tv Hannity FOX News October 19, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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joining us again soon on the show. we will be back tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m., the shoulders this morning to me of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. have a great evening, sean hannity takes over from new york. >> sean: all right, thank you. good show as always, welcome to "hannity." breaking moments ago in what looks like another major effort to protect the weak, frail, ever-confused joe biden, now the presidential debate commission decided again unilaterally that they will be muting the candidate's microphone when the others talking on thursdays debate. a lot more coming up. tonight it's 15 days and you the american people, it will all be in your hands. don't let anyone tell you otherwise. if you are ultimate jury. we are now officially in the home stretch in president trump's campaign is in high gear. over the weekend, huge, massive crowds lining up everywhere to greet the president in california, for example, as you can see. he also visited the swing state
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of nevada, where he held a massive rally in carson city. today he hit the campaign trail in arizona, to more massive rallies. look at the size, there's even people outside in that crowd is huge. in prescott, and then tucson. tomorrow the president will be back on the east coast for the rally in pennsylvania and so far since making a speedy recovery from covid-19, in addition to what we already mentioned, this president has had rallies in sanford, florida, johnston pennsylvania, des moines, iowa, greenville, north carolina, also outside of orlando and florida, macon, georgia. northern minnesota and janesville, wisconsin. it's safe to say donald trump is working hard, crisscrossing the country at a rapid pace. meanwhile, his geriatric, weak, frail, cognitively struggling opponent is noticeably missing in action. there should now alarm every american. this has never happened in the history of presidential politics
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where one guy spends the entire campaign 15 days out of an election decided to take a four-day vacation after he only worked one day and then had another day off. joe biden is not crisscrossing the country. he's not campaigning. he barely is hosting any events at all. earlier today his campaign tweeted "joe biden will work every day to bind up our wounds and bring this country back together." bumper sticker slogans. great. meaningless. that is unless you count today or tomorrow or the next day or the day after that, because the biden campaign has zero public events scheduled for the next three days and he was off saturday, did only one event on sunday. now, if america is looking for a pathetically weak, a very lazy, a very frail, a very corrupt, and a cognitively-struggling president, corrupt joe biden is for you. over the weekend he was forced to answer at least two health questions from the media mob,
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including this really hard hitting question about his favorite -- what kind of shake did you get, mr. vice president? take a look. >> we got everybody a milk shake, didn't we? got everybody? >> we got them. >> happy milk shake. we got one vanilla and one chocolate. i wanted to get what we call black-and-white but we are going to move it. >> sean: chocolate. need some energy. of course joe doesn't seem to mind stupid pointless questions like that, but don't dare ask him a legitimate question about a real issue like the real corruption allegations that are now getting louder by the hour swirling around his 0-experience son who made millions and millions and millions while his dad was vp, capitalizing off that position. take a look. >> [indiscernible].
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>> i know you would ask it, i have no response. it's another smear campaign right up your alley, those of the questions you always ask. >> sean: it's a smear campaign. what are you, a junkie, man? you a junkie? sorry, i'm acting like joe. notice biden has lashed out at the cbs reporter, accused him of participating in a smear campaign just for asking a question and notice -- and this is really important, joe never denied any of the corruption allegations. in fact, to date, we are paying very close attention. despite multiple official and unofficial statements, the biden campaign has never once directly and unequivocally denied that zero experience hunter biden offered special access to the obama white house in exchange for what he made in terms of millions and millions and millions of dollars. imagine if his last name was trump. that's probably because it's true.
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hunter biden has no experience in ukraine, he has no experience in russia, no experience in china. he had no experience in kazakhstan. no experience in oil, gas, or energy. he had no credible experience in foreign, domestic investments, yet when his father was the vice president, 0-experience hunter somehow received massive consulting fees, millions of millions of dollars from sketchy foreign nationals in all of these countries, every single one of them. as our friend peter schweizer reported last week, one of hunter's business partners now is in prison. the other partner, who you've probably heard of, devon archer, he is now awaiting his sentencing, he will be going to jail too. by the way, when you go through the court records, hunter's name comes up a lot, and it's not just the millions from ukraine and don't forget the 1.5 billion deal with the bank of china. again, no experiencing.
