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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  September 30, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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tomorrow night, the president will be joining us for an exclusive interview post debate right here, hannity 9:00 eastern. never miss an episode, that is all the time we have left this evening but let not your heart be troubled, she's standing by to fire it up ready go, laura ingraham takes it away. >> laura: the president is on fire tonight in duluth, minnesota, we're going to go right back to his speech and pick it up on the other side. >> president trump: with your help, your devotion, and your drive, we are going to keep working. we are going to keep fighting and we are going to keep on winning, winning, winning. [cheers and applause] it's true, we are going to keep winning. where is jason? jason's going to come and be your senator. you're going to win so much,
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should i do it or not? beautiful crescendo of the speech and now i have to brunette with a story about jason, let's do it anyway. we're going to win it so much. minnesota before i came along is not doing too well and then you had your best years ever. we're going to win it so much and you're going to go and see your great senator jason lewis. and you're going to see emmer and all of them. you're going to say please go see the president, we are winning too much, minnesota, we aren't used to winning too much, it's too much. please go see. go see the president, we are winning too much, we can't stand it. for years we've done poorly before he came along and we are growing stronger than ever before. we don't want to win so much mr. senator. so your senator is going to come in, high, how are you doing?
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minnesota is winning too much, we have to stop. what are you talking about? we have to stop, too much winning, we have to stop it. jason, let me tell you, i know the people of minnesota and they love winning. they're going to keep winning and they're going to win. we are going to keep on winning and you're going to have the greatest year that you've ever had next year and the year after and that's where it's heading, i just want to thank you, jason, i'm sorry, i will not follow your wish. thank you very much. we are one movement, one family, one beautiful people, one glorious nation under god. and together with the incredible people of minnesota, we will make america wealthy again. we will make america strong again, we will make america proud again, we will make america safe again, and we will
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make america great again, thank you minnesota! ♪ [cheers and applause] >> laura: the president just wrapping up in duluth, minnesota, after a raucous debate and last night's debate proved a point. pretty much the entirety of trump's presidency, when they can't beat him on policy they dropped on the race card. candace owens fact-check the latest white supremacist smear. also what you didn't see inside raymond arroyo scranton focus group, plus he brings up the low lights from biden's sleepy whistle stop tour today. some people miss all this stuff, raymond gets it. but first from effects beyond debate, that's the focus of tonight's angle.
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while the debate scoring and the snap poll analysis consumes hours of cable commentary, in the end back i'm not sure any of it matters, not much anyway. could the president have sold his own record better, yeah. he sold it tonight in minnesota, i can tell you that. does he need to remember swing voters and suburban women still need convincing, i guess so. did biden laub in fifth grade insults at the president in order to get under his skin? absolutely. did biden lie about everything from his support of the great new deal to what antifa that represents? of course he did. and did the media declared by the in the winter just as they did with hillary in 2016? of course the media did that. remember, the democrat at a debate always triumphs here at >> joe biden acted like a human being, donald trump acted like a defile or. >> donald trump declared war on
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decency and on democracy last night, in a way that is utterly unmistakable. >> voters overwhelmingly saw her last night that joe biden won that debate. donald trump set himself on fire in front of a hundred million people. >> laura: that is so predictable and i find it really boring. so tonight, it's useful to remember what is beyond debate. the successes of president trump's america first agenda, they are stunning. and they have to be calmly and forcefully emphasized and personalized and the antifreedom, anti-prosperity plan has to be exposed and explained. we know biden is too weak to stop the riots, he is too weak to resist the radicals in his own party. there are other key points that must be said and said again. here are some of the points
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beyond debate. president trump has delivered peace and prosperity, remember when they said he was going to blow up the world? know he's been nominated for a nobel peace prize. number 2, a vote for biden is about to immediately locked on the contrary, that's what the doctors will tell him. number 3, a vote for biden is a vote strengthen china's hand. number 4, if democrats end up controlling all levers of government, americans will be poorer and less free. even during this pandemic, trump is still delivering and i mean big time. all 11 major indices soared today on the news that private sector hiring is up and home sales unbelievable are at record levels. the chicago pmi jumped to 62.4, the highest level since decembe.
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think about what would've happened had we done but biden's team wanted. we would be locking down again and our economy would be maybe worse pains in italy's italy's economies are, in the toilet. as for biden's idiotic comment that only the rich get richer in trumps economy, check this out from the latest federal reserve report. families of the top of the income and wealth distributions experienced very little, if any growth in net worth between 2016 and 2019, while families near the bottom of the income and wealth distributions generally continued to experience substantial gain. there is more. net worth increased 32.5% among the lowest income quintile and 30.7% among the second lowest. net worth also increased among blacks, 32.1% -- wow.
