tv The Greg Gutfeld Show FOX News October 25, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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tually...we're from a lot of places. you see we're from here and there and here... your family's story is waiting to be shared. at greg: hello. think of election day as niagara falls as we barrel toward it, it's fun to se see elites losing what's left of their mind. owe berman, it's amazing how hologram technology can animate a corps. >> a country should have slearned something, which in large part hasn't been authorized to wallow and die in its own stupidity, because of one dumb man, one dumb bastard,
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major french attacking the only hope we have, the science. donald trump should be on trial for 220,000 murders, death penalty for each count. greg: he gives me the same feeling i get after eating the 100 pack from white castle. i got to f take a shower for 24 hours and clean off the grease. it's sad that he has no one in his life looking out for him. if he did, he would never leave his house without his underwear on his head. it's a lesson to us all, if you're an a-hole to everyone when you're rich and famous, no one will bother to help you when you're now just an a-hole alone and mis miserable. trump has a way of making critics unralph and unbuckle. that's cnn's legal analyst, he files his briefs instead of wearing them. i throw to tape of the media reporting this story but they didn't. searches for toobin video are up this week but all you get is
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this. ♪ greg: memories. i'm sure the excuse is the story's too gross. i wonder what their excuse is for g hunter many i'm sure if a pro-trumper had pulled a toobin, cnn would have the screen grabs. here, it's just an honest mistake because trump's president toobin is so necessary. they said we need him back on the job more than ever. yes, he needs even more exposure. makes you wonder what kind of grip he has on jeff zuckerberg. at least toobin wasn't malicious, unlike this hair ball of hysteria. robert rice demanded a commission to deal with those who hadn't d joined the heroic resistance, you know, once biden wins. the commission would name everyone who supported trump and mete out whatever punishments were deemed sick. the winners will punish the defeated or half the country.
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funny 40 how we would never do t to them. are we better people? if that tells us what's acceptable behavior to them if they win, what the hell is acceptable if they lose. joe biden makes a claim that only he could stop the mob violence plaguing our cities and a vote for trump would lead to more as if trump's in charge of antifa, going out at night in slippers and house coats and seeing people bloody and destroy homes and businesses. biden's premise was extortion and it makes us wonder, joe, you told us the violence would stop if you win. but what if you lose? what do you tell supporters them and the subset children of the elite who of roam the streets, harming the law abiding who burn the buildings, what will do you to stop that? the question should be posted to the d media who gined up audiene range in a hysteria spell. they branded trump a monster who
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must be stopped. what iff he doesn't leave? what if he wins. what if you promise your kids a pony for christmas and instead they get a lump of trump. nyc, its mayor wanders the streets for hours, a patchwork of every bad left wing idea that ooze fm the hate willed classrooms, de blasio lumbers the allies like a monster, scaring children and. people. you could compare him to nero, fiddling while rome burned. at least nero coffee del. it's not of -- could fiddle. it's not just de blasio. it's a distressing time in which our city leaders, our media, our entertainment and t academic fre loaders refuse to share the risk and risee up to condemn. they c won't talk about it, even when it presents itself. so our industry obsesses over the days leading up to the
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election but not a peep about what follows which is not just foolish, it's dangerous. pay attention to the road ahead, but what about the cliff at the end of it? what if the election's close, what if there's mail fraud, what if there'she no immediate outcoe or what if the outcome age rates those who control the air waves, who control social media platforms anda algorithms that bring up discontent, what about leftists who tweet burn it all down. seems the only plan for now is to let it burn. >> period. greg: such a high note. let's welcome tonight's guest. author of don't burn this book, creator and host of the rubin report, dave rubin. his tattoos make me nervous but i'm thankful for his service, retired green beret master sergeant, perry shepherd. she is quick on her feet and likes to tweet, host of
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sincerely cat on fox nation, kat, timpf and my side kick on fox nation, cyrus. if people like robert rice are basically promises retribution, shouldn't we take their word for it and plan on it? >> yeah. well, you know, the people who have trump derangement syndrome like robert rice, the never trump crew, in a weird way they need trump, because they've failed at effort, yet remained public people at this time. the only way you can get people not to say you've gotten everything wrong forever, is to be able to point and say oh, orange man bad. when they talk about truth an reconciliation commissions and people, names will have to be named. we're going to have to make lists. i mean, i know it's hyperbolic
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to talk about naziism and how it rose, but this is it. when you're making lists of the bad people and we're going to reeducate people and gulags and the rest of it and you're right, what you said in the monologue, we don't do this, we accept we live in a country that disagrees with us, they want lists. i forgot to be funny in the first part. greg: that's okay. i wasn't funny either. we got over mccarthyism in the '50s. we learned our lesson. and now we have left-carthyism. it makes me sad. it's like how i look forward to seeing you because i like your pants and that's my expectation, to see your pants and instead i can't see your pants. that's kind of what the media is doing for this election. they're building up these expectations that trump's going to be thrown out but what if he's not thrown out?
