tv Bill Hemmer Reports FOX News October 16, 2020 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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the secretary of state there says 127,000 people cast ballot across the state on monday. that is a 41 percent increase from the first day of early voting in 2016. >> everybody's interested. thank you so much. hey, bill hemmer. >> everybody's voting. we will see you at 5:00 p.m. have an awesome weekend. >> thank you. >> here we go. president from wrapping up the first beat of the day. battleground florida moving right onto the next one. we will see that a bit later. glimpses of a normal campaign during these covid times. good afternoon. at this hour president trump on his way to ocala, florida the second stop in a critical battleground state where 20 million have already cast ballots, 18 days out. we also expect to hear this hou from joe biden. he is in michigan trying to put that state back to blue. reporting and analysis this hour . in the closing weeks of the 202
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election, peter ducey is covering the biden campaign on the trail, but we begin in florida with mark meredith. hey mark, good afternoon. >> good afternoon paired the president has plenty to say whe it comes to america's seniors including discussing what's going on with medicare, social security. some of the sharpest comments were geared toward his campaign his thoughts going on with joe biden paired his town hall last night and his personal battle with the coronavirus. this was an indoor speech so a little different than what we'v seen with some of the campaign event sprayed the grout in ther was social distance to an extent . we couldn't get an idea of how many people were wearing masks. the president making it clear h wants to see america's seniors get first shot at that vaccine once one is developed. here is what he had to say moments ago. >> and moving heaven and earth to safeguard our seniors from the china virus to deliver therapies in record time and attributes as safe and effectiv vaccine before the end of the
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year. we are really doing it even sooner than that. we have the vaccines getting ready to go. seniors will be the first in line for the vaccine. to get we will see if that message sticks with voters. the clear politics averages biden here ahead in florida. the term campaign appears to have been making up some ground in the last several weeks because we saw biden leading by about four points not that long ago. but florida, things always remain very close. republican national committee filing a complaint with the federal election commission. the rnc accusing twitter of boosting the biden campaign for blocking a story regarding hunter biden's business dealings . it something the president coul talk a little bit more at that campaign rally you were talking about in the next hour or so. he's going to a rally in ocala. and then he's on to georgia. not traditionally battleground state for republicans, but it's 2020 so of course it is this year.
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this weekend more campaign stop are included scheduled in michigan is well as wisconsin paired then he will be heading out west. the campaign trying to maximize as much time as they can on the road scheduling multiple campaign stops in a day putting those big rallies. more campaign ads are launching but we look to see how this campaign will shape up the fina days between now and election day. >> it is on. that's clear. nice to see mark meredith down there in florida. peter ducey is in michigan just outside of detroit where the president is going to speak there in a few minutes on healthcare. hey, peter. >> joe biden is on the ground i michigan and he is on his way here. you can see behind me a small group, one handful of locals have turned out to try to catch a glimpse of the motorcade when it arrives. the campaign is also saying the don't think they have to do anything differently than they've been doing to keep joe biden healthy and protected fro covid 19. they say they think the plane h was traveling on earlier this
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week was large enough that he didn't have any close contact o a passing contact with a man from the charter company along for a ride on monday and tuesda who it turns out was infected with covid. the harris plane has been smaller so she remains off the campaign trail and one person from her staff and one person from her flight crew last week came back positive, but the campaign indicates the most recent tests for biden and harris have all come back negative the former vp is heating a aggressive travel schedule. even though he spent months reassuring voters that it is safe and effective to vote by mail, and he still does that, today he's expected to tell michigan voters they should mak a plan to vote early in person at a local clerk's office or at a satellite voting location. he's also expected to continue pushing to protect the affordable care act and explaining where he's going to come up with money to fund his estimated four plus trillion dollars worth of proposals.
