tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News October 1, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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if that's the case, that's bigger than any economic rebound in history. i think that will be good, let's see what happens, those numbers are coming out sometime prior to november 3rd, which is the election. >> sean: mr. president, 33 days, the american people are the ultimate jury, thank you for being with us. >> president trump: thank you. >> sean: i'm only seven seconds late, i apologies. >> laura: that's fine i was enjoying the interview. it was actually really fascinating. he is really mad about this comey stuff. he wants these guys prosecuted. i'm not sure he's going to get that. >> sean: you know, joe biden that praise of the former klansman and partnered with him against integration because he didn't want his kids to go into racial jungles, now that trump has definitively answer the question the 25th time, it will be interesting to see if he gets one question on the issue.
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we want to apologize for your support of the former klansman, do you want to apologize for your comment about racial jungles? let's see if the mob and media ants that question? >> laura: really interesting back and thank you shawn. >> sean: have a great show. >> laura: this is the 21 from washington tonight, how did we get to a point with media suddenly pushing a narrative tht right-wing violence is his responsible for the chaos in th. we're going to expose their game with someone who studies the real culprits up close. also two days after the debate dust settles, has the wisdom been all wrong? we're going to talk to a few posters who share some shocking findings. first, the real threat to democracy, that's the focus of tonight's angle. now, i want you to be prepared
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for the massive demoralization and defamation campaign that is underway at this moment. in the last month before the november 3rd vote, you should fully expect a series of media smears against president trump designed to frighten any undecided voter away from supporting him. at this coordinated also includes convincing you that the tide is turning against the president, that all hope is lost. it is not. the new lies are added to the already long list of lies, democrats have tried to use it to drive trump out of office. let's review some of the left top anti-trump smears to date. number one, trump secretly working for the russians, of course, false. we know now that the investigation from the beginning was a fishing expedition courtesy of jim comey initiated the entire thing based on a phony, false, fraudulent dossier. number two, the trump family is
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somehow profiting off their government work. false. in fact, they lost money working for the government, $55 million alone on the trump hotel in d.c. number three, trump made aged to the ukraine dependent on its health investigating the biden family. false. that claim went proof at the impeachment trial. number four, trump is somehow a white supremacist. at this man is a white supremacist. >> he continues to paddle in bigotry and behave like a racial arsonist. it's because there's not a lot there besides racism, if he doesn't have racism, he has nothing. >> laura: false, offensively. he forcefully denounced it moments ago. let me be as clear as possible on this point, president trump and his supporters are not racists, and the charge of
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racism has become the last batch in of political assassins were desperate to avoid defending their true agendas. from criminal justice reform to winning economic policies, trump has done more for african-american and latino voters than any president in my lifetime. democrats are reviving this old for one reason. they have no policies that really work, literally none that would raise the standard of living for african-americans. it or certainly make their neighborhoods any safer. number five, another lie, trump is somehow working to subvert democracy. waking up tired old claims, this one is somehow that trump is working against democracy itself, that's a must vote for biden to save democracy. >> the president is refusing to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he were to lose the election. >> challenging democracy itself,
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basically any doubts that don't support israel. >> this is the sort of thing that tests the underpinnings of our democracy. >> he is saying he is going to call for civil war in our streets when he loses the election. >> sean>> laura: false false and false. it trump once voting to be freef fraud and intimidation. in other words, he is trying to protect democracy. how does that put democracy in peril? given the problems with vote counting for new york and the democrats inability to properly count votes even at the iowa caucuses discarded ballots in texas and pennsylvania you know. we should all be concerned about the mass mailing of unsolicited ballot applications to tens of millions of americans. let's ask a simple question. who supports democracy more? the candidate who campaigns hard for every vote, crisscrossing
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the country to address thousands of supporters every night where the candidate who stays at home and avoids the people? who supports democracy more? the candidate who has done countless interviews, many where the interviewers have tried to destroy donald trump? or the candidate who only does carefully staged press events? who supports democracy more, the candidate who releases a list of potential supreme court nominees, or the candidate who refuses to provide his own list or even answer basic questions about democrat plan to pack the court. >> are you willing to tell the american people tonight whether or not you will support either ending the filibuster or packing the court? >> whatever position i take on that that will become the issue. i'm not going to answer the question. >> laura: he repeated the same thing today. how does the press not press him on this?
