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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 13, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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involved with the presumptive president-elect. we could ask him -- so much that did not happen. operation warp speed. neil. >> neil: sorry for that confusion on my part, kevin. we will see you tomorrow. ♪ >> hello, everybody, jesse watters juan williams, kennedy, greg gutfeld. in new york, and this is "the five." president trump speaking publicly for the first time in a week. giving a very important update on operation warp speed from the rose garden moments ago. revealing that a vaccine could be available. >> operation warp speed is unequaled and unrivaled anywhere in the world. pfizer said it wasn't part of warp speed, but that turned out
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to be an unfortunate misrepresentation. that is why we gave them the $1.5 billion. we will work to secure an emergency use authorization, which should be coming down extremely soon, and my administration will then coordinate the distribution of the vaccine, and it will be approved, i think again, very, very quickly. >> jessie: the president also saying other vaccines in addition could be ready soon, and while joe biden's team has discussed the possibility of future lockdowns, president trump said that won't happen on his watch. >> this administration will not be going through a locked down. whatever happens in the future, who knows? i guess time will tell, but this administration will not go to a lockdown. >> jessie: all right, a lot of good news. i guess this was developed five
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times faster than any other vaccine, and they could get 20 million doses out by decemb december, and the rest of the country could see distribution by april. >> the only way for this nation to get out of this pandemic, the china virus and that speech, was to you, as as possible, to get a vaccine under development, and that is part of what operation warp speed has done, develop to those vaccines, but also securing that the manufacturing and the supplies of those very vaccines, that was he's talking about with pfizer. four other phase three trials. right on deck as well, along with astrazeneca, and johnson & johnson. also, rightfully so, took a shot at governor cuomo. >> jesse: let's play that. greg gutfeld, cuomo's best
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friend, can react. >> as soon as april, the vaccine will be available to the entire population, with the exception of places like new york state where, for political reasons, the governor, he doesn't trust the fact that it is this white house, this administration, so we won't be delivering it until we have authorization to do so, and that pains me to do so. so governor cuomo will have to let us know when he is ready for it. i'm sorry, you wanted to get in there. >> degan: governor cuomo, he has to do his own safety review of the vaccine because oh, we can trust donald trump's fda, shows a complete lack of knowledge about the way the vaccine trials happen. but also, he said recently that he and other governors will potentially stop the vaccine distribution before it does damage. so he killed thousands of
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elderly people because of his nursing home order, so he's trying to up the total number of people that he's killed. he is an ego with a that's who the governor is. >> jesse: i think it's got to be posturing from cuomo. i don't see 49 states take distribution and he says no, no, slow it down, we are not ready yet. >> greg: i just have to point out that this is kind of a big deal. in this past life as a journalist, i don't recall this ever happening in my life where you do something so fast and it's so promising so quickly, whatever system it was creating here, you can employ and target other illnesses. we still don't obviously have a vaccine for aids. there are other diseases we could tackle with this and i don't think you can underplay this. i have a terrible analogy for the vaccine and joe biden. he basically inherited a
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housebroken pet. he didn't have to do the work for this! he may reap the benefits of having a great vaccine, but he never really had to put the work in. it's like when somebody marries somebody who is recently divorced. maybe all the habits have been worked out. but the thing is, and i just want to focus on what trump said about the lockdowns -- sorry. he is right. you don't want to be in the prison of two ideas, lockdown versus no lockdown, we want an adjustable path but people with occupational freedom have higher stress levels, we are seeing this in suicide rates so we can just stare at one variable, which is deaths. we have to look at all the variables from zero to 25, and age, i believe we have had a total of 500 deaths. meanwhile, 65 and over it's about 150,000, 180,000, something about there. we have to be able to adjust and be realistic about this and he
