tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News October 15, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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♪ >> sean: unfortunately that's all the time we have left. 19 days. you are the ultimate jury. let not your heart be troubled. the butterball turkey fryer is in the mail. on its way to laura ingraham's house. you are brittle last night. you are just brutal. >> laura: wait, what am i getting for christmas? >> sean: what would you like for christmas? tell me. what would you like for christmas? >> laura: i have a list. i'll get it to you. >> sean: a list? i'll get a list? >> laura: yeah. i have a long list of things. every night i rivero another gift i have to get. i am way overdue. >> sean: how about we get to 18 days until election in two hours from now. >> laura: no. >> sean: i know what i want
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for christmas. the mob chewing on the words "we cannot project donald j. trump has been re-elected the 45th president." >> laura: we need that montage. awesome show. i'll tell you when i get the package. i will tell you. >> sean: then we get the 400 days of christmas daily list. >> laura: every night, the next gift. will work on it ahead of time. great to see you. great show tonight. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from d.c. president trump and joe biden just finished up these dueling town halls. i actually had one earbud in one ear and then i had the regular speakerphone and the other. i heard both at one time. that was fun. we're going to bring you exclusive reaction to tonight's event. throughout the hour, we are going to hear from, get this, the white house and the trump campaign. plus my angle will expose the drifting elites who are profiti. first let's get to tonight's town hall.
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almost every question to donald trump was combative or in some way adversarial. savannah guthrie acted as if she were trump's debate partner, not the moderator, not an interviewer. she clearly had to prove her liberal bona fides tonight. i think in general, she seems like a nice person but at times she came across just as another angry liberal hack. her interjections seemed like sad attempts at, i don't know, it was political point scoring. not done for clarification purposes. still even with these constant interruptions and what was obvious bias, i think the president delivered a strong, confident, and very likable performance. now, contrast that with joe's town hall where almost every question was a softball or gave him an easy out. stephanopoulos did, he did occasionally interject with follow-ups, but even when he did
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that, the total was always quite tender and the framing was ever so gentle. in biden's performance, it was okay. at times it was uneven. he lapsed into his comfort zone which i noticed, i'm sure you did if you caught any of it, of old storytelling about his childhood. i don't think that seem to land very well. let's be clear. the former vp might have cloaked his language around norms and unity. but what he was saying represents anything but that for you. he opened the door to packing the supreme court. he promoted a foreign policy that would subject us to the whims of the global order and when it comes to the economy, well, wave goodbye to all those wage increases use on the first three years of trump. joining me now with exclusive reaction is white house economic advisor larry kudlow. larry, it's great to see you tonight. what's your message to the american people about what we heard tonight from joe biden,
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specifically his hits on the trump economy? >> well, look. i confess i spent more time watching president trump. maybe for obvious reasons. i will tell you this. mr. biden is determined to rollback all the trump tax cuts and deregulation. they want to take control, central planning control of the energy sector and the health care sector and elsewhere. that will decimate the economy. president trump on the other hand made it very clear tonight by the way, he had a great optimistic message on the economy, rebuilding america. he's going to cut taxes more. he's going to deregulate more. he's going to save oil. and he's going to continue with good trade deals. the deal here is a choice. it's a very clear choice. okay? on the one hand, you have from mr. biden stagnation, recession, pessimism. on the other hand, you have from president trump optimism,
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prosperity, and growth. you couldn't be clearer. unfortunately mr. biden fell into that trap. fortunately for my life, i'm not going to break news here, i am for trump. i think the president was the commanding figure on the stage, and i think he did a great job in the face of all the -- >> laura: let me get to more of this, we have limited time. even with his notes in front of him, biden, i noticed still had some trouble getting the numbers right on taxes. >> when i said the trump tax cuts, 1.3 trillion of the $2 trillion in this tax cuts went to the top one-tenth of 1%. that's what i'm talking about eliminating. if you make sure that people making over 400 grand paid what they did in the bush administration, 39.6%, it would raise another, it goes up to, let me get the exact number. about another 200 -- excuse me,
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$92 billion. >> laura: i guess those were a lot of numbers to remember. three numbers. what of those numbers? larry, people like all your friends on wall street, they are just going to, they are going to pay their fair share. warren buffett will pay his fair share. >> i fear my friends on wall street are for biden. >> laura: they are, i'm getting to that of the next segment. >> let me make something very clear. if you rollback, if biden rolls back the trump tax cuts and deregulation, the biggest losers will be the middle class. the fact is, and the data shows, census bureau, labor statistics, federal reserve board. trump's three years, lower taxes and regulations, the benefits went to those who needed the most. the middle class and the lower wage earners. they were the biggest winners. if you rollback back, they will