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demand an answer, every hour of every day. many of the press treat biden the way chinese press treats present g. the democrats really think you're stupid. biden doesn't think voters deserve to know his plan for the judiciary, but you're supposed to believe that president trump is the real right to democracy? who supports democracy more, the party that wants to allow presidential debates to go forward with the rules that both parties agree to long ago where the party that demands role changes to muzzle president trump in the second and third debate? who supports democracy more? the candidate who resists unnecessary covid lockdowns that ends up endangering our freedoms, health, and kills off our prosperity? or the candidate who has indicated he will impose draconian lockdown putting your
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liberty and to your other personal interests last and left wing shall engineering first? where are all of the media questions about where biden or any federal tissue has the legal authority to stop you from seeir grandparents or us keep you wearing a mask at all times? >> joe biden knows we need to listen to medical experts. mask mandates nationwide starting immediately. fighting this virus and rebuilding our economy will take a president who is ready to lead. i'm joe biden and i approve this message. the one who supports democracy more the candidate whom family made an enormous financial sacrifice to fight for working-class americans in washington or the candidate whose family made a fortune from foreign connections while their father was vice president? why won't any member of the press court ask biden directly, why did your son received
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$3.5 million from the mayor of moscow? what did he promised to do an exchange? they won't ask, because they don't want to hear the truth. who supports democracy more? the candidate who believes that americans should not be harassed because of their political views, or the candidate whose party has ordered that their political opponents be hounded in public? >> you see everybody from that covenant in a restaurant you tell them they are not welcome. stomach anymore anyway. >> please get up in the face of some congresspeople. >> black lives matter!
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[bleep] >> laura: who supports democracy more? the party who thinks we should know the winter the election on election night or the party that wants to drag out the process for days, weeks, or even months? that's an interesting question. who supports democracy more? president trump who aggressively challenges china, brutal dictate tutorial government in china, human rights abuses, or biden into his team who will be doing the ccp's bidding? who supports democracy more? those who oppose censoring folks made disagree with politically or those who support using the cancel culture to shut down opposing speech. just today the champion cyclist was kicked off his team for a pro-trump to eat. who supports democracy more? the people who believe our kids should be taught about the wonders and triumphs of american history or those who support poisoning our children's minds
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against america, against her founders, against our constitution, and against our flag? when you see the democrats prattle on about how bad it trump's, what a threat he is, know this, he is a threat. to them. and their antidemocratic agenda. at the left is just waiting to hoist it all upon you if you let them. that is the angle. joining me now is chris hahn, former aide to senator chuck schumer and host of the aggressive progressive podcasts. hunter biden received millions from the ex-mayor of moscow, it was just his wife. how can the democrats really claim to be the party of democracy when they only seek to put more power in the hands of government? >> so i mean, let's start by voting, right? it just today, the republican johgovernor of texas, making har
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for texans to vote by making it the only one pulling pre-election day polling opportunity location would be available. even counties that are as big as the state of rhode island, what is democratic about that? i think if republicans put as much time into facing the voters and finding out the issues that matter to them as they do at keeping people from voting, they would have a better chance at winning this election. i think the democratic party is doing everything it can -- >> laura: take a breath. you actually think that joe biden is encouraging the democratic process by refusing to answer a simple question? it is embarrassing and infuriating that a candidate for the presidency, when asked a direct question, do you support court packing? do you support getting rid of the filibuster? his answer is, i don't want to get distracted or lose focus.
