tv The Five FOX News October 21, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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tomorrow's senate judiciary vote on amy coney barrett. i don't know what that would mean and whether that would disrupt the vote. republicans will vote yes and no democrats would be part of that process. that will do it for now. here comes "the five." >> hi, i am greg gutfeld with jesse watters juan williams and bret baier and dana perino. "the five." >> ♪ >> remember when the media dismissed the hunter scandal as russian deceit. >> we know this all smear on joe biden comes from the kremlin. >> russian disinformation or foreign disinformation. >> this is most likely propaganda. >> prosecutors don't open investigations based on disinformation provided by
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russian intelligence. >> all right, guys. the fbi and justice department shot that theory down. no surprise because those who signed the letter claiming it was a putin plot claim there is no evidence. clapper and brennan will roll their own. was it a quid pro quo for hunter biden? not so. asking media to give equal time to biden's real scandal after 4 years of pushing the bogus trump once that's like asking cnn's to cover their legal analysts doom hab its. outraged over 2016 they put america through hell with unstub
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stantiated direct starting with the steele dossier. they refuse to cover this one story how the bidens put our nation's interest on the line. the scandal is not what hunter did for dad and what dead knew. it's how the media decides what truths to bury. no one americans despise the press. if only hunter had endorsed trump, he would be toast! >> the two of us are here in new york city holding down the fort. >> that's right. >> the other 5-ers are in nashville the athens of the south. they have their own parthnone. >> did you know that?
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>> bret baier knew it. >> you read the fact sheet? >> yes, and the french look today is really good. >> i thought it was robert wagner again. >> would you like to come up to my apartment and listen to me recite my poems with guitar. >> do you smoke a pipe? >> yes and not hunter's pipe. >> okay, now. to you, bret baier, what do you make of the doj saying this is not a russian disinformation campaign? >> well, that's a big part of the story. i think you will start to see other news organizations start to cover this more intently as this drips out. the president has teased there is a big story to come from the "wall street journal." i am hearing similar things whether it's today, tonight or tomorrow. we will see where this story goes. you had majority garrett with
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cbs sweating out the doj and fbi believes it is not russian disinformation. and what was said on our air with maria. it's too much not to cover. >> dana, i will go on to twitter to see how many people are tweeting kick, kick, kick boom. i doubt any. >> yes, i have been on twitter today. i didn't see that. i think tomorrow night whether the media wants to cover it, president trump will cover it. he will bring it up even if the debate moderator doesn't. i find it strange that the biden team hasn't done more to answer some of it. even if it was on background. one thing that mike pence did
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effectively is he through kamala harris out on court packing. biden/harris and refused to talk about it so much. you could see something similar tomorrow night and then everyone will cover it. >> juan, i imagine you are overjoyed to find out it's not the russians. because you would be relieved they were not tampering with our elections and this is a good sign? >> you know, sometimes i just have to laugh. i think it was on the front page of every newspaper 2 days ago how the russians are messing around with our elections and russians were indicted for not only getting involved in the u.s. elections in 2016 but the french elections. they are the prime actors on the global stage in terms of cyber espionage. all of this story is being blown
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up unnecessarily by a trump campaign that is drowning. they are trying to flail and drag everybody else down with them. this is a silly story. i am glad people want to go on and on. i would like to point out facts. today we learned that in fact president trump had a bank account in china and paid more taxes in china than in the united states. that's a fact! that's what happened today. today we learned again that the president the great deal mark can't get mitch mcconnell to agree on a stimulus plan to help the american economy. we will do anything including making up a conspiracy tale that everybody follows. >> he didn't makeup those emails. those were real. >> it gets back to rudy giuliani. rudy giuliani had to warn the white house he was being used by
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the russians. today rudy giuliani is caught in a very sad pose in the latest movie. maybe he should ashamed instead of concocting conspiracy tales. >> jesse, your thoughts? >> juan, hunter signed the receipt. the fbi signed the subpoena. we have seen both signatures. the emails are not handwritten notes. they are time stamped emails. >> i hope president trump is listening to jesse watters and follows your advice in tomorrow's debate. go down that rabbit hole. you will be the only one there. >> [overlapping talking]. >> you don't get to push fake news about russia for 4 years and get caught.
