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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  November 20, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> no doubt a lot of questions, one of which might be when we will hear from the president. thank you very much, good to see you today. >> great to see you, great to work with you. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> harris: we will begin where we are awaiting the white house press briefing that could happen at any moment now, straight up noon on the east coast. the first briefing since the election and more than seven weeks ago was the last time we saw the white house press briefing. press secretary kayleigh mcenany about to take questions from reporters as the trump campaign wages a legal fight over the election results. along those lines, president trump is set to meet with republican leaders from michigan, the house and senate in that state today. at the white house, to republicans out of a detroit area county canvassing board of saying democrats bullied and
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threatened them after they refused to certify the results they are. they defended raising questions about ballot discrepancy. here it is. >> the purpose of the canvases to make sure every legal vote is tallied and counted right, that you have complete and accurate documentation, and when you have a precinct unbalanced without an explanation, that doesn't satisfy the requirement. >> we want everything the balance's, and if everything balances, then you can recount it but if it doesn't, then you can up so our goal is to get everything in balance. win this is what's happening in the state of georgia today. expected to certify its election results reaffirming joe biden won that red state after a hand recount. one of the largest in american history. the trump campaign rejects that prince is the recount included
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illegal ballots and it will pursue all legal options. you're watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, dagen mcdowell. katie pavlich, fox news contributor jessica tarlov. and in the center virtual couch seat, john roberts, chief white house correspondent coming to us from d.c. good to see you. so let's just kind of set the table for today, we have a lot coming up with the press briefing, the president has already had one event and expecting to hear from him again later today. lay it out for us. >> john: a virtual aipac conference going on right now, the national security advisor is the representative who is actually on the ground there for that. hobbies lee didn't hear anything from the president publicly on that or from the president for two weeks now in terms of questions at least.
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he had that briefing at the white house and also made some statements in the rose garden but not taking any questions, we don't expect he will come out for this today and then he's got the meeting laid around this afternoon with the senate leader in michigan to talk potentially about how the electors will be seated so they can vote on december 14th. there's been some speculation over the last couple weeks that may be the final play is to try to seat electors that support president trump as opposed to those who support president biden in states in which joe biden was the prevailing vote get. griff jenkins just a moment ago hit the nail on the head here in terms of the briefing we are about to see you. kayleigh mcenany is going to have to thread the needle very finally because she is in the white house, at the podium and she will have to wear her white house hat today, kind of going back and forth between the
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white house and the campaign. in some ostensibly will hear about coronavirus and pfizer today saying they will apply for emergency use authorization but you will be asked an awful lot of questions about the election and my bedding is to the largest degree, she's going to defer to say that those are questions for the campaign that she cannot answer from the white house when she is very sensitive to the logan act and wants to make sure she doesn't walk past that line. >> harris: always setting the table for us for what we're about to feast on coming up, thank you very much. we will come back to you in just a second. i want to come to you on this idea of faceless electors because that's what john roberts was backing up there, other states as well, can you say the
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people voted this way, i want to load the electoral college meeting up with people who would put me in the white house. talk to me about that and the response you are seeing, a lot of response for and against on social media. >> we haven't heard directly from the president about what this meeting with these michigan lawmakers is about but as you said, there has been a lot of speculation about some pressure to try and figure out a way if what they say is fraud and a lack of votes that they can kind of go around this process which they do not believe was legitimate in states like michigan or wisconsin and try to see people who object to the process and would maybe be loyal to president trump where there's not a ton of history of this, faceless electors are very rare. in some places it's a crime to be a faceless elector so it's a
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very controversial way to go about things, but it could be on the table in terms of what the president is looking for as they've lost faith in the system and as they hear from hundreds of people who have signed affidavits with perjury charges that come with it saying there were irregularities, so it's not like there's nothing there, but whether they can release get over this by having faceless electors as a whole other thing we have not seen in recent memory. >> harris: one of the positives always looking for a silver lining when people have concern and excitement in everything that comes along with this week to see what comes out of it, one of the silver linings has been americans get to see how all of this works and i don't know we've ever taken a closer look has a country as we