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according to the ron johnson" charles grassley sent a report in december 2013 we now know that hunter signed on to a sweetheart deal with a chinese-state backed investment fund netting hunter massive amount of equity in revenue in a partnership with a government linked farm. that was ten days after hunter biden flew with his father aboard air force two and a trip to china. breaking tonight, fox news has corroborated a may 2017 email thread that discussed a payout from a chinese investment with equity distributions to "h," we believe that's probably hunter. and more equity "held by h for the big guy." sources are telling fox news tonight that the big guy would be quid pro quo dryden to biden, the vice president than at the time himself. so, joe, now you have to answer a very supple question, is it true, are you the big guy in
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this big deal that you're 0-experience son was making all this money on? is there equity in a chinese investment fund earmarked for you? maybe that's why you didn't want to support the travel ban that you called hysterical, xenophobic and fearmongering. we are profiting off of your son's business dealings? he had no experience before, during or after your vice presidency. what you have to say about the $3.5 million wire transfer from the corrupt russian oligarch -- remember the first lady of moscow. that went to 0-experience hunter. did you take a cut of that? and why did joe biden lie in the first debate and wires the media not asking any questions about it and allowing joe biden 15 days out of an election to take another four-day vacation? what about april 2014, a payout that he got from an oligarch and what about the monthly payouts that hunter began receiving from that ukrainian oil and gas giant that netted hunter millions of
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dollars? remember, joe is on tape saying you're not getting the billion dollars. i'm leaving in six hours. you're not getting the billion dollars in less fire the prosecutor. who was the prosecutor? what is he looking into? zero experience hunter getting paid millions. son -- they fired the guy because they wanted our billion dollar, you know, loan guarant guarantee. did you take a cut of that, joe, or big guy, whatever your real name is? will joe be forced to answer any of these questions? we have an election as joe keeps reminding us, there's almost 30 million people that have voted. is he going to have to answer that before election day on november 3rd? and by the way, not if big tech gets their way. if the media mob, because they are protecting is always there favorite candidate. massive social media information platforms have now been censoring and lying about all of this from the get-go. in one massive lie, a locked wikipedia page refers to hunter
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as "subject of a debunked right wing conspiracy theory." no, his business partners would be going to jail. one is in jail, one is awaiting sentencing to go to jail and meanwhile, facebook and twitter, they tried to limit the spread of the hunter biden allegations that were broken and "the new york post." twitter even blocked users from sharing related, even private messages. they froze prominent accounts, people that promoted the story, including the white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany and of course twitter senior executives, they have a long history of sharing vicious anti-trump tweets. at one fantasizing about putting trump on a ventilator, another openly hoping that trump will be humiliated during the election. another one referring to trump supporter's as hysteric with stupid people. these are the same people now referring to the very serious allegations against hunter as dangerous information. naturally the media mob, now big
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tech, they are on the left, cheering for their friends in silicon valley. they all love censorship as long as it protects joe biden. and tonight there are a lot of unanswered questions the media won't be asking joe biden. he has gotten a pass and now who, 15 days out of an election, gets to take a four-day vacation. four days in the middle of the campaign. does that not raise questions, eyebrows? how did he get to go throwable campaign and not be asked one question? of course we couldn't get clarity from the fbi, which may or may not be investigating zero experience hunter and these crazy business dealings, but according to a bombshell newsletter sent by wisconsin senator ron johnson, the fbi director is apparently stonewalling as usual, refusing to confirm or deny any materials that are surrounding the hunter biden allegations, so director, what did you know and when did you know it? is hunter biden under investigation? do you have hunter biden's hard
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drive, and if so, when did you get it? have you heard, and do you have this evidence and did you have it during the time of the corrupt impeachment? are you in possession of legitimate materials showing possible public corruption? because i think the public has a right to know now while people are voting and before election day. here with more, senate homeland security committee chairman ron johnson. senator, let me go through some bullet points so we can get this down pat. true or false, hunter went on gma and said he had no experience in oil, gas, energy, or ukraine? that's true, correct? >> that's correct. >> sean: okay. joe biden is on tape bragging that he leveraged a billion tax dollars to get a prosecutor that was investigating hunter biden fired and son of a bee, they did it, true or false? >> that is true. >> sean: did hunter biden get $3.5 million from a russian
