tv The Five FOX News October 5, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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sorry our time was cut short. you have dealt with this firsthand so he could advise the president what to do and how to think and how to act, how to treat yourself and how to take care of yourself. we are waiting to see the the president of the united states when he leaves walter reed hospital. here comes "the five." ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone, jesse watters, juan williams, greg gutfeld and it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." this is a fox news alert, president trump with walter reed medical center he will leave after three day stay battling coronavirus. looking life outside of the hospital, president trump tweeting earlier that he is feeling really good. the president's dr. singh president trump has met or exceeded the criteria to return to the white house.
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kevin corke is at walter reed with the latest, hey, kevin. >> great to be with you my friend. the doctor say that his vital signs are fine, and there are no active signs of the virus but in short they say he is back. taken to twitter the president talking about his departure from walter reed. he said he will leave the walter reed medical center at 6:30. feeling good to come as you pointed out, don't be afraid of covid and don't let it dominater life. we have developed under the trump administration great drugs and knowledge. i feel better than i did 20 years ago. here is dr. sean conley. >> so he may not entirely be out of the woods yet. the team and i agree all of our evaluations but most importantly his clinical status support the president safe return home where he will be sorted by world-class care appear the president has been a phenomenal patient. we have been back and forth what is safe and reasonable. he has never once pushed us to do anything that was beyond safe
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and reasonable practice. >> now, they are still questions about his lung capacity. the doctors fielding questions about that and people are wondering when was this last negative covid test? hippo rules refused to answer that question but still they say he is doing better and will be leaving soon but they know we will have live coverage but for now back to you. >> dana: thanks, kevin, back to you. let's take it around the circle, we don't have a table anymore. so this show was noticeably more upbeat than friday, jesse, three days in the hospital and the president's coming home tonight, what do you think? >> jesse: good news over the weekend and the president says he is a wartime president. this is like when the general gets wounded by the invisible enemy and goes and gets patched up and gets right back to the front line. fighting this invisible enemy. i expect him to give a big speech to the nation. i think the speech should be humble and empathetic and i think you should say
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acknowledged he was scared when he was diagnosed. >> dana: it didn't sound like an twitter or a tweet today. >> jesse: i am saying that i am recommending the knowledge that he was scared but that he kept his resolve to continue to forgot men and women of this country. listen to them everybody knows washington goes crazy. he says what he means, he does what he says and that drives people nuts, but at least you know where you stand. and for now for him to be able to use this as a pivot point to move a different direction from coronavirus, go back to the populism that made them so popular and got him elected in 2016. don't make it about himself. make it about the people who he is fighting for command that can be very effective. do you remember that kind of supportive team in the spring? when the george floyd protest got everybody out of the house. it kind of broke the fever. people were not a squared up your they left the basement. they got out on the streets and protested.
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this is a similar thing. this breaks the fear factor. surrounded by medical professionals. it tested all the time. he is out there traveling in every thing like that. he got sick. you know what, he recovered and this puts things in perspective. i'm not saying you don't feel the virus. you don't live in fear and you will not be crippled by yet. hopefully, that can be a good symbol for the rest of the country to reopen safe land strongly. >> dana: greg, we mentioned before the show and kevin corke said the doctor is not out of the woods yet but you think the woods -- >> greg: i like the woods and i live in the wood so stop bashing the woods, okay? you know, i think it is funny that people who read the worst intentions in trump will look at his tweet and when he says "don't fear covid" look, he's playing it down again. he is dismissing fear. know what he is basically saying, no, you have to live your life. you can't live hundreds of some of this forever. and it really came home to me.
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i was watching this clip of a funeral in which everybody the mourners were social distancing and the widow was by herself in the front row weeping for her dead husband. and her son is like 12 feet away, gets up, walks over to sit with his mother and hugs her and is holding her and comforting her and a funeral director comes over and says no, separate. you have to separate. we cannot go down that road anymore. there are untold people suffering from what i would say, the consequences of this. i think that is what he's trying to say as americans and as the leader of america, it is important you understand there are benefits, but there are also risks. i think that is listen. he will talk about this a lot. this will be the new free bird in his rally. he will say "sir, don't go outside, sir. don't see the people outside. no, i went out there and i beat that virus like a drum. i beat it like drum."
