tv Hannity FOX News November 24, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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sitting in this chair tomorrow and friday, we'll be back monday, you'll like it. chase jason chaffetz it sitting in for sean hannity, and the best thanksgiving, will see you. >> jason: thanks, tucker come appreciate it. happy thanksgiving to you and your family, as well. welcomed to this special edition of "hannity" come hypocrisy versus the left. i'm jason chaffetz and for sean. democratic governors are in full on panic mode. this is especially true in new york, where infections are, once again, spiking. keep in mind, new york is already home to america as a second-highest covid-19 death rate, due in part to governor cuomo's disastrous nursing home fiasco. but wait, according to hollywood, andrew cuomo is a hero. watch this. >> to my governor, the governor of the empire state, andrew cuomo, congratulations, andrew, on your much-deserved f.
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>>n governor andrew cuomo, you are the man. >> your daily briefings, live from new york, gave us hope, give us clarity, gave us the truth, and gave us something that we were not getting from washington: leadership. >> andrew cuomo became the nation's governor. >> what an honor and wasn't surprised during these hard times. i think the international academy and bruce praising her for this incredible award. >> jason: wow, talk about kissing . , was planning on celebrating this special award with his 89-year-old mother and other family members, at a thanksgiving bash. that is, until he was called out until his related to hypocrisy. , has long demanded new yorkers cancel thanksgiving and stay away from there elderly relatives. he fanned private gatherings of more than ten people, but look at this come other pro-lockdown new york democrats were recently caught living it up at a packed
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indoor birthday party. most of them not wearing masks and not social distancing. meanwhile, in los angeles, outdoor -- outdoor dining will be banned for at least three weeks, starting tomorrow. this comes just days after california governor newsom, gavin newsom, was caught on camera dining with a large group of friends, including two top medical officials. are you sensing a theme here? fortunately, tonight, we also have very good news to share. according to the cdc director, the first doses of a covid-19 vaccine will be distributed by mid-december. joining us now with the reaction is the author of a brand-new book, "modern warriors," real stories from real heroes, from fox news books, a brand-new imprint, "fox & friends" weekend cohost pete hegseth, alh fox news contributor katie pavlich and the author of "make america healthy again," fox news medicalme contributor
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nicole saphier. think all three of you for joining us on this great holiday week. dr. safire, i want to start with you. operation warp speed did something we really haven't seen done in this country, and now, it's actually going to pay off in dividends. you are a medical professional, a mom. tell us what it really means. >> well, jason, you know, it is really hard to stay motivated for everyone to continue to doing the right thing in terms of physical distancing and mask wearing when you have policymakers continuously giving these restrictions they don't necessarily follow the science. however, the good news is, through operation warp speed, despite all of these recommendations s that, again, t following the science, we have true scientific discovery that is happening, and it has happened in record-breaking time. we have two successful vaccine candidates, likely an eua by the end of 2020, secretary alex azar has a likely 20 million americansy will be vaccinated by the end of 2020.
