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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  October 18, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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but when they're handed a treasure trove of information, they attacked the people who did it. vote, vote now. see you next time on life, liberty and live-in. keith the d
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ornament of trump derangement. display your madness and get clicks because people are curious about your tragic decline. the worse you look, the more social media keep you around like a carnival clown in a dunking booth. meanwhile a mother of seven audition for the supreme court, badgered by low information, bake came off cooler than get spot show off an air conditioner. >> jubilee with the view that roe was wrongly decided. >> i can'tmm pre-commit or say yes i'm going in with an agenda because i'm not. i don't have an agenda. >> you condemned white supremacy, >> yes. >> clear wording of the constitution establisheses a right and you will not acknowledge it. >> senator, it was strange the canon of conduct which don't
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permit me to it offer off-the-cuff reactions or opinions outside the judicial process. >> i would not play poker with her or yacht. she doesn't have ice water in her veins, she has freon. >> you were surrounded by a team of folks that help prepare you for this nomination hearing. his row a super precedent. >> how would you define that? i thought someday i would be sitting in that chair. i'm not, i'm ask you. >> people use different precedent differently. >> poor amy k. she's a high school meeting girl who meets another girl name amy and takes it personal because she's more successful. i'm supposed to be in that chair, not you amy. >> go eat your salad with a comb. the high points in the low points. >> since he became a legal
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adult have you made unwanted request for sexual favor or created verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. >> no. >> glad we settled that. i called her and eddie about what if she self identifies as a moron. >> they end up trashing this t independent female then way w worse than any independent white man could. are we sure they're not evil white men in disguise? under the guise of equality they ask questions with your kids present and we see the liberal lie of diversity. they will say you go girl until you're not there girl. a witchhunt, wherever the woke go, intolerance falls include social media platforms whose motto should be drowned the witch, protect the mob. if any restaurant is accused of racism, yelp will not without a public attention alert.
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yelp can amplify expands in an effort to appear woke so if losers are mad you don't serve ice cubes, you could cite bigotry and yelp will blab your café which makes employers and customers a target for abuse. yelp should change their name to help because they are going to need it. hunter biden especially. he's getting it from social media platforms. new york post breaks this story allegedly showing his brat exploiting dads connections. the story should be about verifying these e-mails from his laptop but instead, the story is about twitter and facebook smothering the story with a pillow. twitter blocked the new york post account. if you try to tweak the article, it won't show up. it disappeared like a racist restaurant. facebook said they would reduce story distribution. how noble of them considering all the countless stories they and their media pushed down our throats for four years, the collusion scam, kavanaugh,
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leaked tax returns. you can tweet russian collusion but not hunter biden. i don't like that e-mail story at all, i hate reading people's private moments, it is gross but that doesn't matter anymore. here is why. if you said the steel dossier matter because it compromised trump and foreign policy, then you've got to say the same thing here. the story about trump calling them losers, that's a private conversation. if that is okay, why not this? they spoke, facebook and twitter more stickers on that. they would cite a source about trump eating orphans before you could sing oliver. i used to think and i speech ideology would die once it left the campus, how could these grads find jobs? i was wrong, they found work everywhere. yelp, twitter, facebook, rhenium webster. all zombies. remember the press told us trump was a threat to the press?
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it is the press that the threat to the free press. they can erase stories they don't like while boosting the ones they love. although what bombshells. why were they out there to begin with? they were the stories that trended, the ones that took the top spaces at school surges in the once repeated five times on goals news page. they are controlling all of this to control what you think or believe so after years of smoking guns turning out to be smoldering nothings, here comes hunter. this is a smoking gun, it's a smoking something. no one in the media wants to take a puff. i did finally trying to quit? no. it is not their brand. >> the king of pain with the awesome main. fox news contributor, charlie hurt. she's more bubbly than couple of pop rocks. fox news contributor on fox
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nation, emily compagno. fox nation kat timpf. a piece of his mind, host of fox nation, tyrus. [laughter] charlie, charlie. a lot to cover. a lot of stories. twitter, facebook, hunter biden. take your pick. make it somewhat intelligible. charlie: i don't know if i can do all that but it's truly an amazing week if you think about this, what we have is amy coney barrett about to be confirmed in the supreme court, this is a fight that has ground washington to a halt for 50 years, as long as joe biden has been in washington. it's been controversial, the idea republicans would put forth
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judicial nominees who believe the constitution is what it says it is and it means what it says it means. here you have donald trump putting forth the nominee like this and democrats in the committee are lying down like little lambs. they are completely rolling over and they are going to confirm this woman. donald trump has broken these people. the fact that it's not the biggest news today about the fact we've all sort of begun to kind of take it for granted that yes, she'll get confirmed is absolutely astonishing especially when you consider what the stakes are at this particular moment. twenty days before an election. greg: good points. emily, you claim to be a lawyer although you haven't helped me on any of my cases. [laughter] i was really impressed with amy because she came off as incredibly sweet but she just murdered every answer. emily: she is dead opposite of me.
