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tv   The Greg Gutfeld Show  FOX News  October 3, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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and hate from the left his remarkable story continues to guide us all. thanks for watching. i'm jeannine pirro advocating for truth justice and the american way. justice has been served. >> welcome to fox's special coverage of president trump tes. brand-new information coming in. i'm shannon bream in washington and we'll go live to the white house in walter reed medical center where the president is working and under observation by medical experts. we will review the latest from the biden campaign is some interesting information tonight we are just learning about his covid testing protocol plus senator marsha black are an joins us live with the update on the judiciary committees plan to move ahead with amy coney barrett supreme court nomination. democrats say cannot be done safely but first the present
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releasing of video updating the nation. >> i came here and i wasn't feeling so well. i feel much better now. we are working hard to get me all the way back. >> i me up an update from the white house including the latest on the first lady and how she's doing that we start with christian fischer at walter reed medical center where the president remains tonight. hello kristin. >> it's been a long day full of confusion and conflicting statements about exactly how president trump is doing. we did just get an update from the presence dr. sean connolly to happen our. it's a long statement that i want to read a chunk of it too because it's so important. the doctor writes president trump continues to do well having made substantial progress in his diagnosis for this evening he completed his second dose of remdesivir without complication remains fever free about supplemental oxygen with saturation levels between 96 and 98% all day.
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while not yet out of the woods the team remains cautiously optimistic. when president trump was brought here yesterday afternoon we were told that happened out of an abundance of caution and he was only experiencing very mild symptoms but we now know his doctors were actually very concerned about him. he had a fever and his oxygen levels have dropped. we know this from the white house chief of staff mark meadows who spoke with judge jeanine moments ago. >> but he is made unbelievable improvements from yesterday morning when i know a number of us the doctor and i were very concerned. >> that statement from mark meadows is very similar to a statement that the ap said he gave to reporters here at walter reed earlier this morning in which he said he was very concerned and he thought the next 48 hours were going to be
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absolutely critical and that was such a confusing moment for the world really because it stood in stark contrast to what the president's doctor team said to public on tv moments earlier. that is why there has been so much confusion today. it's also why it was so important that president trump get out in front of the camera and mark meadows said he would keep tape that statement inside of walter reed a few hours ago and here is the president speaking about how he is feeling right now. >> i came here and wasn't feeling so well. i feel much better now. we are working hard to give me all the way back. i have to be back to gust we still have to make america great again. we have done an awfully good job of that. >> the president went on to thank all of the supporters that have been sending him well wishes many of them shannon have
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now started camping out outside of walter reed. dozens and dozens of them waving trump flags, driving by honking horns. it's spelled the pit more like a trump rally. president trump may not be a link in on the campaign trail but in the way the campaign is come to him but shannon what stands out to me tonight was that remark from president trump tonight acknowledging that he knows the next few days are really going to be critical for him. he called it a real test. >> we are going to do a deep dive into the medical implications and political as well. kristin fischer thank you for being out there live for us tonight. mark joins us from the white house with outside of the story. >> good evening. the white house has faced covid outbreaks before but none like this. the present and some members of the press are -- of the last several weeks we have seen measures like temperature checked and those have been scaled back.
