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tv   Watters World  FOX News  October 4, 2020 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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the outpouring of love has been incredible. i will never forget. thank you very much. jesse: we are sending our prayers to president trump and first lady melania. follow me on president is doingy
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well. we are extremely happy with the progress the president has made. thursday he had a mild cough, nasal congestion and fatigue, all of which are resolving and improving. judge jeanine: we need to
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believe in the power, strength, perseverance and determination of the man himself. i often said president trump is like the character who goes into the lion's den, comes out with a pelt over his shoulder and his tie straight. but not only the man, but advancements in therapeutics and a vaccine soon to be available are typical of american ingenuity. we deal with whatever is thrown at them. we learn who is vulnerable and we take the appropriate precautions. we deal with it. as patients we fight to survive because we have no other choice. and we move forward, just as this country does. we may still be in a crises. but we face it head-on. we know cowing to an illness like shutting down the country creates even more problems,
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social, mental health, criminal problems and injuries and illnesses with devastating results. we'll not cower. the president will not cower. the campaign for the president does not stop, the country does not stop, the appointment of a supreme court justice does not stall. the president continues to be the leader of the free world. there is no crisis or national security threat. the president is not he dated. the president has covid, but he is capable of carrying out his duties, making decisions and going forward. this president is a man who never gives up, he never runs away, he never cowers, he always perseveres and he always triumphs. he has the best medical care care and he has the prayers of the american people.
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our job is to continue to move forward and make sure this does not affect the campaign or this country in any way. so that when the president steps out and hits the ground running, that we are there to support him and to continue the dreams, the hope and aspirations that make this country the greatest country on earth. president trump: i feel much better now. we are working hard to get me all the way back. i have to be back because we still have to make america great again. we have done an awfully good job of that. but we still have steps to go and we have to finish that job. i'll be back -- i think i will be back soon. judge jeanine: that's my open. let me know what you think on facebook and twitter, #judgejeanine. you will like my new book "don't lie to me." available in bookstores everywhere. joining me by phone, eric trump
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with the latest on his dad's condition. good evening. >> good evening, judge. judge jeanine: i know obviously it's your dad, you love him and it's highly personal. i understand you have spoken to him today at length. >> i did. he's a man i love and respect. he's a warrior. i think everybody in this country has seen that. he's an absolute warrior every day. whether it's this or anything else, he gets up and fights he every single day. obviously covid is very, very serious and something that affected a lot of people, and something that hit him very hard in the opening days. but i probably spent 20-25 minutes on the phone with him today. he sounded great.
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the entire time he was talking about the new aid package. he was talking about mitch mcconnell and the stimulus. he mentioned the airline workers and things he wanted to do for them. he never takes his foot off the gas. he may be at walter reed, but i can assure you he was running a thousand miles a minute. the go is absolutely incredible. he's the energizer bunny. nothing takes him down. as serious as covid is, and as scary as me as his son to watch everybody. i -- to watch everything. watching marine one take off to go to walter reed is a memory i don't forget. i love him to death. he sounds great. he was full of energy. i think he's going to be a quick
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recovery. he will start fighting again. and we'll keep winning for america and we'll win on november 3. judge jeanine: eric, i want you to take a listen to this sound and get your reaction to it on the other side. president trump: i want to tell you that i'm starting to feel good. you don't know over the next period of a few days, i guess that's the real test. we'll be seeing what happens the next couple of days. judge jeanine: you know, eric, it is your dad, and to hear him say you don't know what's going to happen in the next couple of days, how does that make you feel. >> it doesn't make you feel great. but at the same time i heard the energy and the vigor in his voice. he was again credible as i said before. this is a deadly virus. he was the first person to shut down travel to china. i think my father is going to
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hold china fully accountable. but that's for a later date. travel, what they have done with the vaccine, the therapeutics is unbelievable. no one could have done it faster than he did. and now he's battling something that affected so many americans and so many people around the world. and he's going to bite, and we are going to beat the virus. i see videos all day on fox of the incredible supporters outside walter reed holding american flags and holding the make america great flags. the outcry of support for him is incredible. we live in a nation that absolutely loves him. you see that at the rallies where they are chanting "we love you." a couple years ago it was "build the wall" and a lot of red meat stuff. now they are chanting "we love