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be the biggest losers. that's why this program from my friends on the other side of the aisle does not work. it is stagnation. trump's growth and prosperity. >> laura: larry, given the gallup poll that found that 56% of americans say they are better off than they were four years ago, tonight a new nbc "wall street journal" poll found that 50% said the same. i don't know what happened to the 6%. the same poll found that 58% say the country is worse off and trails biden by 11. where is the disconnect? how does trump, how is trump behind if most people are half the people think the country is doing better? what can you say accounts for that? >> i don't -- i don't know. i don't know the polling mechanism so it's very difficult. here's what i know. family income, living standards,
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real wages, okay? huge gains for potus's first three years. first three years, about 6500 bucks. five times the level increase of the whole whole eight of biden and obama. that tells a story. look across the board. poverty down. unemployment, record down. african-americans, hispanic-americans, asian-americans, women. every class benefited more than ever before and more than the upper end, top 1% or the top 10%. they have less inequality because of the success of the economic program of president trump. that's what we hope will happen. it has happened. as we get through this pandemic, it will happen again. yes. >> laura: i would say to everybody out there, remember it's not just that trump's policies worked for the middle class and the working people.
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he handled the followed from covid better, the management of the disease as we are seeing what's happening in europe and also the economic fallout that europe is reeling from. we are recovering from because of trump's smart handling of these policies. larry, the economy in the first three years and the recovery in the year of the pandemic without a doubt, trump is winning that huge. that's what the american people i hope end up voting on. >> we will. >> laura: that's a great thing. we've got to go. >> the economy open. keep the economy open and the schools as well. >> laura: yeah, and trump did not hit on the schools tonight which that was the only thing i would say he missed but moms want schools open. so do dads. larry, great to see you tonight. as i just said, the other area of great concerns for americans is covid and i highlighted this the last two nights really. we're lucky we didn't follow europe's lead on tackling the pandemic. all these people hailing europe for its covid response, well, the e.u. now is reporting
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substantially more daily covid cases than we are, something the president actually highlighted tonight. >> look at what's going on in europe. massive spikes. look at the u.k., take a look at spain and france and italy. tremendous spikes. the united states is down 21%. >> laura: despite this, biden is still blaming president trump for the outbreak. >> what we should be doing now, there should be a national standard, instead of leaving -- remember what the president said to the governors, they are on their own. not my responsibility. governors can do what they need to do. not my responsibility. it's the presidential responsibility to lead. >> laura: joining me now as white house covid advisor dr. scott atlas. dr. atlas, how can biden claim to do a better job on covid when his response is modeled after countries doing worse than we are? he complained about tracing and
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tracking and also about testing. his advisors, we know they are recommending lockdowns targeted or broader than targeted lockdowns. how does that make sense? >> well, it doesn't, laura. thanks for having me. i think with a problem here for people who espouse something different than the president is they are now realizing that we now have consensus forming around the president's policy of protecting seniors and ending the lockdowns, opening schools and jobs. we just had a declaration written and the thrust of the declaration is exactly aligned with the president. that is opening schools, opening society, and protecting the high-risk people, the seniors. now we have over 9,000 epidemiologists from all over the world signing onto this. we have the world health organization signing onto this. we have the recent studies finally coming into the so-called mainstream, even the magazines like "the atlantic,"
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talking about school should be open. the new study from yale that came out talking about how there's very little transmission from children to adults. thithese are things the presidet emphasized way back in march, not just when he said the cure cannot be worse than the problems. his first statements, the guide to reopening. he said protecting seniors and open the schools, open jobs. this was done in april. he's been very consistent on that, and there's a consensus forming in the opposition's priority really is, we better lock down. we better hide, we better have a mass mandate which by the way, the mask mandates have been proven not to work. look at europe. these places, these countries have had mask mandates for months and they are exploding with cases. >> laura: the president was hit repeatedly on the mask issue tonight. seems like half the questions from savannah guthrie were about masks. even knowing all of the conflicting information that we saw about masks, and dr. atlas, speaking of that, you did make a