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we are still waiting to find out by the president may be able to come back to the white house. it's unclear how long he will be able to stay there. we have a schedule for tomorrow that does not look like they are public events on airs the presidents leave the white house on friday. the president was supposed to travel to wisconsin today for multiple campaign events. those were postponed so going forward at least for now the trump campaign says it will rely on keeping his base energized by the campaign said the vice president the first family or coalition grassroots supporter will be out in full force to show the real enthusiasm behind the president -- next week he is still set to visit salt lake city for that debate with california senator kamala harris and the campaign events scheduled for arizona on thursday. more events are likely to happen. today the present senate a chance to talk to supporters at
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the present sons eric and his book and his dad in the president was looking forward to being back out on the campaign trail simply the president's campaign manager bill stepien tested positive for coronavirus with officials of the campaign tell me he's actively in charge of the campaign just working from home so adapting to a new normal. first lady melania trump is at the white house. she did not go to walter reed that we have an update on her condition after she tested positive and we heard from her chief of staff and a spokesperson today. they would have saved and this is and this is quote and this is quote mrs. trump is doing well. her symptoms have not worsened. she remains in touch with her husband and thinking of all for ill and for a speedy recovery. we haven't got an update on the other people at tested positive within the president's inner circle like hope hicks but former new jersey governor chris christie was at the white house multiple times in the briefing room on sunday not wearing a mask tested positive and we are told he is in the hospital tonight in new jersey but only
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has mild symptoms. a lot of people are watching closely to see if any of the conditions for white house staffers or advisers will come into play with the next few days >> thank you mark. joining us now to discuss more about the presence conditions medical contributor, how are you tonight? >> it's good to see? >> it's good to see you scheindlin. >> let's talk about a little bit more we are getting from doctors treating the president. i want to play something from dr. sean connolly this morning. >> the first week of covid and determining the likely course of his illness. at this time the team and i are extremely happy with the progress the president has made through thursday he had a mild cough with nasal congestion and fatigue all of which are resolving and improving. >> we heard about this seven to
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10 days as a critical period so how do you assess that as a physician treating someone who has tested positive? >> so he is now in stage iii of the course of this virus. we saw them earlier today and he looks well. i did not see any evidence of respiratory distress or shortness of breath and he didn't seem when did. ease in day three. once you cross the first seven to 10 days of the virus that's the most critical. that's when the virus tends to replicate but fortunately his doctors have started him on regeneron and his second dose of remdesivir tonight. these are medications to help stop the virus from a vacating because i believe they started that are early we are seeing an improvement. but they will do now is continue to monitor his vital signs very loosely or that includes his oxygen saturation levels making sure they stay in the high 90s and a check is hard. in his blood pressure to make sure it hasn't dropped.
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they are also shannon checking to make sure he isn't having any reaction to the medications he is receiving to make sure his body is handling it well and to make sure it's not having an impact on his kidneys his liver is hard. those are the things were looking out and fortunately it looks like the treatment he is receiving at walter reed is working that we have to monitor them closely really want to make sure he continues on the path to improvement doesn't deteriorate over the next few days. sometimes these viruses tend to? and wane. we can't let our guard down. he is not 100% out of the woods. he did sound and look like he was doing well. >> his team is emphasizing that he is without magnification and the favors staying down. what does that save say to you? >> we always like to look to see at least 24 hours without the use of ibuprofen and tylenol. that tells us he is doing well
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and his body is able to fight off the infection without the need for special medications and without the need for supplemental oxygen or tylenol or ibuprofen. that tells us he's doing well any strong enough to fight off the infection using his own body mechanisms and immune system. >> okay so we heard from his doctors a short time ago that he's off for supplemental oxygen and he has had a second dose of remdesivir without complications. we have heard the drug names quite a bit. can you explain what it's doing for him right now and is at five treatments, give us that protocol. >> his medication in a hospital can either be a five-day course of medication or attend a course and the studies have shown this medication called remdesivir can shorten your hospital stay and reduce the duration of your illness and reduce the viral load by blocking the virus from
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replicating. it definitely can help reduce the viral load by short-circuiting the virus so it can't replicate so it can't enter the cells of our body and make us sick in the key as they started early. they didn't wait until he was critically ill and that could probably be why he's feeling so much better today versus yesterday. i was really worried about him shannon yesterday that he had a fever and he was experiencing shortness of breath and his oxygen level may have dropped the today's doing much better not requiring oxygen on room air which is very reassuring so i think the remdesivir and the regeneron along with think that is known to stop any virus from replicating as well as vitamin d supplementation and he's also on blood centers. there are so many manifestations of this virus and so many complications that can occur. it can affect your heart and it can affect your brain.
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young patients have suffered from strokes and we have seen heart attacks and blood clots form in the legs so lots of different complications can occur. sounds like he's improved and hopefully he will stay like that. >> we always appreciate your expertise. thank you for breaking that down for us. good to see you. >> good to see you shannon. >> coming up democrats demanding a delay in the supreme court confirmation hearings for judge amy coney barrett after two members test positive for covid. senator marsha lapper is going to join us live to talk about the committee's latest plans. she is next. i'm happy to give you the tour, i love doing it. hey jay. jay? charlotte! oh hi. he helped me set up my watch lists. oh, he's terrific. excellent tennis player. bye-bye. i recognize that voice. annie?
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>> democrats are calling for delay in the confirmation of judge amy coney barrett. president trump supreme court nominee. they are taking to do gop senators have tested positive for covid. here is the latest with bryan llenas. good evening.
