tv FOX and Friends FOX News October 27, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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jillian: we are following this breaking news out of philadelphia. a black man with a knife has been shot and killed by police there have been riots in the city all night. 30 officers injured including one run over by a pickup truck. that sergeant is now in the hospital. "fox & friends" has continuing coverage. ♪ [chanting] >> he hit a cop. >> police officer run over as riots break out in philadelphia after an armed black man is shot and killed by police. >> we look at this particular action the firearm was the best course of action. >> so help me god. >> i will do my job without any fear or favor. >> this is a happy night for the country. >> president trump campaigning in three states today after rallying pennsylvania voters. >> get your family, get your neighbors, get your co-workers, and get out to vote. >> biden will come to warm
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springs and making a stop in atlanta. the reason biden can s. coming to georgia so late they believe they can flip the state blue. >> bottom line is donald trump is the worst possible president. >> here is looking to his left and it is caught. touchdown. and the rams strike first. brian: now the serious stuff straight to a fox news alert. chaos in philadelphia. 30 officers hurt. more than 30 people arrested after riots overnight. steve: the violence erupting after police shot and killed a man who they said was armed with a knife and would not put it down. jillian: jackie eban yeseyeibañ. >> tensions rising for hours after that police shooting. [chanting] >> you can see there people
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marching through the streets marching. protesters seen looting, throwing bricks and rocks at officers. even setting a cruiser on fire and running a sergeant over. >> oh. he hit a cop. oh my god he hit a cop. >> what you saw right there. a black pickup truck plowing through an intersection. sergeant taken to the hospital with a broken leg. she is said to be in stable condition this morning. we are told the driver was reportedly arrested. the unrest started when police responded to a call about a man with a knife. who was later identified as 27-year-old walter waltz jr. he reportedly approached two officers with a knife as they ordered him to drop it. a woman believed to be his mother begged the officers not to shoot him. when he moved at the officers, that's when the officers fired several shots. one of the officers drove wallace to the hospital where he later died. both officers involved have been taken off duty while the city's
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district attorney investigates steve, brian, and ainsley we will keep a close eye on this. brian: appreciate it. thanks so much. that story has been developing all night long. the police seem overwhelmed. keep in the back of your mind vice president biden said what cops should be doing shoot for the leg and other people say use something other than deadly force. dr. darrin porcher actually has done that job former nypd lieutenant and said this about police officers in the line of duty in incidents like this. >> you want to -- i want to say neutralize the threat as quickly and as safely as possible. now, many people speak to the introduction of a taser into this equation. but when we look at the video in this particular encounter, the officers didn't have much time nor space to act. firearm seemed as if it was the best course of action to keep the officers safe. it's a very tough situation for an officer. in not just philadelphia but any of the major cities throughout
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the country in the wake of the violence playin plaguing the na. police officers are the first line of defense as a society. as a result we need to lend deference to what police officers do to ensure the safety of that population. steve: absolutely. so 30 police officers have been injured overnight in the rioting that ensued after this man was shot. we should point out the local philly nbc philly affiliate said that at the time his mother was trying to restrain him but he would not drop the gun, shot multiple times. brian: knife, right? ainsley: the knife, right. steve: he was shot multiple times. the police shot him multiple times. right, exactly. he had a knife. would not drop it. nonetheless an investigation today to try to figure out what the heck happened. ainsley: he is 27 years old the suspect his dad says. said he had mental health issues and he was taking medication. the dad, to darren porcher want
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points, the dad said why didn't they just use a taser as darren who is a former nypd lieutenant says the officers when you watched the video didn't have much time or space to react. another officer was on "fox & friends first" and said if you use a taser, same thing as darren said and if you shoot in the air it could hit someone else. if you shoot the suspect in the leg it could hit an artery and he could die or the suspect could still get up and react and hurt the officers. so we are -- let's move on and talk about the election now. we are one week away from election day. seven days. president trump campaigning in three states after rallying pennsylvania voters yesterday. brian: what a day. three events and then a swearing in. meantime joe biden defends his light travel schedule in a surprise appearance and he actually took some questions on the trail. steve: but they weren't hard questions. brian: no, they weren't. steve: griff jenkins is live in warm springs, georgia and, griff, warm spring famous for another president once upon a
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time. >> that's right, steve, ainsley and brian, good morning. we are outside fdr's little white house where he, of course, sought refuge for polio. he battled the great depression. he waged war on fascism. biden is coming here to warm springs in a stop in atlanta because he believes can flip this red state of georgia blue. the latest cbs poll shows it in a dead even tie at 49 to 49. remember, it was 1992, bill clinton the last time a democrat won the white house and in 1992 on november 1st bill clinton visiting georgia in the last week before the election. now, biden, in that surprise appearance yesterday, noting he sees opportunity in red states. watch. >> i'm going to be going to iowa and going to wisconsin and georgia and florida. and maybe other places as well. there is a lot we can do.
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>> meanwhile as you guys mentioned president trump is bathroom storming the country. take a look at the map. three rallies today from michigan to wisconsin to nebraska. then on to arizona tomorrow. yesterday the president was all across central pennsylvania hammering biden over mistakes in the last debate over transitioning away from the oil and gas industry. >> biden confirmed his plan to abolish the entire u.s. oil industry. that means no fracking, no jobs, no energy for pennsylvania families. we are energy independent and you are a big part of it. and they want to end that. >> you mean no more oil, joe he will eradicate your energy and send pennsylvania into a crippling depression. >> meanwhile biden trying to calm pennsylvania nerves walking back his fracking position. watch. >> i'm not shutting down oil fields. i'm not eliminating fracking. i'm investing in clean energy and we are going to make sure that we don't continue to subsidize the oil companies.
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s>> give of. griff: so today the peach state is a battle ground. president trump won here over 5 percentage points gaining georgia's 16 electoral votes see what happens as two competitive senate races. brian, ainsley, steve? ainsley: all right. thank you so much. yeah. you just heard joe biden saying i'm not going to eliminate fracking but his vice presidential candidate, kamala harris, said she wants to ban fracking. she said that all along. she said joe doesn't want to. we have heard the flip-flops there. he is doing surprise events. he doesn't want crowds there he doesn't want people to show up. steve: he is doing a few surprise events. ainsley: exactly, yesterday's surprise event where he took four or five questions. he does hold a five point lead in pennsylvania. that is a must win. if you look at new polls biden is ahead in michigan, wink and must win pennsylvania. but those states all went to president trump in 2016. and just like hillary clinton in
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2016, biden leads the newspaper endorsement, brian. brian: so karl rove. you need 270. the president got over 300. doesn't need every state again. we know that florida, north carolina, georgia are going to be a struggle neck and neck. we know arizona is going to be tough to hold. he understands that so karl rove laid out donald trump's path to 270. >> pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin, put them to the side for a second. if the president wins every one of the states that he won in 2016 and carries pennsylvania. he has got 280 electoral votes 10 more than needed. only wisconsin he has 270. if he carries michigan out of those three states and loses pennsylvania, wisconsin, he has 276. the path to victory lies in these states. if the president carries all of these -- he just needs one more of these states the dangerous -- most dangerous one is wisconsin though because if he is at 270 if he loses maine 2 or nebraska 2. we have a tie in the electoral
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college if he loses one or down by 2 if he loses both of them. brian: the reason why joe biden keeping coming out saying i'm not banning fracking and he says i'm not stopping oil and gas but he is going to phase it out. how do you feel about that if you are in those industries? what do you think about new drilling opportunities. federal land is already out. no one is really talking about subsidies. he keeps on trying to get us to look at subsidies. they were there when he was in office vice president and there for 100 years as a senator from delaware. buff the thing to keep in mind, too. people are saying wow, the crowds are big. the president seems to be extremely confident. he seems right in his own element. and, steve, i think you agree, rolling in the tape of joe biden saying i want to get medicare and social security. joe biden talking about banning fracking. joe biden being all over the place when it comes to criminal justifiable, really is helping his cause. instead of one guy saying things, it is joe biden's own words 40 years of tape.
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and i think he is starting to sell the people in the -- in attendance and the local media who is covering it which is key. and the best thing i think you are seeing is trump is enjoying the process. he is the happy warrior for the first time in really four years. steve: well it, is a new element that he is using those jumbotrons or trump ow otrons. honestly i'm surprised it's taken them this long to do this the president and his team have been effective in coming up with these negative ads. why not roll them new testament the campaign says that the rallies show that the president has momentum and enthusiasm. you combine that with the tv ads that they have bought and so far i think up through last week they have bought something like $200 million worth of ads. but then, their secret weapon really is an army of 2.5 million volunteers who are going to be
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knocking on the doors. and the joe biden campaign simply does not have that. and they feel that on the day. one week from today. that will be their secret weapon. because when somebody goes and knocks on the door and says are you going to vote? do you need a ride? you know, make sure you have -- tell everybody to go out and vote. brian: wants a sweater? steve: that could be election -- you combine all that stuff they are confident the president could win. the president did win last night. amy coney barrett on the cover of the "new york post." she was confirmed by the u.s. senate and then sworn in by justice thomas very shortly after that. a lot of people don't realize that every new justice on the supreme court is sworn in twice. just thomas did the one where she swore to protect and uphold the constitution. the other one about judicial conduct will be administered by
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chief justice john roberts in a private ceremony later today. in the public ceremony last night. amy coney barrett said this about her new job. >> the judicial oath captures the essence of the judicial duty, the rule of law must always control. my fellow americans, even though we judges don't face elections. we still work for you. it is your constitution that establishes the rule of law and the judicial independence that is so central to it. the oath that i have solemnly taken tonight means at its core that i will do my job without any fear or favor and that i will do so independently of both the political branches and of my own preferences. steve: ultimately, the legacy of donald trump during the first
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term of his presidency is the fact that he was able to put three justices on the supreme court. of course he had the assistance of mitch mcconnell. first time in 40 years there are no openings on the circuit courts, which is astounding. then again mitch's mantra has been leave no vacancy behind. ainsley. ainsley: yeah. i was watching it last night and flipped over to. so channels to see if they were covering it. and they were not. i flipped over to msnbc. they weren't. i understand they covered it a little bit but not the majority of it. she was there and she walked out and she -- i thought how is she not like grinning from ear to ear? she was trying to stay collected and calm. she walked out and then when her children were mentioned. that the kids are at home in indiana. you could hear her off camera, the focus was on the president you could hear her off camera laughing because obviously as a mother you think about how historic this is and how proud your children must be of you and
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how you work so hard to provide a great life for them. will mitch mcconnell this is so wonderful not only for women but also for our country. listen. >> the bottom line for the american people is this is a stunningly outstanding nominee. you couldn't find a better nominee anywhere in the country. not only that she has got a compelling personal story. seven children, two of them adopted. one of them with special needs. a great role model for working women across america. this is a happy night for the country. ainsley: she is the 115th justice and the only five women have become supreme court justices. brian: not everyone is celebrating. democrats are outraged. quickly aoc tweeted out expand the court. ilhan omar expand the court. aoc again. republicans do this because they don't believe dems have the stones to play hard ball like they do and for a long time they have been correct but do not let them bully the public it to
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think bull doze something normal. listen to what joe biden said. question whether this is a lifetime appointment. i'm not going to attempt to change that yet. there is literature among constituents and scholars about the possibility of going from one court to another. so maybe she is going to rotate into courts and maybe do some local mayor work. this is what's going on. they are going to look at a number of ideas. packing the court may be the simplest. people have to understand what's on the docket. a branch of government is going to change if joe biden gets the job and the senate relationships in. there is no question by looking at what senator markey and what joe biden said last night, jillian. but you have something else to talk about. jillian: good morning. that's right. we are following a number of stories. we begin now with a fox news alert. two firefighters are gravely injured battling wildfires in california. powerful winds fueling the silverado fire. nearly 100,000 people forced to evacuate. a utility company say its equipment may have sparked the
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fire it. has destroyed more than 7,000 acres. the nearby blue ridge fire has already burned more than 3,000 acres. both wildfires are zero percent contained. texas and washington state are both preparing the national guard for post election violence. texas is expected to send in a thousand troops to five major cities. police officers in seattle and new york are undergoing training to handle any unrest next week. businesses near the white house are already beginning to board up their windows. minnesota republican senate candidate jason lewis is recovering from surgery on a life threatening hernia. lewis was rushed to the hospital with severe pain monday morning. his campaign says the surgery was a success. is he expected to be released next few days. the former congressman and on "fox & friends weekend" saturday to talk about his race. lewis is challenging incumbent democratic senator tina smith. let's go to monday night football now. the los angeles rams dominating
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the chicago bears on both sides of the ball. >> end zone and it's interseptemberred. >> the rams intercepting nic foals twice and sacking him four times. they only allowed 49 total rushing yards. l.a. wins 24-10. that's a look at your headlines. guys. steve: what a game. jillian, thank you very much. as of this tuesday morning, more than 62 million people have already voted with one week left before the election. what does that turn out so far mean for democrats and republicans? we are going to crunch the anybody's as we know them coming up next. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point.
