tv Hannity FOX News October 26, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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not been out there before. they are being suppressed by the rest of the media. that's tomorrow. right now the white house event, swearing-in for amy coney barrett starts in a moment. sean hannity takes over. >> sean: thank you and welcome to "hannity." fox news alert. judge amy coney barrett has officially been confirmed by the u.s. senate and in moments she will be sworn in as the newest member of the united states supreme court, a lifetime appointment. we are awaiting that swearing-in ceremony from the white house. we will take you there live as it happens and tomorrow after taking her official judicial oath, she will be able to fully participate as the newest member of the supreme court. my opening monologue is straight ahead but first joining us now, guided the whole process as promised, senate judiciary committee chairman lindsey graham is with us. i did notice a little bit of a temper tantrum and there were a lot of threats going on about packing the court and ending the legislative filibuster.
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amnesty, a lot of power grabs. not easy. >> [laughs] the internet is melting down. there is an absolute desire to take me out. i need your help now more than ever. to the american people, you're the biggest winner tonight. you have a constitutional conservative woman who understands the difference between my job and being a judge. she's one of the most highly educated people ever to go on the court. she is not from harvard. she is not from yale. she is a normal person. she's going to do an awesome job. thank you, president trump. the big winner tonight is conservative women. to all those conservative women who go through for being conservative, who get beat up by the mainstream media for embracing your faith by being pro-life, being traditional and your family structure, your winner tonight. there's a seat at the table for you. this is not a glass ceiling being broken. it's a concrete barrier being broken. amy barrett represents every
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aspiration of a young conservative woman. she is going to do awesome. i cannot wait for her to be on the supreme court tomorrow. >> tucker: in many ways, i suspect, i've been watching this process. we saw what happened with justice kavanaugh. the democrats, had it not be so close to an election, would've smeared, slandered, besmirched. they would've done what they did to kavanaugh. and justice thomas who will administer the oath tonight and what they did to robert bork. if they could, they would have. instead, i want to get your take. we are going to pack the courts. everything is on the table. end the legislative filibuster. d.c., puerto rico statehood. full on amnesty. i assume something of value. they would appreciate votes in future elections. that to me now speaks of one-party rule and they'll do it. your thoughts.
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>> they're going to do it. the only reason they won't do it is that the american people stop them. we must maintain control within the united states senate. you have joni ernst on the ballot from iowa. you've got martha mcsally, two great conservative women. you got susan collins is been just terrific senator from maine. help judge kavanaugh, helped us with the tax cuts. help all of us. we cannot turn over the entire government to this radical left. schumer's speech tonight was disgusting. he's the guy that started the filibuster with bush 43. he's a guy along with senator kennedy who declared war on all things conservative. it is alito, kavanaugh, thomas, bork. it's not the process. they tried to destroy judge kavanaugh's life. amy barrett is probably a beneficiary from the kavanaugh hearings. it blew up in their face. the american people hated what they did to kavanaugh, so i
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think they were more respectful to judge barrett. let me just say this. the internet is on fire tonight. they are raising money like crazy to take back the senate and beat president trump. help me. everybody trickle help everybody i just named. my opponents raised a hundred million dollars. the most in the united states, history of the senate. let's all fight back together. let's celebrate this is so pivotal. conservatives need to understand what court packing would mean. d.c., puerto rico statehood would mean. what all of these, we've been given the one minute. white house swearing in of any county barrett, the swearing-in will be done by justice clarence thomas. if you never read his book, it's a great book. i tell everybody all the time. higher tacket taxes, amnesty.
