tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News October 23, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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♪ >> tucker: president trump believe it or not about to take the stage for another rally tonight. this one in pensacola, florida. he was up late last night and at it again. say what you will, he's tireless. we'll monitor his remarks. we'll bring it to you if it happens.on good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." did you see the debate last night? probably did. too bad it's the last one. we learned a lot in 1 1/2 hours. we always l do. we learned that self-control pays off. donald trump pulled back on stage and he's never been better than he was last night. you can understand what he was saying. that helped. at the same time, we learned that if you want to wreck joe biden, let him talk without a scripts two minutes. that's like the iron man. wears him out.
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we learned something we already knew. donald trump drive as certain person completelye insane. nothing trump says that doesn't frighten people like, this you can recite the words from the happy birthday song and they would hear machine gun fire.eo these are highly neurotic individuals. you get the sense that many have severe allergies and digestive problems. speculating about that. it happened again when the president tried to explain what the human smuggling of children in the united states is a bad thing. here's what he said. >> children are brought here by coyotes and lots of bad people, cartels and they're brought here and used to use them to get into our country. >> tucker: so human smugglers, coyotes as they're called along the border, bring children into this country illegally, sometimes without their parents. that iss true. that is what the president said. what a lot of prominent trump haters heard is that huge feral
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canines were dragging children across the desert. another trump lie! his 916th today. darshin kendrick is one of her party's leaders in georgia of the democratic party. she wasn't buying it for a second. how in the hell does a coyote bring a human across the border? and kendrick is an attorney and investment adviser. you want to hand your retirement portfolio to her. coyotes dragging children? they'reen too small. nothing gets past her. a well known student at harvard near boston had a similar objection to what the president said. he found trump's mention of coyotes xenophobic. it's always mexican coyotes or mexican china pandas. so the harvard kid was upset because at harvard they know racism when they see it.
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that's another thing that we learned last night. supposedly most impressive people in our society are not impressive at all. they're dim, they're silly and they're humorless. on some level, they know that about themselves. that's why they're so self righteous. if you ever wondered why the most privilege people are so mad, that's your answer. they're fraud and they know we know it. back to the debate last night. at one point joe biden told us that hundreds of these children brought here by coyotes, possibly dragged, have been separated permanently from their parents by the trump administration, which hates families. 545 children to be exact. now, if you believe that wasas true, you'd be upset about it so be happy to know it's not true.
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it's not even close to true. the vastbo majority of the pares of these children have been located by federal authorities. they're refusing to reunite with their children. a dhs spokesperson says in one lawsuit, the plaintiffs have been able to contact the parents of 485 children separated at the border, and yet "they have yet to identify a single family that wants their child reunited with them in their country of origin." oh!h so it's more complicated than joe biden told us. in many cases, the parents in question are not in the united states. they're still back home at their country of origin. usually in central america. some cases never even tried to come to the united states. instead, they set their children up with someone else a coyote, possibly, to bring them here. you can say what you want about the choice to do that. the evidence is clear. all the people howling about children and cages and family separations have no idea what they're talking about or don't of course, they have no answers
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to the problems that they claim are plaguing their consciousness. their solutions let anyone with a child gain immediate access t this country. needless to say, it would encourage more human smuggling, which is understand since everyone pretends to be against human smuggling, but apparently. not everybody is. everybody used to be against crime, too. in the 1980s and 90s, crime was one of the biggest issues in this country. defined people's lives, where they lived, where they worked. it changed election results. every year. was america more racist back then? not really. just a lot of crime in the 80s and 90s. look it up, a huge amount of crime and a lot of it was driven by drugs, particularly crack cocaine. that's real. it actually happened.
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ask anyone that was alive then. joe biden was alive then. he was a middle aged man then. and his constituents asked him to help fix the crime problem. so like everybody else in washington at the time, joe biden voted to stiffen drug penalties. that was an enormously popular thing to do in the middle of a drug endenim mechanic and murder epidemic. and now joe biden doesn't remember what happened but doesn't matter. now he's pretending it was all a big racist mistake. watch. >> in the 80s, we passed 100%, all 100 senators voted for a, a bill on drugs and how to deal with drugs. it was a mistake. i've been trying to change it, particularly the portion on cocaine. that's why i'm arguing we shouldn't send anyone to jail for a pure drug offense. they should be going into treatment acrosson the board.
