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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  November 25, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PST

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raised by the national turkey federation. both turkeys will return to iowa. jillian: what beautiful turkeys they are. griff griff indeed. thank you very much. it's time for bubleing time to get that turkey ready. here comes "fox & friends." go. ♪ >> the vaccine is going to begin to be rolled out by the end of the second week in december. >> potential vaccine around the corner, lockdown measures continue. griff: l.a. county's ban on in person dining starts today. >> this is as i said crippling, that's a light word for this. [bell] bret: stock market soared the dow eclipsed the 30,000 mark. that's a sacred number 30,000. i want to congratulate all the people in the administration that worked so hard. >> for the terrorist time ever the united states will have a full time climate meter one of my closest friends john kerry. >> the international community, whatever the hell that is, they are thrilled with what they're seeing out of washington right
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now. that's not the american people. >> on behalf of the entire trump family i want to wish every american a healthy and very happy thanksgiving. >> i hereby grant you a full pardon. thank you, corn. [applause] ♪ shining star ♪ no matter how are ♪ shining bright to see brian: well, if that tree looked familiar, you watched yesterday's show or monday's show or friday's show, that is our tree. you are looking live at the all-american christmas tree at fox square. hi, everyone. welcome to the thanksgiving eve edition of "fox & friends." we are playing ourselves for the entire three hours and then we will hand it over to whoever wants it at 9:00. and by the way i understand despite the warnings, over 6.3 million people will go on a plane today to go somewhere
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eventually. steve: eventually during the entire holiday, indeed. brian, divoork to you and jed, good morning to you as well. you mentioned today is thanksgiving eve. i know it seems like a friday because a lookout of people aren't going to be working tomorrow or the next day. do you know the significance of thanksgiving eve? today is the booziest day of the year. this is the biggest party day of the year absolutely. this is the day when a lot of college kids traditionally come back from school and then before they have to spend time with the parents, they go spend time with their friends tonight and live it up. but, of course, covid has changed all of that but, i feel, jed, people will still be popping something. in fact, during this program, there is a possibility that brian and i and you as well may actually have a little bourbon, just kidding. it's true. no, it's true. brian: jedediah, keep in mind
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you go to pennsylvania drink before 5:00. banning liquor after 5:00 today. because they know exactly what steve is talking about. jedediah: yeah, i was just going to say restrictions are coming into play for that as well. i do remember in college this was a fun day. a lot of partying happened. you got excited to go home and see your friends. covid-19 has changed a lot of that in terms of you who people can celebrate due to a lot of restrictions going on. we will get to that and much more in the next three hours. we will start with those covid-19 warnings. they are not stopping more than 50 million americans traveling this thanksgiving. this map showing more than 7,000 flights in the air yesterday afternoon. the tsa says more than 6 million are taking to the skies alone. brian: okay. in new york a quarantine crack down on drivers 19 checkpoints will be set up at bridges and tunnels to make sure isolation orders are followed. steve: terrific. and in los angeles, an in person dining ban starts as democratic leaders of both cities new york and l.a.
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reminding residents it's not too late to cancel holiday plans. brian: instead of make them, cane sell them. steve: some people have already canceled. nobody in my family is getting together with anybody from my family. and it has nothing to do with my family. it has everything to do with 2020. let's bring in charles payne. host of making money on fox business. charles, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: let's start with that l.a. ban. they are going to ban outdoor dining, indoor dining. you name it. ultimately, we have seen parts of the country close and it's been devastating. other parts are open. l.a., case in point. here san owner of a place called slap fish. listen to how he says this is going to impact him. as i said, crippling, i mean, that's a light word for this. so, the amount of people that are going to be laid off as a result of this across all of our restaurants we have seen sales immediately halt it. really was a screeching halt. even at the announcement about
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these new regulations. and now it's about, okay. well, sales are that slow. we have got to lay people off. i have seen even in my general orbit locally at least 100 people i have heard of who have been laid off. the question becomes where is the support system, right? where is the framework through which all of these people can then kind of bridge into the next step, which we don't even know what that is yet. it's the holidays. steve: it is the holidays. the first thing he said about closing his business, charles, it's crippling. >> it is crippling. and that's an understatement. you know what's really interesting, california, new york, pennsylvania, they are all racing to see who is going to destroy the most small businesses. and with these if you go outdoors then you should be fine. they take the small amount of money they have and they make it so that people can dine outdoors in a nice tent.
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we did that this week my wife and i in a place in new jersey. they said no, that doesn't work either. if the look at the numbers right now. the largest amount of bankruptcies for businesses that received ppp money are in california. if you look at the number of unemployment, you look at los angeles. you look at california. right at the top of the -- do you know what's interesting, guys? yesterday the conference board. a main company that measures confidence in this country they came out with confidence numbers for november wouldn't surprise that you florida the consumers are the most confident of any state out there, texas is number two. california is way down on the list. and forget about it. new york and pennsylvania have fallen off the list. it's not just the businesses but even the consumers. there is a sort of feeling of dread. of hopelessness, it's doom. it's crippling to borrow a word. jedediah: charles, limiting outdoor dining and getting rid of it all together takes it up to the next level. that's how many of these businesses sustain them selves.
