tv Hannity FOX News September 30, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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about kamala harris. each day until the vp debate next week, we're going to take a look at her record, get to know her and who she really is, tell you what we found, could be interesting. will beti back tomorrow, they sw that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. sean hannity, right now. >> sean: no private health insurance, executive order to eliminate guns, oh, and she sponsored in the senate medicare for all and the new green new deal. >> tucker: we are booking you for tomorrow! >> sean: but i'm going to watch your investigation tomorrow, look forward to it. good show is always. welcome to "hannity." really busy news like tonight a, a fox news alert, the president set to speak at another massive rally, tonight in minnesota. we will dip in throughout the hour, we have to get other news income as well. in the present talks about last night, you will hear it. first,t, debate one is now officially in history books. we are going to unpack this, but anyway the mob and the media never will. we witnessed a real
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contest, a real debate breakout. it was wrong, it was ntntentious, it wasn't competitive, and it also reflects the very moment we are living in as a country. america is extremely divided, and as we speak, there is a fight for the soul of this great country. this fight is very real, and that real fight bubbled over onto the debate stage last night. in a moment, as promised, we are going to fact-check biden's numerous lies, something the corrupt media mob will never do. he lied a lot last night. before i doli that, let me addrs the media mob, democrats, hollywood elites that are just so upset, so bothered by the contentious nature of the deba debate. excuse me, i know you have the vapors, excuse me, bo, please, spare us. spare us your phony indignation. spare us the selective, faint, phony outrage, because ever since donald trump descended that escalator at
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trump tower with his wife, melania, all of you holier-than-thou idiots have been waging nonstop, the most disgusting, deceitful, dishonest smear campaign we've ever seen in american history. and on a daily basis, you have all been unloading all of your vile, repulsive, unprecedented attacks onon this precedent, his family, his supporters, the peor you have lied to us for years. you drag to this country through hell with your russia conspiracy theory lies and hoax. and it's all been a lie, the whole time. innocent people's lives have been ruined, and as ain result, all of this is now disproven. none of you have apologized. i see no corrections from the media mob, because they don't care. because they are not honest people. they repeatedly compare trump to hitler, they say he is clinically insane, they accuse
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him of plotting a second civil war, every like him all of the smears, besmirchment, libel, conspiracy theories, and that'sr just the tip of the iceberg. take a look. >> you said today, america first. not just racial -- i should not -- in the background to it. >> is this president trying to impersonate hugo chavez? >> he is clearly trying to ignite a civil war in this country. >> he needs to be medicated or hospitalized, or he is going to just kill all of us. >> we have a treasonous president. >> what you call someoneas who says clearly racist things? this morning, the answer is: mr. president. >> as i'm watching this, i'm thinking fidel castro, julius caesar, that was not an american president giving an acceptance speech. >> sean: that's just the media mob, and honestly, we could play that all show long. now, their colleagues in the
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democratic socialist extreme party, they've been even worse. take a look. >> sadly, the domestic enemies in our voting d system and honoring our constitution, right at 1600 pennsylvania avenue with their allies in congress of the united states. >> in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station. you get up and you create a crowd of. >> when they go low, we kick them. [laughter] >> i will put mr. burgess up against sean hannity. he'll tear him up. >> sean: i don't forget, every two years come every four years, republicans are racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, dirty air and water, grandma and grandpa to eat dog food, take your grandma in a wheelchair and throw her over a cliff, and let's not forget our moral superior -- superior folks out
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in hollywood, those hypocrites. here is how they have exemplified their civility over the past four years. they are the ones so outraged, so -- oh, the vapors, we can't take the contentious debate that took place last night. they are all full of it. take a look. t >> yes, i have fought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. >> when was the last time a president was assassinated? speak i want to clarify, i'm not an actor. i live for a living. however -- it's been a while. and maybe it's time. >> how dare he say the things he does. of course i want to punch him in the face. 's be when it's been over four years, you know what, that is just the tip of the iceberg. about to show you an extremely disturbing picture, kathy griffin holding a bloodied,d
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realistic looking severed head depicting president trump, and by the way, there are people who now want us to believe that they are very upset, they are worried about the tone and tenor of last nights debate, and this can't happen in america, they are telling us. they are going to lecture us about the debate? they are demanding for you to be civil and polite to them. they would be class a liars and hypocrites. this is not real outrage, none of it is real. for the record, to one extent or another, this is how they treated mitt romney and john mccain and george w. bush. this is who they are. this defines them. they do this every two and four years. the millions of americans who voted for donald trump, guess what? they are kind of done with the niceties, the decorum that never exist in any way, and they are done playing the game, because they've seen through this game, now. they know the small for who they are. and for the left, civility, they define it as you surrendering to
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their ambition for power. for them, civility is all about electing that guy. weak, frail, cognitively compromised candidate who will rubber-stamp court stacking and packing and ending the legislative filibuster andus ripping apart our greatin constitution. to them, civility is about surrendering your rights to a 50 year swamp creatures who whose y accomplishment is using his power in the swamp to enrich his family members to the tune of millions and millions of dollars with russian oligarchs and ukrainian oligarchs and kazakh oligarchs and chinese sponsored shopping sprees, and china nationals, and russian nationals, and ukraine nationals. yeah, that is what he has done for 50 years for his family. to them, civility is about you having amnesia surrounding the various lies they've been
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peddling come of the conspiracy theories they've manufactured, the hell they've dragged to this country through for four years,t is how they define civility. civility to them is about rewarding the people who attempted a coup on a duly-elected president. later, we are going to have the details, speaking of which, james comey's new testimony from earlier today, he now says he never would have signed the three fisa warrants knowing what he knows today. on everything else come he has full, complete amnesia. now, for the hatred left, truth, facts, logic, one standard applied to both parties doesn't exist. none of it matters. they have lacked civility, basic decency, for years. but when they get a dose of it all back to them come all of a sudden, guess what, they want to know, where is civility all is civility all of a sudden? oh, okay. democrats, media mob, hollywood, same names, differentde day. spare us your phony outreach over the tone and tenor of a presidential debate.