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>> there going to raise the corporate tax, they're going to raise taxes on the wealthy. why do that when the economy is as weak as it is right now pretty cute last night he spoke on tv for 90 minutes then he stuck around for another 30 minutes or so answering questions at that socially distanced televised town hall i philadelphia today he's running about an hour and 15 minutes behind schedule. i can hear some sort of a siren so it seems like he is within a block or so. he hasn't answered any question from reporters yet, but he does have multiple stops here in the detroit area before he heads on back home to delaware this evening. i will just have robert take a quick swing of the camera. you can see the gang's all here. it's this big escort from dpw. the wayne county airport. they are here to make sure that he gets in without hitting any traffic. >> thank you, peter. it's friday that's when the
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motorcade rolls behind your. if you get anything, come on back and will bring you back this hour. >> i don't think his window rolls down in that car, so it's probably not worth shouting at paired. >> i think you're right. >> former white house deputy deputy chief of staff, fox news contributor, how are you doing, sir? i guess you watch the town hall last night. do you think they made a difference? did they matter much? >> they matter because they dominated the day, thursday was sort of the run up to them and then friday morning was sort of the reaction to them, so they d matter. i think we'd been better off if they been on different nights s we could watch both of them rather than sort of toggling between the two of them. but they matter because they ge a chance for people to see the president in the former vice president in a more informal setting for it i have to say it was a one-sided deal because savannah guthrie went after the
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president and george stephanopoulos was like my baseball coach when i was in th third grade he was tossing them so easy. >> i scored one is they cage match and the other was milk an cookies. you had about 27 million watch, so apparently some americans like the milk and cookies. i stop this step it awful is actually made some news and had he poked just a little further on some of those topics, he might've made a lot of news las night. >> i think you're referring to two issues that i saw, one was the he prodded him into admitting that he would announc where he was on the issue of court packing before the election per why he doesn't jus come out and say one way or the other is beyond me. the excuse that he wants to see how the republicans handled the confirmation of soon-to-be justice barrett is baloney. the other issue i thought he di a little bit on that he could have done a lot more was should we be raising taxes in a in the middle of a recession? is this the right time to talk
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about raising taxes? and commit the step you should have taken was you keep saying you're not going to raise taxes on anybody who makes less than $400,000 a year, but you also keep saying you're gonna get ri of the trump tax cuts, so which is it because they give most of the bear benefit to people who make far less than $400,000. so which of the provisions of the trump personal tax cuts are you going to keep? that is my sense that he's trying to have it both ways saying during the primary and even in the debate, the first debate, i'm going to get rid of the trump tax cuts, but then claiming he's going to leave them largely untouched when it comes to individual taxes. could get you mentioned the one on nbc, do you think the presidents gained an advantage by going into these hostile environments? because it seems like it's pretty much that way for them whether their waiting for him o whether he goes on the offense himself. >> i think it does if he has th attitude he had last night whic is to be a little combative, bu to do it with a smile on his
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face and a little bit of joy in his heart and not taking it deeply personal. the worst thing you can do is stomp off, but he just sort of hung in there and you could tel that he, his mind was in the right place. i think sometimes the tough questions are the best way for you to display who you are and what you're all about and sometimes the softballs just sort of cause people to say wil wait a minute, how good was that ? >> let me say it on this. why won't joab joe biden answer that question outright on the supreme court? what is the strategy here in th closing days? >> i think it's one of several different strategies. the most obvious one is he doesn't want to say i'm not going to pack the court and there by upset the left of his party and suffer their outrage over the last couple weeks of the campaign. i think that is unlikely to happen. that is to say i don't think he will lose left-wing voters if h says that.
