tv Hannity FOX News October 23, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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person. by current standards, she did a good job. she came off as more fair than some moderated debates. sorry, karen johnson. call us when you have a kardshian update. the original karen, it turns out. have a great weekend. see you monday. >> sean: welcome to hannity. the president continues to crisscross the country. joe biden is getting rest at home. he had a short event in delaware. we're 11 days away. you're the ultimate jury. jerry -- geriatric joe doesn't have it. after the beating he took last night, he needs time to recover. he's also trying to avoid any
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and all questions about his public corruption scandal that is growing by the hour and unraveling before our eyes. joe biden did know about his son's business dealings and was an active participant in his son's international pay for play schemes. by the way, he was even purportedly getting a cut. as it turns out, joe was more than happy to sell out the biden family name while as vice president and his zero experience son raking in millions. joe, you're right about one thing.character will be on the ballot and that should make you worried. we're going to follow the monday with ron johnson, peter schweitzer coming up and straight ahead talking to the vice president, mike pence in pittsburgh tonight with more on today's historic new peace deal between israel, sudan and his
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take on the debate, the state of the campaign. first, last night, near the end of the debate, something remarkable happened. joe biden for the first time all night actually told the truth about something. take a look. >> would he close down the oil industry? would you close down the oil industry? >> i would transition from the oil industry, yes. >> oh, transition -- it's a big statement. >> it is a big statement. >> why would you do that? >> because the oil industry pollutes significantly. >> i see. >> here's the deal. you -- if you let me finish the statement. it has to be replaced by renewable energy over time. >> sean: he finally said it under a biden harris administration, the oil and gas industry would become a thing of the past. now oil, gas, fossil fuels happen to be the life blood of the world's economy. by the way, millions of high-paying career jobs in america would be eliminated and of course thanks to president
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trump and the last 3 1/2 years, we have now become energy independent for the first time in 75 years. we're for the first time in more than 75 years the world's largest producer of energy. if joe biden, well, if he becomes president, that all goes away. so if you live in pennsylvania, ohio, texas, oklahoma, be prepared to suffer because if job gets his way, hundreds of thousands of high-paying jobs in pennsylvania alone will be gone. nationwide, well over 10 million jobs will be eliminated. the industries that benefit from the energy sector, well, they'll lose jobs as well. that is from anywhere from 6 and 10% of the entire u.s. work force. manufacturing costs will sky rocket in this country. that means manufacturing will once again overseas, energy prices will sky rocket. america's economy would be
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destroyed before biden's proposed tax increases on the middle class and small business. in the process, america's adversaries like russia, china, venezuela, they would then own the oil and gas industry. that would allow them to become more powerful than ever before. that will weaken our national security and joe will be making russia, china, venezuela and the middle east a lot of countries that don't like us there, he will be making their economies great again instead of making america's economy great again. the biden plan to transition from oil and gas is so insane that even some democrats today in swing districts, they are racing for cover. some of biden's fellow democrats are publicly rebuking his extreme agenda. by the way, now joe and kamala harris are doing their best all day on damage control. they're pretending that he doesn't really want to ban oil
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and gas. in other words, they're just lying. the green new deal, which they both support, which calls for the abolition of fossil fuel is literally endorsed, it's there on joe biden's own website. joe and kamala harris think that we, the american people, we must be stupid and by the way, they can just lie to our faces over and over again and think we're going to forget fracking and eliminate fossil fuels. last night's debate is no exception. joe biden said that no one lost their insurance under obamacare. millions lost their plans, millions lost their doctors and on average we're paying about 200% more when they said we would save $2,500 per family per year. joe also said he never opposed the president's china travel ban. that was another lie, too. joe, actually repeatedly called the travel ban xenophobic,
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hysterical and fear mongering. he did it the day after the president implemented the travel ban from china. that was ten days after the first identify case of coronavirus. he was doing it in late march. at one point, joe also said that he never opposed fracking. this lie was so egregious, fake news cnn had to fact check it. so joe, do you realize how stupid and dishonest and sleazesy you look by doing this? take a look. >> would there be anyplace for fossil fuels including coal and fracking in a biden administration? >> no. we would work it out. we would make sure it's eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those. i guarantee you, guarantee you, we're going to end fossil fuels. >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. >> i would move away from fracking. >> it's critically important that we end fossil fuel leases