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we know what civility looks like to the left. we watched you for the last four years. yeah, guilty. president trump fights back hard. he is guilty as charged. trump the fighter, he doesn't have patience for liars or smear merchants or conspiracy theorists. those that have dragged his family through hell, the country through hell, those that want to pressure this country into socialism that will destroy the very principles that made america the greatest, richeste country on the face of the earth, that has used its power to advance the human condition. that would include joe biden, which brings us, by the way, to an important "hannity" fact-check that the mob and the media will never do, that is the many biden lies and deceptions from last night's debate. first, let's listen to what joe had to say about his new green deal, his party's socialist new green deal. take a listen. >> you're going to build the green new deal? g >> pardon me?
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speak with you support -- >> no, i don't support -- >> come you don't. the radical left. >> i support the biden plan that i put forward, the biden plan, which is different than what het calls the radical green new deal. >> sean: oh, the biden plan? they came up>> with a new name. well, did he say he doesn't support the green new deal? because he is lying. look at joe's own website, it says biden believes the green new deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face. biden also lied when he tried to deny the existence of his socialist minders in the democratic party, he announced, "i am the democratic party." tell that to the biden and sanders unit b task force that literally created biden's entire economic agenda and plagiarized part of that. it is actually 110 real pages that you can read, and its product includes proposals that
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were taken right from bolshevik bernie word for word, and the bernie sanders campaign. it says in there, calls for the confiscation andn redistribution of money, something called environmental justice, it calls for governmentir paid family leave, government paid medical leave, broad student loan forgiveness, universal government run health care, amnesty for 11 million illegal immigrants, free health care for illegal immigrants, it will prevent i.c.e.e. from deporting criminal illegal aliens when they get out of jail, and by the way, it will also eliminate jail -- vail, rather, just like they have a new york. hasn't worked out in new york. president trump named it the bernie-biden manifesto, but today, bernie -- i'm sorry, biden struggled to remember much of anything about his own medical plan he agreed to. take a look. >> i have worked very hard with all segments of the party. we put together a platform that is a platform that i fully support. the president keeps talking -- what does he call it?
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he has some name for our platform. i can't remember what it is. the manifesto, thank you. the manifesto. well, the democratic platform is the one that i've signed onto. the one that the vast majority, overwhelming majority of democrats signed onto. >> sean: oh, okay, so biden's socialist platform written by bolshevik bernie himself. and of course, he appointed, let's see, socialist ocasio-cortes, the person who brought us the green new deal come he called beto o'rourke his "guns are" and his vp choice - n isn't the democratic party. joe biden, honestly, is totally controlled by the radical socialist base, but b he knows that is not going to appel to, well, let's let's say middle-of-the-road voters and ha has tried to make that clear, very clear last night. he is racing to the center. but the left knows they own him.
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joe's allies don't stop there. he actually called antifa an idea and not an organization. okay, joe, sell that to all those businesses that were burned to the ground. sell that to the police officers that had their heads bashed in or that were hit with molotov cocktails or bricks or, let's see, frozen water bottles or canes or hockey sticks or knives or got shot. you just can't believe your lying eyes, apparently. and by the way, the white house, they just labeled antifa a terrorist organization. and also label the kkk terrorist organization. during the debate, biden lied again, he suggested the president refuses to condemn white supremacy. well, we have the videotape to prove he liked there, also. we will play that later in the show. in fact, we will play a montage of the dozens of times president trump has forcefully condemned white supremacists.
