tv Hannity FOX News October 17, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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other side effects may occur. if you're 65+, don't settle for a standard-dose flu shot. move up to superior flu protection. see your health care provider and ask for fluzone high-dose quadrivalent by name. >> tucker: i wish we had more time. we are out of time. i appreciate you coming onto may. we will see you monday. ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity" this friday night, it was a tale of two town halls that exposed the corrupt and dishonest abusively biased media mob in real time. over there at abc, joe biden predictably coddled by the network's chief democrat, little georgie stephanopoulos, then on nbc at the very same time, president trump was attacked by a hostile, unprofessional agenda-driven host just determined to take down donald trump. wasn't really a town hall. coming up we will discuss last night's media malpractice.
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corey lewandowski, sean spicer, aaron perini is with us. also we have an exclusive interview, right there, you see that woman? that is viral. her name is myra jolie and she made a special appearance at last night's town hall, went totally viral. we will introduce you to her tonight but first, the media mob's abusively biased anti-trump bias has never been more obvious. what we saw last night, nothing short of a national disgrace. on abc, joe biden hardly ever challenged by george stephanopoulos. of course he was a clinton apologist and he was allowed to give long-winded answers that at times were even incomprehensib incomprehensible. almost never interrupted. he fielded questions from a very supportive audience that included a former obama administration speechwriter. you can't make this up. and the wife of a democratic politician. naturally, certain sensitive topics were never discussed in 90 minutes. for example, biden was never asked a single question about
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the millions and millions and millions that his zero experience hunter made in his life and the corruption charges that are now plaguing his campaign in the final days. and not a single question. he was never asked about the johnson grassley senate report which details has zero experience hunter was wired millions of dollars from a russian oligarch, ukrainian oligarch, cosmic oligarch and members of china's communist party when joe biden was vice president, capitalizing off that position. he was never asked about his prior dishonest denials about having any knowledge about zero experience hunter and the illicit business deals. he was never asked about any of this. all of these questions are barely off the table. meanwhile over there at nbc, nothing was off the table. savannah guthrie determined to
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impress her friends in the media elite. she spent the first 10 minutes talking about masks and then immediately transitioning to belting questions at the president. once again, will you condemn white supremacy as if he's never done it 25 times and other far left smears that have been asked again and again and again. frank luntz, at one point she was interrupting the president on average every 12 seconds and despite being billed as a town hall with voters, she didn't allow a single question from the audience until 20 minutes in. in fact, according to the transcript, guthrie bombarded president trump with 43 questions while audience members were only allowed ten, and that's not a town hall. that is called bana guthrie debating the president. by the way, she was more than happy to play the role of a biden campaign surrogate and special pleader for joe biden. don't take my word for it, just compare guthrie's questions to trump, to stephanopoulos'
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questions to biden. take a listen. >> you were asked point blank to denounce white supremacy. in the moment you didn't, you asked some follow-up questions. who, specifically? a couple of days later on a different show you denounced white supremacy. my question to you is, why does it seem like -- >> i'd announced white supremacy, okay? >> robert mueller laid out a lot of evidence, possible obstruction of evidence by donald trump eared what would a biden department of justice do with do without evidence? >> the question is on behalf of otis, who do you owe $21 million to? >> more cops clearly mean less crime. do you still believe that? >> yes. >> you are not like someone's crazy uncle who just retweeted whatever -- >> that was retweeted -- >> mr. vice president, if you lose, what will that say about america today? >> qanon is nuts and real
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leaders call conspiracy theories conspiracy theories. why not just say it's crazy and not true? >> he may be right i just don't know about q went on. >> you do now. >> no, i don't. >> do you expect that debate to happen? to demand he take a test and it be negative before you debate? >> no. >> sean: how does savannah guthrie no weather the president knows what qanon is or not. i had five people try to explain it to me and i was like huh? makes no sense. no fairness, no impartiality, no fidelity to the truth, he learned that with the russia, russia, russia lies. zero, corrupt enterprise, more dishonest than ever and frankly nothing more than a extension of the biden campaign propaganda office. that is all guthrie did last night. today president trump had this to say about last night's so-called town hall that never became a town hall. >> joe biden is a disaster, i