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election one week away early voting smashing records all across the country. 62 million people have already cast their u.s. ballots during the last couple of weeks beating the 5 million early votes cast in 2016. so what do these early numbers mean? joining us right now is senior elections analyst for real clear politics sean trende. sean, welcome back. >> thanks for having me. steve: okay. so everybody is doing the story. early voting through the roof. everybody is doing the story. democrats seem to be voting in greater numbers than the republicans. but this -- we have seen this -- we saw this movie four years ago in 2016. >> yeah. people are just starved for data. they are getting excited because we are close and now we have these early voting numbers. we did this no 2016. people looked at heavy democratic turnout in early voting and thought hillary had it in the bag and then everyone showed up on election day, all the republicans and voted for trump. steve: yeah. an example is north carolina. you can look at north carolina
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and see the democrats have a 10 point 5 percentage point lead over republicans. that seems great for the democrats but what happened four years ago? >> at this point in 2016 democrats were doing better they had 13.5 point lead. right now the democrats lead is about where it was at the end of the early voting period. so right now this actually looks a lot like 2016 to me which wasn't such a great year for the democrats. steve: sure. i was reading an item in the "new york times" this morning that talked about the polling. and one of the things it said was it's tough to tell exactly how this is all going to shake out because in their polling, between 5% and 10% of the people they query won't tell them how they voted which sounds like what you polsters refer to as the shy trump voter. >> yeah. if there is any type of bias in the people who won't respond and say how they voted, that's going to show up in the poll results.
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it's a problem. no doubt about it. steve: how much do you put into the fact that the trump campaign is banking on this army of 2.5 million volunteers between now and election day to go knock on everybody's door until their knuckles are sore just to make sure they have got the message need to vote by tuesday. >> yeah. one of the interesting things about this campaign the democrats because of cody haven't done as much door knocking as they traditionally have and the republicans are doing it hard core. traditionally that doesn't make a whole lot of difference but in a very tight election that could make the difference. steve: one other thing i saw in the "new york post" this morning and miranda divine was talking about it on the previous program. apparently according to google trends, one of the searches that is trending right now is the question can i change my vote because, you know, also in a number of states this is tied to searches for hunter biden and i'm sure after the former vice
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president said this stuff about fracking, people might have second thoughts. nonetheless, according to this article it is possible to change your vote even though you have early voted via absentee ballot. >> that varies by state. so before did you go marching down to your local board of elections make sure you are one of the states that can do that yes in a lot of states can you change your vote after you voted early or absentee. steve: who knew? another wrinkle for 2020. had plenty. sean trende for real clear politics. sean, thank you very much. >> thank you. steve: all right. straight ahead, president trump giving a shoutout to coal minors during a campaign stop yesterday in pennsylvania. next guest a mother and third generation coal minor was at the rally. why she says the industry supports president trump now more than ever coming up ♪ ♪
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was campaign not guilty keystone state yesterday. our next guest is a mother and third generation coal minor at the rally sarah vance and she joins us now there she is with her 1-year-old daughter. there you are, sarah. >> good morning. saints ains you voted for president trump in 2016 why are you voting for him again? >> for my job. what will he do for you and your family and your job? >> in 2016 he took away some of the restrictions the obama administration had on the war on coal. and even though it's not completely back like it was and it may never be, it is better misogyny ever the restrictions are lifted and we are able to mine again. ainsley: what kind of restrictions were lifted under president trump?
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>> we wasn't allowed to mine like they shut down a lot of power plants and. ainsley: what about the people in your industry? are they supporting president trump? >> yes, they are. ainsley: you are a third generation coal minor, and i understand you are the daughter of one of the first miners in virginia. what made you want to go into this industry? >> the pay is really good. i like the ability that i feel i can do it and a lot of people are scared of it. i like mining coal. ainsley: i am proud of you. how many women work at your facility? at my mine i'm the only one. ainsley: are you really? what is that like. >> it's wonderful. the guys are truly wonderful to me. ainsley: what do all the coal miners there say at the rally? >> it was amazing. the rally started out with prayer. and then we did the pledge of allegiance. and then the national anthem.
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and i think most americans want and respect that belief in america we want to stand for america. ainsley: here is the president slamming what joe biden has said about energy. joe biden is a die hard globalist wiped out your steel mills. you know it better than almost any place in country. closed down your factory. killed your jobs. biden's plan is a death sentence for pennsylvania's energy sector. he will eradicate your energy and send pennsylvania into a crippling depression. ainsley: sarah, what's your reaction? >> >> i truly believe biden wants to end fossil fuel. he said it and i believe if he gets elected i will lose my job. ainsley: what does that mean to the rest of the america?
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of course we don't want you to lose your job what does that mean to your family? >our moneygoes to the grocery s. it goes to also businesses electric price goes up. ainsley: don't you remember when hillary clinton was on the campaign trail in 2016 and sat down with the miners and one man pushed a picture over to her and said if you end our industry, this is the family. this is my family. a family that will be affected by this. how did that resonate with you? >> well, i have a family now and my job means everything to my family. minute something all i have ever done. ainsley: it would be stressful for any of to us lose our jobs. it's an important issue for the miners and folks in your statement thank you for being with us. congratulations on being the only woman at your facility and
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pulling it off with so much success. >> thank you. ainsley: god bless that baby girl. >> thank you. ainsley: the media slamming president trump and republicans after the senate confirms judge amy coney barrett to the supreme court. but did two networks -- but two networks didn't even cover the vote. joe concha on that next. first download the fox bet super 6 app. free game win $50,000. pick six possible outcomes and then watch election coverage on fox news on november 3rd to see how it all unfolds. download the fox bet super 6 app. now to get started. ♪ (burke) deep-sea driving, i see... (customer) something like that... (burke) well, here's something else: with your farmer's policy perk, new car replacement, you can get a new one. (customer) that is something else. (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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supreme court. >> he is embracing power. is he embracing pageantry and doing it because he can. >> to have hypocrisy that egregious riding your soul for the rest of your life. when you force the pendulum that far to one side it comes back and anybody who is not expecting once there is a democratic senate majority and a democrat in the white house is kidding themselves. it's coming. brian: right. it's coming. do you know what's not coming live coverage of her being sworn in because that wasn't hang at cnn or msnbc for the most part. joe concha joins us now media reporter for the hill. there was outrage there was steam coming out of everybody's ears yesterday on the left and joe biden rotating supreme court justices to other courts? pretty amazing. >> yesterday was historic and, yes, amazing and craft tastic fashion. i watched the entire
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confirmation of justice kagan august 5th, 2010. and cnn and msnbc carried the whole thing wall-to-wall. yesterday, as you mentioned, cnn ducking in and out, msnbc avoiding it. it was embarrassing because, think about it. this is the whole reason why cable news 24/7 cable news was invented for moments like these. it wasn't like there was other breaking news relatively going on yesterday. so, to not carry. this that this is media malfeasance in its finest. in the end it's not about informing viewers anymore. it's providing them comfort food while engaging in the bias of omission. meanwhile, we're seeing that in social media. right? where the "new york post" twitter account is still locked. now in day 13 because they have the audacity to go ahead and report on what they had found on hunter biden. so you see traditional media following in lock step and vice versa with social media as far as suppressing information and
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not telling people what they should hear or what they should see. steve: well, joe -- pardon me. seasonal allergies really killing me this year. speaking of hunter biden that would have been a great question for the press which has been kept away from joe biden to ask him yesterday but, and he did take questions which is rare for him but it was only the travel pool. fox news was beyond the perimeter the locals were beyond the perimeter but these were the four tough questions that they asked of the former vice president who could be elected president in one week. watch. >> you kept a relatively light public schedule in the past few days. can you give us a sense of how much you will be traveling in the next few days, where you might be going. >> i just told you where i'm going to be traveling. by the way i traveled the last few days, too. >> are you confident enough in your campaigning in states like pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan to come expanding the map and traveling to iowa? >> no, no, look, i'm not -- you know me, i am not overconfident
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about anything. i just want to make sure we can earn every vote possible. >> you are open to -- >> no, no, no. there is a question about whether or not -- it's a lifetime appointment. i'm not going to attempt to change that at all. >> president trump planning an event at the white house. >> the words of a president and the actions of a president they matter. steve: so, joe, where was the single question about tony bobulinski? >> tony bobulinski or an array of other questions i would have asked, steve. listen to these numbers around biden because he says the actions of a president matter and that he has traveled the last couple of days. six of the last 8 days he has called a lid on all campaign events in the morning. all right. so that's not much in terms of traveling. and plus we are only, you know, at that point less than two weeks before the election. also, in the last 67 days, joe biden has made 26 campaign
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visits. that's one every two and a half days. and you have to wonder for people that are sitting on the fence at this point in terms of whether they should vote for the democratic nominee look at his work ethic. does he really want the job is a question that i keep hearing and then if he does get the job, what happens when he is in there? do we continue to see this sort of approach to the most important job on the planet? and i think the optics are getting to joe biden right now because that campaign stop that he made yesterday, that was unschedule you had that was not on his campaign schedule. saw the president pennsylvania three stops. so he decided to drive 20 minutes from his home to chester, pennsylvania, to make it look like he was doing something. ainsley: real quickly get to this. according to google trends data guess what has been trending the last few days can i change my vote and hunter biden. it appears maybe people who voted for biden because of hunter, his son they want to change their votes. i was shocked to know in new york some states you can change your votes. if you mailed it in you can actually go to the polls or call the election commission and ask
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for a new ballot. steve: every state is different. ainsley: biggest interest, arizona tennessee and west virginia. those states the residents only get one shot at the polls. what do you think? >> you have to wonder if things are trending in the direction of president trump. look at the real clear politics index of polls in battle ground states. just where he was against hillary clinton in 2016. i think we saw all how that movie ended. flap jacks day. never too early for flap jacks and the kids are demanding them at this point i'm quite good at it after reading the steve doocy book. ainsley: what's the difference between flap jack and pancake. steve: no difference. ainsley: just depends okay where you grew up? >> what else can you call it? brian: not even sure. international house of pancakes might have a vote. >> ihop. brian: good luck with that janice dean has some news on some moving storms.
