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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  November 18, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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♪ that you want to hang it and in his stamp as a to history. the photographs of migrant farmworkers in the 1930s were like that. the captured the suffering of the great depression more powerfully than any other repor ever could. mention the second flag raising over your jim was so powerful. we cast in bronze to commemorat the courage of our marines. those images summed up the entire periods of american life. so what sums up hours?
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what picture tells our story? tonight we've got it for you. decades from now our descendants will look at this one image and know what it was like to live in america in the year 2020. we will show it to you in just a second. but first, some context. gavin newsom is the governor of california, our largest and for a long time are most prosperous state. about 40 million people lived in california. so far two of them under the age virus, so naturally gavin newsom has shut down the entire state. businesses are shuttered, people wear masks even as they eat. large groups are forbidden to congregate. thanksgiving itself is on its way to being canceled.ia it's a tough way to live, but californians have no choice. this is science, people! and gavin newsom is california's epidemiologist in chief. ihe commands obedience and the serfs obey. with that in mind, the chronicle iebroker pretty amazing story ts week. the governor recently attended a birthday dinner up in wine
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country at the fresh laundry one of the best and most expensive restaurants in the world. there were 12 people at his dinner and civilians, that's number seem to be a clear t violation of his own rules, but as we werere told, it really wasn't. it turns out that he was simply celebrating the birthday of a longtime friend of his, a lobbyist actually called jason kenny. a spokesperson for kenny described the night this way. "this was a small, intimate held outdoors with family and a few right. to celebrate a 50th birthday." in other words, no big deal. for his part, governor newsom was [indiscernible] "our family follows the restaurant health protocols and took safety professions. so really, ladies and gentlemen it was nothing. just a small, intimate dinner held in nature under god's blue skies, just a few right. staying safe and following the protocols to the letter. as mandated by the state that in fact they run. so relax, people, no one is getting rona here.
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that was the story. another photograph. nhe we have the picture thanks to fox 11 in los angeles, one of the rare local stations but still does reporting. it's a picture of the birthday dinner up in napa. it turns out it was not held outside, it was held in a private room and not a spacious private room either. all 12 people were packed in tight, shoulder to shoulder. breathing on each other. no social distancing here. not one of them is wearing a mask. a steam room in central wuhon could not be more contagious than this dinner. gavin newsom 'us birthday party was a germ factory and his p guests were human petri dishes. but what a guess list it was. next to governor newsom's at the ceo of california medical association and one over from him, one of the state's top health lobbyists.. together the two of them represent tens of thousands of physicians, credentialed men of science and women of science in the state of california. so if you're wondering why if you live in california you can't
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have thanksgiving this year oror visit your mother she dies alone in the hospital, it is because of them and people like them. and yet there they were, eating $300 truffle pasta and living with this pandemic thing never even happened. the picture of them doing it known henceforth the history as the french laundry photograph, is the year 2020 condensed to its essence. here you have plutocrats dining with lobbyists, ignoring the very orders they are so self-righteously imposing others, gorging themselves in seclusion as the people they're supposed to be helping with her -- wither and die. and then when they are caught they lie about it. how perfect is that? it's all there, every element. hypocrisy, greed, selfishness stupidity. this is our national moment in a single picture. s move over, dorothea lange. so what's gavin newsom's explanation for this picture? interested in equal time, in fairness, we will show to you next.
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>> i made a bad mistake. instead of sitting down, i should have stood up and walked back, got in my car and drove back to my house and instead i chose to sit there with my wife and a number of other couples that were outside the household. you can quibble about the guidelines, et cetera et cetera, but the spirit of what i'm preaching all the time was contradicted and i got to own that so i want to apologize to you. >> tucker: oh, yeah. when i sought i should have just walked out, got in the car and driven home. okay, gavin. you had no idea there would be a dozen people at your own party. you're the governor, but you never saw the guest list. you were totally shocked.d. that's ridiculous. it's too stupid to be an explanation and we are stupidern for pretending to believe it. why not just tell the truth which is i don't really totally believe everything i say, at least not enough to let it interfere with dinner.