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>> senate majority mitch mcconnell announced today that he will move on monday to officially postpone all at u.s. senate floor activities for two weeks until october 19 after two republican senators mike lee of utah and thom tillis of north carolina tested positive or the coronavirus. both are members of the senate judiciary committee but despite that mcconnell says the committee will move quote full speed ahead with the supreme court confirmation hearing for judge amy coney barrett on october 12. then that will be opening statement in question and will begin on tuesday october 13. in a statement the senate judiciary committee led by republican senator lindsey graham said this, according to the standing rules of the u.s. senate committees may convene regardless of whether or not the senate is in session. the senate judiciary committee chaired by u.s. senator lindsey graham will proceed with a consideration of the nomination of judge amy coney barrett to be
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an associate justice of the supreme court of the united states on october 12. now senator lee said he will remain isolated for 10 days as will tell us writing this, quote i've spoken with leader mcconnell and chairman graham and assured them i will be back to work and time to join my judiciary committee colleagues in advancing the supreme court nomination of judge amy coney barrett in the committee and then to the full senate. senator lee until it's tested positive for coronavirus at or attending a ceremony for barrett at the white house last saturday with president trump. for the republican senators on the judiciary committee also attended that ceremony but none have reported a positive coronavirus test. mcconnell and graham both said remote virtual hearings could work if senators could not attend the hearings but democrats on the judiciary committee who have been against
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hearings for amy coney barrett and they have been against having hearings for amy coney barrett before the november 3 elections they say the hearings should be delayed because of covid-19 saying this quote to proceed at this juncture with the hearings to consider judge baird's nomination to the supreme court threatens the health and safety of all of those who are called upon to do the work of this body. further holding a remote hearing or a supreme court nomination is not an adequate substitute as republican members of this committee have recognized questioning nominees by video is ineffective and endorse our constitutional duty to provide it vice and consent on lifetime appointments particularly those of the nation's highest court. while hearings can happen virtually senators cannot vote virtually so republicans are going to have senators voted in person to approve the nomination and a final confirmation vote which by the way they think if
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the schedule lines up can happen the last week of october. >> it's a tight timeline. bryan llenas, thank you. joining me now tennessee senator and member of the senate judiciary committee republican marsha blackburn. it's good to have you tonight. >> good to be with you, thank you. >> i'm going to read more at that letter from the democrats in your committee who say to proceed at this juncture to consider judge barrett's nomination threatens the health and safety of all those who are called upon to do the work of the spotting and goes on to say at a remote hearing for supreme court nominee is not an adequate substitute. what's your plan? >> our plan is to move forward. we will have to hearing on october 12 and we will live through the hearings and we will vote to have. to the floor for confirmation and we will hold that vote around the end of october. she is qualified.
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every member will have the opportunity to visit personally with her. it's unfortunate that some of the democrats chose not to meet with her and judge barrett has written over 100 opinions. those are easy to look up. she has curriculum from her notre dame class and there are so many ways that these members if they choose to delve into her background, they can do that. there is no reason to delay these hearings and we are going to move forward and confirming her. >> she has been making the rounds on the hill and a number of and some of which you have attended so i have to ask you three of your gop senate colleagues in last couple of days have tested positive. have you tested for covid in recent days? >> yes i have. i've had several tests and i have had negative test so we are in good shape. we are working hard and shannon
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i will tell you i think as we have today paused and we all pray for president and mrs. trump and everyone who was affected by covid and we want to give the vaccine. people want to get back to work. children want to get back to school and they want also to see the u.s. congress do their business. to do this confirmation and to do a phase for billing get to the needs of the american people and i think that the situation with president trump testing positive for covid has really focused the attention on the american people and when i've talked to tenneseans today they continue to say we hope that you will continue to get work done and that this doesn't grind everything to a hault.
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>> the american people have ongoing needs, that is for sure. let me ask you quickly there've been conversations about what happens if you don't have enough members president and you have gop members that are sick and not able to attend the committee. they seem to be doing well and plan to have them there in time but if democrats boycott and you don't have a quorum or enough people to vote what happens then? >> there will be other procedures that we can use and utilize. the rules are a little bit different than they are in the house and how we can proceed but in the senate there are parliamentary procedures that we can use. i think it would be very disrespectful of the american people if our friends across the aisle chose to boycott this hearing and not show up. the american people want to have the food positions on their federal court in our supreme
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court. they deserve that. the taxpayers are the ones who're paying the bill. the government is not totally run by the democrats. they are totally run by the republicans and every dollar the federal government has to spend comes out of the taxpayers hard-earned money. they get tired of some of his playing politics and using individuals who are suffering through covid and a bargaining tool to get money to bail out the states. i'll tell you we are hearing a lot of frustration with a lot of progress that is being made on some of these issues that are very important to the american people. >> i am sure you do when we do as well. in the meantime hearings for the judge will start october 12 unless something changes. we will have full coverage and we will see you there.
