tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News October 14, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. have a great night, everybody. see you then. ♪ >> tucker: the election is coming up. the president looks on the road. he speaking in des moines, iowa. we are monitoring that will bring you news the election is coming up. most of us never imagined it could happen in this country an yet today it did happen. a major american newspaperr published a story, and entirely accurate story about a presidential fthe tech monopolies that contl american media feared the story might hurt that candidate whom they favor. so three weeks before a national election, they shut the whole thing down. they prevented the public from reading the news. they didn't apologize for doinge this. they didn't bother to make up a
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reasonable sounding justification for it. they just did it, exactly as the chinese government does. these are monopolies. they have all the power. you have none. they don't have to care what you think and they don't. this was mass censorship on a scale that america has never experienced in 245 years. it's a threat to all of us. democracies only function when there's a free exchange of information. we know longer have that. this is a dark moment. the post published a series of emails that described hunter biden's lucrative relationship with a ukrainian energy company called burisma and described how his father, the then a vice president of the united states, intervened to help his son peddle influence. we've known the outline of the story for quite some time, but these emails add damning details. no one appears to dispute they are real, not even the joe biden campaignrs you are hearing whispers it's all part of a russian disinformation campaign.
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if this is a hoax, it's the most complex, sophisticated hoax ever perpetrated. it doesn't seem possible. there are too many. too much detail. emails came from a laptop, an apple laptop dropped off at a delaware computer repair shop and abandoned there. after a certain number of days with no payment, the shop owner took legal possession of the laptop. he looked inside. there were tens of thousands of emails, including changes with representatives of foreign companies and foreign governments. the laptop apparently belonged to hunter biden. the shop owner was stunned by this, by the appearance of corruption and he was afraid for his family. so late last year he gave the laptop to the fbi. kept a copy of the hard drive for himself. but he never heard back from the fbi. by may he was anxiously, made overtures to senator mike lee's office and at least one conservative nonprofit. he emailed their websites but nobody responded. finally the man contacted rudy giuliani's office. today story is the result of
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that. the tech monopolies instantly crushed at the moment it appeared. an executive at facebook called andy stone, former democratic staffer, announced his company would censor "the new york post" story. as he put it, facebook would be "reducing its distribution on our platform." twitter quickly followed to by locking "the new york post"'s entire twitter account. one of the biggest newspapers in the world banned from twitter. twitter then prevented its users from sharing "the new york post" story both privately and publicly. those who tried to share and got this message "your tweet couldn't be sent because this link has been identified by twitter or our partners as potentially harmful." in ahe separate exclamation twitter wrote "we don't permit the use of our services to distribute contact obtained through hacking that contains private information that may put people in physical harm or danger or contains trade secrets."ha yes, the same twitter that just promoted a "new york times" story about the president private tax returns obviously obtained illegally, that twitter.
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who, by the way, was hacked here? no one was hacked. twitter never addressed it. as for quote trade secrets, there were none. f we already knew that hunter biden was trading on his father's office to make 50 grand a month from the ukrainians. in october, he admitted it. >> you didn't have any extensive knowledge about natural gas or y ukraine itself, though? >> no. but i think i had as muche knowledge asi anybody else that was on the board. >> in the list that you gave mes of the reasons why you're on the board, you did not list the fact that you are the son of the isvice president. >> of course. >> what role do you think that played? >> i think it's impossible for me to be on any of the boards i just mentioned without saying that i am the son of the vice president of the united states. >> tucker: oh, thanks for acknowledging reality. so we knew the outlines. what we didn't know until today ntwas how brazen this was. hunter biden didn't simply sell access to his father, the vice president, or take cash toe influence american foreign policy.