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when i say it's the tipping point of all tipping point elections, you're right. it's your race. it's everybody. cory gardner, purdue, mitch mcconnell. susan collins who i disagree with on this vote. it's all in the balance because they will do it. what would that mean to the -- >> number one, they are going to take the number nine and expanded to probably 13 to wipe out the conservative majority. they will packet with liberals. that means the court loses its independence. they will do away with the legislative filibuster. they are going to do away with the electoral college which means new york and california pick the president in perpetuity. iowa, south carolina, arizona won't count anymore. they are going to have open borders and free health care for illegal immigrants. all of them raised their hand. they will turn this country from a free enterprise nation to a socialist nation. from the law and order nation to chaos. they will reward the most radical agenda in the history of
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the country that's trying to take us all out. we've got a chance to make history. can you imagine four more years -- >> sean: that music means the first lady. >> the big guy. they are playing that music. that means the president is entering. let's go live to the swearing-in ceremony. ["hail to the chief" playing] ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause]
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>> thank you very much, appreciate it. thank you very much. distinguished guest on my fellow citizens. it's a momentous day for america, the united states constitution, and for the fair and impartial rule of law. the constitution is the ultimate defense of american liberty, the faithful application of the law is the cornerstone of our republic. that is why as president i have no more solemn obligation of no greater honor than to appoint supreme court justices. on this october evening, and it is so beautiful, the first lady and i welcome you to the white house to bear witness to
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history. in a few moments, we will probably square in the newest member of the united states supreme court, justice amy coney barrett. [applause] she is one of our nation's most brilliant legal scholars and she will make an outstanding justice on the highest court in our land. justice barrett's oath will be administered by the courts longest serving member, currently on the bench, man whose allegiance to the law has earned him the respect and gratitude of all americans. justice clarence thomas. [applause]
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our country owes a great debt of thanks to senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. we appreciate it very much, mitch. thank you. we are grateful as well to the senate judiciary chairman, lindsey graham. thank you, lindsay. also with us, senators marsha blackburn, mike braun, bill cassidy, kevin cramer, ted cruz, steve daines, ron johnson, james lankford, mike lee, and martha mcsally. i hope i didn't leave anybody out. [applause] and a very special thanks to our great vice president, mike pence. thank you, mike.
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also i want to thank white house counsel pat cipollone. thank you, pat. [applause] and very importantly i want to welcome justice barrett's husband, jesse. thank you, jesse. thank you. let me also recognize her seven children, your great, beautiful children. they become really just very, very popular in this nation. people have been watching them and loving them. they are watching right now back home in indiana. thank you very much. i speak to everyone when i say that the barrett family has captured america's heart. it is highly fitting that justice barrett fills the seat of a true pioneer for women,
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justice ruth bader ginsburg. tonight justice barrett becomes not only the fifth woman to serve on our nation's highest court but the very first mother of school-aged children to become a supreme court justice. very important. over the past few weeks, the entire world has seen justice barrett's deep knowledge, tremendous poise, and towering intellect. she answered questions for hours on end. throughout her entire confirmation, her impeccable credentials were unquestioned, unchallenged, and obvious to all. justice barrett earned a full academic scholarship to notre dame law school, graduated first in her class, and served
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as a clerk for justice antonin scalia. she was a beloved professor at notre dame law school for 15 years before i very proudly appointed her to the u.s. circuit court of appeals for the seventh circuit in 2017. the american people have been profoundly impressed to learn of her achievements, or compassion, generosity, her faith in her sterling character. justice barrett made clear she will issue rulings based solely upon a faithful reading of the law and the constitution as written, not legislate from the bench. the equal and impartial constitutional rule of law we enjoy every day in america is one of the crowning achievements in the history of human civilization.
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it is the triumph of reason, experience, and the values which are eternal and everlasting. our devotion to this inheritance is what has made america the most just, exceptional, and glorious nation ever to exist. i want every american child watching to understand that this is a very special and important ceremony. we are fulfilling the duty that passes to each new generation to sustain the national traditions and virtues that make possible everything we have achieved. before that, we will do tomorrow. because of our constitution and our culture of freedom, you live in a land where anything is possible and where any dream can come true. no matter who you are, no matter your background. in america, everyone is entitled to equal protection under our
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laws and your sacred rights can never, ever be taken away. the march of liberty that began with the american revolution continues onward this evening. tonight at the white house we carry forward the cause of freedom, equality, and justice for which so many generations of americans have given so much. we honor the cause for which men died to win the civil war and for which they jump out of airplanes and shed their blood on distant battlefields. we honor the immortal principles, inspired millions in the struggle for civil rights. we take special pride in the nation that inspires billions of people all over the world. we must never take this radiant inheritance for granted. we must never lose confidence in our history, our heritage, or in
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our heroes. to reach for the stars we must stand upon the strong and sturdy foundation billed by those incredible americans who came before. justice barrett, as you take your oath tonight, the legacy of our ancestors falls to you. the american people put their trust in you and their faith in you as you take up the task of defending our laws, our constitution, and this country that we all love. we ask god to give you wisdom and courage. i know you will make us all very, very proud. as long as we are loyal to our founding and to our fellow citizens, america's future will be bright. america's destiny will be great, and america's people will forever and always be free.