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thank you senator. >> absolutely. thank you. >> coming up-and-up data on how the biden campaign is reacting to the president testing positive curb or coronavirus and a little bit more about their protocol. that is next. and absorb wet messes, all in one disposable pad. just vacuum, spray mop, and toss. the shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one disposable pad. with priceline, you can get up to 60% off amazing hotels. and when you get a big deal... feel like a big deal. ♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal.
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at the president is continuing his treatment for covid-19 and we are getting interesting
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information from his opponents camp about their testing protocols for joining me from wellington delaware with the very latest from the biden campaign hillary vaughn. good evening hillary. >> shannon the biden campaign announcing they are going to announce the results of every covid test the democratic nominee joe biden takes. the campaign telling "fox news" the statement quote vice president is being tested regularly and will be releasing the results of each test. biden left with his mask on and on his way out confirmed he is not contested today. >> have even tested this morning for coronavirus? you were not tested today? >> i was yesterday. >> and you will be tomorrow? >> tomorrow. >> thank you so much. some doctors think biden should quarantine until enough time has passed and no pressure is not that the virus after he shared
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space with president trump we came down with the biden's not going into quarantine and taking up imbursing campaigning will head to miami on monday for a town hall. today biden met with transit workers and questions asking him about trump's record on covid. >> i'm and a little bit of the spot tickets i don't want to be attacking the president and the first lady now because they are now contracted coronavirus. >> biden did eventually sound off on the president's record of coronavirus. he even told union workers tonight or today that he advised democratic governors do not endorse him because he was worried if they did the president would not hand over much-needed covid relief to them and shannon we aren't munn --
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one month away from election day. right now candidates are shaking many hands and kissing as many babies as they can before election day but the closest biden got to that today was pointing out a union workers pop up on zoom. >> we take our moments where we can get them. hillary vaughn thank you. joining me now a member of george bush's senior white house staff in 30 plus year presidential campaign. blakeman. thank you both for being with us. what do you make about that the vice president mentioned that he and joan are praying for the president and the first lady. he says is going to hold off on his negative attack ads were a little bit tricky still going to be in campaign mode though. >> we appreciate his thoughtful
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words for the health of the president and the first lady but he can't hide every excuse of not campaigning. he was in the bunker in curfews to leave and campaign traditionally now we have another situation where we have policy questions because anything he says about covid they can misinterpret it as to wish ill against the president. that is nonsense. about time the joe biden got out of the bunker and answer the tough questions the president faces every day but you can't win the white house by being in the bunker in hiding. you have to get out there. absence doesn't make the voter. >> the polls if you believe them show is worse for the vice president thin the trump campaign says the former vice president is attacking the president and making comments out there that are negative during this time but get he will continue campaigning and i'm
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sure the president will do the same whether virtually or whether he's going to get back out there. we all pray he will have those choices that the trump campaign says the attacks are continuing. just made the argument right there for negative attack ads to come back for joe biden and to joe biden to go back the grand failures of why did this president mislead the american public in his own words on bob woodward's tape with over 210,000 americans dying. sadly and i am also praying for the president and the first lady and everybody else who has come down in the last few days for the quick recovery but these attacks are ridiculous. joe biden is out campaigning and he's honorable. he's not doing what donald trump did in 2015 when secretary clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia. joe is taking the high road and a campaign. >> that is what you just did.
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>> joe biden you claim is taking the high road yet you just took the low road. >> no, this covid pandemic is one that occurs in nature. if you use common sense in dealing with it. >> there haven't been any new death because they took a rational scientific approach. they are not losing huge percentages of their population. >> ethan to brad's point the white house was president with a scenario that calculated 2.2 million american deaths and that got a lot of attention. the president to give him credit for the travel ban and the steps they took in the beginning which were criticized by a lot of people including the former vice president? >> those are very small steps. he refused to wear a mask and he
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paraded around mocking mask and joe biden put a mask on and demonstrated how the american people should do that one piece of the strategy that should have been done the first place through the entire trump family at the debate to refuse to wear their mask. >> they were tested. >> you are supposed to lead by example. >> masks --. >> if you bother looking at science -- coronavirus spread their assaults. >> let's remember we have experts in the past change their opinion. everybody does their best to be responsible that we have had conflicting and changing advised over last six months. stick around guys. we will pick up where we left off with bread and ethan on an update in the rice -- the race for the white house up next.
