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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  October 16, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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p with us and we certainly are praying for you and wishing you the best. jillian: we love you, dan. keep us updated. dan: thank you. jillian: he is the best. todd: he we wish him the best. what a week. jillian: there is another one next week. todd: oh, there is? jillian: "fox & friends" continues now. ♪ ♪ ♪ fired up. steve: count down to election day as you can see 18 days left to go. welcome aboard. it is friday. you are watching "fox & friends." ainsley and brian, we just started with a split screen of the dueling town halls yesterday and i'm sure a lot of america did what i did and you two probably did it as well. you took the remote and every once in a while you click back and forth. back and forth. and what i noticed was the more i did it, the more it became one
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tv show that i was kind of producing myself. and as it turns out i would call this tv show grilling and chillen because over on nbc savanna was grilling the president and on abc george was just chilling with the former vice president, taking their time. you wants to answer this? okay, here's a question. it's an easy one. ainsley: the president definitely got a debate intense interrogation going on and interruptions flip over to abc george didn't even ask him about hunter biden, brian. brian: the "new york post" story did not come up but it's coming up shortly because rudy giuliani wais going to be here and he was able to tyke a look at hard drive. meanwhile, take a little bit about the grilling that went on steve mentioned with joe biden. and joe biden in particular was able to sit back hey, listen, he was able to answer the questions. but the one big question that he says he will eventually answer although i would have been able to push him on this one, he says
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depending on how amy coney barrett's confirmation goes, he will reveal before the election whether he will pack the court. listen. >> i have not been a fan of court-packing because i think it just generates what will happen -- whoever wins just keeps moving in a way that is inconsistent with what is going to be manageable. >> you are not a fan. >> i'm not a fan. it depends on how this turns out. not how he wins how it's handled. how it's handled. depends on how much they rush this. >> if they election you are open to expanding the court? >> i'm open to considering what happens from that point on. >> don't voters have a right to know where you stand. >> they do have a right to know where i stand. they have a right to know where i stand before i vote. >> you will come out before w. a position before election day. >> yes. depending on how they handle this. brian: clear position before election day. okay. he does say he is open to it. clear position before election day. i have news for you barring
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anything unsavory or anything unbeknownst to us now voted on the committee and the floor and she is going to get to the supreme court. joe, your serve. steve: you know, when you looked at what they did on in connection with, keep in mind, going in, there were so many people at nbc who were angry that the network agreed to do a town hall with donald trump it's like why would you do that? why would you counter program or draw viewers away from watching joe biden talk on abc? how dare you? so obviously savanna was loaded forebear and she went after the president. i think she went 15 or 20 minutes at a town hall without actually involving the town, which is extraordinary. but i will tell you this. i thought the president did a very good job in answering the questions. it was nothing like the first debate. i mean, you actually heard him discuss policy. ari fleischer had this observation about what we saw on
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the grilling and chilling shows last night on hannity. >> i spent 21 years in washington as a press secretary and i have always known republicans have uphill fight. democrats get softball questions and republicans get hard ball questions. then donald trump came along and anything i thought was hard, it's almost impossible for trump. the bias of the media and the way they come at him, i watched the abc town hall, because i wanted to see how biased it might be and i wanted to seat type of questions the audience was asking. i can tell you this because i watched a little bit of savanna during commercials, she interrupted donald trump more in 60 seconds than george stephanopoulos did in 60 minutes. ainsley: so what do people care about? we always hear of the economy, right? they talk about tanks. joe biden said yes i'm going to raise taxes. if you are a corporation we are going to go back to 2 will%. if you make more than 400,000 we are are going to raise taxes to 39.6%. you raise taxes on corporations
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guess what joe biden they move. they leave america and takes away jobs from individuals. crime bill was a mistake. he wants preschool for every child and school psychologist in all schools. and that answer about court-packing, to your point, he left the door open. he did say yes but then he said depending on how they handle it. he also said depending when they talked about the vaccine. should the vaccine be mandatory? he said yes, depending on how it's distributed and the continuation of the spread of the virus. there are a lot of people that don't want to give this vaccine to their kids. a lot of people don't want to take it. a third of america doesn't want this vaccine. i'm not sure how america will like that answer. as far as trump, roe v. wade, are you going to overturn it? he says he wants the supreme court to handle it. peaceful transfer of power, he said yes, the answer is yes. there will be a peaceful transfer of power if i lose. i want an honest election. they try to take down a dueling elected sitting president. as far as taxes are concerned,
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if. brian: how curious and interested you are if there is going to be a peaceful transfer of power assume he is going to lose. number one, you aren't interested what happened last time especially what's gone on over the last six months we find out what was happening behind the scenes. i thought trump was smart and coy and i'm not going to talk about roe v. wade while i have a candidate to be the next supreme court justice because i'm watching the way you are throwing my comments in her face. meanwhile, let's turn now to griff jenkins in washington he joins us with the latest on hunter biden's emails and rudy giuliani right after this. griff: good morning. how is it that for three days this hunter biden email story has been dripping off the front page of the "new york post" and somehow george stephanopoulos didn't see it. not a single question about this. we are getting more emails here at fox news. let's recap though first ones report yesterday between hunter and top executive at the urken energy firm burisma it detailed
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an alleged meeting arranged with his father between executives and his father was vice president at the time. these new ones are now raising questions over hunter's dealings with china this one a may 2017 email about remuneration pangs that included payment for six people, one of them being someone called the quote big guy. another from august 2017 hunter is seeking $10 million in a deal that would be, quote, interesting for me and my family. now, hunter biden's attorney released a statement taking a shot at trump confidante rudy giuliani who provided the hard drive from where these emails emanated saying this we have no idea where it came from and certainly cannot credit anything that rudy giuliani provided to the "new york post." but, what i do know for certain is that this purported meeting never happened. meanwhile, twitter revising its story and hacked materials following the back large they got over censoring the story they claim it will no longer remove hacked content unless it
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is shared by hackers or accomplices label questionable tweets instead of blocking them. biden's national press secretary jamal brown said he is glad social media companies censored the story. watch? >> i think twitter's response to the actual article itself makes clear that these, you know, purported allegations are false and they are not true. and glad that, you know, social media companies like twitter taking responsibility to limit misinformation. griff: more information on capitol hill we told you yesterday senate home land security committee is looking into this and investigating it. now a group of 19 house republicans sent a letter to fbi director chris wray demanding answers and wondering why the american people were left in the dark when the "new york post" knew this, brian, ainsley, steve? steve: the "new york post" knows about that because they wound up getting copies of things from that man over there, rudy giuliani, the president's personal attorney and former mayor of new york city.
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mayor, good morning to you. >> good morning. how are you? steve: we're doing okay. we are just sorting through these many new emails. there is plenty to go through. >> oh my gosh about 10,000 more. steve: you would know because you have got them. griff was just talking about how it sounded like hunter was trying to get a deal with a chinese energy firm and then in another one in 2017 sent by robert biden and we should say that is what these are believed involves a deal where it appears hunter is asking for $10 million a year. it seems you are the source of these emails, right? >> well, not really. the source of the email is a merchant, a guy who repairs harvard driveharddrives he has . he has been for quite some time. he actually turned them over because the fbi had had them for six months and done nothing with them. then he was quite upset with the coverage, the kind of coverage you are describing this morning
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about how unfair it was. he happens to be a fan of mine. unlike biden's attorney. and thought i was being treated very unfairly. he called my lawyer and he said i have a group of emails that are shocking to me. and displayed right on the face of it a number of federal crimes and i'm not even a lawyer. my lawyer went down there. he vetted him for two weeks, actually. i emphasize to you how this is authenticated. first of all did i and my lawyer did. okay. you don't have to accept that i gave them to the "new york post" and held them for a week and authenticated them. i don't think the "new york post" would plush them without being absolutely certain they are authentic. finally they don't dispute they are authentic. the big mouth lawyer made a mistake. before it was out and they were called about it. the first thing he does is calls that merchant and says can i have my client's hard drive back? so, he is basically admitting for his clients as his client's
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agent, that's hunter biden's hard drive. and if you would like to send a representative of your show to my office, i have take a look at it. you tell me if it isn't authentic. authentic as hell. some of those pictures on it can only have come from him. i will tell you why i know it for sure. i have 10 pieces of confidential information nobody knows except meal and hunter biden. kept it that way. i investigated cases for 50 years. every one of those hits the mark. ainsley: rude -- >> in other words i have an anonymous source. i have a names source that reports on a meeting at the state department violate the foreign agent registration act. and hunter biden was taken in the back door and kept off the books. the gentleman who was involved in it and who told me about it had the date. had that for a year and a half. that very date shows up in his emails. there are five emails setting up that appointment that date, that exact time.
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about five of those if anybody cares to examine. they are not even disputing it. this is hunter biden's emails, texts, and really the photographs will shock the hell out of you. ainsley: so, rudy, for people at home. >> photographies are disgusting. they make him a national security risk. ainsley: rudy. >> every photography i have china has plus a lot more. they reveal federal crimes. they reveal disgusting disgusting sexual behavior and reveal sexual behavior and then they reveal numerous times where he has totally gone on crack. which means he spent most of the last five years on crack and who would pay this man $2 much less $10 million if is he a crack addict. ainsley: rudy, let me ask you something because "the washington post" is tying you to the ukraine and to russia saying that you went on a trip to ukraine in 2019. and u.s. intelligence agencies went to the white house to warn the president that whatever you come back with,.
