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tv   Hannity  FOX News  October 6, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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interpretation of our country as a whole. >> tucker: that's right. candace owens, every time you're on you say something i haven't thought of that i appreciate. thank you. we will be back tomorrow, 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. vp debate tomorrow, sean hannity now. >> sean: thanks, tucker, welcome to hannity. we begin a fox news alert. if this is massive breaking news, the president just tweeted this out. "i have now fully authorized the total declassification of any and all documents pertaining to the single greatest political crime in american history. in other words, the russia hoax and likewise, the hillary clinton email scandal, no reductions. this is a big deal, and by the way, should lead to a troves of declassified material. again, without the reductions. we will have a lot more of this coming up. you will see how sinister all of this was from the get-go and it should shock the conscience of our nation. but first, there's only 28 days,
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just four weeks from today, and you will be the ultimate jury. nobody, as far as i'm concerned, could tell you or predict exactly what's going to happen. projections that this point are frankly useless, same with a pulse. there's only one pole that matters, election day's pole and on tuesday november the 3rd, only you, the american people, you are the ultimate jury. you will decide whether or not donald trump gets a second term or the cognitively challenged weak, frail joe biden takes over. god help us. but until then, well, we do know one thing for certain, per usual. we do know that the media mob will not be vetting the democratic candidate or his running mate. we know state run propaganda newspapers, state run broadcast channels like abc, nbc, cbs, state run fake news cable networks, they're all in for the week, frail and cognitively struggling joe biden. because they refuse to do their jobs, there are dozens upon dozens of critical questions.
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we are just 28 days out and some people are already voting. joe biden flat out refuses to answer and frankly there are more questions that the media and their flax refuse to even ask. the press will never hold joe biden accountable. they will never hold his feet to the fire. they will never demand accountability. why? because they are all in. team biden. the press and extension of his press office. and for the next 28 days, they will do anything and everything in their power. they will carry the very week, the very frail, very corrupt candidate if they can over the finish line, if you allow that to happen. for example, during a recent biden town hall, nbc, well, they featured a so-called undecided voters will actually came out against donald trump in a previous appearance on msdnc. yeah, that would be call a lie and a charade and fake news, so tonight throughout the hour, we will highlight the questions
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that apparently nobody in the media is willing to even ask. we will vet joe biden, we will do their job, as we always do. we will investigate his corruption, his lies, his records of failure, because right now, joe, well, he seems to think that he is accountable to nobody. for example, yesterday during a rare occasion in miami when a reporter actually tried to ask one single unscripted question, biden called that reporter obnoxious. and flat out refuses to answer a question about covid-19. but are you really surprised? 's minders in the democratic party, they never want him to go off script because when he does, well, disaster usually ensues. over the course of the campaign, we've all witnessed joe become increasingly overwhelmed, increasingly agitated and irritable when he is faced with unexpected questions. and we got the videotape evidence, let's go to the videotape, as warner wolf would say. >> would you shut up, man?
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>> specifically, have you taken a cognitive -- >> no i haven't taken the test. why would i take a test? come on, man! that's like saying you, before you got in his program, you take a test we are taking cocaine or you're not, what do you think? are you a junkie? more questions. if you have a problem, dominic figuring out whether you're for me or trump, then you ain't black. and i went on the floor and got you votes. i got votes for that bill. i convinced people to vote for it. so let's get those things straight too. >> you ever been to a caucus? no, you haven't. you're a lying dog faced on the shoulder. >> [indiscernible]. isn't that what you said? let's do push-ups together. let's do whatever you want to do. >> sean: come on, man, you would junkie? want to have a push-up contest? calls a woman a lying dog faced