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we have no anticipation this was going to happen. this was absolutely incredible, and we should be celebrating this moment right now, and not to mention, regeneron's -- the antibody treatment has just gotten its eua approval, and it has been shipped 35,000 doses were justt shipped today under operation warp speed. this is one of the treatments that has proven to keep people out of the hospital and lessen the severity of the illness. rather than people, you know, up in arms right now about other things, we should be celebrating true scientific discovery. >> jason: yeah, if donald trump had not put this in motion back in january, can only imagine where we would be at as we turn the corner into december. but pete, what has so. many people off and just outraged is the blatant hypocrisy. we could go for hours on this show talking about the hypocrisy, but from your perspective, what do you see? >> it is hypocrisy come of
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course it is, but at a more fundamental level, a lot of these leaders know what they are doing is silly, it's fundamentally disrespectful, it doesn't apply common sense to average people who know the science, who understand the stats,s, who know a lot more abt covid-19 today and they did eight months ago when this all started, and they are going to make the best decision for their family and livelihood, and when you disrespect common sense, people start to reject mandates coming down that on their face are silly and on their face, their own leaders circumvent because they understand they can make the best decisions for themselves, just like average people can make. it is hypocrisy. it is. it is. and they should set the example. but they know what they are mandating to other people is ultimately disconnected from the reality of people's lives, and
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crushing livelihoods. so, people will start to reject, completely, on their face, these mandates. you'll see more and more of it. we saw the revolt of the salon owners and gym owners and restaurant owners. we'll see more about. when it comes to thanksgiving, people are going to make their own choices, and they should. don't listen to these hypocrites. make your own call, and follow the protocols as you believe makes sense. >> jason: now, katie, we all know this is serious. i mean, it is deadly for far too many americans. it was the trump administration that initially started talking about vigorously washing your hands, wearing a mask, doing social distancing, but these restrictions -- they come with no sense when logic to them. >> yeah, look, i think hypocrisy allows these politicians to get off pretty easy. this is tyrannical elitism. while you have a number of democrats across the country, quitting governor gavin newsom,
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who was not only just at a dinner inside, breaking all of the rules he has impose on everyone else, but he was with a bunch of medicales lobbyists, including what was reported as top brass, doctors in california, and when you are talking about a public health crisis, the number one thing in the most important thing is publicic trust, and they've bron that over and over again, and i call it elitism and tyrannical elitism because these are the same people who get to go about their lives, do what they want to do, see their family, go to very expensive gatherings with their friends, while they are crushing the hopes and dreams and livelihoods of millions of o americans. in california alone, 90,000 businesses have been destroyed as a result of these lockdown orders, and when you havens politicians breaking their own rules, two things happening. when you are dealing with a serious disease, as we have been told, people lose faith and trust and don't believe what they are saying. do not result in people not following the rules that the
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healtheo officials say we should be following to stop the spread. if they don't believe their own rules, then why should b the people that they claim to be keeping safe be following them? so, it is a double-edged sword here, but the fact is that these people think they are better than everybody, and the fact that cuomo is being celebrated, it's about one set of rules for certain people, and other people having to follow the rules, destroying generations of family, businesses, and livelihoods going forward. >> jason: dr. saphier, some of these restrictions, you are the medical professional, but a curfew at 10:00 p.m., i guess the virus is not, you know, after 10:00, you know, the viruses out out and there is a certain time. alcohol in pennsylvania, after ? i guess that is something to do with covid. when you look at these restrictions, as a medical
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professional, what makes sense and what doesn't? >> well, jason, ultimately you need to follow the science come at a prime, glaring example of not following the science it is what is going on in l.a. county by shutting outdoor dining. today, journalist asked specifically, the director of public health, what cases have been traced back that prompted the closure of this and she actually said she didn't know, she cited an erroneous cdc study that essentially said people with covid were twice as likely to have eaten at a restaurant sometime recently. that actually didn't mean that they caught the virus at a restaurant. it doesn't even make sense at all. ultimately, there is 61% increase in hospitalization in l.a. county. that a serious. over 250,000 americans dying of covid-19, that is serious. so, yes, we need to take this virus seriously, especially until we get the vaccines here. the way that we know how to do it is science proven, physically distance as much as possible,
