tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News November 8, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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when we left. greg: i love my chair because it's so comfortable. >> you are my sun. >> you are my planet. >> i will ♪ mark: hello america i'm mark levin and this is life liberty and live ended we have a great guest, ken starr. he was not just an independent counsel but he was a former federal judge and appellate judge, big time judge. among other things he is an expert on the constitution and i think the constitution still matters, at least in some corners of this country but ken starr, how are you sir? >> doing great, mark. thank you.
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mark: i want to read you a provision of the constitution, judge starr. then i want you to explain it to the american people. there are news organizations that are making declarations about who has won the presidency and so forth. i want to unravel this slowly but surely because we live and a constitutional system, not a pr system, not a left-wing system but a constitutional system. article two, section one clause two of the constitution provides as follows and i quote in pertinent part, each state shall appoint in such manner as the legislator thereof may direct a number of electors equal to the whole number of senators and representatives to which the state may be entitled in congress. in other words, the state legislator determine how the select their electors. isn't that what that means? >> that's what it means, mark. it got lost in the pennsylvania shuffle. the founding generations sitting in philadelphia undoubtedly
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thought well, should be have the state supreme court make the determination? no, we want this is a democratic with a small g approach. we want the legislators, those closest to the people, the state legislators, they are the bosses. it is not the governor. what happened in pennsylvania over these recent weeks is a constitutional travesty. governor wolf tries to get his reforms, his vision, as he was entitled to do through the legislator of the commonwealth of pennsylvania but he failed. he then goes to the state supreme court, which by a divided vote, accepted the substance of what governor wolf was doing and then added thereon nooks and crannies as well. happily, in recent days we have seen justice samuel alito step
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in as a single justice and has the power to do it and essentially, and a very short order, say the legislator is the boss. what the governor did, this is my interpretation, is utterly unconstitutional. what the pennsylvania sabine court did is utterly unconstitutional. it is clear as the words that you just read. mark: ken starr, let me ask you a couple questions. we keep hearing count every vote. is it which votes are to be count? in other words, this notion of count every vote, some votes are legal, some aren't. some are constitutional, some aren't. in that order you speak to justice alito said segregated the votes that occurred after 8:00 p.m. eastern time on election day tuesday because those votes may be in question under our federal constitution used on what the state supreme
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court, that is the state supreme court may have disenfranchised those voters by violating the federal constitution. isn't that the potential point he is making here? >> exactly right. in fact, to count every vote may be a crime. it may even be a crime under federal law. it is definitely a crime under state law if that is and there is the keyword -- illegal. that is why you see and it is shameful that vice president biden's people and the vice president himself for saying count every vote and selling a lot of t-shirts. that is a potential and an invitation for absolute lawlessness. i know the situation. very quickly, we are a recently widowed woman knew how her late husband would vote and he was
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deceased. that is a human tragedy. what is a travesty is she cast his vote for him. we call that absentee ballots, no that's an illegal ballot. they say count every legal vote except, of course, they have and there is widespread recording on this push the republicans out while they are counting every legal vote in the city of philadelphia and told by the speakers office they are they have over 100,000 provisional ballots and you don't hand them out like lollipops. voters have conditions. i'm gravely concerned, judge starr, that what is happening here is all of the checks and safeguards that have been built into the electoral process by the constitution, by state constitutions or by state legislators are being litigated away. you know, donald trump was elected president in 2016. we knew he had one and wasn't selected at 2:00 a.m. or 3:00 a.m. the next morning but we knew he had one because it
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was overwhelming. they are still counting vote now. there still counting votes because chaos seems to be the objective, the more chaos you can create the more uncertainty you can create and the democra democrats, judge starr, seen to want to vote earlier and earlier and count later and later paid what is the point of that? >> both ways. it doesn't bode well for confidence in the election process. everyone uses the word integrity and i think on the republican side we are using it with every breath we take and can't we have honesty and transparency and openness? i must say i've been disappointed in some of the reporting that has gone about the process. they are willfully blinding themselves, some of the reporters to the reality of what is happening before them. so, yes, what is happening, i think, in a limited number of cities but they are all our large cities and certainly two