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is correct to factor in the damage it's happening on people who don't necessarily have to be locked down. >> jesse: somebody else housebroken rookie and we are very grateful for that, so joe biden is going to be very happy. >> dagen: two housebroken, that's wonderful. >> jesse: i still have some days. he will be inheriting operation warp speed and not just operation warp speed, he will have full distribution probably churning if everything breaks biden's way with the certification by the time he gets in there. >> dagen: that's one of the issues, the supply chain because for the first two vaccines that will be ready, we have heard so much about the pfizer vaccine, it has to be stored at 94 degrees below zero and there aren't freezers that claude dominic cold in major cities with big hospitals because you look at a couple companies, johnson & johnson has a more prg vaccine and it doesn't have to be stored as cold, it can be
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stored longer and at this point it's possible you could only need one dose of the johnson & johnson vaccine, but they are a few months behind the rest of them. but i have to say, and dagen knows this infinitely, when you have a loved one who is struggling with cancer and you are reading and consuming as much information as you possibly can about a potential treatment. and if we could get the fda out of the way and really impose some of the right to try stuff that the president pushed so hard, you can see a groundbreaking new horizon in medicine faster, right to try conditions, if they're willing to take them. part of this is very, very upsetting. take the politics out of it so you can alive. >> jesse: juan, you would get vaccinated, right?
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>> juan: i'm in the older age group, i worry about this virus. i've been worrying about what i've heard because to me, i don't think a development of the vaccine was related to operation warp speed. it was a separate commercial free market enterprise, done by pfizer and a company -- >> jesse: didn't they get money from the government? >> juan: no, they did not. >> dagen: they got a deal with health and human services, there is a deal on pfizer's website, almost $2 billion for management and distribution and they say in the press release, as operation warp speed's goal of 300 -- >> juan: it wasn't -- okay, but my point is for the last week since the election, president trump has been moping around. this is the first time we have seen him, as you said, and he hasn't been dealing with these issues. covid. >> greg: that conference! >> juan: excuse me, i just
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said, we haven't seen him for the first time. so here's the reality, that he's leaving us with what people i think are calling a hot mess on joe biden's doorstep. this is not a trained puppy, this is something out of control that is raging in our country and we are not just talking about attacks o on the governorf new york or saying whatever happens in terms of the election, which is the message he delivered there. we're talking about a nation right now, thursday we had 150,000 new cases, the highest since the pandemic began. we had 66,000 people in hospitals, a record number. more than 1,000 dead, eight of the last 12 days since the start of this month. so when we think about how to deal with this, we are never going to have a lockdown in this administration. not acknowledging that he lost the election but the reality is he is listening to dr. fauci who
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says that he doesn't think a lockdown is necessary at this moment. we had a press conference today, the man who is leading joe biden's task force, we don't need a lockdown right now. take specific steps, including the masks, the hand washing, that is the reality of what is going on -- >> jesse: it's the same thing as the dash test. >> juan: no, it's not because obviously, they are paying attention. speak of the new people who are consulting president-elect biden right now, they have called fora lockdown and ezekiel emanuel who hates people over 75 and doesn't think all people are the ones who are dying from the virus, he doesn't think they should be the priority to get the vaccine! >> juan: but what you have is people pointing out different ideas -- >> juan: dr. fauci is over 75! >> juan: hold on, i'm saying dr. fauci in the head of the task force have been very clear. both sides say right now, that
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is not where we are. >> jesse: that's not what you said but go ahead. >> dagen: are observed case fatality ratio in the united states is lower than it was in recent weeks because i've got the data from johns hopkins, 2.3% lower than mexico, iran, italy, united kingdom, columbia, spain, turkey, argentina, belgium, romania. right on par with france, number one. number two >> juan: you're so concerned about americans, now you want to talk about everythit is going on in our country. >> dagen: let me finish. let me finish. >> jesse: what she's trying to point out, every day on that show that you avoid is that the percentage -- the fatality rate is declining. right now it's about 2.3%. a month ago it's 2.7. october, 3%. june, 5.5, april, 5.9. i hate going through these numbers but we have to because you are spreading lies, juan. >> juan: no, because you say