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that's the truth. you know what, he knows it. but he's forcing us to play along with an absurd lie. on the other hand, at least gavin newsom didn't follow the lead of nancy pelosi and blame the restaurant. he didn't accuse the maitre d' ofe setting him up as part of a conspiracy among the famously right-wing restaurant community in napa. if the french laundry probably won't suffer the same fate as pelosi fostered as hairstylist, at least as long as they stay quiet about it. and to credit, gavin newsom didn't follow the example of dianne feinstein. she has refused to answer any questions as she parades around the halls of the united states senate and private airport terminals maskless and exposed. breathing on people, infecting them. no explanation for that. and to be fair, once again t explanation though obviously untrue, is
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still better than what his body the lobbyist, the die they worked on that guy they were having the dinner for has come out with.poti through a spokesman he said the guests specifically requested outdoor seating and it was provided by the restaurant. indoor seating, rather, it indoor. that's what they really were doing. he is saying they were outdoors but now we have a picture showing that and he still claiming it.y no, it was outdoors. in other words, ignore the walls and the roof. what looks like inside was actually outside. got that? up is down, black is white, war is peace, trust me, not your lying senses. if only the criminal paddle borders had thought of that. this spring, police in california hunted down a lone man paddle boarding in the pacificfo ocean. he was off the coast of malibu probably infecting the seals. they saw this, they got on boats, they alerted the coast guard and sheriffs put this criminal in handcuffs. they arrested him and threatened him with six months in prison
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for breaking corona laws. in the media in california treated it like it was totally normal. >> across the coast in iea california, five in handcuffs for bad behavior. one man arrested in malibu for paddle boarding in the pacific while 22 sunset seekers in socal were cited for trespassing on closed beaches. >> tucker: they literally put him in handcuffs for paddle boarding alone.te they didn't even claim it was a threat to marine life. they didn't even make up a pretext. they just did it and like seals everyone applauded. so the paddle border gets arrested, gavin newsom gets to dine in peace. what's the lesson here? you know the lesson, if you want to live like a human being you've got to get elected to something and then you can break your own rules. otherwise don't even think about it. here's l.a. mayor eric garcetti explaining how he will handle >> this has really been marvelously embraced by 99.9% of people.
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we see it in the traffic data, the cell phone data, but we are going to hunt down that last .1% and say you've got to get inside, you've got to cut it out and youet got to distance. >> tucker: yeah, you've got to cutan it out, get inside and you've got the distance and if you don't cut it out, eric garcetti will cut your power. just like they do in china. no utilities for you, corona felon. if you want to break the law you have a nonstretchable itch go ahead and loot target or torture fast food franchise or beat up an old lady. that is federally protected political speech but authentic human contact, only the ruling class gets that. so what is this exactly? it's hypocrisy of course. that word is not big enough. this is not conventional this is -- let's stop lying --no an act of hostility against the population of the country. they despise you, they are flaunting it. this is how people who don't like you behave. they force you to do one thing they do another, they get caught, they are not embarrassed
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and they keep forcing you to dog the thing they're not doing. that's an act of hostility. they don't like you. last month, for example, we learned that gavin newsom was sending his own children to private school. he made sure they could get in person classroom education. they're his his kids, he loves them, and he gknows what we all now know, tht children don't learn anything by remote sitting at home on the computer screen. it hurts them. at best it makes them weird. they don't learn a thing. at the same time he was sending his own children to class in a real school, public school districts, which he is in charge of all over the state of california remain closed because he ordered them closed. why did they do that? there was no science, didn't bother to explain it. schoolchildren don't face a meaningful risk from this virus. when children contract the virus, cdc data show that their survival rate is over 99.99%.. that's not a tv term. in this case it's a scientific term.
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it literally 99.99%. teachers and other adults under the age of 70 have between a 99.5 and a 99.9% chance of surviving. again, not estimates, real numbers from the federal government. that's science, but nobody cares about science anymore. a few hours ago the mayor of new york announced shutting the nation's largest school district. not because children are in peril of suddenly becoming ill in huge numbers, they are not. he did this because a rolling 70 average of positive coronavirus tests in new york city went over 3%. not deaths, not hospitalizations, positive tests, which inn the overwhelmig majority of cases mean nothing. so that's insane, obviously, but it's accelerated. washington's governor jay inslee says we are going to have to cancel christmas but we are going to do it in the name of love.
