tv Bill Hemmer Reports FOX News November 11, 2020 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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and maybe beyond if they move off to idaho or montana. >> dana: that freaks me out. thanks, dan. i'm dana perino. i'll see you on "the five." bill hemmer, are you worried about murder hornets? >> bill: tough ombres. thanks, dana. see you at 5:00. good afternoon. 3:00 on the east coast. noon on the west coast. i'm bill hemmer. president trump hunkering down with advisers. his campaign keeps the pedal on the gas to challenge the outcome and republicans pick up wins in congress. another senate win today. alaska has been called. they hold the line in 50-48. meanwhile, we're learning workers will recount ballots in the peach state by hand later this week. analysis with martha maccallum and steve harrigan in georgia.
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john roberts, good afternoon to you. we saw the president for the first time today in days paying his respects to arlington national cemetery. what are you picking up on what he's doing now in terms of running the show on this? >> bill, good afternoon to you. the first time that we've seen the president since thursday when he came to talk in the briefing room. he didn't make any public remarks. everything has been on twitter. we know the president is working the phones and talking to everybody he can, driving this process forward, meaning with his campaign advisingers as well. the campaign has been filing lawsuits, collecting affidavits and sworn statements from witnesses that they say there were voting irregularities that happened tuesday and the vote counting after that. what they need to do, they need to get their hands on the ballots so they can examine them themselves and present that in a court of law or they need to have a body like the supreme
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court saying, in pennsylvania, the law stated that all ballots that came in after 8:00 on election night are invalid and need to throw out the tranche of ballots if they hope to make a difference. according to one campaign source that we talked to, what they need to do is catch a break in court. it's unclear how long this goes. if they catch that break in court, it means that it could go on for a long time. if they don't catch that break in court, may be over sooner rather than later. one thing is that if they do manage to prolong this process, we start to get into december. there comes a time when the electors have to be seated to vote on what will be president of the united states. i'm told the anger out there in these red states is so deep and so palpable that the gop legislators may have a difficult time seating biden electors when it comes down to putting in place that process for the vote on december 14.
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>> bill: that would be something. come back to georgia. mike pence will take a day or two off. that changed. how come? >> well, it was never officially on the schedule so it never was cancelled. there were plans in place for the vice president to make his annual pilgrimage to sanibel island. the schedule had him leaving yesterday and coming back saturday. that is no longer going to happen. the weather in sanibel is terrible, too, with eta hitting florida. but he's going to be giving a speech here in washington d.c. friday and then to bring it back around to georgia, he will be going to georgia on the 20th to campaign hard for david purdue and kelly loeffler. >> bill: tell us about georgia with the recount. what is the anticipation? >> the trump campaign held a conference call on that earlier this afternoon. this is going to be an intense process. this will be the first time in
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georgia history that they ever had a hand recount of all of the ballots. currently a margin of a little more than 14,000 in joe biden's favor. the trump campaign hoping to turn that around. doug collins will be the trump campaign's point person on that. here's what he said a short time ago. >> this is about really the first step. making sure that every legal shoat is counted and every illegal vote not counted. allows us to see the integrity of the process. >> so again, an intense process. the trump campaign is urging patience saying this is not an apple that you eat in one bite. you take a number of different bites at it and that's what's going on right now. at some point, people keep on assuring us that on january 20th, a president will be inaugurated. we're not sure if it's a new president or the current president. bill? >> bill: interesting reporting. thanks, john. republicans hold a 50-48 lead in the senate. after the call in alaska was
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made in north carolina on this program yesterday was made as well. balance of power comes off to run-off races in georgia. david purdue and kelly loeffler fending off changlers. steve later again will get a lot of time watching this from atlanta. good afternoon. >> good afternoon, bill. another $100 million to be spend here in georgia. things are so close. of the four candidates, nobody got 50%, so by state law there has to be a run-off on january 5. as you mentioned, the stakes so high, determine who could control the senate and who could control the nation's agenda. so we expect a stream of national leaders in georgia the next eight weeks. we saw marco rubio campaigning in marietta. he said the democrats running in georgia are too liberal.