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will say. did you see last night? did you see the easy questions? did you watch that whole deal? did you see him a week ago with lester holt of nbc? come on, joe. come on, can we help you with the answer, joe? it's a disgrace. and you saw what i got last night, right? but it's okay. disappeared, nobody can find her. she's not too popular right now. but we enjoy her. we enjoyed it. >> sean: this is now the norm, savannah, georgia, the liberal friends in the media mob did not want donald trump to win. they are not fair arbiters, not doing their job, they are not journalists, they have an agenda and at this point they're not even trying to hide it. these are corrupt people. journalism, as i said in 2007,
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is dead. they have a clear and unbridled socialist agenda. they're doing everything in their power to destroy donald trump and protect the weak and the fail and the cognitively struggling joe biden. this is who they are, this is what they do. when you add to that massive social media giants and the corrupt media, they are now the biggest campaign donors to all things democratic socialist and joe biden. we the american people, we do deserve better. democratic party, 99%. media mob, 99%. social media giants, 99%. they've all united to take down president trump. they don't only hate him, by the way, they hate we the smelly walmart shoppers that voted to support him. these are very powerful institutional forces aligned against the president. earlier today, hannity election
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correspondent lawrence jones asked trump supporter's at the president's rally in florida about this lad latest example of blatant media bias. >> did you get a chance to see the nbc event last night? >> yes i did. >> how do you think the president did? >> for the most part i think he did very well. much better than the debate. >> was he treated fairly? >> no. >> nbc did a town hall with the president yesterday, how did the president do? >> he held his cool really well. i thought the host was extremely rude. >> communicated the message -- >> he tried to but she kept cutting him off every time he would start talking, she will cut him off. she didn't show any respect for the president of the united states at all. >> do believe the president got a fair shake at that town hall? >> no, i don't. i don't think the president has gotten a fair shake at anything he's done. >> sean: joining us know what their reaction, the author of the best seller "trump: america
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first," trump campaign manager. these are powerful forces. you add the power and might of social media giants like twitter and facebook and three channels, every newspaper in the country, pretty powerful movement against the president but not that different from 2016 exit may be more hatred now than them. the polling is very similar to what you were part of in 2016. how do people interpret what is going on, because i know some people say we don't have a chance, look at these polls. your thoughts? >> are polls right now internally and in the real clear politics average are better today than they were three years ago. three public polls released, hillary clinton all over 50%. the closest race showing it at
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nine points. the biggest gap was 12 points. what happened, three weeks later, donald trump went on to shock america and the world and become the 45th president of the united states. when we look at the battleground states, we look at wisconsin, pennsylvania, ohio, michigan, look at those numbers and four years ago, donald trump was down by larger margin than he is today to joe biden and today, a poll in michigan showed donald trump with the lead. the first time in five years that he's been a candidate he has a lead in the state of michigan. he won last year by 7,000 votes and he's going to win by a bigger margin this time. >> sean: it was 4 to 4,000 in pennsylvania. michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, these are hard states. for republicans to win and when he started without new york, new jersey, oregon, washington, you've got a lot of ground to make up, so republican to win has to win florida, georgia,
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north carolina, iowa, arizona, hopefully may be put nevada in play. then you've got to pick off pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, maybe minnesota. congressional district number two in maine, your great state of new hampshire, live free or die. it's never easy for any republican to win with the electoral college. how many path do you see for the president this election cycle? >> right now we've got four or five different opportunities in front of us and it's a much broader field then we had four years ago. we're going to win in arizona as republicans, we have a voter advantage in the registration component of this paid the state of ohio and i should never say this on live tv is out of play for the democrats because of all the work in jobs in manufacturing that have come back there because of this president's policies. the great white whale for republicans has always been pennsylvania but that's where we are, not only competing pennsylvania, where competing in
