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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  November 19, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PST

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eastern time so you never miss a minute of "fox & friends first." jillian: that's right see you back here tomorrow 6:00 a.m. where it will finally be friday. carley: oh my gosh, one more alarm clock. that's all we have left. jillian: have a good morning, everyone. ♪ >> in a dramatic reversal wayne county election board republicans have resingsded their votes, certifying the results in michigan last night. >> democrats want to get to the bottom of all the irregularities all the problems we saw in the 2020 election. >> these photos showing gavin newsom no mask, no social distancing. >> so easy to tell other people what to do with their lives when you are not directly affected by it. >> are the schools going to open tomorrow in new york city. >> first of all, let's try not to be obnoxious. >> parents are confused. >> no. they are not confused. you are confused. the schools are open. >> unfortunately we do need to close our schools. >> we now have two states in highlhighlyeffective vaccines ro
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distribute in two weeks. >> i never thought it was a bad little tree. this year's famed rocker feller tree giving people impression. charlie brown i have the saddest christmas tree. rockefeller center, hold my beer. ♪ you ain't seen nothing ♪ baby, baby, baby, you just ain't seen nothing yet ♪ here's something that you are never going to forget. steve: yep, we also have live from rockefeller center in the heart of midtown manhattan on this thursday, november 13th, 2020. welcome aboard, folks. it is the real feel temperature outside is 26 degrees. [sighs] steve: do you know what today is? today is thursday we're one week away from thanksgiving. i don't know about you, anxiously and brian. but i'm ready for some turkey and some pumpkin pie. ainsley: i think we all are. we are ready to celebrate e
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please. we want to be off work for a few days off our jobs even though we are grateful for them. around our family, breathe for a minute. all affected by coronavirus. that rockefeller tree reminds me when i was in 3rd grade my dad brought home the worst trees holes in it. tried to turn it so the holes were not seen. my mom couldn't believe it. dad said he felt so sorry for the tree. as kids we thought we have the best dad he is so nice. now as an adult i realize he probably got it as a discount. steve: christmas tree on sale. ainsley: exactly. brian: new yorkers hopefully we got a discount because they can't even pick out a tree. they can't run the city. they destroyed it. they can't run a state. he has destroyed it. they can't pick out a christmas tree. on thanksgiving i'm all for it exsitting for if many of our political leaders have a way we won't be celebrating it. that's the only thing different this year or if we try to celebrate it they could break
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down our door and arrest us all. i digress. steve: turkey and pumpkin pie. brian: we will see what happens. steve: meanwhile, the u.s. is quarter of a million coronavirus deaths. a staggering number. as city and state leaders all across the country enact lockdowns ahead of the thanksgiving hollywood. minnesota governor battening down the bars, restaurants, entertainment venues and bars are going to close for a month, ainsley. ainsley: wow. in kansas, a mask mandate goals into effect in all public places. and the country's largest school district in new york city closing in school classes today. and governor andrew cuomo getting hostile while discussing the guidelines with reporters. >> what are you talking about you are now going to override? we did it already. that's the law. in arizona in the red zone. follow the facts. >> confused.
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>> well then you are confused. >> i'm confused. parents are still confused as well. >> no. they are not confused. >> do they still have school tomorrow. >> theyou are confused.readed le confused. schools are open by state law. >> will they have school tomorrow i think is he correct in asking that question. i don't think it's obnoxious at all. >> i don't really care what you think. brian: all right there is a little problem with the governor's arrogance which is pretty much a daily occurrence because no one reigned him in. is he too busy on a book tour how to handle a pandemic with over 30,000 dead to understand he was flat out wrong again. even though they are in the same party the mayor and governor don't talk. the mayor shows up 6 hours late for a press conference at which time he makes an announcement after school, think about this if you are a parent. no school for the foreseeable future because they claim the percentage of people testing positive is over 3%. others say it's 2.5. that "wall
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street journal" reporter that asked the question is jimmy vealkind followed up by jesse mostly cloudy kinly of the "new york times." geles what the questions were you shut down new york city. the governor's response was no we didn't how dare you question me. he made a huge mistake, again. the mayor doing something without coordination with the state is inexcusable again even if you were in different parties you should be on the same page after all he wrote a book how to do it, ainsley, he should know that coordination would be key, wouldn't he? ainsley: right after that press conference, de blasio then closed all the schools. so cuomo was saying we're not going to close the schools and de blasio right after that press conference did close the schools. brian: state officials at the time. who were the state officials? were they not the governor of new york state and how does he do that without telling the governor? and what about those parents that have to decide what they're doing for day care today? steve: here's the thing. the mayor and the governor actually did speak before that
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press conference and the mayor told the governor he was going to close the schools. but, as we just saw right there, the governor feigned surprise when he was asked about the school chancellor's email. before the press conference the chancellor had sent an email out to principals saying we are going to be closed tomorrow. so the report -- that's what that exchange was all about. whales the deal with closing the schools? here is what it all comes down to. the schools are going to close today and we do not know here in new york city when and if they will close again. go back a couple of months ago where it was back and forth with the teacher's union. we don't want to have in person learning because we feel that the teachers would be at risk. so what did the mayor do? he decided that he was going to put a 3% positivity rate on the metric and essentially if there was a seven day rolling average at 3%, close the schools. the w.h.o. says if there is going to be any number it should be 5%. the big question now is, you
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know, what exactly is going to change for the schools to open. >> there is many big questions. that's just one of them. what's it going to take because we don't know. no class, that's essentially what it says in the "new york post." ainsley, the editorial in the "new york times" says trump was right and many democrats wrong about closing schools. what did he write? ainsley: he wrote some things are true even though president trump says them. trump has been demanding for months that schools reopen and on that he seems to have been largely right. schools, especially elementary schools, do not appear to have been major sources of coronavirus transmission and remote learning is proving to be catastrophic -- a catastrophe for many low-income children. yet measure is shutting schools. grangted the united states has done such a poor job of
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controlling the virus as the pandemic rages across the country it may be necessary to shut some schools, but that should be the last resort. he goes on, brian and steve, to talk about this english teacher down in florida. she says i have taught in low income school districts for 25 years. and i can attest that remote schooling is failing our children. she goes on to say many low income families don't have computers. they don't have wifi. when the parents have to go to work, they are not making a lot of money because a lot of them have lost their jobs during coronavirus. the kids have to miss class because they have to baby-sit other siblings or they have to go and work and make money for their families. brian: let me explain. it's 95.8% survival if you do get it. kids are almost not in danger at all. and the risk of these kids going home far transcends and the lack of learning far transcends any risk of them going to school. and we should have learned that by now. because we are being run by
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idiots. this is an uncontrollable virus. if you look around the world, it keeps coming back. there is nobody who could control it. everywhere from russia to germany to australia. meanwhile, when it comes to hypocrisy the leading the charge head of the class is governor gavin newsom. this guy, who apologized and didn't even do that right for going to a restaurant, maybe the most elite restaurant in the country, that on average has a $450 a plate price texas fix, goes indoors with a party of 15, held by a lobbyist and a medical executive and they hang out without mavericks, having a great time inches from each other. when he gets caught because someone snapped pictures, he said it was an outdoor event and made a mistake. it was indoor event with a chandelier, harmeet dhillon says this about this california -- about this whole california issue. eating with a bunch of lobbyists
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at an expensive restaurant, this is at the same time that you put half of california out of work, maybe for good. add up the drinks, add up the appetizers the meal per person is more than the monthly unemployment check. think about this, you can't even go to the beach outdoors. you can't do anything. and this governor, who has fires raging across the state, begging for a bailout, goes to an area right outside his winery where his kids got home in time from their private school to maybe even join them and then he does this. think about if you are a california resident right now. steve: the hypocrisy is these democratic leaders do as i say, not as i do. so you have got gavin newsom at that fancy french laundry dinner where the prefee is 450 bucks a head. brian: social distancing there? steve: according to the california medical association, they say state and local guidelines were followed. the reason the california medical association weighed in
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is because the ceo of the california medical association, the top executive in the top advisory panel, when it comes to medicine was actually at that. so, with californians looking for leadership when it comes to personal responsibility with the coronavirus. you really can't look at the governor because he has always apologized. i blew it. you can't look at the ceo of the california medical association or their top lobbyist who the party was for. dave portnoy who you see on barstool sports, he does a great pizza review tells you exactly where the best pizzas are in the world. in this case he talks about one dinner party that did not involve pizza and he has this observation about the california governor. >> the most amazing thing if you want to question why is he doing it. if you are going to go break it, quitobviously break your own ru.
