tv Hannity FOX News October 2, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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mark steyn. great to see you. thanks so much for that. we're out of time. we'll be back monday. we hope that you spend the weekend with the ones you love, remembering what matters, which is always your family and your dogs. sean hannity is next. have a great weekend. >> sean: we begin this friday night at 9:00 in the east, 6:00 on the west coast with a fox news alert. thanks for being with fox news. welcome to "hannity." the president of the united states, donald trump and melania trump are experiencing some symptoms after testing positive for covid-19. our sources tell us it's mild. earlier out of caution, the president traveled to walter reed medical center and also received a cutting-edge anti-body treatment. the president is expected to work out of his designated office at walter reed the next few days while being monitored by the top health experts. the president tweeted out this
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video thanking everyone for their support. take a look. >> i want to thank everybody for the tremendous support. i'm going to walter reed hospital. i think i'm doing very well. we're going to make sure that things work out. the first lady is doing very well. so thank you very much. i appreciate it. i'll never forget it. thank you. >> sean: today the president's covid-19 adviser dr. scott atlas predicted a complete recovery. our thoughts and prayers are with the entire trump family and first lady and top white house aide, hope hicks. utah senator mike lee who are also diagnosed with covid-19. we will continue to monitor this developing story all throughout the night. you have pretty much, by the way -- make sure you have everything you need to know about the latest covid-19 statistics, developments, therapeutics and where we are with the vaccine. dr. oz will be here. also white house -- former white
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house physician dr. ronny jackson. we start with an important observation. during what is a contentious election year, 32 days, you're the ultimate jury. we sometimes do lose sight of the fact that this country is filled with some great incredible, decent hard working people. first case of coronavirus was january 21. travel ban was january 31. you think of all the medical professionals that have worked around the clock to save lives, all of the scientists, all of the medical researchers. they have spent every waking moment in the hopes of operation warp speed to develop a vaccine. we now have numerous candidates in final stage, human trials, which is unprecedented. by the way, everyone doing all of this to keep us safe and healthy and the country open. no shortage of great hard-working american people. they all get it. it's the worth pandemic since
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1917 and 18. now unfortunately, of course, predictably, there's notable exceptions. today there were many vile individuals and even media outlets showing their true colors. they're nonstop never-ending psychotic anti-trump rage, knows no bounds, every second, minute of every day. one former hillary spokesperson wishing for the president's death. one msdnc host floating a conspiracy theory that he didn't really have covid. "the new york times" suggesting that he be removed from the ballot. the democratic senator stating that vladimir putin is now in charge of the president's campaign. sadly, just the tip of the iceberg. tonight we're going to show you the worst of the worst. that's coming up. first, joining us now from the white house with the very latest, john roberts. john, what is the latest there? sean, it's unclear, no way to know how long the president will
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be at the walter reed national medical center. it's going to be a few days at least until the end of the weekend, probably into next week depending how he does with the treatment. because the president, because of his age, he's in a high risk category. really as a precaution, it's a dramatic precaution, they decided, the white house physician and the white house staff to take him over there because there's a suite of offices at walter reed that he can work out of, have all the facility he needs to be the president of the united states and be only moments away from some of the world's best medical care if needed. you saw the video that you played there of the president just before he left the residence. we saw the video of the president walking out to the helicopter. you can see it in the lower screen. him walking off of the helicopter at walter reed. he was ambulatory. pretty much the president we've gotten used to except now we know he has been diagnosed with
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coronavirus. another reason why they wanted to take him to walter reed, sean, is because the earlier and more aggressively you get treatment the better your outcome. most people don't go to the hospital until they get really sick. also, as dr. sean conley has been taking a degreessive steps to make sure that they keep the viral load down low. he got a does of the new anti-body therapy, which suppresses viral replication. keeps the viral load down. some of the other drugs he's on, just a mineral zinc, which is known to boost year immune system. he's on melatonin to help him sleep, a daily aspirin. we know blood clotting can be a factor. and this is interesting. he's on a daily dose of pepcid. what does a stomach medication has to do with coronavirus? a study by columbia found that
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people that take a daily dose of pepcid and had coronavirus with 48% less likely to have to go on a ventilator and 45% less likely to die. so the president's doctor has him on all of these medications and hoping to keep him progressing from severe coronavirus disease. the president is concerned about this. a couple months ago, i was on air force one. he invited me to the office in the front. he told me a story about a guy he knew in the new york real estate business. he back in april president trump heard that he had coronavirus. the next day president trump heard that he was in the hospital. the next day he checked, he was on a ventilator. the next day he passed away. so the president knows, sean, very well through experiences like this that you've got to treat this seriously when you get it. that's why even though i think as don jr. said earlier tonight, he's never seen in president in the hospital other than for maybe a checkup. he may be reluctantly went there
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but he said to the doctors, you know better than me. i'll go and fight it because he wants to get back on the campaign trail. >> sean: we're going to keep you as our chief correspondent but after that informative report, you'll go to the medical team. a lot of knowledge and information. >> that's a former life for me, sean. >> sean: well, but honestly, very informative. thanks very much. john roberts at the white house tonight. we check in now walter reed medical center where the president is currently receiving treatment. kevin corke is standing by on that location. kevin, as john pointed out, the president does have a suite there prepared where he can also do work. my sources telling me tonight that in fact he did do some work when he got there earlier today. >> yeah, no question about that, sean. keep in mind the business of the american people continues regardless of what is happening as long as the president feels capable and is able to do so.