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steve: robert o'brien. ainsley: exposing biden and his son hunter consider that to be contaminated material. >> first of all they never warned me that and i'm a u.s. citizen. someone would have warned me. no one did. i have never heard that before. i think this may be another one of our, you know, intelligence things like holding brennan's memo for four years even though it was the trump administration that could have blown open the whole thing. steve: "the washington post" has four unnamed sources. >> of course it's unnamed, i'm an unnamed sources i have five named sources. ainsley: is it true you went to ukraine? >> how do i know if it's true? well, if you say it's true, it's true. i have no other knowledge of it other than what you just told me. no one in the trump administration around with me. no one in the intelligence community warned me. president didn't say that to me. this is the first time i'm
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hearing that. brian: right. >> i have a pretty good idea where it's coming from. these are people who are trying to tear down donald trump and destroy his presidency and intelligence community of which there are many. brian: mr. mayor, what's next? do you have anything in those emails tying joe biden to hunter's international business? >> you got to be kidding me. sure. i have a memo that -- you know the memo that says 10% for the big guy? brian: yeah. >> we got to figure out hot big guy is. about a day later hunter is laying out the office he is going to share with the chinese communist. is he going to share with a chinese intelligence agent. first joe biden and jill biden. i have that memo. what put in office for if his father is not getting 10% and the big guy. another one hunter biden is writing to his daughter and explaining to his daughter how unfair he has been treated all
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his life. at the very end he says i have been supporting this family for 30 years. but unlike pop, i'm not going to ask you to kick back half your salary. now, what does that tell you? that explains the whole ricco scheme. money goes to the biden brother james, the brother frank. the sister-in-law, and most of it to hunter. hunter pays the expenses. that's why joe has all those beautiful houses that "the washington post" has said gee, how are you afford those houses? i wonder. because is he taking bribes, "the washington post." and his son is holding it for him. the son is paying for everything. the son has to kick back half to him. what the hell kind of family is that? and the son couldn't earn a penny. the son is a degenerate drug addict. i'm sorry. i feel bad for him. but you ask this question. why did joe put his son in that position? a drug addict just thrown out of the navy, in and out of rehab six times, taking drugs while he
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is in rehab, and he puts it in business with four of the most crooked people in the world. now that has got to be stupidity or greed. steve: mr. mayor, you brought up a lot of allegations we look forward into looking into them more. >> they are all in emails, look at them. steve: i understand. maybe we will come over to your office and be socially distanced. >> you send somebody over and they can go through the whole thing. and if there is one or two things can i release, i will give it to them. i have got to call my source. he has been pretty easy on it. steve: good enough. rudy, thank you very much for joining us live. ainsley: thank you, rudy. >> thank you. steve: all right. 6:16 enough to time for some news. jillian: start off with this. a man is arrested for setting a patrol car on fire with an officer inside. police responding to a call of a man waving a flaming piece of wood in seattle. the suspect launched it inside an officer's cruiser. police chased him down. the officer officers is being
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treated for burns. he is expected to be okay. the cities of portland and oakland, oregon are suing dhs and doj. the lawsuit says the agencies overstepped constitutional limits in using federal officers to crack down on violent protests this summer. the dispute also claims a u.s. marshal service unlawfully deputized dozens of local officers despite objections from city officials. the dhs says the lawsuit is an attempt to harm and distract from the president's law and order agenda. texas is now appealing a judge's ruling on limits drop off in the state. governor abbott restricted each county to one location. the judge ruled governor abbott does not have the authority to do that and puts voter health at risk during a pandemic. the decision is on hold while the appeal is being reviewed. the braves are one win away from the world series. atlanta blowing out dodgers in game four of the nlcs game two
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tonight. astros against the race in dramatic fashion. watch this. >> in the air, centerfield, watching. this is back and it's gone. it's a walk-off home run. jillian: houston winning 4-3 after carlos carrera's home o r. fans yelling and screaming. steve: what a shot. ainsley: thank you, jill yap. it's 18 minutes after the top of the hour. entrepreneurship and joe biden making their cases at dueling town halls last night. with 18 days to go until the election, what do the american people think? and will it sway those undecided voters? lee carter is going to join us next. ♪ dance all night ♪ go, go, go. ♪
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>> i have never been more optimistic about the pros specketsd i have got to heal this nation because we have the greatest opportunity of any country in the world to own the 21st century. and can't do it divided. >> we have the strongest economy in the world. we closed it up. we are coming around the corner. we have rebuilt our military we have rebuilt our borders and created new levels of jobs that nobody thought was possible. and next year is going to be better than ever before. ainsley: president trump and joe biden participating in dueling town halls last night instead of the head-to-head debate they were supposed to have. 18 days until election day what impact could it have. joining us with insight polster and partner at maslansky and partners lee carter. hey, lee. >> good to see you. ainsley: where do we stand right
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now. we are a little more than two weeks out numbers don't look great polling wise for the president. is he down about 4.9% in the swing states and over 9% overall. that said i wouldn't be titlely discouraged if you are a trump supporter. number one this is similar to the numbers and how they looked in 2016. hillary clinton walls ahead by more than 5 points at the same time in 2016. and trump still narrowed the gap. the other thing that i'm see something that in the states where he has visited in the last week, we have started to see momentum in the polls. look in florida where he spent time this week started to narrow in the polls. look at iowa he started to narrow in the polls there and that's, i think, a really big deal for him. the other thing is you have to look at the polls and how they are weighted. by that i mean the number of people that they are talking to. number of people they're talking to equally represented between. you have got to look at them
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with ally with the of weight and they are going to end up leaning a little bit more than you would think toward donald trump. also this is going to come down to the undecideds. in these polls looking at depending on the poll looking between 6 and 11% of people are still undecided in how they are going to vote. a lookout of people don't believe that's possible. hour would that be the case in the answer to that is really, really simple. there are a number of unanswered questions about both candidates that are important to undecided voters. ainsley: lee, we didn't get that second debate. how do people feel about that? are they upset about it or when you mention undecided voters, have most people already made up their minds? >> you know, i think a lot of people are upset about it. many people are upset that they the town halls happened at the same time last night. they felt like it was disrespectful and it didn't allow people to really get a choice unless you recorded one and watched one after the other. i think it's also going to be interesting to seat ratings to see who tuned in to which. that's going to be telling. the undecided voter is going to
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play a very significant role in this election. and they are not given the opportunity to hear from both candidates at the same time. and i think that's really, really unfortunate. the unanswered questions that are out there about these candidates are really, really significant. especially when it comes to joe biden. last night he talked about stacking the courts. he didn't really answer the question. he said he thinks is he going to give an answer. that was a big problem for undecided voters. people are also really concerned about joe biden is he going to go far to the left. he said he is not. people are still not sure exactly what he's going to do. significant questions about joe biden. a lot of people want to know is he going to shut down the economy again? if things get bad, are we going to find a reasonable way to stay open? that's very, very concerning to voters. on donald trump side there is concern as well a lot of voters that are undecided want to know what he is going to do with healthcare. he hasn't made that case. a lookout of people fear what's going to happen with preexaccessst cysting conditions. that's something the president needs to address. other thing is related to his character.
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some people have questions about the taxes and weren't satisfied with the answers that they heard from him last night. i don't think that's anything new. i don't think that's going to change anybody's mind. when you look at it, those things have to be answered for the voter in order to make a decision if you are undecided at this point. ainsley: when do most undeciders choose? >do they wait all the way up to the election or, you know, do they waited until they. >> epiphany moment that they are looking for. in the undecided voters that we have spoken to, they are looking for answers on specific things. they want to hear from joe biden what does america look like under you. they want the answer to the supreme court. they want the answer on are you really going to go to far left? really what are you going to do differently about covid not just attacking what donald trump did, what are you going to do differently? get the answer lean that way. otherwise many people stick with donald trump. looking for a reason to leave him. bottom line is. this poll from the pugh organization that was really telling. 56% of americans feel better off
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today despite covid than they did in 2016. that's with a pandemic. they are still feeling more optimistic. so, despite everything, that, to me, favors donald trump. ainsley: all right, lee, thanks for joining us. >> good to see you too. ainsley: outside witnesses making a case for amy coney barrett on the final day of her confirmation hearing including a law professor who used to be a clerk alongside judge barrett, and he's going to join us live next. >> i think she is uber qualified. i think to use a sports met core she is a five tool athlete.
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justifiable clarence thomas. going inside her testimony, what did you think going in that she -- how she would present herself under this questioning. some of it harsh and now what do you think now that it is complete? >> so, brian, i had seen her at gave russ conferences and we both clerked for judge silberman be it different years and i always had a tremendous opinion of her. but she just did a smash up, bang up job before the committee. she was so poised and so composed and brill yentsd and she just displayed all her qualities in full. it was a performance on her part. brian: sometimes after the testimony like with kavanaugh and justice thomas something comes out and things get explosive. are you worried about this time period just because we have been through this before? is there anything that could come out that you are worried about being that we are so politically polarized and so much is at stake? >> i don't think so, brian. primarily because the democrats themselves seem so resigned to
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her joining the court. there were several questions she got which were to the effect please consider this when you join the high court. please keep this in mind. please reform this or reform that and these were pleas from the democrats. so i think they have already prepared themselves for her joining the bench. they will make their political points, but i don't think they have october surprise to spring. brian: before i met her, just reading about her and find out she was teed up to to get this nomination i thought to myself does she really want it? is it going to be worth it for her. she has a full life, great career, seven kids, does she really you want to put herself through this? why do you think she wanted to? >> i think a lot of our, you know, best people feel the call to serve. i think of justice thomas for whom i clerked. judge silberman for who i clerked. dozens of people, hundreds of people in washington. i think that the call to serve moved her. she had a great life before she
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was a circuit judge, right? she was a professor ought notre dame law school and she didn't have to do that either. so i really think, you know, she was probably inspired by the people she had influenced her. judge silberman and justice scalia and that probably moved her. brian: interesting. we are going to find out next few days if things are going to go calm, cool and collected and find out if the court is going to be packed and we might have seven more of these confirmation hearings in a row. thanks so much. [laughter] brian: could happen. >> i hope not. brian: we will call you again. coming up straight ahead when will joe biden answer questions about tough issues? >> it depends on the state of the nature of the vaccine it. depends on how this turns out. i mean, it depends on how much they rush. this. brian: right, it depends italic. corey lewandowski and david bossie here next. friends at fox bet super 6 are
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you mandate its use? >> it depends on the state of the nature of the vaccine. >> how about that question of expanding the court? >> it depends on how this turns out. it depends on how much they rush this. >> so you will come out with a clear position before election day? >> yes. depending on how they handle. this. steve: should we do the rest of the show? well, it depends on how the next two guests do. we got with us corey lewandowski and david bossie trump campaign senior advisers and co-authors of a great book just out in a week or two called trump, america first. guys, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning, steve. steve: david, let me start with you how did in watching the in connection with event and i know you are down in florida. you were actually at it with the president. how did you get that woman in the red mask to sit behind him and nod through the whole thing and every time he said something she goes that's good. that's good. this is my guy? >> yeah. we were watching from back stage. i got to be honest she was the star of the show for.