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and be talking about other things. he may be looking for an excuse. because of this overreach by republicans during the confirmation hearing. the problem with that is the percentage of people that say she should be confirmed as rising. if that is his hope, it's not going to work out. better to do these cleans, be clear, and be done with it than letting it drag on. unless they decide look, let's have this be the controversy rather than something else for ticket next week we talk again i'm going to go through the early voting numbers with you. i know you're digging deep into those paired were trying to figure out a storyline as to what they tell us. milk and cookies can miss you
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over the weekend. we will talk again very soon. >> thank you, bill. breaking news right now. a brutal story. in anti- terran investigation underway in terrace. police say a man was decapitate in the middle of a street polic say the victim was a history professor who was recently threatened after showing his a character after the prophet mohammed in the classroom. they suspect was armed with a knife and shot by police on-site . prosecutors are saying they are treating the incident as a murder linked to a terrorist organization. in the meantime, house republicans say they want an answer from the feds after fox news got new e-mails plus twitter is making some policy changes after accusations of censorship. chris wallace weighs in on the rule of social media for the gatekeeper freed those of you a home. i asked carl about it, we will
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play those comments as we are only now 18 days away from the big vote day. >> i have not been fan of court packing because i think it generates what will happen when whoever wins just keeps moving in a way that is inconsistent with what is going to be manageable. >> so you're not a fan? >> it depends on how this turns out. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2021 nx 300 for $359 a month for 36 months. experience amazing. at your lexus dealer. trump took a good economy and drove it back into the ditch
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through his failure to get covid under control, his failure to deliver real relief to working people. does he not understand and see the tens of millions of people who've had to file for unemployment this year, so far? the people who lost wages while the cost of groceries has gone up dramatically. donald trump has been almost singularly focused on the stock market, the dow, the nasdaq -- not you, not your families. my plan will help create at least five million new, good-paying jobs and create them right here in the united states of america. let's use this opportunity to take bold investments in american industry and innovation. so the future is made in america. i'll be laser focused on working families. ♪ i'm joe biden, and i approve this message.
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>> they want to know the fbi headhunter biden's laptop durin president trumps impeachment. more than a dozen republican members sent a letter to the agency saying it created a if they did not inform the white house. early in the week e-mails reportedly revealing that joe biden's son offered a top executive at a ukrainian gas company the chance to meet his father while he was vice president. what have you got, mike? >> this is the latest and greatest bring up following the
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publication of some of hunter biden's alleged e-mails. congressman andy biggs leading letter asking christopher rae, number of key questions. in possession of this evidence and failed to alert the white house to its existence that would have given more weight to the in a severe violation of trust. they have obtained more e-mails to be from hunter biden's laptop . correspondence with china's ended energy executives about remuneration packages including payment for six people one of whom is called the big guy. another from august 2017 seekin $10 million a year in a deal with that will be interesting t me and my family. fox news is not independently authenticated these e-mail, but a prominent senate republican offered this assessment. >> what these documents reveal if authentic is largely what we've known all along about
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hunter biden and really joe biden's entire family is that they been trading on his public office for decades. fox cut up with the computer repair technicians associate turned over the laptop to the fbi. trump confidant explains how he got involved. >> he called my lawyer and he said, i have a group of e-mails that are shocking to me and commit display right on the fac of it, a number of federal crimes and i'm not even a lawyer . my lawyer went down there, he vetted it for two weeks actually . and i emphasize to you how this is authenticated. first of all i did, and my lawyer did. >> hunter biden's attorney says he has no idea where this came from and cannot credit anything that rudy giuliani provided to the new york post. what i do know for certain is that purported meeting joe bide with the executive never happened. the fbi acknowledges receiving the letter from republicans, bu is not saying anything further on this matter at all. >> mike emanuel will follow it
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as it goes. president trump wrapping up one rally before heading two anothe one. later tonight he will be in macon, georgia before their weekend wrap seaplanes to speak to voters in states include michigan, wisconsin, and nevada. jason miller, senior advisor with me and circum- a good day to you and thank you for coming back here. a couple of questions here. democrats outnumber republicans in voting early 2-1 in 42 states . that seem staggering. how do you counter that, jason? >> here is the real story going on paired were seeing in this entrance all over the country. for the first time, republicans have beat democrats in voter registration efforts coming dow the home stretch here from labo day. as we start to see these early votes and absentee votes coming in, what we're seeing as a lot of places democrats are cannibalizing their own votes, that means folks that are likel democratic primary voters are showing up in voting early, but not capturing a lot of new people.