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on public land. >> sean: eliminate fracking. he said it. pennsylvania, which joe do you believe? the president, he was right. 47 years in the swamp. joe biden all talk, no action. whenever he does do something, it usually means that we, the american people, pay a heavy price. sadly biden's blatant dishonesty didn't end there. he told this incredibly bizarre lie about the united states and adolph hitler. take a look. >> you know what? north korea, we're not in a war. we have a good relationship.people don't understand, having a good relationship with leaders of on countries -- >> we have a lot of questions. >> we had a good relationship with hitler before he invaded europe. come on. >> sean: come on, man. the u.s. was sending weapons and other supplies across the atlantic to hitler's adversaries
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well before the war. maybe something tells me that joe was not a very good student. that's right, too. he finished near the bottom of his law school class and then he lied about that like he's lied about so many other things like being endorsed by the naacp. that is a lie. that is what sank his first presidential bid. you get the theme here? joe biden told many lies last night. at one point, president trump forcefully brought the issue of the kids and the cages smear that the democrats are too fond of and told the truth. take a look. >> they used to say i built the cages. then they had a picture in a certain newspaper. it was a picture of these horrible cages. they said look at the cages. president trump built them. then it was determined that they were built in 2014. that was him. they did it -- >> we did not -- >> they built the cages.
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who built the cages, joe? who built the cages? >> sean: by the way, joe, you see the cages, these pictures, yeah, you built that. i know obama is fond of saying you didn't build that. but you did build that. you put the kids in cages. and these pictures are from the time that you were vice president and barack obama was president. it was president trump that reformed america's child immigration practices, not you. nearly 50 years in the d.c. swamp, joe said a lot and very little 0 to show. last night president trump held his feet to the fire. take a look. >> i don't make money from china. you do. i don't make money from russia or ukraine. you do. i ran because of you and barack obama. you did a poor job. if you did a good job, i
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wouldn't have run. let's get off the china thing and he looks. the family around the table. just a typical politician when i see that. >> let's talk about north korea. >> i'm not a politician. that's why i got elected. >> sean: all night joe was struggling to defend himself. instead of making cogent points, joe went to his favorite go-to line. come on, man. come on, man. are you a junky? that is one of my favorites. he did it numerous times throughout the night and throughout the campaign. take a look. >> why the hell would i take a test? come on, man. come on. it's like saying before he got in this program, you take a test where you're taking cocaine or not. what do you think? are you a junky? come on. >> if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or trump and you ain't black. >> don't worry about it. come on. i got votes for that bill. i convinced people to vote for it. >> the radical left -- >> would you shut up, man?
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come on. you're a lying dog faced pony soldier. come on. let's do pushups together. let's do whatever you want to do. >> come on. >> sean: joe should have been rested. he spend five of six days in the basement bunker preparing for the debate, drinking hot cocoa and taking naps. is that the best you got? come on, man. come on, man. joe's defense, it will way past his bedtime. that's probably why he was looking at his watch, hoping and praying that the debate would soon come to a merciful end. you might remember during the 1992 debate when george herbert walker bush looked at his watch, became a national scandal. decades later, the media mob was still obsessing and reminiscing about the scandalous watch moment. eerily quiet about joe though. take a look. >> in 1992, george h.w. bush
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deliberately looks at his watch and pays for it when the audience and voters see it as disrespectful. >> george bush is caught looking at his watch. he doesn't glance at it. he looks like he's in a theater production. he accentuated this pre-existing narrative that george w. bush was just kind of not in the moment, wanted to get through the thing, didn't care. >> sean: so i wonder if biden will receive the same treatment from the media mob? of course not. many praised the debate moderator as even-handed performance. i didn't think it was so even-handed. she interrupted president trump nearly 30 times and interrupted biden only twice. as we've been telling you, there's powerful institutional forces including the media mob, democratic socialists, media tech. weak establishment republicans and of course the deep state, all aligned against this president. the only thing that can stop
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them in 11 days is you. the american people. you're the ultimate jury. even so, it's joe biden not president trump that is resting at his home in delaware tonight despi despite an unprecedented leisurely schedule. if he doesn't have the alertness to handle the rigors of the campaign, how can he lead the free world considering that is the hardest job in the world? here with more on last night's debate, the historic peace deal, by the way, the president brokered, vice president of the united states, mike pence is with us. mr. vice president, you got a crowd behind you. where are you, in pittsburgh tonight? >> hello from pittsburgh, sean! >> sean: tell everybody in pittsburgh sean hannity says hello. >> i sure will. a lot of excitement.
