tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News October 8, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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night. they spent three and a half years trying to terminate a presidency. >> sean: mr. president, we wish you and the first lady h ad every american that has contracted covid a very speedyee recovery, very positive news on regeneron and eli c whitney and therapeutics and operation warpspeed seems to be moving along nicely. >> president trump: thank you very much. >> sean: let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham is standingve by. i owe you 20 seconds. every time i i interview the president i hand up owing you something.g. >> laura: that's okay. very interesting. we're going to pick up where you left off, sean. i'm laura ingraham, and this is "the ingraham angle." as the super-spreader, in order to they tell us why they are the signs. also, quick to level charges of
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racism and sexism after lots night's debate. what does that actually? candace owens here with -- but first, biden's plan is the focus of tonight's angle. recently, i warned you that in the home stretch of this campaign they would cynically use a combination of the deflect, demonize, demoralize. my understanding these tactics is critical to understanding -- first, deflect. i saw mike pence absolute kamala harris. if they you to believe that --
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they point to -- >> people noticed some mansplaining tonight. >> he did keep interrupting both senator harris and -- >> he had a bloody eye and a fly on his a notes. >> historically, the mark of the devil. >> of course, this is bugs, but she's a tough former prosecutor who rose to prominence, when she gets in trouble, she says she's being mansplained. at the same time, attempted deflection on its own refusal to answer questions. >> the court packing when the election over, a great question. i don't blame you for asking. you know the moment i answer that question headline and every
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want of your papers will be about that. >> laura: this reminds me of another telling liberal hide the ball moment with the obamacare vote in 2010. >> we have to pass the bill so you can get away from the fog of the controversy. >> laura: i forgot the fog of controversy part of that. news that the legislation was a mess, and biden knows that court packing is unprecedented. if trump doesn't get his minute-by-minute blood oxygen reading to the jackals in the white house press or, they pounce. look, if we had a real working press in the united states they would demand that biden answer some basic questions. like, will you pack the courts, no answer. should d.c. become a stay? will you list the tariffs on steel and on china?
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will you send more troops to the middle east? and how we are covid lockdowns be enforced? are they constitutional? biden deflection should give voters pause. now they are deflecting from having to answer any legitimate questions by backing out of the debate.. even though the white house doctors cleared to the president to return to the trail by saturday, biden will now only commit to one more debate. it don't worry, he will be doing a town hall with that very objective and unbiased george stephanopoulos on the scheduled debate night. don't hold your breath for any of the tough questions we just mentioned. on the second d, demonization. it has been a vicious atmosphere for trump and his family since he came down that golden elevator. i've never seen anything like thece hate they been subjected o the last few weeks.
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while most decent people are happy when sick patients rebound, democrats are livid to see that trump is recovering from covid. how dare he leave the hospital? he is a super-spreader in chief. that's my favorite. the white house is a ghost town, staffers are freaking out. he's a walking contagion. there is constant demonization of the president has affected all the aspects of our lives. we can get away from it. of course, a nice old biden, green lit that disrespect at that last debate. >> it's hard to get any word in with this clown. this is the president was used everything as a dog whistle to generate racist hatred and division. he is racist. >> laura: and now they are trying to blame trump for a handful of militia men who were planning to kidnap the governor of michigan.