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pony soldier, asking an african-american reporter -- come on, man, are you a junkie? you've got a cocaine test? this is how a healthy, stable, intelligent person response to questions? no. has the media highlighted this? no. and in one puzzling moment only yesterday joe had some really creepy, weird things to say about, well, the children attending his event. take a look. >> good news is for me, i'm here, but the bad news for you is i'm coming back. i'm coming back. and i want to see these beautiful young ladies, i want to see them dancing when they are four years old. great to see you, so thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. >> sean: covid is at least preventing him from sniffing their hair, which is been a past practice and when biden isn't being creepy or getting agitated or calling people junkies or hiding in his basement or screaming "come on man" or not remembering the declaration, he's trying his best to execute
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an angel democratic strategy. we see it every two years, we see it every four years. democrats, they divide americans with a never ending stream of identity politics. republicans are racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, they want dirty air, water, they want grandma and grandpa julie dog food until donald trump throws them over the clifton wheelchair. in one sloppy attempt to pander to minorities, biden was the one who sounded, well, in the words of michelle obama from yesterday, racist. take a look. >> the american public, the blinders have been taken off. they've all of a sudden seen a lot clearer. they are saying the reason i was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf. or i got a young hispanic out there, these dreamers are out there, 60,000 of them acting as
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first responders and nurses and docks. or all of a sudden people are realizing my lord, you know, these people have done so much, not just black, white, across the board. >> sean: which brings us to an important set up, unanswered questions. when will the mob in the media -- when are you going to ever hold him accountable for his trouble history on the issue of race in america? for example, all my friends in the mob, does joe were regret offering that '94 crime bill that led to the mass incarceration of minorities? to see regret calling minorities in inner cities predators on our streets? does joe regret praising the former ku klux klan's men robert byrd, his friend and his mentor? does he regret eulogizing him at his funeral? does he regret any of that, does joe regret fighting against racial integration of our schools and effort in with segregationists, and by the way, again, forming an alliance of partnership with the former
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klansman to stop the integration of schools? will any of you in the mob ever ask him why he regretted and worried that his kids would grow up in a "racial jungle" if there was integration in schools. does joe still stand by the statement "you ain't black if you vote for donald trump," and what did joe biden mean when he said that the latino community is diverse, unlike the african-american community? why did biden say you can't go to a 7-eleven or dunkin' donuts unless you have a slight indian accent. what did he mean when he called obama the first mainstream, you know, african-american who is articulate, bright, and clean and a nice-looking guy? wow, that's storybook, man. why did joe biden lie about endorsements from the naacp? why did he lie about attending delaware state, a historically black college? why did he lie about marching in the civil rights movement? and despite all of those serious
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questions, well, former first lady michelle obama wants all of you to believe that donald trump is a racist, and by the way, also want to to know that the ongoing nationwide riots that we've been witnessing with our own eyes has been overwhelmingly peaceful. no, they haven't been. take a look. >> they are stoking fears about black and brown americans, lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs. whipping up violence and intimidation. and they are pinning it all on what's been overwhelmingly peaceful movement for racial solidarity. it's true. research backs it up. only a tiny fraction of demonstrations have had any violence at all. so what the president is doing is once again patently false. it's morally wrong. and yes, it is racist. >> sean: okay, don't believe your lying eyes.
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michelle obama, this was going on all summer long. we saw what happened in kenosha, wisconsin. we saw portland. we saw seattle, we saw new york. we saw there were at least, wh what, 50, $100 billion in insurance damage nationwide, thousands of police officers injured. you know, they were the cops getting pelted with rocks and frozen water bottles and bricks and molotov cocktails where many were shot, others were stabbed, many killed and many others left with catastrophic life altering injuries. would any honest rational person refer to this as an overwhelming peaceful protest? we will let you decide. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> sean: it may be michelle obama is right. maybe that was mostly peaceful. depends on how you define peaceful, right? in order to be a democrat in 2020, a member of the media mob, what, you have to accept that arson, looting, violence as peaceful acts of resistance? is that the america you want?