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so incredible, i feel like i can't even imagine what a superhero she is within that skin. watching this whole thing, senator was a sexual assault question she said it's her duty to ensure fitness. she should ask that everyone else we can determine who's been using the sexual harassment part. watching the senators lobby the tax on the unflappable judge barrett's, i felt like i was watching them throwing grenades to her as she called them one-handed with a straight face and mold them back. all it did was blow up in their face because every answer, she has totally dismantled them and proved she's ten steps ahead at every second with intellect and intelligence and experience and she was dynamite. greg: they were damning? emily: we are missing the truly
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damning moment. lindsey graham said you own a gun? she said yes and he said that will make you fairly rule on cases involving the second amendment? she said there will be no conflict but i'm not so sure. especially because you also have to worry about whether she can weigh in on the first amendment because i noticed she was also talking, she has a long record speaking freely without being arrested so i just can't believe you guys are being so complementary when there's far too much bias with her having to exercise her rights. greg: did lindsey graham ask that question? that seems like an odd question from him. emily: thousand odd question from anybody. greg: tyrus, take your pick. i have to say that i don't like hunter biden story because i don't want anyone ever seen my
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e-mails, it is stupid to leave a laptop, if you leave a laptop and then forget about it, do you know what? tyrus: you have to call the hazmat crew. [laughter] greg: what you make of this? tyrus: as you know, you and i have a past. both of us have in our possession, samurai swords and ceremonial, at any time our computer history is intercepted, we will -- what's called a beautiful desk where we will assume the pictures, assume position and have customs and thrust the sword through our g gut, not our hearts because we want to bleed out slowly and that is exactly what is going down. i always think family should be off-limits in campaign and stuff, regardless but we clearly know that is not how the world
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plays now but going back to, real quick, the supreme court situation, i think she is a great candidate. i think she's going to be more of a friend to liberals than they realize. she seems to be clearheaded, she doesn't seem to take sides. i disagree with she throws grenades back, she just let them it. she is bulletproof but going to, i hate to disagree with mr. hurt, this is going to be the fuse that leads to even more chaos, even more destruction, even more drama going into however this election plays out. we saw what happened when they lost the pig last time, they basically said you took our pick. we are taking your president. president trump basically had three and half years of investigations, whether true or false, now we took a second pi pick. they're not going to lay down like lambs, they are regrouping
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and seeing what they can possibly destroy which is always bad for the american people. greg: all right. tickets available for my next show. next week in october 25. in pennsylvania, starlight driving. when we come back, dueling town hall. ♪ when you're through with powering through, it's time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. powerful relief so you can restore and recover. theraflu hot beats cold.
