tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News October 27, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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anyway, there is a video that got it all started. you watch the police. the police for moving, they are backing up, they are backing up. now they are backing up further and further. the guy comes at them with a knife right there. let not your heart be troubled though mine is. laura ingraham. >> laura: well, sean, they -- [laughs] from tucker's interview to what is happening in philadelphia what china wants to happen this election, the choice really cannot be clearer, and this is a critical juncture. we say that a lot, but this is it. it's all on the line -- >> sean: all of it. >> laura: i will grab that baton if you hand it to me, and we'll take it from here. >> sean: there you go. have a good show, laura. >> laura: all right. i am laura ingraham, and this is "the ingraham angle" from a busy washington night.: ha can you believe, one week to go and the president is still out on the trail as we speak.n omaha, nebraska, his third stop of the day after hitting
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michigan and wisconsin earlier today. we will have a full wrap up in moments. also tonight, while biden hit the trail in georgia, he's already getting marching orders from his overlords. newt gingrich is here on how congresswoman ocasio-cortez and omar are already dictating the terms of a biden presidency. and we are continuing to monitor, as sean and i were talking about, the a second straight night of looting and unrest in philadelphia after an officer-involved shooting there. a live report from julio rosas on the ground for us a little later on. but first, build back better in beijing.g. that is the focus of tonight's "angle." what should be glaringly obvious as we enter the home stretch is trump's leaving it all on theus field, he's got it all covered. energy, gusto, he's attracting crowds the likes of which i've
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never seen in american politics, not during obama, not during clinton, not during ggeorge w. bush, not even during ronald reagan. the reason is simple. the country we know and love is being threatened by the forces supporting joe biden. an unholy alliance has beenea formed between big business forces and the hard left. now, in theory, the business community and radical progressives should be on opposite sides, right? but, in fact, they found common cause in their joint hostility to the american middle class. now the president, as i said, was in michigan today, and should biden win, the automobile industry there will be flattened due to the terrible trade deals that encourage companies to move operations overseas and a harsh regulatory state that will have the same results in a biden administration.t but don't worry, plug-ins and charging stations will save us. >> we are going to provide
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550,000 charging stations, for 55real, on the new infrastructue green infrastructure we are going to be we are going to own the electric automobile market.t. >> laura: for real. he is so cool. but why would anyone build electric cars here when biden's own trade policies willel encourage companies to build them over there, overseas or in mexico. the fact is, biden's long-standing love affair withai china and globalization is simply going to drive the companies that do remain in america to move their operations offshore. the american workers, once again, will get left behind just as they were in the obama and bush years. flat wages, remember. in all of the key battleground states where trump is campaigning today, biden's policies will be ruinous. and yesterday, in pennsylvania the steel industry? my friend, the steel industry in
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pennsylvania will be gone.el fracking, gone. with the removal of trump's tariffs, our beloved industry of steel will not survive. now just think for a moment what that does to families and communities who depend on those good paying jobs. not to mention the national security risk we face if our adversaries make all the steel. and joe, he has repeatedly lied about his real views on fracking, on oil and gas. why? because his party has moved toward banning fossil fuels, and so has >> would you close down the oil -- >> by the way, i would transition from the oilas industry, yes. >> oh, transition, that is a big statement.du >> it is a big statement. >> why would you do that? > because the oil industry pollutes significantly.ou >> laura: astounding. now the campaign cleanup mission on all those comments is still ongoing. but this biden obfuscation game
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will move to wisconsin on friday, where joe visits for the third time. trump will also be there. but the voters there -- they are too smart to fall for his routine.e. because just like in pennsylvania, workers from green bay to milwaukee would be hammered by biden's kowtowing to china. biden should change his slogan to "build back better in beijing." that would make sense. and finally, the looming biden lockdown. now, he's going to use euphemistic language, a lot of talk about social distancing and so forth, to describe these draconian restrictions. but it is all meant to lull youu into complacency and compliance. we need look only to the nightmarish freedom-crushing conditions we are seeing in europe now. to see what is in store for us here in the united states under biden, you just have to follow w what is going on over there. they have an explosion of covid and massive crackdowns.