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that's what we should spend money on. that's why i set up drug courts that were never funded by our republican friends. >> tucker: the bill that joe biden referred to passed in 1986 and passed the united states senate with 97 votes. he was close. that was co-sponsored by the chairman of the black caucus. the house approved it by a 376-vote margin. and then the senate passed joe biden's 1994 crime bill which he also called a mistake with a bipartisan majority. that was in 94-4 vote. the house approved that by a 40-vote margin. the majority of the congressional black caucus supported it. let's restate that. the majority of the congressional black caucus supported it. the republicans are saying it was supported by the clan mindlessly. joe biden knows they weren't mistakes. we don't put people in jail for being black. we didn't do that in the 80s and 90s. sorry.
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people go to jail for committing crimes. not all of our anti-crime laws are smart. some are dumb. but the bill wasn't written to punish and ethnic group. it was written to control what was a very real problem, including in black neighborhoods especially.c that washa drug-fueled crime. people were dying in big numbers in 1994. joe biden no longer acknowledges that or doesn't remember.le now he's telling us that any law that puts any drug offender in prison is a mistake. we're not going to have laws like that. really? would that include the opioid dealers who have killed hundreds of thousands of americans in recent years? apparently. they won't go to jail. so what will happen when we stop trying to punish opioid lealers and send them to useless rehab program? what is the the success rate in rehab programs? you know? do these people know anything? it would be nice to know before
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that happens what the consequences might be. of course, nobody asked last night. now on to the next thing. global warming. joe biden, you won't be surprised to learn is against global warming. he wear as sweater all the time. he's not against fracking. he told us that last night. if elected, he won't ban fracking. that's always been his position, always. >> what about fracking? let me -- >> let me allow the vice president -- >> i have never said opposed fracking. >> you said it on tape. >> show the tape. put it on your website. >> i'll put it on. >> the fact of the matter is, he's lying. >> would there be anyplace for fossil fuels including coal and fracking in a biden administration? >> no. we would work it out. we would make sure it's eliminated. >> tucker: oh, so it's a little bit more complicated.
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in fact, biden would ban fracking, we guess. he would ban all fossil fuels at some point. not until he's elected. calm down. he also passed the hero's act. what is that? that exists to help people with the coronavirus.s republicans needless to say are against that because theyo support the coronavirus. republicans invented theh coronavirus in a lab at the villages outside orlando. watch joe biden tell you why we need the hero's act right now. >> you're the leader of the democratic party. why have not pushed the democrats to get a deal for the american people? >> i have. they have pushed it. they passed this act in the beginning of the summer, this is like it's not new. it's been out there. this hero's act has been sitting there. >> tucker: oh, okay. the hero's act has been sitting there. you're going be about your life thinking things are fine. little did you know the hero's act has been sitting there. so what is the hero's act and what does it do? we never got into that last
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night. we'll tell you. among other things, the hero's acted would allow illegal immigrants to retroactively receive coronavirus stimulus checks. people here illegally would get tax dollars retroactively. the bill contains a prison break provision allowing inmates with asthma or diabetes to get out of jail. it bans voter i.d. laws. of course it does. what hero's act wouldn't b ban voter i.d. laws? the bill also allows marijuana businesses and their service providers access to banking and insurance services. they're heros, too. the bill would bail out left wing jurisdictions that had financial problems long before the coronavirus, long before the republicans invented it in the villages. the bill would allow paid political operatives to gather ballots in bundles and return them to polling stations. not just in california but
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nationally. they're heros, ladies and gentlemen. they're heros. remember them in your prayers. the ballot harvesters. so consider those provisions. who do they help? americans that lost their jobs because of the lock downs? small business owners trying to save their livelihoods? the one joe biden said put up plexiglass. yeah, that works. it doesn't work, by the way. science has shown. by the way, those people are not the intended beneficiaries. no, instead, the bill helps the democratic party which looks across our land and sees the destruction wrought by these lockdowns the suicide, depressions and overdoses as a political win for them. yesterday joe biden prepared americans for a dark he said bee, afraid, joe biden seas. be afraid is the message of the democratic party for the entire year. last night joe biden made it totally explicit. >> i said we're learning to live with it.