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you're going to have a lot of people going through this incredible mental breakdown like i am when i can't see your leather pants. >> there's i think the phrase is there's a lot to unpack there, greg. by the way, who says i'm wearing pants. also, i'm a little -- seriously, that seems to be the way to go now, pantsless in video. i didn't know my tattoo's scare ntyou. that hurts me. you didn't act like that when we spent time together. greg: why don't you just answer the question? just answer the question. >> yeah. let's move on. dave covered that very well. listen,ah here's the thing. for all these years, people have been saying, you know, it's not going to happen, it's not going to happen. well, it is going to happen and they've been telling you they're going to do n it. i think to dave's point as well, like the never-trumpers and the vichy republicans that have been hiding under their desks, hoping it will boil over, it isn't.
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the only way to defeat these people is to politically smash ithem, smash them politically. every time we try to reason with them, that's not going to happen. any time people say, well, you know, we've got to give them a little bit, they're voracious. they take whatever they want. and i'm ready. i know the people that i am friends with, the people i serve in the military with, we're pretty much ready for this but i think a lot of people in the united states aren't and it's going tof be interesting, right after the election, to see how this goes. greg: kat, it's not often that i want to be wrong but i want to be wrong on this. i don't want our streets filled with rage queens breaking things. tell me i'm wrong. >> rage queens sounds like an awesome punk bad. greg: it does. >> i agree. it's just this vie viseral hey . i've had issues with close friends for many years who noe ame very well who will give mea
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lot of crap because i'm not all in, enthusiastic, biden's the best, he's going to save the world. it's i rational. there's -- irrational. there's plenty of reasons to hate me. i'm very annoying. i will forget i didn't have dinner and i have a couple at the question l -- tequila sodast more athing. i'm 32, i have to stop acting that way. don't hate me because i don't have the same political views as you do. i'm not a republican or democrat. but i deal with that a lot more from my super liberal friends than my friends that are more conservative than i am so it does make me concerned about what would happen in this situation because if it's t happening to me from people who know my heart andat know me reay well, i can't imagine how much strangers hate me. greg: yeah. it's funny, tyrus she i says she
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has a heart and she also said she's 32. >> i'm 32 on thursday. >> let her have it, greg. let her have it. greg: i will. >> i've got to be honest with you, i'm not sure where i'm living anymore. i'm living in bizarreo-world. this week i witnessed quite possibly the most ridiculous thing that i'm surprised you didn't bri ungp in your monologue. it does fit. we're living in a world now in the united states where don lemon is bullying ice cube. greg: [ laughter ] >> that's what's going on. ice cube was called a sellout this week and was told to watch his step. greg: yes. >> so the dark alley which has changed dramatically, it used to be guys who looked like me and looked like ice cube would be in anilly, you would go the other way. now you're like get out of my way, watch where you step. i don't know where we are anymore and to go to your point
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with the guy's tweet that's going to come after you, they are so hyped up and they are so surere that reality is not important, right now they're looking at me going one punch, he'll drop. i'm telling you. we've got this in the bag. reality is, when you swing and can't get close to the beard, reality's coming back. and when reality hits, there's going to bemi a lot -- you remember that famous -- because of you, because you played it 9 million times of that woman sitting indian style. greg: right, screaming. >> it is going to be so loud that we're all going to be looking up like who said that, everybody said that. this place, they're so sure they got it, that i really feel that our responsibility has got to be giving out hugs. we're going to have to -- i know, i know, you had it -- i know, it's okay. you're going to have to wipe the not. it's going to be snot bubble
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crying. it's unbelievable the things we're seeing from the left right now. they are so crock cocky and so d because their polls are right once again. greg: once again. by the way, snot bubble crying is actually opening for rage queens downtown sunday. all right. last reminder about my show sunday night, in support of my book, the plus, butler, pennsylvania, start light drive-in, tickets still available. go to for more info. up next, we dissect the debate. who is usaa made for? it's made for this guy a veteran who honorably served and it's made for her she's serving now we made it for all branches and all ranks whether they served one tour or made a career of it. we also made usaa for military spouses and their kids usaa is easy to work with and can save you money on auto, home and renters insurance.
