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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  October 30, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> reporter: gdp, the biggest in the history of our country. scranton. >> i don't know, man, i am getting confused, here. jillian: four days until america elected the next president, joe biden and donald trump crisscrossing on the campaign trail as both make a play for the midwest. todd: the president leaving the sunshine state with phrase from little wayne. "fox and friends first" starts right now.
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♪ we build this city ♪ we built this city ♪ todd: this is not one of little wayne's songs. that one made me laugh. you are watching "fox and friends first". jillian: let's begin here, crossing paths on the campaign trail donald trump and joe biden rallying voters in tampa ahead of the midwest showdown in key battleground states. todd: griff jenkins in milwaukee, happy friday. >> reporter: not in florida anymore. we are in the freezing midwest, here comes the final midwest push, last time couldn't have been closer. if you will recall in wisconsin trump looked at red, 22,000 votes in michigan, let's look
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right now and today's real clear politics average, show you how close it is, another nailbiter, wisconsin biden up by 6 points, almost identical. donald trump in michigan, wisconsin and minnesota, biden in iowa, wisconsin, minnesota, and wisconsin biden rallies milwaukee tonight while trump rallies in green bay this afternoon. watch later today for a battle brewing in minnesota over the president's rally of the attorney general tries to stop or limit it. you can bet he will hammer home gdp numbers in tampa. >> do you see the number today, gdp, the biggest in the history of our country by almost triple. no nation has a number like that. this exclusive economic growth
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is four times greater than the experts expected. >> biden's campaign finishing a statement, quote, we are in a deep hole and donald trump's failure to act meant q3 wasn't enough to get us out of. 80 million americans have voted, the unprecedented early democracy in action, that it favors democrats. >> millions of americans are already voting. i believe when you lose your -- use your power, the power of the vote, we literally are going to change the course of this country for generations to come. >> reporter: how big will be economic report playing remaining voters decisions, we don't know yet but maria bartiroma joined you in the next hour and she will way in. todd: on the campaign trail, donald trump met with wrapper
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little wayne to speak about the plan to provide better education and jobs in the black community, sharing a photo on twitter writing just had a great meeting with donald trump, besides what he's done with criminal reform, the plan will give the community real ownership, listens what he had to say today and i sure he will and can get done. as we near election tuesday, our own fired up mark levin lays out what is at stake. >> let me tell you what is on the ballot. the declaration of independence, constitution of the united states or this crap. 110 page sanders biden aoc manifesto. every aspect of your life, your lifestyle, your family, your community, your neighborhood is going to be micromanaged by these crackpots on the left and
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against socialism and marxism and the destruction of our constitution and our flag and our national anthem. what are you going to do with it? you need to show up, you need to vote. >> there have been 79 million votes cast ahead of tuesday. jillian: tony bobalinsky say interview with him for hours that he met with joe biden about his family's business dealings. the president blames the media for blaming hunter biden's scandal on russia. >> met with him and fbi headquarters a week ago, friday october in washington dc, the previous day, former hunter biden business associate, donald trump's guest at the last debate, growing questions regarding allegations related to the biden family business dealing.
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>> they list me, and a very cooperative deep dive into all the facts. >> as a material witness. >> in connection with the biden family, cfc and other operations involving other countries. >> the biden campaign refuses to answer questions when asked about bobalinsky's claim. >> a few months ago from tucker carlson did those meetings happen is alleged when joe biden was a private citizen? >> we are not wasting time on a smear campaign. away from four years of donald trump has reckless policies and failed leadership. i am not going to --
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jillian: earlier this week tucker carlson said ups lost confidential documents related to the hunter biden scandal. the shipping company says those documents have been found, donald trump saying the mainstream media is blaming the hunter biden scandal on russia. >> we have what is called the laptop from hell, laptop from hell. from what i understood you only -- any portion of his, what the president is now doing, they are blaming russia. it is russia did it, russia is the one that created the laptop. >> joe biden denies all claims in being involved in his son's business dealings, and not connected to a russian disinformation effort. >> >> after resigning from the intercept, and online publication he cofounded, censorship by his own editor
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over an article concerning joe biden. he spoke to tucker carlson last night. >> i'm so embarrassed and angered the media i created with two other excellent journalists to do that, the only article, other than the column of mine where i denounced facebook and twitter for censoring it, made reference in passing to those documents, dismissively to say no one should pay attention to it because it was russian disinformation. jillian: the intercept responded in a statement calling the censorship accusation preposterous. no curfew in philadelphia as rights and looting come to a halt. todd: 57 police officers hurt and 200 arrests. jillian: in philadelphia the latest. >> good morning to you. between this cold rain and heavy police presence including the
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state police another quiet night in philadelphia. we are learning more about the looting and rioting that happened over the past couple days. this is video from a minority owned boutique that was cleaned out in a matter of minutes as the leading began after the death of walter wallace. the other thing that is concerning, the round of atm explosions. they think that is what the van that was delivery yesterday with a lot of explosives inside was about, they found quarter and half sticks of dynamite, various propane torches, laser, and machetes all thought to be connected to these atm explosions going on around the city. on to the issue of walter wallace and the shooting that started all this, this is the cell phone video taken during the confrontation with police and we understand from the family attorney they agree
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wallace had a knife in his hands when he came out of his house and confronted police, police treating a couple times before opening fire, wallace's attorney saying because of this video he doesn't think the officers should be charged with murder. >> here is why. they were improperly trained and did not have the proper equipment to effectuate their job. >> wallace's attorney said police should've known he had mental health problems. the video was taken by bystanders. others say the family want released the body camera footage from the officers themselves who opened fire, the family has viewed that, that happened yesterday and the public should be able to look that body camera footage by next week.