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we have no choice. we can't lock ourselves up in a basement like joe does. he has the ability to lock himself up. i don't know. he's obviously made a lot of money someplace. he has this thing about living in a basement. people can't do that. people are losing their jobs. they're committing suicide. there's depression, alcohol, drugs at a level that nobody has ever seen before. there's abuse, tremendous abuse. we have to open our country. you know,me i've said it often. the cure cannot be worse than the problem itself. that's what is happening. >> we're about to go to a dark winter. he has no clear plan and no
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prospect that there's a vaccine available for the majority of the b american people before net year. if youll have a reproduction rae in a community above a certain level, everybody says slow up. more social distancing. don't open bars and gyms until you get this under control. >> tucker: so it's all about the reproduction rate. it's about the spread of the virus. but not every population is affected the same.s if you spread the virus in a nursing home where people are vulnerable, it's a problem. if you spread it among healthy 18-year-olds, it's not a problem. the flu is a bigger problem. the annual flu is a problem. the virus has a 99.9% survival rate nor the vast majority of americans. the lockdowns hurt everyone. the economic and psychological costs of them are in many cases irreversible. thousands of businesses will never come back. the families that own them are destroyed even as google and amazon get stronger. what about our children? students that have already spent a year away from school are now preparing to stay away indefinitely and learning if you're a parent, you know that.
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studies have shown the same thing. and other, virginia places, the teacher's unions want schools closed until august of 2021. classes should be virtual until a proven vaccine is widely available. it's insanity. school children face almost no risk of death from this. it's not an exaggeration. joe biden endorsed that plan last night. "do not open until you get this under control." what does that mean? according to joe biden, that's what the public health expects are saying. these are the same public health experts that say you can't go outside unless it's to attend a blm rally or loot a wendy's. you have to listen to them. these are the same people that told you the riots were not part of public health, they were necessary. these are supposed to be nonpartisan institutions, public health infrastructures supposed to be nonpart son. it's corrupted. it's making decent people cynical.
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the people in charge have revealed themselves to be completely unhinged and demand that we pay attention to them. that was the theme of the night. it was never more obvious that donald trump brought up hub and his commuter. >> it's true about russia, ukraine, china, other countries. iraq. if this is true, he's a corrupt politician. don't give me this stuff about an innocent baby -- >> president trump -- >> it's the laptop from hill. >> there's 50 former national intelligence folks that say what he's accusing me of is a russian plan. that have said this is -- has all the -- four-- five former heads of the cia, both parties, say what he's saying is a bunch of garbage.
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nobodydy believes it except his and his good friend rudy guliani. >> you mean the laptop is now another russia, russia, russia hoax?e. >> that's exactly -- >> this is where he's going. the laptop is russia, russia, russia? >> i want to stay on the issue of race. >> you have to be kidding. here we go again with russia. >> so a bunch of retired spies,w not one of whom has seen the laptop or been able to assess its contents have suggested in public recklessly and for partisan reasons that this ison part of a russian disinformation campaign. now joe biden himself uses that claim, made on his behalf on the basis of no evidence to back down the question. if you're a little paranoid
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about maybe this cia interfering in domestic politics, you just tgot more paranoid and for good reason. because they are. meanwhile, no one in the biden campaign has denied the authenticity of a single document because they know it's real. there's overwhelming evidence that it'ss o real. hunter biden asked for it back and signed it over for the computer repair shop owner. there's many witnesses confirming it's authentic. he turned his phones over to federal investigators. is he part of the russian plot, too? this is insane. forget russia did it. russia! the nation you are required to hate for reasons we can't explain but that are critical to our national security. russia! they're bad! why do they think they're bad, by the way? we're thinking about it. don't think about it. listen to cia, america. no more attention to details. just vote for us.