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greg: trump stayed civil while watching joe shrivel. >> north korea was a mess. they left us a mess. north korea conduct for nuclear tests in the obama administration. why do you think you would be able to rein it in this consistent thread? >> i'd make it clear to china that the part of the deal. as a spokesperson when i went to china. what he was selling pillows and sheets i sold tank busters to ukraine.
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there has been nobody tougher on russia than donald trump. greg: remember how we obsessed over having missiles aimed at us and have you notice we don't do that much anymore? no middle east conflict. trump checked off the scary stuff for so what's left to talk about? when he obsessed over that cold sore to stop obsessing intella comes back. a terrible analogy but you know biden had his moment to licuini with lost texas. >> i would transition from the oil industry. i would transition. >> that is a big statement. >> no oil industry pollutes significantly. i'd stop giving to the oil industry and stop giving federal subsidies. greg: and then he lost pennsylvania. >> you as against fracking. he said it. he said that i'm against
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fracking until he got the nomination went to pennsylvania but he said you know what pennsylvania you'll be against it soon because the party is. >> fracking on federal land i said. greg: not true and then they lost civil war reenactors. >> abraham lincoln is one of the most racist presidents in modern history. greg: that's it for the don and joe show. no more chats until one of them calls the other on election night. what did you make of the debate in who won and who lost and what's your biggest take-home? >> everything you said is false because "cnn" said biden mops the floor with him so you are a liar greg. in the town halls or debates with joe what's going on with president trump in the middle east? today was a huge day and i don't understand they are not asking those kinds of questions.
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vice president biden i feel like he's barely over his skis. he's trying to remember numbers and say things correctly and there they are couple of times when it veered off and you almost feel like you're watching something bad happened that i thought the moderator did as good a job as we will get from a moderate with a republican and a democrat. here's another thing. when president trump said i will post the video about lying about fracking of course president trump did. are there any other major news networks that actually posted up video? it would be interesting to me and i suspect probably none of them did. greg: it did good point actually and will have to do fact-checking. kat thought it was adorable that terry had trouble articulating how joe had trouble or ticket lady. wasn't that adorable? >> it was really cute. greg: ozuna know what i liked
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about last night? trump showed he could be on good behavior pretty good goaded brunch with your grandmother or go to church and not start pinching people. >> i think my grandmother would be -- look i thought it was a very good tactic of president trump. whenever biden said he was planning to do anything he would just say well why didn't you? why didn't you do that? why didn't you do that and particularly when talking about criminal justice failures of joe biden he did this thing again that has made me scream at my tv the most during this election site will. they were talking about the 1994 crime bill and biden said the crack-cocaine disparities in the mandatory minimum those were in the anti-drug abuse act of 1986 which biden cosponsored.
