tv Hannity FOX News November 9, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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us feel that way. played that on camera for six years. not easy to do. alex trebek of my rest in peace. that's it for us tonight. we will be back 8:00 p.m., the show who is this white and sincere enemy of prosperity and groupthink. >> he was the nicest guy in the world. not in real life. god bless and. we begin tonight with a major fox news alert. they're going to probe substantial irregularities in multiple states. we will have full coverage throughout the hour. tonight the mob that you know, what did i say? the media mob.
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they all want to call this a da and stop you from asking a legitimate tough questions. people are actually saying things. they are vowing to ensure every legal vote is counted.av we want to have free and fair elections. they just want to try to block any and all audits of what is now growing examples and frankl affidavit ballot irregularities.
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by the way we are going to show you this is a violation of stat election laws. >> i believe president trump still has a path to that path is to count every single legal vote was cast. >> what happened in pennsylvani over these recent weeks is a constitutional travesty. >> he's upset that they can run the most effective election and run this perfectly. everybody has confidence in wha
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the outcome is whatever it is. you with the american people deserve better. is a national disgrace. the double standard that we are watching with the mob and the media is beyond disgusting. it is sickening and said. and let me tell you that is the same mob in the media that has spewed rage and hatred before the four years. they lied to all of you about the collusion. what were they arguing for over the last four years. trump and his campaign had colluded with russia to influence and steal the electi
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election. four separate investigations proved otherwise. ironically the only question is in 2016 she sent around the disinformation dossier. they harassed if supporters fou straight years with lies and spirits if there is always questioning the legitimacy of this presidency they are now making empty calls pretending like nothing ever happened. a they never accept the election results in 2017. this is s why they are so corru
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as an institution we will do what we always do. >> was give each other a chance. it's time to put away the harsh rhetoric. >> he is committed to uniting this country. that's become the new political story. >> we need unity in this count country. huse this his first speech sinc his victory to try to unify the country. >> they want us to cooperate an that's going to be a tall order. will see if anybody on the othe side of the aisle is willing to try to cooperate.
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>> you endured this entire fiascoou. they ignored all of the stories and the outbreak supported censorship. the legitimate corruption scandal was part of the campai campaign. they wouldn't even let you read the story and decide a for yourself. they went into a bunker without having to answer a single tough question. e was in the media mob candidate protection program th entire campaign. they all know what happened in ukraine. >> they didn't care and now the
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want to lecture us on political discourse and the demand for a free and fair election. all of a sudden we are supposed to submit to their power withou being able to ask a question. i wasn't able to follow the law and observe the boat coming. astg this hour and other hours of friends of ours here. i won't and we cannot be intimidated into silence. we are not going to be lectured by the same media frauds and th democrats the one thing called us chumps.
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they have been fueling blind rage every second of every hour of every day. in case you forgot take a look. >> said today america is not of sound mind. it's something you look at and say there is something wrong. >> again he is being a schmo. he's giving oxygen to racists he's trying to ignite a civil war. >> the fact that people can disagree on whether we are talking about treason for high crimes i find that genuinely
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shocking. >> it was full of revenge and that was mean-spirited. >> this is somebody in deep psychological distress. boycott resist and feet and attack. i dream about blowing up the white house. when is the last time an actor assessment of a president? what about the lies they told over the last four years? this is what we've all heard since the day they came down th escalator at trump tower.on now people come out and they ar telling stories and they weren' allowed to do their job.
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we are not supposed to let them talk. we are supposed to endure poll watchers saying they were denie observing the counting. it wasn't just about the president.mber there are over 70 million of us more than ever. they hate us and they were clea about that over the last four years. u i'm going to be frank with you i'm not fond of them either. they called for unity when the they've been anything but unit united. we just see more hate and more rage. michelle is jumping in and let' remember the tens of millions o people that voted for the statu quo even what it meant supporting life hate chaos and division.
