tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News November 18, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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are going to have an opportunity to get your mail-in ballot early. we, as a country, will get on our hands and knees and beg, you can help save the country. all eyes on georgia. set your dvr never missed an episode. let not your heart be troubled because butterball turkey fryer laura ingraham is next. >> laura: is that all we're ever going to talk about? if you look we have to expand -- >> sean: saw the video. >> laura: we have to expand our repertoire of jokes between us. >> sean: no, it is not a joke. i watched the video on twitter. >> laura: i'm going to do it. i have it all planned out. >> sean: okay. >> laura: i have the apron, i have everything ready. >> sean: [laughs] it's going to be tucker, hannity, and ingraham. >> laura: it will be the ingraham apron that i've promote on the show.
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absolutely. hannity, awesome show tonight. i'll see you tomorrow. i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. from the folly of lockdowns to masks to t cell immunity. this show has been out in front of all others in separating fact from fiction. since last spring. and tonight, we bring you new developments on all of those issues that further validates our commentary. plus, leftist leaders from coast-to-coast are finding inventive new ways to destroy any holiday traditions, and raymond arroyo brings us an update in "seen and unseen." book first, the tempting of aoc. that is the focus of tonight's "angle." now, shortly after she stunned house democrats by beating longtime incumbent queens congressman joe crowley two years ago, alexandria ocasio-cortez was being written off by many republicans as just a flash in the pan.
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just a far left progressive who caught an old establishment democrat off guard. but i saw things differently. i think it's a mistake for conservatives not to take her seriously, to brush her off as a flash in the pan or an upstart. she is as close to a thought leader the democratic party has today, and she has a massive social media following. she has both charismatic and she's committed to transforming both our economic system and our culture. and while her candidate, bernie sanders, didn't win the 2020 nomination, alexandria ocasio-cortez has had enormous influence on her party. as a freshman democrat, her coalition helped pull joe biden and her colleagues to the left on key issues, such as the green new deal, health care, and impeachment. democrats will do almost anything, i'll be at grudgingly, to avoid being primaried by her or one of her choices.
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she presented herself as a strong voice for working-class americans, and a strong critic of multinational corporations. >> i'm proud to be a bartender. ain't nothing wrong with that. there's nothing wrong with working retail, folding clothes for other people to buy. there is nothing wrong with being a working person in the united states of america. and there is everything dignified about it. speak of the democratic party is supposed to be the champion of the working class. >> laura: i agree. but with joe biden waiting in the wings poised to announce major changes to u.s. trade and foreign policy, aoc faces some difficult choices. how can she, who has always claimed to be a cruciate or for the working class, you just heard it, support policies favored by corporate interests, wall street, the billionaires of silicon valley.
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>> we cannot go back to a world where the rich are put first and working people are put last in washington, day in and day out. >> laura: well, given what biden's team is already telling us, that's exactly where we are going, backward to the days where the rich get their way in the working class get shafted. now remember, before the pandemic, blue-collar workers, middle income, and entry-level workers were all seeing real wage games. average median household income rose more than $6,000 after decades of wage stagnation. a focus by president trump on the american worker, protecting american manufacturing, and holding china and other trade sheets accountable, that helped him grow his support among working-class americans, including more latinos, black men, and asian-americans. now, most people do not have to
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like his tweets to love his results. >> the economy [indistinct] to succeed come under president trump, they got to the lowest ever reported in u.s. history. >> laura: but all of the gains our workers made are about to be wiped out if biden's new globalist cobol has its way. they are sharpening their knives to cut wages and shipped jobs offshore. this raises a question: will aoc and the squad stand mute while american workers are crushed under this agenda? or will they work with american populace to resist antiworker policies. here are a few examples of where she could work with republicans to block corporatist dems. number one, the trans-pacific partnership. biden's handlers want him to
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jump back into this trade agreement that trumped next. well, trump was right, it is a job killer. for the pandemic, we had the strongest economy in the g7 and record low unemployment. and we still do. the last thing we need is a job killing trade deal. no matter what biden's gurus claims, learning lives of workig people here will not give more influence in asia. if you are a democrat and you somehow think the tpp was a missed trump opportunity, recall what hillary clinton said about it in 2016. >> i will stop any trade deal that kills jobs or holds down wages, including the trans-pacific partnership. >> laura: hillary knew that working-class voters didn't want this deal because they knew it would mean lower wages for them and fewer jobs at home. there is a great chance for aoc here, and she should take it -- by the way, national review is