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in 28 days, it's all on the ballot. are you willing to condone those riots because michelle obama says it's mostly peaceful? are you willing to vote for a biden harris ticket that applauds, what, defunding the police? plans to eliminate baleful rioters and anarchists and other violent criminals. do you honestly trust joe biden to keep this country safe from threats foreign and domestic? because make no mistake, in 28 days, yeah, safety, security, law and order, it's all on the ballot. and by the way, while michelle was the first lady and barack was the president and that guy, the empty suit joe biden was vice president. well, 4,000 homicides happened in chicago alone and 20,000 people were shot and they barely mentioned it. guess what? they have around-the-clock security. what about you and your family? joining us now with reaction, salem radio nationally syndicated host larry elder and civil rights attorney leo terrel. larry, we start with you. i'm just having a hard time when
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people just like to me, because what ac, what eye my eyes show - a lot of dead people, a lot of people with life altering injuries and a lot of vandalism and destruction, larry. >> that's that the same thing that i saw and i tell you what, sean. michelle obama said something very interesting. she said research those that these are multiple peaceful protesters. research also shows that the whole narrative, the whole reason that people are out in the streets, the narrative that the police are killing blacks just because they are black is bogus. there's a black harvard professor who says that anything -- if anything the police are more hesitant to use deadly force against black people than against white peopl. researchers at washington state found the same thing. the government has been looking at this ever since they foster me 90s. every 20 years they asked 60,000 americans, have you had interaction with the police, if so, tell me what your interaction. cannot find any pattern that
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suggests anything like this. if not only wrong, it's also getting people killed. cops pull back, bad guys know it and some nut cases are going to feel that the narrative is true and ambush cops the way they did in san diego -- the way they did here in l.a. a sheriff deputy ambushed, where you are, ambushed and killed. officers in baton rouge, officers in dallas, all because of this bony narrative pushed by the public michelle obama, barack obama and the democrats. it's getting people killed. >> sean: leo, what did kamala say? reimagine what a police department going to look like, praising the cuts of the l.a.p.d. i don't think los angeles needs cuts to the police department. joe saying police become the enemy. of course we will redistribute funds elsewhere. so they've taken the most extreme position and, let's not forget during the dnc, they never talked about the violence, they acted like it wasn't happening. >> you know, sean, this really gets me upset because they have
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doubled down on making a deal with the devil, antifa and black lives matter. respectfully, the first lady lied and that video because the protests, everyone in this country can see the chaos and the burning in these democratic cities. and she wants us to disbelieve what we can see, and that very eloquent approach as if she really cares, she lives in a very wealthy area. the reason why donald trump got elected ms. because this country rejected the obama-biden administration. as far as calling donald trump a racist, shame on you, michelle obama. tell us what obama did. donald trump has given positive reform for black america, historical black colleges, low unemployment rate, she will call him a racist and not count what obama did because he did nothing for black people and just because she is black, that
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doesn't give her credibility. she lost credibility today, sean by pressing that video. >> sean: i have a question, why didn't barack and joe set record low unemployment for every minority group? why didn't they commit as much money and time to historically black colleges? why didn't they do criminal justice reform, police reform opportunity zones? i think those are fair questions. because those are all the things that donald trump got done, not barack and not joe. >> they are excellent questions and why don't they support choice in public schools? michelle obama simply went to a magnet school, she did not go to the local school maker because it was a bad school. she voluntarily bust out words in order to go to a better school. her daughters never went to public school, obama never went to public school. went to columbia, then went to harvard. never set foot in a public school, but they want to deny inner city parents the same option. polls show black and brown parents want choice. you know who doesn't? white democrat living in the
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suburbs who wouldn't put their inner-city school if you paid them. it's outrageous they are opposing school choice when urban parents wanted desperate desperately. chicago, fewer kids can do math at grade level. who sent their kid to a school like that if they have an option out? >> sean: choice is 28 days, the american people decide. by the way -- go ahead, leo. >> i want to make this very clear. the reason why she's throwing the race bomb is because the democrats are losing black male voters. they know it, they are desperate, they cannot win this election without black male voters. they are going republican, just like i have! >> sean: let's see, 28 days, we will find out. leo, larry -- by the way, i want to leo-larry show, leo 2.0. we do have good news for the president. according to his doctors, well, he is experiencing zero covid-19 symptoms, on a speedy road to
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recovery and we can hope and pray that continues for everybody that contracts this invisible enemy. apparently many new yorkers though, they have been brainwashed by the media mob and think something conspiratorial is at play. joining us now with a full report, hannity 2020 election correspondent, our very own lawrence jones. lj, what do we gotten a? >> good evening, sean. as you know, the president is back at the white house recovering from a coronavirus but he's not finished with his agenda in fact, he's going all in. after months of negotiations with the democrat for covid relief, he announced today that he would be ending those negotiations until after the election. the president says his focus now will all be on his supreme court nominee and to get that nominee to get confirmed. but some don't believe that the president ever had it. they think it was all a hoax. watch. >> it looked like he is doing pretty well now though, but he still has covid.