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i was in ohio earlier today. here in pittsburgh, everywhere i go, people are telling me that president trump had a big night last night. america had a big night. because this is a president who has been delivering for the american people for the last 3 1/2 years. we're going to keep delivering on a strong military, going to keep growing our economy. we're going to keep energy independence and we're going to keep developing all of the resources of our country appointing conservatives to the court, supporting law and order and going to keep doing it for four more years. >> sean: eliminating -- eliminating fossil fuels and eliminating fracking. you have been playing the tape on the stump. president trump now played it in pennsylvania. do the people of pennsylvania now understand that joe biden
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and kamala harris are beholden to ending fossil fuels, which will destroy the american economy, the life blood of the world's economy, frankly? >> look, people across the heartland know what's going on here. the last year, joe biden and kamala harris have been saying repeatedly that they're going to abolish fossil fuels, going to ban fracking and last night at the tail end of that debate, president trump said to joe biden, are you going to shut down the oil industry in america? he said yes. now even though joe biden a couple weeks ago came to pittsburgh, said the president had been lying about his record, you're right. some of those very same clips you played at the top of the show, we've been playing on big screens of the president and me because look, the american people see what's going on here. what joe biden and kamala harris were saying over the last year is exactly what they're going to do if they come into office. they're going to work to abolish
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fossil fuels, going to work to ban fracking, which would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs in pennsylvania alone. under president trump, we're going to have more fracking, develop more energy resources and going to build on a record for the first time in 70 years we're a net exporter of energy. under. donald trump, we're energy independent and going to keep developing american energy and independence for four more years. >> sean: there vice president, we have a growing scandal. we knew that hunter biden made millions of dollars in ukraine without any experience and energy, oil or ukraine and his father leveraged a billion taxpayer dollars to get the prosecutor investigating hunter biden fired in six hours. he got it done. now we learned it's a lot deeper. now we see hunter biden and the biden family business getting
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3.5 million from an oligarch in russia, the first lady of moscow. we see $1.5 billion deal with the bank of china after joe biden flies his son to china. we have two of hunter biden's associates and partners in jail. now we have a whistle-blower here. we're 11 days out. the media is running interference for all things joe biden. you think the message is getting through that he sold access to his office like this? >> i think because president trump took the case directly to the american people last night, it is getting through, sean. the american people have a right to know what joe biden and his family have been up to. it's astonishing to me after living through the last 3 1/2
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years, 2 1/2 years of which were spent in what the president rightly call as witch hunt investigation, an investigation of the president, our administration and of his family. suddenly the media has lost any interest whatsoever in foreign impact or foreign efforts to influence people in american politician. joe biden needs to come forward and come clean about what was going on when he was running the u.s. effort in ukraine. i mean, he basically managed the effort in the ukraine. you remember the video that he said i told the president of the ukraine that you were going to fire the prosecutor or you weren't getting that billion dollars and son of a gun, they fired the prosecutor. and then we all find out, that his son was on the board of the company that the prosecutor was investigating. i just telling you, joe biden
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has got to step up, come clean and this nonsense from adam schiff about this being a russian disinformation campaign has been completely rebutted by our intelligence community. that laptop, the e-mails are not an effort as adam schiff said from the kremlin. they have come from a laptop that was hunter biden's laptop by everything that we know. joe biden has to come forward, his family has to come forward. the american people deserve an answer before election day and deserve an answer before election day whether joe biden and kamala harris will pack the supreme court. i mean, to add seats to the supreme court so you can after 150 years with nine justices on the supreme court, so that you can then -- it will put liberal activist justices to advance