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that is coming up. first, more biden lies, including the whopper about his commitment to "law & order," was that supposed to be a joke? during the debate come he couldn't name a single law enforcement agency that actually supports him, and thate become the enemy. yep, he said it, and even openly talked about redirecting funds away from police, and let's not forget, as i pointed out earlier, according to the bernie-biden manifesto come he also wants to eliminate cash bail, which has been an utter disaster wherever it has been tried, and of course, biden also lied about his zero experience on hunter. you know, the one i had no experience in oil, gas, energy, ukraine, the got millions and millions of dollars. and by the way, he said his son never accepted a multimillion dollar wire transfer from the former first lady of moscow. that they live. look at the new senate report that came out, it shows, in fact come he did receive those funds. biden said his son's work with
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the reason totally proper and legitimate. even though several obama-era state department officials raised real, serious alarm and concern as early as 2015, and the u.s. senate report, all 87 pages, confirm that hunter biden's business dealings creating a counterintelligence of extortion concern for this country. and maybe the worst lie of all, well, the whole debate probably surrounds biden's laughable, revisionist history surrounding coronavirus. believe it or not, biden acted like he was always in favor of the travel ban to and from china that saved countless american lives. in reality, he did call it hysterical, xenophobia, and fearmongering as late as the 18th of march. a little late, joe. and joe biden and his fellow democrats come along with the mob, they will say and do anything for power. all of this outrage -- oh, i can't believe, what is happening to our country, oh, that debate -- oh, they yelled at
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each other, or with out loud, overhey were talking each other, okay, that's kind of where the country is, right now, unfortunately, i wish it was better, i wish it wasn't so, but that is what elections are about. when joe flat out refuses to answer this question about whether he would support destroying the judicial branch of government with an illicit scheme called court packing, i think we can all fill in the blanks. he says we need an election. let's hear from the people. meeting, if you let me come of course i will do whatever they tell me to do on the left. the left in his country and their supporters no longer care about the constitution, the bill of rights, three equal but coequal branches of government, checks and balances. they don't care about our great american system. they only care about power and hating donald trump, and in 34 shortow days, the only way to ed the madness is to show up at the polls like the future of this country depends on it. because it does.
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we are going to dip into the trump rally as soon as he starts talking about last night'sas debate, but first, here with reaction, fox news contributor dan bongino, trump 2020 director of press communications aaron perini is with us, and fox news contributor katie pavlich. aaron, i'll start with you tonight. did they forget, was this selective amnesia, how they treated the president and hisde family, the country, what they put us through the last four years? >> oh, yeah, it is clear the media have an extreme bias and they are in bed with the biden campaign. you side with the clip he played earlier of joe biden where a member of the media helped him remember the bernie-biden communist manifesto that he put forward, and you see it all the time, chris wallace last night, as well, where you see the media time and again tries to provide air cover for joe biden. you see the head is exploding at cnn and msnbc all the time. if they were actually fair and they actually had any journalistic integrity, they
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would talk about the great things this president does. you would see them cover the fact he made the kkk terrorist organization, but instead, they play politics because donald trump doesn't play by their rules. he doesn't have to. he fights for the american people, he is a businessman, he signs paychecks and creates jo jobs, and he has success as president of the united states, and it bothers them that he doesn't care what they think. >> sean: you know, katie, america knew what they were getting in donald trump in 2016. they knew he was not a creature of the swamp. they knew he was in iconoclast, they knew he was a disrupter. they knew he was a fighter, and they knew he wouldn't back down. now, the question is, are they going to buy this faint, phony, selective outrage? or do you think he gets reelected? how do you see going down? >> i think his reelection chances -- >> sean: katie, one sect, let me interrupt -- stay right there, we will get back you. apparently the president is talking about the debate.
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letslk a dip in and see what he says. >> president trump: 47 years of lies, 47 years of failure. i hold you accountable shipping your jobs abroad and the bowing to the violent mob at home. these democrats it is, i don't even believe it. the whole nation saw the truth -- did you see last night? i said, sleepy joe, name one law enforcement group that supports you, chris wallace says don't do that. can you believe, i was debating two people last night. i was debating two people last night, joe biden's two week to lead this country. 's supporters are saying he should cancel the rest of the debate, now i understand he is canceling the debates, let's see what happens. i think that's not going to be a good move. i don't think that's going to be
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a good move come up with those ratings, they are never going to let him cancel. you don't know television. someday we are not going to be doing this t anymore, what are they going to do without trump? those poor people -- look at all of them, whoa. that's a lot of people. what are they going to do? what are they going to do in eight, 12, maybe 16 years, let's hang it up. 16 more years. but what he's doing is what you do when you lose, so let's see what he does. i don't think he's going to get it. and i've got news for joe. if you ever became president, you have to deal with some of the toughest people in the wor world. and chris wallace is very, very easy by comparison, i will tell you. i know them all. the liberal media is upset that i took the fight to biden and exposed his very dangerous
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agenda. oh, there is a beauty. here we go. they go home to mom. go home. go home toto mom. these are the same media outlets with violence nonviolent demonstrations in the streets. they think rioting is just okay, just do whatever you want. you can do whatever you want to. you don't have to wear masks, just riot, 25,000 people standing in each other's face. can you go to church? know. can you go to restaurants? know. can you do anything? know. but you can riot. arson is okay but challenging sleepy joe is totally off limits, so disappointed in fox. i'm not just running against joe biden, i'm running against the corrupt, far left media socialists, and communist.