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also for the tpp, that should give her some thought. number two, enforce the usmca. aoc voted against it, which was an unfortunate mistake because of climate issues, because she could still insist the labor provisions come at the very least, are honored. so we force more auto production here in the united states, good for american workers. and number three, continue to weaken the world trade organization. ocasio-cortez could insist u.s. trade policy be made here, by americans and for americans. after all, she is a member of congress, so why would she want to give away congressional power over trade? she should end. and number four, aoc could insist the next u.s. trade rep be a populist, not a corporatist. heck, i know this seems bizarre, or it's never going to happen, but she might even consider inviting trump's ustr investor robert lighthizer to lunch. he's brilliant. he knows all of the tricks of
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multinational corporations, and i think they'd actually both enjoy the exchange, no harm. and number five, she could work to accelerate efforts to decouple from china both economically and politically. her caucus members to support human rights, and china is among the worst offenders in the wor world. why should our free economy be open to their worker abusing company? and finally, number six, she could form a coalition with key conservatives and some democrats to urge that we bring our troops home, finally, from the middle east. if progressives are truly antiwar, then they must not be silent, as a bipartisan establishment urging that we still send troops overseas and stop troop withdrawal. all six of these steps would be popular with congresswoman ocasio-cortez's supporters on the left. she doubts that come all she has to do is talk to unions like the
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steelworkers and the uaw, or young millennials. whether they think we should still be sending troops to kandahar. i know what many of you are thinking, though. come on, laura, this is all a pipe dream. but i'm not sure. aoc has already shown a willingness on some issues to work with conservatives. she and ted cruz signed a letter -- they kind of snipe on twitter sometimes, but they signed a letter criticizing apple for removing a pro hong kong app. also slammed the nba for putting in profits from china over free speech rights. they also want to work together to reign in lobbyists. bullock who biden -- look who is on biden's transition team. according to "the wall street journal," at least 40 people on president bidepresident-elect bm were lobbyists. the establishment usually wins because the establishment has
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enough money to buy off candidates with celebrity status. donald trump did not get the magazine covers, neither did the first lady, despite her grace and beauty, because neither agreed to play ball. most people aren't strong enough to resist the temptation. but this is an old tactic by the elite. remember back in 1998? hillary got glamour shots in "vogue." and then, she was in vogue in 2007. susan rice got her shot in 2013. it's always the same. play ball on the economic issues, don't interfere with globalization, or maybe even help out with outsourcing, and we'll make you a star. we'll give you the cultural power to beat up on conservatives, but when it comes to money in foreign policy, we expect you to go along with the global elites. so, hillary and huma and susan,
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they all probably thought they were helping the working people, too, but in the end, the rich got richer and china got stronger. in the working people? well, they turned to donald trump. so, it's going to be interesting to see aoc's next move. in the last few months, the establishment has shown her the carrot -- the cover of "vanity fair," of course. emma sticks, leaks about how aoc is hurting the democrat party. so if she goes along on the china and trade issue and helps tech burros get richer, she will have a one-way ticket with the in crowd. and if she leaves politics, they'll make her an instant multimillionaire. but if she stands up to the establishment on china and if she fights against the tpp, if she tries to end foolish wars, well, then she'll get very different treatment. well, the choice is hers, and shall have to make it soon. by working for populists, she could really help working people. and for many folks, that's even
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better than being on the cover of "vogue" or "vanity fair." and that's the "angle" peer joining me now haus minority whip steve scalise and florida congressman michael waltz. congressman wallace, you say if congresswoman ocasio-cortez is serious about what she claims to stand for, the working people, there are in fact a number of issues that comport with america first. explain. >> well, you listed a lot of them, laura. i will work with anyone who will bring american manufacturing jobs back to the united states that fled in the '90s and the 2000s, letting china enter the wto, giving them these unfair trade deals. not only bring them back to the united states, but reduce our dependency on china. we've seen now in the wake of covid that they will withhold ppe, withhold our pharmaceuticals, withhold raw materials, they'll withhold all kinds of things to play this
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geopolitical game, and it aoc is serious, not only will we bring them back to the united states, let's bring opportunity zones, underserved, poor, minority aret up manufacturing. a big priority, obviously her and progressives, the green new deal. well, guess what is critical to their utopian vision of the green new deal -- i don't agree with all of it -- but battery storage is critical. who controls 90% of the world's battery production on the raw materials? china does. for a lot of their vision that progressives want to see move forward, we can't have the dependency on china, and we can't have the human rights abuses that come along with that, the labor abuses that come along with it, stripmining our oceans, dumping plastic -- from environmental to human rights to manufacturing back at home, there are all kinds of things that we can and should be working on.