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>> you may know who they are. members of the socialist party but they reason as democrats. they're not like fringe elements. when they speak, people jump. what stands in the way of that becoming public policy in america? >> ordinarily in georgia when there is a run-off, you can see the democrats pivot to the center. that's not happening this time around. rafael warnock and john osoff said the republicans botched the pandemic and there needs to be dramatic change in georgia. >> traditionally democrats running statewide in georgia tend to appeal to the more moderate factions. they're trying to win over moderate republicans. they came up short. so you'll see out of john osoff and warnock and unapologetic flat form that can excite their base. >> the two republican senators in the run-off say that the secretary of state has botched the vote count echoing president trump. they have called on the secretary of state of georgia, a
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republican, to resign. bill? >> bill: thanks, steve. steve harrigan. i want to bring in martha maccallum. anchor of "the story." by law, georgia has a week to do the recount. i get the sense after listening to john's reporting there that we're settling in to this thing for a while what is your sense of that? >> i think that's true. i think there's an effort on the part of mitch mcconnell and others to sort of put in a little breathing space here and allow these counts toe be carried out. john's reporting on the fact that they're looking for a legal decision to go their way tells us a lot as well. they need some things to break in their direction to open up not only the legal reality but the potential for public opinion to be opened to what might come of that we have to look at this year, as 2020 as a very different circumstance, bill.
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we had an enormously unusual election cycle. if it takes a little extra time to sort it out, i think people need to take a breath and, you know, stop sort of suggesting that everyone has to suck it up and move on, which is the words that whoopi goldberg moved that way the other day. president trump was called illegitimate president by a large portion of the country. there's 71 million americans that support him. john roberts's reporting was interesting about the red legislators around the country that are going to be part of certifying these votes. there's a ton of anger out there. i think you don't hear it that much in the media. you hear of this elation for joe biden to be the next president. however, you have to respect the feelings of the other half of the country that are still processing this. a little time in the middle of a pandemic is not much to ask. >> bill: meantime, listening to
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steve harrigan's reporting in georgia, it's the focus. this is the rally cry for republicans. chuck schumer saturday, roll the tape here. here's what he said. >> now we take georgia and then we take the world. now we take georgia, then we change america. >> so if you're kelly loeffler or david purdue, you'll hear that a lot. >> i love with how he changed the world. what did you say? change america. >> bill: he put his mask on in between. >> exactly. i think these stories are fascinating about getting the calls to get people to move to georgia. we analyzed the rules about the recount. you don't have to voted in the first election to vote in the recount. you can register, get a georgia driver's license up to december
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5 or 6, somewhere in there. these -- if you want to see how the votes get skewed, there's a lot of legal windows that are open and those are the dates that exist right now. i think we have to watch this really closely in this reporting. >> bill: one last thing here. i haven't seen joe biden a ton. i don't know if you expect to. we know what he will do day one if he's sworn in on january 21. rejoin the paris climate aaccording is one of them, rejoin the world health organization, daca is in there and repeal the travel ban for muslims. 1 and 3 will get a lot of attention. china and india can do what they want with pollution. we were held to a different standard. with the world health organization, we were told they gave us bad organization. >> there's nothing having wrong
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with scrutiny with the pandemic. they gave china to large a benefit of the doubt. with the paris climate accord, sounds great to be in on something that is great for the environment but dow to be all in? that means china and india. in the original accord, china didn't have to change anything until 2035. nothing. they're one of the world's largest polluters. it has to be fixed. might build good will to get in but get in with a clear eye with what china is and is not willing to do. i want to mention on the way out, we've been ahead of the parameters for where we had agreed to be in the paris climate aaccording even though we're not part of it. keep that in mind. >> bill: we'll see you at 7:00. >> thanks, bill. >> bill: martha maccallum at 7:00 eastern on "the story." thanks.
