tv FOX and Friends FOX News October 29, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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that's right. nearly 7 million floridians have already voted. i'm in broward county in fort lauderdale area whereby den will make his first appearance. both candidates are coming to fight it out in what is the biggest prize in the swing states. 29 electoral votes in this race simply could not be tighter. let me show you the real clear politics average of polls deadlocked even at 48-48. a far cry from just 19 days ago. when trump trailed biden by roughly four points. now, part of trump's games in coming in outreach to latino voters. that's exactly what he was doing out in arizona yesterday. watch. >> i'm fighting for the dreams of all americans, including millions of truly amazing hispanic americans. who is hispanic? who is hispanic? they are shocked. they don't believe it. the polls are hispanics are through the roof.
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griff: also stumping in arizona kamala harris appealing to business leaders in tucson. in phoenix, meanwhile, back at home biden in delaware talked about healthcare and slammed the president's handling of the pandemic. >> takes a lot of big pronounce you meants -- makes a lot of big pronouncements but they don't hold up. he gets his photo op. and gets out. he leaves everyone else to suffer the consequence of his failure to make a responsible plan. it seems like he just doesn't care much about it. and the longer he's in charge the more reckless he gets. >> now, we're in south florida whereby den is coming as i mentioned but a little later today you will have dueling rallies of sorts i 4 corridor. president trump will hold a rally at the raven and jay stadium in tampa. later an by biden. trump won this stated by 113,000 votes. it's going to be very interesting to see what happens now. we see the spending pattern.
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biden is outspending trump 3 to 1. the trump campaign, guys, saying that they're confident their ground game and their rallies are. stronger. steve, ainsley, brian? steve: all right. griff. thank you very much. ainsley: where the president is going to be where the bucs play the nfl stadium. he has an advantage, president trump, it is close to where people can go and vote in person voting site. they have to be 150 feet, i believe. from a site. so he technically is allowed to be at that stadium today. but he is hoping some people will go to that stadium and walk over and vote. brian: in that raymond james stadium of course where the super bowl will be. we will see where the president gets it's a hot bed for republicans.
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providing paperwork to show a deep business relationship. international business relationship. primarily focused on a chinese energy company with links to communist china. by all accounts this should be a big deal. but joe biden last some hand picked press people that stays in his bubble and asks him easy question like what flavor shake do you have and jim biden hides from the ministry. hunter biden no one has seen him sings he abandoned his laptop in 2019 it seems. jim biden walking from the supermarket it seems with some groceries. seemed to duck and come back and duck away from questions. somebody, system how, will be one day forced to answer. let's listen. in. >> mr. biden, hi. do you care to answer some questions? >> nope. >> just wondering why did you
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involve joe biden in your china deal? why did you and hunter biden want joe biden to meet with tony b.? >> what are you talking about? >> are you mr. jim biden? i wanted to ask you about the china deal. >> would you please stop bothering me? >> you don't want to comment, sir? >> i don't want to comment about anything to you. brian: very interesting that he turned back instead of just walking past. he came back twice. steve: right. brian: figure this. this is a huge story by almost any calculus. almost thoroughly ignored on every media outlet including big tech and social media outlet. incredible. the story originally broken by "the new york post." by the way the story that fox news walked away from the story after having an opportunity to get it first is flat out wrong. the "new york post" plushes it with the actual email and
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famously twitter and facebook refused to let it go forward and let it get out. they have frozen and blocked the facebook account as well as the twitter account. so, yesterday, bad news and erroneous news from jack dorsey bass jack dorsey who runs twitter says all they have to do is go and log back in. that's not true. look at the cover of "the new york post." says blackmail. they are saying delete the story, steve. delete the story and you can have your account back. "new york post" is not caving. steve: well, it was such a back and forth between the senators on the commerce committee and jack dorsey and mark zuckerberg who embarrassing could not figure out how to join the zoom call which is funny when he is a guy who runs facebook screen left there and the screen right runs google. nonetheless, the way when jack was asked about why are you censoring the "new york post" story it. looks as though you are trying to protect the bidens.
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he said no, you know that "new york post" story people can share it. that was not true. brian: not true. steve: then he said if the "new york post" simply goes online and deletes the original tweet, and then posts it again, it will work. but the senators, particularly ted cruz, he was having none of it. it just looks as if the social media platforms are -- they are not putting a fixer on the scale they're putting their entire foot on the scale to try to help joe biden win. when they had these guys in the hot seat, even though it was remote via distance. they got a grilling. particularly from ted cruz. watch this. >> twitter has he the ability to influence elections? >> no. we are one part of a spectrum of communication channels that people have. >> twitter, when it silences people, when it censored people, when it blocks political speech that has no impact on elections? >> people have choice of other
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communication channels. >> not if they don't hear information. mr. doors quoorks who the hell elected you and put new charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the american people are allowed to hear and why do you persist in behaving as a democratic super pac silencing view us to the contrary of your political beliefs. >> we are not doing that. this is why i opened this hearing with calls for more transparency. steve: that's what he said but they are certainly not being transparent. they can always hide behind well it's the algorithm. we are not doing it. steve: a lot of people are on to them now. it's interesting. he did make it very clear in the beginning that particular "new york post" tweet was taken down. it was censored under their hacked materials policy. so, both jack there with the beard and mark zuckerberg were
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asked do you have any evidence that anything nut post story was wrong and neither one of them could prove -- said that anything was wrong, which made them look bad and made it look as if they were trying to help joe biden. senator marsha blackburn noted while you say you are a neutral platform, why is it that have censored the president of the united states 65 times on twitter and joe biden zero? it just seems, ainsley, like things are not as neutral as those three would like us to believe. ainsley: yeah, ted cruz was piggy backing on that very argument. he said this is not fair. so hypocritical. you took the president's tax returns and appeared to be leaked illegally, not even sure if they are verified. if they are true the president says it's not. you still posted that that hurts president trump, it could hurt him. some voters might look at that story and then not vote for him. some voters might look at this story about joe biden and not vote for him because they don't think he is telling the truth. if they don't put that story out
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there people on twitter who get the news on their phones won't know about the story. steve: it backfired. because they did that and then it became a much bigger story. so, ultimately, they shot themselves in the foot? ainsley: well, they have five more days. hold off five more days we will block this account. the story won't get out there. it's going to be interesting what happens after the election. will they start opening up these locked accounts because they don't like the stories. jack dorsey said you can go to other platforms. we censored this story because of a policy regarding hacked materials. even though the senate homeland security and governmental affairs committee has verified all of bobulinski's materials. then they were asked yesterday name some liberals. we have a long list of republicans that have been censored and blocked and their stories not getting as many followers now and you are in control of that name a liberal that you have done this to that has been censored or has been blocked? steve: this is going to be good.
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ainsley: they couldn't do it. watch this. >> can you name for me one high profile person or entity from a liberal ideology who you have censored. >> there are certainly many examples that your democratic colleagues object to when fact checker might label something as false they disagree with. >> i'm just asking you if you can name for me one high profile liberal person or company who have you censored. >> i need to think about it and get you more of a list. >> what about you, mr. dorsey. >> we can give a more exhaustive list. but, again, we don't have an understanding of political action involvement of our accounts. >> i'm not asking for exhaustive list. i'm asking for a single example. >> we have taken action on tweets from members of the house for election misinfo. >> can you identify an example? >> i will get those names to you. brian: right. steve: no. ainsley: i think you are right, it hurts them more than helps them. the public is not stupid. put the stories out there. let us make up our own minds
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about what we believe after we read the information in the stories. brian: even though there is more attention to it because they blocked it i don't think it's more than doing it the right way and allowing people to retweet the "new york post" story the way it works. senator cory gardner brought up a great point. have you not censored the grand ayatollah of iran and they deny the holocaust exists that seems to be hate speech. i'm pretty sure. meanwhile at 14 minutes after the hour. turning now to a fox news alert. philadelphia's curfew ending just moments ago as the city sees its third night of unrest. steve: this as philly officials found a van, apparently packed full of explosives. ainsley: leland vittert is live there as a bomb squad investigation is underway. leland, what's the latest? >> steve, brian, ainsley, good morning to you. as you must mentioned the curfew ended a couple minutes ago. seemed to have largely worked a very different philadelphia waking up this morning. this was one two of stores loot
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looted. hard to say looted they didn't get away with much or far. the police presence that's their get away car. there were some protests earlier in some various parts of the city. including where this original unrest took place two nights ago. but, again, very, very calm night relatively speaking. there was a lord and taylor that was broken into. the looters there didn't get very far they were able to get out. police were close by and put an end to things. police were also able to intercept a van filled with explosives. it was a u-haul trailer. they are not exactly sure what this had, if any, relationship to the protest bomb squad is investigating into that. hope to learn more about what these explosives were for. one thing is for sure that the philadelphia police department over the past two days has really been under attack. injuries includes various cuts and bruises, et cetera. these are from thrown
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projectiles, rocks, bricks, et cetera. several officers also had something that appeared to be blood intentionally thrown on them. >> in all 53 officers injured. 172 arrests. we can expect those numbers to go up over the next couple of days. the u.s. attorney has announced a press conference for later today to talk about federal charges as it relates to this now back to how this all began the shooting of walter wallace an african-american man. he did not drop a knife when he was charging at police. police then shot him. we understand the body cam footage and 911 tapes should be released soon in that incident. but we don't know what soon means. back to you guys. steve: indeed. leland, thank you. brian: let's go over to jillian mele. other news breaking around the world including coronavirus raging and lockdowns raging in europe. jillian: bruins story in france. go to nice people dead after a