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hispanics, 63.6% compared to whites, 4%. that is a billboard. think about this, listen to what all those people you saw -- the wealth gap shrank dramatically under trump policies after widening in the obama-biden years. i've said this so many times i'm getting bored and i don't understand this for the life of me, i don't understand why trump doesn't lead every speech on the economy with this fact -- americans made more money during first three years in office, median income was up at $6,000 per family. this is real money to real people, in fact it's more than double the income gains that americans saw in the 16 years under bush and obama. obama only got us back to the 2,000 level of bush.
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you once just be voting to make yourself poorer. you would be voting for less freedom. the president needs to spell this out. if you want to see your daughter go to her prom next year. if you want to have your kids in school full time, if you want to go to church regularly, maybe even sing at church, if you want to actually celebrate your faith traditions, holidays, easter sunday, maybe with your friends and family, travel somewhere -- if you want to get back to your life, than voting for biden is out of the questi question. his national strategy, we hear about national strategy -- he copies most of what trump already said but the national strategy that he doesn't want to talk about is one of control, confinement, and decline masquerading as "i'm going to be listening to the doctors." no wonder china loves biden so much. under his policy, we will be
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engineering our own downfall, china doesn't have to do it for us. then you will see a permanent divide between the haves, the elites, and the have-nots. for me and i bet for a lot of you, i prefer a country where we the people are in charge of our own destiny. one where we make our own decisions about risks and rewards. it is beyond debate that we are always better off when we err on the side of more freedom and less government. the people pulling biden's strings believe the opposite. they don't trust you. most of them don't even like y you. remember, it's beyond debate that they think we are a systemically racist country, we are a nation conceived evil, not liberty. why would you want to help them hurt you? that's the angle.
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joining me now was mollie hemingway senior editor of "the federalist" and ari fleischer former white house secretary, both are fox news contributor's. you re-watched the debate today and you found out something very interesting about the much discussed interruptions. what did you notice the second time around? >> i only rewash the beginning of it. >> you're not totally nuts, got it. >> i was listening to the news and heard about interruption, interruption and there was plenty of it, too much interruption and i thought who started it, let's take a look, i went back in said let's take a look at the beginning of the debate. president trump answered for 2 minutes uninterrupted, then it went to joe biden, he answered for trickle minutes, then again it was donald trump's turn. when trump started to speak, joe biden interrupted him, not once, not twice, but three tim
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times. that's what got the night off on such a discordant, noisy note. it was joe biden. for everybody constantly, throughout the trump presidency, saying the president violence norms, goes too far, does too much, it's all most always the case it's the democrats who do it. certainly it was joe biden who got the ball rolling in that direction last night. >> laura: the commission on presidential debates responded to last night's debate by saying they might change some of the debate rules. this is reportedly one of the changes being considered. >> the rules were quite obviously flouted, that gives the commission more leverage. here is a technical point of leverage, the commission controls the audio feed, the networks handle the tv part so it needs negotiations with campaigns. they can say if you don't do what we want, we can cut your sound off. >> laura: the democrats as a party want less freedom and now
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we are seeing the debate commission wants less speech, this is about muzzling trump, is it not? >> it is and these kinds of changes wouldn't be happening if people thought that joe biden was effective last night or if they thought donald trump hadn't pummeled joe biden which he did. it is important that people be allowed to speak and it is particularly the case for donald trump. many people in the media have decided to help joe biden along. one of the only times that donald trump can press the issues that he thinks joe biden is weak on is in those debates. there should be opportunity -- i actually think it's great if the trickle individuals can spar even more, they shouldn't interrupt or make it difficult to hear but it's good to hear people going against each other and talking about how they are different. i was thinking about last night's debate, another thing that was beyond debate are some of these cultural issues as well. when donald trump was asked about banning critical race
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theory programs for federal employees that teach hatred based along racial lines, he explained why he did it -- not because he opposes racial sensitivity training, sought what they are. but because he thinks these programs teach hatred for our founding, these are things that would also happen after the debate, some these cultural issues, some people have been teaching hatred for the country and has led to unrest in the streets. if people getting mobbed while they are having dinner on the street and nothing being done about it. >> laura: i want to play joe biden's thoughts on the debate. >> the president of the united states conducting himself the way he did, i think was a national embarrassment. >> laura: a national embarrassment from a man who calls the president a clown, a racist and describes america