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oligarch, a.k.a. the first lady of moscow? >> he or his business interests did, yes. we traced those financial dealings, yes. >> sean: and that's all in your report. do we know that he has any experience in ukraine, kazakhstan, russia or china? that would qualify him for these really, really lucrative deals? >> certainly not as you say that would qualify him for $4.2 million of payments into his business interests, no. >> sean: did hunter biden have money transferred to an entity to benefit him from a kazakhstan oligarch? >> we believe that probably went to devon archer to buy michael car. >> sean: devon archer his business partner that is awaiting sentencing? >> yeah, now the convicted felon -- yes, his business partner. >> sean: and the others are business partner is in jail and peter schweizer now has access to 26,000 of those emails separate and apart from "the new york post" article. the next question, have you seen
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any experience that would qualify hunter biden to get it $1.5 billion deal, started as a billion, than 500 million more, with the bank of china? and are you concerned about the contacts that happened ten days after a trip that he accompanied his father on air force two with him >> we can cut to the chase here. hunter biden together with other biden family members profited off the biden name. what we revealed in our report is a vast web of connections with chinese nationals, people all over the world. again, trading on the biden name, but it's these business dealings -- you know, i'll report raises formal questions than it actually answered but it raises so my troubling issues that the mainstream media is simply not looking at. they are suppressing information, which is a scandal in and of itself. >> sean: okay, so now, the question is almost 30 million
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americans have already voted. now we have an election in 15 days. to the american people have a right to know or not -- you're trying to get the fbi director to tell us if he has more information, has he gotten back to you yet? >> no. we originally talked to him on the phone as soon as we got called by the whistle-blower the day after we issued our report, took the fbi a couple days to get back to us and tell us nothing, so that's why i wrote the director yesterday basically saying listen, there is russian disinformation, the fbi owes us a [indiscernible]. if they are fraudulently peddling information to the congress, that's a crime, the fda ought to brief us on that as well. certainly in discussions with my colleagues, they are highly concerned that the fbi might have had possession -- it looks like they did. a grand jury subpoena picked up this computer from the shop owner in december 2019. this is right during the whole -- the middle of the impeachment in the emails that we already know of were completely relevant to that impeachment trial, so here you
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have the fbi probably in possession, analysis of information incredibly relevant to the impeachment trial of a sitting president of the united states and they don't say a word? i've got a real problem with that. i hope a lot of americans have problems with that and have mini questions. >> sean: can you get director wray to come testify like tomorrow or the day after? because i think there are a lot of questions -- what? >> senate rules, you have to notice business meetings, take votes. it's going to be very difficult to get director wray to testify before the selection, but i have in front of our committee a couple weeks ago with the annual threat hearing, the tail end of that, i asked him questions and more of the more pointed ones was under your watch, director wray, the fbi lied to the senate intelligence committee when they briefed them in march 2018. a year, more than a year after they knew the steele dossier was peppered for russian
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disinformation, they lied to the senate intel committee and said the steele dossier was reliable. and i asked director wray, how do you answer that? >> sean: and? >> there was no answer. >> sean: sad. senator, thank you for what you're doing, i know you're working hard to get to the truth, we appreciate it. joining us now is white house chief of staff mark meadows. first, your reaction, all of this? >> obviously, sean, what we are seeing here, pay to play scheme and you know, your focus is on hunter biden. the american people should put their focus on joe biden, because what we see is no experience from hunter, a very sophisticated plan allegedly to come up with not only peddling influence, but really trading dollars. it's interesting, president trump traded his wealth for service of his country. and actually joe biden traded his country in search of wealth. we always see just the opposite of what president trump is being
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accused of, actually joe biden and his family members appear to have done exactly what they've accused president donald trump of. we saw that before, as you know, with hillary clinton accusing the president of russian collusion. what are we finding out now? it was really hillary clinton that colluded with the russians. so there's more to come. i can tell you what it's not. it is not russian disinformation. director ratcliff spoke to that this morning and so for all the investigative reporters that are out there, if you're worried about that, i can tell you, these emails are a myth. >> sean: and that would be that joe lied when he said he had no knowledge of his son and his business dealings. the out outright lied correct? >> he outright lied when he said he had no knowledge of it. i think there will be proof that comes out in the days to come. it's interesting, he said he put a lid on it, is not going to talk to reporters for the next four days. why?