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knife attack in church in nice, france. one woman was allegedly decapitated. the suspect behind the attack has been arrested. the motive is not clear. a french antiterrorism prosecutor is now investigating. we will have a live report on this later in the hour. also breaking right now tropical storm beta barreling north as a strong category 2 hurricane. at least two people were killed in louisiana and mississippi. powerful winds and rain ripping shingles off a roof in new orleans. and throwing a trailer across the road look at that video. the storm leaving over 1 million people without power this morning. and as brian was mentioning, the u.s. reporting more than 80,000 new covid-19 cases on wednesday. as 24 states report a record high of daily cases in the last week. dr. nicole saphier joined me on "fox & friends first" and said we need to do more to stop the
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spread it? >> is not going to get us out of 2020. it's up to us. our behavioral choices that get us through 22020 with that means continued social distancing. hand washing, wearing a mask when possible and limiting indoor gatherings. jillian: more than 8.8 million americans have tested positive for the virus. more than 227,000 people have died. a look at your headlines. send it back to you. steve: all right. jillian, thank you. with the "new york post" twitter account still locked as of this morning, columnist karol markowicz says what the tech giants is doing to them is an attack on free speech. you will hear her live next. ♪
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brian: senator ted cruz blasting jack dorsey over the social media site censorship of a "new york post" report on hunter biden. >> we recognized an error in this policy and specifically the enforcement. >> you are still blocking their post. you are still blocking their post. right now today you are blocking their post. >> we are not blocking the post. anyone can tweet. >> from the "new york post" on it twitter account. >> if they go into their account. >> no is your answer to that, no. unless they take back and agree with your -- mr. dorsey, who the
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hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the american people are allowed to hear? brian: and now the post editorial pages alleges dorsey is running a blackmail operation. joining us now "new york post" columnist charlg can't they delete the tweet and ask the "new york post" to. they want the "new york post" to bow down in front of their policies and i don't think the "new york post" is willing to do that. brian: people say the story got out and became a bigger deal because they blocked your post. if somebody like charlie kirk or somebody else said i love that story let me retweet that they
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blocked him and her everybody including the white house kayleigh mcenany. >> it became a story because of their reaction. you recall information free and their intent on shutting down that story was to help joe biden and people recognized that it was such an obvious move that they would never done the same thing if the story been about donald trump, for example. and, in fact, they didn't do that and some stories where hacked information. you know, quote, unquote. about donald trump. they let that information spread. we saw this was very much a conviction to joe biden. that's the crux of the problem. sure they are a private company and can do whatever they want. we have rules will convictions to candidates. this is absolutely an inkind conviction to joe biden. brian: karol, they knew was that going to happen and be hauled in front of a senate confirmation committee and get blistered they still thought it's worth it. what does that tell you it's
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worth it. >> they have picked a side. one thing i keep saying is where are all the media firefighters who care so deeply about free speech and care so deeply about the integrity of our elections? and democracy dies in darkness and all of these amazing phrases they have used over the last four years. where are they to say that what has happened to the "new york post" is not right and not fair and that they should stand up and say something? they don't. it's all very, very telling. brian: you realize in 2016 do you know who used social media to win? donald trump. >> yeah. brian: no one is better at twitter and campaign no one better than facebook are they correcting that now? are those hue mill nateed silicon valley companies correcting things now? >> well, look, i don't think it needs to be a donald trump supporter to say this is wrong. to say that a giant media company like twitter and facebook are suppressing only one side of information. again isn't this isn't about supporting donald trump. i think this is about wanting
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information out there and having a story that is a true story. joe biden campaign completely not denied any part of it. and can say that like it's only about supporting donald trump is sort of limiting because i really think you can donald trump and still think what twitter is doing is absolutely insane and say where is the rest of the media so say yes they shouldn't do this and stand up and say. so. brian: keep at it and see what happens. because i don't hear woodward or bernstein holding up their hand how wrong that is and even had a movie based on their lives really exciting. karol mark wits, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> 2020 could be the year of the young voter. will generation z. about the will victory. young panel on the, that i matter to them next. that was a very good zoom-out.
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♪ ainsley: young americans turning out in record numbers to cast their vote in the 2020 election. according to data from the democratic research firm target smart voters ages 18 to 29 have cars 4 million more early votes than at this point in 2016. who are they supporting and why? bring in our panel of young voters we have leo, a senior at fordham university. alyssa is a campus reform correspondent and senior at university of minnesota.
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and elsa allege senior at the university of notre dame. good to see you. good to have all of you. >> good morning. ainsley: alisa who are you voting for and why. >> i'm voting for president donald trump in this coming election because i believe in the future of america and firmly believe in the founding principles and ideologies, free markets and free speech. what i see is the democrats running a campaign that is rooted in socialism. things like free education and free healthcare which first off is not free and very destruction of america. i'm voting to preserve that. ainsley: elsa, first of all congratulationcongratulations wr university notre dame i'm sure the exhaust is excited about that who are you voting for and why? >> yeah. this election seasonal i'm voting for joe biden. and that vote is largely informed by my faith values as an evangelical christian. i take the call to the least of these very seriously and in this
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election that means welcoming immigrants at the border. standing up for justice for black and -- fighting military occupation on foreign lands and mass incarceration on you are our own and also caring deeply about deadly diseases and the larger issue of climate change that not only threatens our global ecosystem but also our families and communities. so, while many evangelical voters are selecting abortion as their primary issue, i think a more holistic perspective of what it means to be pro-life is leading me to vote strongly for joe biden because of his care for human life and human dignity in all walks of life and in all vulnerable communities. ainsley: leo, how about you? >> yes. i will be voting for the president in the upcoming election. so in 1965, when william buckley ran for the mayor of new york city. he popular rise you had this phrase don't enemy advertise the
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echelon. for those unfamiliar with that what he is saying it's impossible and politicians should not try to bring about a heaven on earth. and i believe that in this current day we have a democratic party that believes that that is fundamentally possible. and through federal initiatives and programs they believe they can accomplish it. despite his faults and what you might think of him president trump and the republican party know we can't make this utopian exaggeration of the power lines of the federal government and to really recover to our levels of prepandemic strength. we need to be killing having rating individuals and businesses and getting the government off of their backs to recover. ainsley: alyssa why do you think the numbers are up young voters going to the polls already? >> i think many young voters have seen a lot of recent events i will point to the george floyd protests for example that hit close to home at the university of minnesota up in minneapolis and seeing the destruction of their communities and the lack of care for their safety. leadership institute campus rye
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form pointed on this university of minute sewed saw incredible spike in crime. violent crimes that affected students and the university did not do anything in terms of bringing campus police back. i think it's important to ask ourselves which party really cares about our communities, our safety and our future. and to me it's the republican party and president donald trump. ainsley: leo the numbers are up not amongst college kids the older generation. the older generation don't want to go to the polls because of that and staying at home. do you think that's the case for the younger generation? >> i think a lookout of the younger generation will mail in their ballot being largely democratic voting block and being fearful of covid themselves. i think a lot of them will vote absentee. yet again i live in new york city here. i see a lot of young people at the polls. lines are very long. anyone who is here knows. a lot of young people will also show up on election day and vote. ainsley: elsa your response is interesting.
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most young people if you look at the stats pretty liberal. but then if you look at evangelicals, most of them are voting for trump. are you getting blow back on campus from evangelicals? >> well, to be honest. ainsley: i'm sorry, that was for elsa. so sorry, we are almost out of time but i want to give everyone a fair shot. elsa? >> hi, yeah. i think that's a really legitimate thing to concern -- or to consider. but, i think there is a large shift in evangelical voting patterns. for example, the environmental -- evangelical environmental network has over 2 million evangelical voters to sign on that they care about clean energy. so on some of these issues, evangelical thought is shifting and as they consider more and more issues, i think there is going to be a deeper variety in the way that evangelicals vote. especially young evangelicals who are particularly concerned about issues like social justice and climate action.
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ainsley: just one word answer who do you think will win? >> i think joe biden will win this election. ainsley: leo? >> i think the president is going to win. ainsley: and alyssa? >> i also think the president is going to win. ainsley: all of you all are winners for going to the polls and being active in politics at such a young age. god bless you all. >> thank you. >> thank you. ains senators calling out twitter's you will censorship. >> strange you hidden tweets from the president but haven't hidden ayatollah's calls to wipe israel of the map. ainsley: senator cory gardner is going to join us next. download the fox bet super 6 app. free chance to win $50,000 from our friends at fox bet. pick six possible outcomes. then watch election day coverage on fox news on tuesday. to see how it all unfolds. download the fox bet super 6
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app. now to get started. ♪ good to see you, how are you? gimme five, good job! all right! isaac, good to see you. how are you, man? nice to meet you mr. vice president. god love you, i just wanted to say hi. well i can't preach like you guys can. america is a place for everyone. those who chose this country, those who fought for it. some republicans, some democrats, and most just somewhere in between.