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i now ask justice thomas to administer the oath. thank you very much. [applause] >> i amy coney barrett do solemnly swear... >> that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states. >> that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states. >> against all enemies foreign and domestic... >> against all enemies foreign and domestic... >> that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. >> that i will bear true faith
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and allegiance to the same period that i take this obligation freely. >> without any mental reservations. >> without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion >> and that i will well and faithfully discharge. >> and that i will well and faithfully discharge... >> the duties of the office from which i'm about to enter. >> the duties of the office which i'm about to enter. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. [applause]
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thank you. thank you so very much. thank you all for being here tonight, and thank you, president trump, for selecting me to serve as an associate justice of the united states supreme court. it's a privilege to be asked to serve my country in this office, and i stand here tonight truly honored and humbled. thanks also to the senate for giving its consent to my appointment. i am grateful for the confidence you have expressed to me and i pledge to you and to the american people that i will discharge my duties to the very best of my ability. this was a rigorous confirmation process, and i think all of you especially leader mcconnell and chairman graham, for helping me to navigate it. my heartfelt thanks go to the members of the white house staff, the department of justice, who worked tirelessly
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to support me through this process. your stamina is remarkable and i have been the beneficiary of it. jessie and i are also so grateful to the many people who have supported our family over these last several weeks. three ways both tangible and intangible, you have made this day possible. jesse and i have been truly awestruck by your generosity. i have spent a good amount of time over the last month at the senate both in meetings with individual senators and in days of hearings before the senate judiciary committee. the confirmation process has made ever clear to me one of the fundamental differences between the federal judiciary and the united states senate. perhaps the most acute is the
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role of policy preferences. it is the job of a senator to pursue her policy preferences. in fact it would be a dereliction of duty for her to put policy goals aside. by contrast, it is the job of a jones to resist her policy preferences. it would be a dereliction of duty for her to give into them. federal judges don't stand for election. thus they have no basis for claiming that their preferences reflect those of the people. this separation of duty from political preference is what makes the judiciary distinct among the three branches of government. a judge declares independence not only from congress and the president but also from the
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private beliefs that might otherwise move her. the judicial oath captures the essence of the judicial duty. the rule of law must always control. my fellow americans, even though we judges don't phase elections, we still work for you. it's your constitution that establishes the rule of law and the judicial independence that is so central to it. the oath that i have solemnly taken tonight means at its core that i will do my job without any fear or favor then i will do so independently of both the political branches and of my own preferences. i love the constitution and the democratic republic that it establishes, and i will devote myself to preserving it.
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the honorable amy coney barrett with of course clarence thomas, the longest-serving justice now on the court, administering the oath. there will be a private ceremony tomorrow. chief justice roberts will administer. that will happen in the east conference room. upon the administration of that oath she will begin to participate in the work of the court. justice now barrett went out of her way to point out the differences between the senate and the executive branch of government, the legislative branch and the judiciary branch and how the senate for example would be dereliction -- would be a dereliction of duty if they don't pursue policy preferences. that's not the duty of a judge. she went out of her way to confirm what she said during the confirmation hearings. she will not allow private beliefs or pressure from either
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the executive or legislative branch of government to interfere with her decision-making. she pointed out, although i'm not elected as judge, but it's an appointment, that she still works for we the people. without fear or favor. we've got a final comment from senate judiciary committee chairman lindsey graham. senator. pretty powerful reinforcement of what she said during the hearing. >> she gave the most articulate statement of what a conservative justice is all about. liberals have the absolute opposite view. they think judges should accomplish policy preferences that fail at the ballot box. it's a great night for conservatism. i haven't slept in two weeks. i've been fearful of a kavanaugh moment when it came to her. the highlight of my time in the senate is to shepherd her through the senate and help mitch mcconnell, the president get her confirm. this is what i do what i do.