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your agenda will be the biggest power grab in american history. and kamala harris refused to answer whether they're going to do it. then he said we'll do it after we confirm judge amy coney barrett. now he said he's going to wait months after the election to give the people a straight answer. you ought to tell the american people whether you're going to respect the highest court in the land. joe biden ought to come forward, he ought to answer questions about the laptop, about hunter biden, about this -- the foreign funds flowing in the direction of his family and he ought to come forward and tell the american people whether he's going to pack the court. again, on that last one, i got to tell you, the people here in pennsylvania and ohio earlier today, they know what's going on. they know what their first said about abolishing fossil fuel and fracking, they know that's what they're going to do when they refuse to answer whether they're
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going to pack the court, they know joe biden and kamala harris are going to pack the court, add seats, put activist judges on the court. where these folks and we're not going to let it happen. we're going to re-elect president donald trump for four more years. we're going to have a stronger more prosperous america and an independent judiciary to boot. >> sean: mr. vice president, my best to the people in pittsburgh tonight. thank you for joining us. by the way, quick programming note. the vice president will be the guest of the great one, march levin, "life, liberty levin" this sunday for the full hour. tune in. when we come back, the fbi has agreed to interview hunter biden's former business associate, tony bobulinski. he also met with ron johnson. he will join us. and peter schweitzer is here who blew this open in his book
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the left says christ was radical, but christ is the creator, god in human flesh, and he's the only one who can give you peace, and he wants to give you that peace, eternal peace. will you come to him? - [woman] are you looking for peace that can withstand any hardship that life can bring? visit to find answers. that's
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>> i'm jeff paul. the u.s. surgeon general says this could be the worst week since the pandemic hit the u.s. cases are surging across the country. more than 79,000 new coronavirus cases were reported today. that's the single highest day total since july 16. at least 32 states are reporting an increase of new cases and the number of hospitalizations are up 40% in the past month. more than 223,000 americans have died from the virus. the man that supplied weapons in the san bernardino terror attack is sentenced 20 years in federal prison. he pleaded guilty in 2017 to providing two assault weapons to
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the husband and wife behind the holiday attack. 14 people were killed. the couple died in a shootout with authorities. i'm jeff paul. now back to "hannity." >> sean: we have new more explosive developments tonight in the intensifying biden family foreign corruption scandal. the fbi is now interviewing former hunter biden business associate, tony bobulinski after he claimed that joe biden was in fact the big guy in revealing text messages dealing with china. as fox news reported this week, the bureau is now investigating the hunter biden laptop in connection with a money laundering probe. pay attention. we have hunter biden with no experience and a guy by the name of bevin cooney.
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they made millions. and joe biden was down playing beijing's rise, all while his family was cutting 1.5 billion deal with the bank of china and other deals with american adversaries. it's not just about hunter biden. it's about joe biden. he now appears to have put national security at risk so his family could cash in and make millions. breaking tonight from peter schweitzer, he's obtained a new insider document which allegedly reveal how hunter biden and his associates help add chinese military contractor acquire a strategically sensitive michigan manufacturer all with approval of the biden and obama administration. here to explain, author of the best-selling book, "secret empires", peter schweitzer.