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try not to mix as many households indoor, wear a mask when necessary when you are in a public space, specifically indoors, and wear a mask properly, covering her nose, mouth, and chin. if, you do -- watch wash your hands, do every thing to educate yourself and your family, that w you lessen the spread, not these arbitrary rules. americans are calling out policymakers because they are not following the science, and americans are smart enough to call them out on that. >> jason: katie, pete, andas dr. saphier, i wish i had more time with you, but i don't. i hope you have the most wonderful thanksgiving ever with your families. appreciate it, thanks for joining us tonight. all right, today during aa big rally -- a big rally on wall street, the dow jones made history, topping 30,000 points for the very first time. during a brief statement, the president celebrated the rally and congratulated americans on i what is a historic economic rebound, but the white house press corps was not impressed. listen toes this. >> i just want to congratulate
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all of the people within the administration that worked so hard, and most importantly, i want to congratulate the people of our country because there are no people like you. thank you very much, everybody. thank you. >> mr. president -- [cross talking] >> jason: joining us now with more are fox news contributors emily compagno and joe concha. thanks for joining us. joe, i want to start with you. i don't know what is up with these c-span reporters -- c-span reporters gone nuts. they blew up a presidential debate and now they have this, swear during a presidential -- what is going on with these folks? >> well, the president has come out three times now i made statements, but hasn't taken questions, and implication is that while he is afraid of the
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press corps. if you look at the last four years, jason, he has taken more questions, has been more accessible, than any other presidenthe in history. we are talking only about a president who has been there for four years. i would think that probably the president has likely been told by his legal team that he cannot answer any questions regarding the legal process that is going right now and ongoing, as far as investigations into voter fraud and so i on, so he wanted to mae a statement around the dow hitting 30,000, and a third company coming up with a vaccine, whichan i think is the president's signature -- it's his legacy, quite frankly, the fact that these vaccines have come out so quickly, before anybody ever could have predicted. that is something that probably those questions would not be focused on. they wouldn't be focused on the economy. it would all be about, "well, mr. president, you are destroying democracy" or "you
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haven't conceded, why is that," and he decided to get out of there because he understands what the press corps is going to do in the situations, jason. >> jason: yeah, donald trump really should be winning awards for his openness and transparency. the guy has been the most accessible president that we have ever seen. but i want to talk about the actual, core message of what happened. because it really is truly remarkable, and you touched on it, joe, but emily, you have new vaccines that are coming out in amazing, you know, warp speed, operation warp speed, but the doww hitting 30,000 -- >> of the market likes urgency, so obviously the announcement -- the gsa announcement today was responsible for the final push along the 30,009, but make no mistake, the reason that this landscape led up to it in this way is because during this administration, the ankle
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weights burdens of taxes and overregulation come in combination with unburdening the free market and also deploying operation warp speed, that is how the dow was able to reach 30,000, and the s&p 500, we know now but if itight goes any higher, it will be the first time in history that it was down 30% in one year, yet still finished higher. these are monumental achievements, as you said, it affects all americans positively, but i think it is also important to note that the fragility of this in terms of how it is playing out with our every day economics, we can't ignore that, in effect we are facing down, essentially, a really over regulatory administration who backs these overbroad, adam bomb executive orders that are threatening people with fines and jail time, closing small businesses, hundred thousand shuttered perfectlyin, not sure if they can make it to the end of the year, these are things thaty out at the micro level that will enable people to stimulate their
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local economies, so hopefully this administration won't continue -- the administration won't continue to back the wrong ideas because the reason we are successful and i was president trump's policies. >> jason: it's exactly right, emily, but joe, what would you expect, if biden is sworn in on january 20th, the media, the news core,ar they are just going to go back to their same lazy ways of just sort of letting them do whatever, right? >> oh, i would think you could count,t, probably jason, on one hand, in terms of a number of press conferences that joe biden will have in his first year, compare that to president trump, again, who had press conferences on a daily basis, for 90 minutes, at some points come in terms of taking all questions, very hostile, and herere you have joe biden, who has a friendly press corps, and he actually has aaf staffer, jason, that has to call on reporters. a predetermined list.