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after all, their experts and biden's experts agree. in italy, anti-lockdown protesters were tear gassed. ♪ [siren sounding] >> laura: conditions for tension and even unrest are building in spain and in france and in germany, as well. we will have more on that later in the show, including the idea that a joe biden presidency will bring this to our shores. so, if you have out-of-town relatives or dear friends who live across the country, and you think biden is going to win, you better see them soon, because of biden's experts are in charge your traveling days are over. so long, thanksgiving turkey
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and santa, and his reindeer are not coming to your rooftop under biden next year. your kids education, it's going to be suspended, no prom, no graduation, no easter, no fourth of july. remember, it is all too dangerous. if you don't behave, if you don't follow their rules, you'll be locked down for longer. that's always hanging over your head. you'll be fined, shamed, might be tear gassed, and you will be blamed for a virus that no major western government, not even an island, v has been able to control. now, who wants to live that way? theoretically safe, but stripped of any freedom. freedom of speech, freedom to worship, freedom of assembly. remember, joe biden, though, he is not really on the ballot. he's just an empty vessel. in a way, he is the perfect
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candidate, not for america, but for the billionaires who will call all the shots. the ones who will cut deals with the squad to keep you down and give themselves more money and more power. >> unlike biden, who has made it enfortune in politics -- what a fortune. this has cost me billions of dollars, and i could not be happier, because we have doneic things that nobody else could have done in the first three and a half years. there's been no administration that's done what we've done in the first three and half years, with our military, with our vets vets, with regulations, we are cutting taxes. >> laura: now, isn't that what we should want? a president who does not bow to special interests? shouldn't the voters, the workers, you, your family shouldn't that be the president's only special interest? in the trump administration, you don't have to donate millions of dollars for the president to care about you. t you don't have to be a celebrity or a sports star or belong to a
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certain social class or get started treatment in "the new york times." your race and your gender andn your ethnicity, they don't matter, either. you just have to be an american. and that is the "angle." joining me now is senator lindsey graham, senate judiciary chairman. senator graham, even leaving aside all we learned on tucker's show tonight, is there any doubt that a biden presidency would be a gift to china and the companies itching to outsource here in the united states? >> well, not only would it be a gift to china, it will be a gift to russia and iran. who is the biggest winner of america gets out of the oil and gas business? gas and oil producers. the russians and the iranians would be the biggest winner of america getting out of the oil and gas business. high taxes and big regulations drive people offshore. multinational corporations
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will leave america, go to china, go to other places for cheap labor and no regulation and make a fortune. it's the small town, mom-and-pop businesses that are going to suffer. your right, there is an unholy alliance between the tax-and-spend liberals and multinational corporations that will kill the american middle class, but if you destroy the american oil and gas industry millions of americans lose their jobs, but the biggest winners o are the russians and the iranians, and i hope people are paying attention to this. >> laura: well, trump laid it all out tonight in blunt terms just moments ago. watch. >> biden was letting china steal american jobs and plunder american wealth. you saw that for eight years. if biden wins, china wins. and china will own the usa, if biden wins. he will do bad things. >> laura: senator graham american workers lose under
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biden. lose. >> oh, my god. well, so, the currents of manipulation by china steel's market share, intellectual property theft. the eight years of obama were a boom for china. trump has done more in three and a half years to bring china to heel than any president in my lifetime, but it's just not china that would win from a biden presidency. if you go down the road destroying american oil and gas all of the mid east oil producers win, become dependent on foreign oil again, and russia and iran be -- the biggest hope and dream for russia and iran is for biden to be president, because that's the only way they make a living, and they would go back into the iran nuclear deal. the bottom line is biden can't say no, and he can't say yes to bernie on the squad. if he says yes to packing the courts, he loses middle america. if he says no to packing the court, he loses the left flank. he is in a box. biden is in a box. the left has him in a box.
