tv Bill Hemmer Reports FOX News October 5, 2020 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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abductors in the next hour and then, i guess you will see during special report and probably into the story the president returning to the white house. thanks for joining us everybody, i'm dana perino. i will see you on "the five." bill, it's all you. >> bill: we will see you in two hours. happy monday. good afternoon. i'm bill hemmer and here we roll. roll. breaking news from the walter reed medical center, president trump tweeting that he will leave the hospital and he's feeling really good. any minute we will hear from the president's physician dr. song connolly on his current position. he received several treatments over the weekend but meanwhile the virus is still an issue for those working inside the west wing. press secretary and kayleigh mcenany saying she tested positive and will start her quarantine. the trump campaign spokesperson hogan gidley who has talk to the president, jim bide joe biden wl
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speak next hour. good afternoon to you. >> good afternoon. we wait the president's condition from his medical team as you mentioned led by dr. sean connolly. the president really announcing not just of the country but to the entire world that, yeah, i'm out of here as soon as 6:30 p.m. tonight. he shares this tweet and says i will be leaving the great walter reed medical center, feeling really good. don't be afraid of covid, don't let it dominate your life. we have developed under the trump administration some really great drugs and knowledge and i feel better than i did 20 years ago. of course images of the president doing the work for the american people, cited one senior administration official to me about 15 minutes ago, was the signal to me that yes, he is doing well and getting "exceptional care by the team here at walter reed." in a nod to support here at the
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hospital, the president surprised a number of well-wishers by passing by in the vehicle known here in washington as "the beast. he was amassed and also separated from his drivers by plexiglas as well. we expect his doctors not only to give us an update on his current position but also what is the plan of action moving forward. all that coming up in mere moments. >> bill: let's bring in hogan gidley who joins our coverage now. dr. conley was about 40 minutes late on saturday and we will see how close to the top of the hour here arrives here. you spoke to the president over the weekend. how did it go? >> really great. the president was laughing and making jokes, he was talking
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about the campaign moving forward and talking about policy. he told me to make sure my family was okay and check in on them, quintessential donald trump. that's what he's doing the whole time is their company's working thinking about other people and i would say that's because of his leadership. regardless of race and religion, and because of policies, we have seen that. this news today is very welcome for everyone involved and it's not just great news for the president, and he's heading back to the white house to continue his work and i for one could not be more excited. >> bill: kayleigh mcenany's positive test she announced earlier today, give us a sense of the cleaning process in the white house.
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with >> if they white house rigorously there were deep cleanings regularly scheduled and that's something that the white house administration, and the operation folks made sure was absently part of this so that we feel safe around the building. we wear masks in the west wing and we wear masks in each other's offices, when reporters would come into my office and sit across from me, i would put on a mask and they would wear a mask. this is something that they were focused on from a long time. they taken this seriously, and they would try to impeach the president and focused on the ukraine call that didn't amount to much else but a perfect conversation between this president and the head of state somewhere else. that something the president has
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been focused on. and that their lively livelihood could be protected. >> bill: the drive-by at walter reed last night, is it true there were plexiglas protecting members of secret service? >> i wasn't there, i wasn't in the car so i'm not sure about those reports and i'm not going to get into specificity. i can tell you this was approved nicely by the white house medical unit. that's a bravest person i've ever met. the media outreach is absolutely stupid and foolish. how do they think the president got there on marine one with staffers on the plane and doctors on the plane come up with the secret service on the plane, he didn't flay himself there. once he landed he didn't start up the car himself and drive to the front door. how did they think he's going to leave? they are always around him
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because that's their job. they do it and they take it very seriously and i have for one and thankful they are around the place but i will make one point. that is with covid, with quarantine, this president still did these events. >> so do you think the debate happens as scheduled? >> i hope so, we hope that's completely clear. >> bill: but you don't know any changes as of today? >> we plan on this happening are on-time and on schedule. >> i don't know the origins because i'm not familiar with the contact tracing that stunned by the white house medical unit, i've not seen a report on that at this point, but it seems like there are people who contracted the virus at that event. we don't know where they came
