tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News October 29, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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die: america in the world on the brink." everything you value is on the ballot.he law, order, safety, security, borders, taxes, judges, you name it, foreign policy. four days. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham, take it away. how are you? >> laura: i'm good. i can't believe. this has been such a fun year, hasn't it. [laughs] can anything else happen in one year, anything? >> sean: i am ready for a vacation. knowing the country is going to be in good hands for the next four years. >> laura: remember if the election goes the wrong way, there will be no vacations, no easter break. it's all locked down all the time. fantastic show tonight, by the way. >> sean: we are calling him candidate doom and gloom. somebody needs to tell him between spoonfuls of oatmeal that we have a vaccine on the horizon a new therapeutics they're saving lives, even "the new york times" recognizes it. >> laura: he is ranting and raving in the darkness.
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i'm not wild about that presentation. i'm betting other people aren't either. hannity, awesome show tonight. all right, i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" fromut washington tonight. is there an effort to suppress the trump turn out in the ever tightening minnesota race? what's going onhi there? donald trump jr. is here and moments with the late-breaking development. breaking news out of the doj regarding what could be now an active investigation into hunter biden and his business associates. is joe involved? why are we just learning about this five days from the election? raymond arroyo was in tampa, florida, today to speak with voters at the ruling trump-biden rally. so what people on both sides will tell him will surprise you. first, the great trump recovery. that is the focus of tonight's angle. only a few more shows before tuesday. we have a special one on sunday coming up.
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i want you to have all the information you need good won'tw hear anywhere else before election day. first, as the biden boosters brought you freaking out about covid case numbers, we should instead be celebrating tonight. america's gdp number that would not have happened were it not for the smart decisions made by president trump. today's third-quarter gdp reports of up what is astounding. f 33.1% on annualized basis and remember it wasn't so long b ago that the experts had a different gd in mind. great depression possible. >> the rate. >> numbers we haven't seen since the great depression. >> have we gone past the r word, recession, to the d word? >> laura: [laughs] the d word. are they have a right?
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no and they never admit they were wrong. they do their best to downplay any good news.av >> that number, it's gangbusters but you have to remember it's after a record crash. >> don't expect that growth to last at that pace. >> we got new gotten one appointment numbers. >> the numbers trending down, good news but it's still negatively high. >> this was the easy part and to christine's point, there are some real obstacles lying ahead. >> laura: that was the easy part, they were saying. what trump did was the easy part, really? then why didn't europe replicate this level of gdp growth? if president trump's stewardship of our economy was so obvious, why is it that every other country in the g7 is doing much worse. "the wall street journal" survey of economists has is only down 3.6% for the year, markedly better than what the ims estimates that every one of our european counterparts. do not forget this chart.
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look at it. look at where we are. look at where italy is. look at where even germany as compared to us. you're not going to see that chart anywhere else on television. remember these countries all stayed in lockdown longer than we did and they all do contact tracking and tracing. they'llst have mass mandates. they blew up their economies with these long lockdown, and yet their cases still exploded. and now most of them are in the process of locking down again. complete lunacy. lord knows how bad our third-quarter gdp number would've been if we had stayed locked down all through the summer, like biden's experts preferred that in now. >> i think that in person schooling, are likely going to -- we're going to have to reconsider those particular parts of society right now. yes, certain parts of society that are currently open willie likely have to close down for a
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period of time as this outbreak continues to worsen. i do think we're going to have to reconsider strategic lockdowns. >> laura: anyone else but i? in other words, under a president biden, prepare for the economic calamity that is happening in europe. you can run but you cannot hide fromid a virus. the president understands that a free nation of ourno size cannot play with people's livelihood like this. >> we are never going to lock down again. we understood the disease, and now we are open for business. joe biden's plan is to deliver punishing lockdowns. there will be no schools. no graduations, no weddings, no thanksgiving. no christmas, no fourth of julyo there will be nothing. >> laura: the left here and abroad is using the tragedy of this pandemic to turn over political decision-making to unelected health experts whos have zero accountability to you.