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(crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. ainsley: we are back a fox news alert. moments ago police revealing at least 3 people were killed after that knife attack at the church in france. brian: man, things getting crazy. trey yingst live with the breaking details. trey, we have been down this road before. >> we have. brian, ainsley, steve, good morning. at least three people are dead and several injured after a stabbing attack in nyeste, france. the attack happened around 9:00 a.m. local time and is being treated as a suspected act of terrorism according to the mayor of nyeste. a man who conducted this stabbing was shouting allah akbar as he did near a church that suspect in police custody. this followed the beheading of a french teacher who showed students a picture of cartoon of
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mohammed. condemned by french magazine charlie hebdo new threats against the french people. the threat people does high and red amid the controversy cartoons. macron was breached on the situation this morning and head to nyeste today. three people are dead and several juries after a stabbing attack in nice, france. brian, ainsley, steve? steve: all right, trey. thank you very much. this morning we have been talking about how yesterday the senate commerce committee was investigating what they referred to on the republican side as a big tech's bad behavior. and what they were looking at is how twitter and facebook and things like that seem to censor conservative voices. senator cory gardner of colorado looked at not only what is happening in this country but also what is happening with other things that are absolutely
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not true those things are not being taken down around the globe via twitter. here is the senator. >> mr. dorsey, do you believe the holocaust really happened? yes or no. >> yes. >> so you would agree that someone who says the holocaust may not have happened is spreading misinformation, yes or no? >> yes. >> it's strange to me that you flagged the tweets from the president but haven't hidden the ayatollah's tweets on holocaust denial or calls to wipe israel off the map. steve: all right. let's bring in there he is right there far right of the screen senator cory gardner member of the senate commerce committee. senator, good morning to you. >> good morning. thank you. steve: we wanted some answers from the big tech companies and you got them yesterday. are you satisfied? >> no. look, you heard the ceo of twitter describe the ayatollah's holocaust denial killing of millions of people, their efforts to wipe israel off the map as nothing more than saber
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rat ling. the saber rat ling of iran has earned them the global leading sponsor of terror designation. americans are dead. jews in the middle east and arranged the globe are dead because of iran. and the leadership of the radical regime and, yet, he said this is just saber rat ling by a leader in the middle of this hearing. the ayatollah was tweeting, mocking jack dorsey and twitter. >> we even have that tweet from the ayatollah on march 21st, 2014. and it says holocaust is an event whose reality is uncertain and if it has happened it's uncertain how it has happened. jack dorsey was asked what do you where misinformation if you believe that the holocaust did happen? listen to this. >> i don't have a policy against misinformation. we have a policy against misinformation in three categories which are manipulated media, public health,
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specifically covid, and civic integrity and election interference and voter suppression. that's all we have policy on for misleading information. we do not have policy or enforcement for any other types of misleading information that you are mentioning. ainsley: so basically can you put anything on there that's a lie if you are not involved in politics. if it's not manipulated media, if you are not involved in the media or not in public health denying the holocaust? >> incredibly objective standard applies to one side. outrageous saber rat ling is described as that. brian: talk about your race, former governor of colorado hickenlooper who didn't want to be president never went well didn't want to be senator now running for senate. the poll up hard lit standard 50-42 you are trailing by 8. do your internals show that and if so how do you plan on closing the gap in the last five days?
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>> not only do our internals and morning they suppressed a poll that had this race tied because it didn't fit the narrative that the national media wants to say about this race. colorado is a competitive state it always has been. we know we can win this race by getting people out. republicans, conservatives, right leaning independents need to get their votes in and drop it off at ballot box today and go to corey gartner and find out that location. we have worked hard for the people of colorado. we don't wants somebody in washington who is the most corruption governor in colorado history and that's who john hickenlooper is. steve: final vote will take place on tuesday. wednesday morning we hope to know what happens with your race. senator, thank you very much for joining us live. >> thanks for having me. thank you. steve: you bet. it is 13 minutes before the top of the hour. and janice dean joins us from the weather machine and look at all that blue and yellow behind you. that headed our way.
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janice: moving quickly a tropical storm that made landfall yesterday across louisiana fifth named storm to make landfall across that state as almost a category 3 storm. 110 mile-per-hour sustained winds and we certainly saw those wind gusts over parts of louisiana very strong winds over mississippi and new orleans and hurricane force winds for a duration of time. here is where the storm is right now. there is the trajectory moving quickly northeast almost 40 miles per hour. it's interacting with an artic cold front that brought an ice storm across portions of oklahoma and texas. there is the radar behind this storm system we will see measurable snow for the interior northeast and new england. don't see we will see any measurable snow in new york city. maybe a few snowflakes on how much cold air is pulled southward. the rest of the country remains quiet as we get into friday and the weekend. a much calmer forecast for
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trick-or-treaters on saturday. ainsley: but then there is the elections. all right. thank you, janice. janice: that's true. i will keep you up to date you got it. ainsley: coming up red, white, and blue, draws in hundreds of visitors and it's the perfect place to talk politics. the owner of the trump house is going to join us live next. nt bs so you can emerge your best with emergen-c.
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(fisherman vo)ce) how do i register to vote?ential election... hmm!.. hmm!.. hmm!.. (woman on porch vo) can we vote by mail here? (grandma vo) you'll be safe, right? (daughter vo) yes! (four girls vo) the polls! voted! (grandma vo) go out and vote! it's so important! (man at poll vo) woo! (grandma vo) it's the most important thing you can do!
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steve: a woman in pennsylvania has turned a house into a tourist attraction for trump supporters. the trump house she had painted red, white, and blue welcomes visitors who want to talk politics, pick up free hats, maga hats and even register to vote. the homeowner leslie rossi joins us from pennsylvania. leslie, good morning to you. >> hi. welcome to the trump house. steve: thank you very much. you got this idea four years ago. why? >> i did. i hung a banner on an old building i was working on and i was shocked and surprised dissed at the negative. people i have known for years whipping the finger. writing letters to the editor. teachers were reacting toward my children at school just because
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i showed support for my choice for candidate for primary. how i taught my children to handle that we go bigger and we make a difference and we have done that here. steve: it was a banner year for the trump house there in latrobe. have you reopened it this year. i know that thousands of people actually stop by every day. and they do things like. >> the neighbors and everyone sees that. they can see them standing in line. it's absolutely amazing and incredible. steve: i understand there is a great big cutout, 15-foot cutout of donald trump they take pictures with that they talk amongst each other apparently a lot of trump fans. they cite the pledge of allegiance. you help them register to vote. we want to ask you though, leslie about this. and you look at the polls that show that in pennsylvania, joe
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biden is leading. you're on the ground. do you believe those polls? >> i don't believe those polls for one minute. my crowd size from 2016 to now has grown three times. and what i'm seeing here are many democrats that are flipping political parties republican. and i am seeing a big trend in older voters that are in their 80's and 90's. they have never voted in their life and they have all come here to register to vote for the first time. they are pretty fed up, mad, and they are concerned about the future of this country. they worked hard their whole lives. and they don't want to see it go to hell. so they are here and we -- our cut off date was october 19th. but up to that date we registered probably 100 voters a day. i couldn't keep up with the forms. we had-fayette county. westmoreland county bringing me forms. zoxing forms. it was a mad out fun.
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new people to meet and a lot of new registered voters and a lot of political party change. steve: it sounds like you are predicting a trump vick tri for pennsylvania. >> i do. i do. in pennsylvania, i can only speak for my state where i live. people are coming out in blocks and they are so proud of their president. they love what he has done in four years. and they are doing they can to get him reelected. they took that step to get registered and be prepared to vote. steve: all right. be prepared to stop at the trump house if you are driving by there in latrobe. leslie rossi, on or about of the trump house, thank you very much. >> you are welcome. steve: all right. got a big two hours coming up with all those folks. stay with us. no way. more exercise. more water. and more fiber is the only way to manage it. is it? maybe you think... it's occasional constipation.
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♪ ♪ ♪ chanting] >> biden is the candidate of layoffs, lockdowns and misery. i am the candidate of jobs, vaccines and prosperity. >> this administration has just given up. and the longer he is in charge the more reckless he gets. >> are you mr. jim biden? i wanted to ask you about the china deal. >> will you please stop bothering me? >> big tech firms before a senate panel facing very direct accusations. >> mr. dorsey, hot hell elected you and put new charge of what the media are allowed to report. >> these people are crossed the line. they have no right to censor. >> third night of unrest as the
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police commissioner reveals a substance thrown at officers. >> several officers also had something that appeared to be blood intentionally thrown on them. jillian: overnight tropical storm celebrate that racing north after slamming louisiana. >> one of the strongest storms on record for this time of year. ♪ nothing but a good time ♪ how can i. brian: let's hope monday is the beginning of the end of the election season and we have 73 million people have already voted. that is over half that voted in all of 2016. among the leaders, california number one about 8 million have voting and florida second and third. you have got florida at 6.4. texas a little bit above that north carolina, 3.1 million. i don't know who that necessarily benefits because for the most part people expect democrats to vote early but if the republicans are voting at a higher rate just a lesser rate of is that a good thing?
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steve: well, in the sprint with just five days left. you see the two sides and they are dug in with their approaches. have you got the president with the big rally and he is going to continue that today down in florida. and north carolina as well. and then have you got joe biden doing his socially distanced thing where they keep the press at bay. and allow two questions and no follow-ups of former vice president. ainsley: i know. steve: i can tell you for a fact that the fox news correspondent was there. and you can hear his voice and he repeatedly screams, mr. vice president, and joe biden, after two questions turned around and left. ainsley: they're both going down to florida. biden is going to be in tampa after the president. biden will be at a drive-in event and the president has a rally at the nfl stadium where the bucs play. steve: in the parking lot. ainsley: battle ground state 29 electoral votes are up for grabs. if you look at the history
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president bush we remembered what happened in 2004. he won by 5 points in 2008 and 2012. barack obama razor thin margins and trump won by 1 point in 2016. brian: republicans cannot win if they don't win florida. ainsley: griff jenkins joins us live as they gear up for a show down today. hey, griff. griff: hey, ainsley, brian and steve. florida is stepping up and doing its part. like the new england patriots. think are always in the game in this biggest prize for a swing state is certainly going to come down to the razor, i think here. let me show you the map of where the candace are going to be. president trump is waking you up in miami while biden will come out of basement where i am here in broward county. then you have got to tango in tampa because both candidates will be there. president trump will first hold a rally there. then biden with that drive-in event. now, here in the sunshine state, the real clear politics average
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puts this in a dead even tie. 48-48. and as president trump has close thood gap which just 19 days ago he was trailing by 4 points, he attributes these gains partly to his outreach to latino voters which is exactly what he was doing in arizona yesterday. watch. >> we love our incredible hispanic members of law enforcement. we have a lot of them here. [cheers and applause] we achieved the lowest hispanic -- right in the lowest hispanic american unemployment ever recorded. not even close. griff: also stumping in arizona kamala harris blasting the president which is wha what bidn was doing back at home in delaware talking about healthcare and slamming the president's handling of the pandemic. >> he takes a lot of big
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pronouncements. makes a lot of big pronouncements but they don't hold up. he gets his photo op. and gets out. he leaves everyone else to suffer the consequences of his failure to make a responsible plan. it seems like he just doesn't care much about it. griff: and as you guys mentioned. biden took a rare handful of questions from reporters but none that he spoke about the hunter biden, tony bobulinski fallout. we will see if that should come up today at either of biden's events and so far, we are waiting for things to get underway with the candidates hitting the sunshine state. now, president trump in 2016 won by 113,000 voters. biden's campaign is outspending trump in this final stretch 3 to 1. but the trump campaign says that their ground game is far superior and it's going to be something to watch. once again, florida it may all come down to this must win stated. brian, ainsley, steve? brian: thanks. i appreciate it. democrats aren't even trying to knock on doors.