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the state of minnesota than a republican has won since richard nixon's reelection in 1972. donald trump lost that state by 45,000 votes last cycle, about a point and a half. that state is trending republican and because of the work he's been able to do up there, those people are going to come home and donald trump is going to be the first and almost 50 years to win minnesota as a republican. >> sean: good to see you, thank you. despite the treatment afforded to the president last night, during the town hall, joe biden was given easy treatment. he still struggled mightily to get his facts straight. even the biden friendly website fact-checked out org found multiple lies, many inaccuracies. he lied about the president's coronavirus response. he lied about his past support for america's prison systems. he lied about people losing their health care during the pandemic. he lied when he said 100 million people with pre-existing conditions would lose their insurance if obamacare is repealed. the president said over and
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over, nobody will lose insurance and pre-existing conditions. he lied about an endorsement from the boilermakers union, he lied about not supporting a fracking band, he lied about the new greendale, he lied about a lot, never got challenged. take a look. speak of the difference between me and the new greendale come automatically by 2030 we are going to be carbon free. not possible. >> are you for it or against it? in your website you call it a crucial framework. >> my deal is a crucial framework, and not new greendale. >> sean: one more time from your website. "biden believes the green new deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face. that is your own website. that is obviously your plan, the biden plan. you need a refresher course, may be every now and then you get a
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rare moment of honesty from joe including this vow to raise your taxes on day one. take a look. >> you are going to raise the corporate taxes, raise the taxes on the wealthy. is it wise to do even that when the economy is as weak as it is right now? >> absolutely. that's a great question. spigot is not going to be any delay on the tax increases? >> i've got to get the votes, i've got to get the votes. >> sean: at one point he took out a cheat sheet as it relates to his own tax proposal, he can barely read his own cheat sheet. sadly, tax hikes are just one small part of biden's radical agenda. keep in mind even last night, we still can't get a straight answer about whether or not he plans to pack the courts. watch. >> i'm not a fan of court packing because then it just generates what will happen, whoever wins just keeps moving in a way that is inconsistent with what is going to be manageable. >> you are really not a fan? >> i'm not a fan.
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it depends on how this turns out. not how we win but how it handled, how it's handled. >> sean: okay, she's going to be on the supreme court. it's already handled. let me translate this for you, if joe and his radical democrats, if they are unsuccessful in blocking judge amy coney barrett, which they will be, they will pack the supreme court, they will add additional justices, increasing the size of the court until they have full control. things that they could never get done at the ballot box legislatively they will try to get done through judicial fiat. this would represent the biggest power grab in 150 years. it would render the judicial branch of the most powerful, usurping powers of the executive and legislative branches. it would be devastating to our republic. in 18 days, only you the american people are standing in the way of what would be a most radical administration in history.
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very powerful, coordinated institutional forces all aligning to dramatically alter the fabric of this great count country. joe biden hoping to distract voters from his party's real, insane, radical, socialist agenda. he continues to spread the lie about the president and of course here we go, back to charlottesville which he says, the president said they are all very good people. but he purposely edited out the other part, the part where he condemned the neo-nazis and white nationalists. >> just like when he said there were "very fine people on both sides" in charlottesville. as they came out of the fields carrying torches, their veins just bulging, shouting anti-semitic bile, carrying neo-nazis flags. >> he refused to denounce white supremacists, told a whit rightg
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extremist group to "stand back and stand by." >> sean: you see this every two years and four years and he's lying now. you are supposed to be honest, stop lying. he has condemned white supremacy and bigotry and hatred and even in the charlottesville speech that you selectively edit and he's done it over and over aga again. joe, savannah, watch, learn, pay attention to something called the truth, it matters. >> ever heard this president say one negative thing about white supremacists? have you ever heard it? >> i totally disavow the ku klux klan. i totally disavow david duke. >> i got back in this race because of what happened in charlottesville. people coming out of the woods carrying torches, their veins bulging. close your eyes and remember what you saw.