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systemically unjust and racist. >> who was on your list? >> will you shut up, man? >> it's hard to get any word and with this clown. >> do you have an idea what this clown is doing? >> you're the worst president america has ever had. >> laura: who is insulting whom here? nancy pelosi said something similar that trump had a nervous breakdown. >> they insulted each other. biden did more insulting, the president said don't ever tell me you're smart -- they both went after each other. my objection here is the voters of the ones who need to hear. it's less about whether the candidates have the right to speak, it's whether we as the voters can hear. i think the president made a tactical error because when he talked over joe biden in that moment and said where's your list? biden was flailing and failing and the president didn't let it
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sink ends of the american people would have said biden is withholding information who is the good name to the court. this was about whether joe biden would block or sign into law an expansion of the court to pack the court. this is what we need to hear from joe biden. the president's job is to smoke joe biden out and stop the interrupting so the american people can hear and see how far left and weak he is. >> laura: i think what happens here is the president is i think naturally and understandably so used to having the media stepped on him or reframe his comments that he feels like he has to get in there before they stop him. he jumped the gun a little bit but i think he makes a good point, the more time biden has,
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the less convincing he is. at times, let him go, then come in for the rhetorical kill. >> absolutely, if he had been left to flail as he didn't answer questions about the supreme court packing and whatnot, that would've hurt biden much more. it is interesting historically challengers do really well in their first debate against incumbent presidents, i think the fact joe biden isn't being talked about as someone who won the debate, people are talking about the debate and talking about trump, i don't think people are saying he had a particularly great performance, but remember there are three debates and historically things improve for the incumbent president. i can see people might have a lot of nervousness, but everyone needs to continue working on the debate prep for the benefit of the american people. you need to see the differences and have them really well explained. >> laura: along with the peace and prosperity, both achieved under trump's policies, what we
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find is the staffing we can expect in the biden administration, there is going to be more jim comeys, more deep states, the same characters who ran it in the obama administration are going to be back again for another go at it and that brings us to what happened on capitol hill today with the former fbi director james comey getting prepped, let's watch. >> it was done by the book, it was appropriate and it was essential that it be done. >> so you're proud of it. >> overall, i'm proud of the work. there is no indication in the inspector general would say it to be found at the people were doing bad things on purpose but that doesn't make it any less concerning -- this is an investigation that was appropriately predicated to be open to that had to be opened be opened. >> laura: appropriately predicated when the dossier was substantiated by a man who himself was deemed as a potential national security threat, a russia asset.
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>> if this is by the book, i shudder to think of how many people are unjustly prosecuted under the department of justice with james comey as the fbi director or how many people might be imprisoned falsely because that is not by the book. there is one question i wish somebody would've asked james comey today, knowing what you know now, would you have briefed president trump about that dossier? i would like to have heard the answer to that because the answer should be no. james comey at the time should've said i don't know about this dossier, i will not briefed the president-elect. that triggered the leak that buzzfeed and cnn went with, it was the event that allowed people to say -- they immediately leak the fact that the president-elect was briefed on that and ran with it and that change the course of history. it started the administration off on that note about collusion and the dossier and it never got better. >> laura: comey is responsible
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and this is a big snoozer in the mainstream probe by the media, it's like it never happened on the other networks. >> there are bombshells all over the place including yesterday we found out that james comey was alerted in september of 2016 to the fact that russia believes that hillary was developing a smear operation to link trump to russian collusion by december, they knew that the source for what he briefed to president trump was someone who suspected of being a russian agent. they also believe the same thing he briefed to president trump was russian disinformation -- everything about this has been pointing in the wrong direction and we are still waiting for accountability which is the most frustrating thing about the whole thing. >> laura: so great to see both of you tonight, thank you very much. coming up, one of the most insidious lies spread by the left over the last four years reared its ugly head in last nights debate and candace owens is here in moments to debunk it once and for all, don't want to miss it.
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♪ speak of the president of the united states refused to denounce white supremacist groups, opting instead for language many considered to be a call to action. >> why is it so difficult for
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president trump to say i condemn white supremacy? >> people who are of good faith can't deny it, he did not condemn white supremacists. >> laura: when did you stop beating your wife? come on. that broadcast across a network cable all day long. he with president trump's very clear response to this question. >> are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups, and to say that they need to stand down? are you prepared to do that? >> i'm willing to do anything -- i want to see peace. >> laura: joining me and i was own, author of "black out "i guess being against of white supremacy and saying of course, i'm for peace, that question has been asked and answered a thousand times, yet the press ot when they can't challenge him on his results.