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this is nut, nut, nut situation. never mind the fact that these lunatics look like they are anarchists. these folks somehow managed to skirt responsibilities for violence and riots but now trump is to blame for a couple of fools, criminals in michigan? that's like biden is responsible for this assault that we've seen on the left has encouraged the disrespect of any and all authority, especially the president. they demonize trump because they can't sell biden. they don't want it to be a choice election between trump and biden, but it is. in the end, you are choosing between liberty or locked down, between law and order or chaos, between america first or americas. and the final d, demoralization. if conservatives and independents -- if you think
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your votes don't matter, maybe you will just give up. there's no better way to depress turnout then citing lousy.o >> he's sinking, he is desperate. >> 12 points, 14 points, the hour of repudiation is that hand. the walls are coming down. >> that was four years ago yesterday that the billy bush tapes were released and they hoped then you would give up as well. >> g.o.p., republicans abandoning donald trump by the dozens. >> a ship that they are jumping from. >> it is a very, very dangerous moment for the republican party. >> laura: now, fortunately the people then saw through all of that, and we know what happened on election day. if the polls don't work, they will use covid to demoralize you. >> new concerns about previous
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hot spots heating up again. >> were talking about north dakota and wisconsin. >> the baseline of 40,000 infections a day, that's atin a level that i'm not comfortable with. >> laura: i'm not comfortable with, of course they provide no context. like the fact that only a small number of college students have been hospitalized after returning to campus, and theyey don't show the graphs that matter, like this one. it shows u.s. hospitalization rates plummeting. they want covid to dominate your thinking so that you forget about what life was like before pandemics. it's actually really good, wasn't it? keeping you hopeless means keeping you helpless and dependent on government. who we are as americans, and certainly not the bold innovative approach that the trump administration has taken. you are smarter than all of the overpaid hacks running biden's campaign because you know that biden is not running anything. contrary to this hardscrabble
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workingman rhetoric, it is wall street, the neo-bolsheviks, and high tech billionaires pulling hisig strings. i think they can actually sink the d's, the democrats created betting against trump is like k'sbetting against america, it's always a highly risky proposition, and that's the angle. joining me now is david marcus, new york's correspondent for the federalist, and tom bevan, last night's debate -- it shows that democrats don't have much of a platform beside, we are not trump. don't americans deserve an actual choice between policies? >> yes, absolutely.
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you hit the nail on the head just a moment ago when he said the democrats absolutely do not want this to be a choice election. if they want to point at donald trump, say he's bad, and say, you can trust old joe biden, you've known him for years. i think there was an opening last night, because of the failure to answer the question about packing the supreme court. i think we can all just assume that that answer is yes, and we heard the president just now basically say that.d so that's something that i think the trump campaign needs to keep pressure on, mike pence did a really great job last night because the moderator wasn't going to bring it up at all. mike pence demanded that the question get answered, and it didn't get answered. >> laura: moderator also didn't ask it, why won't you answer the question on lockdowns and how you will enforce them. lots of questions weren't asked last night. the trump campaign now says that the president can return to the campaign trail and they issued this statement tonight, physician sean conely says he
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will be cleared medically for public engagements on saturday. five days before that debate was scheduled, the president tonight told hannity they were considering a florida rally on tom, whateb about that? >> this is obviously good news for the trump campaign because no campaign is more reliant on the candidate as the messenger, as the energizer, as the face of the party than donald trump. the prospect of him getting back on the trail for the last couple of weeks, even ahead of what most people thought, is that its welcome news for theth trump campaign. they were scrambling trying to build gaps while he's on the sidelines. i think this is exactly what the trump campaign wants to happen. >> laura: david, i've never seen anything like this where we have an entire political apparatus in the democrat party.
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most everyone in the media who are cheeringol on trump's political demise, but with a dash of keep him off the trail because he's sick for good measure. i think they are absolutely -- they might have a little bit of a cough, he coughed a few times, they are going crazy on the online tonight. just the fact that he's out there so soonli after he was hospitalized, that's got to be inspiring i think. i think theyiz are missing the inspirational part of all of that, for anybodyy who has suffered any disease. >> i don't think they are missing it at w all. i think they know that it's inspirational so they d are doig everything they can to ensure that the american people are dubious about it. if you look back at the coverage over the weekend, they had the man 2 feet in the grave by saturday. the better he got, the more annoyed they seem to get it.
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there a prominent anchor today who was just saying on twitter, may be the video of him was done in front of a green screen, and he actually didn'tus go outside. that turned out to be false. there is no correction, nobody goes on tv and say, i really got that wrong, i should have been levelheaded. that doesn't occur. >> laura: a new poll is showing that 66% of americans -- this is during the midst of a pandemic say they are better off now than they were four years ago. it's the highest they've ever recorded. how is trump behind in these polls if that's the true better off than we were four years ago number? what is that disconnect? >> there is a disconnect spirited not onlymbwh that, bute idea that the economy is so far and away the number one issue, he has an advantage over biden on the issue.