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how do you let people take pictures of you. break camera if you are going to be that obnoxious about it. i don't think there is inherently is unlike bad people going around, but -- i truly believe that the government officials who are making these decisions, if they had a brother or a sister there whose livelihoods were on the line with a business, small business, the decision wouldn't be the same. steve: then have you got the case where told people yesterday about how the independent voter project flew 14 california lawmakers and lawmakers from other states out to maui to the fairmont keelan any which is a lovely space on the north shore of mayy. what are they talking about? talking about reopening coronavirus. in their states they have travel
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restrictions. telling people don't fly if you don't have to. whatever you do, don't be around people outside of your bubble, because you might spread or get the coronavirus. and, yet, it looks is unlike that's exactly what they were doing. ainsley: yeah, rules for thee but not for me. steve: exactly. ainsley: practice what you preach. if you are going to tell us to do something, then you by golly better be doing it, too. that's not fair. and it looks is unlike you are an elitist and looks is unlike the rules don't apply to you but apply to everyone else. restaurants are close and he is going in the most expensive restaurant without a mask and no social distancing. brian: let me say this to california senator dianne feinstein walking around without a mask in the airport and state capitol. nancy pelosi was already caught in a hair salon big state dinner planned for the lawmakers. when it was exposed she quickly had to go cancel, unbelievable. ainsley: governor of michigan, brian, her husband went out to get his boat out. you weren't allowed to be on
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boats. he said my wife is the governor let me take my boat. g.o.p. members in wayne county michigan, they rescind their decision to certify election results. griff, tell us the details. griff: that's right, ainsley, brian, steve. good morning to you. the president fighting on every battleground front now in michigan. the two republican canvas board members in wayne county who opposed the certification vote before reversing under pressure because of a more than 70% discrepancy in absentee ballots are now seeking to recant that vote in affidavits monica palmer says this quote the comments made, accusations of racism. and threatened me and members of my family, the other member william hartman writes i voted not certify and i still believe this vote should not be certified until these questions are addressed. i remain opposed to certification of the wayne county results. what does this mean? it's unclear wayne county's results and other two counties go to the secretary of state who is a democrat to present them to
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the canvas board on monday. we will wait to have to find out. now, in wisconsin. the president's campaign is spending $3 million for a recount in deign and milwaukee counties. it's unlikely to overturn the results there but it could open the door for the president to pursue other legal challenges there. now, to the keystone state, pennsylvania. the supreme court there agreed to take up the campaign's challenges to more than 8,000 ballots in philadelphia. and down in georgia. we should know the results of the historic hand recount around noon today. but we already know thousands of uncounted votes were uncovered in floyd and fayette counties. more than 5,000 missed. netting more than a thousand votes for president trump. two more counties. douglas and walton more ballots untallied. meanwhile in wilmington president-elect biden blasting president trump for holding up gsa resources. listen. >> the law says that the general service administration has a person who recognizes, who the
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winner is and then they have to have access to all the data and information that the government possesses to be prepared. and it doesn't require require there to be an absolute winner. it says the apparent winner. griff: as the president continues contesting these results nationwide the top republicans on the house judiciary and oversight committees led by jim jordan now demanding hearings into the integrity of the election. citing irregularities and improprieties by the trump campaign. brian: the fight goes on. thanks so much, griff. we will continue to follow that 60 minutes after the hour. everyone is talking about thanksgiving and getting together and in the post election phase even while the president of the united states continues to fight on and make sure that every vote is counted. legal vote is counted. it's pretty important when people get together it's in zoom or in person that maybe they put politics on hold. and guess what? hollywood could possibly lean the way outstanding comedian whitney cummings writes this in
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the daily beast. i'm fascinated by playing devils' advocate and want to understand the people i disagree with i don't want to dismiss and malign i think it's self-righteous or sanctimonious to dismiss people who we agree with. i don't get at this grew up in washington, d.c. mostly but also in west virginia and west virgid west virginia. so i grew up seeing both sides and people believing different things. even though i don't agree with everybody i don't think they are dumb. steve: she was a comedian and executive producer on the ros san show at the time that roseanne made those controversial comments and got fired by abc. and so she was -- this woman, whitney cummings, was looking at what happened and she realized that there is value to seeing the other side. and she said, as well, she said in the comments in the daily beast she understands why people find value in donald trump. she says, ainsley, it's
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important to educate yourself on how essentially the other half of the united states works and feels and thinks about things because you cannot be stuck in your own silo. you've got to leave your silo every once in a while and see other people. ainsley: yeah. i think that goes for all sides. democrats and republicans. and she just says as a comedian when i'm writing my material i have to empathize with both sides. she said if you don't then you risk losing half your audience which is so true. i'm always amazed when some of these celebrities i guess they have made so much money they don't care what anyone thinks. they come out and talk about their politics whether it's right or left. you are ostracizing half of the country. people who come to see your movies and people who buy your comedy tickets to go see you on stage or these athletes who speak out. i know there is a place for it. but i have always thought wouldn't it be wonderful to be a singer because then you don't have to be political. everyone loves you. you entertain people.
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you are on stage but some of these singers now are getting political. brian: yeah. by the way talk to matthew mcconaughey yesterday in a post ap talks about the whole cancel culture thing in hollywood willing to take it on. time for people to stakeout the middle. some people singers don't want to get involved. other people comedians and push the society when bill burr hosts snl says a bunch of things going to get canceled. you can't be a comedian if you don't point out different things that society is adhering to. comedian tip of the spear, i think. steve: matthew mcconaughey told hugh hewitt yesterday he would consider running for governor of texas. brian: he talked politics with us, too. steve: a new report says florida democrats are having a post election meltdown after having one of the party's weakest shows on election day.
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our next guest helped lead latino voters for trump in the state. he will discuss that winning strategy coming up next ♪ ♪ among my patients, i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. there's no question it's something (children laughing) ♪ (music swells) ♪ ♪ (music fades) (exhales)
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♪ steve: well, democrats are in disarray down in the sunshine state. politico reports they are having a post election meltdown after the state party recorded one of the worst election performances in the nation. our next guest helped lead the president's media strategy to court latino voters in the sunshine state and they did turn out. a conservative media strategist john carlos joins us now from nashville. john carlo, good morning to you. >> good morning, how are you? >> i'm doing okay.
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> you know going into the election the democrats thought they might actually have a big blue wave across the state at the state legislature level, but that just sputtered and never turned out, did it. >> no, no. i mean, they thought they were over confident in the polling. they thought they were going to pick up state legislature seats. they also thought that they were going to keep these two congressional seats in south florida, which were held by donna shalala and what we saw was florida big trump. latinos were a very big part of that coalition. >> what was it about donald trump that the latinos appreciated? >> president trump delivered the best economy for hispanic americans. he took a firm stance against socialism. as the people watcherring at home know cuban americans is unlike me, venezuelans, columbians, nic rag begans don't
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is unlike socialism too much. steve: in fact, there is a headline in politico yesterday said i'm not an f'ing socialist. having a post election meltdown. ultimately some of the signals that national about befund the police and socialism. that may have worked in certain sectors but it was a dud in florida. >> yeah, i mean all of the gains that the democrats made with hispanics in florida since 2004 were entirely wind out on election night. absolutely fascinating. even young young cuban americans trending democratic are in the firmly in the republican coalition. that's thanks to president trump and his inspiring message and also because the democrats engage in too many self-inflicted wounds no burn wants to be associated with socialism. we don'tment marxism.
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we don't want that for our country. our parents and families came here to live in freedom and achieve a better life. and we want that for our children as well. steve: giancarlo ultimately, do you think that they got it in washington, d.c. and they are going to go, look, you might have feelings about certain things and they are very strong, but they are radical. don't say them out loud. >> yeah. you know, unfortunately, i really don't see that happening. i mean, what should really happen is that there was a time, you know, when the democrats -- they have always had far left radical voices. but they used to kind of marginalize them. there is no chance of that happening. nancy pelosi is not going to stand up to aoc and the squad. their party has been hijacked by neo marxists and that's just a sad reality. there is not much that they can do about it because they have really just taken control of the party and also because their allies in the media love featuring them as thought leaders of the democratic party. and the more that they do that the more they will continue alienating hispanics not just in florida but also throughout the
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country. steve: all right. let's see what happens the try to figure out where to go from here. giancarlo sopo we thank you for joining us today from nashville. >> thank you very much. steve: you bet. it's coming up on 6:30 in new york city. parents outraged after a virtual class was canceled because the teacher is living in the woods and the teacher lost power. is that what education in covid looks is unlike? one mother shares her side of that story coming up next. you're watching "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ (vo) thirteen years ago,
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writing an email i'm currently living in the forest so when our power goes out it is for most of the day my internet from a hot spot is enough to respond to messages but not host live class. so what does this say about the state of education in the covid era? here to share what happened is mother of three jenny feldman. good morning to you, jenny. >> good morning. ainsley: this got our attention because you posted a picture of that email on social media. and, first of all, what's your complaint? >> yeah. i wanted to share this email because not because of this specific story because we all know this is happening allot kids have been dealt a lot since march. my 7th grader hasn't seen a teacher face to face in eight months so when teachers aren't making every effort to show up for remote learning it subconsciously sending messages to our kids that that
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relationship isn't important. ainsley: what does this teach our kids? it teaches them that you don't have to come to work if you don't have power? find a way. get out of woods, right? >> yeah. i mean, parents are running around connecting our kids to online meetings. we have upgraded our internet plans and, look, i understand that a storm can knock out power and that emergencies can happen. but why are teachers not working in the school buildings that our tax dollars support. why are parents not notified when a teacher can't show up? why is the seattle school district not doing more to ensure that teachers have adequate internet connection. ainsley: why is that acceptable? what did the school say? did you notify the principal? >> did i and she got back to me a day later and said they would be meeting with the teacher. ainsley: that's all? when was that? >> that was yesterday afternoon.
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ainsley: okay so they -- go ahead, jenny. >> seattle public schools hasn't shared any plans on when they are going to reopen their schools. and the reality is these kids are not learning at the rate that they should be. ainsley: right. your tax dollars are paying for these teachers and paying for these schools these children we are not equipped for this. that's why we send them to school because we are not teachers. i understand if you need to take time off because of covid but find a way to do it. these children are not getting annual education. how is this affecting your daughter? it's tough she is a good student honestly. the reason why i wanted to share the story kids who are special needs or need extra help and this is happening to others as well if my daughters are impacted i know others are also. it wasn't so much my particular story that i wanted to get out there wit just that there is a
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systemic figure happening and we are not prioritizing the kids. ainsley: you are very brave to do this because a lot of parents wouldn't do it even if they had a beef with a teacher because they don't want it to ultimately backfire on their child so i praise you for this because you are feeling exactly what many americans are feeling right now. what was the reaction? what do you think you got this really resonated online with so many people? again this is not personal. we are all in this together but many parents are going through this. when teachers are not making every effort to be professional or put the kids first these messages are getting through to the kids. especially older children, teenagers. these relationships matter. they haven't met these teachers in person. so remote learning. that's all they have. so i do think it resonated.
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i had thousands of comments on my twitter. some were negative. but many people said they had had similar experiences or they could relate. and so i wanted to share this on behalf of the kids and the families. steve: okay. well, generally, i wish all the best. i do want to read a statement from seattle public schools. our school districts need to use remote learning framework for all 53,000 students in our 104 schools has brought challenges. it's important that the lines of communication between families and schools are open and available. i hope they resolve this and i hope that give that teacher what she needs so that she can teach the kids. thank you so much, jenny. >> thank you. ainsley: thank you. a progressive group aligned with aoc is calling on joe biden to push through their economic agenda with or without congress. stuart varney is here to break down what their plan means for your wallet.