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>> a fascinating response, a lot more on that in the coming days, weeks and months. thanks. jillian: 6 people killed as they do leaves destruction. trees fell on homes, in new orleans the national guard helping with cleanup efforts from the category 2 hurricane. torrential rain flooding areas in north carolina. 1 million people remain without power. >> reporter: michael moore warning democrats not to trust poll numbers favoring joe biden. in an interview with the hill, he says biden's leaders awful news. >> trump voters are always being undercounted whatever they are saying the biden leaders, cut it in half right now in your head. cut it in half and you are within the four point margin a. >> reporter: the full maker referred to donald trump has a, quote, evil genius. michael moore was one of the few liberals who correctly predicted
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trump would win in 2016. joey jones will join us to discuss the warning of the 5:00 hour. >> governor andrew cuomo has a different view on his state's nursing home crisis. >> the conspiracy they are trying to spread just has no factual basis. >> reporter: growing back lash over those comments. >> the battle for pennsylvania with just four days ago, donald trump won the keystone state in 2016. pennsylvania congressman john joyce joins us on that next.
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todd: thousands of calls from concerned voters flooding a pennsylvania county saying they never received their mail in ballots. jillian: leaders in butler county sending out balance even there is no guarantee votes in this close to election they will make it in time. todd: john joyce joins us now.
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this isn't a democrat or republican problem. this is confounded me ever since i've been alive and know what an election is. why do these individuals that have one job every two or four years consistently fail at their job, this time in this little area of pennsylvania? >> we recognize free and fair elections is a hallmark of the american democracy. i'm fighting that every eligible pennsylvanian, every eligible american has the opportunity to cast their ballot. this is an important election, how important pennsylvania is. we recognize donald trump fought
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for our freedoms, and it took donald trump to win pennsylvania. although it is close, polls are somewhat questioning right now, donald trump will once again win pennsylvania. jillian: on the issue of ballots, they had sheriff's deputies hand deliver ballots and let's talk about how important pennsylvania is, four days left, the president was in pennsylvania in three spots, going to be back there in three spots tomorrow. it will be hard, i question why he wasn't going to closer suburbs in philadelphia, 40 minutes, an hour and a half outside philadelphia and butler on the western side of pennsylvania. is this the right move and can
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he win pennsylvania without philadelphia? >> without a doubt donald trump can win for your. we in the central portion of pennsylvania push donald trump over-the-top the last time. he was in my home county of blair, donald trump fought for energy independence and allowed pennsylvanians to obtain jobs, family sustains wages, pennsylvania recognizes on the ballot right now we have a choice, we will have a choice between the freedoms donald trump presents to us and fight for us every single day and circling into socialism. pennsylvania will reelect donald trump. donald trump allows us to attain the american dream. he is the pro-life pro-second amendment, each and every day in washington. we once again reelect him. jillian: do you think he can win without philadelphia?
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>> we are seeing the polls are showing people from philadelphia, and in philadelphia and central pennsylvania, to win pennsylvania. jillian: thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. you can watch special coverage on sunday morning. todd: we will be wearing the same outfits. jillian: it is 19 minutes after the are from debate rival to future cabinet member, pushing for a biden administration. todd: a halloween unlike any other. of fun but safe holiday weekend. ♪ no is going to save you ♪ from the beast about to bite ♪ you know it's thriller ♪ expecto patronum!