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not every place can do that obviously because the weather has turned cold in many places. places like los angeles have the ability to do that and now to be told they can't is deeply depressing to many and deeply problematic for businesses. i want to shift over to the dow jones hitting 30,000. we are going to talk about that. first listen to president trump and what he said at the white house about it. >> i just want to congratulate everybody. the dow jones industrial average just broke for the first time in history. 30,000. it's now. [applause] >> that's great for jobs and everything. i just want to congratulate everybody that worked so hard. the white house, but maybe most importantly the people of our country. it's a tremendous achievement. jedediah: talk some numbers to us, charles. >> you know, the dow hitting 30,000 is a tremendous achievement. it's the 118th time that's happened under president trump. it happened 22 times under
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barack obama. 30 stocks doesn't have amazon and google some of the other big. if you look at the stock market like the russell 2,000 with the small businesses. it's rocketing. if you look at the nasdaq that has all the technology names in it, it's through the roof. we are having an amazing queer what the stock market is telling us a harbinger of things to come. looks out six months and a year from now we will be on track. i think we are. all the numbers suggest as vaccines are approved and begin to be distributed the amount of debt to household income. the savings through the roof. we are set pretty good. obviously there is a part of us though, particularly the smaller businesses and some of these households that are being left behind and unfortunately best way to get them back in the game is open up the game so they can
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participate and everyone can participate. brian: you mention the dow jones. when the closing down of businesses in all of california. closing down of businesses in all of illinois. closing down of businesses in almost gradually of all of new york and killing the patient to save the patient, maybe you can get some paddles and bring new york back. i don't see how it's going to happen businesswise. i'm looking at this. these food banks. one in four households is somehow facing feud adversity in rhode island. in san jose the number has tripled over the course of 2020. same thing in dallas. serving 70% more people, they are saying in santa crews, sandra: that cruz, california. while these leaders are trying to care about us they are also killing us. charles: there is no doubt about it. brian. we are just pawns. i think most americans are starting to realize or should realize that ultimately in this
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game of power. we are just pawns. the only time they really fain any kind of concern is when we can be used to further their agenda. you remember when the terrifies camtariffs came on.everyone wast the american farmer. soybeans higher than when president trump came in office. we are pawns. that's all we are pawns for this power game, you know, listen, $1.8 trillion was offered before the election. money could have been going out to these households at this very second. it was turned down. it would have been a political victory. turn it down and turn the screws later on. meanwhile the pawns fall one after the other. brian: that's right. death rate .06% or according to columbia, 0.015. the flu is 0.1. i know it's dangerous. there is a -- peter be caro last night said i need more stimulus
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money. i know you are cognizant of the debt than anybody. should why get more stimulus now before christmas. >> absolutely. i have been pounding the table on this. on my show i have challenged the republicans and democrats on this. because, again, i know that there is parts of the economy that are booming, i know we have a strong v shaped recovery and by the way we have done better than every european country so put that lie to bed mainstream media. we are a big country with 300 million people. a large swath over 20 million on some sort of unemployment assistance right now two of them special programs that expire the day after christmas december 26th. brian: get it done. charles: again, i said before we are pawns. we have been played. we have been abused. for some of them the more of us that are in food banks waiting on lines for free food the better photo op. there is for them. steve: one of the things joe biden said yesterday he would like to make sure that states
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and localities which are suffering from the coronavirus wind up with some sort of assistance they will in his administration he says. charles, real quick, how are you celebrating? >> my wife went out and bought some fixings the last couple days. she is pretty excited. my daughter and grand daughter are coming over we will do a conference call with the rest of the family. steve: sounds like our family. jedediah: thanks so much, charles. charles: thank you, have a happy thanksgiving. steve: one holiday at a time. jedediah: happy thanksgiving to you, too. steve: merry christmas. jedediah: griff jenkins is live in washington as president-elect joe biden introduces his key cabinet picks. griff: that's right. good morning, brian, jed, steve. get ready for thanksgiving joe biden not wasting time for his picks for top national security posts yesterday while declaring that america is back. signaling a shift away from president trump's america first.
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now, biden's picks include tony blinken for secretary of state and john kerry to lead the white house on climate change. yesterday, they were speaking out. listen. >> we can't solve all the world's problems alone. we need to be working with other countries. sir, we will be vigilant in the face of enduring threats from nuclear weapons to terrorism. the road ahead is exciting, actually. it means creating millions of middle class jobs. it means less pollution in our air, ocean. it means making life healthier for citizens across the world. griff: senator marco rubio pushing back tweeting, quote: biden's cabinet picks went toe ivy league schools have strong resumes. attend all the right conferences and will be polite and orderly caretakers of american america's decline. i support american greatness. and i have no interest in returning to normal that left us dependents on china. biden sounding off on what his
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administration intends to do first 100 days in his interview with nbc's lester holt. >> the first 100 days i will send an immigration bill to the united states senate with a pathway for citizen for 11 million undocumented people. i will very damaging executive orders that have significantly impacted on making the climate worse. griff: the president-elect also pushing back on critics who say he is trying to creativity an obama 3.0 term beared on the familiar faces in his cabinet adding he is open to appointing a republican to keep post. biden is planning to give a thanksgiving address. that will be very interesting to see what he has to say. meanwhile president trump has not formally conceded and is continuing his legal battles fighting the election results.
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jed, steve, brian? brian: all right. thanks. i will be the one to take the toss for you, griff, just for the record. i will miss him. go back and talk about what entrepreneurship is doing. according to our own kristin fisher the west wing is almost empty many people thought these legal approaches were going to be successful they clearly weren't. that press conference no proof came this week. if you have trouble accepting it no doubt about it. according to a recent poll by cnbc 73% of you considered trump the legitimate winner trump supporters. only 3% accept joe biden's victory. 24% not sure. a few reasons why. with you why? number one we saw what we saw. we saw thousands of people come out in subfreezing weather to go out and see the president of the united states and they seem clearly energized. we also saw an incredible ground game like we never seen before from the rnc and sought dnc say we're not just going to do it. then we saw joe biden come out and give uninspiring speeches to
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a few dozen cars where he screamed virtually the whole time and they say how did that guy win? we still haven't quite found out how he won but it looks as though the electoral college will certify the second week of december and that will be the case. but people, steve, are continuing to mock the president for saying i simply want to make sure these results were right. steve: and when the president says that the election was rigged against him, he says it a number of times. it starts to ring true to people and they start to believe it. and that is why, according to cnbc poll only 3% of trump voters consider joe biden the legitimate president even though he is projected to get 306 electoral votes at this point. nonetheless, given that, when you watch tv over the last 24 hours, there are a number of people on the political left and the mainstream media who are, you know, they are really putting it to the trump supporters about hey, snap out of it, he lost.
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have you seen this? >> the president is not alone though in this complete denial of reality. >> we know have you people who basically don't care if american democracy goes down into the sewer. as long as their guy wins. >> how do you compromise with people who don't believe that a fair election was won? people who don't believe in science? people who don't believe in facts? >> this peaceful transfer of power falls on more than just the president and his administration. it falls on everyone in d.c. and everyone in this country. >> what happens when a democratic senate candidate wins by only 10,000 votes? that election could be stolen if republicans, by that time believe that any time a democrat wins it must be rig you had so this has real consequences down the line. steve: okay. has real consequences down the line. but when you look at all those people who over the last week have said look joe biden is the legitimate president. donald trump lost. wait a minute, let's get in the way back machine, jed and brian.