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so it's going to be another story arc in this unbelievable tale of the last four years. this is what he is, he is a programmer. and it is an interesting plot twist for the last month if you look at it that way. >> dana: juan, let's get your thinking too that. >> juan: he is upbeat and positive but when he tweets that stuff about "don't be afraid of the virus when you have 200,000 people dead? when you have millions infected? i mean it is unbelievable" it is reckless behavior and friday i said i hope this experience would allow him to become more of a model for how you responsibly deal with this in terms of social distancing, being responsible with our behavior. but no, to the contra dome at contrary, the press secretary said today she is sick, right? the campaign manager. >> dana: she said she has no symptoms. >> juan: i said she is sick and has the coronavirus is all
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i'm saying. the campaign manager, the wife is sick, we could keep going, right? and it doesn't seem that is a concern to him because it's all about -- i'm just saying -- hold on, will you? he has the best medical care available to him. he has not been transparent with those. now, we find out that we knew he was talking to sean hannity on thursday night. he doesn't say that. then we find out, oh, friday, he had a high temperature and oxygen levels up. we don't know that. he just has not been transparent with us and as a result, i think it is hard to trust. when it comes out with this statement today, i just thought that was, as i say, reckless. i hope he is okay, but by his own doctors admission, he is not out of the woods. and the doctors come as kevin corke said, will not tell us when he got the last negative test were the first negative test. won't say anything about his lungs or his scan.
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so to me the lack of transparency, it just infuriates me because he is the president, he is our president. >> dana: dakin, the markets, maybe you can tell us a little bit about their reaction tonight in less than 90 minutes from now. >> big rally today in the market if you look at the technology stocks. the president has watched the stock market as real polling gauge. so the investors were upbeat that the president is on the mend, getting out of the hospital. but president trump is only speaking to us as a nation. we are resilient in the space of adversity. so he is just seconding what makes this country great and showing strength to everybody, regardless of who you might vote for in november. and i said on friday, the pirates and the economy are inextricably linked. he is speaking to the american people.
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don't be afraid. you need to be optimistic. you need to feel secure enough you can go about your day, you can go to work and you can continue because that literally is the difference between a recovery that continues and the great depression. because slow growth in the economy but gets low growth and if you are sending the american people in the right direction with the right message about resiliency, this economy could fall flat on its face. he knows that. >> juan: and he absolutely helped the economy by solving the virus. >> dagen>> dagen: thousands of e workers get laid off last week, last week. >> juan: and the senate and that house, the democrats in the house passed bills. >> jesse: more of joe biden's lockdowns will not help anyone. >> dana: i have so many points
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♪ >> greg: it is the gut failed rule if you want to make anything worse at the media. the one thing we now know for certain is that politics is superseding medicine here. >> i watch the car in the parade and him in the car, that was out of a dictator's playbook. >> it is a karma to us because trump has the deployed sickness in this campaign. speak with the president seems to be flirting with the coronavirus by not wearing a mad going to big rallies. >> i would never say the president is experiencing psychosis, but it is certainly concerning to see his actions today. >> his reaction has been homicidal negligence. he has failed to protect the american people. >> worse than watergate? >> greg: the president gets sick and they say "i told you
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so." cnn is the wet market on that. they hardly said anything early on too busy gorging on impeachment but now the quarterback of wisdom is knowing what happened after it happened. oh, steroid views psychosis, you admitted he never had psychosis to begin with? how nice of you. the fact was everyone was virus about the virus even the experts, the measure of the leader is to listen to advice and to what is right. trump actually sent a vote to nyc. and he sent tons of ventilators to nyc, money to everyone and they shut down the economy. he stopped travel when the democrats called him racist. he stayed calm when others wouldn't. he knew as a leader he must endure risk to expect risk from others, you go to work and so must he. why do you think "the five" came back to the studio? we said if he goes back to work, we should too. while the media minds for misery encourage compassion. what happens when a peerless bombastic personality has a