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emails show there was influence peddling and a kickback scheme arranged by the son for chinese bankers. i don't feel good about his dad using taxpayer money to push policies to get his son rich. the american people don't like. and juan, the president was accused of awful things. he was spied upon and investigated. he turned over thousands of documents. his family and campaign testify for years and they found nothing. yet they have something evidence on joe. joe says it didn't happen and he gets censored by the big tech. that's when you know you've got him. what is the deal? anything that hurts joe biden before a campaign is russia disinformation. was tara reid russian? were the riots russian? now you have the story you run
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that is bad for joe, you have to have your copy editors at twitter check it out and send the hunter hard drive over to silicone valley. that's not how these things work. brennan lied. we won't fall for that again. it's over, juan! >> let me tell you, jesse. didn't you hype the dunn an report? where is that? how many times do you go down the same road with this guy? you will get hurt. >> you are not going to hurt me. >> all right, all right. >> have you seen the fall leaves here. >> [laughing]. >> i believe i should smoke a signature in the break. coming up next the countdown to
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>> all eyes on the final presidential debate tomorrow. stakes high for both candidates. joe biden bracing for attacks from president trump over his son hunter biden. the biden campaign responded: when donald trump obsesses over right wing fringe conspiracy theories, he reenforces that he is forced to run away from his own record because his pandemic response continues to be a train wreck. some urge trump to focus on policy over personal attacks. the "l.a. times" notes that all of the chaos could be exhausting the voters that trump needs. dana, do you think if the president focuses on hunter it could move votes?
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>> well, it's hard to say. one-third of the vote is already in by tomorrow night. because of early voting. president trump is talking about this. let's listen. >> [inaudible]. >> about who? >> [inaudible]. >> it's bad they are not talking about foreign affairs. they are supposed to talk about foreign affairs. i think the anchor is a very biassed person. her parents are very biassed. that's my life. that's the white house behind me, right. >> [inaudible]? >> yes, i do prep. >> [inaudible]. >> thank you very much,
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everybody. >> mr. president, you have abandoned the fight against the virus. >> all right. >> well, that was president trump about to get in a helicopter. going down to north carolina for a campaign rally this evening. dana? >> he is doing something very smart. suggesting he is the underdog in the debate tomorrow night and suggesting that he is roughing up the moderator. i don't think that's fair. just because your parents gave contributions to democrats doesn't mean you have. i think he will be sharper. anyone who has seen hamilton there is a song with great advice: talk less and smile more. he indicated he will talk less to well biden take the lead. in the nbc town hall one lady said president trump had a very
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nice smile. >> indeed. bret, if the president brings up hunter biden, the democrats are saying well, why doesn't the vice-president bring up ivanka and the fact that jared kushner is not qualified to run the covid response? >> i think democrats are saying that. i think the former vice president biden is in the mind set of normalcy. of just calm, hit the marks. play to the economy. play to covid. and don't create any waves. one of the tactics here is that this mute button, there is two minutes where the candidates get uninterrupted talk. maybe that's not a great thing for joe biden. sometimes he didn't get to the bell where he says i am done. we will see how that plays with
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the full two minutes of an answer. >> the president is trying to push the ref. he was critical of chris wallace and steve scully and attacked the debate commission for the mute button. is he looking for an excuse for losing? >> no, my parents are far left and look how i turned out. you don't need to know who her parents donated to know she is a democrat. we have watched her on minneapolis for years. -- on msnbc for years. that's fine. that's not the issue. he will go after joe biden for the pay to play with china. americans hate corruption. they will try to bail joe out.