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regardless of how wrong they have been in model after model, they want us to have no choice in the matter whenever they decide to put the brakes on freedom. yo so if your kids ask you why tuesday matters, well, tell them. because our freedom matters. because without freedom, what are we anyway? millions of serfs waiting to receive new rules from nameless faceless bureaucrats? always worried that you're going to be ratted out by the government apparatchiks monitoring how many cars are parked in your driveway? that's not america. that's the soviet union circa 1977. i'll never forget around 3:00 a.m. on election night standing 20 feet from the stage when president trump delivered these words. >> i've gotten to know our country so well. tremendous potential. it's going to be a beautiful thing.g.t every single american will have the opportunity to realize his
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or her fullest potential. the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. [cheers and applause] >> laura: forgotten not more. he meant it. along with tax cuts and deregulation. he cracked down on illegal immigration and took on the trade abuses of china. now that part was resisted by big business which is addicted to cheap labor, while president trump kept his focus on the american worker. look at biden. old joe has been buckling under pressure to big money interests for so long he probably doesn't even remember his first principle. now he just does what he's told. in 1973 he probably didn't ever
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think he would sell at the blue-collar workers in scranton after being pressured by the outsourcers. i'm sure the same industry thought they could get president trump to sell out too. >> somebody went to wall street. you're the one that takes on the money from wall street. i don't take it. you have raised a lot of money. tremendous amounts of money. every time you raise money, deals are made. i could call the heads of wall street, the heads of every company in america. but i don't want to do that because it puts me in a bad position. >> laura: wall street is not pouring money into the biden campaign because he's going to be difficult to influence. they are putting money into biden campaign because they know he's an easy mark. this is something you need to keep in mind for tuesday. president trump has enormous p sring b most men would've sold out long ago just to make things easier on themselves. but he didn't. our regular working class heroes know it. even democratic debbie dingell had to concede. >> some many autoworkers. they were clear with me they were voting for president trump.
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you want to know what the autoworkers said? he said i'm tired of your democratic friends. they looked down on me. >> laura: they do look down on you. of course those workers can't write big campaign checks. the president did the right thing, increasing median household income by more than $6,000. amazing. which brings us all back to joe's running mate, covid. president trump, having seen what a mediato superstar dr. fai had become, he couldn't just let fauci decide everything. from when it is safe to get on a train to when your kids can play t-ball again. the media would've loved that, all those daily covid briefings, all the talk off shared sacrifice. as they headed off to the hamptons to blow off steam on the weekends. thank god trump knew that listening to just one type of expert would be irresponsible and yes, dangerous.
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in florida today, biden claims thatat the president endanger te country find not listening to the experts. no, joe. trump likely saved us by resisting their unproven strategies that somehow someway always lead to more power for them and less freedom for us. that's the angle. joining me now is white house economic advisor larry kudlow. larry, it's good to see you tonight. what would happen to this recovery underway if joe biden became president, brought in some 2 trillion plus immediate debt and spending, coupled with rolling lockdowns or restrictions on movement and freedom? p >> the lockdowns would make it worse, whatever it's going to be, it's not going to be good.
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higher taxes and regulations will not do the trick. getting rid of the energy sector is not going to do the trick. the energy thing not only rules out natural gas, it rules out gasoline powered automobiles. think about it. let's go back, the hoover institute at stanford priced out mr. biden's plan of higher taxes, higher regulations and energy takeover and health care takeover. they say we will lose in a couple years to $.6 trillion of gdp. that's about 10% of the economy. rgone. they say will lose at least 5 million jobs, gone. and you are talking about the middle-class, those who benefited the most, those who needed them most, middle and lower income people, they picked up $6500 in family income. biggest rise in real wages in 15 years. there will be gone according to the hoover institution study. select just give you a sense. you want to lockdown the economy? on top of the tax hikes? then you're talking about utter catastrophe for this country. we mustn't go there. you heard the president. we will not lockdown. t we had a virus task force
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meeting earlier this week and you'll be pleased to hear. dr. fauci said no lockdowns.. interesting. we can mitigate and we can contain. therapies are picking up on vaccines are on the way but there will be no lockdown. i'm sorry europe is going that direction. but 33% today, gdp, let's talk about it. this is a gargantuan number that's going to predict the future also. >> laura: well, i'm glad you believe everything the medical experts are saying about what they are going to do in the future. they have changed and move the goalpost several times since 15 days to stop the spread. forgive me if i'm not believing that if five experts from the mayo clinic and everywhere else thing we need strategic lockdowns. both are not going to do them. but i'm glad you have faith in what's being promised.