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eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month. steve: in a few hours georgia election officials are expected to release a report on the state's hand recount of votes. supposed to be done last night at midnight, ainsley. ainsley: all right. >> and i think the results will come out around noon i'm hearing today. the trump campaign is pushing back as more uncounted ballots are found in two georgia counties. brian: also writing some big checks to get something done in wisconsin. matt finn is in atlanta with the latest. hey, matt. >> all of georgia's 159 counties were required to submit their newly recounted numbers by 11:59 last night. the georgia's secretary of state says it's now on track to certify the statewide vote by tomorrow. and then the president's campaign can request a recount if it wants. over the past couple of days here in georgia.
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the audit revealed thousands of ballots were not counted in multiple counties. the secretary of state's office says the ballots were human error, even calling for one county's elections director to resign. joe biden wants lead in georgia shrank from 15,000 to 13,000 votes. not enough to reverse the outcome. the uncounted ballots fueled allegations of misconduct including those coming from the president's team. >> as president trump has noted and is he absolutely right about this, if you are not verifying signatures. if you are following the rules of stacey abrams who refused to concede, who still thinks she is the governor of georgia, how good, in fact, is your recount. >> georgia secretary of state's office says it has a multistep process to verify signatures and says it's own audit helped the president's numbers here in georgia. back to you guys. steve: all right. thank you very much, matt. meanwhile, a far left group linked to congresswoman ocasio-cortez now urging joe
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biden to ignore congress and push through agenda green new deal. ainsley: if biden is able to rise through this moment can he create good high wage jobs in communities across the country bringing this country out of the current economic recession stronger than ever before. he accident neat the senate to do it. brian: best thing to do to get outside out of depression is destroy millions of oil and gas jobs. remember is he not for the green new deal. let's bring in stuart varney. he got up early for us. he is on varney and company starts at 9 and go for at least three hours. joe biden saying to himself what a great idea. do this thing do you executive fiat. i will implement aoc's new green new deal. >> look. let's get reecialtion shall we? this is an aoc linked group. and basically they have got a
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socialist agenda. they want to tell the incoming president to issue an executive order to tell the federal reserve get out there and print trillions of dollars. we'll take that money and apply it to improved investments is unlike in energy, green new deal, stop the car companies from producing anything but electric vehicles. that's what they want to do. an executive order from the president telling the fed to print that money and we will take it and we will invest it. brian: sounds great. >> it's nonsense. this shows the democrats weakness in the last election. they don't have the senate, probably. speaker pelosi's majority in the house is vastly reduced. so they are turning to the incoming president and saying issue executive orders. i have got news for you. no executive order can tell the federal reserve to print trillions of dollars. you can't do that. the fed is independent. this is a measure of the socialist weakness, actually, because they are demanding something which they cannot get. and they are not going to get
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it. socialism actually is in decline here. steve: yeah. saturday, as you know because you are sitting here in new york city. new york city schools closed today because of the they hit 39% seven day rolling average on coronavirus positive rates. a lot of parents are going to be working from home. >> yes. steve: and ainsley was just talking to somebody a few minutes ago with where a teacher was working from out in the woods and they didn't have electricity. deutsche bank says should pay 5% privilege tax for working from home. and i see you touching your head it. looks is unlike your head is about to explode. >> yes. what did you say? you think it's a great idea? get out of here, steve doocy. steve: i'm saying deutsche bank thought it was a great idea. >> it's a german bank. very susceptible to neo european socialism. we don't want anything to do with that i think the exact opposite. i think if you are working from home and you are helping your family in this time of crisis,
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you don't want to see a pay cut. that's absolutely wrong. we should be encouraging people to stay at home. take care of the family in a time. steve: tax credit. >> whatever you want to do. don't tax them and then say you are going to redistribute that money to lower paid people that have to go to work. brian: stuart, what if your company is better off with people in the office and people just don't want to come in? think want to wear shorts and stare at the window. >> do you tax them? brian: how else are did youing to get them in? >> you can tell them if you don't come in you don't work for this company. you could say that. brian: you could do that. brian: so they are actually giving them a third way. >> do you is unlike it. brian: people have got to come back to work. steve: you want people to pay 5% extra to work from home. brian: make the environment safe got to come back to, woman of achievement get the economy going again. >> the objective of deutsche bank is not to get people back
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in the office. the objective of deutsche bank is semi socialist idea of redistributing their money. brian: i don't know. it seems is unlike they're trying to get people to go to work again. >> we appear to be differed of opinions i'm right and you are wrong. brian: okay. ainsley: stuart, thank you for coming on with us. watch your show varney and company every weekday 9 to 12. it competes with brian's radio show. brian: i used to go on his show samsimulcast. steve: brian, you don't do that radio show from home do you. >> no right here 15th floor. ainsley: saving 5%. so fed up with oregon that they want it succeed from the state help form greater idaho. we are going to speak with one of the leaders of that movement. that's straight ahead.
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brian: some conservatives so fed up they want communities to be
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part of idaho. push lawmakers to consider moving their counties. what's next? joining us now move oregon's border michael joins us now. michael, why are you fed up? why do you feel as though you have got to leave? >> well, you know, over the last 20 years we have watched the oregon legislature get worse and worse when it comes to conservative issues in oregon. their primary concern is urban around the oregon metro area and the problems they are having there. they take and pass bills, measures, taxes and all of the sudden it effects us in eastern oregon and central oregon, southern oregon. that's not us we are not that urban area. brian: you want to move the counties to a place that does is unlike you and understand you and that's idaho. what have you done to make this happen?
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we are at the beginning of this and we are asking people to step up is this what we want? if we don't agree with what's going on. then we speak out. we place our votes out there, and they have started to do that at that point then the legislature picks up on it and starts the negotiations with idaho. brian: michael, what do you is unlike about idaho? >> idaho is more conservative 80% republican run. lower taxes, lower cost of living. one of the most freedom based states in the union. and we like that. that fits in with our conservative values in rural oregon. brian: how el embarrassed are yu about the daily parade of anarchy that we see in portland? >> i was raised just outside of
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portland. a beautiful city. it's just a shame that they have allowed that to take place and how can you take and put your faith in the leadership of oregon when they allow portland just to go down the sewer. it's terrible. brian: you don't want to be associated with it so maybe they are happy to get rid of you. listen, we want our own enclave. >> well, you know, if they get rid of rural counties they have more money to spend on issues in northwest oregon. it's just that simple. brian: if people want to help you out and support the cause, what do they do? >> they go to www greater all the information and dope nant on it. we are a small grassroots organization. no political support. no corporate support. and, yet, we have managed to come a long way so far. brian: how many people are with you so far? >> we have got over 10,000
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people on our facebook site with it. local people in every county in rural oregon. brian: 22 counties coming your way if you want them. see if you make it happen. michael mccarter thank you so much. >> thank you for having us on. brian: keep us up to date and how it's going. i think that facebook page is going to go on. lindsey graham squad. will federalist ben domenech big time for republicans. ben watson now that no one tackles him he will weigh in. joey jones what's going on in the senate race and how it him. tammy bruce as well. don't miss a final two hours of "fox & friends."
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ainsley: as g.o.p. members in wayne county michigan they rescind their decision to certify election results. >> the president fighting on virtually every battleground front now in michigan because of more than 70% discrepancy in absentee ballots. steve: the u.s. has surpassed a quarter of a million coronavirus deaths. >> as of this morning, new york city schools, the largest school system in the country are shut down. >> agree with the progressive ideas. they are calling them progressive ideas or socialist ideas. those ideas won convincing victories across the country. >> new photos showing california governor gavin newsom no masks, no social distancing. >> how dumb do you have to be it's so easy to tell other people what they have to do with their lives when you are not
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directly affected by it. >> if you socially distanced and you were smart none of this would be a problem. if you didn't eat the cheesecake you wouldn't have a weight problem. ♪ ♪ loud ainsley: good morning to you on this thursday. it's cold here in new york city. hope you are having a great morning so far. joe biden is saying that the general services administration should declare him the election winner and house republicans are upset with this race and they say that they are demanding investigation into the integrity of the elections. brian: my point was let the president keep fighting every step of in the way four states there is a problem there let's
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see through the courts. but, on the other hand, i thought you could just turn over the security information, the intelligence information, as well as the coronavirus situation because you know the way the democrats are they will do anything to blame the president for anything even if he is out of office. take one of those weapons away. not to stop fighting. steve: there are so many moving parts to this. we have enlisted griff jenkins to join us from d.c. to tell us what's going on with this recounting, with the lawsuits, and in wayne county, michigan, apparently they were not going to certify and then they certified and then they said we changed our mind. griff, what's happening? griff: yeah, steve, anxiously, brian, good morning to you. another twist in that wayne county michigan's largest muck the many battle ground fronts that the president is watching from the white house. now, in wayne county. you had the two g.o.p. canvas board members who voted against certification because of widespread discrepancies with absentee ballots. but then caved under pressure.