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he is going to tell us after the election because if he told us before the election, he said yes, i'm going to pack the court, he would lose the election. if he says no, his left flank -- trump doesn't have this dilemma. >> laura: trump tells you what he's going to do and for the most part he has done it. >> whether you like it or not. >> laura: they don't hate him because he didn't fulfill his promises, lindsey get for thefi hate him because he did fulfill his promises. speaking of your pals in the senate after acb's confirmation, senator schumer reacted last night. watch. >> amy coney barrett may become the next associate justice of the supreme court. but you will never, never get your credibility back. and the next time the american people give democrats a majority in this chamber, you will have hiforfeited the right to tell us how to run that majority.
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>> laura: senator, what's he talking about there? >> well, that's like an arsonist complaining to the fire department. it was chuck schumer and his friends who tried to destroy brett kavanaugh's life to keep the seat open. it was chuck schumer in 2013 t along with harry reid, that change the rules of the senate to go to simple majority to pack the d.c. circuit court adequate was chuck schumer who filibustered gorsuch, requiring us to change. it was chuck schumer who -- he had this idea he was going to change the judiciary, and along comes trump. i told him, "chuck, you're going to regret it in 2013, changing the rules." well, he regretted it last night. amy coney barrett is payback for chuck schumer. chuck schumer has done more for conservative justices than anybody. she is a twofer, we are over the moon, happy and proud of amy being on the court.
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51% of the american people like what they saw during the two days of hearings. the left is going nuts. you need to get on the internet right now. my opponent has raised more money than anybody in the entire history of the united states because i've been withor kavanaugh, barrett, and i'm helping trump. help me at they are going crazy raising money off the supreme court, and we need to fight back. >> laura: they got a lot of billionaires, a lot of billionaires want to keep wages low in the united states for american workers and donating to your opponent. i've seen it. i know what they are planning to do. you are a friend to them because ayou want to keep things -- was going up here for a american workers. they don't want that to happen. that's why it didn't happen under bush and it didn't happen under obama, flat, flat, flat. the year f 2000 to the year 201. we had flat wages, they did not go up if you're going you are a threat. and i am glad you are a threat that means you're actually fighting for the people. senator graham, thank you soua much -- >> thank you very much.
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again, >> laura: one week until election day, let's take stock of where the race stands in a key swing state., w in ohio, trump leads by just under eight-point, according to the rcp average. two weeks ago biden was up. now trump is now just one point in georgia, and he has a slight lead in florida. biden was leading in both of those states a few weeks back. in biden's birth state of pennsylvania, slipped to just 3.8 points since mid-october. joining me now is tom bevan founder and president of real clear politics. tom, let's stick to the moment on pennsylvania. specifically, hillary was up, i believe over six points or so in the final week, in 2016. so where does this stand today? >> well, so, our real clear politics average, clinton's lead was under 2%, so serious closing
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2016, trump over perform the final polls by about 2.6%. we have seen closing in the last two weeks, only one thing that has closed tighter than c pennsylvania, that is florida where we just had trump moving ahead for the first time. but the lead in pennsylvania is down, as you mentioned, 3.8, so if trump overperforms the same amount he did four years ago that race will be, you know basically a toss up, it continues to close. and so, i think both campaigns are spending a lot of time and energy, but trump feels good about the trend in pennsylvania right now. >> laura: oil and gas and fracking. f other than texas and louisiana a few states -- i mean, that is just a killer for him. trump should just have ads about oil and gas and fracking, and that's it, nothing else, in pennsylvania.