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we are talking about that specific will and you are going to say that? nobody brings it up but that was your thing to. you actually have a very long history and record of this and i get the people make mistakes. i have made four or five of them myself. greg: in the last hour. >> thank you. i love having your reinforcement. and honestly acknowledge meant and an examination rather than oh yeah i went over that because again it's a problem that continues for people in many cases that are still behind bars so it seems insensitive and i think they should treated more seriously and as it talking point. greg: tyrus kat is defending crack-cocaine. >> the freedom to use if you do choose. greg: i understand. did anything jump out at you? >> well once again i would love
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to have a small conversation with president trump's campaign. just a few minutes me and them alone in a room. we do this constantly. what should have been a walk in the park debate turned out to be where the bar was so low joe gets rave reviews because he crossed the finish line and whose fault is that? it's our fault. president trump wasted way too much time attacking joe. doesn't work. i was waiting to hear about infrastructure and waiting to hear about what his second term is going to look like. that's the only thing i really felt like he didn't even need to knowledge job because rambling joe will be rambling joe and i really thought he missed an opportunity since he wasn't ferocious and whoever he kept looking at to common down. maybe it was the wife saying you've got this, you are looking
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good. you've got this. both sides representing please their base and i don't see any one. they could go either way. they both got the through the debate and they both had good moments but i wanted to flip over to the game but it was the eagles and the giants so i really couldn't. biden was losing. he wasn't doing what i wanted him to do like don't even acknowledge the other side. focus on what the plan is and talk about what's coming. terry you don't have to read your encyclopedias to sell them. nice job terry. greg: all right dave, finish this off. i was yelling at the tv. i wanted trump to explain the hunter biden scandal because it's obvious half of america didn't see it because the media
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depressive. what was your take? >> greg first of all i'm still trying to understand your cold sore metaphor although i do considers you to be the a brief of late-night hosts. greg: thank you. i cut the healing from five to seven days to 46. >> exactly. look i think trump is presidential which is exactly what he had to do for the little people who still aren't sure. i don't know how many of those people still exist. that sliver of people that might go one way or the other. those six people, and you have to get four to six but i did write something down here because i'm a professional. i wrote down what i think it's been missed in this entire campaign. mideast peace is good. that is a good thing. and even underlined good three times as you can see there. that's the thing that everyone has wanted for 5000 years and
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now sudan has jumped on board with israel and five more countries including saudi arabia by next week. could we mention that? i thought we all want that but now does something to do with the orange guy. greg: this is my point about the foreign-policy stuff. if there's no big problem, it's no longer an issue. trump started solving these problems and now the cocoa we don't have to talk about this. i'm glad you circled it. i'm going to circle you later. from lap dancing to laptops hunter in joe's new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at
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to stir that fire, university of phoenix is awarding up to one million dollars in scholarships through this month. see what scholarship you qualify for at i do motivational speakingld. see what scholarship you qualify for in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did.
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i'm jon scott. president trump on his way back to washington right now, after a weekend of campaigning in battleground states, including new hampshire and maine today. the race tightening as we enter the last full week before election day. meanwhile, joe biden is back home in delaware today as his running mate, kamala harris, makes three stops in battleground michigan, which narrowly voted for trump in 2016. and the u.s. surpasses 225,000 coronavirus deaths, as white house chief of staff mark meadows says, quote, we are not going to control the pandemic. hours after the news that five aides and advisors to vice
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president pence tested positive. the vice president and his wife so far have tested negative. i'm jon scott, back in half an hour with an all new fox report. now, back to greg gutfeld. show" greg: from china to ukraine i wonder is joe the big man's? >> you are the big man i think. maybe you're not that you are the big man i think. we have to get 10% to the big man. joe what's that all about? is terrible. greg: you are wrong it was big guide not big man but okay. trump is talking about an e-mail found on hunter biden's alleged laptop which brings us to this guy or man. tony bobulinski confirmed the legitimacy of the e-mail on hunter's dealings with the chinese firm. the big guide tony says hunter is talking about his dad
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codenamed don't do any good when the business partners keep using his actual name in texas. this from james gilliard don't mention joe being involved. it's only when you are face to face. what say you joe? >> i have not taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life. greg: it goes to hunter. days before the election the story a going away even as the media tries to bury it. speaking of big guys having trouble let's check in with terry. high kick harry will have serious back pain for a long time kat predicting this will
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hurt biden? i don't think a can of 90% of the media refuses to cover it. >> it's a almost as if it's possible that people who have the power gets certain it damages and sometimes they like the staying power to have those advantages and not this selfless humble desire to serve the people. this is so unbelievable. it's like why? i had people over me and power hand i found out my parents lied to me about santa. you have to be skeptical of people in power that they can easily do things to pull over your eyes for their own benefit and it's so important that we do that excessive provides an important check on their power. greg: you know dave you could argue that the phonecall, the perfect phonecall which trump
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was impeached was made because of these past dealings with places like ukraine so in a way trump was just trying to help the democratic party select the cleanest candidate. >> greg i'm starting to think that everything they accuse trump of, they are the ones that are actually guilty of. can you believe that? let's not forget greg you are a new york city guy. it was only two and half years ago that donald trump jr. had lunch with someone on the upper east side greg, the upper east side. i don't know if it still open anymore because of a lock-down but he had lunch up there be someone who is apparently russian and that became an impeachable offense but i'm pretty sure that hunter biden making somewhere between 50 to 90 grand a month for a job he has literally no qualification
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for might have a little something to do with his dad being the vice president. it's not a conspiracy very but i think you see what i'm saying. greg: hunters extremely talented. the strippers loved him. tyrus you are our big guy. what do you think of this e-mail? the remaking a lot out of nothing or nothing out of a lot? >> come on, man. when the left gets done with the greg you will be doing this show from pelican bay. you've had a run on this for 47 years where he just got here. what are you thinking? you can do this. king kong is nothing on the left. greg: i have no idea what you said but i agree completely. >> 23 hours. greg: got it. still don't understand but i will go with you.