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steve: she stole the show. >> she really was -- she was enthusiastic and she got other people around her doing the same thing. nodding in agreement with the president. it was exciting to see because nbc didn't put -- fill that place full of trump supporters to help us. they told us that these -- this was a cross section of miami. and a cross section of florida. so, they weren't doing us any fafersz. and i got to tell you it was a great night for the president. he was clear. he was concise. he hit his policy issues outs of the park, savanna guthrie, you know, i don't know what her problem was. she was overly rude and aggressive in my opinion to the president and interrupting him continuously. but the president just worked through that. he, i think he handled, you know, the interview and the questions incredibly well. as he always does. but he was able to tell the american people what he stood for and to be honest with you
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with 17 days to go was reallied first time in a national setting because of the biden cancellation of this second debated that it was really, the first time that the president was able to do that and it was exciting to watch. we have a great 17 days to go. ainsley: corey, what were your takeaways last night. >> my take away first and foremost is talk about the hypocrisy of the biden campaign. he can't sit on a stage with donald trump but he can sit on a stage with george stephanopoulos? last night the american people had a disservice presented to them by the debate commission. they said they couldn't arrange for two individuals running for the highest office in the land to sit on the stage and answer questions. amazing how the networks could figure out how to do it. last night is about hypocrisy. about joe biden not wanting to be on the same debate stage with donald trump and what see saw from sleepy joe is everything depends. what happens whether you have to make a decision that effects everybody? it depends. this guy couldn't give a clear
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answer last night. couldn't talk about packing the court. couldn't make a final decision. america wants a leader. and that's what donald trump is. brian: david, by most polls the president is trailing. however, there is some signs of this so-called hidden trump voter. and jp morgan did a little bit of study to find out what's going on in the polls in terms of voter registration in battle ground states. and to the point in pennsylvania where the advantage is so great and in arizona it's so strong they actually feel as though the president is going to -- and new mexico is going to make it extremely close as well as north carolina. the president could actually pull this out very similarly to last time. can you make sense of this? this is what you do for a living. >> brian, you know, i haven't had a chance to dive into that study. but i could tell you, the under vote, what we -- used to call the brexit, flight what changed began at brexit and was there in 2016 for us. the undervote is there today because if you look at the last four years of the cancel culture
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by the left of people losing their jobs and their families and family members because they support this president and they support america. you know, we see that over and over again. so people aren't answering polsters honest correctly. president trump is going to win. he has a clear path to 270. and he's going to get there by his hard work and determination and by him telling and educating the american people about higher taxes vs. lower taxes. about anarchy in the streets vs. law and order. he has a very clear -- this is a ronald reagan bold colors not peal pastel election. this is the most important consequential election of our lifetime and the president is going to make that case. steve: corey, have you seen your internal polls i know you don't want to give us the numbers how are they looking? >> steve, let me run through a couple battle ground states and remind your viewers where we were four years ago. i have had to write this down very rare for me.
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risk right four years ago. hillary clinton was leading by 6.8% in the real clear politics average. of course, donald trump carried that race. right now joe biden in the real clear average about 5.5% lead. so about a point and a half below where hillary clinton was. pennsylvania hillary clinton had 8.6 advantage four years ago at this time. donald trump carried that state. donald trump has supposedly a 6.7% advantage. north carolina hillary clinton had a 2.4% advantage at this time. donald trump carried that state by 3.7. joe biden's lead is 1.4 according to the rear real clear politics average. you look totality and key battle ground state joe biden's lead on the average is much smaller than where hillary clinton was. let me remind you of this. four years ago today, monday mouth university had a poll that came up that showed donald trump down 12 points and nbc had a poll that him down nine points angetsd we all know's what. so these polls have been based, i believe, to suppress some of our voters. our internal numbers are significantly better.
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we have got the same powellster we used four years ago that brought us to victory. we know what the path is we are going to so he that in under three weeks. brian: by the record, corey, david talked a lot longer than you. >> hey, brian -- >> the viewers are better off. steve: what will happen? it depends. all right. ainsley: guys, thank you so much. their book is called "trump, america first." all right. it is 47 minutes after the top of the hour. let's hand it over to jillian for headlines. jillian: good morning. let's start with this the security guard accused with killing a man at a denver rally will be charged with second degree murder. the district attorney plans to filed the charge against matthew on monday. police say he was working as unlicensed security guard at local news station when he shot and killed the demonstrator during an argument. the attorney says he acted in self-defense. 13 people are hurt after a boat explodes and bursts into flames. the boat was being used for a
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music video at an arena in fort lauderdale, florida. three nearby voters rushed on board to help rescue people and then helped them escape before it was fully engulfed. at least seven people taken to the hospital. so far no word on what caused that explosion. a liberal group is slamming democratic senator dianne feinstein hugging senator lindsey graham. the brief exchange happened at the end of judge amy coney barrett's confirmation hearing. the group demand justice is calling for feinstein to step down from the judiciary committee. senator graham will join us live in the next how to react to that and much more. okay. ever get stuck trying to name that song you can't remember but it's in your head? ♪ life changes ♪ you wake up ♪ ain't nothing the same ♪ and life changes ♪ you can't help ♪ you never know. jillian: this is thomas rhett's life changes. google has a new tool help you
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out hum to search. so you just hum a portion of the song into your phone and apparently works if you are tone deaf like me. brian: no way. jillian: which i will not be demonstrating. brian: you hum the song you think you want to harley and it will find it. jillian: allegedly, yes. steve: what if you are a lousy singer not close? ainsley: i can't sing but can i hum it and say you know that song and try to find it. jillian: i don't think the phone would identify that as me singing. brian: we will look into that in the break. steve: thanks, google. brian: teenager says he was kicked out of the virtual classroom for hanging a trump flag on the wall. that student joins us on zoom.
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steve: new jersey teenager clicked out of virtual class because he refused to take down that trump flag right there hanging on the wall behind him during the class. and joining us right now we have got with us for some reason the teleprompter is saying the same thing over and over anthony riberi tom rivers high school student and his mother. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning.
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steve: so, anthony, that's the flag. the banner right behind you that your aunt gave you and you put up in your class and when your chemistry teacher saw it, what did he say? >> he told me to take it down or i would have to leave the class. and there is no place in politics in his room. steve: now, is that true? has he ever been political in his class? >> yes, absolutely. steve: what did he do? >> the first week of school he made global warming and climate change by saying democrats are the right choice and republicans just disregard it even exists. steve: so he said you got to take that down. what did you do? >> i didn't take it down. and i shook my head no. and he eventually kicked me out. steve: so he clicked a button and you disappeared? >> i actually did. as soon as he said you are going to have to leave the class, i
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immediately, you know, i waved goodbye and i hit leave. steve: you are furious about this, right? >> i was. i couldn't believe this happened. i got on the phone right away with the school. i was shocked. steve: it's not -- he's in his room. that's his bedroom, which is where kids are doing their zoom classes from. you can't -- it's not like it's the living room or anything like that. go to the dining room. anthony, i understand the same day you also had the poster or flag up during english class and your english teacher said something about it? >> that was the following day on friday. steve: what did she say? >> i joined a couple minutes early and she was talking to another student about keeping politics out of her class because he had a maga hat on the previous week. and she kind of restarted the
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conversation saying, you know, i respect you have got noon politics. i respect your view. can you just please take it down for no distraction and no -- steve: and did you, because you want to get a good grade in that class. nonetheless, the school said the teacher screwed up, right, tara, quickly? >> yes, they did. yes. steve: nonetheless, you would still like an apology from the chemistry teacher. >> he would. we would. steve: if you get it, let us know, okay? >> i would. i would definitely let you know. steve: anthony and tara thank you for joining us from that room with that banner. those are the guests coming up. want to brain better? unlike ordinary memory supplements- neuriva has clinically
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>> it was a very different look town hall glump miami and joe biden in. >> did you ask point blank denounce white supreme since i denounce white supreme. >> i it feels sometimes you are hesitant. >> get a question on the. >> let me ask you about qinon. >> what would a biden justice department do. >> who duo $421,000 to. >> overly aggressive in my opinion. >> new emails raising questions over hunter's dealings with china. >> they are not disputing this is emails, text, they make him a national security risk.
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>> witnesses make the case for judge amy coney barrett. the powerful testimony from a blind student. laura, she said, this is no longer your problem. it's my problem. >> in the air, center field, watching, this is back and it's gone! it's a walk off home run! carlos carrera. ♪ ♪ ainsley: 18 days. the election last night with those town halls savanna guthrie was talking to donald trump on nbc. and talking to biden on abc. brian: going to run the clips of biden answering for the first time stories about emails nut "new york post" but they didn't ask him.
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too bad. 20 million people have already voted. one million have already voted in texas. steve, now you say hello. steve: you know what i was going to say regarding numbers, briane out 10:30 this morning the early overnights come out. people will try to compare how many people watched trump on nbc and how many people watched joe biden over on abc if you were clicking between the two channels after a while you realized that the intensity level with the savanna guthrie grilling about the president was 7, 8, 9. meanwhile over on abc it was a much lower 3, 4, 5 kind of energy level. where would the ratings be? i wouldn't be surprised if trump's one hour does better than joe biden's 90 minutes. ainsley: if his numbers are better is it because of the entertainment factor? was more gaining to watch. steve: which one would have you ratherred watched?