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maybe the anti lockdown ads. by way, tom, our own raymond arroyo talked to factory workers in pennsylvania, and here's what they told him. >> what are you feeling from your friends here in this area? >> they are concerned about their jobs. >> i think most people, it's getting back more to a normal situation in life. >> i would say jobs, absolutely. we need jobs more than ever now. with the economic damage from the pandemic, that's been caused, absolutely jobs. >> laura: tom, wow,s is not a good sign for trump, because he gets higher marks on the economy than joe does. those people in pennsylvania they see their future slipping away in a pro-china trade. >> the only real tangible thing that came out of the debate last week was this exchange on energy and fracking, in particular. trump has been going around the state, as you've shown and we j have seen, where he basically stops his rallies and puts joe biden, looks at joe biden up
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on the screen, for pennsylvanians to hear for themselves that he said he was going to eliminate fracking.o and so, it has become a very potent issue, and you are right number one issue, not just pennsylvania, but around the country, the economy. it's given trump a leverage point, particularly in the state of pennsylvania, which i think is ultimately a state that will decide this election. >> laura: there was another expert out there, donny deutsch at msnbc, who offered this analysis on the state of the race.ho >> in kansas and montana, trump took by 21 points each in the last election, he is up by 6 and 7. biden is closer in kansas and montana than the battleground states, trump is in michigan and wisconsin. >> laura: tom, is his sense of smell off or on? >> look, as i said, i'll just say, what we see in the data is there has been closing in this
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race. there hasn't been closing in michigan, that is true, biden has extended his lead there, but almost every single other state we have seen closing over the last two weeks, and biden is down three points, and the new polls that are going to drop out of the average, that is going to tighten even more in the coming days. i think this race is headed toward pretty much a repeat of 2016. it's going to be close and come down to the final few votes in the final few states. >> laura: oil and gas, as i saidna in the "angle," that affects michigan, with what it will do to the automobile industry. tom, thank you so much. coming up, the squad couldn't wait until the election to spill the beans on what they expect what they demand from a biden presidency. newt gingrich is here with the reaction to their demands. of course, we're talking about congresswoman ocasio-cortez and omar. stay there. about about congresswoman our retirement plan with voya gives us confidence. they help us with achievable steps along the way...
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♪ >> i believe that it is critically important that the biden administration appoint progressive leaders, whether it is in labor, whether it is in the treasury, whether it is in secretary of education, et cetera. >> laura: one week until the election, and members of the squad can't even hide what they expect from a potential biden presidency.
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we warned you about this. we told you this was going to happen. unless you think this is a one off, fellow leftist sister in arms singing from the same m hymnal. this is congresswoman ilhan omar in an interview that aired the next day. >> the president is only as successful as his p collaboratin is with congress, and we will have a cohort of progressives that are very clear about their objectives. >> are there any positions that you think a progressive democrat should absolutely be in the spot in a biden administration? >> i would say all of them. every position. >> laura: that should wake you up. joining me now is newt gingrich former speaker of the house fox news contributor, author of "trump and the american future."
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what about what they want? how they going to be bought off by theey big business type, the multinational, wall street, in order to get this going. if, heaven forbid, biden should win. what do people need to know? >> well, look, i think the way you just posed it, what is amazing is the ability of wall street to lie to itself about what a socialist regime would be like. heyou know, they seem to think they are going to somehow cut a deal. remember, the most important single event of a new biden presidency is the fact that schumer, senate leader for the democrats, faces a primary in 2022, against aoc. and she will be coming at him from the left. and he will be terrifieded because he's older, he's not
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quite sure what the populist is going to be like, and so schumer will move to the left to accommodate aoc to try to get reelected, and that process will take, along with kamala harris, will take the entire democratic party into a radicalism that i think people would be shocked by, and which of course is part of why biden tried so hard not to campaign. if he tells the truth, for example, yes, of course he is going to eliminate fracking, and of course he is going to destroy ythe oil industry. that is exactly what his base wants to hear. but he knows as a professional politician, after almost a half-century, he can't say that or he won't get elected. so it's a little bit like the bait and switch we got out of obama, who promised us, you know, we would keep our doctor keep our insurance, all of which turned out to be a live. >> laura: yeah, he was going to renegotiate nafta, hold china accountable, none of it happen.