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it will be better soon. so did this have any effect last night, t this debate? that's the question we're asking and happy to ask bret baier who joins us right now. bret, good to see you. an interesting debate from my perspective. but i kept asking, given our new voting system, how meaningful will it be to the outcome, do you think? >> couple things to take into account. 50 million people have already voted. a ton of people as far as the vote. t we don't know how high it will go. they're already in the bag. they voted, cast their ballots no difference there. but potentially makes a difference. donald trump in 2016 closed late. he had what the trump campaign characterizes as a tipping point. now, i will say it was different. hillary clinton was a different candidate. you had jim comey and this investigation that popped up late in the situation. but they're looking at the debate last night as saying to republicans, the trump campaign,
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you need to come home, this is the guy that can be -- s this is the kind of issues that you need to come home and vote for the republican. and they think that they can move swing states, battleground states by two or three points. the biden campaign, tucker, spend today cleaning up on aisle four with the oil issue. you know, getting rid of fossil fuels. that spent -- they spent a lot of time trying to clean up the last part of the debate and what joe biden actually said. >> tucker: cleaning up on aisle four. i love that. stealing that. when will it -- and i always wonder about this. when next week will we have real polls indicating whether or not that debate made any difference? >> i think mid week we'll have a number of different polls in these battleground states.
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a couple of polsters, trafalgar group h and others that they see trump leading in these battleground y states. most of the polls have him trailing. again, within the margin ofpe error. if you look at where he performed in 2016 or outperformed the average of polls going in on election day, you can look at those states as being very close depending, again, on what the electorate looks like on election night. >> tucker: interesting. we'll be looking. hope you come back next week. thanks, bret. >> you bet. >> tucker: there was a significant development in the story of hunter biden's foreign lobbying and his father's involvement in it. fox news learned that the fbi interviewed toe -- to him. and the trump rally is underway in pensacola, florida. it's underway. >> they want to terminate religious liberty, destroy the suburbs with regulations where they want to put low income housing.
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right out of the novel, tony bobulinski delivered an on-camera statement to the white house press pool. in his statement, he contradicted joe biden's claims that he knew nothing about his son's foreign business deals. it was an i'm plausible thing to saw. now it's a lie. and then bobulinski went further. the other networks refused to broadcast it. we will. here's what bobulinski said. >> i have heard joe biden said he's never discussed business with hunter. that is false. i have first-hand knowledge about this because i directly dealt with the biden family including joe biden. i was introduced to joe biden by jim biden and hunter biden. at my approximately hour-long meeting with joe that night, we discussed the biden's history, the biden's family business plans with thero chinese, with which he was plainly familiar at
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least at a high level. i received an e-mail concerning allocation of equity, which says 10% held by h for the big guy. in that e-mail, there's no question that h stands for hunter, big guy for his father,b joe biden. i will be providing to the fbi the devices which contain the evidence corroborating what i have said. >> tucker: so if joe biden was doing business with china or planning on doing business with china after he left the vice>> presidency, we have a right to know that. he could be president very soon and of course his foremost task will be dealing with china. according to tony bobulinski, joe biden may have profited from his son's business deals. today we learned that the fbi into viewed bob bobulinski. he turned over his electronic devices. li it's amazing story being squelched by the american media. francy hicks is here with us a
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former prosecutor. give us the outline if youde would. >> tucker, i look at this through a prosecutor's lens. what we have here with a laptop is probable cause. probable cause to believe that joe biden was involved in investments with hunter and his brother and he was set to benefit from those investments. now, that laptop itself has lots of evidence on it. but it was alone.n it was hunter's laptop and that's all we had until bobulinski showed up. bobulinski was a target or a 'starget of these e-mails. that is he was a recipient on them. he was lifted by name as someone engaged in the discussions.
