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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  November 18, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PST

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sink the navy in 24 hours. >> great to see you. >> that does it for us. thanks for joining us. outnumbered starts right now. [ music playing ] >> harris: fox news alert today a short time ago the trump campaign announced it will file a petition for a partial rethe count in two wisconsin counties today. the campaign is claiming there were absentee ballots which were illegally altered and issues and government officials allowed the state's voter id laws to be circumvented. president trump and joe biden are separated by more than 20500 votes in wisconsin. let's check on georgia. the election audit there. more than 300 additional uncounted ballots have turned up. the ballots in fayette and walton counsel it's are added on to the 2600 uncounted ballots
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that were found in floyd county on monday. let's go to michigan. wayne county which includes detroit has reversed course. now certifying it's election results. that's after republican members of the canvassing board initially blocked it over concerns about discrepancies in an send tee ballots. trump campaign officials say it's about protecting the integrity of our elections look down in georgia, one recount going on right now. just one. there are others that may or may not happen. there's one going on. this is not about politics, this is not about campaigning, this is about the law and making sure we remain a nation under the rule of law, equal protection, the u.s. constitution, not a nation of mob rule or a nation of rulers. >> >> harris: president trump facing push back after firing top u.s. cyber security official
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chris krebbs days after he ejected the trump campaign's allegation of voter fraud. the president says his statement was highly inaccurate. this is outnumbered. i'm harris faulkner. fox business dagen mcdowell. emily compagno, and marie harf and in the center, virtual couch seat today pete hegseth, co. host of "fox & friends" weekend and host of the second annual patriot awards on fox nation this friday and hold it, check this out, he's the author of the new book, modern warriors, realtor ris from realtor ris. pete hegseth a real hero on outnumbered today. good to see you >> pete: thank you for having me. i'm psyched about the anticippa awards on sunday, we need realtor ris from real heroes >> harris: we'll talk about it
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and answer questions on it too. let's get right to what's going on with the recount. you answered -- are we hearing do you think pete a little bit of zoning in now away from the campaign goals of flipping an election to just getting this right? because the president, the campaign has to know georgia is right around the corner and those two senate seats are critical for republicans at this point >> pete: we might be. i think we're just continuing along where we more or less two weeks from the election. the trump campaign rightfully has said we need the time to make sure the legal vote is counted. i think the most recent things coming out of wisconsin, madison and milwaukee, illegally circumventing voter id laws and finding thousands of ballots in skworj george. this is precisely what the trump campaign said they were going to do. the we should recount where we need to. we have plenty of time to do this. for supporters of the president,
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they feel like it was four years of spying and boycotting and resisting and investigating and impeaching and sense storing. four years, we can wait four or five weeks to dig deeply to make sure the vote is properly counted. that's how you confirm trust from anybody on either side. any calls for this to stop i think are very premature and i'm good on the trump campaign to keep fighting. they're going to. you're not going to see a backing off of this. i think they feel they've gotten their nose under the tent in some of the places especially in heavily democrat counties where it doesn't smell right. i think we can have the patience to wait it out and see how these things turn out. >> harris: one thing that hits me is these things may go on all the time and we don't take a look at them as a nation. election officials are looking at it they get it right? did they finish the job? that sort of thing. now you have 79 million for one
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candidate at the time, and now north of 73 million for the other. i mean that's just such huge engagement by the american people. don't they deserve to know, for their own efforts that they got it right? every account. whether it flips the election or just shows us really what some of the warts are going forward? >> dagan: right. that goes to the -- some of the democrats who say move on, move on. what are you looking for? we had an unprecedented number of mail in or male in an send tee ballots during this election. the counts have been screwed up by human error. in fayette county for example there were votes that were never uploaded into the initial count. those ballots scanned on to a card but never uploaded. the official said there were several things to catch the
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issue but it falls to workers who did not follow procedure. the democrats who say you should care and if you don't care about these re counts and errors that are found then why don't you care? especially in a state like georgia, why would you assume that the errors would work in your favor during the runoff elections in january and not work against you? to quote the political science emeritus professor charles lipson who wrote the this in the wall street journal, the trump campaign has every right to litigate evidence of fraud, malfeasance or error. we should care about that evidence even if it doesn't change the outcome because it undermines the honest elections on which democracy depends. >> harris: emmy at this, i think everybody would get that, right. i'll get to marie about where democrats should be or maybe are or are not falling down on this issue. it is complicating when the
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president makes it about quote unquote we won the election all over his twitter feed or is it not? >> emily: i do think it confuses public perception of course and messaging. i think it's important to addre address those nuances. i think all of these things could be true. one could argue the system is working when we find discrepancies and identify these human errors, that means the system is working. we have to take it steps if you are search. i agree with pete and dagan in that public perception has clearly eroded from before the election to after. it is incumbent to make sure faith is restored in continuing these investigations. we need to know how and when the human error occurred or manner over or irregularities or fraud occurred so we can prevent them in the future. this trend toward not in person voting is here to stay for a little while.