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joe biden tried to put this to spin his economic plan earlier today. >> my economic plan has been analyzed by the guys on wall street. you know what they say? they say my plan will create 18.6 million good paying jobs. 7 million more than he's going to be able to create if he gotat elected. in a trillion dollars more in economic growth. >> laura: he seems very unhappy first of all. larry, wall street says your plan is great, is that good for mainstream? >> probably not. it's not good for wall street either. the study that he's referring to is put out by a never trumper. pragmatic, practical sense. raising taxes across the board, raising regulations across the board, decimating the energy sector, taking over health care. do you think it's going to create jobs or lose jobs? back to the hoover study. it's very important, done well. you're going to get crushed. you will lose jobs and gdp and
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your familyar income. you know, did you look, under the hood of the gdp today, you're talking about 41% increase in consumer spending, 59% housing. business investments 70%, automobiles up 1200%. >> laura: they claim that's only because, larry, the economy was so in the toilet in q2. that's the only reason. i'm telling you that's their spin because they have to spend it. >> i understand that's their spin. let me get my point of view out. i'm saying that not only do we have thiss remarkable rebound across the board but now inventories are goingg to explode. businesses have to build inventories. business have to build housing to meet all these demands. that inventory rebuild, empty shelves right now, it will drive this economy up by five or 6% in the fourth quarter and probably the same about next year and
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will probably reachgh parity, recoup our losses by the late winter, early spring. it's a remarkable recovery story. it is a v-shaped recovery story and the president is arguing for lower taxes and lower regulations in a second term. he's going to protect energy and is going to protect our trade deals. that's the stuff of optimism and opportunity and prosperity. this is no time to change horses in midstream. >> laura: no time -- we've got to go,o, larry. it's no time for a dark winter. winter is coming, but winter can also be beautiful. that's the president's point. larry, wonderful to seee you tonight. thanks so much for joining us. >> each day we are in office, we worked as hard for you and the entire countries we did, not red states, blue states. he was always the united states of >> laura: of course biden is going to say that.
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of course where the united states of america but he does not want you to think of what's happening in the red state economies where theynk opened up earlier compared to the blue state economies which are in total free fall. joining me now is donald trump jr., executive vice president of the trump organization. don, if not for california and new york, michigan, illinois crushing their economies i wonder with a gdp number wouldld have been today. even higher. >> 100%. 100%, laura. you hear the dismay in the voices of the reporters when they have to say man, the economy is pretty good. they totally neglected talk about the outcome of california, new york, michigan, pennsylvania, parts of north carolina et cetera, et cetera all being still impartial lockdown. that's the ridiculous part. the other irony of that statement from joe biden, you know, joe biden talking about working hard. he called a lid with ten days left in the presidential
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election. i know people running for first grade class president that spent more time campaigning and working then joe biden hase running for president of the united states. i don't think joe knows much about actual work. >> laura: don, i want to get your thoughts on the story developing. that president is heading to wisconsin, michigan, wisconsin, and what was going to be a really big rally in minnesota where the polls are tightening. the biden team i think is worried he's going there as well. biden is traveling and going to aminnesota. then you enter liberal governor tim walz and his ag, keith ellison, they are trying suddenly to cap the rally at 250 people when theyer have been all sorts of outdoor events prior to this, including with vice president pence just a few days back. so why suddenly they have to break down a location where there was going to be 6,000 seats and moving to another location where they want to limit it? what's going on? don't the people of the right to see the candidates?