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what? how is that encouraging transparency in the democratic process? >> so in the democratic process, voters can decide if that matters to them, and they should have an opportunity to vote. the president casting on the way people are voting in this pandemic is not helping democracy. >> laura: there is no fraud. there is no fraud at all out there. >> here's the thing. if the president, if he decides to challenge the results of the election, and he will because hs a whiner and that's what whiners do, he will have to prove it in court with evidence, not just with made up things and made up facts that he's coming up with right now. real -- the ballots in pennsylvania -- >> laura: your party couldn't even count the votes in iowa. you had to get rid of caucuses. you couldn't even get your mind wrapped around counting votes in iowa, and we are going to trust
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you to count the mail in ballots in swing states? no wonder when trust the democratic party, we still are figuring out carolyn maloney seat. >> they have a process to count ballots, it might take a couple of days. we won't know immediately. if it's four months, it's because the president is in court because he lost, and he's going to lose because he failed the country and th the american people want change, they want to relax, they don't want to crazy man running the country anymore. the one msnbc commentator today talks about the way that we should choose our candidates going forward. apparently, each party choosing his or her candidate is not the way they want to do it. mr. figure losey said the following, watch >> we have a national discussion about how we vet a presidential candidate. we screw this up. whether it's the media not
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taking deeply enough, whether it's a time to have a discussion about a bipartisan committee that demands tax returns, make that a requirement or exposes financial pictures for her candidates. we got this wrong, and this can't happen again. >> laura: that's what they do in the old soviet union was a committee choosing -- the people can't be trusted. you all have the democratic process down pat, are you kidding me? >> who loves american more? a man who plays a million dollars in taxes or a guy who pays $1750 in taxes? >> laura: why did they make all this money after going into government? whited biden's son make millions? what was his expertise for paying dominic getting paid that much money? >> why did she get all those patents? why don't we ask those questio
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questions? >> laura: so you won't answer the questions. >> i don't know the answer to either of the questions. nepotism is alive and well in both parties, lawyer, i know we both know that. >> laura: you are either on the show or another show on fox talking about the claws and the trump hotel. it turns out they lost $55 million on the trump hotel. are you going to take that back now or are you going to trot that clause out? >> just because he reported a loss doesn't mean he actually has a loss. we need forensic accounting for tax records beautiful quite frankly, just because he lost money doesn't mean they weren't paying to stay there, and that's a valid relation. >> laura: if he makes money he's criticized, if he loses money is criticized. that's a neat trick. thanks for being -- thanks for stepping into the arena. speaking of thoughts to democracy, the vote by mail crusade is already creating serious problems that could threaten the elections. in new york city, nearly 100,000
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voters were sent defective ballots with wrong names and aggressivaddresses. at least 1400 virginians were sent an extra ballot in the mail, just today, they are demanding the feds investigate the secretary of state for possibly sending voter registration cards to noncitizens and to dead people. congress and buck joints me now. a congressman heard what chris hahn was saying, that the republicans are trying to make it harder for people to vote, but your colleagues on the judiciary committee are concerned about other states as well? how prevalent is this? >> i think it's very prevalent. i think it's important that the attorney general investigate colorado and other states. in colorado, the secretary of state sent out postcards to dead people, to migrant workers on farms that were not u.s. citizens, to bidder visitors frm foreign countries. we have a lady who received a
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postcard, she hadn't lived in loretto since 1967 and she's been dead for years. one example where they are trying to get people to register to vote who are ineligible. >> when you think about the need for a resolution of the selection, given how hot things have been in this country, what do you think is going to play out if this election is not resolved on election night, which many people think it won't be, and this thing drags out until december? >> i think it's important -- i think it's really important that everything leading up to election day is clean. in the case of colorado, the secretary of state has either acted illegally or incompetently. at the attorney general needs to look at this and make a decision on how they're acting. it's important that if she has acted in incompetently that she correct those mistakes. >> let me clarify this for
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people, these are pretty shocking tweets from the secretary of state, jenna griswold. she says these are indisputable facts, she says this is no normal election. a record number of voters will be voting by mail. that's why i'm calling on media networks to pledge to press pause for democracy and make no projections on election night, and announced no election results on election night. congressman, she should be fired just for saying that. it's not up to her to dictate what the media or anyone else says on election night if they determined that president trump has 270 electoral votes or joe biden for that matter. >> when you are progressive, you can tell the rest of the world what to do. the problem that the secretary of state has, we have been voting by mail for years in colorado. we have been announcing election results every election night.
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it's not until she became secretary of state that all of a sudden there was a problem with announcing results. everybody else has been able to do it, and across the country you will be able to do it. they count ballots every day that they receive ballots, and at seven oh five after the polly announced the results of the ballots they received at that time. >> laura: we're going to stay on it, please do so as well. this is really disturbing stuff. lockdown versus liberty, despondent governors versus freedom lovers. in moments, we will reveal how this player is playing out in two states, that's next. now, simparica trio simplifies protection.