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compelling. she was machine gun firing questions at him and he was answering them just as fast as she was sending them. ainsley: he talked about peaceful transfer of power, taxes, denouncing white supremacy and talked about roe v. wade would he overturn it. listen to this. >> that's not something you should talk to the judge about, but would you like to see roe v. wade overturned? >> i would like to see a brilliant jurist, a brilliant person who has done this in great depth and has actually skirted this issue for a long time make a decision. that's why i chose her. i think she is going to make a greats decision. did i not tell her what decision to make. i think it would be inappropriate to say right now. because i don't want to do anything to influence her. i want her to get approved and then i want her to go by the law. and i know she is going to make a great decision for our country. ainsley: you know, brian and steve. what i did notice last night everyone who asked questions they seemed to be very respectful of the presidency or the vice presidency. there was that lady behind
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president trump and you couldn't see her in that clip, but she was shaking her head pretty much yes for every response they'd. that he had. she stood up and asked a question i like the way you smile. you actually are very handsome when you smile,. brian: brian that was a little bit different. i thought on the other side i was flipping back and forth and we know the biden interview, went about an extra half hour about packing the court and george stephanopoulos did follow up with it this is what joe biden said. >> i have not been a fan of pack -- court packing. i think it generates whatever happens whoever wins keeps moving in a way that is inconsistent in a way that unmanageable. >> still not a fan. >> i'm not fan. it depends on how this turns out. not how he wins but how it's handled. how it's handled. it depends on how much they rush this. >> if they don't election are you open to expanding the court. >> i'm open to considering what
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happens from that point on. >> but don't voters have a right to know where you stand. >> they do variety to know where i stand. they have a right to know where i stand before i vote. >> you will come out with a clear position before election day. >> yes, depending on how they handle. this. brian: senator tom cotton comes on from arkansas' senator. what does he need to know? a committee vote and going to be a floor vote, make your decision. what's he waiting on? >> well, brian, i think he is waiting for as many people to vote as possible. he knows that packing the court, because you don't like the judicial philosophy of justices, wildly unpopular. not even franklin delano roosevelt at the height of his power in 1937 could pack the court. joe biden doesn't want to give a straight answer to that question because is he stuck between his radical left wing base and the vast majority of americans. so she is trying to run out the clock as millions of people are voting by some measures over 30 million people have already voted. is he talking about letting another 30 or 40 million people vote because he gives a straight answer is he going to pack the
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supreme court. i think we kin father that joe biden and the democrats do want to pack the court. brian: yeah. >> fundamentally underlining legitimacy and rule of law. brian: isn't that schumer's call? he can make that call. can he pretend as if he is making the call but he's not. >> well, let me just say that i don't think joe biden will be a historically strong president within his own party between chuck schumer and nancy pelosi, and kamala harris and alexandria ocasio-cortez, i'm not sure that chuck schumer is going to be able to get all of them in line. steve: yes, it all depends on what they tell him to do. senator, stand by because we have got one -- we're going to go down to washington for a moment. extraordinarily during the town hall they did not ask joe biden, griff, about hunter biden. and those emails that are once again making big news all across the country. griff: you know, that's right, steve. it's been slow dripping off the front page of the "new york post" for three days and none of
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it fell into stephanopoulos lap last night. fox news obtained several new emails since i reported this yesterday. now, in addition to the ones reportedly between hunter and that top executive at the urken energy firm burisma involving an alleged meeting arranged with his then vice presidential father. new ones raise questions about hunter's dealings with china this one may 2017 email remuneration packages payment for six people one of them is called, quote, the big guy. another from august 2017. hunter is seeking $10 million a year for three years in a deal that would be, quote: interesting for me and my family. now, these emails are emanating from a hard drive obtained by rudy giuliani. given to him by a delaware computer repair shop owner. giuliani appearing on this show in the last hour had this to say. >> about a day later, hunter is laying out the office he is going to share with the chinese communist. he is going to share it with a chinese communist intelligence
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agent. the first two keys he asks for is for joe biden and jill biden. i have that memo. what's he putting his father in that office for if his father is not getting 10% and big guy. griff: strong allegations, hunter biden's attorney releasing a statement we have no idea where this came from and cannot credit anything that rudy giuliani provided to the "new york post" but what i do know for certain is that this purported meeting never happened. hacked materials after the backlash over censoring the post story claiming they will label questionable tweets instead of blocking them. twitter and other social media giants may soon be answering to this as the senate judiciary committee chairman lindsey graham says is he likely to subpoena them as a result of the home land senate committee ron johnson investigating the validity of this story, of these emails, of this hard drive and a gruesome 19 house republicans sending a letter to chris wray demanding answers, steve,
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ainsley, brian? ainsley: bring back in senator tom cotton get to the bottom of this truth is revealed? >> i hope so, ainsley. what these documents reveal if authentic, is largely whether a was known all along about hunter biden and really joe biden's entire family they have been trading on his public office for decades. the reports about hunter biden being on the board of burisma or getting chinese money. son-in-law advising his campaign on the coronavirus response, why is he also investigating in healthcare company. james biden his brother has long been accused of trading on joe biden's public office and sister has built a lucrative campaign consulting business tenure. the guy biden family clinton the money they make off one politician's office. brian: hunter one challenges upset he has to give 50% of all
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the money he earn to his dad ife are to believe these emails. get inside that family. it doesn't seem like any other network or paper or social media group is that interested in retweeting or allowing us to. meanwhile, talk about the fallout yesterday between twitter and facebook deciding to ban anybody that tries to post and repost. this what is your thoughts, first off, on the fact that subpoena coe of twitter to come to capitol hill next week. >> i'm glad we are going to subpoena jack dorsey to come to capitol hill. these tech oligarchs need to censorship republican voices. it's been going on for years. this week they declared open war on republicans and conservatives across america. my message for big tech oligarchs is simple. winter is coming. steve: one other thing, i heard a number of your clearings say that what twitter and what facebook were doing was essentially with about less than 20 days before an election, it
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was election interference. that's why jack is going to go and twitter must sing is the cover of the "new york post." but the chairman of the fcc ajit pai made it clear that section 230 which has protected these big online companies, given them immunity, because they were supposed to be fair and balanced, neutral. but instead they're acting more like publishers so they should be held accountable like publishers are. if you are going to do one thing a certain way you have got to do it the other way but it seems completely imbalanced, senator. >> we do need to strip away the immunity that section 230 of the communication decency act gave these companies whether the fcc does it or the congress does it. will obviously the department of justice and trade commission and state attorneys general. including being broken up.
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99%. 1% to republicans. steve: who are the 1%? ainsley: look at facebook. almost 92% to democrats and 8% to republicans. so, what does this mean? is there an outlet out there where you get fair and balanced news where you get everything? brian: yes. >> i think we are sitting on it, ainsley. ainsley: i'm talking about on social media? >> well, ainsley, it's not a surprise that those contributions are going to the democratic party. when mark zuckerberg testified in front of congress last year, he said that silicon valley is an extremely liberal place. i think everyone knows that. but i think it's been exposed even more this week when twitter and facebook began to block content from one of the largest circulated papers in america. one of the oldest most venereal paper in america.
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a newspaper that is widely read. this kind of censorship cannot be tolerated. brian: so far, they just keep going along and everything just keeps happening. they go in front of congress and then nothing happens from there. i guess it's all up to the election and see who prevails who is in the majority. senator tom cotton, thank you so much. ainsley: thank you. >> thank you all. brian: here is jillian with more. jillian: good morning and we begin your headlines with this story. a grandfather pleads guilty in the death of his 1-year-old grand daughter on cruise ship. fell through an 11 story window on a ship docked in puerto rico last year. salvatore accepted a plea deal so his family could start to move on from the tragedy. the deal allows him to avoid jail and serve probation in his home state. this just in. pharmaceutical company pfizer says it could apply for emergency use of its covid-19 vaccine after it submits safety data next month. the fda wants two months of that data before approving emergency
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use. pfizer says it still needs to collect safety and manufacturing data which will take until at least the third week of november we will keep you updated senator mitt romney will vote to confirm amy coney barrett to the supreme court. her distinguished legal and academic credentials make it clear that she is exceptionally well-qualified to serve as our next supreme court justice. fellow republican senator susan collins will not vote for barrett. collins has previously said she won't confirm a nominee this close to an election. all right. move over peyton. move over eli, there is a new manning in the national spotlight. >> manning, forced out of the pocket, arch, throws to the end zone. it's caught. arch manning delivers. and it's a newman touch down. jillian: arch manning leading his louisiana high school team to victory.
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15-year-old quarterback completing over 80% of his passes with two touchdowns with his first ever televised game. arch is the nephew of peyton and eli. my goodness. steve: it must be in the genes. jillian: so much talent in that family. ainsley: you could also say he is cooper's son. ainsley: so talented he got injured. brian: stenosis narrowing of the spine. he is only in tenth grade. steve: already televised. ainsley: they are the greatest family. steve: thanks, jillian. very powerful testimony. did you watch this yesterday? the first blind woman to clerk for the u.s. supreme court testified on behalf of her mentor, amy coney barrett. and she, laura wolk is going to join us live with her story next. pain gel. the first full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel... available over the counter. voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel.
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>> my name is laura wolk. because i'm completely blind i rely heavily on assistive technology. i have been judge barrett's students only for a few weeks her graciousness and warmth gave me hope shah she could provide me with that assistance. she listened to my situation. when i finished judge barrett leaned forward and looked at me intently laura, she said, this is no longer your problem, it's my problem. i can't capture adequately the relief that washed over here at her words. steve: that was yesterday, laura wolk sharing a powerful story about her mentor judge amy coney barrett before the senate judiciary committee. wolk says barrett helped propel her to become the first blind come to clerk for the u.s. supreme court. and we are honored to have her with us right now. good morning. >> good morning.
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thanks for having me. steve: okay. so, when amy coney barrett said, laura, it's not your problem, it's my problem. then what she did do for you? >> so that's the beauty of it. i don't actually know. and she just behind the scenes took care of it. and that's my story but that's how judge barrett is with everyone. she just finds problems and will silently take care of them. not really looking for any accolades or anything from it. it's just the right thing to do. steve: because you needed the technology, the assistive technology to operate on the same level playing field with your sighted peers, and it wasn't there. >> correct. steve: she was your fixer, essentially. >> yeah. she, you know, she worked with the school. the issue was if i had done it myself, it would have taken a much longer period of time. and when law school, especially your first semester, every day that you are not able to study and keep up is just a huge
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obstacle so the fact that she was able to get it taken care of within a matter of days instead of maybe up to a month, definitely saved my first semester and put me on this track. i don't think that i would be where i am in my career right now if i hadn't had a strong start at notre dame. steve: sure. laura, as we look at you yesterday testifying, tell us about that braille device that you are using right there because that's some of the technology you rely upon. >> yes. so it's called a braille display. and basically what it does is whatever is currently on the -- at the time in the monitor of a computer or even your phone screen, it takes that text and it transmits into braille. so it's a really wonderful. i rely on braille extremely heavily. and it's just a life changing device because you don't need to have things printed out in hard copy anymore. if it's digital and can you access it on the computer can you have it in braille.
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steve: yeah. well, obviously, amy coney barrett helped change your life and look where you are right now. you just wrapped up, you know, clerking for the u.s. supreme court. what do we not know about her as -- we have been hearing a lot about her views and things like that. but what don't we know about her? >> i think the reason i wanted to testify the allegations coming from the democratic senators is going unchallenged is this idea that she does not care. that's why i really felt like i needed to tell my story. there has been statements that she just doesn't care about the effects of her decisions. she doesn't care. and it it's just not true. i witnessed that so many other people have witnessed it. in class she specifically took time to make sure that reread about the stories of litigants involved in court cases. i don't think there are many professors who make their students learn the names of and life histories of some people
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who have been very seriously impacted by supreme court decisions if they don't care. so, that was why i felt like i needed to speak yesterday. steve: well, your testimony was so gripping and so powerful. you blessed the supreme court with your clerkship and now what's next for laura? >> so i will be going back to standard d.c. lawyer life. and i'm going to be hopefully focusing on appellate practice. no trial courtrooms for me. steve: all right. it was a real pleasure to meet you. and thank you very much for sharing your story with all of america over the last couple of days. thank you, laura. >> thanks so much. steve: great to meet you. all right. 7:24 here in new york city. coming up, joe biden getting a bunch of softball questions at his town hall while president trump got grilled. joe concha says media bias was on full display. you will hear from mr. joe, the joe show next. rying to get in shape. you know what he will get? muscle pain.
