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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  September 30, 2020 6:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> our happy in a hurry cookbook debuted yesterday. it's number one on amazon. thank you, everybody. >> president trump: you taking about the green new deal. if he ever got to run this country, the suburbs would be gone. >> sandra: 750 to 1,000 every day are dying. he said it is what it is because you are who you are. >> sandra: those were some of the big moments from the first presidential debate of the 2020 election last night. president trump and joe biden going at it attacking one another on everything from the supreme court to the coronavirus. in 90 minutes of name calling and personal attacks.
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good morning, everyone, i'm sandra smith. late night for all of us. trace, good morning. >> trace: good morning, everyone, i'm trace gallagher. both campaigns declaring victory after the cleveland. it was marked with near constant interruption with insults flying left and right. >> president trump: your party wants to go socialist. >> my party is me, i am the democratic party. >> president trump: you just lost the left. >> will you support either ending the filibuster or packing the court. >> i'm not going to answer that question. >> president trump: why won't you answer that question? >> shut up, man. a lot more will die unless he gets a lot smarter. >> president trump: don't ever use smart with me. >> you are the worst president we've ever had. >> in 47 months i did more than you did in 47 years. i've paid millions in taxes.
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>> china has perfected the art of the steal. >> president trump: china ate your lunch. >> let him finish. >> he doesn't know how to do that. >> i don't support the big deal. >> that's a big statement. >> sandra: brand-new reaction this morning. peter doocy with the latest on the biden campaign and kristin fisher is reporting live from the white house. what is the trump campaign saying about all of that this morning? >> no surprise they say that president trump won the debate joe biden looked weak while the president controlled every moment of the debate. but the way that president trump controlled it was by constantly interrupting both joe biden and the moderator. joe biden did some interrupting, too, but president trump did it far more frequently. he essentially completely ignored the rules of the debate to the point where it was very difficult to understand at times what was even being said or what was going on. that will be one of the things that people remember most from the first debate. one of the other big moments
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that people are talking about a lot this morning was the moment when the moderator chris wallace asked president trump to condemn supremacist t group. >> president trump: stand back and stand by. somebody has to do something about antifa and the left. this is not a right wing, this is a left wing. >> his own fbi director -- antifa is an idea, not an organization. the f.b.i. director said. >> to be clear the f.b.i. director said antifa is a real thing but it is not a defined organization. director wray called it an ideology. back to the president's comment where he told the proud boys designated a hate group by the
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southern poverty law center to stand back and stand by. senator kamala harris is calling it a dog whistle through the bull horn. the trump campaign director of communication tim mur tao is defending the remark by saying the president has denounced white supremacy and named the kkk a terrorist organization. joe biden didn't do this in 47 years in d.c. well, today president trump is now getting right back on the campaign trail. first he has a fundraiser, a private fundraiser and a big rally tonight in minnesota. >> sandra: kristin fisher live at the white house. thank you. >> trace: the biden campaign declaring victory after last night's debate and describing the nominee presidential. all president trump had to offer was interruption and lies. peter doocy live for us in ohio ahead of joe biden's train stop tour there. how many stops is joe biden
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making today? >> seven stops, trace. and he spent the night in cleveland, joe biden did. his first overnight trip outside of delaware since march and cleveland is going to be where he soon hops on a train that will take him across ohio and eventually into western pennsylvania and this evening a drivein event where people can sit in their cars and listen to the bidens make their remarks. he spent the train from delaware to d.c. he used to spend those commutes thinking about what people were worried about in the houses he sped by. biden uses that experience a lot talking about plans to fund infrastructure projects. riding the train is something he does a lot before or after milestones. every time he announced a campaign he takes a train ride. when he needed to be sworn in
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as v.p. he had a train ride. he plans the ride the rails following his first ever presidential debate which the campaign is confident he won. >> so look, there was one leader on stage tonight and one liar. there was one president on the debate stage tonight and it was not the person who flew in on air force one. >> there may be a fair amount of nostalgia during the train tour. he claims an amtrak conductor calculated all the commutes in biden's long senate career going back and forth he traveled on that line 2 million miles, trace. >> trace: peter doocy live in ohio. peter, thank you. >> sandra: for more on this let's bring in town editor katie pavlich. it went so late. you heard some reaction where people said they couldn't stomach the debate and turned it off.
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a few more moments from last night. watch. >> you say -- >> sandra: the fact of the matter is i beat bernie sanders. i'm not here to call out his lies. everybody knows he is a liar. i want to make sure that -- >> you were last in your class, not first in your class. >> do you have any idea what this clown is doing? >> will he shush for a minute. >> vice president biden you are holding much smaller events. >> because nobody will show up. >> sandra: a lot to take in there. did either candidate, either party come out a winner last night? >> well, i think joe biden's standard he is trying to portray himself as a statesman and someone who has experience in washington who can be trusted with these issues. a number of things he refused to answer questions in front of a national audience that people
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are concerned about. packing the court, green new deal. tried to distance himself from that. the fact is the green new deal is touted on his own website. his running mate kamala harris was the co-sponsor of that legislation. i'm not sure that joe biden reached his goal of trying to portray himself as a presidential candidate when he was calling names. in terms of what president trump was trying to do, sandra, when you go back through the debate as a whole and you look at the strategy he was doing there. he was driving a wedge between joe biden, moderate base and left base. he needs all of them given he has a problem with enthusiasm to win in november. when president trump drove him on the issue of packing the court that is a leftist issue, he refused to answer. when he talked about fracking, green new deal. joe biden refused to answer questions on that end. he even had to disavow the partnership he has had with senator bernie sanders and
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moving forward with his leftist policies should joe biden win. if you're joe biden trying to keep the democratic party together to beat donald trump it doesn't bode well for you when you have an enthusiasm gap and trying to catch up. >> sandra: still a lot of questioning over the president's strategy, lowering the bar so much for joe biden, katie. the "politico" headline this morning, an epic moment of national shame. the debate was an embarrassment for the ages. "new york post" cover this morning first debate a brutal slugfest. nasty. the "wall street journal" editorial board. depressing debate. pro wrestlers are more professional than either man tuesday night. a piece of that i'll read you. it answers the question i just asked you about either candidate being a winner. the editorial board says no one won this fiasco. mr. biden did succeed in passing the test of appearing company hereent for 90 minutes.
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mr. trump had done him the favor of calling his mental capacity into question for months. expectations were low. mr. biden passed that bar albeit in highly scripted fashion. does the president's strategy to lower expectations backfire on him last night? >> i think lowering the bar for joe biden who is someone who spent his entire career debating and talking about these things in washington, d.c. was a mistake. certainly moving forward if the biden team decides to get to the second debate. we're hearing now he is being advised not to go forward with the second debate given how last night went which signaled they're not that confident about how joe biden did. in terms of the two candidates and there being a winner or loser they were hyper focused on each other and on defense and forgot who they were supposed to be talking to, a national audience of 95 million people. but in terms of who had the better strategy in terms of
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peeling off voerts i think president trump's strategy of going after joe biden and putting him in a position to answer tough questions about what he would do as president on the very hot topics like the supreme court and energy policy, alien aits moderate voters and the left. he needs both of those voters to get him over the finish line in november. >> sandra: the biden am -- they shot that down and kamala harris bir rude and saying they're looking forward to joe biden engaging in the next two debates. katie, thank you, great to see you this morning and i know you had a late night last night. katie, thank you. >> trace: just hours before last night's debate joe biden and running mate kamala harris released their tax returns. biden returns show he and his
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wife made nearly a million dollars paying 300,000 in taxes. senator harris reported making 3.1 million and owing nearly 1.2 million in taxes. it comes two days after "the new york times" reported the president did not pay federal income taxes in 10 of the past 15 years. the president has called the report fake news. >> sandra: fox news alert now about an hour from now former f.b.i. director james comey will be testifying before a senate committee on his role in operation crossfire hurricane. republicans want to know whether bias or politics were involved in that investigation looking for ties between russian officials and the trump campaign. we'll be keeping an eye on that on capitol hill this morning. >> trace: a massive wildfire exploding inside burning through california wine country forcing tens of thousands of people from their homes. plus law and order. one big topic at last night's
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debate with some of the answers raising new questions. white house director of strategic communications alisa farah will join us next. >> president trump: i don't think you have any law enforcement. you can't say the word law enforcement. the people of this country want and demand law and order and you are afraid to even say it. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health.
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and nutrients to i will send out an army to find you in the middle of the darkest night it's true, i will rescue you oh, i will rescue you
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>> trace: new information on the mccloskey case. st. louis authorities deciding not to prosecute nine protestors charged with trespassing back in june. prosecutors say they looked through property records, and interviewed witnesses. neighborhood trustees decided not to pursue charges. mark and patricia mccloskey still face one felony count of unlawful use of a weapon after confronting the protestors with guns. >> sandra: riots and violence in the streets of cities across america putting a sharp focus on law and order on the big stage last night. >> president trump: they've got you wrapped around their finger, joe, to a point where you don't want to say anything about law and order. >> antifa is an idea, not an
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organization. that came from -- >> sandra: alisa farah joins us now. good morning to you. great of you to be here early this morning to react to what we all saw play out last night. have you had a chance to talk to the president? what is he saying about the night this morning? >> i have not had a chance to connect with him this morning. i can tell you the sense in the west wing is that the president was strong, he had a command of the facts. he was able to defend his record as the clip you played on law and order, for example. joe biden saying that antifa is an idea. ideas don't burn down buildings like we've seen in portland and seattle. that was an astounding moment for people who saw the violence in our streets. we're feeling strong and good. the facts are this. the president is a tough, strong guy who has been in this job and gotten results. it is not for the faint of heart to be president of the united states. you don't accomplish what he has accomplished when you are
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weak. >> sandra: to be clear joe biden as many are pointing out this morning was quoting christopher wray saying it's a movement or ideology although he made very clear it is not fiction. just saying that it is -- that the f.b.i. does not consider antifa a group or organization. meanwhile, chris wallace, the moderator pressed both of them on that issue as well as white supremacists and militia groups and stand now and not add to the violence. >> president trump: almost everything i see is from the left wing, not the right. >> the proud boys. >> president trump: proud boys stand back and stand by. >> sandra: why did the president tell that group that
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is tied to violent protests often in support of the president to stand by. >> a couple of things here the president has condemned white supremacists countless time. last week in atlanta, georgia, laying out his vision for african-americans he said he would prosecute crimes committed by the kkk as domestic terrorism. that's a policy position of president trump. >> sandra: did he waste and opportunity to condemn white supremacy in that moment? >> he says sure to the question will you condemn it. he says sure. the question goes on. what the president is referring to there when we see unrest in our streets in private citizens try to defend themselves or their businesses that's a right that they have. but what this president has focused on is we will surge federal law enforcement when unrest occurs. call on governors to call in the national guard.