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>> i speaking to the suspect and suspects. we're going to catch you. we're going to come after you. we want to capture you. so do yourself a favor and turn yourself in. >> bill: so police in houston looking for a person of interest after an officer was shot and killed. an update on that. the police chief in minneapolis saying crime is on the rise. what the city may do to respond there. and more on the battle for senate that could affect president-elect joe biden's agenda. our experts will address that as we roll on in a moment. ♪
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got any room in your eye? talk to an eye doctor about twice-daily xiidra. i prefer you didn't! xiidra. not today, dry eye. lefl >> bill: headlines we're watching this hour. law and order in the nation. police are searching for a person of interest after a deadly shooting of a police officer in houston. one suspect in custody. sergeant sean rios was a 25-year veteran of the force. he leaves behind his wife and four children. it's the second deadly shooting of an officer in the past three weeks. new york city police say an off duty cop shot and injured a man that tried to carjack him in brooklyn. the suspect is in the hospital with life threatening injuries. police say they recovered two guns and a knife from the scene. also from minneapolis, violent crime is on the rise and officers are leaving the uniform behind. city council debating a proposal
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to abolish the department. garrett tenney picks up with more. garrett? bill hemmer. live on the air. good afternoon. >> minneapolis is struggling to deal with this wave of violent crime. the police chief says there's not enough cops to stop it. so he's now looking outside for help to do that. take a look at these stats. gives you an idea the challenge the city is facing. shootings are at a 15-year high. homicides are up 89%. robberies are up 38. violent crime is up 23% compared to this point a year ago. at the same time, dozens of officers have decided to retire early since the start of the year. more than 100 minneapolis police officers are off the streets and on some form of leave. according to the police union, many of them claim to have ptsd
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from responding to the unrest after the death of george floyd. to help fill in the gaps for the next month, minneapolis police wants to bring in 20 to 40 officers from the sheriff's office an metro transit police to respond to violent crime. but things really got heated at a city council meeting yesterday when council members questioned that proposal. >> violence is happening. how have we not been successful apprehending a small group of people when we see the carjackings and this stuff happening? to have a budget request that doesn't feel like it addresses the issues that we've been raising. just five months ago, a majority of the city council promised to end the police department. while this latest proposal
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narrowly passed from its committee yesterday, the full council is expected to vote on it friday. we'll keep a close eye on that. >> bill: thanks, garrett. control of the u.s. senate hanging in the balance. two races in georgia to determine who holds the majority. a republican congresswoman on republican women flipping house seats from red to blue. she's coming up next on how she did it after this. we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active-duty service people. some of them are giving their lives right now, today, for the freedoms that we have here in this country. so for us, at newday to help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love, it's a noble service, and that's what we're all about. but we can still help protect each other this flu season
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senate. democrats will hold on to their majority in the house but 15 seats still up for grabs. there's action on the table. chad pergram is live. where do we stand? >> we're looking at the possibility of a 50/50 senate. that's why both parties are investing so much in georgia as they approach the run-offs january 5. a 50/50 senate that has happened three times before in history. and don richie, the former senate historian, he says that that presents a management problem. >> under any circumstances, it's hard to maneuver in the senate. with a tied senate, it's impossible. >> the most recent tie was in 2001. democratic leader tom daschle and trent lott worked out a power sharing agreement. >> i was fortunate because i had tom daschle to deal with. we had a good relationship. we were friends. i trusted him. he and i met off and on working out an agreement of how we would
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proceed. >> democrats lost significant ground in house races. a net gain of five seats for republicans so far. republicans still hope to officially flip a seat in iowa. republican marionette miller meeks is up against marian heart. now, some of these members who have won their elections start to filter into washington the next couple days, thursday and friday as they conduct the freshman orientation includes some of those that haven't had their races called. some have to go back home but some will be here january 3. >> bill: interesting stuff. thanks, chad. my next guest flipped her district from blue to red. republican nancy mays.
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good afternoon to you today. >> good afternoon. thank you for having me on this afternoon. >> congratulations. you worked as a waitress as the waffle house, a single mom. you're in a district that has been red a long time. went blue in 2018. why do you think you turned the trick this year? >> i worked out -- i outworked my opponent. i learned a lot of tough lessons at a young age when i dropped out of high school. my first job was a waitress at the waffle house. when you have a dream and work hard, you achieve it. we did that. we made possible what so many people said was impossible when we won the seat back by razor thin margins. to do this, to be a first republican woman elected to congress in the state of south carolina 21 years ago, the first to graduate from the citadel in south carolina but to make history with all of these women that are out there across the country doing it right now, it's historic and deeply humbling.