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>> it's just too dangerous to gather together indoors where the virus can spread so easily. so this year, when you join us in changing your thanksgiving in december holiday plans, please know that you are doing it as an act of love. >> tucker: [laughs] an act of love! says jay inslee, the politician lawyer. what do politician lawyers know about love? not much. normal people know that love is impossible if you're forced to live alone in isolation and fear. now in an ideal world we would all be at the french laundry laughing and eating with our friends. it sounds wonderful. especially now. sadly, we can't do that. we are not the governor of anything. the man who got the photographm of gavin newsom that illuminated our moment on his with fox 11 as we said in l.a. we are happy to
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have him now. hey, bill, where did you get this? >> tucker, we got that photo that series of photos from a actually eating dinner at the french laundry that night, the same night governor newsom was there, she recognized him, asked the waitress if that's the governor and she said yes and then when she noticed what was going on she started snapping some photos and this whole situation has just been an absolute disaster for governor newsom when it comes to his credibility with californians because you hit the nail on the head earlier. when he told us in his apology the other day that this was an outdoor dinner i think a lot of folks kind of had it in their minds that this was, you know outdoors and you know, in an open area may be on the grass or something and then they's photos she sent us if we can fall them up show a much different story. i see a chandelier above their heads. i've never eaten outdoors with a chandelier above my head. you see three walls but particularly what you see in every covid-19 precaution and role that governor newsom has pushed on californians being violated. you see multiple households gathering together, which is something he's telling us
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explicitly not to do ahead of thanksgiving. you see nobody wearing masks even of his office put out guidance saying we have to put our masks on in between bites of food. and he didn't wear his mask when he was talking with people even after the dinner was over, so for californians, it's frustrating. do as i say, not as i do. rules for the, not for me. and he is suffering a lot of political fallout because of it. >> tucker: bill, great to see you. he will survive of course. that man is so slippery if you put salt on him he would dave portnoy is not a political figure. he's the the founder of barstool sports and a man of deep common sense and that's why it's to him we go first tonight to figure out how should we respond to this pandemic?c? great to see you. el presidente. so you saw the picture. what should we make of it and what lessons should the rest of us draw? >> the most amazing thing is if you're going to go [indiscernible] and quite
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obviously break your own rules that everyone is suffering with, how do you let people take pictures of you? how dumb you have to be to let [indiscernible] cameras going to be that obnoxious about it. seriously, it's insane. i don't think there's inherently bad people going around, but this -- i truly believe that the government officials for making these decisions, if they had a brother or sister there whose livelihoods werea on the line, a business, a small business, the decisions wouldn't be the same and activities like this, you just [indiscernible]. i remember the philadelphia mayor. the philadelphia lockdown, went across the state borders. p there's endless examples and it's so easy to tell other people what to do with their lives when you're not likely affected by it. my whole rant on it, my whole passion is small business. the backbone of this country they've gone through this whole
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corona pandemic theoretically to see the light of the end of the tunnel only to be shut down again. i'm not going to thanksgiving with my family, tucker, whether the corona -- because parents e, [indiscernible] he would roll over. he wouldn't even put up a fight so i'm not going to but that's my choice, that's our choice as a family. and that's what you have to let people do. we know what [indiscernible] and you can believe the science, you cannot believe the signs, you can think it's dangerous or not but it's out there and now you have to let each person, each business owner make the decision. if you're old, your health impaired, stay inside. the vaccines are around the corner. stay inside. these businesses, they're not going to come back. it's already walked forr. philadelphia, walked through new york, things are boarded up everywhere. how are they going to survive this? you do not have the right to choose your own fate as a business owner and
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whether you want to go out to dinner or not, it's crazy. and the government officials don't do it themselves, so the whole thing is really -- it's frustrating, it's insane. >> tucker: thank you for injecting a little perspective into this, that's about the most sensible nonpartisan take i think we're going to find on the corona pandemic. dave portnoy, great to see you thank you. >> thanks for having me, tucker. >> tucker: so we are about to get a lot more political drama and pretty soon. control of the united statesbo senate which this year really matters comes down to two runoffs in the state of georgia. one of the candidates there has adopted something of an unusual platform. america is horrible and so isof everyone who lives here. that's not speculation by the way. he said it on tape and we will show it to you coming up. ♪