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newt, i want to move on to the tucker carlson interviewer tony bobulinski. he says he confronted james on the chinese, but he claims james responded this way. >> i'm thinking about the biden family and how are they doing this? i know joe decided not to run in 2016 but what if he ran in the future, aren't they taking political risk or headline risk? i remember looking at jim biden and saying, how are you guys getting away with this, aren't you concerned? he looked at me and he laughed a little bit and said "plausiblen' deniability." >> laura: newt, your response to this entire saga? >> i just did a 30-minute video on "gingrich 360," walking through the biden scale of family corruption.
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it's pretty straightforward. i can't imagine any jury in america that would look at the totality of the corruption that the biden family has engaged in and not find them guilty. you look at fact after fact after fact, you know, $3.5 million wire transfer from the richest woman in russia, followed by $200 million. the offer by the chinese of a billion dollars investment money. the payment of $50,000 a month by ukrainian very corrupt firm. you put all that together, the first thing you know, biden lies to the whole country every morning, because it is impossible for his brother and his son -- they were all involved, it's a family business. this is not about hunter, is a family business. and the family business was heusing influence and using accs
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to the vice president to raise millions of dollars, amounts just one example, the university of pennsylvania, $70 million from the chinese communists, and joe biden almost a million dollars paid by the university of pennsylvania. so, who is kidding who? these guys are corrupt. i can't think of any side that wants to elect a corrupt president, it should understand what it is getting. >> laura: yeah, what does china want in return? [laughs] everybody wants something in a deal with special interests and big money actually has more influence than the american people, and the american worker. i don't know if everyone can understand this saga with hunter biden, but it goes down to enriching yourself, using an office to enrich your family.s trump's family lost money biden's family got rich, that is as simple as that. we've got to roll. great to see you. still ahead, dozens of policee officers injured in philly last
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night, including one that was hit by a truck, run over by a truck, and looting, rioting, ofr course, in the wake of another police shooting. julio rosas is on the ground in a moment. plus, a man facing life in prison until president trump granted him clemency. can't miss. until president trup granted him clemency. can't miss.
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♪ 's me on last >> laura: last night philadelphia became the latest american city to become engulfed in looting in rioting that left 30om police officers injured including one run over by a truck. the chaos sparked by the death of walter wallace, who was shot and killed during a confrontation with police. now, police say that wallace was armed with a knife and refused repeated requests from officers to drop his weapon. julio rosas is on the ground tonight in philly, where things are breaking out all over the place.t julio, a walmart already been looted tonight.
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what are you seeing? >> so, it's not just walmart there is a whole bunch of stories. right now, we are in north philadelphia, we started in west philadelphia where everything happened last that spread to all parts of the city, and the walmart currently behind me, it was being looted earlier in the night, but philadelphia police came in and secured the area. and then, all of a sudden, they just left, and so now, people are back, still looting, and i just came inside, the story behind me and the store over there, to my right, i haven't seen anything on this scale since minneapolis back in may. >> laura: it is a heartbreak. one philly business owner has some interesting comments about last night's riots, julio. watch. >> when we heard about the shooting of that kid last night i had a feeling it's going to happen again, but my experiencet
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because we had the same thing three and a half months ago, the same thing, the whole store was robbed. couldn't get any security that time, it was too late.e. so we had to wait until the morning. and this is what we see in the morning. >> laura: julio, it's hard for people who don't live in the area to understand what this does, psychically, to a community, let alone the financial carnage in the heart ache from building businesses. what are you sensing from the people who just kind of -- they inare ready to pick up things ad leave, at this point? >> i honestly can't blame them. i mean, laura, i talked to you back in may, when everything started, and it is just happening all over the place. and all the other cities in between. you really can't blame them especially when it is just on this massive scale of rioting and looting. the police are resorting to playing whac-a-mole, and this