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okay, who is going to call on joe biden? oh come have to keepp him in his safe space, and god forbid peter doocy a fox news asks a question that challenges him, and i'm sure that china and russia and all of our adversaries are watching this and saying, "okay, the next leader of the free world can't accept the question from the american press that actually are friendly?" and go ahead with that?'s that is what is amazing to me, jason, the fact that he can't even call on reporters on his own, at this point, hate to use this word, but quite frankly, the next president of the united states is a coward, and kamala harris, by the way, has barely done -- hasn't done, actually, since she was chosen as vice president, or at least joe biden's runningct mate, she hasn't done one press conference during this entire time, and she is afraid of the press, also, what is going on here? say what you will about
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president trump, he takes questions frome he takes fire, joe biden, kamala harris have not done either, and that is what you are going to see for the next four years, as well, jason, as far as two candidates, and now two people that are going to be president and vice president, that are afraid of the american press corps, that is actually friendly to them, it's absolutely remarkable, jason. >> jason: emily, you know, as i watch this, i see peter doocy out there trying to pepper joe biden with a question, but never even makes himself available. how do you think america is going to react to this no news joe biden, nothing, i mean, that is so wrong for america. it's not who we are. >> hopefully, it will be a bipartisan consensus that it is unacceptable. hopefully those that voted for biden, with the mainstream media, or progressive left, won't do was all a disservice by making it acceptable, because the reality is that the office of the presidency deserves respect all the time, but it
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also deserves scrutiny and challenges, because that is what behooves all of us as americans. that is what we deserve, right? we have to have that insight and transparency, so without it, with a 180-degree pendulum swing, the vitriol and toxicity of the left in the form of the media, the office it is as unhealthy, but i hope that we can look forward to the end of these soft ball or no questions and actual insight into our presidential office and the goings-on from day-to-day. >> jason: yeah, the lack of intellectual curiosity from our media, they have done this country a great disservice, but unfortunately, i think millions of americans have figured out what that game is. thank you both come have a wonderful thanksgiving. arrived, coming up, a breaking news report about michael flynn that you'll want to hear. plus, today, joe biden introduced his foreign policy and national security teams, and one thing is for certain, he is
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bringing the swamp back to washington. will explain and get reaction from gregg jarrett and congressman devin nunes, as of this special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪ history also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." especially during this holiday season of hanukkah.
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axios reporting that president trump has told multiple confidantes he plans to pardon michael flynn. will continue following the story throughout the hour, but first, joe biden tonight signaling a return of the washington swamp, picking a wave of e establishment figures to staff his administration. for example, national security advisor pick jake sullivan defended the defunct, dirty steele dossier as "perfectly appropriate." secretary of state pick totallyy blinken actually opposedbl a terrorist label for iran's revolutionary guard, a potential sign of a softer stance toward iran. according to state department documents, after joining burisma holdings, hunter biden come in a 2015 request, he wanted a one-on-one meeting with blinken, highlighting yethl another
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possible conflict of interest stemming from hunters see it dealings overseas. the democrats and the mob and the media can't help but swoon over the return of the swamp, m even comparing biden's cabinet picks to superheroes, seriously, watch this. >> i was talking to a democrat, saying it felt like "the avengers," being rescued from the craziness of the last few years, the superheroes come to save us all. >> jason: we are also learning tonight that biden's department of homeland security pick ellie hunter hundred americus came under fire in an obama era inspector general report for intervening to help democrat democrat-link foreign investors in the visa program. rounding out biden's fixes failed iran to negotiate or john kerry, who has been tasked as what is being called a climate envoy, whatever that means. so, ask yourself, is the democrats bench relay that then
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that joe biden has to reach into the recycling bin and pick from the same failed group of establishment leftists to fill out his administration? or are democrats and the deep states that will mind that they can't be separated? because what is clearer than ever tonight is that joe biden and company -- abandoning the president's "america first" foreign policy. no one summed it up more than marco rubio's tweet, "they attended all of the right --ow joining me now for reaction,ea fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett come along with the author of "come down to socialism," republican congressman devin nunes, by the pleasure and honor of serving within the united states congress.