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>> laura: i sense congressman scalise may not be so optimist optimistic. congressman, we are entering the holiday season. i'm seeing promise everywhere. we can't look at the glass half empty, but there are issues here, are there not, where there is a logical connection between the progressives and the populist america first conservatives? >> there really are, laura. first of all, i will be having thanksgiving with my family -- >> laura: how dare you! >> i hope everyone enjoys thanksgiving with their famili families. only liberal elites want to eat with their friends and family but tell you not to. let's talk about a different form of hypocrisy. first of all, the items you laid out are very important, but let me add one to the left. aoc should work with us on opposing america's reentry into the paris accords. think about this, laura called and the chinese communist party could not have drawn up a better plan to destroy the economies of europe and america than the paris accord. first of all, there is not one
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country in europe in compliance, and the exempt china until 2030. china literally gets to wreck economies in the united states and europe, take those jobs, and by the way, if you are concerned about carbon emissions, china emits five times more carbon for making the same stuff we make in america because we actually have good environmental standards. plus, what the paris accord would do would be to increase the cost of electricity for household families in america -- which, by the way, his lowest income people the hardest. it would destroy manufacturing jobs, which are those blue-collar jobs you talked about. so she should join us in standing up for workers, standing up for low-cost energy, and opposing the paris accords. >> laura: i think the climate change might be a higher hurdle to clear, but that point is well taken, congressman scalise. and congressman wallace, last night, we told viewers about bloomberg's globalist conclave happening now called the new economy forum. this is what he hopes it will accomplish.
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>> the next few days are centered around some of the biggest challenges and opportunities we face. will also discuss how to strengthen the global trade at a time when it has been undermined by nationalism and protectionism. business leaders can help to strengthen and rebuild international ties that have been frayed over the last four years, including between the east and the west. >> laura: and the ipos that they want in china, and the business they want and china did i love how they wrap it in this gauzy, you know, internationalism -- as if it's not in the end about ipos, m and a work -- >> on wall street making billions on, that the chinese feel and steal their way to the top, often through a lot of these deals coming out of bloomberg's wall street. laura, i just want to hit one other point. you made a great point in that.
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if aoc and the progressives take the stand for the american worker, china is going to push back hard, and they are going to do it through hollywood, they are going to do it through, you know, celebrity athletes, and they are going to it through the professors at other ivy league schools, that are also basically spying for china and double dipping through the talents program. they are going to have to stay strong and really figure out what their true values are, because all of their favorites, hollywood and academia and athletic stars, nba and others, are going to push back very hard. big money. that's going to be very tempting. >> laura: congressman scalise, really quickly, do you not agree, at this moment, that the working class of voter is the natural republican party voter at this point, given where they are lining toward china, more outsourcing, more global concerns, versus american concerns? >> they truly are, and you can
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see that in so many of the swing states that we won. so many of the swing house districts where president trump really did help us flip so many of the seats that we won in congress, because president trump stood up for those hardworking men and women who washington left behind to. members of congress and presidents from both parties were not looking out for those folks. president trump was bringing those jobs back. president trump, by the way, stood up to the bullies, and the bullies are still around. china is still there, rush is still there, iran is still there, and joe biden were to literally hand over the keys to the store again like he did in the white house last time, it was joe biden and barack obama and the nuclear weapon -- that is not the route blue-collar workers want to see. >> laura: no. i think there is a progressive-populist coalition that could be in the offing. i'm going to hold out hope. congressmen, great to see you both on this very interesting topic tonight. plus, political realignment of the working class against democrat corporatists is underway, and in a few places,
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no more obvious than minnesota's iron range. president trump won over the hardworking people of that region with his america first agenda, but now he is winning over their elected officials. today, tom bakke and david thomas tony, two prominent state senators, split from the democrat party. this is by no means a small thing. the dems minority leader until earlier this year. the former dem split will help bolster the g.o.p. majority they need to get things done in that state, much to the delight of my next guest, minnesota state senate majority leader pollock as echo joins me now. paul, the defectors are going to get committee chairs from the g.o.p. majority, officially called independents now, but why does this matter and wh what shd the rest of the country take from it? >> they need to know the blue-collar workers, the blue-collar senators that represent them, are coming our way.