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cameo at the presidents town hall. >> university of washington, they have a model that your coronavirus task force relies on. says that if everyone wore a mask, you could cut expected deaths in half. 50,000 lives. >> dr. scott, great guy, from stanford. >> he's not an infectious disease expert. >> laura: your response to that candidate -- sorry, the moderator savannah guthrie. scott. >> well, there's a lot of things i'm not. i think my children could tell you that. one thing i can do is read the literature and understand that the evidence on universal masking is really pretty weak. in fact, the world health organization does not recommend universal masking. professor hennigan from oxford university center for evidence-based medicine says after 20 years of pandemics, two decades, we're still not sure about universal masking. the cdc study that the president
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was quoting showed that 70% of people who got the virus had worn masks all the time. over 80% almost all the time. so i think it's sort of a lame, bizarre obsession at this point to claim that everyone must have a universal masking when really the cases explode through it, we have states, we have l.a l.a. county, miami-dade county, hawaii, we look all over the world. spain, france, u.k. mask mandates don't work. the president has a rational common sense mass policy which is you cannot socially distance, you are mask particular when you are high-risk. i think americans are getting a little bit sick of this obsession with masks. when you go to the states, you go to pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, you have people who are frustrated. they want to get back to their normal lives. they don't want to have a generation of neurotic children wearing masks like, you know, the bubonic plague is everywhere.
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there is a rational way to use masks. it's simple to understand. that's what the president's policy is. if that's all they've got to run against him, i think, you know, that is sort of lame. i don't know what to say about it. >> laura: eniac, well, dr. atlas, we see with happening there. the spikes and deaths and hospitalizations and cases, and they supposedly were the gold standard and how they handle that. everyone reviled trump for saying we should open up. a lot of people are saying this virus in the nonvulnerable population is almost acting like a vaccination because it's giving some acquired immunity to people who are exposed to it. people don't want to hear that but that seems to be what's happening right now in the united states. a lot of people are getting acquired immunity. dr. atlas, it's great to see you and i'm glad you made that cameo appearance at the debate. that made me happy. you take care. on a related note, are lockdowns the sleeper issue of the 2020 election? an intriguing new poll found 14%
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of voters not committed to either candidate, 24% favor locking down again. but 70% say it's time to move on. joining me now is the man behind that poll, scott rasmussen, pollster and editor at large. i have been saying since about april or maybe early may, this is a question between liberty and lockdown. liberty versus lockdown. freedom versus lockdown. is that perhaps coming to the floor now? >> i think the attitude you're describing is coming to the floor right now but probably not that terminology. americans want to find ways, they are frustrated with mask mandates. they are frustrated with over-the-top lockdowns. still want to proceed with the degree of caution and for the most part what people want is to have more authority to make their own decisions. you might talk about it in freedom terminology. for most people, it's practical
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common sense. if i go to a place and i feel uncomfortable, well, i may be going to not go in. if i feel okay, i may take my mask off. they want to have that freedom. anybody trying to create a nanny state mind-set of telling people what they should do, that tends to push these voters away. >> laura: president trump made the position are lockdowns clear obviously tonight and said this. >> i left north carolina which i love. i left pennsylvania. we won a big case in michigan because that governor has a lockdown where nobody but her husband can do anything. he can go boating and do whatever he wants but no one else can. the fact is we are winning all these cases because it's unconstitutional what they are doing. i think they are doing it for political reasons. but the fact is the cure, you can't let this continue to go on with the lockdowns. >> laura: scott, does that messaging work, especially with suburban mom sourcing with happening to their children who are being kept from schools, especially in the area where
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we live, d.c., maryland and virginia. it's been very tough. >> suburban voters, suburban moms are concerned about this. the desire for more lockdowns, stricter controls was pretty much confined to urban areas and democratic urban voters. having said that, we are talking about issues. we are talking about moving a few voters here and there. you said in the open 14% of voters are uncommitted. these might be voters who say they are voting for a libertarian out or who might change their mind on one of the major party candidates. it comes in the context of joe biden is ahead narrowly, my staples and national polling we are seeing, but a shift of a couple points can move this right back into a toss-up category. this is an issue that might do it and that most pundits will miss. >> laura: scott, great dispute tonight. thank you for joining us. we have a lot more reaction to tonight's town hall, so stay with us. revelations surrounding the bidens, their latest
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get-rich-quick scheme reveals a very uncomfortable truth. the left gets rich off america's misery. my angle explains any moment. (fisherman vo) how do i register to vote? hmm!.. hmm!.. hmm!.. (woman on porch vo) can we vote by mail here? (grandma vo) you'll be safe, right? (daughter vo) yes! (four girls vo) the polls! voted! (grandma vo) go out and vote! it's so important! (man at poll vo) woo! (grandma vo) it's the most important thing you can do!