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you." as a son, i couldn't be more proud of the man. we are going to fight and keep winning for this great nation we all love so much. judge jeanine: when we saw him today in that video that he put out this afternoon, i think everyone has the sense if he was in walter reed, it's a hospital and he's probably going to be in a robe. buff he's in a suit jacket and shirt. and his hair is combed. he takes incoming every day. but to have the opportunity to hear people outside of walter reed honking their horns, yelling, telling him they love him. i see it when i go around the country. but it's a wonderful thing for him to take in the love and prayers people have for him. hopefully this is something he
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can carry with him to fight off the hate that comes from the left. and i will talk about that in a few minutes on the show. any last thoughts? >> there is tremendous hate from the left. even in a time like this that shoulshould be a somber moment. but there is also tremendous love. but he's done a great job for this nation. he wakes up every single day and goes to war for this nation personally. there has probably never been a president who sacrificed more than he has. i couldn't be more proud of him. the guy is an inspiration to me as a son and to so many others. he will get threw this. everybody is praying for him. he sounds great. and he's making america great. that's what all of us want. stands up for red, white and blue, and never apologizes for america. judge jeanine: eric trump, thank
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you for being with us tonight, and thanks for sharing. we'll all be praying for the president and joining me now, trump 2020 national press secretary hogan gidley to talk about the impact of the president's covid-19 diagnosis on the presidential election and more. i wrote a booed called "don't lie to me." the president is at walter reed, they are lying about him, engaging in hyperbole as to how ill he is, how ill they want him to be and what they want to happen to him. i saw something saying he's just trying to get out of the debates with joe biden. what say you from the campaign trail? >> just more lies from the mainstream media. they attacked this man relentlessly. we have never seen anything like it. 95% negative news coverage of
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this president. they don't like why *. d they don't like joe biden. they just don't like president trump. he has fought back against countries that attacked this nation time and time again. he has given power back to the american people. that's what the democrats and the mainstream media hate so much. they will be out of power. they are going to lie about the president. they will attack him at a time when he's at walter reed. he's as tough as nails. the only person standing between the relentless onslaught of the media is president donald trump. judge jeanine: the opportunity to even take a break from the
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nonstop incoming i just talked about with eric trump. saying i have got covid, maybe i will take a day or two off. but there he is in a suit doing videos for us. didn't we have a debate this week? so now there was all this cushion about the president, what he said, what he meant, what he didn't mean. any thoughts on that? >> absolutely. he dominated that debate because president trump is the dominant force in american politics today. the onslaught never stopped. we have the best candidate. he has the best message and the best record. he has the best work ethic. he goes to more cities, towns and states in a week that joe biden does in a year. he cares so much he single day about making sure our lives are
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better. he succeeded with that in his first term and he will succeed in the second term. this president has fought through so many different levels of attacks over his term, ande fought for the american people with trade deals and peace deals with defeating isis. people stuck in other countries that joe biden never thought about bringing back. our has tables came back at d -r hostages came back at a record rate. judge jeanine: talking about jim acosta and there is a tweet from him that says trump condemns the kkk and white supremacists, commenting on charlottesville, racism is evil. that was august 14 of 2017. this october 1, jim acosta
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contrary to what he tweeted himself in 2017 says trump has finally condemned white supremacists on "hannity." he did it three years earlier. they are lying to themselves as well. >> so many of the people on these news networks had this conversation directly with donald trump when he told them i disavow this, i condemn this. they are acting like he never said it but that he didn't say it directly to them. the video proves it. how many times does this man have to point out the evils that exist in this country? joe biden has a checkered past with race relations in this country. donald trump stands up for everybody regardless of race, religion, color or creed. judge jeanine: thanks for join
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withing us. leo terrell, charlie kirk and senator bill cassidy are next. white house chief of staff mark meadows joins us with a live update on the president's health. at t-mobile, we have a plan built just for customers 55 and up. saving 50% vs. other carriers with 2 unlimited lines for less than $30 each. call 1-800-t-mobile or go to
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judge jeanine: breaking right now. an update from president trump's doctors just in to fox news. they say the president continues to do well, remain fever-free and off oxygen. they say while the president is not out of the woods, they remain cautiously optimistic. joining us, white house chief of staff mark meadows. i suspect you have been through a lot in the last couple days. >> not as much as the president of the united states. and certainly he's shown unbelievable counsel. he's a fighter as we all know. probably one of the hardest working men i have ever had the privilege of knowing. the doctor is exactly right. he's doing extremely well. i'm very, very optimistic, based
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on the current results. as the doctor said, he's not out of the woods the next 48 hours or so, with the history of this virus we know can be tough. but he made unbelievable improvements from yesterday morning when i know a number of us, the doctor and i were very concerned. >> when you say 48 hours from now, you mean 48 hours from when he went into walter reed, correct? >> i want to make sure i don't speak for the doctors. doc connelly is right next door to me. he's probably tuned in right now watching you, judge. i can tell you the biggest thing we see is with no fever now, and with him doing well
