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tv   The Five  FOX News  October 24, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> sean: great one, sunday night, 8:00 eastern right here on fox. we are out of time, let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham is next.h. shannon bream and fox news @ night take it from here. have a great weekend. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> shannon: in just one hour we will be 10 days away from election day heading down the home stretch. joe biden sticks to his hometown as the president rallies his base this battleground florida. senator rick scott will join us live. and lawmakers on capital one were itching to talk first but the fbi beat to them to by interviewing hunter biden
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associate tony bobulinksi today. and matt whitaker weighs in. we are looking at will long-term effects of keeping students out of school. and robert wilke will talk about caring for covid-19 patients. kevin cork joins us live from pensacola. >> you know the democrats feel bullish about their chances in the sunshine state. they told me tonight on the trump campaign they will not only do well, but win this state like they did in 2016. we saw the president makes twin stops in the sunshine state.
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first at the villegases and later on in pensacola along the alabama border. a two for one stop for the president tonight. he told the overflow crowd the choice in 2020 is clear. vote trump or lose your country. >> if you want your children to grow up in a free nation where they can speak their minds and practice their religions, then you must defeat sleepy joe biden and reject left wing fascism and vote for america first. that's what we are all about. >> stops in florida, kicking off a furious sprint to the finishes with stops in north carolina, new hampshire, ohio and wisconsin slate for this weekend as left the latest polling data
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shows the former vice president biden still leading in many of the battleground states. but the president is closing the gap. >> kevin, thank you. let's bring somebody to tell us more about the sunshine state. ran senator rick scott? >> i think president trump will have a big win in florida. they care about jobs and joe biden had 47 years and never did anything about jobs. the democrats want to defund the police. we have people from latin-america that walked away from socialism and the democrat party becomes the party of socialism. donald trump has had record crowds. people are coming out. he will have a big win in florida. >> do you think president trump
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will win, but right now this poll shows joe biden ahead by 1.5%. i know a lot of polls got it wrong in 2016. how do you feel the polls are shaking right now in your home state? >> well, fmy race for governor in 2010 and reelection in 2018 the polls said i would lose by 47 points. the polls in florida have never been accurate. if you look at the enthusiasm there is none for joe biden and he is wrong on the issues. he's had 47 years to do something. he has never done anything for florida. we have a lot of people who know how bad the castro regime is. joe biden appeased them and was part of obama's appeasement
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process. trump will have a big win. the polls were wrong in my race and they will be wrong in this case. >> let's talk about early voting. it started this week in florida. it's incdible the amount of people who already voted early. -- 4.7 million. more than all of the people this florida that voted for president trump 4 years ago. democrats say this bodes well for them. do you agree with them? if you do, what should rans be doing to reverse course? >> there is no grassroots effort anywhere in florida for joe biden. there is so much energy for donald trump. what is happening in florida people are engaged in this race. in my 3 elections, the number of people voting sky rocketed because people are way more interested in what happens.
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they know electing joe biden is bad for their family. there will be record turnout for donald trump. >> as we look at the images on the right of your screen, 1 of 2 rallies the president held in your state. on thursday we learned that florida reported its highest spike in coronavirus. are you okay with this? >> you have to wear a mask and social distance and quarantine if you were around somebody that tested positive. >> you have been to one ever these rallys? would you go to one? >> well, i am up here trying to make sure we get amy coney
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barrett confirmed. i do events with people where everybody is wearing a mask. we take this very seriously. we all have to beat this. we have to do together. >> and on judge barrett, the final confirmation vote teed up for monday. do you think this is a done deal? >> it's going to be exciting. she will be confirmed on monday. she is a great individual. i had the opportunity to sit down with her after president trump nominated her. she is what the left just hate. she will do something so simple like interpret the law rather than make the law. the judge wants a judge to make a law they can never get passed. amy coney barrett will interpret the law. as florida governor i appointed 407 judges. you are the judiciary.