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they were slinging slime and prime time with the second presidential debate canceled, simultaneous town hall meetings. at one town hall, this is what you got. >> the scientist will disagree with the economists so the question is, how do you decide this? who are you going to listen to? can you contain the pandemic without crushing the economy? >> you can contain a pandemic by being rational. >> how civil? >> a couple of days later on a different show, you denounced white sup. >> you've done this to me -- >> why does it seemed like -- >> i did not white supremacy for years. you always start off -- he
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didn't ask joe biden whether or not he denounces it. greg: what a contrast and on one screen, kenny g. on the other, the bride of chucky. more, please. >> mr. vice president, if you lose, what will that tell you about where america is? >> you could say i didn't do a good job. >> i just know about that. >> i don't know. no, i don't know. >> president trump, take a test that day, would be negative? >> before i came up here, i took another test. >> i know nothing about that. i know very little. what you tell me doesn't necessarily make it back. greg: is like comparing a lullaby to death metal. on fox, trump was asked over 40 questions but only got to ten from the town hall voters which
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it was for including one who said this -- >> i have to say, you have a great smile. >> got you. greg: i didn't expect that but we've learned to questioners the biden town hall have democratic ties. one was a speechwriter in obama's commerce department. the other is married to a democrat involved in local politics. pressing biden on court packing, he'll get back to us on that. no mention of the stuff was hard to say what we got from the town hall other than a raging headache. this was me friday morning. >> neil. bye-bye -- [laughter] greg: which one did you watch, which one did you record? emily: i started with doctor and
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then trump because we know how the biden was going to play out, i feel the town hall was like a friend calling you and saying hey, how are you? than two minutes in his like i wanted to talk to you about something you said the other night, this was supposed to be a town hall but actually, it was savannah's private personal boxing match she was trying to engage with and the whole thing for a town hall is for the viewers to hear thoughtful questions from other american citizens and hear thoughtful answers. this is just one more example of those participants in the media who are like self-anointed white knights and we are taking it upon themselves to carry justice for all of us. instead, missing the mark about what we want to hear. greg: i was getting the impression she wasn't asking questions for the american people, she wanted make sure she got good reviews from her media friends and people in the media who hate trump.
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tyrus: that probably was her agenda. let's just keep that real but whose fault is that? anytime anyone of us agrees to interview with the media, we always have a plan and if it is not the way we are going, we pull out or don't answer. the one thing we don't do is over answer. both candidates over answer. the difference was, trump became annoyed when it became very personal and then once it became personal, the reporter wins. as intelligent as our president is, he allowed himself to get in a one-on-one battle with a reporter and i'm telling you, i don't care who you are or how slick you are, you're never going to win because they are going to keep debating he took debate which is disappointing. at this time, the whites of pharmacy questions, straight up, you say it and move on. he doesn't need to explain
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himself and he always seems to fall for that loop with a try to get him to do that. greg: what did you make of it? kat: i thought when it came to the line of questioning for biden, it was relatively tough compared to the questioning i've seen of him in the past keeping in mind the tough questions when it comes to reporters and biden is on the ground and the ground is made of my pillows. i will never forget when he gave the speech about his economic plan and the reporter goes after the question and says, how are you so calm? how do you handle it the well when some trump is so mean to you? that is your question? it is really upsetting because i don't care if you're getting somebody to be in a huge position of power or they are in
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a position of power, they should be getting tough questions. i don't care if you're republican, democrat or the greatest politician who ever lived in my celebrity crush, ron paul. same thing. it's true. [laughter] it's an important check on government power that keeps us free and if this would be with biden presidency, it makes me very concerned charlie, the imbalance is what's most striking was coming. this is all about savannah guthrie taking the heat off mbc for even having trump. this was her job we are having but we are going to barbecue h him. charlie: absolutely, no doubt about it but i also think that's where from those, i think he does a lot better in combat i tried to watch the biden thing literally put me to sleep.
