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tv   The Greg Gutfeld Show  FOX News  November 22, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PST

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advocating for truth justice and the american way. justice has been served created good night. greg gutfeld is next. we will see you next saturday night. greg: you can notice a spring in their step, that is the press. first there's joe's first big presser. talk about a day at the beach. which is where joe probably thought he was. it's joe's moment that i wonder who they will ask about. >> would do you see as the biggest threat to your transition right now given president trump's unprecedented attempts to obstruct and delay a smooth transfer of power? >> you spoke of the dangers of the president stonewalling of this transition but doesn't appear the president is going to come round anytime soon. so what are you going to do?
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i want to get your thoughts on the president to eat over the weekend. greg: what a cakewalk. the shame shame they didn't ask joe's color or hunter's favorite. be at answers the same, amber. oddly once again the staffer picked reporter to pick questions the political a quail the length of cutting his meals before -- cutting his food before meals. compare that to this. you were undermining the democratic election. greg: during the mic down undermining democracy. in 2016 new hacks began undermining democracy with witchhunts spying and slow rolling coups. no surprise media pieces are
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breaking out all over now that they think darth vader hitler's the bin. they can to wait for a legal process to check voting discrepancies. it's like the night before christmas. the anticipation is too much the lockstep late-night comedy writers claim they are looking forward to diversity of opinion after writing nothing but lame trump jokes for four years. that's like saying you are looking forward to your pet goldfish after flushing it down the toilet. they needed some joy because under trump their lives were so hard. pulling in six figures while writing 20 jokes today about orange hair, you are the heroes. too bad there wasn't anything else to make fun of, right? >> i'm going to get me a beer and sit down, a stool. >> do you think that you are an attractive person now because you are single and ready to mingle? >> what you want to know?
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>> surveillance video from monday shows the democratic leader inside the hair salon with a face mask around her neck. >> it's a turns out it was a set up. i do think that she knows that he is an illegitimate president. >> as her lawyer michael avenatti. greg: all you had was trump. meanwhile under trump's arraign you created the most powerful economy in recent history. you drove down unemployment to historical lows and brought peace to the middle east. you crowned north korean created them moonshot version of vaccines that will change that we fight future pandemics forever but trump's tweets made your tummy hurt. maybe you should buy a doll so they can point to where trump hurt them. remember when trump made fun of a -- i guess that cancels out the 5000 body bags trump didn't fill from a foreign war. then there's the mainstream
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media warning about the audacity of verifying a election. the current president's baseless attempt to prove voter fraud is probably anger and shame of losing. >> it's a efforts by the president to delay the outcome of the election and in turn convincing the president's supporters that this election was not legitimate when of course we know it was. >> he feels comfortable hammering away at the completely baseless notion that there was fraud, massive fraud in this election. greg: okay so the same people who happily pushed conspiracies and lies that undermined our public for four years are now upset over legal process that's been going on for a few weeks? that's like the unibomber complaining about your sloppy handwriting and ted bundy complaining about your lack of chivalry. if only we had a fitting response to these people.
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>> up. greg: you see how that can work both ways unlike the media who only covers the news one way and you wonder why. republicans are suspicious and angry. anchors are smirking out their cynicism is skepticism went missing during the russian charade. you have consultants depending on russian results even though they sold snake oil dressed up is polling. they look. they looked at trump before they took office and accused him of a myriad of the same crime. they pushed the dossier about impeachment and lied about his family in between. they pushed tax returns that are threats. they call their summit just to be first not to be right. they declared victory before millions of votes were counted. do you notice a trend here? it's a hurry, the rush to be done with this man and this movement which is beyond harmful considering how momentous the selection was. so obvious a group effort the media tech industry entertainment academia the most powerful industries joining
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hands to renew this bad nightmare called trump when in fact it wasn't a bad nightmare. it was just a dream that they couldn't share with millions of americans that they look down on and they couldn't brainwash. the movement was a reaction to them in their power to smooth and the gate it and now those entities are feverishly trying to break a finger. trump is evil because they couldn't predict they are controlling. it drove them nuts so they drove them out. the chuckle but that's in the never trump with who were never winners. they had to be right because their egos were bigger than a principle so now they are stuck hoping hunter is clean and the chinese play nice and they are the smart ones. the only way they can become more invisible is if they go on seth meyers. now the table is clear and it's us versus them. those who wish to. narratives that set us against each other because each other because of the more we quarrel amongst ourselves the more we will leave them alone and we can't let that happen.