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his job approval rating is still over 50% on the economy. that continues to be a think is strongest suit. you will see him play to that over the coming you look at these national polls, biden's sub ten, 12, 14 points. he dashed his lead has gained a little bit, but he is right about where hillary clinton was four years ago. to think about that. we areth 27 days from the electn and joe biden is almost exactly where hillary clinton was in these big six battleground states. that is signifying that this race is probably still very competitive and a lot closer. the biden campaign is acting like it's closer than a ten, 12, 14-point race. >> laura: they sent michelle out there to scream racism or whatever. democrats and a lot of folks in the media are resorting now to this one. >> tomorrow, we are going to be talking about the 25th amendment. >> we don't know what damage may have been done.
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the real possibility that this is a time with the 25th amendment needs to be considered. >> laura: david, well they stop at nothing to remove trump if they could from even the ballot at thisem point? >> it's insane. she's literally talking about an emergency measure to try to remove the standing president of the united states. she was asked about it by a reporter, said i want talk about it right now i'll talk to you about it s tomorrow. at least it's not after election like joe biden, but this is foolishness. >> laura: for a party that supposed to be 14 points up in these national polls, they are acting -- there's a lot of desperation out there. very interesting. wonderful to see both of you, thank you so much. now that the commission on presidential race has put the idea of a virtual debate out there, democrats are calling on biden to avoid a thing on the stage with trump at all.
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given the debate commission of course, are playing right along. >> everything is subject to what we're doing with regard to medical we are being guided by medical advice. we are not sure that both of them are safe and that we can hold it in a safee manner. >> laura: is there any risk to trump and biden debating in person if the event is delayed anpe extra week? joining me now is dr. william grace. dr. grace, just your basic take on this. they're going to clear him for the trail on saturday. would it be safe for biden and trump, i assume there would be 15 feet apart, even 20 feet ar apart to have debated on schedule on october 15th? >> we know that he has antibodies in his bloodstream, they are two ways of getting antibodies. the first is of course getting the
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the second of course is getting the antibodies from somebody else or a vaccination work getting the antibodies from past immunization from some product like he got from regeneron. we know he has antibodies. if he has antibodies, it means there's no virus around to neutralize them and get them out of the picture. the presence of antibodies means he's probably not spreading viruses. it doesn't mean that the tests that we do won't be positive. we've known that some people are positive for some period of time, may be as long as a few weeks, but we know that the particles that were there -- it's important that we know that he has antibodies and therefore doesn't have viral particles in his system. it will be reassuring if he stays negative. that means even the breakdown product that are noninfected are
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gone. >> laura: it's very misleading, the pcr test which we don't have to go into all the details, but how the number -- the point well taken. there was a chemist who did not seem to think it will ever be safe for biden to debate in person. >> even if the president had transmission going on in the white house, we are worried about his entourage. this puts a lot of test puts vice president biden and potential danger. >> laura: is this a little much? >> the biden entourage from -- this could be done very safely. fiona wonderful to see you tonight, thank you so much for joining us. coming up, one of the excuses for kamala harris' face, please
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say what they think about who is really going to be president. >> laura: last night was really the first time kamala harris confronted the running coming up,ar one of the excuses for kamala harris' face, please say what they think about who is really going to be president. candace owens has answers in a moment.ou ♪ i'm good at my condo. well planned, well invested, well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement.
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♪ >> laura: last night was really the first time kamala harris confronted the running me. let me repeat, it was the first time a woman who could be second in line to a 78-year-old president -- had -- to answer any probing questions. listen how "new york magazine" put it.sein if the xap in california senator do prevailing november, they have a whole new concept as second in command. it would be her de facto elevation as the front runner. biden won't say it out loud, but if he wins, he is highly for second term.