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we still show that lots of republicans, the vast majority plan to show up on election day on november 3rd. >> so you need a big turnout in person to overcome that. that's what i see from the numbers pray do you deny that? >> of kos come right where goin to have a big turnout on november 3rd, but we are showin a number of the low propensity voters are even folks that didn't vote for president trump in 2016 will be showing up. in our rallies, that president trump has, we usually average between 13 and 22 percent of th rally attendees didn't vote in 2016. we're also averaging 20-25 percent of rally attendees aren't even republicans there democrats or independents. in the same way the pollsters missed all the hidden trump voters in 2016, at the exact same thing as happening this year. >> we will see eight pieces, 8 percent of those voting this year have never cast a ballot before. here is what i hear from your team. we have about 45 seconds for
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this. there is a turnout in parts of these battleground states where you need the voters to come out. give me an example of where tha is the case. >> if you look at a lot of the states that have bigger votes that are coming out on election day themselves. you take a look at the ground game that are team has put together our campaign manager stepped in and chris card working hand in glove as the republican national committee. we have assembled the greatest turnout operation in u.s. political history. these states that have a day of or you see the biggest chunk of voters actually showing up, we are going to be there. we feel good on everything from michigan to georgia to a whole bunch of states that are lookin really good for us. >> real clear averages has you down at the moment, we will see if that sticks. it was quick, hope you come bac soon sir. >> in a moment, i will take you to show you what to look out fo unelected nine plus covid negotiations on the hill are at a standstill.
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>> we are going to take you around the east coast of the u.s. and give you some keys to look for come election night. i think this is an intriguing and i selected a number of counties i think may tell us th story. there all east of the mississippi eastern time zone t give us an indication of may be how america is reacting right now on the evening of november 3rd. we will start in florida, and pick a county you probably don' think about a lot, sumter county . the reason i do that is because the president one with a whopping 70 percent of the vote four years ago. why is that? the villages are located in seniors in florida, how are the reacting right now with covid concerns? are they different in florida,
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than they are perhaps in pennsylvania? we will find out whether or not the president can run up that number or even match it so far in 2020. this is obvious, miami-dade, bu i think is to see whether there is a hispanic brought to president trump in 2020. hillary clinton easily won the county. pop on out here, going to come up to georgia and work our way up the east coast. this state of georgia, ec of th blue located here. all the metro counties that surround it. i think the interesting county is cobb county. that is where hillary clinton won in 2016. 25 years ago this was newt gingrich home district. it of white voters can meet up african-american voters and you have white suburban voters who vote in cobb county, so we will see whether or not the suburban vote is key to a turnout and an outcome in 2020 or how critical is it. north carolina, this is charlotte, raleigh over here in the east. this is asheville in the west
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i'm going to pick this county this is rutherford county it is rural, it is largely white, and the president did very well wit 74 percent of the vote in 2016. you watch these role votes come in often times they come in early in the night rather than some of the big cities. we will see whether or not he can match that. not a ton of voters out there, just about 30,000, but it's something the white house will be keyed up on in 2020. up the coast of pennsylvania, this is pittsburgh, this is philadelphia. this is obvious, but i think it's important to both campaign to determine who wins the 20 electoral votes in philadelphia. all the blue down here is biden country. this is philadelphia, the count and the city. hillary clinton stormed this county. more than half a million votes in 2016. joe biden match those numbers, does he increase on it what doe it mean for the rest of the state? something to watch.
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also, montgomery county. hillary clinton a lot of votes here. a quarter of a million from 2016 . something to watch here when trying to get a sense of the balance of pennsylvania and how it may turn out this year. finally, my home state of ohio. the buckeye state, no republica has ever won the white house. cincinnati, columbus, cleveland. i believe that in the upper northeastern corner of ohio is one of the most telling parts o the entire country. why is that? these are blue-collar deeply democratic parts of the country. some of them have not gone republican in generations and look what happened. take it back to 2012, it was very blue for barack obama. youngstown, in easy win for barack obama. at more than 60 percent up in ashtabula. he was at 56 percent.