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>> are we shocked even a little bit? this is keith ellison after all. i don't think anyone surprised l thatat they would play these games. when i look at what's going on across the country with, you know they want to be able to collect balance for 11 days after an election. they want to make sure that the signature doesn't have to match. the signature over the registered voter who was, you know, absentee ballot is supposed to be -- i mean, if you're not trying to cheat, why could that possibly be the caset the democrats haven't lost minnesota in decades. and yet joe biden is going there. i wonder if it's because they're panicked because they understand that people recognize donald trump accomplishments. they recognize he built the strongest economy. he hasn't been talking and yakking for 47 years like joe biden with zero accomplishment. he actually got things done. people in minnesota recognize that. they are good hardworking pepeople.
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they are nice and there are decent and they've been steamrolled by the left and they been trampled on by the left who has pushed their radical agenda in their state and they've had enough. i was there the other day. i've seen it with my own eyes. >> laura: yeah, youay still the devastation from those riots on east lake street in those neighborhoods. good to immigrant they set up great businesses. devastated. don, the biggest part of a larger media effort as well to res.brand the rally. tell people not to go to the rally. this was cnn's sanjay gupta. >> don't go to these rallies. just about any where in the country, if you go to a gathering of several hundred people, it is without a doubt the viruses attending that rally with you. my advice if you've already attended one of these rallies,f is that you have to assume that you've been exposed at this point. i would say that you should quarantine yourself for 14 days. >> laura: is he kidding me? they are pulling out all the stops. now the virus is attending the rally. apparently they're waving flags. >> these people, these people are truly morons.he
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they go after scott atlas because he is not an epidemiologist but sanjay gupta magically is. i put it on my instagram because i went through the cdc, hearing about new infections. why are they talking -- why aren't they talking about deaths? - the numbers almost nothing because we've gotten control and we understand how it works. we have the therapeutics to deal with it. if you look at my instagram, it's gone to almost nothing. we are outperforming europe in a positive way. we've gotten a hold of it. they understand joe biden brings nothing to the table. a half a half-century of failure. a half a century of bad trade deals that took your american dream and shook it off to china. in mexico and every world. he is just a camouflage to bring the radical whether it is kamala, burning, aoc. they are manipulating it but that's all they've done so they've got to put fear. they want to shutdown the country. why don't we shut down for ten or 15 years, laura? we don't we do that? they can learn from their
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iphones. they can go to school on their iphone. >> laura: they foresee a dismal future. there are covid desperate are they rising with the rising case numbers? i think we know through the charts and you can go on the website, you can see that there's maybe a slight uptick but it's not tracking with the rising case numbers which frankly is good news but a tragedy is not a reason -- >> the rising case numbers. >> laura: donny, we've got to roll. >> with the rising case numbers. they are testing. they don't talk about that either. >> laura: a lot ofo fearmongering going on and they don't want the candidates to see the people or vice versa. don, thanks so much. after taking a weeklong trip too the midwest, to folks from "the federalist" convinced the polls showing biden ahead are missing something. it'se a key something. what they found in moments. the only pollster who correctly predicted this part of the country for trump in 2016 tellsh us why they could be right.
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governors, current >> the president of the united states is losing pretty much everywhere. >> democrats we talk to, former governors, current governors. they believe joe biden is in command of the race. the polls, crystal clear. the president is losing there's little evidence of any momentum as he tries to rally his way to another dramatic comeback. >> laura: kindmm of hard they are rushing biden to minnesota if it's all done, all wrapped up.r it sounds a little like 2016. well, hillary clinton also had a commanding lead in michigan and wisconsin and four years later the polls once again show donald trump trailing but after taking weeklong road trip to the states, my next guests save the polar once again missing something. trump energy and a lack of biden excitement was everywhere and enough to cast serious doubt on what the pundits are once again disclaiming. anyone who assumes these midwestern swing states are a lock for biden should think twice. not rely so heavily on the polls. chris bedford and john daniel davis enjoying. chris, you say this trump enthusiasm wasn't confined to just trump friendly spots. what did you find? >> not at all.