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we don't want to see vigilantism. >> sandra: we're moving away from the question. that's grabbing a big chunk of the headlines this morning the president saying proud boys stand back and stand by. does the white house, the president want to clarify or explain what he meant by that? they're celebrating it, the group. >> i don't think there is anything to clarify. he told them to stand back. this president has served federal resources when crime warrants it in cities. he doesn't need any vicinity atlantaism. that's never what we've called for. we've called for democrat mayors and governors to call out the resources we're prepared to make available. >> sandra: kamala harris gave immediate reaction. >> i heard what we all heard. the president of the united states, in the year of our lord 2020, refuses to condemn white
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supremacists. dog whistling through a bull horne is what he is doing. >> she called joe biden a segregationist. this president condemned white supremacy across the board and the grandfather of jewish grandchildren. he would prosecute -- the left tries to belabor. flankly our policies show where this president stands. he stands for all americans. >> sandra: i'll move on to a trump supporter who took issue with what she saw last night and called into question the president's prepareedness. as a trump supporter my take was the president prepared little for the encounter and ill served by the overconfidence. he has a great story to tell but didn't have the sound bites prepared to tell it. i propose the president take more time to prep for the next
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debate. any regret not prepping more? we were told they weren't preparing in the traditional sense. he went through some q cards and was practicing a bit but perhaps was it overlooked to prep more? >> i would respectfully disagree with that opinion. the president had an outstanding command of the facts and leading every day from telling what he has done on his covid record from the outset of the virus from where we are today. where he got us the greatest economy in modern history and moving toward getting us back there in light of the pandemic that cost so many jobs for the american people. he doesn't have the luxury of sitting in his basement and hopping out to do a few hours of debate prep. he is busy leading our country and every day taking questions from the american people and have serious, hard hitting journalists. today you'll see him take questions from the press as he does most every day. he does not shy away from taking tough questions. from talking about his record
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and accomplishments for the american people. >> sandra: i'll finish on the economy. here is the exchange with president trump and joe biden, watch. >> president trump: we built the greatest economy in history, closed it down because of the china plague. when the plague came in we choseed it down and we're reopening. we had 10.4 million people in a four month period we put back in the workforce. a record the likes of which no one has ever seen before. >> the first president of the united states to leave office with less jobs than when he became president. >> sandra: this news out the morning. the u.s. he con plunged 31.4% in the second quarter. it is expected to rebound in the third quarter. this country is suffering a big hit to the economy. bad enough to tell the american people is the right guy for the job to get us out of this.
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>> absolutely. the same president that brought us a record economy, the lowest unemployment for african-americans, for hispanics, women and virtually every people group until the pandemic hit. i thought it was an interesting point by vice president biden to try to blame the president for that when in fact his own position is that he would have kept the economy shut down longer than the president did. what the president did is safely reopen the economy in consultation with our doctors to get americans back to work. the president who gave us the greatest economy is modern history is the man who will do it again. we expect a strong third and fourth quarter and next year we think we can see record gains. we're confident where we are on the economy. >> sandra: thank you for joining us this morning. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> trace: joe biden last night renewing calls for the senate to hit pause on the supreme court confirmation process. >> the american people have a right to have a say who the supreme court nominee is. they won't get that chance now
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because we're in the middle of an election already. >> trace: the former vice president is facing criticism for his answer on whether he would support expanding the high court. we'll have more on that next.
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if i'm your president, on day one we'll implement the national strategy i've been laying out since march. we'll develop and deploy rapid tests with results available immediately. we'll make the medical supplies and protective equipment that our country needs. we'll make them here in america. we'll have a national mandate to wear a mask, not as a burden, but as a patriotic duty to protect one another. in short, we'll do what we should have done from the very beginning. our current president has failed in his most basic duty to the nation. he's failed to protect america. and my fellow americans, that is unforgivable. as president, i'll make you a promise.
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i'll protect america. i will defend us from every attack seen and unseen, always without exception, every time. i'm joe biden and i approve this message. it was 1961 when nellie young lost her devoted husband. without him, things were tough. her last option was to sell her home, but... her home meant everything to her. her husband had been a high school football coach
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of course, you can use it to pay some bills, cover medical costs, update or repair your home. but best of all, it eliminates those monthly mortgage payments so you get more cash in your pocket, every month. learn how you can use a reverse mortgage loan to cover your expenses, pay for healthcare, preserve retirement savings, and so much more. a lots changed since 1961... since then over a million older americans have used a reverse mortgage loan to finance their retirements. it meant so much to nellie, maybe it could mean as much to you... call now and get your free infokit >> sandra: bottom of the hour. time time for our top stories. biden is about to launch his train tour in cleveland.
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the president will be visiting a rally in minnesota tonight. >> trace: in california wildfires continue to burn out of control across the state. the last fire in napa county has gotten four times bigger in size and residents there have been ordered to evacuate. >> sandra: a deadly scene in florida after a shooting at an amazon fulfillment center in jacksonville. one person dead, another hospitalized. more information on that story as it comes in. >> are you willing to tell the american people tonight whether or not you will support either ending the filibuster or packing the court? >> whatever position i take it will become the issue. the issue is the american people should speak. you should go out and vote. >> trace: joe biden last night dodging the question of whether he would move to increase the number of supreme court justices if elected following the nomination of judge amy coney barrett. mo elleithee join us now.
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former communications director of the dnc and fox news director. for years and years joe biden said packing the courts would be wrong and destructive. now he won't answer the question. do the american people deserve an answer on this for a man running for president? >> look, i felt what he did yesterday was interesting, right? he said if we talk about this, this becomes the central issue. what biden campaign is trying to do is connect the supreme court question to healthcare, trying to connect the supreme court question to some of the other issues that are coming before the court. trying to make it more about substance than process. they are betting that that's what people are going to relate to a little bit more than some of the more questions. we'll see if they're right. what you saw him do last night say this is about the affordable care up which is up
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for a hearing before the supreme court in a couple of weeks. if you care about that, that's why you should care about the court. >> trace: or is it that there is no good answer here, mo? if he answers that he is in favor of packing the court, then people will accuse him of being taken hostage by the far left. and if on the other hand he says that he is not in favor of packing the court, he risks alienating the far left. no good answer for the former vice president on this. >> well, it is interesting, right? there were a couple of points in the debate last night on other issues where he wasn't afraid to stand up to some of the issues that the president wants to argue he is held hostage by the left on. for example, he came out and said i'm not for the green new deal, right? he said i'm not for medicare for all. while the president was trying to assign him those positions. he said no, i'm not for those things. so it doesn't seem like he is afraid to stand up and say no,
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i'm separate from that part of my party. but this was one where the delicate tight rope he seems to be walking is not wanting to get bogged down in process on the court when he could focus on the issues before the court. >> trace: interesting that kamala harris has said many times she is in favor of packing the court last night she also refused to answer that question. i want to move on if i can, mo. first joe biden was asked last night about his party and he said he is the democratic party. then he was asked about the violence in portland and whether he has contacted the portland mayor. here is the exchange on that. watch. >> have you ever called the democratic mayor of portland or democratic governor of oregon and said hey, you have to stop this, bring in the national guard. do whatever it takes. stop the days and months of violence in portland. >> i don't hold public office now. i am a former vice president. i've made it clear -- i've made
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it clear in my public statements that the violence should be prosecuted. it should be prosecuted. >> trace: he is the democratic party on one hand and he doesn't hold public office and has no sway yet he is willing to weigh in on pretty much any other topic there is. your thoughts on that, mo. >> i think we're conflating a couple of things here, trace. i am the democratic party question goes back to what we were talking about before when the president kept saying this is your position, this is what people in your party are saying. he says no, do i know what the democratic party is going to do? i'm the standard bearer. but on this specific case, you know, biden had come out and said he was against the violence in the streets. calling on people to bring calm back to the streets. biden had come out and said that the rioters should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. but he is a private citizen and not the person that can call up a mayor or a governor and demand that they call in the national guard.
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his public statements do speak for themselves. whereas the president took credit for making some of those calls and in seattle and in minneapolis and in both cases the local officials said he didn't do that, we did that. it wasn't the president who sent that in. >> trace: mo, always good to see you. thank you so much. >> thanks, trace. >> sandra: last night's debate have some americans thinking about packing up and leaving. searches for moving to canada skyrocketed after the debate spiking around 10:30 p.m. eastern time last night just about the time the debate concluded. people also looked for how to apply for canadian citizenship. the search was more prevalent in the state of massachusetts. nearly 100,000 brooklyn, new york voters received absentee ballots with the wrong names and addresses on the return envelopes. a signed ballot with a different name on the return
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envelope could result in the ballot being voided. we're live in new york city with the latest on that. what are officials doing to rectify this? >> the new york city board of elections is moving to correct the absentee ballot mix-up. it is resending ballots to upwards of 100,000 voters who may have gotten the wrong one. voters in brooklyn say they received ballot envelopes for other people. voters received ballots with someone else's name and address printed on the return envelope. the secrecy envelope. the one you mail back to the board of elections with your vote inside it. we saw this one from one voter in brooklyn. the ballot had his correct name and address on it but the envelope inside was addressed for somebody else. the board of elections has not responded to our request for comment but the new york city mayor bill deblasio put the blame for this directly on the agency. >> it's appalling. i don't know how many times we are going to see the same thing
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happen as the board of elections and be surprised. there are some good people there and i know some people are trying hard but it just is not a modern agency and it must be changed. it is just structurely doesn't work. >> the board says the and a snafu came from the company it uses to print the ballots. an election lawyer who sued the board in other cases said if voters don't catch the mistake or send -- don't send in the new ballot their votes will be rejected. >> basically makes every ballot that was received -- it will be invalid. those votes will not count. i cannot vote and send in a ballot and sign for a ballot in someone else's name. >> it turns out the new york city board of elections uses two different printing companies for their ballots. officials say there are no problems with the company that printed the other absentee
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ballots. sandra, back to you. >> sandra: trace. >> trace: we're about a half hour away from former f.b.i. director james comey's testimony on capitol hill regarding his role in looking for collusion between russia and the trump campaign. we will take that live. but first president trump and joe biden spar in last night's often chaotic debate. howie kurtz will break down the highlights and the low lights next. >> keep yaping man. >> president trump: 47 years you've done nothing. >> all right. one day we'll look back and remember the moment that things, for one strange time in our lives, got very quiet. some lost work and invented new ways to get by. others were busier than ever, and found strength they never knew they had.