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are right now with some of the blemishes that are there with her as katie pointed out the equal anything in force that would overturn an election is doubtful now based on what we are being told by legal experts and election officials including those down in georgia, but how do you see it? >> dagen: i was reading rich lowry from the national review today and the plan from the trump campaign and rudy giuliani is to try to block enough certifications to get the election into the house. good luck with that, and i'm joking. the house of representatives takes up a presidential election if no one gets a majority of the appointed electors. in other words, a candidate can be below the 270 electors and still win. that means that the trump campaign could block the certifications in michigan,
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pennsylvania, wisconsin, georgia, arizona, and nevada, and joe biden who still has a majority and trump would still lose to joe biden under that scenario 233 to 232. set on wednesday morning. he said i am still concerned about the abuse of rudy giuliani. this is the most important lawsuit in the history of the country and i am struck by a couple of things he said. i wish was being prosecuted a little more efficiently and that was on display yesterday. >> harris: i had read that too and one of the complicated matters and i'll come to you on this is that we are really watching this happen in slow motion, so when you see the attorneys get up for the trump campaign yesterday, covered at
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live in one of the things that crossed my mind was jenna ellison summed it up at the back end and said this was our opening statement and now comes the legality and i wonder if people were clear on that before she said it because this was not the lay out their case necessarily the way it's going to play out in the court because it's much more insidious than that. it's going to take some time. >> it is going to take some time, but they've already had a lot of time and all we've seen is loss after loss for trump campaign officials on their legal team in court when a judge actually presses them on what they are alleging. rudy giuliani went to court in pennsylvania alleging fraud and the judge asked him are you alleging fraud and he said that's not what we're doing here. jenna ellis wants to keep the ball going, they want to try to get these faceless electors to overturn the will of millions of americans. >> harris: we don't know that
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yet. >> jessica: but we do know that because me know the margins by which joe biden won. these two officials meeting with president trump, joe biden won by 14 times the margin that donald trump did in 2016, 14 times. that's not a recount of 537 ballots in florida, that is an astronomical difference. president trump is trying to run out the clock and i don't think he believes he is going to end up winning this but by continuing to throw things up a wall and see what sticks, he is subverting democracy, ruining american estates and their electoral system in this idea that we should calmly talk about it. >> harris: i'm going to interrupt you because at the lectern right now is the white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany. let's watch. >> the beginning of the end of this pandemic started with the leadership of president trump. in recent days, pfizer and
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madonna reported the highly successful results of their vaccine development each issuins over 90% effective. we know moderna is over 90%. as part of operation warp speed agreed to provide pfizer with $1.95 billion to manufacture and distribute their covid vaccine, allowing this vaccine to be provided free for the american people. while democrats were pursuing a highly divisive and entirely baseless impeachment endeavor has far back as january 13th, this president and the national institute of health for pardoning and working on this vaccine for the american people. but that's not all. this administration has remained engaged on the development and distribution of a safe and effective vaccine throughout the
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year. it began in january and continue thereafter. may 15th, operation warp speed was launched on september 16th. release two documents outlining a strategy to deliver a safe and effective vaccine. these documents were a strategic distribution overview for local health programs. on september 23rd, provided $220 million to support plans for eventual distribution and on october 14th we made agreements with cvs and walgreens to administer vaccines to residents of long-term care facilities. under the prep act, we achieved guidance authorizing a qualified pharmacy technicians to administer the vaccine. we announced that they will
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produce, store, and distribute vaccine ancillary supply kits on behalf of the strategic national stockpile to help health care workers administer the vaccine and on november 12, we announced a partnership with large chain pharmacies in independent regional ones to deliver safe and effective vaccines. the unprecedented response to this pandemic has already saved many american lives. then you can see the timeline was ongoing, this was a long process and when we are very proud of. in now with multiple safe and effective vaccines just around the corner, we urge all americans to wash their hands, socially distance, wear a mask when you cannot do so and with that, i will take questions. >> want to ask a question that i'm asked fairly often away from the white house and that is with respect to what rudy giuliani and the legal team on the campaign side had to say yesterday, lets suggest that there is evidence of fraud, irregularity, even malicious