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the president gets asked to comment on it and what does he say? he says there are very fine people on both sides. >> you have some very bad people in that group but you also had people that were very fine people come on both sides. and i'm not talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. >> what do you mean, condemned david duke, for god sake. >> i reject david duke. i rejected david duke. i projected the kkk, the ku klux klan from the time i'm five years old, i rejected them. >> sean: in charlottesville, very bad people, neo-nazis, white nationalists, they should be condemned. the only person is a problem condemning hate groups apparently is biden. in fact, at the dnc and he felt was never mentioned. even as its members were burning down neighborhoods to the ground. herewith more as the author of the new book "leading america,"
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america first action advisor sean spicer antrim 2020 prose director aaron perini is with us. this is a lie with video evidence. he repeated the lie today. that is, you know, if you want to run a campaign it doesn't have to be a certain level of fidelity to some truth here? >> joe biden has a real issue with fidelity to the truth here because he was actually honest with the american people, he would have to be asked to condemn anti-for himself or condemn his own staff for donating bail money to get violent writers and protesters out. president trump has been unequivocally clear. he denounces all white supremacy, bigotry and hatred in all forms. he has done it for the 700 millionth time, roughly speaking, speaking again last night was saran not guthrie, who did a great job auditioning
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to become joe biden's press secretary. listen, the media, joe biden's campaign commission are trying to prop up a weak candidate with weak policies because they know joe biden is held by the extreme radicals in the united states and he won't condemn them. he won't condemn things that would actually destroy the integrity of our nation, like packing the supreme court that would destroy jobs, stopping fracking in the united states and would destroy households, like getting rid of the trump tax cuts. joe biden is a disaster but he is so many people in his corner to prop him up along the way. president trump does this for one reason and one reason alone, the american people and that is the fire to his fight. >> sean: how is it that joe biden has gone to the point where we are only 18 days out of an election, sean spicer, and he praised the former klansman that filibustered the civil rights act, that would be robert byrd, the guy that was also against the voting rights act.
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the former klansman that joe biden partnered with to stop the integration of schools because he didn't want his children going to schools that were "racial jungles." his words, not mine. >> it's simple, the press is complicit in this. no bones about it. the book i've written lays it all out because when they are trained in journalism school this is what they are trained to do, to support the left, to continue to do that, it wasn't a town hall, it was an infomercial in which beach balls were thrown at joe biden to be answered or not. it was ridiculous, it was a strong contrast between the debate, which was more of a hostile interview than you heard on nbc with president trump. last night was a clear indication of how far the breadth and depth that journalists and big tech will go to ensure joe biden is elected and donald trump is not. people have to understand what's at stake this election. the policies of donald trump and
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i lay this out in this book are what's moving this country forward into harris-by the administration will take us from alexandria ocasio-cortez in the house and bernie sanders in the senate. make no mistake about it, the direction our country is at stake in the media and big tech are doing everything that they can to ensure that it continues to move in that direction. it is against donald trump. >> sean: thank you both. when we come back of the next story, truly repulsive. democratic arizona senate candidate has a lot of explaining to do after it was revealed one of his staffers referred to police as worthless effing pigs. we will explain later. up next, the town hall member everyone is talking about nodding in agreement with president trump last night. she will join us. an investigation, peter schweizer into 26,000 just released emails from hunter released emails from hunter biden's you won't see these folks, at the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to