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her eyes are open. we see how relieved they are now as if somehow this is going to go away. how wrong they are. c let's welcome tonight's guests from cheerleader to attorney is being quite a journey "fox news" contributor on "fox nation" emily compagno. he's got more jokes than the henhouse has yields writer comedian host of the michael loftus live show on "fox nation" michael loftus. she's as spunky as i am punky and that's a lot. kat on "fox nation," kat timpf. my sidekick and host of "fox nation" tyrus. michael good to see you. >> i wore the pattern jacket. i had this specially padded. greg: even the clothing goodwill didn't want you are wearing.
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how is late night comedy going to shift with transition to this new era? >> they are going to search for trump and replace it with mcconnell. it's a conveyor belt of a bad knock knock joke they just keep telling. they started with reagan. reagan was worse than hitler in an ocean was worse than hitler and they just replace the name in the same knock knock joke. i just feel bad for the writers preview where they are in the camel office dislike how do i do another show how do i make this some new? the good news is if you are entertained by colbert and camel you won't magus a difference. obviously you are easily entertained. greg: i'm going there. emily the media was -- to trump and easy that continue with biden or will they take a nice long nap for a while? >> i think they will take a nap.
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there's no arguing that he gets off softball there. and the question is whether we'll continue with the thing about it is the people who read the muster is because the office of the presidency should be scrutinized and challenge. it's representative of all of us and giving him a softball because all of a sudden he's on the right side of politics means that we are the ones leaving out over the next ears who knows what's going to be happening behind closed doors? greg: interesting point, closed doors. kat what is the news reporting as news rather than acting as if it's a personal emotional attack on them? every time i watched the coverage on this legal process it's like i can't believe they are doing it. you didn't act that way during the russian collusion thing. why are you acting that way now? >> it's crazy "cnn" was on counting the votes.
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for hours it was on because his friend was watching it and they didn't mention the counting or the way the votes were going even once. it was don lemon all these people just talking about how they felt about the most recent thing that trump had said. this is not new. it's the same thing with comedy. it's not really comedy. they will finally use jokes that are about something else than trump and you could joke about whatever you want and two were they jokes at all? one recent trevor noah joke this is one that i found. it looks like mitch mcconnell and lindsey graham aarp partnering with trump on the election which is a terrible idea but i'd love to see these three together in a heist movie. the punchline is missing. that's a joke. maybe not a good one but it's a joke. greg: there you go. all right tyrus.
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>> bursa volleyed have you lost your mind? do you not know what you are doing right now? in wrestling this would be like telling the audience what's going to happen. we are winning. have you seen our ratings thanks we are funny and we tell jokes yeah. now you were going to give advice to the other side who has been whining and crying about hey guys when i get tell us some jokes? did i take a crazy pill here? keep doing what you are doing. keep the party going, guys. it's working. greg: when you saw the press conference all they could do with biden is asked about trump. >> here's the best part. they are being nice to biden now because they are stemming once he gets then that he's going to do with the progressive's wanted to do and then they will realize wait a minute this is another old white guy. he's an even older white guys so they will turn on biden to.