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let's go back four years ago when democrats were saying the same thing about donald trump that republicans are saying about joe biden today. let's go. >> you agree that donald trump is in effect not a legitimate president? >> i think that there is no question that the process that elected him was not legitimate. >> the president-elect although legally electside not legitimate. donald trump was illegitimate president. >> i think the interference although not yet quantified if fully investigated would show did trump then win the election in 2016. >> you believe president trump is imlegitimate president. >> based on what i just said which i can't retract. >> trump knows he is illegitimate president who got illegitimate foreign help. [cheers and applause] steve: so, jed, democrats, four years ago were doing exactly what republicans are doing right now. and people who supported donald trump. jedediah: yeah. there is a loft voters right now
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that are angry and saying well you did this to us and did you this to president trump. so now why should i behave any better? you have to understand a little bit about that sentiment. that's a human reaction. a lot of us would react that way in circumstances aside from politics. politics awell. i think there are two points. first of all, there was a silent biden voter. brian, i referenced earlier the rallies. people were seeing a lot of the trump supporters manifested in those rallies. there were a lot of them. we see the numbers in the popular vote. biden wasn't doing those rallies. those people when they actually came out and voted for him a lot of which were early mail-in ballots that favored him heavily there was a lot of surprise. as a result of the way early votes were counted in state legislatures they didn't allow to you count those early so those tallies came in later that made people feel he was wins when he was ahead. suddenly when he wasn't that's deeply disappointing. it's always disappointing when
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your can davitt choice doesn't win. with that being said as of right now the evidence shows joe biden is the president-elect. there hasn't been anything brought forth in court that has shown otherwise. what's concerning about the polling, i think, is that you worry that are we at a point country so divided no matter what is shown in court even though it's decisive process is over and everything brought to the table is the large segment of the population going to be believe it was simply stolen or rigged because the president is saying. so at some point it will fall on him with great power comes great responsibility to say you know what in the process is done. this is the verdict. let's move on. that's going to be up to him. a lot of supporters look to him for that guidance no questions. and reacting that way because of what he is saying. brian: the polls said he was going to get blown out and lose 20 seats in the house and neither of those things happened. by getting 10,000 more votes this time it legitimizes 2016. joe biden lays out his plans to
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reverse key trump policies in the first 100 days and looking to the obama ear remarks you think. so former acting ice director worked for president obama, tom homan, is he warning about the biden effect on immigration next. among my patients, i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend.
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>> in the first 100 days i will send an immigration bill to the united states senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in america. steve: well, there in his first tv interview since the election, president-elect joe biden prioritizing immigration as he aims to undo many of president trump's policies that he has accomplished over the last almost four years. here with reaction is fox news contributor and retired ice director tom homan. tom, good morning to you.
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>> good morning, steve. steve: okay. so there joe biden says in his first 100 days he would like to send to congress an immigration bill to do something to provide a pathway to citizenship for the at least 11 million undocumented people in this country. but, i remember during the obama-biden administration when they unified government they had control of the senate, the house, the white house, they didn't do that then. what are the chance of it getting done now with the republicans looking like they are going to run the senate? >> well, let's put it this way, joe biden couldn't say anything any worse than what he just said. now he has created the perfect storm what's going to happen on that border. promising amnesty. it's not 11 million. it's closer to 20 million. when you add that to his promises of ending the remain in mexico problems, where hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers come here and get released in the united states before the
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hearing. and get rid of ice detention and promise free healthcare and stop worksite enforcement operations and stop building the wall. you add all those things together and now on top of that talk of amnesty, the border is going to be out of control. look in 1986 it's all about amnesty. border went out of control. what happened in '13, '14, '15 mothers dragged their children across the board to be the next daca population. steve: he is talking about he would like to pass a bill which, you know, i just don't see that happening at this point. but he could do things with executive order. as we heard the president during the runup to the election at some of his rallies he was talking about how during his administrations he was able to get rid of catch and release via executive order. that has got to be one of a number of things that are going to come to an end. >> absolutely. look, president trump, whether you like him or love him, he has
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been more successful on this border than any president i have worked for starting with ronald reagan. it's just factual. illegal immigration has been decreased by almost 80%. and that's because of what this president -- president trump has done. no help from congress. no -- in fact they fought him every step of the way. why would you undo such success. when there is less illegal immigration. there is less illegal drug flow and less death. there is less sexual assault by the cartels. the cartels are celebrating what's happening in this country right now because they are bang in business. the border number is already going up because they think joe biden is going to be the president. and they are open for business. and the flow has already started. it's a biden effect and it's already happening. steve: so the numbers are going up. i was going to ask you about that. let me ask you this. what about the men and women who protect the border? i know they have felt strongly about president trump and in fact we have seen some of the border patrol unions support donald trump. how do you think you are going to be received by the biden
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administration? >> i think morales is going to be all-time low. i started my will. border barrier. this president, president trump has given them what they asked for. people want to say it's a trump, you know, it's a trump wall. and it's vanity wall. this is the wall that the border patrol agencies had been asking for. it works. every place that built a wall results in less illegal immigration and less drug flow. it helps protect our agents. the men and women standing on the front line, joe biden has already said he will stop building what they need. this is what the border patrol wanted and he is going to take it away interest them. steve: all right. tom, we are going to end it there for this thanksgiving eve. tom, how are you celebrating this holiday? >> with my family at home eating turkey but i'm going to smoke a turkey. steve: i love the smoked turkey 275, three hours. right with the turkey breast, is that what you are going to do? >> no, the whole turkey is going to be about six hours.
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steve: okay. you are going to get up earlier than i am. tom, thank you very much. and my best to your family. thank you, sir. >> happy thanksgiving. steve: 6:30 in new york city. churches across california fighting back. the new supreme court challenge to governor newsom's coronavirus restrictions. more on that coming up next. but, first, grab a cover of our own pete peg seth brand new book modern warriors. it's out now and on amazon's top 10. check it out. a great gift for the holidays. ♪ be all right, all right ♪ ♪ your journey requires liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. wow. that will save me lots of money. this game's boring. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. black friday into deals for days. starting wed 11/25 shop online only and score deals like a $299
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jedediah: more churches in california are joining the fight against gavin newsom's in person worship. asking the supreme court to intervene arguing the ban is a
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violation of the first amendment. joining me now with more liberty counsel founder harvest rock pastor. thank you both for being here. greatly appreciate it. matt, let's start with you just from a legal perspective. just discuss your plans with respect to the first amendment and what you are hoping to get here in terms of an injunction. >> well, good morning. this particular situation is the worst in the country. in fact, california governor gavin newsom has the worst restrictions of any state right now no worship in much of the state of california. if you meet with one person any covers much of careful it a criminal penalty up to a year in prison and a daily fine of $1,000. we have a letter from the pasadena prosecutor to pastor and harvest rock church threaten daily criminal charges. daily fines to the pastor, the staff, and the parishioners. and we also have a letter from the local pasadena authorities
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enforcing governor newsom's order threatening to close the church. and it not only applies to churches. it applies even if you are in your apartment or your private home if you have a bible study or a worship with someone who doesn't live there, it's criminal in california. it's unbelievable. and that's why we are before the supreme court because every day that passes, pastor and everyone else in the church faces potential criminal charges and daily fines. jedediah: pastor, what do you say to those who are deemed such services right now nonessential in comparison to other services that are available to people? >> well, i believe that the church represents jesus and, of course, jesus the gospel of the kingdom has been essential for 2,000 years. where would the world be without the relationship and the knowledge of jesus christ. i think about just even missions. the orphanages. the hospitals built in the name of jesus.