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on the wisconsin situation, wisconsin voters, the election commission essentially received votes from all 72 counties yesterday and gave the trump campaign until 5:00 pm to file the petition for the recount which of course they did. that is separate from the lawsuits the campaign has filed in that state and others. to your global question i think the bottom line is that there's a robe all of these court cases need to play out. it doesn't matter whether the return or end game will in fact overturn those narrow margins, it's up again to restoring faith from voters that their votes indeed count and there's a process, if it hasn't been counted for remedying that fact. >> harris: marie, does president-elect joe biden need to stand up and thank nose 73 million people and acknowledge them across the political aisle from him? would that go a long way? i throughout something on president trump and the i throw
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this out on president-elect joe biden. we've heard a little bit of that but certainly not from the ranks of his people. to show them up, do you think that would go a long way i think what would speak best to nose 73 million supporters of president trump is donald trump himself not lying every day on twitter and not trying to agitate his supporters into then thinking he actually won, when he didn't. the trump campaign is one for 25 as of this morning in those lawsuits in court. these are not real legal challenges, these are political moves to show people, to show his supporters to try to convince him that somehow this was rigged when we've election officials across the county saying there is no evidence of widespread fraud, widespread problems. hillary clinton conceded the day after the 2016 election when donald trump was winning by much smaller margins than joe biden did some this year. there is something different between making sure that
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recounts where they are legal are done and there are no irregularities and no fraud. that is something we all care about. that is very different than the president of the united states saying he won, that it was rigged, and trying to convince people that somehow when joe biden becomes president in january because he will that for the next four years those 73 million people should not see him as a ledge mitt matt president. those are very different things. what donald trump is doing is incredibly dangerous to our democracy. >> harris: i want to wrap this up with pete hegseth who has the biggest smile on his face, sins it was my birthday i was smiling bigger. hillary clinton did concede. trey gowdy told me ran a lot of races when he was in congress that no one ever conceded but he still went on to do what he needed to do. hillary clinton then turned around and did exactly what we're seeing. she challenged in a bunch of
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courts >> pete: what advice did hillary clinton give to joe biden? do not concede under any circumstances. >> harris: yes. >> pete: do not concede. are we supposed to look past that and what was done to president trump and his supporters the last four years? we can use the title president-elect the if we want, i'm not using it. a lot of president trump supporters are not using it. there is no such thing. >> pete: you should have treated the president as legitimate for the last four years. we're going to wait for the certification of the vote until we give anybody a title so this is a back? >> harris: that's what we've always done. that's what we did with president-elect formally donald trump. but i get your is point. you need to go for coffee and i would like to be a fly on the wall for that, or just the rest of the show. governors across the country are
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imposing strict coronavirus strict measures, 30 days behind bars if you violate the restrictions. the impact of all of it, just ahead of thanksgiving. plus california governor good afternoon newsom in hot water when he was eating indoors despite everybody eating indoors, no masks, everybody social distancing. you see the picture now. how the governor is responding to allegations of hypocrisy. ♪
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>> harris: with coronavirus cases surging across america states are imposing new restrictions ahead of the thanksgiving holiday. in pennsylvania for example anyone wanting to visit that state will need to get tested
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for covid-19 hours before that. and that does not apply to commuters coming in for work or medical treatment. when it comes to indoor gathering, masks must be worn at all times when people from households even if they can socially distanced. in oregon indoor and outdoor gathering are limited to only six people from no more than two house holds. anyone violating the order could get up to $1,250 fines up to 30 days in jail. or both. the cash and the jail. but critics say the governor was never this harsh with protestors over the summer. ohio congressman jim jordan said if you want to riot and loot in portland, no sweat. emily? >> emily: this just kills me. there's a meme floating around