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janice: yes, absolutely. let's take a look at it. we have zeta that is going to impact louisiana and look at how many storms we have already had making landfall across louisiana. this will be the fifth. and we are expecting a landfall wednesday afternoon into wednesday evening. the storm weakened as it moved over mexico. we were expecting that actually it's winds field broadening here moves over the gulf of mexico. the water is warm here. we are expecting it to strengthen again and perhaps a landfall of yet another hurricane over louisiana. this time it's going to be the eastern half of louisiana, new orleans. you are under a hurricane warning right now where we could see upwards of 4 to 8 inches of rainfall. certainly the storm surge, perhaps 10 to 11-foot storm surge, depending on where the center comes on shore. we are going to seat potential for tornadoes as well. especially east of the center where it comes on shore. that's going to all happen starting tomorrow morning into the afternoon and the evening.
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now, what's helping to steer this storm? an ice storm that's happening right now over texas and oklahoma. several inches of snow across portions of the southern and central high plains, but this is a big deal and this is going to cause a lot of travel problems. in some cases going to be too dangerous to travel with ice aconsume a little on the rooldz and power lines and the highways and bridges as well and temperatures behind this record setting cold. so a lot to cover in the weather department. we will certainly keep you up to date throughout the morning. back to you steve, ainsley and brian. steve: lots to think, about j.d., thank you. straight ahead on this tuesday. while many in the media pile onto the trump administration, our next guest says there is a lot they haven't been telling you about his first term. a breakdown of the president's accomplishments coming right up. (gong rings) - this is joe.
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at walmart, target and other fine stores. >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple was on a camping ...when their windshield got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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jillian: good morning, back with election headlines now. wisconsin mail-in ballots can only be counted if received by election day. the supreme court issues the ruling that rejects democrats' request for a six-day extension. so far more than 800,000 people have mailed in their ballots in the state. and in north carolina, democrats are urging the high court to block the trump campaign's
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request to block an extended mail ballot deadline. 14 states attorney general reasonable amid the pandemic. ballots must be received by november 12th. brian? brian: all right. let's talk about this despite criticism from many in the media, how about almost everybody. the trump administration securing several major accomplishments in the first term, including more funding for historically black colleges and universities as well as tax cuts. our next guest detailing more of that in her brand new book it's called 50 things they don't want you to know about trump. that author and breitbart news entertainment editor jerome hudson joins us now. jerome, for example, why do you think there is a misperception between accomplishments and this president? >> a large part of it, brian, is that the political media in this country was much more interested in pushing phoney dossier that led to the impeachment of president trump and largely
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focused on personality than they were on his policies that actually lifted the value of life for all americans. brian: you listed about 50 things that you know for sure that he accomplished. for example, largest manufacturing boom since the 1970. that was his focus. i guess he did have a magic wand. >> yeah. you are alluding to the fact that barack obama june 2016 basically said that how is donald trump going to bring back the manufacturing sector? what is he going to do? find a magic wand? but the truth is the obama-biden administration gave up on this industry. the fact is that since donald trump began cutting red tape, particularly the implementation of his tax reform law went into effect in december 2017 his administration was able to create half a million manufacturing jobs that pails,
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brian, in 73 manufacturing jobs created in the last three years of the obama-biden administration. brian: of course they have taken a hit in the last few months because we are in the middle of a pandemic. couple things going on president said hapresident had a tax cut e rich. wage growth. seen a rise talking about median income people. >> that's right. under this president, blue collar workers enjoy three times the wage growth of the top 1% of households, brian. we are talking about earnings for the bottom 25% of workers in this country. that represents about 82% of the population. those wages rose 4.5% november 2018 to november 2019. according to data published by the federal reserve bank of atlanta. so you can find this public information but the political press didn't care about reporting it. brian: right. the average people that show up
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for his rally or are going to vote for him. that's their conclusion. your book will confirm it. you don't really need to pick up the paper to find out if you are happy or not or making more money. the median household's income went over $68,000. and the u.s. became a net exporter of natural gas and crude oil. that was the focus. reducing regulation certainly helped that. >> absolutely did. particularly in the all important key state of pennsylvania we're talking about a net exporter of narcotic. something that hadn't done done, brian, since 195 will. the united states under president trump also became a net exporter of crude oil of petroleum products. something that hadn't been done since 194. what this means for the american people, a family of four is an average savings of $2,500 per family of four. particularly it's interesting again because that's lowering the price of your electricity
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bill, meaning more money in the pockets of every day americans. brian: really fascinating. 50 things expand on real facts including opening up more than 1,000 cases against world top incident electric actual property thieves that country is china. that certainly will help. famous muslim ban 87% of muslims did not apply to that muslim ban. only 13% were affected. keep up jerome hudson's book. it's on sale today. thanks, jerome. congratulations. "50 things they don't want you to know about the president." oicket officially becoming a supreme court justice today after being confirmed by the senate. senator make lee had a lot to do with that along with michael waltz lawrence jones donald trump jr. i'm out of breath. ly won't touc.
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his work does not capture the full measure of joe biden. folks don't just feel like they know joe the politician, they feel like they know the person. when joe sticks up for the little guy, we hear the young boy who used to stand in front of the mirror, determined to vanquish a debilitating stutter. when joe talks to autoworkers, whose livelihoods he helped save, we hear the son of a man who once lost his job. when joe talks about hope and opportunity for our children, we hear the father who rode the rails home every night so he could be there to tuck his kids into bed. when joe talks to gold star families, who have lost a hero, we hear another father of an american veteran, somebody whose faith has been tested, and who knows who to lean on to find the light. a resilient, and loyal, and humble servant.
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>> oh, he hit a cop. brian: 30 officers hurt more than 30 arrested. >> police shooting black man armed with a knife. ainsley: one week away from election day. can you believe that? seven days. >> i'm running against the worst candidate in the history of presidential politics. >> bottom line is donald trump is the worst possible president. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. [applause] >> i love the constitution and the democratic republic that it establishes and i will devote myself to preserving it. >> zeta now a tropical storm after making landfall as a
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hurricane in mexico over night. >> we expect it to strengthen again and make a landfall tomorrow afternoon. webs afternoon into wednesday evening. over the storm ravaged state of louisiana. todd: today the los angeles dodgers hoping to clinch first world series title in 32 years. [cheers and applause] ainsley: all right. some serious news. straight to a fox news alert. mayhem in philadelphia. 30 officers injured and more than 30 people arrested after riots overnight. brian: you are watching it. several buildings damaged during the unrest seeing some burn. live pictures from philadelphia. the violence erupting after police shoot and kill a man with knife. steve: jackie ibañez is live in our newsroom with what we know this morning. >> good morning. tensions in philadelphia were rising for hours after that police shooting. watch.
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[chanting] >> marching in the streets demanding police reform. protesters seen looting throwing bricks and rocks at police cruisers. setting on fire and even running a sergeant over. >> oh he hit a cop! oh my god he hit a cop. >> you saw it right there. a black pickup truck plowing through an intersection. the sergeant was taken to the hospital with a broken leg. we are told she is in stable condition this morning. the driver was reportedly arrested. responding to a police call about a man with a knife. later identified as 27-year-old walter wallace jr. can you see him here in this video. he reportedly approached the two officers with a knife as they ordered him to drop it. a woman believed to be wallace's mother begged the officers not to shoot when he moved at the officers again and then those officers fired several shots. one of the officers drove wallace to the hospital where he later died.