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just two finish this off here, ec with the president did. this is very critical in 2016 wimmer looking at these numbers coming in real time, when these county started to flip, we knew we were in for a close tight election from four years ago. he didn't win in youngstown became closer than most republicans have in sometime. these are the trump democrats. eject about reagan democrats up in michigan, that is the trump democrats in ohio. just a few things we are watching as we take it to the map over the next two and half weeks. our team is ready. in the latest addition, podcast i spoke with our team about wha keeps them up at night. here is darren chal from our decision disk on that answer. >> the rule of thumb is if incumbent doesn't have 50 percent, he or she is in trouble because we expect and decided to break against the incumbent. i actually think the dynamic is slightly reversed in this
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election. if you haven't already decided against donald trump, i think there's a chance that you sit i out or looking for a reason to swing back to him. >> and darren in michigan featured in this edition. >> check it out wherever you download. it is a terrific conversation about some big decisions that are about to make 42020. standby on that. in the meantime both candidates except to just speak in a moment . we will take you to both locations and the moderator of the next debate reveals the topic she will focus on with only 18 days to go. chris wallace is here on that. we will talk to chris right after this. we can't always keep our distance.
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twitter has repented access to the story, would you make of this? >> you know, i can understand the concern about this story. it is completely unverified and frankly rudy giuliani is not th most reliable source anymore. i hate to say that, but it's just true. there is a story in the washington post in the new york times today saying that the national security adviser rober o'brien had to tell the president in december of last year that the intelligence agencies thought that giuliani was being worked by russian agents and was being used to spread russian disinformation. until were able to independentl verify the story, i'm suspiciou of it. it is worth checking out, but i'm suspicious. having said that, when it's on the front page of the papers, when the president of the unite states is talking about it, i think they cut off people from being able to even discuss it i a bridge too far. if you want to put up something
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that says this is unverified, b careful, that's fine, but to sa to americans, the president talking about this, but we're not going to let you talk about it, that troubles me. >> i would add there's all kind of garbage online. every day. every hour of every day. them like why pick this one. and i think stephanopoulos had real opportunity to get a final answer on it last night and he punted. >> i agree. there's a lot of garbage. in fairness and now i'm going t argue the other side of the lin a bit. facebook, twitter, all of those platforms took a lot of heat because they didn't screen out the russian bots in the 2016 election. so to a certain degree, if they don't screen it out they get criticized, if they do get screen it out they get criticized. what they seem to have done her though is ticked off everybody. it's a pretty impressive feat.
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>> it's like twitter giving moderators and mute button whic we all agree should not happen. the choices for the next debate yesterday in nashville here the are. fighting covid, american families, race in america, climate change, national security, and leadership. you put out your categories, what do you think of that? could get let me just begin by saying there is nothing that drove me more nuts than to have people criticize my topics when they didn't know the questions was going to ask in the topics. i will just say this, on the question of race, i purposely made it race plus violence in america because they seem somewhat related, the race related protests many of them that turned into riots, and didn't make it exclusively on race. when it came to climate change, i purposely put it into a section on the trump record and the biden record.