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what i just can't understand as a prosecutor is why the fbi has this laptop since 2019, which certainly implies that there may be corruption, public corruption, abuse or even tax evasion going on in the biden family, potentially money laundering, but they didn't even reach out to contact the other people named in the e-mails. why is tony bobulinski coming forward today to the fbi and getting interviewed? i don't understand this kind of delay. >> tucker: well, it's for the same reason that black lives matter is always attacking beat cops that make $50,000 a year but never say a won't about the fbi. nobody is calling for defunding the fbi on the left? because they're a tool of the left, obviously. i'm not going to ask you to respond but it's true. everybody knows it's true. thanks. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: according to the
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foreign policy experts, the ones that destroyed or foreign policy the last 30 years and the joe biden campaign, the biggest threat this nation faces is russian and iran. and probably poland an hungary, too. one country that poses no threat, our friends and pay well is china. well, at the same time they're telling us, we're learning about joe and hunter biden's business contacts in china. so what does this add up to? gordon chang is here with us. happy to have him on the show. thanks for coming on. so how should we understand this story? poland and hungary are a massive threat, too christian. they threaten us. china is not. how do you read this? >> i don't know what to say, tucker. clearly it's not russia. it's indeed china that poses the gravest national security
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threat. as a matter of fact, the director of national intelligence, john ratcliffe in august said that. in this case we have information to lead to us believe that china does have compromising material not only on hunter biden but perhaps joe biden himself. so that should lead every american voter to ask a question. will china have this material to blackmail a president biden? i think the answer is yes. if you look at that november 2011 meeting in the white house the china entrepreneur club and the vice president himself. >> tucker: there's a lot of material on this laptop we happen to know. some of it is very troubling and some of it could be the basis of blackmail. you think it's possible that chinese intelligence has the hard drive? >> they probably do one way or another. i'm sure that they also have other material that is not come to light. it's that other material that is
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especially concerning. because that is the stuff of china goes out to find material on people. so even if you're not of great interest to china, so for instance the changes, lydia and gordon, when we went to china, we were told by a figure close to the regime that we could expect our hotel room to be bugged and also to be videoed. indeed, some nights we could hear the video machine whirling in the background. they do this to everybody and they're going to do it to hunter biden because he has some habits which are extremely disturbing. >> tucker: gordon chang, thanks very much. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: great to see you. by the way, this is not some xenophobic frenzy we're whipping up. when the smoke clears, we'll learn that china has surpassed us in terms of the size of its economy and it wouldn't be surprising to anyone if their military turned out to be bigger than ours.
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soon. that's something to worry about. on another networkrk today, a woman usingno a staged name went after this show on the basis of false information. who is this woman? what is her stage name? what did she claim? we'll tell you. another court rulingwo today tht came down that could affect how votes are counted on election day. we're monitoring the trump rally in florida. if news emerges, you'll see it. ♪
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♪ >> tucker: the pennsylvania supreme court which looks actually a lot like the court joe biden would like to make by packing the supreme court, is completely dominated by part san democrats. they're elected in pennsylvania. that court ruled that ballots can not be rejected even if ther signatures do not match the signatures on file in the voter rolls. there's a theme here. a few weeks ago, that same court ruled that mail-in ballots can
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be counted even if they're received days after the election. in the state of nevada now know as nevada, election officials are not pretending to care about validating signatures. the trump campaign is suing over this issue. they're arguing election observers have not been allowed to do their jobs in the state's largest and most democratic county. clarks county. las vegas. many more legal battles are expected. will this be resolved in the courts? adam laxolt is the former attorney general of the state. he paid a visit to a vote counting facility. he will tell you what he said. adam, great to see you. tell us why you're worried whatl is happening in clark county? >> thanks, tucker. we were all told when this mail-in ballot thing came in down the pipe, everybody that was worried about fraud, we could count on signature sure notion to make improper ballots made it through the system.
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in clark county, all of these ballots 200,000 go through a machine. the registrar has decided to reduce the signature standard to 40%. most people assume a match is a match. 80, 90%. we're down at 40%. if that machine says it's good, ballot counts and there's no way to challenge that signature or that ballot. if it's no good, it goes to a hand counter. when asked what the standard the hand counter has, no standard. no criteria. he looks at the two signatures. is it a match, not a match. if he thinks it's a match, it counts. c if he doesn't think it's a match, it goes to two supervisors. same drill. the end of the line ends with one man, thehead of elections.
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nobody looking over hisma g shoulder. if he thinks it's a match, it counts. so what is the current rate of signatures not counting in clark county? just over 1%. so you know, i think everybody assumes that it should be higher. what makes it unbelievable, once the ballot and the envelope are separated, there's no way to challenge that voter, to challenge that signature. we can't go back and retrieve that ballot. even if tucker carlson said i didn't vote, that was not my ball lot, there's no way to go back and count that improper balance. >> tucker: just to be clear, we can't verify it after the fact because they destroyed the evidence? is that what you're saying?
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>> i asked why is there not a way to keep these two together so we can go back after the fact and confirm that the two match. i was told because i don't have to. good. they're counting as we go every single day. we can't go back and challenge a signature for any of those odllots or any moving forward. >> tucker: it's vegas. i'm sure it's fine. thanks, adam. the most revealing things i've heard in awhile. grad you told us that in the detail that you did. thanks.. >> tucker: so tony fauci is a god-like figure. we worship him. we found new evidence tonight that democrats are secretly mocking him. they're doing adi good job of hiding it. we'll show you the tape that exposes him straight ahead.
