tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News November 11, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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sacrificed so much that have served this great country. we thank you for your sacrifice, your service. we take it for granted, we live in freedom because of your sacrifice, but we should. thank you. all the time we have this evening. let not your hearts be troubled, laura ingraham has got a great show. >> laura: thanks, hannity. well-spoken about veterans day. we don't take the time to think about how precious this freedom is, and our election, the integrity of our elections, this was fought, bled and died for, so we have to make sure these elections are conducted fairly and freely in our country. we can still be the shining city on the hill. >> sean: i know you will have a great show, because you always have a great show. >> laura: yeah, well we follow you. >> sean: flattery gets you
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nowhere. >> laura: all right, hannity, thanks so much. this is "the ingraham angle." black lives matter activists are now storming at a school meetings demanding antiracist curricula and even getting their wish in certain states. that a potential biden administration actually federalize this? an "angle" investigation i had. joe biden promised he would not declare victory until the election is certified, so why are they ready to roll out? mmike huckabee reacts to that ad what unbelievable claims that his sister just make? and seen and unseen with raymond arroyo. but first, denying schumer his yes-man. with things still in limbo in the presidential race, many of us haven't taken the time or really had the energy to contemplate the balance of power
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in congress. first, i want you to take part in the g.o.p.'s stunning show of strength in the house where they flipped nine seats and now lead in ten of the 13 ongoing races. yet even with all of that success, none of it predicted, by the way, they still don't have the majority. but the senate hangs in the balance now with republican incumbents. if liberal, 33-year-old against republican incumbent david perdue and against senator kelly loeffler. right now, republicans have a 50-48 advantage and if they lose both seats, the chamber would be 50/50, meaning kamala harris would break any ties. what would that mean? that would mean there would be no stopping liberal policies committee's tax increases, health care is for illegals, ending all deportations, the green new deal and court,
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devastating all to our prosperity and our liberty. we thought now was a good time to take a closer look at the new faces vying for power. john's claim to fame as he worked as a house staffer for the late congressman john lewis. he's also a documentary filmmaker. as a georgetown grad, he also took classes taught by madeleine albright but he apparently skipped her talk on diplomacy. this was his bow in january. >> we need to send a message that if you indulge this kind of politics you're not just going to get beaten. you're going to get beaten so bad you can never run or show your face again in public because we have had enough! >> laura: he comes off as kind of a punitive little punk, doesn't he? kind of the face of that obamacare pajama boy, combined with the ambition of alexandria ocasio-cortez. but at least she's not stupid enough to take thousands of
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dollars from a chinese media company called pc cw, no big deal. only partially owned by the communist party in china. this isn't even the first time he has been caught taking money from suspect foreign sources. earlier this year "the washington free beacon" reported that he had been played by the anti-american and pro pro-muslim brotherhood outlet, which is owned by the country of -- that was a ratings bomb and shuttered in 2016 after only about three years in operation. of course, ossoff is your typical millennial left-wing nightmare. he supports rejoining the paris climate accord, amnesty for illegal aliens, more money for the butchers at planned parenthood and of course the blm mantra that america is systemically racist. and georgia, check your gun safe because he is coming for your ar-15s. textbook. what about the other challenger?