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of those large cities, they have a history, detroit and philadelphia, a history of a sordid history of voter fraud and convictions. were not talking allegations and political rhetoric. we are talking judicial process having resulted in criminal convictions, including in times past the sitting state senate majority leader who hailed from philadelphia went to jail because of voter fraud. failing to insist on checks and balances, sunshine, please let the sunshine and in the form of these observers who have meaningful access, it is not access right mark if you are in the cavernous convention center and you really can't see 60 yards away what is going on? that is form over substance. mark: this matter presents itself to the united states up in court so in my mind three
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things can happen: one, they don't take it up in full even though i strongly feel they should and hopefully there are four justices and as i understand it. number two, sam alito and hopefully majority will say okay, those segregated votes were segregated out and those are unconstitutional. don't blame us good don't blame the legislator. you can blame the governor and can blame your state court. number three that no one is thinking about and i don't particularly like it, the court could say look, those segregated votes from our perspective are unconstitutional but we will leave it to the united states congress to determine whether they are unconstitutional or not in the state legislator is free to send its own list of electors based on the original statutory election laws and we all now know how many because they are segregating the votes. if in fact, the president of the
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united states one under the existing law before it was changed by the state supreme court, in other words, there could be two sets of electors sets, one certified by the governor and one certified by the legislator and the federal constitution and congress can sort it out. what you think of those three possibilities? [laughter] >> heaven forbid two of them but on the one that i think is the most likely is that those up in will now do its duty. in the pennsylvania case because it was very clear from the outset that what the governor did and what the state supreme court did was utterly unconstitutional. it is a lawless act. at this stage the sipping court has a solemn duty, in light of the nature of the issue and the stakes at hand has to take the case. i think, by the way, the earlier determination by justice alito to call a halt to any counting if that had begun of these set
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aside ballots, the ones that i view as illegal. they are just illegal. they don't and should not count. his determination to do that is a signal, it is not in assurance but a signal that a majority of the supreme court would uphold what justice alito has done. we will see and that's a guess but it's a reasonably educated guess. mark: i hope you are right. i'm concerned about the chief justice who made some cockamamie distinctions between a federal court and a state court and a does the constitution, as we read it, allowed as i read it aloud and you discussed it, is there any language in there about the distance between state and federal courts? >> absolutely not. i must say i did not admire that distinction that chief justice roberts, who is very able and who, by the way, voted in wisconsin case where a federal judge did what governor wolf was a doing in pennsylvania and when a federal judge in wisconsin
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engaged in those shenanigans perhaps for a noble reason and let everyone voted and so forth but that federal judge was acting flawlessly but happily, the board of appeals in chicago but a halt to that and then the supreme court of the united states put out any dissent without any dissent so consider that at the time eight-nothing said the seventh circuit was right. federal judge was wrong to interfere in that state election. that is all good. that is the distinction that chief justice roberts drew with respect to pennsylvania but the underlying principle is not what of federalism, as you rightly point out, but the real point is the legislator legislator, legislator. let us all return to the constitution, read it, it cannot be more clear that it is the legislator that his boss and not governor wolf. mark: when we return, judge star, i want to ask you a question. how do we select presidents in
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this country? is it by the declaration of media organizations and decision groups? or by our constitutional proce process, the electoral college and the statutory process which follows the meeting in congress, voting and congress and so forth? when there is ongoing litigation, serious litigation in a variety of states and litigation that will come before congress meets, is that to be dismissed when we consider whether or not a - [narrator] with the ninja foodi power pitcher, you can crush ice, make smoothies, and do even more. chop salsas, spoon thick smoothie bowls, even power through dough, and never stall. the ninja foodi power pitcher. rethink what a blender can do.