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health scare? will he change? of course, trump might be trump forever, but the scary thing for never trumpers is a healthy trump in a country that prefers it. still health shock can change people for good. look at me. i went through childbirth at an early age, and i haven't been the same since. [laughter] dana, so they sounded the alarm, the media sounds the alarm that it's way worse than friday. and now, he must be a murderer. he's out and about to become a murderer. >> dana: no doubt the white house did not have an initial communications rollout on this on saturday. and i think the press office did as best as they could, but if they will be cut out of the loop, you cannot expect them to do that and a real disservice to kayleigh mcenany and her team. she deserves better and they demand better than the white house chief and staff. that was no good. >> greg: no good? >> dana: not getting complete
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information does not mean that you can speculate about the president's health. it doesn't work that way. >> dagen: i know the president's doctor is saying this but my aunt posted something on wmc and that is something we can take seriously going forward. so watching that montage come i can see why people watch fox all day long. >> greg: we are real. i imagine like cnn, the morning board meetings and gauges what is the most bizarre, deranged theory and when that goes in the red zone, they go with that in the lineup, psychosis. >> jesse: there are a lot of scandals and conspiracies over the weekend, greg. i had body doubles, we were told that said staged photo ops. russian intelligence offers with walter reed on the president. we heard about secret service gate. after the media watched video of
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covid crowds screaming in the faces of law enforcement officers all summer, all of a sudden they cared about law enforcement driving the car with all of the ppe and masks. the guys had probably already gotten covid and volunteered which were the reports. i don't know, greg, the president is invincible the way the media set expectations so low. this thing was supposed to be a death sentence and he's walking out of walter reed three days later better than ever. i just don't think they played this right. >> greg: what do you think, juan? >> juan: walking out of walter reed better than ever. look, i just wish the best for him, but i've got to say, everybody, including his own doctor said, you have to keep an eye on him. going back to the white house where they got tremendous medical -- it's not like you and me going home. >> jesse: under the coverage, they look like chris keepers. >> juan: i don't think so. you have a situation in greg, this speaks, what about,
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somebody made a mistake once so he made a mistake and he's trying to be optimistic. the reality is he downplayed this virus all along by his own admission. that is not me speaking. that is him on tape saying i'm going to downplay this. okay, he then downplays it and doesn't follow the science. he knows science says this. >> greg: he followed the advice of the experts. >> juan: obviously he did not. >> greg: how do you know? >> juan: he mocks joe biden, look at that big man, he mocks this guy and i can come at the example to the american people is the mask is political. it is not a matter of science, not a matter of best protection and if trump supporter don't wear a mask. that is observed. the thing about it is, he didn't protect us, the american people and he did not protect his staff. you should have heard my phone, secret service people over the weekend, bizarre, gone off.
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but he is putting them at risk! so that he can have a -- >> greg: they called you? >> juan: not only that, when you stop and think about the absolute numbers, you know, 4% of the world population here in america, 25% of the coronavirus cases here, that his failure. that is an absolute failure. >> greg: i haven't found the math. >> juan: you have to hold on and say, wait a second. i hope this is not just about appearances and spin. i hope he is okay. >> jesse: you don't sound like you hope he's okay. >> juan: but it's like what john bolton said, everything is about his reelection. >> dagen: you know what they said for years, he is a dictator and he wants to power grab. you know what he did, he not act like a dictator. he gave the power to the governor to make local decisions about the different regions of this country because he understands we are a nation of great liberties and freedoms.
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americans don't like being told what to do. so you leave it up to people. wear a mask, but i'm not going to mandate it. okay, joe biden. really quickly in terms of the professional panicked paddlers and the media. these people, some of them clearly over the weekend stood back and said, i've only got a teaspoon of credibility left. if only got like a scoop of integrity but i'm flushing it all away now. i will leave this job and go sell kansas seeds and bomb shelters for the next apocalypse. i expect some of them they are so -- expletive to be standing in front of trump tower screaming "shame, shame" anybody taking a selfie in front of the building. >> greg: we are not done yet, joe biden hitting the campaign and to get out the votes just ahead of the election. ♪ knowing who we are is hard.