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stuff like the only reason that we have more reports of coronavirus is because of an increase in testing. but that's not right, greg! >> greg: no, i didn't say that. one of the reasons we have more cases is because we are testing. >> juan: no, but that's not true. greg, we have right now, we have more testing and a record number of cases. >> greg: the rate is declining! >> juan: no, it's not. >> greg: yes, it is! >> jesse: for the record, i looked at this earlier today, at the end of september we were testing 800,000 a day. now, we are testing 1.6 million a day. >> juan: we should be testing more. >> jesse: we doubled the testing in one month and that's a fact. coming up, barack obama is attacking president trump over the election, claiming he is dangerous for democracy. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> juan: the fight of the election continuing. the associated press projecting today that president trump will win north carolina. a hand recount is starting in georgia while the president's lawyers are launching new challenges in pennsylvania. and now former president obama is going after president trump and republicans for challenging the results. >speak out on more troubled by the fact that other republican officials who clearly no bettere going along with this, are humoring him in this fashion. it is one more step in
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delegitimizing not just the incoming biden administration, but democracy generally. and that's a dangerous path. >> juan: the trump team today lost their third effort to delay certification in michigan. they pulled out of an arizona challenge. why are they unable to show evidence in court of any fraud or corruption in this election if they keep saying there is? >> jesse: that didn't have to do anything to do with fraud, those cases. if you look at the affidavits there's dozens of them and they talk about suspicious ballot dumping, forged signatures come all kinds of mischievous activity. if a third of those allegations are accurate that means there is more evidence of corruption in this election than there was evidence of collusion in the last election. >> juan: why haven't we seen any in court? >> jesse: it takes a little while to go to court, present your evidence and have a case built. this isn't going to happen overnight. this is something you have to have confidence in the election.
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you can't just have democrats thinking the election was kosher. you want the rest of the country to believe that too. until you go out and follow up on these allegations, every single election going forward if you use mail-in ballots at this level, people are going to be suspicious about and you don't want that and i don't want that. >> juan: the department of homeland security said the election this year was the safest, most secure ever. why won't trump except what his own department is saying? >> greg: wait, i have something -- the decision desk just called north carolina for joe biden in 2024. amazing. the department of homeland security could be right, but compared to what? i mean, when you have joe biden's future, whatever, chief of staff saying that everything is fixed and you can't be calling people crazy for being suspicious of this election when people for four years said that trump was an
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existential threat to the world. if he is an existential threat then you are going to do everything you can to undermine it. by the way, america has done regime changes for less. i mean, if you ask the left -- not the left because the left are actually boasted of the centrists then they never-trumpers, if you ask them what's worse, he ran in the 1950s or trump in 2017, they would say trump 2017. they actually have a reason to fix an election. and everybody has reason to be suspicious of this. and to marginalize people who don't buy this, that's part of the game, to make you feel stupid for believing -- and by the way, obama is also saying the reason trump won in 2016 was because of racism. yeah, millions of americans who voted for obama also voted for trump and that's because they are racist? people always thought he didn't like america.
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no, he just didn't like americans. >> juan: kennedy, is trump jeopardizing our national security by not allowing joe biden to see the national security briefing? an increasing number of republican senators are saying look, i don't care what you want to say, give him the national security briefing. >> no, and lindsey graham has said the same thing. i'm very confident joe biden has been around the federal government long enough that he has deep-staters that are whispering in his ear. he was vice president four years ago so i'm pretty certain that he has a good, running knowledge. he may have forgotten some of it, what this global landscape is like. you know, he'll get the briefing books. i'm very, very confident in that. but i'm also confident, and the thing that frustrates me is democrats are willing to sign a pledge and say that we will never contest an election again, we will never contest a close election again because it's so childish, i think i will put a lot of peoples minds at ease.