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♪ >> tucker: well, for the next six weeks the entire political world, all the consultants and tdonors in the blow-dried dumbs on tv, are all headed to georgia. on january 5th georgia will have two runoff elections that will decide the balance of power in the senate. if the democrats take both off those seats they will have total control over the entire federal government. we don't need to tell you they willou change the country, they are saying they will change the country forever if they do that
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so it's a big deal. a few weeks ago we told you t t about one of the two democrats who is up for election in these races, the man called the reverend raphael warnock. the democratic establishment loves this man, they lined up for him once ago, and that happened in spite of or perhaps because of an in -- can't pronounce the word, and obvious fact. for the past 15 years he used his platform as a pastor to condemn the united states and the people who live here. in 2015, for example, he compared cops to gangs and thugs. watch.5, >> so in ferguson, police power showing up in a kind of gangster and thug mentality. you know, you can wear all kinds of colors and be a thug. sometimes where the colors of the state and behave like a thug. >> tucker: so cops make no money, they get shot a lot everyone hates them, they
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protect our families and here he is denouncing them. no one in the democratic party has condemned that. they haven't said a wordar about it. they also said nothing about hia demand that americans were penned their "whiteness."an there's nothing more racist than saying something like that. try switching the races around if you don't believe it. but warnock said it proudly, out loud, in church, back in 2016. >> and if it is true that a man who has dominated the news and poisoned the discussion for months needs to repent, then it is doubly true that a nation that can produce such a man and make his vitriol go viral needs to repent no matter what happens next month, more than a third of the nation that would go along with this has reason to be afraid.. america needs to repent for its worship of whiteness! >> tucker: can you imagine the
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tax-exempt christian church -- but listen to what he's saying. he is saying that people's skin color makes them inferior.r. a guy who says something like that has no place in the united states senate. none. it's wrong. what is it about racists in the democratic party? they love them. they haven't said a word about it.n they also have said nothing about his claim thatd in ameria "nobody can serve god in the military" at the same time. democrats also haven't explained why they support his sermon against the second amendment and self-defense. watch this.rtt >> think about all of the crazy people you bump into. just on the routine every week. on your job, on the streets. some of them in church. don't look at them. imagine all them people with guns. and then they come up with all of these clever names, stand your ground.d. no, it's not a stand your ground
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law. it's a shoot first law. shoot first, ask questions later. >> tucker: yeah. that's not a sermon, that's not the gospel, that's not the christian message, this guy is a fake minister with a tax exemption, but think about the m political ramifications of what he's saying. if you're in the military,ou support the second amendment, if you have the wrong skin color, this guy thinks or fundamentally flawed and those aren't our words, he said them on tape at the democratic party has no problem with any of that, theyt vetted him, they knew what they were getting in a matter what happens on january 5th when the runoff happens, you should know that about the democratic party. well, in the days leading up to the 2020 election earlier this month, the cook political report listed 27 house races as "toss-ups." in the end they weren't. republican won all 27 of them. republican picked up seats projected to go for democrats even in the bluest state of all
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california. one of the republicans who stunningly won. she beat a democratic incumbent. she flipped orange county's 48th district back to republican party and she joins us now to explain how she did it. congresswoman-elect, thanks for coming on. how did you do this? >> [laughs] you just work hard and you just totally stick to the issues. that's exactly what i did. we were just talking about defund the police, you know what i did as the chair of orange county board of supervisors? i am the one actually declared that law enforcement appreciation day because all these policemen and women are -- you know, their lives are on the you cannot dismantle or you cannot really defund, so we really need them. they are the ones protecting us. you cannot do that. that's thehe first thing. and second thing, you are talking about the governor of california, they just shut down 41 counties out of 58 counties. and you know what, he's enjoying
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the most expensive -- exclusive and expensive restaurant. meanwhile, i'm getting tons of unemployment documents on my table and i heard in orange county 23% of the business is going to never come back because the covid-19. so you know what? just lower taxes regulations and help small businesses and we support our police. i think just stick to those issues instead of my opponent was attacking me that i'm a first generation korean american, that i speak korean as my birth and japanese my second he said that i am related to china and i am a communist agent. i don't even speak chinese. i speak korean and japanese, so that was really interesting without facts, just attacking me, but you know what, we had the fact of how we are going to survive and how we are going to help small businesses and how we going to protect ourselves. >> tucker: so you stuck to