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with his oxygen saturation levels, yesterday morning we were concerned with that. he had a fee, and his oxygen level dropped rapidly. yet in typical style, this president was up and walking around, and even as the experts from the medical facilities not only at walter reed but also johns hopkins got there. they looked at his situation, recommended that out of an abundance of caution that he come here to walter reed. but he's been an outstanding patient with one exception. he continues to work and continues to believe he's got to get a number of things done for the american people. judge jeanine: the man has a suit on and a starched shirt. really?
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i would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when there was talk yesterday about the president moving from the white house to walter reed. and the president said i want to stay in the white house. he said everybody said i could go up to a room and recover. but i need to be work and in the middle of everything. so we basically moved the white house to walter reed. this is a man who had no intention of ever resting. but just accepting whatever therapeutics. we'll have a doctor on in a few minutes. but as you can expect, the country was fearful. but now it look like things are on the mend. >> i think the country was fearful. but i can tell you some of the fears were irrational. i have seen some of the reports, and all of the pictures about transition of power and who's going to replace this pen or
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that person. and while that may make for good clicks on the internet or make for great hyperbole on tv. there was never a consideration and never even a risk with the transition of power. what i find appalling is taking a real severe health issue that millions of people around the world have had to struggle with. a lot of people can identify with this. and this is a virus that we came from china. we didn't know what it was all about. and honestly we are finding out more and more. from his heart, he spoke to the american people. we filmed his address to the nation just a few hours ago that he put out. and he said it best. it's all about making sure that he's going to make sure america
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is great again. and also that we defeat this virus together. the therapeutics he's on hopefully those will produce good results and quick results. and it's hope for the american people. that's what this is all about. judge jeanine: we'll be addressing those therapeutics. we know the patient is on the mend. mark meadows, get a good night's sleep tonight. robert hariri with insight on this. next, senator cassidy joins me. what could the president be personsing right now. senator cassidy joins me live next. help stop your cold d d d d
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(sfx:footsteps in wet cement) (sfx:birds singing, distant dog barking) hi hi ♪(whistling tune: "don't worry, be happy")♪
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judge jeanine: president trump remains at walter reed national medical center tonight where he will spend the next few days. the president in good spirits. even tweeting out that video you saw a few hours ago. my next guest is not only a doctor, but also battled covid-19. aside from you being a senator,
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you are someone who has had covid-19 and you recovered. first of all, how are you feeling? >> i feel great. that was about three weeks ago. there is still a little bit of lingering. i don't smell or taste quite the same but otherwise it's all good. judge jeanine: what can you tell us you think the president might be experiencing based on what you weren't through. >> they mentioned he had fevers and his oxygen levels went down. that tells us the virus probably entered his lungs and he was starting to have a reaction. when they gave him the remdesivir and 9 monoclonal antibodies, he gave us a video saying no oxygen, the medicine
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is working and the president is on the mend. judge jeanine: his doctor just issued a statement. no oxygen, no fever, all seems to be on the mend. we hear stories of people in their 40s and 50s who have covid. the president is over 70. i believe he's 74. but they seem to have lingering effects. what do you think the president might have given you are a medical doctor in terms of lingering effects. does it depend on the patient? >> it does depend upon the patient. we don't know who gets what and why they get it. he does have risk factors. he's a little heavy. too many big macs. it could be like me, very mild. just some alteration of taste and smell. some people continue to have problems with their lung or
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hearts. we hope that isn't the case. the president, incredible resilience. you think of the stress he's been under the last four years. he does real well. you like to think those genes will tide him through. judge jeanine: i don't believe the president has had a sick day. he never canceled anything. we never heard of events being canceled. despite all that's been thrown at him the last nine or 10 months gives you some sense of his -- his resiliency and perseverance. the reporter said he looked tired getting on the helicopter. that's the first time i have ever heard anyone describe him
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as being tired. when he came down to louisiana, at the end of the day he was going strong. he doesn't drink coffee, just a diet coke or two. so a remarkable metabolism. but the virus can be severe. we don't know what lingering affects will be. but we have to hope for the president and melania and everybody infected that the virus will be short and kind, if you will. judge jeanine: and no lingering effects. thank you so much for being with us tonight. charlie kirk and leo terrell are on deck. but first dr. robert hariri is back with us on justice. dr. hariri is next.