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it was a lotnf of places we went to and we focused on counties where presidentt barack obama hd won, sometimes handily. president donald trump won there. we found in the cities that we went to, deep blue cities like milwaukee, trying to get dinner late and not expecting to be able to find anything to watch the debate. we sat down at the bar and a german restaurant. the whole bar was there. the nba finals were on. two middle-aged men came into the bar and asked, do you mind,r it's a strange question, if we put on the vice presidential debate tonight. don't worry. we are not rooting for anyone. i told john, these guys are probably trump supporters or they wouldn't have said that. within about half an hour of the debate being alone, it became clear that everything a person sitting at the bar and the bartender were rooting for mike pence. before you knew it, they were passing out shots when he made a good point or when he had a good victory. we also found the same one we went to minneapolis. the bartender said he is center left but he is voting for
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trump and a lot of his friends are thinking that because they're sick of how they're being treated with covid. >> laura: msnbc voter panel that happened tonight show just how enthusiastic biden supporters are for their candidate. watch. >> i don't like biden more. i like trump less. we have to pick between the two, one of the two lesser evils. not excited about voting for biden. >> it's not anof optimal choice but it's the only choice we have. i would like to see younger presidential candidates. >> i think it's going to be another four years of nothing. y >> laura: john, did you encounter any trump supporters who were that apathetic or on enthused? n >> not at all. we found a lot of enthusiasm for trump all over michigan and wisconsin.
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in one swing county in western wisconsin we found a trump atv rally which we had never been to an atv rally before but this was local people not really political folks. some of whom they admitted that voted for barack obama in 2008 t and some in 2012 and they organize this massive atv rally with flags and homemade signs and trump paraphernalia festss tuning their atvs. that was the case a lot of places that we went and again this chris said these were swing districts, a lot of enthusiasm for trump. the biden supporters that we did talk to, we talked to a business owner in macomb county which is where the term reagan democrat came from in 1980. a biden supporter but he said he was really worried because there was no energy for biden, the democrats had no ground game there. a big swing district in suburban detroit and he said he was worried, with good reason. >> laura: this is the warning yesterday from cnn. >> we'll know where the end of
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the day whether he's making a mistake that frankly hillary clinton made four yearss ago. a candidates time is the most important, most valuable asset at this point in the campaign.ak obviously they are also going to battleground states but nothing like the breakneck pace so donald trump. >> laura: is biden getting outworked? is there a risk of that? very quickly. >> we are seeing a repeat of 2016 with a candidate who was chosen against what the voters wanted, even the laptop scandal and the lack of campaigning. always see the biden campaign has recently been spooked by the lead that they had in the earlyd voting shrank dramatically. they no longer have that a lot of the swing states and he showing up ina michigan. he is showing up in the states. too little, too late maybe. donald trump has coming to counties that hillary clinton won in michigan and other states and i think the energy is still
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here for him. >> laura: wonderful to see you. thank you. anecdotes are one thing but are there actual polls that reveal the trump enthusiasm? drawing we know is the chief pollster for the trafalgar group, the pollster that correctly predicted that michigan and wisconsin would go trump in 2016. robert, could the same thing happen again? all the same people are saying no a way. this is essentially a lock for joe biden. >> you know, it's so entertaining the way they just go forward and with such confidence say these things. yet it's exactly the same. they haven't learned anything. they don't understand how average people think and they certainly don't know how to poll average people so yes i think it's on the way to happening again. absolutely. >> laura: pollsters have been taking some shots at you but social media. because they think you're the outlier and you're a pro-trump guy and you're saying all this
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nonsense. so now you're a target i've noticed. [laughs] >> absolutely. they are out there. they are taking shots at me. i am an outlier. i have no problem with that. i don't want to be part of their herd. a their herd is wrong. it was wrong last time and it will be wrong again.n. i enjoy it. i'm sure there are people that were making fun of those telegraph lines and defending the pony express too. >> laura: [laughs] robert, you have explosive new polling tonight. the main takeaways are that trump is maintaining his lead over biden in florida. the trump's 2% off biden in nevada. you say there is a group propping up trump. en who is that? >> what we are seeing withpi the hispanics in the black vote and now the youth vote is starting to move. v
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the hispanic numbers in both states is 41 for trump and the african-american number in nevada i believe was 20. 27 in florida. the youth vote is starting to move. what they are telling us is they are moving about walked out. there's a lockdown candidate and there's a let's get back to business candidate. it's not a matter of safety. there is a feeling that we can operate, we can wear masks i and wash our hands but let's get back to it. young people, what they saw in that debate was there's a guy who wants to lock them downha again. >> laura: i don't care how much they are trying to walk away from lockdowns mall. all the experts when you peel it back, that are advising biden, that's the only thing they go to. t mask mandates and lockdowns. trump has done. much everything osburn robert, wonderful to see you and we will see you on tuesday if we don't see you ahead of time. stunning new developments regarding hunter biden, his business associates and an fbi investigation now. kim strassel, lara logan react in moments.