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>> laura: or freedom rings in tennessee, governor bill lee announcing yesterday the elimination of all covid restrictions on business. this comes days after florida governor repealed his states covid regulations, which have already been ruthlessly attacked by the media and the medical establishment. you can expect them to throw similar smears at timothy. for many tennesseans, he did not take away the ability of local authorities to set their own covid rules.
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governor lee joins me now, exclusively. governor, it is a wild thing to see how many blue states, especially, have continued these antidemocratic lockdowns and rules and regulations that from the look of things are just destroying the hospitality, restaurant business and other small businesses. it your thoughts on your contemporary and blue states? >> we just made the decision in our state to follow the science, follow the data, follow the facts. we have seen clearly that we can open up our economy, we can open up our businesses, we can get our kids back in school, and we can do so safely and we can do so without over burdensome regulations and mandates. we can do it, we followed it, we've seen it work, and were
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very encouraged. we have 600,000 kids in school right now in person. our schools have been open, some of them for eight weeks now. 99.5% of those schools that we've opened are still open, and to remain open without closure. we've done so safely, we worked really hard to create a safe environment for teachers and for kids. we've seen the same thing with businesses. we've created something called the pledge, give guidance to businesses. we take in all of the restrictions off. we seen our businesses open. we are concerned in tennessee about the health of our citizens. we have done things -- we were one of the first state to protect to be vulnerable in nursing homes, for example, by testing all of our residents early and all of the staff. we also know that while we are concerned about lives, and we are, we are also concerned about people who are losing their jobs and losing their livelihood, and losing their life savings and
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losing their hope. just so we know that we can -- if we followed the data, i'm an engineer so i'm a data-driven guide. we followed the data, and we can open up safely, we have seen it. >> laura: at the cdc and the medical establishment of anthony fauci, just gave an interview yesterday that he was quite adamant that social distancing must continue, that dangers inside versus outside. everybody has to be wearing masks and that there is no end in sight to these atex recommendations, guidelines, whatever you want to call them. he didn't make a differentiation between tennessee in new york or tennessee and georgia or tennessee and california. what is your response to him? >> i think tennesseans, i give them a lot of credit. we are six or seven months into
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this, and people know how to assess risk and take personal responsibility for their own health and safety. businesses know how to protect their customers, and they know it's in the best interest of them to protect their customers and their employees. you know, i think personal responsibility can come. we have seen it happen in tennessee. it we've seen people take responsibility, do the right thing, stay apart when they are supposed to -- >> laura: governor isn't this about freedom -- isn't this about -- isn't this also about freedom? there are certain inalienable rights the governmentisms was to take away from us. if if you prevent people from having the holidays, -- >> personable responsibility and freedom, liberty, drive behavi behavior. people -- like i said, we've learned a lot about this.
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we know the extent of the risk and people have a responsibility to assume that risk for themselves and to make those decisions. >> laura: we are out of time, but i can tell you i have a lot of friends in real estate in tennessee, and they are very busy right now because so many people want to move to tennessee. congratulations and we wish you all the best. while tennesseans get freedom again, many americans aren't so lucky, including the millions of living under the oppressive rule of king andrew in new york. even with a vastly improved covid situation, he is still crippling small business with the no end in sight. my next guest has issued this call to action, new yorkers need to wake up. as do our lawmakers, and i use that term generously as the only law they've enacted is that cuomo can do whatever the hell he wants. corresponded for the federalist, friends of mine are saying it's
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like a hells gate. i haven't been to new york city since this whole thing began, but they're worried worried that this damage to new york is going to be permanent. the guy was just googling driving directions to tennessee. it's bad. this is really the first time i've ever written a column where i freaked myself out while writing it i spent the better part of the beginning of the week interviewing local politicians for a book i'm writing. i'm finding out how new york is being governed over the last six months. they told me am march the state legislature handed governor cuomo temporary emergency unlimited unchecked power for the crisis. it is now october. in reading this column, i think to myself, i've been living under a dictatorship for six months, and it hadn't really occurred to me. i said, maybe it didn't feel like a dictatorship. then i remembered, i couldn't go to church, couldn't congregate