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it's going to take him four days to figure out an answer on how to actually address these allegations, and so what we do know is this, sean. joe biden continues to lose little teeny words to suggest he had no knowledge, like he said there was nothing on my official calendar. well, what about his unofficial calendar that every single vice president and president keeps? that he actually meet with the people? i think when you ask those tough questions, the answer will be yes. >> sean: how is it possible with 15 days to go -- and look, i first got into talk radio, ronald reagan was president, so i go back a little ways here. it's not my first rodeo. how is it possible that you get to take -- all right, off saturday, one event sunday and then were going to take off all day monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday to prepare for the debate thursday night? how was that possible while donald trump is crisscrossing the nation asking americans to
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vote for him and this is why i'm running and this is what i plan to do my second term? >> well, it's only possible if you really don't put america first. this president not only campaigns like a winner, he actually is in the oval office and is the president of the united states and he works like a winner. he continues to do that each and every day, getting up very early in the morning. i was talking to them, it was 5:30 his time in the time zone he was when he was talking to me at 8:30 here in washington, d.c. so he never sleeps, he actually works harder than anybody i know, but here's what we also have to focus on. joe biden will hide as much as he possibly can between now and november 3rd in the hopes that he can keep this pay to play scandal from the american people. it won't work, it's going to come out and when the evidence comes out, we will start to see that the scam of all time, but supposedly the vice president biden had no knowledge of actually he did have knowledge
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of. >> sean: all right, now -- we know the debate commission unilaterally decided we will make it a zoom debate. they don't ask anybody. then we find out that the second debate moderator was a biden intern and obviously a biden supporter. now the third one is apparently was an obama-biden supporter and i'm like, why do we have a debate commission and now they've -- it's finally put a new rule in place just days before the final debate? what's your reaction? >> well, listen, we shouldn't be surprised that the debate commission and all of washington, d.c., and all of those that are well-connected want to slap the rules to benefit their candidate. we'd seen it over and over again, but i also have a news flash for the debate commission. the american people see it for what it is. it's not fair, it's not right, and ultimately they're going to have their say on november 3rd, whether it's in pennsylvania or michigan or north carolina or
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florida or arizona or in between, though swing state voters will say they've had enough because they continue to see the media and the debate commission siding with the candidate in an unfair manner. >> sean: chief of staff mark meadows, thank you for being with us. when we come back we will have our investigation into this debate commission. we will also get newt gingrich's take, he will join us live. the final showdown between biden and trump is on -- i think it's on thursday? thursday. anyway, you won't believe what we've uncovered about the debate moderator. could this commission get any more corrupt? and a familiar face on fake new cnn involved in a -- well, very embarrassing scandal. and he happens to be one of the dumbest lawyers i've ever heard on tv. and later, actress kirstie alley will join us. how dare she support donald trump. you think the world is melting down in hollywood. straight ahead. ♪ .using fingersticks?
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well, let's listen to them in their own voice. >> would there be any place for fossil fuels including coal and fracking in a biden administration? >> no. we would work it out. we would make sure it's eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those. i guarantee you. i guarantee you we are going to end fossil fuels. >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. >> readily move away from fracking. >> i think it's critically important on day one that we end any fossil fuel leases on public land. >> no more, no new fracking. >> sean: pennsylvania, you're being lied to. are you paying attention? because this is worth literally tens if not hundreds of thousands of high paying career jobs in the great state of pennsylvania. and guess what? this is just an election year conversion. they will go back to their radicalism the day after, god forbid, they ever got elected. by the way, voters now appear to
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be understanding and shifting and president trump 'his direction. poll that came out tonight shows biden's barely clinging to a four-point lead. a three-point gap in the poll in florida last week by insider advantage. the group poll actually has the race neck and neck and trump trails biden by about one point and by the way, he's up 1 in michigan. keystone state, by the way, just isn't sold on biden even though he absurdly calls the state home and hasn't really been there in, oh, 50 years. he's been busy in the swamp and the corrupt joe biden is falsely claiming, like he did -- at the last debate that the boilermakers local 154 in pittsburgh had endorsed him, the union actually endorsed donald trump back in september and breaking tonight, the u.s. supreme court has now sided with the democrats, allowing pennsylvania to count mailed ballots received after three