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they say it's not responsible. the republicans say yeah we are doing it responsibly. that's the only way going to win. only way it's going to produce results. they know exactly where to knock and exactly who did not vote last time. biggest debate is what is going to be the difference between the two. if you elect president trump what's he going to do? kind of know. what's joe biden going to do not really we don't know. going to have a commission to study what is he going to do with the courts. going to have a commission to study what should happen with police reform. he is not going to be bernie sanders but is he for a public option. he did at one point put his hand up and say he wants to give free healthcare to illegals that would change the country, wouldn't it? donald trump jr. out and about attracting big crowds compare and contrasted the two. >> people that are acting like the dictators. they are the people that are totalitarian. they're the people that are shutting down the speech of those that they don't like. those are the biden voters. that is the democrat party today. and that's what i think people across america have to recognize, this democrat party is a socialist marxist party.
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they don't represent hard-working americans anymore. they don't care if they shut down your business, your livelihood forever. guess what? we will put you on a government program. you will be a democrat voter for life. this election is about freedom vs. tyranny. capitalism vs. socialism and communism. they are not even pretending that it's not anymore. brian: the reason why the rich multimillionaire billionaire president trump is not letting that park avenue label that joe biden is trying to give him stick is because it doesn't work. if you look at who has raised more money on park avenue on the upper west side or anywhere new york city donald trump has raised 125,000. joe biden 8 million. upper west side 3.3 million for joe biden. donald trump 763,000. that is why even though he is billionaire blue collar american sees themselves in him. steve: if you remember from the
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last debated a week ago tonight, donald trump said look, joe biden has raised a bunch of money from people donald trump said i could call up the presidents of all the big companies and say hey will you donated me money and he said they absolutely would. but then the president said but then i would owe them something ultimately and he prefers not to do that where do you get your news? a lot of you get it from fox news. you are watching now. a lot of the people get news from smart devices. of course, as you know, there has been a big debate over how bitter has locked the "new york post" out of their platform and would not allow their blockbuster story about hunter biden's laptop to be distributed across big tech essentially. so yesterday, there was a senate commerce committee hearing to investigate big tech's bad behavior they said went back jack dorsey guy in the middle
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who really needs to trim that beard said why did you block it? he said initially it was censored under our hacketd materials policy. really? what did that mean? he goes in the beginning it was believed that in fact it is believed that all of that stuff is russian disinformation. so the senators wanted to know all right. twitter, where is the evidence? watch this. >> "new york post"? you don't think that censorship, that moderation of policies, you don't think that influences the elections by withholding what i believe is true information from the american public you? don't think that interferes in elections? do either one of you have any evidence that the "new york post" story is part of russian disinformation? or that those emails aren't authentic? mr. dorsey? >> we don't. >> we didn't censor the content. we flagged it for fact checkers to review. it's not up to us to determine
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whether it's russian interference nor whether it's true. >> we recognized an error in this policy and specifically the enforcement. >> you are still blocking their post. you are still blocking their post. right now today you are blocking their post. mr. dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the american people are allowed to hear? steve: such a good point by ted cruz. the headline is blackmail. essentially jack dorsey said we will allow the "new york post" to go ahead and post online on twitter that original story. but, first, they have got to delete that post. and the "new york post" is saying no. absolutely not. we're not going to make -- we're not going to have to follow your rules to essentially do the same thing. they will not submit the "new york post" will not submit to the demands of twitter, ainsley. and there are a lot of people wondering hey, if twitter could
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do this to america's oldest newspaper, they could do this to every newspaper. ainsley: right. we had carroll mark wits on our show she is a columnist for that newspaper "the new york post." listen to this. >> where are all the media firefighters who care so deeply about free speech and care so deeply about the integrity of our elections. and democracy dies in darkness and amazing phrases they have used over the last four years. where are they to say what has happened to the "new york post" is not right and not fair and that they should stand up and do something? but they don't. it's all very, very telling. and to say that like it's only about supporting donald trump is sort of limiting because i really think you could donald trump and think what twitter is doing is insane. where is the rest of the media to say yes, this is crazy. they shouldn't do this and we should stand up and say so. ainsley: she also made another good point. you can delete the tweet and allow to you use your account again. she said we can't use our account to delete that tweet but
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they could. twitter could go into our account and delete the tweet and bring us back up and we can post the story again. also, yesterday, a good point by ted cruz, he talked about how you heard jack dorsey say the reasons why they -- what they consider misinformation and one of those things is manipulated media. he said this is manipulated media. ted cruz said well yeah, president trump, his tax returns, you all let that story go out there. that was manipulated media, he says. appeared to be reeked illegally he said yeah. it's not fair. it's hypocritical for you to additioallow information manipu. steve: only just hits the republicans. never hits the democrats. brian: here's the deal don't get caught up in the "new york post." steve: it's an important story. brian: joe biden is running on integrity. in that story is the story in that story shows that he is very
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much aware of what hunter biden is doing with other countries linked to communist governments and he will not answer any of those questions and he is not being asked those questions. not getting into the mainstream because of what twitter is doing. tony bobulinski is seeing this and his integrity called out by adam schiff and came forward with tucker carlson on monday and told the whole story. two people know him honest as the day is long. that's probably the impression you got after listening to tucker. when he came out and realized the country is going to vote on a guy not being transparent about what he has done and what he might be subjected to by our enemies, nicly and militarily, he has come forward. but what he did not know is that nobody else in the press would take him up on this story outside fox and the new york most and maybe "the washington examiner." when he came forward, he thourntiond as did his partners, this whole thing would blow up and bigger than monica lewenski,
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perhaps. that's why walker and gilyard can be heard on this phone call talking to tony bobulinski before he came forward with tucker saying this is about to -- if you go forward, it is going to blow up our lives in every way, shape, or form. listen. >> i just think that if somebody comes out now and verifies the story, it blows up big time. that's all. >> we have got this situation now where it's escalating again because somebody allegedly one of us three has qualified the story and already it's back on the front pages. brian: but it never made the front pages. it never led with the network news. ainsley: good point. brian: even though he is leading the presidential race of the most powerful nation in the world. nobody asks him a question. he doesn't do appearances. they have never asked him about this. we have never in tour lives seen
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anything like this. go to the big board and how the nets works handled this story. zero abc, zero cbs, zero nbc. networks all the cable networks not covering this story. give your opinion on it. go ahead. but not covering it is the worst thing that i have seen in mass media in my lifetime age of 7 to present. and these guys who thought their lives are about to blow up this is great. as long as i'm on the right side of things which is the joe biden thing i could do whatever i want. and as of today. these guys have gotten a total pass and so has joe biden. steve: tucker carlson also told a story last night that was very troubling. that was he went out to los angeles to interview tony bobulinski and he had -- they had spoken with the producers here in new york. and they said we have also got some documents that essentially show hunter biden business deals. if you would, new york office,
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courier them. he didn't say which of the big courier companies but we know what they are. courier them from new york to los angeles. somewhere between new york and los angeles, at 3:44 in the morning, somebody along the production line realized at the company realized hey, wait a minute, that package has been opened and it's empty. and apparently they had an investigation but they do not know what happened to those documents. unsure whether or not there are duplicate copies but nonetheless that's a crazy story. ainsley: it is crazy. really is. steve: what on earth could have happened. ainsley: some people will go to great lengths. unbelievable. hand it over to jillian. jillian: in nice, france, three people dead following a knife attack at a church. local media reporting one woman was allegedly decapitated. the suspect behind the attack has been arrested. the motive is not clear a french
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antiterrorism prosecutor is investigating it's the third attack in france in to you with months. we will keep you updated as we get more information. tropical storm zeta barreling north after slamming the gulf coast as a category 2 hurricane. at least two people killed in louisiana and mississippi. powerful winds and rain ripping shingles off a roof in new orleans and throwing a trailer across the road. look at that the storm leaving nearly 2 million people without power across the south. two companies showing promising results from their covid-19 antibody treatment trials. both regeneron and eli lily already applying for fda emergency authorization. regeneron says their treatment significantly reduced hospital visits for patients. the trump administration has agreed to buy 300,000 doses of ally lily's antibody treatment if it's approved. right now 8.9 million coronavirus cases in the u.s. more than 227,000 people have
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died. send it back to you. brian: only way to stop it is this vaccine if you look around the world. joe biden says he is not a socialist. why is his running mate kamala harris campaigning with self-proclaimed socialist bernie sanders today question mark exclamation point with just five days to go tammy bruce says biden needs bernie, she explains next. ♪ ♪ made for? it's made for him a veteran who honorably served and it's made for her she's serving now we also made usaa for military spouses and their kids become a member. get an insurance quote today.
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against somebody else. is he running against joe biden. i beat all those other people because i did disagreed with them. ainsley: joe biden might have distanced himself from bernie sanders then. guess what his running mate senator kamala harris will hold a rally with a self-described socialist is this just a strategy to win votes from the left? joining us now president of the independent women's voice and fox news contributor tammy bruce. hey, tammy. >> hey, ainsley. ainsley: good morning. when i read that head scratcher he was trying to distance himself for all the reasons he disagrees with bernie sanders. why do you think he is using him now? >> well, look, i think from the start here it was clear that the fringe left have taken control of the party. and, yet, they can't win an election. the american people don't want what socialists are offering. they don't want collapsed economies. they don't want riots in the streets. they don't want violence. they don't want a cancel culture.
