tv Outnumbered FOX News October 16, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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told both president trump and joe biden are running late to their respective campaign stops throughout the day. so a bit behind schedule. >> florida and georgia for the president, michigan for joe biden. we'll see you here next week. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> harris: we begin on this friday with a fox news alert, new fallout now over the release of emails suggesting hunter biden introduced his father, then vice president joe biden, to a top executive to ukrainian energy firm burisma. now 19 house republicans are demanding that the fbi reveal whether it was in possession of that laptop said to contain hunter biden's emails during the impeachment of president trump. in a letter to fbi director, those house republicans wrote this. "a large portion of the president's legal defense case revolved around strong evidence that former vice president
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biden's son hunter was peddling his influence to his father to land lucrative jobs overseas. that he might not have otherwise been qualified for." this as president trump says hunter biden's emails show joe biden misled americans when he said he never talked to his son about his business dealings. >> joe biden has been blatantly lying about his involvements in his son's corrupt business dealings. joe biden is a corrupt politician, and he's been corrupt for many years. and everybody in washington knows it. >> harris: mike emanuel is live for us in washington with the news. mike. >> good afternoon, this is the latest investigation to spring up following the publication of some of hunter biden's alleged emails. arizona republican congressman andy bigs leading the letter asking fbi director a number of questions about this laptop that was handed over to the fbi last december during impeachment writing "if the fbi was in fact
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in possession of this evidence and failed to alert the white house to its existence, that would have given even more weight to the president's legal defense. this was a gross a written judgment and a severe violation of trust." fox news has obtained more emails reported to be from hunter biden's laptop from ma may 2017 my correspondence with chinese energy executives about renumeration packages including payment for six people. another from august 2017 seeking $10 million a year and a deal that would be interesting to me and my family. fox news has not independently authenticated these emails but a prominent senate replicant offered this assessment. >> what these documents reveal, if authentic, is largely what we've known all along about hunter biden and really his entire family. >> fox news caught up with the computer repair technician who says he turned over hunter biden's laptop to the fbi and
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told reporters he was scared to have it. rudy giuliani explain how he got involved. >> i called my lawyer and he said i have a group of males that are shocking to me, and displayed right on the face of it a number of federal crimes. my lawyer went down there, vetted him for two weeks actually. and i emphasize to you how this is authenticated. first of all, i did and my lawyer did. >> hunter biden's attorney says "we have no idea where this came from and certainly cannot credit anything that rudy giuliani provided to "the new york post." what i do know for certain is this reported meeting between vice president biden and the ukrainian energy executive never happen." so far, the fbi isn't saying anything about the laptop or these alleged emails. paris. >> harris: mike emanuel, thank you very much for getting us started. you are watching "outnumbered," i'm harris faulkner. here today fox business anchor
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dagen mcdowell, fox news contributor mollie hemingway, host of "kennedy" on fox business kennedy, and joining us today cohost of "the five" and fox news political analyst juan williams. great to see everybody. i think i see some raindrops in the background there. it's beautiful. nice rainy friday. so juan, watched both of them. the town hall, watched biden life, i didn't hear a question from george stephanopoulos. perhaps a missed opportunity for joe biden to get out in front. what should the strategy be on this for joe biden speaking up about it? >> juan: talking about this alleged email situation? >> harris: that's what we are talking about. >> juan: i don't know that there is much to get out ahead of, clearly his campaign has said that there was no such meeting on his calendar. the sun has said no such meeting occurred. the big story as we heard from