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i don't think they're going to because if you lose a close election you were going to contest of the results in one way or another. i don't think we are going to have anything but close presidential contests for the foreseeable future. >> juan: you know that this one wasn't that close, right? >> kennedy: in wisconsin it most certainly was! >> juan: you don't understand the electoral college, okay. >> kennedy: but the polling -- >> juan: but he leads strong in the electoral college. >> greg: in california, trump won, it's a stupid argument. >> jesse: maybe we should remove california. >> juan: electoral college all went one direction. >> kennedy: i'm not disputing that but why do democrats sent teams of lawyers into places like florida ready to contest the results if joe biden only lost by half a point in florida? they were going to do the exact same thing and i talked to democrats the week before an election and said they are
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trying to steal this from us. democrats, so they were ready to do the whole thing. if they're going to call it and not do this when the tides of fortune are reversed, then have added. >> juan: all right. dagen, i was thinking about why republicans are refusing to tell president trump that he lost. and i've got to think, are they just worried about hurting his feelings? is he like a snowflake on the right? >> jesse: like hillary? >> kennedy: she won. >> dagen: because there is clearly things that went on with the vote. well, you can read the affidavits that have been filed -- >> juan: but we are two weeks out! put it before a court! >> dagen: i didn't use the word fraud, but we had an unprecedented number of mail-in ballots and i can tell you that in new york city, i got somebody else's ballot, absentee ballot application in my mailbox. so to take a few weeks to make
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sure and convince the american population that the election was fair, you would want that for joe biden and kamala harris, number one. number two, i might listen to president obama if once in four years he had stepped up and said this russia collusion thing, it's not going anywhere. it's a bunch of lies, you need to accept trump as your president. he's angry, he doesn't believe in democracy because he can't believe president trump never got elected after he was in office for eight years. you know why? because the obama-biden economy sucked to high heaven. people's wages in this country never even grew at 3%, and working-class americans weren't getting ahead. that's why president trump got elected, and one more thing, i've got a couple of -- we can get to work and saw california off and push it into the pacific. get ready. >> juan: i just wish somebody would be honest with the
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president. coming up next, the fight for the senate. it comes down to georgia. it will some of the rhetoric from progressive democrats hurt the party? next on "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ [ engines revving ] ♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. [ engine revs ] for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health.
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♪ >> dagen: if the democrats want and a shot of capturing the senate through two runoff seats in georgia, they better tell the far left radicals to take a hike. alexandria ocasio-cortez is defending the call to defund the police. >> our budget is too high. we have a $6 million nypd budget that goes up to $11 billion. the path towards justice is a long arc and it happens in steps. safety is not just an officer
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with a badge and a gun. >> dagen: republicans are more happy to use that radical rhetoric against democrats. >> it's not just raising your targets are taking away your health insurance on the job or confiscating your guns, they want to do those things but they also want to pack the supreme court, make washington, d.c., a state to pack the senate. they want to eliminate the electoral college, they want to radically change this country but i know the good people of georgia are not going to allow them to do that on january 5th. >> jesse: aoc has got a lot of incoming these days. not only to the democrats dislike her, the republicans are using her as a punching bag. she might need a vacation. i would lay low. the more she talks, the worst it gets. now it's not defund the police, what is it now? they don't want to take money away from the police, they want to give it to a health care worker or a social worker who tags along with law enforcement? if that call comes in on 911 and
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there is a serious beat down somewhere, how's the social worker getting there? is she riding shotgun in the police vehicle? is she trying to keep up with the minivan in the back? does she have a weapon? what happens if a brawl breaks out? is she supposed to sit there and watch it? it practically doesn't make any sense, so if you like you were going to hear a lot about aoc. i would put nancy pelosi in georgia, i would take aoc, omar in georgia, i would put them all in georgia and leveled them. >> dagen: maybe they can bring annoyed james fonda who was giggling about covid, saying its gift to the left. >> greg: i wouldn't mind listening to the arguments they would make for shifting money to certain areas but they only make those arguments when they are talking about things they don't like. they never talk about reducing a budget for their pet projects. it's always like the police.