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days after the election. change the rules just 15 days out, why not? and moments ago, fox news' own mike emanuel from our news division reporting that documents obtained by fox news now appear to show that hunter biden's signature on the paperwork from the delaware computer repair shop, we will stay on that story as well. joining us now with reaction, author of "trump and the american future: solving great problems over time," former speaker of the house, fox news contributor newt gingrich. all right, this is not our first rodeo. i was her mc the night you became speaker in 1994. with known each other before then. i was on the radio when ronald reagan was president, so that tells you how far back i go. donald trump is a unique political figure. bibi netanyahu, i think there are some similarities here, these are not conventional politicians that poll well. so to me i'm telling everybody act as though you're behind and
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think that your vote puts it over the top. your thoughts? >> well, first of all, a good friend of mine down in florida was telling me all day today the turnout in florida, first day you can actually vote in person. the republican turnout has been enormous in florida today, much bigger than even expected. the president set huge crowds at a big rally in arizona going to a second rally in arizona, so you know, joe biden heights -- is exactly like hillary clinton. biden heights for four days, giving president trump an open field to go out and be with real people in large crowds, turning out the vote, getting people excited, but what struck me, sean, is -- i don't ever remember this happening before. we have three parallel scandals involving joe biden. first of all, we have the pure corruption scandal with things like the $70 million the chinese
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gave the university of pennsylvania, which means biden -- they don't know, because it's all secret. he was probably on the payroll of the chinese dictatorship. second, you have the scandal of the hunter biden thing, which is much bigger than [indiscernibl [indiscernible]. second, there's a scandal of biden and the news media colluding to avoid having to answer anything and third, you have the scandal of twitter and facebook behaving as though they were chinese communists and deciding that they will censor the american people. now, those three scandals two weeks before an election, i've never seen anything like it and it's a fundamental assault on the integrity of the american citizenry. >> sean: look, you've got 99%, the media mob is against donald trump. you've got big tech they are against donald trump. the democratic party, they hated donald trump every second, minute, hour of every day.
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you've got establishment rino republicans, they hate donald trump. what made the difference in 2016, and it's hard for any republican to win the presidency, you got to basically run the table when you start out without new york, new jersey, illinois, california, washington and oregon. so you've got to run the table, got to win florida, you've got to win georgia, you've got to win north carolina, you've got to win ohio. it got to win iowa, arizona, you've got to then pick off another state. it's hard. how do you see this election going and how do you assess the president with a lot of the states, at least on paper, that close? >> well look, i think -- first of all i think biden is going to implode in the next two weeks as people realize the depths of personal corruption that the bidens are engaged in. we are talking here about hundreds of millions of dollars. it has taken in norma's
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discipline for "the washington post," "the new york times," nbc news, to avoid doing their job. i mean, they have sitting here one of the most amazing corruption stories in history and every single one of them is walking past it as though it doesn't exist, but the country is going to know about it. every time the president speaks he reminds people of it. you just had senator ron johnson, was done a great job. his report, 87 pages, is available online. every one of our listeners and viewers can go online, download that report. i read it. it is staggering. so i believe -- i think trump will win. think you will win by a surprising margin. i think virtually every late decider was going to look at the stench -- when you realize -- you know, hunter biden was going around the planet selling the vice president of the united states. he did it in kazakhstan, ukraine, russia, romania, china. just shamelessly. he also said some things -- if
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we had any kind of decent moderator thursday night they would raise this. we don't, we have a hard left pro-democrat, as usual. we should abolish the debate commission, this is a travesty, but if she had any integrity at all, she would ask biden one hunter [indiscernible] i'm not going to make you split half your income with me way dad does. what do you think -- >> sean: mr. speaker -- okay. joe hated half the month of september, a lid on things at 9:00 in the morning. now he's taking off another four days. he only work sunday, one campaign stop, but was off saturday. i look at him and he looks like a shadow of his former self. he looks weak, he looks frail and we all know that he is struggling, struggling cognitively. everybody that i meet says it to me. now, the media is hiding and protecting him.
