tv The Five FOX News October 23, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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you know who he's going to introduce? his father. that's what he's going to introduce. it's a bad deal. it's a bad deal. it's corrupt as hell. it's corrupt. okay? [cheers & applause] they say oh, what about you and the kids? i don't do deals. i don't do deals. i used to do more deals. i was the king of deals. i tell my kids. its a conflict. don't do them. it's possibly allowed, probably is allowed. we don't need it. don't do it. these kids have done such a great job. they have done such a good job. and they don't do deals. the bidens got rich while america got robbed. how did biden get so wealthy? spending 1/2 a century in public office. he's been in public office for 47 years. almost 50 years. he used his office for personal profit at your expense, my
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expense and all of our expenses. in 2016, florida voted to fire this depraved political establishment and you elected an outsider as president who has finally putting america first and putting the villages first. putting the villages first. [cheers & applause] we're putting the villages first. if i don't sound like a washington politician, i'm not one. i don't play by the rules of the washington establishment. the rhinos -- the rhinos are almost worst than our enemy. republican in name only. you know what that is, right? republican in name only. we have a lot of them. they're slowly disappearing.
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it's amazing. they disappear into the woods. i don't always play by the rules of the washington establishment. it's because i was elected to fight for you and i fought for you harder than any president has ever fought for anybody. with your vote, we'll continue to cut taxes. i got you the largest tax cut in the history of our country. cut regulations, lowered drug prices. your drugs will be going down 60, 70, 80% because i'm instituting what is called the favored nations clause. you can see the commercials that drug companies are running against me. it's unbelievable. this is why i see politicians, this is one of the many reasons why. the other reason is that the biggest lobbyists, the biggest donator by far are the drug companies. very powerful. a lot of money. they are taking commercials of me -- i don't care.
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i instituted a favored nations clause where the united states -- right now we pay the highest price of any country in the world by far, it's not even close. you can have a pill that sells for 10 cents identical and in the united states, it can sell for $3. that's how bad it is. it's terrible. i instituted the favored nations clause. so now we will be paying the lowest price matched anywhere in the world. [cheers & applause] and i'm getting hit hard on that one, but that is okay, pam. is that okay? i'll have to withstand. the commercials are unbelievable. they're unbelievable. that's okay. people get it. we want to support our police, protect our second amendment. they want to take your second amendment away. defend our borders. maintain energy independence and ensure more products are proudly
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stamped with the phrase, "made in the u.s.a." we'll deliver record prosperity, epic growth and a safe vaccine that is quickly coming that will help end -- by the way, it's ending anyway. it's going to end. you're going to have surges. europe has a surge. look at florida. you have a great governor, by the way. a great governor. you have a better first lady but i won't say that. now you have a great governor. the governor is going to go to canada. i gave him the right. he's going to canada where they pay 50% less for the same drug. he's going to buy for the state of florida in this favored nations kicks in, where you go down 70, 80, 90%. last year was the first year in 52 years that drug prices went down. not by much but they went down. went down 1%. not much. not proud.
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1%. but with favored nations, you'll go down 50, 60, maybe even 80% in drug prices. i gave your governor the right to go to canada and buy drugs in canada. the same exact drug from that same factories, same company. 50% and even more discount. so you'll see it fast. ultimately the favored nations will kick in. so i better be president when all of this stuff happens. can you imagine? it's all done. can you imagine if sleepy joe said i did a good job in drug prices. what did you do? i don't know. [crowd chanting]. >> i don't know what i'd do. [four more years]. >> thank you very much. we're going to quickly end this pandemic, this horrible plague that came in from china. they should have stopped it.