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well, now, they are recanting their vote in affidavits. here's what one of the two monica palmer says quote: the comments made accusations of racism and threatened me and members of my family. the other member william hartmann says this in the affidavit i voted not to certify and i still believe this vote should not be certified until these questions are addressed. i reremain opposed to certification of the wayne county results. what does this mean? it's a little unclear because wayne county results and michigan's other two 82 counties go to the state jocelyn democrat to the state canvassing board on monday. that has four members, two democrats, and two republicans. we will see what happens. out in wisconsin the president's campaign is spending $3 million for a recount in two democrat counties deign and milwaukee county. it's unlikely to overturn the results. but it may open the door for the president to pursue other legal challenges there. speaking of legal challenges in
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pennsylvania. the municipal court in pennsylvania agreeing to take up the campaign's challenges to more than 8,000 ballots in philadelphia down in georgia we have been watching receipt count. should know the results arranged noon we are told today. we already into the thousands of uncounted votes that we have been talking about that were uncovered. remember in floyd and fayette county more than 5,000 missed that netted more than 1,000 vets for president trump. now in two more counties, douglas and walton, more ballots have been untallied. this as the president continues contesting these results. some top republicans in the house judiciary and oversight committee led by jim jordan demanding hearings into the election irregularities and proprietors that the trump campaign has been highlighting. we will see where it all goes. steve, ainsley, brian? ainsley: all right. thanks so much, griff. so there is this group. it's a left wing think tank. it's called new consensus. it's led by aoc's former chief
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of staff. and they have sent this memo to the transition team. joe biden's transition team urging him to move forward with their economic agenda with or without congress. they say if president biden able to rise to this moment he can create millions of good, high-wage jobs in every community across the country, better and stronger than ever before and he doesn't need the senate to do it. brian? brian: a couple of things, they almost lost the house because of people is unlike aoc's former chief of staff who is a wizard on social media. they are a small enclave of society. they don't have any practical experience. they have ideas. they don't have programs. and they don't understand how this works there are different branches of government different things branches can do. destroying the automobile business, the oil and gas business is not something can you do with the stroke of a pen. nor should you or else you look
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really is unlike a liar because a month ago you are on the stump saying you don't want to stop fracking and you don't you didn't sign up for the green new deal, joe biden. steve: you know what's interesting is this group who also helped aoc craft the green new deal they are appealing to joe biden directly. they sent a 7-page manifesto. a couple months ago joe said if elected he would be the most progressive president in history. they are suggesting joe biden could actually could become the fdr of the 21st century what they are saying open up the fed and get all this money nor manufacturing and turn factories into mask factories and turn car companies into car companies that only make electric cars and we are going to build charging stations everywhere so everyone can drive one of those things and upgrade homes to be more energy efficient and the list goes on and on.
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stuart varney says right now at this place in hi history this is not what america needs. watch. >> it's nonsense for a start this shows the democrats weakness in the last election. they will don't have the senate, probably. speaker pelosi's majority in the house is vastly reduced. so they are turning to the incoming president and saying issue executive orders. i have got news for you. no executive order can tell the federal reserve to print trillions of dollars. you can't do that the fed is independent this is a measure of the socialist weakness actually because they're demanding something which they cannot get and they're not going to get it. socialism, actually, is in decline here. another big story we are following. students in the largest school district staying home because mayor bill de blasio shut down the schools over increase in coronavirus cases.
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brian: some arbitrary number he came up with in his head. nassau county disagrees with this. everything to keep schools open. laura kern joins us. let's be truthful that's my county and ainsley i believe that's your county. ainsley: um-huh. brian: i just read your facebook page and you are so right that these kids need to stay in school and the risk these kids have are social gatherings outside of school not in school how upset were to you see what is happening in new york city. >> right now school is the safest place for children. we are not seeing transmission in the school building just is unlike we are not seeing transmission in the gyms or the bowling alleys and strawlings it's really the other social gatherings. unfortunately it's the school children and businesses he facing restriction and new york city going to be paying the price. we have a little bit different situation in nassau county.
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the county executive, me, i'm not in charge of the schools. 56 independent school districts that make their own decisions. but they have been doing a fantastic job and i'm a customer. i have kids in the public schools. i'm very happy with the job that they are doing. they have invested money. they are during the social distancing, the masks, the partitions, the pods, all of this. guess what? it's working. and the kids for social development, for emotional development, all of that of course, and also learning, need to be in school. and, you know, whatever we can do on the county level, we are going to fight for that. steve: right. as you know, laura here in new york and this is the cover of the "new york post" where it says no class a couple of months ago trying to figure out whether new york city schools would have in person learning, the mayor, you know, he had the teacher's union and they were going we don't want to go back. you know, it puts a lot of us at risk. came up with this number of 3%. if there is a 7-day rolling average of 3% positive rates in
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new york, you are going to close the schools. which does seem arbitrary because we don't know exactly where he came up with that number. the world health organization says 5%. the governor of new york as well disyou had the whole idea of that as working class parents get up this morning a lot of them can't go to work today. they may be hourly. they are not going to make any money because somebody has got to be there to take care of the kids kids. at the same time new york city catholic schools wide open. >> you know, that's such a good point about parents who have to work. this is going to disproportionately hurt lower income people. both parents are working. maybe it's a single family household. what are these kids going to do sit at home and stare at a computer for six hours. steve: if they have a computer. >> and think about little kids doing remote. my kids are older they are in
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hybrid. i wish they were full time i get it. the kids need the social interaction. this is a safe place for those kids right now instead of just being out there on their own. ainsley: yes, plus don't they say is unlike 80% of their brain is forming ages 0 to 5. it's such a time when our little one he is need to be learning. let's talk about andrew cuomo. he was snapping at reporters at this press conference. and he and bill de blasio apparently don't get along. bill de blasio right after cuomo says. we will play the sound bite for you. not schools are going to stay open. the reporter is confused. asking questions that you are saying. this but this is this. then de blasio a few minutes after this press conference decided to, yes, close the schools. watch this. >> what are you talking about you are now going to override. we did it already. that's the law in arizona in the red zone. follow the facts sprvment. >> i'm so confused. >> well then you are confused i
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will tell you what, jimmy. >> parents are confused as well. >> no. they are not confused. >> do they have school tomorrow. >> you are confused. read the law and you won't be confused. schools are open by state law. >> will they be open tomorrow? that's the question. i think jimmy is correct in asking that question. i don't think it's obnoxious at all. >> well, i don't really care what you think. brian: county executive do you have a response? ainsley: what's your reaction? >> so i understand that nerves are high, people are anxious. we are seeing the numbers going up. we have had great success. it's an uptick that's happening that was expected. we are still doing very, very well. so i think what we need to do is take that deep breath and spread the message of calm and get the facts out there. let people know what's happening and then trust people to make the right decisions. especially our businesses. our businesses are really suffering. i think they can be trusted with keeping their employees safe and
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keeping their customers safe. but, you know, the thing that concerns me more than anything is these upticks in social gatherings. that's what's hurting our businesses. that's what's hurting our social -- brian: keep in mind and you know in this mckinsley and company did a study you were talking about younger kids what about older kids. they say this prolonged situation out of school or hybrid situation is leading to 1 million more dropouts of school. because people just aren't learning what can do you as county executive to push back against a governor who wants to tell you how to handle your county. do you have to abide by him telling you to shut down the schools? >> well, number one, i do believe that some kids are getting lost. speaking with teachers, high school teachers, kids who are full remote. >> they are getting lost. brian: totally. >> not learning and not being reached. and about your other questions. look, i'm a county, i follow
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what the state says. steve: right. >> i can also advocate and daily calls with the state. my team has daily calls with the state. and we advocate for what we see on the ground. we in the counties are on the ground. we are the ones with the health department and the ambulances and the medics and all of that we are the ones doing the actual work of combating this virus on the ground. brian: let me just tell you every day if my daughter forgets to do her screening i get alerted. if there is a positive test in the grammar school even though she is in high school we all get alerted. it's been brilliant with the tracing that you have pulled off. ainsley: you guys have done a great job. laura. >> it's a great partnership. ainsley: and move out here to long island? >> oh, yes. lots of people bidding wars in houses in every community. giving more than the asking price. we are a suburb. we need new york city to be strong and vibrant and economically strong. steve: let me put a pitch in
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there. always move to jersey. there is just a bridge or a tunnel. laura curran the nassau county executive. good luck to you we know these are challenges times. >> thank you. brian: thanks for your communication. the communication has been excellent with the residents in your county. >> thank you very much. steve: thanks, laura. straight ahead on this thursday, joe biden has hinted that his policy on cuba will be similar to former barack obama. but our next guest says any president needs to stand with americans and not dictators. republican florida congressman mario desbart coming up next.
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brian: all right. what would u.s.-cuban relations look is unlike under biden he
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has cuba stance saying earlier quote there is no reason to continue the policy that president trump put in place. there is no reason why we still cannot sanction him. fail to recognize him at all is a different thing than sanctioning them wanted and now reports one of his transition team advisers normalizing relations in 2016. here to react is mario diaz-balart. congressman, is this your worry that we are going to go back to 2016 where everything is okay with the communist country? >> brian, i worry that his history will come back what he has wanted to do for almost five decades betray the best allies in the united states he and obama did in front of the u.n. with israel and then help our enemies, help the enemies of freedom. help legitimize the dictatorships in the western hemisphere is which is again something he has been doing and tried to do for decades. that has been rejected by the
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voters. and it's also by the way dangerous for the national security interests of the united states. brian: the argument is if we don't go in there, china will, and they have a foot hold in the region. what do you say about that. >> china and russia have been there for decades. they were allowed to go in there by the castro regime. so what does biden want to do? help legi legitimize castro rege has ties with russia, iran and terrorist groups. and response is to normalize and help the dictatorships? hey, how about standing with the people and national security interests of the united states and not with the enemies of the united states and the enemies of the people, you know, standing with these dictatorships which is what biden has done historically. brian: american cuban vote went away from that because they feared that whole obama policy is coming back i and i guess it could be. frank moore who worked with obama's policy team now an
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adviser for joe biden says this. he said this in 2016 president obama changed the tired script by engaging the cuban people directly by increasing opportunities for travel. the changes provided cubans with the tools and new relationship with the american people to enhance opportunities and change the island albeit gradually. did it change anything? >> made it much worse for the people. green light to the that rah jet stream to regress and be more regressive. they had the agreement, the okay frogreelt from theobama-biden. this is not only rejected by the cuban american voters. all of the cuban americans in congress. two of whom are democrats are oppose the administration-out previous administration's policy towards the regime support sanctions the trump sanctions and the policy of solidarity with the people and pressuring the regime. so, again, the only people that
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love this are the dictators, the anti-american dictators in havana. brian: that concern know would have fallen, that terrible leader of venezuela if it wasn't cuba and the military support and their economic support. final thought on that? >> secretary general has an army of occupation in venezuela. you are absolutely right, brian. why then we would want to help that anti-american terrorist dictatorship by legitimizing and giving money, helping them, frankly, is hard for me to understand. you have to really want to help the anti-american dictatorships and not the people who are there repressing. and that's what biden has a history of doing. brian: i hope he backs off this if he does in fact get the job. >> me too. brian: don't stop fighting for this marrow diaz-balart, thank you so much. >> thank you. brian: we reached out to the biden team for comment but did
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not hear back. the democratic candidate for the georgia senate now in hot water over resurfaced comments concerning god and the military. joey jones is here to react to the controversial remarks. >> america, nobody can serve god and the military. you can't serve god and money. you cannot serve god and at the same time. america chooseee this day whom you will serve. i'm erin. -and i'm margo.
