst into tears, has to run to bed because she was so appalled, this sixth grade girl, at a what she saw from the president. brian: ar irk, you didn't run -- ari, you didn't run from the stage, from the set, but you were not happy with what you saw. i saw that last night. >> yeah, i agree with the train wreck. i think there was i way too much interrupting by both candidates. the president started it, the vice president returned the fire, and the vice president saying shut up, man, i mean who talks like that? and as for these other networks, you don't elevate yourself by engaging in swears on the air
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like that. you don't say that something is that bad and then you about that bad. so everybody's lowering themselves, and that just doesn't serve the country well. a debate should be a really good airing of differences, it could not be a food fight. so, yeah, i did not like all the interrupting that both candidates engaged in. steve: real quickly, before we get to sarah, ari, do you have a white board with changes for next time? [laughter] >> i have no idea how you knew that. you are clairvoyant. [laughter] i happen to have one. steve: looky there! >> here's my advice on the next debate. one, interrupt less. it's perfectly fine at key moments to jump in. don't do it all the time. two, let biden flail around. the president actually saved biden on several instances. when he said to joe biden you won't take a stand on packing the court, you won't take a stand on the filibuster, he should have gone silent and
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shown america biden isn't taking a stand, trump is right. but instead he interrupted again and said where's your list. he didn't let biden flail. let the man flail, it'll happen. and three, sum it up. let biden go through two or three of these episodes where he doesn't answer anything, and then say here's what's going on, america. joe biden won't tell you where he is on the electoral college, on packing the court, he won't tell you where he is on fracking. why? because he is so dominated by the left. sum it all up after letting biden flail, interrupt a whole lot less. that's the clean technique to drive through the points the president wants to get home. ainsley: the only thing -- steve: i've got karl rove. i know he has it patented, sorry, karl. ainsley: it actually helped the president when the president pushed him on packing the court because he was just saying i'm not going to tell you my ideas, that'll be the topic, the headline, the idea, and the
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president said you're not answering the question, and that led biden to say i am not going to answer the question. that was a sound bite that's been played a lot. >> certainly. and i think the president was right to push joe biden on a couple of places. he knows he has to in most of these debates there is not going to be a moderator that holds biden's feet to the fire. the president felt he a had to do that himself. one thing, i don't have a white board, but one thing i would add to that list and one of the things the president very effectively in 2016 is he used his sense of humor. he has a great laugh out loud sense of humor. i would like to see him inject some of that into these debates. i think it served him well in 2016. i think it could lighten the moment a little bit and certainly remind people who this president is and give a moment of levity in a very intense situation. to -- certainly don't need a stand-up comedy show, but it could go a long way. he also should make a direct
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appeal to women. one of the standout lines that he had last night was that he's done more in 47 months than joe biden has done in 47 years. ari made that point last night, it was a key moment. he should be making that appeal to women on issues they care about, the successes he's had in those 47 months, all of the things that he has done that make the community safer, their schools better, their economies stronger. i think that's where he should spend a lot of his focus in the next debate. brian: and at 47 minutes after the hour, we're going to have to end it there. three 47s in a row. ari and sarah, thanks so much. [laughter] >> you bet. thank you. brian: straight the ahead, what did viewers at home think of the debate? next. eliminate who you are not first, and you're going to find yourself where you need to be. ♪ the race is never over. the journey has no port.
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and even if the power goes down, your connection doesn't. so how do i do this? you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business. >> just about one hour from now, james comey will be testifying on capitol hill on his role in crossfire hurricane. we will bring that to you live when it begins, plus, a tense showdown in cleveland where joe biden and president trump showed off in the first face to face meeting. brand new reaction coming up, the white house will be joining us. and the u.s. economy plunged at a record pace in the second quarter, we've got a jam-packed show coming up live from america's newsroom.