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rafael warnock, pastor of the ebenezer baptist church. he's got a political sheet that goes back almost 30 years. in 1995, the harlem church where he served as a youth pastor once invited cuban dictator fidel castro to spew his revolutionary rhetoric there. >> translator: why is it that you are receiving is here with such great respect? >> laura: well, great respect. i think we know why they did. he wouldn't have been the first american rave radical fascinateh his anti-americanism. obama had an affinity for these types of thinkers. >> the united states government
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has failed the vast majority of the citizens of african descent, for everyone colin powell, a millionaire, you got 10 million blacks who cannot read. for every one condoleezza rice, you've got 1 million in prison. >> laura: did you catch the condoleezza rice? about you had forgotten that. back in 2008 the radical reverence before celebrated the radical reverend wright. >> we celebrate reverend wright in the same way that we celebrate the truth-telling tradition of the black church. very often it makes people uncomfortable, and i think that the country has been done a disservice by this constant playing over and over again of the same sound bites outside of context. >> laura: the context, in that
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intimate 2003 sermon, wright was using the bible to trash his own country, from the founders to george w. bush. but warnock thought it was unfair that wright was held accountable for his own words. warnock has sympathy and respect for castro and reverend wright but none for law enforcement. after the michael brown shooting in ferguson, instead of calling for calm and a full investigation to proceed, he immediately jumped into trash the police. >> so in ferguson, police power showing up in a kind of gangster and thug mentality. you know, you can wear all kinds of colors and be a thug. you can sometimes wear the color of the state and behave like a thug. we shouldn't be surprised when we see police officers acted like bullies on the street. >> laura: what a hideously
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ignorant statement. recall the massive damage that anti-police riots did to atlanta in late may. we were on the air that night. warnock called for calm then but the steady stream of anti-police rhetoric from him and his democratic colleagues continues to fuel the hate and thins the ranks of law enforcement as more officers are quitting, retiring early, and more recruits deciding, i don't need this. and outside money filled both georgia democrats. roughly 98% of ossoff funds and nearly 80% of warnock the checks come from outside of georgia, according to center for responsive politics. ossoff raised $3.7 million from wealthy californians in the third quarter alone. that's more than double the $1.64 million he raised from georgians and it's only been a week since the election but silicon valley has already hosted a big virtual fund-raiser
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for both democrats. translation for you: big tech wants to keep its cheap foreign labor and is petrified of losing its section 2:30 immunity. liberal elites are going all in in georgia, from tom friedman of "the new york times" to andrew yang. they are borderline at the prospect of a one-party democratic control of the government. then nirvana will be upon us. the great reset, reparations, a global wealth tax, open borders, gun bans and a carbon tax. that would just be a start. now we will see what the republicans are really made of pure georgia election officials better police these ballots. we cannot see control of the senate fall victim to another fraud and people need to open their check books or they are going to find their account drained anyway by this time next year.
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chuck schumer, he salivated. >> we take georgia and then we take the world! >> access to health care and access to justice are still on the line. >> let's give the people of georgia two new senators who will fight for your interests, not for donald trump's interest! >> georgia, then we change america. >> laura: what a goofball. god help us, he is insufferable as a minority leader. imagine him back as majority leader. every georgian must register to vote. there will be three weeks of early voting before january 5th. got to do it. preserving the hard fought gains of the trump era, blocking the democrats' massive tax fights, and preventing china from becoming the dominant world power. it's all on the line and whether terms legal team can prevail or not, he needs to plan major
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rallies across the state. the speeches it should be about the policies of his that we already know work and georgia knows work and why the great people of georgia and the people of the united states deserve better than the hill that schumer and pelosi would unleash on us. joining me now, democrat georgia state rep, and vernon, please tell me first what the g.o.p. needs to do right now to get an edge in these senate runoffs. >> let me say, georgians, certainly the g.o.p. is making sure there is a vote recount. the secretary of state says there will be a recount of the ballots, that's important. also, lynwood is making sure that we take a legal approach because those mail-in ballots, that's where the fraud is more
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than anywhere else, we believe. certainly looking at these machines. laura, it's crazy the democrats do not want a recount here. why? because they are the ones who've been pushing for these mail-in ballots. the chance of tampering with these ballots are taking place. >> laura: but my point is -- i get, your point is all well taken on the presidential side but we are focusing on the run off. what are we doing on the runoffs to make sure what may have happened in the georgia presidential isn't going to happen in the runoffs? because they are not recounting the senate race, they are only recounting the presidential, so what are the officials in georgia need to do today to prevent fraud or irregularities, whatever you want to call it, in the runoff elections? >> making sure that donald trump, that is the most important because even if we do
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lose senators, which we believe we will not, he conveye can v2 y legislation that comes through, so that is important. it is important we like these two senators. air coming from people across the country to make sure that we get support, that we get the resources, that people get to the box and there ballots are transparent and that is what has happened in georgia. so everybody's watching this, not just the g.o.p. there are democrats, black voices for trump, black voters for trump, their votes have been disenfranchised as a people come as a black people. they don't want these black votes going towards donald trump and anybody else they don't wanted to go towards. this is a bigger issue, one that we have fairness and integrity in our election process. two, every legal ballot where there is a vote that is counted legally, and that's important