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schools established from -- i'm talking about all over the world from india. i have been to 70 nations and i have just seen the work of god's kingdom advancing beautifully through just social services. and especially during the covid-19 where people are depressed. the suicide rates are off the charts. domestic violence is increasing. people need spiritual encouragement. emotional encouragement, and also mental encouragement, and i believe that the church provides that and we have been essential for 2,000 years. jedediah: pastor, did you see an uptick in covid-19 cases when it came to gatherings? because, obviously, the argument here is that a church gathering by nature is a gathering of people. and if that were to happen indoors, it could potentially lead to spread of the virus. did you see that actually play out? >> no. we have not had one covid case in our church since we opened since pentecost sunday.
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we encourage people with high risk, underlying conditions to stay home and watch online. so our people have been very good. i would say maybe around 40% of our congregation is meeting. but it's still a substantial number. and when people meet we tell them to wear your mask. to come. we take people's temperature if they want the temperature taken. and the once they come into the worship service. we have a large building and we space people out and there has not been one problem. jedediah: yeah. well, i want to thank you both for joining us. we did reach out to gavin newsom's office we have not heard back yet. we appreciate you being here on this important issue. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> thank you. jedediah: thank you. john kerry is returning tout white house this time as joe biden's new climate czar. will this just put the u.s. back into a bad deal? that is the question. our next guest says america's energy dominance is in jeopardy. stay tuned. ♪
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climate. the world will know that with one of my closest friends john kerry he is speaking for america on one of the most pressing threats of our time. steve: did you see that press conference yesterday here on the channel? president-elect joe biden named former secretary of state and former senator john kerry as his climate czar who will lead biden's $2 trillion plan to fight climate change. jedediah: but our next guest warns this appointment will lead the united states right back into a bad deal. brian: sounds very much like the covid restrictions. marc morano the producer of the film climate hustle 2 editor at climate mark, if i'm in the oil and gas industry i'm not feeling too good today. you believe this is just reracked of this is the green new deal come to life with john kerry. >> yes. brian, it is. this is -- john kerry and joe biden are coming in and their
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two objectives on climate are to push the green new deal and to push the united nations paris climate act. now, this is coming at a time well, first of all, john kerry in 2015 said the world achieved a victory with the u.n. paris agreement and this would be a victory for future generations. yesterday he said this agreement the u.n. paris agreement is not enough. and now they are talking about multiple increases of u.s. commitments over the years. in other words, they declared victory. we saved the planet in reality we didn't save the planet. this is an agenda that's going to go right at the heart of perhaps president trump's greatest accomplishment which is the united states energy dominance. steve: mark, righmark, right nod is worried about the pandemic and coronavirus and trying to goat a vaccine. it's interesting though in the research we've put together apparently kerry said that climate change will lead to more viruses. the quote is climate change is a
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threat multiplier for pandemic and diseases. they are impacted by climate change and affect on animal migration. so it's a confluence of both? >> yes. he said the parallels are screaming at us. you know, if you sa if you solvu solve climate. started last march entire con continuingment of clear u.n. chief to u.n. climate chiefs johnier can and jane fonda they all praised the lockdowns. the covid lockdowns. jane fonda went as far as covid is god's gift to the left exact quote. the idea here is they love the solutions to covid. what they have been proposing at u.n. climate summits for years planned recessions to fight global warning what's a lockdown except enforced recession by the way. what john kerry is saying we aring two have more viruses. covid is now part of -- climate
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is now part of the covid agenda. that's what's happening here. they are trying to scare everyone with climate we're going to have worse vices if we don't solve climate. originally they were jealous of covid. now they are joining forces with the covid virus in order to essentially achieve their climate agenda. jedediah: mark, sometimes when people hear about policies of this they think of it removed from them. can you briefly talk about cost and energy costs and how this hits people's bottom line when you are talking about things like the green new deal? >> yeah, i mean, this is going to hammer middle america, poor people. people on fixed income. it's going to raise the cost of energy. they are going to turn -- what donald trump's presidency achieved american energy exports exceeded american energy imports for the first time since 1952 harry s. trim was president. that kind of policies which they are going to go right at the heart of overturn, raise the cost of energy. guess what in the climate is not going to change one bit. but our way of life, our
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economy, our, you know, the pain and suffering of americans will be impacted greatly to achieve nothing. and by the way john kerry doesn't believe this. he just bought a $12 million ocean front villa in martha's vineyard a man who called people who don't believe climate flat earth. is he not walking it. brian: don't get in cabs. you better hop on a bike. you can only have a certain amount of rides and certain amount of ubers. have a way to track it already seeing it under the covid-19 restrictions. mark, you called it first. keep this on a vhs tape so we know you were predicting. this mark, thank you so much. >> thank you. steve: brian, we can keep it on a tape but who still has a vhs machine. >> beta max. steve: i have a beta max too but i don't have a vhs. brian: i think they are coming back. steve: i also have an 8 track that's something else. janice dean, you have the weather. janice: i do thank you so much. some people are traveling so we need to know what's going on. we have a cold front that's
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moving across the east coast. that's going to bring the potential for showers and thunderstorms. maybe some isolated severe weather. we certainly got reports yesterday of a tornado outside of dallas, texas. so there is the threat today across the mississippi river valley. we are not talking about a severe weather outbreak but we could see the potential for isolated storms. and then that system is going to move across the mid-atlantic and the northeast tomorrow. but, otherwise, a pretty good looking forecast for thanksgiving. milder temperatures. the east coast will deal with some rain as well as the northwest. otherwise, looking good. and there is our little turkey. jed and steve and brian, back to you my friends. steve: all right. thank you for the thanksgiving eve "foxcast." all right. now it's time to tyke a look at headlines. jillian: i feel like that turkey needs a name. we will have to get on that. president trump is planning to far done michael flynn. the former national security adviser may be part of several pardons between now and when the president leaves office. flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the fbi in the russia probe in
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2017 and sought to withdraw it but lost. back in september his lawyer sidney powell told the judge overseeing his case that she requested for the president not to issue a pardon. the department of justice has declined to comment. two nypd officers are shot in the line of duty. they were helping a woman at her home in queens after she reported her husband for assault. police say that's when ron walked inside and opened fire. shooting one officer in the thigh. the other in both hands. the officers returned fire killing him. both officers are in stable condition. hundreds of millions of dollars in unemployment benefits are sent to prisoners and death row inmates in california including convicted murderer scott peterson. prosecutors investigating fraud in the pandemic relief system say a scam may have led the state to issue the bogus claims. so far the investigations have uncovered more than 140 million in state benefits paid to inmates in at least 35 prisons.