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♪ mark: welcome back. judge star, just an observation and i would be curious your opinion. so there is this movement afoot all across the nation, particularly in democratic states, left-wing organizations to get rid of the electoral college and have this national votes, the national popular vote. we look at that on the one hand. on the other hand, we see litigation by many of the same groups from the same party in states like pennsylvania to have judges change the laws as opposed to the representatives in the state legislators and the representatives of the lowest point of our government who get
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to make the law and they are say no, in that case we want judges to decide. don't you find that contradictory and self-serving for the democrat party to be pushing the national popular vote on the one hand but undermining state legislators and going to judges to get their way on the other hand? >> and there is a contradiction and the unifying theme is, we don't like the constitutional structure. you know, and portland, oregon there burning their bibles. if this kind of cultural trend continues maybe we will see public burnings of the constitution. the constitution is incredibly sensitive to the very idea that we are the united states of america. we are not just america but the united states of america. we fought a civil war and have inherited the great, great rhetoric of abraham lincoln about this union of states so to
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be no secessions and that means states count in the beauty of the states, even in the age of interconnectivity is that not all cancers are in washington dc. the laboratory of the states, all this fits together and so that is why the electorate has ordained at the fountain in philadelphia, the founding generation is very sensitive to the idea and the ideals of a federal republic bound together by one constitution as the supreme law of the land. as the constitution itself states. the electoral college reflects the beauty of federalism. we either like the idea of the united states of america or we will prefer then we just want california and new york and illinois and a couple other states to decide who the next president may be. if you live in quote, flyover
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country we don't care about you and you are out. i think that's a very destabilizing, disruptive kind of attitude towards week, the people. it is not we, the people of america but we, the people of the united states of america. i think north dakota should continue to count. mark: and continue to produce the fuel be made in the rest of the country. i want to make a point on your point. i see a war on the constitution by the left and the democrat party, whether they are litigating and we talked about pennsylvania and pennsylvania is not the only state. activities took place in georg georgia, wisconsin, michigan and other states. we with 300 lawsuits were brought in the course of the last year. 300 lawsuits to effect the voting system which is why you see such a difference between 2016 and 2020 but that said, i see a war on the constitution by the left and the democrat party. before this election they were talking about stacking the supreme court and packing the
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supreme court and before the selection they were talking about adding four democrats for ever more in united states senate and were talking about eliminating the filibuster rule which isn't in the constitution but certainly is compatible with the notion of the great deliberative body. they have talked about war on the electoral college and they're not talking about any of that right now but they did. they did. go into the courtrooms or they went to their legislators and tried to change the methodology by which votes are counted and by which votes are cast and the democrat party did not do this because they believe in good government. they didn't do this because they believe in fairness between the parties, they did this because they're trying to stack the system, particularly in the metropolitan areas. i want to ask you a question. when we have news organizations announcing we declare that joe biden is president of the united states or we declare whatever they declare, does that have any constitutional, legal or
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substantive meaning other than the pr aspect at all? is that how we choose our president? [laughter] >> thank goodness, no. the polls got it badly wrong. had they got on a business by the way? are they fired everyone and said we will start all over again? the answer is, no. this should not be going on because it's all about power, achieving power. that is quite dangerous if you are not seeking to vindicate a rule of law and a constitutional democracy. the constitution should be held up as sacred and here is a hugo black, a great liberal justice of the warren court era, always holding up the constitution, pointing to it and showing the dog years but instead there is a sense that we just want results and we don't care what it takes and we don't care what the constitution says.
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but to answer the fundamental point, the news organizations have zero power and they can try to influence but it will be up to the electoral college which will meet and it will determine they will cast their votes each state with its electors chosen in the way, once again, that the legislators determine. that will happen in december. approximately december 12. we have over a month to go before the decisive votes are cast and then the electors report to congress and to the house of representatives and they will then say here are our votes. there are several steps that are yet to be taken and never forget the role of the legislator. if the legislator of the state, the legislator of pennsylvania believes the election cannot be trusted, it can step in and determine how the electors are chosen from the commonwealth. mark: that's right.
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i said that the other day in hell was rained upon my head by liberals, liberal law professors who, on the one hand, pretend to teach the constitution but on the other hand, despise the constitution. not only that, ken starr, but you make the point that the power is supposed to be in the state legislator but ultimately with congress because then congress counts the votes and objections can be raised and i won't get into all the weeds and processes and so forth but decision desks and news organizations, as you pointed out and i want to -underscore do not choose the president of the united states. they can give their opinion all they want and they can issue declarations all they want but we follow the constitution. judge starr, i want to thank you very much for your sober thinking and your edification for me and the rest of the country. joint pain, swelling, tenderness. my psoriasis. cosentyx works on all of this. cosentyx can help you look and feel better by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis.
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beaches. public transportation has been shut down and residents have been warned to stay off the street. several shelters are open at this hour for residents in mobile homes and low-lying areas. broward county also shut down. [inaudible] miami is poised to do the same. precautions are being taken because eta is a killer storm after breaking the shores of central america, the caribbean and mexico, more than 40 people reported dead and 100 missing. from florida eta is expected to go across the gulf of mexico for several days. we will keep an eye on the storm throughout the morning. that is it for now. now we return to our regular programming which is life, liberty and levin already in progress. assistant attorney general for civil rights and the national department of justice in charge of enforcing voting rights laws.