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and action. 16 people died! did he catch our bad guy? we're know as the charmed ones. you got one day to show me what you got. i want to fight. you need us harry. what a goal! bockey ball, hockey ball, you name it ball. i'm gonna be ready. just say show me peacock into your xfinity voice remote or download the app today.
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jillian: elizabeth warren eyeing a position in joe biden's cabinet should he win next week. the messages and senator wants to be treasury secretary. warrants it would be a risk to nominate biden, the move would face opposition from wall street and moderate democrats because of her progressive views. todd: a few defending his position in a zoom call with kamala harris, he wants to, quote, get things done. >> a lot of people with a contract with black america together. i just thought getting on a zoom call with 12 other entertainers all shooting what they believe
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needs to be done wasn't going to be productive. todd: he was expecting a call from harris. jillian: which is, ghosts and goblins scary enough on halloween but this year we have a pandemic to worry about as well. todd: carrie riley has tips on how to keep safe while trick or treating this year. let me say it is fortunate i did not wear that outfit today. i almost did. let's start with tube number one, virtual trick or treating, take it away. >> not all kids will be able to get out this year for trick or treat but you can virtual trick or treat. that's done through an apps called treat town. you can invite friends and family, decorate their doors, buy candy credits and virtual
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trick-or-treaters can redeem at a store online for candy, it is super fun you can do with relatives, go to treat-dasked >> you have a safety tip for trick or treating. >> for parents to go ahead, i have a typical halloween pale and put some items in. hand sanitizer, you could be constantly cleaning your hands when out and about, extra masks and wipes. kids will inevitably want to have a trick-or-treat candy. this is a fun mask. this is color me kids facemask. you can customize it with your costume. it comes with waterproof markers and is machine washable.
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the other thing with trick or treating's kids wants to be social but have to stay 6 feet apart from each other. i got this at a big box store. put it in front of your doors. todd: the theme of halloween is cautioned takes care of you. i want to get to the candy. ways to offer candy at a distance. candy on a stick. >> i went ahead and put these different candies, eminems on them, different things on the paperclip and they can come up and grab the candy and run and i can refill it. some people may not have a big enough yard. i took this web on the door on a hanger and they can run up and
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grab their candy. todd: the last one, it does make sense, pumpkins, carrie riley, appreciate your time. 27 after the hour. joe biden says the tax plan. >> we can build back better. without a single person making less than 400,$000 a year. jillian: some could see the highest tax rate in decades. what do voters think next? - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. my bladder leak pad? i thought it had to be thick to protect.
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but always discreet protects differently . with ultra-thin layers, that turn liquid to gel. and lock it inside. for protection i barely feel. always discreet.
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>> 30 minutes after the hour, the fight for florida intensifying four days before the election as donald trump and joe biden hold dueling rallies
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in the sunshine state. jillian: the candidates messages for voters. >> two hours, the library should be buzzing with early voting, in person early voting, vote by mail recommending at this late stage, dropping off in person or voting on election day, a critical strategy for both campaigns, last-place campaign in battleground florida, critical for biden and trump, donald trump held a rally in tampa in raymond james stadium where the tampa bay buccaneers play. the main goal, get his base and voters out and casting their ballots if they have not already. the president hits on the economy as well as an issue the plays in florida particularly south florida where immigrants from cuba, venezuela and
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nicaragua and offered socialist dictatorships. >> this election will decide whether our children will be condemned to the misery of socialism. and whether they will inherit the glorious legacy of american freedom. >> and he was down south in broward county. the goal for him getting the remaining voters to vote, registered democrat in the black vote to compensate and overtake the fact that majority of county end of being read. biden's focus at the top, the coronavirus pandemic. >> the past few months, so much pain-and-suffering and loss. over 225,000 dead americans
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because of the negligence and the consequence of covid-19. >> reporter: the race for florida and its huge price of 29 electoral college votes has been for weeks considered a tossup between trump and biden a new poll out now by quinnipiac university shows biden up by 3, 50 points to 47 points for donald trump. already 7 and a half million floridians have voted early or by mail and remain just three days left, today, saturday and sunday for floridians to vote early. todd: joe biden's attack plan skyrocketing state and local tax rates across the country especially states like california, new jersey and minnesota. what will these taxpayers do in response? our photo pale joining me, the owner of rocco's restaurant and pizzeria joining an attorney
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from new jersey and sheila keeney, interior designer from minnesota. you aren't related but your names rhyme and that makes it easier for me. the biden tax plan mean for the minnesota middle-class. >> the middle class will pay under any sort of tax hike although biden like most democrats talk about taxing the rich, that word on minnesota families, ways to prevent people doing things like what affects what i do. it will raise gas prices. all the things we've seen the last four years will get worse. in a state like minnesota when we have our democratic governors saying he will raise income tax, will kill our state. todd: i am from new jersey and allowed to say this so don't get
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mad at me. relatives and the like saying the only reason we're sticking around in new jersey is the family is there. will the biden tax plan to push these people and say enough is enough, but i can't afford it here, i'm headed somewhere else. >> i am a blind man, grandson of a blind man, multigenerational he from new jersey and the disconnect between art and mask, no possibility raising taxes causes prosperity. 100% of the health insurance premiums for everybody who works for me, that and so many other things are at stake for business owners and people in new jersey. it is insane to think raising taxes is productive. forget what anybody is saying and think about the exodus of people from new jersey.