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cleveland -- we'll go to cleveland as you can see that shot set up there with biden-harris signage now a microphone set up. we're told a few supporters have gathered to try to get a peak at the former vice president after the big night last night. we're told he will make remarks before boarding that train. so when he does, we'll have that for you. >> it's the end of the segment. we're moving on. vice president -- excuse me. >> president trump: can i be honest? is it very important. he stood up. >> the answer to the question is no, no, sir. >> that is absolutely not true. >> you will have -- gentlemen, i hate to raise my voice but why should i be different than the two of you? >> trace: the gloves came off last night in the first debate between president trump and
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democratic nominee joe biden which quickly devolved into a -- chris wallace took the president to task several times for interrupting. it was called nasty. let's bring in howard kurtz, host of "media buzz" and fox news analyst. you wrote this morning this thing went off the rails. "politico" said it was a moment of national shame adding this, quoting here, the stain will be visible for many years to come. it will serve as a reminder of the night the dam broke and the currents of con tept building in public life for many years flooded the stage with tens of millions of americans viewing. president trump and joe biden and an overwhelmed moderator on live television. is that a fair assessment? what do you think. >> america is finally united. nobody like the debate. a barroom brawl. chris wallace, the best in the business, repeatedly
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admonishing president trump he was trampling the rules his own campaign had agreed to. it forced joe biden to break in and it was hard to hear. trump may have been trying to be dominant and biden also wound up calling the president a fool and a clown and saying shut up, man. for many of the audience it was incredibly frustrating to watch. >> trace: you wrote this about the president. with trump trampling both men his supporters were undoubtedly cheering the show of strength but to many others perhaps those skeptical of the president the constant frowning and insults may have looked like bullying. your thoughts. >> that was the risk ofthat kind of high decibel bulldozing approach. trump is running against biden. running against the media and at times seems to be running against chris wallace who kept saying let him answer. at one point the president said am i also debating you and not
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him? as someone accustomed to having command of the stage uninterrupted as he does with his availability to reporters the president basically also decides to run against an orderly debate process. he just blew it up. no question about it. his campaign goal in cleveland had to make the race more about biden. as we see there are 20 trump stories to every 1 story about biden the story coming out of last night was about trump and his tactics. >> trace: you talk about the process and format. do you see going forward -- some have said they shouldn't have any more debates. do you think going forward there should be some changes in the format of the debate, changes in rules? >> if it was up to me, which it is not, a moderator if things got out of control would have the ability to cut somebody's mic and give the other campaign the two minutes he promised. i don't see that happening. substance broke through here. the president's best moment was
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talking about urban violence, law and order and you're not. coincided with biden's worst moment and said violence is never appropriate. i thought the former vice president's best moment was when hunter biden was being criticized and he looked into the camera, this is not about my family or his family it's about your family. as you just played the president's worst moment when he couldn't give a straight forward denunciation of white supremacists. so much of this got lost in the arguing in cleveland. >> sandra: judge amy coney barrett returning to capitol hill today to meet with senators ahead of her confirmation hearings in october. plus the debate over coronavirus and how the president is handling the pandemic. >> totally irresponsible the e way he handled the social
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distances. people wearing masks, encouraging them not to. he is a fool on this. >> president trump: if you could get the crowds you would have done the same thing. and the veterans that never quit on their team. when being a fan gets tough, and stretching your budget gets even tougher... ...our agents put in the time and legwork for you, saving on auto insurance is easy. because saving a little extra goes a long way. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. vicks vapopatch. easy to wear with soothing vicks vapors for her,
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for you, for the whole family. trusted soothing vapors, from vicks
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but that's tough to do on a fixed income. i'd be hit with a tax penalty for moving to another county, so i'm voting 'yes' on prop 19. it limits property taxes and lets seniors transfer their home's current tax base to another home that's closer to family or medical care. being closer to family is important to me. how about you? voting 'yes' on prop 19.
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>> trace: the nfl has its first outbreak of coronavirus. at least eight members of the tennessee titans including three players have tested positive for covid-19. the titans and the minnesota vikings, a team they played on sunday, have immediately suspended all in-person activities. both teams have temporarily closed training facilities and no word if any games will be postponed. >> you didn't tell us or give us a warning because he didn't want to panic the american people. he panicked. >> president trump: if we would
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have listened to you the country would have been left wide open. one person is too much. it's china's fault. it's an set up. >> he said by easter it would be gone. by the warm weather it would be gone. like a miracle. >> a very political thing. people like this would rather make it political than save lives. >> sandra: president trump and joe biden battling over the president's handling of the pandemic last night. meantime new york city restaurants open today for limited indoor dining. we're live in manhattan on that. good morning. >> good morning, sandra. take a look at this. when was the last time you saw human beings sitting inside of a restaurant enjoying brunch here? it has been since probably march now. but new york city is now at 25% indoor dining. the question is, is it enough to save restaurants and will it last? take a look. restaurants have been cleaning, getting ready in preparation
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for today. some are even spending thousands of dollars on those air filtration systems. here are the rules restaurants must follow and that includes that they have to conduct the temperature checks at every front door. keep those tables six feet apart. now it's no secret restaurants have been struggling to survive. according to a new york city hospitality alliance poll nearly 9 out of 10 of new york city's restaurants could not make their rent in august. some managers and owners told me 25% indoor dining may simply not be enough. >> i have used to seat up to 80 people in both of my stores. and now it fills out to 20% of that or less. >> the surrounding counties or even a few miles from here in new jersey or long island or westchester, they've been doing well with 50%. why are you judging us and holding us to a different standard? >> the state is hoping to
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expand capacity to 50% on november 1st but the new york city daily infection rate spiked 3% for the first time in months. mayor bill deblasio said he is watching the seven day rolling average closely and re-evaluate indoor dining if the infection rate continues to rise. this is a great day, sandra, to be inside. the wind is blowing us around, 59 degrees. sandra. >> sandra: one of those bubbles or pods as some of the restaurants we just saw have outside. thank you. >> trace: breaking news, joe biden going back old school back on the train doing a train tour and that is a live look in cleveland, and joe biden is about to speak next. ♪ [ engines revving ] ♪
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♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive.
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>> sandra: fox news alert at 10:00 a.m. on the east coast. former f.b.i. director james comey set to testify at any moment before the senate judiciary committee. the panel is examining his role in operation crossfire hurricane. that was the investigation the agency launched looking into ties between the trump campaign an russia in 2016. we begin with the big debate last night. the dust still clearing after the big debate. president trump and former vice president joe biden squaring off trading insults and accusations going toe-to-toe in the first presidential debate leading up to the 2020 election. welcome to a new hour of
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"america's newsroom." i'm sandra smith. good morning, trace. >> trace: good morning, everyone, i'm trace gallagher. testy from the get-go. the candidates fought over everything from the pandemic, economy and president trump's supreme court pick. moderator chris wallace tried to keep both candidates on track as they repeatedly talked over each other. >> sandra: a sample of some of those exchanges that got down right personal at times. >> president trump: your party wants to go socialist. >> my party is me. i'm the democratic party right now. the platform of the democratic party is what i in fact approved of. >> president trump: you just lost the left. you just lost the left. >> it's hard to get any word in with this clown. >> president trump: people understand there is nothing smart about you. 47 years you've done nothing. >> you were the president screwing things up. you are the worst president
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america has ever had, come on. >> president trump: i've done more in 47 months, i've done more than you've done in 47 years, joe. >> >> sandra: martha maccallum is anchor of "the story" and bret baier joins us. the moments take you back to the hour and a half last night. difficult to watch at times. what are you hearing from both sides this morning? >> well, there is a lot to digest there. looking back, it really has become a blur because there was so much back and forth and talking over each other. kind of a lack of the substantive debate. if president trump went in there to expand his base it is hard to believe that independents and suburban women did -- i think he missed when
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he had the opportunity to condemn white supremacists that was easy. he didn't do that. he had some issues as far as talking over and talking down with chris wallace and joe biden. joe biden on the other hand didn't appear super strong. he didn't have a big flub moment but also said he was the head of the democratic party but yet couldn't answer whether he would pack the supreme court or end the filibuster. so i felt hearing from both campaigns i thought there were some misses. >> sandra: the "new york post" cover this morning, i thought i would put it up. >> i am here. >> sandra: you are amazing. first debate a brutal slugfest. nasty says the "new york post" this morning. i'm sure i found michael goodwin's column a big supporter of the president called into question president trump's strategy to come out
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swinging like he did. and perhaps the strategy cannot prepare so much in the traditional way backfiring. >> so we've seen actually, we've been here before. we've seen the last several presidents, president obama, president bush, all the way back to president reagan in their first debate come out and not have a good night. i think that's what we saw last night. the president said he didn't feel like he needed to prepare. he is out there every day answering hostile questions from the press. i think that perhaps they will have to rethink that strategy a little bit. it felt as if the president was throwing every single thing at the wall to see what would stick. and the other thing that i would just say is that you come in there with a huge advantage as the president of the united states. there is a -- i think he left that at the doorstep and went in there and got into a street
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fight, was very aggressive coming out of the gate. i think they have a lot to rethink. i think both sides landed some ol i had points. i think the president had some strong moments on his defense of his covid reaction and the handling of other opportunity m the president when the discussion of beau biden came up it would have been a chance to say i respect your son's service to this country and mourn the loss to your family. a great place for him to talk about his affection and support of the united states military. it was when biden was bringing up the atlantic monthly story. i'm sure that both teams look back at last night and think about things they could have done better. it was not an overall great experience for everybody in the country watching it. i think it was frustrating at times and they will get two redos to try this again, sandra.