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from or what was going on in their towns and cities before they got here, but that has to be hashed out over the next several days and weeks. they seem to be doing well and it's absolutely great news. this virus is airborne and it hurt this country greatly. thankfully the president's leadership prevented the two and a half million deaths that were projected early on and we are eyes wide open here. in the life loss is unacceptable. the white house will hold china unaccountable, and are you losing ground in the campaign? >> absolutely not. the american people want leadership and toughness and
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boldness in this time and there's a lot of uncertainty out there. we talked about how his policies have improved the lives of all americans regardless of race, religion, color or creed and we will talk about that moving forward, not just economically but through this unforeseen and unprecedented virus, this president took leadership when everyone else was focused on politics. joe biden wouldn't have shut down the country, it would have been worse if we were in power. absolutely this presence would have protected our city streets and joe biden is a tool of the radical left, embracing all their policies that would push his country back towards a socialist nation. we can't have that, we are the greatest idea ever realized. and hope and strength and freedom around the world. >> bill: we gotten a soft two-minute warning on the physician for the president so stand by and we will see how
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these issues play out. meanwhile joe biden is back on the trail, peter doocy is here with more on what's happening. >> we are just outside of the event, the rise president's motorcade just arrived. i promise on the other side there are tons of officers and there are also a few dozen biden sign holding supporters that have showed up to cheer the former vp on. date so it was not a specialist or public health experts helping him social distance today. it was his wife. watch this. >> science says that -- i'm sorry. scientists say that -- so she
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pulled him back in the trump campaign says that even though biden pledged to pull all his negative campaign ads off of the air, including one that tells voters they have chance to put the darkness of the last four years behind them. that doesn't mean that his supporters or rather his surrogates were exactly piling on praise, instead they were offering up contrast like this one. >> i think it was joe biden that said this should not of the about politics or partisanship, and to me that means electing a president that has a plan. >> been on the ground for about half an hour, and florida is a state that has not gotten the kind of attention it normally gets in a presidential election year.
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>> bill: nice to see you again. i mentioned a soft two-minute warning and here, that might mean to minutes or might mean 20. we had back to the white house tonight at 6:30 eastern time. >> this disease is unpredictable and the president and he looks a little tired of it but if they are going to release him to the white house it's very, very close to bethesda naval hospit hospital. number two, there's a great medical unit in the west wing which i assume will take the president's vital signs with regularity, and make sure the remdesivir is continuing and
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watch his pulse oxygenation which is the most important. sp1 doctor, thank you so much. we see the doctor coming out, you stand by in new jersey and we will come back to you shortly. to our nations across the country, we will allow the fox nation to join us as our ongoing coverage continues here from walter reed. breaking news, fox news coverage of the president's physician being an update now as a president tweets he will go back to the white house to make. >> oxygen saturation and breathing were all normal. he may not be entirely out of the woods yet but the team and i agree, and i would like to bring dr. dooley up to review some of the specifics.
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>> the president continues to do very well. his vital signs this morning were notable for a temperature of 98.1 in his blood pressure was 1:30 four over 78 and respiratory rate of 17 respirations per minute, heart rate was 68 beats per minute and his last oxygen saturation was 97% on room air. he doesn't have any respiratory complaints and aside from arm evaluation with the multiple disciplinary team this morning has maintained a full schedule working on the white house. i will turn it over to dr. twos discuss therapeutics. >> good afternoon. i want to echo the sentiment of what it is to be in honor of part of this wonderful team here at walter reed. yesterday evening the president received his first dose of remdesivir and tolerated that
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without difficulty. our plan is to give the fourth dose of remdesivir this evening and we've made arrangements to deliver the fifth and final dose of his treatment course at the white house tomorrow evening. he continues on dexamethasone and the plan for today is to continue to be up and out of bed and eat and drink and work as he's able. i would like to turned over to dr. jason blalock who is an infectious disease specialist to give updates on infection control. thank you. >> good afternoon everyone. first i want to say what it an honor it is to have this medical team. since the president's arrival at walter reed he received medical management that remains in line.