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then all of a sudden you'll start seeing the cnn's of the world going you know he answered that question kind of slow. does anyone else notice that? he's just a skosh off. greg: they will give them a year because they have to get kamala end. that's the whole thing. >> they will always be nice to joe. you could kill the guy with the sudden question. mr. biden and he will just lock up and then you'd say you kill the president. no one wants that on their head. greg: nobody here wants that. >> nobody wants a selling jokes. greg: the final live show of 2020 in support of mike book the pluses coming soon i hope. sunday december 13 south carolina columbia speedway tickets available. g. up next more restriction less
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except about that. xfinity home. simple. easy. awesome. hey look, i found the tent! get xfinity home with no term contract required. click or call today. greg: good lord walmer senior row nine cleaning supplies and
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paper towels. no concern with that and with toilet paper running out people are using the next best thing. anyway this as states impose new covid restrictions including new york which has color-coded covid zones yellow jones -- yellow zones orange zones and red zones. governor cuomo can you make it very simple? >> just to make it very simple if you socially distance and you wear a mask and you are smart none of this would be a problem. it's also fun posts. it's all self-imposed. if you didn't eat the cheesecake you wouldn't have a weight problem. it's all self-imposed. greg: someone hates people. not me, i love people. they are worried that schools will shut down and who would make that call him or the mayor? >> are you now taking control
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and saying you have the power to make the decision? >> first of all let's try not to be obnoxious and offensive in your tone. greg: was he talking to the reporter himself? >> what are you talking about? >> and you are now going to override. >> we did that already. that's the law in an orange zone in the red zone. follow the facts. greg: he starting to look -- make his brother look like the smart one but i'm still confused. >> you were confused. >> you are confused as well. >> you are confused. read the law and you won't be confused. >> the schools are open by state law. greg: one hour later mayor de blasio shut the school down.
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california governor gavin newsom followed the latest downs getting caught breaking their own rules. he was caught dining with a dozen friends. he later apologized because he was caught and then on thursday he imposed an overnight curfew for 41 counties including the one where he dined out. once again politicians give in to the rules they impose on us. we are locked in and they are having a good time outside right big dog? do you find that funny emily? what if that dog was very sick and needed to go to the hospital? >> the dog is trying to get over the fence because he's sick. now you have me so angry. do you think gavin newsom impose that curfew because no one could
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see him? isn't he a jerk? >> yes. greg: thank you. >> he's only sorry because he got caught. he got caught on multiple levels. he sitting there in one of the counties ravaged by wildfires were some people are still homeless. this is a week after his office set up that tweet about wearing a mask when you're out with your household flanked by medical officials and lobbyists. meanwhile 100,000 small businesses have shuttered people are being threatened with fines and jail time for gathering with their families inside. parents are wondering what they are going to do about childcare because public schools are close. the "l.a. times" by the way has an obituary like a full-time column set up for small businesses where they detail the stories behind them. so yes governor newsom is a jerk. he's a hypocrite and as a
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californian i hope voters and governor newsom's political career here. >> they can have funerals and doors and it's like that's less important than your advisers 60th birthday party. it's not that he think it's more important is sacred by to a loved one and the last time you'll see them physically on this earth. he thinks he is more important. he's more important than someone who couldn't afford to eat somewhere where it's 350 bucks before the boos. not even for a moment as as an adviser. greg: i'll bet it was a barrel of laughs. they had a lot of good times in the office patting each other on the back. >> monument is. greg: i'll bet the powerpoint
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presentations that they put together were insane. tyrus it's hard to be at tip hypocrite in the air of instagram. you have a good time, you're having a good time and someone wants to take up picture and show off. >> everything real quick is a funeral e is who is in the casket. or is it er? i don't want to get in trouble. that's the point. that's the problem and this is why people in their starbucks, why did they care for president trump so much? this is why. why do republicans time and time again and up running the senate in the house? why a? because they are not woke. they are not talking making
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these ridiculous proclamations that they themselves know that they are going to follow but it sounds good and then when they do get caught instead of being trumpesque let's say i decided i want to go out and i figured why not. sorry, my bad. there's more respect in that. i'm profoundly embarrassed. if i get at the name and address of the patriots it took might picture. there social media out there and and -- greg: we are getting to the underlying lie about politics. people say they get into politics for the public service but they get in to it for the public itself. >> gavin newsom was the first die hard as the bad guy doing coke. he wanted to negotiate. greg: who was that? >> alice. greg: playing a boxer.