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i guess what i would say is in some, if i were at where the campaign manager for joe biden, i would be happier with this se of topics then if i was, but campaign manager for president trump. >> what do you think about the future of this debate? you have that story about steve's goal eight that blew up yesterday. he lied, i don't know why he lied, but that's the outcome from now. and somewhat bias as we were picked twice to be a moderator. i hope they find a way to survive. i hope they perform an importan function in this sense that as opposed to letting the campaign argued for months about who is going to be the moderators, what's the format going to be, you had this independent commission that was saying here are the moderators, here is the format, here's the dates and locations and i think that was good idea having said that, i d
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think that the commission particularly in the second debate one obviously, they didn't know it, a lot of us defended steve scully, he has a good reputation in washington, but it turned out that was a mistake. i think they probably were too quick to pull the trigger on saying it was a virtual debate. if they had said look, it's going to be at town hall and we're going to wait and see wha the president's health is and joe biden's health raid by the time we got to it yesterday, that's when it was supposed to be held, they probably would have been in better shape because by then donald trump wa recovered and they could have had an in person debate. i think they've made some mistakes pretty cute one more debate in nashville on the schedule. both campaigns have again agree to three. do think nashville is the end o the line, or will there be one more after that? >> know. that is very clear. joe biden won't agree to it. he will say i was ready to come on the 15th, the president
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pulled out of that. enjoyed the 22nd because that's it, that's the end of the debat line. >> we will see you on sunday. chris wallace, thank you. >> chris sits down over the weekend with advisors from both teams. check it out when you check you local listings. in the meantime, trump administration at odds over thi the sophos so-called section 230 . what is that? and how does that shape the way you see the internet? julian turner has that story live in washington. >> so all three branches of the u.s. government are now in on section 230, it's this little known legislative provision written 24 years ago so that's really before any of today's social media platforms even existed. it is part of the communication decency act and it has really been used by the social media giants as a shield to project them against lawsuits over alleged censorship. that might be changing real soon
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. take a listen paired. >> we're going to take away their section 230 unless they shape up. can get this is the beginning o the end of section 230. liberals don't like it, conservatives don't like it. >> the fcc republican chairman as launching a review in light of he says bipartisan criticism from capitol hill. the white house, even the supreme court about a overly broad interpretation that in some cases shields social media companies from consumer protection laws in a way that has no basis in the text of section 230. the crux of the matter, let's pull it up on the screen. to the codes is no provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider, s basically that's the stat you t protecting the social media companies if their users post competent that is defamatory or racist, but it also protects fo companies if they want to take
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down user content as long as there doing it in good faith, i is so far sanctioned. supreme court nominee was asked about section 230 and her hearings this week and listen t what, she said. >> without spect is to 30, just in general, the danger of a court doing that is to subvert the will of the people. represent the people. >> the next step now is to hear from the tech execs. we have got facebook and twitte already lined up to testify in separate matter on the 28th nex week, but they will be subpoenaed to talk about sectio 230. >> more to come on that. nice to see you today. can get you bet. >> awaiting joe biden in michigan. said to speak outside of detroit . he says he will have an answer unpacking the supreme court prior to election day, but he delayed again last night. what is up with that? the former pennsylvania governo joins me live next.
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trump took a good economy and drove it back into the ditch through his failure to get covid under control, his failure to deliver real relief to working people. does he not understand and see the tens of millions of people who've had to file for unemployment this year, so far? the people who lost wages while the cost of groceries has gone up dramatically. donald trump has been almost singularly focused on the stock market, the dow, the nasdaq -- not you, not your families. my plan will help create at least five million new, good-paying jobs and create them right here in the united states of america. let's use this opportunity to take bold investments in american industry and innovation. so the future is made in america. i'll be laser focused on working families. ♪ i'm joe biden, and i approve this message.
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so i'm voting 'yes'. nineteen allows seniors and all homeowners 55 and older to transfer their home's low tax base to another home. it also protects the right to pass my family home to my son. we've all worked hard for our house and we should be allowed to give it to our kids without a tax penalty. it's time to limit taxes. vote 'yes' on 19.