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♪ >> juan: in about an hour from now president trump will head to the white house to from the walter reed medical center. his doctor say he is much better but not fully recovered. it is unclear when the president will resume campaign. that is either virtually or in person. meanwhile, vice president joe biden former vice president is back on the campaign trail and reacting to some of the latest news. >> we are glad to see the president speaking, recording videos over the weekend. now that he is busy tweeting campaign messages come i would ask him to do this. listen to the scientist. [applause] wear masks. >> juan: dana, i think the president by his account had a tumultuous week last week with the rocky debate performance and
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contracting covid. and out the national polls, the first one done afterwords "wall street journal" ahead by 14 points. we don't know when the president gets back on the campaign trail. what do you see? >> dana: those were taken after the debate and i think that the debate didn't go as well has the president's teams had to. but in terms of the audience reaction or battle ground reaction but in terms of the battleground states, those polls are actually still fairly tight. you have a situation for example, in north carolina i know vice president in florida today. there are some who think north carolina is as vital as pennsylvania. the democrat in the senate race, for example, running away far ahead of senator tell the spirit all of a sudden over the weekend, something that didn't t a lot of attention, not only waa second mistress and he pulled ot of a campaign event today and so you start to see there is a possibility within the next 30 days that a state like
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north carolina instead of being, you know, just slightly ahead, maybe there is a way to close that gap appear at turnout we know enthusiasm will be for president trump. we don't know if it will be the same for joe biden. we might have a turnout for an election we have ever had in history. >> juan: let's pick up on that, jesse. what dean is talking about the battleground states and cnn poll has him former vice president biden up by eight in arizona, cbs has biden up by seven in pennsylvania. in the thing that struck me about arizona, trump is using an numerical county which you would think is a strong republican base. >> jesse: he is not losing maricopa county. they are outrageous during by hundreds of thousands in maricopa county. he will win arizona and i don't believe that poll for a minute. that was a d9 poll and a
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thousand people, registered voters a month away from the election? i wouldn't run a poll like that because everybody knows it's not true. joe biden took a month out. think about it, he called liz on saturday and sunday morning. what is that? i guess you can just take the weekend off and let the media campaign for him. that wasn't good. i think the president has got a strong team, he's a great communicator. the family can hit the battleground trail. i'm not worried about it. he knew the risks, assists the wrists and comfortable getting out they are in terms of the coronavirus. he understands part of the job as president, you cannot hide in the basement for months and let other people do front-line duties. he's in the central worker. he happened to catch the virus. he is recovering, hopefully and it will go well. he will come back and beat sleepy hard in november. >> juan: greg come i know the president was making fun of hillary clinton when she had
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pneumonia and the like spirit but now people are saying maybe there is a sympathy vote for the president. what do you think? >> greg: it could happen but i do want to point out for some reason everybody in the media just uses that poll up your there was another poll that came out the same time that showed biden's lead is light. an ipp poll and shows it is within three points which is basically marginal error but nobody is reporting that. way to the people in the news decide that one poll which weighs heavily to them is more important but meanwhile the postdebate the percentage of registered voters who switched, 19 percent did come 11% to trump and 8% to joe biden. so they were sure polls that you will not hear about. >> juan: one poll is quite credible. >> greg: that is not the one you mentioned. >> juan: let's just go to the professionals on that one but dagen, biden on the campaign trail, jesse said he put a lid
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on it early but i think he was respectful he pulled down the negative bad. what do you think? if you are the opponent, how do you handle a moment like this? >> dagen: he needs to sway voters on the economy and "the wall street journal" poll he is leaving and with 14 points, president trump leads on his handling of the economy. 48% and 41%, joe biden to eliminate all president trump's tax cuts. how do you make the case to the american people, i will raise taxes on your employers or don't bring back the furlough. he needs to address that. well known pollster text me earlier and said this go around, we all have really good numbers pulling on enthusiasm. but we do know a couple of things, one-third of biden voters are voting for joe biden but 70% of trump voters are voting for trump. they were in lies the enthusiasm. an election where people might be resident to get out and vote in public, that could make the
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difference for president trump. >> juan: okay, more to come on "the five" as president trump gears up to leave walter reed. stay with us. we will have it for you. ♪ a live bookkeeper is helping customize quickbooks for me. okay, you're all set up. thanks! that was my business gi, this one's casual. get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit quickbooks.