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resent what appeared to be a veiled threat. once has the think not just about what's best for the nation because they weren't doing that when they were lying about conspiracies circa. it's about how your character may be defined during adversity. future employers? what does that mean? did you not ever tweet out support that you like donald trump? tonight it is perfectly clear that america's most powerful institutions are going to do anything and everything that they can do to destroy the president and his supporters.
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do you believe for even one second that the e media did not notice how frail and weak and often confused joe is?w did you think they did not notice? many evenve quietly said to me he is a mess. this is called the media mob protection program. and they want you to believe this bizarre counting process which we are seeking which is legal taking place and is totally normal. you know better and frankly i'm sick of all these people. the fact is we should welcome a review to the election process. we should take any whistleblowe coming forward seriously.nt
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the election laws should be followed. we muster my before the constitution allows this. we having gone through this process it's very time-consumin and difficult and challenging w are going to be a stronger and better country having done this. lets let the people tell their stories. led forth in the side if they believe them or not.e lets look at what the law says and what the court do their constitutional jobs to adjudicate. unfortunately the evidence is were not at the laws followed for example ewhistleblowers, are coming forward across multiple states. feared deal killing that they were denied access to do their job their legal right to monito the ballot counting. there is a small sample and you better decide. >> came out and asked us to sig
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documents. a few moments later we were asked to leave. we were asked to leave within ten minutes of signing the papers. we were at least 100 feet away from the open ballots. we can't see them and we don't know what's happening c. there is no way for us to meaningfully look at the proce >> they have refused us a meaningful view of the vote count. they have done nothing to help us and they are not letting every legal vote count. >> lets look at the law in pennsylvania. they may observe in a polling locations until the counting of votes is complete. in pennsylvania a military or i now in a sworn affidavit that would make him a real whistleblower that he was
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cornered by supervisors to collect and submit late ballots another violation of election laws. cammy joins us later and he let us know this is a constitutiona travesty. now in reaction to all of this the president tweeted that pennsylvania prevented us from watching the ballot count.wa it's illegal if it turns out to be true. in clark county to set mail-in ballots were filled out on the side of a van. and the state of michigan republicans are moving in to investigate the software glitch that actually change thousands of votes.
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they caught this in the same software also glitched in georgia and was used in as many as 28 states. why should we as a country be okay when this happens and shouldn't we investigate? why shouldn't we want every legal avenue pursued at the bottom. it's not the first time by the way that we've had post electio litigation. and the deer to thousand al gor challenge the results for 37 days he did not concede until december. the same lymedia mob we had tod was totally on board. >> since election day we have had a single fundamental goal. we want a complete count of all the votes cast in florida. what does it say, isn't this
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more important than who won the presidency?? >> all we are asking is that th rule of law be respected and upheld. all the votes should be counted in a way that's consistent with florida law. is there a question that he won the votes cast in the st. louis area?st that's the news guy.n: she is the author of one vote away. senator you're constitutional analysis has been amazing. i want you to take your time an lay out what the issue is here. >> it's a fundamental question and the question is are we following the law? you and i probably went to bed on election night seeing the same results that everybody sawn they won ohio they were leading in north carolina and michigan. it looked to be a very good
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night. all the media was sayingd at t time was just wait. and then as the numbers shifted to joe suddenly the entire news media said okay and now it's over everybody be quiet and go home. the way the system works is you follow the law. there are multiple lawsuits pending in multiple states and they need to be resolved they are serious allegations. the standard is that every single vote that is cast should be counted. any votes that were illegally cast should not be counted. there is a way to resolve this frustrating said thing. you see all the stuff on twitte going back and forth. it's difficult for anybody to knowga. the only way to know is that we have a legal process. federal courts that can hear legal claims and right now it i
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incumbent on the trump campaign to go in and prove the case in court. they need to lay out evidence o the votes. will evidence of what was done right and what was done wrong. when the process is over we are going to know the results. >> the mainstream media does no want to allow us to do this. >> in the case of pennsylvania partisan observers may observe your polling location until the counting of votes is complete. we now have real whistleblower' saying that this happen. what is then, remedy of this? >> that is a challenging legal question. it depends upon the votes at issue. the remedy is something we are going have to wrestle with. what we do know in bright blue democratic jurisdictions like philadelphia and pennsylvania i
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that they deliberately obstructed the republican viewers from being there. i don't know if you've ever tried to look at a piece of paper 25 feet but you can't see anything. you aren't an observer if you are 25 feet away. if they want a victory in the pennsylvania state court it's pretty hardnd to see a ballot a to be sure there's no cheating going on. and detroit we know that the poster boards up to cover the rooms.hehe important thing is that michiga state law specifically says the can be observed by any interested party. >> that is absolutely correct. the reason you have observers i to prevent fraud. prevent ballot theft.