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>> bill: okay. how much did the name "trump" have to do with your victory? he wasn't on the ballot two years ago. what was the difference this time? we respect republicans are dominant in south carolina, have been for some time. go ahead. >> right. the margins changed this time around two years later. charleston south carolina is the area of this district. we've had a lot of influx during covid-19 of people moving into the area from out of state. it's a great place to live, work and retire. but this year what we saw, not just on the republican side but the president being on the ballot, on the democrat site as well, record turnout. in the district where i ran, we had anywhere between 70 and 75% of voters turn out, which is enormous. it's historic. it goes to show where people are right now because it was record turnout. americans want us to work together to get something done this time around. >> bill: i'll take you to california. you can reflect on national
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trends. l.a. times, republicans push back the 2018 blue wave in orange county. that is in california. you see pickups elsewhere. it's not decided yet. it appears republicans have outperformed the expectations. how come? >> 100% across the board. people are motivated. one of the untold stories of this election, the republicans that won down the ballot. it's a big deal across the country. we flipped state legislators from blue to red. we had all of these republicans flipping blue seats back especially with moderate democrats. people are tired of the divisiveness that is happening right now but also a motivator getting them out to vote and for some people voting republican for the first time in their life. >> bill: what do party insiders say about joe biden right now? are they saying go ahead and
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calling him president-elect or give us a sense? >> no, most republicans i believe want to see the legal processes exhausted to see if there were problems in the election. there was a very close race in georgia with five million votes. and in pennsylvania, we had absentee ballots that came in after election day. the supreme court said you can't do it but they did it anyway. our american voting system is only as good as the public's confidence in it. we have to make sure that every legal vote is counted. any vote illegally cast, any illegal ballot is discounted or set aside. that confidence is going to mean so much. at the end of the day regardless who wins, people have to have confidence in the outcome and how we got there. >> bill: so you're okay then just cooling your heels rights now and letting this go for a while? >> yes. we went 47 days in 2000.
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>> bill: 37. >> yeah. 37. we're eight days in now. >> bill: i apologize for interrupting you. but woman increased their numbers in the republican party in congress. we were told that suburban women are turning their back on this president. they may have to a greater degree from 2016. why do you get the results now? >> we doubled the number of republican women in the house. it's enormous to be a part of history 100 years after women's suffrage. we worked hard. i met several of these women. they're fighters and work hard. we just outworked our opponent and in many cases we were outspend by the democrats. we won anyway. that is exciting to be a part of it and a part of history. >> thanks, nancy. welcome to washington. thanks for sharing with us. >> you bet. >> bill: in a moment, the legal challenges continue in pennsylvania where a postal
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worker is claiming fraud. did he recant that? we're sorting out the reports. we head to a recount in georgia. what can we learn from the year 2000? we'll talk to political insiders involved in political recounts about the parallels there and across the country 20 years later. ♪ [ engines revving ] ♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. [ engine revs ] for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. ♪ oh, oh, (announcer)®! ♪ once-weekly ozempic® is helping many people with type 2 diabetes like emily lower their blood sugar. a majority of adults who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it.
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>> bill: a postal worker in pennsylvania said he did not recant his claims of voter fraud. house dems said the postal worker recanted after investigators questioned him. bryan llenas digging in to that story with more. bryan, what is up? >> bill, good afternoon. on november 6, in erie, pennsylvania. a postal worker signed an affidavit claiming that he heard his post master and a supervisor discuss how they had back dated
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the post mark on all but one of the ballots to make it appear they were collected november 3. in this election, mail ballots had to be post marked november 3 to count. but he took back the allegations. breaking news, erie, pennsylvania, the whistle-blower recanted his allegations of a supervisor tampering with mail-in ballots after being questioned by investigators according to i.g. now fox has told the usps inspector general relayed this information to the oversight committee. then last night the president retweeted a video of a man that claims to be the postal worker saying he was coerced by investigators and is standing by his original allegations of fraud. the erie county board of elections said they believe the processes were legitimate and that the alleged incident involved about 130 ballots out
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of 135,000 ballots. those 130 are separated and are not part of the official count. a fund-raising page settle up to help hopkins raised over $137,000 but was shut down by go fund my. the company tells fox news none of the funds were distributed and donors will be fully refunded. in court, the trump campaign's lawsuits in pennsylvania have not included any evidence to support their claims of widespread voter fraud. no evidence that thousands of ballots were tampered with, m manipulated or thrown away. the trump campaign's team is predicated on technicalities and how mail-in voting was unfair and late mail-in ballots should not be counted. the state says there's approximately 10,000 late mail-in ballots that came in. biden's lead right now is about
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49,000 and it continues to grow as the ballots are counted. >> bill: thanks for that. the results in georgia super tight. you know that. triggering a recount. the secretary of state says they expect to take to november 20th by law, which is friday, a week. two-party insiders have been involved. terry served as campaign spokesman for george bush. michael meehan has advised democratic campaigns up and down the ballot. welcome to our broadcast today. michael, been a couple days. terry a couple years. terry, i think with john roberts you reported at the top of the hour the trump team needs a court victory. how do you view that? you need a court victory to give you ammunition to continue this fight. >> that's right. it's called momentum in the story. john has been covering this story diligently for days and days now. he sees it where it is. unless something breaks soon and
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unless something really tips the scales, then these ballots will be fully counted and the margins are quite large. so as far as it goes, it doesn't quite look like we're looking at the razor thin margins in the florida recount in 2000. >> bill: do you believe that we do not have a definite answer until at least november 20th? if you start a hand recount in georgia and you give them ten days to do it, it seems that is the calendar. >> except biden doesn't need georgia to win. that's gravy there. it's the pennsylvania number is where the numbers are. the 49,000 with about 100,000 still to be counted. i'd look at the pennsylvania situation. your reporter just said, give the 130 ballots to trump then and move on if that's the dispute or don't count them. the margins are not big enough to make a difference. pennsylvania is beyond the out recount number. biden's lead 49,000.