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♪ >> jesse: fox news alert president trump to leave walter reed medical center 45 minutes from now. the white house doctor saying the president is doing much better. and is not just out of the woods yet. let's go to rich edson with the latest from a rich. >> good afternoon the president is on schedule to leave walter reed medical center at 6:30 and arrive back here at the white house shortly after that. this is after the president made that announcement up on twitter early this afternoon. now, the white house position dr. sean conley said over the past 24 hours the president has continued to improve and met or exceeded the criteria to finally
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leave the hospital. >> we all remain cautiously optimistic and on guard because we are in a bit of unchartered territory when it comes to a patient that receive the therapies that he has so early in the course. i think you have seen the videos and the tweets and to see him shortly, you know, he's back. yeah. >> he did -- refused to divulge when he tested negative for the virus or the results of his lung scan. the president is breathing normally and they had given him another antiviral medication and the dose of remdesivir and he is still taking dexamethasone a steroid to treat those seriously ill with covid. the president will return to a quieter white house this evening with additional infections among white house staff. officials say many of the west wing or working from home. white house press secretary
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kayleigh mcenany has no symptoms though she did test positive this morning. she briefed reporters yesterday at the white house. the white house officials responding to criticism that she put reporters at risk in saying the briefing was outside and that she was at a social distance to the reporter she was speaking to. back to you guys. >> jesse: thanks, rich. the bloomberg wants to make an exit from walter reed. he plans to walk out of the golden front doors on camera. and go to marine one, no plans to speak to the press. what do you think about the exit plan? >> dana: i know he knows how to program a moment. he tweeted the news, he's his own past spokesperson. he tweeted in the 2:00 hour. that gives everybody plenty of time to get ready for the moment and that will be the moment. look, i'm really glad to see it and no doubt his family will be glad to see him come home. there is something about being in your own bed, like if you are
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getting better. i know he said he feels better than he hasn't 20 years. clearly, the doctors are concerned and still administering heavy doses of medicine to make sure he recovers fully, but he will be at the white house surrounded by family, maybe not too close, surrounded by family and he will have excellent medical care. >> jesse: i hope you don't think this reelection is a slam-dunk, but i'm telling you, he was counted out before. he was counted out in 2016. he has met a lot of challenges we have covered over the last four years. i don't think you can all of a sudden say, you know what my coronavirus, forget about it. >> it would never count him out. obviously, he stunned a lot of people. that is a fact. i just think he had a very bad week in terms of the debate and the coronavirus. but the coronavirus being a central topic of conversation, even if it is about him, i think a lot of people, you know what
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my don't approve of the way he handled it. >> jesse: do you think he can move fast the coronavirus topic after he talks to the country what he moves on to which is the economy? >> dana: that is the coronavirus. how do we continue to recover from this disease. i said on friday about 52% of the jobs, but you have to get out of the hospital. hospitals are for sick people. i just had this image of him in a hospital bed in his suit and tie with shoes on, arms crossed, angry, get me out of the pier that is the best thing, frankly for anybody. >> jesse: you have broken out of a few hospitals, greg. >> greg: no hospital can hold me, jesse. look, i don't think this is fair at all for the media not to take questions from them because how will they be able to ask him about white supremacy? i mean, they have t to do that t least once a day. >> jesse: all right, coming up all eyes on th vp debate and a g
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>> dagen: the vp debate taking on bigger significance after president trump's diagnosis. both vice president pence and kamala harris forced to a change attack plans because of it. according to xes, harris will skip anti-trump one-liners to make things less personal. and it increased safety measures and the candidates will be 12 feet apart instead of seven. dana, what are you watching for? >> dana: apparently plexiglass between them so 12 feet and plexiglass and everybody will be okay. i will be with juan and our colleagues. i'm looking forward to it because usually a vice presidential debate would not affect the rates at all and i don't think it will in this case either. do you think it is interesting kamala harris had this amazing rollout of vice presidential choice? you have not seen anything from her sense? she does very few interviews but she's out and about on the campaign trail but she has not