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so this became about america first vs. american said. we have seen what's happened around the world with socialism and what bernie sanders supports and we see it in venezuela. we see the clip bernie sanders years ago talking about how bread lines can be good, a man who hone municipal in the soviet union. they know got to move into government quietly, suspiciously, covertly. this is what we have got here. this is for the democratic party, it's a shame. this is a fraud that's being perpetrated against the american people. joe biden has been presented effectively as a trojan horse. and just like how donald trump is working for the vote of the forgotten man and woman for minorities in this country. people who haven't been represented, the democrats can't win without the far left. without that fringe framework. so have you got senator harris campaigning with bernie sanders. just last month she referred to
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the harris administration. that they are working for. both joe biden and harris have reared to the harris biden administration. so we know that joe biden is not going to be making the decisions. but we also don't think kamala harris is going to either. you've got the squad. you have living room just said the other day don't worry, the joe biden administration is going to be much more progressive than you can imagine. so this is the arrangement. it's the thing that we don't see. it's what's behind the scenes as the arrangement. joe biden didn't beat anybody. they withdraw knowing that the dynamic that they were going to try to win on hate for trump while then secreting from the american people what it is they plan to do to this country? do you want to know what it is? look around you. you can see it in blue cities across the country it's not pretty. ainsley: put that moderate democrat in the tough spot they
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won't support the party. >> i'm a democrat. ainsley, i'm a democrat. and you are absolutely right. now it's about voting for the country as opposed. you can't vote for the party anymore. ainsley: so you are not voting for joe biden? >> yeah, no. yeah, i'm not. i voted as many are, a straight republican ticket. it shocked me. but, again, you vote for the country, you look at the individuals. you look at situation that's the only choice most of us have. ainsley: tammy. talk about the girl scouts they congratulate you had amy coney barrett and had to delete the tweet they put it on social media. it's an organization that supports women no matter how -- it's not a political organization. i was a gir girl scout. what are your thoughts about this? they took it down because of all the backlash? >> well, the girl scouts have changed. and they took it down saying that it showed some kind of bias. the complaint was is that it shows you are a biased organization. but they have a tweet up
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celebrating and supporting hillary clinton. and that was not complained about about being biased or political. so you have got a dynamic like you do we have been discussing when it comes to the hunter biden story and everything else. >> you have got things that are being used, this argument about bias and about the unfairness. where it's their construct that allows them to eliminate the things that don't support the liberal agenda specifically. and what they want to do is make the liberal narrative the norm. the moment -- and that is the case in their lives but not for the rest of america. the moment they are able to establish that the norm is the liberal agenda then everything else is biased. everything else is wrong. everything else is opposition. and that's where we can't go. this is a nation of a mull tuesday of ideas of a variety of points of view for all the people that are out there. women, guys, people of color. we are a nation that is diverse
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and we need to stand up to that. ainsley: that's okay. women can stand up for that very issue. but this is when mob rule wins. >> that's right. ainsley: thanks so much, tammy, for being with us. >> exactly. thank you, ainsley. ainsley: while the media has largely ignored bombshell claims from hunter biden's former business partner, they were quick to praise lieutenant colonel alexander vindman when he spoke out against president trump. joey jones says the media silence is deafening and he joins us next. ♪
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abandoned van packed full of explosives. leland vittert live on the ground as a bomb squad investigation is underway. hey, leland. >> hey, brian, good morning to you. much calmer third night here in philadelphia. two stores broken into. very different than the looting that we had over the past two days. this is the rite aid they busted into. there is not a lot of merchandise strewn all over the place and the folks who did didn't get very far. that was their get away car. protests down in philadelphia. west philadelphia where walter wallace was shot and killed but none of those lord and taylor also got broken into by looters or would be looters again they didn't get very far with merchandise. the police response was overwhelming as was their presence on the street. our fox 29 affiliate is reporting that that van filled with explosives may be linked to atm explosions that have been going on over the past week or so. some 30 atms blown up by
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groupings trying to get cash out of them. they think those might be link you had that reporting from fox 29. bomb squad is continuing to investigate. and the big thing that happened overnight and what didn't happen which is nor officers not getting hurt like they have over the past two. take a listen. >> injuries include various cuts and bruises, et cetera. these are from thrown projectiles. rocks, bricks, et cetera. several officers also had something that appeared to be intentionally thrown on them. >> and you can see there the list of officers injured and the number of arrests over the past couple of days. we understand there may be more arrests coming. the u.s. attorney has a press conference for later today to talk about federal charges involved in what happened here. the other big support of this story is the investigation into the shooting and killing of walter wallace. he was an african-american man who came at police with a knife. we expect the body cam footage and 911 tapes to be released in
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the not too distant future back to you. brian: all right, leland. stay safe. steve? steve: thank you, brian. hunter biden's former business associate navy vet tony bobulinski, that man right there, made some explosive claims about joe biden's involvement in hunter biden's business dealings during an interview with tucker carlson. the media has largely ignored the story. that wasn't the case a year ago when the media praised lieutenant colonel alex vindman for speaking out against president trump during the impeachment hearings. remember this? >> there was dramatic testimony in the house impeachment investigation by a decorated war hero. >> bombshell testimony on capitol hill. this is a very, very important moment. this was a person that was there. >> vindman's character may be unparalleled so far in this whole inquiry. >> the colonel today described himself as a patriot. >> everyone was moved by lieutenant colonel vindication man's close invoking his father
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and invoking that we do right here. steve: here with reaction fox news contributor and marine corps vet joey jones. joey, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: so try to explain the different approaches by the media to these two different men who both proudly served our nation. >> absolutely. and first, let me say i don't know what lieutenant colonel vindman's motivations were and that's not what this is about. that's not what tony bobulinski's intentions are. take this unidentifying characteristic of military service or more importantly honorable military service, a few years later at the same time. it's somehow is the only reason why you should or shouldn't believe someone and then when that person is a military officer is now on the dinner side of a partisan issue, all of a sudden you are attacking this person as russian disinformation. and what it shows is that the same party whose political ideology allowed them to spit on troops that were drafted into vietnam are now giving some sort
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of self-righteous reverence for someone because they happen to support their partisan attack and then they are completely silent or even worse attacking this lieutenant from the navy who seems to have some pretty obvious motivations and we should at least listen to and find out if this is true or not. steve: you know. and that's such a good point. you would think that journalists and reporters would have a curiosity about well, you know what? let's look into that story because if that's true, that would be a blockbuster. but, from what we can tell, it seems like only a very few number of news outlets are actually looking into it. >> i think that's the problem. villageman got an entire hearing nationally tell twice sides you had in the middle of impeachment over every word out of his mouth we were supposed to believe it because he said it in uniform. i don't care if it's tammy duckworth or late john mccain or brian mast who has the same
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injuries as me. the partisan side of it they are a politician today. take them for what they're. don't let them hide behind their war injuries. i would never do that no one i just put in front of you would ever do that and then to say for some reason tony bobulinski is a russian disinformation person like maybe, you know, respect his service just a little bit and hear what he has to say and check it out. listen, "the washington post" and "new york times," okay, they're not going to touch it but adam schiff or someone in congress shouldn't be calling this man, you know a treasonous person without even so much as opening the laptop and seeing for themselves. what i find abhorrent about this is the way they are trying to use my brothers and sisters' military service in their favor one day and against them the next. john kelly is a good example of this. he was the devil incarnate when he worked for the president. now he is jesus christ the savior because he doesn't like the president. you can't act that way about our service. we serve honorably, take us for
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that once we stop into politics hey we are politicians and. you can have it one way or the other not both. steve: i wouldn't be surprised if the press looks into tony bobulinski and has big reports on him on november the 4th. >> i'm sure it will happen. it will probably be a character attack, yeah. steve: so far that's pretty much all we have heard from the limited number of people who have been chiming in on it. joey, thank you very much. >> absolutely, thank you. steve: good day. meanwhile mike huckabee is going to join us after the break. hey, what are you doing this morning? how about downloading the fox bet super 6 app. so you can play the election 2020 game. could win 50,000 bucks from fox bet. all you got to do is pick 6 possible outcomes then watch the election coverage on tuesday night. see how it all unfolds. you could be a winner. just download the fox bet super 6 app. so you can get started today.
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♪ >> can you name for me one high profile person or entity from a liberal ideology who you have censored. >> there are certainly many examples. >> one high profile liberal person or company who have you censored. >> i need to think about it and get you more of a list. >> we can give a more exhaustive list. >> i'm not asking for exhaustive list i'm asking for a single example. >> we have taken action on tweets members of the house for election miss info. >> can you identify any example. >> i will get those names to you. bine brian that appointment snuck up on him and he couldn't clean himself for the big event. >> let's bring in g.o.p. presidential candidate and author of the three c's that made america great christianity constitution. big tech firms and other outlets just refuse to cover certain stories revolving around certain clauses and president trump
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specifically. waiting, analyzing and venting, it's not changing anything. they are still preventing a fair and balanced look at what's going on with both these candidates. >> don't worry about it, will brian, adam schiff is going to be holding companies. tech companies ones meddle in the election. look for hearings to start. that's breaking news, you have it here first and of course that's not true because they are never going to look into this. i thought it was amazing that these guys came yesterday so ill prepared. brian: i know. >> what would have been an obvious question they stood there flat fooded caught with their hands in the cookie jars and couldn't come up with a single because one, there aren't any names on the second that have been censored like that. steve: the president 165 times and joe biden has been censored zero times. but i'm sure that's a
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coincidence. >> zero. steve: we are five days out until the elections. your prediction, sir? >> i still think president trump is going to be reelected. and i read the polls. i see it. but i also look at what's happening in the enthusiasm and i see that there are many more people now having to ask themselves is joe biden fit to be president? and this scandal that we now have more and more details about, that is not just conjecture, that has to put doubt in people's minds as to not only his fitness, but his characterization the one thing that he said he is running on. and the president halls had results. this is a president who has delivered for us. i can't imagine street don't like his personality ignore the things that have been done under his leadership, both foreign and domestic. it's very significant. restructuring a foreign policy that has been amazing and it's effective iness. >> you kamala is going to be with bernie today.