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did you want to make law or interpret law? she wants to interpret the law and the left hates it. >> well, senator rick scott, not much left for democrats to do to stop this confirmation vote. we will all watch on monday. thank you very much. >> have a good night. >> another senator kamala harris said that joe biden doesn't want to ban fracking in the united states. she was cleaning up a remark that joe biden made last night during the debate and the biden campaign has been doing damage control on this. mark meredith looks at biden's energy plan. >> joe biden is defending his efforts to reshape america's oil and gas industry. president trump said that means job cuts. >> will you remember that, texas, pennsylvania, oklahoma. >> vice-president biden. >> oil and gas employed 335,000
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americans. biden say change is still necessary. >> we have to move to a net zero emissions. the first place to do that by the year 2035 is energy production and 2050 totally. >> within hours the damage was done. new mexico democratic congresswoman tweeted, we need to work together to promote responsible energy production and not demonize its single injure -- issue. today the trump campaign released this new ad blasting biden over past promises over fracking. >> it will be catastrophic.
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okay? millions of jobs would be lost. energy will be higher-priced. electricity will be higher-priced. >> biden campaign estimates 10 million positions could be added. >> the american petrihadzicpeha pretollium industry has worked with them before. the group said we are not going anywhere. >> the formal naval office who said he discussed hunter biden's business dealings with joe biden did not appear before senators today. instead tony bobulinksi met with fbi agents. the latest on this story. >> the big picture, the biden
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campaign and joe biden won't respond to the accusation he is the big guy in an email that tony bobulinksi said links the former vice-president to ownership of a chinese company. today bobulinksi talked to the fbi about it. here's how the president framed the debate last night. >> you are the big man, i think. maybe you are not. we have to give 10% to the big man. >> the email is may 2017. it refers to the big guy. last night bobulinksi said h was hunter and his father the former vice-president was the big guy. the review of bobulinksi's presentation doesn't show a role for biden. bobulinksi offered this
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explanation last night. >> hunter referred to his father as the big guy or my chairman. it was made clear that joe biden's involvement was not to be mentioned in writing but only face-to-face. >> there were bobulinksi text messages from 2017 telling bobulinksi about hunter. when he said his chairman he was talking about his dad. and then bobulinksi receives a warning about hunter and his uncle jim biden. don't mention joe being involved. it's only when you are face-to-face. they are paranoid. bobulinksi addressed that as well. >> i was advised that hunter and jim biden were paranoid about keeping joe biden's involvement second. >> the biden campaign said joe biden never considered being involved with business with his
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family overseas and he's never held stock and nor has any other person held stock for him. bobulinksi claims hunter wanted $5 million in the deal with the chinese to go to him and his family. bobulinksi said he objected because that was contrary to their business agreement. suggesting there is plenty for the fbi and the senate committees to visiting. >> bobulinksi turned over his phones to the fbi. congressional investigators were shutout from learning what he knows about the business dealings. matt, you just heard the report. what is your take on where we stand tonight? >> well, where we stand is an
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interesting step happened. mr. bobulinksi went to the fbi and interviewed. they could be looking at money laundering. there is a lot of information here they received in these texts and emails. it may not be done by the election. there are serious questions being rabe being raiseed. >> fox reviewed all of bobulinksi business documents and found they didn't show a role for joe biden. i want to pop-up one email coming from bobulinksi. it's in response to a question on shareholder structure.
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bobulinksi states there are no other members besides those 5 people. mat, what am i missing here? >> well, what you are missing, i really believe is whether or not hunter and joe biden and joe's brother jim had a side deal. was there some other arrangement. >> like a verbal arrangement? >> yes. that's where the fbi with their tools can look to see where that money moved around. that's the most important thing. where did that money end up? who wrote the check? that's what will be very interesting as part of this investigation. >> what do you think is the likelihood that the doj does investigate? >> well, they had this laptop since december. it's unknown how much they have done with it already.
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mr. bobulinksi coming to them and being interviewed is an important step to connect the dots. he was aware of money movement outside of the companies. maybe that will give them new leads. >> this story hasn't been picked up by other news organization. a clip from cbs news. >> joe biden has an ally in the news cycle. if president trump tries to shift the turf on to the biden family to muddy joe biden, the news cycle returns to the central piece of this campaign which is coronavirus and the president's response to it. >> do you think these other news organization are ignoring this story? is there something to the fact that the average american is dealing with really serious
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things like a pandemic and the coronavirus? some business dealing didn't resonate with them? >> i think american voters are entitled to all of the information so they can make an informed decision. if you look at social media, twitter, facebook and the way that americans communicate, this story gained a lot of interest. there is a double standard. we spent 3.5 years hearing all about russian collusion that didn't exist and other scandals. a news story with this alleged chinese bank account the president had while he conducting business and then he closed. there is a double standard, the mainstream media doesn't want to cover this hunter biden and joe biden business relationship with china. one of our toughest future enemies from what i can tell. >> that's a great point.