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it was so boring and then you have this set up where you have the audience members that were elevated in the stands, talking down to him and fighting it was like he was watching angels in the room and answering and it was the strangest thing and if you listen to what he said, he kept talking and to me, it was such a turn off and it reminds me when donald trump is gone, i'm going to quit covering politics. going back to covering regular politicians, they for me. greg: it was like you are caught smoking as a kid, your parents made you smoke two packs in a roe so you hate it, i think trump has forced america to smoke two packs of politics. you want this, every day. i went to make you smoke
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politics and you will never want to go near it again because i agree. i feel like walking off into the sunset. next, media's reaction to the town halls. a hint. ♪ we are the thrivers. women with metastatic breast cancer,... ...standing in the struggle. hustling through the hurt. asking for science, not sorrys. our time... ...for more time... ...has come. living longer is possible- and proven in women taking kisqali plus fulvestrant or a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor. kisqali is the only treatment in its class with proven overall survival results in 2 clinical trials. helping women live longer with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali was also significantly more effective at delaying disease progression... ...versus a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat,
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live from america's news
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headquarters i'm ashley strohmeyer. barack obama is expected to make his first appearance on the 2020 campaign trail wednesday. he will be in philadelphia. president trump won pennsylvania by less than 1% in 2016. current polls show biden leading trump by more than five points. president trump of older rally in pennsylvania this week. strong winds spark a fire in the rockies. nearly 3000 people have been forced from their home in north central colorado. they believe many homes were lost but so far no reported injuries. another fire force people from another 145 homes. i'm ashley's strohmeyer. for all your headlines log on to greg: they were okay with joe but trump, that's a no. president trump holding a town hall at the same time as biden,
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caused the media to set what's left of their hair on fire. >> this is an outright embarrassing rating ploy on behalf of nbc. i am shocked and surprised that they would allow the president of the united states to do the programming and manipulate them into doing this. greg: shock and surprise over a ratings ploy. that's rich. >> are you as mad as everyone else is that they are doing a town hall with president trump tomorrow instead of the debate? [laughter] >> i am not touching that. [laughter] greg: thankfully, homer heads prevailed on the view. >> four more years of this, i believe that. the supreme court, god forbid they take the senate again. we are doomed.
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people need to vote. >> don't flip out. greg: never been right so that is good news. many on the left call a boycott for nbc saying this decision was bad for our democracy. the networks are required to give equal time to the candidates, they kind of did that but trump refers syndrome. just from doing what he does best, it's called counter programming but of course, it is not depending democracy and fairness, it never is. the only talking head i listen to is this guy. >> mommy! stop him now, why is my voice so deep? i do not know. maybe because of the baby. greg: fair enough. i find it hilarious that cnn is
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complaining this was a ratings ploy when in 2016, they took trump every single moment, an opportunity they could to counter programming against fox and probably msnbc and joe on msnbc gave trump launch to be on any moment he wanted because they knew he would be great for ratings. they helped get trump elected, they lost the right to complain about counter programming. kat: i have not lost my right to complain so i'm going to be perfectly honest here, i am not mad they were on at the same time necessarily, i am that they were on at the same time thursday 8:00 p.m. because that's when i watched keeping up with the kardashian's. i know everyone hates them, who would want them to be doing math? highly allegedly put a stiletto
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in the throat, i had to wait. not one, not two but three hours before figuring out being able to learn how that all panned out, i don't have much going on in my life because of this pandemic, that's not fair but the calls to boycott embassy over this are ridiculous. you put up a tweet from deborah saying that? they give you 11 seats in will and grace which is slightly more than they've ever given me and i don't feel that way. greg: tyrus, did you think this was a bad idea? tyrus: not as much as they did. i'll tell you why. we, of course, have been extremely, deeply investigating the power of the old white man. we knew was too old white men setting up shop shop across each other, it's bigger than the nba finals, who will have more crafty, old white man tricks? [laughter] what we did learn is that nobody
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on the left media thought that joe biden could laugh at brown with president trump in a ratings battle. they were furious like great, america will see 25 million for trump. 1100 for joe biden. that's what they thought, that's what the outrage was about but they didn't listen and even though 2 million people listen to when we talked about it, i put it on social media, the only thing craftier than the all white man is the older white man. didn't think joe could go? that's why you cried foul? the world is over because they didn't know it and lo and behold, the only one who knew if you put to all white men together, the oldest one will get more ratings with yours truly. [laughter] greg: that is an intriguing theory. charlie, has them media never heard of dvr? charlie: apparently not.
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i also am seriously doubting any ratings metrics out there because i still can't believe more people tuned in to watch joe biden and donald trump unless it's the fact that joe biden never answered any questions and people thought maybe something would happen, i have no problem with it, i just wish they may be would trick them both and sort of cut the debate commission out of it and secretly put them on the same stage and had to reporters, both of them, i didn't have a problem with savannah guthrie, she asked tough and mean questions, i just wish joe biden would get asked the questions. greg: it is the contrast that drives me crazy, i guess. emily, i would like to see trump actually have a screen that had biden's town hall and they could watch that show the comparison as it was happening.