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to my senate judiciary republicans, thank you. i've been living in fear and is now over. she's on the court. mission accomplished. the left is going nuts tonight. we are in a fight for life. help me. have all of us keep our seats. so we can do this for more years. >> sean: all right, senator, thank you. 29 times at election years there's been openings on the u.s. supreme court in all 29 times presidents have nominated justices. thank you, lindsey for being with us. you witnessed history in the making. judge amy coney barrett confirmed as the newest u.s. supreme court justice. the originalist judge will now be the third trump appointee to serve on the court and tonight we are only eight days away from what is the biggest tipping point election in history. buckle up. this is just the beginning of what will be a very pivotal week. the president hitting the campaign trail harder than ever. earlier today he held three massive rallies. tomorrow he will be in michigan,
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wisconsin, and nebraska. from now until the election, president trump will be working around-the-clock, crisscrossing the nation. multiple rallies daily in all the important states. what we call swing states. keep in mind that's on top of his regular duties as commander in chief. joe biden on the other hand is probably asleep right now. probably taking his, well, later afternoon nap that goes into the late evening. he looked absolutely pathetic earlier today. zero energy. you have to give him a little bit of credit today. got to give credit where it's due. he managed to travel 5 miles across the delaware border for a minuscule event in chester, pennsylvania. to his credit, joe biden, well, very weak and frail, answered three whole questions from his adoring fans in the media mob. we are eight days away. you are the ultimate jury. justice barrett talking about we the people. well, you the people, we the people. this is your election.
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it's a big story when joe biden actually leaves his basement bunker. yesterday another day in hiding. last week, he barely went outside at all. taking four days off to prepare for the final presidential debate. on sunday he held one virtual event from the comfort of, yes, his basement bunker. sadly it was one more than he could handle. at one point joe didn't even quite remember who he was running against, seemingly confusing president trump, i don't know, with either george bush, george washington, i don't know. george lopez. you decide. >> there's a lot on the ballot this year. this is the most consequential -- not because i'm running but because of one running against. most consequently election in a long, long, long time. the character of the country in my view is literally on the ballot. what kind of country we are going to be? four more years of george -- george. find ourselves in a position where if trump gets elected, we are going to be in a different world.
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>> sean: joe, come on man. you're running against donald trump, the president of the united states. his wife jill sitting there kind of an agony, trying to whisper trump's name under her breath. let's be clear, there's no great mystery as to why joe biden is barely campaigning at all. he's not, well, he seems weak and frail, not mentally or seemingly physically capable of the rigorous schedule as a candidate, never mind the hardest job in the world. he needed 5 out of 6 days off just to be able to do one 90-minute debate. at times he forgets what state he's in. he definitely mixes up numbers and dates all over the place, days of the week, forgets whether he's running for the senate or president. his irritability is off the charts. in saturday while screaming into a microphone joe biden repeatedp supporters chumps. i this his irredeemable, deplorable moment. >> by the way, we don't do things like those chumps are doing, the trump guys.