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>> america, nobody can serve god and the military you cannot serve god and money at the same time. america, choose ye this day whom you will serve. steve: that was a dealership from the reverend back in 2011 meanwhile his opponent senator kelly loeffler has tweeted out the clip first posted in 2011 calling the comments despicable, disgusting and wrong. the two candidates are now headed to a highly anticipated runoff election on january 5th. but you know that joining us right now fox news contributor retired united states manner corps bomb tech and georgia native mr. joey jones. joey, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. steve: when you heard the reverend say you cannot serve god and military and god and the money and god and mammon at the
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same time. what did you think because you are from georgia. >> it's pretty contested down here right now. i will be honest with you. i don't put much stock or faith in political attack ads. i really don't listen to to them at all. they give me a starting point to look up and learn. when you talk about raphael warnock you don't need him to tell you and you don't need kelly loeffler to tell new attack ad how he is. a year ago he is unlikenned israel to apartheid. we are shooting down palestinians that are innocent and unarmed. outright attacked israel and only in the primary process this year he put out some contradictory statement saying he fully supported israel less than a year ago. 2014 defended jeremiah wright's infamous god damn america's sermon. if that who he is and that's who he has been i will take him at his word. unfortunately he gets very
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little credit with me sentence is unlike you can't serve god and the military. steve: that was my next question because you are a god-fearing man and you are in the military. that walls your career. is he right? america, nobody can serve god and the military? >> well, even if you take him in the context he provides and thek to the sermon essentially saying pretty much anything pro-american and anything dealing with the american government is anti-god. he goes on to attack politicians. the parrillo process the collection of wealth pretty much anything to do with capitalism and the american way of life. he says that goes against god. so no, i don't agree with that and i don't think georgians agree with that they are very much in line. self-determination. personal responsibility. everything our constitution stands for was written in respect to god got himself in a corner what's unfortunate and i will be more honest more is unlikeable candidate between him
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and kelly loeffler on just ads alone. she doesn't put forth enough personality. >> he puts forth almost too much. hopefully the debate will help discern that hopefully she will allow georgians to see a little bit of her personality and who she is she won her side of the runoff attacking doug collins for voting for negotiated bills that had a little bit for democrats and a little bit for republicans in them and she is going to have to do better i will cheer for her. i want republicans to represent the state of georgia. we have to come up with better candidates. democrats went way outside the box with warnock and i can appreciate that on our side but i think have you plenty of vulnerability to expose and i don't think is he going to represent georgians properly in the senate and for that reason i hope kelly loeffler wins. steve: you mentioned the ads on election day running an ad with a puppy which was charming. i read a story this morning, apparently republicans have a $28 million ad advantage in that
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race. so that is good. they are are going to be buying a lot of ads over the next two months. but, in the meantime, this sermon continues to get traction. there are two u.s. senators marsha blackburn and tom cotton both say he should withdraw from it, the race, because of it. and his state -- his campaign has made a statement and they say this. this sermon was based on the biblical verse that reads no man can serve two masters. reverend warnock was talking about the need to commit to moral life before pursuing other priorities. the video makes clear this is another blatant effort by kelly loeffler to take reverend warnock's words completely out of context. joey, you are on the ground there in georgia. given where we are with these twin runoffs first week in january, what are people saying about what they're going to do? >> yeah. listen. jon ossoff has the personality of a stale doughnut.
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he is not a great candidate. he almost beat karen hindel and she lost twice in a row. the georgia g.o.p. doesn't support candidates to get people excited. and they don't go out and knock on doors and register people to vote and do the things that organizations is unlike stacey abrams did. i think two thirds of this state is still red. if they are not getting communicated with and ♪ showing up to vote, this is a situation you leave yourself in. i don't think you have to parcel a sermon from raphael warnock to attack him on his policy. this is guy who all but said supports court-packing. supports everything on the far left agenda that an aoc would run on. that's where you attack him and that's where georgians open their eyes and say you know what? that's not who we are. that's not how you represent us. we are are going to go to the polls and w we are going to vot. all these problems are solved by getting better candidates and i'm not being mean but about the ones we have david perdue. if kelly loeffler doesn't have a lot of personality. david perdue is just a legacy name.
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we need people in congress and in the senate who are fun to cheer for. you know, ted cruz wouldn't have trouble running against raphael warnock. i truly believe that we need people in congress who know how to communicate to the people they are trying to represent we don't have that right now. i hate to say that but it's true. so i hope we have some republican senators and i hope we do better moving forward. steve: those are the four you get to choose from come january. >> that's it. steve: we love having your point of view on the show. and, folks, joey's story from serving in the marines is now featured in the book called modern warriors comes out november 24th. sign up for fox nation's patriot plan and you will get the book written by pete hegseth absolutely free. joey, we look forward to reading that thank you, sir. >> thank you. steve: all right. meanwhile, straight ahead on this thursday, governor gavin newsom out in california under fire after breaking his own covid guidelines to go to that swanky dinner at the french laundry out in sonoma. this isn't the first time the
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democrats have been caught red-handed. tammy bruce on that coming up next. ♪ (music fades) (exhales) experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first month's payment. every minute. understanding how to talk to your doctor about treatment options is key. today, we are redefining how we do things. we find new ways of speaking, so you're never out of touch. it's seeing someone's face that comforts us, no matter where.
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♪ >> the progressives have very good ideas and the american people agree with the progressive ideas. >> if you look at this election, progressive incumbents in swing districts overwhelmingly won re-election so these progressives -- people calling them progressive ideas or socialist ideas, those ideas won convincing victories across the country. america has spoken. those are the views that america supports not this sort of conservative right wing agenda. that's just not true. >> right. steve: well, those are some of "the views" on "the view." let's bring in tammy bruce. independent women's voice. tammy, i'm a little confused. who got it right in the women on
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"the view" who are talking about american voters chose socialism, that message or those moderate democrats who we have been hearing from over the last couple of weeks who said that socialism message killed us? >> yeah. you know, i think they are changing the name of the show to the fantasy view. because that just makes no sense whatsoever. it's is unlike fan fiction what they're talking about. what we do know and this is what is amazing about this election as the top of the ticket the presidency is challenged is that it was a red wave throughout the country in districts. and when you look at, of course, nancy pelosi knows and the reason the democrats are upset is because that lead in the house of representatives continues to shrink. she is probably going to have maybe a majority of three or four. but americans rejected the defunding the police. they rejected riots. they rejecting assaulting people.
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they rejected the identity politics. they rejected cancel culture. so, it -- the problem with the democrats is they remain in kind of a fantasy world where they ignore the reality and this is not going to pretending is not going to help them deal with what americans want and what i think the statement was in this last election. ainsley: tammy, what do you make of the hypocrisy in california with gavin newsom being caught at that restaurant? it's a very expensive restaurant french laundry. he was caught. he made an apology and then he said in that apology, the original one he said his meal was outdoors. but then these photos surfaced. someone at another table snapped the pictures, sent them to a tv station, th the fox station in . can you see clearly he is not outside. he's inside. no mask, no social distancing. now he is telling everyone in california they should change their thanksgiving plans. >> that's exactly it. look. his instinct was and this is
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typical of politicians i think. many of them, was to lie. was to pretend that he was following the rules. so this is not just about him. this is about a political structure that believes they are beyond law and order. that's a rule they write for the little people who have to follow those rules and it's not just newsom. obviously these telling people have you got to effectively cancel thanksgiving. you can't have, you know, your own family essentially at your house. you have got to be outside. and yet he goes and joins a birthday party, ainsley, for lobbyists with other lobbyists. but lobbyists from the healthcare industry in part, which makes this even more ridiculous. but this is our problem, especially with life and death issue is unlike the coronavirus. they tell us that we have got to do certain things, is unlike not have thanksgiving in order to protect lives. but then they don't do those things. and it tells you one of two things. either they don't believe what it is they have been telling
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you, and it's false, or they really believe that they -- nothing that they say or do applies to them beyond even this issue. and it effects the legitimacy of government itself. and you wonder why americans are looking around thinking wait a minute, why do we have to do these things when you're not doing it? it's newsom, it's lori lightfoot of chicago. it's nancy pelosi and the salon in san francisco and a dinner for democrats she had to cancel because she was called out on that. it's all of them. brian: there is no way this is a one-off for the governor of california. you know he has been doing this all the time. >> no. brian: meanwhile talking about california, cancel culture hit the big actors, hit the big directors, they are working on egg shells. sometimes they bring the trouble on themselves and sometimes they just find themselves in the middle of things that did not allude matt mcconaughey kind enough to join me yesterday in an interview you will hear on my radio show in about 90 minutes and here he was talking about the pressure in the cancel
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culture. listen. >> this immediate yeas oed me yf this culture with twitter and commends and stuff about what you tweeted about. if an issue came out and didn't tweet support for it was your non-tweet that got new trouble. >> i heard you. >> you're is unlike what? >> chris pratt, comes out didn't want to go to an event, left wing event and got ridiculed. big star married arnold schwarz's daughter. you have the former president george w. bush has a conversation with ellen, that's a problem. vince vaughn goes over and says hello to president trump. that's a problem. hollywood started. this now they can't get out of this. >> it's only a problem if you allow it to be. i know it sounds truth but it's true. the power they are looking for is the bended knee.