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a look at your headlines. send it back to you. brian: thanks, jillian. coming up straight ahead. 400 years since pilgrims arrived in the new world. what do we know about them. a descendent of the mayflower is next. ♪ [gobbles] when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to and now your co-pilot. still a father. but now a friend. still an electric car. just more electrifying.
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chevrolet. there were tsunamis fourtin the world. and once they happened, we were in a major hurry to get to those regions to provide aid and support. it was very humbling to be able to help out all those people. it's my dream now to go into clean energy and whatever the next new fuel source is, that's where i want to be. i want to be on the front lines of implementation.
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steve: the cdc is telling fox news a much anticipated vaccine rollout could come as soon as the second week of december. this as considering shor shorteg the current covid period like 14 days. right, carley shimkus? carley: that is right, steve. robert redfield out with some very exciting news saying vaccines could be available in just a few weeks jack seep is probably going to be rolled out by the second week of december. hijackerrial kay nursing home resident and some combination of healthcare providers and individuals at high risk. car cart fda will meet on december 10th to discuss pfizer's emergency use emergency authorization request.
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6.4 million dose also be shipped to communities across the country within 24 hours. they are confident in meeting its goal of 40 million doses by end of the year. in addition candidates from moderna and astrazeneca have shown promise as well prospects from medical communities didn't think possible. >> we have two successful vaccine candidates who are likely going to have an eua by the end of 2020. secretary alex a azar says 20 million americans will be vaccinated by the end of 2020. we had no anticipation this was going to happen. this is absolutely incredible we should be celebrating this moment right now. carley: meanwhile the centers for disease control considering short thing the quarantine requirement from 14 days to between 7 and 10 days. steve? steve: all right, carley, thank you very much. brian over to you. brian: just in time history of pilgrims, plymouth and the founding of our country.
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>> the thanksgiving that we celebrate every single year based on the story between the mayflower pilgrims and the -- it was the first harvest festival that the pilgrims had after they landed. >> it does an injustice to what really happened and to the relationship that truly existed between indians and english travelers. brian: time to get the true story. fox nation streaming right now on fox nation. descend mayflower pilgrims director of c plymouth. such an important story but you have the reality. what we know mayflower was supposed to head to northern virginia and ends up with what we now know cape cod and 101 passengers were staring at what type of challenge? >> it was a terrible, terrible dark and cold winter and very icy outside and many, many people on the ship were sick. by the end of that winter that
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william bradford called the winter of death there were only 51 of them left. steve: were they helped by the native americans at the time the panel panama indians? >> this is the first time that actual families landed in the new world with little children. and the indians were very helpful. they helped to teach the pilgrims how to plant and create a good harvest and and eventually peace alliance was agreed to by both sides that they kept for a good half century and they protected each other it was probably not a best friend situation but they certainly looked after each other and helped each other to survive for 50 years. brian: so amazing on both sides. number one they found out that this tribe of native americans actually had women in charge. and william bradford said i can't believe i'm dealing with a
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woman when i'm negotiating. number two is the mayflower compact setting up an order what we now know is a democracy so special and important john adams would use it to set up the massachusetts constitution. >> they wrote the compact. little did they know that it would end up being one of america's founding documents. it did influence the constitution and by the way that peace alliance between two men john carver and -- at the time. brian: lea a lot of pride in being a mayflower descent can't one of first americans in 1620. the history 1620 means almost as much as 1776, maybe more. it's all on a special on fox nation you will love it. they did a great job with it. i was able to host it. lea, thank you so much. >> thank you.
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brian: download that now and get a true history. a lot of the people are trying to turn our history on its head. this will straighten it out and make you the smartest person at your thanksgiving table or in your zoom call. "fox & friends" second hour starts right now. ♪ jedediah: covid-19 warnings they are stop not stopping people from traveling this thanksgiving. >> comes as liberal leaders clamp down. hopelessness crippling. >> those selected so far a lot of familiar faces what if you say to those saying you are trying to create a third obama term. >> this is not a third obama term. we face a totally different world. >> sources tell trump plans on pardons mike flynn. >> what happened to general flynn is a disgrace to the country. >> in the first 100 days i will send an immigration bill to the united states senate cartels are
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celebrating what's happening back in business. >> celebrating the 400th anniversary of the pilgrims landing on plymouth rock. we live in a great, great country. the greatest of them all and nothing even close. ♪ ♪ that's -- was he just singing about pumpkin pie because we are going to have pumpkin pie smoothies this morning this hour find out thousand make them. all-american christmas tree on fox square live from 48th and sixth avenue this is "fox & friends" for thanksgiving eve. november 25th. [gobbling] steve: it is a wednesday. good morning to you jed and brian. jedediah: good morning to you both. now that is a beautiful tree. the key is to not have any spaces. that one is stuffed just perfectly. all the lights, the decorations. i have got to get to it, brian.