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we will stay on top of the story. hard to believe it's just coming out days before election day. in 45 minutes we will be 10 days away from election day. thanks for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> this just in to fox news @ night. a deadly u.s. navy plane crash in alabama claimed the lives of both crew members on board. the training aircraft took off from naval air station in the florida panhandle and crashed into a residential neighborhood. the names of the deceased are not being released. no injuries on the ground. veterans and covid-19, what level of care are they getting? robertrtrtrtrt with sofi, i was able to condense all of my loans under one account.
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>> time for our real news line-up. chicago mayor is instituting new business curfews due to the rise in covid-19 cases. all nonessential businesses must close and a group of theme parks are suing the state over the reopening plan for being restrictive. large theme parks will be unable to reopen until they reach the yellow tier. santa claus won't be visiting
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macy's. they won't host him this season ending a 160 year long tradition. kids can interact with santa online. it's not the same. >> [loud music playing]. >> [inaudible]. there is growing concern that keeping children out of schools is having a consequence on $health. -- their health. dr. marc siegel explains. >> this back to school season is anything but normal. kids distanced from schools and their pediatricians. >> i am concerned so many children are know getting those routine screenings. >> with so many schools closed, centers for medicare and medicaid services encourages
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families to stay on top of their child's health. >> if your child gets coronavirus they will likely get through that. but if you miss physical issues, they could have permanent consequences. >> there was a steep decline in routine vaccinations which can leave children vulnerable to many diseases. >> i worry about measles. >> this doctor believes that could lead to a resurgence of vaccine preventible diseases. >> these are killer diseases. >> there is no such thing as herd immunity. it's from vaccination, period. >> a pediatric disease
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specialist sees a crucial role for pediatricians during the pandemic. >> when children are not seeing the doctor and not getting guidance for mental health issues and not getting the vaccine they need. >> if we don't think about how we are taking care of our kids today, we could create a second public health crisis. >> in new york where most schools are open for now. dr. marc siegel, fox news. >> although the president is not a veteran, when he got sick from the coronavirus he had access to the best healthcare in the country at walter reed medical center. what is it like for average veteran that tests positive for covid-19. good evening, secretary. >> good evening. >> we got to see the world class level of care that president trump received at walter reed.
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nobody else can get that level of care. would you say the average veteran who comes to a va hospital comes close? >> absolutely. particularly those in our nursing homes. we have 134 nursing homes across the country. the majority of our residents are from the world war ii and korea era. of the 175 patients, only 4 have tested positive for the covid virus. those were brought in from the outside. we set up our first emergency operation centers in february and sent out tens of millions of communication and provided our veterans with as much safety as any health organization in the world. whoa stopped elective surgeries and most face-to-face visits to protect our veterans and protect our employees. >> coronavirus cases are on the
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rise in va facilities. i believe the number of cases are up by 11,000 over the last month. how bad is it getting at your facilities? >> well, we are not immune from what is happening in the rest of the country. let's look at the figures want since this thing started. we had 61,000 veterans come down with covid. you have to remember that more than half of our veterans are over the age of 65. of those 61,000, 54,000 have fully recovered. as you and i are speaking today, we have about 2800 active cases among veterans. we are experiencing what the rest of the country is. i have to remind people sometimes, they forget, that these veterans are not active duty soldiers who live on fort bragg. they live in the community and
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they are subject to the same pressures and effects of virus as their fellow citizens. >> secretary, only a minute left. we have to talk about mental health. 20 veterans dying a day due to suicide and compounded by the isolation of the coronavirus pandemic. what are you doing? >> we have the first national effort to combat veteran suicide in our history. the president signed the first comprehensive veteran suicide legislation last saturday which allows us to take a whole government approach to the tragedy of veteran suicide. 20 veterans take their lives and
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16 we don't see. the majority are from vietnam. everyone in government, we are all involved in this. we are making that our top clinical priority it get these numbers down. >> that's good news. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> what would a biden [inanananana (burke) deep-sea driving, i see... (customer) something like that... (burke) well, here's something else: with your farmer's policy perk, new car replacement, you can get a new one. (customer) that is something else. (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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>> potential election chaos could mean that the house of representatives picks the next president and house speaker nancy pelosi is preparing for that scenario. chad breaks it down tonight. >> it may not be enough to watch the electoral returns on november 3rd. which party controls the most