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in fact, just before i went on the air, 1 1/2 hours ago, he issued an emergency declaration for the state of new york. just to give you an example. he's resting comfortably according to our sources. some of us were making a bet that he might even call in to your program tonight. i do also want to let you know, sean, that we've been monitoring responses from all over the globe. we've seen world leaders from netanyahu and boris johnson express their well-wishes for the president. we're not sure he could be here at walter reed. could be two days, four days. we don't flow. we do know this is all out of caution as he continues to get testing and treatment. sean? >> sean: he's welcome to call if he's watching. we would love to have him call in, making sure he's doing well. anybody that has had this, we always said our thoughts and prayers are with them. as he said, the invisible enemy. kevin, thanks.
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we appreciate it. so what can we expect from the president's treatment at walter reed? joining us with more, dr. ronny jackson. he served under president trump and president barack obama. i want to go over john roberts mentioned this. this is regeneron and this antibody cocktail that is fairly new. it's funny because earlier in the -- not funny but earlier in the week they talked about moving this, fast-tracking it with the fda. what do we know about it, dr. jackson. >> we know it's close, sean. it's in phase three clinical trials right now. it's human testing. has some incredible promising results. you know, it's going to be close to fda approval. should be coming soon. the president was able to reach out to the fda and to the company and they were able to get authorization to use it in a compassionate use for the president. so he's using that. it's an anti body.
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that go through thousands of human anti-bodies. expose them to the coronavirus and find the ones most effective in killing or locking up the virus so it can't cause infection. they found these anti-bodies and mixed them up in a cocktail. that's what this drug is. they're two antibodies very effective and preventing the virus from infecting cells in the body. they keep the viral load down and lets the patient recover quicker. that's the hope for the president. he's very asymptomatic, a few minor symptoms. he's in a good sport to start with. dr. conley is being super aggressive about this, making sure that he stays on top of this. that's the right thing to do. >> sean: we made the biggest strides in therapeutics. remdesivir is widely accepted as having shown a lot of success. if we look over and go through between this new regeneron that
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the president receives and as people struggled, convalescent plasma. the president having a run of regeneron, zinc, vitamin d, pepcid, melatonin, daily aspirin. no word on whether remdesivir or hydroxychloroquine are being used by the president. your thoughts on all of these because we definitely have greatly -- tell me where i'm wrong here -- improved all therapeutics and a combination thereof. do any of them counter act each other in any way? >> no, not at all. not that we're aware of. they have their own special thing that they bring to the fight. they're all tools in the tool box. the president wanted to make sure that we developed pharmaceuticals to have the impact on the morbidity and mortality of this disease. that's what we're seeing. we're developing quite the package of pharmaceuticals to fight coronavirus.