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>> i'm still a little cautious. >> if i ran into someone who i knew had covid two days ago and was in the hospital, i would probably want a little separation. >> sometimes i wonder if it's just a ploy. >> you think it's fake? >> to get people to vote for him, to get people to feel sorry for him. you never know. >> universal. some people said it was a hoax, i do believe that? >> no. i don't believe that. they are trying to find every reason they can to pick on him and this is just another one. >> why would he pretend to have covid? >> maybe later on he will have an expo nation and to put two and two together. he said he had coronavirus. >> we need to find something to reunite us and if the president is sick, all of the citizens should be coming together regardless of whether or not we like his political stances. healthy president is a healthy country. >> as you can see, it looked like that brother at the end was the only person that had a bit of common sense him as saying need to unify on the president
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and wish him well. i know i am, he's in my prayers. >> sean: lj, thank you so much. there was a lot at stake. 28 days, four weeks from tonight. tomorrow night we will see the first and only vice presidential debate. joining us now for preview is one of senator kamala harris' colleagues, louisiana senator john kennedy. when she debated biden and took him on about praising the former klansman, robert byrd and took him on about his partnering with the former klansman to stop integration of schools, my take on that, she memorized her lines. she stared him down and she delivered them with pinpoint accuracy. i would think she probably has memorized lines tonight to throw at vice president pence. your thoughts? >> here's what i think will happen at the debate. many members of the press, sean,
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have treated vice president biden and senator harris like your mom treats the good china. i don't think mike pence will do that. mr. biden contends that he will be the second coming of franklin roosevelt. but a lot of people suspect that he's really going to be the second cousin of bernie sanders. he and senator harris support abortion, illegal immigration, open borders, sanctuary cities, socialized medicine, defunding the police, gutting the second amendment, higher taxes, more regulation, a weaker military, and hugs and hot cocoa for iran. if i know mike pence, and i think i do, he is going to make senator harris defend those
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positions. >> sean: the only part i didn't understand, what was the first referenced on china? i missed that one. >> i said that the press, many members of the press, have treated the vice president and senator harris like your mother treats the good china. that is, very -- >> sean: [laughs] i got it very delicately. so here's my question. i would bring up the issues that she brought up herself about joe biden and his relationship with segregationists and his praise of a former klansman and his partnering with that klansman to stop integration of schools. i thought it was a pretty powerful line. i was that little girl, when she said that, did she not mean it? at one point i think on a late-night show she said oh, no, it was only a debate. does that mean we're not supposed to take anything she said seriously tomorrow?
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>> well, i think senator harris, and vice president pence will talk about race in america. but if you read senator harris' and mr. biden's agenda, you will see that they both believe that america is a racist nation. that we were racist in our origins and that we are even more racist today. now, i've heard senator harris in the debates say that. it not in those exact words, and recently vice president biden seems to agree with her. once again, i think mike pence, very respectfully, but firmly, will ask them to explain that because i don't believe most americans are racist. >> sean: thank you, senator for being with us, we appreciate it as always. when we come back, texas
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senator ted cruz had a wild back and back-and-forth with nba owner mark cuban over the league's hypocrisy. senator cruz will join us later. explosive new declassifications further implicate hillary clinton. she set the whole thing up, the russia hoax. a wide? to distract from her email -- you know, the subpoenaed emails that she erased and the bleach bit and the hammers, wow. new developments, straight ahead. ♪ election...
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(fisherman vo) how do i register to vote? hmm!.. hmm!.. hmm!.. (woman on porch vo) can we vote by mail here? (grandma vo) you'll be safe, right? (daughter vo) yes! (four girls vo) the polls! voted! (grandma vo) go out and vote! it's so important! (man at poll vo) woo! (grandma vo) it's the most important thing you can do!