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is you agreeing with that and acquiescing to it. important to not get caught in that pattern. we can disagree. you can even get mad at people. can you have disagreements politically and personally. but it doesn't mean you have to destroy them. it's a call for us to rely on the worst of ourselves when we're dealing with issues of disagreement. but this is what the left always does. because they can't win, brian, on the details of the issues. so they want to condition people into believing that you really literally as matt has found. you can't say anything and be safe and as a result you say nothing. and you retreat. that is what they had hoped would happen in this election. elections and these statements socially send a message that we are not going to surrender to this kind of intimidation and harassment and celebrities can set the tone in rejecting it. steve: speaking of celebrities. there is a woman by the name of
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whitney cummings, she is a comedian. also the executive producer of the roseanne show at the time that roseanne made those comments and then abc wound up firing her. and she is speaking to the daily beast where she says essentially, that she has realized the importance of trying to understand somebody you disagree with. so, in other words, you may be super blue. but you got to reach out and figure out what the person who is super red is trying to say. because, otherwise, it's just not going to work. >> well, it's not only not going to work. but this is where, in fact, you can become even better on your own issues. you can certainly learn more. you can have better relationships. you're not living your life in anger and hostility and looking for the next person you want to destroy. and, besides, there is hypocrisy there, too. you have joe biden, credible allegations from tara reade regarding sexual harassment or
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assault and those things that suddenly doesn't matter. so if you have got a base that is taking you seriously, and then you don't even apply that across the board, it reminds -- it tells us, it confirms it's political that this has nothing to do with the issues that matter to you and what you are doing is, is unlike you don't understand what happened in this last election. it's why "the view" can be in this fantasy world and when you are doing that you are not addressing the issues specifically that you actually care about. that's why classical liberals, conservatives all of us who want to live our life in a freance responsible way have a to work together. ainsley: thank you so much. catch tammy fox nation patriot awards tomorrow night 8:00 p.m. eastern. thanks for participating in that and being on our show this morning. steve: thank you. ainsley: big tech is facing big problems. one entrepreneur says he has found the answer. leave the west coast and head down to texas. more on his decision coming up. plus, abby hornacek, she was a
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judge for the miss u.s.a. judge last week. and now she is taking you behind the curtains for her new fox nation special. she is going to give you a preview next. ♪ ♪
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ainsley: our own abby hornacek was one of the judges at the miss u.s.a. pageant. got a look and showing it off brand new fox nation special called miss u.s.a. behind the curtain. >> you now have this platform that reaches so many people and you have the opportunity to really impact people's lives. what's your main goal as miss u.s.a.? >> i think the crown says it all, power of positivity. i want to continue spreading positive vibes throughout this entire year. i want to uplift others and let them see god's light shine through me and also help them to find the light within them selves. >> and abby joins us now with more. tell us about it? >> hey, ainsley. oh my goodness. it was such a surreal experience. and that's why i want to do this special. i got asked to be a member of the selection committee. and i was down in grace land for five days and five nights. and i don't know about you, but
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i had no idea what went into making miss u.s.a. so i thought while i'm down here i just want to capture every single moment, the behind the scenes. the back stage, what these women have to do to lead up to this moment where they wear that crown and the winner how just heard from was such a great selection. i'm excited for people to see this. ainsley: all right. when can we see it? >> today. it drops today. so you can go on fox nation right now and check it out. and, you know, hopefully you get as much insight as i got just being there and witnessing the intelligence and the ambition of some of these women. you know, it's not just about how they look in a swimsuit or an evening gown. it's how they carry themselves. you heard asia talk right there. she is such a light and as a judge, i, look, i'm no pageant expert but i was looking for someone who shone that light and she really did. she talks about god and how close she is to her faith. that's what you can see on fox nation, ainsley.
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ainsley: and miss mississippi won? >> that she did, yes. first african-american to win miss mississippi and then first mississippi to win miss u.s.a. she broke a lot of barriers and she really really deserves it, ainsley. ainsley: the pageant world has changed so much. it's more about empowering women to go out and make a difference in this world, right? >> yes. deeply and. [talking at the same time. >> [. ainsley: sorry. >> when you hear them talk. all good it's delay on skype, flight when you hear them talk, you really see their intelligence and they graduated magna, summa cum laude from the top universities they really are making a difference in this world. ainsley: okay. abby, thank you so much. look forward to seeing that miss u.s.a. behind the curtain catch it on fox nation. catch miss abby at the patriot awards streaming live tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. all right. she is all over the place. she is doing great. still ahead, ben domenech, ben
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♪ ♪ >> gop members in wayne county, michigan, they rescind their decision to certify election results. >> the president is fighting on virtually every battleground
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front in michigan. 70% discrepecy. >> they are calling it progressive ideas. >> new photos showing california governor newsom with no mask, no social distancing. >> this is socially distanced and you were smart, none of this were to be a problem. if you didn't eat the cheesecake, you wouldn't have a weight problem. ♪ ♪ brian: the best day, every day is a difficult day for everybody here in america and 70 other
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countries because of the pandemic and because a lot of the leaders answers is same-old script lock down, hide, we know that doesn't work. we know some feel differently and over in mississippi, then we have the one that we are dealing with here whose answer it's all your fault and we are shutting everything down and stop complaining when your life goes out of control. steve: we heard from the governor and he mentioned cheesecake and a lot of people are thinking about the holidays which start thanksgiving, one week away from today. ainsley, even though these are challenging times we still have a lot to be thankful for. ainsley: yes. finally, it's almost here. all right, the u.s. is surpassing 250,000 coronavirus deaths now. the states from coast to coast enact lockdowns ahead of thanksgiving. minnesota's governor batoning down the hatches, all the bars, restaurants and entertainment
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venues and even gyms will close for 4 weeks, brian. brian: in kansas mask mandate inside public spaces even indoors but they are doing county by county too and the county's largest district in new york city closing in-school classes, they gave us an hour notice and governor cuomo getting hostile while discussing guidelines with reporters. listen. >> what are you talking about? you are now going to override, we did it already. that's the law, an orange zone or red zone. follow the facts. >> confused. i'm confused. parents are still confused as well. >> oh, they're not confused. you're confused. >> no, i think -- >> read the law, read the law and you won't be confused. schools are open by state law. >> i think he's correct in asking that question, i don't think it's obnoxious at all.
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>> i don't really care what you think. steve: when you look at it it was a great question. the questions were about the school chancellor here in new york had sent an e-mail to all of the principals that said, school is going to be closed today. and that got leaked and that is why the mayor called the governor and so when he famed, i don't know what you're talking about he was disingenuous. brian: lying. steve: let's bring in in ben dominic. the world health organization says 5% is probably the point at which you lose the schools, what's going on here?
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ben: what's going on is in the aftermath of 2020 election the news media is waking up to the fact that andrew cuomo covers up his incompetence with bluster. he gets aggressive and angry as opposed to responding to what i agree was just very straight-forward questions about what's going to happen. you look over across the atlantic and you see in france and germany, they are experiencing significant spikes right now. they are locking down a lot of things. you know what they aren't locking down and closing, schools, that's because we have all types of research that we didn't have last spring and summer about the fact that schools are not a source of major spread of the coronavirus. that's something that is a good thing and it's something that teachers should be able to respond to and participants should be able to respond to with optimism and hope, instead what we are learning is one of the exceptional things about america unfortunately is the power of these teachers unions politically to get what they want out of these scenarios as
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opposed to putting kids first and the prospect i have to say of kids losing an entire year of schooling to this type of false teaching of this -- of this blended learning and the like is really enormous concern not just to me but i think to all americans about the future that these kids are going to have if we don't turn things around. ainsley: ben, i want to put one more sound bite about the governor blaming all new yorkers. listen. governor: socially distance and you wear a mask and you were smart, none of this would be a problem. it's all self-imposed. it's all self-imposed. if you didn't eat the cheesecake, you wouldn't have a weight problem. ainsley: ben, your reaction. ben: self-imposed when andrew cuomo paid decision to put people in nursing homes.
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that wasn't self-imposed. it was government. it's not something that's self-imposed. the kids didn't eat the cheesecake. the responsibility really is his. people are looking to our political leaders in this moment for responsible leadership, not bluster, not hiding from the actual consequences of their decisions, instead saying, hey, we learned a lot about this, one thing that we have learned is that schools can be open and that we can deal with this in minimizing the risk to children and all sorts of different approaches that avoid them having the level of fears that we had before we knew as much as we know now about the virus. brian: like every columnist to keep schools open. "the new york times" story they write today, the kids need to be socialized, 1 in 8 kids is
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living with a parent with addiction and school is a refuge and often the only meal they get. they need the socialization at a young age and mckenzie and company, they predict 1 million kids will drop out of school because of prolonged remote learning. it's unbelievable that he would blame us for a worldwide pandemic that has brought to its knees 170 plus countries and he says new yorkers aren't worthy of him. the arrogance of a guy that missed 17 meetings of coronavirus and to sit there and say we are not worthy of him, ben, i can't overstate how the lack of self-awareness and ego out of control, he's emblematic of that. ben: he's gotten away to it to this point because people like
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chris saved acknowledgment that donald trump was right about something, everything was getting through context of getting through the election in the perspective of the media. we are finally hearing the truth which is that, yes, this is something that makes us feel uncomfortable at "the new york times" to agree with president trump about something but he was right about this just as all the other people pushing for schools to reopen were right about this. cuomo is not going to get away with this continued blame-shifting, he's gotten away for it. brian: he's selling a book every day. ben: it is pathetic. it is ridiculous and keep in mind, he's about to get a 25,000-dollar raise, so one of the situations where this is the worst kind of leadership that we could have in this moment. it's unserious, it's wrong, it's makings decisions not based on science but based on blustery attitude and i hope that people are actually waking up to it that new yorkers will respond to it and push back against to the point where --
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brian: maybe he should tell his brother to wear a mask because he forgot to wear it for 7 months. steve: we discovered the hypocrisy of him going to that fancy birthday dinner for a lobbyist with the california medical association, the cma and not only was the lobbyist there but apparently the ceo of the cma dustin corker was there and they said they followed the state and local guidelines and you look at this stuff, wait, they are telling us we can't leave our house, we have to wear a mask and shouldn't travel and things like that but when you look for leadership on personal responsibility, it doesn't seem you can look to the governor of california who said a couple of days ago, yeah, i blew it and you can't look to the medical association either because their top guy was sitting 4-inches from somebody on his left and somebody on his right. ben: you know, i look at the picture and to me that looks like a nice thanksgiving dinner.