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we're not going to forget what they did. we're not forgetting. i signed a great trade deal with china. they had the biggest order of corn in the history of our country, the biggest order of soy beans and beef. but it's no longer the same to me. doesn't mean the same. would have been great. i would have been so proud of it. now i don't view it the same. no normal life will resume. next year will be the greatest economic year in the history of our country. we're going to do it. looking a housing, cars, car production. nobody can believe the numbers. you're going to have a number released very soon. the number is going to be -- think of it. you're going to have a gdp. the fed, atlanta, i believe, the atlanta fed, projected gdp of 35% in the third quarter. i don't know if it's going to be
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35. in any event, that would be higher than any gdp ever in history. many times higher than our highest, which i think was like 7 or 8%. we'll see. if it was 20%, it was 12% i'd say it was great. they just came out and said 35. who knows if they're right. we'll see. the good news, it's going to be announced right before november 3. right before. i'm willing to take my chances being a gambling man. i think it's going to be magnificent, whether it's 25, 35, 20. no matter what it is, it's going to be a great number. wooer doing numbers like nobody would believe. we thought we would have an unemployment of 40, 42%. you know what it was? dropped down to 7.8%. yesterday, larry kudlow called, the great larry kudlow. he said by a certain standard, it's 5.8%. think of that.
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we're in the midst of rounding out but in the midst of a pandemic. actually amazing what everybody has done. and i've been given a lot of help with some of the people over here. i gave you the largest tax cuts and reforms in american history. we will cut taxes further and we're cutting taxes for the middle class. we're cutting taxes for people that need jobs and nobody has ever done it at a level like we've done it. by contrast, sleepy joe biden will give you the single biggest tax hike in the history of our country. he's talking about quadrupling taxes. $4 trillion in taxes so he can waist it on the green new deal. the green new deal. no cars, no airplanes, no cows, no cows. whatever happened. did they leave the cows? they had to take that out. they didn't want cattle or cows.
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he will bury you in regulations, dismantle your police departments, confiscate your begins, terminate religious liberty, destroy your suburbs. the fraudulent media, i always get up and i have fun. please, please suburban women, you should love me. i ended the regulation that is going to destroy the suburbs. please! please! suburban women, you should love me. somebody said i'm not doing that well with suburban women. i said why? you know, last time i was supposed to be doing terribly with women. i got 52%. they said what the hell happened with trump and women? remember, they said trump did well with women. so now they go -- so i kid. i say please, please, suburban women.
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love me suburban women. i want you to love me. i got rid of theneighborhood. you don't want projects next to your house, crime in the suburbs. so i go on "60 minutes." lesley stahl. another beauty. she goes, "you were begging suburban women to love you, weren't you?" i said no, we're just having fun. these people are sick. they're bad. they want to decimate florida seniors. seniors, all seniors. by the way, what i've done for suburban women. you know, that is really the dream. that's the american dream. 30% of the people -- people say oh, is that racist. 30% of the people living in the suburbs are minority groups. hispanic american, black
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american, think of it. asian american. 30, 31% are minority groups. for years, joe biden fought to cut your social security. he wanted to cut it. he wanted to knock it out. medicare is now falsely denied. you notice, oh, i lived it yesterday the way he denied that. so does that mean you want to get rid of fossil fuel, joe? yes, that's what it means. thank you. let's end it right now. by the way, i got treated -- i thought very fairly by the anchor. i thought. right? kristin. i was surprised. she's been a little bit rough on me over the years. i was surprised. her network has been crazy. nbc. comcast. but i thought kristin did a veried good job. some people said she interrupted
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me more than sleepy joe. that's because he didn't have much to say. i said it during the show. >> dana: welcome to "the five." president trump holding a rally in battleground florida after the final debate. he was just talking about it. joe biden gave his post debate speech in delaware. you just heard president trump reacting to the biggest moments from last night. here's some of what he's talking about. >> joe, i ran because of you. i ran because of barack obama. you did a poor job. >> there's a reason why he's bringing up all of this malarkey. there's a reason for it. he doesn't went to talk about the issues. >> it's all talk, no action with these politicians. that's what i'm going to do when i become president. >> i'm going to say i'm an american president, i represented all of you if you vote for or against me. >> if he gets in, you'll have a depression the likes of which you have never seen. the stock market will boom.