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but at the same time, when you look out ossoff come as you mentioned earlier took money from this hong kong company, supporting protesters forward democracy over in hong kong and other places, how much money has been taken on the table? what about stacey abrams, what about others, left groups getting all this money. how is this money being spent? there is some corruption going on, and where are they getting their money from? who is funding them? what's happening? those questions are being asked more and more by georgia and people across this country. >> laura: how long will the recount take? the hand recount? how long will that go on for? >> you are talking about 5 million plus ballots, but who cares as long as -- >> laura: i don't care, i'm just asking you a question. how long is it going to take? i'm not concerned about how long it's going to take, i'm just how long it's going to take. >> as long as it takes to make
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sure the integrity of the process was followed and ballots were cast properly and counted. that's the most important thing. you know, when it comes to democracy doesn't matter how long it takes as long as it's done and done accordingly. >> laura: at some point, maybe we will get along to figuring out how to count votes on election night like texas did in florida did. this is ridiculous, this can never happen again. thanks so much. >> one thing that's interesting -- >> laura: real quick. >> how can home state of california count their votes before one county? >> laura: this litigation better find that out, and the fraud and irregularities, they always seem to go one way in this election. thank you so much. the reason you haven't heard much about rafael warnock or jeremiah wright and the ties with the far left beliefs is that the media don't want you to know these things. thankfully there are some reporters who are interested in
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bringing you the truth. joining in our two journalists who've been digging into these candidates. alana goodman, "washington free beacon" and senior editor at "the federalist." you say that jeremiah wright is just the tip of the iceberg with regard to warnock's radical and marxist affiliations. explain. >> definitely, and i actually think that jeremiah wright is a bigger problem first before that he was for obama back in 2008. he played the clip of warnock talking about how the community celebrates jeremiah wright, but warnock is actually going out on television and defending him, defending his "damn america" speech when that was under controversy. obama claimed he didn't know that speech. i guess he was absent from church that day. he didn't know that wright how
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the radical views that he held and he cut ties with wright when that happened and he said that he found that speech insulting and offensive to americans. on the other hand, warnock was going on tv on different shows saying that the speech was fine. he called it a very fine sermon. this was a sermon where jeremiah wright compared the u.s. government to al qaeda, said that the u.s. government had invented hiv as a way to the black community. i think that warnock is going to have a much harder time explaining that to voters in georgia because it's going to be harder for him to distance himself. >> laura: the left is going to say this is old news, you guys are still on the 2008 loop of obama and that just doesn't wash in 2020, 12 years ago. but the point is well taken because obviously, this is what he believes as well.
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i don't think there is any daylight between what wright believes as a country and what he believes is a country. he is just not as brazen and what he says but i want to get back to the question of who these people really are. ossoff at age 33, the young guy, kind of an aoc pajama boy combo thing going on there but tell me about him. >> he's got that justin trudeau looked down that the left seems to love so much. thin chested young man. he's a guy who's really careful with his words but not necessarily with his policies to the point that even some on the left have made jokes about it, like "the new republic," where he says he is against the green new deal, which isn't really a lot, it's a plan to reduce call, he says i'm not against the green new deal but i am for jobs
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for a green new economy. that's exactly with the green new deal is. he's not for defining the police, he's for looking at the funding of the police and seeing what they can do, especially when departments are bad. it's like this down the entire board with him. and you know, to your earlier point, laura, i think a good way for georgia to make sure this is fairness not going on for weeks and weeks and we get a result quickly is if we get a special meeting that has the demand that votes are held in person. as long as they can get their mail and voting down there going to have to go in person. maybe with an exemption for people abroad and overseas on the military. >> laura: i agree with that. three weeks of early voting and i think the early voting is problematic as well. people end up changing their mind and who knows, but the mail-in voting to continue to occur after we just saw, to me, that's insane and i don't know why the georgia state
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legislature would even allow it. >> and i've spoken to people of georgia who say they are concerned about voting because they are concerned about the process, and why after what happened in the presidential election should we trust the system now and i think that is a hurdle that republicans are really going to have to get pa past. >> laura: there going to have to vote, unless they want kamala harris to be breaking every tie in the u.s. senate, every conservative traditionalist, republican, independent who wants to have a divided government, door open to illegal immigrants and those, they better get out and vote. they better get out and vote and open up their wallets. thank you so much. coming up, how has the black lives matter movement already looking to upend our education system. tactics in wisconsin and again in georgia that could be nationalized under a potential biden presidency. stay there.