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who better to have. hans, hundreds of lawsuits were brought prior to this election and the vast majority which were, by the democrat party or democrat party surrogates, and hundreds of them. number one, have you ever seen anything like this before and number two, what was the purpose of these lawsuits? >> no, it was unprecedented. i've never seen so many lawsuits filed before election day and all the lawsuits had a common theme and they all tried to get the security protocols that are in place for absentee or mail-in ballots eliminated and they wanted to get rid of, for example witness signature requirements on absentee ballots. they wanted to get rid of signature para- sins for absentee alice when election prepared the ballots but the signature on file for the voter. they tried to implement vote harvesting at every state. so states that have banned the vote harvesting, strangers and been able to come to your front
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door to pick up ballots they wanted that overwritten. in alabama, which has a voter id law that applies to absentee ballots, they tried to get the courts to basically say they cannot apply that id law to absentee ballots either. everything they did was intended to get rid of any of the protections and measures put in place by states to try to prevent fraud and the use of absentee ballots. mark: and they succeeded in many respects with states like pennsylvania and other states, didn't they? >> they sure did. the order by the pens of any court was really bizarre in many aspects telling the election officials there that they couldn't reject a valid if the signature did not match and they cannot reject a valid even if there is no postmark on the envelope to indicate it was voted by election day and then extending the deadline passed the deadline set by the state
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legislator. mark: let's again take pennsylvania as an example although it's not the only example. if you are not required to have a postmark or signature or a signature that matches another signature, and back you could have voted after election day, couldn't you? >> you sure could and would be very easy, if you can pick up absentee ballots that are not been voted by voters which happens all the time to submit fraudulent ballots. mark: no signature is required. so how will they target? under those circumstances, interesting that in person voting has an absolute deadline. you better be at your precinct in pennsylvania by 8:00 p.m. eastern time in the line or you don't get to vote. not all of these were trumpet voters. on the other hand, if you are sitting at home and maybe you're watching the election results and you don't like what is happening with pennsylvania in the early vote you can vote your mail-in vote and you don't have to have a post date on it and if you don't want one you don't have to sign it and you drop it
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off and the vote counts. correct? >> yeah, that's exactly right. that is very problematic. look, there is no reason to extend the deadline for absentee ballots cast election day. it is not as if absentee ballots that you can only get them a couple of days before election day. in fact, the vast majority of them can be requested and obtained weeks, if not more than a month, two months, before election day so you plenty of time to get it back in the hands of election officials by the end of election day. mark: i brought this up to judge starr and i brought it up on my radio show and i've written about this now. the democrats want to an earlier and earlier vote in a later and later count. an earlier vote, later count. why? >> well, the earlier you vote, frankly, the less information you have about candidates. look, some states were starting early voting before the first presidential debate even occurred. what that meant was that if
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individuals changed their mind because of information they got after they had already voted, guess what, it's too late. it's too late to change or valid. by counting ballots late it gives, unfortunately, the opportunity, particularly for absentee ballots to try to gather up ballots that it not been voted after election day which is another reason they wanted vote harvesting everywhere. they can go through neighborhoods, collect absentee ballots that have not been voted and then use that to try to change the results of the election, which they already know how it's going from the pulmonary count. mark: isn't it another reason to have both earlier and earlier to really incentivize people not to vote in person, where we have more and more structures in place and we have election judges, we have both parties and your name is matched against a registration in many states you have voter id and you vote early, you vote to malin, you don't need a signature, you
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don't need a postal date, whatever state and whatever the board of elections due in violation of federal constitution and the state legislators trying to set in as safeguards then you have anarchy and many of these situations but you have chaos, don't you? >> look, one the most important of affair and free election is transparency and that is why every state authorizes cold waters from the candidates to the political parties to not only be in stations but supposedly also where they are counting the ballots. you can't have that with people are voting through the mail and they are voted outside the supervision of election officials and outside the observation of a poll watchers. look, nobody disputes that you need absentee ballots for people who are too sick or too disabled to make it to the polls or who will be out of town on election day like her overseas military folks but for the vast majority of us we should vote in person and you shouldn't vote by absentee ballot.