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if he's elected, the stock market will crash. >> where i come from in scranton, the i'm people don't leave off of the stock market. >> we're going to choose science or fiction and hope over fear. >> dana: the candidates accused each other of being corrupt. >> i don't make money from china. you do. i don't make money from ukraine or russia. >> there's 50 former national intelligence folks that said what he's accusing me of is a russian plan. >> you mean the happen top is another russia, russia, russia hoax? >> that's exactly -- >> this is where he's going. the horrible e-mails of the money that you were raking in, you and your family. joe, you were vice president when some of this was happening. >> i have not taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life. we learned that this president paid 50 times the tax in china,
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has a secret bank account. >> dana: i'll take it around the circle here. the table right now. jesse, it was not joe biden's strongest night of the debate season. >> jesse: i thought he had an okay night. trump had a great night. he looked like he was a happy warrior and going to close strong with a ton of rallies coming up. joe biden today is giving a speech from the battleground state of delaware. i don't know what that is all about. joe, i think started off okay. then he got shakier as the night went on. he got caught checking his watch. he prepared four days for this watch and they didn't tell him don't check your watch? a good piece of advice. you can see the pillars of trump's closing argument are coming together. one pillar, we're america. wooer going to work through the pandemic. there's light at the end of the
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tunnel as opposed to joe biden who says it's going to be a dark winter. trump says we're going to open schools, businesses. everybody wants to hear that. not joe's destructive democrat shutdowns. the second pillar is this. joe biden as we saw has been a life-long politician. all talk, no action. never got anything done when he had the chance. the things he did do, immigration and prison reform, joe said those were mistakes. so joe, we can't afford any of your mistakes. lastly is this. joe biden is a corrupt guy who is getting propped up by the media, helped along by his donors in silicon valley. probably paid off by the chinese and supported by donors on wall street. and i don't think the american people will like that. the hunter biden stuff, it's tricky. joe will never admit yes, i'm the big guy and here's my bank account.
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you won't find out real answers unless you have subpoenas and investigations. if he's elected, that will go forward. there's a chance joe doesn't survive that investigation akamala takes over. that's the plan. the media knows that. they're trying to drag joe across the finish line so when he does win, she takes over. the question that needs to be asked and this is a little advice to you reporters out there, who listen to jesse when he gives you advice. you say, joe, are the e-mails rule or are they forgeries? he can't answer that question. anyway he answers that question damages him. so that's the question to ask. >> dana: the president has remarkable energy. jesse mentioned he will -- he's doing 17,000 rallies between now and monday. going to the battleground states. feels like a momentum surge. >> greg: you know, you're talking about how he comes across. everybody knows that he's got energy. people who are undecided about
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him think he's mean, scary, unstable, whatever. that's why he achieved a lot yesterday. he came off as stable, calm. the kind of person, dana, that you'd have as an overnight guest. you know, he would actually be like you. he would help do the dishes as opposed to steal the medication, which would be me. he came across as somebody that oh, wow, he can turn that off when help wants to, that suggests he turns it on when he wants to, which is good. the outsider versus insider is very important. biden when he went after him about corruption, that reminds everybody that biden is attracted to the trappings of political power and a trump is a challenge and threat to the political power. trump entered politics and winning is like akin to peta taking over mcdonald's. it's like really good he brings that up.
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slim pickings on foreign policy. why? normalizing relations. everybody is normalizing relations with israel. i will say this. you mentioned that it was tricky. the hunter biden thing is tricky. you're right. trump assumes that everybody watches "the five." most people do. there's a lot of people that would watch the debate that had no idea what he was talking about. it was like -- because -- it's because there's a media out there that is suffocating the story. there's npr claiming we're not going to cover it. cnn says it's nothing. so what trump should have done, taken 30 seconds to explain it. just like go through the specific things and then it would have been helpful. but i mean, biden blew it too by bringing up the stupid letter. nobody knows what that is, either. >> dana: they didn't land the hit on those two things.