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on monday night blm agitators stormed a local school board meeting in burlington wisconsin and turned it into a chaotic nightmare. >> the school district needs to work harder to send a message that racism will not be tolerated here. >> black lives matter has obviously made a mark on history. what do we teach in school, history. so should we not teach about it? >> you need to realize that! >> laura: eventually, the police had to come and shut the meeting down. joining me now is the man representing this part of wisconsin and d.c., congressmen, this isn't just happening in big cities anymore, it's now infiltrating every community across the country, like yours. >> it's impacting communities like burlington wisconsin, 10,000 people, family center, hardworking community and d.c.
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outside agitators coming in and trying to indoctrinate students as young as fourth grade and they are putting forward policies encouraging folks to defund the police, defined the police in them when we bring it into the light, as we should, curriculum should be vetted with locally elected school boards. if they don't get their way they try to intimidate, they try to shout down, they try to put forward a canceled culture to prevent democracy from playing out in our communities and towns like burlington wisconsin, a community of 10,000 people. >> laura: actually think it's racist. i think what they are doing is racist because they think everybody has to think alike and everybody has to agree. all black people, all white people, there is no way that anyone can disagree with their tactic or their "historical narrative." congressman, the tension in burlington began over this antiracism video that was shown to students. >> in minneapolis, the city council voted to remake the
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police department from the ground up. other cities are thinking about similar measures. it seems like overnight the whole country has woken up and realized what a big problem racism is. >> laura: first of all, people are paying for this, a lot of money. they may need to update this lesson because minneapolis is actually considering bringing in more police to stem the rise in crime, which is through the ro roof. >> they are trying to indoctrinate fourth-graders that defining the police in places like minneapolis was ever a good idea. even minneapolis is waking up and realizing that they need to stand with the men and women of law enforcement to keep our communities safe. this is why we need to bring the curriculum into the public eye. hold public meetings so people can speak to this and not be battered down by people that come in and try to cancel those in the community. people need to say, we stand
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with the men and women in the law enforcement community. >> laura: this is what the fascists dead and do. what they did in that meeting. trying to strong-arm people. by the way, in minneapolis they have a chance to make a change and they reelected ilhan omar and they didn't vote for donald trump so i don't feel sorry for minneapolis. we love the police but we don't feel bad for minneapolis, who didn't see the light. thank you for telling us this important story. now want to georgia school officials are embracing the blm indoctrination fully. the cobb county schools say it hopes to engage with students and parents around the social justice issues this week. the school system on monday launched black lives matter at the school posture is week of action 2020, which includes five days of events and school-based
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instructional activity. do they spend that long on george washington and thomas jefferson? no, of course not. joining me now, author of "i choose victory." if we get one party government, what's happening in cobb county is going to be nationalized by biden. if they can do it, they will do it. >> listen, i got to tell you. i find what's going on in georgia to be such a joke because if you care about young people and you care about black lives, here's the reality. 74% of students are reading below their grade level. there's 30% proficiency in english, 30% proficiency in math, and 74% of kids are graduating and according to the governor's office, of that 74% of students graduating, only 50% of them are actually eligible to go on to college or get a job.
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what are we teaching them about black lives matter if they can't read and write? what does black lives matter mean anyway? why are we trying to indoctrinate these kids rather than give them the ability to have confidence in who they are and build a life for themselves. by the way, think for themselv themselves, which is still legal in america last time i checked. >> laura: they are now demanding a seat at the table in a potential biden administrati administration. patrice colors is asking -- are demanding that by and reward the group without the resounding support of black people, we would be saddled with very different electoral outcomes. cynthia, of course, completely ignores the fact that president trump got the most minority turnout of any republican president i think on record, so where does this thinking come from? it's their reward now? >> listen, laura, i'm still not
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sure that black people didn't all vote for trump because i still don't believe anything that i've seen happen with this election, so let's just start there. secondly, no, i don't think anyone gets rewarded for anything? how do you reward an organization that is anti-everything we stand for in america. yes, we all agree with the statement black lives matter but the organization itself should be reported to do what? more money to promote anticapitalism, anti-everything that's not about what they believe in, which is marxist, which is anti-everything that i believe in and if they storm into a school board meeting where one of my kids or grandkids is going to go to school, they're going to have some problems on their hands. let's hope that more americans get really angry. you can't come in and disrupt an entire educational process where good people are trying to do the best that they can with your
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rhetoric and your beliefs. >> laura: imagine if a group of conservatives stormed a meeting of black lives matter and started making all sorts of demands and pointing at them in their faces and screaming at them. imagine how the media would report that event. cynthia, we have to go but love having you on. come back soon please because this issue is not going away. and still ahead, did biden let slip his real thoughts about his postelection status? must-see video. and girls want their covid vaccinations. raymond arroyo unpacks it all next.