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now, back to "hannity." >> sean: an important senate race, arizona senator martha mcsally's opponent is doing major damage control tonight after it was revealed his deputy press secretary referred to police as "worthless effing pigs." it was posted in august before the staffer joined the campaign. both kelly and the staffer apologized. he wasn't fired. the tweet was deleted. martha mcsally come here for reaction. that person was on your campaign, would you fire them? if they worked for me, i'd fire them. >> while they wouldn't be working for me but i would fire them right away. keep in mind, this man tweeted this out the week before he was hired by mark kelly to be his spokesman. he hired him anyway, the tweet was out there and they just got
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caught. he is not fired him and he is still in his circle. you are known by the company that you keep and this is no surprise coming from mark kelly. he refused to shake the hand of a border patrol agent, he's in minneapolis supporting ilhan omar and helping her get elected. i backing the blue, i've got the endorsement of the arizona police association representing 12,000 men and women in uniform. they know i have their backs but this is another reason, this vile, despicable language and a spokesperson for mark kelly is another reason why he cannot get elected and why we need all hands on deck to hold his seat in the senate majority. >> sean: okay. what are his problems with china because he's got his own issues like seer experience hunter. >> yeah, he does. in the military he went on an all expense paid junket by the chinese communist propaganda arm. he said it was the most
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meaningful thing every day, he went back into thousand four and 2005. then he brought this chinese communist banner with him and was so honored. later he profited off his relationship. he got a company tied to the chinese government, known as a national security threat, went over there to get them to invest in the company that he cofounded. one of many of his financial ties, like many of the elite in america. i am standing up to china with president trump and leading the effort to hold him accountable financially for unleashing covid on us and bringing our jobs, and my opponent has got multiple business entanglements with him. >> sean: we are following your race closely and we wish you the best of luck. thank you for joining a spirit also joe biden still refusing to give a straightforward answer o. hitting his decision will be based on the outcome of amy coney barrett confirmation process, which is -. meanwhile, the left is outraged
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that dianne feinstein and lindsey graham actually hugged each other at the close of the judiciary committee's hearing on judge barrett. how dare they get along? for example former clinton campaign press secretary tweeting that dianne feinstein must step down. for that? former obama advisor ben rhodes tweeting out "she should not be the lead democrat on the judiciary committee." okay. here with reaction fox news contributor's trey gowdy and jason chaffetz. whatever you do don't ever show a sign of kindness to somebody in the republican party or the radical left will come after y you. i don't even know why you two were friends, to be very blunt. you probably wouldn't even shake jason's hand, would you? >> jason doesn't like to shake hands but i will tell you this, i too have been hugged by lindsey graham and i promise you that is punishment enough. you should not also lose your
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senate seat, that is enough punishment. >> sean: the state of the race, how do you see this 18 days out? >> i think donald trump is going to win, i think enthusiasm wins races. i think donald trump has it in spades. i think joe biden is play it safe, don't say anything, don't hear anything, don't take any positions, don't be honest, don't be candid, don't take any tough questions. to that the losing formula. i think they look at the town halls last night, they see donald trump will take as many bullets as you can shoot at him and they will keep answering questions and joe biden, he's going to lick a snow cone and sit in his basement and hope he comes out the victor. >> sean: the bias is so obvious at this point, but i know people look at polls and they go, these polls are awful, but it's exactly the same as we had in 2016 and corey lewandowski made a good
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point, they are actually worse in 2016, but it's still hard for a republican to get to 270. your thoughts? >> you have to run it straight. i like your responsibility, run hard, run scared, run like you are behind. republicans should act like we are down. that's how we should act. were going to work like we're going to lose the senate, like we're going to lose the white house. with respect to the media, i saw more stories about whether kamala harris knew there was a fly on mike pence's head then about hunter biden trafficking in his father's position. that tells you -- we've got to run through that headwind too. the media has the biggest headwind jason chaffetz and i faced. it was in the democrats, it was the d.c. print media. we have to win anyway. >> sean: i might do a poll on, who is a better host, jason or trey? >> how about none of the above?