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kamala is the president -- with that knowledge out in the open, the media obviously -- >> there going to be judged. >> a lot of women who are watching this debate the rage that so many people felt in these situations time and time again. >> i wonder if she can't quote steamroll as much as mike pence can. >> laura: if she can't handle being challenged, how is she supposed to go toe-to-toe with even aoc for that matter.>> ce but the media, they are not interested in anything except making uses. >> andin angry black person, and they need to pipe down. >> there are stereotypes and tropes of angry black woman.
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>> toughest to be an american, woman of color. >> laura: there it is, challenging or old, -- now does that make what, did to joe during the primaries -- >> it was a debate. - it was a debate! >> laura: this might be funny for the selection, after they started going last night, i doubt we're going to hearing from her on the campaign trail between now and election day. it would probablyy have the meda up in arms to be clamoring for the transparency of the democratic process. now that the debate is so in the tank for biden, and a fair press holding -- that just be thrown
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out. they are allowed to dodge all they want other getting robbed of a true choice. joining me now is candace owens, candace, does it diminish, that the media feels they should rescue her with these tired tropes? >> for me, i'm personally getting david abu. i want to fast forward to the part where every fails because he regrets to cast our ballots, it's our duty as women to make sure that we stand behind, located similarly with the problems hillary clinton face. she is not a very likable candidate. they offered her a -- she failed. they did not like her they
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thought it would get behind a black woman. it didn't happen on both sides of the aisle. black america remembered her as a prosecutor, remember the record and i was so happy, lord, let me tell you, when vice president pence asked for her record on black america, because this is a woman so inauthentic that she is now trying to climb despite her record. you know what happened? it wasn't misogyny or sexism, it was called vice president pence beating kamala harris. it was beautiful to watch. >> with actual facts. i have to share this with you, i thought this was interesting. unfortunately, it's "the washington post." actually wrote these words, she rode, the plexiglas was in onstage reminder of the barriers
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that we face for vying for political power in this country. i would like you to take the series. >> i would like to go back and look up my nameou in "the washington post" and see how i'm treated despite the fact that i'm a black woman. it would be a different standard. as long there's -- democrat black woman and tell people that they should be ashamed if they don't support this individual, as i said, kamala harris has lots of things where you should not be standing by. we are seeing that. they make america like her, they just picked a bad w vice presidential candidate for joet. biden. he is not very strong himself. they preferred last night to see mike pence onstage.ju >> laura: i was just thinking about this, joe told her as a top candidate, she's smart, and
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yet he is just whining. i guess this was today. in arizona about how she was treated. >> it's despicable, so beneath the office of the president. the american people are sick and tired of it. they know who this is, they've got to stop. this is one of the finest person i've ever dealt with. this is a person who is ready on day one to take on the united states of america. it's the one i love reading that, ready to be president on day one, except don't be not criticize her or intimidate her. >> this is what i just like so much about modern feminism, it's so fraudulent today, just sitting there saying they want a quality, they want equal treatment, and then when they get it, what do they do? they run and hide and say, that's misogyny because i don't
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want to be on the stage and answer tough questions. it's a very simple question, are you going to pack the court?is now she's complaining, and america's income of these are not strongreo candidates. this is why people are going to perform a trump presidency because they just seem to be stronger candidates because they don't complain. and now we are all racist, we are all sexist, we are all white supremacists because you failed to deliver onstage next to vp pence. >> laura: you can't use a race to explain everything about all aspects of politics. after a while, i think people will roll their eyes. wonderful to see you, thanks for being here. i have to say, coming up, there's two really important questions that the media refused to ask about the numbers behind covid, how much fraud is there in the numbers coming out of the hospitals today and has this led to an inaccurate tally of the
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find your fitscore and get your answers today to get the most out of medicare. call the number on your screen or go to call now. ♪ >> laura: and now more than >> laura: months ago, we warned you that hospitals, especially ones struggling financially had an incentive to fudge covid numbers. why would they do that? for the higher reimbursements they get from the government, that's why. is not a fringe theory. "usa today" fact-checkers confirms that hospitals do get higher federal payouts for patients with covid. in other words, expand it this way, a death caused by heart attack may be logged as a covid death if the patient tests positive for the virus, get it? the question is, how pervasive could this be, and is it inflating our covid staff. we may soon get some answers. the trump administration announced that hospitals that do not properly keep track of covid