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so bevin cooney is in jail. but he's given you access to 26,000 e-mails recently. then we have devin archer, criminally convicted awaiting sentencing. and then we have tony bobulinski. you have spoken to him, correct? >> that's correct. >> sean: what have you learned? >> well, what we've learned is that what we first reported in 2018 that the biden family was developing these ties with all of these foreign governments, we're now learning the details. what we are reporting now, sean, based on e-mails that bevin cooney provided, how hunter biden's firm around hunter biden masked the ownership structure of a chinese company to acquire a sensitive technology company in the united states. that american company's name is hannigus based in michigan and produces precision anti-vibration technologies that can be used for civilian
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purposes and military purposes. in the e-mails we've got, it explains how they sets up an off shore ownership structure to blur who owned the chinese company entities that ended up buying hannigus. why this is important, sean, it affects national security. the deal had to be approved by the obama-biden administration. so you have the son of the vice president involved with these chinese companies including a military contractor buying american companies and that had to be approved by the administration that hunter biden's father was the number 2 man in. it's an extraordinary transaction. >> sean: it's ukraine, it's russia. we know it's kazakhstan. we know it's china. i'm told that might even go further. how much money are we talking about and in the research for your book, did you ever find any experience of hunter biden and
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private equity like the deal he made with the bank of china? you find any experience in oil or gas? he said he had none on "good morning america." why would they be paying hunter biden and his partners millions with no experience while hunter's dad is the v.p.? >> yeah, that's a great question, sean. i would take it even a step further. not only did hunter biden in some cases joe biden's brothers, who also got foreign deals, not have any experience or expertise in these deals they struck, they all happened while joe biden was the vice president of the us. they didn't happen before. it only happened once he became a central player in american foreign policy. >> sean: great work. the media is trying to put a black out on it. thank you.
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also tonight, senator ron johnson of wisconsin says he's not confident in the fbi's investigation of hunter biden's laptop and also wants tony bobulinski to appear before his committee as early as next week. here to explain more, senate homeland security committee chair, ron johnson. in your report in september, all of what we're reporting here is true. that hunter biden and his partners, they got $3.5 million from this russian oligarch, the first lady of moscow, the burisma money is real and a shopping spree in china on top of the bank of china, the private equity deal that they had, $1.5 billion. that's all fact in your report, correct? >> i don't think we report the $1.5 billion but we report out the chinese nationals trying to
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set up these businesses. pete schweitzer has done great work. chinese capitol comes in and buys hannigus. if it's sensitive type of technology, you need government approval so what better way of getting government approval than having to son of the president or possibly the son of the secretary state in the case of chris hines there to help grease the skids to get your approval to buy a company that has technology that might be helpful to the people's liberation army. >> sean: the fbi, according to a report, had hunter biden's laptop since december of 2019. is that true? >> yes. obtained through a grand jury subpoena and collected. i don't know what the they did. that's why's written a letter to inspector general horowitz to investigate the circumstances surrounding the obtaining of that computer and what he did
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with it. you know what they did with anthony weiner's computer until the week before the election when they had to do something with it. >> sean: let me go to another issue here. this new player that came out yesterday. bob bobulinski. have you met with him? i know you want him to come before your committee next week. >> he was going to interview with our committee today. the fbi gave him a call. they wanted to interview with him. i understand why he would give the fbi top priority. we'll get him in front of our committee next week is what we're hoping. >> sean: what about bevin cooney when has given peter schweitzer access to 26,000 e-mails? dow your own copy of the hunter biden hard drive? >> i do not. that whistle-blower contacted us and we went through the authentification process with validation. what i can tell you, we found nothing -- no discrepancies. everything we found had been
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verifying and validated the authenticity of these e-mails. you have to give adam schiff credit for lying again. that's one of the things that prompted tony bobulinski to come forward. he was so enraged by adam schiff's lying again that this was a russian disinformation campaign. it's not. so thank adam schiff for living one more time. it's amazes me that anybody would listen to that machine. >> sean: so hunter biden and joe biden's family cashed in millions and millions of dollars in deals while he was vice president and actually even flying on air force two is. that a fact? >> we believe so. vice president biden is now a serial liar. how many times has he said he never talked to hunter biden's associates. why know why he did lie. he met with tony.