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moment you didn't. why does it seemed like. >> i denounced white supremacy, okay? >> besides you ain't black, what do you have to say to young black voters. >> as my buddy john lewis said it's a sacred opportunity to right the vote. >> did you hear what you needed to hear? >> i think so. ainsley: president trump and joe biden facing questions last night in dueling town halls and here to react media reporter joe con challenge. hey, joe. >> good morning, ainsley. ainsley: i'm sure you did what we all did flipping back and forth. what are your thoughts. >> oh, yeah. took a lot of notes. you know me. last night, look, you had on one station abc, joe biden you have george certify shop in plus, senior advisers to president clinton. amenable. savanna guthrie husband former chief of staff to al gore's 2,000 presidential campaign. we can't seem to find anybody to do these things that don't have connections to the democratic
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party. i came up with antagonistic as my word that kept coming up over and over. a debate moderator in this case a town hall moderator who served as a sparring partner in making the show about herself. let me share some numbers with you. i went through the transcript, ainsley. 43 questions by savanna guthrie to president trump. that doesn't even include all the statements that she made during it as well. do you know how many questions the audience got to ask the whole reason we were having this event a town hall? 10. 43 for guthrie. 10 for the audience. also for the first 24 minutes of a one hour event. savanna guthrie was the only one asking a questions until an audience member was finally allowed to do. so look, savanna guthrie was not there to inform voters in this case but instead to pacify nbc employees who were mad that the town hall was even being held in the first place and hollywood celebrities 100 of them wrote a letter saying this event cannot go on, ainsley. so it was a farce as we probably expected because this is the movie we have seen over and over again during these town hall
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debates. ainsley: many were expecting at least one, maybe two questions to joe biden about his son, hunter, especially in light of all this news that's breaking about his emails, his alleged emails. but not one question last night. your thoughts? >> yeah, i think, ainsley, that's the 11th commandment now at this point where thou shall not bring hunter biden any way shape or form. thought police are making sure of that remember if you share even that "new york post" story on hunter biden your account would be locked. kayleigh mcenany can tell you that she is the white house press secretary. the trump campaign can tell you that their account was locked as well. so this is censorship that would make george orwell blush in these situations. however, did i find it interesting that joe biden was asked about packing the courts. and he said that he will let voters know before election day. one little problem with that 20 million people have already voted, ainsley. if eeven had a halfway objective moderator with george stephanopoulos he would have
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followed wait a minute, sir, 28 million people have already vote you had don't they deserve to where you stand on this issue now. no follow up on stephanopoulos. guthrie kept asking donald trump over and over again if he denounced white supreme since i keep on as i have for years. goes on lester holt joe biden a week before guthrie follows with this answer. so this is a little bit of a dodge after he says it twice. so then he says so are you ready? are you listening? i denounce white supremacy and she says do you feel that sometimes you are hesitant to do so like you want to -- so he says it four times and she is still accusing him of not thoroughly denouncing white supremacy. this is just amazing. we have questions on qanon and none on immigration and economy. guthrie brings up taxes not in the way you would think raise taxes or lower taxes in terms of your plans she brings up trump's taxes instead which basically no one cares about we have seen to this point. a complete and total farce,
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ainsley. ainsley: when you go back to court-packing did he say yes, he said depending on how they handle this when he said he is going to announce his decision before the election. he said yes, depending on how they handle. this so it wasn't -- it leaves the door open, at least. let's talk about this. steve scully was supposed to be the moderator for the debate last night. obviously the debate was canceled. he works at c-span. and he tweeted that out. accidentally to anthony scaramucci, said he was hacked. now he is admitting that he lied about it. here is his statement. i heard president trump go on national television twice and at alfalsely attack me out of frustration i incident is a brief tweet to anthony scaramucci when i sawing controversy i claimed i was hacked. these are both errors in judgment for which i am totally responsible. he went on to ask for forgiveness. c-span suspended him. did not fire him. are people going to be able to
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trust him going forward? >> obviously not at this point. look, that dog didn't hunt from the very beginning, ainsley. scully never put out a statement after he said he was hacked saying that this didn't happen. and then, think about this. if you are hackers and get into a presidential debate moderator's account does the conversation really go okay we are in, what do we do. send the scaramucci tweet. then what we do? nothing. we do nothing. it stunk from the beginning. bottom line is that the debate commission really screwed this one up. because they unilaterally canceled this debate that was supposed to happen last night citing president trump's covid diagnosis even though he has now tested negative multiple times waited and patient and sculpted consulted campaign and found another date we could have had a second debate. this situation with steve scully made it a lot easier to cancel because they would have had to answer questions on not vetting steve scully on sharing a story no, not trump, not ever. and the fact that he worked for biden and that he worked for ted kennedy. can we just start to chose
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debate moderators that don't have any history here next week the debate is going to be on october 2 27bgd. nbc will be hosting that debate we have a feeling we know how that is going to go ainsley. anyway got to go threw out my back, horrendous year heading over to the chiropractor that's why i'm slouching as opposed to your quite nice posture there, ainsley. sitting straight up. ainsley: you look great. your doctor's appointment taking up your time. you normally love this time when your kids go to school and you have the house empty. all right, joe. have a great weekend. hope you feel better. coming up, joe biden bringing out a cheat cheat to remember own tax plan. >> raise another -- goes towrntion let me get you the exact number here another 200 -- excuse me, $92 billion. >> "fox & friends weekend" host pete, jedediah, and will are all going to react coming up next.
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>> what is your plan for either exteptionding the tax cuts for the middle class or creating a new plan that further reduces those taxes. >> raise the taxes back to 28%, which is a fair tax. you would raise $1,300,000,000,000 by that one act. f. you made sure the people making over 400 grand paid what they did in the bush administration, 39.6%. you would raise another -- it goes up to -- let me get you the exact number here about another 200 -- excuse me, $92 billion. brian: trouble reading his own writing, let's bring in "fox & friends weekend" co-host according to reports pete hegseth. jedediah billa plays the middle card and will contain.
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welcome, guys, -- will cain. did you want to check your notes who your guest e. guests are. amy coney barrett didn't need any notes for 44 hours, joe biden needed them in 90 minutes. pete, your witness. pete: yeah, i brought my amy coney barrett notes. they are right here. brian: right. pete: in preparing for the segment, i brought my other notes, which is this newspaper that isn't allowed on twitter but i get at my doorstep. yeah, listen, joe biden talking about taxes is like your trainer for a football team telling the football team they should put on the weighted vest they use for training and wear them in the game. this idea that in the middle of covid-19 as we have seen this poll back because of the china virus, everyone put a weighted vest on. everyone increase your taxes so that we can get out of covid-19 and get out of this pandemic. and he showed his grasp of the issues. you laid it out, brian. the wonderful contrast is amy coney barrett, her sharpness, donald trump on nbc the way he had to deal with savanna guthrie with all these questions smeeld
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and then joe biden slogging through his notes about how much he will save you, trusting a liberal left wing democrat to save you money is not an viable financial position, any financial planner would tell you at this moment. so it was demonstrable. we will see who was watching and what -- if their minds were changed. steve: since you brought up the topic of taxes, here is a soundbite where the president reminds voters what's going to happen to them if he loses. watch. >> biden comes in and raises taxes on everybody, including middle income taxes, which he wants to do you will blow this thing and you will end up with a depression the likes of which you have never had. that's what's going to happen. steve: jedediah? jedediah: yeah, and tax also go up. you don't have to listen to right leaning think tanks to though that nonpartisan evaluated all of it. yes in fact they will rise it. joe biden mentions the corporate tax rate, that's interesting. that's exactly how taxes get raised on everyone. because that corporate tax hike
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trickles over to labor and suddenly everyone's taxes are higher. you know, look, the facts are there on this. across the board. and i think this election in large part, is going to be about perception. that's what politics is oftentimes, whether you like it or not. how people perceive whether you will help them or not. oftentimes the facts get put aside and the soundbites win. and that remains to be seen. we saw in that gallup poll, recently, steve, that more than 50% of americans. i think it was 56% say they think they are doing better now than they were four years ago. will that come into play? i don't know. i think a lot of this is going to be, you know, a lot of it decided already. a lot of it is going to be based on feelings and whether people feel that president trump or a joe biden would do better by them when it comes to the economy and unfortunately, a lot of these facts about what will actually happen to the money, their hard earned cash in their wallets and what they will or won't be able to do with that money that often gets pushed aside unfortunately. ainsley: we have seen the networks not publicize this
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hunter biden story. last night i was expecting a question but that never came. they never asked him about his son. if this were president trump, and eric or don jr. did the same thing as hunter biden allegedly did, we get a question? will: you know the answer to that just like i do. of course he would. i feel like we are watching the worst magic act of all time. ic see all the tricks. i can see the cards up your sleeves and under the table. you know, yesterday i was with you guys, ainsley, and we talked about twitter and facebook suppression of the "new york post" story. it keeps going on. this morning i was reading that amazon, for example, has now suppressed a documentary by shelby steele a renowned author, award-winning author who has a documentary out called "who killed michael brown" about race relations in the country last four years. being played over and over. last night we watched two dueling town halls. by the way live crowds at both of them in person. moderator in person.
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but we were told we couldn't have a debate because that was too dangerous. basically the same exact situation was too dangerous to have a second debate to elect the leader of the free world. all of it is being exposed, ainsley. none of it is being hidden. none of it is respectful for the decision we have to makes a americans. brian: steve scully would have been such a fair and balanced moderator in retrospect. such a shame. controversy. never trumper on twitter and social media. thanks so much. good job, jedediah, booking this lineup over the weekend. jim jordan is going to be here, right? thom tillis, sean duffy, rachel campos-duffy and danica patrick. good job. pete: thanks. jedediah: tough job. somebody has got to do it. steve: have a great weekend. they will be on from 6:00 to 10:00 tomorrow morning. meanwhile, it's your friday. you are wondering about the weather. and there she is with it.
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janice: good morning, everyone. happy friday. we made it through. a few things to tell you about. we have a cold front that has reached the deep south where it's going to feel much cooler than it has been over the last couple of weeks. along that cold front that's where we are going to see the potential for some showers and thunderstorms. some heavier rainfall for parts of new england. but there are your freeze advisories. very widespread across the plain states, the great lakes, the ohio river valley where temperatures are below freezing. here comes the snow. yes, we could get it across the northern plains this weekend for parts of northern rockies in to places that haven't seen the snow since last season. parts of minnesota and south dakota. and montana. so that next system is going to move in. otherwise, a pretty quiet forecast, except we do have high heat across the west coast. of course, that's not helping the fire danger, heat advisories are posted for many of the coastal areas across california. and there is your forecast. so we will watch that covet move through. feels like fall, even winter in some spots. and still summer across the west
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coast. happy friday. we made it, my friends. round of applause for everybody. steve: very nicely done. whew. ainsley: thank you, janice. 46 minutes after the top of the hour. the left is serious with senator dianne feinstein because she hugged senator lindsey graham at the end of the confirmation hearing. senator graham is here to react coming up next.