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they would look closely at various laboratories in the area and state-of-the-art facilities on obtaining advanced diagnostic testing on both the status of the president as well as his ability to transmit virus to others. in looking at infection control strategies and the right posture so the president can safely return to his resident. with that i will turn it over to dr. conley to answer any final questions. >> i mentioned it saturday and i would like to reiterate myself just how grateful the president and i are to the colleagues at johns hopkins, the and the many federal institutions that we receive or support from. so long as everything continues on the track that we are
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expanding right now at this time, the president already tweeted out, they will have him home later today. with that i will take a couple questions. >> the president was given steroids and he still on those steroids which is medicine that is usually given to covid patients that are on ventilators or with low oxygen. did you over treat him and if he still on that medication is it safe for him to return to the white house? >> please send a patients home with medications all the time. and he is returning to a facility in the white house medical unit that staffed 24/7, top-notch physicians, nurses, pas, logisticians and the team here behind me is going to continue to support us in that nature. >> what infection control measures are you taking and how was it safe for him to drive
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around in a cloth mask. >> so the president has been surrounded by medical and security staff for days wearing full ppe. yesterday the u.s. secret service agents were in that same level of ppe for a very short period of time. we worked with our infectious disease experts to make some recommendations for how to keep everything safe down at the white house where he's going to be looking to carry out his duties. i will just say it's in line with everything we've been doing upstairs for the last several days. >> can you tell us when he had his last negative test western mark was it thursday or
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wednesday or do you remember when he had his last negative test? >> the contact tracing as i understand is being done but i'm not being involved with that. >> we try to get patients home and out of the hospital as quickly as it safe and reasonable. and we can't safely conduct down home. >> you had said that 7-10 days was a window that you would be concerned about and i don't think we are there yet. so if you have concerns about potential worsening or reversal, what are your plans for addressing that if it were to happen? because you are absolutely right. that's why we are all being cautiously optimistic and on guard because we are in a bit of
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uncharted territory when it comes to a patient that received the therapies he has so early in the course. so we are looking to this weekend if we can get through to monday with him remaining the same or improving, better yet, then we will all take that final deep sigh of relief. but as i said to come up 24/7 world class medical care surrounding him, we won't miss anything that we would have caught up here. >> he's physically going to be in the white house, what does that look like, how do you keep them safely quarantined? >> i wish i could go into that more but i just can't. >> so we had several temporary drops in his oxygen and we had discussed that as a team and elected to started early in case that persisted or worsened. the potential risks and side effects we all discussed, we looked at the data and decided
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that we would rather push ahead on it then hold and risk the opposite. >> as far as travel goes, we will see. >> can you talk about whether he has any neurological symptoms, does he have side effects from his medications or fogginess from the virus? >> i think you will see him shortly. he's back. >> is there any pneumonia or inflammation in his lungs at all? >> we have not been at liberty to discuss. >> so you are not telling us what those long scans showed? >> there are rules and regulations that restrict me
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from sharing those things. >> you said his oxygen dropped several times, can you tell me how many times -- >> to episodes like we talked about yesterday and both of those times he received oxygen and recovered immediately. >> was it required? >> no, it he wasn't short of breath and wasn't looking ill, but what it was more of us to anticipate needs and he came right off. he didn't need it for very long at all. >> are you at all concerned about your own exposure or exposure to the medical team? >> i am concerned but as the cdc says there are caveats for essential employees that as long as you continue to test negative and you remain symptom free and you keep the mask on when you are out and about, which we do
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inside the hospital 24/7, then you can carry on your duties. >> the president is a patient man, has he been itching to get out of here? >> the president has been a phenomenal patient during his stay here and he has been working hand and glove it with us and of the team. today we got to the point where he's holding court with those of us around him, the whole team, going over the whole specifics and testing and what the future is, and we have been back and forth on what safe and reasonable and he has never once per push us to do anything that was beyond a safe and reasonable practice that we all first wanted. >> were there people on the medical team that recommended against the president? >> the president said don't be