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of tonight angle. if you were shocked this week to learn that the biden family cash in on shady overseas deals when joe biden was vice president, i have one question for you, where have you been for the past several years? a treasure trove of emails from foreign interest to hunter biden are just more evidence of what we already knew, that the family is knee-deep in sleaze. people like the bidens and the clintons for that matter, they don't have to take formal bribes. there is no need for any smoking gun. they simply do everything possible while in office to help rich people and fight off movements like ours that would force big business to pay higher wages. during the years between 2000 in 2016, a lot of middle-class folks wondered what happened to our good paying jobs and wages. wages were really flat. they were flat. what happened to all the prosperity we were supposed to see from allowing china into the world trade organization? if you look at the bidens in the
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clintons paydays well, you can see where some of that money went. newly unearthed emails show chinese oil tycoons was paying joseph son hunter $10 million a year for introductions alone. according to one email, hunter said he had hashed out and even more lucrative deal with a chinese oligarch. no surprise that men had close ties to the ccp, the chinese military, and intel agencies. it was also no surprise that according to "the new york times," that same chinese billionaire donated 100,000 books to the clinton foundation. what a coincidence. don't bother searching twitter or other social media sites for any info on the biden enrichment scheme. it wasn't brought up tonight at the town hall either. the big tech cover was underway, starting yesterday. twitter accounts that that retweeted "the new york post"
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exclusive were locked by the company. this included accounts of the trump campaign and the white house press secretary. >> it's out of control, and it's like a third arm. maybe a first arm, of the dnc. twitter and facebook. they're like, they are like really it's a massive campaign contribution. >> laura: the first arm, i love that. twitter's nonapology that followed, well, it was too late because the biden campaign had the shield he needed to avoid answering or even being asked questions about what joe knew about hunter's solicitation scheme and when he knew it. >> i think twitter's response to the actual article itself makes clear that these purported allegations are false and they are not true. glad to see social media companies like twitter taking
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responsibility to limit disinformation. >> laura: that was on chatter. but even if, you know, this october surprise, you know, ends up hurting hunter's ability to cash in on aiding our biggest rival, well, the bidens have plenty of other ways to cash in. >> some of these numbers, fund-raising really jumps off the page. $383 million raised by joe biden that september. >> they have more than $400 million on hand. >> goldman sachs, morgan stanley, jpmorgan, bank of america, citigroup. it's almost twice as much money going to biden than it is going to trump. >> laura: this is biden's campaign of course, and he's always been one of the top benefactors of wall street's largess. it's been going on for decades. but this year? up against the populist incumbent, economic nationalist donald trump, the spigots of wall street have really opened up.