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>> my wife and i are in disbelief at the lack of coordinated federal action on covid-19. >> how will you, as president, reverse this dangerous and discriminatory agenda. >> mr. vice president, if you lose, what will that say to you about where america is today? brian: joe biden facing a wide array of questions from voters and abc very friendly moderator with george stephanopoulos in a town hall last night. one question that didn't come up the bombshell "new york post" report on his son hunter and maybe him meeting with the third ranking burisma executive, which he does not deny. here to react south carolina senator lindsey graham the chairman of the senate judiciary committee. senator, this is bigge big stor. why wouldn't that come up? >> well, number one, forget about the emails. we do know that hunter biden
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received millions of dollars from burisma, the most corrupt natural gas company in the ukraine. here's what's important. joe biden was given the portfolio of the ukraine to go clean up corruption. he gives a speech to the ukrainian parliament about corruption. while is he talking to the ukrainian parliament about corruption, his son is on the board of the most corrupt gas company in the ukraine. can you imagine if donald trump -- and you said this previously. this had been somebody in the trump family goes this sweetheart deal? what do you think stephanopoulos would have said? brian: absolutely. and china and this thing is blowing up in china and this energy company over there and what he did. and the email that says to his daughter, unlike my dad, i'm not going to make you give 50% of all your earnings to me. we are seeing emails on this. bottom line you couldn't get it on facebook or twitter. they blocked it.
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if you tried toe retweet it, they brought you down and suspended you. and that resulted in you doing what yesterday with ted cruz? >> well, ted and i and along with senator hawley are going to have a mark i up tuesday o marks week to the head of twits tore come in and explain. this these social media companies have a lot of control over our lives. i think they are a threat to democracy. when you can shut down the flow of information. when you can censor what millions of americans would see, that's a threat to democracy. this section 230 we talk about, where you can't sue a media company if they post something that libels you. you can't sue them if they censure your content. section 230, this is the beginning of the end of section 230. liberals don't like it. conservatives don't like it. my mission in life, if i come back to the astronaut, and the next session, is to eliminate section 230 liability protections for social media companies. brian: so, depending on your
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vote, with judge barrett who i think is by all accounts been sensational over the last three days, that will decide whether joe biden packs the court or not. i'm sure have you seen that sound bite. so what is he looking for? what should he expect? >> well, joe biden is going to do whatever he is told to do by the left. you know, dianne feinstein said something nice to me at the hearing about the way i was patient and allowed the democrats to talk. she is going to vote against barrett. she didn't like the process. she called it i will legitimate. but she was at a human level i know her. she sits why me. we are friends. opposite sides of the aisle. look what happened to her when we hugged for about five seconds. the entire lift cam left came dr wants to kick her out of her job. joe biden is going to live in fear of these people. they have taken over the democratic party. i hope you understand what happened yesterday. to hug lindsey graham, people on the left call for your dismissal
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after you have served your state and your nation for decades. cue imagine what they would do to anybody that vote you had for barrett? can you imagine what they do to president biden if he didn't adopt their agenda? this is a dangerous moment in american politics. the radical left has taken over. they are trying to take me out. they raised $57 million to beat me in south carolina because i'm helping trump. i stood up for kavanaugh. and i need people to help me. i have got amy's back have my back lindsey these people are coming after all of us. but a hug with lindsey graham resulted in diane feinstein's career wanting to be terminated by the far left. brian: right. here is the quote from this advocacy group it's time for senator feinstein to step down from leadership position on the senate judiciary committee. if she won't, her colleagues need to intervene because she was civil. is. >> you think at home finance
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okay disagree people show affection. dianne feinstein is liberal to the core. she voted against kavanaugh. so brian fallon and that crowd is in charge of the democratic party. joe biden will stack the court. they will add numbers to the court to make it liberal. they will do away with electoral college to deal out south carolina. they are trying to -- they are on a search and destroy mission when it comes to everything trump. they will transform this country. and if you are democrat get in their way, just imagine what you would do to you if you stood up to their agenda much less hug me. brian: senator, great job this week. i can't hug you because i don't want to get brian fallon mad. back in a moment. honey? yeah? i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this new robitussin honey severe. the real honey you love... plus, the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? new robitussin honey severe. strong relief for your severe symptoms.
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you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. ♪ ♪ >> how about that question of expanding the court? >> well, i'm not a fan. it depends on how this turns out. >> start out with white supremacy, i denounce it. why aren't you asking joe biden about questions about why doesn't he condemn antifa? >> a town hall moderator insert as a sparring partner in making the show about herself. >> we're getting more e-mails here at fox news, new ones raising questions over hunter's dealings with i china. >> they're not even disputing it. these are hunter biden's e-mails, texts. >> make the case for judge amy coney barrett.
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the powerful testimony from a behind student. >> i don't think i would be in my career where i am right now. >> i have to say, you have a great smile. you're so handsome when you smile. ♪ ♪ brian: i think they could actually do that if they were still together. 20 million people have already voted. we are well into this election cycle. we now almost had two debates. we're about to have a debate next week. we had dueling town halls, we'll go over that shortly. steve: that's right, they were town halls, where people from the town they get to ask questions, but on nbc, where was the town? savannah guthrie, for the most part, asked questions for, i
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think, over 20 minutes? and then finally they said, okay, mr. president, we have some questions with. ainsley: griff jenkins is in washington. he joins us with the latest on all of those e-mails. more have been released, right? >> reporter: that's right, good morning. abc ignoring the story, fox news obtaining new e-mails in addition to the ones we reported yesterday between hunter and a top executive the at the ukrainian energy firm burisma involving an alleged meeting with his father. these new ones raise questions about hunter's dealings with china. this one, may 17th, about remoon ration packages including packages from august 17th, hunter seeking $10 million in a deal interesting to me and my family. hunter's attorney saying we have no idea where this came from and certainly cannot credit anything provided to the new york post. but what i do know for certain
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is that that this purported meeting never happened. meanwhile, twitter is revising its policy on posting hacked materials after the backlash for censoring the post's story, claiming they will label questionable tweets instead of blocking them as they did. senate judiciary chairman lindsey graham telling bruin he'll subpoena them, and senate tom cotton last hour had this message for twitter. >> this week they declared open war on the republican party, and my message for these oligarchs is simple, winter is coming. >> reporter: and it comes as the senate homeland security committee opens an investigation into the e-mails and the validity of this story, guys. brian, ainsley, steve? brian: thanks so much. meanwhile, geraldo rivera, fox news correspondent at large, as you know. i don't know who had the clicker in your house, hopefully you. [laughter] what did you think about the fact -- >> we were struggling. steve: wait a minute, you don't
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have have two tvs at your mansion? >> we have two tvs, but we wanted to, like, feed off each other. it's a yin and a yang situation. we needed the passion of the opposite -- ainsley: i am curious, because i know erica put the sign out, she's a biden supporter, and you put a sign with an arrow saying that's my wife -- >> wife only, yeah. ainsley: i'm curious to know what she thought. i want to hear your opinion, but i do want to hear what a democrat thought about it. >> well, that's an excellent way, ainsley, to back into my point. erica was filled with admiration for savannah guthrie for interrogating the president with such ruthless abandon, you know? starting off why don't you wear masks, you're killing tens of thousands of people, you're a white supremacist who believes -- you know, erica was cheering that on, you know, right on, right on. and then the biden, isn't he
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nice, isn't he sweet, oh, isn't he awe adorable, he's suffered so much in his life. so erica went with on and on, you know? they say in yiddish -- [speaking in native tongue] over joe biden, couldn't be more filled with admiration and affection for hum. meantime, i'm saying, are you kidding me? they didn't ask hum about the hunter biden e-mails. that's the story of the day. george stephanopoulos should have been briefed on that, my goodness. this guy, did he lie? are these mails real? is this computer really hunter biden's? i was a little us from rah traited. i got up and stormed around the house, sat back down and, you know, the only good thing was there was one nice black lady sitting behind the president who was nodding and giving thumbs up, and i said, well, there's one person in the room who agrees with me. steve: i think a lot of people were clicking around. eventually, even though they were on different channels, it became the same show.
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call it it grilling and chilling, because on nbc the president was getting the grilling, on abc george was just chilling with joe. if people missed it, just walking up, here's a highlight. >> you have said repeatedly the only way we lose this election is if it is rigged. now, that is simply not true. will you accept the results of the election? >> the answer is yes i will, but i want it to be an honest election. >> there is, in fact, no evidence of widespread fraud, and you are so -- >> how about that question of expanding the court? is the nomination of judge barrett reason enough to rethink your position? >> if i had answered the question directly, then all the focus would be on what's biden going to do if he wins. >> you're still not a fan? >> i'm not a fan. it depends how this turns out. >> your administration is about to go to the supreme court to throw out the rest of obamacare which includes protections for pre-existing conditions. >> in order to replace it with a much better health care at a
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much lower price. >> well, you haven't replaced it. you've been in office -- >> if it's effective, will you mandate its use? >> the answer is depending on how clear -- there's vaccines, they say, have a very positive impact. >> you were asked point to denounce white supremacy. in the moment you didn't -- >> you've done this to me, everybody -- i denounce white supremacy, okay? you didn't ask joe biden whether or not he denounces antifa. >> this is a little bit of a dodge. >> are you listening? i denounce white supremacy. >> what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that continually fails to protect them? >> well, i say, first of all, as my buddy john lewis said, it's a sacred opportunity to make a difference. if young black women and men vote, you can determine the outcome of this election. >> did you hear what you needed to hear? >> i think so.
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brian: that's -- not really. steve: you could really tell the temperature in the two different rooms was quite different. geraldo, do you think, you know, yesterday nbc was taking so much flak for having both the president on their air opposite joe biden on abc. do you think that she went after him, was instructed, hey, go after him so that people will realize you are trying to actually hurt him? get some answers that we haven't gotten in the past? >> i'm not, i'm not privy to any special inside information other than the fact that i am an alumni of the today show having served there for several years before i came to fox. it's a great show, but there's no doubt that -- excuse me, sorry. there's no doubt that savannah guthrie was told by her bosses and her colleagues, or if she wasn't told directly, she got the vibe. nbc was so aping arely, i mean, the -- angry, i mean, the staff, rachel maddow and so forth, the
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real trump haters, were so angry that the network had provided this air time to the president and, moreover, had given him the same time slot as joe biden so people could compare this morning, i haven't seen the ratings yet, whether the president prevailed or joe biden prevailed. but there was no doubt that savannah guthrie came there with an agenda. nbc had by far the most lovely setting. the bridge was illuminated, they had, you know, a social distance but they had real people and the very elaborate outdoor setting. i thought it was lovely but, man, she came to prosecute. she was wham, wham, wham, you know? question after question, or why don't you wear a mask. when you denouncedded white supremacy, you seemed to have a hitch in your voice, you didn't quite -- so he had to denounce white supremacy four times. it was very, very different. she seemed to be marching to the beat of a whole different drummer than george stephanopoulos who did not
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mention, for example, when joe biden was asked by the black youngster and the question came up about the criminal justice system and what happened with the super predator law of 1994 and so forth, i think there should have been a mention that george stephanopoulos worked for the clinton the administration during that very debate in the 1990s. i mean, it would have been nice if we knew who these folks really were and what their m.o. and what their ambition really was. i think -- brian: you mean,al doe, that the chief of staff, savannah guthrie's husband who was the chief of staff for al gore, that might have also played out. every day we're getting other ballot problems. 29,000 western pennsylvania voters received incorrect voters, double ballots sent out to thousands of new yorkers when they requested absentee voters, people are getting military absentee ballots in new york. no one's ever gotten to the bottom of that.