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that is just not the smart thing to do. mark: ongoing litigation taking place and much of it is very, very serious. it's evidence is still being gathered. al gore had 37 days and two u.s. up in court decisions. shouldn't these news organizations and others give this time to play out a little this time to play out a little bit the way they did in 2000?ag. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein... -with 20 grams of protein for muscle health- -versus only 16 grams in ensure® high protein. and now enjoy boost® high protein in café mocha flavor. who've got their eczema under control. with less eczema, you can show more skin. so roll up those sleeves.
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♪ mark: welcome back. cons of von spakovsky, experts on election law. former committee of the federal election commission and former prosecutor in the oval rights division of the apartment of justice and forcing of all things voting rights laws. that is an important concept, enforcing voting rights laws. my question to you is this, there is litigation going on and in some states they will re- campus and also the president's campaign depending on the state
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like in wisconsin and so forth, because they were so razor then they have the right for potential recount. what is really can mean? >> re- campus is when they quickly go through all the vote totals in ballots that were sent in by election officials from polling places across the state and make sure that all the numbers were correctly totaled up. mark: they want to check computers and software and they had some issues like this in michigan and there were questions being raised in wisconsin and so forth. so it really gives an opportunity to the state election boards if they are earnest to say to be get this right? and that is still going on tod today. >> yeah, it is. mark: number two, there are state laws that give a candidate, depending on how close the election is, some states under 1% and so forth, the opportunity to an automatic request a recount, correct?
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>> in many states you can get a recount. depending on the state is either 1% margin of difference or in some places it's half a% margin of difference. mark: that takes time. that can't be done in 24 hours, a recount to take a couple of weeks or a week or so, correct? >> that's right. think how long they are taking right now just to count the ballots and when you do a recount you have to recount every single ballot in the sta state. mark: why is this important? why is this important as a fundamental matter and as a constitutional matter and actually for congress, when they meet and determine whether or not the electoral college votes are the electoral college votes that they want to certify. >> look, election officials even when they are doing their best can make mistakes. all you've got to do is look at the glitch that was just announced in michigan where they initially announced that a democrat had one a race there and then realized the software
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glitch and misreported things and in fact, the republican incumbent had one. we re- campus often do turn out mistakes that were made and totaling up the votes and when you do eight recount the vote totals often also change because remember, mark, most of these places are using option scan paper ballots and sometimes those paper ballots have not been marked exactly the way you are supposed to for them to be read by a computer scanner. when you go through and count them sometimes you have to look at them by hand to figure out how the voter actually cast their ballots. recount also contained results. mark: let's look at the state of play as we speak. we have a significant lawsuit that has been brought in pencil vania that the supreme court has indicated and it's very likely to consider the can have an enormous impact in that state. we have canvassing or we can be seen taking place in some of these states are very, very
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close and we have the right for a candidate, say the president's campaign, the president, to call for a recount in the states that are very, very close. you have al gore who litigated for 37 days in one state, three counties but one state and went to the supreme court twice and yet, it seems like joe biden, the democrat party and everybody else is in a very big hurry to get an answer today good isn't it better to go through the process, the constitutional statutory process, to make sure everything is right in every state? >> yeah, particularly because the results aren't efficient until election officials and state officials certify the results. they won't do that until the canvassing has been done and if a recount has been ordered they won't do it until a recount has been completed. if there is litigation, serious litigation for testing the outcomes that they also are foolish and i don't think they
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♪ mark: welcome back. von spakovsky here is my conce concern, hans. if this is not done right and done by the book and not about counting every vote but about upholding the constitution, upholding state laws decision by state legislators and so forth, if this isn't done right this time, even though it impacts this presidential election, we will have a disaster every four years and it will get worse and worse with litigation and courts interfering with state legislators and with violations of deadlines and with other parties not been able to be present when there are accounts taking place in this stuff needs to be resolved now, does it not? >> yeah, it does. i would compare this and to give you a civil comparison. look, everyone would agree that in the middle of the super bowl,
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you know, one of the coaches from one of the teams should not go to the referee and say listen, we need to change the rules applying to the current game. that is exactly what has happened this year in the election process. we lawsuits filed all over the country and we had judges, both state court judges and federal judges trying to change the rules, not just before the election but in the middle of the election when the voting had already started early through absentee ballots across the country and relaxing, quite frankly, the needed rules to maintain the security, for example of absentee ballots. that is not the way you conduct an election. it's dangerous. mark: it is appalling. there are two things here. number one, u.s. up in court so far has failed to uphold the federal constitution and in doing so, put an end to some of these activities that are going on the benefits one party against the other. it is appalling and until the supreme court steps in and puts the foot down and uphold article