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it's bigger than the margin trump won it by last time. >> bill: it appears the president wants to push through this to see if there's anything there. we had the story from pennsylvania. here's a poll worker from laura ingraham last night. from nevada. >> i could see these people handle what appeared to be white envelopes. i i got closer, two people were ripping them open and turning and facing a van. and marking them. i thought those are ballots. >> bill: maybe this leads somewhere, terry. we called this race in north carolina yet. they were arguing hard, we're out there collecting the evidence. give us a moment to do that and then we'll present it to you. do you grant them that at this stage of the legal fight? >> count every ballot, absolutely. take these testimonies that
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sounded very sinister. i can tell you. >> as long as we have a decentralized voting system in america, we'll have stories like this. the question as you talked about, does it add up to something. though that sounds crazy and these biden folks were not heightening they're allegiances well, we'll hear stories like that. we heard them in the florida recount and hear them in every election. the question is does it rise to a certain level. that's where we are. >> bill: michael, do you grant the gop the effort they're putting forth here? we're getting the evidence. when we get it, we'll put it on the table. if it meets the meter, move it forward. if not, perhaps there's a concession. >> i don't care if he concedes. i hope they count the ballots. the volunteers in the cities and
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states, none of them are trying to steal an election. they went in there to do their civic duty. they should get a pat on the back and do their services during a pandemic. >> bill: the supreme court, pennsylvania cleanup. editorial board writes this. the justices have a chance to clarify who writes election law. that was printed today. you think we'll re-visit this in pennsylvania before we're done? absentee ballots should not be counted? that would be the case the president would argue. >> that's just blaring. that have the one blaring headline. one thing a lot of pennsylvanians agree with that we should follow the constitution in pennsylvania with respect to how the ballots are handled. i'm not a lawyer. i won't play one on tv. that is really the common sense approach i would say.
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>> bill: just to summarize, the legislature says if you get it by election day it counts. the state court said you can get it in by friday after election day. went to the supreme court. they kicked it back and said no, that law stands. a portion of the ballots aside, it's all vote by mail. if it's post marked, it counts. everybody knows that. they tend to have 10, 15% more voter participation. this vote by mail will gain traction. i don't think we should have different ways to do it. you mail it in, count by tuesday or have to -- the post office has to deliver them three days later, five days later -- >> bill: so was the state court wrong in its ruling, michael? >> to allow the votes cast by tuesday to be counted? seems to make sense to me. i'm not a legislator. >> bill: by friday. >> if post marked by tuesday and
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counted by friday, yes. biden still has the lead. outside the recount number. >> bill: michael, thank you. terry, thank you. we shall continue. in a moment, honoring the country's heros on this veterans day. how one organization is helping the family of a police officer killed in a shooting. ♪ if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture, now might not be the best time to ask yourself, are my bones strong? life is full of make or break moments. that's why it's so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness,
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[taps playing] >> bill: quite a moment in the rain earlier today. president trump attending a veterans day ceremony at arlington national cemetery as is tradition for the commander-in-chief. he said we're forever indebted to veterans. and joe biden says he will be a commander-in-chief that respects the sacrifice of veterans. in observance, americans are giving back. that includes the family of christopher walsh. a springfield missouri police officer called while trying to prevent a shooting in march. he leaves behind his 10-year-old daughter jordan and his wife, sherry walsh. >> good day to you, sherry. my best to you. i know you've been strong throughout, this tell me about christopher. >> thank you for having me. chris was good. there's so much you can say.