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been pressed on policy at all. if there is one thing mike pence can do, he can press on policy. i'm looking forward to it. >> dagen: her policy or joe biden's policy, juan, is a great deal more left than joe biden was, including abolishing private health insurance. >> juan: i think this has to be about joe biden's policies. he is ahead of the ticket and what people anticipate they are voting for. dana said in normal circumstances the vice presidential debate is forget about willing. but one candidate who has coronavirus and you have another candidate who was elderly, both in their 70s, i should say so everybody will be looking at this with more intention because potential for either of these people to actually take over is very real. i will say it in terms of the safety precautions this weekend, we had jamie harrison the senate candidate down in south carolina running against lindsey graham and they have the petition they are in the first time i've seen
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employees. it seems to work pretty effectively. and i second think i'm i'm not sure they will have anybody. there is a push to say why do you have people in? last time in cleveland, a great upset to this day about the fact that the trump family was not wearing masks. why take the risk? b5 jesse the trump campaign said they will participate in the next presidential debate. >> jesse: october 14th or something. >> dagen: 15th. >> jesse: that will be a good one and people might tune into that when after he recovers from coronavirus. i believe with juan, this is a big debate. because of the age of people in the top of the ticket. kamala harris hasn't answered about fracking, court packing, she definitely has to answer for some of the radical things she ran on. and she's not talented enough politically to defend her record and biden's record. remember, she dropped out before
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2020. she is unlike by the democratic voters and she was not a great debater. but i do think the media will crown her a winner because she will have some sort of sassy, hip liner that they will say was a real zinger. clap back. that is all you need in the media today. >> dagen: greg, you look tense. what is on your mind? >> greg: juan and jesse agrees on the same thing which always makes me think this is important. you both brought up the age. you said this is an important debate because of the age of the other candidates. you had to go candidates working and to their eighth decade dealing with two different risks of comorbidities. and so you are almost saying the spare tire is more important than the tire on the car because it is in better condition. so what does that tell you? it is time to have age limits on the primary candidates that are actually -- the reason why this is important is because the main
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attraction is so old that the opening band is more important than the main attraction? that is kind of interesting. having said that, this to me this cold glass of milk after eating a plate of hot spicy wings from last week. i don't know. it might be a little boring. how long is this? an hour? >> dana: 90 minutes. >> greg: it will be over in 30. >> dana: i will send it with jasper. >> greg: i will be watching jasper. >> dagen: "one more dome x "one more thing" next. ♪ some lost work and invented new ways to get by. others were busier than ever, and found strength they never knew they had.
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we sheltered with the people who matter most, sometimes finding how far apart we'd drifted. we worried over loved ones, over money, over our planet. and over take-out. and we found a voice one the noise out there had kept quiet. when the world starts spinning again, let's remember this time where none of us felt secure, and fight for a future where everyone can. because when the world seems like it's standing still... that's the perfect time for us to change it. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein,
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and ♪ you know limu,g after all these years it's the ones that got away that haunt me the most. [ squawks ] 'cause you're not like everybody else. that's why liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. what? oh, i said... uh, this is my floor. nooo! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing," jesse. >> jesse: i have some very exciting personal news to announce. from the jesse watters family.