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brian: new analysis 2020 polling data from the "new york times" revealing the racial and ethnic gap shrinking among voters. as biden makes gains with white voters and president trump makes some inroads among black and hispanic voters especially in florida. next guest says he has spoken to members of the black community voted democrat their entire life now supporting the president herschel walker joins you now. so, herschel, since the rnc have you been very much in in and. you have been spending a loft your time where and what have you heard? >> >> well what i have heard is lot of the african-americans are starting to look at the policies that donald trump has delivered and they are starting to switch. you know, one of the most interesting things that happened
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to me a couple of days ago i happened to come upon a couple of african-american women after coming out of bible study. they were watching barack obama make a speech and they was totally upset that they said he told some things that wasn't true. they started flipping the channel around and they came upon fox and they noticed that fox was doing the barack obama speech as well. and they flipped back to whatever channel they were watching and they said that they never showed donald trump's speech. and they figured something was wrong and they started researching and they said that for the first time in over 20-plus years they are going to vote republican. and i think you were wrong by saying the polls some of the whites are going to go to joe biden. i think that's wrong as well and the reason why is what white person today is going to say that they are going to vote for donald trump without being abused, without being ridiculed. without being put down. without being called a racist. so, i would really check those polls because i think the polsters are going to be wrong.
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brian: jim brown said something very similar to what ice cube said. i made a call to the white house. i told them my plan about criminal justice reform and they listened. i had a seat at the table. same thing we heard from ice cube listen i presented my plan and they talked to me and next thing you know he is on the phone with jared kushner and three hour one-on-one meeting and implementing some of his plan immediately as of septembe. i think that's what people are missing. a seat at the table instead of being pandered. >> to that's exactly right most people don't realize. most african-americans would rather die on their feet fighting for their freedom than to leave on their knees begging for something from the government. i think right now that's you what the biden administration is trying to get you to do is going to put you and do something for you we like you we will pander for your vote and that's what's
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sad. right now, you know, this world is going on and we have to keep on going with it. the virus is tough but we got to go with it. no matter what, we can't close down, we didn't shut everything down, who is going to be hurt? a lot of the african-american community is going to be hurt by that. brian: have you been hurt by your stance with the president? >> >> well, not at all. one thing i think i have gotten stronger because people see my conviction because i love the lord jesus christ. they see that i'm not going to waiver. i don't care what people say and how they try to intimidate me. you can't intimidate herschel walker. can i tell you that right now. i believe in the united states of america. i believe in america. i believe in the people. and i'm not going to say that i'm going to go for someone that i don't think is mentally and physically ready to be president of the united states. one person that i do know that can give you a 24-hour aday job is donald trump right now i don't know whether biden is -- can give you that type of work ethic. you know, i think is he a great
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man, maybe, but his time is gone. he has been there 47 years. and i think right now i'm not sure if he can work 24 hours a day and that's what you have to do to be president of the united states. brian: at least try. he works every other day. i have never seen someone stroll to the presidency but if he gets it that's exactly what we can say he has done. herschel walker, thanks so muc much,. >> hey, thank you now. brian: great to see you. meanwhile coming up straight ahead kayleigh mcenany will be here live. dave rubin will be weighing in. trey gowdy on what mr. bobulinski brings tout table and why his case is not being examined. charles payne on the plummeting stock market and senator rick scott. ♪ i got a feeling ♪ re-entering data that employees could enter themselves?
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>> we are getting so close, 5 days now until the election. more than 73 million have voted. >> the choice between the american dream and socialist nightmare. that's what it is. >> the longer he's in charge the more reckless he's in charge. >> why do you persist in behaving as a democratic super pac? >> still think what twitter is doing absolutely insane. >> mr. biden, can i ask you some questions? i wanted to ask you questions about the china deal. >> i think it needs to be eliminated. >> overnight tropical storm zeta
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bracing north after slamming louisiana. janice: strongest storms on record for this time of year. steve: a woman in pennsylvania turned a house into tourist attraction for trump supporters. >> many democrats flipping political parties, they are concerned of the future of the party. ♪ ♪ steve: 5 days until election day. hour 3 of "fox & friends", so far close to 74 million people have already early voted which is extraordinary. that's a big number, a very big number is expected 30 minutes from right now because the gdp number for the third quarter will be released and the estimates say it can be anywhere from 30 to 33%. keep in mind, the economy went down 31% in second quarter because of the pandemic. ainsley: right. steve: this could match the
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number. steve: go to the polls. we've all voted. brian, you went to the polls and didn't have to wait that long. brian: everyone kept 6 feet apart and so if you see a long line, don't be discouraged. griff jenkins is never discouraged even when he's not surfing. he's in fort lauradale. griff: i shifted the shot so you can get the ocean and my hair is blowing the wrong. we have 5 days, 120 hours until election day and they will fight it out in florida today. let me show you the map. the president weak up in miami, flying will from delaware and lr today, i4 corridor, both hours
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apart in tampa. biden having a drive-in event. it didn't get any tired in the sunshine state, real clear politics average right now has it in a deadlock even tie, 48 to 48. now president trump was trailing 19 days ago about 4 points. attributes closing the gap to reaching out to latino voters and comments and record on economic recovery. yesterday in arizona he was talking about those gdp numbers. steve, you were mentioning a little bit of what he had to say in predicting a big number. >> before that happens and i don't know what it is, but the atlanta fed just predicted a very big, biggest in the history in the country. you will have gdp coming out and it'll be announced probably on the first, maybe a day before the first and if the number is not big, you don't even have to vote for me, okay. griff: biden was back in
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delaware slamming the president on the pandemic. >> he makes a lot of pronouncements but they don't hold up. he gets photo-op and gets out. he leaves everyone to suffer consequences of the failure to make a responsible plan. seems like he just doesn't care much about it. the longer he's in charge the more reckless he gets. griff: so florida once again looks like it's headed for a razer-thin contest. interestingly enough already 7 million floridans have voted an when it comes to mail-in ballot, the concerns yesterday in pennsylvania, they are talking about extension. the floridans, the election officials say they hope it'll run smoothly because of past experience with dealing with mail-in ballots, brian, ainsley
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and steve. steve: thank you very much for joining us from that county. let's bring in kayleigh mcenany, trump 2020 campaign adviser, good morning to you. >> kayleigh: good morning, steve. steve: in the final 5 days i know both campaigns are spending a lot on tv, both campaigns are out in about although your candidate seems to be on tv all afternoon into the evening but you have something different and you think it's your secret weapon, 2.5 million door-knockers going door to door, right? kayleigh: that's exactly. we actually have a ground game. democrats didn't do that this year. look, it's paying dividends, steve. i'm sitting in miami-dade county, the president and the rest of the team were about to take off in florida. in miami-dade as of yesterday 6 percentage points ahead of
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democrats, that's historic turnout for republicans. we have won 10 straight days of early voting. democrats have absentee advantage but we have been eating away, two-thirds, ate away at their advantage two-thirds and on election when the trump coalition turns we will win the great state of florida, we will win this election. ainsley: joe biden's brother, he was confronted by a fox news reporter at his house in maryland and he refused to answer questions from the reporter about tony bobulinski, watch this. >> what do you say to philadelphia -- outraged by another unarmed black man -- what did you learn from the passage that have you working on improvements particularly whether you're going to work with republicans. ainsley: i thought we had the video of the reporter but you know what happens, confronted his brother outside of his house and he said go away, i'm not going to answer your questions.
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you saw video of joe biden, he took a few questions from reporters. steve, was it your son, steve, that was out there? a reporter from fox asking questions about joe biden's son hunter. steve: he we wanted to ask a question but you know how the campaign works, the vice president would take some questions and questions is plural and they took two questions and as soon as he answered the question about philadelphia violence and health care, he turned out and got out before anybody could ask him about tony bobulinski. ainsley: why are they staying so silent? kayleigh: joe biden has not denied the substance of the allegations, we have emails, firsthand witness in tony bobulinski that says that joe biden is compromised by china and profited up china during time in government profited from foreign governments on taxpayers' dime. good for fox news to ask that
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question. that's the journalistic malpractice of our time that they refuse to ask questions. we have verified, we have documents and they won't ask a question. good for fox news because the rest of journalism has advocated their duty to get the truth from the american people. steve: fox news was not able to ask the question of joe biden because the campaign keeps them away. ainsley: but fox news did go out to ask his brother outside his house. brian: jimmy. the president really utilized in 2016, you weren't doing this job, but utilized facebook that helped him propel to victory and no one really did more for twitter than the president of the united states because he uses as main source of communication but hasn't stopped both entities perhaps from turning on him in your campaign. now it's the subject that was brought up as the tech center heads went to capitol hill or offered their interviews, interview subjects yesterday in front of commerce committee. listen to ted cruz go at jack
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dorsey who was barely up. >> twitter had the ability to influence elections. >> no, we are one part of a spectrum of communication that people have. >> twitter, when it silences people, blocks political, that has no impact on elections? >> people have a choice of other communication channels. >> not if they don't hear information. mr. dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the american people are allowed to hear and why do you persist in behaving as a democratic super pac silence -- >> we are not doing that. this is why i opened this hearing with calls for more transparency. brian: i wish dorsey would calm down and answer the question. kelly, what does the campaign plan on doing. 5 days left. all of the stories have been
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sidelined and the president has been frozen and blocked 65 times. are you guys helpless? kayleigh: we would be making 5 rally stops a day, 5. thousands show up, literally thousands of people show up. as the new york post noted today, this is a mob artist and shakedown effort to say delete the hunter biden story. the media won't report on it. social media will censor it or we will censor the fourth largest newspaper in the united states, block them from social media. big tech needs to be handled and the president in the second term will do just that because there needs to be equity and lack of censorship, this is what happens in north korea and not the united states of america. steve: we continue to see spikes in certain part of the country
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regarding covid. for the most part biden campaign has made their push and pitched to america that the administration has mishandled the response to the pandemic. but when you look at these strict lockdowns that are going into effect in europe right now, you realize it's hard for any country to get a handle on it. kayleigh: yeah, look the american people have a very clear choice when it comes to covid. you can vote on joe biden where you will be locked down and schools closed, churches will be closed, you won't have social gatherings. it would be a lockdown versus president trump where we are safely reopening this country, americans deserve jobs, they deserve freedom. joe biden's modeling strategy which is lockdown in the basement, but this president has surged therapeutics, testing, vaccine in record time, we can control this but at the same time we can open this country and not lock down like joe biden will do.