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i think the simplest thing to say about him is he was a good person who fought to do good in his life. if there was a unifying theme throughout his life, it was sacrifice and service. and we saw that. him as a veteran, him as a devoted husband and family man. he was wonderful. >> bill: how is your daughter doing? i know the two of you were high school sweethearts, sherry. >> yes. we met -- we started dating when we were 16. we're so midwest. we got together in high school. got married after high school. he joined the military. it's a fairy tale story when i tell people. he was wonderful and our family grew with our daughter. she's 10 years old. she's fantastic. her and her dad had a very close know, obviously this has been a hard time. her sense of security has been
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shaken between this and covid and all of these things. every day she amazes me by her strength. >> bill: a great story. i'm from ohio. so i love stories from the midwest. frank, you're changing lives today. sherry is one of them. tell us about it. >> we're proud. we delivered 11 mortgage-free home for veterans. in christopher's case, he gave us life as a police officer, but he served his country for ten years. so he's a veteran and -- >> bill: iraq and afghanistan. yes. >> super heros. we need people to join us on this mission, bill. i know you're tremendous for fox and the way you support us. go to tunnel to towers. donate $11 a month. sherry got her mortgage paid off
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today but there's hundreds of thousands waiting to get this done. we made a promise and we're -- >> bill: i'm looking at atlanta, fayetteville, sumter, south carolina, hammond, philadelphia. what is the one seat? >> $11 a month, we can help these great families. they died for you and me. >> bill: hope to do it more. sherry, your home has a special significance for you. the fact that you can stay there means so much to you and morgan. >> absolutely. my husband and i only bought this house three years ago because we were in school and we were working hard and we saved and saved for the perfect home. i remember that feeling when we first moved in here, the
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excitement and excitement to raise our daughter within these walls. we were trying to adopt and have another child here. it felt like the world flipped upside-down march 16, but knowing that, we get to keep this piece of our life and the division that chris poured into our lives and the security of just this space that is ours. it means more than i can say without crying. as a mother to watch my daughter have that security is -- it's everything. so we really appreciate what tunnels 2 towers is done. >> bill: best to morgan. thanks for telling your story. >> thank you. >> bill: keep doing awesome work out there. thanks, guys. >> thank you. >> bill: in a moment, we'll have a look at president-elect's plan on taxes and how it made hit cities taking a big hit during the pandemic. we'll have that and more after this. wea noble purpose.
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>> bill: what will joe biden's tax plan mean for you? those making less than $400,000 won't get an increase. grady trimble has more. good afternoon. >> good afternoon. some financial planners are suggesting a tax hike could continue a trend we've seen during the pandemic, which is people leaving high tax cities and states like chicago for those that are the highest of earners. biden's tax plan would lead to the top tax rates and the tax state climbing to 55%, maybe more than 60% in some cases. one financial planner told us this. rates are going to go up, so you better be looking for an alternative if you have the flexibility. right now more than ever with so many americans working from home, they have the flexibility.
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a recent survey found up to 23 million americans are planning to move thanks to being able to work from home. about 1/5 are based in big cities like new york and chicago. we could see higher taxes at the local level here in cities like chicago because they're facing tax deficits brought on by the pandemic. so that combination at the local and federal level at the same time to some could push them out. bill? >> bill: thanks, grady. we'll see which way it goes. this is coming up. nice to see you. thank you for that report. meantime, john roberts with his reporting earlier in the hour about proving your case in court as the recount goes forward. it will talk about a week to get that done. if you're looking at the calendar, don't expect an answer in georgia until at least mid week next week or toward the end of next week. state law in georgia allows the
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recount to be processed as long as november 20th, which is next friday in case you're scoring at home. here at 3:00, set your dvr. don't miss a report. we'll see you tomorrow. until then, here's neil. "your world" is continuing at you right now. >> neil: a profound day to remember our nation's veterans. joe biden honoring them in wilmington, delaware. the president of the united states in washington d.c. the first time we've seen the president outside at least in the better part of a week. the significance of that and the battle royale continues with the counting of votes in all of those key states and a senate that could be slipping from democrat's grips unless they pull a double in georgia. welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. this is "your world." following these fast-moving developments on this veterans day with jacqui heinrich with team biden. jacqui?
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