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you can have six people over at thanks thanks but 30 for a funeral? i will have a funeral for my pet turkey, refreshments will be provided. the hypocrisy and failure in a state like oregon is so apparent. that's an illegal consequence for this. small business owners saw their livly hoods and neighborhoods destroyed. police officers being docs did with zero legal consequences. here family gatherings there would be legal consequences with that. i feel sorry for any police officer tasked with enforcing that unenforceable 4th amendment right. >> dagan: i'll see emily's meme. it's the sheriff's department with a battering ram that said
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we know you bought a turkey that feeds 12 to 15. if i lived in oregon my words to that governor, come get me and my turkey and my guests. i dare you. >> harris: i always like to say don't come for me unless i the send for you. >> pete: i'll raise you on the meme think, i wasn't going to go there. the last supper, jesus thing, sorry but three of you are going to have to leave. i'm with dagan, people are going to meet. it's going to go underground. people are going to meet with their family members. weren't we supposed to wear masks if we couldn't social distance, now we have to wear masks while meeting with members of our own family on thanksgiving. it's absolute garbage. people will meet any way. these law enforcement officers are not going to enforce this. rules are so ridiculous they go out the window. people ignore them, as they should. >> harris: marie? well i mean it's not a joke,
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first of all. a bunch of people are dying every day in this country from coronavirus. the experts have learned more about the disease sins march. it is undeniable according to reprosecutor of that indoor gatherings are much more dangerous than outdoor gatherings. there is nothing magical. the reason that governors not just democrats but governors in states like ohio who is led by a republican are trying to put in place regulations it's because their people are not doing the right thing and too many of them are dying every single day. are all of these regulations perfect? no. of course not. but this is a situation where these governors are desperately looking for guidance from the federal government. they're not getting it. they are taking it into their own hands to try to figure out how to protect their own people. thanksgiving can look different this year, that's okay, it should. the biggest spread we know is actually happening in small
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group gatherings with people that you know because people think it's safe and it's not always given how prevalent the disease is today. this is really serious. >> dagan: god forbid we laugh at a meme on the internet. god forbid we have a chuckle about a meme on the internet it's fine but people aren't taking these restrictions seriously and people are dying every single day. it's not the time to joke. >> pete: people with individual choices, we know, we understand. we see the same data you do. we get to make choices, we're adults. we also know what the survival rate is 99.5% for most people. meme should be treated like adults to be able to make their own choices but their choices deal with other people >> harris: if you give me a chance to cover the show i'll come to you first on this one. i'm dying to know what you
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think. new fall out over governor gavin newsom attending an indoor dinner party in violation of those strict rules he put into place. fox 11 in los angeles obtained these photographs showing gavin newsom and his wife unmasked group eating shoulder to shoulder indoors, breaking all those rules that we were just talking about with marie. newsom now says he regrets attending that. i bet he regrets those pictures. this comes as the governor announced new rye instructions banning indoor dining and a state-wide curfew. a handle feel are state law makers are getting flack for traveling to a conference in hawaii at the same time california is urging hits sit sense to stay home. marie, your response? i think newsom was wrong here. he shouldn't have done it. i'm glad he's apologized.
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leaders need to practice what they preach whether democrats or republicans, i think he was wrong. >> harris: the shortest answer ever from marie harf. pete? >> pete: this is the same governor who on october 3rd, this is not about masks or having them on, he tweeted on october 3rd you need to keep your mask on, take a bite and then put your mask back on, meaning put your mask on in between bites of food. the things they're telling us are insulting. they know they're ridiculous. therefore they don't follow them in their own lives. the only reason he apologized is because he got caught. okay? the left wouldn't have standards if they didn't have double standards. in this case they feel like the unwashed mask of the hes isn'ts must comply but i can do what i want. >> harris: you know what? we wouldn't have facts about that hypocrisy so stern if there weren't cameras.