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ainsley: this is the president on how he wants to restore it and he's hitting the democrats for not condemning the unrests sooner. >> i'm witnessing this terrible and frankly that the mayor or whoever it is that's allowing people to riot and loot and not stop them is also just a horrible thing. you can't let that go on. again, a democrat-run state, a democrat-run city, philadelphia. that's no way to do it. you have to have law and order and have respect for the police. you have the condemn and be strong. you can't have chaos like that. ainsley: it's hard to watch the video types of people looting mom and pop shops, that's their bread and butter? kayleigh: that's right, people who have worked their entire
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lives to open businesses, you have 30 police officers who were injured on the first night of the riots, one run over by a car, a stance to stuff police officers in trunk. vehicle with explosive devices. let me be crystal clear why it's happening, democrats enabled the mob, when they attack police officers verbally they are being attacked physically. what jim comey called the ferguson effect. we are seeing it play out again. brian: angela merkel, the germans did it right, why can't we be like them, they are now locking down for a month, the french, they did it right, they had a great summer because they were disciplined, the french are locking down and they have been locked down in 9 separate cities and italians, they are locking down and protesting every step of the way. uk regionally blocking down and belgium and czech republic and 29 states have hit highs, is the
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president's approach hurt immunity? kayleigh: no, lowest case fatality in the world. when you look across the hospitals to have united states, the percentage of covid patients in hospital beds is 6%, it's because this president did things right. you have 99% survival rate under 70 and above 70 because of therapeutics it's close to that because of what this president did, tearing down bureaucratic barriers, tearing down regulations and paving the way for therapeutics. we have done this right and europe and the united states comparison tells that story. steve: kayleigh mcenany 6 days from being able to sleep in. brian: for a day. kayleigh: one day, yes. steve: time for some news. jillian: let's begin your headlines with fox news alert 3 people are dead after following
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knife attack in nice, france, one woman decapitated, the suspect behind the attack has been arrested. the motive is not clear, french antiterrorism prosecutor is investigating. third attack in france in two months. also breaking right now more than 2 million people are without power as tropical storm zeta barrels north slamming the gulf coast category 2 hurricane and ripping shingles off of roofs in new orleans, a tractor trailer thrown across the road. supreme court making decisions on mail-in ballots, 9-day extension can stay in place. absentee and mail-in ballots can be counted as late as november 12th, as long as they are post marked by election day. the high court will not expedite hearing on challenge to pennsylvania's law, ballots can
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be counted up to november 6. new justice amy coney barrett didn't take part in any of the case, the court says she didn't have enough time to review each one. golf legend jack nicholas is endorsing president trump. he voted for the president because he, quote, delivered on his promises and reminding voters the election is not a popularity contest writing, quote, you might not like the way the president says or tweets some things and trust me i've told him that but i've learned to look past that and focused on what he has tried to accomplished. back to you. ainsley: thank you, jillian. president trump and joe biden campaigning in florida until 5 days until the election. who has the edge in the sunshine state, dave reuben next. play game with a chance to win $50,000 from our friends at fox
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>> for years you had a president who apologized for america and now you have a president who will stand up for america. >> we will never, ever quit. >> we are going to keep on fighting and keep on winning, winning, winning. [cheers and applause] ainsley: 5 days till the election and more than 73 early ballots already cast, president trump and joe biden hitting the
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campaign trail in battleground states gearing up for a showdown in the sunshine state today and dave reuben host of show joins us, hey, dave. >> good morning, ainsley. ainsley: they are both going to sunshine state, battleground state and they both need that, a must-win for either candidate. you're in california, you posted that you voted and you voted for president trump, why is that? what about his message resinates with you? >> as most of your audience knows, i've been a life-long democrat, i voted for obama twice, i voted for gore and john kerry and this is the first time i've voted for a republican president but i see trump basically as the last to stop the radical left. joe biden himself may not be radically left. it's a little unclear what joe biden is and what he actually stands for at this point but what's coming behind him, what the future of the democratic party is, is this
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progressive-left, the collectivist left, the aoc, ilhan omar democrats and i think that's the worst set of ideas possible. it's counter to everything that america is all about and on top of that, by the way, this isn't just a counter vote, i think donald trump has actually done a lot of good, you know, until the last two months i thought peace in the middle east, i thought that's what we all wanted. before covid the economy was doing well. i think it will do well again and there are sign that is it will do well again. he's done things internationally where suddenly countries are realizing, you to play by the rules, the u.s. isn't going to pay for everything and you know part of me also likes kind of being patriotic and there's no feeling of that on the left anymore. this is a great country. for 250 years we've given more opportunity than any other country in the history of the world and i think we can continue that but we can only
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continue it if we have a president that believes in constitution and that america is fundamentally good. ainsley: it's interesting that you say about patriotism. you drive down the street and in one neighborhood they might have american flags up, that's amaze, red, white and blue and now you see good for them to stand up for the flag, how did we get there? >> it's a bizarre sign of trump support because, you know, i'm here in la in california, so this is lefty crazy town and, you know, you see the biden-harris signs. you don't really see trump signs, you see them at the parades now and huge weekly one in beverly hills which was unbelievable and love fest and tons of great people of every background were there and all that stuff. but usually now at this point when i see american flags in my neighbor's yards or driving around yard that seems trump support, why would you put up
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american flag if you're democrat because they are telling you that system was racism and america was founded on slavery, they want to change all of the rules of the past and tell you how bad everything is. the american flag in an odd way has become proxy flag for trump 2020 which is sort of unfortunate state of things but it's just sort of where we are at. ainsley: dave, i know you use social media, big tech were grilled by lawmakers, what did you think? >> oh, yeah. unfortunately it's probably too little too late. i mean, at this point we are 5 days out from the election and a lot of people including you guys at "fox & friends" and especially tucker have been -- have been nailing big tech for years. i've been talking about it for years that we've known about shadow bans, we've know about algorithmic tricks, when you subscribe to channels, you don't see things. we know about the new york post hunter biden story. it appears that jack dorsey lied
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under oath while he was talking to senator cruz, so we know that there are all the tricks but at some level, 5 days before the election, having the hearings, it's nice because the average person might hear about the issues more if they're not really paying attention to it but can anything be done that's going to affect the election because obviously that's what this is all about. if something was going to be done and we could have all sorts of talks about what regulation means or breaking the companies up or whatever that might be, we probably had to have the conversation or not we, the senate probably had to have that conversation about a year and a half ago. a lot of us were talking about but they are doing it now, a couple of days before the election. guys, i'm pretty sure the ship has sailed on the 2020 election as far as big tech. ainsley: we have to get through five more days. we've had people on the show noticed they are losing -- stories aren't trending, losing followers or censored so
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yesterday when they were asked, can you name a liberal that's been censored, we will get back to you on that, no one comes to mind, no one. >> yeah, it's one sided, it's one sided and that's part of the problem. my personal thoughts on free speech, if these are platforms then you leave everything up and if it breaks the laws of the united states, then there's a legal issue. ainsley: exactly. >> the platforms should be platforms and if they are going to decide, what's true and not true, you can only post truth, we did 2 years of a russia collusion scandal, i'm sure you have to take down every msnbc host twitter account. ainsley: the holocaust never happened and they allowed that. thanks so much, dave, for coming on with us. >> my pleasure, thanks, guys. ainsley: you're welcome. the media is largely ignoring claims by hunter biden's former business partner that the former vice president's knew about son's dealings, why the silence? trey gowdy in south carolina,
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>> i know joe decided not the run in 2016 but what if he ran in the future, aren't they taking political risks or headline risks and i remember looking at jim biden and saying, how are you guys getting away from this, aren't you concerned and he looked at me and laughed a little bit, plausible deniability. brian: former society tony bobulinski claiming they shugged
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concerns. author of doesn't hurt to ask, trey gowdy, everybody from tony bobulinski to former partners according to phone recordings i heard last night and we heard this morning are surprised this is not on the front page of every newspaper. are you? >> i think we have a right to be disappointed, but, brian, no, i'm not surprised. the last scandal that the dc media covered was the hillary clinton e-mail arrangement and they think that cost the election. think back, russia, mueller, impeachment. think of the times adam schiff is wrong over the years, if you can count that high, count how many times he's been wrong. so am i disappointed, yes, surprised no. brian: adam schiff's comments to tony bobulinski came forward
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because he wouldn't apologize. the chickens have come down to home to roost. the wall street journal is calling on joe biden to come clean. joe biden is asking to elect him on strength of character, honesty and judgment why biden owns response about newalses about his son's business deals. does that put more pressure on the biden camp to respond? >> i mean, it should, it's a credibility issue. he was definitive that he never, never is a really big word, brian, i never discussed business with my son, okay. well, we have a witness who remember wore the uniform, we always have to believe people in uniform, you have a factual dispute there. you also have the ongoing issue is how hunter going to conduct himself if you win and then the third issue that the media ought to be looking at is we -- i spent days listening to the trump children questioned about their father's relationship with
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foreign countries, is imtoo-- it too much to ask? is it too much to ask hunter biden, what did you talk to your dad about? brian: if you're a senate candidate, not answer anything? >> i think you have to be careful doing it and you can never get in trouble saying why won't the media apply the same standard to democrats than they do republicans? that's all we are asking. our society needs a referee, umpire, it's supposed to be the media, what's wrong with joe biden telling us hey, are you sure you never discussed things with your sons because we have an eyewitness who wore a uniform that says you did. i would just ask the media to be the societal referee that they used to be and we need.