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no, it's weirder than that.t. asha he schemed to extract more money from burisma, hunter biden didn't refer to his father as his father. he referred to the vice president as "my guy." hunter biden wrote this. "the announcement of my guy's upcoming travel should be characterized as part of our advice and thinking." hunter biden added that he needed to be o "protected financially" and wanted a long-term role with burisma. "the contract should begin now not after the upcoming visit of my guy. that should include a retainer in the range of $25,000." it's not clear if biden got that retainer but we know he did get a high-paying job with burisma. then in may 2014, just weeks after hunter biden joined the board of that company, top executive let him know why he was being paid "we urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message signal, et cetera, to stop what we consider to bel,
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politically motivated actions." the executive wrote that in an email. "use your influence to convey ae message." what message? what does that mean? f another email from the same executive obtained by "the new york post" dated april 17, 2015, explained in very clear terms what it means. "dear hunter, thank you for inviting me to d.c. and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spend some time together. it's really an honor and pleasure." oh. that's what you're not allowed to you can see why facebook and twitter don't want to allow you to read it. if joe biden met with burisma r executives at the request of the sun, but the profit of his own family, it becomes very clear that joe biden's previous denials were lies. just last year joe biden was telling us he had no idea what
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his son was doing there. >> you are the vice president running point on ukraine, the average joe hears that says that sounds fishy. >> what's your understanding of what your son was doing for an extraordinary amount of money? k >> i don't know what he was doing. i know he was on the board. i found out he was on the board after he was on the board was it. >> you had a lot of time. isn't it something you want to get to the bottom of? >> no, because i trust my son. >> that doesn't pass the smell test. when you are vice president, isn't there a higher standard? when your family is doing the need to put out some guardrails. >> unless there was something something on its face that was wrong. t there's nothing on its face that wrwas wrong. >> tucker: nothing on its face that was wrong. that was before we saw these emails. you remember that back in 2018 joe biden explained he got the top prosecutor in ukraine fired. that prosecutor, viktor shokin said he was planning on investigating burisma when he was stripped of v his job. here's how joe biden explained/bragged about how he canned viktor shokin. >> i'd gotten the commitment from poroshenko that they would
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take action and they didn't. i said we're not going to give you the billion dollars. they said you have no authority. you have no authority. the president i said call him. i said you're not getting a billion dollars. i'm going to be leaving here. i'm leaving in six hours. if the prosecutors not fired you're not getting the money. well, he got fired. >> tucker: why is the vice president of the united states firing prosecutors in ukraine? pause and ask yourself that. that's bizarre behavior. doesn't help the united states in any way. why was he doing there? at the time biden's handlers deny there was anything wrong. they said that shokin was corrupt and somehow the world was benefiting from shokin getting fired. didn't explain how. but of course joe biden didn't
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do it for his son. he didn't know anything about burisma. he didn't know what hunter biden was up to. no clue. then last october we showed you a photograph of john hunter biden golfing with a board member of burisma, hunter biden's business partner. biden campaign never claimed that photograph. media never followed up. instead now as they are rushing to bury "the new york post" story, cnn rushed to joe biden's defense. >> the impeachment inquiry is centered on president trump's attempts to get political dirt from ukraine on vice president biden and his son, hunter. mr. vice president, president trump is falsely accused your son doing something wrong while serving on the company board in ukraine. i want to point out there is no evidence of wrongdoing by either one of you. >> tucker: a few months laterer we got some sense why anderson cooper was so careful in the interview you just saw. in december a voter in iowa tried to ask joe biden about burisma and his fitness for office.. joe biden lost control, called the man fat and challenged into a push-up contest. >> you are a liar, that's not
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true. no one has ever said that. let's do push-ups together. let's let's do whatever you want to do. you think i set up my son to work in an oil company, is that what you said.k get your story straight. >> tucker: here's the deal. what is the dealal actually? that's a question every american no matter what your political views has a right to an answer. you might be wondering what joe biden thinks. you're not entitled to that information either. joe biden once again called it a day before noon. that meant reporters could mask ask it with "the new york post" story, not that they wanted to. we'd like to. we are not controlled by facebook or google or twitter. we can ask any question we want and here's the first question.he did any money from burisma or any other foreign company or foreign government wind up in joe biden's pockets? or in the account of any thing he benefits from here we are not accusing joe biden of a
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we arecu saying it's long been a mystery how the man who took a government salary for almost 50 years has lived like a rich man since the 1970s.ik have you ever seen joe biden's houses? look them up. opulent doesn't begin to describe the way he lives. can you do that? no, you can't. how did joe biden do that? no o one seems especially interested in finding out but we are. and we may. there were a lot of emails on the laptop. tens of thousands of emails. "the new york post" is not the only news organization that has copies of those emails. they are out there, so stay tonight "the new york post" broke the story and deserves full credit for it. miranda devine is a journalist there and we are happy to have her on. thanks for coming on. in the future when there is a supreme court case, i hope your name is attached to the winning side of it based on this. before we get to the crack down on "the new york post" story tell me what you think we learned from the pieces that you
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wrote on these emails. >> the story is not conjecture. it's actually emails from hunter biden's laptop. it shows evidence that, contrary to joe biden's protestations that he knows nothing about hunter biden's business dealings, doesn't know anything about burisma, it shows a connection between joe biden, hunter biden, and a senior exec at burisma. one of the emails we published today shows that hunter biden was arranging a meeting in 2015 when his father was vice president with a senior executive of burisma. there's another email that thanks hunter biden for arranging that meeting. we also have published photographs. one of the photographs that we published today shows hunter biden asleep with a crack pipe in his mouth. we didn't publish that gratuitously.