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todd: california is number one on the list you don't want to be on, more than 50% of your income, the money you make and work hard swinging pizzas and selling stuff, will go to the government under the biden tax plan. what incentive does that leave you to grow your business? >> doesn't leave much incentive at all. from what i read the new biden tax plan will make california if not the highest, one of the highest taxed states in the country. and i come from a family of business owners, the economy, any kind of tax raise. >> we will do a big picture look
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on the tax plans, a lightning round so 15 seconds, this is projected impact by 2030 of the respective tax plan, the trump plan would reduce by $1.1 trillion, the biden plan would increase taxes collected by $4 trillion. how worried are you for the financial future of the family, younger people that will follow after you. >> i don't -- taxes and u.s. treasury. the government has a spending problem, not a revenue problem. i don't think you can tack individual people or small businesses into prosperity, not the way to go and i'm very concerned about my employees and my family, if the tax plan comes
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into play we are in trouble. >> question for you, $4 trillion more in taxes, more for the next generation. >> extremely -- >> 140 people work for me. what people don't understand, how it all works. the impact comes downward. there is income tax rate, the impact is on business owners, all the benefits people provided. >> joe biden said the tax plan will not hurt you if you make 400,$000, other people chipped away, there are hidden taxes so you will pay. the 400,$000 number what is your reaction to that? >> we have become like
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california, high income people and the very poor were getting government services, so tired of hearing these things democrats that it will only hurt for high income. everybody has been doing better. in a state like minnesota it will be hard to attract people. todd: america faces a decision that will impact california and new jersey. thank you so much. jillian: president emmanuel macron putting france on high alert after deadly terror attack in nice. >> it is because of our values, our case for freedom, the possibility there is to believe freely and not given to any terror. jillian: officials the tunisian immigrant armed with a knife killed three people inside a church, one of the was beheaded. the suspect was shot and arrested.
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witnesses said the suspect yelled allahu akbar. the third terrorist attack in france in two month. they protect churches and schools. andrew cuomo, denying responsibility for the state nursing home scandal telling the view the trump administration, take a listen. >> the conspiracy they are trying to spread has no factual basis. people in nursing homes died and playing politics with the issue. jillian: the governor has been criticized for march policy ordering nursing homes to hospital patients the tested positive for covid-19. thousands of nursing home deaths in new york. todd: little wayne singing donald trump's praises. jillian: the rapper giving him credit next. ♪ why can't we be friends
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♪ we can't we be friends ♪ why can't we be friends
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>> welcome back, mark morgan slamming twitter after they suspended his account. >> they knew what they were doing intentionally and after they got their hands in the cookie jar it is disingenuous to say they made an error. todd: carley shimkus has more on what happened. carley: a day after jack dorsey grilled in the senate hearing over allegations of conservative censorship twitter suspended mark morgan's account for touting the success of the border wall. this landed in hot water with twitter, customs and border protection and us army corps of
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engineers continue to build new wall every day, every mile help. gang members, murderers a, sexual predators and drugs from entering the country. it is a fact walls work. twitter locked morgan's account for violating their hateful conduct policy. they reversed that decision. a twitter spokesperson said we took enforcement action on the tweet but the decision was reversed following an appeal by the account owner and further evaluation from our team. i am sure ted cruz would love to invite jack dorsey to another hearing to explain that one. that seems a little extreme. little wayne has a great meeting with the president. carley: look at this picture, donald trump met with little wayne. they had a nice time together, rapper posted this picture, just had a great meeting with donald trump, the platinum plan will give the community real ownership, he wasn't what we had
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to say and assured he will and can get it done. the platinum plan promises to create 3 million jobs over the next four years. also the plan that ice cube talked to the trump administration to further promote. todd: we kind of approach these a little bit with a little sense of humor but there is something potentially going on here and it could impact this election. carley: absolutely outraged but in a world of many surprises this year this picture, conversations the should have happened a long time ago. >> black voices for trump dante johnson, a number of the topics. >> let's get back to this, the president and former vice president, when it comes to the lead up, we are focusing on the ground game.