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steve: it does, which we can't have. ben: he's not allowing californians to have. it's the type of, look, this is thanksgiving the holidays, these are really important to a lot of americans. it's a time when we can be grateful even after times of great and terrible challenge. that was the context of the first thanksgiving which we had federalist on a series running about in 2016 project about pilgrims and lessons learned from them. in this case gavin newsom's hypocrisy, i appreciate the woman who took the pictures. without the pictures he would have gotten away with spinning this and pretending like he didn't do anything wrong. the fact that we had someone recognize the governor and say, that doesn't look right and snapped a couple of the pictures that we can look at thanks to colleagues right there at fox la, that to me is the highest level of hypocrisy and should be called out. brian: gets worse. he lied in his apology, he said it was an outdoor event.
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they don't hang chandeliers from trees. ben: do i want to say one word, my sympathy goes out to the people that work hard and all restaurants across the country that have been dealing with the challenges. the restaurant industry has been smashed by this as you all know. for him to shift the blame or to pretend this was no big deal or that -- >> steve: followed guidelines. ben: this is the situation that we should be able to have, the kind of meal that gavin newsom had. brian: $450 for dinner. [laughter] ben: absolutely. ainsley: i think what people were upset was is just -- teaching one thing and doing another. thank you, ben. ben: good to be with you. ainsley: now another top story that we are following this morning, griff jenkins in washington as gop members
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rescind decision to certify election results, griff, tell us what's going on there. griff: good morning, not just michigan, the folks in the white house behind me fighting on multiple fronts but a new twist in wayne county in michigan because the two gop board members had voted against certification results because of widespread discrepancies and they are moving to rescind affidavit. the comments made, accusations of racism and threatened me and members of the family. that is from the open comment period and then the other one william hardiman says i voted not to certify and i believe this vote should not be certified until the questions about the ballots are addressed. i remain oppose to certification of the wayne county results. so what this mean a little unclear because wayne county's
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results have been sent to the secretary of state josslyn benson who will present it to the state canvassing board on monday, but that board is made up of 2 democrats and 2 republicans, we will be following the story. in wisconsin the president's campaign is spending $3 million for a recount in dane and milwaukee county, democrat counties, unlikely to overturn the results but may open the door for the president to pursue legal challenges eyeing and speaking of challenges, in pennsylvania the supreme court there agreed to take up the campaign's challenges to more than 8,000 ballots in philadelphia. and down in georgia, we should know the results of historic recount today, thousands of uncounted votes that were uncovered in floyd and fayett counties, a thousand votes for president trump and now in two more counties more ballots untallied. meanwhile in wilmington,
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president-elect biden blasting president trump for holding us gsa resources. listen here. >> the law says that the general service administration has a person who recognizes who the winner is and then they have to have access to all of the data and information that the government possesses to be prepared and it doesn't require there to be an absolute winner and says the apparent winner. griff: now as we watch the president's legal challenges, house republicans led by jim jordan, the judiciary in oversight committee republicans demanding an immediate investigation into the integrity of the 2020 election as they put it framing particularly the irregularities and proprieties brought forth in the president's lawsuits, we would be following that as well, steve, ainsley, brian. brian: thanks so much, griff. meanwhile griff delivering the
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news jillian was writing more news for us. hey, jillian. jillian: good morning, fallen houston police sean rios, killed in a shootout on his way to work last week. the man wanted for questioning shouldn't have been free at the time of rios' killing, jason vázquez was out on two bonds and later revoked after he never showed to pretrial services. iran-linked targets in syria, caught on camera, israeli forces releasing this video of the air strikes, the military says they took action after troops found roadside bombs that were planted under iran orders near the syrian border. 8 different locations were targeted including an iranian headquarters at the demascus international airport and secret site. newly revealed messages how seattle zone spiraled in the
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summer. they would not abandon the property and ordered police barriers to be removed from the precinct. the messages show fir officials asking for help after security pulled back saying, quote, they disabled the door lock so they can't be locked. other messages reveal members doubting there's a threat at all saying, quote, some members say they don't believe there's intel to precinct. well, charlie brown and the gang are returning to tv after all just in time for the holidays. >> thanksgiving day is upon us. >> i haven't finished eating my holiday candy. jillian: charlie brown thanksgiving coming to pbs with new deal with apple who now owns the rights. they received backlash for not airing halloween special last month. the specials will air on november 22nd and will also air
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in apple tv for free. steve: thank you, jillian. coming up big tech facing big problems that go beyond censorship, our next guest, entrepreneur himself says there's only one way to fix it. he has an answer after the break. ♪ ♪ it's moving day. and while her friends
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i saw firsthand that the tech elite are separated from everyday americans by more than distance. and this summer he decided to move his company from seattle to texas and he joins us now founder and ceo of rex, peter rex, hey, peter. >> thanks for having me. ainsley: you're welcome, thanks for coming on. why did you decide to move your company? >> i think stepping back looking at the bigger problem and i will jump into why we made that decision which i think ties into it is -- the big problem with tech and it's kind of obvious that big-tech leadership sucks, period. and we need new leadership, we need leadership that believes in people, leadership that believes especially in the working class that want to protect freedom of speech and trust people to be able to discern the trust when given the opportunity to see points of view and we need to do two things, first we have to
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invest in entrepreneurs grounded in judeo-christian thinking or committed to serving people, the types of people you would love to make your money along side. second, we need to build an alternative structure outside of silicon valley and seattle in a place where freedom, faith are flourishing and still held at sacred. ainsley: well, you picked a good spot. texans embody all of that. have you enjoyed your experience here and why is it so different there than it was in seattle or san francisco? >> well, yeah, we love it here and to give you a quick story that sort of highlights the benefits to a place that has values, faith, freedom and more, a number of our employees were unable to buy a home in seattle which was the original catalyst for me to consider relocating the company. their families are joyful as a
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result and the employees, my teammates in the company are motivated to work hard and get the back of the company because they know that the ceo has their back as well. ainsley: what did you think about what happened with twitter and facebook? they were on the hill this week being grilled because of censorship. peter: i mean for me it crossed the line. my grandfather was part of the invasion of normandy, very courageous person and i'm proud to be an american. i think we've got -- we still have the greatest country out there for its size and -- and it protects our freedom, it's a place that my family and ancestors came from ireland where as catholics they were held down and i'm seeing this censorship in holding people down trying to hold the working-class down and i'm not going to allow that to happen and i'm not going to standby and i will come out and fight for them. ainsley: peter rex, thanks for joining us, congratulations on
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all your success. ainsley: you're welcome, god bless you. coming up former nfl star ben watson calling out georgia senate candidates rafael warnoch s stands on abortion. ♪ ah sugar, ♪ ah honey honey ♪ ♪ you are my candy girl ♪ and you've got me wanting you ♪ applebee's 2 for $20.
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simultaneously denying it. ben watson wrote that, brand new podcast, ben, why did you feel compelled, you knew when you wrote that as a high-profile now former player it was going to get some juice, why was it important for you to say that? ben: well, i respect so much of what reverend warnock has done in the community. i applaud many of his efforts. i've been to his church and done different things with him but when it comes to idea of justice this is prevailing idea that justice is only for a group of people. when we talk about justice there's a continuum there. we cannot simultaneous i will say we are fighting for racial justice, social justice, all the social things and forget about the most vulnerable people among us which are the preborn, question do both. what i'm saying for those that think that justice is simply one sided justice has a wide net, has wide net and the challenge there is not specifically for reverend warnock, he's the one that said it, the challenge is
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anybody that wants to get involved with this justice movement. everyone needs protection, the mother, the child, the family, the father. we can do more than one thing at one time. brian: planned parenthood doesn't agree with you. they endorse warnock. called for greater access for birth control safely and legal abortion and will fight abortion bans and restrictions in the u.s. senate. i imagine you have a problem with that too. brian: well, that's rather ironic with planned parenthood condemning the racist of founder and for them to come out and support, they are in a conflicted position. they are in a position saying, yes, we admit that there are racist tendency, we admit that the outcomes of abortions are from racism institutionally in our country in different ways, but we are still going to endorse and condone the act of
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abortion and codify that into law. they have a a lot of explainingo do, there's a lot missing there and i challenge planned parenthood to take the next step. if you're going to say that there's racism involved in abortion, if you're going to say all those things let's see you act out and protect the most vulnerable and protect black communities where they are the most at risk. brian: no wonder you make so much sense and make sense that your podcast is doing so well. you have a brand-new podcast, basically the watsons, why or why not with the watsons, you and your wife have produced this now. what is the focus of parents of 7 kids after great nfl career and trying to make that and turn the page? ben: imparting knowledge that we learned in 4, 5 different moves across nfl career and 7 children. the podcast is about marriage, ups an downs of marriage, ups and downs of parenting and how do we engage with current events like race, how do we engage with the election cycle that we just
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had, how do we talk to our children but talk to each other about these things and why or why not with the watsons, first season, it's available in all platforms. we are having fun with it and getting great feedback from people of all ages, people who are single as well as those who have children, maybe not 7 like us but those who are parents. brian: does it help or hurt the relationship to go on public broadcast your feelings, the pluses and minuses, the parenting and getting this all out there? ben: i'm going to be honest, brian, there have been times where we did a podcast where we were in an argument and those ended up being best podcasts because we were truthful about our feelings. there's a mission there that there's still love even if we don't necessarily like each other at the time. that's what parents go through and marriages go through. there is hope, why or why not. i'm the why and she's the why not and you have to listen to figure out why we call it that. brian: all the bruises gone, no one has tackled you in a while?