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to me, this might be a national security danger on top of the corruption that is ultimately going to come out in full force eventually. thoughts? >> just take the one example i gave you. if the chinese communists gave the university of pennsylvania $70 million, how much to joe biden? to what degree at the last four years has been to is even on the payroll of beijing? we have no idea because none of the information is released. it's all secret. and do you see "the new york times" of "the washington post" or nbc news begging them to open it up, filing a request, charging up this was all wrong? of course not. everybody in the mainstream media is in the tank. they are so desperate to elect biden and so desperate to defeat trump, they couldn't care what happens. they're not going to cover it and that's why, frankly, fox news, your radio show, rush limbaugh, all the other outlets become really, really important. >> sean: mr. speaker,
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thank you. we appreciate you being with us as always. a disturbing story tonight surrounding fakes news cnn jeffrey toobin, who has been suspended from the new yorker -- okay, pretty bizarre after reportedly exposing himself and more on a zoom call. or with the latest our own rick leventhal. rick. >> an unsettling incident involving cnn's chief legal analyst, now off the air for allegedly pleasuring himself on a zoom video call. jeffrey toobin, also a staff writer for the new yorker, was suspended by the magazine for masturbating during the call last week with other staff watching according to vice news, which report the incident came during a drill for election coverage. vice says when the groups returned from their breakout rooms, he lowered the camera, the people on the call said they could see him touching himself. he then left the call. once later he called back in, seemingly unaware of what his colleagues had been able to see. "new yorker" magazine told
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fox news jeffrey jeffrey toobin has been suspended while we investigate the matter. and in a statement to motherboard, he said "i made an embarrassingly stupid mistake leaving i was off camera. i apologize to my wife, family, friends, and coworkers. i believed i was not visible on zoom. i thought no one on the zoom zoom call to see me. i thought i had muted the zoom video. it's unclear if or when he will appear on cnn again. the network said it granted him some time off in his request while the "deals with a personal issue." sean. >> sean: okay, rick, thank you. i thought i've heard it all. rick leventhal. now this thursday, the presidential biden will face off, one debate before election day just like clockwork, the mob, the media, they're doing everything they can do to protect the weak, frail and cognitively struggling and corrupt joe biden because breaking tonight, the debate commission has now adopted a new rule, unilaterally to mute
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microphones, claiming it's to allow each candidate to have uninterrupted time. this debate commission is corrupt and abusively biased. we now have two biden democratic moderators in a row, first scully and now apparently whoever this nbc person is, apparently is a big time democrat in pictures with her and obama and now by the way that they changed the rules three days before the next debate to have a mute button. don't forget, they unilaterally decided to turn a second debate into a virtual zoom debate and just like i've been telling you, big tech all against trump. media mob, all in against donald trump. rhino republican establishment types all in against trump. democrats all in against trump. the debate commission all in against donald trump. do they really hate we the people that much? and the debate commission's biased it's even worse because according to a trump campaign
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manager, well, the supposedly nonpartisan commission suddenly shifted topics away from foreign policy. just days after new revelations about zero experience hunter and his nefarious dealings overseas. now the trump campaign is rightly accusing the commission of "pro-biden antics." team trump is making one thing clear, if the moderator doesn't make biden answer the tough questions, the president will do it himself. because we are also learning tonight just how partisan now and how in the tank the nbc news moderator is for democrats. for example, not only took her dad to the obama christmas party in 2012, but her family has also dished out tens of thousands of dollars to democrats over the years, including joe biden. and let's not forget earlier this month, well, she deactivated her twitter account following steve scully and that so-called hacking scandal that wasn't hacking at all before recently reactivating it.
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where there any tweets there she didn't want us to see? here with reaction, former white house press secretary fox news contributor ari fleischer along with fox news contributor katie pavlich. i don't think the president shouldn't go. the fact that they've done all of this -- this has to be the last time republicans participate, already, with any debate commission, because it's not fair. this is now -- we have two democrats in a row is moderators. now, you take away foreign policy -- go ahead. >> here's how i would sum up what my view is towards the debate commission and it's to paraphrase the godfather. leave the moderators, keep the logistics. the debate about who the moderator -- it should be between the two campaigns. the debate commission should have nothing to do with picking the moderator. they're all going to be liberals. now, they do have a role to play in the logistics, cameras and all of that, which is helpful to the campaigns actually, so get them out of the most important business -- sean, one thing.