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billionaires there though they feel very threatened by trump. he is trying to drain the very swamp that they got so rich filling. now with all that at stake, for wall street, the democrats, the mega donor class, they just haven't bought ads with all the money they gave. they've actually bought the media. >> the president deploying a racist attack -- >> appeals to racial prejudice and xenophobia. >> one group of generals that the president is standing firm with. dead, racist losers. >> donald trump makes richard nixon look like a family therapist. >> what's on the ballot is a choice between democracy or some russian form of dictatorship or autocracy. >> laura: these people are just completely deranged. lost all credibility. why do you think amazon's jeff bezos, owner of the richest men in the world, both
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"the washington post"? just as a hobby? because he wants to get tough on china, a lot of exposes about the musli uighurs. steve jobs bought the "atlantic" magazine. you think she cares about your wages? making sure that wall street and big business has to pay more money? of course not. here's the bottom line. no one, no one in the d.c. establishment actually believes that trump is a racist or a fascist or russian mall. they don't think he's going to tear down democracy or blow up the world or destroy the constitution. they certainly don't think that an old hack like biden, but he's going to save us from covid or anything else. most of them probably don't think the economy is going to do better for most people under biden. the establishment just wants trump and his movement out of the way. so they can go back to doing what they do best, making it easier for rich people around the world to take advantage of
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america's middle class. also beware of all the biden, harris, the donor class going to get from the biggest manipulators of the mall. the social media giants. it's not just twitter blocking stories unfavorable to biden. he's essentially getting in-kind contributions from facebook, instagram, and google. they are all engaging in censorship so you're kept in the dark and your opinions are going to be kept in the dark as well. it's both insidious and infuriating. i think you've got to be smarter than they think we are. we have to leave them politically poor so our hardworking people have a shot at a better, freer, and save her life. that's the angle. joining me now is mollie hemingway, senior editor at "the federalist," fox news contributor. mollie, joe biden's old pal george stephanopoulos did not ask a single question tonight
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about the money scheme in hunter biden and what joe biden understood and knew about it. are you surprised? >> i'm not surprised. george stephanopoulos is not that do similar from his other colleagues. we know that he used to work in a democratic administration but they all seem to be working currently on behalf of the democratic party. they will do whatever it takes to make sure that they can get their preferred candidate over the finish line. that includes not asking any tough questions. it's why it's really disappointing that there was no debate tonight because you can't count anybody on the media to actually ask tough questions of joe biden. maybe the only person in the country who will ask a tough question of joe biden is donald trump which is why everyone is working so hard to keep them from being in a position where he can do that but it's a disservice to the american people. you're absolutely right that we already know that the biden family has been able to become quite wealthy despite the nonwealthy backgrounds that they had because of their proximity to joe biden's power and that
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this is something that matches with so many people in washington, d.c. it's very common for a lot of people to go work for firms that might have interest that are not aligned. >> laura: the swamp. >> this issue, you look at these bad decisions that have been made for decades. they've been very bad for the country, whether it's how we fight wars or how we handle immigration or how we do bailouts or how we engage with china. they are very, very good for elites in washington, d.c., and other places in the united states. that's why people are so desperate to do whatever it will take to make sure that the people don't get to have a say in how we do these things. >> laura: i think everyone has to ask a question, really tough question. what are joe biden's mega-donors pouring in. $400 million, they just announced that they have in their coffers. what are they getting for that money? why is michael bloomberg putting
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up almost $2 million this week in florida? what is bloomberg getting? huge business interests in china. i want to get to a moment from the biden town hall, mollie, when biden was asked to clear up his position on court packing. he did anything but. >> you are open to expanding the cord? >> i'm open to considering what happens from that point on. no matter what answer i gave you, if i say, that's the headline tomorrow. i want to be about what's going on now, the improper way they are proceeding. >> don't voters have a right to know? >> they do have a right to know where i stand and they will know before they vote. >> you will come out with a clear position before election day? >> yes, depending of how they handle this. >> depending on how who handles what. i don't understand that. he's obviously going to pack the court. reaction. >> all i know is that progressives were thrilled with that response. progressives who want to see the court packed. republicans need to understand it's an open thread. it's been issued by quite a few
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senators, the ways handling it also suggests that it's a very big threat to care about this, if you care about the courts and you care about them not being used for political lands, i figure to take this threat very seriously. >> laura: yeah, and molly, even state legislators to pass great loss, you have 13, 14, 15 supreme court justices, most of them installed by biden who will overrule the will of the people state-by-state. mollie, great to have you want. up ahead, a tale of two tong halls to the lens of the media. we expose what was about flagrant double standard with trump 2020 advisors. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪
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you may pay as little as $25 for a 1-month or 3-month prescription. ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. speed due to maine's dueling campaign town halls didn't just differ in content. but also in how they were moderated. case in point, these were the types of questions biden was compelled to answer. >> my wife and i are in
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disbelief the lack of coordinated federal action on covid-19. we know that your administration would follow the science. >> what do you say to lgbtq americans and others who are very worried right now about erosions of their rights and our democracy as a whole? >> my father served as secretary of transportation under president ronald reagan. >> yeah, i'll be darned. >> robert mueller laid out a lot of evidence, possible obstruction of justice by president trump. what would a biden justice department do with that? >> laura: forgetting that this was actually voter town hall, this is how nbc's savannah guthrie treated the president. >> in point of fact, your administration is about to go to the supreme court to argue to throw out the rest of obamacare. which includes the protections for pre-existing conditions. will you accept a peaceful transfer of power? there is no law or rule that prohibits you from releasing your tax returns. that is completely not true.