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>> trace: bret, good morning. i'm curious. nice job last night you and martha both. i'm curious. as soon as the debate was over democrats were saying there maybe shouldn't be anymore debates. should the format be adjusted or changed, maybe some rules to try and get this thing back on track next time? >> i don't think they'll change the rules. i think it is set in stone. i have seen a lot of pushback from biden supporters saying he shouldn't do anymore debates. i don't think that would be a good look for him. i think they are going to go forward. clearly the next one is out in utah which is the vice presidential debate. that will be an entirely different experience, i promise you. mike pence and kamala harris will approach this differently. but i think haven't fully absorbed the fallout from last night. to martha's point, i feel there is a lot of reaction that
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people didn't love it. they didn't feel good after they left that about where we are. >> trace: interesting, martha. "politico" writes the following. the 90 minutes plus that followed were an almost perfect distillation of the politics of insult, indignation, interruption and irrelevant relevance common place on talk news, cable and twitter. no mystery why it happened. trump arrived to shred the official debate rules and shed any pretense of decorum. what do you think about that? >> chris wallace made a strong effort to remind them the rules they both signed up for. to have the two minute responses and time for rebuttal. this is a different format. the debate format is something we've all grown up watching over the course of the presidential elections. i think in a way the president missed an opportunity to sort of let biden come to him a little bit. he is president of the united
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states. if he had let him answer his questions, maybe biden would have gotten sort of into some difficult territory. dana perino pointed out we saw joe biden in the primaries sort of get to points where he would say i think my time is up. so let him answer the questions and then come back and respond. that might be a better way to go about this. these debate formats have been in place for a very long time and i think that they're set up the way they are for a reason. and they do need to be better adhered to. >> sandra: the next one a town hall format. perhaps a different format could lead to different results. bret, you move this forward and look what is happening in washington today. you have judge amy coney barrett meeting with senators, last i saw mitt romney there on capitol hill. so we have the impending supreme court confirmation battle that's coming up. you've got james comey testifying on the hill. you've got vice president joe
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biden leaving on this train tour. we have a live shot in cleveland. he is about to make remarks. president trump heads to minnesota to campaign. what a remarkable week this is. we're now just 34 days from election day, bret. >> you add to all of that the negotiations that are going on about the possibility of a coronavirus bill and the fact that that might be resurrected. which would be a great thing for the country but they are not across the finish line yet. you do have a lot of balls in the air here in washington i think on the big picture, the big scale of things, the judge amy coney barrett making the rounds ahead of that confirmation hearing is probably the most important from the republican's point of view. jim comey hearing will be interesting but we've seen him in hearings before and it has fallen short of delivering that
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aha moment. >> sandra: joe biden we're expecting to hear and see him in just a moment from now. you just wonder what we'll hear. obviously both sides are claiming victory after last night. this will be brand-new reaction from joe biden himself. we heard from kamala harris after the debate last night. this will be the first we'll hear from him after the performance last night. >> yeah, no doubt he will come out and say he felt like he won. as you point out both sides are claiming victories here. as i said if you just score it. i looked at the points i was jotting down during the course of the debate and they both had a lot of sort of good scored points. one area that i think joe biden was weak on was when the antifa subject came up and he said well, you know, it is an idea and president trump it's not an organization. going back to something christopher wray said in the hearing. president trump it's an idea until you get hit over the head with a baseball bat. so he has -- here comes dr.
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jill biden. he sort of put some ground down that i think he will be tested on as this thing goes forward. but no doubt they will say he had a great night. >> sandra: dr. jill biden stepped up to the microphone. we expect to hear from joe biden. his campaign said he will make the remarks before he starts on the train tour. making his way through ohio and into pennsylvania as the president rallies in minnesota tonight. >> trace: i'm curious. you look at this whole thing and joe biden will come out and speak in a little bit. as he gets on this train tour the question becomes is he going to take questions? do you think there has been enough pushback that joe biden decides he is going to take questions from the press corps with him? >> we hope so. he really hasn't had that many availabilities. he has had a few more in recent days leading up to this debate. maybe he feels the wind at his back after this debate and he will start taking questions.
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we have invited him every week on special report as a lot of shows have. but they have not accepted. hopefully he does. i do think that we're in for an interesting 30 days here because both sides are going to be dug in. it's about expanding the base. i don't know if they did that last night. >> sandra: all right. we're going to be watching this. we expect joe biden would step out to the microphone shortly as dr. jill biden makes remarks on the ground in cleveland. martha and bret great stuff last night. thank you for joining us early this morning. we'll see you both tonight. back to the campaign trail for both candidates. we will go to joe biden when he begins there in cleveland. meanwhile after last night's contentious debate in cleveland former vice president joe biden hopping on a train for that tour i just mentioned going through ohio and then on to pennsylvania. president trump is holding a make america great generally in minnesota where he will be this evening and we're counting down
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to election day. griff jenkins live in cleveland. what can we expect to hear from president trump and joe biden today 34 days from election day? good morning. >> 34 days indeed. good morning and what you'll hear from both of them is i won last night. as we wait to hear from joe biden before he gets on that train it is interesting to note this is the first time he has spent the night overnight anywhere since leaving -- being stuck at his home in delaware since march. he was here in cleveland last night and will get on the train and make seven stops called the build back better express tour with his wife dr. jill biden and the campaign said he will highlight in all his stops his plans for working families. he goes from ohio to pennsylvania. end in johnstown at a drive-in event in pennsylvania. his campaign manager saying biden was the clear winner last night. >> joe biden offered strong ideas, trump offered only interruptions and lies.
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president trump was desperate and weak and angry. he is losing the race. >> let me show you as biden travels through ohio and pennsylvania he has the edge in the real clear politics average up more than three points in ohio, the buckeye state. up nearly six points in the keystone state of pennsylvania. meanwhile the president heads to duluth, minnesota for a rally tonight where he trails biden in the real clear politics average by more than nine points. his daughter if law, lara making the case this morning the president was the clear victor last night. >> you can clearly see even en from the audience on stage donald trump dominated the entire debate. you could feel the energy that he had. you could feel quite frankly how it like joe biden was on defense. >> now the next time the two men will meet in two weeks in
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miami with a town hall format. one of the things that biden's campaign manager was boasting about last night they set apparently a single hour fundraiser record of $3.8 million between the hours of 10:00 and 11:00 p.m. perhaps we'll hear from the former vice president about that very shortly. >> sandra: griff, considering the former vice president and his wife jill biden are still on the ground in cleveland. tell us a little bit about the reaction after the debates, not the traditional way we end debates and cover them afterwards because of the pandemic. what was it like on the ground after everything last night? >> we certainly were planning for a perhaps -- there was no spin room and no, you know, running around in flurry of spinning going on. everyone is looking around wondering what happened. the decorum was so broken. really the fact that both candidates not just one, but both chose to really ignore the rules that they agreed to, to
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just not play by what the moderator was trying to accomplish really set a tone as we all certainly in the press were trying to figure out how exactly how to wrap it. bret put it correctly a few minutes ago when he said we didn't get fully absorbed the fallout from what happened last night because it was so broken. you know, i asked the woman at our desk in our hotel what did you think about it? she said i felt like i watched two grumpy old men fighting. >> sandra: oh my. griff jenkins live from cleveland for us this morning. everybody has their opinions about what we saw last night. meanwhile, trace, we do expect to see joe biden shortly. i will tell you about their train tour that they are about to launch moments from now from cleveland. cuyahoga county. they'll head to alliance ohio in stark county before crossing the border into pennsylvania, allegany county first stop pittsburgh. they move on to westmoreland
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county where they have several stops. greensburg, new alexandria and latrobe, pennsylvania. before they head on to johnstown, pennsylvania. several stops on this train tour as we await the former vice president to get his fresh reaction from last night. >> trace: it's interesting, sandra. i was asking bret baier earlier if he believes that joe biden when he gives his comments here in cleveland will take some questions afterwards. in recent events he hasn't taken many questions, if any questions at all. and so if you look at the social media atmosphere and look at the op-eds the things they've written around the country. maybe this is the former vice president right here. when he comes up he will speak. the question becomes what questions will he be posed? and the big one is going to be the supreme court -- the supreme court, his picks and whether he will actually abide by or you know, recommend
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packing the courts and, of course, it's about -- go ahead, sandra. >> sandra: we'll take a quick break and told joe biden will speak next. we'll be right back. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase, we can help them and provide that financial solution for they and their families. it's a great rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique.
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>> sandra: former vice president joe biden about to speak in cleveland as he
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embarks on his train tour. he just stepped up to the microphone. let's listen. >> it's great to see you. hello cleveland! don't jump. folks, i was reminiscing as we drove to the state. i spent the bulk of my adult life driving to the amtrak station. i commuted every day from wilmington, delaware, to washington, d.c. when i got elected as a young senator right after my wife and daughter were killed and i didn't plan on staying in the senate, but i agreed i would stay for six months. well, a long time ago. i started commuting.