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it's about decency. look. we've got to come together. i'll work as hard for those who don't support me as those who do, including those chumps with the microphone out there. that's the job of the president. >> sean: i will bring all those people together, even those chumps back there. all right, we are all irredeemable deplorable chomps, smelly walmart shopping chumps. clinging to our god and second amendment chumps. joe wants you to know he's going to work for you unless you work in the oil and gas industry, the energy industry. repeatedly vowing to get rid of fracking if elected. at the debate, took it a step further and promise to phase out the fossil fuel industry altogether. that's millions of high paying career jobs for americans would buy the way also means we are less inclined to have to get
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into foreign conflicts and wars over the battle of the free flow of oil at market prices. when biden attempts to do damage control and pretends that he doesn't really want to destroy the oil and gas industry, we know he's lying. take a look yourself. >> i've never said i post fracking. >> you set it on tape. >> show the tape. put it on your website. >> i'll put it on. >> put it on the website. >> with there be any place for fossil fuels, including: fracking, in a biden administration? >> no. we would work it out. we would make sure it's eliminated. i guarantee we're going to end fossil fuel. no more, no new fracking. >> sean: no fracking. eliminated, no fossil fuels. what state the obvious. joe biden is lying. like many career politicians he's been in the swamp for 47 years. lying is pretty much just a way of life or joe biden. lied about his academic record,
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lied about marching the civil rights movement, lied about getting arrested in south africa. light about an naacp endorsemen, lied about attending an historically black college relied about keep your dr. keep her plan of payless. lied about th the president's travel ban which he did call xenophobic. until late march. lied about his own involvement iin the suns pay for play schemes. you saw him lying about fracking which brings us to yet another major lie pointed out by bolshevik bernie sanders, his new bff. take a look. >> have you been on the floor of the senate? you are in the senate for a few years. time and time again talking about the necessity with pride about cutting social security a cutting medicare, cutting veterans programs. you never said that? >> no. when ari argued we should freeze federal spending i meant social security as well. i met medicare and medicaid. i meant every single solitary
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thing. >> sean: he's been running ads saying the trump will do this. no, he's the one that's been trying it for 40 years. trying to cut social security, medicare, veterans benefits. who knows. what we do know is now he's partnered with bolshevik burning because bolshevik bernie is his economics are and he plagiarized most of his plan. the radical aoc in her green new deal, she'll be the czar. bozo beto, damn right will take your guns. well, he is the guns are. kamala harris is more left in bernie sanders, the most left-wing senator in washington. we'll have more on her. in the case of biden he seems to be help trickle heavily influenced by everybody. he is caved to the hard-core left. his history on race. in the 1970s he worked hand-in-hand with segregationists to slow the integration of schools. he tried to stop it. he called the former ku klux klan member, the guided
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filibuster the civil rights act and was against the voting rights act, robert byrd, one of his friends and mentors enjoyed with him to stop the integration of schools in the 90s. refer to the thousands of inner-city minority suspenders. he coas cosponsored a crime bil. flash forward, joe is surrounded by radical far left socialists including his running mate, kamala harris. over the weekend senator harris was asked about her socialist agenda and she erupted into what i would only describe as nervous laughing fits. >> you're considered the most liberal united states senator. >> somebody said that. it was mike pence on the debate stage. [laughs] >> nonpartisan governor track has raided u.s. the most libera. he supported the green new deal,
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you supported medicare for all. you have supported legalizing marijuana. joe biden doesn't support those things. are you going to bring the policies, those progressive policies that you supported a senator coming to a biden administration? >> sean: not sure what's so funny. kamala harris. destroying america's economy, trillions of dollars on the green new deal everything is free promises that will never be fulfilled. massive tax increases under a harris-biden administration. government confiscation of wealth and property. is that funny? of course we are still waiting for a reporter to address several big and important issues now, topics with the senatorial like the time harris said she believed that sexual misconduct allegations against joe biden or the time she publicly humiliated biden on the democratic debate stage over his praise of segregationists, saying she wouldn't be a senator if they had their way. she brought up the issue of
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integration of schools and busing. harris was the one that said i was one of those little girls on those buses. was it all an act? or is joe biden the racist that she previously suggested. she was the cosponsor of the green new deal. that's the bill that she literally had her signature on. she still want to ban plastic straws? does she have anything to say about the treatment of justice kavanaugh, the way she treated him or executive action to eliminate gun rights in this country or the blatant disregard for the presumption of innocence in the kavanaugh case? does she still want to confiscate guns? tonight make sure you take a long, hard look at kamala harris' beliefs and agenda. one way or another, if elected, she will be the driving force behind the most radical administration in american history. nothing off the table. court packing, statehood for d.c. ending the legislative