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both officers involved have been taken off duty this morning while the city's district attorney investigates. back to you guys. jillian: thank you, jackie. we are just one week away from the election. president trump campaigning in three states today after rallying pennsylvania voters. brian: this as joe biden defends his light travel schedule and surprise appearance on the trail. steve: griff jenkins does not have a light travel schedule. brian: he has a heavy one. steve: is he live in warm springs georgia where the former vice president is heading today along with atlanta. hey, griff. griff: hey, steve, anxiously and brian good morning to you. the last time a democrat presidential candidate campaigned in georgia in the final week before the election 1992 bill clinton. he won, of course, and it was the last time a democrat won georgia. now biden seeing an opportunity is coming here. the latest cbs poll has trump biden tied in a dead even 49 to 49. now, here in warm springs. it's significant because, of course it's where fdr white
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house home is behind me. where fdr battled fascism and polio and the great depression and also pushed the most progressive policies we have ever seen in this country for a democrat president by ten has that light schedule as you mentioned. on the trailer places he sees opportunities. listen. >> i'm going to be going to iowa and going to wisconsin and going to georgia. i'm going to florida. and maybe other places as well. there's a lot we have been doing. griff: president trump is barn storming the country check out the map three rallies today. michigan, wisconsin and nebraska. tomorrow he is headed to arizona. yesterday the president hammered biden all across the state of pennsylvania over his sailing he is going to transition away from oil and gas. >> joe biden confirmed his plan to abolish the entire u.s. oil industry. that means no fracking, no jobs, no energy for pennsylvania families. we are energy independent and
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you are a big part of it. he will end it. no you mean no more oil, joe he? will send pennsylvania into a crippling depression. griff: biden went to chester pa to walk back his fracking position. watch. >> i'm not oil fields. i'm not eliminating fracking. i'm investing in clean energy and we are going to make sure that we don't continue to subsidize the oil companies. griff: georgia has 16 electoral votes. president trump won them by more than 5 points in 2016. we'll see what happens here in the peach state while they have also got two pretty competitive senate races we are watching here, brian, ainsley, steve? ainsley: good deal. thank you so much, griff. let's bring in mike lee member of the senate judiciary committee. good morning to you. >> good morning, ainsley. ainsley: gosh, you have had a
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busy last few weeks and you are heading to arizona to campaign for the president why are you doing that. >> i'm heading to arizona today to campaign for president trump and later senator martha mcsally we need them elected. we need to make sure that we have in the white house continued defender of liberty. somebody who is looking out for americans and not big corporate or overseas interest. and that's who donald trump is. i was born in arizona. i look forward to telling people in the state of my birth all the reasons why we need to re-elect him. brian: all right. let's talk about what's at stake. the "new york post" talks about what was accomplished last night. it was a beautiful setting. wonderful weather and the president of the united states was on cloud 9 as were you. cover acb, newest member of the supreme court sworn in by justice thomas. not everybody is happy about this. first, senator, your reaction? >> i was there at the white house when she was sworn in. it was fantastic moment. look, for president trump, this was the scotus trifecta that he managed to pull off. in first term alone having put
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three justices on the u.s. supreme court. that doesn't happen very often. i'm glad it did. and i think he might well have saved the best for last justice barrett is going to be terrific. steve: folks who miss you had missed one of the other cable chants who chose not to cover this historic event. here is acb, amy coney barrett talking about her new job and what it means to her not only as a judge but as a person. >> the judicial oath captures the essence of the judicial duty, the rule of law must always control. my fellow americans, even though we judges don't face elections. we still work for you. it is your constitution that establishes the rule of law and the judicial independence that is so central to it. the oath that i have solemnly taken tonight means at its core
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that i will do my job without any fear or favor and that i will do so independently of both the political branches and of my own preferences. steve: senator, that's exactly what you want somebody in that job to say. so why are dems so angry? >> first of all, it's music to my words. when she said those things last night heart pounding faster and brought a bigger smile to my face. including especially when she referred to the fact that we're a republican and accurately described our tourism of government. i will tell you the reason why this is making the heads of democrats explode everywhere is that they don't want the courts to be limit you had to judging institutions. they want them to be institutions of social change. of social policy. they want them to take debatable matters beyond debate and so that's why this isn't satisfying to them. they want something much bigger,
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much grander than what the constitution actually allows. justice barrett sees the eloquent simplicity of the fact that you want judges to interpret the law based on what it says. ainsley: some of those democratic senators outraged senator richard blumenthal of connecticut and senate minority leader chuck schumer of new york. watch this. >> nothing less than everything is at stake. a shift in the balance of the court that will last for decades. if we do not act to correct this. and, believe me, there are appropriate measures that will be considered. >> and the next time the american people give democrats a majority in this chamber, you will have forfeited the right to tell us how to run that majority. ainsley: senator, aoc tweeted. brian: wow. ainsley: republican does this
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because they don't believe dems have the stones to play hard ball like they do for a long time they have been correct. don't let them to [bleep] the public that normal but response isn't. there is a legal process for expansion. what do you make of that threat, basically. they are going to try to expand the court it sounds like at least. >> a lot to unpack there the last time this was seriously under taken was by president franklin d. roosevelt starting in the fall of 1936. now, he failed by the spring of 1937. but, that attempt to pack the court with a 9 member court that's now about 151 years into its existence as a nine member court. ended up suffering as a result of that you can't undertake or even threaten an action like that without threatening serious damage to the judicial independence of the supreme court. so i think it's irresponsible.
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it doesn't work well. it doesn't sit right with the american people and it shouldn't. brian: put it this way. they are going to do it. i don't think there is any question. you saw how incensed and talked about rotating justices too. that was the brainchild of the vice president who could be president. and also senator markey blasted barrett's judicial flofl saying originalism is just a fancy word for discrimination. do you want to take that on? >> yes, i absolutely do brian. look, this is patently irresponsible. of all irresponsible and inprogram that story staples i have heard over the last few weeks and i have heard doosie, this might be the worst. if you think about what he is really saying there. senator markey has essentially said that our constitution is racist and an effort to understand it understand its words at the time that they were written something itself racist and big gouted. i can't think of a statement that has a greater tendency to undermine the foundation of our constitutional republic. i hope, expect, and demand
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senator markey retract his statement. its heir responsible. he can't defend that. steve: we will be watching for that to see what happens. senator lee, thank you for joining us today from the russell rotunda. >> thank you. steve: it is 7:12 in new york city and time for news, jillian. jillian: good morning. we begin with a fox news alert. two firefighters are gravely injured battling wildfires in california. powerful winds fueling the silverado fire. nearly 100,000 people forced to evacuate. a utility company says its equipment may have sparked the fire. it has destroyed more than 7,00. the nearby blue ridge fire has already burned more than 3,000 acres. both wildfires are zero percent contained. go to extreme weather now and zeta now a tropical storm after making landfall as a hurricane in mexico over night. up to 80 mile-per-hour winds
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pounding towns on the yucatan peninsula. parts of the gulf coast are under a hurricane watch as zeta is expected to hit louisiana tomorrow. covid-19 vaccine reportedly covered under medicare or medicaid. politico is reporting that the white house will be making that announcement some time today or tomorrow. the centers for medicare and medicaid services vaccines emergency use authorization from the fda. stay tuned for that announcement. send it back to you. ainsley: thank you so much, jillian. 7:13 on the east coast. with one more week until election day president trump campaigning across the battle ground state. what does the road to 270 look like for the president. trump 2020 senior advisers david bossie going to break it down for us next. ♪ i'm a soul man ♪ (♪ )
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brian: one week to election day president trump campaigning in three states rallying pennsylvania three separate events. president's calendar reflecting what his campaign says is the passive to 270. got over 300 last time that's what you need for the electoral college victory. here to break it down co-author of trump america first david bossie. i understand got to keep the cards tight. you have to show your path. we are following where the president is going. what is that telling you about the state you are trying to defend. trying to defend florida and north carolina. trying to defend arizona, pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin ask thaisthat possibl?
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>> president trump already won these states in 2016. his overwhelming decisive victory over crooked hillary clinton in 2016 proved that donald trump can win. what he is doing this year we are expanding the map. we are looking beyond that. that's why this weekend he was in new hampshire. he was just in nevada. we are trying to go on the offense and that's what we are doing. we are going to get to 270. that's what the game is the democrats continue to talk about the popular vote. to get to the next president of the united states which donald trump is. you have to get to 270. our passive is very, ver -- paty is very, very clear. is he going to decisively win in florida and north carolina and georgia. those are states that democrats are going to start bailing on. politico this morning talked about the republicans continuing to eat into the democrats' lead. that is an enormous story. the narrative is going to change
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here. brian: right. >> because donald trump is winning these states with the absentee ballots and the early votes. when we finish that period next week, if donald trump is going to be the clear victor in some of these states that they're calling battle grounds, they are not. brian: david, you were not this optimistic can i reveal three weeks ago and something changed. but the polls haven't. if i look at traditional polls. they don't look as though the president is pulling it out. >> yeah, brian, first of all. most of these polls to be honest with you are garbage. i don't care who does them. they don't understand the trump voter. the methodology is all wrong. they are over sampling democrats. they believe their intensity is greater than ours. you see 12 people show up to a weak joe biden rally. it's embarrassing to be quite honest. you see 10 and 15,000 people show up for donald trump day after day, time after time. yesterday, he had 50,000 people in three rallies in
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pennsylvania. that's intensity. this man is going to win. just to break it down on the polling. pennsylvania the latest poll has president trump up 2. north carolina two of the last three polls have the president leading. this is you have to be winning at the right time. you don't win the world series over the summer and you don't win the presidency before november 3rd. is he peeking at the right time. brian: seeing these things in texas only has the president up one. you must be concerned because i hear republicans are knocking on doors in texas. is that the scenario that has got many on the right worried? >> not at all. we are going everywhere. we are not overlooking one single voter. in texas the president talked to the governor. we are far ahead in texas. we have all things considered texas is not on our problem area
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at all we are very happy in texas. what the rnc has done under ronna mcdaniel is build the greatest ground game in american history. we had a tremendous ground game in 2016 this dwarfs it. we are knocking on doors and touching voters. something democrats failed to do and they will pay for that on election day. brian: backing up iowa. i guess you are defending iowa. you want nawmp, defending iowa. joe biden thinks he can win iowa and expand his map. you are trying to expand your map. it's going to be a wild ending. although the president is going to these places joe biden talks about these places. >> you just look, brian, at the intensity and ferocity of this campaign by donald trump and his campaign. it is like nothing have you ever seen. crisscrossing america. every single day using the time zones to be able to get in every rally that he wants. to say this it is a tremendous testament to the american people. they don't just give the
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presidency to anybody. you have got to go and earn it and donald trump has been doing it. brian: you have been on air force one traveling. david bossie thanks so much. congratulations on the book. today the president is going to be in wisconsin and also in omaha, nebraska. >> and michigan. brian: also in arizona on wednesday. two separate events. david bosdavid bossie, thanks s. >> thank you. brian: early voting is breaking records across the country including in the battle ground state of florida where republican turnout is catching up to democrats. surprising many. florida republican congressman michael waltz reacts to the state of the race. ly proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away.