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i have got to get my tree up. brian: you have more time. one more day maybe black fry day. meanwhile, straight up, actually just one minute after the top of the hour bring in arkansas senator tom cotton. senator, welcome back. >> hey, brian, it's good to be on with you. brian: we are going to talk about what happened 400 years ago and talk about what happened 24 hours ago and joe biden beginning to unveil his foreign policy team. i want you to listen to how he describes what it is going to be like. for me much like obama three. listen to him. >> this is not a third obama term. because, there is -- we face a totally different world than we faced in the obama-biden administration. the president -- president trump has changed the landscape. it's become america first, which meant america alone. we find ourselves in a position where our alliances are being frayed. it's a totally different -- that's why i found people who --
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who joined the administration and keep key points that represent the spectrum of the american people as well as the spectrum of the democratic party. brian: well, welcome back to libya, i forgot to have a follow-up plan. syria the jv team is not going to be a problem. iraq, i think it's the perfect time to leave afghanistan. i'm sure isis is just going to go away. is this what we are going to have? >> yeah. brian. even if you look at barack obama's memoir where he says a lot of these people were responsible for instance for advising him to go to war in libya. a war that's now in its 10 years. a 10-year after party that's introduced civil war and slavery and unleashed a flood of migrants into europe. look at isis the rise of isis happened after barack obama rushed us out of iraq. same group that said you could never have a separate peace between israel and arab nations without resolving the palestinian question there are so many peace deals that president trump has brokered between israel and arab nations
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it's hard to keep track of them. that's to say nothing of china. people like jake sullivan have said we should be celebrating the rise of china. it was on the watch of so many of these nominees that china literally built islands out of water in the south china sea militarized them far extending missiles and ships. sounds a lot like the return of the obama administration's foreign policy. and that foreign policy it disastrous consequences for our nation. jedediah: senator, there has been at love criticism by progressives and noninterventionists for the topic who seems to be for defense secretary for joe biden michelle she pushed for a third in afghanistan in 2009. actually went against joe biden on that. a tweet from ro khanna on that. read that and get your reaction. supported the war in iraq and libya. criticized syria and help craft the surge in afghanistan. i want to support the president's picks will now commit to a full withdrawal from
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afghanistan and ban on arm sales to end the yemen war in what do you make of this potential pick and pushback on this pick that's likely to come particularly on the fact that she is view you had as being too hawkish? >> well, there is a lot to unpack there, jed. it sounds like the progressives are upset with joe biden. joe biden supported a lot of those initiatives as well back when he was a senator. i don't want to speculate further until there actually is a nominee because there are so many things to examine with the nominees that joe biden announced earlier this week. i mean, take, for instance, on the question of immigration. we heard leading into this segment that joe biden said last night he is going to submit an amnesty bill for 15 million illegal immigrants in the first 100 days. that's probably going to unleash a surge on our border to get in before introduced. look what tony blinken has said the state department is responsible for refugees. tony blinken wants to increase emissions by seven fold. not doubling them by seven times.
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oftentimes from countries like syria or like somalia where we have no ability to vet who these people are or what their background are or mayorkas. he was expected selling green cards chinese nationals on behalf of rich democratic donors. selling citizenship to well-connected chinese nationals on behalf of democratic party donors. that is disqualifying to lead the department of home land security. steve: senator, let's talk a little bit about what is going on with your senate there are the twin runoffs in the first week in january. the balance of power in the astronaut hangs in ultimately in the result. last night tucker carlson had this observation about what's going on because there has been one prominent pro-trump attorney on his own legal fight said that people should flat out refuse to
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support the two republicans because they are not doing enough. here is tucker last night. >> the stakes are huge. you are hearing some republicans say well, maybe, we should let the republicans lose because they are mad at the party in washington. by the way, they have ever reason to be mad at the party in washington. they should be punish you had. the problem is the rest of us should not be punish you had. and if democrats take full control of the u.s. government, all of us will be punish you had. if democrats win, the senate seats in georgia, there is no limit to what they can do. steve: so, senator, what do you make of tucker's observation? >> i think everyone should listen to what the president and even the president's son donald trump jr. had to say about this question. they all have urged every republican in georgia to get out and vote for kelly loeffler and david perdue to keep the senate in republican hands. all of the things we have been discussing like amnesty for
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15 million illegal immigrants or radical cuts to our defense budget. or, a foreign policy that was an utter failure depends on the georgia senate race. if republicans hold the astronaut. then we can put the breaks on that radical left wing agenda. but we also heard what chuck schumer thinks on the saturday after the election when he was dance not guilty streets of new york city. he grabbed a bull horn and said first we take georgia and then we change the world. i don't think many georgia voters want chuck schumer quote, unquote, taking their states and i know that they don't want his kind of change for america, but that's the stakes of this election in georgia. brian: going to be outraised but they have to wise up when this comes to 750,000 absentee votes. they have got to get somebody in there to observe these votes and make sure they are legitimate unless they want to lose again meaning republicans. we know it's 400 years since the pilgrims landed on plymouth rock. i'm one of the people though think it was a good thing and here is the president of the united states who agrees with
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us. >> this year our nation commemorates the 400th 400th anniversary of the pilgrims arriving on plymouth rock. the brave men and women of the mayflower endured a dangerous winter. many were sick, most were starving. and all were pray for a miracle. thankfully god heard their prayers. from our earliest days america has always been a story of perseverance and triumph. determination and strength. this week in a time that is very unusual. we have endured and on able to endure with the vaccines now coming out one after another. it's incredible thing that happened. the president was able to look at yesterday and bring it all the way today. you actually wrote positively about the pilgrims. you got huge backlash. do you regret it? >> no, brian. not at all. this is a remarkable thanksgiving year because the 400th anniversary of the pilgrims arrival in
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massachusetts. and as the president said, they had to persevere through a bitter, difficult winter. they lost half of the passengers that came over on the mayflower. that's the story of america that kind of perseverance. in the middle of all of that they wrote the mayflower compact which has been called by john quincy adams the very first modern constitution. john adams helped model the u.s. constitution on it has so many principles we hold dear. the idea we come from many but form one. equal preparation and equality before the law. that little compact. fewer than 200 words helped set the stage for so much of what happened in america in the future. so i think all americans should be proud of our history and our pilgrim fathers and it doesn't really bother me what some radical left wingers say. he would encourage them all to watch the brian kilmeade thanksgiving special on fox nation which tells the story in very great detail. steve: there you go. brian: senator, real quick, what's going on? why are you getting backlash telling the truth about a story
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that we learned as early as first grade? is it time to put a stake in the ground on this? >> well, i think you see a lot of political correctness from the left. look at the "new york times" and their so-called 1619 project which tries to date the true founding to america to that year which couldn't be more false. the foundation of america is the pilgrims of 1620 and the patriots of 1776. but it you hate america and if you want to undermine everything that america stands for, then, of course, you don't care much for the pilgrim story either. fortunately it's a very small minority in this country. i want to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving and hope everyone is thankful for our pilgrim fathers. jedediah: happy thanksgiving to you and your family, senator, and thanks for everything with us here today. >> thank you. jedediah: we're going to head over to jillian mele now for headlines. jillian: good morning. let's begin with this. today an inn. person dining ban starts in los angeles. despite department of health saying there is no proof it's linked to the covid-19 surge.