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just in the last year, the state democratic party decided to have a ban on copper nickel mining in minnesota, on the iron range, that is the second largest deposit in the whole world. prior to that, they wanted to stop replacement of a pipeline, wrapping a 50-year-old pipe in a brand-new one. they keep stopping all of the things that the blue-collar workers want up there. first we have democrat mayors that stood up for president trump. now have two prominent democrat leaders that have gone independent and are aligning with republicans, and it does show that we are making a difference for minnesota and across the country for blue-collar workers. >> laura: yeah, i'm still stunned, congressman, that the minnesota voters went for biden. i actually come after the riots, after the leveling of all those buildings on east lake street, after the incompetence of the liberal response, initially, the
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burning of the police precinct, i'm just cannot believe minnesoa would vote for joe biden. i frankly am stunned. and i don't know what you think about that, but i really held out hope that minnesota would, frankly, get it right. >> yeah, i honestly thought that we would win. nixon was the last one to win in minnesota. i do think there is something called minnesota nice, or passive-aggressive, one of the two, but at the same time, we kept the republican majority in our state senate, that's the first time ever that we won back-to-back majorities, so i was hopeful of the police officers association now endorses more republicans and democrats, many of the blue-collar unions endorse more republicans than democrats. it's shifting. i sure wish trump would have won minnesota. i think he deserved to win for all of the good things he's done for minnesota. >> laura: all right, paul, thank you so much for the update on the important state
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defections. we have to keep our eye on all levels of government, state, local, and federal. remember all of the media hysteria about covid immunity only lasting a couple of months. if you got it, only good -- some people said weeks. that's why they said we needed to hand over billions to big pharma for vaccines. now it looks like those dire predictions were wrong and be "angle" was once again proven right. we are going to explain it all, next. you too! so really, how are you? oh well, look! that's what we're both taking right now, fanapt. you know it's really been helping me manage my schizophrenia. i used to hear these terrible voices. loser! you're such a failure. you're so embarrassing. i used to feel like everyone was staring at me. but we're doing much better now, right? yeah. fanapt is approved for the
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treatment of schizophrenia in adults. in clinical trials, fanapt significantly improved symptoms of schizophrenia compared to placebo. fanapt may change your heart rhythm which could elevate risk of sudden death. your doctor will consider this when deciding among treatments and may prescribe another medication first or may instruct you to take a smaller dosage of fanapt. the good thing to know, is we're not alone. call 8557 fanapt
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♪ >> laura: we have an important update out of kentucky tonight on the status of the increasingly endangered species known as the moderate democrat. we thought governor andy beshear may have been one of these rare creatures until today. kentucky is basically going into lockdown mode under his orders. >> today, we are announcing significant but surgical and targeted steps designed to slow the virus. the steps range from 3-6 weeks in duration is, private indoor gatherings limited to your current household plus one other household, not to exceed a total of eight people. >> laura: the 2019 kentucky
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governors race was close, with beshear winning by just five votes. a lot of folks would have country and a kentucky would have more freedo. democrat andy beshear, whose father was a term governo governor -- but now kentuckians are learning there is no such thing as a moderate democrat. they all follow the same flavor. now, four months, "the ingraham angle" has been head of the curve when it comes to covid a potential mitigation efforts that have followed. from the split science on masks to the damaging effects of lockdowns on this virus, we have challenge the contentions, and time and again we have been proven right. that includes highlighting that the immunity to covid doesn't hinge on antibodies alone. but that other cells, known as the killer t cells, also played
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a key role. for questioning the consensus, we were tarred and feathered, essentially, by the media medical cartel, but once again, how independent thinking has been vindicated. "the new york times" reporting on a new study that found, eight months after infection, most people who have recovered still have enough immune cells to fend off the virus and prevent illness. in these cells, including t cells, may persist in the body for a very, very long time to come. joining me now is dr. william gray, oncologist and hematologist, and alex berenson, former "new york times" reporter. dr. dre, this has been obvious for months, so why did it take the media and the medical establishment so long to catch up? >> there may have been political motives for that, but basically of the two components, the chemical part, the antibody, and