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in the democrat party. and the special interests who made a living bleeding our country drive. that's what's happened for too long. we turned it around, but don't forget, i had to fight other things, like a fake impeachment. i had to fight a lot of things that are not -- it wasn't in the agenda. never forget -- and we fought it very well, and frankly, we had great support from the republican party. except for one person. we had great support. never forget they are coming after me because i am fighting for you. that'stese true. and this is a choice election. our opponents put america last, i put america first, and that is what i have been doing for three and a half years. our opponents want to erase voters. i will defend our borders. you see what is going on at our southern border, by the way, that wall, 350 miles already.
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it's going to be finished very soon. they don't talk about the wall anymore, fellows. what's going on? they don't talk about it. they use to talk about it every day. he's notet going to get it. when you are a real estate developer, you always get financing. this was easy. he's not going to get his financing, and then we got at, up to almost a hundred 60 miles, about 10 miles a week. in mexico is paying for it. you do know that, right? they keep saying there is going to be a border charge at the borderer for the cars, it won't have to be a lot, there are so many cars and trucks going through and mexico is paying for it. they've been great. they have 27,00 27,000 soldierst now on our border, i appreciate it, we appreciate the president ofci mexico. our opponents will send your jobs to china. i will keep your jobs in america. our opponents want to erase our nation's core but i know my values -- >> sean: we are going to keepnt
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dipping and. katie, i did not mean to interrupt you, ask the question and immediately instructed, i humbly apologize. >> that's okay, sean, you were asking about whether americans will be voting for joe biden, a phony record and a phony platform he is presenting. look, the bottom line is president trump, you might not like all of the answers he gives, but at least he is answering all of the questions. joe biden is refusing to answer questions about very serious topics, that would impact the country forou generations to coe from a court packing, the green new deal, completely abandon the left when it is convenient, like in the debate last night, but then today, force, you see him trying to placate them and bring them back into the party, hopefully vote for him in november. he keeps changing his tune on making things in america, sounds a lot like president trump one for years he voted for things like nafta, admitted president trump's usmca is better, l and yet hasn't put a real plan on the table to bring
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manufacturing back to the united states and has in fact on the opposite by proposing higher taxes and more environmental regulation for businesses, so i think americans are smart enough to eat through the rhetoric, even during a raucous debate, and they will make decisions based on results and the experience they think will help their families in the future. >> sean: dan bongino, the president justie saying they ar, rioting is okay but interrupting joe or words offend the liberal media, and they are coming after me because i am fighting for you, he said. >> yeah, i mean, listen, trump is -- he is a shark in the ocean, as they said last night. i want to make the point here, this reminds me a lot of 2016. i'm not sure the liberal media chatterbox class has any idea of the damage trump did last night to joe biden. anything about donald trump last nightny surprising? that he goes on the attack, that he's tough, there is some
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bravado there? what is shocking there? knew that about trump before you went in. is the problem with th the bide? what are the most damaging political narratives and politics are the ones that change your pre-existing c notin of who a candidate was, right? everybody knows that, that is why you can't touch donald trump last night. what he did to biden was surgically detached him from the left. that is a real problem, because biden needs the left to turn out because the democrat party has become increasingly liberal. sean, trump did a very calculated thing last night. there is a reason he brought up the term "predator" and biden's use of it many times. there is a reason trump kept bringing up bernie sanders and got bidener to say, "oh, i beat him handily." there is a reason trump set multiple times, "you've lost the left." it was to alienate him from the leftist base, and i think he did a damn good job. in the 2016 debates, when they said hillary did a good job and
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trump routed her, i think they are missing it again. >> sean: i want to ask aaron and katie, is dan right? because i like your analysis a lot. erin, is dan right? >> oh, i absolutely agree with dan on this. president trump is set to win again, and he did an absolutely masterful job in the debate last night. pushing joe biden, making sure, you know what, people have come after president trump and his family every single day and he was not going to let joe biden try and see anything wrong about what he has done as president of the united states comes we pushed him, he challenged them, and the president was right, joe biden lost the left last nigh night, scrambled to the middle, today i do scramble back. dan is very correct on this. the president is on his way to win again like he did in 2016 on the mainstream media with trump derangement syndrome is not seeing it. >> sean: feigned outrage of the media anded the left, at ths point, doesn't matter at all, katie? >> i think it matters because