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here's the deal, new york city, $8 billion that went somewhere that was supposed to do with the mentally ill and the drug addicted -- >> kennedy: who ran that, by the way? >> greg: the wife of the mayor, the worst mayor alive. the point is they can't even enact the things they claim they want, so we can't trust them on anything. and i hope -- was it portland, oregon, the city commissioner wanted to defund the police and then called the police on her lyft driver because he wouldn't roll the window. quickest way to become a hypocrite, say defund the police because almost a week later you will have to call the cops and is very, very embarrassing and i love that kind of embarrassing. >> dagen: love joe manchin's comment about the senator from west virginia. defund the police, defund my butt! juan? [laughter] >> juan: i will stay away from that question.
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it's curious to me, clearly president trump tries to paint joe biden as a socialist down in georgia and it didn't work. in fact, joe biden won georgia. >> greg: remains to be seen. recount! >> juan: he's way ahead in arizona. he's way ahead in georgia. these were red states, he thought it would work there, it didn't work. it's curious to me you would go back to a failed political strategy. the biggest issue in georgia is you have two republicans, incumbents, by the way, both appeared to have made profits with questionable stock deals after they got government briefings on the coronavirus. for me, that's a bigger problem, much more relevant. in addition if you have a republican senate that's been blocking stimulus aid for people who are unemployed and businesses, bigger issue on the ground in georgia. i don't think president trump is not going to be on the ballot,
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dagen. so i think getting democrats out in georgia is going to be tougher. you have to say republicans are favored at the moment, but those are real issues. i don't think the socialism -- it might play well on tv but it doesn't play well -- >> jesse: played well down ballot in the congressional races. >> juan: i don't know that, but i think it's clear, it just didn't work nationally. >> dagen: real quick, senate democrats are the ones who wouldn't even let half a trillion dollar rescue bill go up for the debate in the senate. number one. number two, could alexandria ocasio-cortez be the skunk at the picnic and not know that she's the skunk? yes, and she would say that language is skunkist. >> kennedy: she would have a real issue with that, stop with the sloganeering, stop with the defund the police because mack rose, who is no longer going to be a congressman in new york in a purple district, he's one of
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the casualties of that sloganeering. even the head of the democratic party, new york sta new york state, said that she has 6:1 democrats in her district. she couldn't spot republicans with binoculars in her district. she has no idea how to run a statewide race in napa or staten island. >> greg: decision desk call that yet? max rose. weight -- >> jesse: i hope not, i like that guy. i like his commercials, they are spicy. >> juan: i hope you are giving the decision desk credit given what happened in arizona. >> jesse: they don't deserve it. >> dagen: had, forget liz warren and biden's cabinet. hillary clinton could be headed for prime position. ♪
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♪ >> kennedy: that's right, joe biden's cabinet could include hillary clinton. "the washington post" reporting she is being considered for ambassador to the united nations in order to help elevate the position of the u.s. on the world stage. elevate her. >> greg: i think her husband really did wonder in a cabinet but not that cabinet. it's like clockwork, if the election and hold some of the swamp returns. it's like the parents went away on an ocean cruise in the phone calls made, all the friends in the neighborhood come over and start raiding the liquor cabinet. i think people in power who were outside trump world were tired of not knowing what was coming the next day. that's what was happening with donald trump. they could not control tomorrow. they could not control the media