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walmart right behind me, it wasg secure for a little bit, but they left and came right back. >> laura: things got out of mind earlier, a former phillyoi resident saying at this point we are just finding sad tragedies and excuses to create havoc and mayhem, maybe profit a little bit, yourself. that certainly seems like individuals taking advantage of an already difficult situation. julio, thank you so much. and the media wants you to believe that joe biden is a candidate of empathy and compassion. joe cares. but myas next guest is living proof that is false. former professional boxerr charles "duke" tanner was sentenced to 30 years in prison on federal drug charges, but upon entering prison, tannerso says he immediately began working to improve himself and atone for his crime. president trump took notice granting mr. tanner leniency last week, something
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president obama had declined to do. >> president trump, thank you for giving me a second chance. i didn't know it was real, this little guy right here, i left himsir two years old and you ae night and me back to my family. i left my mother and my father but i got him, and this is what i lived for. thank you, president trump. >> laura: most of us who watch out for the first time were in tears, second chances. duke tanner joins me now. t great to see you tonight. how did you find out the president was the impetus behind your release? >> i really didn't know what was going on, because my team came and got me after the 4:00 p.m. count, like they needed to talk to me, and he said "i've got to get you out of here." i said, "where am i going?" said, "the president granted you clemency." i just started praising god.d. the next thing i know, i was at
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a hotel and going to the airport. >> laura: and your son, your moment with your son in that video, it just hit me in the heart, as a mom. what was that like, seeing him and really spending time with him without other people watching? >> you know, that situation with my faith and my belief and my lord and savior jesus christ and how i got a free gift from him, his second best gift in life was giving to me by president donald trump, that day when i was able to be in my son's life and reunite with him something -- i was given a life sentence, a double life sentence, that was reduced to 30 years. that day right here is theig second best thing besides getting my salvation, being free and being in my son's life. >> laura: i want to play something for you, duke, that
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joe biden said about president trump during that last debate. watch. >> abraham lincoln here is one of the most racist presidents we have had an modern history. he pours fuel on every single racist fire. every single one. he has moved around and made everything worse, across the board. this guy is a dog whistle about as big as a farm horn. ut>> laura: duke, it's not just buy claiming that the president is racist, but athletes celebrities, lobbing those charges routinely. do you think president trump is a racist? >> for one, i never met president trump in my life, but what i can say is i know miss alice marie johnson.wh herschel walker was one of my favorite football players, and i think they got too high in integrity and dignity to hang out with a racist, and what president trump did for me, a black man, i can't say he is a
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racist, on my belief. now, what other people say they've got their own opinion but what he done for me and, i said, the second best thing to getting your salvation by jesus christ, and if you are a believer in god, you will understand what that means and how important that is for me that the second best gift he gave me, so i can never say that he is a racist, and that is where i stand, in my humble >> laura: duke, i've got to say, second chances -- who among us hasn't needed a second chance? and i think your witness, just your personal story is reallyd moving. beyond politics and everything else. we just really appreciate your coming on, a and we wish you the bestni of luck with your family, and thanks for joining us tonight. >> thank you so much. think everybody in the trump administration who had something to do with my freedom, with sending me back to my boy. to show true redemption, that's what i will do, make you all
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proud. president trump, i'm going to make you proud of me, i promise. >> laura: god bless you. and up ahead, how would a biden covid-tracing plan affect you and your rights? frightening scenes playing out in new zealand and europe may offer a glimpse. victor davis hanson joins us in if you have medicare, listen up. the medicare enrollment deadline is only weeks away. with so many changes, do you know if your plan is still the right fit?