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congressman, devin, there is a consequence of america not having a debate on foreign policy, one of the strong points for donald trump, probably no better difference, or bigger chasm between the difference between joe biden and donald trump on foreign policy. when youin see this cast of characters coming into play, how do you look at that from your vantage point? >> well, a couple of things strike me, jason, thanks for having me on, as always, i would say these guys spend too much time watching hollywood movies from that clip you played earlier. remember the last four years, it has been resistance, like they were some kind of weird "star wars" freaks that had watched too many "star wars" movies. now they are calling themselves "the avengers." the reality here is these are people that are so dirty that theye likely were involved in te dirty dossier itself. and so, we have interviewed jake sullivan, i believe come in our committee, we are going to have to go back and look at his
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testimony. i sometimes wonder if this is a pick, because if this is somebody who knows where all the bodies are buried, or was this guy picked because he went to all of the right conferences? either way, we are looking at turning back the advances that donald trump made, and i think, to the surprise of everyone,f including myself, in terms of getting nato to pay us, moving the embassy to jerusalem, ensuring that our troops come home, these are the types of done on thewere last four years. i'm not sure what exactly their plans are, because joe biden never really came out of the basement to answer any of these questions during the campaign. >> jason: no, he really didn't, and gregg, you have studied this, look at these cast of characters, go through some of these people that you see and what the implications will be of joe biden is actually sworn in on january 20th. >> well, they are all obama-biden, hillary clinton retreads, so forget about america first, it is america
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last, leading from behind. expect an apology tour. liberal, internationalists who want to rely entirely on multilateral institutions like the feckless united nations and the dysfunctional nato, the traditional alliancess "the wall street journal" said, only hurt america and empowered our enemies, and look atme these captive characters. you got james sullivan, who was heavily in the phony dossier, he was disseminating reporters, the trump-russia collusion ally that was infected by his boss, hillary clinton, and knee-deep in the email scandal, sending top secret classified documents to hillary clinton's private server, should have been prosecuted, in my judgment, but thanks to the misfits and miscreants like james comey, andrew mccabe, peter strzok, he prosecuted. tony blinken meeting with hunter biden, two days later,
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joe biden makes his infamous extortion threat to ukraine that resulted in the firing of a prosecutor who was investigating hunter biden's company, burisma. you would think that joe biden would be smart enough to stay away, steer clear of people tainted by scandal, but he stepped right into it. >> i don't think he necessarily cares about that. congressmen, there are a number of investigations. i look at that report from the inspector general, i looked at the investigations you've been involved and engaged with, and i guess one of the fears is there is ultimately not going to be any justice for those that misused their power, their police powers, or their surveillance powers. what's going to happen? >> well, that is exactly the concern that we have he understood why durham didn't dog anything, possibly, before the election -- i think he should've. i think we should have known what happened in the 2016le presidential election before we voted for the 2020 presidential
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election, because it was clinton -- it was the democrats, it was the dnc that were but you can understand that a long-term doj official wouldn't want to make that decision and bring indictments before the election. what is concerning me now is, i would expect the day after the election, for there to be indictments, for there to be a report. the fact that this is not coming has me very concerned. that's why i've called for a special prosecutor into this. probably going to need a special prosecutor into hunter biden. i'm saying this not a somebody who loves that position, but i don't think we really have aoi choice, because biden is knee-deep in both of these things. don't forget, you talked aboutbo general flynn, biden was in the room, he was one of the ones who prosecuting flynn, using the logan act. this was biden, who, you know, has his own office of the president-elect he is talking from in his basement. this is, i am believing that these people are back, just in
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my initial assessment of the last 24 hours, because these are the people that know where the bodies are buried, and they are going to be in these positions to not only protect themselves, but to protect biden and obama and everybody else. >> jason: that is a very interesting take. gregg, as you look at the situation, what is your read on it? will be ever see justice? >> well, i was interested -- i was certainly interested to hear the report the president is considering pardoning michael flynn. he wanted full exoneration in the case dismissed against him, but it is clear this federal judge, emmet sullivan, has been trying to run at the clock, hoping trump would lose and biden would win come a somebody new at the department of justice pursue the case against him. flynn is absolutely innocent. the two fbi agent who interviewed him wrote in the report and their notes that he did not live. you cannot prosecute somebody from lying when the only two witnesses say he didn't lie. this has been a tremendous
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miscarriage of justice. i wish the case had been dismissed, but emmet sullivan, disgracefully, to the bench, has tried to run out the clock. he's ignored the appellate court that said move with dispatch, he ignored them, it's unconscionable, and the president should issue a pardon, because that is the only way out now for michael flynn. >> jason: makes total sense that the president would pardon him, totally understandable, and i think deservedly, he should be pardoned. all right, thank you both. have a wonderful thanksgiving with you and your families. appreciate you joining us. coming up, we'll get an update on where things stand with the trump campaign's lawsuits, plus, all eyes are on georgia and the key runoff races in the state. matt schlapp and reince priebus are up next. ♪
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♪ >> jason: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." we are now just six weeks away from the crucial senate -- georgia senate races, and money is pouring income as control for the senate is on the line. with so much at stake, democrats have resumed door-to-door canvassing after pausing the practice do to covid concerns. this morning, stacey abrams announced more than 750,000 voters have already registered absentee ballots. requested absentee ballots. meanwhile, breaking tonight, the trump campaign has announced that pennsylvania, arizona, and michigan will hold public hearings on the 2020 election. joining us now in reaction, american conservative union chairman matt schlapp, and law president and former chairman of the republican national committee reince priebus. gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us tonight.