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emily: a side-by-side would have been awesome. to comment on the interdiction thing and the media and their reaction, lenin said this was the story of the day. what everyone is talking about and like you mentioned, hollywood files on, this is called an outrage and unconscionable. this was a q&a the president at the same time as a q&a the nomination candidate for the vice presidency and there's no gas left in the tank if that's unconscionable, if that is an outrage in an era, in a day and age when there's dvr and recording and playback and upload and streaming and pirating on your phone and watch and computer and television, the elevators in this building even, if that's unconscionable, what is next?
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that's why no one listens to these people, they are screaming from their gated communities. their hangnail is like our equivalent of amputation for being burned at the stake. their alternate reality literally has zero actual pain. that's why i don't listen to them. [laughter] greg: they are, but not to me if you have them. interesting. it is true. next, whose lockdowns are bad? next, whose lockdowns are bad? yes. wow, i wish i could get a deal on a smartphone, but i'm not a new customer. well, actually now, new and existing customers can get our best smartphone deal. it's historic. that is historic. which means... i'm making history, right? yea, i don't know if i'd exactly sa- wow. me, dave brown. existing customer who got the greatest deal in history. just like every other customer gets... oh that's cool too. it's not complicated. at&t is making history. everyone gets our best smartphone deals, including the lates pre-orders.
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i'm dorothy hamill. as i look toward 65, i'm thinking about medicare. i know i want coverage that connects all the
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different parts of my health care to keep me aging actively. keep doing what you love. that's the aetna medicare advantage. they just shut down the lockdown after previously thing countries should be carefully about opening, their calling for the end of lockdowns. >> world health organization does not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of control of this virus. remember, lockdowns have just one consequence you must never ever be little, that is making
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poor people poor. greg: they are not the only ones giving it a second thought. new york times critics the pandemic will and far sooner than expected. the main reason? operations warp speed, also known as the government moved to fast-track a vaccine has been successful. by june, there should be enough vaccines every american. that shortens the timeline for years and saved countless lives. thanks, mr. president. finally, walmart will plan for crowds and black friday. three black fighters. they are splitting up usual sales starting the day after the election. here is me last year. you don't want to know why i keep my wallet.
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tyrus -- [laughter] tyrus: we made it. you have those three days of february. thirty-two now. yes, we made it. [laughter] come on, man. greg: i don't even have to complete the sentence. i don't even know what i was going to say. tyrus: just, if the who, the actual music group came down and told us lockdowns were about idea, i'd be like thank you so much but this? should be where? where have you been? [laughter] 2020. hey, tyrus. not listening to this man when he's talking to directly and really your eyes, that will get you fired.
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thanks. four years later, thank you. this is why we left you all. this is why. always coming up, by the way, lockdowns don't work. no -. greg: emily, this also shows, we are never going to get the right answer. years from now, when people write books, we are never going to know what worked. emily: exactly. that's what happens when you are a quarterback, what i learned in prepping for this, operations warp speed not only is the speed awesome but it was taken to a wartime weapons prepare meant that the president did so by investing in all this buying it upfront, it allows the company's to stay afloat and the benefit is us because we will have multiple options with awesome production lines set up and of course, he's not getting credit for that. i feel like the whole length, everyone is looking at this like
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a soccer game where you swing up the gully if you let the ball go by but you never acknowledge what they made throughout the course of the game. greg: charlie, i noticed emily as violent analogies today a lot of explosions, i don't know what is going on in seattle but i am frightened. what you make of the new declarations from the other who? charlie: it underscores the fact that especially during a global pandemic, you don't want partisan politics governing everything. lucy democrats try to score points from the beginning and we've seen the world health organization and lots of other scientific organizations that are supposed to be helping stop the spread of this and fix this problem. all of them trying to score political points and it's a
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terrible idea. emily is right, a long time for now, they are going to look back at this and look at the things that worked and didn't work but the things that work, they work because people are trying to solve a problem that we have never encountered before since january this year. greg: yes, it's called a novel pandemic for a reason. whatever we are doing something new, there is going to be risk. it's like this is more and we are fighting a novel enemy. kat: yes, the lockdown was so controversial to say something like that. hey, maybe this is not good. you just killed my grandma. i am all for saving lives but i think there is a potentially life-saving mechanism that also makes everyone who is still
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living wish they were dead and that's something that needs to be considered because it's even worse than that, it is not just poverty. that is obviously a very real thing the experts say prolonged loneliness can lead to a host of physical problems that ultimately, ultimate early mortality. that should not have taken that long to acknowledge that. greg: look what prolonged loneliness has done to brian. [laughter] all right. next, is it too good to be true? brad pitt wants to marry you? yes. introducing voltaren arthritis pain gel. the first full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel... available over the counter. voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. voltaren. the joy of movement.