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when you throw one party or the other it raises the possibility that this conduct is ongoing. this needs to be determined in court of law. i find it amazing that reporter are running around saying we can't resolve any of these lega matters.e this is all just ridiculous.own: >> and if it determined that they weren't allowed to observe can you trust the results? >> you have to ascertain what were the ballots being counted and his or her possible segregate them. a remedy is to count them again with a manual inspection with observers from both sides. recount litigation you mentione florida. i talk about that case because was a young lawyer.
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one thing i want to point out i this website. that haven't yet declared a winner. they have not called arizona or pennsylvania. many haven't called arizona and those that have called this early i think made a huge mistake. the current map is close. we will continue to monitor thi brief today the judiciary committee chairman received a sworn affidavit in the trump campaign from a postal worker i pennsylvania alleging his superiors created it landed backdated ballot. yesterday he join us urging republicans to keep fighting. he said it's critical and if we don't fight based on the whistleblowers, i thought
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whistleblowers mattered. my question is when people say and will sign this under the threat of perjury that have to monitor the vote counting. as i just mentioned this is critical. i don't think they would perjur themselves. >> no but here is the deal. if the law doesn't get you wher you want to get you just ignore it. how many times we have to see when it comes to the liberals and the democratic machine that they want an outcome now. this man of pennsylvania given affidavit to the trump campaign i've sent it to the postal inspector in the fbi. i've got more information we ar now finding potentially that
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25,000 nursing home residents requested mail-in ballots at th exact same time. you can't harvest of pennsylvania. what are the odds 25,000 people in one location requested at th same time. somebody's up to no good in these nursing homes. we don't need this information. we owe it to those who voted to test this system. if we don't deal with voting my mail this year. the biggest difference between 2016 and this year is the mass use of voting by mail. it is the wild west at a post office. there are no rules and if we don't put some rules we are going to get killed. i worry about georgia. i worry about the senate races in georgia.
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why do we want to count every vote? these two are on the ballot if they win we have control of the senate and we could have hearings about all of this. if not there is no venue to hav all of this export. if you go to my website it show how you can give money to those georgia senators. >> you took your campaign a hal million dollars and donated thi to the president's campaign. to the republicans if we don't fight back now do you realize what they are doing? we joked about a 17-point deficit in wisconsin. my opponent was tied with me here is $15 million he says it all to the supporters they got all excited that they were
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spending money the republicans get depressed. the social media censors conservatives when we want to talk to each other. the state of play in america in 2024 republicans is not good. >> senator this is never happened before. the mob in the media they love to coach. i recommend the same one time ago. when you get testimony and when you find out they weren't allowed to observe, the could have easily designed the system whether it was gloves or a mask be sure the signature mass is whatever the processes. they did not do this and it
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seems systemwide. >> if you have a lock to make sure election counting is observed by both parties than the remedy is to take those ballots off the table that were not allowed to be observed. there was a signature requirement that was not followed. the remedy is to make sure thos ballots are not counted. it's obvious they pass a law we are only going to le allow a handful of people at a polling site to undo this does the law really matter? some people were just taking it into their own hands. is it okay for them to rewrite the laws so we can't watch? >> is it okay to ignore the signature requirement? democrats don't care about that. they don't care how he lost his lungs he lost. they aren't asked many question in the media.