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>> greg: you have covid? >> jesse: been tested. emma is pregnant. [cheers and applause] thank you, i think you guys very much. i'm very happy. the twins are very excited. we told them over the weekend. i know you guys love gender reveals, especially you, greg. >> dana: we are not going to blow anything up? >> jesse: we have cupcakes and if you bite into this cupcake, it will tell you the gender. >> dana: 1-2-3. oh, i see, i see. >> juan: oh, my gosh, it is a girl. >> jesse: it is a boy! blue means boy, juan. >> dana: fake news. congratulations, jesse, congratulations emma. >> jesse: thank you. >> juan: high five. >> greg: when is the greg jr. do? >> jesse: we do not have a name yet. we know it will not be at greg's. >> dana: it might be his last
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name, however. emma, we are so happy for you. congratulations. all right, dagen? >> dagen: with the vice presidential debates enter for a free chance to win $5,000 from fox bed. download the fox bed app and pick six possible outcomes and wash from fox news on october 7t unfolds, download the fox that app now where well, after the show, during bret mack. >> greg: how dare you. >> dana: wow, you could have said that but we should have more time, hi, greg. how are you? >> greg: i feel bad because i'm on the atkins diet and jesse, you know, i can't turn that down. so i will feel completely angry all night. all right, i am. it will bother me. >> jesse: be a man, greg.
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>> greg: when you get my age, you will be doing this. greg's travel news come as you know, i purchased a car. i'm so excited to be driving it. >> dana: this is your new baby. >> greg: i'm driving it around. it is great mileage. and i can see it is a classic car. >> jesse: you can park it anywhere. >> greg: i can park it anywhere and it's a one seater though because i'm often alone. >> dana: you could social distance in your car. >> greg: actually i did get a new car. and it's not a new car, it is 23 years old. >> dana: are we going to reveal it or not? >> jesse: i don't want to steal any of jesse's thunder. it is a used defender. >> jesse: it really is too. you should see this thing. he bought it off of the lot. >> dana: juan, what do you have? >> juan: first my think it is
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great. the girls will love having a big brother. they will have everybody knows with a virus around, we are looking for contact free delivery and that includes pizza delivery, but sometimes, you know, things don't go as planned. take a look at this video, folks have a pizza delivery that ended up in the wrong pause. yes, that is a beer colorado bring, and the bear ate it in less than 2 minutes. and ordered the pizza, opened the box and in a few minutes, realized, hey, this is empty. what's going on? she didn't realize what happened so she checked the videotape. that is when she saw the bear. wildlife experts say in the area bears are fattening up for the fall and winter and can smell food from 4 miles away. it is not just hungry hungry hippo you have to watch out for, you also have to keep an eye out for famous players these days.
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>> dana: what if he burned his tongue? that would be a long tongue. a lot of burns. >> greg: that is an excellent analysis, dana. >> dagen: i can't wait to hear what i have to say at the debate. with bret baier. someone is going to win. that will be my analogy. >> greg: jokes with pizza with bret baier in utah but it's too late now. >> dana: maybe i will try if i have one. i want to talk about volunteer firefighters in new jersey. my friend, jenny landers saw a crow that was up in the tree and to her surprise, she saw it again friday. it turned out the crow was tangled in fishing line. and other crows had come and perched on a tree. she thought, they were trying to encourage it to free itself. she called the fire company, and volunteer training run, came right over and they retrieved the bird. the officers, the letter operator, they got the bird fre.
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isn't that nice? >> dagen: i rescued a bird on saturday. i found it in the street. >> dana: in new york? where do you take it? >> dagen: it recovered, but you can take it to the wildlife rescue. >> dana: a special dome xp 29 is up next with bret baier and let's see if he will buy me a pizza. >> thank you medina. new york just down the road from the studio and i'm bret baier, president trump says he will be leaving walter reed medical center at the bottom of the hour. when that happens, you will see it live on fox news channel. when asked about the president's cognitive physical condition, a short time ago "he's back and also, if the president's press secretary is the latest staff member to test positive for covid-19 and while the president is recovering from coronavirus, he's being hammered for taking suv ride past supports
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