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law and order and pushing back against instructive coronavirus lockdowns. it seems like the republicansac who did that won. >> we did in orange county. business and the community and may. guess what? governor shut down only orange county beaches. >> tucker: i noticed that. michelle steele, it's a great story. nobody in washington or in a professional political class predicted that you would won and we can't wait to see what you do in washington. thanks for coming on. >> thank you. >> tucker: so if you grow up in this country thinking you were protected by something called the first amendment and you could say what you actually think, we've got some bad news for you, joe biden's transition team doesn't agree. if t they are talking about how they can ban speech in america. so what is hate speech apart from speech they hate? mark steyn is here to untangle this mystery. straight ahead. to untangle
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this mystery. straight ahead. ♪
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>> tucker: if you were born here you might've been under the impression that the first amendment protects freedom of speech. it's what separates us from places like iran or canada where independent thoughts are ♪ >> tucker: if you were born here you might've been under the impression that the first amendment protects freedom of speech. it's what separates us from places like iran or canada where
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independent thoughts are prohibited in some cases. but as a key member of joe biden's transition team, a former journalist called richard stangl, apparently he wants to change that. he is the team lead for the u.s. agency for global media. last year we remember this well. he wrote an op-ed that said this, "all speech is not equal. where truth cannot drive out lies we must add new guardrails. guardrails from the government. guardrails. what does that mean? well, for one, he doesn't wantoe you to be able to circulate "false narratives" that may have been spread by vladimir putin. if you doubted any of the actual lies from the fbi and from our congress about russian collusion, richard stangl thinks you should have been punished arrested? i don't know, he's not here to answer. we would love to talk to him. all of this is bad news for the country. it's particularly bad news for mark steyn as a lifelong writer a best-selling author, and a man who always says what he saint dominic thinks. what does this mean, what does this pretend for the country? seriously. >> well, i think things are accelerating very badly on this
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suppression of speech. b you mentioned canada, things are a little better than they were ten years ago because i happenaw to get a hate speech law repealed in the dominion of canada for a bit of struggle and we regret we didn't pull off quite the same thing in australia and in both cases so-called conservative governments actually declined to support the cause of free speech. in this case, what he means -- in this case, this guy has actually gone far c beyond the australian and canadian definitions of hate speech. this guy, he says the first amendment should not protect hateful speech that can cause violence by one group against another. what he actually means by that as we heard senator coons talking about yesterday, is that actually he thinks if, for example, you are a high school teacher who happens to show a particular cartoon as a french teacher did the other day, and then some guy gets mad about it
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and beheads you in the street, that in order to stop people beheading people, it should be illegal for that schoolteacher to show the cartoon. so we used to joke about this be 29 the way you could tackle someone and shut down their speech. in this case, this guy actually wants to decapitate veto. if you threaten to behead someone, if you threaten violence, then the speechh that causes someone to threaten violence should be made illegal. this is actually worse than canada and australia and other countries and that's why it should never even get off the ground, even in this crazy facebook twitter society. >> tucker: so it really inverts the system we've had for 250 years and puts all the power in the hands of the forces of oppression and darkness. the extremists get to decide what you say. >> absolutely, and that's -- that's -- that's the opposite. that never works. that never works. more speech -- if you don't --
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if you let -- less speech equals more violence. that's basically what we see around the world everywhere it's been tried. >> tucker: i think that's exactly right.t. i cannot resist asking you about this story. and so coronavirus is researching new york city. even the christmas tree that bill de blasio put in rockefeller center apparently has it, the douglas for i think but it looks very sickly. how can they treat it, what you think happened, what's the cure here? >> i think this is actually andrew cuomo and bill de blasio's genius public service announcement. if you look at the right side of the tree, you'll see that the branches are actually socially distanced. in new york, tree branches and christmas trees have to be at 25% capacity. and the right side of the tree is doing that. the left side of the tree is some kind of arboreal version of governor newsom's disgraceful party where they are allll actually packed in close
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together. branches are there shooting the breeze, laughing it up, yakking it up, drinking thousand dollar bottles of wine on the left-hand side of the tree, so this is a brilliant public service announcement by de blasio and cuomo and it teaches -- on the left-hand side of the tree that's a super-spreader event going on right there. and arboreal super-spreader. >> tucker: a visual representation of the present state of american epidemiology. mark steyn, genius, great to see you.o >> thanks a lot, tucker. >> tucker: over centuries some of the richest people in this country invested a lot of their fortune back into the country and its workforce and they did so voluntarily.or that's not as common anymore. some still do that and we want to tell you who because they deserve to be known.o then a police chief says she was fired for arresting rioters who were vandalizing local property. some of those rioters were