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san antonio steve early voting smashing records across the country, especially in florida. democrats were reportedly ahead last week in terms of ballots already cast. but that edge has narrowed as of yesterday. here with the reason there is such enthusiasm on the ground right now, florida congressman colonel michael waltz who joins us from the d.c. area. colonel, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> what's going on in florida? >> well, every day that goes by, steve, we are taking huge chunks out of the democrats vote by mail lead. that red wave is showing up with
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the early voting and absolutely is going to show up on election day. we can see how many high propensity voters out there either still have their ballots that they are going to drop off in person or are going to show up in person and vote i think at the end of the day we pull florida out for the president. >> of course. the president would like to see everybody show up to vote in person a week from today because, and one of the reasons is when you vote by mail there is not a lot of variables. >> i didn't do this right. instead you are signing it you hope in the right place you thoughts that watt right place and put it in the mail there always the possibility that a post office which is really pretty good at delivering the mail often, you know, a couple of percent every out of 100 those letters don't wind up getting where they are supposed to be. >> that's right. i think looking back on this the democrats may regret shifting so much of their voters into vote
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by mail early. number one, they may be robbing from their day of just cannibalizing that day of voting and pushing it into vote by mail. number two you tend to have much higher rejection rates stakes on the ballot with people doing it the first time. they don't sign it at all. they don't sign it the right way. they don't get it in the security envelope. if you are hovering around 5% to 8% rejected ballot where people make mistakes, that could be the difference. and at the end of the day our voters are coming in to vote by person. look, i want to be clear. if you are a republican voter out there and you have that ballot, get it in one way or another. if you can't come in by person, please vote. but, i think as a strategy the democrats may regret that. steve: there is something else that people are regretting right now. that is there is an item in the "new york post" that talks about how currently according to google trends, the question can i change my vote is trending
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also trending with hunter biden. you have got to do the math and you figure people might be thinking i wish i wouldn't have voted a certain way. of course the requirements vary state by state. nonetheless for people in late in the game to be thinking how do i do it and apparently it is possible in certain states. that says something about the people who are who have already cast those ballots. >> look, you can change your mind. if it's legal in your state and you want to change hour mind, you can do it. it's not in florida but it is in pennsylvania michigan, wisconsin, minnesota. this hunter biden thing this is not about hunter this is joe biden and a family enterprise. i spent a year on the china task force how they are stealing their way to the top. what i'm worried about is yes billions of dollars that came in under the biden family control but then what it is investing into and investing into key
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technologies that can also be used by the chinese military and use those influence or their influence to get around some of those safeguards. so i think there is still a lot to learn between that story, amy coney barrett, the second -- the debate where the president just truly laid out what he has gotten done and how much he has gotten done that he is an outsider getting results. and the rallies while, you know, that the president is doing three or four a day while biden is sitting in his basement. i think the president is bringing the case home and he is going to stick the landing. steve: plus have you 2.5 million volunteers going to knock on every door they possibly can. >> that's right. >> real quickly, colonel, why are you in washington, d.c. today? have you an election a week from today? >> i'm in d.c. today to honor and to bury a green beret medal of honor winner who was on the president's secret service detail and sadly died of cancer. but also to get the medal of honor for cash would be the
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first african-american medal of honor winner since vietnam. we got it passed unanimously out of the house and i can't for the life of me get an answer of why the senate won't pass this thing. the family has been waiting for 15 years. they shouldn't have to wait another day. and i hope we can get this done. get it on the president's desk and get this award to the cash h floridians he burned alive while saving his men in iraq. >> i read his story he was quite a hero. extraordinary. we will see what happens with the senate. >> i pray it's not somebody playing politics with. this because it's not the time or the place for it. steve: indeed. colonel, thank you very much for joining us today. >> all right. thanks so much. steve: you bet. meanwhile as i just mentioned seven days away from the election and some voters are still undecided between the president and former vice president. what issues will help them make up their mind? a panel of undecided voters here to discuss that next. but, first, what are you doing
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pandemic. ainsley: fight to the finish as president trump and joe biden trade jabs in the battle ground state of pennsylvania. one week to go a install percentage of voters are still undecided what will ultimately sway them. let's ask our panel of undecided voters. we have caitlin singleton from wisconsin who voted for hillary in 2016. christopher from florida who supported libertarian gary johnson and then nick from north carolina who also supported johnson in 2016. hi, everyone. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> caitlin, i will start with you. i know you voted for hillary. you told us that you are leaning toward donald trump. why is that? >> you know, i think it's more of his policies. i have benefited personally and my family has under a donald trump presidency. just with the tax plan. you know, i had concerns about healthcare and pre-existing
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conditions he has recently covered that for me where i know my son will be covered with his pre-existing conditions. right now is also to do with covid. i have three elementary school children at home. they have been home since march. ainsley: what? >> i'm trying to work a full-time job. it hasn't been easy for any family i think in the state of wisconsin. so his plan that calls to open schools like that to happen. i manage properties for a lot of landlords. and right now with all the eviction moratoriums going on. small private landlords are not getting the rent and they are not having any we can't go to court. we need a plan for landlords. we need a plan to open schools. so covid has played a big role as well river you are coral gablesz florida. you voted for gary johnson.
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which way are you leaning in this election? >> right now i'm trying to see who is going to be able to unite the united states more. you have joe biden who mike the sort of statement but it falls on deaf ears because i personally know many liberals cut tie-ins their relationships with people with conservative viewpoints and donald trump who doesn't make these sort of statements. i wish he would. but most conservatives i know don't want to -- you know we agree to disagree if someone has a different viewpoint politically. i'm the father of three kids. i'm worried about the country we are raising them in. are we going to be raising them in the united states of america on or about the divided states of america? ainsley: good point. nick, how about you. you are 30 years old, registered libertarian, as we said voted for johnson. who are you leaning toward and why? >> currently at the moment i am leaning towards joe biden. probably a little bit more heavily each day. i kind of think we need somebody who will bring the country together. not just to bridge the racial
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disparities that we have in america but also who would bring a more pragmatic approach towards battling the pandemic and governing. originally i immigrated from poland with my family and we became citizens years ago so we love taking part in the electoral process. but immigration is still an issue that's near and dear to my heart. i don't think either candidate actually has a very good record on immigration so it's something that i hope and proves i improve future. i say that because every time i hear that oh, socialism or communism wasn't done right in some sort of country. i keep saying where i have heard that one before? so i am still very afraid of biden's increasingly socialist leanings as well as whether or not is he going to be controlled by the increasingly left legislature. and that's something that although his rhetoric has been good. he has said he will work with republicans. he has a record of working across the aisle. it's something that i really hope he sticks to because i have
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come from a country where that did not pan out. ainsley: a lot of people worried about that because he picked someone pro-progressive to be his vice president. christopher, why are you waiting? >> i'm hoping to see something. i know we still have a little bit of time. the clock is ticking. >> i did not like to hear yesterday ocasio-cortez said expand the court. kamala harris said we will remember. this that is more divide. and expand the court is a step closer to a communist, socialist regime in this country which i'm very worried about. ainsley: caitlin, how about you? why are you waiting? >> i have always voted democrat to be considering and leaning toward trump right now is a very drastic change. so i am still just researching every policy that will affect my family and i. and i have a feeling i will be voting on election day and miss the early voting in wisconsin by the time i make up my mind. ainsley: a lot can happen in a
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week we have seen that in the past. >> for sure. ainsley: what does your family say if you traditionally voted democrat and then voted for hillary and over the last four years he changed your mind? >> oh my gosh. good question. i have gotten a lot of hateful messages from different people. friends, family. you know, my family is very guide divided. there is left and then there is right. so some have been so supportive. and i think their minds have been kind of blown. and then others messages every day. nonstop. ainsley: i hope we are not losing prescription over. this but you never know right now. all right. so, nick, what about the secret voter? in 2016 there were -- the polls all said hillary was going to win or pretty much all of them and then we know what happened. what about the secret voters now? do you think there are more secret voters in 2020? >> yeah. absolutely. i think you hear about the silent majority. a lot these days.
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and it's because nobody really wants to, i think, when we are doing these pollings when you see these polls from 538 or rasmussen or wherever, it's really hard to gauge where people are actually at. and i think there is actually a bigger part of the united states that is undecided than we are giving credited to. you know, i would say i have also gotten a lot of messages from people and i think my message to them was always, listen, if you are a republican. it's really okay to vote for biden. it's really okay to vote blue this time. and similarly to my democrat friends i say listen, you do not have to vote all blue along the ballot. don't let yourself be talked into it. there are really good candidates across both sides of the spectrum. but i think we are kidding our selves if we are trusting polls again because of, again, what happened the last go around. ainsley: yeah. i have think people are looking at the issues more than character this time. thank you so much, indicate lineal, christopher and nick, we appreciates you being with us. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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ainsley: you are welcome. hand it over to janice dean who has the forecast for us. hey, j.d. janice: yes, we are watching zeta which is going to become a hurricane again over the next couple of hours as it moves into the gulf of mexico. obviously all eyes on this across louisiana, mississippi, alabama and florida. but we think another landfall, fifth landfall from louisiana this season which is incredible. so we do expect perhaps a hurricane tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow evening as it impacts the central and eastern coast of louisiana. but we also have the potential for some heavy rainfall, some sturgeon to move east of that towards the florida panhandle. all interest along the gulf coast need to watch this. and all the computer models are in pretty good agreement that we're going to have yet another landfall across this vulnerable state. four to six, 8 inches plus of rainfall along with sturgeon depending on where you live. the potential for at least tropical storm force winds for duration hours. and we could also see the
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potential for some tropical tornadoes as the center moves on shore. behind, this we have an ice storm that's happening. and actually this storm is going continue to influence zeta as it moves closer to the shoreline on wednesday. accumulation of quarter of an inch to half an inch on the roadways of texas and oklahoma and then measurable snow for parts of the southwest as well. so this is another developing story we are going to watch and zeta making landfall sometime tomorrow. again, across louisiana. fifth named storm making landfall, which is quite incredible and prayers, of course, to all those living in the area that are going to be impacted by this next storm system. ainsley, back to you, my friend. janice: thank you, janice. still ahead, manufacturing making a come back down in texas. expanding for the fifth straight month. so, what impact will this have come election day? charles payne with his analysis next.
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yesterday the stock market here to make the most of it and make sense of it all is the host of making money. i'm talking about charles payne but you know that already charles, what happened yesterday on the market and what's going to happen today? >> yesterday was overarching market yesterday aimed at conference with respect to fiscal stimulus. we have seen these semicolon tantrum a warning if you will. every time the conventional wisdom is that stimulus is not going to happen. we have seen these dramatic market sell offs. that was the number one reason for it. there was a little bit of covid concerns. i don't think that was news per se. on friday we saw the same sort of data and trajectory. i do believe earnings coming out. they have been great but amazing run in the market. and so of course elections jitters. they are obviously building up i think some people want to raise a little bit of cash before november 3rd. >> all right. let's talk about a little bit about the intro that we were talking about how even though we are in a pandemic for the fifth
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straight month manufacturing in texas. >> two of the laggers last year housing market and manufacturing were actually what you would call tail winds this year. absolutely phenomenal. we know the housing boom continues. well the manufacturing boom has reignited and not just texas. from april to september, we gained over 700,000 manufacturing jobs. those few months alone. we have got momentum going there i think for a state like texas though, it's really important considering that oil has been under a lot of pressure that there are other areas that they can grow in. we have seen it from the class fed. the philadelphia fed report out last week came in more than 100 percent better than wall street anticipated. we have a couple of spots in this country. housing boom. construction boom. and manufacturing that is really coming on like gang busters. ainsley: i remember people predicted that manufacturing
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jobs were gone for good. what about your town hall? i know you have that today at 2:00 on fox business. it's called america votes together. what you can we expect? >> we're going to answer a lot of questions. people are really afraid. you know, brian asked about yesterday's session. people envision sessions like that every single day. they envision all the money they have made the last few years going up in smoke. not just their stock portfolio. they are worried about what happens with their 401(k). if you read the biden plan it does go after and attack 401(k)s in a way that is harmful to most americans. they are worried about their jobs and job creation. what people don't realize is right now we are in a business entrepreneurial boom. you should see entrepreneurship this year up 38%. and people are worried about the back drop changing to sort of an economic environment where it's less about them doing it for themselves and more about government doing it for them. we are in a do it yourself boom. people flooding me with questions. and very, very worried.