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matt, i want to get to you because there is news coming out of nevada. tell us what you are hearing and seeing. >> yeah, for the first time in this whole tragic story of the 2020 presidential election, a state court has granted republicans in nevada and the trump campaign the ability to presentth their case of widespread, illegal balloting, and to pose up to 15 people know what went down in clark county in the state of nevada, so this is big news, you know, a b lot of people in the national media have said, you know, if you have evidence of voter fraud, shall it. well, we have thousands and thousands r of examples of real people come in real life instances of voteres illegality, and i just think it is a great step that we are going to have a chance to present it. if we get a fair hearing, i believe the results in nevada should be switched. >> jason: yeah, i would really like to hear the clark county
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clerk explain to people why residents of nevada can continue to vote in nevada. i can't wait to have that in a deposition -- >> nonresidents, people -- that's right, people voting twice, dead people voting, and the biggest thing, which is true in all of these states we are talking about, including in georgia, where a third of the ballots were cast in male, in nevada half the ballots were cast inth the mail, with no legal signature verification from verification, certainly not in clark county, that is the big treasure trove of illegal balloting and all of these states. >> jason: well, it will be interesting to see how that plays out. reince, i want to go back to you, because you had a massive task as the chairman of the rnc to remake the republican brand, and the success was really quite phenomenal, not only for president trump, butss the fact that there is not a single republican in the house of representatives running for reelection that lost this year. that is a phenomenal -- and look at the number of women that have
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gaineded seats in the house of representatives on the republican side of the aisle. explained to us what happened. what did you do? >> well, this was back in 2013, jason, and thanks for having me on, one of the things we talked about, a full time, year-round operation communities not represented in congress or state senate seats, state assembly seats, and the only way you can do that is by putting full-time people in places like atlanta, in places like cleveland, hispanic, black communities, with leaders from those communities, talking about things that the party believes in, so we drew the outcome and i have to say, rnc and what ronna mcdaniel has done has grown an even bigger, do it in a way that is very surprised, so talking about, weeks before the election, the chairman and i were on, we were telling everyone it was going to be a much closer election than you think, that is because when you can see, by a person, when
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too many people are filling in absentee ballots, you can see exactly who is filling them in, who they are voting for, based on consumer data and all kinds of other things that you can look at, and that is really what has happened, the party has grown successfully, grown in hispanic communities, black communities, and certainly the president come of all people, donald trump is the person that grew our party in these communities, black communities, hispanic communities, there was a great team effort. >> jason: yeah, the national media totally ignored it and never ran stories about it, but it was a huge phenomenon. our time is short here, but i want you each to tell me about georgia, because the swing of thebo senate rest on the vote in georgia. matt, what is your perspective? >> look, there is a great pushback from what happened on election day. 73.3 million americans feel like the election was handled in an
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improper way, and there are too many illegal ballots in the tally, and this is true in georgia. you're going to see trump nation georgia like you've never seen. it's the first test of what the american people think about the election results, and i think it's going to result in two republicans being returned to the united states senate, and mitch mcconnell andst republicans being the majority there. >> jason: i personally hope that is the conclusion, but reince, this is a tough road, this is a very difficult fight here. >> yeah, i sure hope to god that is right, and i think he is going to be right. this is a 50/50 race, so i'm telling you, don't think for a second that just because this is georgia, you know, it can go either way. one thing i think, we're either going to win two or lose two, is not going to be this theory that we are going to at least win one. we are wl either going to win 'm both or lose 'em both, and it's going to be a 50/50 shot, and everything is going0 to count, everything is on the line, so if