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which entered "the new york times" bestsellers list. biden held a covid briefing yesterday to reinforce his claim to the presidency. speak of this is a pattern we've seen. it was happening before the election but we are seeing blatant backdrops meant to bolster biden's contention that he is already the president-elect. at his covid event, even though he is not entitled to any cdc or task force briefings, biden called out the current president, had a brain freeze, and then he slipped. or did he? watch this. speak of fact is that i would hope that the president at leass the sensitivity and knowledge to know that a lot of people are in real trouble right now, between now and the time we get elected, we get sworn in. speak at the time we get elected, laura!
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was this an admission that maybe things aren't as locked down as the biden camp would have us believe? once again we said this during the election, he seems lost like somebody pulled the plug out of the wall and nobody says anything. no reportable reports on this, we don't see the image at all. imagine if you and i just -- >> laura: stopped midsentence. >> stopped mid sentence. what if we did that? unbelievable. >> laura: biden sister is telling axios that should he be elected he will actually absolutely a second term. >> be on the grandstanding of election talk there are signs that team biden are worried about what might happen. even google, which was a surrogate during the campaign, they are getting in on the act. today i typed president trump's name on google on my phone. this comes up, joe biden news. what's going on?
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even the search engine has been pulled aside, curtailing our ability to check up on the president's current activities. there is a new troubling narrative emerging in the media following the firing of secretary of secretary of defense mark esper and others in the defense department. they claim trump means to use the military to maintain the presidency. >> a strong man is trying to take over the government and defy an election, and i think they are playing with that idea insidinside the white house. >> how do you elect a president, then all of a sudden, give him the authority to be a dictator? that's what we are teetering on here. that's what hitler did in germany. >> no one has seen anything like this. there is concern about what this means. as the president planning a military operation? >> laura: oh, my god, what happened to martha raddatz? she is to be somewhat reasonable many years ago.
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>> they spend more tales than the brothers grimm. these story lines, this is like the ukraine call. the president has not suspended the constitution or the courts and a coup usually involves removing someone from office. that's not what's happening here. >> laura: simultaneously, the same military that trump is using to hold office is then going to have to remove him from it. this has been going on for years. if he is impeached and removed he won't leave. this is a former assistant director of the fbi. >> u.s. marshals have to take the president out and as we say to a barricaded subject, we can do this the hard way or we can do this the easy way. >> laura: tough guy, tough guy there guy there. >> we better advise melania, don't move any paintings in the white house because they will say you are taking the sergeants down to mar-a-lago.
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arrest the whole family. they have to stop. over on "the view" the ladies are euphoric over the possibility of a covid-19 vaccine after pfizer made the big announcement this week. >> i'm so excited, i'm so excited. i'm going back to botox, pilat pilates. >> joe biden's president and there is a vaccine, i have got to get out of these sweats. it yesterday for first time in ten months i ate a salad. >> forget poll watchers, i want confirmation of what is in the bowl. did you notice the attempt to tie up biden to a covid vaccine? that announcement was kept until after the election is over. he learned about a from the
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media on monday, which is very strange because joe biden says he heard about it the night before. convenient. >> laura: and pfizer -- sorry, pfizer. what, you're having a biden moment here, what are you talking about? now part of the administration operation warp speed but that is not true. they did have to come out and say they were part of operation warp speed -- >> they took $1.9 billion for the distribution and the hundred million doses, so technically, they were part of operation warp speed but it was terrible they didn't release this information when they first learned of it. it would have had a huge effect on the election and deprived biden of his running mate, covid-19. >> laura: they have a lot of suppression techniques. thank you so much and congrats on the list.
