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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  November 14, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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judge jeanine: hello and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. flood supporters flood the nation's capitol as the commander-in-chief himself drives by and says hello to the crowds rallying in washington. we'll talk about that tonight, but first my open. the most important part of democracy is to do it correctly. the most important question tonight, is did we in 2020? there is no magic in electing a president.
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americans do it every four years, just as our founding fathers planned. but this is a life changing moment in american history. america will either go one way or the other. it not only requires but demands all due diligence be exercised in this highly contested presidential election. there is an ethical and legal obligation to the 73 million americans, the highest number ever to vote for a sitting president, to assure them every legal vote is counted and not diluted in any way. wouldn't that be something we all want? our democratic system is the path and process used to achieve the fundamental rights of one man, one vote. therefore, however, several steps before this election can be called. the media does not call an election. no one state has yet
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uncertainified its vote. certification has though -- hast begun. the electors do not vote until december 14. we have one president at a time. until there are certifications, the democratic process must be allowed to play out. but many questions remain. on election night around midnigh --around midnight, presp was ahead. but one by one the complaints started coming in in the form an affidavit. an affidavit is a sworn statement signed under penalty of perjury it am factual allegation seeking relief. in this case, the affidavits of
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individuals are now a part of official lawsuits are as follows. as a judge these affidavits are fundamental in our justice system. most causes of action cannot even begin without a factual basis contained in affidavits. people promising that their statement is true and they are ready to be charged with perjury if they lie. the affidavits are as follows. gop follow watchers were kurlsd at and not allowed in the room. we heard complaints that 6,000 votes from trump to biden were switched. repeated complaints of people not asking for ballots but receiving many has been sworn to in affidavits. the secretary of state in georgia and a supreme court judge in pennsylvania altered the process for handling balance lots with no power to unilaterally change the
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constitution. article one, section 4, dominion software system has been tagged as one allegedly capable of flipping votes. you will hear from sidney powell in a few minutes who will explain what she has even earth with dominion. but we are criticized because we are asking questions. i even saw myself on cnn this week. >> we believe in free speech. we believe in accepting winners and not being sore losers. judge jeanine: that still holds true but anyone who says this election doesn't is a hypocrite. a prime, by the way, in the 2000 presidential race the democrats
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took their case and their candidate to the united states supreme court. the presidency then wasn't resolved until december 13 of that year, a month from where we are now. in 2016, hillary may have conceded, but there were recount efforts in wisconsin and efforts in pennsylvania and michigan where democrats challenged the vote. certifications were not filed until december 13. a month from now. under the cover of covid, rules were changed, providing opportunities for wrongdoers. covid cannot be used to run herd on our constitution. covid does not prevent us from exercising our constitutional fundamental right to vote. and joe biden, he had his own view of the opportunity it
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presented. >> we put together, i think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of american politics. judge jeanine: so i ask. why were rules and procedures changed just before the election in pennsylvania and georgia because of covid. very affidavits and emails that prove voters in democrat counties were treated different than voters in republican counties. ' poll watchers were forced out, or not even aloud in to do what -- not even allowed to do what they had a right to do. did they not think they could
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win honestly? why were there so many ballots without verification signatures and balance throlts without postmarks? ballots without postmarks. the only constitutional body permitted to do so, refused to do so. why did a secretary of state? georgia agree with stacey abrams. there is a lawsuit by lynn woods in georgia contesting those decisions. why were signature requirements loosened? i believe in the resurrection. but dead people voting? i don't think so. like the mother who swore that her dead son was indeed dead but he voted twice. i don't think so, and neither
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did she. those voting machines created by dominion, that is yet to come. the left talked about bringing the country together after they created four years of chaos, accusing trump of sowing doubt in our democracy. saying questioning this election is a danger to america. and that the election process being changed in the middle of an election is no big deal and a little fraud is no big deal. and they cast it as a temper tantrum by us. really? we are the ones having the tantrum? the question is, will any of these allegations affect a sufficient number of votes to change the result of the election?