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very concerned. we are taking this very seriously because, you know, my main thick is i don't want people to panic but i want to be honest about what the risks are as well. brian: exactly at love people are panicking because of the minimum wage. are you kidding me $15 minimum wage? all my employees are already strung out depending on the industry. now everybody gets a raise and there goes his small margin or small margin of profit. that's what joe biden will bring to the table. >> yeah. also, small businesses a lot of them file as individuals, so if you are a small business and you are doing 900,000, let's say you are a plumber, you had a good year your business from went from 600,000 to 900,000. you are buying a new truck. you would like to hire two more plumbers you qualify as being super rich under joe biden's vision of america because you bring in more than 400,000 a year. those plans are scuttled, totally evaporated. if you happen to do business in a state like new york or new jersey, forget about it. you are completely derailed. small businesses are going to be
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crushed potentially by these new tax schemes. steve: charles, you want folks to send you emails for questions for today, right? >> absolutely. they can message us on instagram, facebook, at invest in u.s. fox is the email address. and send a video questions. we love the video questions and see people speak to us. everyone gets to share this platform today. make sure you watch this show. make sure you send in these questions. because what i have seen so far, people are brilliant. they understand the risk and they want answers. steve: they do. ainsley: charles, we will be watching. we have the communications director from the white house alyssa farah, donald trump jr., lawrence jones and ben dom 9/11 coming up. ♪ l here? (grandma vo) you'll be safe, right? (daughter vo) yes!
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♪ ♪ >> mayhem in philadelphia. 30 officers injured and more than 30 people arrested overnight. >> the violence erupting after police shoot and kill a man with a knife. >> president trump campaigning in three states today after rallying pennsylvania voters. >> he had 50,000 people in threeallies in pennsylvania. that's intense i -- intensity. >> also making a stop in atlanta. the reason why biden is coming to georgia so late they believe they can flip the state blue. >> to be considering and leaning towards trump right now is a
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very drastic change. >> i will do my job without any fear or favor. >> the reason why this is making democrats' heads explode is they want social change. >> here's goff looking to his left, it is caught. touchdown! and the rams strike the first. steve: fox news alert. 8:00 in philadelphia. riots overnight there. 30 officers hurt and more than 30 people have been arrested after violence erupted overnightment. ainsley: several stores looted and damaged during the unrest there. the protests growing now after police shot and killed a man who had a knife and wouldn't put it down. brian: look at this. jackie ibanez joins us louvre. jackie, the sun's coming up, and everything seems to be broken or stolen. >> reporter: yep, yep. now it's time to looked at what's left. one officer in critical condition this morning and 29 other officers with minor injuries after chaos i erupted
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in the streets of philadelphia overnight, which you saw, following a ted lu police shooting just -- deadly police shooting just hours earlier. [background sounds] >> reporter: hundreds of people marching through the streets demanding police reform before violence erupted. protestsers were throwing the bricks and rocks at officers, setting a cruiser on fire and even running a sergeant over. look at this. >> oh! oh, my god! >> reporter: unbelievable. a black pickup truck plowing through an intersection. the sergeant was taken to the hospital with a broken leg. the driver was reportedly arrested. police responded to a call about a man with a knife who was later identified as 27-year-old walter wallace jr. you can see him right there in this video. he reportedly approached two officers with the with knife as they ordered him to drop it. a woman believed to be wallace's
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mother begs officers not to shoot. when he moved at them again, the officers shot several times. one of the officers drove wallace to the hospital where he later divided. both officers involved have been taken off duty while the district attorney investigates. steve, brian, ainsley? steve: thank you very much. from the north lawn of the white house, let's go to alyssa farah. good morning to you. >> good morning, thanks for having me. steve: you bet. i'm sure the white house is monitoring the activities in philadelphia, star thed after that man was shot by police 4:00 yesterday afternoon. there has been chaos and rioting throughout the night in phil lu. >> absolutely. we're monitoring the situation closely. we'll be standing by and prepared to deploy federal resources, if necessary. president trump will not tolerate any violence directed at america's law enforcement. and, look, the actual case, we're going to let the facts play out, let the investigate play out, but we will not
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tolerate lawlessness in our streets. steve: will you have to wait for the mayor of philly to ask for help, or might you just send somebody in? >> that's a question for doj and the department of homeland security, but i know this president has made clear before whether it was seattle, portland or others, we're deprepared to deploy if necessary, so i'm sure these conversations are ongoing now. we will not tolerate violence against law enforcement. of. ainsley: we have record early voting across the united states. 62.6 million have already voted, 40 million by mail is and 20 million in person. so if the president is elected, what does the second term look like for hum? >> the second term, we're expecting to see the first quarter of 2021 to be one of the strongest economic quarters on record. because of the early steps the president took early in the pandemic to kind of put a stop gap in the economy, pump liquidity e9 into the market, getting ppp to small businesses,
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detective payments to families that were struggling because of the lockdown, we were able to keep our economy from the brink, and now we're seeing huge growth in our economic numbers with gdp for the fourth quarter of this year. we're expecting the first quarter of 2021 to be a record economic quarter. on top of that, we've got a huge vision going forward from everything or from how we look at merit-based immigration to how we're looking at the judiciary, to how we're looking at health care reform. and also smart, wise trade deals that benefit american workers and american businesses. so we've got a vision ready to go. we're excited to make our case to the american people. ryan brian you have the usmca, a korean trade deal, a japanese trade deal, and you were working on a chinese one with. the president wasn't busy enough last night, he had to also preside over the swearing in of amy coney barrett, and she is now the newest member of the supreme court sworn in by justice thomas yesterday. here's how it sounded.
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>> it is the job of a senator to pursue her policy preferences. in fact, it would be a dereliction of duty for her to put policy goals aside. but contrast, it is the -- by contrast, it is the job of a judge to resist her policy preferences. federal judges don't stand for election. thus, they have no basis for claiming that their preferences reflect those of the people. a judge declares independence not only from congress and the president, but also from the private beliefs that might otherwise move her. brian: as impressive as those comments sounded, democrats weren't impressed. almost to a person, ilhan omar says six of the last seven popular votes won by governor but six of the last nine republicans have reported six of the last nine judges, she goes
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to tweet as does aoc expand the court. and people were talking about, like the the former vice president, rotating judges. you could have your lifetime appointment, but i'll rotate you in and out of different courtships. where's this going? >> well, i think it's pretty clear the democrats are showing their hand. they've been dodging this question about court packing for some time. but to see some of the prominent figures in the democrat party come right out and say expand the court just because they didn't get their jurist of choice really shows where they're headed. let's look at what was a historic night at the white house last night. president trump's first term legacy is going to be rebuilding the judiciary. three sew e discuss appointments, nearly 300 federal judges confirmed across the country, and to amy coney barrett's point, she's going to be an independent jurist that looks at the law as written and interprets it that way, not an activist on the court. what the democrats want to see, clearly, is an activist for
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their own policies, and that's why they're talking about expanding the court, and more than voters should be thinking about that as they head to the pollings. steve: they're steamed because merrick garland did not get his day in front of the senate. but then again, democrats held the white house, and the republicans held the senate, and that is just one of the ways that our system works. noning theless, you mentioned court packing. senator richard blumenthal, democrat from connecticut, and chuck schumer of new york, of course, talked a little bit about the consequences of what the republicans were able to do yesterday. this is from the senate floor. watch. >> nothing less than everything is at stake. a shift in the balance of the courts that will last for decades if we do not act to correct it. and believe me, there are appropriate measures that should
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be considered. >> the next time the american people give democrats the majority in this chamber, you will have forfeited the right to tell us how to run that majority. steve: what the appropriate measures are that they're referring to, we don't know right now. you can speculate. elizabeth warren, also a senator, sent out a fundraising letter and said they stole another supreme court seat eight days before the election. >> well, i think it's interesting that the democrats constantly accuse president trump of tearing down institutions, yet they're the ones who want to reshape and change the supreme court just because elections have consequences, and they didn't get the jury u.s. that they wanted, or they want to tear down the electoral college because they don't like who won the election. it's this president who's actually operating under the constitution by the authorities vested in him by our founders, and the democrats are, frankly,
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just seem to be losing their minds because they're just not getting the results they want. and it's because the american people aren't with them. ainsley: joe biden, we heard him say he wants rapid testing when it comes to covid in pharmacies just like you could get a pregnancy test, other the counter -- over the counter. what's the latest on the rapid test, on the vaccine and the rise in cases in our country? >> yeah, great question. so under president trump we actually just deployed 150 million rapid point of care tests across the country. we distributed this many to the states and to -- them to the states and to nursing homes, so it's up to states to determine whether they want to put them into retail sites or surge them to schools. but this is an incredible number of tests on top of the more than 100 million we've already conducted. we continue to produce them, and we want to put more into the marketplace so that you can get them at your local cvs. but i would remind vice president biden, you have to produce these tests. and this president has done it in a rapid time frame.
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we do have some good news coming on those therapeutics and vaccines. we're still very confident that by the end of the year we will have a safe and effective vaccine on the market for millions of americans, and we monitor cases as they're rising. one thing i would note for your viewers because we are seeing an uptick in cases, when you put 150 million additional tests into the marketplace, you will see more positive cases. and it's a good thing because we're catching and isolating causes. but we're monitoring hospital capacity, we're deploying ppe as needed and getting help as needed. brian: right. we do see the cases surging around the country and around the world as well. a lot of concern in utah and places like el paso, texas. but let's look at the big picture, and that is the stimulus that most agree that we need even though we're in deficit spending, need something done. now that this has passed, has there been conversation with the
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president and mitch mcconnell about getting some rescue plan this week? >> the president has been in touch with hill leadership, and secretary mnuchin spoke with speaker pelosi yesterday. we're confident we can get something in the coming weeks. there's still some debate with the democrats whether state and local bailouts or just getting the direct funding to americans. but make no mistake, this president -- brian: weeks. not this week. >> we're hoping within weeks. i don't want to get too ahead of any of it. steve: speak of announcements, it sounds like the administration informed the president probably, according to politico, will announce that the covid vaccine should be free for people on medicare or medicaid. i know you don't want to get ahead of the president and announce it right now, but what can you tell us about that? because a lot of people, you know, we'd heard that perhaps by the end of october we could have a vaccine. doesn't look like that's going to happen. but at least now we're going to know whether or not we have to pay for it. >> yes.