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the cellular immune system, extremely important, they not only kill the cells but store memory cells when challenged with the same infection, they know how to fight the infection and do it more efficiently than the first time around. the good news, laura, is the new vaccines produce a greater immunity than the natural infection themselves, so there's a lot of great news here. >> laura: and alex, on this issue of masks and "the new york times" reporting on that danish study that was considered to be so controversial, people didn't even want to talk about it, what should we take away from this? >> what we should take away, masks are basically useless as a protective measure. there wasn't much doubt about that before, a very good meta-analysis done several months ago from the cdc journal that suggested that, but this study was randomized come have
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several thousand people, and essentially show that wearing masks did not protect the wearer at all -- from the coronavirus, not the flu. this was done this spring in denmark, and it was done with the coronavirus, a very, very well-run study. frankly, if a drug company had a drug in trials that had this trial result, they would discontinue the drug. there is no evidence that masks protect the wearer. we can discuss source, my mask protects you, there is not good evidence for that, but that is much harder to test in a randomized trial, but the cdc said last week, masks may protect the wearer, and they should just stop saying that, there is no evidence -- >> laura: dr. gray, this is wild. you can't go anywhere in the united states without people in masks. you don't know how long they have been wearing them, supposed to be disposable and they have been wearing them for a week, but this is mask mandates on steroids now come everywhere.
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>> i agree with alex, the problem here is there's a big difference between masks, you know, in the hospital we were an because we are in an environment where the virus is active and concentrated, but when you get out into the public, people where neckwear and fashionable masks, and these have been shown to be less than 1/100th effective as the n95 masks. the n95 masks are not something you can wear all day, awful that you have to wear, but you put up with it because of the risks, what you see, the factional fase things they were, not effective. >> laura: the twitter trolls tweeting saying it only protects for others, not for you, so if the virus can get to you -- >> there is not any evidence of that. why would you think this works
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one way and not the other. there is a lot of complicated stuff here, but the fact is, the doctor is right, n95s, they are completely different species, and you can demonstrate that 100 different ways, but cloth masks or even surgical masks that the cdc recommends, visit danish study puts in end -- >> laura: we had the marine quarantine survey, as well, that show marines who were in the clearest lockdowns, they still got it, with masks and social distancing. to me, that was even more devastating. >> that's right. >> laura: let me get into what de blasio is saying about schools, this was today, he announced schools in new york would be closing. watch. >> we do need to close our schools for the coming days. we set a very clear standard, and we need to stick to that standard. team has been talking throughout
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the morning on exactly what it would take to come back and bring our schools back quickly, and would be a higher standard. i want that to be clear. we have a stringent health and safety standard, we are going to have to raise that of even higher to be able to bring our schools back. >> laura: dr. grace, there is no science here. this is just a wrecking ball to our young people. i am so outraged by this, the testing of the kids, the positivity rate was like .23% as of monday. this is insanity. >> and it's also interfering with herd immunity, which is very important to the successful conquering of this virus had a return to normal. >> laura: alex come on schools, you've been been such an outspoken critic of these exposures. final thoughts? >> it's disgusting. it is punishing children for a virus they are effectively had no risk from. i'm not sure why we are doing this except to placate teachers unions, and many jurisdictions now are talking about no school
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through at least april, okay, in some places are saying don't expect school until fall of 2021. already, you can see -- i mean, it is wrong. >> laura: its child abuse. i mean, it is child abuse, and people voted for this. this is what i don't understand. parents come if you voted for the democrats, this is what you voted for. this is absolute insanity. gentlemen -- i don't want to grandstand over you -- thank you so much. holidays for me but not for the? blue states from coast-to-coast working to destroy your holiday traditions off-loading their own rules. raymond arroyo explains in all in "seen and unseen" next. - when i noticed my sister moving differently,