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our correspondent is that the emails have never been authenticated, we don't know where they came from, we don't know if this is part of a russian disinformation campaign. what we can say is that if it's all about whether or not biden was influenced by his son when he decided to fire that prosecutor or pressured for the firing of that prosecutor in the ukraine, clearly that was u.s. policy. the company burisma was not under investigation by the prosecutor. the u.s. wanted them to investigate burisma and that's what biden was doing. it's kind of backwards, that's why so many people who have looked into this really wonder if it's real. also, giuliani has not made the emails available so they can't be authenticated. you can't look back in terms of the forensics and save where did it come from, the dates are off so it looks like a last-minute effort to have an october
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surprise from a flailing trump campaign. >> harris: so we don't know. just like we didn't know, molly, when "the new york times" said they had tax returns and then they didn't actually have the tax returns for the president. in fact, they had not actually been able to show us any of that material because it wasn't in their possession. these are serious allegations. >> mollie: i think it's interesting these emails have been out for several days and will you hear biden defenders say the type of things that one just said, you don't hear anybody said these aren't real emails. we have a lot we still need to learn about how the biden family, including joe how joe biden got so wealthy during the time period that he was supposed to be to serving in government, they became very wealthy. these emails don't tell us everything but they give us a picture of how it is that people
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get wealth through access to power. i think the more important question is not that the biden family has gotten really wealthy by selling access to joe biden, but how policies are shaped by people in power. and so you see these emails with people in china and ukraine and it affects government policy. we've been very friendly toward china and that has benefited wealthy families like the bidens. but it hasn't benefited average americans, and so i think the policies are why these things are important. and we definitely have a media that's not very curious about how the biden family, not just hunter who has his own problems, it's joe biden's brother and other family members who have been implicated in this and so it's something we really could stand to learn a lot more about. >> harris: so, kennedy, as mollie is pointing out. you don't have to be overly curious to follow the facts, as i pointed out with the presidenx
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returns, all of it has to do with whether or not we can substantiate what these claims are. and what it should look like. is that where this needs to be? >> kennedy: the whole thing is weird, there needs to be due diligence. there has to be actual journalism and skepticism because anytime you have this weird fact, you can't just cobble them together under an umbrella and say we don't know it wasn't russia or we don't know it wasn't liechtenstein or canada or burma, for that matter. any one of those actors could have drugged hunter biden and forced him into a laptop repair store and drugged him again, so he forgot that he left it there so he never picked it up. there's so many things that are strange about this but don't just assume it's something
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called a russian disinformation campaign, i don't even know what that phrase means exactly. but i've seen a lot of terms and sentences of people saying things like well, i would be surprised if it wasn't russia. that doesn't make it russia. if you think it is and you're going to offer correlation like that, please show proof. and again, proof requires inquiry and investigation. so if there are aspects of the story that we don't know, and help us know them. >> harris: let's talk about that investigation, the fbi has revealed or the houses want to get to reveal whether it was in possession of the laptop of hunter biden while the democrats were trying to impeach the president. the significance of that to you and how hard should the press be to find that? >> dagen: it should be front and center for the fbi to figure
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out whether these emails are valid, what they mean, what they represent. i know senator ron johnson has said on fox news that they are in the process of validating the information. but to kennedy's point, members of the press and media do they really have any incentive to dig into these emails? the mainstream media that is, because what we saw in the last several days is deeply troubling and insidious on the part of the behavior of big tech companies, namely twitter. so if you're talking about censorship of one of the largest newspapers in the country to stop americans from reading a piece of journalism, they shut it down completely. silencing one of the largest newspapers but propping up their preferred presidential candidate by covering up a story that at the very least is unflattering. so the line is democracy dies in the darkness, well guess who's turning off the lights?