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nancy pelosi, getting that bob done. lorry light foot may or of chychrun getting her do done and then breaking the rules most recently. emily >> emily: that's right. an additional difficult thing to sit with is the caf vishness of those dinners, we have businesses shut erred permanently we saw gavin newsom enjoying a hundreds of dollars per plate meal, bottles of alcoh alcohol. hawaii meeting, is a series of meetings, hawaii was so stringent with preventing visitors, it seems like the rules don't apply to the california law makers or additional law makers. if i can respond to the one point that marie made from deaths, absolutely they are all horrifying, so too are all of
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the deaths from suicide that is rising and ancillary health issues that are being ignored during the pan pandemic. there are a ton of issues that deserve our attention, economics included. >> harris: i'm going to scoot to the commercial. democrats conditions coming into view as president-elect joe biden needs people to fill key posts in the incoming administration, whether this is a preview of a bruising democratic party battle. during the pan pandemic. a preview of a bruising
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>> harris: groups now slamming louisiana congressman cedric richmond who is set to join the incoming biden administration as a senior advisor. the left is criticizing his ties to the oil and gas industry. one of those groups the justice democrats saying quote if joe biden continues making corporate
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friendly appointments to the white house he will risk quickly fracturing the hard earned goodwill his team built with progressives to defeat donald trump. meantime a progressive group aligned with senator elisabeth warren handing over a list of 400 names that they recommend to fill positions in the biden administration. marie to you first. joe biden called himself a moderate. he collected tons of money from these industries. he out raised president trump five to one from the pharmaceutical business. the progressives didn't have ale candidate running for the presidency. what is their beef? [ laughter ] this is one of those moments when i realize really sort of how diverse by democratic party is. there are a lot of people that want a piece of biden administration. i think he will have a diverse administration when it comes to hires. he's only named a handful of
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folks. incredibly well respected by many, many people that they've worked with, starting with his chief of staff ron klain. progressives will get some folks in the administration. moderates will have a lot. at the end of the day joe biden is a moderate. i would expect cabinet and administration appointments, folks from across the democratic spectrum, maybe some republicans, we will see. >> dagan: pete i would argue the far left progressive movement, bernie sand dears or alexandria ocasio-cortez is the reason that the democrats failed to pick up seats in texas, ohio or florida that nancy pelosi has the thinnest majority in the house sins the turn of the last century. >> pete: i agree. but they also are the heart and soul of the modern democrat party the new leftist party. should joe biden become president-elect then this tension is going to continue. because he fancies himself this
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old school democrat reaching across the aisle. that's not where his party is. that's not what his base expects. it will be a party at war with itself ultimately. the soul is with the so-called squad and socialist wing of the party. they will make demands that are untenable. if joe biden were to try to be more moderate, i don't see it happening. >> dagan: campaign and outside groups for the biden campaign emily out raised trump four to one from securities firms to wall street, more than that, more than four to one from hedge funds and private equities. you get money from these industries they expect something in return. it's not bernie sanders and aoc >> emily: that's exactly right. so do as well those progressive far left groups that as we know expect something in return for the energy and heart that pete mentioned a moment ago. these groups operate in black and white. and especially for the far left progressive groups.
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if your views it don't align with them 100% you are seen as a kind of enemy. this is going to be the next four years. for the past few decades, that my way or the highway approach has crept into washington and that's partly why nothing has been accomplished and why it's so difficult to be appreciated. moving forward with that administration wants to get anything done they need to find out a way to have all of those parties votes on board. despite diversity >> dagan: i think the instrumenting ming covid will keep a lot of the agenda on the sidelines. it's hard to raise taxes when the entire country is struggling. coordinating efforts to sensor content on line. how law makers are putting pressure on the ceos of facebook, twitter and google you're the robber baron. mr. chairman what we have here is clear evidence of coordination between twitter, google and facebook.
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>> these are the most powerful corporations in history. and here they are coordinating about how they're gonna stop us from speaking, coordinating about who they're going to ban, coordinating about what phrases will be allowed to trend and whatnot. we basically caught them red handed. >> harris: that is republican senator from missouri josh hawley. he questioned facebook ceo mark zuckerberg yesterday after a former facebook employee approached his office claiming the company coordinates with twitter and google on moderating certain content. zuckerberg said he was not aware of any specific efforts to communicate with other tech companies, and added this i'm not aware of any particular conversation. but i would expect that some level of communication probably happened. but there's a difference from
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coordinating what our policies are or our responses in specific instances. >> harris: that former facebook employee also claimed the company uses a platform called centra to track its users even when they are not actually on facebook. facebook says they use centra to help identify coordinated and authentic behavior on the site. dagan this is in your lane. you look at this a lot. i thought it was interesting when i was watching. zuckerberg wasn't quite sure if they were using that or not. he wanted to look into it and let the senators know on that committee at other time in fact facebook is using it. i'm curious why that became a significant point? >> dagan: the issue of centra is very significant. as josh hawley pointed out based on the whistle blower complaint, different profiles that a user visits, their message recipients, monitors users