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in addition to doing the other things like developing a vaccine and things. these anti-bodies are awesome. they provide a bridge between those two. you know, we can treat with the other medications and while we're waiting the final approval of a vaccine, we can use the anti-bodies to really make a lot of progress. so yeah, we've got a lot going on. a lot has happened and a lot of really exciting developments that are happening and more on the way. >> sean: do you have a therapeutic of choice for yourself? what would you do god forbid you got this virus? >> i think currently this is the best one right now. they use remdesivir for patients more critical in the icu, having other issues. not necessarily being used in the past in patients that have very minor symptoms like the president has. patients that are asymptomatic. the anti-bodies can be used in patients that don't have symptoms to keep them from developing symptoms. they can be used theoretically
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prophylactically to keep people that don't have it from getting it. they can be used to treat minor symptoms like the president has. so i think this is the best option right now. i think that they looked at all of these options, went over everything with experts all over the country to figure out what the best options were. they settled on the right one. another reason that he's at walter reed. it's an incredible facility. i helped build it. the president can do everything he needs to do that he would normally do in the white house and get outstanding care with unbelievable access to the world's leading specialists. they bring people from hopkins and nih and make sure they're not missing something. they have all the facilities there to do anything that they might need to do. x-rays and lab work and things of that nature. so he's in the right place, getting the right medication. they're doing it quickly, which i think is going to pay off. >> sean: dr. ronny jackson, thanks. we appreciate it. joining us now to help break this down, the host he started
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his 12th or 13th season, dr. oz of the dr. oz show. good to see you. we spent an hour on radio. we talked a lot about the different treatments out there. one that you seem intrigued on is this new regeneron anti-body cocktail that apparently the president has taken. your thoughts on what they have announced. your thoughts on the chosen course of treatment for the president. >> let's start at the top. this is the solutions that american is right now using in their own lives. zinc is associated with better outcomes of covid-19. doesn't mean it causes it. they studied it at nyu and patients had improved results. take a low dose at hope prophylactically. a higher dose if you're ill with covid-19, which is what i suspect the president is receiving. vitamin d is a hormone.
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also again, high levels of vitamin d associated in some studies with better outcomes from covid-19. again, something you can get from the sun or take a supplement. point out a couple of things that john mentioned earlier. the anti-body blocks antihistamines. covid uses histamine in the way it hurts us. blocking it may be beneficial. some hospitals demonstrated benefit. not enough data to conclusively say anything. it's a repurposing of an older drug that has been demonstrated to be relatively safe. melatonin is not about sleep. it mediates the chemical messengers that our bow did uses to protect itself and the virus uses to attack us. and melatonin might be more impactful. you asked about regeneron. i called the doctor. he's the person that has done a lot of the convalescent plasma work at columbia university.
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the president of regeneron is a columbia alum. he has a lot of insights that he shared with me. this is a very old approach. hundreds of years old roughly. the idea to take serum, the watery part of blood from people that already survived a virus but in this case covid-19 and give it to someone who is struggling. giving convalescent plasma gives you anti-bodies and other chemicals in the blood which is why it's promising. the fda has given the emergency use authorization for convalescent plasma. that's why we ask people to donate blood if they recovered from covid-19. and eli lilly harvested some of the antibodies directed against the spike proteins of the covid virus so they can prevent them from reproducing and growing in your body. let's say the president has an immune system that is slowly starting to catch up to the virus but hasn't got there yet. by attacking the virus before his immune system is ready, you
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buy him time. the only data that i seen is supportive, has the time of recovery from two week to two weeks. did have a lot of side effects. it's not widely available in this country. convalescent plasma is relatively widespread. >> sean: let's talk about, dr. oz, you know, the first case in this country of covid-19 was january 21. here we are october 2. we're in final numerous final stage human trials for a vaccine. standing back, that in and of itself is incredible. great testament to the medical researchers and scientists and advancements that we have made. as you look at -- i don't care if it's astra zeneca or pfizer and look at the vaccines available, everything i've read is telling me the same thing that they saw in stage 2 trials. number 1, i believe that sounds