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intent with respect to vote totals. the question is what then would be the pathway or strategy to overturn with the campaign believes a flawed election talking about the judicial path, legislative pathway and how soon might americans be able to get their hands on a covid vaccine? >> to your first point, i would say there's been multiple pieces of litigation filed across the country by various individuals in the campaign and others. i will leave it to the campaign to make those determinations as to how to proceed with the president has been very clear. he wants every legal vote to be counted to make sure no illegal votes are counted but with regard to a vaccine, we believe there will be 40 million doses available at the end of the year which is extraordinary, the fastest vaccine in history by five fold. with the extraordinary progress on my you heard dr. fauci among
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others say that and it was made possible because this president said i'm pursuing a vaccine and i'm going to do something novel and manufacture it. so many american lives will be saved thanks to president trump and the great work of operation warp speed. >> is there a concern inside the white house that and lack of working with presumptive team will somehow slow down the distribution of a covid vaccine? >> i'm glad you asked that question and it's an important one and not in the slightest because i did hear the former vice president say yesterday he was concerned about not being able to distribute a vaccine. he shouldn't be. maybe he hasn't seen, but publicly available, covid-19 vaccination program the interim playbook for jurisdiction operation is publicly available if the former vice president would like to read through it. beyond that, i would say already
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going back months partnered with the jurisdictions to see if they each had an individualized distribution that have been assessed and made certain that they are operational. this work has been ongoing, there's a distribution plan in place which is why you heard him say yesterday that within 24 hours of getting the emergency use authorization, we will be able to distributed all across the country. >> what is the president's plan to discuss this afternoon with the two michigan lawmakers and ask them to have a state legislature appoint electors who support his reelection, what is the nature of that meeting? >> we'll be meeting later ron. there will be no one from the campaign there. >> when will you admit you lost
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the election? >> when will the president can see the race and allow a proper transition. >> there is ongoing litigation, what we know 74 million americans have voted for this president and more votes than any president has gotten in history and really extraordinary and very real claims that they are pursuing, and wayne county and two individuals on the board there that have declined to certify so these are real claims these individuals deserve to be heard, this is a system that has never been tried in american history, when we have identified as being prone to fraud. >> has anyone from the white house spoken with the director of gsa about the timing of ascertaining who the next president will be and the pressure being applied to her?
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>> gsa will make the determination at the right moment. right now, there's a constitutional process being played out but the gsa will determine when ascertainment is reached. >> senator lamar alexander today but out a statement encouraging the trump administration in the absence of ascertainment to begin allowing the biden team access to everything they need for transition has to agencies and real-time data. >> there was a presidential transition act that determines exactly what each administration needs to do in advance of an election and we have done everything statutorily required and we will continue to do that. >> it's after the election though. >> a follow-up on the transition. in has the president or anyone iin the administration instructd
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officials not to engage or have conversations with members of the biden transition team? >> i've certainly never been instructed that or heard of an instruction to that end. >> my second question is about covid. yesterday, a lot of what we heard from the doctors they've been saying since the end of march and the projections was that 100,000 americans would die and obviously we have surpassed that two and a half times. has the administration failed to communicate how serious this threat was the american people, how else do you explain what went wrong? >> the initial projection that our doctors gave us was 2 million people that would lose their lives, and it's a tragedy any time when life is lost but we are far below the 2 million that this could've been. we took very aggressive measures with the china travel ban creating the greatest testing the system and the entire world, therapeutics the fact that we
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have six working therapeutics right now and the fact that we continue to identify more and more, and i believe we have a chart on this, as you can see, that has come down for every age group and that redline is a testament to what this president has done. that reduces hospitalization and high risk seniors with mild to moderate covid by 70%. >> yesterday, vice president pence wanted to make clear that state and local decision-making, called some of
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those state guidelines orwellian us of how do you expect people to know what to do with all of this mixed messaging? >> a few things can happen at once, engaging in aggressive mitigation but also recognizing they have certain freedom and it is by definition orwellian for a state like organist if you have more than six people and your family congregating in your home, we can jell you for 30 days. that's not the american way. the american people know the cdc recommendations and the guidelines. the american people still have certain freedoms and autonomy and can make important self responsibility decisions themselves. >> nice to see you. last night, tucker carlson said that campaign attorneys have failed to provide evidence for her assertion about communist money in the 2020 election and