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we published it as an illustration of how strange it is that these overseas companies, foreign entities would pay hunter biden millions of dollars. someone who has an admitted drug problem. there are other photographs like that on this laptop spanning over five years. so you have a situation where burisma, a corrupt energy company, is paying the sum of the vice president up to $83,000 per month for no discernible reason because he doesn't have any experience in the energy he has a proven drug problem. the only possible reason that is plausible is that he was being paid for his access to his father. so what we see is a cash for influence scandal involving
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the biden family. joe biden has never satisfactorily answer this. there is no evidence that he needs to answer, and what did he do today? he hid. he did not come out and call a press conference, as you would've expected him to do to plead innocence, to answer these allegations. nothing, not a word, all that happened was that there was a statement from his campaign calling our story, all those emails and photographs that were on hunter biden's laptop that we published, calling our storyap discredited. the only actualte concrete point that it made in reference to our story was to say that they had reviewed joe biden's official calendar for the time and they could find no meeting on that official calendar. i don't think that joe biden even him, i don't think he is silly enough to have logged one of those meetings is official. >> tucker: of course not.
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that's exactly right. miranda devine, thanks much for joining us. this is a fox news alert. we have just heard from the ceo of twitter, jack dorsey who tweeted "our communication around our actions with "the new york post" article was not great. blocking urls with zero context why we are blocking, and acceptable." writes like a child. manages the company like one too. by the way, the biden campaign was able to call the story "discredited, because big tech is trying to discredit it. no reporter has taken a look at the story and concluded sure this is a russian fabrication. putin did this. that's ridiculous. the biden campaign is using big tech as a pretext for not responding. big tech, of cours, is trying to prevent you from reading it at
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all. where does this go from here? if biden is elected, do you think, do you really think that the big tech companies are going to stop doing the bidding of their masters in washington? not a chance. you think big tech is when you suddenly think, you're allowed to think for yourself? no. last night we questioned whether masks were effective at the transmission of the coronavirus. as we do that we cited data directly from the cdc. we pulled off their website as well as other scientific sources. "science" magazine for example. one study found that more than 70% of patients who contracted the coronavirus said they had always won a mask. another 14% said they usually did. we told you that last night we posted the segment on facebook. today we learned that facebook is calling our reporting "partly false." we quoted the cdc! they restricted the distribution of the post to prevent people from seeing it. we can't say this enough. the data that we put on television last night were from the centers for disease control. we use their numbers.nt we didn't make them up. but facebook censored it. where is this going exactly? saagar enjeti is an opinion post
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at the hill and we are happy to. have them.n where is this going? >> it's a great moment inhe american history. it's a declaration of war by the big tech companies in this particular case. we need to understand this for what it is. it's an in-kind donation in the hundreds of millions of dollars to the joe biden campaign. these are rules that are flatly false on the face. kkink about the material that you laid out. hacked material is to not be distributed on twitter? does that mean edward snowden's account is going to be locked? does that mean the pentagon papers could not be published? does that mean the fbi? they said twitter said that they could not distribute the story because they couldn't verifyha e origins. does that mean that every single story based upon anonymous sources out of our government is going to be locked and banned from twitter or slow down, as they put it, from facebook? no. these rules are selectively enforced inn a political manner by the most powerful people and
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the most powerful companies on earth. all of your viewers need to understand that. >> tucker: our viewers should also understand it's not simply facebook and twitter. facebook and twitter are the primary means of revenue for almost all digital media. we happen to work in one of the rare media that's not dependent on it, which was why we can have this conversation.n if biden wins, does this get better? why would the ten company stop doing the bidding of the democratic party of the democratic party had more power? >> it's hard to see how it gets better and kamala harris' press secretary is the chief of communications at twitter or the mmperson who announces on facebk that things are going to be slowed down on the hunter biden story is himself a former democratic operative. take a look at the big tax base. the vice president of amazon communications, former white house press secretary before that, former chief aide to joe biden. several people on his transition team are linked to the big tech companies.