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♪ >> laura: last week fox news reported exclusively that the fbi was in possession of hunter biden's purported laptop and that it had been seized as part of a money-laundering investigation. with the investigation ongoing and was hunter biden a target? tonight we may finally have some answers. o a doj official telling sinclair that hunter and his associates are in fact the targetr of an active money laundering investigation. fox hasn't confirmed this independently but here's what former hunter associate tony bobulinski told sinclair about the information. a very deep dive into all the facts across the time period in connection with the discussion of the biden family cfc and other operations around the h world. joining me now, kim strassel, "wall street journal" editorial board member. lara logan. kim, why didn't we learn about
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this in december 2019? if i were bernie sanders tonight, i've been mad as hell in doing that pointing thing he9 does. >> [laughs] look, i think there's two ways you can look at this and i'll be honest with you, laura. i'm a little bit of a split mind on w it. on the one hand you can say this investigation if it is indeed true was certainly relevant to impeachment and then perhaps the fbi had an obligation to put this forward. on the other hand, i can also see that the fbi having spent the last year legitimately being criticized for inserting itself into politics might've been verg reticent to have turned over or offered up something that potentially involved yet another democratic candidate or presidential candidate. so i've got to think that through little bit more. but i think the relevant thing here is no one should necessarily be surprised by this.
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if you saw a ron johnson and chuck grassley in september, i e report noted numerous hunter biden activities appeared to be flagged by the federal government for suspicious activity. it seems as though the fbi took that seriously. >> laura: this is how a "washington post" contributor things we should handle the hunter biden revelations saying "the russian interference of 2016 holds valuable lessons on what to do and what not to do in we must treat the hunter biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation, even if they probably aren't." [laughs] even if they aren't. okay. this is how delusional the media have become. irreversibly destroying themselves in my mind. >> it's gone from the absurd to the ridiculous, laura. i've never heard anything like it. my real problem here is how does
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an institution like "the washington post" allow an opinion writer on their pages to push russian disinformation when that h has been so significantly and profoundly discredited with legions of evidence and documents and everything from inspection reports to transcripts under oath to the special counsel et cetera, et cetera. that's what i find so disturbing about all of it. i don't know, kimberley may agree. i've been a journalist going on 40 years. i've never seen anything like it. when journalists are falling over themselves to discredit a story that they haven't even investigated orik reported on. there are so many examples. you can say to christopher steele dossier, that was unverified. journalists that it was unverified. while they still reported on its most salacious claims and used it as if it were a smoking gun, that definitively prove that the president was a russian agent. et cetera. now those same media institutions are saying oh, we can possibly report on this. it's unverified. the level of hypocrisy is quite staggering. what disturbs me as it seems to indicate that none of theseth people care about ever having to
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go back to a time wheree their objectivity actually mattered. i am old school like that. i think objectivity does matter. honesty in reporting does matter and more importantly if these institutions never correct the record and allow the same people to push the same false narrative, then it means all the people who don't want your show and read those newspapers and watch those television programs, they still believe this is true. when it's not. these institutions are deceiving the american people and they are lying to their viewers and readers. it's very dangerous. >> laura: that such a good point. kim, quickly, isn't this interfering with, in a way, the election?? or at least interfering with free flow of objectively confirmed information? pieces of information about, you know, the enrichment of the biden w family. we have got about 15 seconds. that's interfering.