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their job is to be b fair and to be accurate and to present real facts to the american people, which is clearly not happening andy they don't admit that they are biased on the left. they try to present themselves as objective when anybody watching can understand they absolutely are not, but young asked a question about whether we agree with dan bongino's analysis, i think that is absolutely correct, because the president has exposed joe biden again by someone who will cater to an audience depending on who they are. you've got an honest person when people are looking for authenticity, that is how president trump beat hillary clinton in 2016. the other thing is joe biden also exposed for not being the nice guy that everyone in the media has been saying he is for the past two years -- >> sean: he looked kind of cranky last night. >> has a temper and isn't as presidential as they have been presenting him as. >> sean: looked like it was past his nappy time. thank you all. let's dip back into the president talking about the new green deal deal in the supreme court. >> president trump: the former
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mayor of moscow. t and they talk about me with russia. i have nothing to do with russia. and took out $1.5 billion from china. he manages to make millions of dollars a year, right, and got the 183 -- right, the $183,000 a month. would anybody like that job? you don't have a job, you're not employed, you get thrown out of the military for unfortunate reasons.tu your father becomes vice president, you get hired for $183,000 a month. with come i think, a $3 million upfront payment. i think they could have ha had m for last. would anybody take that job? what you know what energy? that's not my thing. i mean, could you imagine if iu did it? how about when sleepy joe said "you are not getting the $1 billion unless you get rid of the prosecutor. when you get rid of the prosecutor, we'll send you the money." they got rid of the prosecutor, and he said, "now the money comes." could you imagine if i said --
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unbelievable. and the press doesn't want to talk about it. and chris wallace, we don't want to discuss that. oh, really, chris? oh, it's so sad. i tell you, it is so hypocritical, so it's a matter of national security and economic security. the bidens got rich while american workers got robbed. a how can you deal with china if you take out $3.5 billion in medical source of money? how can you do it. a critical issue in this election, you saw with china, billions and billions a year they pay us. i gave a lot of it to the farmers, $28 billion. a critical issue, because they were targeted by china, a critical issue in the selection has the future of the minnesota iron range. that's why i'm here. this was just supposed to be a little get together, and they said, sir, we've got thousands of people who want to show up. i don't know how many are involved, this was supposed to be an iron range get together. but it turns out big.
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biden has 20-30 people, they've got those circles. today, he had a little more, 30 or 40, but they were too close together. i sent him a note. joe. they were too close. 34 people right next to each other. and yet, he complained about our rally, right. our rally. it is an honor that so many people showed up. this was going to be a little quickie to say congratulations because obama closed the iron range and i opened it, and a m man -- a man came up to me, a tough m man. a worker, a construction worker, and he looked at me, this was two years ago, and he said, "sir, you have given us back your life." and he was crying. and i said, "one was last time time you cry?" you never cried when you are a little baby, you never cried, this guy was tough hell.
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>> sean: with the president president gets back to more of the issues and the supreme court, we will go to that. important news tonight, mr. super patriot, mr. hyer honor, jim comey, today he appeared in front of the senate judiciary committee. earlier today, he doubled down on the deep state and their allies about the steele dossier, actually trying to claim he was hardly even involved in the russian investigation at all. he signed three of the four fisa warrants, which were based on the dirty russian dossier that we now know christopher steele used, russian operative that the fbi has known about for ten years, here are some of his garbage from earlier today. >> how is it possible the system gathers so much exculpatory information, this internet rumor that the actual interview of tha sub source disavows the
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document, the actual sub source was a russian's a spy. how can all of that happen and notn get up to you, the director of the fbi of one of the most important investigations in the history of the fbi, how is that possible? >> i can only speculate because it didn't. >>idt mr. comey, with all the respect, you don't seem to know anything about an investigation that you ran. >> this investigation into the president was corrupt, the fbi and department of justice were politicized and weaponized, and in my opinion, they're only two possibilities. that you were deliberately corrupt or woefully incompetent, and i don't believe you were incompetent. >> sean: i agree with senator cruz. even worse is cohen comey's appt amnesia throughout today's questioning because the disgraced fbi director repeatedly claimed he couldn't remember any specifics of our crossfire hurricane or the dirty dossier, or the fisa process at all. now, for example, comey couldn't
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say whether the dossier was essential to getting the warrant to spy onn carter page and the president, despite comey himself, he signed three of those fisa applications. the word of the top of a fisa application is "verified," right at the top. he signed three of the four, put his signatures on something that he said, and he testified to, was verified before a court. and by the way, comey couldn't even say if he was briefed at all about the red flags as it relates to steele's work with his primary sub source known to the fbi for over a decade as a russian-connected spy. and he said he didn't know whetherne page was a source for the cia, despite undeniable evidence to the contrary, he couldn't answer the most basic t whether fbi lawyer kevin kleinsmith altered evidence whichkl kleinsmith pled guilty . he couldn't even say who prepared the application to
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begin with. he doesn't even remember being briefed by bruce ohr. he doesn't remember anything ine terms of the interviews about the sub source. that happened in january of 2017. there's a whole small sample off mr. higher honor. let's say going low. take a look. >> in october when the warrant was submitted, the application was submitted, what efforts had been made to verify the dossier in october? > i don't know specifically. >> so in october, it's clear, mr. comey, there was no effort to verify the dossier before it was given to the court, do you agree with that? >> i don't know the answer. i don't remember learning anything additional about steele's sources. not that i recall, no. >> were you aware that december 2016, the cia tells the