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left-wing liberal oligarchs out in silicon valley. >> harris: will move on. did joe biden just keep the door open on packing the u.s. supreme court? next, what he said last night at his town hall. and did not say about it, and when he says we'll know more. nce so you only pay for what you need? really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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on how senate republicans handled the confirmation of judge amy coney barrett." >> i have not been a fan of court packing because i think it just generates what will happen whoever wins just keeps moving it in a way that is inconsistent with what is going to be manageable. i'm not a fan, it depends on how this turns out. not -- it depends on how much they rush this. we want biden also said he will let voters know his stance on court packing before election day. he did seem to have a little bit more focused answer, i don't know if it's truly a complete answer though. because 18 million people, as he said last night, have already voted or are in the voting process right now. he thinks that they should not actually vote on this nominee until after the election. but even at that point, he
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didn't say what he would do. >> juan: i thought he did make a little bit of news when he said he believes the american people have a right to know before the election, before they vote and that he plans to let them know. but he said that he feels the process, as you just described it, with judge amy coney barrett is being rushed. and unfairly so, even as people are voting and the majority of american people speaking to th process have said that they believe the next president should be the one who makes the nominee. so i think he feels that he has leverage in some ways that he wants to stand with the democrats on the senate judiciary committee who have called for this to be slow down at least until after the election. it clearly the republicans have the votes, mitch mcconnell said yesterday they have the votes to confirm. >> harris: look, is that where he wants to use his leverage? or is it with the far left progressive who he better not
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make angry before election day? mollie as i mentioned, even the former vice president says millions have already voted. if he were concerned about how they felt, why didn't he say that last week? when this whole process started with the unfortunate death of a supreme court justice? >> mollie: the real group he doesn't want to anger if the nonleftists, they took it as a good indication that he is on board with their court packing scheme. moderates are people who say wait a minute, we don't think -- joe biden doesn't want to turn off the moderates who definitely wouldn't support such a scheme to exert more power. i think it's interesting we hear so much about donald trump accepting a loss if he loses, here we have senate democrats and their presidential candidate and other people openly talking about what they will do to make sure that they never lose power again no matter what the people say or do. that's what court packing is
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about. it's also what packing the senate is about, another idea they have is to add to states so they can have for reliable democratic votes and this is all about making sure they never lose power. and that's why joe biden is winking to people that he's on board with the court packing scheme without openly saying it, he doesn't want to be held accountable before election day for what he plans to do if he is elected. >> harris: that is so fascinating, i had it in the reverse. i thought maybe more progressives would want to hear him say certain things. superdelegates are another way that democrats thought they could ensure their future, as i've been reading. kennedy, that didn't work out for them in 2016. so what about this idea that they are going to own it forever? >> kennedy: they aren't going to own it forever, but to mollie's point and if you're talking about moderates and the few remaining rational voters out there, if you look at the concentration of executive power
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that really started under president george w. bush and was accelerated through the obama presidency, so if they are going to pack the court what else are they going to do? one other executive orders does joe biden have up his sleeve? what will he do with health care, immigration, infrastructure, and other big issues if they do win back the senate and maintain the house? i think those are questions that should absolutely be answered. amy klobuchar was practically crying because so many people had already voted and i think the idea of packing the court is as big an issue as a rapid confirmation of a supreme court justice. >> harris: you know dagen i'm going to get a quick word from you, that i want to go on to a point where joe biden said he made a mistake. we'll get to that, but your thoughts on this. >> dagen: joe biden doesn't want to talk about this because he wants the conversation to be about donald trump period.
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it's like joe biden would be perfectly happy with that, because he's leading not because people are voting for him but because they are voting against donald trump. so the less they are talking about joe biden, the better for him. what a third of voters said that they are voting for joe biden because of him, it could be lower. i didn't know his family was not large but nonetheless, 70% of people who voted for donald trump four years ago said that the supreme court and nominees were very important to them. joe biden avoiding the question up until right before election day is a huge mistake on his part. >> harris: all right, now to this: another big moment from last night, the former vice president was making some news. he certainly did when he said he woulhe'd did support the crime l of 1994, he called it "a mistake." he said that some part of that
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legislation. >> here's where the mistake ca came, the mistake came in terms of what the states did locally. what we did federally, you remember it was all about the same time for the same crime. >> harris: a little cleanup i'll 7. a member of bidens campaign later took to twitter to clarify that the former vp was speaking of a 1986 crime bill, not the controversial bill that biden champion. kennedy, what happened? >> kennedy: what happened was to mark these bills are both so incredibly problematic, and the 1986 crime bill created the disparity, the amount of time that you would spend in prison for how much crack you had. if you had 500 grams of crack,
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you would spend five years in prison. that begin the defamation of communities of color. then in 1994 which is when he was really disavowing, there was incentive is asian to the states to filled prisons and they were willing to give more money to the states that went along with the content of the federal crime bill. joe biden wasn't just a part of that bill, he authored it. he authored both of those. and they are deeply problematic. so again when he talks about systemic racism, this built the framework, this turns the system into a fortress. >> harris: mollie hemingway, i don't know how you mix up a 1986 and 1994 and hope to clear it up on twitter, some of which wasn't even working last night because of that whole hunter biden situation. we don't really know.