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pennsylvania is banning alcohol sales at bars and restaurants starting at 5:00 this evening through 8:00 tomorrow morning. this as the study finds a drug cocktail that includes hydroxychloroquine is effective treatment for covid-19. resulting in 84% fewer hospitalizations when patients are treated early. turn now to extreme weather a suspected tornadoes touching down in texas overnight. watch this. [siren] [sirens blaring as storms sweep through the dallas area leaving a trail of destruction. no injuries are reported. hunter biden has ties to tony blinken. his president-elect father's pick for secretary of state. emails from the state department show hunter scheduled meetings with blinken when he was on the burisma board. "the washington post" reports the two met up in 2015 but did not discuss biden's burisma role. this as we learned the computer
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repairman at the center of hunter's alleged laptop scandal has closed up shop and skipped town. he reportedly fled after receiving death threats amid that controversy. well, instagram is releasing the most popular thanksgiving pies in all 50 states and guess what it might surprise you cranberry pie taking the number one spot in 14 states? i never even heard of cranberry pie. sweet potato ranking second in 11 states and cherry blue berry and i say pee pecan some say pecan. the classic pumpkin pie ranking fifth. mentions of by flavors from the pat month. comment pouring in from social media. joe posting so wrong. oklahoma home since can i remember and heavenly rice lived in oregon my whom life and never heard of cranberry pie. pumpkin for sure. steve: according to that map it
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showed that kansas the number one i never had it either. this is what we always had pumpkin pie and brian and jed coming up in 15 minutes i'm going to show people how to turn a pumpkin pie, your left overs into a smoothie that could involve bourbon. brian: fire up the blender, i hope you have all speeds. 14 minutes after the hour. sources telling fox news that president trump expected to pardon michael flynn, thank goodness and flynn could be one of just several pardons to come. byron york weighs in. if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, inflammation in your eye might be to blame. looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes over-the-counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief.
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see yourself. welcome back to the mirror. and know you're not alone because this. come on jessie one more. is the reflection of an unstoppable community in the mirror.
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steve: this is a fox news alert. president trump is reportedly
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planning to pardon michael flynn. sources telling fox news the former national security adviser may be part of a number of pardons by the president between now and january. flynn has gone through a legal circus since resigning from his position just a month into the trump presidency all dating back to a 2016 phone call with a russian ambassador during the transition. fox news contributor and chief correspondent for "the washington examiner" byron york has been following the saga for the last four years. he joins us now. byron, you know, i remember hearing a couple of months ago flynn's attorney, it sounded like didn't want a pardon from the president. wanted to just clear his name on his own. now what happens? >> well, you are absolutely right. that's what flynn's attorney sidney powell said. look, this would be very, very popular ne among republicans
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because they believe michael flynn was rail roaded. and there is a lot of evidence to support that. >> we know that the fbi had investigated michael flynn in 2016. found no untoward connections toward russia. was about to stop the investigation and then they had an intercept a wiretap of flynn discussing normal matters with the russian ambassador during the transition to the trump administration. got the fbi to interview him and even then decided to do nothing until robert mueller, the special counsel was appointed and then he threatened flynn with prosecution to try to pressure him to spill some sort of beans there really weren't any on president trump. it's been off to the races since then. and finally the justice department actually moved to drop the charges against flynn. the judge has refused. we are in a standoff right now. and a lot of republicans would like to see president trump just end the whole thing with a
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pardon. steve: a pardon would clear the slate for him, essentially. and so the subject who is considering whether or not to drop that takes it out of his hands, right? >> correct. the president has a constitutional power that is unreviewable here. now, you are absolutely right, michael flynn has said he did not want to pardon. i don't want a pardon. i want to be exonerated. but this case has dragged on for a very long time. january 20th is approaching, and by the way there is a tradition of presidents pardoning people who have been involved in so-called scandals in their administration, remember casper weinberger the former defense secretary pardoned by george h.w. bush scooter libby commuted by president bush and pardoned by donald trump. this has happened before. i would not be surprised to see it happen again. >> what about, you know, before the election we had heard that the john durmt investigation
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into all of that stuff, that included, you know, snagging mry weren't going to release the results until after the election because they didn't want to impact the election. all right, we are after the election. the big question is, you know, if he does not release it before when is it the 20th day of january, we may never hear? >> there is a lot of confusion about what is going on. remember, there were people who expected a report by lashed. lashed came anlabor day.: there expectations about durham. people who wanted indictments to result as a result of durham's investigation. and there were people who wanted just a report to find out what happened. from durham's investigation. i think the people hospitalsed indictments there is absolutely no hope of that. but, there are still people who
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hope that durham will make some sort of report and let us know what happened in those days in 2016 when the obama administration began to investigate the republican candidate and campaign for president donald trump. steve: all right. byron. always a pleasure. thank you for joining us on thanksgiving eve. how are you going to celebrate the holiday? >> thank you, steve, with family. the way it should be. steve: there you go. all right. always a pleasure. thank you, sir. >> thank you. steve: have a great holiday weekend. meanwhile, straight ahead. a new lawsuit is challenging philadelphia's decision to pause over coronavirus concerns calling it unconstitutional. gun rights activist colon noir off on that coming up next. powerful relief so you can restore and recover. theraflu hot beats cold.
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less important than other programs and services they offer the public. here to discuss attorney and gun rights activist colion noir. thank you for being here. good morning to you. >> thank you for having me. jedediah: tell us about the lawsuit and what the allegations are and whether you think the allegations are justified. >> so, essentially what is happenings the city of philadelphia is utilizing covid as an excuse to stop the permitting process in philadelphia. philadelphia is not even know for having relatively easy permitting process to begin with prior to covid. now they are trying to stop it all together for a period of time because of covid. so what you are seeing happening is having gun advocacy groups
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filing lawsuits so say you are denying people their right to own firearms not only in their homes but outside of homes with respect to carrying a firearm. from my standpoint i would say the anti-gun lobby and groups have done a really good job of making people believe that the right to own a firearm and ability to carry a firearm outside of your home is a privilege instead of a right. and they have done a really good job of doing that up to this point. i think now what is happening is you are starting to see groups stand up against that and say no, this is a constitutional right. and if criminals don't stop being criminals because of covid. the government shouldn't deny people's right to carry a firearm because of covid. jedediah: we have a statement from philadelphia to "fox & friends." this is what it says the gun permit unit had to close temporarily due to several police department employees testing positive for covid-19. as the court noted when denying plaintiffs' emergency injunction motion the move was necessary to
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protect the health of others or those visiting that was o the city has plans to reopen the gun permit office in the very near future. what do you say to those say it's a safety mechanism. it's temporary, it will be back. there is no politics here. what do you say? >> i would be more inclined to agree with that if they weren't engaging in the same behavior or all of the other permitting aspects of the city as far as driver's license, so forth and so on. especially considering that there are other examples out there of other cities who are doing their best to mitigate the health concerns while still allowing people to permitted with respect to the assessment. again, you are seeing this over and again again. see the second amendment being treated likes a stepchild. i would believe it if there were alternative measures in place. they are choosing not to and taking the easy route shutting everything down which i think is oddly convenient for them. jedediah: we mains to be seen.