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and influenza patients could lose their medicare and medicaid funding. joining me now is alex berenson, and phil kerpen, alex, is this just paranoia on our part, or is there an incentive to miss report facts, or at least maybe it was the proximate cause, but not the actual real cause because a lot of these local hospitals are cash strapped? >> we are talking about two different issues here. it's clear that hospitals do get a higher reimbursement for covid cases, that has been known since march, it's not a secret.. they get a 20% bonus, there may be more ppe, may be some more intense cases, that may make a certain amount of sense, but it
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does encourage hospitals to code every possible patient they can. does count for a different it's much more complicated, and there's real problems with how we're counting covid deaths. as you said, we've known this for months, too. it sort of -- it's crazy to me and that i wrote about back in june with the first lockdown -- or with the dash and nothing has changed. i want to point to a case tweeted about today that people can go look at and judge for themselves, this is a 29-year-old man who died a couple of months ago, and he was -- his obituary was written in "the new york times," and in the headline, it says, he died of the coronavirus. i thought to myself, wow. that's a really disturbing case. that's a healthy 29-year-old dying of coronavirus. i asked of the medical examiner in the county where he lived if
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it was an autopsy performed in what were the results, and they reported back to me today that he had actually does his death had been ruled accidental due to the toxicity from two drugs, from oxycodone and from xanax. they said that covid-19 was a contributing factor to it. i would urge people to look at that for themselves and judge for themselves. is that a covid death? does that make sense to call it a a coronavirus death? >> laura: cdc director redfield acknowledged that hospitals do have this financial incentive to maybe play with the numbers. >> we've seen this in these processes in the early hiv epidemic. someone may have a heart attack and also have hiv, the hospital would prefer because there's better reimbursement. when it comes to death reporter,
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it's how the physician defines it.. when it comes to hospital reimbursement, there could be some play in that. >> laura: how widespread do you think this is? t >> i think it's pretty widespread. we definitely saw it when the high-impact funding was coming up and we have those deadlines and hospitals had to get there hundred coronavirus patients to get the $75,000 each and they crammed it to get them in, and then there was the second deadline. we don't have a deadline right now, but you still have the 20% plus, you have pressure from administrators to code as much as possible. prior to september 1st, they didn't even need to test, what they could say this person has coronavirus, reimburses 20% more and add that to thee patient. now the federal government is requiring they do a test. you know that a level give you a huge number of false positives so the hospitals are not going to use the lab that's givingnm them lots of negatives, they will use a lab with lots of positives.
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you look inside the hospitalizationf records, women aged 15 to 49 who are hospitalized with coronavirus, over 20% of them are pregnant. to me, that suggests that they are in the hospital for a completely unrelated reason and they happen to have testede, positive, but that doesn't go into the statistics.el >> laura: 40% asymptomatic cases, will tonight on cnn bill gates, he said things would not be going back to normal anytime soon. >> for the next two years, there will be this virus. a lot of the things that can spreading events will be very restricted even a year from now. >> laura: alex, two years. in australia they might not let anyone travel until 2022. i read that yesterday. >> there is going to be a push to get everyone to take the vaccine, whether it's mandated
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or quasi-mandated, there will be efforts to continue to force masks on people. i don't understand what the obsession with not going back to normalal is, with insisting that this virus is going to change our lives forever. other respiratory viruses have not done that. other respiratory viruses that are comparable in terms of severity, the 1968 hong kong flu, the 1957 flu, forget the spanish flu, i'm talking about stuff that people at the time barely even noticed. there is something strange happening with the dynamic of the media and the public health establishment where there really is an effort to sell this as some world changing event. >> laura: for them it is. >> the numbers do not support that. >> we need to be very careful over the next couple of months, because we are going into winter and every winter have a big increase in respiratory illness,
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big increase in hospitalization, big increase in deaths. it's on the baseline, but if they keep using the counting method they are using a lot of those normal deaths thatel happn every winter are going to end up in their counters and spinners for hospitalizations and deaths to feed the panic cycle.thy >> laura: you got it. we've got to go, but that -- when it is 400,000, how many of those are deaths that would've happened anyway? i'm sorry, but we have to call this into question when they're taking our liberties away. thank you so much, still ahead, why the police shooting that sparks writing in wisconsin was different than the rest. the guests was just arrested reporting therefore tonight, the story behind what happened in moments. ♪ election... (fisherman vo) how do i register to vote? hmm!.. hmm!.. hmm!..