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if the answer is president trump did not win, then on january 20, joe biden will be my president. but until then. president trump is my president because america has only one president at a time. and in the meantime, please don't tell me that we cannot examine the ballots. please do not tell me that we cannot pursue these irregularities. that's laughable. the left didn't tomorrow on election day in 2016. with all due respect, the left boycotted president trump's inauguration. they marched in washington in their pussy hats and had a hissy fit for four years. the left spied on trump before he was even president. for three years we heard he was an illegitimate president. that he was a putin puppet. that he was a fascist.
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we were spit at, denied service, boycotted and canceled. businesses were burnt, looted and destroyed by the left. chaos, defund the police. president trump was not given a moment's peace. he was impeached over a a legitimate phone call. it was nothing more than a political move. the group that brought us resist and impeach and burned down cities distorted with us their chaos. no, we'll pursue all legal avenues where there are irregularities, illegalities and corruptions. until the certification and the electors vote, that is not a lot to ask. so don't you dare ask us to just accept it and move on. and don't you tear tell me i'm being un-american by questioning
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what even a supreme court justice put a hold on. and don't you dare ask us to go quietly into the night. that's my open. let me know what you think on facebook page and twitter #judgejeanine. if you liked my open, you will like my new book "don't lie to me." joining me, house minority leader, conkman kevin mccarthy -- congressman kevin mccarthy. the democrats are criticizing us for questioning things that are have much a part of lawsuits and affidavits. where people are swearing they are telling the truth. what are your thoughts on this. >> it doesn't matter if you are a republican or democrat. you should want every legal vote
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to count. you should want every recount to be finished and every legal challenge to be heard. we believe our election should be fair, honest and accurate. i will give you one small example. in new jersey 7 congressional district. the ap called it. we are find out that may not be the case. the republican may end up winning. every pollster told us the president down 17 points in wisconsin to losing the senate to lose the state legislature. and the republicans would lose 15-20 seats in the house. not one republican lost in the house. we didn't lose one legislature. and we are holding the senate. let it finish in a recounted and let every legal challenge be heard to make sure in this year when we've had ballots mailed
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statewide, even if people didn't request it. judge jeanine: what's interesting, they claim there was going to be a blue wave, and not a single republican incumbent was defeated. that's amazing. but let's talk about what you have said. that is, you say this is a mandate against socialism. what do you mean by that? >> it's a mandate against socialism. take donna shalala, the congresswoman down in miami, a very democrat seat. she was defeated. she'd called herself a socialist. you listen to defund the the cops. from miami to minnesota to california, they called another seat in california for young kim. and how much stronger president trump has made this party. every democrat that lost to date
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has been defeated by a republican woman, a republican minority or republican veteran. we are more diverse and stronger because of what president trump has done. two seats in miami. two seats, probably four in california. we are going to b to be somewhen a close per spec 5 of winning the majority. it will be the smallest majority the democrats have had since world war ii. judge jeanine: nancy pelosi is taking pushback starting with the ice cream in front of the $20,000 freezer or waste was. all the claims she made during the pandemic where she walks around without a mask. but now she is confronted with a question as to whether she'll continue to be speaker. two things want to ask. number one, your thoughts on
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that. number two. with fewer democrats, does she have a higher risk of losing her speakership because she didn't win by as big a margin as she should have or might have? >> we'll have leadership races next week, and you will hear she'll win the leadership race. but that does not make her speaker. you have to have 21 statd you ho have 218 votes on the floor. we'll end up somewhere around 210 or further for the number of republicans. she could lose as speaker. but if she wins as speaker you have aoc and the progressive socialists fighting among themselves. screaming on their conference calls. i believe at the end of the day
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the republicans will run them because it's our ideas that are stronger. the american public rejected dismantling america. we believe we can rebuild and restore american life. judge jeanine: congressman kevin mccarthy, thanks for joining us tonight. congressman jim jordan is next. the woman at the forefront of the fight to uncover the truth. sidney powell is here.