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that's complicated. >> mollie: it definitely comp located things and highlights another issue, which is joe biden has spent 50 long years in public service, nearly 40 years on the hill, eight years as vice president and pretty much his only legislative accomplishment where these crime bills, now he's disavowing them. it's very interesting to look at how these two campaigns are operating differently, donald trump says reelect me, look at what i've done, look at my foreign policy, look at what we've done with taxation and regulation and not getting into more foreign wars. and joe biden who has all this experience, much more than donald trump, says don't look at my record, i disavow what limited successes i had legislatively. look at how muc much i hate donald trump. and that is a very striking difference. >> harris: dagen i'm going to do my own cleanup, if you'll
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allow me. twitter obviously not down having anything to do with hunter biden, my apologies for a bad joke. as we look at this, it is interesting because the former vice president does see some room to try to address the issues that put so many people of color in prison. >> dagen: it's a long list of issues, kennedy missed the comp are hints of control act of 1994 which joe biden came together with senator strong determined to put together, which expanded federal drug trafficking penalties and civil asset forfeiture. and then also the antidrug abuse act of '88, so there's two more to add. that was the one that enhanced penalties and increased sentences for drug crimes. >> harris: you know, juan, this is something the former president gets asked about on a
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regular basis. if his answers consistent with what you want them to be this close to election day? >> juan: i think so, to me, this fits with something else he answered last night. he was asked by a young black man about his comments that if yo[boos] you ain't black if you are in voting for me. he said he was wrong to have said that and he made the case for why that young man should vote for him, with regards to this crime bellwether and the 80s or 90s i think you have to understand there was tremendous fear of crack cocaine, they talk of crack babies and things devastating, that lead of course to the '94 crime bill. and there you had the black caucus in congress, the black
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ministers, they wanted that bill. if we live in a different time and we can see some of the consequences, i think that's what the former vice president was speaking to last night when he said with regard to the 80s bill, some of this is how it was interpreted and handled by local authorities. clearly resulting in higher rates of incarceration that have now led people to say well how could you have done it? i think he tried to explain. >> harris: you know it's interesting? it was kind of a convoluted answer, that young black gentleman who specifically said a lot of us, meaning him and his demographic of age, would be sitting home again. he was waiting for a reason to vote for joe biden. he said that in his question. and then in the end, george stephanopoulos said did you get an answer to his question? and what did he say? >> juan: i think -- >> harris: joe biden missed an opportunity there. a lot of numbers but you put it
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better there. >> juan: vote for me, >> juan: team. >> harris: i'm going to vote for commercial. both nbc and abc taking heat for their handling of the dueling town halls last night, the accusations of media bias and double standards and whether they are on point. next. another bundle in the books. got to hand it to you, jamie. your knowledge of victorian architecture really paid off this time. nah, just got lucky. so did the thompsons. that faulty wiring could've cost them a lot more than the mudroom. thankfully they bundled their motorcycle with their home and auto. they're protected 24/7. mm. what do you say? one more game of backgammon? [ chuckles ] not on your life. [ laughs ] ♪ when the lights go down joe biden was raised with middle class values. joe doesn't need to be the center of attention.
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>> harris: sharply different towns in last nights dueling town halls, some critics are blasting nbc news savannah guthrie for appearing to debate president trump during that broadcast. she spent the first 20 minutes pressing the president on his health, white supremacy, before voters in the audience finally got to ask any questions. critics say joe biden was asked softballs at his town hall. >> we know that your administration would follow the signs. one following science have meant in terms of actual policy? and then looking forward, what would your administration do in terms of following the science with real concrete policies that haven't been done by the current administration? >> dagen: media reporter for the hill talking out guthrie for her performance as moderato moderator. >> 43 questions by savannah guthrie to president trump, that
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doesn't even include all the statements she made as well. you know how many questions the audience got? the whole reason we were having this event, a town hall. 10. savannah guthrie was there not to inform voters in this case, but instead to pacify nbc employees who were mad the town hall was being held in the first place. it was a farce as we expected. >> dagen: mollie, i go to the theater a lot and if they had just come on the loudspeaker before this town hall started and said the role of joe biden tonight will be played by savannah guthrie, then maybe the audience would've been like okay, this is what it's gonna be. >> mollie: it was amazing, and i love that you mentioned that savannah guthrie asked 43 questions to the ten questions from voters. whether they were voting for biden or undecided, they were so much better than nearly every question anybody in the media had posed to president trump. and that gave me a little bit of