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said it was a turning point, rudy giuliani where republicans were feeling this legal maneuver just isn't working. so did you all have a reaction to that when you saw that and read about it? >> that would be a question for the campaigns. we are aggressively working on covid, there will be a drug pricing announcement later in the afternoon as well. his parole conditions are expected, is the president willing to pardon him at the doj, have you been getting any calls from the community to take action on this case? >> i haven't heard about that or looked into the particular case but taking a look at the
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question. >> back to the topic, something that the president needs to see before making that call is that the end of these lawsuits for all of them certifying results. >> we are taking it day by day and we will wait for that litigation as it plays out. >> the end of that litigation that we would need to see. >> i believe that the president. >> thank you. contrary to the court of media opinions, there is real-time data showing mass irregularities in the voting system we have watched over the last few weeks. i have a question for the campaign, where is the fbi? are they looking at any evidence at this white house or the campaign has presented in terms
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of real-time data of voter irregularities? >> i would refer you to the fbi on that, to the doj on that. not that i'm aware of. i would say that they're all real questions on that voting, we put those questions forward and better part of a year, there was a bipartisan commission that talked about and identified something i would note just as we talk about transfer of power in the election and its worth remembering, this president was never given an early transition of power. his presidency was never accepted. we know crossfire hurricane was launched by peter strzok to pursue a baseless allegation about the president's ties with russia trying to subvert the
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will of the american people. wrote a message about transference policy against of trump presidency once again trying to silence the voice of the american people in 2016, we know in october there was a fight as a warrant taken out. then the american people spoke and commanding only in electing president trump despite all of the odds and what happened after he was elected? 70 lawmakers not coming to his inauguration, elizabeth warren saying we are going to obstruct the transition by urging the accountability office to investigate the incoming trump transition. in january of that year, you have president obama having a buy the book a meeting where they talked about the logan act using it to go after lieutenant general michael flynn just before the inauguration, buzzfeed promoting and publishing a bogus dossier that has been widely developed and
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then for two years, you had the baseless mueller investigation which found no evidence that exonerated president trump and about 2016 he became the duly elected president, many sought to undermine him, discredit him, delegitimize him, and deny him his victory. there were no calls for unity or calls for healing so while illegal vote is counted, let us not forget the unexcusable transition or lack thereof that president trump had to endure in 2016 and for years into his presidency. thank you, everyone. >> harris: getting a little contentious towards the end there. don't know if you caught that. she saying now. that was brief, but a lot of questions asked. i want to first go to
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john roberts on "outnumbered" right now. they're so much right now that people have a question about just in terms of the lanes that are coming out of the white house right now. a starting off with operation warp speed, didn't get a lot of questions on that, but those are huge developments and maybe first we couldn't just take a pause and acknowledge some of what we heard today. i watched an interview with leadership at cvs today what they were about to do with the vaccine is unthinkable how much they're going to put out. >> john: when you look at this, in the news that pfizer is applying for emergency use authorization is enormous news and if it wasn't for everything going on with the election right now, that would certainly be the headline all around the world not just here in the united states and its expected they will be behind as well and as kayleigh mcenany said, some
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4 million doses of the vaccine may be high risk populations and those in the front lines before the end of the year with more to follow in the ensuing months, but this business of the election challenges continues to dominate the news cycle. president trump continuing to try to look for irregularities wherever he can, yesterday the campaign putting forward the theory that they're not looking to use legal means to overturn the election, but if legal avenues are followed, if this thing plays out as it should legally, then president trump will become president of the united states. can't speak to the veracity of that claim but what this does seem to be is whether president trump decides to run for reelection in 2024 or not. this seems to be a narrative that the president is pursuing that even if joe biden is sworn in as president on january 2021,
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it's not because he lost the election. it's because it was taken from him. so if he creates all of these doubts and his supporters minds about the integrity of the system, the integrity of the vote and the integrity of american elections, then he can make a plausible case to people who are eager for some reason that the president did not continue to be president to believe that there was something wrong with the system, not wrong with the president, and that's why he did not prevail and why he didn't get a second term. >> harris: what i find fascinating about that looking at katie is didn't we see hillary clinton really struggle? so people are looking at this and saying it's only this president who would focus on such a thing, she did concede expeditiously, and which is traditionally what happens in the country's election at that level. however, the court cases went on, and certainly for years