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and the fact is they tell me i've logged more than 2,100,000 miles on amtrak. it is good to be here. not as fast as a helicopter but i made a lot of family friends on amtrak. i'm looking forward to getting on the train with you guys. i want to start off by saying that it's great to be in ohio and i have so many friends and members of congress and local elected officials. an honor to be here with tiffany. i know how hard it is for her. i know i was in the position of her children. my dad went through the same thing, mr. mayor. back in scranton, pennsylvania, he lost his job and i remember him walking up the stairs making what i call the longest walk a parent has to make to tell a child he will have to leave. my dad didn't have an eight hour ride, just a 3 1/2 hour
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ride. he moved to wilmington, delaware. took a couple of years before he could bring us back down to delaware. come home every weekend. but to make sure that we were all together again. it's a hard slog. a lot of people have made that. tiffany, you are a wonderful, wonderful mother, teacher, and the way you talk about your husband, he and i have something in common. we both married way up. yeah, look, i want to say that, you know, my dad, when he was -- i apologize to the congressman. he has heard me say this a lot. my dad, when we moved back to delaware, would say all the time to his children, my siblings and i, he would say you know, joe, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. it is about your dignity and it
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is about respect. it is about being able to hold your head up. it is being able to look your child in the eye and say honey, it is going to be okay. that's what a job is about and tiffany, when i think about your husband taking that job eight hours away, it's 100 years ago i think about my dad and i'm sure your husband has the same stamina as my mom and dad did. the fact is that when a -- last night's debate in the selection was supposed to be about you, tiffany, about you and all the people i grew up with in scranton and people in youngstown and clay mont delaware and everybody who makes the difference. does your president understand at all what you are going
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through? what so many other people are going through? the question is, does he see you where you are and where you want to be? does he care? has he tried to walk in your shoes to understand what's going on in your life? or does he just ignore you and all the folks all over america who are in a similar situation? i think it's more than ignoring us. i look at things from scranton, pennsylvania he looks from park avenue and i think he looks down on us and he judges us. the fact is that i think when he called our military -- i see we have some veterans here, too. when he called our veterans who lost their lives and served suckers and losers, i thought it was one of the most despicable things that i've ever heard a president say.
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because you are soldiers or a veteran, you served your country like you did, like you did, connor, like my son did. and you know, he doesn't -- what he does, he lies to you. he lies to you about exactly what has happened. does he lie to you when like this president did to your husband, that all the workers at the gm plant in lordstown will be in good shape? he said don't move, don't sell your house. no ohio factory will shut down in donald trump's america. he doesn't pay his fair share in taxes. he says that makes him smart. what does that do? what does that make you, tiffany and make me and millions of other hard working americans, decent people who pay our taxes? are we the suckers and stupid
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because we go by the rules? he is too weak to beat the pandemic costing more than 200,000 american lives that's upended every part of our lives. hit working people particularly hard. your businesses are closed and schools aren't back to normal because donald trump hasn't done his job. he hasn't pulled congress together to provide real relief for working people, moms, dads, business owners. the fact is congress has passed a significant recovery bill but he is too busy being in the bunker or his golf course to call them into the white house to work out an agreement. he told fema to cut off funding for school ppe masks, and protective gear because it's not a national emergency. his response during the pandemic is to try to take your healthcare away. by asking the supreme court to
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strike the affordable care act in its entirety. wipe it out. taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny you coverage for pre-existing conditions. and now because of covid lung scarring and heart problems as a consequence those that survived covid that could be the next pre-existing conditions affecting millions of people. taking aware medicare benefits from seniors, throw your adult kids off your healthcare insurance. think about his plan for your social security? the social security actuary say if he follows through on his plan for social security, social security will be bankrupt by 2023. it's clear he only cares about wall street and the super wealthy and the fortune 500. he thinks they built this country. that's why he wants another $30 billion tax cut for the 100 most wealthy billionaires in the country who have already
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made $30 billion during this pandemic. so they'll pay a lower tax rate than you do as a teacher, factory worker, firefighters, nurse. he gave a tax giveaway to corporations and they moved jobs overseas to sell goods back to the united states. and here comes the train. all right. wow. that's -- folks, look. you have big corporations jump in front of the line. small businesses are struggling to stay open. in the end, his measure of economic health is the stock market. and the four years as president, he has broken his promise. he has forgotten the forgotten americans he said he would always fight for. well, i never will forget. i know the middle class working
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people built this country. i measure an economic success by what families are talking about around their kitchen tables this morning. some of them with an empty chair because they lost a family member. the ones i saw every night on my train ride from washington to wilmington, delaware. as i said after my wife and daughter were killed when i was first elected i started going home every single night so i would be there in the morning to get my kids beau, hunter and ashley. jill came into our lives five years later and made things good. i took that 250 mile round-trip eefr day for years. i got to know the passengers, conductors and at night i would see the pinpoints of lights in the homes in the cities and towns along the way from washington to wilmington wondering what those families were talking about after they put their kids to bed. my guess is the same thing that
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all americans across the country are talking about today, asking questions as profound as ordinary as will we be okay? will we be able to keep our insurance? what are we going to do? folks, this election and choice between scranton and park avenue, between cleveland and park avenue. between alliance and park avenue values. it is also about something deeper. can these parents look their kids in the eye and say honey, everything is going to be okay? these are the conversations i will be having today on this whistle stop tour through ohio and pennsylvania. talking to the folks about how i'll get the virus under control. lay out the plan. bringing congress together to provide relief and resources to schools and businesses so we can reopen our economy safely and strongly with a real plan and real leadership. talking to folks about how i would create good-paying jobs,
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union jobs, support working families, and build our economy back. not just back but build it back better. i'll protect your medicare and social security. and i will fight to protect pensions including fixing employer pensions so union men and women in ohio, michigan, minnesota, delaware, wisconsin, all across this country are able to keep that they earned and deserve. i'll fight for american jobs with the dignity of work and make the wealthy and corporations begin to pay their fair share. i'll protect your right to healthcare. and build on and improve the affordable care act. i'll always tell you the truth. i'll always care about you whether you vote for me or not. if elected i'm not going to be a democratic president, i'll be an american president. whether you voted for me or not i'm going to be your president. and i'll never forget the people, the working people of this country because that's what i've come from.
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and that if given just half a chance, the american people can do anything. just like you, tiffany, and your husband, you've stood up and you can do anything. i want to make something absolutely clear. there is overwhelming reason for optimism. reverend, as you said there is overwhelming reason. we just have to unite. the country is ready to do that. we're in a better position than any nation in the world to own the 21st century. we just have to do it and do it together. so i leave you and thank you for your invocation by saying god bless you all and may god protect our troops. thank you, thank you, thank you. keep the faith. we're coming back. thank you. [cheering and applause] >> sandra: you've been listening to joe biden in his first remarks since the big debate last night turning out
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by saying the debate was supposed to be about the american people but he claims president trump showed he doesn't understand at all what you are going through accused the president of not paying his fair share in taxes, the president looks down on the american people and cares about the super wealthy. ending with calling for unity saying that there is overwhelming reason for optimism. trace, his first remarks since the debate last night and now he will embark on the train tour through ohio and on into pennsylvania. >> trace: interesting that he actually said he is scranton values and the president is park avenue values. that's a new talking point we'll be hearing again. he was not expected to take questions nor did he. the question is once he gets on the train tour with the media will he then take questions throughout the rest of what he called the whistle stop tour through ohio and pennsylvania. a lot of things yet to be seen. we haven't really heard. we heard a tweet from the president this morning. haven't heard much from him. he will have a lot to say about
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joe biden's comments there in cleveland before getting on the train, sandra. >> sandra: and that is a live look as the former vice president and dr. jill biden, who also spoke and offered remarks a short time ago, praising her husband east performance on the debate stage. let's see if they are answering questions here. [[inaudible] >> sandra: difficult to hear with the masks on but i heard dr. jill biden say he did a great job. they'll now get on the train and depart cleveland and head on their train tour working their way through those states. the president will be giving his maga rally in minnesota tonight. photo opportunity with the former vice president. while all this has been going on live on capitol hill this morning former f.b.i. director
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james comey testifying before the senate committee as you can see. the chairman of that committee senator lindsey graham presiding over this hearing on operation crossfire hurricane. that is happening live right now. we'll have the news from that when we return. we'll be right back. a quick break. ar with the va streamline refi. at newday there's no income verification, no appraisal, and not a single dollar out of pocket. one call can save you $3000 a year.
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>> we handed him a booming economy. he blew it. >> it wasn't booming. >> is it fair to say he blew it when there was record low unemployment before covid? >> what he did even before covid. manufacturing went in the hole. >> president trump: there has never been an administration that's done what i've done. before covid came in the greatest economy in history. everything was good. >> sandra: president trump and joe biden going after each other on the economy and the future of the affordable care
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act. charles payne joins us now. i know you watched every minute of this. what did you make of that exchange on the economy and jobs and growth pre-pandemic and now during? >> well, you know, here is the thing. we definitely can go back and look at the facts. i guess this is why people don't like politics and politicians, right? listen, no one is going to say the economy did poorly under me. it is true president obama and vice president biden inheristed a recession. but when i came to manufacturing, they didn't fare very well and we lost manufacturing jobs when they had a chance to turn it around. up until november of last year manufacturing jobs had come back by the hundreds of thousands. they were booming. in fact, the country was booming pretty good. the fed came out with a report they do only every three years and in 2019 the wealth --
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wealth grew for black americans by 35%, hispanics, 65%, white americans just 3%. so we had a glimmer of shared prosperity that we hadn't seen in decades, if ever. so it's a tough one. i do want to say this morning you see how the market is up right now, sandra. you look at it a lot. one of the things that is sparking this is the adp jobs report. it is a private jobs report but i think it is better than the government report. be that as it may. people need to know 7,000 mining jobs, 60,000 construction jobs, and 130,000 manufacturing jobs. if these numbers are echoed again on friday, this will matter so much more than the base. this is what we're talking about. these are jobs in the american heartland and reflect the american dream. construction jobs. you can't build houses fast enough. home sales the highest ever, ever.
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>> sandra: all of those data points on the economy being taken into account in a market that has a lot to take in and a lot of uncertainty especially with the election just several weeks away now. i want to finally ask you about this exchange where joe biden on the stage last night accused donald trump of taking advantage of the tax code. watch. >> president trump: like never other private person unless they're stupid they go through the laws. he passed the tax bill that gave us all these privileges or depreciation and for a tax credits. which by the way was given to me by the obama administration if you can believe that. >> he said he is smart because he can take advantage of the tax code and he does take advantage of the tax code. that's why i'll eliminate the trump tax cuts and we will eliminate those tax cuts. >> okay. >> sandra: in the wake of the
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"new york times" report and joe biden said this is a president that doesn't pay his fair share. what do you think, charles? >> well, you know, some years president trump paid tens of millions of dollars and some years did not. to his point, yeah, he was able to take advantage of something that was put in -- by the way, what was put in by president obama and vice president biden was designed to jump start the economy during the great recession. so you can't take credit for ushering the nation out of the great recession and not accept the tools you used. yes, president obama put in a tax credit that allowed developers and risk takers like donald trump the developer. it did what it was supposed to do and president trump took advantage of it and it worked for everybody. i never met anyone that says do
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you know a dumb accountant i could talk to? everybody wants to take advantage of the tax code. >> sandra: interesting response. charles payne, always good to see you. thank you. we'll see you again at the end at 2:00. >> trace: judge amy coney barrett meeting with more senators this morning as she gears up for her confirmation hearing. how her nomination is shaking up capitol hill and the presidential race next.