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>> this is of a piece. we are witnessing an unprecedented aspect of thisthnd election. the media in which we previously said was biased is not something much more. it's an active participant in the election. you have donald trump versus two opponents, the media and joe biden. >> laura: he's always debating two at least. ladies,ra thank you. >> i would say three. i would say three. i'm not as kind as kimberly. i think the fbi has a lot to answer for. >> laura: ahh, the president i think agrees. what is the difference between a trump and biden rally? raymond arroyo found out in tampa. ♪
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♪ >> laura: president trump and joe biden held dueling rallies in tampa today but the two events couldn't of been more different. our own raymond arroyo attended both of them and here's what he found.en >> not only is joe biden corrupt, he's unfit. he has no plan to end the epidemic. it's all talk, no action. >> ♪ proud to be an american >> what you fear for? covid-19 of the loss of freedom and prosperity?
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>> a loss of freedom and prosperity. >> loss of freedom. we definitely cannot go towards a socialist country. >> what would be lost if joe biden wins the white house? >> oh, my god, all of our freedoms. he's going to lock the country back down. we are not going to be able to send their kids to school. we just want to get back to normal life. >> if biden wins the election, what you think america looks like? >> tyranny creeps in slowly and that may be the start of. >> are you worried about more shutdowns? >> a hundred percent. ey think our economy can afford it. >> i don't always play by the rules of washington on the washington establishment. it's because i was elected to fight for you and i have fought for you harder than any president has verified for the people they love. >> why are you supporting trump? >> promises made. promises kept across the board. >> as a latina and my family, we are 100% behind president trump. >> why do you see latinos
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gathering around the president? >> because of the opportunities he gives us. because of the, you know, law and order. they've been there. they've been in the oppressive and the socialists. they left that to come here because we are free and we are not restricted. we have friends from cuba. we have friends from all over the country that are in socialist and communist countries right now. they are trying to share that voice here to let us know like this is what will happen to us. >> the trump rally today in tampa had about 15,000 people in attendance. this is the biden-harris event in tampa. as you can see, there's not exactly a huge ground formed out here. it's only a couple of hours before this event is to start. it'sre a drive-in, socially distanced rally. are we trying to talk to some of the participants. >> hello, tampa!ta
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thank you so much. you guys look like you're so far away. you may be in delaware. >> we are inside the biden driving rally. as you can see there is little more than 100 cars. talking to the voters, we've discovered it's covid that's the biggest issue driving their votes. are you more feared were afraid of covid right now or a diminishment of freedom and the diminishment of -- >> i don't think we have a diminishment of freedom if joe biden's president. >> he will be the one to solve our problems with covid.nk >> i'm not worried about freedom. this is not taking away my freedom and people need to get over it. >> would you consider yourself anti-trump or pro biden? >> i think i would say pro biden. i'm trying to look on the positive side. >> laura: all right, thank you. we should know right after raymond left biden's rally, a
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god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." especially during this holiday season of hanukkah. when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah.
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this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. the communists came and wiped it out. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." it's okay to light the hanukkah candles. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. type 2but how canan have a big imit be prevented?e. well, the first step is knowing if you something called prediabetes.
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take the 1-minute risk test today at >> laura: you want to know what holidays will be like under joe biden? because we usually have a large thanksgiving dinner. were not going to have that this year. >> i'm going dominic for going christmas this year. >> is it worth it for this year to bring these people together when you don't know what the status of everybody in that project that you've created is? >> laura: how does turkey with a side of the stuffing lockdown
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sound? tasty. that's no fun. there is no joy, there is no love. and no one can come into your home. my goodness. trump seems pretty optimistic. shannon bream, take it from he here. >> shannon: all right, listen, the holidays may be different this year, but we are getting our holidays. we need them shannon: the holidays may be different but we are getting our holidays. we need them. breaking tonight dueling rallies heading to winter in minnesota, terrible rioting earlier in minneapolis and no republican has won minnesota since 1972, the president wants to change that and joe biden is set to be there for a limited attendance rally friday. donald trump
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