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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  October 21, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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the fbi has hunter biden's laptop and is investigating the president, a dozen lawmakers calling on william barr to react. jillian: the president shows note sign of slowing 13 days from the election as democrats bank on a familiar face to make up for biden's notable absence. todd: is missing in action, dennis pratt slipping a fundraiser, social media wants and canceled. jillian: "fox and friends first" continues. ♪ jillian: the heat will be on. looking at nashville for the final presidential debate for 2020.
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todd: we are not good at math. jillian: you are watching "fox and friends first". todd: donald trump heads to north carolina, joe biden staying out of sight on the campaign trail. jillian: ahead of the final presidential debate, you know what is happening tomorrow. >> reporter: the second time in history there is a presidential debate on the campus, barack obama and john mccain, trump and biden coming up. in the campaign trail making the case for another four years. >> an election between the trump superrecovery which is happening right now and a biden depression, double, triple and
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quadruple, between our plan to kill the virus or biden's plan to kill the american dream and that is what it is doing. >> reporter: tomorrow's debate will be similar, 90 minutes, no commercials, moderated by white house correspondent kristen welfare. her six topics appear to be fighting covid-19, american families, race in america, climate change, national security and leadership. the campaign with more focus on foreign-policy and see if he interjects it. we have a mute button in effect, two minutes on the microphone. biden off the campaign trail did an interview with local wisconsin station saying it is a good idea. there should be more limitations on not interrupting one another. 's running mate kamala harris and barack obama over the rallies. >> we can come out of this moment stronger than before. in times as polarized disease your vote doesn't just matter,
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it matters more than ever before. >> reporter: the thing that is at stake, raining overall. >> the university of north florida, a pole, donald trump and others in the next 13 days, north carolina, donald trump and senator harris in north carolina, former president obama having a driving car rally in philly, interesting to see how that goes. jillian: thank you. todd: lindsey graham driving home the important of this election. >> a lot of americans are afraid of what the democratic party was
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doing to our country and they should be supporting donald trump because he has done -- support people like me, i have been fighting for brett kavanaugh, judge barrett, we're taking the country in a good direction was the only thing between socialism and free enterprises this election, the only thing between law and order and chaos is this election. jillian: special coverage of the final presidential debate starts tomorrow at 6:00 eastern on the fox news channel. developing this morning sources told foxnews the fbi now has hunter biden's laptop it is investigating. todd: carley shimkus live with the latest. >> reporter: two officials say the fbi is in position of a laptop reportedly belonging to hunter biden is the fbi has indicated it is not investigating the laptop or emails is russian disinformation at this time. the agency sending a letter to senate homeland security committee chairman ron johnson
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saying, quote, we have nothing to add at this time to the public statement by the director of national intelligence about available actionable intelligence. the laptop is not part of the russian disinformation campaign display claims by congressman adam schiff. the emails in question first reported by the new york post claim to show a closer link between joe biden and his son hunter's foreign business dealings, the post claim to have pictures of biden meeting his son's alleged business partner from an. the photos of not been independently verified. this calls into statements like this that biden has made in the past. >> how many times have you spoken to your son about his miss dealings? >> i've never spoken to my son about his overseas dealings. >> donald trump ripped into biden at a rally in pennsylvania. >> joe biden is a corrupt
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politician, smoking gun emails show the biden family showed the vice presidency for very substantial amount of money. more money than anybody would believe. jillian: during an exclusive interview on "fox and friends" donald trump called on the attorney general to appoint a special counsel to investigate. >> we've got to get the attorney general to act. he's got to act fast. she's got to avoid somebody. this is major corruption and this has to be known about before the election. >> biden dismissed the controversy yesterday calling it a last-ditch effort in the desperate campaign to smear him and his family. congressman louis goehmert will be on later on the show to discuss. jillian: thanks. todd: senator ted cruz has been sounding off on big tech
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censorship the media needs to step up and report on the alleged emails. >> major escalation from silencing individual americans to now big tech, we have a veto power on what stories you can report on and what stories the american people can here. if anyone in the mainstream media had a shred of integrity they would be outraged at this. because they want donald trump to lose they will possibly go by big tech's incredible assertion of censorship power. >> to subpoena the ceo's blocked the new york post story on alleged emails. jillian: fox news alert, south carolina sheriff's deputies killed in two others are hurt after a chaotic traffic stop, a driver getting to a fight with deputies, of crashes in greenville. master deputy died at the hospital.