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judge jeanine: welcome back to "justice." joining me now to continue the conversation on president trump's election and the legal battle, congressman jim jordan. i just ma -- i just had congressman mccarthy on. he said you made good gains in the house. what do you attribute that to? >> good candidates. just good candidates running, and running on the principles president trump laid out fighting for the american
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people. if someone would have told the american people a week before the election that we would keep the senate and pick up 10-12 seats in the house, and pick upstate legislatures and president trump would get 10 million more votes than he got last time but still come up short, nobody would have believed that. that's why you have people saying something isn't right here and that's why they want it investigated. judge jeanine: when you think about 73 million people voted for the president. and everybody winning i the lower down ballots, it doesn't make sense. in my open i referenced some of the affidavits. the secretary of state in georgia entered into some kind
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of agreement of with stacey abrams who kept suing georgia and made a decision to change the way the ballots were assessed. we are seeing that under the guise of covid and other judges and secretaries of state. how do you think this will end up? >> we need to investigate. the democrats spent four years investigating the russian loaks. the -- the rugs hoax. the -- the russian hoax. any time you do and investigation. i'm involved with lots of investigations in the congress. you always ask the why question because it gets to motive. why did it seem like on election night all the important swing
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states that kept counting the president won. but the swing states that took a pause in the count, he ended up losing. why did that happen? why don't they want to know. why were some counties allowed to cure their ballots bowter countie --but other counties co. why did some counties set up temporary voting places but other counties didn't. all the important why questions. why don't democrats want to know? they spent four years investigating this fake russia thing. but they can't spend four weeks to find out what took place. that's why americans want this to continue and get the truth. judge jeanine: even when they had to actually put truth to the
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allegation and facts to the allegation of russia collusion, their own team with all the pit bulls, they still couldn't come up with anything. yet they tore us apart. i got an email from a friend, one of my doctors, he said to me, you know, you have to tell them to just move on. i am like oh, my gosh, you people for four years said he was illegitimate. you made up everything you can think of. you burnt down the city, and we can't follow a legitimate legal process to determine whether there was some kind of irregularity or illegality? >> the same ballots telling us to trust the integrity of this election were the same ones who said you can trust the steele dossier and the impeachment whistleblower that we never got
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to cross-examine. in fact we don't even know his name. i think americans want to find out for themselves. we called this this past summer. we said for the first time in america you had a major political party say that we are going to try to win this election after the election with all the chaos around mail invoting and that's what they did. >> the report came to the conclusion it's rife for fraud, that covid -- what i don't understand, if we were able to stand in line to go to costco and home depot six months ago, why are being being told it's dangerous for you to go. maybe there's something i am not
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getting. but the issue for all of us is whether we'll be able to legally establish there was some corruption. when there are so many successes in the bottom of the down ballot races, i question the decision at the top. last word. go ahead. >> we need to move away from the mail-in voting. we had one of our staffers at her apartment in d.c. she got her ballot and four other ballots arrived at her apartment for people who didn't live there. that's why the first bill introduced this past congress. they know they can exploit it and there is a recipe for disaster. that's why we have to get to the bottom of it to make sure the american people can have faith in our election process as we move forward.
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judge jeanine: corey lewandowski is still ahead tonight. and sidney powell joins me next.
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[♪] live from america's news headquarters i'm ashley strohmier. president trump making a
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drive-by appearance at the million maga march in washington, d.c. he can be seen inside the vehicle waving to supporters. the supporters chanted four more years and god bless trump. it was billed as a protest to what they believe is a stolen election. a federal judge resuming against the president's restrictions for childhood arrivals. after chad wolf assumes his position unlawfully making his suspension of daca invalid. 150,000 people are a part of daca. now back to judge jeanine. jean rr.