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>> brad and ethan sticking around with me talking about the impact of the president covid diagnosis and senators as well on the campaign and also the case of fee confirmation hearing for judge amy coney barrett. the judiciary committee saying it's not safer we can do in this is what chuck schumer has tweeted out. we have two members of the senate committee testing positive. i wish my colleagues well and it's irresponsible and dangerous to move forward with a the hearing and absolutely no good reason to do so. >> the constitution gives a reason to do so. the president took a note to uphold the constitution of the constitution clearly states when there's a vacancy the presidential nominating in the senate shall confirm. the president said january 20 next year.
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elections have consequences and the consequences donald trump's the president waited like it or not in his doing his duty. he's not disregarding the constitution and democrats if you can't do your job or signing get out of the way but i can assure you this bear is going be hearing for that believe we have a qualified candidate for associate justice to replace justice ginsburg and she will be seated before election day whether the democrats like it or not. >> he's then we have talked about this. it's a very heated battle with this point. i asked senator cardin when hillary clinton was president of chuck schumer was the senate majority leader what would you do? he would not answer the question but let's be honest it the democrats if the individual is change would you say to the american voters we are going to wait? >> i'm not exactly sure because that isn't the situation. back in 2016 there was eight months before the election and
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they wouldn't hold a hearing. mitch mcconnell supposedly worries about tradition. tradition is you have to do the vote in person and the committee and if you are missing two members you won't have the vote so brad misconstrues the constitution. brad the constitution is clear. in order to prove. >> we can't hear either one of you but listen we had senator marsha black or non-and she's a republican on the judiciary committee. she said they are looking at different ways to possibly get this done. i've had people close to the confirmation said you can have senators sit in the gallery or you can be quarantined away from people but be there in person so they can vote. sounds like they may be creative. brad is that putting substance over what they should be doing and is in violation of the constitution if they choose to
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get more creative and would you raise a red flag if democrats did it? >> course that's part of the political game but they ended the day whether i raised the issue or not the democrats have the power if they have the presidency and the senate. the roles are reversed now and the president under the constitution is clear in his duty and he did it and now it's up to the senate. the senate can make their own rules. it's the rules of the senate can have for themselves with regard to the confirmation process and so let the senate nacre on roles because we are in trying times in different times. we have held virtual hearings before on other matters. this doesn't change anything. c there have been a lot of virtual hearings for a number of judicial nominees and we will give you the last word prince it's to listen to the republicans defend after the what they did four years ago.
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you are the minority party now in trump got. less votes than hillary clinton or job biden will be trump by 5 million votes and the republicans will try to maintain hold by hacking the court with the nominee with a 4-1 republican place on the supreme court after the last 50 years and this is a last gasp for power. >> elections matter so we will see who the next president is to appoint the next. ethan and brad thank you both. what effect does the presence diagnosis have on the polls. we break down the numbers, next. robinhood believes now is the time to do money. without the commission fees. so, you can start investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for?
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>> the election is about a month away. will the president testing positive for coronavirus impact how voters cast their ballots? "fox news" contributor kristin phillips is here with us. good to see you. let's start with the fact that people have already started voting. there are so many twists and turns and we know closer to the election last time around there
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were a number of revelations that could eventually move votes. how does early and voting impact this raise? >> i think it's unlikely you'll have anybody changing their vote in a serious way after a diagnosis and part of that is because we have so a view of undecided voters. people are made up their minds in the polls have been unbelievable stable for months despite what's been an incredibly turbulent year. i'm skeptical that people change their vote however you have a lot of folks who were in a very divided country so their people out there who may not be planning to vote for president trump but right now they are hoping it gets better. if anything will unify us it's hoping the president comes through this okay on the other side. >> yeah everybody is praying for him and the first lady and hope hicks and senators in the number of people in regular american people around the world who have suffered for months with this.