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terry what are your thoughts? >> we learn more about government corruption from the computer repairman then we have from the fbi. i keep hearing over and over again it's constantly said the vast majority of agents are doing the right thing. i don't i bet any more guys. they are no better than any corporate or media hack. you have people like me who generally have defended you. it used to be in the past of the left would be railing against the fbi because they are the men. guess what? now the left is the man in the fbi works for them. i would challenge any of these wonderful fbi agents are doing the right thing, and over here behind me in grab your reputation out of the toilet because that has to happen. we don't believe anything they say any more and when you lose the fbi no one is going down. none of those big people are going down and we are watching
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it happen in real time. i'm sorry i don't believe you. make it happen or just go away. greg: there to point on to make before i go. joe's response as you can see my tax return but nothing would show up on your tax returns. also i have to say the media when you think about the debate it's really effective in keeping the viewers in the dark on this which meant trump had to do a better job of explaining his story and he was short handing it because he assumed everybody watches fox. people are going what is he talking about? coming up a great solution to get out the vote. i can't do another four years of this. i can't. there's never been more divisiveness in this country.
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it's frightening and sad. that was trump's whole thing, you know, take the politics out of it and run it like one of his businesses. i know people were looking for that kind of change, but it's not working. you know, we've only gotten more in debt, we have this virus now out of control, people out of work, no healthcare. how is that helping people? we need someone that knows what they're doing, and i think it's biden. i know he will listen to the experts. that's what we need. i trust him 100% to get this under control. he has the capability to bring us back together. i'm joe biden, and i approve this message.
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greg: from the pine box to the ballot box moving the tomb to make some room. funeral homes across the country will offer older folks free limo rides to the polls on election day early say say they are going to the polls. the national funeral or zen morticians association expect to show for up to 300,000 people nationwide in cities in baltimore miami l.a. kansas city, good for them but the program aims to serve those 55 and older and won't qualify for another five years. meanwhile something called election stress disorder is back. it's not new but 58% of the vote said the 2020 race is a great source of stress including insomnia constantly checking your phone for alerts and becoming way better looking. maybe that's just me. dr. say can avoid social media by volunteering. how lame is that? personally i'd rather have tea with my roommates christine and
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janet. chrissie and janet. i'd like to be jack tripper in that sandwich. hey tyrus on what that means so float away. how do you feel about election day? >> filthy, filthy. greg: i'm disgusted by myself sometimes tyrus. >> as you should be. i'm going to go cultural on this. investigate said in wheelchairs and forget the hearse. those things you just don't do. if i'm old and my k we are going
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to pick you up in a hearse to the no. since you're in here what you try the cough and? we have a special on early burials right now. if your family is trying to save a buck get your vote on and then we will bury you. don't trust this one, sorry can't do it. greg: terry you have been in combat. do you find when you hear things like election stress it's kind of annoying? although i get stressed out. maybe i'm just annoying. >> well funeral homes taking old people did vote i have one phrase for that and then i would say yeah there's a phrase we have all the time for what we see going on in the country. hard times make hard manned and hardman makes soft times, soft times make soft men and soft men make hard times.