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the two minute buzzer is only at the beginning of each segment. that's the only time the candidates will be muted. for the rest of it they're going to be able to go back and forth with each other and as you know and i think you believe this too, it would behoove the president to interrupt a little bit less. and then as far foreign policy, there is still one segment on the debate thursday night for national security and that of course is the window for president trump to get into the various issues he needs to get into. >> sean: i think joe biden, katie pavlich, has to answer how was it possible for a son of his with no experience to make money in russia, ukraine, kazakhstan, china, and get these deals with no experience? i'm sure ari fleischer would have liked those contracts. i'm sure you would've liked those contracts, i would have liked this contract. my last name -- none of our last names are biden, so we didn't get them, but that to me reeks of corruption, pay to play, and
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we've got to get some answers, don't wait, before the election? >> yeah, i think it's a real disservice that the debate commission has done to the american people by not having this debate be strictly about foreign policy, because there is a lot to talk about in terms of this new hunter-joe biden scandal, this isn't just about hunter biden. this is about joe biden's behavior as vice president while his son was doing these deals with the chinese communist party, with ukrainians, with the wife of the moscow mayor and the biggest question people need to ask is if joe biden was willing to do this as vice president, what would you be willing to do as president of the united states when it comes to putting americans and american foreign policy and national security first? is he going to have to choose between hunter biden's dealings and what many of these foreign governments who are enemies of the united states, they have in his family as a result of this type of behavior and now we have the emails alleging that it wasn't just hunter biden
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receiving these sweetheart deal payments, it was also allegedly vice president joe biden while he was working for the obama administration, so yes, of course this is about hunter biden, but more importantly it's about joe biden and where his loyalties lie if you were to be president. >> sean: how do you explain, ari fleischer, that with 15 days to go -- i'm going to take 5 of 6 days off in a row? okay, can you -- this is not my first rodeo. i would think that maybe you would want to be out there campaigning and going to those swing states, not hiding in his basement bunker. >> well, there's two reasons. they are not mutually exclusive. one is he's winning and i think is calculation is so long as the spotlight shines bright on donald trump he will continue to win so he wants to be as small as possible. the second is he just doesn't have the ability, he doesn't have the stamina and that's what really worries me about if he's going to win because the presidency is brutal and you've got to have somebody who's got
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>> sean: emmy award-winning actress kirstie alley is facing intense backlash tonight from the left after she announced her support for president trump. joining us now to explain is actress kirstie alley. first of all, you're brave to come on the show. i give you a lot of credit. you will be hit hard, prepare yourself. welcome to my world. the water was warm. you should rot in hell, you don't have a brain, they've attacked her deeply-held and personal religious beliefs. why? why do you think it's that -- >> they always attack the same three things. i'm a fat, irrelevant scientologist. so, but you know this has been going on for 40 years, so i'm sort of prepared. that really is basically all they have to offer, so i honestly don't take it too personally, because i feel that people are angry and they have the right to say what they want to say that i have the right to block them if i don't like the way they speak.
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why did it happen? it's funny because i've been talking about trump now for several months and the other night i put out a tweet that simply said that i voted for him the first time and it's time to get -- is not a politician. i think thousands and thousands of going "to know the definition of politician" he met and i do, and i know they know what i meant and what he meant was that he's not a career politician. and we have a history in this country of people, not as much currently, but people of different occupations like farmers and tailors and oilmen and businessmen and generals coming in and servicing our country as the president of the united states and even many of them when they left, they went back to their other job. so i like that trump has a lot of energy. i like that he -- has more energy than any human being i've actually ever seen and i think
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the big thing that i was mentioning in that tweet was that i'm really tired of career politicians. i'm tired of paying people to do nothing and take way too long to do it. and i feel like -- this is what i would do to solve this. sean, have -- they should have a base salary and then they should be paid if they have any accomplishment, but they should have a base salary and for every accomplishment -- >> sean: doubled her breath. >> give them a performance bonus. >> sean: you know, i read your twitter feed. you're against socialism, you're against career politicians. you also said something -- you took on joe biden, which very few people will take on, the issue of race. he praised as his friend and mentor a former klansman. he partnered with that former klansmen to stop the integration of schools because he didn't want to go to schools that were racial jungles. why does hollywood except that if you're a liberal democrat,
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which they would never accept from anybody else? >> i don't know. it's why i come to you know, have to just speak for myself, because when your gaffes are constantly -- you know, when he said, you know -- what did he say? you ain't black if you're not voting for me, and then is constant gaffes that have the actual racist overtones and i'm like no, maybe you get one real accident was said something inappropriate -- >> sean: is not one. >> it's pretty constant. biggest deal -- it is constant, isn't it? those are racial slurs. >> sean: let me just say you have a lot of courage, i admire you for doing it, and i can accept liberal views. they ought to be able to accept our views, but they can't. thank you, best of luck.
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♪ >> sean: all right, that's all the time we have left this evening. never miss an episode, tomorrow two weeks and you are the ultimate jury. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham, blockbuster, how are you? >> laura: i received a big friar. >> sean: big friar. speec>> laura: on my front porc. it's such a beautiful box that i haven't opened it yet. i will remember to use it very quickly. >> sean: you know, i go through all the effort, i send it over, in time for thanksgiving, and what things do i get? >> laura: which assistant got it done finally, okay? [laughs] >> sean: you take a 15-pound turkey, you drop it in slowly, it's done in an hour. >>
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