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former nypd lieutenant darren porcher joined us with how attacks on police did that. >> a reflection of the social contract, citizens protections, and fractured, we as americans as a whole suffer. >> the 20 year veteran of the force behind a wife and daughter. the man accused of murdering a houston police sergeant is an illegal immigrant, ice telling fox news, elmer is a convicted criminal from el salvador. the agency has a container on him. persons send 40 years with apartment and was weeks away from retirement. another officer was shot in the arm.
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>> the supreme court nomination, they plant all the procedural vote on sunday where they could still debate the nomination for another 30 hours, the full senate is expected to vote on monday. new gallup poll says 51% of americans favor her confirmation. the los angeles dollars -- dodges with game one of the world series, look closely, you'll see a monkey being lifted off, striking out 8 batters in 6 innings. cody ballenger got this going on offense. >> calls went into right-center. it is gone. todd: a heckuva postseason, that homer and giving dodges their first run, they went on to visit the tampa bay rays, game 2 tonight. jillian: i will go dodgers. todd: calling it. i was a dodgers season-ticket
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holder. dodgers and 6. jillian: it is 9 minutes after the hour, the president of the group of gop lawmakers calling for a special prosecutor to look at the hunter biden allegations. us attorney joins us on that next. todd: the site of her firefighter father, look at this. the emotional reunion going viral coming up next. ♪
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todd: donald trump calling for a doj investigation into under biden's emails, the fbi has the laptop in question. >> joining us as a prosecutor, thank you for joining us, appreciate your time. some of this can be a little bit in the weeds for people to
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follow. for those waking up and watching what do they need to know about the latest development? >> the most important development is the campaign to identify all of this is a smear campaign or russian disinformation has been thoroughly repudiated. you have not only john radcliffe indicating no intelligence to support this, you have the fbi, the department of justice indicating no indication for that as well, documents have come forward that reveal, hunter biden himself dropped it off at the repair shop. the authenticity is important. as you build an investigation you have to know what you're dealing with is sufficient to launch an investigation. todd: the way this works, the fbi determines whether somebody did something wrong and then make a referral to attorney general william barr and attorney general william barr will decide what action to take. with that as the backdrop is
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william barr going to move on anything in the next 13 days prior to the november 3rd election? >> it is overdue. sounds like the fbi had this information for a long time. it is a matter that the attorney general needs to announce or give some reassurance the department of justice is taking this seriously and is investigating it. they are not going to get to any results or conclusions in the next 13 days lose they can indicate they are concerned, they are investigating it and it is a matter they are treating as a criminal investigation. what is at stake here is selling access to the white house for money through the son of the vice president where it appears the highest officials in the white house as well as other departments, homeland security for example, knew about the conflict of interest and
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potential disaster involving hunter biden. jillian: interesting to follow this to the outcome. let's talk about this, big tech battle begins, the doj filing a landmark lawsuit against google abusing its online dominance and online stifling of competition. listen to what josh holly had to say. >> the biggest antitrust case in a century. the united states versus google, makes me want to say god bless america, the most patriotic words written in a long time. what is at stake is a democracy, who controls it, is it going to be citizens. >> what do you say? >> the department of justice, and a lot of information suggest google has been using its monstrous power to take
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advantage, the department of justice take these cases extremely seriously but this is the case, where big tech is being taken on. that is a double-edged sword because google is big enough to write a large check for the department of justice to make a few adjustments and settle this case. the proof in the pudding, is the department of justice going to take this to the next limit to enforce the sherman act? todd: when the government goes against somebody that individual has limited resources, not so much when talking google or amazon or facebook. jillian: we appreciate it. todd: 17 after the are, democrats trying to turn texas blue so what do early votes tell us? jillian: our political panel on deck next.