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two, section one, and uphold it without any ambiguity this will continue and will raise questions about elections but here is the other problem or the second problem, hans. that is this, if you can't trust the numbers that are coming out in one state or the other or from one city or the other then the legitimacy of the presidency is on the line each and every time, is it not? >> that is exactly right. mark: so we are all being told now tonight and to unite. i'm very troubled by the strategy that was put in place here. it's obviously a long-term strategy by the democrat party animal so troubled by the fact that there were almost no reporting on it up until a few weeks ago or even a few days ago. even now there are almost no reporting on it and the effect this has on the outcome of the
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election. >> you are right. just keep in mind, mark, all of the measures that were asked for in those lawsuits to basically get rid of the safety protocols for absentee ballots, you know, all of them were in hr one and that was the first bill that nancy pelosi introduced in the house two years ago when they took over the house. that bill would've put all of these terrible measures in place and forced them on states across the country. this is not just a short-term strategy. this is a long-term strategy. they want to change federal law to micromanage and take over the running of elections by the state and do it in a very bad way. mark: and the amazing thing is, in this provision of the constitution that we keep talking about, there is only one body mentioned as the body that has the say, the beginning say and final say in that the state legislator and they are being pushed aside for the state courts and being pushed aside by the boards of elections and
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being pushed aside by the governor and then when you dare to raise it and say wait one minute. , the state legislator gets to decide how the electors are chosen and you are accused of trying to oppress, suppress racism, disenfranchisement and all the usual that we get from the left. on another topic but it's very important, we now see individuals saying we need to keep a list of people who have been associated with this administration, almost an enemies list. using this by aoc and you've seen it by jennifer rubin so what do you make of this? >> in fact, jennifer rubin put out a tweet saying, not only should there be a black list of everyone who is associated with the campaign but also wants a blacklist of anyone who talked about what we talked about today which is if you talk about election fraud you should be on that blacklist and she calls for anyone like that to be exiled
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from society and to not be given a job in the government or in academia and in private industry. i'm just wondering how they pick the location yet for the gulag or detention camp where i will be sent for just talking about this kind of thing? mark: she of course, is a whack job, but a columnist in my opinion for the washington post who i am sure she will be forever -- why don't they take some of those sites were fdr ran up japanese-americans or those of japanese descent? i know they loved fdr. hans von spakovsky i one day we'll look back and remember the moment that things, for one strange time in our lives, got very quiet. we worried over loved ones, over money, over our planet, and over takeout. let's remember this time when so many struggled to feel secure, and build a future where everyone can. because when the world seems like it's standing still...
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united states. during this entire program we talked about the constitution and the rule of law. i am in this chair and i do this program for one reason and one reason only because i believe in this country. because i believe in liberty. i believe in the declaration and the constitution of the united states trade that is what i fight for here and my guests mostly talk about. it applies to today as it did yesterday and it will tomorrow. the constitution is applied in the constitution is honored, including by the supreme court and then the outcome will be righteous, regardless of what the outcome is. that is my perspective. i think the way this president has been treated by the media and by the democrat party and by academia and by hollywood, not one minute of peace during this entire presidency and it's been disgusting and appalling. disgusting and appalling. but that said, this is what
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matters, the declaration of independence and the constitution or we will lose our republic. we will lose our republic. we cannot have democrats and their surrogates running around different states and so forth and changing the voting rules. this seems to be resolved and this needs to be fixed, once and for all going forward. or every future election will be a mess. keep your beliefs and god, family, the declaration, the constitution and the country. fight on. fight on. be heard. embrace your principles. have faith that in the end of the system will work. if it is not working it is up to you and me to make sure it works. remember also, the decoration and the constitution are not self-executing. it is up to us. we have had a lot of major
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battles in this country over the years and over the decades and over the centuries. this is one more of those battles but we will get through it and we will be stronger for it. as long as we hold the declaration and the constitution firmly. we will see you next time on "life, liberty and levin". ♪ steve: evening everyone and welcome to the next revolution prayed on steve hilton and this is the home of positive populism. pro- worker, profamily, pro- community and above all, pro- america. tonight only one story of course and the election and its aftermath with my thoughts in a moment and joining us tonight for the hour we have matt gaetz, tammy bruce, jason chaffetz and sara carter. i know how angry you are and i know what you are angry about. i will end tonight as i always aim to on a positive note but let's start with this.
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