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hope. but what people thought was joe biden being gently coddled by a former democratic press secretary and donald trump being set up by savannah guthrie. but it did not go the way that nbc had hoped it would go, donald trump had obviously an excellent night and he had good engagement with the audience. a savannah guthrie knew what all the questions were so she interrupted each answer with her own follow-up or two or three or four. and at one point it actually -- the crowd erupted in applause for the way that donald trump had answered and it showed the disparity between normal people and our media. >> dagen: juan, both of these men were out in public face to face with "moderators," why the heck didn't they have a debate? i know what happened with the moderators from c-span but shouldn't they have been debating for the american people in the same city in the same
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room? >> juan: i would've been good, i think that would serve the public interest days before the election. but remember, it was donald trump who pulled out of that debate, it wasn't joe bid joe biden. donald trump refused to debate and he blamed the presidential debate commission forcing given his covid diagnosis they would have it as a virtual event withe two candidates on a tv screen and president trump that he didn't want to do it. that's why they weren't together last night. >> dagen: they could have worked, right harris? come on. we work in real time, they couldn't work something out? >> harris: but they did work it out. dagen as you pointed out, they worked out in separate venues. the president said he didn't want t to do it virtually but there were other things going on behind the scenes that we know now with c-span moderators, didn't make the decision not to hold the debate but it's all kind of the backdrop.
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at the end of the day the american people deserve the debate and they didn't see that last night. they didn't see even town halls either, there's reporting today about some of the members of former obama administration questioners at the biden town hall. so there's an uneven handedness there that we need to shore up, and we mak better get it done s. american people deserve to see a fair verbal fight. >> dagen: i'd take that, kennedy, it was so easy for joe biden. he might as well have been laying back on a lounge with his feet propped up on george stephanopoulos as a footstool. >> kennedy: come on now. he could have been on a lovely seti did back set eating grapesy are apparently appointing him
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roman emperor so it's not a bad visual. george has had a similar town hall with president trump, and his tone was different. i would like to see joe biden in an interview with savannah guthrie and have her be as pointed and persistent and aggressive with joe biden as she was with president trump. i think that's fine, i don't have a problem with journalists being tough on politicians but i want it to happen to all politicians. if you have your finger on the button, then you're going to have someone else's finger wagging at you demanding answers and we have not seen that of joe biden yet. >> dagen: i have to work on that. >> harris: thank you all, twitter shifting its policy on sharing certain content amid backlash over its decision to block the hunter biden expose. but the latest changes drawing
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>> dagen: twitter is now shifting its policy on sharing materials amid controversy over its push to block the hunter biden report. a twitter executive says it will no longer remove certain hacked content and will instead provide context. but it will continue to block sharing of the hunter biden expose due to its policy against posing private information. republicans are now pushing for jack dorsey to testify. senator john charlie says americans should be able to take action against twitter and facebook. >> if you've been locked out of twitter or you can't distribute this new york post article on facebook you want to be able to
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sue them, you could do that with another company but you can't with facebook and twitter because of the special sweetheart deal they get from the federal government. and by the way, that's how they've gotten so big and powerful. they haven't done this on their own. everyone you know mollie, this is about censorship but i spoke with senator ted cruz who is helping to write that subpoena or push it through to get jack dorsey possibly on the hill next friday to testify. and he said this is about twitter weighing in and interfering in election. it goes even further for some looking at this. >> mollie: this is not government censorship but private censorship, that's an important difference. the election interference is so much more important and the threat to general republic and freedom of the press that this poses. twitter is not being honest about anything, they claim that they limited this distribution of a very important story about one of the candidates for
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president because it was hacked material. there is no evidence at this point that that was hacked material, and they keep on saying it as if that makes it so. there is evidence that "the new york times" engaged in hacked material with trump's taxes, they never explained in any way how they got a hold of what they claimed were those and yet twitter which says it has a policy in place didn't care about that. there are multiple examples of even foreign election or foreign governments hacking things at a twitter having no problem with that. to say nothing of how twitter allowed and encouraged the spread of false information about russia collusion and all of these types of things. twitter should not be trusted, don't believe it. they clearly are pulling out all the stops on behalf of their preferred presidential candidate joe biden musso's facebook, and this is something that is very, very important and very important for people who want to have their vote matter. if you cared about a few russian