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>> when i saw this trending again, calling trump a white supremacist and using the phrase, the dog whistle for white supremacist. as a black american, i have to say this, i am now bored. i'm bored with the dnc, i'm bored with their repeat strategy. first they lost me as a person who actually once thought i supported this party. they lost me, than they frustrated me, now i'm just plain bored. how many more times can we keep hearing them say the exact same thing? the running the same plan they ran in 2016 here again in 2020. we get it, trump is a white supremacist, you are saying. on founded claim. all of his supporters are deplorable people. unfounded claim. when they will move on to topics americans actually care about and stop with this foolishness that is rooted in complete and utter lies about the president. black americans are not that is foolish. it's exhausting. they could say anything else about him and i would find it interesting. accusing him of being a
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werewolf, accuse him of being dracula. i'm bored of hearing them say that trump is dog whistling for white supremacist. it is not true! >> laura: i think tucker said if he is a racist he's the worst racist ever because he does all this great stuff, opportunity zones, great unemployment numbers and so forth. so he's the worst racist ever. but i have to go back to something you and i have discussed before, speaking of board. but it's biden's touchstone for him. he launched his campaign, supposedly, on trump reported praise of the white supremacist and nazis in charlottesville. it's so worn out that biden splattered all over the screen again last night. >> close your eyes. remember what those people look like coming out of the field, carrying torches, their veins bulging, spewing anti-semitic bile and accompanied by the ku klux klan. a young woman got killed and
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they asked the president what he thought, he said there are very fine people on both sides. >> laura: candace, that's been debunked so many times, how did they keep getting away with this life? >> it makes me want to yon and can we talk about joe biden and his record? this is a man who said his mentor and best friend was robert byrd, the former grand wizard of the ku klux klan, so please don't play this game, joe biden, because he will lose and lose quickly. i wish trump had responded to this foolishness during the debates last night by hitting joe biden on all of this stuff. joe biden has an important record on race. you know that, i know that. he was pro-segregation. he did call black americans super predators. we need to unearth that clip. i don't know why no one is holding him accountable for that stuff. he said we wanted segregation. he said black americans prefer to be segregated and it was what we wanted. he fought for that in the senate at the same time he was authoring, which trump accurately called him out on, the 1994 crime bill.
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it was also ridiculous. >> laura: trump hit him on the super predators, but it needs to be teased out a little bit longer. the critical race theory issue, which i think a lot of people can understand what it means. kamala harris, running to nbc to hit trump for wanting to cancel this hateful critical race theory. watch. >> donald trump is an opportunity to be anything other than what he is. someone who is getting rid of training of federal employees around the issue of race and the need to be aware of implicit bias. it's not a dog whistle -- literally, he's talking through a bullhorn. >> laura: candace? >> what we need to see on the republican side, people need actually educate americans about what critical race theory is. you know what it is, i know what it is.
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they are attempting to re-segregate society like they did in the past. they are attempting to make black people and why people hate one another as well as hate the country they live in. i am personally strongly against critical race theory. it has nothing to do with empathizing or sympathizing for black people. it is about anger and it is a marxist ideology they are now trying to put in the classrooms and put into the workplace and it is wrong and trump's right to speak out against it. >> laura: you might not believe you're racist but the training tells you you're racist. you might not think anything differently of people with a different skin color, but you do feel that way. so it's a very controlling and, well, it's the old marxist playbook. candace, thank you so much. wonderful to see you tonight and we will see you soon. ahead, biden's whistle stop tour. did you see it? it swerved off the track. seen and unseen. footage from the scranton focus group. raymond arroyo has all the details next.