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see you so much the hour. ♪ ♪ ainsley: president trump and joe biden making their case to america in the first debate and that faceoff last night, so what did the voters think of the night's top moment? matt land sky and lee carter hailey. >> hi hi, good to see you. ainsley: watch the line, yellow independent. red, obviously, gop and then the blue's the democrat. the first sound bite we want to play is president trump telling joe biden what law enforcement agency supports you with. he couldn't answer. he said you can't even talk about law enforcement. catch this. >> the sheriff just came out today and he said i support president trump. i don't think you have any law enforcement. you can't even say the word law enforcement because if you say those words, you're going to lose all of your radical left supporters. and why aren't you saying those words, joe? why don't you say the words law enforcement? ainsley: either of those surprise you? >> not so much because one thing that i have seen over and over
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again is trump's focus on law and order and personal safety and security is resonating with his base and also with independents. you can see that republicans gave in this an a-, independents a b-while democrats, obviously, there on the floor, not going to resonate with them, they gave this an f. i think it's really important there's two areas that trump is focusing on that do resonate with voters. one, law and order and safety, and the other is on keeping the economy open. ainsley: all right, they did talk about the antifa. watch this. >> somebody's got to do is something about antifa and the left -- >> his own fbi director -- >> this is a left-wing -- >> white supremacist, antifa's an idea, not an organization finish. >> oh, you've got to be kidding. >> his fbi director said -- chris: gentlemen, no, no, we're done. ainsley:? >> so this is a pretty good example of what the whole night was like.
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people were just lost. what are they supposed to think, who are they supposed to respond to. republicans, independents and democrats, there was nothing really to make sense of. in this moment the president probably would have been wiser just to give biden some oxygen to let the answer breathement because i don't think it would have been an answer that would have resonated. but the problem is there was so much cross-talk, so much back and forth that people really couldn't understand exactly what they should be taking away except for clearly disagreeing on everything. there's a lot of vitriol, there's a lot of attacking, and it's not what people really wanted to hear. the most important thing was that independents and really those undecided voters were able to hear something new they could take away, and that just wasn't able to happen. iowans so the president was talking with -- ainsley: so the president was talking with bind or interrupting biden, and they were talking about -- he has a challenge, he has to unite the moderates, and he has to unite the progressives in the democratic party. watch this moment.
5:55 am
>> manifesto -- chris: wait, let him speak -- >> you just lost the left. >> number two -- >> you just lost the left. you agreed with bernie sanders -- >> folks, folks, do you have any idea what this clown's doing? >> socialized medicine. >> so, again, more of the same. the cross-talk, the talking over each other. nobody was able to make any sense of anything, so republicans, independents and democrats all agree, they gave this a c with a flat line. there was nothing to take away. i think biden talked about i am the democrat party. he needs to define who he is. a third of voters don't know who joe biden's america looks like. his job was to building that case, he wasn't able to fully do that last night. ainsley: i keep hearing after watching the debate no minds were changed. did you find that? did you find anyone who wasn't sure who they were voting for and now their minds are made up?
5:56 am
>> absolutely not. i've never seen anything like it when i asked voters who they thought won the debate, a third said trump, a third said biden, a third said nobody. i've never seen anybody -- ainsley: they're not voting, they're not going to the polls? >> you know what? i think it's a mix of undecideds, and it's a mix of independents, but i think overall the tenor of this election is turning a lot of people off, and i think that could indicate a lot of people are going to tune off. ames indiana thanks so much, lee. more "fox & friends" moments away. ak it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c.
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>> our happy in a hurry cookbook debuted yesterday. it's number one on amazon. thank you, everybody. >> president trump: you taking about the green new deal. if he ever got to run this country, the suburbs would be gone. >> sandra: 750 to 1,000 every day are dying. he said it is what it is because you are who you are. >> sandra: those were some of the big moments from the first presidential debate of the 2020 election last night. president trump and joe biden going at it attacking one another on everything from the supreme court to the coronavirus. in 90 minutes of name calling and personal attacks.
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