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i would not listen to anonymous republicans giving donald trump advice about how to win. republicans lost two times in a row. donald trump knows how to win and should trust his instincts. he should focus on the economy. he can feast on joe biden's economic record. it's atrocious. he paints biden as the pro-lockdown guy. he has a fetish with lockdowns that make no sense. it was supposed to be about foreign policy but the president's foreign policy has been so good. it's not even a topic. joe didn't even bring it up on the campaign trail with the little circles of people around him watching. it's a crucial debate. this race has tightened in the battlegrounds. it's neck and neck. the president has to be disciplined, focussed and treat no like he treated hillary at
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the second debate in 2016. be facted base and he will do well. >> greg, do you think biden will bring up trump's failure to pay american taxes when he was paying chinese taxes? >> it doesn't matter. >> it's not a secret? >> yes. in terms of debate advice, i find it interesting that dana quoted a man who settled an argument by shooting him to death. speaking of violence, joe biden once said that if you elect him, you are going to get rid of the violence in the streets. it was a subtle way of extorting a vote from the american people. saying if trump wins, the violence will continue. a great question that kristin could ask joe or president trump could ask joe.
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let's say you lose, what would say to the angry, upset population that are going out on the streets to reduce the chances of chaos and unrest and looting and arson and all of the things we have experienced before? it biden loses, he told us there is going to be more violence. somebody has to ask him, if he loses what will he say to prevented fires and the violence that will 100% happen because he said so? >> hmmm. all right. coming up. joe biden promising not to raise taxes but president trump is warning there will be a massive tax hike if the former vp is elected. next on "the five."
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>> ♪ >> i love that tune. president trump making the case last night that joe biden's tax policy will hurt the economy and claiming average americans will pay more. >> this is an election between the trump super-recovery which is happening right now and a biden depression. if he gets elected, you will have a depression the likes of which you have never seen. >> [booing]. >> you know he is going to double, triple and quadruple your taxs. >> kamala harris and joe biden say rich americans will be the only ones seeing higher tax bills. >> joe biden will not increase taxes on anyone who makes less than $400,000 a year. >> i won't raise taxes on any american making less than $4
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hadn't,000. -- $400,000 or less. it's a guarantee. >> the social security levee would go up for everyone eventually. jesse, you talk about the substance here. this is where the president if he is on his game tomorrow night could take the moment to go into the details of tax policy as boring as that may sound. it's important for a lot. people. >> it is. he should say joe biden would kill this recovery with the largest tax increase in u.s. history. at least barack obama waited 4 taxes to raise taxes. we are talking about income taxes and estate taxes and remember how high the gas prizes were under obama and joe biden. he lied about if you liked your healthcare can you keep it.
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i don't trust him that he won't raise taxes. what will he spend the money on? infrastructure? whatever happened to the stimulus? where did that money go, joe? nancy pelosi wanted to do infrastructure for year but can't do that with donald trump. spend it on healthcare? they raised taxes with barack obama and healthcare premium went up. build solar panels? no, we tried that. everywhere joe biden goes the witch make out great. delaware lost all of their jobs. look at the factories and the manufacturing jobs loss for 8 years when joe was in the vice-president office. go in there and attack. >> how long can biden say $400,000 and less doesn't see a tax increase when you are
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challenged day after day about that fact? . if you repeal the trump tax cuts you touch people below that level? >> people say by 2030. that's 10 years hence. right now the american people say raise taxes on the rich. the big news today in my mind was polls showing where as president trump had the advantage on one issue in this campaign, that he was a better steward of the economy than joe biden would be. now they are tied on this issue. >> yes. the "new york times" this morning. i will pay for a subscription for you. >> i already have one. >> the key reason is news of the day. president trump the deal maker can't get mitch mcconnell to turn his attention to the fact that so many americans are unemployed and facing bankruptcy
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and poverty and get a stimulus package out. mcconnell says republicans won't do that. >> house speaker nancy pelosi won't do a deal -- >> no, in fact. it's mnuchin trying to negotiate a deal with pelosi. the one who says i am not doing it is mitch mcconnell. >> dana? >> the senate democrats blocked a vote to provide 105-billion dollars to students and 16 billion dollars for testing and $20 billion in child care and money to the postal service. nancy pelosi played this well. the president says he will go higher than her original cost. he has the senators say it's a problem for america that they can't get this done. that money was in there.