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>> sandra: fox news alert. a live look at capitol hill. senator dianne feinstein is now questioning former f.b.i. director james comey appearing
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virtually for the senate judiciary committee. senator lindsey graham is presiding over this hearing. the chairman of the committee vowing to investigate the origins of the 2016 russia probe. i can give you the characterization from andy mccarthy who is live tweeting the hearing. comey seems to be saying the russia investigation was important but the page life of it was comparatively minor and why details don't make their way to them. he did not offer an opening statement. it began immediately with questions from senator lindsey graham and now senator dianne feinstein is the second senator to be questioning the former f.b.i. director. we're monitoring for news and bring it to you as we get it from the hearing room. >> trace: fox news alert on the battle over president trump's supreme court nominee judge amy coney barrett is again making the rounds on capitol hill meeting with more senators ahead of her confirmation hearing and no surprise, judge
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barrett's nomination was a big topic in last night's debate between president trump and joe biden. >> president trump: we have the senate, we have the white house and we have a phenomenal nominee. >> the american people have a right to have a say in who the supreme court nominee is. that say occurs when they vote for a united states senators and when they vote for the president of the united states. >> trace: chad pergram is live with the latest on judge barrett's push to make her case. >> another jam-packed day on capitol hill for amy coney barrett. she met with nine republican senators yesterday. 10 republican senators today. that gets you to almost 1/5 of the entire u.s. senate and getting close to half of the senate republican conference. one senator she won't be meeting with, his choice, is the senate democratic leader chuck schumer. >> the american people should make no mistake. any vote, a vote by any senator for judge amy coney barrett is
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a vote to strike down the affordable care act. and eliminate protections for millions of americans with pre-existing conditions. >> however, at least three democratic senators, klobuchar, booker and manchin say they want to meet with barrett. on her dance card today she huddled with mitt romney and meeting with thom tillis of north carolina and john cornyn of texas, both face competitive reelection bids this fall. does the confirmation fight distract? lindsey graham and his tough battle for reelection against jamie harrison. >> i am really excited about being the chairman of the judiciary committee at a time i can help shepherd a qualified nominee through the process. the reason we run for office and do all the things we do is for these moments. this is the super bowl of what a chairman would do. >> here is the schedule. lynndie graham says he hopes to
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get it out of the judiciary committee around the 22nd of october. hearings in two weeks and agree to hold off on a committee vote, not a floor vote, until the 22nd of october. then it takes a couple of days to process this on the senate floor and probably several days to debate it. this is a supreme court nomination so you see just how tight this time window is as they get down toward the end of the month trying to get this done before the november election. trace. >> trace: the days going forward, how many more meetings does judge barrett have and how many more do we expect democrats to jump on board, if any at all, in this kind of -- >> some of it will come down to timing. a lot of times you have a supreme court nominee meet with all 100 senators. that will be hard to do this time around simply because there is not a lot of time and because of covid-19. usually when you have a supreme court nominee you have something called on capitol hill a sherpa who takes them
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around. they don't have that this time. a jam-packed week of meetings as they get closer to the hearing starting in about a week and a half. >> trace: you gave us the schedule. an idea of mitch mcconnell. does he have an idea when he wants to get this thing firm ball rolling in the next couple of weeks? >> he has been pretty silent on that in terms of specifics and mark meadows said it might be tough to get it done before november 3. the other wild card you have hiccups with supreme court nominations. look at what happened with brett kavanaugh. it delayed things by a couple of weeks. you had it with clarence thomas. harriet meyers in 2005, george w. bush's nominee, white house counsel had to withdraw. if anything curbs it or throws it into the ditch no way they can get this done by november 3, trace. >> trace: chad pergram live on capitol hill. thank you. >> sandra: fox news alert now
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to capitol hill where former f.b.i. director james comey is testifying before a senate panel at this hour on the origins of the russia investigation. we're watching that. plus the spin game in full swing after both campaigns claim victory after the debate last night. who was the winner? was there one? >> i've been asked a question about race. if you want to answer about something else, go ahead. i think that the country would be better served if we allowed both people to speak with fewer interruptions. i'm appealing to you, sir, to do that. veteran homeowners: newday's helping thousands of veterans
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download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. >> sandra: fox news alert on this wednesday morning. a live look at the senate hearing happening on capitol hill. we've been watching this and monitoring it for news. the former f.b.i. director james comey is testifying before the senate judiciary committee and taking questions about the f.b.i.'s actions in the early stage of the russia probe which the agency code named crossfire hurricane. we'll continue to monitor that hearing and bring you updates from it as we get them. >> president trump: with a billion dollars. >> that is absolutely not true. >> gentlemen, i hate to raise my voice but why should i be different than the two of you? >> sandra: the reviews and reaction are pouring in after
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the first presidential debate traded some serious discussion for name calling, interruptions. there were taunts from both sides, from both the president and the former vice president, and the arguing between both of them that made fox's chris wallace have to step in on a few occasions as the moderator of that big debate last night. what night it was. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm sandra smith. >> trace: like a wrestling match. good morning, i'm trace gallagher. checking out the reaction from coast to coast. newspapers using words like nasty, vicious attacks, fiery squabbling and debate debacle to describe last night as both sides are declaring themselves the winner. >> we all know donald trump to be a fighter and he had to get out there and he had to fight. unfortunately joe biden was telling some very clear lies about him, about his positions on things. about the jobs he and his administrations have done. >> i think the american people
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benefited from a clear contrast. on the one hand you had joe trying to bring some semblance of maturity to a conversation. on the other hand you had a donald trump spending time interrupting, bullying the moderator and lying. >> sandra: that was kamala harris reacting last night. we have live team coverage for you this morning. hillary vaughn is in cleveland with the biden campaign. but we begin with kristin fisher live at the white house for us this morning. kristin, which moment is the trump campaign playing off as a big win for them this morning? >> they're playing up more style than substance. all those interruptions and moments where the president was talking over joe biden and the moderator chris wallace, the trump campaign is saying that shows the president's strengths and joe biden's weakness. two top trump campaign officials are describing the president this morning as a dominant force who controlled every moment of the debate last night. >> the sense in the west wing is that the president was
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strong. he had a command of the facts. he was able to defend his record of as the clips played on law and order, for example. joe biden saying that antifa is an idea. ideas don't burn down buildings like we've seen in portland and seattle. >> joe biden was parroting what the head of the f.b.i. said last thursday. wray said it is an ideology not a defined organization but a real thing. one of the moments that campaign is playing down the moment that president trump was asked to condemn white supremacists and they will them to stand down. he said he would condemn them but asked for the name of a specific group when joe biden called out the proud boys which has been designated a hate group by the southern poverty law center and when the president told the proud boys to quote, stand back and stand by. a phrase the group is now celebrating. when sandra asked the white
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house communications director to clarify what the president meant by stand by, here is what she said. >> i don't think that there is anything to clarify. he told them to stand back. this president has federal resources when violent crime warrants it in cities. he doesn't need vigilantism. that's never what we've called for. >> he will leave for battleground minnesota, a fundraiser, big rally tonight. after that just 15 days to go until the next presidential debate. buckle up. >> sandra: we will indeed. kristin fisher, that's a lot. all right. thank you, live from the white house this morning. >> trace: joe biden heading out on the campaign train trip today after his team declared victory in the first debate. the former vice president saying this before boarding. watch. >> does your president understand at all what you are going through? does he see you where you are
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and where you want to be? does he care or does he just ignore you and all the folks all over america who are in a similar situation? >> trace: hillary vaughn is live from cleveland. the amtrak station in ohio, hillary. >> hi, trace. biden kicks off the busiest day on the campaign trail for him since the primaries by hopping aboard the amtrak train. he will hit seven cities by playing passengers on one of his favorite modes of transportation. the sound of a commuter train that biden often heard on his commute from wilmington to washington for decades while he served in the senate. that familiar sound interrupted biden's remarks today for just a moment. >> here comes the train to make sure they continue to run.
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now, back to commuter, all right. wow. >> the train tour starts in cleveland, ohio and ends in johnstown, pennsylvania today with a drivein event that has thembers of the public in attendance similar to what we saw when biden accepted the nomination. a lot of manufacturing workers, almost 100,000 of them in those two counties have jobs in manufacturing so he took time in his remarks today to attack trump for several car manufacturers leaving state. today biden's campaign is chugging along a victory lap after last night's heated debate. >> joe biden offered strong ideas, trump offered only interruptions and lies. president trump was desperate and weak and angry. he is losing the race and tonight he lost his temper.