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the prime minister has every -- the president has every reason to be suspicious with this massive change to mail-in ballots. the only thing that we've shown is that we can't do it. >> well, i have a slightly different take the, brian. i've been around for so many elections, and it always seems despite the controversies or the problems that the count is fairly legit. i am, i go to bed if the election is not too close, go to bed pretty confident that i know who won the election in pennsylvania and then the wisconsin and michigan and in florida. i remember florida recount. my god, if we were going to throw out the system then, you know, at all, at i any time, it would have been then with the votes deciding who was president of the united states, then al gore graciously decided to concede after the supreme court in bush v. gore made its decision to stop the recount. i think the people have faith in elections. i think that when the president is challenging the process, he is making sure that everybody is
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on their toes. it's very difficult to cheat on any kind of massive scale. i'm pretty confident. but i'm telling you, the big story of history will come to regard this presidency as the president whose every word was construed in the most evil way possible by people hostile to him, whose track record -- brian: one more story -- ainsley: geraldo -- >> it's president trump against the world. ainsley: the problem a lot of conservatives feel and the president brought this up last night, we're going to talk about censorship, but the president said he spied on my campaign, he tried to take down a duhy-elected sitting president, and when they ask if there's going to be a peaceful transfer of power, yes, but i want an honest election are. george is not even asking about hunter biden, which is a big story right now, and twitter and facebook are not even allowing the story to be posted. abc, nbc and cbs nightly news never even mentioned the story. are they, democrats -- republicans have got to fight
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because democrats are feeling like they want to change the narrative. they don't want the public to know about these things. steve: and twitter changed their policy -- ainsley: yes. steve: -- because they took so much crap -- ainsley: and now they're being subpoenaed. the ceo's being subpoenaed. lawmakers are furious. >> ainsley's point is a brilliant one. history will come to regard or the 45th presidency as the one that existed in the most hostile environment you could possibly imagine. from the day he took office, there has been this attempt to undo the election of 2016. they've done everything they possibly can to undermine him. it is not an overstatement, you know, i've been accused of overstatement in my long career. this is not an overstatement to say this was a de facto coup, a continuing coup attempt to undo the election of 2016. and it continues to this very day. the media is so enormously stacked against this man. even if i don't agree with his
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policies, the reason i'm so sympathetic to donald trump is i feel he really gets the short end of the stick on a daily basis. he's judged by a far harsher standard than the democrat is. it is -- than joe biden is in this case, than the democrats generally are. i think what happened with the guy from steve -- and his connections and bench dealing and everything else really is an indication that these people are awe rayed against the president -- arrayed against the president, and they try to overdo one another in who can con denial him most effectively. brian: right. and good luck with that, because he still is well within shouting distance of winning four more years. geraldo rivera, thanks so much. straight ahead, china's president warning to his military to prepare for war. how concerned should we be? general jack keane next. e firstn strength
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♪ ♪ brian: chinese president xi warning his army to folk their minds on, get this, minds and energy on preparing for war, urging them to be, quote, absolutely loyal, absolutely pure, absolutely reliable. this coming during president xi's latest visit to a military base, that according to china state-run news, as tensions between the u.s. and china remain at an all-time high. it's us they're worried about. let's bring in fox news' senior strategic analyst, four-star general jack keane. general, what did we do to make them want to say that? >> well, frankly, we tell our troops the same thing, prepare for war, but there is a difference. we're not going to start a war. we tell our troops to prepare
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for war is so that we can deter war, so that based on our capabilities, the performance of our troops, the training of them and then the military capabilities that we have, we want to be a deterrence. what xi is talking about is possibly on the agenda, an invasion or blockade or an attack of taiwan to solidify that country and make it a part of china. we have one country, two systems now which means that taiwan is a flourishing democracy and has been almost since its existence, and the united states has been providing them significant amount of weaponry which we can do as a result of a treaty that we have called the taiwanese relations act that jimmy carter as president did in 1979. but it's ambiguous whether we would defend taiwan or not. i believe this administration has been the strongest supporter of taiwan since the enaction of that treaty.
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and i also believe that we should take away the ambiguity and declare that we would defend taiwan with our allies and create a bona fide deterrence. what we wanted to do is prevent war by our willingness to go to war, and that's been a proven principle that we use, brian, dealing with the soviet union for 40 years. of. brian: absolutely. and we're amping it up and giving them more sophisticated weapons and giving more diplomats, so we are not taking a backward step. after hong kong, obviously, the taiwanese were very worried with about what would happen to them, because the world really did nothing. let's fast forward and talk about what the united nations did, they thought it would be a good idea to elect cuba, china and russia and put them on the human rights council. isn't that fascinating? >> yeah, that's farcical, and it is why so many people have problems with the united nations. to think that we could put on
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the human rights commission, which is supposed to uphold human rights worldwide, people who are repressing the rights of their own citizens, i mean, it's outrageous behavior by the u.n., and this has been going on for some time. and this is why i believe the turn administration made the right -- the trump administration made the right decision in 2018, brian, to pull away from the human rights commission, because it is farcical. it is so hypocritical. it violates its own code e and principles. i don't believe we should pull how of the u.n. i think that's a body that we should try to fix from within, and there's a lot of fixing that's needed, and this is certainly one of them. brian: absolutely. keep in mind, they've got millions of muslims, uighurs locked up is simply because they're uighurs. how people in the rest of the world tolerate it, i don't get. they were upset about gitmo, convicted terrorists going to a prison, but the muslim world is quiet as a church mouse about this horrific modern-day concentration camp.
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we do have some good news on the horizon, and that is this hypersonic missile develop by the u.s. had a test, and it came within 6 inches of its target. what does this do, how relieved are the engineers? >> yeah. well, this is great news because russia and china are in advance of us in the development of this capability, like a number of other capabilities where we've fallen behind because of our 20-year involvement with the 9/11 wars. and, certainly, the trump administration putting money on this has helped significantly. and for our viewers to understand, this is very different than normal missiles. this -- hypersonic means this travels at america ach -- mach , flies into space and comes back in and maneuvers dramatically so the missile defense systems and the radars that are trying to
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defend against it cannot because of the maneuverability and speed of this weapon. this is the new way of war. and this, these weapons will be used to take out ships, they'll is have multiple war heads on them where they could attack an entire fleet of ships all at one time and also take out major land facilities like airfields and buildings and depots. very, very different. and what it will do, it also will weaponize space because you want to deal with the satellites that are controlling these weapons systems like this one and knock that satellite out so that they can't use the missile system. so that's one of the reasons why we needed the space force and the focus on it. brian: and for those people wondering what's happening with our money at the pentagon, that's happening. by having that missile, that saves lives. general, thanks so much. appreciate it. >> yep. good talking with you, brian. have a good weekend. brian: you too. up straight ahead, in a town hall moderated by abc news'
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george stephanopoulos, joe biden says he's okay with raising taxes during a pandemic. >> is it wise to do even that when the economy is as weak as it is right now -- >> absolutely. brian: exactly. check my card. former obama economic adviser robert wolf and white house economic recovery task force member stephen moore here to check their cards next. when you're through with powering through, it's time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. powerful relief so you can restore and recover. theraflu hot beats cold.
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♪ ♪ steve: joe biden addressed concerns over his tax plan during last night's town hall. >> if you make sure that people making over 400 grand pay what they did during the bush administration, 39.6%, it would raise another -- it goes up to -- let me get the exact number here. >> you're. going to raise corporate taxes and taxes on the wealthy, is it wise to do even that when the economy is as weak as it is right now? steve: absolutely, he is said right there. well, good place for discussion. we've got fox news contributor and former obama economic adviser robert wolf, screen left, and screen right, member of the trump white house economic recovery task force, stephen moore. hey, robert, we heard joe biden say, absolutely, it's okay to
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raise taxes during a pandemic. >> listen, the way i would look at it is one he said no one will be touched under 400,000. if you look at his tax plan, a predominance of their tax report is those that make over a million, and much more over three much if you make between 400,000-800,000, you go from 25 to 25.5%. if you look at husband plan, which is about 2 trillion of relief and 3 trillion of new spending, he's literally going to paw for his new spending -- pay for his new spending, and the rest is going to be relief similar to what we're talking about on capitol hill. i think it's the right plan. it it hits about $1.3 trillion of the trump tax reform which is predominantly only the wealthy, and i think we have to look at it like a patriotic tax. this pandemic has been a war, and people like you, steven, like me, we have to pay for it, and i'm okay with that. steve: if i recall correctly, that particular question was asked by somebody who voted for
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donald trump last time around. stephen, do you agree with robert that the middle class will not feel any impact on a tax increase? >> well, first of all, i just wish i were as rich as robert is. of. [laughter] i wish i had a penny for every dollar you have, robert. look, we did the tax consistent. as you know, i helped design that tax cut when donald trump came into office, and people like robert are, you know, people like vice president joe biden said it would be a mistake, it e wouldn't work, it would hurt the economy, and we now have the results, right? we brought the unemployment rate down to the to the lowest level in history for blacks and hispanics, we saw huge wage with gains for americans. now, robert, we saw the poverty rate in the united states fall to its lowest level in the history of the united states. that means there were a smaller percentage of poor people two years after we did our tax cuts than any time in american history. in other words, it was a
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spectacular success. why in the world would you want to repeal it? i mean, democrats talk about science. we did the science, we did the experiment, it worked, and yet this seems to me to be a kind of triumph over itology over what really -- ideology over what really works. and the reason it works, steve, this is important, those people this vice president biden is talking about, most of those people are small businessmen and women. i just don't get it. steve: well, the question was regarding whether or not it was smart to raise taxes during a pandemic, and as robert said, only people over $400,000 -- >> yeah, but they're small business owners. steve: well, there you go. regarding the pandemic though, when you look -- if you divide america red states and blue states, it turns out the unemployment rate in the red states right now averages about 6.6% whereas in blue states, robert, it is about 10.5%.
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so 4% higher. what is going on in the red states that is not going on in the blue states? >> well, the states are very different. first of all, the three largest cities in the country -- new york city, los angeles and chicago -- have absolutely been impacted by the pandemic. number two, tourist and deaths nation places like nevada -- destination places like nevada and las vegas, hey have been impacted. -- hawaii, they've been iming pacted. and with we knew the black and brown communities were going to be impacted the most. the gap in unemployment between white males and his hispanics and black americans has gapped dramatically, so this is not a surprise. every state has different demographicsings. this is not a surprise to anyone. as steve would look at, the states are very different. steve: stephen, do you agree
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with that analysis? >> go to my video, six million views on where do you want to live. basically the problem is -- i'm from chicago. i go to new york city. the mayors and the governors of those states have destroyed our great, great cities by shutting down. by the way, andrew cuomo, after all of this, is now locking down new york again. i mean, how crazy is that? by the way, steve, you now have texas, florida, georgia, utah, idaho, south carolina, red states are open for business, they're balancing their budget, blue astronauts are a disaster -- blue states are a disaster. let's make america look more like texas and florida. steve: so what have we learned today? both points of view, but we also learned that stephen's got a video that's been seen six million times and robert is really rich. [laughter] guys, thank you very much. >> thank you. ing. steve: joe biden said he's not a fan of packing the courts, but heal suggests he's open to the idea with. judge jeanine on that next.