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judge jeanine: allegations of voter fraud are being investigated. trump team attorney and federal prosecutor sidney powell joins me with more. i'm sure you are very busy now. can you give me some idea what you are work on now, and what exactly you are doing in this effort to identify problems with the election. >> i am work on the massive aspect of systemwide election fraud. definitely impacting the swing states and likely going far beyond that. we are talking about the alteration and changes in millions of votes. some being dumped that were for president trump. some being flipped that were for president trump. computers being overwritten to ignore signatures. all kinds of different means of
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manipulating the dominion and smartmatic software which we wouldn't expect them to admit. judge jeanine: they denied they have done anything improper and they deny this claim that there are 6,000 votes that went from president trump to biden. had anything to do with their software. but at the same time put together your case, sydney. i assume you are getting to the bottom of what dominion is, who started dominion. how it can be manipulated fit is manipulated and what evidence do you have to prove this? >> yes, we are collecting evidence through a fire hose as hundreds of american patriots across the country are stepping forward with what they know about this issue. including some -- well, including some people that are
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taking great risk to do it. judge jeanine: as you do so, what is your intent here? if you could establish there is corruption in the use of this software, this dominion software, as you allege, and you say you have evidence, how do you put that together and prove that on election tonight or immediately thereafter at the time the votes were being tabulated or put in, that we can prove they were flipped? >> there is statistical evidence. there is all kinds of mathematical evidence, especially forensic evidence, math that cannot be disputed. we have eyewitnesses to different features of the machine. we have eyewitnesses to machine being uploaded with data when it wasn't suppose to be and not
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being certified. it will have to invalidate its votes. lit have to go to the state legislatures to be decide. democratic office holders have been raising issues with the dominion machines for a long time and the government turned a blind eye to those. there is substantial reason for the government people themselves. judge jeanine: sydney, i believe it's elizabeth warren, amy klobuchar and another senator i don't remember, all had objections to dough principleon because it was capable of being manipulated. those are two. and i know i read about three. >> carolyn maloney was the first one. and she commissioned a report on it that we have a copy of.
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all that she cited in the letter she wrote, all the articles she cited have been wiped from the internet in the last few days. also lord malik browns name has been taken off the website for the company he runs in the u.k. and canada. it's one of the subsidiaries. it's all intertwined. the money creating it came out of venezuela and cuba. it was created for the express purpose of being able to alter votes and secure the reelection of chavez and then maduro. american citizens exported it to other countries. it's one huge huge criminal conspiracy that should be investigated by military intelligence for its national security implications.
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>> hopefully the department of just its. but who knows any more. sidney powell, good luck on your mission. thanks for being with us tonight. people who want to help can contribute to this defense at -- judge jeanine: sales are down from last quarter but we are hoping things will pick up by q3. yeah...uh... boss: doug? sorry about that. boss: you alright? [sigh] [ding] never settle with power e*trade. it has powerful, easy-to-use tools to help you find opportunities, 24/7 support when you need answers
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judge jeanine: my next guest is leading the trump team recount effort in georgia. the officials are fighting every step. and what will be the outcome of the two runoff battles that will
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determine who controls the senate. congressman jim jordan joins me to discuss it. er wearing two hats tonight. you are in charge of coordinating resources for the recount for the presidential team in georgia. how is that going? >> it's going -- right now we have the recounted being done. counting every paper ballot. but this is just one part of this effort. we have a problem down here. that's the consent decree that gut our signature verification process and opened the door for potential fraud to be conducted. this is something we are fighting to get answers on to make sure every legal vote was counted and every illegal vote is thrown out. it's a long process and we are
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still fighting for the president to make sure every legal vote counts. judge jeanine: that's the subject of a lawsuit where the secretary of state, brad raffensperger is sued by lin woods. it says raffensperger, an avowed anti-trumpist. who agreed with stacey abrams to interfere with the ballot and how they are counted. that's my understanding. when he didn't have that right as secretary of state under the constitution article 1 section 4, only the legislature can change that. what exactly did he do? >> there were several lawsuits brought after the 2018 election. this was done in march when they
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signed the consent decree. number one, it consider they limited it to where you had to verify the signature. but any signature would do. any person who sent in a request for a ballot could have that signature matched to the ballot that received. that's not a verification that's useful in the long term. if it doesn't match the original person's signature on the registration to vote, it's a problem. so this is the problem it has. and we sent out a request for a ballot to he registered voter. some people got more than one request. this problem developed over time and it's hampering efforts to make sure those who requested the ballot were the once who
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needed it. we are waiting for that from the secretary of state. judge jeanine: if i say i want a ballot and a ballot is sent to me, they don't compare my signature with what's on the voter registration roll. as long as the signature on the inside matches what's on the outside you are okay. the inside is separated from the outside. are they even signed? is the ballot on the inside signed? >> no. here in georgia we don't have a voter i.d. attached to a ballot. the legislature will have to address the problem. you talked about the lawsuit that's filed. that will have to be dealt with as well. in the meantime we are fighting to make sure we have every legal vote counted.