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after calling trump illegitimate for 18 months, biden and his followers now demand that you acknowledge his pending presidency. you must, there's no debate aloud. what promises has he already broken? next. knowing we're prepared for tomorrow. wow, do you think you overdid it maybe? overdid what? well planned, well invested, well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement.
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>> laura: you've gotten the message, you've gotten the memo. from biden and his flunkies. it's all clear, except his pending presidency or you will be punished. of course, these are the same people who never accepted trump's 2016 win. many of them spent the last four years trying to undo it and remove him from the white house. before biden was even the democrat nominee he was openly questioning trump's legitimacy. >> he is an illegitimate president in my mind. >> let them investigate, let them subpoena, let them go to the supreme court. he's illegitimate and we are going to be stuck with six more years of this guy and that is terrifying. terrifying. >> would you be my vice president? folks, i absolutely agree. >> laura: furthermore, biden's declaration of victory violates a campaign promise that he made on national tv. >> will you pledge not to
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declare victory until the election is independently certified? >> yes, and here's the deal. count the ballots, as you pointed out. some ballots in some states can't even be opened until election day and if there's thousands of ballots it's going to take time to do it. >> laura: joining me now is mike huckabee, former arkansas governor, fox news contributor. what happened to that joe biden? it's going to take time, not going to, you know, declare victory until it's certified. then suddenly the media gets to certify who wins what when. >> there something that you don't seem to understand. the constitution was secretly rewritten so that it's no longer the voters that make the decision, it's the media networks who get to make the decision as to who is the president, and why even wait for the votes to be counted? no need for that. why wait for them to be certified? they know what they want, they want it now. here's what i think is
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interesting. joe biden hadn't quite been certified yet. it's always better to heat the oven before you put the biscuits in. it's better to shoot the deer before you try to put it in the freezer. i think joe may be getting a little ahead of himself out there. >> laura: he's already picking his cabinet, governor. politico actually says attorney general doug jones, secretary of state of susan rice, big shock there, secretary of treasury while brain are, eric garcetti, that high-speed rail finally going to get in there? defense secretary michelle flournoy. tonight, swamp preacher ron clean will be his white house chief of staff. he's the one that said biden did a rotten job on the h1n1. governor, none of these names scream "outsider" to me. >> now, is going to be same old, same old. it's going to be a real problem because a lot of the people on
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the left without whom joe never would have gotten as far as he did. i'm not going to say it, it's not for sure yet. but that aside, they're going to be some people on the left of that demand, they are going to want the entire table and if they don't get it, they're going to revolts that they will have a mutiny on the ballot right there in his own white house, in his own party. i do think when i hear people say he's a moderate, let's see. let's see who he appoints because personnel is policy. that's something you learn real early when you get into governor work. the people you surround yourself with, that's what your policy is. the people that you bring in to implement your goals, that is going to really determine your policy. we will find out if joe is a moderate or not. my guess is not nearly as much as people think. >> laura: that's grant and joe
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long gone. some of the squad members have been lashing out at centrist democrats who blame these squad's radicalism for losses. she said -- grammatically incorrect, me not being able to speak on behalf of many of my neighbors right now, many of which are black neighbors, means me being silent. i can't be silent. who's really running th the sho? wow. >> i think we are going to find out. joe has already made a commitment that he believes we should have abortion up until the moment of birth and beyond. taxpayers funded. >> laura: we've got to roll, governor, but you made the point. he is capped into the squad. coming back, a true veterans day gift from the president next.
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we also learned his appointing army douglas -- douglas mcgregor as acting pentagon chief. that's a real sign that he could try to bring all of our troops home from afghanistan by the end of the year. getting our brave men and women in uniform out of harm's way may be the greatest gift from could give this veterans day. happy veterans day, although you deserve many more days than just one and thank you for all of the american armed services members across the country, across the globe, past and present. bank you for everything you've done for us. you deserve everything, the best from all of us. shannon bream and a "fox news @ night" team take it all from here, shannon. >> shannon: true heroes over that [indiscernible]. laura, thank you. okay, breaking tonight, fresh off the announcement that a full by hand recount is going to happen in georgia, a longtime government employee in wayne county, michigan, is sounding the alarm tonight saying she cannot be silenced about how she saw ballots
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