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filibuster. banning the electoral college. do anything for power in perpetuity and once they get it in america as know it, if the stated policies are implemented, becomes unrecognizable. he with reaction, author of the new book "trump of the american future," former speaker of the house newt gingrich. i have known you since 1990. that's a long time. how you've stayed friends with me is a mystery in and of itself. we've been through an election or two together. how do you assess this one? how -- i've never seen a more radical ticket that i've never seen a candidate that hides in the basement like this candida candidate. >> let me say first of all what an honor it was to have been able to participate by television with just his parents being confirmed by the senate. i thought her speech was frankly
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the base for an entire college course on the constitution and the separation of powers. i think she will be, there are three or four decades of a dominant force on the court is in her intellect and her personality. this is a great evening for conservatism and a great evening for america. i have to say bob walker, who you know, former congressman from lancaster, called me and said there is a video on a channel in lancaster of biden standing in the street today talking to a couple people. behind him on camera you see people going in and out of the store. they are not paying any attention at all. he doesn't exist. they have no idea who he is. i think that captures the great threat to the biden campaign. this was a campaign which thought as long as people hate trump enough, we'll win so we can hide. the problem is there's almost
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nobody who's for joe biden. i think that's really from their perspective extraordinarily dangerous because there is no pressure. if you are sitting there thinking do i really want to go and stand in line for an hour for joe biden? probably not. on the other hand, if you're for trump, you'll stand in line for a day or two days or three days. people stand in line for a day just to get into a rally. i think that in balance, i've seen polls today. in pennsylvania, of 3, in the arizona, up 3. in north carolina, up 2. tillis is ahead in north carolina. i am seeing things begin to move. part of it is a theory that some people told me many years ago. when you get in the last week or two it's a little bit like buying a car buying a house. you can look at lots of ads when you're not really getting ready. when it's time to get ready come
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you suddenly shrink to what's possible and with practical and that's why conservatives tend to grain ground very rapidly in last month of a campaign because suddenly people look up and go, i don't want kamala harris. kamala harris is a san francisco radical. i don't want her. poor joe biden. he can't remember who is running against. if somebody comes out and calls donald j. trump george twice. you have to really wonder. it's not like it's a one-time thing. we have routinely seen that vice president biden is no longer capable of dealing with complicated ideas without a teleprompter. i don't see how you elect a person like that president. >> sean: i don't want to put too much stock in the polls. i have always said and you know
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this bears out to be true. i can't help it. it's the irish catholic in me. i was raised irish catholic. part of me thinks whatever is going to drop. the reality is you've got to win florida, georgia, north carolina. ohio, iowa, arizona. some of these states are tight. i look at that. then comes the hard part. i saw the insider advantage poll which had donald trump up 2 in pennsylvania. i don't know if that factors in cheating in certain areas of philadelphia, accusations have occurred. or michigan, wisconsin, combination. may be minnesota, nevada, new hampshire, maine, nebraska. it always comes down to run the table, it's always hard.
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your thoughts on where we are in terms of this election and its outcome. >> look, i think donald trump wanes. i think he wins. you could add new mexico to th that. when trump slowed down enough in the last debate to allow biden to talk, gave buying the opportunity to totally blow his election which he did. you come out and say, remember, all the different ramifications of energy in the state of pennsylvania. 600,000 jobs. energy in southern new mexico is the dominant job for everybody in that region. you're talking about western pennsylvania, eastern ohio. start talking about eliminating oil and gas. what do you say to the people of new hampshire about the price they're going to pay for heating oil in the biden administration? two, three, four times what they're paying right now.
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so all of a sudden you see people, it's like what happens if you're thinking about buying a car or buying a house. all of a sudden you get practical. when people start to get practical, they move away from biden. they moved towards trump. the biggest thing which we have no deep proof of yet but in a number of polls, african-americans really reacted strongly to the president statements of how many things he had done. when he was asked that question and he came back and he talked specifically about criminal justice reform, helping historically black colleges, creating thousands of opportunities owns. he went through item after item after item. >> sean: platinum plan, record low unemployment. >> yeah, right. all of a sudden people never heard this before. let me get this straight, joe biden passed the bill to lock up hundreds of thousands of young african-american males in a totally unfair way that hears donald trump who is actually
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done all these good things. we have seen in the last four or five days and amazing shift in the black community in terms of favorability towards president trump. i'm reasonably confident trump is going to win and i think the question now is if we can get every american to understand just how crooked the biden family is, whether it's in china or russia, ukraine, you name it. i think biden would collapse totally and you have an election landslide. he wouldn't quite be able to explain it. >> sean: from your lips. all right. act like your six points down, no timeouts, you're on your own. you've got to march down the field 80 yards. you've got to kick the extra point. that's how my mind works. act like you're behind. have urgency. thank you, mr. speaker. when we come back, lara trump. also you won't believe what hillary clinton said. corey lewandowski and lawrence jones is outside joe biden's house.