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todd: democrats looking to miss with the gop grip on texas spending millions to turn the lone star state blue. joining me to debate, two texas natives, democratic strategists, thanks for being here. look at these numbers texas casting more early ballots than any other state, that is more votes early than a lot of states get in total. that is a set up, does texas turn blue?
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>> in terms of the presidential, they made a good run of it. in the presidential, what democrats are looking at is turning the state house competitive. the congressional race in the last go around up for grabs. todd: on the presidential, trump did win texas big in 2016, nine points, leads biden by two according to the latest poll. what do you think of the presidential race and responding to christina's comment how does that affect down ballot races? >> let's talk about where we are as far as early voting, as of
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monday, 30% of everyone who turned out as a republican, 36% are independents, compared to 2016 republicans, on this day in 2016 we were at 34%, democrats that are up, 24% on this day. last they were up to 20% and independents up a little bit as well. what is interesting about that is democrats tend to vote really early in texas, in 2016 democrats were down 26% of the total turnout and independents a 29%. it still doesn't spell blue for texas in the presidential election. the real battle is in suburbans, the new national battleground, texas suburban cycle next cycle in 2026, what party controls the country for the next decade.
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spending millions of dollars, and spending and targeting in statehouses. >> does trump get more of the latino vote than he did in 2016? how does that affect the down ballot? >> reporter: the trump campaign recognize, the same on the african-american vote. you see it is concerted effort by the trump campaign they are not trying to win it but get a few more points. in texas that is harder, even though there was a lot of immigration stuff that originally was part of the original news cycle at the border wall and the caravans everybody forgot about, and latinos in texas remember the
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trump administration is the one who put them in cages. the rest of us moved on. i don't think the latinos in south texas have. todd: incendiary comments, last word to you. >> i disagree. donald trump is performing well with latinos on the border, supportive of border security, supportive on the border wall, if you look at south texas they are having trump rallies with thousands of people that is anecdotal but hard to ignore what that will be for trump and increasing his latino numbers. todd: thank you so much. jillian: two headlines, two take aways. business and economics professors says democrats numbers don't add up. he joins us live.
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>> this is an election between the trump super recovery and the biden the person. biden's plan to kill the american dream. >> we will not for anybody making under 400,$000 a year but what we will do is we will
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eliminate the trump tax cuts. jillian: a new study revealing joe biden security plan would raise taxes on more than americans making 50,$000 a year. todd: what is the real story? business and economics professor, great to see you as always. let's look at competing headlines was the first says biden's social security plan would raise taxes for more than just rich americans, the same study finding biden's social security plan would lift 1.4 million out of poverty. go through taxes for more than just the rich are ultimately going to go up under the biden plan. >> what you have to look at is the long-term picture not just the short-term picture. so often the candidates say this is what i'm going to do or not
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going to do but they don't play the story forward. in the case of joe biden you got to play the story forward. you got to look at spending plans and tax plans and compare the two and say is there a gap between what he wants to spend and what he wants to tax and if there is a gap the question is how do you plug it and what these studies are finding, the way you have to plug the gap if you pay for it unless you increase debt massively, the only way you can pay for it is by raising taxes on more than the, quote, rich. you have to raise taxes on the middle class, that is what studies are finding, that is what middle-class taxpayers have to pay attention to. it's not the headline numbers. it is what happens down the road when the policies get an accident where the middle class ends up on the hook for joe biden. jillian: in the notes you sent earlier i thought it was interesting that according to economist at the hoover institute's tax plan in addition to the green new deal would
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result in millions of fewer jobs in this country. >> you have to look at what higher taxes due to businesses and hiring. joe biden is talking about raising corporate tax rate and raising the top individual tax rate. that tax-free, many small businesses who actually pay the individual rate, 40 million americans work for small businesses where the owner pays the individual rate so when you increase that tax, they have to decide where are we going to put our capital, hire more people or not, you play that forward, when the taxes are higher, businesses have less money available to bring new workers in, that reduces jobs, that reduces income. the key is don't just pay attention to what candidates say in their headlines, pay attention to how the story plays
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out and a move over here affect they move over here and that is where it hits middle-income america. todd: quick question, assuming biden's tax plan is put into place if biden wins will many of us talking right now get social security at 100%? >> not the way it is playing out. we have no plan on the table, we get social security at 100% so you better put your own money and obeying if you want to retire well. todd: happy wednesday, you are not going to get your money. it is an important point to make. jillian: overnight out of control protests send a police officer to the hospital in rhode island, riders launching fireworks as tensions escalated over a man injured and an officer involved crash.