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♪ >> laura: it's time for our "seen and unseen" segment, we re-examine the stories headlines. we turn to raymond arroyo, author of the new book "the spider who saved christmas." raymond, more holiday traditions being killed off by leaders, even in your beloved new orleans. >> i would love to invite you back to mardi gras this year, but it is mostly canceled. the mayor says on her website, parades of any kind will not be permitted this year because gatherings have proved to be super-spreader events. laura, the spread last year was mostly at bars, and areas where people were packed together and yelling and fading over long
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periods of time. when people come out to see parades, they are usually standing with their families outdoors, and if they are masked and socially distant, surely there is a creative way to deal with this, but the mayor is trying to have it both ways. >> the mardi gras decision? >> what do you mean? i don't understand. >> the website said there would be no permits for mardi gras 2021. >> alternatives to celebrating mardi gras are due in by december 5th coming under the current guidelines that are in place. >> yeah, the alternative is just sit at home for mardi gras, that is her alternative. >> laura: alternative? >> i spoke to a number of leaders today, the mayor asked them to submit ideas to safely parade by december 5th. remember, this is the beginning of lent for new orleanians and people who come to visit. she sandbagged them with his november 17th decision. she may say carnival is not canceled, but like halloween,
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without trick-or-treating, it's over. it is. and that is a tragedy. >> laura: first of all, we don't know if social distancing and masks work after that "new york times" story about the danish controlled study on mas masks, and we don't know really what works, but we do know people need to have their traditions and there must be -- >> i agree. but they want to silence us, laura, they want to keep us apart, and i don't like that, we need to come together as communities and family. as a symbol of this holiday season, at least in new york city, the rockefeller center tree was erected this week. it was not a pretty picture. this is like the charlie brown christmas tree fully grown, laura. what a sad, broken down, sloppy looking mess this thing is. but it is the perfect image. it really does capture christmas in new york this year, sadly. >> laura: well, that is a depressing sight.
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raymond, speaking of rather sad and broken down masses, well, barack obama is making the rounds for his new book while tamping down expectations for his old pal joe. >> a new president and set a new tone. that's not going to solve all the gridlock in washington. it has now become a contest where issues, facts, policies, per se, don't matter. as much as identity and wanting to beat the other guy. >> laura: my god, took forever to say anything. >> we edited that. just a few days ago, biden was promising to be the great healer, the unifier, now he is apparently just a new tone. here he was today at an economic event, and if he isn't entirely coherent or promising change, at least there is. >> there is hope on the way, not
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because of me, i'm not like "hope is on the way," but there is a realization coming up on everyone, i promise you, i will be using th defense authorizatin act, the bully pulpit. >> laura: what was that? >> i listened to this press conference, it was like a medley of his old stump speeches all thrown in a bag and shaken. yeah, hope is coming from hope is coming. none of it made any sense. it was very peculiar. laura, even as losses are being filed by the president's team, t pressure on president trump to concede and move on. former first lady michelle obama is becoming upset. >> laura: she said this on instagram. "the presidency doesn't belong
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to anyone person. donald trump spread racist lies that put my family in danger, that wasn't something i was ready to forgive but i knew that for the sake of our country had to find the strength and maturity to put my anger aside." thank goodness michelle was kind enough to relinquish the presidency -- first lady -- would be good of the country. she dismisses any election irregularities as baseless conspiracy theories. that is not surprising. >> they are not baseless, though. look, whether the president can gain in the recount, we have seen movement in georgia, in the ballot audit, and election audit today found more than 5,600 additional ballots across three counties, and it is shrinking biden's lead over trump in the state. not enough to change the outcome, but every legal vote must be counted, henry need to see, where are these ballots
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hiding? what hasn't been counted? americans deserve that accounting, and that is what i think the president is after. >> laura: rush limbaugh had a great show today when he went through all of these affidavits from people who have been working in ballot counting for 20 years, who cited really disturbing things they'd seen, and just dismissing it because you are michelle obama, and i guess you can, doesn't make it go away. raymond, thank you so much. and what would a trump a trump 4 campaign look at how good with his chances be? marti's and has a laid out a step-by-step plan and he is here to explain it all next. so really, how are you? oh well, look! that's what we're both taking right now, fanapt. you know it's really been helping me manage my schizophrenia. i used to hear these terrible voices. loser! you're such a failure. you're so embarrassing. i used to feel like everyone was staring at me.