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you'll be the ultimate jury. first lady melania trump is hitting the campaign trail in pennsylvania. here with reaction, trump campaign advisor laura trump. authors of a brand-new book, trump america first. corey lewandowski, dave bossie. lara, i watched the president all weekend all these rallies, three in pennsylvania today. tonight's ceremony. endless energy. would wear out all four of us combined in my opinion. you're on the campaign trail. what are you seeing? >> it's remarkable to see that president trump is able to do campaign rally after campaign rally. leading up to the debate last week we saw joe biden had to rest up for like five days. leading into the debate. he wasn't planning to even come out today. i think he finally felt the pressure. he's had to come out and do an impromptu event of sorts today.
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the enthusiasm is undeniable when it comes to president trump. you see tens of thousands of people coming out to support him several times a day. we are going to bump the rallies up to five a day soon for him. per his request. we know he loves that. it's astonishing to see the candidate on the other side, joe biden this weekend yelling into an empty parking lot in a very angry grumpy way. really didn't do anything for anybody. >> sean: dave, he looked so weak and frail. you've been on the road with the president, i understand. >> absolutely. all three of us. lara, corey, myself. we've been on the road with this president and he's tireless. he's got so much energy. he got elected to do exactly what he did tonight. he got elected so that conservatives across america could see him put third, three supreme court justices on the bench. it's unbelievable. i'm so proud to even be a little
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part of this operation. it's so incredible to watch. after a day of three rallies to come back and do this tonight is a special and historic evening for the american people. freedom is breaking out everywhere and we are going to see it next tuesday. >> sean: cory, you're a numbers guy. let's look at the numbers. he was down 12 in rasmussen three weeks ago. he's up 1 today. huge 13-point turn around in three weeks. >> sean, there's more to come. i was with the president yesterday when he campaigned in new hampshire. did and off the record in maine with 4,000 people. he gets stronger as the day goes on. the american people want a fighter. that's what donald trump donald trump yes. for all the sweat equity, it paid off today. we have a historic opportunity to make sure that the court system is the way it was designed by our forefathers. that's what this president fought for. that's what we've all fought for. it was a big night tonight
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there's more to come in the next term. >> sean: i love, quickly, the jumbotron showing joe biden flipping and flopping on fracking and medicare and social security. it's very powerful. nobody's ever used that before that i've seen. >> we have to get the word out ourselves because we know that the lying fake news media won't help. they are covering up for joe biden, doing everything they can to bolster him up. it's not working. the american people are smart. they remember it wasn't too long ago that he talked about banning fracking. we are showing the world. >> sean: all right, thank you, cory and lara and dave bossie. all right, up next, lawrence jones live outside of biden's home. he's welcome to come to the microphone. we have been inviting him, begging him. we'll see if he comes next.
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♪ >> sean: all right the president pounding the campaign trail, three rallies in front of massive crowds in pennsylvania today. if joe biden kind of shamed into leaving his basement bunker, enter three whole questions from the mob and the media. if lawrence jones on the ground in delaware. where is joe? >did you knock on the door? lj? >> they wouldn't let me get up there but this is a big story because a lot of people are asking where is the vice president. he got out and expected to be in georgia tomorrow but a lot of people want to know medicare for all, the green new deal, fracking, you know early in the program on the "60 minutes" interview will come out a lot of questions were asked about how kamala harris is going to be influential on vice president if he gets elected. it will she bring a lot of the
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progressive policies? a lot of questions we want to ask with eight days on until the election. >> sean: lawrence jones, lj, great work and keep knocking see what happens. let not your heart be troubled, special addition with laura ingraham and "the ingraham angle" from the white house. >> laura: historic night tonight, the third justice on the court for president trump, pretty cool i've got to say. that's a big one. i enjoyed your show tonight, awesome as always. one week, i am laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from the white house as shawn sighed. my angle explains how joe's suppose it covid strategy will keep us stuck for years and the absurd and destructive pandemic paranoia. a plus raymond arroyo brings us a weekend of biden in tonight's "seen and unseen." i went to ohio stat
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