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police arrested 19 people in providence. the injured officer in the canine are expected to be okay. jamal is in critical condition was witnesses say the officer rammed into him. it is under investigation. todd: mouthwash may lower the spread of the coronavirus. a study by penn state college of medicine found certain oral antiseptics inactivate 99% of the virus after using it for just 30 seconds. this test was not done on a strain of covid-19 but scientists say it is similar to the other human coronavirus is. i have no idea how to transition from mouthwash and coronavirus to jana steen so i am not going to try. how is the weather? >> janice: i love mouthwash. todd: that is a true pro. carley: i will be here all week.
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we have record snow across the upper midwest, double digits in minnesota, pretty impressive. more snow on the way, it is not over yet but the earliest huge totals for parts of minnesota. here's the satellite radar imagery and you see where we have that snow across the midwest to the great lakes, another batch moving in which is why we have winter weather advisories in the northern plains, northern rockies to the upper midwest so we are not done yet. round 2 is on the way, today into thursday. measurable snow totals in the same areas that got record snow yesterday. snow is coming early across the northern tier of the country. todd: that is the proper reaction. you will like this next story, the california wildfires,
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firefighter reuniting with his daughter in a heartwarming video. [screaming] >> how are you? i missed you. jillian: san jose firefighter josh petrone surprising 10-year-old eliana after a month away from when fighting wildfires. we wanted to bring you back into this one. your husband being a firefighter, that emotional moment, we feel that watching it, it is incredible. >> those guys, wildfires have been terrible across the midwest and they are working day and night, 7 days a week.
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what an incredible video. god bless all the first responders doing that. todd: so beautiful to see that. they are fighting a war of flames and their life is on the line, the natural reaction and you understand it. carley: it is a calling. they feel they need to do that. it is very important, the families have to understand for those guys that is what they want to do, save lives. it is hard to fight back the tears because i know what that is like. jillian: thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. say hello as always. carley: love you guys. jillian: $0.50 double down on support for the president. todd: his second social media posts making waves again.