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♪ >> laura: chaos once again ripsps apart a wisconsin city. at this after the milwaukee discontente attorney declined a charge for joseph mensa in connection with the death of black 17-year-old alvin cole back in february. despite a 7:00 p.m. curfew, demonstrators tore through the city of wisconsin tonight. smashing businesses in rousing
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people from their beds. the police shooting that set off this right was different from the rest, for a few reasons. first, let's cut through the facts of the case. according to the d.a., on february 2nd, officers were called to investigate a disturbance outside a mall. he spotted cole with a stolen and loaded 9 millimeters pistol. he fired off a shot and ran. after he refused to drop is what, officer joseph mensah return fire and killed him. it was the exact type of incident that would fit the black lives matter police brutality narrative. officer joseph mensah is black, how is this an example of systemic racism? a good question, not to the marxists who are marching through the streets last night. it isis not about racial injustice, it's about using violence to gain power, to
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delegitimize systems, and intimidate anyone who stands in their way. we were supposed to be joined by journalist brendan was on the scene in wisconsin, but he was arrested earlier tonight, according to shelby tellico, he was arrested while sitting in a car away from protesters clashing with the cops. shelby were also arrested, butut were released. brendan was not. lucky for us, the unparalleled julio rosa, was not arrested and he joins us now. julio, how do -- what do all of these riots have in common? >> well, basically all of these riots have been covered since minneapolis in may is that there's been an officer involved in a death with someone who is black.
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really, this hasn't been much of a natural story, but as you pointed to earlier, the reason why people are just finding out about it nationally is it happened back in february before george slowed and the officer involved is black. usually in the cases in minneapolis or atlanta, usually t the officers are white, and that's one of the aspects that adds to the outrage. in this case, as we mentioned before, the officer is african-american. >> laura: i really need to show this disturbing video shot, watch. now, julio, this is moving into now, julio, this is moving into the suburbs, is it not? >> it absolutely is. i know there has been a little bit of controversy for president trump mentioning
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suburbs and riots, but i can't say -- i mean i thought that they went out of their way to attack that apartment complex. i spoke to the owner of that apartment complex who said that the only person that was home that night was a 70-year-old woman. she obviously woke up, she was screaming, crying, she couldn't stop shaking and he had to take her to her sister's house because obviously she was no longer safe there. this is definitely a unfortunate disturbing trend where it's no longer just initialized in the downtown metropolitan area. they had a caravan coming in and unfortunately not only our business being targeted, but for whatever reason, decided to attack that apartment complex despite -- no one went out of there to antagonize them like in other cases. >> laura: michelle obama, who when she released that video this week that most of the protests are peaceful.ob
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most of the damage, which destroys communities and businesses and terrorizes people in their beds now -- is that all calm and peaceful like michelle says?le these people are rioting, some of them are paid, but they are not big trump fans, i imagine. correct? >> what i can say, michelle obama definitely was not being truthful in that. i have personally seen, unfortunately, all of the riots from minneapolis, kenosha which is a stone throw away from where we are currently at. >> laura: these are not peaceful. we've got to go, thank you for joining us last minute. we have a last bite you cannot miss, coming up. ♪
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debate stage predate trump's coronavirus diagnosis. >> i do not think joe biden should dignify a day with the president. >> not about his covid, by hiding job. shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team, shannon. >> it's friday, laura shannon: itind - is good news. biden presents himself as a moderate choice to use of the. the democratic squad joining a progressive president campaign and the nominee called the people's charter for free public health care, universal childcare, millions of green jobs, no student debt
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