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[♪] president trump: if you look at the therapeutics i am taking right now, some of them. others are coming out soon looking like frankly miracles. people criticize me when i say that. but we have things happening that look like they are miracles coming down from god. judge jeanine: that's president trump a few hours ago talking about his battle with covid. the next few days will be critical in terms of the president's treatment and symptoms. dr. robert hariri joins me. the visual yesterday of the president leaving the white house on a helicopter to walter reed many found alarming and to them it signaled dire straits. what did it signal to you? >> good medical judgment on the part of the staff at the white house. dr. conley made the right move.
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when you have the leader of the free world, it was absolutely the right choice. it got him the right kind of monitoring he needed and gave him access to all the treatments he's currently on, and it appears they are working. judge jeanine: let's talk about the president's risk factors. give us an idea of what you think could create a problem? >> sure, what we know is there are risk factors and co-morbidities. the data from the cdc irpd case the vast majority of people who died from covid have co-morbidities. these are preexisting diseases that are a factor to health. risk factors such as age and weight are different than co-morbidities. the president is a 74-year-old
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man people consider to be potentially overweight. this an incredibly active adult male with an active life time. he walks miles and miles every day. weight is as important as the ability to maintain strength and muscle mass. he looks healthy enough to combat an illness. this' illness affects the immune system and the agents he's on work to enhance his immune response to the virus. judge jeanine: remdesivir they say is experimental. but it still can accomplish the goal with him. what do we have to look forward to in the next 24 hours? >> remdesivir is a drug that works to interfere with the virus' attempt to interest footer with the cells.
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throrter agents the president is on, an experimental cocktail of antibodies from regeneron. and neutralizing antibodies that enhance the ability to find the system about it immune system. the parallel to developing vaccine strategy. judge jeanine: the president called me this evening. and i mean the fact that he's doing videos and speaking to his family. he called me this evening. what does that tell you about his health, his general health? >> i was very encouraged to see the president in the video. first and foremost as a doctor we look at certain signs of a
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patient's respiratory rate. was he short of breath. he was able to speak in sentences. and i am very optimistic. judge jeanine: we are losing you, doctor. thanks for being on. we'll have you on again. thank you, doctor hariri. some insight into my phone call with the president this evening is still ahead. but charlie kirk and leo terrell needles. essential for sewing, but maybe not for people with certain inflammatory conditions. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz. the first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to severe ulcerative colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms,
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president trump: i had no choice. because i didn't want to stay in the white house. stay in the white house, lock yourself in, don't ever leave. i couldn't do that. i had to be out front. this is america. this is the united states. this is the greatest country in the world. this is the. i can't stay locked up and say whatever happens, happens. i can't do that. judge jeanine: a lot to talk about with my panel as the president continues his battle with covid-19. doctors say be cautiously
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optimistic, he's not out of the woods. joining me, leo terrell and charlie kirk. there you have it, a guy who had a choice to go upstairs and rest for a while. but he decided to go to walter reed and move the white house staff with him, keep on working, then issue tweets and videos so we know how he's doing. have you met a man like there is in your life? >> first we are praying for the president and his health. this is completely unexpected. you are right, judge. he's doing so many things for our country. , then this unexpected curveball comes through. i am hearing from people in the white house, he's in good spirits. he has the same positivity he has for our country. and we pray he will get through
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this. i find a lot of comfort in the video of he made tonight. he has had our backs and our country's back for a couple of years, and we want him to know we have his back. judge jeanine: the left can say all kinds of hollerrible things and i made a decision not to mention them. but he's work, he's working. >> god bless the president and the first lady. he's a role model. this man states it clearly. e puts country first. the democrats put power first. but this man has taken on the democrats for the last three years. he's trying to right the economy, there is a health crisis. he has set an example of fighting this illness. e's inspiring people of. that's why there are people outside walter reed hospital.