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but we're doing much better now, right? yeah. fanapt is approved for the treatment of schizophrenia in adults. in clinical trials, fanapt significantly improved symptoms of schizophrenia compared to placebo. fanapt may change your heart rhythm which could elevate risk of sudden death. your doctor will consider this when deciding among treatments and may prescribe another medication first or may instruct you to take a smaller dosage of fanapt. the good thing to know, is we're not alone. call 8557 fanapt
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♪ >> laura: all right, these election challenges are still going on and disturbing irregularities have been found and must be investigated to the fullest. and we've also heard all the rumors and read all the insider reports that if things don't go his way ultimately, first and trump will run again in 2024. let's say for the sake of argument he is. what would he need to do in the near term to accomplish it? are we getting way ahead of ourselves? marc thiessen laid out a nice eight-point blueprint for a trump come back in
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"the washington post." he writes the left is hoping the biden administration will be be the beginning of a new progressive era. in fact, biden's years could be little more than a brief interim, but only if trump handles the next six weeks correctly." fox news contributor marc thiessen joins us now. >> good to be with you. >> laura: i can hear some of the right saying "i can't believe you are writing off these legitimate claims for all of the votes are counted," and that is that we are doing. for the sake of the argument -- this is what we do on the show -- it is interesting to see what is possible as we come up to the new year and what might donald trump actually plan to do. so tell me what your thoughts are. >> donald trump is the first president in 132 years who has a realistic chance of coming back and reclaiming the white house after losing it four years earlier. the last president to do it was grover in 1888, that's how long it has been. been. george w. bush left office and jimmy carter left office,
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they were finished. donald trump is still a strong political force. if he wants the nomination in 2024, it is his to have come and i think he could win. but to do it, he has to leave the presidency -- how he leaves the presidency is important. there's a large segment of voters in this country who liked on a crumbs policy, think they're better off now than they were four years -- then they wet didn't vote for him because they were tired of the chaos, and that chaos is not necessaryl donald trump's fault, but they were tired of it. he has to win those voters over if he wants to win his next term, so how he leaves is very important. >> laura: the left is going crazy already -- [laughs] the year is not even overcome a court cases are still ongoing, but they are already going crazy about even the possibility of a trump run in 2024. watch. >> trump saying he needs to run in 2024, that freezes everything. ted, marco, nikki, josh, you
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name it, they cannot make a move now because they are still being held hostage by trump and the base. >> laura: marc, what are they afraid of? what are people on the left afraid of? if they won this fair and square -- >> he can take the presidency. he almost won it despite everything they threw at him, he almost won at this time that he could win next time, especially if the biden years, if he does all the things we expect them to do, slow economic growth, lock us down again come all the rest of it. to do that, trump has to leave the presidency the right way. my plan for him as this, in short form, cooperate with the biden transition from even while pursuing legal challenges. doesn't hurt to give him the presidential daily brief, that we can't blame you for screwing it up if we get a terrorist attack after trump leaves offi office. when biden is finally declared the winner by the electoral college, saying you're stepping aside for the sake of the country, don't save the election
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was fair or legitimate, but you're going to reclaim it in four years, immediately announce who are running in 2024, before the inauguration, and then as a 2024 declared candidate, lead the republican party to keep control of the senate in georgia. we are not going to win that election unless donald trump does what he did in the closing days of the november election, holding rallies and bringing on his face. then he can leave with a big victory, that will be the first salvo of the 2024 campaign. then give a farewell address, one of the traditions and politics today is every president gives a farewell address. this will be a farewell address unlike anyone has ever done, it's going to be "i shall return." have a gracious transfer of power, invite biden to the white house, attend the inauguration, and then immediately start your campaign to take back the house in 2022, we almost affect the house under donald trump's leadership in this election, and there are 26 seats up that the democrats won by 52% or less.
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he could -- into a year's time, he could knock nancy pelosi ou out -- >> laura: i want -- >> and that the white house in 2024. >> laura: wow, that is quite a journey. i want to see all of these challenges play out, but marc, a fascinating blueprint, and we really appreciate it. up next, the years sexiest man alive? will tell you about it next.
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it is michael p-mac jordan. how does he come of the angle magazine man alive is none othe than our own raymond. how do you feel with this honor? that's all the time we have tonight. shannon bream and the fox news news at 19 take it from here. >> he gets all the votes. 100 percent. have a great show. >> thanks, laura. >> breaking tonight, brand-new coronavirus restrictions go int effect across the country as infections are up across the u.s. and the death toll here is
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