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when are you going to ask a question about the election? when are you going to take seriously the idea that every vote counts. i've had it with them, let's fight back. let's call out cheating when we find a. looks count every vote and go t social media and stop them from censoring our content. when the major networks to polling asked them how they do it mitch and i need to come up with something for these mail-i ballots. if we don't do something about this we are going to lose the ability to elect officials. by the weight also this week an the former independent counsel raised additional concerns constitutional concerns about the election. i sat there and watched this entire conversation and he called the mail-in ballot expansion in pennsylvania a constitutional travesty.
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that cup my intention and here was more. i wish i had you for the entire hour. everything just moves faster during the week. lets talk about the constitutional side of this. it's a very crucial where we ar at right now. >> and very briefly constitutio is clear. you know the legislature sets the rules on what happens in pennsylvania. it was a flagrant violation of the fundamental constitutional clear as a bell requirement. they need to set the rules and what the governor did i would call a constitutional travesty. the pennsylvania supreme court did likewise. history is a wise guide. hit the wise teacher. what the president and the campaign are doing right now is
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as you discussed this is ameri america. we don't rush the election for the results because they want t do our due diligence. integrity and honesty. would do this through a process and through the rule of law. 's follow the example of bush against gore. >> i believe there's going to b other cases brought before the courts. they are going to be adjudicating other cases before the supreme court. i'd imagine this case in pennsylvania we are going to maintain the rule of law and what the governor of pennsylvania did is one of the laws was broken and those that were looking at the law and being allowed to observe the counting they will testify to this.
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how the remedy this? don't know how. >> ultimately i think he was onto something. you have to make the hard decisions. should those ballots be lawfull come to. is a tough remedy but it is the remedy. if it big question and if it wa not properly authorized and the weren't arriving at the correct time in the correct time in pennsylvania should have been the close on election day not three days later. you have to make that careful assessment ballot by ballot som ballots are going to be disqualified and we will see of course if that is done. >> i think it's going to go all the way through the court syste and they are going to make a decision as to here is the appropriate remedy.
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we had a telegraph and a signal by this circuit justice in pennsylvania, he has spoken ver strong language saying that wha the governor did was quite improper under america's constitution. fascinating times it's great to have great legal minds. >> this week over at cnn he got very emotional a bit of a different mood from 2016. it's all a bit different this year. >> it's easier to be apparent this morning it's easier to be dad. it's easier to tell your kids that character matters. telling the truth matters. being a good person matters. and it's easier for a lot of people.
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it's not a small thing to be a whistleblower when you are around a machine. and these are machines. they are tough ruthless groups that are quite prepared to hurt your children. i've already encountered one person who was willing to come out and say what happened. the people we are talking about are very ruthless. i do think we are seeing a remarkable turn here. more and more people are coming forth. eventually it'll become a flood. there's a magic moment in these investigations were all of a sudden enough people are coming forward that they say okay i'm going to do this and it's the right thing to do. i think one week from now we ar going to have much more evidenc of just how corrupt the system has become.
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>> there are those saying that even raising the question or listening to this considering for three years they legit -- they thought this mysterious collusion elected trump. he stole the election and that all we heard. for investigations later they have no evidence. shouldn't the country ultimatel listen to these whistleblowers? >> this goes to the heart of th american system. they took very seriously a due process which starts with votin and goes over to counting. then it goes to a recount befor going to court. it's a very elaborate and
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deliberate process by people that know a lot about power. they did not want exactly with the media try to do the last four or five days which is have a mop effect and we are all jus supposed to roll over and pretend that joe has been crowned. it's just not true but a single state has been certified. i think there are going to be lawsuits in six different stat states. the important thing for the average american should be very simple. we must have a process of hones elections. >> we are fighting not for donald trump we are fighting fo the very right of every america to expect that their elections will be honest. this is so serious and fundamental and this is.