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accounts even if they're registered under a different name. they're useing this to track people across the internet. facebook says it's uses centra to centralize and aid investigations into complex subjects such as in authentic behavior. we don't know. we have no idea if that's all that base book is doing with this centra program. white frankly these very smart very rich men like to play dumb in front of congress so they don't get into trouble. again it is illegal to lie to congress. so they like to get up there and play stupid. quite frankly the most disturbing thing is i don't believe that any of those members of congress in the house or senate fully understand what these large technology companies are up to or the power that they we would over the entire, not just u.s. but world population. >> harris: as my dad says often the big tech guys sit on top of the world when it comes to
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communications. pete what is your take on all of it? >> pete: of course they track. of course they communicate and coordinate. of course it always takes them down on one side. this is overwhelming at this point p everyone has a personal anecdote. i've been on twitter for nine years. i've been on parler for nine days and i have more followers on parler than facebook because suppression is very real. when you throttle it back and ramp it up for others you get the outcomes you did. look what they did with the hunter biden story, the new york post, coordinated across entities to suppress information that had far more validity than any of the russia nonsense we dealt with for four years. they know it. their news rooms and tech rooms are full of leftists. they're gonna forget a lot. just like hillary clinton did and others did on the stand because they don't want to
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perjure themselves. emmy at this i want to hear from you. >> emily: remember the uproar over facial recognition technology being used. if news broke that a law enforcement or intelligence agency was tracking your activity beyond an initial schoop the uproar would be deafening. these media beefs keep getting passes. the current law does not account for their identification and responsibilities. and trying to cram things into section 230 or antitrust law alone will not cut it. >> harris: we're going to scoot. marie we'll hit you next time. the media's treatment of joe biden coming under fire as some critics say he's getting the kid glove treatment, little soft balls on the field compared to how they treat president trump. why a gop senator says this is undermining democracy after january 20th he just goes back to being another crack pot on the internet.
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will we see this president dragged out on the white house the lawn like ate 19680's episode of cops? literally people are concerned that he won't go. of cops? literally people are concerned that he won't go. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, ...little things... ...can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur.
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>> you would have to be a special kind of stupid not to see the disparate treatment
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between mr. biden and mr. trump. i think the toughest question that mr. biden has been asked is does he support children and prosperity? and probably the second toughest question is does he like ponies? and this is very dangerous for our democracy. >> harris: there is also that one about what flavor ice cream he likes. republican the senator john kennedy calling out the media for what he sees as its doed listening of joe biden compared to how they go after president trump. media critics noted reporters lobbing softball questions to the president-elect for a second week in a row what do you see as the biggest threat to your transition right now given president trump's unprecedented attempt to obstruct and delay a smooth transfer of power it doesn't appear the president is going to come around any time soon and admit defeat. what are you going to do?
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what options do you have to try to ensure you are ready to go on day one? i want to get your thoughts on the president's tweet. how did you interpret that? at the end of the day do you want him to concede? what is your message to republicans who are backing up the president of the united states refusal to concede what is would you urge people to reconsider their plans to get together with their families on thanksgiving >> harris: will president-elect are you going to honor the abraham at cords with israel, the ground breaking normally vision of countries with the third, fourth and fifth nations under this current presidency. mr. president-elect are you going to pull anybody off the current task force to coronavirus on to your advice ri board? there are so many questions they could be asking that are pertinent all of those questions that they asked were pertinent. whether or not there will be a peaceful transition of power in this country when we have a president in unprecedented
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fashion trying to undermine that is actually a pretty the pertinent request he for the president-elect. donald trump hasn't given an interview or taken questions from reporters sins the election. he almost always gives interviews to friendlier reporters, friendlier news outlets. i think those were all totally fair questions for joe biden. he will get more difficult ones or different ones as the days and weeks start coming ahead of us. look the white house the hasn't done a press briefing in months f we're talking about transparency and how the media treats people it's like the republican the third rail to feel like there's a grievance in the media. it's just not there. it's not >> harris: i'm glad you said some or most or whatever you said. there are some of us who have asked the president current questions that were tough questions to ask. he's given reporters unfettered access to him, almost on a daily basis. i hear you on the recent. we've the only heard from him in
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a news conference and address. we'll see going forward. we've had so many access. your favorite flavor of ice cream, pete i'm not hallucinateing when i say it has been really tough for reporters who have tough questions to catch up with joe biden. >> pete: of course. you know, mr. biden would you tear down the wall? mr. biden how are you going to pay no what you do without gutting the military that's fine mill been rebuilt. all of the questions that should have been asked during the campaign but of course he hid. and should it be a president biden, should it be certified the press is going to take a nap for four years. they're going to do even more than that. they're going to do what they can to prop up the weekend at bernie's president. the press has always been bias, left wing bias, what it turned into under the trump administration was sheer agenda to undermine him, help his opponents, that is laid bare before us. you cannot deny it.