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dagen, they did talk about the economy more than the previous -- this year is so weird. we didn't have a normal year. a lot of debate. at least they wept back and forth and president trump tried to draw his vision of the economy. >> biden's vision is destroy the oil destroy and drive up the price in the tank and heating your home. to jesse's point, it was a juxtaposition of two worlds. success will bring us together. so trump is talking about recovery. rebirth. a path back to prosperity. a year ago, the unemployment rate was at a 50-year low. incomes were growing at a record past, faster for latinos and african americans. then you pivot to joe biden and
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joe biden's world, the dark winter. people are learning to die with the virus. here's my quote. you folks at home will have an i'm the i chair at the kitchen table this morning. will? joe biden's world is like the last season of "game of thrones." one other thing -- talked about him being shaky. be 78 next month. 82 potentially at the end of a first term. he was at home all week. you can be overnaped. you napped so much at night that you can't -- your battery won't hold a charge. so the sun was going down on joe biden the last half hour. it wasn't pretty. >> dana: juan, you and i were on last night. 24 hours later, your thinking. president trump's campaign raised $26 million since the debate. so that was a big number for them coming out of that.
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>> juan: right. it echoed for trump supporters. he changed his tone compared to the first debate that he was able to restrain himself, to pull it back. changing tone though doesn't change the election. the big picture here. the big picture is that joe biden looked great. he looked like he had ideas, he had specific plans in terms of how to deal with the virus. he had specific plans talking about race relations and the like. and from president trump, it was just more of the same kind of boisterous behavior. he had a better night and that's why you saw the response. you think about the start, the emphasis on covid. again, you know, if you like what you've heard from president trump over the last six months as we have gone through this, i guess you liked what you heard last night. which is the same thing. if you didn't like what you heard the last six months, there was no reason to change your position to have a different view of donald trump. especially with news today that
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you had rising rates of infection, 37 states now, higher levels of hospitalizations. so what you get is people saying, well, you know what? he changed his tone. again, in terms of the big picture of the election, didn't do anything to help donald trump. what you get instead is more of the same. that's what people are reacting to. even in his echo claimer. >> dana: in a way, money talks. raising money like that overnight can help in a last-minute surge, if you will. all right. coming up, more on the candidates clashing over the pandemic. we have more to say up next. ♪
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president trump and joe biden butting heads over pandemic response and lockdowns. watch this. >> we're about to go into a dark winter. a dark winter. he has no clear plan. >> everything he said about every single move that he said we should make, that's what we've done. >> everyone is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the united states of america. >> 99.9 of young people recover. 99% of people recover. we have to recover. we can't close up our nation. >> think about what the president knew in january and didn't tell the american people. >> i said we're learning to live with it. we have no choice. we can't lock ourselves up in a basement like joe does. >> jesse: dana, interesting. a very different contrast there. the president says we need to lea live with it. >> dana: when the president said
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i take full responsibility, it's no my fault it came here, it's china's fault. i thought that was a great presidential moment. that is a -- you want unity? america coming together to focus the blame on that would be good. i think because of the focus on the president, biden has never been pressed on the specifics of what you would have done differently. he talked about masks. and i agree with that. he said i will end the virus because of masks. that's like when president said he would slow the rise of the oceans. that's like a bridge too far. nobody will believe that. people have missed out on that. biden talked about that today in terms of getting the economy open. the president focused on opening schools is one of the most important. the other thing he could have added is that the democrats have rejected funding for schools over and over again during this
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covid relief. about $105 billion available for schools. we have more information that schools don't seem to be super spreader events. juan and i spend three days at belmont university. they're super locked down an very strict. the president of all the times that he's talked about covid since probably july last night was the best. >> jesse: his tone was good. greg, you bright it up. like at daily covid cases per capita. the united states is ranked 20th. we're ahead of most of the european countries the middle eastern countries. it's not as bad as the media frames it. >> greg: the media -- you have to look hard to find the infection fatality rates. there's a reason why they're not showing you that. it's encouraging news. as yo test more, you get more cases. the infection fatality rate will go down.