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♪ >> laura: it's time for seen and unseen, where we expose the big cultural and political stories of the week. joining us now with all the details, raymond arroyo, fox news contributor, author of the forthcoming "the spider who saved christmas." biden was out campaigning for a change today. >> yes, he was. he began a whistle stop tour of ohio and pennsylvania and if you thought the debate went off the rails, the biden express started losing steam before he pulled out of the station. in cleveland, there were signs of trouble almost immediately. somebody better build back better science, that one's not coming home again. then there was the birds and bees of old. remember those? biden was interrupted today by a different but very familiar sound. >> and here comes the train as you try to make sure the kids
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didn't run. now, that's the commuter. all right. [train whistle] [laughter] >> laura: well that, he does tend to get a bit distracted quite easily. my children have that problem. at least he is out campaigning. he's out campaigning. he did a number of stops, it's a very big day for him. >> well, that's true but the joe biden that his supporters saw today was markedly different from the debate biden. regular joe was back, with all the routine rambling and incoherence. >> look at your kid and say honey, it's going to be okay. well, you know, the fact is i don't expect the government to solve my problem. to speak of the walls were thin. i remember my dad rolling around at night. i could hear him, his room was
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next to me. >> president talking, what was it called, he has some name for our platform come i can't remember what it is. at the, thank you. >> how do you explain the difference between the man we saw last night and this man that ohio and pennsylvania voters were treated to today? >> laura: i'm not going to say what we were saying. no one was interrupting him, okay? >> exactly! >> laura: don't step on joe. he's bashing himself in the face. don't step on him, just let him bash himself in the face. >> without the two-minute limit and the nap time, this is the joe you get. i thought for a moment he might be, but all of a sudden, during this class warfare argument where he claims trump looks down on people like him and working class people. i don't know what he's talking about, none of this make sense
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but as you know, biden has tried to depict himself as the empathize or in chief, the man o will restore dignity and stability to the white house, but his performance last night contradicted that image. a group of uncommitted and committed voters in scranton. this was their reaction to the biden attacks. watch closely. >> it hard to get any word and with this clown. >> we heard "you're a clown," "shut up, man," "keep yapping," you didn't do what i did and 47 years." >> trump was insulting, biden was insulting, they spoke over each other. they wouldn't give in to kristen the moderator. they were trying to make points against each other to satisfy and reinforce the basis on both sides, and that kind of convinced me. >> he's a professional, come on. if we are the greatest nation in the world and this is what we
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tout ourselves, we are looking for leadership especially during covid. we are looking for leadership. we are not looking for people to snipe back and forth. >> went by and turned around and said "cloud" to the president of the united states. if a foreigner did that we would be up in arms. again, i had little respect for him. i have less now. for both of them. >> both of them. >> in the end, even the members of this panel told me they knew trump was a street fighter and blonde. that's baked in. but that performance last night may have heard biden incredibly, who has been trying to pitch himself as the decency candid knit. one of the undecideds in our group flipped to trump and they all thought it was the president with the most passion and vitality in this debate. i think that's hard to deny. >> laura: when it comes down to is you have all these suburban women and undecided swing voters who don't like trump's tweets or he's too
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brash, and they're willing to accept a lower standard of living and less freedom because they don't like's tweets? i don't know what to say to that. don't read a tweet, don't read a tweet and enjoy your peace and prosperity, that's what i'm saying. >> laura, there was also this routine that happened at this debate where trump was pushed into these loyalty oath. you will condemn this group, you will accept the results of the election, vowed that you will -- biden, he had no vowels thrown at him about hundred biden's record or about packing the court, which is pretty important. i thought there was an imbalance in the whole evening. maybe that will be cured by this town hall performance next week. >> laura: i never like the town hall form, frankly. member of the focus group were also concerned about the mail-in ballots and the security about the election. >> there was a question about the confidence in this election.
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how confident are you that we will have a fair election this time? are you confident? raise your hand if you're confident. three people are confident we will have a fair election. why aren't you confident will have a fair election? >> over and over again, they are found either in a trash bag like the president said, or in a creek floating somewhere. >> it's been proven, the fbi has proven it, it's a fact that ballots were tampered with. >> the people need to have access and right now there is one party in control and they are not getting the access. >> who is that party? speak of the democrats. they are not getting the access. i'm in undecided about joe biden based upon the local democrats. if the local democrats are treating me this way, i can only imagine how joe biden is going to treat me once they complete the entire dictatorship that they got going on. >> laura: we are almost out of time, but the president said
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tonight everyone should get out and vote now. different what he said before, show up on election day. he said get out and vote now and people are very worried about this or keep your eye on. >> sleeper issue. >> laura: fantastic focus group. thank you so much. still ahead, the real reason behind democratic governors forcing americans to wear a ma mask. the shocking admission caught on tape when we return. how do i re? hmm!.. hmm!.. hmm!.. (woman on porch vo) can we vote by mail here? (grandma vo) you'll be safe, right? (daughter vo) yes! (four girls vo) the polls! voted! (grandma vo) go out and vote! it's so important! (man at poll vo) woo! (grandma vo) it's the most important thing you can do!