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look at where their money is going. it's public record. look at the public data of where their donations are going. are they going to get better? google, facebook, we all know they were never more powerful than they were under the obama administration. under a joe biden administration, it will be ten 15, 20 times what it was then. >> tucker: at some point soon we are going to do a show where we just name the republicans people you voted for or who sent money to who refused to save you from this great moment in american history. we want to tell you we received a response tonight from the cdc about our segment last night on face masks. a spokesman for the cdc said our coverage was misleading. the spokesman didn't dispute that we showed accurate data from the cdc including that 85% of people who tested positive for coronavirus in july reported wearing a mask always or often. instead the spokesman said "at
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no time has cdc guides suggested that masks were intended to protect the wearers." huh? that's what they said tonight. they would be news to the director of the cdc robert redfield.ha >> i might even go so far as to say this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against covid than when i take a covid vaccine. >> tucker: this is the cdc? they are protecting us from this pandemic? they don't even know what their own director is saying. but whatever you do, don't question public health experts. facebook and twitter and google will shut you down. just put your mask on and obey. up next, it was day three of amy coney barrett's confirmation hearings. how did it go? we'll talk to the person who prepared her after the break. we will monitor the trump rally underway in des moines tonight.w if there is news, will bring it to you.
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day in a row of amy coney barrett's confirmation hearings. you t may have watched. maybe you didn't. we'd like to assess them and we found the perfect person. former supreme court clerk and she helped amy coney barrett prepare and we are happy to have her on. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, tucker, and thanks for having me. on the outset, i wanted to note the extraordinary things president trump did in nominating judge amy coney barrett for a seat on the united states supreme court. judge barrett is a normal american and president trump has nominated her to one of the highest positions in our government, a position that members of the ruling class usually reserved for one of their own. but judge barrett does not have an ivy league degree. she hasn't amassed a series of titles in the federal bureaucracy. she doesn't have the patronage of congressmen and senators. she's a normal american. and as your viewers have seen over the last few days, that has not stopped democrats from attacking her d relentlessly often absurdly, trying to get
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her to admit to their policy preferences in the law, knowingg full well that judge barrett cannot do so because as a sitting member of the seventh circuit court of appeals, it would violate her judicial oath. judge barrett was well-prepared for these types of questions which are entirely predict a bowl and actually asking for those commitments tells us more about what democrats think about what judges do. democrats think that judges are really just politics by other means and that if you cannot convince the american people to support yourur policies impose them by judicial fiat. judge barrett has repeatedly made clear over the last two days that is the furthest thing from her judicialt philosophy. >> tucker: that's the appealing part. something i noticed and it's not germane to the law really but i can't help mentioning, she's obviously very smart. she has spent a lot of time getting the details down and i'm impressed by that.ot what i am most impressed by is
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that in contrast to the usual grasping soulless mercenaries that make up our managerial class, she seems like he's rooted in her ands, her family d i admire that. is that as real as it seems? >> that's absolutely as real as it seems and it's what i admire as well. ht i've seen the way judge barrett has prepared for these hearings with binders and marathon study sessions, thinking through her answers. just as any nominee would do. but what i know and when i think buany person who knew judge barrett before the past week would've told you and will tell you is that the single greatest thing that judge barrett could have done and to do to prepare for this moment is simply the way she has lived her life. the poise and the grace that she has exhibited during these days of grueling questioning cannot be faked. >> tucker: good for her. i know you're not supposed to think it's important when people have happy personal lives and
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seven children but i don't care. i do think it's important really important. good for her and good for you for saying that. >> thank you. judge barrett has spent her lifetime cultivating andoo intellect preparing herself rigorously. >> tucker: that's obvious. megan, you're a great explainer of this and an asset to her. i appreciate you coming on tonight. thank you. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: something kind of amazing happened yesterday. mazie hirono, who many believe is the dullest u.s. senator in mamerican history, has taken control of the merriam-webster dictionary. she is in charge of what words you're allowed to use. she defines the english language. it's pretty amazing! we'll tell you after the break. .
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have missed a >> tucker: if you weren't fully awake as you watched yesterday's supreme court confirmation hearings, you may have missed amy coney barrett who seems like a decent person saying something deeply offensive. we are going to replay it for you for its news value. we want to preface it with an nc-17 morning. here's what she said. >> i have no agenda and i do want to be clear that i have never discriminated on the basis of sexual preference and would not ever discriminate on the basis of sexual preference. >> tucker: yeah, you heard it. sexual preference. it's hard to watch that. fortunately hawaii senator mazie hirono was in the building to prevent future generations from having to live with filth like that spoken aloud. >> not once but twice you used the term sexual preference to describe those in the lgbtq community.en let me make clear. sexual preference is an offensive and outdated term. it is used by anti-lgbtq activists to suggest that sexual orientation is a choice. it is not.