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afraid of covid, do you agree with that. >> his heart, level liver and kidney function was normal or improving. improving, does that mean that there were effects and is at all normal or what's up with that? >> it's all normal right now, i would say he appeared to be a little dehydrated friday. he was able to just drink and recover from that and everything looks great. >> what sort of things -- >> the big first thing we need to do is there is no evidence of live virus is still present that he could possibly transmit to others and that's what the infectious disease experts and some of our partners, military and civilian entities, just as soon as we can identify that. we talk about the ten day window, we are checking him more
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routinely than just waiting ten days. there's a possibility is earlier than that and there's a chance that it's a little bit later but we will know as soon as possible and then we will look at him clinically. how are you doing, how are you feeling? >> why did you feel it necessary to administer hydroxychloroqui hydroxychloroquine? >> there are dozens of therapies that we were made aware of. that's something we can look at the existing literature on and this is the regimen we chose. >> is he having some of the muscle aches and has he lost his sense of taste and smell? >> we were just talking about the symptoms that he has left, and even the slight cough that he used to have he doesn't really complain of at all. he hasn't ever complained of muscle aches, and he's up and
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back to his old self predominately. >> just to be clear, how long will he still be actively shutting the virus? >> so this morning i believe there is accounting by dr. fauci about the first five days of illness, most people are likely to said live virus. most folks don't have cultural bull live virus and they put it to ten just to give some extra space. never 100% between everybody so we will see. i'm not going to put a specific number but we look at that, that window. >> he be confined to his residence or will he be allowed to return to the oval office? >> we will do whatever it takes for the president to safely conduct business with whatever it is he needs to do within the residence in the white house.
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>> is he on blood thinners and also has he been using or have you been giving him tylenol or advil? >> he has not been on any fever reducing medications for over 72 hours. he's on a routine regimen of covid therapy, i won't go into specifics of what he is and is not on. >> the president had a mild cough, nasal congestion and fatigue on thursday. for that reason, what you said and also for the contact tracing. what would you recommend it given those symptoms, should he go to the fund-raiser? >> that isn't up to me. he is scheduled but it wasn't until he returned and sat down
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knowing the news of the day that we delve into, how are you feeling, what's going on? because what were his -- when was his last negative test on what was his viral load? >> everyone wants that. i don't have his viral load. those are some of the diagnostics that we are sending out that will really tell us what it say for him to get back out and around people. >> when was his last negative test -- were any of his last tests abnormal? >> hip precludes me from going into too much depth so i'm not at liberty to discuss. at some future point, it may be. but today, sorry. i think that's it. >> think you guys. >> bill: dr. sean conley doing most of the work there with the team at walter reed medical center in maryland and here's
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the headline. he's not entirely out of the woods, however towards the end he did say, he's back. no respiratory complaints, vitals appeared to be good and his treatment with the antivirus medication will be completed tuesday evening. the president plans to leave walter reed at 6:30 p.m. eastern tonight. our coverage continues now on the fox news channel on cable and satellite, more a lot later with your local news on this fox nation. until then, i'm bill hemmer. fox news new york. in our coverage continues on cable. doctor, how do you evaluate the question and answer from the doctors. >> i was very fascinated by the fact that it sounds like the president was in really, really good shape. if it was anyone else, john q. public, we would anticipate or encourage them to stay in close
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contact with their doctor and to make sure that they did not in fact lose track of the patient because, you know, it can turn on a dime. but you know with the vital signs and his pulse oxygenation, the fact that he's on remdesivir and dexamethasone, what the doctors did not mention or what dr. conley did not mention his he's is on his usual covid-19 regimen. we usually throw in a blood that are there to make sure he doesn't plot because micro clots are major source of problems in the patient's lungs that have covid-19. so i think the picture is pretty good. he can be testing positive and not be infected and the reason for this is the virus has fragments. those fragments are corrupting the kind of pcr testing that we do in a laboratory. so there is a period of time after you become noninfected where your tests may be falsely
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positive, so that's another thing. and of course we can measure his antibodies to see whether he's made neutralizing antibody to the virus. i'm sure that's what we will do when we he gets back to the white house. >> bill: so the last round of remdesivir goes tuesday at the white house. >> i would go with a pulse oxygenation. i could do a pulse ox there several times a day, i would do it four times a day to make sure his breathing is good. i don't want the oxygen level to go below 94%. people at home that have covid become hypoxic. their blood oxygen goes down and they don't know it and then they pass out or worse. the president will be well monitored and as you heard dr. connolly say there are nurses, physicians assistants, doctors aids and's et cetera. he will be cared for exquisitely by those doctors.