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16 people died! did he catch our bad guy? we're know as the charmed ones. you got one day to show me what you got. i want to fight. you need us harry. what a goal! bockey ball, hockey ball, you name it ball. i'm gonna be ready. just say show me peacock into your xfinity voice remote or download the app today.
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trump publicly cast some doubt on the doctrinal thoughts of anthony fauci. here's what the president said. >> president trump, this week you called dr. anthony fauci a disaster and other medical experts idiots. if you're not listening to them, who are you listening -- >> i'm listening to all of them including anthony. i do get along with anthony. he did said don't wear masks. he did say this is not going to be a problem. >> tucker: listen to your clergy! this is becoming a theocracy, isn't it? it's unbelievable. donald trump is not the only apostate? the democratic ticket, we can reveal tonight, joe bidenhe and kamala harris have also doubted tony fauci.
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they have mocked him behind his of course, they did it secretly. we have studied the evidence, looked through hours of tape and we can prove that they don't really respect father fauci. respect. >> his flip-flopping on social distancing and wearing masks. >> right now in the united states people should not be walking around with masks. >> he knew back in february how serious this crisis was. he knew it was a deadly disease. >> but this is not a mayor threat for the people in the united states and this is not something that the citizens of the united states right now should be worried about. >> he praised the transparency of the chinese government. he said china is working hard to contain the coronavirus. >> china has been known to fiddle with their stats before. do you trust what they're telling us about this illness? >> from what i can see right now, they're much more transparent.
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>> if you're swiping on a tinter or bumble and you match with someone, it's like it's fun if this one stranger comes over. what do you say so that person? >> if you want to go more intimate, it's your choice regarding a risk. i >> tucker: we're not theologians. if you notice, there was some distance between what biden and harris said and the fauci increed as articulated by father fauci. dr. marc siegel is a fox news medical contributor. f he joins us. thanks for coming. >> tucker, this virus has humbled all of us. that's how we should approach it. over the course of the pandemic as times have changed, i for ona learned by going to nebraska, you sent me there in february,
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it was more contagious that i thought. i came to learn and believe in distancing and masking for close quarters. what i never believed in? i never believed in using this pandemic to try to politically bludgeon your opponent. i don't believe in it now. it's not acceptable to say we don't trust this vaccine because it was made under the trump administration. and the point that you pointed out that dr. fauci at the beginning said that he believedp the information coming out of china was transparent as it hadn't been for sars. he was wrong. a number of us have been wrong at different times. that was very i wrong and cost s a lot. but i want to point to something else too, tucker. the greatest u.s. president during the civil war put together a task force tomorrow. it wasoi called a team of rival. he watched people disagreeing and at each other's throats and he took what he thought was the best information.
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you just heard president trump last night say he likes tony fauci. he respects tony fauci. he doesn't have to listen to tony fauci all the time. finally, i want to say regarding myself, i have learned how trans missable this virus is. i learned how dangerous it can t be. what i learned more than anything else is how much we have damaged our society trying to control it, tucker. >> tucker: humility is the root of all wisdom. thanks. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: coming up, charges from a person with a fake name from russia. we'll tell you after the break. ♪
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somehow johnson became convinced that people were being mean to last night's debate moderator, kristin welker of nbc. for no good reason. so who would do something like that? according to karen johnson, we would. watch. >> i want fox news to apologize to kristin for the nasty wayat that they have beenn treating hr before thisew debate. i want them to apologize. i want tucker carlson to apologize to her. >> tucker: apologize? we would do that except no one here can ever remember mentioning kristin welker. never wanted to attack her. some of the questions were obviously loaded. she's probably liberal but far from the most unreasonable person.o by current standards, she did a good job. she came off as more fair than some moderated debates.
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sorry, karen johnson. call us when you have a a kardshian c update. the original karen, it turns out. have a great weekend. see you monday. >> sean: welcome to hannity. the president continues to crisscross the country. joe biden is getting rest at home. he had a short event in delaware. we're 11 days away. you're the ultimate jury. jerry -- geriatric joe doesn't have it. after the beating he took last night, he needs time to recover. he's also trying to avoid any and all questions about his public corruption scandal that is growing by the hour and
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