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sexual orientation is a key part of a person's identity. >> tucker: so the world is falling apart. china is taking over the world. the american economy is in shambles, and there's a presidential election in three weeks. luckily america's dumbest senator, mazie hirono of hawaii is upset about the right thing the term sexual preference. it's a slur. as it turns out, she didn't know that herself until some left-wing twitter personality made that discovery yesterday morning. things move fast. by the afternoon democrats were repeating it in the amy coney barrett confirmation hearings in the evening our dictionary, the merriam-webster dictionary updated preference to say that sexual preference is "offensive." mazie hirono, the slowest person to hold public office in the history of the country, is nowor in control of our dictionary. is that good news or bad news? hard to know.
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definitely not good news for democrats. many of whom made that very public slur just until the other day. joe biden, for example, must be canceled now. >> rebuild the backbone of this country, the middle class. bring everybody along. regardless of color sexual preference, their backgrounds. so divisive in terms of everything he's done, the president, based on racee sexual preference, across the board. i do not believe we should just discriminate against people based on their sexual preference. allowing anyone to be in the military regardless of their sexual orientation or preference. on tucker: oh sexual preference. the democrats want you to know it can't be a preference. your sexual desires can't be voluntary. they're inborn. they are mandatory. you must go with nature. this is the only subject on which they are nature's side. biden is not the only one to use
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the wrong words. it turns out according to mazie hirono ruth bader ginsburg herself was a bigot. watch. >> our society has come to respect people, whatever their sexual preference. >> tucker: we are going to have to rethink her sainthood. mazie hirono wants t to assure u this is a problem with fighting. if you don't understand that you're probably dumb.o >> one of the things the democrats have a really hard time is connecting to people's hearts. we have a hard time doing that. one of the reasons it was told to me at one of our retreats was we democrats know so much. that is true. we have to tell everybody how smart we are. >> tucker: [laughs] the ultimate triumph of self-esteem. mazie hirono considers herself an intellectual. it's all too great.
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douglas murray isn't from this country so we can laugh at it. he's one of the smartest people to write in our language. the author of a book called "the plmadness of crowds." we are happy to have douglas murray with us. what is this about exactly? sexual preference now notnc an acceptable term. >> it is most disorientating is that we know the whole debtor democratic playbook on this and it so dull and boring isn't it. it's totally predictable how the radical left are going to behave. if amy coney barrett had been a man, we know that by now the democratic left would have been saying that she was a misogynist. they would probably have tried to research whether she'd ever drank beer in the late 20th century.y. if she hadn't have adopted two black children and loved them and care for them as her own they would've been trying the racist one by now.
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they couldn't try her on either of those, so they had one other shot in that gun. that was to say that she's some kind of homophobe. that's the other remaining taccusation they've got. they are doing it on the basis as you say, of a term which everybody used until yesterday. in fact, the advocate which is a sort of legacy gay magazine in america, probably the main gay magazine such as it exists anymore use the term sexual preference three weeks ago so there's nothing sincere in this. as there is nothing sincere in all of these accusations that the radical left likes to use. they just weaponize them to try to win. >> tucker: why do we take it seriously? why do we fall for it every single time? why do we respond at all? >> for one reason, this ties up. you mentioned jack and twitter. twitter put this story at the t very head of twitter today. said it was the number one most important subject on the planetd we have senator hirono leading
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the charge to stop people using words that everyone used until yesterday. this is the thing, we are being manipulated not just by radical leftists but by big tech that tells us we've all got to be incredibly agrieved at the same things that deeply grieved, she pretends, senator hirono. >> tucker: such a smart point. douglas murray, always a pleasure to have you on our showing in our country. great to see you. >> great pleasure. >> tucker: you might've seen a startling video of the speaker of the house on another channel. she was on the air and tweeted the anchor like he ran a hair salon. it's revealing. keep an eye on the president. he's in des moines, iowa. ep an . ep an . he's in des moines, iowa.....