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to me like they found the optimal dose. whether it be one application or two of the vaccine, because they're working on both. they're seeing anti-bodies produced in almost every case that they're using. side effects are minimal. people are not dying. am i reading this right? these trials otherwise wouldn't be continuing. some of them started in late july. >> i think it's a good assessment, sean. you have data safety monitoring boards that make sure there's no damage being done to the patients in the trial. when you do have a complication it's quickly reviewed. i think across the board, we're pretty encouraged by the number of people enrolled in the trials. they should be finishing their enrollment this week. next week, 30,000. large trials. give it six weeks. complications and to see if it's effective. we can't demonstrate efficacy because you have to wait for the
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final data to come in but it's encouraging the trials have reached a conclusion and more heading that way. we have a bunch of trials, different countries have their best shots as well. i'm optimistic we'll have one or two vaccines that are effective enough that will be able to start helping people first reresponsibilitieders initially and those most vulnerable who would have complications if they got covid-19. most americans are going to have to wait a few months before the vaccine is more widely available. that stated, it's a big light at the end of the tunnel. the first bit of good news, one of trials to come back positive. >> sean: dr. oz, for those that don't know, dr. oz day and night from the very beginning has talked to doctors daily around the world. i think he sleeps less than me, which is hard to do. melatonin won't put me to sleep, dr. oz. thank you, sir. we're only 32 days away from a tipping point election as i call it. so what do we expect moving forward as the president is now
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battling covid-19? at least in the short term. joining us now, the host of "special report", bret baier. there's always the political implications on any issue. to the biden's campaign, a certain amount of graciousness by former vice president biden and his wife. not the case with our media colleagues and others. i'll get to that. there's a point here that everybody has to see we're dealing with the worst pandemic since 1917 and 18. >> yeah. it's a big factor now, sean. good evening. the president obviously will be off the trail. that's a tough thing for the trump campaign. but they have surrogates. he may have the ability to do some things remotely. they'll look at that. depending on how his recovery goes and we hope and pray it goes quickly. he may be able to have the three negative tests and be able to go to the next debate in miami. we don't know that time frame as
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of yet. the other politics things, sean, is about the senate judiciary committee. you now have senator mike lee, who has tested positive for covid-19 and senator tom tillis from north carolina. both of them, republicans, on the senate judiciary committee. that has prompted senator chuck schumer to say you can't go forward with the confirmation hearing of judge barrett. now there's a scramble. mcconnell and lindsey graham are saying we're going forward no matter what. democrats are piping up saying this has to be delayed because of covid-19. >> sean: the reality is, they're talking about beginning the hearings in ten days from now. that would give people time to obviously have a full recovery? >> yeah. it's the same thing as the president. if the full recovery happens and they have the negative tests, they could start the hearings. you also don't need a quorum to
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start. they would need to be there to vote. so they could attend remotely. but the fact that that is even factoring in shows you how much covid-19 is a part of this election and has changed the dynamic. >> sean: no doubt about it. bret baier, host of "special report." thanks for staying up late with us tonight. coming up, there's deranged people. every second, minute, hour, 24 hours a day, deranged trump haters spending the day celebrating the president's covid-19 diagnosis. others actually openly wishing that he die. we will call out these truly despicable people after the break. we'll check in with dan bongino, geraldo rivera and other news on this busy friday night. thanks for being with us on "hannity." with a painless, one-second scan you can check your glucose with a smart phone or reader
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>> sean: many people, both sides of the aisle, good decent americans put politics aside to wish the president, the first lady and the family well following the diagnosis. unfortunately there's some notable exceptions who instead use the illness and diagnosis as a line of attack against the president. for example, unhinged far left senator chris murphy used today's news as an excuse to rehash, believe it or not, the russia lie hoax and conspiracy theory. pretty repulsive, sickening. take a look for yourself. >> you have to be much more serious about the russian threat given today's news. if the president can't be out there on the campaign trail for two weeks, he will rely on his serrogates. unfortunately one of them is vladimir putin. so you're likely going to see this campaign ramped up by russia over the next few weeks to try to substitute for the
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president's absence on the campaign trail. >> sean: it gets worse. the "new york times" published an opinion piece entitled "defiant now infected. trump is a morality tail." the l.a. times following that up with one that said "when reagan was shot, the country rallied around." "the washington post" said emergency what it will be like trip following the diagnosis. they deleted that. it was "the washington post." they have their own history and timeline that we have gone over. "the new york times" says who says it's not safe to travel to china? cnn's don lemon is losing it. he suggested the infection was a payback for calling the virus a hoax. something the president never said or did. former hillary clinton's