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there's no way you can deny the difference in questioning, difference in attitude and tone, people see that. that's why there is so much mistrust in the so-called mainstream media which is not mainstream at all, it's totally left wing. >> harris: fox news won't be taking a nap. dagan? >> dagan: i've watched some of the questioning marie and it's embarrassing, of joe biden. it's practically, do you need a hot towel? you look like you really need maybe some checks mix. are you hungry? they're going to function as joe biden's otto man to prop his feet on for the next four years. i think that's very clear. i swear they get a little misty i'd. i saw one reporter who looked misty i'd when that reporter was asking questions. come on. give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe if they can get away from asking trump questions like why are you angrier at
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trump maybe they will do their job. >> harris: our own pete hegseth get ready to shine like you always do. he has a brand new book out. very soon. honoring some of our nation's most dedicated servants, modern warriors, real stories from real heroes. outnumbered is back in a moment. veterans, record low mortgage rates have now fallen even lower. by refinancing at newday you can save $3000 a year every year. with their va streamline refi, there is no income verification no appraisal, no out of pocket costs and no va paperwork for you. you can start the process right over the phone. refi now and cut $3000 a year off your mortgage payments. loans can close in as little as 30 days.
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healthcare benefits; including coverage for prescription drugs, dental care, eye exams and glasses, hearing aids and more. a licensed humana sales agent will walk you through your options, answer any questions you have and, if you're eligible, help you enroll over the phone. call today and we'll also send this free guide. humana, a more human way to healthcare. >> dagan: that's a preview of pete hegseth's new book modern warriors, real stories from real heroes. pete freedom is not free. that's what the book is about.
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>> pete: amen. on shows like this we go over stories, sometimes we the get three and-a-half minutes on something consequential and deep. i felt like we could go deeper. we did the series called modern warriors which is hublgly successful. navy seals, green berets, around the table beer in their hand telling stories, there's a lot more to the human story and the sacrifice. you can almost hear.bullets flying by. they're on the chopper on the way to a mission taking you behind the scenes of how they manage all of that and how they transition back home as well. the book modern warriors takes 15 stories, we sat down and interviewed them. identified common themes. there's a picture section for our non-readers who enjoy the pictures, people like me. you can get it anywhere books
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are sold. you can get it at fox nation if you subscribe for one, two or three years, go to fox news bac back/books. i think our viewers are going to love this. these are real american heroes who bare their soul. this is not a pc book. it's very raw. it's very real. i think folks are going to love it. >> dagan: this friday you're hosting the second annual fox nation anticipate right on the awards honoring veterans, first re responders, streams live 8:00 eastern time friday november 20th. it's incredibly important for all of us to remember these individuals. >> pete: absolutely. we're forced to watch all these award shows where self important actors give awards to other self important actors and they preach to us about whatever is the current ideological issue of the day. they're all actors who play real
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heroes. these are real heroes who never expected to be recognized, never expected to get an award. did what they did because they love our country, flag, police, military, community and they did it in big ways or small. you have the most valuable patriot. unsung hero. young anticipate 2patriotic awa. tons of people at fox are giving away the awards. yes we can't be in person, but it's going to be ale huge event. it's on fox nation, 8:00 this friday. get it on fox nation a shorter version is going to run on the channel on sunday night as well as fox business. if you're looking for something to uplift you, you will be proud, you will cry, fox nation does it right. >> dagan: this is what i get misty about. pete i can't wait for that. thanks to marie and emily this day. a shout out to the gene smith. he is a patriot through and
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through, he flu helicopters in vietnam. thank you for your service, sir. thanks to everybody. right now it's all about harris faulkner. >> harris: thank you dagan. president trump's team is stepping up accusations of election fraud in wisconsin. you're watching outnumbered overtime. i'm harris faulkner. the trump campaign says it will file a petition for a recount in two wisconsin counties alleging illegal absentee ballots and voter id's were circumvented. joe biden leads bide 20 thousand votes in wisconsin. georgia now, more than 3000 additional uncounted ballots have turned up in the recount there. a state official says proper procedures were not followed. the trump campaign is alleging a pattern of problems in these key battle ground states there were three groups of ballots that were uncounted found in georgia


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