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bidens pretends he has a plan. there's nothing in there that hasn't been plagiarized from trump. and then the one thing i like about joe, he lies, that's fine. but his lies are so easily exposed. it's like he believes that the internet doesn't hold on to his old tweets. you know, he lies. he says that he didn't can't trump's plan xenophobic. he bashed the travel ban as late as march. it's easy to look for that stuff. i think that maybe they should tell him that the internet exists or -- he should check on it. he's stuck in the prison of two ideas. east open or die and lock down and live. nothing in between. trump's feet are planted firmly in reality. it's based on weighing the cost and the benefits. that's when adults do. aed just accordingly if the situation changes. biden, he comes off as so grave
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about this because he refuses to think like -- to think sensibly about this. he probably would if he was president. but he's running for president, so he has come off as the angel of death, which he does well. >> jesse: joe biden, angel of death. later on tonight. juan? >> juan: this gets ridiculous what i'm hearing here. this is so one sided. even joe biden said we can walk and chew gum at the same time. a way to go about living -- >> greg: provided -- >> juan: he said let's have national standards for how to reopen schools. let's fund reopening of schools a and not get locked to mitch mcconnell and the republicans blocking anything but the very skinniest of bills in washington. here's the thing. here's joe biden yesterday. he is saying, you know what? here are specific ideas how to
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do better in a difficult time. despite what you her here, 73,000 new u.s. cases on thursday. yes. hospitalizations up in 38 states in the last week. that's why everybody is saying, you know what? all of these people dead, 200,000. joe biden said it best yesterday on the stage. anybody that is over seen this many deaths of americans should not be president of the united states. that was a pretty -- >> greg: once again, avoids the fatality rate. you said he was plagiarizing. here it is. let's have rapid testing. let me ask you something. do we have rapid testing? no. >> jesse: we do. >> juan: do we have sufficient contract tracing because of a nationally lead effort by our president? absolutely not. >> greg: why don't we, juan?
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you can't explain it. >> juan: you make stuff up to libel biden. it doesn't void trump to make stuff up -- >> jesse: all right, juan. >> dagen: one word, vaccine. we're likely to have two vaccines approved in january. astra zeneca restarted their trial by the fda. you know what the trump strayed did in february, started working with moderna on a vaccine. and then in early february the administration signed a deal with regeneron to develop the anti-body treatment that president trump took when he got the virus. what is going on here, joe biden is trying to cover for the blue states. when we hit 210,000 deaths in the country, 84% of those deaths were in blue states. 14% -- or 16% in red states. the death rates, kyle smith row
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about this, are 40% higher in blue states than red states and the economic recoveries are slower in the blue states because of the lockdowns. you magically because of these idiot democrat governors and mayors, you got the worst outcomes on health and the worst outcomes on the economy. that's magic. you know what? trump was on the vaccines and we will have a solution by next year. a and joe biden -- >> juan: it's going to disappear magically. we have it under control. >> dagen: science. >> juan: when kristin said are you making a guarantee? he said no, no, no guarantee. stick it. this is ridiculous. >> jesse: stick it? >> neil: what? >> jesse: stick you in the back seat. you get the vaccine first, juan.
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♪ >> dagen: joe biden with a big debate blunder that could hurt him in key swing states. watch this. >> would you close down the oil industry? >> i would transition from the oil industry, yes. i would transition it. >> it's a big statement. >> it is a big statement. i would -- >> why would you do that? >> the oil industry pollutes significantly. >> president trump and biden fighting over the vp's actual position on fracking. >> i have never said i oppose fracking. >> you said it on tape.