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brian: what are big issues, packing the court, get a commission in 180 day. law enforcement reform, i will put a commission and see what happens. what happens to past dealings, i will not answer those questions. the american people, i thought they demand more on a presidential candidate. you have a guy on the other side which never stops telling you what he's going to do and drives people crazy. >> obama and biden were in power in 2016 when russia interfered in the election, what did you do to stop the election and how did you punish russia afterwards? what the hell and obama do to punish russia after they interfered with that you are election? brian: trey gowdy proving to be a morning person. check out podcast, it is excellent. trey, thanks so much. >> you too, thank you.
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will walk you through your options, answer any questions you have and help you enroll over the phone. plans with a zero dollar monthly plan premium are available in many areas. call now and we'll also send this free guide. humana, a more human way to healthcare. ainsley: back with fox news report. look at that, the economy growing at record 33.1%. brian: just days before the election, higher than predicted and comes after gdp fell more than 31% in the second quarter. steve: today's numbers are the fastest growth for the u.s. economy in american history. let's bring in charles payne, host of making money over on fox business. hey, charles, good morning to you. charles: good morning. >> steve: in the second quarter we went down and now up at 33.1%, doesn't mean we are
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exactly where we were but that's -- that's a blow outnumber. charles: it is absolutely remarkable and let me tell you, i'm sitting here going through the data because the headline doesn't do it any justice. durable goods up 45%, nondurable, things we buy not for durable goods essentially things that we will offer 3 years or later like refrigerator. domestic investing, this is what we did as people, not businesses, up 83%. residential investing, homes, 59%. what held us back, obviously we are not building. 59%. these numbers are absolutely remarkable. what held us back obviously was government spending down 18%, structures which has been a long going thing. businesses mostly invest in technology rather than building new plants. they retro fit them for the 21st century. this is a long-term trend that's been in place anyway. if you look at the details, it's even better than the headline. ainsley: so we are getting
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closer to the election, only 5 more days, so what can we learn from the ups and downs to have stock market, charles? charles: this is my -- this is my assessment of the market. i have to tell you something, it's unfortunate that the financial media, october we started off like a rocket ship and essentially the financial media said that was a sign that wall street was okay with the biden presidency, in fact, and bracing it because there's all kinds of spending, trillions of dollars, forget where we get it from, trillions of dollars pouring into the economy. the last 3 days there's been no association with biden with the selloff but i think that's one of the main reasons we sold off in the last 2 days, go back 2 days ago, 10:00 o'clock, consumer confidence number comes out and misses, all right, that's not too bad but when you go into the data, swing state consumer confidence, key swing states plunge month over month, pennsylvania, michigan, florida, i think the market interpreted that as a really better -- more potentially of a biden candidate -- presidency and that's when it
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fell off really, really picked up steam. and the other thing i will say and we talked about the gdp report, is the inability to pass fiscal stimulus. i cannot believe nancy pelosi did not take that $1.8 trillion. we need it, this amazing number we are talking about was helped because the swift action by our federal government particularly the white house and the federal reserve and it's not yet early enough to take the gas off the pedal off the metal. brian: stimulus is not going to get done but i will say this, if the gdp goes up 7%, plunges 9%, why the market currently the futures going down. do you expect that hour to change? charles: we were up significantly this morning, earlier this morning. it's ironic, i think there was come connection to the initial selling or teetering out of the effort with the terrorist attack in nice, second one in france in the last few weeks, but also the anxiety is there. you know, so the bias, the
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overall bias of the market, it comes in swells like tides. it's to the downside and it feels like it's flushed out, buyers don't have the urgency but we have seen that it changes quickly and if we do turn up, there's so many stocks that are oversold just in the last week alone, you'll see the move up fairly quickly. brian: follow-up real quick, germany and france have locked down, italy is about to, that doesn't help, right? charles: that doesn't help. i will tell you right now, the covid story that's been associated with this selloff i think is disingenuous, we knew that they were going to come up. most people watching the show know that the united states is not going to have a national lockdown, what i'm doing is not a national lockdown. schools are still open in france. we knew that we were going to have increase in wintertime. i don't know it's new news per
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se but it doesn't help obviously because it slows economies down. steve: speaking of news and people are tuning in and they see the third quarter grew at 33.1% which is historic, it's a gigantic number, but regarding the news, how many news outlets are actually going to cover that because i know that wall street is kind of dismissed it because it could be helpful to the president but that nonetheless, that should make americans feel better, we are on the way back. charles: absolutely, absolutely. i know the media including most of the financial media does not like president trump but this is when you have an obligation to share this news, not just because it's amazing, factual and record-breaking but points to us, forget about who is in charge, points to the american spirit, our resolve, the ability to come back, do you know just one month ago the estimates for this gdp were down 3.7%. brian: wow. charles: it's amazing, the experts can't believe how
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strongly we have come back because none of them know how to factor into models. brian: we don't have the hospitality and the airlines and we are still coming back. ainsley: great seeing you, making money with charles payne 2:00 p.m. on fox business. let's hand it over the janice dean. hey, janice, i hear we are going to get cold weather today? janice: yes, ma'am, maybe a little bit of snow depending on where you live. it's going to happen. let's take a look at it. this was zeta made landfall yesterday 4:00 p.m., fifth named storm to hit louisiana and almost a category 3. so almost a major hurricane. still a tropical storm, formidable one as it continues to race northeast ward, millions of folks without power as the storm continues to move north and eastward, it's going to have
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a punch, 1 to 3-inches on top of what we have seen. the tornado threat east of center of circulation, watch what happens in the afternoon and overnight tonight, the system moves north and east ward and the cold air wraps behind it. measurable snow certainly for interior sections. will we get some in the city? depends on how cold it is. stay tuned. we would be in a state of now casting overnight and tomorrow on "fox & friends". there's your forecast. once the system is out of the way zeta, the next system that will wrap around this storm as it exits the northeast and become a coastal storm that's going to bring the measurable storm, then things come to start calm down. much better weekend in next couple of days and forecasting next week for voting, no storms,
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report on economic growth out moments ago showing the u.s. economy grew by more than 33% in the third quarter. the fastest-pace ever. larry kudlow will join us moments. knife attack in nice, france, a terror investigation and latest on the ground there. the election 5 days out and 73 million votes have been cast, mark and chris will join us as candidates enter the final stretch, join trace and me as we come back to america's newsroom in moments. steve, back to you. steve: 3 top tech ceo's in the hot seat yesterday called out by senators including our next guest over what appears to be censorship. >> we don't have a general policy around misleading information and misinformation. we don't. we rely upon people calling us, reach out -- >> but you blocked mitch mcconnell and trump's tweets.
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here is what i don't get. a policy that you don't enforce consistently and then -- then what's the course to a user? >> it's critical that we have more transparency around our process. steve: no kidding. florida republican senator rick scott joins us now with more from yesterday's hearing, senator, good morning to you. senator: good morning, steve, first off, you know there's no recourse. if you get your twitter account blocked, if you get facebook eliminated, there's no recourse. by the way, why are they -- they completely misrepresent the facts. they sit there and censor trump, press secretary, kayleigh mcenany but if you're the ayatollah of iran, maduro bragging about violence against protestors in venezuela, that's okay. the chinese governments lying to what happened to the uighurs
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that's okay, they are disingenuous and have different standards for conservatives and different standards for dictators. there's no recourse. steve: you're absolutely right because it's a private business and they can pretty much do whatever they want to, however, they get that exemption, section 230 in the federal code which allows them to essentially operate as publishers, but they do not assume the liability. and that's why a lot of people on your side say, we have to change that. senator: well, first off, it's interesting that the democrats don't believe they're being censored, so they were all okay with it. we have -- first amendment is freedom of speech and so they are deciding what freedom of speech is and acting like the communist party of china. something is going to happen, whether it's getting rid of 230, making -- giving people recourse, something is going to change. steve: let's see 5 days till the election, 5 days till the election and the gdp number came
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out. grew by 33.1% in the third quarter, that's a moon-shot number, it's never been that high ever. senator: for a kid that grew up in public housing, what a great day. people are getting back to work, being able to put food on the table, pay the rent, buy their cars, unbelievable what's going on in the country. if these governors would let the economies reopen, think of how much faster this will grow. steve: particularly in hospitality, brian mentioned a moment ago which is key to home state of florida. real quick, talk a little bit about the president and florida and the vote. senator: well, i just put up an ad to help the president. we have to get the vote out. i think he's going to win florida. the reason is in florida we like -- joe biden has 47 years and can't do it. number 2, we don't like socialism. a lot of people cake from latin america and they don't like socialism. that's where the democrat party
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s.40-year low in crime rate. we know democrats will defund the police. i will do everything i can to help president trump get elected. steve: all right. you're helping martha mcsally. you as well. we will be back in just a couple while keeping your business growing has you swamped. (♪ ) you need to hire i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base so you can start hiring right away. claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at
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it's okay to light the hanukkah candles. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive.
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>> download the fox news app. i watch it every morning. brian will awkwardly point to the qr code. >> sandra: three people killed in a knife attack inside a catholic church in nice, france this morning. it is being investigated as a terror attack. one of the women was decapitated. police shot and captured the suspect. the attack coming just weeks after the beheading of a teacher near paris. less than a half mile from the site where a man plowed a truck into a crowd back in 2016 killing more than 80 people and injuring hundreds. more on this developing story coming up. another fox news alert. the u.s. economy growing by more than 33% in the th
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