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♪ >> sean: earlier today senator ted cruz had a brutal twitter back-and-forth with dallas mavericks owner mark cuban over the nba's apparent hypocrisy on human rights. the league's soft stance on china, the embrace of left-wing politics. it started when senator cruz tweeted out in article from, oh,
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my website,, showing the league's lackluster ratings for the nba finals and adding #gowokethoughbroke. that prompted a response from cuban, the u.s. senator with three nba teams in his state employing thousands of people and he's rooting for their businesses to do poorly. also developing tonight, the streaming giant netflix has been indicted in texas for a "lewd depiction of children" in a highly controversial film called "cuties," a series i guess they put out. joining us now with reaction, just out this week, on, bookstores everywhere, it's a must read, one vote away. texas senator ted cruz. i've had a few battles with cuban. i actually like the guy, i want his team to do well, i want the nba to do well. i think the more -- if i had my way, i think players that are admired by so many, if they would actually join with members
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of the community and invite people into do positive things, keep schools safer, make sure kids get an education. i would jump on board. i think most fans would buried but i think when you make a political statement without backing it up with actions, i don't think it's helpful. >> look, i totally agree. i love watching nba, i'm a diehard houston rockets man, i have been since i was a little kid, and i think it's painful watching what the nba, what they're doing right now, because they've essentially decided that half their fans are idiots and racists and they're just going to insult them and they're going to lecture them and when you watching nba game now, it's just the announcers are engaged in political tirades the whole time. as the article on said, the first three games of the nba finals are the three
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lowest watched nba finals games in history and half the fans are saying all right, if you're going to insult me, to heck with you, i'm going to go do something else. you know, the nba wanted to do something really positive to make a difference in the african-american community. rather than supporting a marxist organization like black lives matter that's trying to abolish police departments, which endangers black communities, it would be great to see nba coaches and players raising money for school choice, for scholarships, for low income african-american kids, hispanic kids, that could make a real difference, but that doesn't fit with their social justice agenda, sadly. >> sean: let's talk about 28 days from tonight, four weeks from tonight, and that his election night and how do you see this race? joni ernst up for reelection, cory gardner, martha mcsally. purdue in georgia. we are following, you know, very closely, north carolina and
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tillis, you got mitch mcconnell up, i'm sure i'm missing one or two, alabama is an important race. how do you see everything and how do you see the presidential race? because i don't see joe biden ever having to answer a single tough question the whole time. >> the press is fully allin in support of biden. i'm worried about the election. i think it's really volatile. i think it could go either way. i think we can have a fantastic election, the president could win by a big margin and we could win both houses of congress, but i also think it could be devastating and i think we either win the presidency and win the senate or we lose the presidency and lose the senate and i very much hope it's the former and not the latter. and it depends on turnout. it depends on who shows up. that's one of the reasons i think the confirmation battle over judge barrett is so important. we are going to confirm judge barrett. we are going to do it by the end of the month. the democrats are losing their mind and i think that's going to be really important. it's also, as you know, one of
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the reasons why i wrote the new book "one vote away" to really highlight how the supreme court is on the ballot, how free speech is on the ballot, how religious liberty is on the ballot, the second amendment is on the ballot, school choices on the ballot, that all of those were one vote away from a left-wing justice taking away our fundamental rights and i think the confirmation battles will really underscore that. >> sean: i think it's important -- people ask me how the time, what do you think, who's going to win? and my answer is the same. i think it's very hard for a republican to win the presidency, because you start out without california, oregon, washington, new jersey, new york, and illinois. it's a lot of electoral votes. then you've got to win florida, ohio, georgia, you got to win north carolina, arizona, you've got to fight for nevada, new mexico. then you've got to get pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, minnesota. if got to fight for nebraska
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congressional district 2, maine too, in new hampshire, it's always hard for a republican to win and i don't trust all these new laws that are going on the books seemingly every day and every state extending out how many days they will count the vote. >> there are a lot of democrats trying to steal the election. there are two kinds of election, a turnout election and the persuasion election. i don't think this is a persuasion election. i think there are very few in the middle buried not a lot of undecided. the left is showing up. they hate trump. we've got to make sure everyone else shows up. let me say finally, sean, thank you for having me on your show, and your radio show. it made the book "one vote away" number one on amazon and you are encouraging people to buy it played a big, big role in that. >> sean: listen, i recommend this book because it's critical. you did not know there be an opening the week before he released the book and it is
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timely, meaningful, impactful, and everything is at stake. "one vote away." senator cruz, up next, the deep state's day of reckoning is upon us. breaking news tonight. we now know that john brennan, the cia director at the time, briefed obama that clinton was trying to type trump to russia, all in an effort to distract you, the american people, from her email server scandal and breaking news you won't believe what president trump is declassifying. this is huge breaking news, and by the way, later, mark mccloskey and his wife were indicted today for protecting their home from protesters this summer with illegal weapons on their property. straight ahead. ♪ ally blind. ally blind. and non-24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424.