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>> i did -- show the tape. put it on your website. >> i'll put it on. >> the fact is he's flat lying. >> he was against fracking. he said it. i will show that to you tomorrow. >> dagen: dana, the biden campaign is trying to clean up that comment today on the oil industry. if you're cleaning up, you know you -- >> dana:president trump recognized it right away. oh, you just said that. before the biden team even had arrived at their plane to depart, they had tried to say oh, actually what he means is, if you're explaining that, it's harder. look, i understand like in 2050, yes, even the oil and gas companies are like yes, we're investing in renewables. we're in an election. look at pennsylvania. jesse's old neighborhood in philly, biden will run the score there. president trump is looking at central and western pennsylvania, fracking is really
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important to that industry. or to that state. same in texas and same in oklahoma. it's an opening that president trump has to exploit. they already have ads up and running. >> dagen: jesse, raises the issue of how far left is joe biden going to go. in the manifesto with bernie sanders, they want to do away with fossil fuels and power production. what will this do to energy prices? how much it cost to heat your house, how much it cost to fill up your car. i said that at the beginning. it's millions of jobs on the line. >> jesse: aoc loved it, bernie loved it. if you want to turn the country to california, keep the lights on, go for it. dana is right. the trump campaign thinks this is the nail in the coffin for the biden campaign in pennsylvania. they had the best year with gdp on record in pennsylvania.
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and it hurts biden down ballot. hurts him down ballot in new mexico, oklahoma, ohio, pennsylvania, texas. this was a huge self-inflicted wound. >> dagen: one it reminds me of but worse, we're going to put a lot of coal miners out of business. >> juan: and taken out of context. the reality is, climate change is very real to many people. we know about the flooding, we know about the hurricanes, know about the wild fires. for most people, it's like here's the poll numbers. they think that president trump hasn't done enough to deal with climate change. overwhelmingly americans think we need to do more in terms of investing and transitioning to renewable energy in this country. but he took a risk. i think joe biden took a risk and stood tool and said, you know what? we do need. this is where i said to you, there was a misinterpretation of
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hillary clinton. hillary clinton was saying, we need to transition from those coal mines and help people get new jobs. joe biden said last night, renewable energy will produce more jobs, economic growth. it's a positive for america. he took a risk. >> dagen: but don't let reality get in the way of campaign promises. because we don't have the battery technology to store wind and solar, greg. frankly, per capita, our co2 emissions are the lowest levels since 1950. >> greg: they don't know what to do with how to dispose the solar panels. they never thought that through. forestry mismanagement is causing the wild fires. the hurricane link to climate change has been debunked. biden, his lies are so chuckable. he said, i didn't say that about fracking. immediately you find five instances of tapes him saying i'm going to end fracking. it's sad. it's not just his campaign
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covering for him. the media is throwing the preserver to him. they call it clarification when it's walking back. by the way, he said something else that was ridiculous about the minimum wage. that it would help small businesses during covid. how does that happen? do you -- does he think the businesses get that money? no, they pay that money. anyway. >> dana: i just found out that apparently twitter is flagging now any tweets about biden and fracking. it's like oh, here's more context for that. if you put up the video, then you're going to get flagged. >> juan: doesn't like to hear the truth. twitter and facebook taking responsible action. oh, that's terrible. >> jesse: it's a video what he said, juan. >> juan: the context is -- >> dagen: unless it's not really him, jesse. >> jesse: it's disinformation.
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>> dagen: we have to go. 7 to 11 -- stay there. fan mail is next. ♪ ♪ limu emu and doug. and if we win, we get to tell you how liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. isn't that what you just did? service! ♪ stand back, i'm gonna show ya ♪ ♪ how doug and limu roll, ya ♪ ♪ you know you got to live it ♪ ♪ if you wanna wi... [ music stops ] time out! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ we knew that this was really, really bad. we had ample forewarning. but we did almost no testing, almost no contact tracing. completely ignored the science, completely ignored the warning signs. there were things that could have been done. a lot of people have died needlessly,
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>> greg: fan mail friday. we don't have time for makeup. a great question. what is the strangest place someone recognized you, dagen? >> dagen: men's bathroom. >> greg: what were you doing -- >> dana: oh, my gosh. >> greg: in the >> dagen: yes. >> greg: yeah. dana? >> dana: africa. >> greg: why are you calling that a strange place? >> dana: strange someone recognized me in johannesburg. they watched fox news. they knew i was on fox news. >> greg: too late. you dug that hole. jesse? >> jesse: i was proposing and down on one knee and this fan comes up behind me and he's like waters! you interviewed me a few years ago. i said i'm a little busy, bro. >> greg: funny. i'm surprised you didn't start
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talking to him. >> dana: you want a picture? i can send you a head shot. >> greg: juan, strangest place someone recognized you? >> juan: obviously the bathroom. the whole thing about shaking hands is inappropriate in that moment. even, you know, like i remember being at the newspaper stand. looking through the men's magazines and here's this little old lady. i said oh, wrong moment to say hi. >> greg: strangest place someone recognized me had to be the steam room. i was wearing a leather mask. they must have seen the birth mark. anyway -- [laughter] what topic could you give a 20-minute precipitation on without any preparation? jesse, it's -- dana -- >> dana: dog training. >> greg: very good. >> jesse: suppression polls. [laughter] >> juan: you're an >> greg: juan? >> juan: john.