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i've been to that many hospital and i assure you it's very well-equipped. he's on a good road, and i'm not sure if i would mix him up yet campaign with a lot of people but i certainly think he's got a lot of energy. >> bill: another question, he goes after the lungs and he heard the questionnaire about how long this, he said i'm not at liberty to discuss that. would you be concerned about the condition of his lungs now? >> i think the lungs are the target right now for him and i think the lungs will be looked at very, very carefully. the x-rays and the c.a.t. scans are very, very important. they are looking for fluffy areas in the lungs, looking for compromise and fluid in the lungs where it should not be.
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the easiest test to do will be his pulse oxygen level, pulse oxygenation. very simple to do and i do on all of my patients several times a day. >> bill: i'm assuming at the moment about the case he can spread it to other people, is that correct? >> correct. >> this quick tests, do we now question the efficacy of the avid test? what do you think? >> i've heard all sorts of different stories. in our hospital and i'm sure in walter reed they are doing the actual parliamentary chain reaction tests to look for the viruses present. when i said of viral fragments will turn the test positive, i mean on the pcr test. not terribly familiar with the rapid test, it's probably something that's used in emergency rooms and it may be the test that's used at the white house but i would say dr. conley is pretty thorough
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and dr. blalock is thorough and they will probably continue to do pcr testing on them so many days. >> bill: pcr is the deep naval l swab. we will bring back hogan gidley to get the reaction. there's a question that directly pertains to use because you are on the campaign side. there was a question about travel and the doctor said we will see. what did you think when you heard that? >> the event will be largely dictated by the doctors. we wrote down that all his vitals were normal and no respiratory complaints by the president and of course i think this should lead all the websites, and that's an
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outstanding facility. i've been out there with the president many times. this is only good news that we are hearing right now. the president is ready to go. how that looks on the campaign trail has yet to be determined but we will be the first to know moving forward. >> bill: "the wall street journal" piece, the last line of the piece, the white house needs to reassure americans not with happy talk but daily medical briefings that are candid and complete. can we expect that now? >> i'm not going to speak on behalf of the white house because i'm not there anymore but the fact is the folks over there, i've been very forthcoming. the united states brings you into the facility come into walter reed with various videos talking about in frank and honest terms about how this virus has affected him.
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so they were impacted by this virus, and i don't want to get ahead of anything you would say about it. this whole by resist taking the world by storm and it was something that was unleashed by china on the rest of us and it's a serious problem. i think the white house moving forward will do a really good job explaining to the american people just where we are and how we get around the corner with a therapeutic sweep talk about and all the chances for vaccines that are coming down the pike. is it reasonable for the press to be asking serious questions about this president and his doctors about the health? absolutely. we are having the same desire to press joe biden on any medications he may be taking, and what he's doing with medically as they go up and down on the campaign trail. >> hogan, thanks for hanging out.
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hogan gidley with a trump campaign. i want to bring in noah leavy, white house speechwriter under georgpresident george bush. no fever and 72 hours so this would all appear to be that will be held back to the residency this evening. >> we certainly hope the president fully recovers as quickly as possible for the sake of him, his family and of the nation. same could be said for all of the many people at the white house. i think this raises a couple of points. i hope everyone starts to wear a mask more frequently and encourage the use of mass more frequently and i hope that it
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starts to recalibrate the federal response to this. at the end of the day this is the number one issue on the minds of voters and things have changed over the last three days. >> first of all and thrilled that the president is doing so well and he's going to be able to come home to the white house, i agree with mo 100%, good for the country, good for the trump family and i'm happy about that. the main lines of attack against the president has been completely honest or forthright for the american people about the virus.