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with anybody. supposedly, i have to wear a mask at two sit on my own stupid and smoke a cigarette. a chill went on my spine because i realized, this is out happens. there doesn't have to be a military coup, there doesn't have to be violence. socialism and communism can creep in and take over a country inch by inch, right by right, power grab by power grab, and that is what's happening in new york state right now. it's absolutely frightening. >> laura: even in tennessee where the governor obviously made the right call, they are. do you still feel like you have to balance -- and there is bouncing that's needed, obviously. to some rights are inalienable rights, and we just kind of gave them up willy-nilly because of a virus that in most cases is abot as lethal as the flu. governor cuomo is clearly power tripping. listen to what he said yesterday. >> compliance and enforcement is keying. i can't say it any more bluntly
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than that. mask wearing is a state law. it's a law. if not, it would be nice if you could. i really think you should. it's also a law. >> laura: david, is there no end to this guy? >> this clown sees pictures of socially distanced new yorkers having a drink on st. mark's place and tweets out, don't make me come down there. please, come down, governor. please, come down and tell us what to do. i beg you. please come down and talk to the people. we will tell you what we think. >> laura: do you think liberals will actually wake up to the fact that the democrats are now officially the anti-fun party, is that going to happen? >> no. this isn't going to end, when covid is gone, we will have the public crisis of climate change and racism, they will say we
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need an emergency basis to take some of your constitutional rights of way, only until we solve climate change and racism. the groundwork has already been laid for this, and we really need to wake up t to. >> laura: david, thank you so much. wonderful to see you tonight. in moments, we debunk the bogus media narrative that secret white supremacist is responsible for all of the destruction of our cities. if that's next stay there.
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>> this notion of antifa as being an organized group is laughable. >> this idea that antifa is sending people organized around the country on a plane, that has been a talking point talking point. >> antifa is a violent ideology that pushes back against fascism. the organized groups that are committing domestic terror in the united states, that's white supremacy. >> laura: in a "new york times" editorial
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member this piece. he routinely described this as a spontaneous eruption of anger, it was strategically planned, facilitated, advertised on social media by anarchists in washington, portland, and seattle. they have attracted a cultlike energy. the article goes on to describe the all-too-familiar tactics of these left-wing anarchists. a black clad figures, break windows, set fires, vandalize police cars, then mail back into the crowd of peaceful protesters bid them when the police respond, the public disdain for law enforcement grows. it is asymmetric war for stomach fair 101 terry turchie, assistant projects, 21 cochair. it took an antifa sympathizer to tell the truth and set the recod straight against the media
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narrative we played earlier. because that's exactly right. the bottom line is, we were taught in the fbi early on, if we follow the facts and the trail, don't be reading things into big guy didn' to mike danze terms. it's not white supremacists that are out burning cities and intimidating diners and restaurants. it's in many cases university graduates. if the people who comprise the antiracist aspect of what the left has been developing in the revolutionary left for years. that is able to join in with blm and earlier on the black panther party, and go out and bring a revolution. we are in the middle of it now. it is out in plain sight. >> laura: here's another excerpt from the article. if quoting councilor joann are
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to sing. as a black woman who has been working on this 30 years, to have young white activists i've just discovered black lives matter yelling at me that i'm not doing enough for black people is kind of ironic is what it is. this has nothing to do with racial justice, does it? why is blm promoting it? >> of course this has nothing to do with racial justice. this is about political opportunism. when i was just a little kid, the eagles came out with a song about you are lying high. what we are being told is to ignore everything that we can see. radical groups are gathering in cities all across the country, and now we are looking at over $1 billion worth of damage according to the insurance industry based on coordinated activity. this is real. >> laura: and yet, the president has been asked and
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asked again and re-asked questions about, will you disavow white supremacy and white supremacists. somehow, as if he ever supported it. i want to remind everyone want the president has said over the years about this pernicious effect of white supremacists. watch. >> president trump: racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs. including the kkk, neo-nazis, white supremacists -- our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy. >> do you want white supremacist to vote for you? >> no, i don't. and not at all. i strongly condemned the neo-nazis, the white supremacists, and the kkk. >> laura: in just a few moments ago again on speec "han" a talk about that tactic using a wedge to agree that the kkk is the worst ever.