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♪ >> laura: i told you this, democratic governors across the nation are laying the groundwork for a national mask mandate that will be enforced under a biden presidency. yesterday, we might have heard the truth to slip. pennsylvania governor, outrageously bad, tom wolf was caught on a hot mic admitting this about masks. >> laura: so that it's on camera. what a fraud. remember ralph northam not wearing a mask at virginia beach? it's all political theater. new york governor andrew cuomo also whose estate lost more lives to covid than any other, actually had the gall to say this yesterday.
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>> i put my head on the pillow at night saying i saved lives. that's how i sleep at night. and i know we have. >> laura: what a stand-up guy. the thousands of new yorkers who lost loved ones in nursing homes, i think they have a little different opinion. cardiologist extraordinaire and ceo. doctor, i want to start with governor wolf. he quite literally let his mask slip, did he not? political theater. >> let's be candid, he obviously knows, as we do, the literature on masks. since 1981 we know that masks really don't stop transmission. they show that the university of edinburgh, subsequently, in the may of this year the cdc published their guidance on nonpharmacological measures for influenza-like measures. they quoted 14 randomized, controlled studies, all of which
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show that masks do nothing to limit that transition. they sound like they know the literature as well as you and i do, and they are rather snarky about it, unfortunately. >> laura: of course, joe biden threw that out there come a thing because a 100,000 lives of everyone just masked up and socially distanced between now and forever. but last night, biden also blamed trump for all of the country's covid deaths. >> the 20 -- the 200,000 people that have died on his watch. 200,000 dead. over 7 million infected in the united states. he waited and waited and waited. he still doesn't have a plan. i laid out back in march exactly what we should be doing and i laid out again in july what we should be doing. >> laura: he laid it all out and what's the difference between 200,020,000? after all. >> the experts told us in march and april that we would have
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2 million deaths. covid was a war. imagine you're a general and you tell the president, general, president, we are going to have 20,000 soldiers who died but after the war is over it's only a quarter of million. that general is getting a ticker tape parade. he was told 2.2 million americans were going to die even if he did the lockdown and where we are standing now it's going to be one-tenth of that. i don't understand where vice president biden gets his figures, but to me, that looks like a huge victory for the president and more importantly for this country. >> laura: it's a horrible tragedy but one that had to be dealt with and he dealt with it with all the information he had and preserve our freedom, the most important thing. last week, senator rand paul argued, as many others have, that the virus has slowed in parts of the country because of t cell immunity, but here is how dr. fauci responded.
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>> new york, it's about 22%. if you believe 22% is herd immunity, i believe you are alone in that. >> laura: "the new york times" reported that he said he knew of no scientific evidence that the common cold derives t cells protecting against protection with covid. that is t cell immunity. apparently, he doesn't read any of the medical literature that you and i and the medicine cabinet have been talking about on the air for months now. can you explain any of this? what does this mean? >> two facets. first of all, significant literature shows that there is t cell immunity, not just to covid but cross immunity with, coronavirus is. in fact, very importantly, johnson & johnson's vaccine, they very specifically test for t cell immunity and that is one of the reasons why it is probably one of the leading vaccines but i think dr. fauci has a lot more to answer for. as you are aware, function
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research wasn't shut down in the united states in 2014. and immediately, dr. fauci's group at the nih transferred that research to the wuhan lab. interestingly, weeks before president trump was sworn into office, that moratorium on research that was considered too dangerous to do in the united states was lifted and that research was brought back to the united states. there is a very good scientific blog that has a very nice review of this. >> laura: all right, dr. oskoui, sorry to cut you off. fascinating. on t cells and all the rest. up next, the last bite.
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>> laura: comey's lies over the dossier and pretext have been explored by other jewels in great detail. but there was one lie that stood above the rest.
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>> you enjoy attention, don't you mr. comey? >> i do not. i enjoy attention from my family, i do not enjoy being recognized in public and my [indiscernible] celebrity fame, which i hope will go away very soon. >> laura: [laughs] okay. has anyone seen his emoting instagram's looking up at the trees, cameos on cnn with jeff daniels, but he hates the attention. a little presumptuous, don't you think? that's all the time we have tonight, shannon bream and "fox news @ night" team take it all from here. >> shannon: laura, both sides have taken a turn hating on comey. senator ted cruz, part of that hearing today, we will discuss it with him coming up. >> laura: i'm watching. >> shannon: all right, thanks laura. president trump with another large and spirited rally, this time in duluth, minnesota, as democratic nominee joe biden holds campaign events on a train tour of ohio and


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