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fbi that characterized the dossier as internet rumor? >> i don't recall being informed of that. >> sean: by the way, we are about to cross-check every other past statement mr. comey has evercr made. and as comey expect anybody to believe the biggest abuse of power, corruption scandal happened inside his fd fbi and e knew nothing about it but remember every single second tier are spent as it relates to donald trump? that he was the guy that pushed, let's see, the dirty dossier, you know, the now infamous intelligence community assessment that was released in early 2017 and comey was the one who briefed president trump that it was salacious and unverified, even though in october, months earlier, he claimed and signed a documenter that said it was verified, so let's be clear, nothing he said today exonerates him, and by the way, just like rod rosenstein and sally yates,
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knowing what they now know now, they wouldn't have signed the fisa warrant. well, jim comey said today, knowing what i know now, i wouldn't have signed the three fisa applications. and by the way, that's not all, because tonight we are even learning more about the extent of the deep states cover-up. because according to a new declassification from me director of national intelligence, john ratcliffe at the request of lindsey graham, barack obama himself was ribriefed by then cia director brandon about a russian intelligence analysis claiming that hillary clinton was drumming up the russia collusion hoax in an attempt to vilify then candidate trump to distract from, let's see, those subpoenaed emails she was deleting, the use of bleach bit and hammers and removal of some cards. the deep state is taking any responsibility, they going t to take it for that misconduct? they are doing the opposite. just look at for example mueller pitbull andrew weissmann telling cbs he wipes phones from the
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special counsel's office, a big deal because everything was backed up, really, andrew? local, why were all of the phones, well, put in there in the first place. anyway, also tonight, some democrats are still playing petty politics by refusing to meetet supreme court nominee judge amy coney barrett, including chucky schumer as she is meeting with the decent senators on capitol hill. by the way, hearings are set to start october 12th, put in the confirmation vote at the end of the month, and not really anything democrats can do to st. here with reaction, senator lindsey graham. he's with the senate judiciary committee. so now you have sally yates, rod rosenstein, and jim comey who remembers nothing about the fisa application, the dossier, the sub source, but he remembers every second with donald trump. do you believe him? because i do not. >> all i can say is he is a convenient memory. he remembers what is damning to
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trump, otherwise i see here f nothing, here nothing, no n nothing. it's hard to believe the director of the fbi in charge of a sitting president wasn't told, oh, by the way, the sub source with the dossier we believe was a russian agent. try to believe they didn't tell the director the fbi, the sub source tells us the dossier is bartok, not reliable, take it with a grain of salt. it's hard to believe that they don't tell be fbi director the cia has warned us the dossier prepared by christopher steele and a suspected russian spy is all internet rumor. so here is comey's problem. one person comes forward and say i briefed the director about the problems of the sub source, i told the directorr the cia was worried about the reliability of the dossier, that he is in big time trouble. >> sean: okay, do you believe
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him, that he signed something where he claims it is verified and that he had no idea if it was verified? wouldn't that be dereliction of duty? doesn't that mean he still committed fraud on a court? when he did find out the true, does the law requires you go back to the court and inform the court he signed something that wasn't verified? >> he has yet to tell the court "i apologize," but what he said today was pretty stunning, the director of the fbi in charge of one of the most high-profile investigations in the history of the fbi said if he knew then what he knows now, he would not sign the warrant application against carter page. this is a big day for carter page. i think he's going to become a rich man, and he deserves to be compensated. so what happened here is the democratic party hired a foreign agent, christopher steele, who enlisted a suspected russian spy to create a dossier that was a bunch of garbage, russian
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disinformation, and the fbi bought it, hook, line, and sinker, used it four times against the american citizen, trump campaignt person, to get a warrant. if that doesn't bother america, than something is wrong. my democratic colleagues, if the shoe were on the other foot, you'd be burning the place down. >> sean: i want every single person that warned about that dossier to now say what did they tell comey and when did they tell comey? i think you need to cross-check everything comey has said prior, and i expect he will see inconsistencies. i got to get back to the rally. senator lindsey graham, what will be the date of the vote for amy coney barrett? >> we will report her out of committee at the 22nd, the democrats are going crazy raising money against the president and myself, lindsey, they're loading me up -- >> sean: when will the vote be? >> get amy barrett threw. over and over lindsey help us all, we need your help. >> sean: it's go back to the