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>> a couple of points, first of all, white supreme see combined with systemic racism, that is the foundation of the radical left -- revolutionary left attack on america. if you look at the 2016 democratic party platform, the 2020 democratic platform, which by the way, if you didn't do anything else the other night, joe biden took responsibility for that platform. but encourage to lea read it. it even talks about the importance of protests. if we've heard kamala harris say that as well. that is the foundation of their attack. they need to distract people they need to neutralize the president. if anyone has spoken now and has the battle cry to fight back against the people who want to destroy the rule of law in the constitutional republic, it's president trump. they have team try and make that
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step stomach stick >> laura: yes or no, president trump has delivered more for black america than any president in our lifetime? >> which is the whole purpose of my book. i mentioned in one of those, his commitment to quality. that has been something that has been very good for black americans as a minority. his record, if he is a racist, he is the worst racist ever. more black with a job, more blacks with new houses, more blacks with money in their wallet. >> laura: prosperity, and safety. a joe biden has no answer for any of that. a gentleman, that was illuminating. thank you so much. it still ahead, does the analysis that trump underperformed miss the mark? new polls suggest that the narrative doesn't align with the views of american voters paid with the next debate already
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tested positive for covid-19. terrible, first lady and i waiting for a test result, in the meantime we will begin our quarantine process. john mcglocklin, pollster doug schon, and former advisor to michael bloomberg, john, how will this affect the final campaign push? how long does it take to get the test? >> as of the president this afternoon, he looked great. before i saw him, i passed the test. i feel good about that. hope wasn't there, it was at an invite. the president looked great, he was very upbeat, i told him he really dominated that debate. he did well, and he could really put joe biden away because i had people texting me during the debate that joe biden looked like he was going to bomb. the one i want to go to you on this, people are already playing this out on twitter and so forth, if the president have been for bid test positive for
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coronavirus and test to be off the trail -- how does that play? it cuts against him or could it make you more sympathetic? >> look, i think every american who is reasonable, rational, and logical, hopes he tests negative and second, if god forbid he tests positive, i think the hearts of this nation would go out to him and to the first lady peered i don't think it's going to impact to the campaign. i hope we continue to have a robust debate. a joe biden is ahead. i thought the president to do with very well. at the democrats did well. >> laura: the approval ratings of president trump kicked up to their highest point since may at about 46%. one of the ones i saw -- on daily tracking has it up even higher at 50%.
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what does that tell us? >> it tells us the base is rock-solid. doug knows it's a close race right now. we had him in right before the debate 49%. that's the same level obama was at this point with the rasmussen reports survey when he got reelected. what freaks out the democrats is when the president gets 50 or higher, that's how obama got reelected, that's how george w. bush got reelected. >> laura: 49%, the moderator for the next debate, someone i know casually of c-span. it was revealed that he actually sent out to tweets in 2016 that made people think he may be couldn't be fair in this debate. one is tweeting out a "new york times" column no not trump not ever. a second, he tweeted a picture of him and joe biden with the caption got a love the vp.
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does that worry you? >> doesn't worry me. what we need is impartial moderation, we need a discussion on the issues on the candidates position for our futures. i think it would serve america better. it is a closed race, seven points overall, three and to have points in the swing states. i think those undecided voters deserve a dialogue on the issues, not the sideshow we got the other night. >> laura: and i think it's going to create perhaps more doubt in the american citizens debate. thank you so much. he still had democrats just won't packed the courts, they will pack the congress? we will explain.
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>> d.c. and puerto rico, particularly if puerto rico boats for it, d.c. already has voted for it and loves it. i'm not busting my chops to become majority leader to do very little or nothing, we are going to get a whole lot done, and as i've said, everything -- everything is on the table. >> laura: remember that on election day, everything is on the table, including her freed freedom. shannon bream any "fox new @ night" team take it all from here. shannon? >> shannon: 30 plus days away, laura, thank you so much. >> laura: have a great show. >> shannon: breaking tonight, close advisor to president trump, consistently with him on the campaign trail, testing positive for covid-19. hope hicks was on air force one three times this week, and the ripple effect tonight is the campaign adjust its rally schedule, and the president says he is going into quarantine tonight as he awaits test results. the debate over the debates heating up tonight, the trump and biden campaigns lobbing at each other over how to manage the next one. will the moder
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