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that's gavin newsom. the laws don't apply to them. that's why i want to run for governor of california. greg: you will never get there in that jacket. >> everything in new york seems to be remembered that episode of "seinfeld" when it was opposite day. that's like walmart and de blasio and what other reality do you take covid patients put them in nursing homes and be responsible for thousands of books and say you know what i'm going to write a book about how to handle covid. greg: and to come up with a poster. these are terrible terrible ideas. speaking of the blacklisting continues. robinhood believes now is the time to do money. without the commission fees. so, you can start investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for?
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i'm ashley strohmier. now back to "the greg gutfeld show." greg: they have got a jones to cancel loans present like biden if that's his only miss calling on congress to produce 10 grand in student loan debt for borrowers. that's part of the coronavirus relief package. any way but democrats like chuck schumer and liz warren said biden should pass an executive order to cancel up to 50 grand. student. schumer says it would provide total forgiveness for more than 75% of borrowers but if you're
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going to cancel debt why don't you ask why the dead is there to begin with? someone smarter with me -- smarter than me without make it a point. >> if you're going to cancel the dead one in the u.s. where the dead is there to begin with? government subsidize the laws which allow the tuition to keep inflating and creating this academic bubble that we have to lance. the only way we can do this is not canceling debt is that's idiotic. you need to stop these loans so you can deflate the tuition. lanced that boil. seriously any way speaking of college some harvard grad students have circulated keeping trump officials from attending or speaking at the school after some outcry they change the wording to say the student should be held accountable before they step on campus. the one exception beer upon
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grandpa. i would cancel his loans. that should be the requirement kat is libertarian. if you can do that we will cancel your loans. >> you don't get how they get away with calling it student loan debt forgiveness. it's not forgiveness. forgiveness is when you absolve someone of a mistake. it's not when you force a completely uninvolved person to pay for the consequences of that mistake. that would be like you're with your buddy and you rely k brody i threw up in my berries but i forgive you but then you go on the street and punch someone in the face to deal with your anger. that's not forgiveness. that's assault and i'm not okay with that. greg: i'm not okay with anybody named brody.
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it's a good sign. >> so it's not good to get mad at someone else? okay i've got it. greg: tyrus these people take out loans for education that don't help them like critical theory or gender studies. isn't that their choice and it should be on them? >> i find it hilarious where soap focused on we have to drop the debt for college students. i guess the other people who didn't go to college who ran up credit card debt like a single mom trying to pay your bills is behind the 8 ball because she started on day one at walmart and now she's a general manager but sheep paid a huge debt to get there. i guess i don't matter either. i went to college to be a zoologist and i ended up here. do you know what i'm saying? i'm not killing whales in the
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art takes like a plan but lucky for me i earned a scholarship. when you get into loans and you don't go were unique to go there's a life life lesson. colleges and for everybody and maybe you think about training school or the military sometimes because the world needs ditchdiggers too. if you went in college and ran up alone the coast a lot of that was -- keep it real. i feel like that's the wrong way to do it -- to go. >> that's a sad point in your life when you realize i couldn't even dig ditches any more. greg: think about all those young men and women who joined the military in exchange for an education hearing this. what if they got injured in the war while they were getting an education and? how do you make up for that?