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now -- she wrote a book what happened. >> essentially, the special counsel investigation which went on for a very long time cost taxpayers millions of dollars was really of voter fraud investigation. they were alleging and looking at whether the trump campaign worked with the russian government to swing an election. so the trump campaign now is asking to allow these things to play out, the reality is there are vote certification deadlines up-and-coming and they have to get the evidence into the hands of the court before then. yesterday, they set a very high bar for themselves when they said president trump won in a landslide and they were going to prove it. they can try to prove that in a court or in the court of public opinion over the next few years as they've been doing, but there are a hard about deadlines here in the bar that they've set for themselves legally is a very
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high one in terms of trying to find different ways to overturn or approve this in the next couple weeks. >> harris: you talk about those certification dates as of today, north dakota, adding a list of more than ten that were already certified throughout the rest of the country going to do that between now and december 13th according to the schedule. there are a couple of states i don't actually have a deadline, we don't know when they're going to do it. but when we look at this, the bar is high now. i watched maria bartiromo's interview with sidney powell and she was promising to have all of this worked out within the dates i just talked about, a month before the electoral college meets on december 14th. that's a high bar indeed because you can't control. >> dagen: to put the timeline in perspective, it took five
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weeks -- it lasted five weeks before and that bush fight. we are two and a half weeks since the election to put that in perspective. it was one state. who said that, katie? katie, did you say that? >> katie: i was quoting the professor at the university of chicago and said just to repeat, the trump campaign has every right to litigate evidence of fraud, potentially, malfeasance, or error. and if trump supporter's and voters are upset, we still have not had a full accounting of all the wrongdoing that went on against the trump campaign in 2016 and all the wrongdoing that happened to basically remove him from office when he was president. so to explain why people are upset who voted for
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president trump in addition to the 24/7 gas lighting by the left, that's part of it. >> harris: it's interesting, because i wonder what role president-elect joe biden plays and recognizing why more than 73 million people who support president trump might be upset and angry, and do you acknowledge that with saying anything? what does vita need to do going forward to keep his promise in uniting the country? >> jessica: he needs to do what he did with his acceptance speech going i know all of you didn't vote for me, and i promise to be an american not just for democrats or those that supported me and kamala harris, but all americans. it's a lot of people. not as many that voted for
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president-elect joe biden but certainly we have to pay attention to the fact that president trump increased his support in demographics that we didn't expect him to with black americans, latinos, and both sides embrace a new future with different coalitions making their support. but that doesn't mean that we don't have to pay attention to facts, and i welcome president trump's book, he can call it what happened in part two that he can write over the next four years while he plans to run for president again in 2024, but to compare this to what went on with hillary clinton who as you rightly said conceded right away, made a very nice beach the next day, the obama's ready the transition, michelle obama posted something earlier this week about it, about how painful it was to have to welcome a couple who played around with bertha ransom that her husband was not from this country, was not legitimate and continued thn
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through the presidency but she knew it was what was right for the country, and that is what needs to happen now. republicans need to stop and do what is right for the country, start the transition. when macro quickly, i want to come back to you and get a top line thought before we go to commercial. >> katie: president obama was holding meetings in the oval office about how to destroy the incoming white house national security advisor's you can say on the outside they were doing all this stuff to make the transition nice and peaceful and going through the motions on the outside and making it look really good but behind the scenes, joe biden and president obama were actively working against president trump coming in and they set it up so that when michael flynn got interviewed by the fbi, the entire beginning of his administration has been as a result of what the obama administration and
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president obama did during that transition period. so on the surface, acting very pleasant and simple but behind the scenes doing a lot of really awful weaponization of our institutions of washington, d.c., against the trump administration, and it lasted for years. >> dagen: that's why hillary clinton lost because that's how the american people felt about her. >> jessica: . i don't think so. i read what happened. >> harris: you read the book, what happen. there's a joke somewhere there but we don't have time for it. let's get to something really serious, what we just heard from the white house press secretary, the white house says some 40 million doses of a coronavirus vaccine could be ready to distribute by the end of 2020. it's already almost the end of november, so that's a bit more than a month away. how americans will get that vaccine and how long it will take for everybody to get the
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shots because apparently, there will be a priority to begin with and we will get all of that in detail.