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state delegations in the house of representatives? the house and senate judge the electoral college. what if there is a no clear presidential winner it's kicked to the house next january. the house votes by state delegation each state getting one vote. democrats control the house but republicans control more state delegations. 26. >> it doesn't have much value except in this scenario. >> house races in pennsylvania and michigan and minnesota and alaska are on the radar of house speak nancy pelosi. she warned democrats to redouble theirests to win as many house delegations to protect our
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democracy and the election of joe biden. -- >> we are going to be ready. the constitution clearly says the majority. 26 is one majority. we take one state away from him. >> the constitution allows the house to decide which members to seat. could pelosi refuse to seat certain members to tilt the state delegations to democrats. >> we are in an error of power politics. both sides are trying to get advantages. >> pelosi has a warning. >> don't cause chaos because you think tell lead to a light at the end of the tunnel. that light will be a train. >> the house elected the president twice. >> the day after the second and
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final debate both candidates claimed victory. the biden campaign claim they scored points on the president's response to the pandemic and the president promised no tax hikes for the middle-class. we have tonight's political panel. richard. lonnie. thanks for joining us tonight. i would like to play a clip from last night's debate that crystallizing both candidate's healthcare argument. >> he wants socialism and his vice-president, she is more liberal than bernie sanders and wants it more. bernie sanders want it. the democrats want it. >> he thinks he is running against somebody. he is running against joe biden. i beat all of those other people
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because i disagreed with them. >> joe biden trying to remind all of those swing voters in the middle that part of the reason he had a tough time the primary because is more moderate than kamala harris. how did that go over with swing voters? >> i don't think it went over well. joe biden supports public option which is a pathway to the medicare for all solution that kamala harris supported. this public option could take 1 million americans out of the plans they have now and put them in government coverages and causes tax increases to the typical middle income family. it's a problem when former vice president biden argues he is not looking to move to socialized medicine. his plan would take us in that
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direction. >> lonnie, you talked about the tax increases. this from the "wall street journal" reading joe biden promised no families with incomes under $400,000 will have raised taxes. your response, richard? >> we are talking healthcare. there were 83,000 cases and hospitalizations today from the coronavirus. something that back in february the president said would disappear like a mineraling. -- miracle. that's the person that people don't want making decisions that will effect their lives. their jobs. donald trump went coast to coast in 2018 talking about socialism
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and got routed in the house election. he thinks he is running against bernie sanders. they had the whole game plan predicated on running against bernie sanders. joe biden's plan which wouldex pand on the affordable care act which is popular. -- we would have people by the millions covered by a healthcare policy that right now they don't and right now the president is in court trying to deny everybody with preexisting conditi conditions coverage. >> i only have a minute left. in 20 minutes we hit the 10 day mark until election day. your take on what each candidate needs to be doing in the final 10 days? >> the president has to continue hammering home his message on the economy and talking about the things we will do over the
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next 4 years and draw that contrast. energy policy is a big issue in pennsylvania and ohio. if you go with joe biden, you will have a future without oil and without jobs. in contrast the president will talk about his vision for the economy with all of this energy coming into the last 10 days. >> richard, your advice for joe biden? >> people look at these trump rallies like we look at the salem witch trials. to have thousands of seniors packed together, no masks is criminal. that's not a great way to signal that you will be the person who should be making decisions around's people health. joe biden should stay the course. he is way ahead. i see no reason for him to change his plan. >> the president keeps having more and more of these rallies every day. the pace increasing.
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you remember the last day in 2016 he held 4 rallies one up until midnight. we will see if joe biden picks up the pace in the final 10 days. thanks. >> thanks. >> well, a new lawsuit addresses the elephant not in the room but in the truck. only in florida. our night court convenes next.
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. at fisher investments, we do things differently and other money managers don't understand why.
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because our way works great for us! . . test test test s case is ripped from today's politically charged headlines. high school student in florida was so excited getting ready to vote if his first election, he painted a giant elephant and loaded it in the bed of his truck. his school responded by taking away 18-year-old's tyler parking pass. so he sued.