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there are some on the left who have had negative reactions in the vast majority have had good wishes but some happened and some of them have expressed disappointment that this will engender sympathy for the president that he's going through this and they worry they could buy him votes. what do you think? >> if you look historically americans want to elect a president who is healthy and energetic but you can also say this is a very different situation and frankly donald trump's someone who lives the life that is so different from most americans. he is the most powerful man in the world that a wealthy individual. this however something he's experiencing that millions of american families have been worried out and add devastatingly relatable moment for the president. i think perhaps more troubling for republicans politically as covid hasn't been the president's strongest issue in
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terms of the polls. typically there's a 10-point drop off from the percentage of americans who say they likely vote on the economy to those who say they like what he's doing on covid and this may be a moment where he can come out on the other side in go i'm fighting for americans and i fought this virus and it's not just waiting for a vaccine but here's my plan for what we will do from this point on at the beginning of his second term to begin to improve those numbers on covid which hasn't been as strong as they have been on the economy. >> area quickly we did numbers on economy that most folks thought were rather encouraging. a slowing recovery but the recovery is continuing. is there any way for the administration to change the messaging and the covid diagnosis to those economic numbers in these closing days? >> you saw the president today on twitter trying to put pressure on congressional leaders to get a stimulus package. that links covid in the economy
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together getting that money into the hands of the american people. if he can hit get something done on this issue that will be a really big deal. >> both sides will try to do what works in their best at advantage. kristin thank you. next up are medical experts with the latest information on the president's condition. stick around. it's the ones that got away that haunt me the most. [ squawks ] 'cause you're not like everybody else. that's why liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. what? oh, i said... uh, this is my floor. nooo! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ to save you up to 60%. these are all great. and when you get a big deal...
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>> joining me now "fox news" medical contributor to talk about what the president is going through and what we are learning tonight. it's great to have you with us. you further apart from his doctor tonight saying that fever is down his oxygen levels are good but not out of the woods yet. what is the timeline that u.s. the doctor are watching any of the covid patients at this interval into it? >> that's right shannon and the
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only constant that this virus is the unpredictability so while it's all good news from the president and his positions and his staff, all good news and even the president and rudy giuliani in a statement city's going to beat this and is feeling well tonight least till keep a close eye on him for the next 48 days. this virus is unpredictable and while it seems the cocktail of treatment treatments he has been given yesterday and today are working for him he's been fever free for 24 hours and is not requiring supplemental oxygen at this time but they still will keep a close eye on him. you can be experiencing mild symptoms and all of a sudden take a turn for the worse and that can happen pretty quickly and it tends to happen within three to five days from onset. i'm sure those positions are keeping a close watch on him. >> i can imagine there was a big part of the calculus of taking him to walter reed pritikin said the office he is in and he
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doesn't want to slow down. the president dies wants to be working so that's probably the toughest part for him to be sidelined and sitting there. in the days ahead to mention sometimes there can be a twist or turn and we have heard this before in other covid patients where he feels good and he wants to get out of there. how do you convince a patient it may not be time just yet and there's a different timeline than maybe what you want and how you feel? >> earlier intervention is key when it comes to treating the majority of medical diagnoses and one things they had early intervention at the onset of the virus he was taken to walter reed and we don't know if he required inpatient hospitalization but because he's the president of the united states and given a medication that is not fda approved they wanted to keep a close eye on him. people have mild symptoms and they become severe a lot of times it happens at home and
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they are delayed in getting that medical care. right now they are on top of the president watching us oxygenation. they are watching organ function and keeping a night to see how he's doing so intervention will be key for him and although he looks great in this video this evening even made a couple of jokes and i love seeing back, this is the time to really rest. i know he's worried about himself his wife the country the campaign but let's get him back healthy. i would ask him to rest and make sure he's taking fluids and listen to his doctors. i know he wants to keep working that make sure his health is a priority. >> you heard it straight from the doctor mr. president if you're listening we wish you the best in the first lady and others who are suffering as well. thank you very much. it's good to see you. >> thank you shannon. that does it for this special hour and i will see you monday through friday 11:00 p.m. eastern for "fox news" and we will keep you updated
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round-the-clock. we will push for transparency. "the greg gutfeld show" is next. enjoy. greg: talk about putting stuff in perspective do you remember what was going on last week when asked 2020 with the is up with you? you want to one up 13 with a black plague and you want to make 1933 or 1918 appear quaint but please we beg of you can you cut us a break for a few days please? we get it you are the worst. we will make you at chuck ravi worst year ever okay? as you artino are to know the president first


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