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>> you just have to give everybody $5000. go with the whole aoc plan. justin unlimited amount and give everybody hundreds of thousands. maybe we should have the kryptonian science council where you have a group people like what was your major? transgender organic puppetry? are, you have to pay. what was your major, and lectures and? you are good to go. greg studied something productive and you get it and if you studied something that wasn't ego emotional stroke to make you feel important you are paying. emily to the point that subset -- tyrus brought up what about the people don't got it college? let's say they are cabdrivers or delivery people. why not do that? >> one of the most ironic statements when elizabeth warren said for giving student loan debt would be a single source of
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the biggest stimulus to our economy but first of all what about opening the economy? let's start with data and secondly to your point how about taking away the ankle weights and wide tuition is so high. tuition isn't paying for books or ladies books or ladies and gentlemen and it furthers the narrative from the far left about the academic elitism. we talked about earlier unemployment under this president has plummeted. to me the most interesting figures the unemployment rate of those with a diploma which has fallen to the levels that we have never seen since we started recording the numbers and it's almost half of what the president has offered. to me that's crushing that narrative and also in my opinion insulating things racially and economically far more than those degrees do that somehow matter more than the people who
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brought that dead caring for themselves and their families. from the left that wouldn't be achieved if president trump was in office. greg: emily you have supplied a lot of information in that response i appreciate it. >> i went to school for it. greg: i feel like it was bathed with knowledge. now i need to towel off. coming up what besides looks does george clooney and by having, and? that is nenenenene
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greg: do they care about charity? in the new article george clooney claims he wants to fill suitcases full of cash and give his 14 closest friends $1 million each. i'd hate to be his 50th closest friend, am i right emily? thank you. he claims he was saying thank
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you to those who helped him the most including randy gerber who together with clooney founded a or brand so he needed the money. you can. about the story and clooney's new book how to start awesome runners about yourself to make you look awesome. the star of "happy gilmore" tweeted how depressed he was that my charity zoom call got more news on e-bay than his. i don't know what's worse being criticized by stiller or that he thinks i'm on "fox & friends." do i look that much like paisley earhart? hey it's all for good cause and he offered to do a joint zoom call with me to raise even more cash which i politely declined. why would i want to lower myself to that level? anyway the money goes to wounded vets. i hope the highest bidder wasn't this guy. the big question is where was
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her hand? that sound wasn't natural. tyrus what is the moral to the george clooney story? >> all kinds of you know like, yeah okay. greg: do you know anyone who would give you a million? >> no, i don't. i'm expected to be the guy to give the million apparently with the going rate of going on tv is greatly inflated. by k i'm trying to start a business. what are you telling me for? again i think you have a great point. this is like the rumor that you kind of put out the type of firmer that i put out. you are going to put the other kinds of rumors or you put something like defusing other
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stuff so usually guys in hollywood who have gotten to this level are hardly ever characterized as giving and charitable and handing out money. it's usually quite the opposite so hopefully george clooney is cool with me and i say good for you man. greg: you know what i would do michael? that would do the suitcases that include one of those paint filled drive packs. it would explode and the money would be permanently marked by my generosity. >> as it should be. >> i have to be honest i heard the story about clooney a while ago and i have met george very briefly a couple of times. he is insanely nice. like he is such a cool dude he could use it as a superpower. >> we forgive him for ruining batman. >> did he really ruined batman
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or did that man burned him? >> on the other side i loved the ben stiller thing so much. i love it that robbed him because you know that it does. he's tossing and turning. gutfeld, how did i lose him? >> i hate to correct you buddies only turning one way. greg: the story emily as we are all doing the charity zoom call for wounded vets and i was getting more money for my calls then ben stiller did and he went on to it or and moaned about how it affected him. >> he dissed you a little bit. you are at least as foot taller than kilmeade. >> i have a big trunk, greg. look you guys on the clooney thing here is what i thought was