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before. >> jesse: 1980. >> greg: [laughs] >> jesse: where did you go? >> greg: i went to sahari. you know wells went there, tom brady. barry bonds. >> jesse: dagen mcdowell. william campbell high school. >> dagen: i never had a perm. >> dana: wait until you see how high my hair is. a >> jesse: we don't have the pair let's not get ahead of yourselves. >> dana: thanks. >> jesse: if you have pictures, send them of dana. >> greg: you look like lumpy from "leave it to beaver." >> jesse: i don't even know who that is. you are that old.
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waters were alive saturday night 8:00. i think there's going to be at trump rally and i will be covering most of it. >> dana: greg, your next. >> greg: saturday night, 10:00 p.m., brand-new show. dave rubin, kat timpf, tyrus, great show. let's do this. ♪ animals are great! ♪ animals are great! ♪ animals are great! there's nothing i like better than a dog who won't let obstacles get in his way for a drink. check out this fella. trapped in his thing. thursday. he hops his way. >> jesse: wad? >> greg: that's incredible, to know to do that. >> dana: i love it. >> greg: do you love it or are you being polite? >> dana: innovation. juan. >> juan: take a look at robin moore of miami beach, florida, as she skydive while sitting sin
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the inflatable pool float. she did it so she could have her wild ride while dressed as a cowgirl. by the way, she did have a cowgirl hat on but it flew away the moment she jumped out of the plane. she is an e.r. doctor and she says she felt so far away from the pressures of work during this difficult time, she said it was like being thousands of feet in the sky, wind and my hair, giggling and yelling the whole way down. >> dana: isn't too cold? i think that would be called. cahalloween is right around the corner. look at these adorable dogs. costume inspiration. four rescue dogs that live in california. their owner is anna. she calls her pack the rescued boys. they dressed up. good costume for you, greg. super mario.
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they were giving away full-size candy bars. those of the good houses. all right, dagen dagen. >> dagen: not smarties and bit o' honey. check out these rascally raccoons that broke into a california bank. a dude using the atm spotted the raccoons on the inside of the bank. they called the humane society. he thought he was looking at a stuffed animal on a desk. no, real live raccoon. they didn't want to leave when humane society showed up. it took them 10 minutes of chasing them out. apparently they broke into the bank through the roof. cat burglars. no, raccoon burglars. >> jesse: can i make a second appeal. if you have photos back in the day of juan back in the day especially. want to see the hair. dana. she probably looks exactly the same. >> dana: the hair. i had big '80s hair.
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>> greg: you are at a high school dance? it was disgusting how you looked. you went to school or social functions just like that. i am so glad you cleaned up your act. >> dana: that's it for us. see back here on monday we hope. have a great weekend, everyone. >> brett: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. president trump is predicting a massive red wave of the poles in just 11 days. the president posting a pair of rallies today in the crucial swing state of florida. he spoke earlier to seniors and other supporters at the villages. he will make remarks in pensacola a little later this evening. chief white house correspondent john roberts starts us off tonight traveling with the president. he is from the villages right now. good evening, john. >> bret, good evening. the president is off to pensacola later on. in florida, the real clear
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