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narratives. they could not control anything! and in the trump world, they were outside and now they are back in and they are all lining up and they can't wait. because now they are back in control and everybody's happy. the media is happy, everybody's got a late little step going because big, bad orange guy who wouldn't let you in on the game is now gone. >> dagen: jesse, so what -- >> jesse: is that how you are walking around? >> juan: no -- >> jesse: can you get some of that light step? >> juan: i would like it. i've been asking greg to help. >> kennedy: how excited are you to have her back? >> juan: i do like hillary clinton. i know you guys beat up on her. >> greg: i would never call her evil, though. >> jesse: you have called her evil. >> juan: i wasn't going to mention that. you've just got to let it go, man. i don't know that this is going to be accepted if it's offered and i don't know that it's going to be offered. the woman was secretary of state
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and she is now in her early 70s. >> kennedy: john bolton was the u.n. ambassador and then he was dni. >> juan: that was going the other direction. >> kennedy: you think that was a lateral move? i don't know. >> juan: the reality, maybe this will give you guys for some help, i think she is going to be a player. i think biden will listen to her. i think there will be visits and you can beat up on her then. the other one that is getting a lot of attention, susan rice because people are talking about susan rice being in the cabinet but i think republicans are overplaying at all that stuff. susan rice, given her credentials, can be confirmed even if republicans are in the majority. >> jesse: you are always mentioning benghazi. stop with benghazi. >> juan: i was trying to get a beat on you, jessie. that's all. >> kennedy: is unacceptable, you're absolutely right. it was atrocious and those people should be held accountable. you're absolutely right.
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>> dagen: she was a breath away from the presidency. she was secretary of state and a senator and she's going to be the u.n. ambassador? she must want to get away. go, honey! i think you have ambassador overseas! >> greg: he wanted her to go to a really dangerous part of the world. >> jesse: wait until she finds out the u.n. ambassador just hangs out in new york. >> dagen: his dreams are crushed. >> greg: we are done here, aren't we? should we just shut down early? there we go! >> dagen: fan mail friday is back! ♪ ♪ greetings mortal! your journey requires liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need.
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liberty power! wow. that will save me lots of money. you're insured! this game's boring. let's get tacos. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.
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♪ ♪ heart monitors that let your doctor watch over you, just like you watch over your best friend. another life-changing technology from abbott, so you don't wait for life. you live it. ♪ >> greg: fan mail friday! question, really good, from veronica. what is the best gift you have ever received? one that makes you smile years later. dagen. >> dagen: car. no, watch! this watch!
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>> greg: what kind of watch is it? >> kennedy: i don't know, painte --it's ceramic. >> juan: ceramic with mike >> greg: what about you? >> juan: i got a great gift and i'm almost embarrassed to tell you this story but people typically give you gifts to family, okay, another sweater some of there's this big, long walks and open it up and it's a baseball bat, washington nationals, world series champions 2019. that's nice, thanks. i turn it over and it's assigned to me by anthony rendon, the star third baseman and my kind of hero. you're always on me, i'm embarrassed to say, i teared up over a gift. it really meant something. >> greg: that's good. jesse, did you get anything like that? >> jesse: no, i don't cry, by the way. >> juan: there you go, i knew you would. >> jesse: dana gave me the
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michael jackson jacket with all the zippers. something i wanted when i was a child but my parents were too -- i'm not going to say cheap but they don't want to spend some money. or maybe they had an idea that may be michael jackson was not a great thing for me. >> greg: it would be hard if you ever wear the jacket, you say, belonged to michael jacks michael jackson, michael jackson stein, my ophthalmologist, definitely not the pedophile. >> jesse: now it's getting weird. >> greg: what did you get? >> kennedy: i got a speak and spell when i was 6. >> jesse: what's that? >> greg: typical. >> kennedy: it was like a computer! a handheld device and you can punch in words and it would say the words for you and test your spelling. >> jesse: like voice by text. >> greg: yes!