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disavow qanon. you don't know that? >> laura: joining me now are two trump 2020 campaign adviso advisors. steve cortez. is this the way the media should work. we didn't play stephanopoulos much but he was pretty soft ball in the way he approached biden. it was a very gentle, gentle reframing of some of his answe answers. savannah guthrie was a competitor to the president, not a moderator. >> to say the least. abc put on the equivalent of a church ice cream social for joe biden in philadelphia. he reminded me of mister rogers neighborhood. conversely, nbc staged a political knife fight in miami. if i compare that to a tv program, it seems like "the wire." we saw today really unfortunately was the breeze and display media duplicity. it's extremely clear who
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corporate media wants in this country. the fact alone and this isn't my opinion, the fact that george stephanopoulos did not at one moment in the 90 minutes with joe biden today mentioned the biggest story in america right now which is the bombshell revelations from "the new york post" that joe biden while he was sitting vice president was fully aware of his sons influenced pedaling with shadowy figures all over the world including the two most dangerous adversaries to the united states, russia and china. it's an outrage that he was impressed about that crucial question. >> laura: it wasn't surprising. still stunning. mercedes, all the time trump denounced white supremacy in the past wasn't enough or savannah guthrie. >> you are asked point blank to denounce white supremacy. in the moment, you didn't. my question to you is why does it seem like -- >> i denounced white supremacy. i denounced white's primacy for years. you didn't ask joe biden whether
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or not he denounces it. i do now it's white supremacy. what's your next question? >> laura: how many times does he have to answer this. he should denounce media bias too. >> no kidding. he denounces fake news all the time. can i tell you our president is so amazing. he takes on these incredibly biased moderators, if you want to call them that. i was -- savanna was us joe biden surrogate. reading off a talking point to the dnc. outrage is how she behaved, how hostile she was. she interrupted the president. it was literally like she was the one running for president. joe biden geneva page out of savanna's playbook. it clearly shows the continual narrative coming from the fake news media, how they will protect joe biden at all costs. i thought they were going to offer joe biden some milk and
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cookies and put him to sleep. it almost put me to sleep when we are watching the abc town hall. there was not one tough question coming out of the abc town hall or george stephanopoulos. i really think it's a disservice for the american people. >> laura: steve, do you think these help the president? some people are saying earlier well, it doesn't really help him. the people who watch nbc, they already have their minds made up. does it help him to go into these adversarial settings? >> i think it does. as mercedes said, he handles it with such grace. talking to regular americans, not so much with the fake news media. he's willing to fight there, as he should. i think it helps him because again the media duplicity is on
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full display for the american people. i'll tell you when donald trump first called the fake news media the enemy of the people, i thought it was too harsh and i said so. i am wrong and he's completely right. the performance tonight, the failure of abc to mention one single time this "new york post" bombshell story, that reveals just how corrupt our media is and it is unfortunately the enemy of the people. >> laura: mercedes, back to what i set on the angle, are you surprised that wall street is now fully tipping in favor of biden, given what they've bet on china? are you surprised? >> no, not at all. i think this is where we are in america. mainstream versus wall street. wall street should know better than this because it was because of president trump's economic policies that we have seen a boom in america. we've been able to still stay strong despite the fact we are facing this global pandemic, the fact that we been able to bring back 11.4 million jobs. i've got to tell you something. the fact that the president has been the only one who has stood tough against china, brought back jobs, brought china back to
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the negotiating table is just a stark contrast with what we have seen from joe biden cozying up with china, favoring china and the policies, profiting off of china. seeing hunter biden and the family also profiting off of china. >> laura: big money is going to be made in china by wall street. who knows. extended family tree. haven't heard that he should win. steven mercedes, thank you so much. great to see you. it might be the most important senate race in america. if you heard what's happening in michigan? a ranch being thrown into the wheel of chuck schumer's dream of taking the gavel. the candidate spearheading this, an amazing comeback. john james next.