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>> we believe there will be 40 million doses by the end of the year and this is extraordinary, the fastest vaccine in history by five fold. it's really extraordinary progress, and it was only made possible because of this president. in >> harris: white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany just moments ago on the possibility of a coronavirus vaccine being available to millions of americans by the end of the year. this comes as pfizer is asking the fda today to approve emergency use of its vaccine beginning a process which could bring the first shots as early as next month. it's just days ago, pfizer and
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its german partner announced the vaccine is 95% effective in trials. i want to bring everybody back and bring in dr. nicole saphier. i think you so much for being with us today from a lot of questions laying that out, first of all, 40 million doses, who should get these first and how do you envision it happening? >> the press secretary is absolutely right, this is extraordinary, as she mentioned, they are expecting pfizer to put forth 40 million doses by the end of the year. we keep hearing a bunch of different numbers. they have said it would be 50 million doses globally, 25 million for the u.s., also expected to fix submit the next couple of weeks and then told us earlier this week within 24 hours of that, they have 100 million vaccines ready to go within 24 hours so it looks like
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it's possible but actually will be 125 million vaccine kits potentially available in the u.s. by the end of 2020. you need to doses of the vaccine to be fully immunized against covid-19's you have to cut those numbers in half. the rollout plan is saying health care workers are going to be first in line for the vaccine can also the elderly and potentially vulnerable. >> harris: i did interview for that corporation and i think there is one, just one injection, so you have that and i know you have so many coming online now with the vaccines that do have to be kept, they can handle it in the refrigerator or freezer section. talk about the magic number, herd immunity, those things being tossed around, what are you looking for in terms of participation from the public?
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>> herd immunity varies for every pathogen, the tossed around numbers are about 70% of the population means they have some sort of immunity for us to be able to walk around normally, we know anywhere from ten to 15% of the population has already been infected based on those studies so we have a long way to go to reach that herd immunity so while not every single person needs to get the vaccine, we really need to educate the population on why it's so important for us to reach this level of herd immunity not just to protect ourselves but our families and our community and get back to some level of normalcy. >> harris: has interviewed people who look at this has the end is near, then why do i have to do all of these things? we understand the pain that we have seen in new jersey losing more jobs than any other state in america during the restrictions on the shutdowns. what would you say to people
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about what they need to be doi doing? >> i would say we've lost a little bit of morale right now because we are seeing varying recommendations from our policymakers and also seeing them not actually following their own recommendation but then you see what's happening in new york city where you have children being taken out of schools when those schools themselves have the lowest bible transition rate, clearly not following the science so when you have these restrictions that are not following the silence, it is really upsetting when people are suffering, so all i can tell people is please do what you can to lessen community spread. we need to get our children in school and keep our businesses open and we are the only ones right now that can make that happen and we couldn't do that by individual choice because our individual behaviors affect the collective. >> harris: and what's so hard and some of those very areas
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shuttling covid patients into the most delicate areas in nursing homes just a few months ago. so decisions, decisions, decisions. dr. safire, thank you very much. meanwhile, let's get into what dr. safire was just talking about, states that are tightening covid-19 restrictions as cases rise across america. gavin newsom in order to 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. curfew affecting more than 94% of californians. rhode island will be getting a two week pause november 30th with restrictions that include coves and colleges, bars, and recreational venues and tonight in maryland, all bars and restaurants must stop service by 10:00 p.m. while retail and places of worship must restrict capacity to 50%. my head pops because you've got this going on and what dr. safire brought up, they didn't get much notice, the largest school district in
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america, it is so complicated right now, but you're going to give curfews and whatnot the bars and establishments like that. just makes you scratch your he head. >> john: the head of the centers for disease control came out and said yesterday we believe one of the safest places for young children to be during this pandemic is in school, yet the mayor of new york city came out yesterday and said they were closing down all of new york city schools and going back to remote learning and in the dustup that new york governor andrew cuomo had with a reporter from "the wall street journal" over whether or not the schools were going to close is kind of like the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing in the hand that is closing the schools may not be fully briefed on the science. there are some schools that have gone back very successfully because of the positivity rate is in the .0 odd percentage rate
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as opposed to what we are seeing more broadly in society so it seems for the most part, and there may be some areas where it's not true but for the most part, children seem to be quite safe being in school. there are some schools where they have rated bubbles in certain grades so that the classes never really interact with each other and if you were to get a case in a particular classroom or a particular grade, you could remove that class or that grade for a couple of weeks and then allow them to come back into the school. so some people are doing it. >> harris: we are watching in new jersey. governor murphy here in new jersey again one of those governors who made that very horrible decision with nursing homes at the beginning, then kind of doing something very differently as you pointed out just as an example. katie, i come to you. it's like the right hand not knowing what the left hand is