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okay, so the gift that influenced me the most, my parents gave me the people's almanac. this giant book and it was in a box an and i thought wow, this a toy and it was a book but it had all this trivia and if you're at home and at my age, there was this sexual term glossary, to think i was 11. >> jesse: you never left that page. >> greg: a through z! i learned stuff that no child should ever learn! what was your first r-rated movie from just me mary. kennedy. >> kennedy: it was "animal house." >> greg: in the theater? >> kennedy: no, we were early adopters and we got a vhs. >> greg: my sister took me to see "animal house" at the cinema when i was 21 and i saw a women's thing for the first time.
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>> kennedy: because of the glossary. >> greg: that was a jesse film. >> juan: i don't remember but i tend to think it wasn't anything sexual, but it might've been the violence. violence is what set them off initially. so it might've been a war movie. >> dagen: "fast times at ridgemont high." after i had already read the book and i still have it in paper book. >> greg: a great film. i was going to say "the exorcist" but i think it might be "animal house." "exorcist" i saw, it was r-rated, but it was on tv. i was alone, it was the scariest thing i've ever -- >> kennedy: i watched it last weekend. >> juan: did you get scared? all right, "one more thing" is
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♪ >> greg: tomorrow night, ""the greg gutfeld show"" a saturday night, 10:00 p.m., it's a doozy. brian kilmeade, joe devito, the entire cast is great. all right, let's do this. greg's fitness tips! i'm getting back in shape, i feel pretty good but before you do anything, whether it's the pilot on or drive, he's got to stretch. like this fellow here, check out that form, thus stretching, yes, this is the best way to prevent any kind of hamstring pulls or anything else. i'm all for dogs lifting their legs if they're not peeing on my stuff, you know what i mean. >> dagen: he is like, don't defund my butt.
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>> that is a dog! i thought it was a cat. >> greg: will kind of dog is it? a pomeranian. >> jesse: all right, shark news, but i usually do is i show sharks preying on other things. this video is something else preying on the shark. watch. it's a dog. that's a cat, just attacked a shark. way to go, whiskers. speaking of whiskers, ""watters' world"" has nothing to do with whiskers but it sounds good off the tongue. no brian kilmeade but we do our best on waters world. juan williams. >> juan: it's beginning to look a lot like christmas. take a look, that's the 79 79-ft
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norway spruce that is being cut back, soon to be the glistening star of rockefeller center's annual christmas display. this year the tree is going to take on special meaning, holiday traditions like radio cities christmas spectacular, canceled due to the coronavirus, christmas parties, crowded stores, so a lot of people will find christmas joy in taking a look at the tree. it was donated by the owner, the trees being trucked to new york i'm going to be erected on saturday. we don't know when the lighting ceremony will be held but we will let you know. >> greg: decision desk says next week at 4:00. >> juan: they were right about arizona! >> kennedy: all right, so if you are planning ahead for thanksgiving, you don't know what to do, listen to my latest podcast. go to and
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kennedy saves thanksgiving. i will tell you exactly what to bring, who to talk to, and how not to barf in someone else's handbag. >> dagen: christmas cheer, jamison whiskey has created a christmas tree for $5,000. it is made out of 130 jamison irish whiskey bottles. 129, sorry. but guess what? they're empty. >> jesse: greg believes in jesus now. >> dagen: but you do get a gift card for one free bottle of booze. they have to send up technicians, $5,000, only seven of the trees have been made. they are available for a contest. >> jesse: i could use in jamison right now. it has been a long week. >> greg: has? i don't think so think so. >> jesse: for two years.
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>> greg: i want to do another two hours of "the five." >> jesse: you start. going on in georgia -- >> jesse: the decision desk hasn't called that one yet. that's it for us this week. we will see you on monday. have a great weekend. >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, president trump breaks his week long silence, saying "time will tell" who runs the next administration but his administration not locked down the u.s. economy. they were his first comments since the election was called for joe biden, and they come as he continues efforts to challenge the results in multiple states. the president picked up 15 more electoral votes today when north carolina was called in his favor. the state of georgia remains uncalled as a hand recount their begins. all of this occurs as coronavirus numbers across the countrge


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