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♪ >> laura: the american left ♪ >> laura: the american left and their media poodles have long held up new zealand as a model for how to properly deal with the lot of things, including covid, but anyone who loves freedom should take note because the kiwis have a horrifying new response to rising case total. they are throwing into quarantine camps. >> if someone refuses the facility, they have to keep staying. they want to be out of leave after 14 days, they have to stay on for another 14 days. so it is a pretty good incentive. you either get your test done and make sure you are cleared or we will keep you in a facility longer. so i think most people look at that and say "i will take the test." >> laura: "no leaving the camp until you are negative." the other left covid model, the e.u., requiring government officials to use thermal imaging
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cameras designed by a chinese company, the same one that provides surveillance equipment to the concentration camps, that they call reeducation camps for the uighur muslims. joining me now is victor davis hanson, hoover institution senior fellow. victor, are these the type of scenarios we are going to be facing under a biden administration? >> yeah, it's frightening. here, the virus started in china, spread from china, and now china is offering the west the methodology and technology of fascism to supposedly cure what they started. he reminds me -- we had the private fire brigade, pulled up gawhen a fire was devouring the house and said "for a price, i will be willing to put your fire out, and better yet, i will buy it at rock-bottom prices." that is of the chinese whole technology and methodology -- it's also bizarre because we are
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not in an ascending pattern. we p are having a million tests per day, almost, and we are bound to have more cases, but the cases are mostly asymptomatic, more younger, the death rate is going back down the therapeutic medicines are improving, the vaccination is on the horizon. it is not the time to double down on this lockdown, and it begs the question, why are these people t doing these things? in the case of new zealand, they have a nation of 5 million people, they've only lost tragically, but they lost 25 people. that's an astounding low number to throw away personal freedom. here in the united states whether it is gavin newsom or michelle obama or joe biden they have all said that this is an opportunity not to let it go to waste, as hillary clinton was explicit about. >> laura: yeah, but victor, i have to ask you -- a >> to recalibrate things. >> laura: that's why these polls showing that trump is behind in michigan, given what'o
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at stake in michigan, victor, with future lockdowns, which you know they are coming, you know they are coming under biden,re setting the table for that, if he wins. they are going to lose their economy, the virus will still be there, as it was in europe after that lockdown, what do they get? they get a wrecked economy and covid. how would michigan go along with this? >> i don't think they're going to go along with ed. another element, this has always been a class issue, and trump is finally doing a good job emphasizing that. the people who are out there working and have small businesses and can't afford, you know, to do what i'm doing right now, telecommunicating, they don't have a choice. they have been absolutely destroyed,y and amazon and walmart and all of these large conglomerates and people in the profession and insurance on
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claw, high-tech, they've done pretty well, they are the people telling the rest of the country you've got to lockdown more lose more money, have zero chance that you are going to get infected. but these people, if they did that, all the people like us where i am in an isolated room wouldn't have anything to eat what have any electricity. it's really a terrible thing and we are not even talkingra about, laura, all of the people who have died and missed surgery, that you so eloquently had on your show. spousal abuse, substance abuse. it is really hitting the middle class very hard, and i don't think they're going to take it especially when the elites keep telling us there's opportunities to be had in this crisis. not quite as crass as james vaughn that said "thank god for the covid crisis," but something near that, that theyey can recalibrate american freedom and manipulate the first t amendment under the guise we are all going to die unless you take them control. >> laura: have to jump in victor. in europe, when people are standing up against the
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lockdowns, they are sending people into call them fascists. so the people who are for freedom are now being branded as fascists and dangerous, and they are being blamed and shamed. does that sound familiar? real quick. >> yeah, it does. you break the quarantine and you are either exempt or punished depending on your ideology and political correctness, that is what destroyed all confidence in quarantine, because it was unfairly applied according to politics, and it was bankrupt. europe is doing exactly what we did, you're right, it's familiar. >> laura: it's only going to get worse, if heaven forbid biden is elected. don't plan easter dinner. ahead, a rare face on the campaign trail for trump. the "last bite" explains. history
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also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." especially during this holiday season of hanukkah. when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews.
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the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. the communists came and wiped it out. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." it's okay to light the hanukkah candles. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them,
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attended agree evening? biden, the guys shot. he is so gonzo. all they talk about his covid-19, covid-19, covid-19. we have made such progress is incredible. i am here. >> an unbelievable wrap up of a busy day for the president. he was on fire tonight and milania trump hit the trail solo for the first time this campaign and she was terrific, all hands on deck one week out. take it from here. shannon: another busy night, breaking news. right now in new reports of looting across philadelphia marking a second bite of riots rocking the city of brotherly love after police shot
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