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let's take a look at these numbers. they say 4 million plus homes, 2.5 million volunteers, the biden campaign was on hiatus for the last few months. >> from spring to september, in the month of october, here is my take away. there is nothing to grant, has nothing to do with politics. before director brought in candy and approaches individually. what if he put the candy somewhere and so there's candy? would he have been responsible? and this is a friend for a neighbor, i'm inclined to go with that person.
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and we will double down on this doorknocking strategy, and when this election. >> some have said joe biden was going to win, now donald trump is going to win because of the enthusiasm you are seeing from the trump rallies and things like that. the other parties it comes down to two things, the economy and coronavirus. there are still a number of will, if you are afraid of coronavirus you don't want them coming to your door. there are two different schools of thought, coronavirus and economy and those things, however you feel is fine but that -- todd: we will know the results sometime in the next 87 months when the election results come in.
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jillian: democrats determined to flip the senate as democrats fight to keep control. todd: five key races in the balance of power. it means you go to a wall and touch things on the full screen.
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you turn 40 and everything goes. tell me about it. you know, it's made me think, i'm closer to my retirement days than i am my college days. hm. i'm thinking... will i have enough? should i change something?
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well, you're asking the right questions. i just want to know, am i gonna be okay? i know people who specialize in "am i going to be okay." i like that. you may need glasses though. yeah. guidance to help you stay on track, no matter what comes next. ♪ jillian: the battle for the senate is on, democrats holding a slight edge in key states, here with a political forecast which senate race to keep an eye on, justin wolin, thanks for being here. >> good morning. jillian: we look at the balance of power, 23 total seats up for grabs by the gop. let's start things off in arizona. do you think sally can pull this out?
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>> tough race. trump won arizona by four points in 2016, looks like donald trump and biden are tied. mix sally is in a difficult race, appointed to fill the mccain seat in 2018, she's facing off against former representative gabby give her that husband and things do not look like they are going her way. she's down by 7 points which is well outside the margin a. i think arizona is tilting democratic. jillian: to georgia two things to talk about, you say there could be a couple opportunities. >> georgia is fascinating, georgians have the chance to vote for two senate seats and because both of them are non-binary contests meaning more than two candidates in each race, theoretically you could have a runoff if no candidate wins 50% in both races so you
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can have a divided senate for a couple months after election day until runoffs in january. i don't think that will happen. i think one of those will end up with a runoff but incumbent senator purdue very difficult race because his race is a 3-way including libertarian, they like republican votes more than democratic. it is too close to call. the other race which, there are 20 candidates in this race, as things tend to do the races centered on a smaller group centered on 3 candidates. one is a democratic candidate as well as endorsed by former president barack obama and then two republicans, incumbent senator leffler and republican representative collins. those candidates are trying to out republican each other, from very close, one of the candidates has a spot, an advertisement that says i am more conservative than otello
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the hunt. i have no idea what that means but it is an attempt to go very hard to the right i guess. jillian: kelly leffler is a by 3 points. do you think she stays with that? >> i do. it will end up being a democrat and kelly leffler. there will be a runoff in january and i think leffler will win and it will be a red seat. jillian: in iowa farmers in iowa have consistently back to donald trump as he made mention of before. what do you think that will do? will they carry over and help joni ernst? >> in spite of polls showing trump and biden are tied and displayed a lot of hullabaloo about joni ernst not being fully versed on key farming issues, farmers have consistently, even
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stubbornly or the past four years been ardent supporters of trump even in spite of being damaged in many ways by his trade war with china. that support of the farming community is not only going to take iowa for trump but joni ernst will ride along those coattails, i believe iowa will be republican. jillian: we will keep an eye on them. appreciate it. todd: a big hour ahead on "fox and friends first," maria bartiroma and joey jones join us live, don't go anywhere. investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer
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>> gdp, the biggest in history of our country. no nation has a number like this. >> i got scranton here. i don't know, man. i am getting confused here. todd: four deventer america elected next president. joe biden and donald trump on the campaign trail, both make a play for the midwest but the president could not leave the sunshine state without picking up praise from little wayne. jillian: more fallout from tony bobalinsky about biden as family business, the interview bringing new to the story. todd: michael moore warning democrats they could see and upset again. "fox and friends first" on a busy friday continues right now.


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