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president in minnesota tonight. 'smp >> president trump: this wl be a very short night for donald trump. this will be a very -- at the end, he they said, he did very well with women, so we are. we did well with everybody, absently, and we're going to do even better. we have more enthusiasm -- look at this crowd, this was supposed to be a few people. this was supposed to be -- this was supposed to be just a little celebration. i said, oh, good, a little celebration, a couple hundred people, like sleepy joe gets in his besteo day. i said, how many people? about 10,000, sir. pain just three and a half years, we have secured america's border, rebuild awesome power of the u.s. military, obliterated the isis caliphate, fixed our disastrous trade deals -- and they were a disaster -- and brought jobs back home to
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america, and back home to minnesota. we brought a lot of jobs back. last year, before the flag came in from china, you had the best year you've ever the year before that, he had the best year you ever had until the following year. and we are doing it again, we are building it up rapidly. china came up, they gave us the plague, it's no good, we're never going to forget that. did a trade deal, the ink wasn't even try, and they let that happen. weto are never going to forget . we built the greatest economy in the history of the world and now we are quickly doing it again. we've added a historic 10.6 million new jobs in thee last four months. that's a record the likes of which has never even been close to being challenged. to fight the china virus, we launched the largest national mobilization since world war ii. we pioneered life-saving therapies, reducing the fatality rate 85% since april, think of that, meaning you go to the hospital and you've got a lot
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better chance. i tell you what, i spoke to a gentleman today from pfizer, i speak to all offi these guys, ty are great people, and they are coming up with things that are phenomenal. we are coming up with things that are phenomenal, including therapeutics, therapies, it's incredible what's happening. you'll be seeing it that she will be seeing it -- and by the way, with biden, it would have been years before you came up with any of this coming years, it would have been years. >> sean: we have other news tonight. another male debacle brewing in new york, new york governor cuomo pushing back against the ballots back to voters after nearly 100,000 absentee ballots were sent to them in mismarked envelopes. we reached out to the governor of new york's office for comments, and we haven't heard back. in another shocking story, the "philadelphia inquirer" is phreporting tonight that a laptp in several memory sticks that
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were used to program philadelphia's voting machines were now stolen. here now with more reaction from a former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. we've got these lawsuits going on. wow, what a shocker, in all the swing states, all the swing states -- >> it doesn't shock me at all. >> sean: well, how do we -- is this now the only answer to the courts, to fight that they can't have these last-minute rule changes? oh, we will count your ballot 18 days after election day? >> sean, the first time i ran for mayor of new york, i asked one of my political advisors, how many votes trying to win by to overcome the democrats cheating? he told me 50,000. i have to win roughly 50,000 votes in order to overcome it. and the second time, we cut down voter fraud, had to win by 30,000. they vote dead people, and i lost all the votes from dead people. couldn't getet a single dead person to vote republican.
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it's amazing, these guys have been cheating for years. philadelphia is notorious for cheating. and they hold the vote back to figure out how they can balance the vote in the middle of the state. new york city, it's disgraceful, youyou know how many dead people are in those books? this idea of "the new york times" has that there is no voterer fraud, i me, that is a fraud. f "the new york times" knows better than anyplace else. in fact, the used to talk about how dangerous mail in ballots where, how prone they were to fraud and tampering. now, all of a sudden, now, it's ridiculous, 100,000 ballots? 100,000? we found ballots with trump's name on it, and military ballots throwing the garbage come already? i mean, this is very serious, sean, and i talked to the president about this -- >> sean: does the president -- > have to have a major legal effort -- >> sean: doesfo>> the presidentg has his legal team -- biden has
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600 lawyers apparently, hillary is saying under no circumstances should biden concede, we have less than a minute, sir. >> yeah, and where, not going to accept the results of the election, she told him not to concede? >> sean: under any circumstances. >> that means they are trying to fix the election. and they are blaming it on trump. she is the one who started that nonsense. look, we have plenty of lawyers, we out-lawyered done before, we can do it again. they are a bunch of bullies, anyway. and boy, that debate last night, trump first, while a second, biden is still trying to catch up. he was hardly in the debate. >> sean: [laughs] >> come on. >> sean: all right, mr. mayor, good to see you. all right, when we come back, all day you have been hearing the president won't condemn klansmen and racists. okay. we can prove otherwise. we'll get to that, and back to the president's rally had much
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>> sean: following the president's rally in minnesota tonight, after repeatedly claiming the president has refused to denounce white supremacy, okay, let's look at the videotape, as my good friend would say, let's go to the videotape, the tape the left doesn't want you to see.ap >> have you ever heard this president say one negative thing about white supremacists? have you ever heard it? >> i totally disavow the ku klux klan. i totally disavow david duke. >> i got back in this race because of what happened in charlottesville. people coming out of the woods carrying torches, their veins bulging, close your eyes and remember what you saw. a young woman gets killed