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doing. is right and left because if you look politically and people might say that's not fair, but you can look politically and see very different decisions being made and different outcomes. >> katie: this is all about politics. the teachers unions demanding that these democrats shut down schools because they don't want to go to work. there are number of teachers i know that are at work who are going to work and they are not teachers unions and having the ability to do so. when it comes to the types of restaurants and bars that these local governments are keeping open, they shut down church services for other things that maybe don't make them tax revenue, that's where you know the politics lie there, they don't want to keep that swelling and therefore they allow certain people to stay open while they shut down other people and as we continue to see these so-called
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leaders breaking their own quarantine rules or covid rules, it goes beyond hypocrisy. there are people suffering and suffocating under the iron fist of government right now and you have politicians, mostly democrats refusing to even acknowledge that they are the ones who are making all these people suffer, that the rules don't make sense, and yet they get to go break the rules when it's convenient for them. >> harris: jessica, why are we seeing hypocrisy among some democrats? why are we seeing gavin newsom eating at a three-star restaurant not wearing a mask, not socially distanced, this is just within days and then he puts together this restriction. i don't know how many people are out between 10:00 p.m. and a 5:00 a.m., but dinner was in between those hours. nancy pelosi with the rule
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busting haircut and getting caught on camera. why is that happening? >> jessica: it's not happening all that often and when it does, it's a mistake and i'm perfectly happy to call that out. you are always going to be find out and i think we all know those of us who work in front of a camera and gavin newsom made a mistake and he apologized for it and nancy pelosi has commented on what happened there, but we also need to talk about the reality that this is not just a red state and blue state problem, the restrictions are more severe in blue states but they require attention. still talking about how masks are a freedom issue, had a 68% positivity rate at one point there, there was a republican -- that's still pretty bad. right now where i live, it's enormous. you have rick scott who just announced today that he has
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covid. we know the restrictions have been in florida. you could look at's governor talking about this past sunday how important it is that people mask up, that the social distance. he knows that he needs to protect lives in arkansas. >> harris: i just want to get this in real quickly with >> dagen: . governor parson's and seein very differently. he kept the economy open throughout this whole thing and he is doing this that he needs to do in terms of informing the public. he told me on air that you can do both, so not everything that jessica is pointing out that is playing out is the case for those who choose to go a different way. >> dagen: the blue states have had the worst outcomes in terms of deaths from the virus and economic outcomes, and i'm sure some parents were really upset at gavin newsom, not at that
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$13,000 dinner he had, that's just wine and tip based on my calculation but the fact that when it was revealed that his children are going to a private school and doing in person learning with much of the state's public schools have gone to remote learning. and i think a lot of this in terms of the economics impact falls on nancy pelosi and democrats certainly paid the price during the election, but she said no to a $1 trillion offer from the administration on another rescue package, she said no thank you to 1.6 trillion. she said no thank you to 1.9 trillion and when she was asked this today, roughly about $400 million in money that was in the first rescue package that needs to be reallocated we can actually be spent, she was asked about the 135 billion that's
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unused paycheck protection money and that just sitting around there from the second of the paycheck protection program she was asked about the possibility of releasing it, she said today that's up to the administration. no, it is not. that is a lie. >> harris: john roberts, as we exit here, just want to bring up one more thing. representative alexandria ocasio-cortez says to pay people to stay home, you'd be keeping people away from where they might be able to mask up and take personal responsibility and do what they have to do. your last thought. >> john: how much money have we been borrowing and what is the deficit, what is the debt going to be? they were people who want to go to work, there are businesses that want to open, there are people who were doing this responsibly. i was across the country with the trump campaign and we were
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at these events but we also went into hotels and we went to restaurants and we were on airplanes where everybody that i ran into was observing mask guidelines, social distancing, acting responsibly, business was getting done, people were going places, and these restaurants and stores were staying in business because they chose to act responsibly. it's possible to do it based on what we saw. so to pay people to stay at home i think there are a lot of people who would like to be paid for their work. >> harris: amen to that. and as we wrap things up here today, it's been really interesting to hear not so much talk about operation warp speed read it is truly incredible, last quick thought? >> katie: it absolutely is incredible. you have repeatedly pointing out
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the distribution plan and a lot of americans very curious about where and when they can get the vaccine. so it's coming. >> harris: thank you to everybody for watching. coming up on overtime, talking about a senior advisor about the ongoing legal election challenges next
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