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ben: your body keeps playing football. i was told that your body keeps playing. all the surgeries, injuries, i still have to maintain, still have to take care of my body. it's funny, i wake up and say i haven't got hit or hit anybody in a while but i still feel like i'm playing. football is a tough one. brian: you look like you still could, don't pick up the phone because belichick will call you. ben: we will have a podcast about that and kristin won't be happy. don't worry about it. i will be here next time. brian: look forward to your podcast and continue to produce them. meanwhile straight ahead member it was far-left squad are calling for senator lindsey graham to resign. i'm pretty sure he's not. we will ask the senator his reaction. i think he's smiling about it. may cost you thousands of dollars out of pocket. and that's why i love healthmarkets, your
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brian in hours georgia election officials are to release report of handout votes. steve: big question is will it change the number and the trump campaign is pushing back as uncounted ballots are suddenly found in two georgia counties. ainsley: matt finn with the latest for us. hey, matt. matt: audit report is expected at 12:00 noon, joe biden expecting to be the winner. joe biden led trump by about 14,000 votes. biden's lead shrank to 12800 votes as audit revealed thousands of ballots were not counted in multiple counties. secretary of state's office says the ballots were human error even calling for one county election's director to resign. the uncounted ballots fueled more allegations of misconduct including from the president who saying georgia does not properly check signatures. georgia's secretary of state's office says it has a multistep
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process to verify signatures and its own audit helped the president's numbers. >> the main thing is we are going to continue to follow the law and continue to follow the processes and the irony of this fraudulent votes have been found he has gained in the finding of those votes. so the systems working -- matt: the president tweeted a short while ago that there's an important news conference at 12:00 noon on a lawyer clear viable path to victory. back to you guys. brian: let's see what happens. it's going to be interesting. thanks, matt, meanwhile let's bring in the senator with 6 fresh years now in the -- in washington after winning in south carolina again. he's chairman of the senate judiciary committee for now but he's going to be moving on even if the republicans hold on to the senate for another day. first off, what do you expect -- what do you expect right now with the georgia senate race? do you look at this as a
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flat-footed tie? senator: in georgia what's going on -- what's going on in georgia? is that your question? brian: yeah. senator: the way you verify signature in georgia is not multifaceted. i was on the phone a week ago today talking to the secretary of state of georgia about how do you verify a mail-in ballot signature, we never talked about him throwing out ballots, we talked about how would you challenge the signature in georgia? brian: you were -- he said you we wanted to throw ballots away. senator: i can't explain this guy, i can't explain what makes him tick, i never suggested that he do anything. we are talking about court cases. they had a 3.5% rejection rate in the last election, you know what the ballot rejection rate for signatures was in this election? 0.3%. 4 times more ballots. here is what happened, they have entered to consent decree with
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stacy abrams that's polluted the database that you would compare a signature to. they failed to take people off the rolls that are not eligible to vote. he got conned to the sign in a consent decree that's bad for georgia election system. i hope the trump campaign would set aside the consent decree but here is what your listeners need to know, to verify a signature on a mail-in ballot in georgia, you need one single person, it is not bipartisan, it's done in an election office by single individual and whatever agenda they have, that's what happens, there's a reason that the ballots have gone through in this election with 0.3% rejection rate because the system is set up to send them through and i hope trump will go to court and challenge that system before it's too late for perdue and ossof and him.
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steve: the ballot has been separated from the secrecy envelope from the actual envelope where they signed the outside. senator: that's what the conversation was about. you know bob smith, our note is the signature bob smith, the real bob smith or is it a forged bob smith signature? we don't need to know how bob smith votes. we don't need to know how he voted. if we can prove that the mail-in ballot system has fraudulent component to it, a judge can come up with a remedy. the different between 0.3% and 3 and a half rejection rate is $35,000 and would make up the difference that the president is behind. liberals don't want me talking about it. nobody wants me to ask about it. they are trying to shut me down. they are trying to get trump to concede, they don't want any court cases.
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when stacy abrams challenged the results in georgia she was an american hero. when donald trump is going to court he's a dictator. i'm tired of this crap. we will fight back in georgia. we are going to fight back everywhere, i'm not going to resign, i'm going to stay in the senate and kill the most radical agenda in the world coming from the squad. i will work with democrats when it makes sense, but i'm tired of having the liberal media and liberals try to shut down conservative challenges to systems that need to be challenged. steve: well, you're a lawyer, you're asking good questions and to the point about liberals, let's see, ilan omar called for you to resign, rashida tlaib, you need to go as well. what do you need to say to them? senator: you stay in your lane. i could answer why you want me out of the senate because i'm going to bury your agenda,
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you're the most radical people in the history of american politics, you're antisemitic when it comes to israel and you're a bunch of socialist and you will transform america to become venezuela, i will work with rational democrats and you're not rational. they want to steal georgia and do anything they can. stacy abrams is inviting people from california to move to georgia. she said this openly so we can win the two senate seats. this is insane. they don't want to verify signatures, they want to pass them through. help me help gouge,, you send money to the website, it goes to pursue and goes to ossoff, she's raised $3 million. that's bad for the georgia election system, i'm glad trump is fighting back and i'm going to fight with them,
5:46 am, let's make the squad's life miserable by holding on to the senate and let's tell senator schumer you are not going to run the place by keeping the two georgia senate seats republican. ainsley: by signing the decree it allowed for two different types of standards for elections. the mail-in ballots -- >> senator: yes. ainsley: most republicans win in person. continue to fight there. aoc, the aoc-linked group, it's called, what's the name of the group, y'all know it? what's it -- consensus. okay. all right, so this new group sent out a memo and they sent it to joe biden's transition team and it's runed by aoc's former chief of staff. move forward with our economic agenda and don't worry about the senate, we can do it with or without the senate. is that possible?
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senator: in their world they believe it is. in our constitution, no. see, what do they want to do? they want to change the rules to get their way. a dictator is a conservative fighting for their cause, standing up for their rights. a freedom fighter is a liberal trying to break the rules to get an outcome so they want to pack the court, they want to change the electoral college so new york and california can pick the president, they want to use executive orders to neutralize a republican-controlled senate. they want to take these two seats in georgia and put them in the democratic column so schumer can run the place but as a backup plan if they lose in georgia which i hope they do, they are trying to come up with a scheme to neutralize the republican senate contrary to the constitutional checks and balances. liberals want outcomes. they don't give a damn if they have to destroy bret brett kavanaugh's life to keep seat open, they do.
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i hope america understand that is the radical element in the house would transform america to get outcomes. they don't care the senate is in republican hands. they are trying to work around the constitutional checks and balances set up by our founding fathers. these people will transform america. you will not know the country you were born in. we have to win the two seats in georgia,, every penny goes to help georgia races. i'm going to georgia, ground zero for democracy is georgia. don't let the liberal left and the media intimidate conservatives. i've had it with the media. they come after me every day, every time i wake up i get an ethics of complaints filed against me by some liberal group out there. it's not going to work. i'm not going to shut up and i'm not going to resign. i'm going to fight and i'm going to fight in georgia and you need to fight with me in georgia. help the two candidates in georgia. brien: by the way the problem in georgia, this is a republican, so i don't know what his problem is but he seems to be on
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reservation of logic. senator: happy thanksgiving. brian: people are allowed to celebrate it. the california governor at a lavish dinner. a big party. no masks, no social distancing, our next guest says anyone ticketed for having a big thanksgiving dinner should hand these photos to their lawyer, but first i would like to check in with sandra smith to find out what's on her show. i would cover this but you have to make your own decisions. sandra: georgia election officials are set to release the result of historic hand-tally today, we will get an update from the secretary of state's office joining us live in moments. plus the largest school system in the country, new york city public schools closing for in-person learning today. the outrage is growing as the state's governor battles with reporters and we are one week away now from the thanksgiving holiday as more states and city as cross the country increase
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covid-19 restrictions, what it means for you and your family and your celebration, donna brazile and ari to discuss, join us at the top of the hour thunk, turn the temperature down.
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steve: welcome back, new photographs appear to show california governor gavin newsom unmasked in california. members of california's top physician group, medical association also in attendance, reaction wonstitutional law attorney and rnc committee woman joins us from the san francisco area. it's not just anybody in the medical community, it's the ceo of the california medical association, their top lobbyist and the governor saying we have all restrictions for everybody else except us. >> that's right. it sets a terrible example in our state where people have been locked down since march. the governor and the california medical association have given lectures to people about wearing a mask. the governor has said even if you're at a family dinner you should put your mask on in between bites, none of them were
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doing that and they even lied about it when they were caught. they said they were outdoors, they weren't outdoors, there's a chandelier overhead and a mirror. so what this means to californians is people are fed up with hypocrisy and two explanations to this, either the governor wants everybody around him to get sick and die including his own family which i don't believe or he doesn't think that the disease is that serious and it isn't a health risk for him to get together with 5 unrelated couples. it's probably the latter. steve: i loved your comment, if anybody gets in trouble over thanksgiving with having too many people around the table or something like that, they should just hand this -- have lawyer have hand photograph to lawyer or cops or whatever and say, hey, you're breaking the rules. >> that's right, thanksgiving we are warned not to have our extended family over much less a bunch of lobbyists at a
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400-dollar a person meal. the hypocrisy is very stunning and i think americans are beginning to wake up to what's going on here. different rules for the elites and different rules for the rest of us and it's not going to fly much longer. steve: reno about personal responsibility and we know what is right and what we should do. we don't need the governor to tell us. thank you very much for joining us live. >> my pleasure. steve: we will step away. more "fox & friends" in just a and because it's a ninja foodi, it can do things no other oven can, like flip away. couple
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>> thanks so much for watching.
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i have some advice. i want your life to be better. download the fox news app. open up your camera and scan the qr code in the corner of the screen and listen to the radio from 9:00 to noon. stay within nurse. >> sandra: fox news alert. they claimed they were bullied siding with democrats. i'm sandra smith. good morning, trace. >> trace: good morning to you. good morning. i'm trace gallagher. republican canvaser saying after the vote the public comment period began and dozens of people made personal remarks against me an mr. hartman, accusations of racism and threatened me and members of my family. public comment continued for over two hours and i felt pressured to continue the meeting without a break. >> sandra: the trump campaign filing for a partial


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