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♪ >> sean: big breaking news and developments tonight in the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in american history. now the director of national intelligence john ratcliffe today declassifying handwritten notes from former cia director john brennan, taken after he briefed then-president barack obama in july, 2016, about hillary clinton's alleged plan to drum up the entire trump-russia hoax and according to the notes, he briefed obama on allegations that hillary, well, she was trying to tie donald trump to the collusion hoax, why? to distract we, the american people, from her illicit private email server scandal. some other big news late last night, paul sperry tweeting one of these documents are finally declassified at all the reductions removed from the reports, which the president is now promising to do, the nation will see that the fbi and the cia not only knew the russia
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collusion allegations against donald trump were a political dirty trick, but that they were all in on it, and president trump responded to paul sperry's tweet with a "i have fully authorized the total declassification of any and all documents pertaining to the single greatest political crime in american history, that is the russia hoax." likewise, the hillary clinton email scandal, no reductions. and of course this now all begs the question, what did biden know, when did you know it, what did barack know and when did he know it, here with reaction, the coauthors of "trump, america first," dave bossi, corey lewandowski as well as fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. so now we have full confirmation. greg, this is the story, you have took on number one bestsellers on that in fact cany concocted the whole thing, the emails, the bleach but, the hammers in the classified information on the server that never should have been there. >> well, i knew she invented it
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all because i said so in chapter two of my book "clinton collusion." and now we know that hillary clinton not only invented the russia hoax, she financed the russia hoax, she disseminated the russia hoax and barack obama knew it, he sat on the information, he covered it up to protect clinton and destroy donald trump. he sat there silently as our government was thrown into turmoil for the last four years over what he knew based on the intelligence presented to him by john brennan was phony information conjured up by hillary clinton to distract from her own emails. but it demonstrates just how immoral, unscrupulous, devious, and corrupt hillary clinton was, and for those like john brennan, who has now gone on the air and said well, she didn't do anything wrong, she didn't do anything illegal. he doesn't know. he's not a lawyer. i would argue she has committed
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crimes depending upon how she disseminated the information. it's a crime, felony -- >> sean: [indiscernible]. >> feed false information -- >> sean: didn't he give it to harry reid? >> so he would be culpable. >> sean: didn't he like it to too -- the conspiracy theorist. because part of the dossier was leaked there. go ahead. >> well, it depends on how it was leaked and to whom, and i hope that the president to foster best declassification and of the reductions shed light on that, because this does appear to be a criminal conspiracy. >> sean: cory, dave bossi, let me ask you both, corey, you can answer first, how does this impact the election and why are we only finding out 28 days before the next election considering this is such a bombshell and how do you see this shaping up, because i, for the life of me, i can't tell anybody with any amount of certainty who's going to win in 28 days, corey.
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>> one to the guys who perpetuated the greatest crime in american history get held accountable? wonder they go to jail? wanted to get walked out in handcuffs, sean? because there's been two tears of justice, one of your donald trump supporter and you get the book thrown at you, and one of your hillary clinton supporter and you get away with it. we see this time and time again and we asked donald trump, we sat in the oval office and asked donald trump if barack obama knew of this insurance plan and in 2018 he said barack obama did know. we know joe biden knew about it, he was briefed on it, we know brennan knew about it, clapper, comey, none of them have been held to account for what has transpired, which is the greatest hoax in american political history. they tried to take out a duly elected president, sean, and no one, not one person has been put in jail for this yet. >> sean: dave bossi, how do you assess this race 28 days o out? >> well president trump is going to win. and we are going to be able to talk about this, because we've all been waiting for john durh
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durham. we've been waiting for this investigation took him to become public and we are not getting anything and now we are learning, we are learning just today, thank god john ratcliffe has done this, but july 26th, this illegal plan on the 20th, they had this briefing in the oval office and on the 31st of july, crossfire hurricane begins. this is -- you don't need to be colombo to figure this one out. what are we doing? why are we -- to corey 's ., why is no one being held to account? why is no one going to jail? why has nobody been indicted? this is a criminal conspiracy beyond all others. it's the greatest crime in american history. the obama-biden administration is the most corrupt in history and what did joe biden know and when did he know it? we know he was in the oval office for the january 5th 2017 meeting where he recommended mike flynn get hit
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with the logan act, so we know he's in on this, so he needs to be asked and we need to demand the answers of it he know about this criminal conspiracy. >> sean: the fact that we now know this, the fact that he knew that christopher steele's sub source in january of 2017 was a known russian operative for ten years and they still continue to use it as the bulk of information for the fisa applications, everyone of these guys should be put in jail. by the way, god forbid if biden ever won this thing, all goes away, it will all be covered up and only to be brought back in more abuse of power down the road. unbelievable. >> if i could, greg is exactly right. for barack obama and joe biden for the last four years, two allowed donald trump to be attacked and maligned and attempted to be destroyed, when they know, they know the facts, it is outrageous what they did to america. >> sean: unbelievable. congrats, corey and dave on the