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♪ - american cities are experiencing a devastating surge.. - hello, i'm michael youssef. lately, we are hearing so many conflicting voices and i don't blame you if you are anxious and worried and troubled. but if i told you that there's only one voice that you can absolutely trust. after all, he wants nothing from you and wants to give you everything. i'm talking about the lord jesus christ, who said, " come unto me, all who are carrying heavy burdens and worry and anxiety. and i will give you rest. " he's the only one who can give you true rest and peace. will you come to him? - [female voice] are you waiting to find a trustworthy voice in the midst of the chaos of this world? visit to find a voice that will never let you down. again, that's
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>> donald from slamming pbs accusing them of being fake and biased, tweeting for the sake of accuracy in reporting i'm considering posting my interview with leslie stall on 60 minutes prior to airtime. everyone should compare the select oral intrusion with recent interviews of sleepy joe biden and this video showing or not wearing a mask. jillian: the avengers steny by chris pratt, notably absent from a virtual event with kamala harris, leading to speculation it is a result of his political views, just not overtly political as a tool, this is a distraction. robert downey junior writing, quote, he married into a family that insists on the service as
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the highest value. pratt married the daughter of arnold schwarzenegger and maria shriver in 2019. todd: busy to see and cancel culture, that was an important development. $0.50 doubling down on support for donald trump after calling out joe biden's plans to raise taxes. jillian: cheryl casone with the latest dig at the biden proposal. >> reporter: $0.50 is backing donald trump saying his wealth would be cut under a joe biden presidency. in a suite he wrote i don't want to be $0.20. 52% is a very bad idea. i don't like it. he's referring to a report new yorkers could face a combined federal, state tax rate of 62%. by the supports raising tax rates for corporations and on
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people making 400,$000 or more and make colorful comments about leaving new york since the next never win anyway. todd: i find a situation fascinating. interesting to see if it impacts the vote in any way. mickey is mad. >> with good reason. california released new guidelines that would allow theme parks like disneyland to open but it's not going over well with park officials, the parks, but with modifications, part capacity limited to 25%, reservations or advance ticket sales required. the counties where the parks operate must be in a yellow tear. those counties are in a written tier which makes reopening impossible for disney. disneyland president sent a statement the state has mandated arbitrary guidelines that would keep them closed for the foreseeable future. we can be looking at summer of 2021. jillian: tesla has to watch it back. >> reporter: it is finally here.
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after teasing during the super bowl gmc unveiled the you hummer battery-powered truck on sale late 2021, goes 350 miles per charge, hands-free driving, has to compete with new cybertruck, that tesla starts at 49,990, the hummer will retail 79,000. the hummer has been dormant since 2010 but we will get more on this for mark roy who will be on on "fox and friends". we will see. the hummer hasn't been around a long time so it will be fun to see the new version. todd: let's check in with steve doocy for what else is coming up on the big show. >> if you're going to get laryngitis don't get it - icing to myself.
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coming up on "fox and friends," we are only halfway through a very busy week, the upcoming supreme court vote on the nominee, to hammer out a deal for additional covid-19 relief. we will hear from press secretary kaylee -- kayleigh mcenany and marco rubio and tom cotton. mike huckabee, lawrence jones spoke with the voters at donald trump's rally in erie, pennsylvania, a key to winning, shares what they are saying about the race to the white house and major league baseball hall of fame pitcher john smoltz recounts nice one of the world series and academy award-winning actor matthew mcconaughey will share stories about his new memoir, kicks off 13 minutes
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from now on the channel you trust for your morning news. you are watching "fox and friends first". di, di, it can do things no other oven can, like flip away. the ninja foodi air fry oven, the oven that crisps and flips away.
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there were tsunamis fourtin the world. and once they happened, we were in a major hurry to get to those regions to provide aid and support. it was very humbling to be able to help out all those people. it's my dream now
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to go into clean energy and whatever the next new fuel source is, that's where i want to be. i want to be on the front lines of implementation. the vaccine plan will move at the speed of trust, we do the independently reviewed process through world-class experts. jillian: gavin newsom echoing andrew cuomo saying he won't accept an fda approved coronavirus vaccine until reviewed by experts. the chairman of the california republican party, thanks for being here. >> no disney, no singing, no
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common sense. >> let's take a look at what the fda said about the vaccine an element, quote, we are committed to expediting the department of covid-19 vaccines but not at the expense of science and decision-making. we will not jeopardize the public's trust in independent review of these or any vaccines, there is too much at stake. are these governors justified in doing what they say they are going to do. >> it is not on the trump presidential schedule when the vaccine comes out, the fda schedule, this is pure party lines. when the rubber meets the road when the vaccine is released in alabama and the central part of the country are these governors going to deny their people? we have to see. jillian: a new op-ed highlights that in tea leaves that indicate
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donald trump will win reelection, everyone can look at all of them. this poll here with donald trump at 56% compared to joe biden's prediction, what is your biggest take away? >> people need to realize we don't elect presidents with national polls, but state polls. the voter registration in the states that matter, pennsylvania, florida, moved decidedly, when they picked up voter registration, 200,000 in pennsylvania and if you newly register, 90% chance you are going to vote. he won florida last time, these polls pushing that biden is doing better in the states make no sense compared to actual data. jillian: aside from pennsylvania, what are you watching now?