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whatak do you say? >> what i say to you is i don't know why you're always an apologist and many of your colleagues apologist for the republican position. what makes me amused if it weren't so sad is how you all think that you know more about the suffering of the american people than those of us who are elected by them. >> it's not about me. it's about millions of americans who can't put food on the table can't pay their rent. >> we represent them. we represent them. >> this is critically important. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for our sensitivity to our constituents needs basici i'm sensitive because i see them on the street begging for food and begging for money. >> have you fed them? we feed them. >> tucker: we feed them. we throw the food over the fence and they gratefully clamber up and eat it like squirrels. that's how nancy pelosi feels about you. she's feeding you.
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you owe everything to nancy pelosi. if you feel that way you'd see why you'd be short tempered if someone tries to ask real question. anyone who does must be a secret right wing operative. here she was in august making the same point. >> democrats want more money and republicans want a lot less. they are saying they're willing to show flexibility and they're also saying a lot of the money that was passed in the spring madam speaker, has not even been spent yet. >> if you want to be an advocate for them. >> i am playing devil's advocate. >> ask you for your position. >> tucker: [laughs] nancy pelosi has convinced a lot of liberal reporters are secretly right wing, probably white supremacists actually. what's going on here exactly with her? mark steyn is our expert on deep-seated issues and we are happy to have him. what is this?o >> well, i'd like to know when feeding time for nancy pelosi's constituencies is because i like to go to san francisco and see it.ue
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the zoos are closed.lf all the entertainment left. the idea of wolf blitzer as somehow this shill for the trump administration. lbj's famous lines if you lost he lost theite, country. for nancy pelosi, she's lost wolf blitzer, she's lost the last seven people at laguardia with no cell phones and only cnn to watch. what your show has been aboutth the theme of the show tonight from top to bottom whether we are talking about the judicial hearing, facebook, twitter mazie hirono's sexual preference, not hearing the word sexual preference, what they are about -- don't laugh.
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my sexual preference is to hear joe biden staggering around saying the word sexual preference while mazie hirono whips me with the new edition of the dictionary. >> tucker: that's dirty. >> anyway. what they all have in common is what nancy pelosi said to wolf. you don't know enough to ask me about the bill. she means the chairman of the committees whose staffers' staffers' staffers' staffers write the bills. nobody knows what's in them until they've been passed. we have this absurd spectacle where the whole country has to come to a halt over the apartment of a judge. a judge's republic is a contradiction in terms. the framers would've been horrified. they would've been even more
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horrified by the furniture in the room where physically the senators have to be 12 feet higher than the level at which the witnesses sit. i testified at the senate and i got a crick in my neck looking up at cory decker. i testified in the canadian parliament last year. they put the legislators on the same level. nancy pelosi embodies the gulf that has widened between the political class and the citizenry. that condescension to wolf embodies that. >> tucker: a very deep point. a judge's republic is af contradiction in terms. boy. mark steyn, thank you. >> thanks a lot, tucker. >> tucker: the schools are completely out of control. if you have kids in them, you know that. we want to highlight one
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specific case that highlights what's the 17-year-old student investigated and harassed by the school her parents spent a lot of money to send her to. expressing conservative views on her social media account. we will talk to attorneys after the break. (announcer) now more than ever, it's important to lose weight,
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>> tucker: episcopal high school has a 150-year-long history. it's an impressive school, one of the most impressive in the country. the teacher who dismissed the student, we will call her by her first name, mckenzie. the school is planning on hauling the girl before a disciplinary committee for the crime of having a diversion
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views. thanks so much for coming on. thanks, representative, so much that's going on in the country. i'd like to get granular quickly on what she did wrong. >> the point is they have mainstream conservative content on her instagram account. stuff that wee see every day that's very normal for someone who believes in conservative principles to have. she decided to post sympathies
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she decided to post sympathies for the familya of david dordn, a police officer that was killed by rioters. her classmates went crazy and body shaming her, they absolutely were vile and it wasn't even, as you pointed out, it wasn't even just students, it was an alum of the school and a teacher at the school. to use a woke phrase, they will victim shame. instead of holding her attackers to account, they will hail up mckenzie right before a disciplinary committee, and it's incredible. >> sean: it's unbelievable these schools are extremely expensive and if they keep this up, they will go out of business.
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people will not send their kids to places like this unfortunately it was a great school.ce my family hired you and godspeed. sean hannity, he's been on the show for a long time. >> sean: welcome f to "hannity," we begin with the fox news alert. president trump holding another massive rally as he continues to like the energizer bunny crisscross country into every swing state. meanwhile back in the swamp in washington, d.c., and at just 20 days left, he called the lid on campaign activities early this morning after a disastrous two days on the campaign trail. also tonight we will discuss what is an avalanche of damning information surrounding biden's
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