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new book on greg, thank you. when we come back, patricia and mark mccloskey, they were indicted today. why? from protecting their home from threats and protesters that broke into their community and apparently the left loves to glorify the protesters, but they vilify law-abiding americans, mark and patricia respond to the indictment next. ♪ l speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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traffic and air pollution will be even worse after the pandemic. that's why we support measure rr to keep caltrain running. which is at risk of shutdown because of the crisis. to keep millions of cars off our roads, to reduce air pollution and fight climate change. and measure rr helps essential workers like me get to work and keep our communities healthy. relieve traffic. reduce pollution. rescue caltrain. [all] yes on measure rr. ♪ >> sean: unfortunately tonight, the unequal system of justice is on full display. mark, patricia mccloskey, the couple seen on the now-viral video defending their st. louis home from a mob of angry demonstrators in june. if they were the ones indicted today. according to their attorney al watkins, they are now facing the
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charges of unlawful use of a weapon and tampering with evidence. with their reaction, mark and patricia mccloskey. first, i'm sorry that you're going through this. you're both lawyers and my understanding is that these protesters, didn't they break through an iron gate, ignoring no trespassing sign and didn't you tell me in a previous interview that you were both threatened verbally and otherwise? >> not just one trespassing sign, three no trespassing signs. an iron gate that has been there since 1888 and threatened us with murder, with rape, with arson, with burning our hearts my cows down, killing our dog, g every possible -- where they're going to put that pistol when they take it away from her. it was a horrifying scene. just an attempt by this soros-funded prosecutor to
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intimidate people to warn people out there that if you stand up for yourself, exercise your second amendment rights, we are going to punish you. not the mob, not the criminals, but we are going to punish you, law-abiding citizens, for trying to defend yourselves. >> sean: and your weapons were legal and they were on your property, is that correct? >> this is true. if a private neighborhood. when they folded down that gate and broke into our neighborhood, every inch of our neighborhood is private property. they walked right past a sign, three of them, private property, residents only, no trespassing. broke the gate down and came storming and purity >> sean: did you see weapons of the of any of the people that were in front of your house or on your property? >> i saw the one guy pointed to come of pointed magazines that may close enough that i could see that they had shelves in them, clicks them at me, said you are next. the guy next to him also wearing body armor had a sidearm on him
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and was kept inching closer and it's in closer. they were armed, they were dangerous and they were intentionally threatening. >> sean: again, these weapons that you have were illegal and they were on your own property. can you explain the tampering of evidence charge? i'm having a hard time with that one. >> we have not seen the charging documents and i've been advised by my attorney not to make any comments since we don't know what we've allegedly tampered with and therefore we can't respond in any way. we were in court this morning, sean, and at that point we were told there were no charges and then this is how wonderful the world works these days. the powers that be, the left, leaks the information they want before you actually see it. my daughter called me up from out of town to say i understand you got indicted today. got leaked to the press. >> sean: my understanding is that there were nine protesters originally charged with misdemeanor trespassing, but
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those charges were all dropped. only the home owner, law-abiding, legal gun owner, gets charged here? is that how america works? >> that's how america works. i mean, the bottom line is that if you have the gall, if you have the audacity to try to protect yourself, to exercise your second amendment rights, that's an unforgivable crime to the left, because you're supposed to have just mindless obedience and you're not supposed to challenge them. >> sean: didn't they tell you which rooms in your house they were going to take over? >> pointing up at the windows, that's where i'm going to be sleeping, that's where i'm going to be taking my shower, that's where i'm going to be having my breakfast after we kill you and take your house. >> sean: i think i'd call that a threat. i think you have a good case, but it's sad you have to go through that challenging times. we are coming up on a break. we wish you both the best, we will follow the story, more "hannity" after this.
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♪ >> sean: four weeks from
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tonight, you are the ultimate jury. that's all the time we have left this evening, quick programming note tomorrow night. immediately following the debate between mike pence an and a senator kamala harris, we will be live with postdebate reaction and coverage. let not your heart be troubled, laura -- four weeks from tonight. >> laura: can you believe thi this? you and i have been doing this election night thing since 2,000 when the race was flipping, do you remember that 2:00 in the morning? >> sean: dimpled, perforate perforated -- >> laura: that's truly frightening. >> sean: hanging, swinging, shattered chads, i remember. >> laura: all i can say is it's all on the line for the country, people want to be locked down most of next year, they know to devote for.


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