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campaign spokesperson and white house staffer said that she was hoping that the president drops dead. former director of progressive partnerships for elizabeth warren, max burger saying the president deserves none of our sympathy. jennifer ruben had another complete melt down that included spears against the first lady, even attacked the president for being flown to walter reed instead of driven. acosta tweeting "trump did not stop for questions after the president walked out of the white house to marine one earlier this evening." liberal commentator torre alza said he would take a hard pass on praying for the president. tom arnold, nice guy that he is, he posted hope fix phone number. msdnc host joy reed, liberal film maker michael moore, they're out there floating conspiracy theories that the
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president was faking having the virus altogether to garner sympathy. speaker pelosi claiming the president's attitude toward the virus was brazen and brazen invitation to become infected. hold on a second. wasn't she the person telling us to go to chinatown? wasn't she breaking protocol and the rules in san francisco? didn't we have video of her literally in a salon that was supposed to be closed, not even wearing a mask? having it open so she can get her hair done and then attacking the owner of the salon? "the new york times" suggesting that the president might not be able to remain on the ballot. let me be clear, you'd think it's not a time for divisive politi politics. might be a time to be somewhat decent. here with reaction, dan bongino
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and geraldo rivera. americans under this is the worst pandemic since 1917. the president put travel bans. he acted faster than anybody. he upplayed the part with his actions and explain that but people don't want to take that part of what he done seriously. it shows that he took it seriously. he was praised by the likes of gavin newsome and andrew cuomo at the time when they most needed him. but i guess this is who people are. just have to accept it. >> you know, sean, let me just say that zara person and that max person, they are disgusting, beneath contempt and they makes me want to spit. it is absolutely horrifying. but in a way we have come to expect it from the trump haters.
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they know no bounds. what bothers me, just as much but in a much different way, 180 degrees away and i send our thoughts and prayers to the president and the first lady, i hate when i hear that b.s. cliche' and abundance of caution. the headline here is that the president of the united states and the first lady of the united states have been diagnosed with covid disease. the president has been hospitalized for covid disease. a wicked, dangerous, deadly disease that is already claimed 208,000 american lives, one midd million worldwide. so dangerous that doctors are prescribing an experimental drug, this is an awesome, serious matter that we all have to take a deep breath. as we send our thoughts and prayers to our friends, we have to understand and appreciate what is going on here.
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when you start hearing people talking about the 25th amendment and the president himself describing to john roberts how that mogul friend of his went in four days from bare symptoms to death, god forbid but let's understand what we're dealing with here. those people who are so low-minded that they are using this as an opportunity to stab this man in the back, they should be ashamed of themselves. it's horrifying. they should all look in the mirror and say what the hell? are we all americans here? how many presidents do we have at a time? we hope for the best. let's understand what is at stake here, sean. >> sean: but you know, and i really do -- from the very beginning, one thing i was consistent, i said in early february, late january that i believe dan bongino in our medical scientists, our researchers, they are the best
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in the world. you stand back, you look where we were. first case january 21 of this year. we're now in final stage trials for vaccines. multiple trials. with all of the things. the therapeutics have greatly improved. nobody likes it, nobody wants it. i don't want a risk in life and i don't want anybody to die, period, end of sentence. even people that hate me. i want them to live forever so they can hate me more. but the reality is, what it is. that is that you -- dr. oz would always say it on my radio show during the height of this, you go to fight with the army you have, not with the one you wish you had. it was never perfect but you do the best you can. our medical scientists, researchers, doctors, nurses, they've done an amazing job for this country and we should applaud all of them. >> they have, sean. there's a better understanding
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of the antibody storm, which is probably a secondary cause of death other than the infection. there's better understanding of therapeutics, anti-virals. the use of vitamin d and zinc. but just in regards to the opening of your segment, first, i want to obviously ask the lord to give the president and the first lady the strength to deal with this tremendous obstacle in front of them. and i do want to sincerely thank some of the democrats and liberals out there on social media that did the right thing. tulsi gabbard came out with a wonderful statement of support for the president and the first lady. it was nice. it was really good to see. but sean, the good news ends there unfortunately. to the others out there, the death wishers, the want-to-be charlie bronsons out there, the bizzaro charlie bronsons, you're ghouls.