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you're out there and you can help or you can send in money, we are going to need it. it's going to be that close. >> jason: yeah, no, it is good to be a tight, tight race. gentlemen, thank you. have the best possible thanksgiving you can have, and thanksks for joining us on this wonderful tuesday night. all right, coming coming up, shannon bream joins us with a live report about how a church in california has asked the supreme court to intervene in the states covid-19 restriction on houses of worship. plus, one pastor in the golden state has taken matters into his own hands. you're going to want to see this. he's done it in a very creative way to make sure he can hold service. he joins us next. that and more as the special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪ insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized that we needed a way to supplement our income. if you have one hundred thousand
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>> ♪ ♪ >> jason: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." now, as california governor gavin newsom tightens restrictions on gatherings due to the covid-19 pandemic, another california church is asking the supreme court for an emergency injunction, blocking an order restricting how many people can legally gather at houses of worship. here with more is shannon bream. shannon? >> all right, jason, so there are at least three emergency petitions now pending before the
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u.s. supreme court from various churches and religious organizations that say their first amendment rights to religious liberties, to be out there worshiping is basically being trampled by these overly broad covid-19 b restrictions. the latest does come from that churchth in california today, asking the justices to block some of governor gavin newsom's restrictions that they say are making it nearly impossible for them to work ship. i want to read a little of their filing today to thewo justices. they say as a result of the governor's covid-19 restrictions on earth will just worship, the church has received letters from local authorities brightening up to a year in prison, criminal charges, and thousand dollar fines. again, not only the pastors, church, also parishioners and inclusivincludes threats to cloe church. they say they need protection nonow. other petitions before the supreme court, both out of new york, involving
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governor cuomo and his restrictions. both the catholic diocese of brooklyn and a coalition of jewish groups say they are being discriminated against and left with few options to actually worship in any way together. just days ago, just a samuel alito got out there and gave a speech that a lot of thought was very controversial, he talked about religious liberty being a disfavored right in somety quarters. he pointed out in nevada, where casinos can operate at a higher capacity than churches. here is a bit of what he said. >> so, if you go to nevada, you can gamble, drink, and attend all sorts of shows. but here's what you can't do. if you wantt to worship and youb are the 51st person in mind, sorry, you are out of luck. the states message is this: forget about worship and head for the slot machines, or maybe a cirque du soleil show. >> so, that california case, governor newsom has been ordered by justice kagan to file a response by saturday after the two out of cases on out of new york, we are standing bys soon as there is any
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action from the supreme court in any of the cases. >> jason: shannon bream, thank you. earlier this month, a san diego judge said strip clubs could temporarily reopen, while churches in the state remain restricted for indoor services. last week on this program, former arkansas governor mike huckabee joked that churches should become strip clubs. to get around the harsh california restrictions. take a look. >> i would think that it is ridiculous to say people are safer in a strip club than they are at church, but churches across california are going to announce that their pastor will remove his tie during the sermon, and therefore, he will take off an article of clothing, making it a temporary strip club so people will be able to go to church. >> jason: well, one california pastor took governor huckabee's advice and did just that this past sunday. watch this. >> let's go!