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and due to just the unprecedented nature of this pandemic, we've looked at every lever we can pull to make sure people can get it free or discounted, so that's definitely under consideration. we expect positive announcements on that front too. brian: all right, can't thank you enough, appreciate it. >> thank you. brian: all right. a lot of stuff going on at the white house. ainsley: health -- hello, jillian. >> reporter: powerful winds in california fueling the silverado fire in california, nearly 100,000 people forced to evacuate. a utility company says its equipment may have sparked the fire. the nearby blue ridge fire has already burned more than 3,000 acres. both wildfires are 0% contained. a u.s. airstrike killed seven senior al-qaeda leaders in syria. an army spokeswoman tells the associated press the attack was carried out as the leaders were meeting last week. they have not been identified.
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it comes days after afghanistan saws it killed a top al-qaeda propaganda leader on the fbi's most wanted list. mike bloomberg launches a last minute ad blitz for joe biden in two ballotground states. bloomberg will spend $15 million in ohio and texas. president trump won boast states in 2016. earlier this year he announced he would spend more than 100 million to help biden win florida. and dallas cowboys' defensive leader mike nolan feels the heat, but it wasn't from the questions. >> oops, excuse me. i've got something in my eye. just had some tobasco on my finger, and it went in my eye. >> reporter: accidentally rubbing hot sauce right into his joy. he returned to answer more questions. brian: nothing goes right for them. they can't even pull off a press conference, they can't complete
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a pass. steve: they need to call dr. pepper. [laughter] thanks, jillian. coming up, from a laptop with potentially compromising e-mails to campaign trail, 2020 is a lot like the race four years ago. ben domenech on the déjà vu all over again. ♪ ♪ who is usaa made for? it's made for this guy a veteran who honorably served and it's made for her she's serving now we made it for all branches and all ranks whether they served one tour or made a career of it. we also made usaa for military spouses and their kids usaa is easy to work with and can save you money on auto, home and renters insurance. become a member today. get an insurance quote at
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2020 sounding exactly like 2016? did anyone learn any lessons at all? here with more on the similarities, ben domenech, publisher of "the federalist." welcome back. first off, on how this is similar to 2016. does it remind you of the same pattern? >> i certainly think there's at lot of different things going on here that resemble 2016. you know, you have all of the questions about this laptop, you have all the different choices that are being made on the part of joe biden in terms of not going out there as much as he maybe ought to. and i think that the things that are in common there really do stick out especially when it comes to the media presumption about the way this race is going to turn out. obviously, if there's differences, you know, there wasn'ting a global pandemic last time around. donald trump doesn't have the ability to sneak up on you as an incumbent president. of he's not someone who's being can dismissed to the same degree by the media which is why they've put in so much of an
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effort to blocking his attempts -- brian: blocking him on twitter, blocking him on facebook, repressing some tweets. and when it comes to the laptop this time, same things that don't make any sense like this is a russian disinformation campaign when it's actually hunter or 's laptop, hunter's e-mails, and people implicate perhaps at least an investigation warranted on what joe knows and how he's benefited. we don't see even any curiosity from nine-tenths of media circles. >> you know, "the washington post" is the other day had a column that said we need to treat hunter's laptop as if it was russian misinformation even to though it probably isn't. that's the real attitude, i i think, the media's saying the honest truth out loud about what their motivation here is, which is to dismiss any of the very reasonable questions that i think any person would be asking about the information that we've been receiving from this laptop and other sources as well about
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a lot of activity that i think deserves further investigation. brian: among people, everyone says they're afraid donald trump will not admit defeat. has anyone noticed hillary clinton doesn't admit defeat? we have democrats saying the russians are the only reason the president won until recently, when they try to beat him again. here's hillary clinton yesterday, because it's been a while, a couple of days ago. let's here how she's handling defeet. >> i can't entertain the idea of him winning, so let's just preface him by that. well, because it makes me literally sick to my stomach to think we'd have four more years of this abuse and destruction of our institutions and damaging of our norms and our values and lessening of our leadership, and the list goes on. brian: in that same broadcast she said james comey's letter is the only reason she lost and the russians. your thoughts about hillary and how many people on the left feel the same way. >> look, i know that hillary likes a good glass of wound once
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in a -- wine once in a while. you could call it sour grapes, and it would have a new vintage every year because this is never going to end for her. she feels it was stolen out from under her, and she can't blame anybody else when it comes to all the different decisions that she made. yet she continues to do that. it's everybody else's fault but her own. it's not something that i think the left has grappled with to the degree that they need to. and i think what you're going to see in this election, this is going to be an even bigger shock to the system if donald trump is able to pull off what would be the greatest modern political comeback and get reelected. i have no idea what it's going to do if it makes her sick to her stomach now, what's it going to do a week and a half from now if it turns out the president's able to win this race? brian: will this win, if he's able to pull it off, be bigger than the 2016 race? >> i think so because the headwinds were so significant against him this time around, so many people presumed that as
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soon as, you know, the pandemic struck and everything that he was able to claim about economic stats, etc., was killed and all these lockdowns had the kind of effects they had on people's lives, i think people started to write him off. he's made it close again, and it's going to come down to the wire. i doubt we'll be going to bed early on election night. brian: last question is going to be the hardest, how's megyn doing and how's your daughter, hillary liberty? >> meghan's great, i'm probably stepping out to go change a diaper right after this, which which we refer to as a blessing of liberty. brian: you are overlooking the video in a studio, you're not at home. please -- [laughter] break this imaginary wall. all right, congratulations. we'll talk to you soon. it's going to be an exciting final week. two states are getting the national guard ready to handle
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post-election violence, that includes lawrence jones' home state of texas. here next. they're actually boarding up windows. but fist, download the fox 6 super bet app for a chance to win $50,000. watch election day coverage on fox news on november 3rd to see how it all unfolds. download the fox bet super 6 app now to get started. ♪ ♪
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[background sounds] steve: okay. as we've been reporting this morning, chaos erupted in philadelphia after a deadly police shooting yesterday at 4:00 in the afternoon. at least 30 officers have been hurt and more than 30 people have been arrested in the violence overnight. fox news analyst lawrence jones is live in philadelphia with what this means for law and order one week before the election. and, lawrence, the circumstances are apparently there's a domestic call at 4:00 yesterday afternoon. the police responded. there was a man by the name of walter wallace, he was armed with a knife. and at one point he lunged at the police officers or came at them.
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he was trying to be restrainedded by his mother but, nonetheless, because he was lunging at them, the police end opened fire on him. after that demonstrators were quite angry, they gathered around a police precinct, and it just kind of went downhill from there. >> yeah. he's also someone that reportedly struggles with mental illness and family had issues with him in the past. look, as this continues to unfold, i'll be able to get more facts to the to the audience. but as i always tell them, you know, in cases that i don't know, i'm not going to go on national tv and rule one way or the other because i think it's important, you know, to have that credibility with the audience. i think know that i'm going to go out there and get the facts for them. what we do know is no matter the circumstance, should cities be set on fire and mob justice take place, that is not something that we stand for. but it does seem to be a pattern
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going on all over the country in these local communities. we're still gathering the facts, trying to make a determination that mob justice should take rule. steve: right. an investigation has already been launched. we should know more later on today. lawrence, let's do talk about unrest. >> yeah. steve: there are a number of cities and states that are bracing for postelection unrest, presumably if donald trump wins, there's going to be unrest, there's going to be all sorts of trouble. i know texas is talking about deploying a thousand extra people, also in portland in oregon, they are bracing for trouble as well. >> well, this has been going on for far too long, and it seems when people that are on the street don't get what they want, that this become withs a spectacle. becomes a spectacle. and the local community does absolutely nothing about it. what i mean, the local police chiefs, the local leadership when it comes to the mayors and
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e city council's office. and so i think republicans have to ask themself the question, if we keep complaining about this local leadership not doing anything when the other side doesn't get what they want, where are you in these communities? because, again, from a federal standpoint the president can't send national guard and all -- they're really not responsible for that. what has become apparent is that the cops locally have no support. they're put in difficult situations. and as i consistently say, when there is injustice, we should speak out against it. i have, i've reported on it. but when we don't know what's going on -- and this is not even a case of injustice. this is preparing for mob rule if the election doesn't turn out the way they want it to. that would be called domestic terrorism. to the question is -- so the question is, when is the local community going to have more control, when are republican
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going to win those elections so they can take control of those local communities? steve: you know, there have been so many parallels drawn between this year and 2016, four years ago, but i don't remember anybody ever talking about, you know, if hillary clinton loses, there's going to be trouble in the street. >> well, no one talked about it because it was almost predicted by all the polls, all political pundits that donald trump was going to lose. and i think right now that what i hear on the ground is that democrats, although they seem to lead in the polls, they're still nervous. they don't want the same thing to happen. and there is a possibility for that to happen when you look at all the swing states. the president is pretty much in the same area that he was in 2016. so no one knows how this election is going to go as we continue to say. the only poll that matters is election day, and again, when i look on the ground and i see all the support for the president, it is so hard for me to believe
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that it's not going to be a close race. again, remember the states that we're talking about right now that they are predicting mob justice. it's texas, it's georgia, it is places that we would normally consider strong republican strongholds. that's not the case right now. so, again, no one knows where these things are going to go. we'll find out election day or maybe we'll find out two weeks or two months. steve: let's hope election day. just saying, that would be much easier. lawrence, always a pleasure -- >> yeah, we would like to take a vacation. steve: it's been a long 20 for2r the whole planet. thank you very much for joining us. meanwhile, president trump set to hold three rallies in three states today. what is the most important message for his campaign to get out? donald trump jr. should know, and he's next. ♪ flush. ♪ ♪
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ainsley: we're only one week away e from election day. president trump campaigning in three states today after rallying pennsylvania voters. brian: all right. this as joe biden defends his light travel schedule in a surprise appearance on the trail in pa. steve: griff jenkins is live down in georgia where the vice president is heading today. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. georgia, according to the latest polls, guys, is in a dead even tie. stumping in atlanta, here in warm springs in the shadow of fdr's little white house. he pushed some of the most
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progressive policies a president's ever pushed. now, the last time a democrat won georgia, it was 1992, bill clinton. can biden turn georgia blue this time is? we met some of the local folks and asked them that question. watch. >> no, sir, i don't think so. i think georgia will stay red. down in georgia we're a little different. we're country people, and he's way left of us. >> reporter: why? >> because he's got a lot going on that i like and that's going to help my family. >> reporter: meanwhile, president trump barnstorming the country, three rallies today, the michigan, wisconsin and nebraska, then arizona tomorrow. yesterday the president hammered biden all across pennsylvania, prompting biden to make an unplanned trip to walk back his position on fracking. >> joe biden confirmed his plan to abolish the entire u.s. oil industry. that means no fracking, no jobs, no energy for pennsylvania families. >> i'm not shutting down oil
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fields. i'm not eliminating fracking. >> reporter: now, president trump won georgia's 16 electoral votes by 5 points last go around in 2016. we shall see what happens. the president's been here twice in the last month. this is biden's first visit today to the state of georgia. of don jr. was here last friday, you may want to ask him about it. brian, auctionly, steve? ainsley: funny you should say that. thank you so much, griff. let's bring in donald trump jr. with, executive vice president of the trump organization. good morning to you. >> good morning, ainsley, how are you? ainsley: i'm doing well. y'all are a week away from election day. what is the single most important eshoo for your dad on the campaign trawl over the next seven days? >> listen, i think it's just about getting out there. when people hear our message, we win. that's a no-brainer. donald trump's record of accomplishment is unprecedented in the u.s. presidency. but what we're up against is a mainstream media and a social
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media cop plex that's literally trying to censor real news from getting to people. they are just totally in the pocket of the democrats. they are doing whatever they can to fight for them, and that's what we're up against. so we have to be on the ground, we have to be everywhere to bring that message to people to make sure they understand what's at stake. if you've been watching for the last week with what social media has done about, you know, joe biden's corruption and the biden family being totally compromised by all of these foreign powers with millions and millions and millions of dollars that joe biden knew about, he was in the meetings on, when you see that kind of censorship, you realize that the first amendment, you know, the basic rights of freedom of speech are literally on the table this election because big tech and mainstream media are doing whatever they can to make sure people don't get to have a voice and that message can't be heard. brian bruin yeah, or we'll see, because tony bobulinski is going to be, who was the business partner of hunter biden, and met with the vice president will be on tucker tonight, and we'll see if it resonates there or if
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someone will cut our cable wire when he's on the air. meanwhile, i don't know if you've been following ainsley's career, but she spoke to undecided voters. here's what they're really hanging their hat on and hoping to hear. >> i am leaning towards joe biden. i am still very afraid of biden's increasingly socialist leanings as well as whether or not he's going to be controlled by the increasingly left legislature. >> we going to be, am i going to be raising them in the united states of america or the divided states of america? >> yes. i have benefited well personally, my family has, under a donald trump presidency just with the tax plans. no, e i've always voted democrats so to be leaning towards trump right now is a very drastic change. brian: a wisconsin voter, that's a state you want back again. what's your reaction to some of their concerns and conclusions?