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brilliant. first of all he said there's a warehouse in downtown l.a. with tons of cash. i think after the show we should go and find it and here's the brilliant part about it he told his friends if any of you don't accept it then none of you get it. so he was friend shaming. we are ready to have your announcement. greg: whatever i put in a suitcase you don't want. there will be 14 pieces of somebody that crossed me. kat. >> i'm sure he is a nice guy but the whole thing writing about himself wouldn't bother me if he had even the slightest of difficulty in getting the public to praise him. do you remember in 2014 when everyone was just glowing like he married a woman who was only
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17 years younger than him. troye and she's a lawyer. he is capable of appreciating intelligence and a woman. speaking of greatness and virtue, no, i'm not doing it. they did not mention what he did about the expert in all that. he had to spend a lot of money at h&r block. greg pak they'd have to give half of that immediately. >> it's an art form. >> is like a glutton for complements. he doesn't have to do anything. he's george clooney buddy has to be even better than all of us by giving out $50 million to his buddies who apparently is a really good guy too. >> you want to sleep with a
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woman in her 40s? the mother teresa. >> i think that's very kind of him. let's put them in a hollywood hall of fame. that is true. >> with walter kerns shout out. >> i am 41. >> you could marry george clooney. >> well, not now. greg: what is your cat trying to tell you? your catatatatat
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we need internet essentials. there's no excuse to not get connected. greg: i heard it on the great line or was it the feline? the former amazon engineer, aren't they all developed a new app called me out talk which claims it can translate cats meow to communicate with humans around them. they have five different feelings including i'm happy. >> i have an app on my phone and i'm so excited to try it. how are you doing? >> i'm thinking how awful big greg gutfeld show is. it's so elementary and
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loathsome. i find it offensive that you'd even associate with such an uncultured rube. >> way, really? >> it's unconscionable that a no talent hack like greg gutfeld is using your time to such mindless dribble. the only way to save him would be to hire me immediately. i will give you my resume. >> resume? greg: i asked you if you like this funny skit kat and you just use it as an opportunity to trash me. >> here's the thing, greg. the app did not work. that's the bad news. the good news is i talked him all the time anyway and that's how i know doesn't work. he does not speak like that. i say hey how are you doing.
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he says i'm starving. i know you're hungry but you have to watch your weight or you will get diabetes. >> you act as if i'm already dead. he has a speech impediment or is as he would say, impediment. do you think i would wear a nameplate with someone i don't speak to? that would be insane. it doesn't work. greg: emily i would rather hear from a tortoise. he spent around the planet for a long time and i have a lot of wisdom packed under that shell. >> my favorite part was how this guy when he tried it on his own cat it was leave me alone i'm angry. even the cats hate the cat people of the tech world. greg: that's true. i hate them as well.
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>> that's all a cat is ever going to say. all of the cat is ever going to say as i plot your death while i sleep. might plan is to kill you while you are sleeping. >> he runs around all day. >> no one trusts their cats. if you doubled the size of your cats you wouldn't want them in your house. greg: do you know tyrus the reason they invented the life alert bracelet is because they knew cats would eat with the paramedic didn't get there in time. >> the great classics like help, i've fallen and i can't get up. help is on the way man. not you, i want the white man. now gina don't feel so bad. he died in you didn't notice?
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greg: why would a single guy in the office dye his hair? >> this is an app that is a joke. ghost apps, do you really need your pets to talk to you? now they have an app for what your wife really means. do you want to hear that? greg: that's actually a brilliant point. it's better not to know because it will put pressure on you to do stuff for the cat. the cat says i might of the serious illness and then you have to do something about it. >> i still have nightmares from the day you pulled me out of my talks. let me out the door so i can get away from you. i hate you. greg: i copped the last part of what you were saying and i thought you meant something else.
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2:00 am
graymack we are out of time. thanks to emily compagno michael loftus kat timpf and jon: president trump participates in a virtual g20 summit as coronavirus pandemic continues to worsen and cases worldwide. good evening i'm jon scott and this is the "fox report." the pharmaceutical company pfizer applied for emergency approval of its covid vaccine. as infections and hospitalizations surge across the u.s., if the fda gives the green light alex azar says doses could be shipped out within 24 hours. but president trump is slamming the drug maker accusing the company of sabotaging his reelection bid as the trump campaign tries to o


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