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we are in a phase now where the country is generally speaking incredibly well fed, very safe, very soft and well entertained. joe biden last night said america doesn't panic. people really are actually not self-sufficient and very easily panicked in the united states because they have never had to, most people haven't had to work for it. when you start stressing out people lose their minds. greg: i agree with you. i'm very soft men. >> i love you for that comment. greg: all right ruben what do you think of these? i think i don't know if they are using hearses. i think it's kind of nice what they are doing.
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>> with gregor producers have to tighten the segment so i just have one word for the people that are freaking out about the election and that word is indigo. sub gets it. that's why i love the libertarian. >> we all get it date. greg: what is the other kind? >> the diva. i read it in a book. >> but that won't help with your stress. greg: are right kat finished us off your. >> i think the funeral thing is a little bit aged. it ages just the a number and by that i mean you can die at any age any time sometimes without any warning at all so as someone who has written a hearse before and was thrown in a casket and it wasn't so bad i think they
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should open it up to all ages. greg: i do admire them for what they are doing because i don't want him to sue me or still want to die and they throw me a disgusting box in the river. can we exit the covid rubble if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, inflammation in your eye might be to blame. looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes over-the-counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. ha! these drops probably won't touch me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. what is that? xiidra, noooo! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda approved treatment specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation.
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greg: would concerts be too much trouble if you are inside a bubble? performing a live show in oklahoma city just like the good old days the band the cast and everyone in the audience were inside busted bubbles the whole time. i fell asleep in the bathtub once and had the exact idea. they thought it worked out great adding quote you can get as excited as you want you can scream as much as you want you just can't infect the person next to you. it seems safe. my neighbor steve the bunny.
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>> you just can't stop, can you? we have learned more about greg bennett any other greg gutfeld show. >> hate kids dad is on tv tonight. daddy why is there a bunny on tv tonight a wise greg gutfeld laughing so hard? greg: what do you make of that kat? >> i would do it. i would go. greg: word u. p.? >> i would go to a colin oscar b. and a bubble because it's new and it's different. i'm getting so bored with this pandemic. i was thinking yesterday about how easy i would need to kidnap at this point. i'd be like you were ringing me to a different apartment? savior zip ties i will put myself on the trunk. greg: there you go. dave again when you are on drugs
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and you throw up -- your own? >> nobody wants to be trapped in their own. regardless of whether we live in a red state or blue state we can agree on that. i usually come on the show when we are living in india or say but now it's the bubble boy episode. it didn't end well for the bubble boy and usually you don't want to be in a bubble so i'm anti-bubble. i don't want anything to do with the bubble. >> if you go to a concert in a bubble doing drugs, it's nothing -- greg: i'd like to go to michael bublé concert in a bubble and call it the bublé bubble. >> thank you. you were an idiot. greg: i used to have hamsters when i was a kid. that's not cool.
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you have these little round clear plastic dolls to put them in and they'd run around the house and you'd hear them coming because the would be behind them as they are trying to get away. it might defund to do that to these human beings. i'm not going to lie. greg: we have gone down a dark and scary road pirates. what do you make of this? >> i'm not going, not going down this road, i'm not going in a bubble. greg: do you know i was a rabbit on one of the show's? i dressed up as a rabbit. in 2003 new york i was on stage and i was one of the guys holding the lights. i don't remember much of 2003 actually. that's for another time i guess but don't forget to access the gutter my brand-new web site in a place called local. go to chat with me.
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greg: we only have time for two. terry. when the combat military than pushing to get something done. the vehicle hit an ied and he was ejected covered with fuel on fire. he was awarded the silver star. we are pushing that medal of honor and we have a lot of people on board. the senate needs to get off their and it happened. they deserv ide of the fence you are on gets up there and vote. we need all the votes we can
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get. but, america. greg: thanks to dave rubin terry schappert kat timpf and tyrus. i'm greg gutfeld and i love jon: president trump returningtn event for the first lady this after whirlwind day of campaigning for the election eight days away. good evening i am jon scott and this is the "fox report". air force one just back at joint base andrews after the president's campaign swing through new england, president trump is on his way back to the white house to host the mansion's annual halloween celebration with first lady melania trump comes after the president rallied supporters in battleground new hampshire just a few hours ago he also made a stop in
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