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he met with tony and hunter and james in los angeles in may of 2017. what did they talk about? the weather. no. they talked about the business. we know that amos hockstein talked to the vice president about the glaring conflict of interest and joe biden talked to hunt torer -- hunter to a range a meeting. i never believed he didn't talk to his on a multi-hour fly to china? no. vice president biden continues to lie and the american people need to hold him accountable. >> sean: senator, thanks for staying on the story. we'll update our audience. thank you. when we come back, we're going to break things down where they stand in the important swing states. we're 11 days away. karl rove is next and leo and
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>> sean: in just 11 days, you're the ultimate jury. what is a tipping point election for the country. the president is now surging in battleground polls. they're all tightening and the biden campaign is embroiled in what is a burgeoning foreign corruption scandal. this president doesn't poll like traditional candidates. in some ways, it's kind of eerily similar to 2016. but i always say, act like you're a touchdown town and two minutes to go. the race? you have no time-outs. you're on your own 20. have to march down the field. 80 yards across the plain kick the extra point and you win. here to break it down, the key swing states insider advantage chairman, matt towery, karl
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rove. the architect. good to see you both. matt, you did two polls. you had two up three in florida and down by three in pennsylvania. after last night and fracking, does thatt hold? >> no, i don't think so. let me say the polling this year is very, very difficult. i don't have a lot of confidence in any of the polls. we're relying on cell phone respondents. so polling may be finished after this cycle. this looks like when i talked to the fox affiliates last year for 2017. i told them on the air the night before, i didn't think that hillary was going to win. i thought trump would win even though the polling said otherwise. i see the same trend this time. pennsylvania after last night, no. i think you're going to see it crumble for biden. trump will carry it. >> sean: karl rove, go over the debate, the state of the race and this burgeoning scandal.
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>> look, i think last night the president did well. i think frankly did well. by technical standards. biden gave the president a lot of openings to exploit in the final 12 days of the campaign. the biggest one i'm going to do away with the oil industry and i don't care about 11 million people losing their jobs. there were other moments. the president has an opportunity to make this more of a contrast election. taxes. really? he said i'm going to raise your taxes. really? in a recession we're going to do that? the country is trying to recover from covid? he said i'm not going to raise taxes on anybody that makes less than $400,000. that's not true. in his own plan, he's going to put back in the individual mandate, the obama mandate, which is a lot of people that make less than $50,000 a year. as part of his tax plan, he wants to take away some of the tax attractiveness of an ira or 401(k) or roth.
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he wants people to make it tougher for people to save tax-free for their retirement. he's going to raise taxes on businesses, a great idea as we're trying to recover. it's great to raise taxes on businesses to a level that is above our foreign competitors. it's going to do two things. drive up the cost of services and who will may the taxes? it's going to be customers and the employees. the customers by paying more and the employees by getting less. and here's the dirty little secret. there's a report out from moody's, the biden people talk about it all the time. says it's going to be a great economic plan. all kinds of good things are going to happen. buried in there is this simple set of numbers. 7.3 trillion in new spending the neck decade. 4.1 trillion in higher taxes, which means there's another $3.2 trillion. are we going to add it to the deficit? i think this is where we're going to see them come for
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everybody's pocketbook to make up that shortfall. that is one issue. socialized medicine. no, i'm not in favor of it. really? you're in favor of joe biden of the public option. what you're going to do is put the government in to the health insurance business and subsidized by your tax dollars, mr. and mrs. america. they're going to compete with your local insurance provider. how long do you think that insurance companies are going to be able to compete when the government has to do is take more money to subsidize to meet up the shortfall? that will lead to socialized medicine. he's allows people to buy to medicare that is not medicare age. medicare is going broke. we're going to take the resources from a program running short and spread it out so seniors get less and people that are not seniors get more? this is socialism. let's not kid ourselves. finally, energy. it's not just doing away with the oil and gas business.