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that's how high th the presidens fever spiked. and the president might just say, go ahead and tell the people what they need to know. it reinforces a needless mistake because it reinforces the message that dividing campaign is spreading, that they are not fully forthright. on the other hand there is an opportunity for the president because one of the things that he has done is launched operation warp speed which is not just to speed the vaccine but also therapeutics. he's taking one of the therapeutics it's been developed under operation warp speed. it's an up opportunity for him to talk about that and criticize joe biden and democrats to call into question the safety of his medicines. i think that's an opportunity
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there. >> bill: it will be a big moment tonight at 6:30 p.m. when he leaves walter reed, and we will see how it goes tuesday evening. wednesday we will have upwards of 40 million or 50 million people watching this debate. the title is vp debate, whiteness on matters matters more than most. when one outlines in here, we know pens but do not know harris. if this debate goes more to the issues or does it change fundamentally when we consider the events of the last four da days? >> i think kamala harris is a skilled prosecutor, where she has been shown that throughout her career and prosecutor as
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well as on the judiciary committee. i don't think she's going to go after, or i would be surprised if she went after the president personally. i think talking about covid and the administrations response, talking about some of the things that mark mentioned about the lack of transparency, talking about the president even today continue to downplay the virus and turning this debate into an opportunity to make the covid response, the primary focus turning this election into a referendum on that, i think it it's a very big stage and platform to do so. >> bill: how do you view that it, it to change by the hour. >> i don't think mike pence is going to interrupt her and i don't think she will call pentz a clown. it will be an entirely different
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tone to the debate. i do think this was right because there was a poll that 59% of americans actually think that joe biden may not finish his third term in office including a majority of democrats. this is th raises the debates ad mistakes and i think mike pence will prosecute her on the questions that joe biden wouldn't answer. yes or no, our they going to pack the united states senate adding the district of columbia and are you going to get rid of their legislative filibuster so that you can pass through all this radical legislation on the economy and climate where there are questions for the minority? these are questions where if we don't get answers to this, it will be absolute outrage.
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pentz might interrupt her the way trump did think she will go as far as mark is for debate number one? >> i think running mates typically don't veer from that too much, but i think what she is going to do is try to keep as much of the debate focused on covid as possible. i think wit i agree and that soe changing times. here are some tweets from the president about two hours ago, i will be leaving the great walter reed medical center at 6:30.
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coverage on this developing story the rest of this hour as well as the battle over the highest court in the land. the supreme court, republicans and democrats going at each other about whether or not the confirmation hearing should happen as more senators test positive for covid-19. we will continue our coverage come next. every year.
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of the answers. >> you may not be entirely out of the woods yet but the team and i agree that all of our evaluations and most importantly the clinical status support the president safe return home where he will be surrounded by world-class medical care 24/7. he has never once pushed us to do anything that was beyond safe and reasonable practice. >> bill: that was the update from dr. sean connolly a short time ago. the president will leave walter reed in about two hours and 45 minutes. now working his way back to the west wing after spending the night and being at walter reed for three nights. he now moves up to -- let confirmation. republicans and democrats are going back at it again over whether or not to postpone the hearing. bringing in andy mccarthy, good afternoon to you. several senators have tested positive thus far in the hearing as it stands will begin a week from today.