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>> if they vote on it before th election. if they vote on it before the election you're open to expanding the court? >> am open to considering what happens from that point on. >> you said so many times durin the campaign alter the course o your campaign it's important to level. >> no matter what answer i gave you, if i say it, that's the headline tomorrow. it won't be about what's going on now, the improper way they are proceeding. >> don't voters have a right to know? >> they have a right to know where i stand and they have a right to know where i stand before they vote. >> so you'll come out before election tapered. >> yes, if they depending on ho this is. >> meanwhile he's expected to talk healthcare at an event
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momentarily in michigan outside of detroit. why is it so hard for him to answer this question. >> itzhak some people, but he said the president is elected t for four years, he has the righ to do anything within those fou years that is prescribed powers. in nominating a supreme court judge is one of them for it her were having a confirmation hearing two weeks before election day one over 20 millio people have voted by the time the confirmation takes place. in four years ago come at the same people that we're holding this confirmation hearing said we won't vote confirmation for president obama's nominee even though that was eight-month before the election. so joe biden has given a good job, what parts of the plate in this hypocrisy. >> let me just jump in there a
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moment here because you said it yourself, 20 million people hav voted. he says he's going to give an answer before election day. we could be at 60 million or 80 million by then. it just seems like he's trying to hedge this. do you believe he has planned, if elected to expand the u.s. supreme court? i think it saves them simple as that. >> no, i don't think he has it in mind to use expand the supreme court great i think frankly if he becomes president it will depend on how the republicans act on his other nominations to the federal courts, whether they fight them just for partisanship or if the adjust them on their merits. i hope everything we do, every thing we do, all the jobs that congress has to do with the present is more of a bipartisan i think it will depend on what the republicans do, but i'll tell you, they have to the number of republican senators o
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election day. >> we will see about that. we just talked to the trump tee about half an hour paired they say registrations our way up on democrats in places like pennsylvania. >> let me finish paired. >> i got 28,000 wrong ballots mailed out. how do you think this is going to go for the keystone state? >> we're going to be fine. right now, everyone as raising issues and making claims, but after the election, the evidenc has got to be more than eight ballots down and increase somewhere. there has to be material for that so if one candidate one with [inaudible] that we're just not counted, that's not going to be month. i have never seen any significant voter fraud that ha anything to do with the mailbox for it to get let's hope that's
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the case. have a good weekend. ed, thank you sir. >> will there be a deal on covid ? what we know about the latest updates and how it could affect business owners in everyday americans when we come back. try my favorite, turkey. order on the app. anything for my fans. try the new subway buffalo chicken or bbq chicken. joe biden was raised with middle class values. joe doesn't need to be the center of attention. or see himself on tv. he has always focused on getting the job done. joe led us out of the 2008 recession, and increased health coverage
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♪ please don't take my sunshine away... ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. >> bill: covid relief negotiations continue into next week. nancy pelosi, steven mnuchin spoke for about 90 minutes yesterday. they've been negotiating a deal around $2 trillion. mitch mcconnell singh that he plans to put a $500 billion on the package next week. all this coming as a number of unemployment claims jumps again with nearly 900,000 reported last week. from fox business, live with more on this. what steven mnuchin and others are doing. how are you doing? >> yeah, what does this mean, bill? for americans unemployed. what surprising here is that unemployed americans are not
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going back to school for skills training in the way that we would normally see during an economic downturn. in fact, look at this. in rome and down from last year. think about it. many of those hands on training courses are virtual, and many students think that is just not worth the money. they want to face time with the teacher. turning to the new economy to have jobs like gig work in some cases but manufacturing, delivery. they have all been consistent in areas of strength. as consumers so that they are willing to spend money. americans are also willing to start their own businesses. they are taking advantage of more time, low interest rates. if you look at applications for tax identification numbers, which all new business owners need, they are at a 13 year high. but as we adjust to this new normal, there is also up that the old normal returns. >> there is going to be a large number of people who work from home permanently after covid
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because every employer has become more open to it, but most senior level people will not fear they will be back in the office, working as teams in close collaboration with each other. it is just a matter of getting the virus under control. >> so, yeah, bill, business and education, we have proved it cannot be done online and remotely, but there is value in that good old fashion face time, and maybe we will get there soon. >> bill: all in time, right? covid times. thank you, nice to see you. keep an eye on michigan where the vice president joe biden has arrived, delivering an address on health care in a moment. gretchen whitmer, herself the focus on a lot of news. here we go, after the big town hall. the president down in florida, and onward we go. mentioning covid, this is what we see every time in the off monitor.
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we see the gentleman come on out, wipe it down, make sure it is all cleaned and sanitized as that vice president begins his remarks there. president trump is in florida. we will watch the former vice president's address there. we've got to run, everybody. enjoy your weekend. >> neil: all right. thank you, bill. we are waiting to hear from the vice president speaking in michigan. a little bit later, we are going to hear from the president speaking. joe biden, right now. >> all over america, too many appear you don't have to be. and folks, it's great to be back. it's great to be here. there is not a better governor in the united states america. [cheers and applause] about the facts. i've met virtually all of them. gary, we badly need
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