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resisting the hate and violence, and the president gets asked to comment on it, what does he say? he says there are "very fine people on both sides." >> and you had some very bad people in that group, but had people that were very fine people -- on both sides, and i'm not talking about the t neo-nazis on the whites nationalist, because they should be condemneded totally. >> he wouldn't even condemn david duke, for god sake. >> reject david duke, rejected david duke, i rejected the kkk, the ku klux klan. from the time i'm fiv five yearg old, i rejected that. >> sean: joe biden has been lying all day about this, the mob and the media lying about this. larry elder and herschel walker. herschel, yourr take. they just live. they repeat the lie, lie again, it doesn't matter, here is the tape, they are lying. >> if lik racism, they think ite
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ace of spades. look at herschel walker, donald trump is not a racist. think about this. in the democratic debate, his own running mate, they almost called him a racist. now she is on his ticket. so think about that. >> sean: yeah. all right, larry, you were laughing. there is more tape if you wantan me to keep going. he said it many more times, but i guess they have selective amnesia, like joe. or like comey, rather. >> you know, sean -- you know, sean, i have a documentary called "uncle tom," yesterday on itunes, it's number one. i address this nonsense noll trump is a racist. forget of an elder, jake tapper andd michael thomas both saidho after donald trump made the comment, and after they were wrong, they looked at it and said we were wrong, donald trump
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was not referring to neo-nazis and white nationalist, he was referring to very fine people on both sides of the debate is whether to there should be a public confederate monument in the public square. this notion that donald trump ran, a dog whistle to racists, there is a former host on msnbc, chris matthews, who once said he was a campaign manager, wrote a book called "hardball" about campaigns, and he said white people would not vote for somebody if they thought they were racist. why then would it be in donald trump's best interest to be seen as a racist when chris matthews says anybody whiteod would not pull the lever for someone who is a racist. the whole thing is unfair, he never said it, and of donald trump is such a racist, sean, why did he have to lie about exhibit d a? and ought to be easy to find things that alter and pass them, why do you have to lie about it? >> sean: let me go back to the president, he is talking about
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manufacturing. obviously, this impacts the midwest and a big way pure political back to minnesota. >> president trump: and we will keep out -- we will keep people out of our country. thank you. we will keep out of these ridiculous, endless wars, and countries you've never heard ofi and you never will, it's ridiculous, and we areof bringig them all home, you see that. we will maintain america's unrivaled military mines and we will ensure peace through strength, that is what we have. ridiculous, we are all over the world. we are in places nobody ever heard of before. we will and surprise medical billing, required price transparency, it kicks in january 1st. thosene clowns, they will say you've got price transfer and say, what's that? that will have such an impact when it kicks in. i said to my people, you think you could have kicked it in a little earlier? i further reduced health insurance premiums and the cost of prescription drugs, which we
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will be bringing down massively. we will strongly protect the care and social security, and we will always protect those incredible people, as i said, pre-existing conditions. america will in the first woman oon the moon and the united united states will be the first to lead an astronaut on mars, and be soon. nasa become the greatest space center in the world. we had to see what it was when i took t over, it was terrible. we will stop the radical indoctrination of our students and restore patriotic education school. we will teach our children to love our country, on our history, and always respect our great american flag. and we will live by the words of our national motto: "in god we
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trust." for years, you had a president who apologized for america. now, you have a president who is standing up for america and standing up for the great people of thank you. but if we don't win, i'm never calling you great again. so get your friends, get your family, get your neighbors, and get your coworkers, and get out and vote. we've got to win. we've got to win. early voting has already begun. don't wait. please come and go out and vote. did you see in new york today? 100,000 fraudulent ballots. they sent out 100,000 wrong names, addresses, envelopes. other than that, they did well.
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their solution, that's okay, we'll send out another hundred thousand. i said, really, what's going to happen to the first hundred thousand, who is going to vote them? this is crazy what's going on, this is crazy. from st. paul to st. cloud, from minneapolis to minnetonka, and from rochester the right here in duluth -- i like that. this great state was pioneered by men and women who braved the wilderness and the winters to lbuild a better life for themselves and for their families. they were truly brave, brilliant, incredible people. they were tough, and they were strong. they didn't have a lot of money. they didn't have a lot of luxury. but they had great, they had faith, and they had each other. >> sean: all right, that is the president live in duluth, minnesota, tonight, that is all the time we have left. we hope you will set your dvr so you never miss an episode. a program announcement, tune in
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tomorrow night, the president, donald j. trump, will be joining us for an exclusive interview postdebate, right here, "hannity," 9:00 eastern, set your dvr and never miss an episode. that is all the time we have left this evening, but let not your heart be troubled, she is standing by to fire it up and ready to go, laura ingraham takes it away. >> laura: you got it, sean, the president is on fire tonight in duluth, minnesota. we are going to go right back to the president's speech and pick it up on the other side. >> president trump: with your help, your devotion, and your drive, we are going to keep on working. we are going to keep on fighting. and we are going to keep on winning, winning, winning. it's true. we are going to keep on winning. you know, minnesota, we need y you. jason lewis is going to be your
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