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woo! by the way, governor huckabee said he would bail mewa out if i got arrested for that. [laughter] this, this is insane. >> jason: joining us now is that pastor, senior pastor of god speak calvary chapel rob mccoy, ed fox news contributor rachel campos duffy. thank you both for joining us. pastor, i never thought i would get a chance to say this, but you were really getting jiggy with it up there. i don't know whether that scares me or i should be impressed, but i appreciate your creativity, and i'm sorry that you are havingh to deal with this. i do think it is insane. i do think it is ridiculous. explainri to us what you are dealing with there in california. >> well, i was a previous mayor of the city of thousand oaks where i reside. i was a city councilman. i resigned in april when the
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governor said the church was nonessential during our holy week, and i knew the council would have to censure me, but i can't live without. i swore to defend the constitution, and he is infringing on our rights, and i couldn't do that as an elected official, so i resigned from my office. we held communion, even though the governor said we were nonessential, worship clinics are, cannabis distributors are, but not the church. we were practicing all of the cdc standards until we started to realize this virus did not -- we opened up wide may 31st, and up until recently, we hadn't had a single case of covid, we haven't had one that has been contracted at the church. we have that had folks will come down with it. wein were given a restraining order, and they are finding us every sunday, every time we are open, the health officials outic there noting all the violations,
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and the health officer got a 12.5% raise while 65% of the restaurants in our county will never reopen. they've devastated our county, and this is insane, and now you have to strip to remain open as a church.hi >> jason: i'm so sorry you're having to go through this. rachel, you andin sean, you've t a beautiful family. what are these types oftr restrictions doing to your family. everyone says we need to be safe, we have to be smart, bute some of these ridiculous restrictions, they are hurting people and families, aren't they? >> thanks for having me on, jason, and pastor rob, congratulations to you, you really are a hero, and anybody who hasn't seen -- you showed the funny part where he has been tending to strip for two seconds, but the sermon is amazing, and it actually hearkens back to so many of the important movements in our country led by pastors, so if you haven't seen it, please google it, it is truly
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inspirational. we have the marxists and secularists all united against christians, against americans who are seeking freedom, so if we don't unite together to fight this, there's going to be a problem. this is so outrageous. you have a strip club, where a judge has said they have a constitutionally protected right to get naked and dance, get the freedom to worship, expresslyly mentioned in the first amendment, these churches are closed.. the pastor's right. we lost holyly week. they are trying to shut down thanksgiving. right now, there is a representative from the w.h.o. who said in england we should consider canceling christmas come or at least postponing it for six months. when will this end?il one movie, as americans, get together and say "enough is enough of this intolerancece towards people of faith"? >> jason: pastors, we have a hard out in about 30 seconds. what is your message of this thanksgiving to everybody who is
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watching across america? >> this is the 400th anniversary of the signing of the mayflower compact, and this nation was founded with those principles, and they were christians seeking religious freedom. it's time we dust off the old books and realize the gift we have been given in a constitutional republic, and a governor that takes 22 people to dinner and sits shoulder to shoulder without masks at a $1500 barr bill on our taxpayer dollars and then tells us we can't have thanksgiving? folks, stand up and push back. we, the people, we are the rulers and governed by our consent, and we don't consent to that. >> jason: pastor, thank you, god bless you and your family. rachel, you, as well. more of this special edition of "hannity" right after the break. ♪ picking your health insurance coverage isn't
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thanks for watching, i hope you and your family have the best possible thanksgiving, tammy bruce is filling in for laura ingraham tonight, it's all yours. >> tammy: happy thanksgiving to you and yours and welcome aboard. i am tammy bruce in for laura ingraham and this is a special edition of "the ingraham angle" from new york city tonight. joe biden today introducing his cabinet to the country and while msnbc claims it's like he's assembling the avengers, we'll expose how they are really just a bunch of swamp creatures, not a surprise there.ow plus corn and cobb are not the only parts handing out this thanksgiving, sources tell fox news michael flynn is next. congress of matt gaetz is here, plus this show has warned you for months about the dangers of mail-in voting, whatho lessons n we learn to avoid this complete
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