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i feel sorry for the "wall street journal" editor board. it must be tiring to write economics 101 every election cycle. he could say i want to provide you the freedom to get back to work safely and i won't raise your taxes because i want us to go back to the economy before the pandemic. that's a simple message if he can deliver it. >> french poet, greg? >> well, taxing an economy that is under a novel duress like a unique pandemic is the exact opposite thing you would want to do. when your mother has the flu do you force her to walk two miles up hill with a safe filled with coins? that's what you are doing with the economy when you tax it. this is the theory when
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something is broken the republicans figure out how to fix it. it takes logic and reasoning. the democrats come later and brick it again. -- break it again. the republicans have to fix it. the economy is broken by a novel virus. the idea that taxation is the answer that's only because that's the answer the democrats have with every problem. taxing the rich. that's the easiest thing to say. then the media won't ask those questions. trump has to bring it up in the debate because kristen welker won't ask a critical question about taxes. >> all right. straight ahead former president obama hitting the campaign trail to help out joe biden. what president trump thinks about that next. - [announcer] meet the ninja foodi air fry oven.
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> you are looking live at the stage in philadelphia where former president obama will make his first appearance on his campaign trail for his former vice president biden. president trump not phafazed bys formal rival. >> president trump will campaign for sleepy joe. is that good or bad news? don't forget. he campaigned for hillary harder than hillary did. he said he will not be the president. i became the president. >> and as we have been telling you about how democrats are terrified that the party could be headed for a 2016 repeat, long time democratic strategyist
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capturing how come in the party are feeling. >> they are not over-confident. they in a border town between passionate and panic. i talked to democrats all the time. the most thing democrats say is ahh, they are scared to death. >> juan, i assume he is referring to the bed-wetting democrats that are concerned that a repeat of 2016 is going to happen. tell me about barack obama. how important is this? >> i think it's really important. he is their magic sauce. he is the best weapon in terms of fund-raising. he is their top fundraiser. it's also interesting to hear president trump's take on this. when president obama left office he had a plus 60% approval
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rating. president trump has never been close to that. he goes after hillary clinton and bernie sanders. i think he should leave obama alone or he will get crusheded. >> jesse, these events that the democrats are doing. the drive in events versus what president trump is doing. is there real enthusiasm? >> i have not seen any and that's the problem. think about where they are sending barack obama. if joe was up big, they would be sending him to texas, arizona and georgia. no. they are sending him to philadelphia. the models show blacks in pennsylvania only 10% requested ballots and remember the dnc speech barack obama pleading with democrats request your
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ballots and vote. they didn't listen. they didn't request and they are not turning them back. that's not good. every time barack obama is not on the ticket democrats get shellacked. he will juice the base in philadelphia. i don't think it will do anything. they don't have a great ground game to turn these people out on election day. biden has never delivered there. it's a covid-19 situation. i don't see it happening and another 4 years of donald trump takes a wrecking ball to the legacy of barack obama. it's already 80% gone and juan, and a second year you would get to the bottom of the obama-gate. >> oh, i want to scream. >> greg gutfeld, your thoughts? >> i felt like he was trying to out-toobin, toobin.
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if it hurts like that go to a doctor immediately. >> [laughing]. >> i can't believe barack obama is enjoying this trip. right? i imagine him coming to philadelphia after leaving hawaii because biden is in trouble. he looks like he is having as much fun as me in a training session at hr. he wishes they had a candidate who had it in the bag and he would haven't to do this. i think he is taking one for the team. >> what do you think, bret? you covered the obama administration? >> he doesn't have a great track record when it comes to endorsements. he campaigned for the florida gubernatorial candidate bill nelson for senate in florida. he campaigned for the georgia governor and put his weight behind that. he is late in the game for joe biden. he's done fund-raising but that's late.
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but he is a star in the democratic party but i agree with jesse, you are not going to pennsylvania unless you are playing defense. >> the biden team wants him to go to philadelphia. up next president trump boasting that politics will become boring approximate joe biden wins. we will find out what you think too. ♪ limu emu & doug you know limu, after all these years it's the ones that got away that haunt me the most. [ squawks ] 'cause you're not like everybody else. that's why liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. what? oh, i said... uh, this is my floor. nooo!
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if your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. so i'm voting 'yes'. nineteen allows seniors and all homeowners 55 and older to transfer their home's low tax base to another home. it also protects the right to pass my family home to my son. we've all worked hard for our house and we should be allowed to give it to our kids without a tax penalty. it's time to limit taxes. vote 'yes' on 19.
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