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>> laura: a few months ago john james, g.o.p. senate candidate in michigan was trailing the democrat incumbent by ten points. earlier this week that same poll in "the new york times" showed that james was within striking distance of peters. he was down by only a point. what happened? john james joins me now. john, i know you ran in 2018 against another candidate and you came up short. are the lockdowns and
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gretchen whitmer's approach to covid contributed to this? >> the biggest part is that people in the state of michigan have excellent b.s. meters. gary peters is saying he cares about the great lakes but there's asian carp dna in the chicago river. still dumping in lake st. clair. our kids are still drinking leaded water. senator peters, what have you done? people across the state, kids are being forced to go into failing schools and their outcomes determined by their zip code. senator peters has been in washington for 12 years. was he doing to fix the situation? senator peters is still on an obamacare exempted health care plan. what are you doing to take care of seniors? your voting to support to take $716 billion away from medicare. senator peters has failed michigan under. they know it. we are telling the truth and not right now because of your support and because of what you're doing in this race, we are tied because people in the state of michigan know the
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truth. they are learning more about me and they know that change is coming and they know that the best is yet to come. >> laura: the green new deal will devastate michigan. your opponent was asked about it and he said this, he said we have to push technology as aggressively as we can. the opportunity to drive our economy while also doing the right thing for the environment. banning fossil fuels, raising energy costs, how the heck is that going to help manufacturing in michigan? >> winter is coming. winter is coming and it's going to be a lot colder up here in michigan that it is in the swamp. senator peters wouldn't understand. we need to make sure that we have sustainable energy solutions but energy solutions that are also and economic for all michiganders. we need to make sure we are holding china accountable for their pollution and their contribution to climate change and we need to make sure we are not leaving our number one industry and pushing more jobs
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out of the state. senator peters supports regulations and litigation that's post our jobs overseas. as mrs. don't send our jobs to china and mexico. bureaucrats and politicians like gary peters send our jobs to china and mexico. senator peters was supposed to be on a commission to hold china accountable. did he show up? no. barely showed up for any meetings and i was to show up in 2020 in an election year talking about earning our vote. it's too late. he can show up in an election year and be 33% unknown your states and tell lies all the way through them people still don't know what you've done. the green new deal would devastate our state. >> laura: john, we've got to go. >> automotive supplier, will -- >> laura: we've got to go. point made. up ahead, the most impactful moment from amy coney barrett's character hearing today. so what's going on?
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most common side effects are vomiting and diarrhea. feeling better? i'm speechless. thanks for the apoquel. aw...that's what friends are for. ask your veterinarian for apoquel next to you, apoquel is a dog's best friend. >> laura: and amy coney barrett's former law student spoke today, it was amazing. she's blind. she couldn't get the technology she needed when she worked and she was a student at the
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university and judge barrett went above and beyond for her. >> she silently listen with deep attention as i slain my situation. giving me the freedom to let down my guard. when i finished judge barrett leaned forward and looked at me intently, laura, she said, with the same measured conviction that we've seen displayed throughout her entire nomination process. this is no longer your problem. it's my problem. >> laura: that was an amazing moment. shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team take it all from here. shannon. >> shannon: i mean really the best witness of the day. if you are not impressed by that woman's intellect and her passion, her devotion in her story, i don't know what you were watching because she was just -- >> laura: i agree. i loved your coverage, shannon. you did such a great job throughout this entire hearing in all week. thank you for doing it. >> shannon: spent a fun, busy week. thank you. have a great night. >> laura: you too. we'll be watching. >> shannon:
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