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a judge said the elephant can stay for now. but the legal fight is all from over. let's start the argument. i got to do that twice and enjoyed it. let's start with the case this student makes. i want to play a sound bite from the student's attorney. here's exhibit-a. >> the question is should a opportunity have to give up his free speech right when he drives on to school property? the answer to that is no. the school just needs to realize that. >> they say it's a freedom of speech case. brian, make your case. >> yes, as much as my daughter and i love elephants, they are our favorite at the l.a. zoo, unfortunately we have to send this elephant out of the school parking lot and back to the
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wilderness. this is election litter. there are laws across the country that ban posting political advertisements on government property. the school is government property. second, the board policy says you can't have political advertising on school premises unless it's a government activity and only having it during the time you are doing the activity. you can't have it on there because there was no government activity. there is a florida law that says you can't have a political advertisement with 100 feet of a school, church, or park. get out the measuring stick and find out whether his truck is within 100 feet of the school. >> bob, what is the counter argument you? you are arguing for the student. make your case. >> i don't care whether it's an
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elephant with trump or a donkey with biden. the fact of the matter is tinker versus des moines. u.s. supreme court decision back in 1969 indicated that students rights to the first amendment don't end at the gate of the school. these are some of the most protected amendments we have. it's the first amendment for a reason. that was that important to, to allow people to have political discourse. they said they can't stop those things unless there is a danger to the school. that was interpreted in 2004 in the 11th circuit where florida is. because it gives rise to disruption is not enough. there must be a real and actual threat of disit order as opposed to the mere possibility of one.
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>> i love the arguments. the student wins for creativity. thanks, we can't always keep our distance. but we can still help protect each other this flu season by getting vaccinated. if you're 65 or older, get the superior flu protection of fluzone high-dose quadrivalent. it's the only 65+ flu vaccine with four times the standard dose. and it's free with medicare part b. fluzone high-dose quadrivalent isn't for people
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>> evangelical voters are expected to play a pivotal role deciding our next president.
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how is a group that went for president trump over hillary clinton by a wide margin feeling about reelecting the president. lauren green shows us tonight. good evening. >> recent poll numbers show president trump doing better among his most enthusiastic supporters. right evangelicals. 79% of white evangelicals say they plan to vote for president trump. 15% for joe biden. that's better than when we won the last election. something else has changed. the survey looked at concerns from covid to crime to racial tensions. the results showing a growing divide. in a press release the institute's ceo said americans see terrorism and crime as pressings issues and democrats
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are more concerned about the pandemic and the racial inequality. the divide is fuelling the campaign. >> this is the most pivotal election in our lifetime. the party platform for the democrats and for the republicans, it's a clear divide in the direction they want to take the nation. >> white evangelicals vote in large numbers and were the only faith group that named abortion as their number 1 concern. no other faith group had it in their top 3. that presents a challenge to groups like vote common ground reaching out to evangelicals to support joe biden who is pro-choice. >> we are trying to help people have the freedom and to let their conscience guide them in their vote. >> trump needs to do even better with white evangelicals to ensure a victory. 80% or higher.
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>> thank you very much. and thanks for staying up late with me as i fill in for shannon bream. she will be back on monday. in 4 minutes, we will be 10 days away from did you know you can go to to customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (fisherman vo)ce) how do i register to vote?ential election... hmm!.. hmm!.. hmm!.. (woman on porch vo) can we vote by mail here? (grandma vo) you'll be safe, right? (daughter vo) yes!
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(four girls vo) the polls! voted! (grandma vo) go out and vote! it's so important! (man at poll vo) woo! (grandma vo) it's the most important thing you can do! ♪ through the walk of life, walgreens has always been there to help make life easier. and now we're doing the same with medicare. so you can easily find the best, most affordable plan for you. visit to get started. walgreens. we make medicare easy. i wondered.. could another come around the corner? or could it play out differently? i wanted to help protect myself. my doctor recommended eliquis. eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis
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♪ there's no stopping us right now. ♪ pete: there it is the numbers don't lie almost in the single digits nearly 53-millimeter of our fellow americans have cast ballots so far. good morning. and welcome to "fox & friends" on this stuart morning. this is great to be here. you can feel the excitement. getting closer. so far away for so long. jedediah, will, good morning. will: 10 days away from the


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