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there is talk of a confirmation hope and that will be the 22nd of october. the same day you have debate number three in nashville, tennessee. does that schedule stand right now, do you believe? >> i think it does. i was looking before our discussion and was in the season, 2009. there was some shaky stuff done in the run-up to it but it didn't make it any less legitimate. i think the lesson here politically and constitutionally as when a majority of votes and something they want to get done, sometimes that doesn't look like something that's pristine and want to hold up our heads about but the fact of the matter is when you have the votes and it's valid legislation and valid
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constitutionally, you go forwa forward. >> they are both on the senate judiciary committee, and do you see a case where judge barrett appears virtually during this hearing? >> that same judiciary committee where he appeared remotely and that didn't seem to give anybody heartburn. in fact at least one of the a senator's remember senator leahy who was working remotely questioned him that way under those circumstances. we are getting use to all kinds of offbeat things in the time of coronavirus and i think it will be more interesting to see when the time comes to have a vote,
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whether that goes on remotely or not. but i don't see any problem with the hearing. >> bill: i know you are a lawyer and not a doctor, but have you given any consideration to some sort of formal testing program for members of congress that would allow them to have permission to come or go? >> i think that kind of thing would be hard to enforce. i think the politics are more important than the law when it comes to that kind of stuff andd i think if people act irresponsibly there's all kinds of downside for them politically. i would expect them to act responsibly and they should have a regime where people are tested regularly, but if we look at what's happening at the white house right now, we can see that just because you have a good, strong testing regime doesn't mean that people don't get hit with this. >> bill: thank you andy, we will see how it goes when it goes, day by day. the pandemic continues, certainly affecting some nfl
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games, lots of audibles out there. the lake has postponed some games after players and staff's tested positive. they are trying to change the game however in atlanta. you see this device? this is how they are trying to protect fans. the ceo of this company will join us in a moment to let us know how this works and whether it does in hand. [ engines revving ] ♪ ♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive.
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a lots changed since 1961... since then over a million older americans have used a reverse mortgage loan to finance their retirements. it meant so much to nellie, maybe it could mean as much to you... call now and get your free infokit >> bill: nfl postponing games between the new england patriots and kansas city chiefs. they will play tonight after players on both teams test positive for covid. still set to play tonight in green bay. mercedes-benz stadium and said to be the first arena to use high-tech drones to clean and disinfect. part of a company that rather the atlanta falcons and mercedes-benz stadium. a good day to you and thank you for being here. it's a beautiful facility. how does this drone work?
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>> well, first of all, thanks for having me. i'm excited to utilize drone technology. mercedes-benz stadium, we've always been focused on innovation. the first stadium to go totally cashless. we have mobile tickets only. now, in order to make it the safest environment for fans, we are also utilizing drones to sanitize the stadium. >> bill: what is the disinfectant? can you describe this to us at home? how effective can it be? >> we are using two kinds of disinfectant. one is hydrochloric acid that kills about 99% of all germs, viruses, bacteria. we are using that before and after each event. the drones just help us to do that faster. additionally, we are using an inhibitor that is put on the balls come out the seats, and
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surface. it defeats viruses and bacteria attaching to the surface. >> bill: there are big and vast hallways inside that arena. do they fly into those hallways as well? >> no, unfortunately, the drones cannot fly in the hallway. there, we have to use colleagues that go around with electrostatic sprayers. the drones are too big. they are fairly big. we can have them flying in the hallway. >> bill: do you keep the roof closed when you're doing this? >> yes, we keep the roof closed. it avoids air movement that makes it safer for the drones to fly. >> bill: what are you hearing -- the idea here is to give a comfort level to people so they come back. what are you hearing from them on this? >> so we go out and we service our fans quite a bit. and ask them, how likely are you
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likely to come back to games? do you want to come back to games? we get very good answers. a lot of folks are still interested in coming back to games, but they want to be assured, and they want to feel safe. so we hear time and again, please make sure that you do whatever is possible to keep us safe. that is the first priority now have everybody. we are doing everything we can in that context. from the drones to other measures to having mobile cleaning teams that go around and make sure that high touch areas are constantly clean as well as simply going out to other stadiums. we visited a few other stadiums that had fans before and see how it works there. to see what we can learn from them. what they did that worked well. we need to think about to make sure it is safe as possible. >> good luck. it's an interesting idea.
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we hope it works. deep action there in atlanta, georgia, thank you. on this day five years ago, fox news headlines 24/7 launch. it continues to produce content 24 hours 365 day year. you can check out our colleagues on sirius xm. >> he's coming home, the president after spending the better part of four days at walter reed medical center is now set to come home. his doctors saying he is met all of the hospital criteria. they think he's going to be safe and plenty of support back for him at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. the president is happy about that. he will get out of there after 2.5 hours. he's not the only one happy about it. take a look at what happened at wall street today when just the president's condition seemed to be rapidly
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