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officeholders, but you're not allowed to arrest them. she joins us next to explain what exactly happened to her as she tried to enforce the law. ♪
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♪ >> tucker: you may have noticed that america's big corporations are increasingly political. they beat you about global warming. they are happy to censor any speech they don't like. ads on television have become a form of political propaganda. have you seen them? then you know what we are talking about.e but as we enter the holidays, what if we took a moment to
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consider whether those companies actually do care about the country? consider walmart. walmart is valued at $423 billion. that's enough to provide elf care and decent wages to its workers and get thousands of walmart workers rely on food stamps and medicaid to get by. if that doesn't seem like a good thing. or how about uber? worth than $80 billion but can't be bothered to treat its workers like workers.. full-time employees and give them benefits. amazon has profited enormously from the pandemic, huge amounts of cash coming in and yet amazon has cut a $2 an hour coronavirus pay raise. that happened almost exactly the same time that jeff bezos' personal net worth reached $150 billion. that's awful, actually. keep doing stuff like that. but tonight we want to bring you to your attention to a notable attention. home depot is also posting record profits amid the epidemic. home depot announced this week
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they will spend $1 billion to permanently raise pay for their frontline workers. home depot has also offered additional temporary benefits to its employees during the pandemic including weekly bonuses and more paid time off. the company may make those benefits permanent.ic good for them. we hope they do and we hope it's an example to everyone else particularly jeff bezos. you probably remember when lunatics flooded the streets of america and started breaking things, wrecking public property, spray painting setting fires. here's a scene that played out in the town of portsmouth virginia. [indiscernible]. >> tucker: doesn't look like america, but it is. most of our leaders did absolutely nothing.
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one notable exception to that was the police chief of portsmouth, virginia, angela green. she did what she was hired to do. she is the chief of police. she issued warrants for 14 people who were involved in the riot and on video and now apparently she has been fired for doing that. pretty shocking story really, and chief greene was nice enough to come on tonight and explain what happen. things so much for coming on. >> thank you. >> tucker: from what i've read it seems like you looked at the video, identified 14 people you could say with certainty were involved in committing vandalism and now you're being punished. how? >> well, my detectives actually investigated that matter and found probable cause and brought that probable cause to a magistrate was part of our judiciary branch and the magistrate found sufficient cause to actually issue final
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felony arrest warrants on individuals.s. unfortunately, right now, i believe i am a highly qualified educated, competent black woman in a profession that ismp race-neutral as the chief of police, but i am wrongfully -- yep. and right now i am being wrongfully terminated because i upheld the law and my belief that no one is above the law. i was also punished because i refused to treat criminalhe behavior by alleged perpetrators based on their race, creed, gender, or political affiliations. >> tucker: some of the people for whom these warrants were issued were officeholders and then other politicians got involved, the former governor of the commonwealth of virginia sent out a statement saying what you did was completely wrong. in virginia, you're still
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allowed to arrest officeholders if they commit felonies, right? >> that is correct, sir, yes. >> tucker: so i guess my question stands. how in the world could you have been fired for this? >> that is why we are going to pursue legal remedies in this matter. and i will say that i am an at will employee, but there are recognized exceptions to the at will employee doctrine and some of those exceptions are cannot be terminated for upholding the law or for me refusing to listen to a request to ignore laws. >> tucker: well, of course! you're the police chief!f! what an amazing story, i hope chief, you will come back and tell us how it ends, because it really says a thank you for coming on. >> thank you, sir, appreciate it. >> tucker: well, we've had eight months of shutdowns andou mask mandates and the wuhanit virus appears to be spreadingg
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worse in some places. some states are getting even more extreme. the most radical policies straight victor davis hanson joins us. ♪ ♪
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>> tucker: new york city's largest school district in the country and it looks like they'll be closing >> tucker: new york city's largest school district in the country and it looks like they'll be closing their doors in an attempt to curb the spread of the virus. fox news senior correspondent rick leventhal has the latest on how this is happening and why. hey, rick. >> "the washington post" reports young people are farmer likely to die of homicides, fire, or drowning in covid-19 but the world's largest public school system is setting, shutting out anyway because the mayor says positive rates in the population are 3% for climbing on twitter we must fight back the second wave of covid-19.