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judge jeanine: what about the senate races. the talk about paying people to move to gais illegal. i hope they understand that's criminal. >> the leadership down here, the attorney general put out a notice that you can't move down here with intent to be permanently residing in the state of georgia. this is democrats being democrats. they know the two senate seats are the catch in this election. republicans need to keep these two seats because the alternative, ossoff and warnock are just ridiculous. judge jeanine: congressman doug collins, thanks for being with us tonight. up next, corey lewandowski.
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judge jeanine: pennsylvania secretary of state saying she'll not order a recount in her state. this as the trump campaign
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continues to fight there. trump campaign senior advisor corey lewandowski joins me now. how do you feel? you have covid? >> i feel good. i had a little bit of a headache. i just took a couple vie -- i just took a couple vitamins over-the-counter and i feel great. judge jeanine: today there was a huge rally in washington for the president. a lot of people with their trump signs, and we can see it on the screen there. and rallying for the president, i know the bikers are there. i just spoke to chris cox, bikers for trump. it was a pretty special day. what say you? >> the great part was president trump actually drove through that rally. he wanted to show everybody how thankful he was that they came
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out to support him. what the trump people come and rally what happens is the city will be cleaner than it was when they got there. they are cleaning up that filthy city. judge jeanine: let's talk about the fact i believe the day after the election you were dispatched to pennsylvania, i don't know if it was philly, pittsburgh where did you go and what did you see? >> i want with pam bondi where we attempted to enter the convention center to watch the counting of the ballots. that was going on at that time 24 hours a day with we were told we couldn't come in there. they had an armed guard who stopped us and uniformed police officers who threatened to arrest us if we came in. so we went to court. the commonwealth issued an order
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sea louing us to go inside the facility and stay within 6 feet of the activity. i presented it, i called the sheriff to enforce the order. he wouldn't even respond to our calls, and i presents that same order that the judge issued to the department superintendent of the police department in the city of philadelphia, and they said we have no enforcement mechanism. if you cross that line we'll put you in jail. never in my life have i had a judge's order in my hand and have the police threaten to arrest me. as a former police officer never would would i have had to somebody who had a valid judge's order say i am not going tone force that order. it's something that tells me, there was clearly some shenanigans going on. but they did everything possible to keep us away from the ballots
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that were counting. only once they stopped counting ballots on friday morning of next week did they say you are welcome to enter and see nothing going on. judge jeanine: that's an incredible statement. what is going on in philadelphia as it relates to pennsylvania and the lawsuit? i mean -- is there an affidavit? >> what we know is the courts ruled that the ballots coming in after 8:00 on election night after close of the polls have to be segregated out. this is the same statement samuel alito made at the supreme court. the room in which they are counting in philadelphia is a massive convention center. they had bike racks set up. the clos -- the closest we coul,
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60-80 yard away from where they were counting. i spoke with a mr. bluestein asking why he wasn't following the courts order. he said he would take it under advisement to see if he had to comply with it. what did they do? they turned around and appealed it to the state supreme court who overruled the commonwealth judge and stayed the order. they got their way, judge, but they disregarded the law. judge jeanine: thanks so much. we'll be right back.
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judge jeanine: finally i can't believe it, the holidays are almost here in my new book don't lie to me makes a perfect gift.
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just ordered on amazon tonight and by the way i want to thank you for your support and all that you do for me. i love you back. i'm jeanine pirro advocating for truth justice and t greg gutfeld is next. see you next saturday night. greg: no one has a right to tell you when you can't be angry and no one has a right to say you were crazy for being skeptical especially when you just four years patiently enduring the tantrums of sibling brats known as the media and democrats that you take seriously their daily public meltdown. their historical rate filled up by the gallon. remember?


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