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remember this. we're all supposed to be driving electric cars not far there if future. they're really expensive. more expensive than gasoline powered automobiles. think about it. we're going to be saying everybody is getting in electric cars and drive up the demand for electricity. biden says he's going to get rid of the 70% electricity generation that comes from natural gas and fossil fuels and do so in the next 15 years. the same time we're driving up electricity and reducing the simply of electricity so we have blackouts and higher prices. how good is that for mr. and mrs. america in higher utility bills? >> sean: karl rove. thank you. matt, thank you. when we come back, last night's debate, president trump laid in to biden for his disastrous record with the african american community. we have polls showing massive increases in support. leo terrell 2.0 and dan bongino
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>> sean: during last night's debate, president trump highlighted his record of delivering for the african american community, exposed biden's troubling record on race. president trump is gaining ground with african americans and hispanic americans. here with reaction, leo terrell 2.0, civil rights attorney. he's out campaigning for trump. dan bongino, fox news contributor. these polls are not just showing an increase of support. they're showing a massive increase of support for african americans, hispanic americans. will that translate into votes here on the campaign trail, leo 2.0? >> let me think about that. yes!
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it is. sean, trump surrogates are out working joe biden surrogates. i went to four states. i gave 20 different speeches in three days. i'm telling you, there's tremendous momentum among black americans in the midwest, in the south for trump. trump took the highest number of black voters, male voters than any other republican. i'll tell you why. because he has a platinum plan, a program that will infuse cash, capital in black businesses. he's done a lot. the bottom line is joe biden has done nothing. guarantee you, black america sees that. i'm telling you, being on the ground, there's tremendous enthusiasm for donald trump. i love being on the campaign trail campaigning for trump. the people are fantastic. >> sean: when you look at the platinum plan, dan bongino, criminal justice reform, police reform, opportunity stones,
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historically black colleges and record low unemployment for every minority demographic in the country. joe didn't get that done in the 47 years he's been in washington. donald trump go donald trump got it done in three years. >> prior to donald trump a lot of members of the republican party did us a real disservice by ignoring the black community. i campaigned for office in a state that has a large black population, maryland. i can't tell you humidors i knocked on. i wouldn't tell them my party affiliation. they're conservative. i'm not speaking for the entire black community but you'd be stunned. you say you're a republican and they believe a lot of the media hype, the black voters i spoke to. the conversation would change. the values are largely conservative. hard work, social values, church-going family. this is not stunning to anyone that knocked on the doors of black voters. before donald trump, we had been
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afraid to call out the biggest -- the most destructive political force for the black community. liberalism. baltimore was one of the wealthiest black cities in the country. it's now the poorest. there's no excuse for this, sean. one more thing. from the trafalgar group, they believe that president trump could get 15% or more of the black vote. he said we may never know. because in the exit polls, there's pressure in the black community to not say you're supporting trump that the exit polls may never say. he thinks he can get up to 15%, which would be extraordinary. >> i'll tell -- >> sean: for the first time, leo is voted for a republican. >> i already voted. i voted for trump two weeks ago. >> i want a leo 2.0 hat.
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>> sean: quick programming note, this sunday during his interview with vice president pence for the full hour, a sneak preview of that interview now. >> it's says the biden plan will cost 5 million blue-collar jobs. it would destroy our energy independence. we've been trying for 50 years to be energy independent. now we finally are. talk about fracking which would drive the parts of this country into a deep depression. >> sean: great one, sunday
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night, 8:00 eastern right here on fox. we are out of time, let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham is next. it will back here monday, eight days, we are counting them down. have a great weekend. ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. the media's desperately trying to shield joe biden from any coverage of his son scandal come his family scandal, and conceal whatever he knows and when he knew it. we had the ingraham angle won't let this story get buried. we went straight to swing state voters to find out what they think. plus, it went to ohio state where i spoke with students who are begging, begging for things to return to normal. republican state lawmaker tells us what
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