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>> with me ask you this. if the supreme court of america decides in their decision shoul be on the law. if they decided this law was manufactured in pennsylvania or that the law was now followed i the number of state as observer weren't allowed to observe. i think that's good for america to know i just don't know what the remedy is. >> we have had a case in philadelphia a few years back where it democratic state senator was so corrupt in the election law that they actually replaced him with his republica opponent's shifting the balance of power in the state senate. the judge simply said i have no choice. powerful days ahead. when we come back fighting amongst the democrats is gettin quite ugly.
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- i can't stop worrying. - why can't i sleep at night? - how do i deal with all this stress? - when did the world get so scary? - hello, this is michael youssef, there can be no doubt that our world is filled with troubles right now. and yet, there is one person who said, "i can give you peace that can never be shaken even in the worst of your circumstances." jesus is the way the truth and the only giver of eternal life and he is inviting you to come and surrender to him. and he will give you unbelievable peace, a peace that seems too good to be true, but it's true. will you come to him? (calm inspirational music) - [female voice] are you looking for a peace that can withstand any hardship life can bring?
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after shocking house losses on tuesday. the real speaker of the house i blaming t moderates in her part. she's been reassured that she's going to like joe's agenda just take a look. >> pointing fingers and telling people what to do it's irresponsible. it's irresponsible to pour gasoline when the party is on fire. some party republicans and a list of trump staffers they can't deny things in the future here was the reaction from the fox news contributor. fox and friends weekend host friends of the program. i don't know it sounds to me like maybe we are on a list of undesirables? it may come back to fight us in future job interviews.
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i don't plan to be interviewing but go ahead. >> they are making a list and going after staffers saying the won't get jobs in the future. we need to be united and the la down your arms. at the same time you have peopl list saying that we are not going to get a job. >> i don't believe nancy is bac as speaker of the house.on there was not a single republican that ran for reelection that lost. they lost seats. there are a lot more people coming and we have a record number of republican women winning. that is what scares them. i think a lot of this shows tha congress is going to increase.
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we get to important runoffs but then you look at the african-american vote hispanic american vote in record numbers for any republican ever. suburban ladies as ever but he said went towards home trump ho do you interpret these results and what does it mean? >> what it means is that americ has five more chances. ink want to thank you for your coverage tonight and for being honest about this count. i think the president for havin the courage to fight back. it's's all about how people fee. the media companies should not decide the elections. yet again he provides thi a ser to the american people. a's lot of people feel the same way ultimately we know what the left is. they have acceptable speech and
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they don't. they will come after you and confront you. weno know how the markets opera. she wants control of the party she is very dangerous and she channels a lot of how the moder democrats feel today. they are doing it through the schools. she represents the views of people that believe that they have old power. i don't know if nancy can do that but she is trying to challenge that power and turn this party sweetly into the lef party and it's almost there. the senate is held by mitch. whopeful he is an ally for another four years. it's more evidence of how scare of the left is. >> the last 30 seconds. >> this race in georgia is everything. believe them whenhi they say th
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god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." especially during this holiday season of hanukkah. when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah.
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this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. the communists came and wiped it out. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." it's okay to light the hanukkah candles. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive.
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>> sean: all right unfortunately that is all the time we have left tonight. don't forget, never miss an episode of "hannity."" i want to say in closing tonight something that's very, very important.y, three solid years, democrats media mob, all they did was rail about trump, russia, collision. and besmirch and advance one conspiracy theory after another. they ignored hillary's dirty book dossier.
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getting to the truth, integrity faith, and confidence in our election process is everything.n let not your heart be troubled god is in charge. laura ingraham is next. >> laura: they weren't worried about evidence then, were they? >> sean: they didn't find any. >> laura: where they saying there's no evidence of russia collusion, so we can't report. no -- they were inferring whenen there was no evidence. and yet in this case, obvious irregularities. >> sean: it's was every day. >> laura: sean, i have never in my life seen such an aggressive lack of curiosity on the part of the american media. most of them should turn in their media badges, whatever they walk with. and they should go into anotherr
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