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people on facebook, you should care about the hundred's of millions if not billions of dollars they are giving joe biden right now. >> harris: i want to give dagan a chance to weigh in on this, i know you look on these companies at fox business closely. gillian turner is reporting that twitter policy revision is not good enough, that's going to be a focus i would imagine going forward, that they didn't do enough to correct this. jack dorsey and the shift in policy, not enough. >> dagen: twitter is putting meringue on a cowboy the back cow pie and serving it up to the american people. stephen miller's address is circulating around twitter. and then also content obtained without authorization, that's basically journalism if you read the editorial page, those are some of the reasons they've given for this but you can only
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disseminate authorized material. i guess that rules out the pentagon papers, doesn't it. >> harris: wow. let's get to this, we will get you in on the next round. senator dianne feinstein facing some criticism over the hug she gave lindsey graham yesterday at the end of the amy coney barrett supreme court confirmation hearings. as they embraced, the criticism comes. who is upset at this show of partisanship? let's get into it ♪
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participated in, and i want to thank you for your fairness and at the opportunity of going back and forth. >> harris: get a room. california senator dianne feinstein praising judiciary committee chair lindsey graham yesterday for his handling of supreme court nominee amy coney barrett's confirmation hearings. the two also shared a hug. without wearing face masks! prompting liberal group to: feinstein to step down as the leading democrat on the dis committee. the executive director brian fallon, you might remember him, former press secretary for hillary clinton's campaign. he tweeted "feinstein is the top democrat is monumental weakness for the fight for the courts." i think people appreciate a little bit of bipartisanship in these troubled times. what's wrong with dianne feinstein being gracious and
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hugging lindsey graham? >> juan: we are talking politics here, not personal relationships and the politics obviously are in a very tough race against jimmy harris, the latest poll has graham up by about five points. when you look at that you say wait a second, why is she doing that and secondly, this whole rushed process for the confirmation and nomination of judge barrett has democrats like why don't we ever fight like the republicans, why don't we play hardball pushing something through even though the election is just days away? >> kennedy: isn't the issue they weren't fighting, that they were actually getting along? isn't that what everyone claims they want to see in washington? >> mollie: i don't think people are actually upset at dianne feinstein for how she handled the hearings, i think that probably people are trying to get her removed as chairman
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of the judiciary committee in the hope that democrats will take the senate and they need someone who is not as bipartisan as she has for pushing through the supreme court packing and packing of the senate. i do want to say one thing, it's not actually rushed, it's very much in line with typical supreme court confirmation process is taking about the same number of days as ruth bader ginsburg process took. everything has been unconstitutionally. i understand the democrats wish it weren't happening but it's not rushed historically speaki speaking. >> kennedy: give me some odds here, what are the odds that republicans lose the senate? >> dagen: i don't bet for a reason. i don't gamble at all, i can't lay good odds. i will say there is no place for civility and decorum when you have a lunatic left-wing agenda to push. just quickly point out that this
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organization and mollie knows this, demand justice is the one that ran a smear campaign against justice brett kavanaugh and they are calling for the democrats to pack the court and sheldon white house we could spend hours talking about asking questions about relationships with organizations like demand justice. nevertheless, there is a very left-wing agenda at injustices to this report and dianne feinstein might get in the way of that. >> kennedy: she has a very good shot at chairing that committee if the republicans lose the senate in november. the supreme court is going to look like a gospel choir. more "outnumbered" in just a moment, stay right here. if you have medicare, listen up.
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eastern. otherwise, kennedy, her show is back i love you and admire you and i thank the lord. >> thank you so much. i'm so excited. tune into fox business monday night. thank you. >> thank you to juan and molly as well but right now, here's harris. >> harris: let's begin here as we await the president to speak at an event for seniors in fort myers, florida, amid new fallout over the hunter biden email controversy. here watching "outnumbered" over time. i'm harris faulkner. the trump campaign is going after twitter after it blocked some of its accounts from "the new york post" report containing email suggesting that hunter biden set up a meeting with his dad that then vice president with a bereavement executive in ukraine in 2019 among other revelations. >> supposed to be a place where you have an exchange of ideas,
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