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who'sgovernor gavin newsom. the governor says prop 15 is, "fair, phased-in, and long overdue reform", that "will exempt small businesses and residential property owners." join governor newsom. vote yes on 15.
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who's supkamala harris.5? harris says, "a corporate tax loophole has allowed billions to be drained from our public schools and local communities.
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no more. i'm proud to support prop 15." vote yes. schools and communities first is responsible for the content of this ad. so sure it was legit. she seemed brad pitt the woman suing for $100,000 alleging failure to appear at charity events, she already paid him 40 grand to be there. she claims he approached her online to help fund raise before his foundation which builds houses for victims of hurricane katrina person said they developed a close relationship and talk about marriage but his lawyer said she got cap finished by of impersonator adding that she even admitted she knows she was a victim of a scam. sounds crazy but i get it. i was once catfish by clive owen
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and it turns out he was this fellow. ♪ ♪ greg: it wasn't a happy ending. it is way better than clive owen. definitely. have at it. do people ever try to catfish you what do they contact you and say i am jesse watters? [laughter] kat: no, he doesn't contact me either but look, this is why a all, always believe in yourself is terrible advice and i will not tell it to my future children. i will not sit there and watch the olympics with them and say that will be week you want day because i am not a liar. this lady did not be a mobile to figure out she wasn't talking to brad pitt. she sees a little self-doubt, believe in yourself but not always.
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we're not all adam sandler. greg: tyrus, is this a sad story that she believed it? tyrus: i kind of it is hilarious. anytime anyone makes this accusation, you should be allowed to prove that it's not in afterwards, they should be held accountable. [laughter] having said that. so, brad pitt, average annual salary, this means lowest ever. he had a bad year. $25 million, he averages that a year. on a good year, it can be up to 150 and even more. if you get $7 million, saying it with a straight face and say you have brad pitt to make an appearance at six charity oven for $40000. [laughter]
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greg: emily, what you think? does she have a chance? emily: no. in the lawsuit, she details how he approached her. i'm like, if that isn't the biggest indication, it is not brad pitt. i don't know what else to tell her. greg: that is so true. [laughter] tyrus: brad pitt looking for money. [laughter] greg: charlie, someone was pretending to me on facebook. so it does happen. tyrus: pretending to be you -. charlie: this whole story is utterly perplexing. cap they think is entirely different where i am from the most amazing thing in the end,
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brad pitt make it right foundation $27 million building homes in the aftermath of hurricane katrina and they are getting sued, class action lawsuit because apparently it didn't build them up to code. that is a really big deal. greg: how i feel about guests reads the whole story. charlie: is the last paragraph. tyrus: cap and i. greg: i didn't read it all but i will tell you. >> motion on the confused, they kept saying cap fishing and i kept looking for catfish they got. i'm like, i am so confused. greg: you are an old person, you make me sick to my stuck stomach. it's too bad he is being sued. beautiful. but support the leg!
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9:00 pm
greg: we are out of time. thanks to charlie hurt, kat timpf and tyrus. i love you, america. ♪ ♪ good evening everyone welcome to "the next revolution". i'm steve hilton and this is the home of positive populism. pro-work, pro-family, pro-community, and especially pro-america. later tonight we will bring you the choice on the economy. we will lay out the facts and guess who's here to respond, mr. positivity himself larry kudlow. also with us lisa booth and charlie kirk. there is so much going on. let's get straight to it. last sunday i set the present need most focused and disciplined three weeks of his life to close the selection was simple, strong policy


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