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that's why people are rallying around the president. even though the left-wing media organizations are trying to bring him down, he's not going to let it happen. i am personally proud of the president of the united states. judge jeanine: in terms of the campaign, we had hogan gidley on earlier, the campaign is moving forward, the vice presidential debate is moving forward. the president has another debate, october 15. >> it's too soon to tell. but i can tell you the president would want nothing more than for his campaign to continue. for trump we knocked on thousands of doors in georgia and here throughout the country. the president is fighting this virus. and he has worked so hard for so many years. he can rest easy knowing there are millions of supporters picking up the slack.
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people are donating money and making phone calls and knock on doors. the man is a total machine. people all across the country, myself included. we are going to work twice as hard for this president. he has done so much for our country. he will want us to go back to work and keep on focusing on what is good for our country and this election. judge jeanine: last night i was in atlanta, georgia, there was about a thousand people there. they were coming up to me saying please tell the president we love him. please tell the president we love him. i have a letter for the president, can you give it to him? the love and the prayers for him was incredible. what charlie just said about knocking from door to door and all of his supporters doing that. the biden campaign said they wouldn't do that because it would be dangerous with covid.
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now i hear they are starting to knock and go door to door. >> you were in thranlt friday. i was at that same convention thursday. and you are right. they love president trump. i was in san clemente today at a rally. i have said president trump i am ready, willing and able to go to all the battleground states. i will tell you, it's going to backfire. trump has magic with people. he brings out thousands of people. the biden campaign brings out 5 or ten people. president trump i know you are watching this show. i'm willing to go to those battleground states on your behalf. just like every trump supporter in this country. judge jeanine: the truth is you are now on the colleges and universities as well. you have got an army of young
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people. everybody thinks that the young people, the millennials are all democrats. that's not the case. >> not at all. we are seeing unbelievable enthusiasm and crowds coming up this tuesday. we'll be there on the heels of the vice presidential debate with another campus event. we are doing events every day at turning point usa. joe biden is struggling with younger voters. his socialist message is not resonating with young families struggling to pay their bills and business shutdowns. we are an entrepreneurial generation. we don't want another lockdown. the president has a grassroots movement to get behind him. judge jeanine: leo, do you have a message for the president? >> mr. president, i'm in contact with your staff. give me a call. let's win the battleground
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states. i will wait for that call. judge jeanine: charlie kirk and leo terrell. i'll join details of my personal call with . . . . (vo) with t-mobile for business, your business has an easy choice.
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c tonight i received a phonecall from the white house operator who said the president wanted to speak with me. i was stunned. i didn't believe the mainstream media telling us but i certainly didn't think he'd be in the mood to chat but sure enough against all odds he was an eight his energetic >> itself. his voice was trying to tell me his biggest was -- concerned that he didn't want us to worry that hampered he said he was feeling better and he hopes to back on the trails and pretty talked about employment and he talked about the stock market but i got the chance to tell him on behalf of all of us that although he has faced such venom
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and hate from the left his remarkable story continues to guide us all. thanks for watching. i'm jeannine pirro advocating for truth justice and the american way. justice has been ♪. president trump: i came here. wasn't feeling so well. i feel much better now. we're working hard to get me all the way back. i have to be back because we still have to make america great again. we've done an awfully good job of that. we still have steps to go. we have to finish that job. i will be back, i think i will be back soon. will: begin with a fox news alert, president trump releasing video of his covid-19 recovery saying he feels much better. jedediah: the white house sharing these photos of the president working from the presidential suite at


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