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you're disgraceful people. you disgraced yourselves, this country, the people you work to. you won't find in this network when you had tragic incidents like the death of ruth bader ginsberg. you'd be fired tomorrow. i can speak from there i'm telling you right now. you'd be out of here. i'm not trying to virtue signalling anyone, this is a human being. you may not like his tweets or his policies, this is a human being about his wife and geraldo is right. infected with a serious virus. you know what? you can do the report card later. just wish the man the best for now and hope he gets better. >> sean: well-said, both of you. geraldo, dan, thank you. when we come back, the architect karl rove is here with the insight on how the white house is handling the president's diagnos diagnosis. and some democrats trying to capitalize on the president's
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>> sean: all right. the president is now currently at walter reed hospital. he has an office wing inside of the hospital after testing positive for covid-19. the white house saying it's an abundance of caution. >>. joining us on how this impacts the 2020 race. former deputy chief of staff of george bush 43. karl rove is with us. we're at the height of a political campaign. not an ideal team or convenient team for anybody to get a positive covid result. you know walter reed well. you know the office that exists for a president. your thoughts overall and the campaign and maybe on the media
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mob like "the new york times." >> yeah. the white house is smart to adopt a transparent attitude. as soon as they knew, which was apparently late last night, they let people know in a presidential tweet. mark meadows went out to brief. that was very good. speaks of an attitude that we're going to be transparent about this and tell you everything we know. that's good. moving the president to walter reed is a very good move. there's a medical unit in the eisenhower executive office building. it's the big sort of ornate building directly west of the white house. there's a medical unit there. it's not designed to constantly monitor. so why not move the president to the walter reed hospital where there's a suite for the president and where there are skilled technicians that can monitor him around the clock and out of an abundance of caution
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smart to do. i also thought interesting enough to the president's remarks, i thought they were very good and very smart to do. the american people want to hear from him. they want to see him. he said i think i'm doing good. you had a sense of i have a challenge, i'm going to take care of it. the first lady is doing well. there was a sense of empathy there and the president did it. it's appropriate that he speaks out. yeah, the campaign will have to end it. in a way it's sort of weird but may work to his advantage that rather than going giving a speech to 10,000 people and saying something that the press picks up on and runs with, now he can very carefully the next few days, style his message and send it out there by tweet or calling in to a program like yours or by calling in to "fox and friends" or by maybe doing a
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town hall. now gives him a chance to be very focused and discipline in his message the next few weeks. people understand if he's not out on the campaign trail. >> sean: let's talk about the treatment of the media, the mob. you've been following this. more particularly, "the new york times." you had harsh comments to say earlier. >> i was taken aback. we want our newspapers to be things that are sharing information and the facts. describing things. this wasn't a news story by journalists that i have a respect for but their editor did something wrong. if he's sick referring to the president or becomes ill, it could raise questions about whether he should remain on the ballot. really. >> the guy is going in out of an abundance of caution to be checked out. he's got mild symptoms. his wife is seemingly doing even better than he is. we're already raising questions whether he should remain on the ballot 32 days from the election. this was not a news story.
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it's an opinion piece or maybe a journalist hoping against hope that he might disappear from the ballot if they wrote about it. i thought it was entirely inappropriate. indicative of the mindset of many of the people in the press. >> sean: karl rove, the architect. when we come back, more breaking news. capitol hill democrats are wasting no time to use the democrat's illness for cheap political gains and now trying to use it as a stall tactic against amy coney barrett and mitch mcconnell is not giving in. ari fleischer and jason chaffetz are with us next. we'll be right back. i am robert strickler.
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which is at risk of shutdown because of the crisis. to keep millions of cars off our roads, to reduce air pollution and fight climate change. and measure rr helps essential workers like me get to work and keep our communities healthy. relieve traffic. reduce pollution. rescue caltrain. [all] yes on measure rr.
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senator mike lee, tom tillis from north carolina tested positive for the coronavirus. some democrats are actually trying to use that to delay the confirmation process of amy coney barrett which is supposed to start in ten days. schumer tweeting out, it's irresponsible and dangerous to move forward with a hearing. senator mcconnell announced that amy coney barrett's process will move ahead. we have with us ari fleischer, jason chaffetz. they politicize everything. they have not wanted to president to do what 29 presidents have done in election years when there's a vacancy on the court. i get it. hearings are not supposed to start for ten days. they don't need a quorum. they can't stop it. mitch mcconnell and senator graham will not stop it.