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the city is telling its educators and 1.1 million students take the stuff home with them, remote learning begins tomorrow which also means that more than half the kids in the state who rely on the federal school lunch program won't get fed. all of this apparently is a surprise to andrew cuomo, who insist that schools were still open and mocked a reporter amying to get clarification.ndor >> confused. >> well then you're confused! >> parents are still confused as well. >> they are not confused, you're read the law. if read the law and you won't be confused. >> meanwhile, pandemic-wary new yorkers have been warned a whole lot more restrictions across the board are on the way tucker. >> tucker: amazing. rick leventhal, thank you. >> sure. >> tucker: is it just us, or is it true for you that every time the governor of new york opens his mouth you hear "i'm going to break your thumbs." it seems that way. well, in oregon, here's ais moderate move, heroin and cocaine have now been decriminalized and that frees up law enforcement to focus its resources on more important things like breaking up thanksgiving dinner. the governor of oregon
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kate brown explained the plan on sunday. >> and i will be asking our oregon state police to work collaboratively with local law enforcement to enforce the limits on social gatherings. law enforcement has the discretion to enforce these. they are class c misdemeanors and they can be enforced through excitation, if fine, or throughh an arrest. at this point in time unfortunately, we have no other option.or >> tucker: yeah, so according to kate brown, america's sacred civic holiday is y over. you have to spend it alone. the good news you can smoke all the meth you want. victor davis hanson a senior fellow at the hoover institute we are always happy to have them on. professor, think slot for coming. so you can shoot heroin, but you can't have thanksgiving dinner. what are we looking at? >> well, i think is a lot of takeaways. i think after nine months of
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lockdowns of various sorts that are state authority, especially blue states, really don't have any answers. they can't tell us about thisbl mysterious virus, the degree of susceptibility of certain people with blood types or vitamin dhe levels or the methods of the most severe transmission. and so -- and that knowledge they go back to what they've always done.kdth a series of lockdowns. they said look at europe, they did it, well europe has got l expensive rates just like we do and we are not doing any differently -- much different than spain, italy, belgium, the u.k., so that lack of knowledge they have to do something because there were people who do something and they never tell us this is the lethality rate, this is the cost-benefit analysis if we shut down in terms of substance abuse, familial abuse missed schools, missed procedures when i'm afraid they're going to have massive civil disobedience because for them to have court ability tucker, it cannot be have ais critical. they have to be disinterested. but think of a markey official nancy pelosi, gavin newsom
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governor whitmer, governor -- all of these people have violated these edicts. they go to hairdressers, they put their kids in private le schools and say no people -- they have to go to restaurants and so they are asking the public to obey edicts that they don't feel applied to themselves and when you apply that to protests, all summer we saw people out in the streets, no social distancing, no mask, no cleanser, sprain and screaming and we even have health professionals who signed a letter and said it's more deleterious to the health of certain groups not to protest than to risk the virus in on victory night of the suppose it biden victory, everyone was out there protesting. nobody said a word and it took him down and say we are going to go into the inner sanctum of a person's home, so much for your home is a castle and we are going to start monitoring your behavior in a way we surely didn't when you attack state property out in the streets in portland. and so they are not going to
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have a lot of compliance and there's a slippery slope, i think, that if they can come y into your house and say you havs to wear a mask, why not just say -- you know, when was your last prostate exam or did you brush your teeth and did you have deleterious bacteria that could get into your heart and we want to see this information and i know that sounds absurd, but want to start dictating what a person can do inside the confines of their own home andma you're not consistent and your ideological, then you're not going to have complacency -- compliance, excuse me, and there is a pattern, tucker. it's a blue state landscape, a blue mayor, a blue state governor who tends to focus on traditional gatherings like thanksgiving or christmas or church gatherings. it's not really the governor of oklahoma or utah going into the corporate boardroom or going into the university lounge and trying to say we are going to enforce this upon you, but whether that's fair or not is an ideological suspicion that it's not equally applied.
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>> tucker: exactly. most americans want to followovs the rules, but the rules have to be reasonable and fair or they won't.e professor, great to see you. that's right. thanks so much. we are out of time. thanks for watching, thanks for trusting us. sean hannity, right now. >> sean: think you and welcome to "hannity" paired we begin with this fox news alert. tonight, the deadline for george's recount is less than three hours away. still at this hour voters in the peach state have more questions than answers and thousands of uncounted ballots, most of which were casper president trump they've just been turning up all week. 2,755 ballots just unearthed. another 284 were discovered in walton county. this all in addition to the 2600 uncounted ballots in floyd county that were discovered just a couple of days ago. if you're keeping track, that's over 5,600 uncounted votes located in the past week. two weeks later. now, in a st


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