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>> even though the former vice president on stage last night told the current president of the united states to at one point shut up, the biden campaign is saying biden did not lose his temper, it was trump. trace. >> trace: hillary vaughn live in cleveland. thank you. >> sandra: the "wall street journal" editorial board declaring there were no winners last night. its headline this morning reads a depressing debate spectacle. the sub headline said pro wrestlers are better than either of the candidates for the debate. james, what did you think? >> it was ugly at least with pro-wrestling you get some entertainment value. it was hard to watch. i wouldn't be surprised if it depresses turnout on both sides. the constant annoying interruption s for mr. biden
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one insult after another. all about the president's failings or alleged failings and then when he got around finally to talking about his own programs, biden seemed confused about whether he was for the green new deal or against it. >> sandra: i hear you talking about the interruptions on the part of the president and insults on the part of joe biden. you could say the same on both sides as we saw the debate. the editorial page wording. mr. trump no doubt wanted to project strength and rattle mr. biden but he interrupted him so much he wouldn't let mr. biden talk enough long enough even to make a mistake. the former vice president wasn't much better interrupting nearly as much. james. >> lots of insults and distortions about the president. i think mr. trump may have really not done himself any favor with some of the
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interruptions where i think former vice president biden was trying to struggle to make the case and so besides being rude i don't think the president's interruptions were necessarily helpful to him, either. so hard to see any winners there. i think a lot of people watching that thinking how did we end up with these two? but we'll see. there will be a few more opportunities. i'm not sure if it fundamentally changes the race either way. looking at the better markets this morning they suggest maybe more of a problem for mr. trump. we'll see. >> sandra: the white house was challenged on the combative style of both candidates in this particular interview talking to the white house this morning i asked alyssa farah about the president going at it in the way he did and his style. she explained what we saw as this. >> the president is a tough, strong guy who has been in this job and gotten results. it is not for the faint of
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heart to be president of the united states. you don't accomplish what he has accomplished when you are weak. >> sandra: so that was their take this morning. as far as both sides it appears as the "wall street journal" is writing no one came out a winner last night and appears from what we heard this morning from the biden campaign and the white house that each side is declaring victory, james. no surprise there. >> yeah, i wonder watching it if perhaps mr. trump was kind of looking at the 2012 tape of joe biden debating paul ryan in the vice presidential debate. in that case the roles were reversed. mr. biden spent the night interrupting paul ryan over and over again. it was sort of a strategy trump used last night to try and sort of dominate the discussion. and i don't -- i don't know whether ultimately viewers will view it as strength or just
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kind of insufferable. i don't -- i don't see a winner last night either way. >> sandra: with the short time i have left there seems to be this idea floating around perhaps there won't be more debates. there are two more scheduled presidential debates. the vice presidential debate next week. biden camp has shot that down. kamala harris said biden is looking forward to debating the president again. the atlantic has a call to cancel the debates. does the biden camp think that again they are shooting that down but why is that being floated so much this morning and last night, by the way? >> well, i think it's natural for people who believe to want to not have further debates. currently most of the polls you look at for vice president biden is in the lead. i think it's expected some of his partisans would want to run out the clock here.
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but i think debates generally are enlightening. sometimes when it's even beyond the substance they take a measure of the people on stage. that can be valuable, too. even if it's painful to watch, i think they certainly have value and it sounds like we are going to see more of them and i wouldn't be surprised if there is a different tone and a different approach maybe from both men next time. >> sandra: the next one two weeks from now is a town hall format. appreciate it, james. >> i'm not predicting more dignity of the could be a different story next time. >> sandra: james freeman from the "wall street journal." thanks. >> trace: the fighter jet crashing after a midair collision. what the pilots were doing when the planes clipped wings knocking them out of the sky. new cases of coronavirus
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spiking in new york city just as the city takes its first step to bring back indoor dining. plus what we're learning from today's testimony about the russia investigation and the hillary clinton campaign. was the f.b.i. guilty of a double standard? that's next. >> every american should be worried about this. this is not just an abuse of power against mr. page and the trump campaign. this is a system failure. ful sun with spray mopping to lock away debris and absorb wet messes, all in one disposable pad. just vacuum, spray mop, and toss. the shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one disposable pad.
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>> sandra: former f.b.i. director james comey is right now testifying before the senate judiciary committee. you are looking at senator dick durbin there. new questions about operation crossfire hurricane are being directed at the former f.b.i. director known as the russia investigation. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel is live in washington what so far have we learned from this hearing this morning? good morning. >> right off the bat chairman lindsey graham focused on the steele dossier that launched the russia probe. >> the dossier that was central and essential to getting the warrant had so many holes shot through it that it became almost a joke. >> let's take a look at the
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senate judiciary committee. james comey appearing virtually. chairman graham focusing early on errors revealed by michael horowitz that led to getting a warrant on trump campaign aide carter page. >> do you agree with mr. horowitz that the dossier was central and essential to the carter page fisa warrant application being approved? >> i agree that it was important. i can't tell you whether it was essential and by that i mean it wouldn't have been granted without the steele information. >> chairman graham going after the broader russia investigation. >> how would you rate the crossfire hurricane investigation in terms of being done thoroughly by the book, and investigation the f.b.i. should be proud of? >> i'm not sure i can apply a number scale but i would say in the main it was done by the book.
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it was appropriate and it was essential that it be done. >> today f.b.i. spokesperson said the f.b.i. has been and will continue to be fully cooperative with all congressional inquiries and department of justice reviews into the crossfire hurricane investigation. we also expect there to be some focus on current russian interference efforts. graham has called former director comey about as radioactive as you can get. there will likely be some fireworks. >> sandra: we'll continue monitoring that hearing. >> trace: for more on this ian prior is a former director of public affairs for the justice department. i want to play one more back and forth between senator lindsey graham and former f.b.i. director. >> is there anybody there advocating for mr. page during the warrant process? >> meaning it's one side represented? >> i want to understand this. an ex parte event. it means the cops have a duty
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to tell the court when they find things beneficial to the person under investigation. the question was that bias. at what point in time do you put two and two together? >> trace: james comey acknowledged the fisa warrant process was sloppy. the more we learn and more information comes the light it appears it is a lot more than sloppy. your thoughts. >> it's a lot more than sloppy. if this didn't involve donald trump this would be the biggest scandal possibly in american history where you have the surveillance state operated by the f.b.i. working with the c.i.a., n.s.a. spying on a presidential campaign in an effort to derail that presidential campaign and then worse once that president is elected, they restart it, redouble their efforts in order to essentially take away his
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ability to govern for the first 2 1/2 years of his administration. it is very unfortunate that people aren't paying more attention to this not just for the political ramifications but for the policy ramifications and what it means to have a responsible law enforcement agency in the federal government conducting itself as it should be by the law. >> trace: you heard former director comey say that he thinks the crossfire hurricane thing was done quite well and thinks they did a good job. >> that's just james comey covering himself. the fact of the matter is -- [inaudible] breaking up a little bit. the fact of the matter is just a few days ago they released information that russians knew about hillary clinton -- [inaudible] >> trace: have we lost him? yeah. we just lost ian prior there. dick durbin the senator from
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illinois questioning james comey there. james comey as we have seen in interviews and with a lot of other kinds of testimony like this between -- before the senate he gives very short answers and tends to not give up very much. let's bring back ian prior he is up again. i want to read this. we move on here and what would you go in there asking for, ian? what would you want to glean from the former f.b.i. director. while we lost you there i was saying he doesn't the end to give up very much. he gives very short answers. doesn't give up much. what would you focus on if you were in that senate room today? >> well, i would be very focused on this latest information from the director of national intelligence that russian misinformation played a role in this. the f.b.i. knew it and the f.b.i. did nothing about it. that is extremely concerning. look, russia's whole goal here despite what people on the left will tell you was not to elect donald trump. it was to sew chaos in the
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american system and american discourse. they succeeded beyond their wildest imagination. but 3 1/2 years we've been talking about this and it has divided america even more than it may have been before. >> trace: the director of national intelligence john ratcliffe provided this information. on september 7, 2016 u.s. intelligence agencies forwarded reports to peter strzok regarding u.s. presidential candidate hillary clinton's approval of a plan concerning u.s. presidential candidate donald trump and russian hackers hampering u.s. elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private mail server and hillary clinton comes back into the fold. your final thoughts on this, ian. >> it's unfortunate. hillary clinton at that time she was staffed. her campaign was staffed with former state department employees, she was well
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connected with the obama administration. this is a major problem that a presidential administration, its allies were working with the campaign to utilize disinformation that filtered through the russians to essentially divide america. you are looking at those divisions today. i put the blame on hillary clinton and on president obama and i put the blame on james comey. >> trace: ian prior, good to see you, sir. >> thank you. >> sandra: more fallout now from the pandemic as disney makes a major announcement affecting thousands of its employees. plus it was the presidential debate seen and heard around the world. what our allies overseas are saying about what they saw last night and there is plenty of reaction at home. fox news contributor lisa boothe will weigh in on the exchanges that everybody is talking about this morning. (♪ )
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>> sandra: top headlines at the bottom of the hour. new york city's string of low coronavirus cases is now over. health officials reporting a spike in positive tests. the positivity rate in new york city rising to its highest since june on the day that restaurants are reopening for indoor dining. >> trace: firefighters battling
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will wildfire in california wine country report slow progress. only 2% contained after days trying to stop its spread. it has already destroyed more than 60 homes in napa and sonoma counties. >> sandra: disney set to lay off nearly 30,000 workers as the pandemic keeps hammering away at the theme park's profits. they make up more than a third of the company's revenues leaving them major losses for disney since the crisis began. >> trace: the international debate, they tuned in for impact on foreign interests. some described witnessing chaos. greg palkot is live in london. what has been the reaction over there? >> interesting, trace. a lot of interest in the u.s. presidential election here and around the world. especially in the just wrapped
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up debate between president trump and former vice president biden. it was on at an inconvenient time in many places. many of us stayed up. foreign policy didn't come up. it seemed that everybody abroad reacted the morning after and it wasn't pretty. china was actually mentioned including by president trump regarding covid-19. the editor of the state newspaper there wrote chaos, interruptions, personal attacks, insults were on display. inspiring in his words mixed feelings on american politics. the kremlin's spokesman had no comment on the debate itself but in the wake of this event they wanted to repeat their longstanding claim that russia is not going to intervene in u.s. domestic affairs. and here in europe dismay, i think, was the common emotion. danish prime minister noted harsh words, polarized and split.