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>> just have to ask yourself, what is different? why not? because, sean, when -- since covid began, 18 members of congress have come down with covid. when these other members of congress came down, did that stop the democrats? did they ground congress to a halt? stop legislating and stop attacking donald trump? no. should they stop over the weekend on negotiations over the stimulus package? of course not. we have a constitutional obligation and they should be upheld and that includes the naming of a supreme court justice especially. there's no reason not to proceed. >> sean: i said this at the time, jason. i said, you know, if at the height of this -- the medical manufacturers of gowns and gloves and ppe and ventilators, new york and other states were done. if the farmers didn't farm and the packers didn't pack, we
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would have starved to death in new york. all of these americans work and they actually all hands on deck to help their fellow americans including all the medical professionals that didn't stay in their basement bunkers and hide. so congress is above the farmers, the packers, the medical manufacturers? >> this is just chuck schumer playing disaster liberalism to its nth degree. this is how democrats and socialists think. they never want to let a crisis go to waste. they want to use it to their political advantage even though we're a couple of hours since senator tillis said he tested positive. these are the same democrats that argued that they don't need to meet with amy coney barrett. they don't think it's legitimate. now they want to delay things. they're going to throw everything at the wall trying to confuse people.
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it's how they operate, it's sickening, disgusting and doesn't work. people see through it. this is how chuck schumer thinks. he's not oozing with credibility on this issue. >> sean: what about all things on the table, ari? court packing is on the table and ending the legislative filibuster is on the table. we're going to make d.c. and puerto rico states without any input from the other 50 states and have a senate majority of democrats in perpetuity and joe won't answer that question either. does he get away with going through the rest of the campaign ignoring these important issues? >> i think he's going to be under some level of pressure. most people in the mainstream media don't hold him accountable or his feet to the fire and point out how he's dodging and pound him on it. they don't. they give him a pass. sean, it's not that the issues are on the table. they're about to be shoved down
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our throat. they're about to leave the table. when you listen to senator schumer talk about how he didn't wait to become the majority leader to do nothing. he's implying he's going to abolish the filibuster. if they pass packing the courts, you think joe biden will veto it? i have no doubt in my mind if the democrats win and take back the senate, they're going to pack the court, abolish the filibuster, d.c. will be a state and puerto rico will be a state and it's a power move. >> sean: how will that go over, jason chaffetz? >> this country will become unrecognizable. people have to show up and vote. they have to do everything they can. don't let anybody in the media scare you, try to cancel you. get out there and vote because these changes that ari is talking about, they're very, very real. >> sean: what they're really
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talking about, the fact that joe won't answer, i'm not falling for trump's trick. it's not a trick question. do you want to pack the court or not? tell us ahead of time, jo. fundamental. thank you both. ari fleischer, former congressman chaffetz. on this busy news breaking friday night, more hannity after this. ur diabetes... ...using fingersticks? with the new freestyle libre 2 system, a continuous glucose monitor, you can check your glucose with a painless, one-second scan. and now with optional alarms, you can choose to be notified if you go too high or too low. and for those who qualify, the freestyle libre 2 system is now covered by medicare. ask your doctor for a prescription. you can do it without fingersticks. learn more at freestyle libre 2 dot u.s. ♪
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salonpas dependable, powerful relief. hisamitsu. >> sean: all right. unfortunately these all the time we have left. i want to send our best thoughts and prayers to the president, the first lady and every person that has had to deal with this. what china did to this country, they put the travel ban in effect. you couldn't travel out of wuhan to the rest of china and couldn't china from to wuhan. but they allowed travel out to the rest of the world. speaks volumes. they should pay a price in the end. we wish everybody a quick recovery. we are close to a vaccine and
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better therapeutics than we've ever had, which is good news for every american family and we will always share what we find with the world. please set your dvr. thanks nor being with us. let not your heart be troubled. laura is next. have a great weekend. >> laura: laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. in moments, my medicine cabinet tells you everything you need to know about the president's prognosis and we'll lay out exactly how he's been treating. he's been watching us from the start of this pandemic. we know this is insight you won't get anywhere else on television tonight. raymond arroyo has sifted through some of the more disappointing and the ugliest commentary following the president's diagnosis. we expose it and including worst offendsers ahead. first, the president keeps fighting. that's the focus on tonight's
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