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>> i'd say if you're looking at joe biden and you're concerned that he's not -- [laughter] that he's not going to be pushed around by thed radical left, you're out of your mind. look at who he's surrounded himself with. you don't choose kamala harris if you're going to be a moderate, to take over best gnu sanders -- bernie sanders' radical plan as a moderate. i mean, you've seen joe biden perform on a daily basis. does anyone believe he can stand up, period, but let alone to the radical left that controls and dominates his party? no one has. no one will. he's going to be a total puppet. look at all the things he's flip flopped on over his entire career. he'll do whatever it takes to win, but he doesn't have the strength and stamina. there was a reason he called a lid with ten days left where he was just going to hide in his basement and not have to campaign. the media will campaign for him, we understand that, we've seen this play out. he doesn't have the energy or stamina for this job, but he
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certainly doesn't have it to stand against the radical left. and if you look at the direction they want to take this country, the rah call left won't stand up to it. the governor of pennsylvania won't call in the national guard. let's just burn down downtown again. this isn't your grandparents' democratic party, this isn't your parents' democrat party. they don't stand for what they used to stand for when it came to hard working men and women across america. they're a radical marxist, agenda-driven, ununifying, identity politics-based organization. that's all it is. proven e brian right. >> if people don't see that, that should be troubling. steve: don, i know you were in georgia, i know you were also in nevada over the weekend because i saw your instagram where you're posing in front of a great big don jr. 2020 sign.
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this was at the nevada livestock auction. this will make heads explode. to whomever made that, thanks for the compliment. but let's get through 2020 with a big win first. >> that's quite a statement. >> yeah. steve: a lot of tongues -- >> a 40-foot sign. that was a vinyl sign, they went out of their way -- steve: they spent money. >> this wasn't a crayon deal. my only focus is really, you know, this next week, getting another four more years for my father, the policies that he's initiatedment we're getting peace deals done in the middle east, we're pulling out of the endless wars. you have what he's done to cut drug pricing so that americans aren't getting gouged while everyone in the world gets, you know, discounted drug prices from american companies. he's taking that fight to washington, d.c., and that's important. he's taken on both sides. and he's winning for the american people. we need to keep that going.
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we need to break up the swamp. we cannot allow this stuff to happen. and now when you look at what's going on with joe biden and hunter biden, joe biden's literally the most compromised candidate to ever run for the presidency of the united states, and no one even cares. all the russia, russia, russia nonsense that they pushed for the last four years was apparently just that to them, because now that you have someone that could be fully compromised by russia and others, ukraine, china, kazahkstan, you think they don't have more information they wouldn't be willing to use against hunter to manipulate joe? the of course they do. backup brian by the way, they're also looking to rotate supreme court justices because your dad appointed someone last night. so -- >> yeah. i mean, he appointed an incredible woman, just a rock star, and now, you know, the liberals and the feminists, they hate that. i don't understand what they want. [laughter] you've got an incredibly accomplished woman on the supreme court, but now once they get that this, they've got to change the rules.
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that's the thing, they are the totalitarian people, they are the dictators. of if they don't get what they want and they worry that what they have to deal whether not allow them to influence their positions forever and jam them down your throats, they just go and try to change the playing field, the rules. this is what the democrats do over and over. and, again, none of this is good for the american people. it's about jamming their marxist policies down your throat, and we better wake up to it quick because once you lose those freedoms, once you lose those rights, you don't get them back. like i said, if you've been watching what google and facebook and youtube and twitter and even the mainstream media are doing trying to crush other journalists for pointing out the truth about the bidens' corruption, if you don't think that the first amendment is on the table this election, you have not been watching. ainsley: all right. thank you so much for being with us. when i saw you this morning, i was going to say i'm sure you're just elated because you only have one more week because i
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know it's exhausting. but if that vinyl sign comes true, i might be wrong. thanks so much, don, for being with us. >> thanks, guys. ainsley: it's 8:47 here on the east coast. the daughter of a holocaust survivor says her mother was duped into filming an interview for that new borat film, and she's going to share her story next. grill. grill. just pick your protein, select your doneness, and let the grill monitor your food. it also turns into an air fryer. bring outdoor grilling flavors indoors with the grill that grills for you.
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>> exactly one week to go until election day, more than 62 million votes have been cast. both campaigns hutting the trail hoping to sway undecided voters. dan henninger on joe biden's trips -- on ten trips in pennsylvania alone. kayleigh mcenany joins us live, and trump campaign spokesperson tim murtaugh is our guest this morning as the president heads to wisconsin, michigan and nebraska. how will recent spikes in the virus in those states affect the outcome of this election? we'll ask him about that. join trace and me live top of the hour. ♪ jillian: we are back with some quick headlines. minnesota republican senate candidate jason lewis is recovering from surgery on a
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life-threatening hernia. he was rushed to the hospital monday morning. his campaign says the surgery was a success, and he's expected to be released in the next few days. washington football team's head coach ron rivera gets a win at the hospital. [cheers and applause] jillian: how great is that? rivera finishing cancer treatment less than a day after washington beat the dallas cowboys 25-3. he was diagnosed in august. love to see that. back to you guys. steve: indeed. ainsley: we just heard sandra talking about what's coming up on her show and the number of people that have voted already? 62.6 million people have voted. but according to google trends data, some people are thinking about changing their vote, and they're asking if they're able to do that. this is what's trending right now, can i change my vote and hunter biden. guys, do you think that's after we've learned the news about
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hunter biden, people now want to change their biden votes to donald trump votes? steve: here is the thing, ainsley, every state has different rules. but michigan, minnesota, washington, wisconsin all have specific laws where you can change your mind after you vote. now, if you vote, apparently, in person at an early voting place, you don't get a do-over. but if you submit an absentee ballot or one of those mail-in ballots, apparently you can go ahead and change it. in new york state those who change their minds after mailing in a vote can go to the county board of election to request a new ballot to override the initial one with the last one sent in to the county. ainsley: or you can also in new york, brian, go to the polls and vote in person, and that's the one will count. brian: and wait for election day. that's the problem. that's what the president said originally, could we move the debates up because this is an old schedule. and let's do the new schedule because the new schedule in the
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middle of pandemic shows people want to vote early and be safe, and more people want to vote early anyway, can we do that. but no one moved at all except for, of course, the last minute decision to make it a virtual debate, except for the last minute decision to, of course, have all these new rules like plexiglas and everything else that took place. i have no idea why they didn't have more flexibility, but i cannot wait to find out more about this hunter story. the more they try to suppress it, the more people want to find out more. steve: in addition to the hunter biden could be the reason why people are considering that, how many people do you think did i change my vote after joe biden said last week what he did about fracking? or what he said last week about fossil fuels? and people are going, wait a minute, i'm in the oil and gas industry. that's a game-changer, but i already voted. how many people have done it for that reason? we don't know, we're just
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reporting what google's saying is trending. ainsley: that's why a lot of people are waiting until the last minute. three undecided voters said they were waiting because they just weren't quite sure yet. they still have a week. brian: we benefited from your -- ainsley: i was trying to be nice and saying we. we're a family. including you, brian. you were jealous i got that interview. brian: a little bit. ainsley: everyone have a great day. steve: we'll be back in a moment. ♪
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>> we're introducing the fox news proud american star of and trucker hat next week. >> if you information, go to show [shouting] >> sandra: chaos in philadelphia overnight. protestors confronting authorities after philadelphia police shot and killed a man who was holding a knife. 30 officers were injured in the violent unrest including one police sergeant hit by a pickup truck seen in the following video. a warning, some of this may be disturbing. >> oh my god, he hit a cop. >> sandra: the officer was taken to the hospital with a broken leg and listed in stable condition. the protests and looting began
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