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>> come on. >> sean: entities not here forever, one day you guys can have it. thank you both. when we come back, peter schweizer, just breaking he is now exclusively paying 26,000 new emails from hunter biden's business partner that is in jail that detail how hunter and his partners and chinese investors help secure and off the books white house meeting with joe biden. those details coming up. also, meet the town hall audience member who went viral on social media for nodding her head in agreeeeeeeeee
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new emails that expose even more corruption inside the biden business bureau. because new documents obtained y by peter schweizer now expose how hunter biden and associates used all of their connections inside the obama-biden white house to set up private meetings for foreign clients and investors and get this, these never before seen emails were provided by a former hunter business partner bevan cooney is his name. he's in jail right now. also they do outline how a delegation of chinese investors and ccp officials scored an off the books meeting with the vice president back in 2011 and additionally, a 2011 and email of hunter biden's business partner developing revelations that were referred to as china inc. and part of a new push on soft diplomacy for the chinese. fox news has not independently verified peter's reporting but
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has not been wrong to date and we reached out to the biden campaign and we have yet to hear back. but what does it all mean? in addition to profiting off his father's diplomacy we now have growing evidence that hunter biden and his business partners put u.s. national security at risk and willingly allowed chinese officials use of this access to work their way inside the obama-biden white house. starting to make more sense why joe is so soft on china. as it started to make sense why joe refuses to talk stuff against america's biggest geopolitical flow and is that starting to make more sense why this is the biggest toy selection in our history? you to explain, author, journalist, profiles and corruption and secret empire is peter schweizer. a little bit of background. this guy is in business with hunter and another guy by the name of devon archer, correct? >> that's right.
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>> sean: he's in jail -- >> they basically -- go ahead. >> sean: this guys in jail, devon archer is convicted and about to be sent to jail, right? given a sense. >> that's right, a business set up that was an investment sche scheme. devon cooney was a partner in that. as a matter of background, he was a nightclub promoter and owner. he owned the viper room, which was a famous club in l.a., and he got involved in these financial deals. it ended up he was charged and convicted and of course now devon archer has been convicted and he's the only one that went to jail. he's very frustrated. he admits he made mistakes but he feels like devon archer and hunter biden got off scot-free because of their political connections and that's why he wanted to share these emails with me to clear the record and demonstrate the widespread
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corruption that hunter biden was engaged in. >> sean: a little bit of background, he wrote the book "secret empires." you were the first to tell us about burisma and the billion-dollar deal with the bank of china, which became $1.5 billion, so the two business partners of hunter are convicted. one is in jail, one is about to be sentenced to jail. now the one in jail gives you access to his private email account and you've been able to confirm through these emails what? >> a number of things, and just to be clear, we have actually been granted access to his account, so we are not looking at print outcome of this is not secondhand. are we going to his gmail account with his written approval, he gave us the password and what those emails show, the 26,000 show, we are working our way through them, is a wide net of using the biden name, using access to the
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white house, hunters serving as the pipeline to the administration in order to help clients. the names coming up in this are the chinese, the russians, the ukrainians, it's a veritable united nations of corruption. what it demonstrates is that joe biden as vice president of the united states was a center point. almost the planet around which these business activities moved. >> sean: all right, we can bifurcate for people, this is all separate from what "the new york post" was reporting this week. this is separate from what we knew earlier and separate from ron johnson and chuck grassley's report that they put out, 87 pages, which talked about russian oligarchs, the $3.5 million payment with the former first lady of moscow,
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chinese nationals, $1,000 shopping spree, russian nationals, ukrainian nationals. how much money are we talking about here, and were all three of them involved in all three of these endeavors? >> it kind of jumps around but let me just make clear, these are all separate emails from "the new york post" and what the senate dead, but they all reinforce the same. to take, for example, the russian oligarch links to organized crime that the senate said $3.5 million based on treasury department documents, we will be rolling out a story in a couple of days demonstrating that their relationship, meaning hunter and devon archer's relationship goes way back and they were performing a number of banking and financial services for her, services that they had trouble doing, by the way, because several banks did not want to work with her because the money