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i didn't saw -- it depends on how this turns out. i mean, it depends on how much they rush this. >> if they do it before the election, you're open to expanding the court? >> i'm open to what happens -- >> they do have a right to know before they vote. >> so you'll come out with a clear position before election day. >> yes. >> why wait? ainsley: depending on. steve: joe biden seemingly reversing his pledge, hinging his decision on how the senate handles the vote for judge amy coney barrett. ainsley: author of that book right there that we posted a picture of yesterday, "don't lie to me," judge jeanine pirro. hey, judge. >> good morning. can you believe what's going on?
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[inaudible conversations] >> go ahead. ainsley: you go ahead, i'm sorry. >> okay. the bottom line here is that there's no news with the media. they just take sides. and they allow joe biden to say, okay, it depends on how it goes. look, you know that amy coney barrett is going to make it to the supreme court. there's enough votes at the end of it. but the fact that a 15 million people have already voted, what about them? are they not entitled to though how he feels? this is the left, it's the height of hypocrisy. they're condescending and looking at the rest of us saying you're not entitled to know what i think even though i want you to hire me for the most important job in the united states. it is unfathomable that this guy actually is allowed to go to town halls and not even answer any of the questions. brian: two days ago "the new york post" had the e-mails of hunter biden, and i think it's intriguing that no one denies they're hunter biden's e-mails.
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a little dicey about how that laptop got to delaware fix-it shop. the guy there wasn't the owner, but he was the manager, he's blind, but he fixes computers which is a challenge. but no one denies it, and no one denies anymore that joe biden didn't meet with the number three at burisma. so why wouldn't that come up last night? >> exactly. well, it didn't come up last night because it would make joe look bad. their job to make joe look good. they're not in there to get answers or truth for the american people. they want to just skip over the whole thing, make believe it didn't happen which is what the big tech companies are doing. you know, they're saying we're removing this because it was hacked. meanwhile, biden never said it was hacked. in fact, biden hasn't answered any questions, and the truth is that there is evidence that at the very least requires a cross-examination regarding whether or not biden did meet with the executives of burisma, whether or not he got e-mails,
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whether or not he's an individual who went over there to fire the prosecutor leveraging our money in order to benefit husband son and the -- husband son and the biden crime family to get millions of dollars. joe biden's son went to europe with a vacuum cleaner. he sucked up money from ukraine, millions from moscow, billions from china, how much did he leverage that we don't know anything about? steve: you know, it's too bad you wouldn't have anything to talk about on your show tomorrow night, 18 days away from the election. who you got lined up? >> well, we have senator lankford, senator tillis are, mike huckabee, dan bonn gee know, charlie kirk, the whole gang, and we're going to be talking about what is going on with the media in america, the fact that joe biden is incapable of answering questions, and he is not even being asked questions while donald trump is being asked the same question over and over as if he's never answered the question. steve: and by the way, judge, we
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haven't talked to you with over the last couple of weeks, but i just wanted to, on behalf of my wife kathy, thank you very much for sharing your mother esther's soup recipe e in our cookbook. number one new york times bestseller, you know what that feels like. >> congrats. steve: it's a great recipe. and check out her show, her recipe for success is tomorrow night at 9 p.m. eastern, and her new book, "don't lie to me," is available everywhere. judge jeanine, thank you very much. ainsley: okay, let's hand i it over to janice with the forecast for the weekend. janice: we've got a few things to talk about, a bug old cold front that's settled in across the midwest, the ohio valley, so temperatures feeling below normal in a lot of these areas. let's take a look at it where we have freeze advisories in effect not only for this morning, but into saturday morning and sunday for all of these areas. so widespread where we could see the potential for temperatures below the freezing mark.
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and behind that we could see our first measurable snow over parts of the midwest and the northern plains this weekend. so there's the satellite radar imagery. along that cold front as it continues to move towards the east coast, that's where we're going to see the heaviest rainfall. as far south as the gulf coast, and behind it is when our next system moves in from the northwest, and that's going to give us perhaps measurable snow. chicago, maybe a little snow flurry activity on sunday. there's your forecast precipitation, so there it is, that snow from through north dakota, south dakota and up towards minnesota. all right. let's take a look at the forecast today. also want to make menace it's warmer than -- mention it's warmer than average across california, heat advise trues posted and, unfortunately, wildfire danger is still imminent. otherwise miami looking good this weekend, 84 degrees for you. back to you, steve, ainsley and brian. and, steve, by the way,
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congratulations your awesome number one bestseller. steve: thank you very much, janice dean, and i was horrified to hear that you actually mentioned snow and here we are the 16th day of october. thanks, j.d. brian: meanwhile, coming up the new day, are most of the popular and deck rated tag teams -- decorated in wwe history, but tonight fox will be their final match as a group. they join us live before that farewell. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> it's friday, we made it. president trump and joe biden in dueling town halls last night, byron york here to react. plus, the latest on censorship, the trump campaign joining us with brand new reaction and bind changing his stance -- baden changing his stance on -- biden changing his stance on packing the court. coming up live from america's newsroom in moments. ainsley: a high schooler says he got thrown out of his virtual classroom because of a trump flag on his wall. anthony rivera says he was ordered by his chemistry teacher in new jersey to take it down. anthony and husband mother
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joined us earlier saying he refused. >> i didn't take it down, and i shook my head no, and he eventually kicked me out. >> i couldn't believe it. i got on the phone right away with the school. i was shocked. >> the school saying in a statement, quote: the student was not in violation of any general code of conduct or any policy specifically related to virtual learning. we have worked with and are continuing to work with all involved parties to resolve the issue and move forward. a former law student of judge amy coney barrett testifies during the fourth day of confirmation hearings saying barrett encouraged her to become the first blind woman to clerk for the supreme court. she joined us earlier to explain why she testified on judge barrett's behalf. >> the reason i wanted to testify is it seems like the allegations from the democratic senators is going unchallenged is this idea that she does not care, and it's just not true. i witnessed that, so many other people have witnessed it.
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>> she saws judge barrett continues to be a mentor to her both professionally and personally. brian? brian: all right. wwe fans gearing up for the season premiere of friday night smackdown tonight on fox. steve: that's right. our next guest will make his final appearance with his tag team, the new day, before he goes solo full time. ainsley: joining me now is wwe superstar big e. hey, big e. >> hello. how are you? ainsley: good morning, we're doing well. why'd you decide to go solo e? >> it wasn't my decision, fortunately. my partners were drafted the raw. we've been together for six years, so it's a bittersweet day, for sure. brian: so when you're a tag team partner, how do you approach your job differently as opposed to a see low guy? >> well, we're like brothers. we do everything together. we make all our decisions together, and now i'm going to have to make decisions on my own. so it's going to be different, for sure. the love is still there, the
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brotherhood is still there. steve: you know, but something different this season is, big e, is the fact that there's this pandemic and, you know, we've been watching how all the different sports are doing social distancing and testing and things like that. what's going on behind the scenes at the wwe? because, you know, when you are working, you are right there in somebody's face. >> yeah. well, we love our fans, and we muss them, but now we have something we call the thunder dome, and it's lights, and it's actually panel screens, and our fans get to virtually be there so you can log in before, and you can actually see yourself on the screen watching the show. so it's not exactly the psalm as being there in person, but it is cool that we're finding ways to get our fans involved. i'mainsley: so what can we expet tonight? >> a lot of great action. we have a big title match, obviously, farewell of the new day is the only thing really
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that you need to tune in for. but it's our season premiere, and it's on fox at 8 p.m. excited about it and, yeah, i might cry a little bit. it's okay to cry. [laughter] brian: yeah, it's okay. and lastly, my favorite tag team were the blackjacks. dud you grow up and have a favorite wrestler growing up? >> oh, yeah. i loved goldberg. he was my favorite. wcw, people went nuts for him. but i had so many favorites, vadar as well, i loved the legion of doom. i had a lot of favorites, for sure. steve: yeah. and some of the video we were looking at, was that a, in the background that we're looking at right there, what -- it looks like a macaroni cheeseburger. what is going on behind -- [laughter] >> so this is very random, but a friend of mine, he lives -- he randomly sent it to me. we were talking about cheese, and i saw a picture, and i said
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this was so good that i wish i could hang it on my wall, and a week or two later. >> actually mails me randomly a picture of a burger. brian: with your abs, i don't think you're eating many of them. ainsley: so, big e, tell us about you. there are a lot of viewers that might not be familiar with your sport, and wen want them to watch tonight -- we want them to watch tonight. tell them why they should pull for you, your story and how you got into it. >> i think you should pull for me and the new day because we're fun, we're a bit goofy. i'm from tampa, florida, i played football at the university of iowa. i was a high school wrestling state champion. but the beauty of wwe and what we do is it's drama, athleticism, we have lights and lasers. it's the peak of live intertaunt, if you -- entertainment, if you ask me. steve: well, it's a real pleasure talking to you today, big e. don't miss the season premiere
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of wwe friday night smackdown tonight on fox at 8 p.m. thank you very much. ainsley: thank you. is that cheeseburger in your cook book, steve? steve: it ought to be. ainsley: the next one. ♪ - i'm norm. - i'm szasz. [norm] and we live in columbia, missouri. we do consulting, but we also write. [szasz] we take care of ourselves constantly; it's important. we walk three to five times a week, a couple miles at a time. - we've both been taking prevagen for a little more than 11 years now. after about 30 days of taking it, we noticed clarity that we didn't notice before. - it's still helping me. i still notice a difference. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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set it for 6:00 a.m. every single day. and now is all the time i had in my final nine seconds. >> let me just say hope everybody has a great weekend. we'll see you back on monday. >> have a good time. bye, everyone. >> we have the strongest economy in the world. we closed it up. we're coming around the corner. vaccines are coming out soon and our economy is strong. we are at a level with jobs like we've never been before. we've rebuilt our military, we've rebuilt our borders. we had no borders, no nothing. we've rebuilt so much. >> i've never been more optimist particulars about the country than today. people are ready, they understand what's at stake. we have to heal this nation. we have the greatest opportunity of any country in the world to own the 21st century. >> sandra: fox news alert on this friday morning. president trump and joe biden


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