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childish and grueling by french papers, italy, a country not known for its stability in politics remarked never had american politics sunk so low. trace, here in the u.k. which also regularly sees verbal things thrown between one politician and another the london times wrote the clearest loser from this debate was america. special relationship indeed. back to you. >> trace: greg palkot live in london. thank you. >> president trump: somebody has to do something antifa and the left. this is not a right wing. this is a left wing. this is a left wing -- >> will you shut up, man? >> president trump: who is on your list? >> gentleman, we have ended
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this segment. >> sandra: one of the heated moments last night. why trump resorted to torching the debate. unlike in 2016 he doesn't have a clear message. what remained was bullying, interruptions and provocation. lisa boothe joining us now. give us your reaction to the debate? >> hi, sandra. i think that president trump, despite some of the demeanor aspects came across as strong, was able to defend his administration in the past four years and also some of the stances he has taken previously. joe biden refused to take stances on things like putting out a list of supreme court nominees or where he stands on court packing. i actually think the former vice president looked quite weak on the stage last night. >> sandra: not the way nancy pelosi, not hocking but not the way she saw it. here is the speaker. >> it was really a sad night
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for our country in that the president of the united states would not disassociate himself from white supremacists, terrorists in our country. i lost a lot of sleep last night over that one fact. but i did know that he has never respected the dignity of his office and he demonstrated that last night. >> sandra: what about that moment? he was pressed by chris wallace on white supremacy, proud boys moment. standing out to critics that a clear, easy way for him to denounce that but he instead said proud boys stand back, stand by. i asked the white house about it earlier, asked if there was a clarification on the part of the white house and president. nothing to clarify is what we were told. >> how many times does one person have to denounce white supremacy? he has done so numerous times. joe biden never gets asked about the terrible comments he
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made in the past like saying you have to have an indian accent to go into a seven 11 or poor kids can be as bright as white kids. it is hard to take nancy pelosi -- democrats have been largely silent as groups like antifa and black lives matter burn down american cities. the strongest argument that president trump made last night he has more done in 47 months than joe biden has in 47 years. he should lean into that fighter persona, it is effective. he can point to usmca, getting mexico to step up on illegal immigration. half of the israel/middle east deals have happened under him and serbia and kosovo. what has biden done? >> sandra: that's the point we lost the substance because of the back and forth.
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even chris christie saying the performance was too hot. he said, quote, with all that heat you lose the light. i think it's an important point to make. exercise to debate for the american people to learn about the issues. ted cruz reacted. his take was very interesting. listen. >> i thought it was a raucous debate. it kind of reminded me of detroit pistons basketball in the 90s where there were a lot of hard fouls, a lot of missed shots. but at the end of the day i doubt the debate changed the election in any fundamental way. i think if you started the debate with trump you're still with him. if you started the debate with biden you are still with him. >> sandra: final thought from you, lisa. but it's an interesting point to make whether any minds were changed. final thoughts. >> i didn't see any light from joe biden on the stage last night. joe biden is responsible for one of the most single biggest
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defining moments in american history. he was in charge of the robert bork confirmation hearing where he led the character assassination of robert bork that changed the dynamics in the country that led to the politics of personal destruction and he did the same thing to clarence thomas as well when he was senate judiciary committee chairman. democrats accused romney of being sexist. not a lot of moral high ground from the left on that issue. there were a lot of substantive issues like the coronavirus and law and order that were addressed last night. i disagree with people like chris christie. >> sandra: two more big presidential debates and a v.p. debate next week. lisa boothe, great to get your reaction this morning. thank you. >> trace: developing this morning an investigation now underway after two military planes collided midair in california yesterday.
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cell phone video captures the moments a marine corps f-5 fighter jet crashed after clipping the wing of a refueling plane. lucas tomlinson is live at the pentagon. are the pilots okay here? >> nobody was killed when a $100 million stealth fighter jet was lost. eyewitness on the ground spoke to our affiliate in palm springs. >> we heard a loud explosion and looked up and we saw what looked to be like planes that had collided and it seemed obvious one was going off and trailing a little bit of smoke. the other one was pretty much a fireball. >> the crash took place a mile from palm springs at 4:00 p.m. local time. a statement from the marine court air station says the f-35 made contact with the other plane during refueling. the pilot was able to eject before the fighter jet crashed and treated in a local hospital.
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others survived after making an emergency grash landing at a nearby airport. two propelors were destroyed and fuel leaking from the wing. the cause of the crash is under investigation. a similar tanker crashed in the mississippi delta in 2017 killing all aboard. there was also another involved in the midair coalition off the coast of japan killing multiple marines. this spring another jet crashed. the f-35 is the same jet israeli had had -- some of that technology could wind up in iranian or chinese hands. >> trace: lucas, thank you. >> sandra: voters in one major city demanding answers after tens of thousands received absentee ballots with the wrong names on the return envelope. plus chaos and confusion dominating the first presidential debate last night. what the biden campaign is
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saying about that showdown now. dropped even lower. e at newday, veterans can shortcut the refinance process and save $250 a month. $3000 dollars a year. with the va streamline refi at newday, there's no appraisal, no income verification, and no out of pocket costs. one call can save you $3000 a year.
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>> sandra: the new york city' elections board facing heavy criticism after 100,000 new yorkers received absentee ballots with the wrong names and addresses on the return envelopes. eric shawn is live in new york city. >> president trump tweeted this is a big mess, a big fraud. he says it's unfix able. the new york city board of elections is trying to fix the problem and correct absentee ballot mix-up. it will resend nearly 100,000 ballots to voters who may have gotten the wrong one. the voters in brooklyn they received envelopes intended for other people. it resulted in voters receiving ballots with someone else's name and address printed on the return envelope. the secrecy envelope. the one you put your vote in and mail back to the board of
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elections with your vote inside it. we saw one example from one voter. the ballot had his correct name and address but the envelope inside was for somebody else. in the last hour new york mayor bill deblasio say the agency has to be fixed. >> what we have now is not working. the state hasn't worked to change it and why we have the problem year after year. it is the state's responsibility to fix the board of elections period. >> the board pins the problem on the company it uses to print the ballots and will send new corrective absentee ballots to the voters who received the wrong ones. an attorney who sued the board in other cases. if voters don't catch the mistake or send in the new ballot their votes will be rejected. >> we make every ballot received, it will be invalid. those votes will not count. i cannot vote and send in a
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ballot and sign for a ballot in someone else's name. >> officials say the new york city board of elections uses two printing companies for their ballots in new york city and the problem was only with one of the companies and they are trying to fix it. back to you, sandra. >> sandra: thank you. >> trace: joe biden is still planning to participate in the final two debates despite repeated interruptions from president trump during the first match-up. according to "politico" some democrats say their nominee should reconsider or demand rule changes for the next debate. jose aristimuno joining us now. kamala harris was asked on cnn about future debates and said this, watch. >> joe biden is never going to refuse to talk to the american people and have any opportunity that he can to speak directly to american families and speak about the issues, speak the truth. and address the facts of where
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we are now. >> trace: it appears the debates will go on, jose. any changes you would like to see in those debates? >> look, i mean, the most important thing is that they continue to debate, trace. there was a clear winner and this is not just me saying this, most debate watchers over 60% said that biden looked presidential. biden can do this. the republicans, let me say something very clear. the whole nonsense about biden not being fit to be president and having mental issues. that is literally now put aside. what we saw yesterday from joe biden was presidential. what we saw from president trump was a child. he played the victim the whole time. blaming the media, saying that they are being unfair when it comes to the reporting. how about we talk to the families, the american families who lost somebody because of coronavirus? how about mr. president you take the opportunity last night to distance yourself from white supremacists but you don't do it because we know the real
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president trump is a racist. he doesn't represent america and we need to get him out of the white house in november. >> trace: you say everybody. the "wall street journal" said biden's debate seemed a bit scripted. others thought president trump won it. some said biden looked weak. he needs to be stronger and he simply wasn't. your response to that. >> well, i don't know which debate they were watching. i saw president trump nervous. he was pretty much almost shaking. he kept interrupting the vice president. why? he has zero solutions. he has zero solutions for coronavirus. zero solutions for the economy. zero solutions for the american people. that's why he is interrupting the whole time. he has nothing to say. all he does is talk but doesn't provide solutions to the american people. >> biden called him a cloud. he called him a fool. he said shut up.
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prenty of actry money on both sides. >> we know president trump. he is a bully. you have to talk to people to their face. we know this way back from the primaries four years ago. >> trace: you are saying the president interrupting him and who joe biden interrupts the president is because he is a bully? >> the president interrupted him at least 80% more than what biden interrupted president trump. there is -- there has to come a sense that when the president continues to interrupt when it is joe biden's turn to speak, when the moderator said mr. president, please let joe biden speak and he didn't do it. look, man, enough, let me finish my thoughts. let the american people decide. >> trace: jose, good to see you. thank you. sir. >> thanks, man. >> sandra: all right, fox news alert here. we're watching a live look at the train as joe biden has embarked on this train tour
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heading from ohio to pennsylvania. for many stops he has been making just pulled into the station there. alliance, ohio, where he is expected to hold an event there before he moves on. eventually crossing over the border, but the former vice president after the big debate last night has just arrived there. we are told by the way that not only is he expected to make remarks but also take questions on this first stop of his post debate train tour. we'll continue to watch this. we'll take a quick break and be right back. just over a year ago, i was drowning in credit card debt. sofi helped me pay off twenty-three thousand dollars
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>> breaking news. you are looking live at alliance, ohio, the first of 3 stops on joe biden's whistle
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stop train tour. he will not only speakers he will take questions and the big thing he is going to be asked about again and again, will he agree to packing the supreme court? what would be his potential nominees for the supreme court? the former vice-president is expected to speak any minute. we will bring that to you live including the question and answer session that might follow. this is the first stop in ohio. he goes on from here to a couple more stops in pennsylvania. this really is back to the former vice president biden's roots. he said he logged 2.1 million miles on amtrak. >> sandra: start counting. donald trump won the vote 56% in 2016 to hillary clinton 39%. democrats feel they can flip a
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lot of these ohio counties blue after trump won them in 2016. he will stop there and take questions. we will be watching. >> bill: and the polls in ohio have joe biden up 4. within the margin of error. the president i think so he can swing that. the vice-president will always go on to pennsylvania where is he leading there. more coming up moments from now. wow. that will save me lots of money. this game's boring. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ - with spray moppingrk vacmop to lock away debrisuction and absorb wet messes, all in one disposable pad. just vacuum, spray mop, and toss. the shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one disposable pad.
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>> bill: there is alliance, ohio, the first stop on joe biden's train tour. >> sandra: he will go to on pennsylvania. the president in minnesota. we are be back here tomorrow. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> ♪ >> melissa: a fox news alert. reaction after last night's first presidential debate and the tension was high in cleveland, ohio. president trump and joe biden sparring throughout the evening on a range of issues from the coronavirus pandemic to the u.s. supreme court vacancy and the integrity of our elections. the debate frequently got personal. >> i resent --know. >> i am talking about hunter. hunter got thrown out of the military. >> everybody knows he is a


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