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was seen as dirty. >> sean: so literally, these nationals were allowed access to biden inside the white house according to these emails. i guess my next question is if both of hunter's business partners are convicted, how did he go scot-free? >> that's the question. there was a trial in 2016 and we actually, i've gone through the notes and what it demonstrates is that hunter biden's fingerprints are all over this. he has named repeatedly in the court trials but he was never charged by the prosecutors in new york. >> sean: all right, great work. we'll have you back next week for the next report. when we come back she is the trump town hall audience member everybody is talking about, nodding her head in agreement with the president. shshshshsh
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>> sean: one audience member in attendance at last nights nbc town hall with president trump went viral on social media. her name, my originally. seated right behind the president, seen for a big part of the night nodding along to many of the presidents comments, giving a thumbs up at one point. here to react to the viral trump reporter, myra jolie and a civil rights attorney. thank you for joining us. did you expect you'd become a viral sensation? by the way, sort of like leo. leo is a viral sensation. >> i certainly didn't expect that, but i'm glad i could help. >> sean: you were nodding, i'm
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assuming in agreement. it seemed like it was in agreement. i picked that up on my own, and people started tweeting, look over the president, there is a supporter and an nbc town hall of the president. was it nodding in agreement? >> absolutely, nodding in agreement because i was following exactly what he was saying and that's my sentiment as well. emotionally or from the logical point of view. so just natural to follow the conversation and when you feel like what the person is saying is correct, i nodded in approval. >> sean: how did you feel about the treatment of the president by savannah guthrie? >> like every other presentation that the president has had. it's like the president is fighting with one hand tied behind his back. in which the judge and the prosecutor are both against the
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attorney, practically. so there is no way that anybody can have a decent conversation when from the gecko it's just attacks and it's not only a town hall, it's been the norm throughout the whole candidacy and presidency of president trump. and their supporters. a.k.a., myself. i have not been a victim of attacks just because i just was sitting behind the president, happened to be sitting behind the president. i've been the victim up attack just because i expressed my views, and i'm a person who thinks on her own and i'm a grown woman. a businesswoman. and i believe that that's the right that i do have to come to this country and think for myself. >> sean: when i watched the first 20 minutes of this, leo, then here we go again.
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are you going to condemn white nationalism? okay, he's done it how many times and played it earlier the show. and then we get to qanon, really, this is what you want to know? he's never been asked about his kind words about the former klansman robert byrd, the guy who filibustered the civil rights act with the fact that he worked with him to stop the integration of schools, didn't want his kids going to schools that are racial jungles. not one time, not one time has he ever been asked. >> i tell you right now, last night, those two town halls were a perfect example that republicans are always fighting uphill because the media is so far left and so far in the pocket of the democratic party. savannah guthrie was trying to maintain her invitation at democratic cocktail parties and that's why she went off. the president has answered the race question 20, 30 times.
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it's all on tape but she still goes on and answers that question peer the reason why i'm here, the reason why i am donald trump, the reason i willr program next week, i'm campaigning across the country for the president. >> sean: oh you're going to be on the program, we'll find a way. you look better and i had, to be honest. where's the hat and i? >> i tell you so much, i will be campaigning for the president. he didn't answer the question about you ain't black. he didn't answer. >> sean: how about his praise of a klansman? imagine if donald trump had praised a klansman? >> he has to call them a domestic terrorist group at the democrats will not confront joe biden, it's a double standard and by the way, you cannot communicate with republicans or you are a sellout. i'm proud to be working with donald trump, i'm on the campaign all week next week.
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>> sean: did you get to meet the president? >> i do, i did get to meet the president, he was right directly talking to me saying he was mentioning a sammy sosa, who is dominican as well. because what people don't understand is that the democratic party left me, i was a former democrat. when we have a party whose willing to kill a baby, i cannot be along with that. >> a lot of people like her, sean. there's a lot of black going to the president. he's going to get record numbers. >> sean: will know and 18 days. >> absolutely. >> absolutely. >> sean: these folks, they don't have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper
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monday 15 days with the ultimate jury, the two week countdown begins at a debate next week. we will have a covered. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham is next. i hope youig addition. everyone have a great weekend. shannon bream and "fox news @ night," take it all from here. ♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to raymond arroyo stomach "the ingraham angle" and i'm shannon bream. concerns that the polls are not telling the whole story as former president obama gets ready to hit the trail for a vice president, joe biden and pennsylvania. can addends working the campaign trail as the treatment that you each got and the dueling town halls comes under scrutiny. by the way the campaign manager, please take the fact that we are not ahead by double digits. those are inflated
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