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>> definitely michigan, democrats were supposed to have a big week in early voting but michigan, wisconsin and ohio, it has been high and that leads to the big point, most americans say they are better off than four years ago, more than it was when obama got reelected at 47 or bush 46. and 56% think trump is going to win. that is a true indicator. why would they support biden but think trump is going to win? october 20 fifth 2016, heller was up 14, don't remember president hillary. i don't see joe biden winning these big states because these -- he is fading, hidden on the trail and the movement is toward trump. jillian: certainly interesting already and it will get more
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interesting, appreciate it. we will be right back, congressman louis goehmert next. . . did you know you can go to
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to customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> joe biden is a corrupt politician. smoking gun emails show that the biden family sold the vice presidency for very, very substantial amount of money, more money than anybody would believe. todd: a group of house republicans following president trump's lead urging attorney general barr to appoint a special counsel to investigate allegations against hunter
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biden. jillian: texas congressman louie gohmert is one of them and joins us live. thanks for being here. you are one of 11 calling for a special counsel. can you tell us why? >> because this is serious. it appears that the fbi had the laptop of hunter biden. it appears that look at the messages unlike pop which is what they call joe biden you are not going to have to give me half of what you make. that's what hunter biden wrote to his daughter. for heaven's sake. when you look at the deals that are being talked about in the emails with china, you know, there is corruption on a level we haven't seen in, i don't know, the clinton foundation. that's one of the problems with not punishing corruption is you don't get the deterrent effect which is why you have the bidens
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apparently using the vice president's position maybe back when he was senator pure corruption. pay me, and we will be nicer to your country. it is outrageous. and because we do have a level of corruption and have in the fbi, it is important that there be a special team and christopher wray should have nothing to do with it. todd: okay. with your claims, excuse me, of alleged wrongdoing as a back drop, what, if anything, comes of this between now and election day just 13 days away? >> it's not going to get done before election day. and thank you very much to mr. durham who didn't want to have a political effect, who by doing nothing before the election has had a powerful political effect. so, nothing is going to get done in the next 13 days, but that's not the point. this is potential corruption on an unbelievable level and it's got to be investigated or it's
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just going to get worse and worse. jillian: okay. well, i know you are going to be following it. keep us updated on what happens. as i mentioned you are one of 11 calling for that special counsel. certainly something we will continue to follow. thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thanks for staying after it. thank you. jillian: of course. all that information still coming out about this about the alleged hunter biden email so it's a story that we will to keep an eye on and update on for sure. todd: again, what makes it difficult is there is a lot of facts that we have had difficulty quite frankly not just fox but as a society confirming because the fbi hasn't been necessarily as forthcoming with confirming things. obviously in our business we have a tendency to need confirmation from official sources fbi hasn't been forthcoming. with that i think we have a big week for the talent of our week. something coming up on thursday. jillian: there is a debate. final presidential debate going
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to be happening tomorrow night. fox news is going to have coverage to get you started in the few hours leading up to the debate have. an update. all the recap to follow the following morning, friday morning. make sure you stay tuned for that meantime, "fox & friends" starts right now. todd: with matthew mcconaughey. [chanting] >> this is an election between the plan to kill the virus or biden's plan to kilt american dream. >> i see the president winning with a minimum of high 270. >> meantime his democratic rival joe biden is home in delaware. >> he has been basically in the basement. and it has served him well. he got a need in the national polls. >> a senior law enforcement official is now telling fox news that the fbi does, in fact, have possession of hunter biden's laptop. >> this as the fbi says the emails are not being investigated as russian disinformation. >> the houston police sergeant with 41 years on


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