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thanks for joining us and happy thanksgiving to you, coalian. >> absolutely. thanks for having me. >> as joe biden introduces his cabinet. high praise even calling them super heroes. another sign that the swamp is back. he joins us next ♪
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♪ huck gr hungry eyes ♪ one look at you. steve: yep, we're hungry because tomorrow is thanksgiving and today is thanksgiving eve. and i know that almost every home in america right now has a pumpkin pie. got some great recipes from the "happy in a hurry cookbook" number one "new york times" best seller. you know, jed and brian, the first piece of pumpkin pie is great but after that it gets a little boring on day two. so as a public service for everybody watching, i'm going to share with you a life-changing recipe from the "happy in a hurry cookbook." you are going to want to do it today or tomorrow or friday it's
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our leftover pumpkin pie smoothie. it's a grown up smoothie though. and what makes it a grown up smoothie, just watch. >♪ ♪ first, let's put not one, but two scoops of vanilla ice cream into a blender. next, measure out a quarter cup of milk, put that in. now, add a full slice of pumpkin pie. let's add some ice, about a cup works great. and this is what makes it a grown up smoothie, a splash of bourbon. if you are old enough. secure that lid and pulverize. next, pour into a glass top with
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some whipped cream and add a pinch of pumpkin pie spice. it is so delicious. man, i hope you make it. steve: okay. evan making it in the green room. brian has a spoon. it's individually wrapped. taking it out. brian, people love this. it has just a tiny little taste of bourbon in it. brian: right. can't get this from a vending machine. steve: i love how much you love pumpkin spice lattes. so that's the piece of pumpkin pie. brian: it's fantastic. the crust is in here, too. jedediah: that looks delicious. steve: i put to make enough for brian and me, i used one of these little half of one of the pies. it's so easy. just a cup to make two servings. it is a cup of ice. it's a quarter cup of milk. it's two scoops of vanilla ice cream. it's a couple pieces of pie,
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whipped cream, pumpkin pie spice. yum. jedediah: i got your book sent it to me this book. i'm making your pasta with sweet peas tonight and let you know how i do. steve: that is one of the recipes from the holiday chapter of the "happy in a hurry cookbook." making it the number one gift book for the holidays. also on sale at amazon, target and walmart. you can get autographed copies at barnes & and books a million. brian: reminds me of the vegamatic everything into that this is actually better. steve: joe concha, media opinion columnist for the hill and fox news contributor, what are you drinking, joe? >> it's my minnesota viking smoothie just basically purple powder. brian: after they lose last weekend. >> tough loss to the cowboys. no question. how are we doing, guys?
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jedediah: welcome, joe. >> hi, jed. jedediah: the media had a certain reaction may not surprise you when it comes to biden's cabinet picks take a look and talk about it? >> i was talking to a democrat who just said this also felt like the avenger, felt likes we are being rescued from this craziness we have all lived through for the last four years here are the super heros to come and save us all. >> and joe biden saying these are people -- this is a team who is going to tell me-though team will tell me what i need to know not what i want to know. that is a big change. >> they are deeply experienced. they are humble and they are lifelong public servants. they are not political. they are just career people. they have worked together for many years. > brian: especially john kerry. he is not political at all. sorry, joe. >> no one will deny that this
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team doesn't have a wealth of experience. and you can embrace that or say oh, that's the status quo. i would rather look at the report card of some of these folks because basically what we're doing here is a sequel of the obama administration from a foreign policy perspective. and as you know, the sequel is very rarely better than the original unless we are talking empire strikes back or the dark night or i know jed loves pitch perfect two. now all that said, you look at the foreign policy report card for the obama administration. and you had china militarizing the south china say. sea. you had russia invading crimea without firing a shot. russia interfering with the 2016 election and and the obama-biden didn't do anything. north korea doing missile tests threatening guam and the united states. don't hear much about that anymore. we had the isis caliphate called the jv graduated to the starting
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championship team very quickly and taking over large swaths of iraq and syria. go down the line. the iran deal as well that john kerry helped push over the finish line. all of those things, if you want to say those were good things in terms of the u.s. standing in the world. okay. that's probably the way you voted a couple weeks ago. many people feel that the obama administration from a foreign policy perspective was below average and weakened the u.s. standing in the world. so i guess it depends on how you voted and how you look at this team, guys. brian: absolutely. a lot of people aren't looking at these team. they don't believe they're the next team to come in and run the white house. they think the president of the united states is going to get four more years. 73% of trump supporters consider trump the legitimate winner. only 3% accept joe biden's victory. 24% are not sure. 66% by the way say the president should never concede. they don't like what happened on election night. it looked like he won. then in come the mail in ballots and he loses a number of states and 306 go to joe biden.
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so, because trump supporters, joe, feel as though their guy won four more years. that actually spawned some mocking from democrats which are and the media which are basically the same thing, listen. >> the president is not alone though in this complete denial of relation. >> you have people who basically don't care if american democracy goes down into the sewer. as long as their guy wins. >> how do you compromise with people who don't believe that a fair election was won? people who don't believe in science? people who don't believe in facts? >> this peaceful transfer of power falls on more than just the president and his administration. it falls on everyone in d.c. and everyone in this country. >> what happens when a democratic senate candidate wins by only 10,000 votes? that election could be stolen. if republicans, by that time, believe that any time a democrat wins, it must be rig you had. so this has real consequences down the line.
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brian: how unpatriotic is it to question the legitimacy of a president. four years ago nobody was doing that right? >> this is a sequel. brian: joe, hold on a second let's listen to four years ago. >> you agree that donald trump is, in effect, not a legitimate president. >> i think that there is no question that the process that elected him was not legitimate. >> the president-elect although legally electside not legitimate. >> donald trump is a illegitimate president. >> i think the interference, although not yet quantified, if fully investigate wood show that trump didn't actually win the election in 2016. >> so do you believe president trump is illegitimate president. >> based on what i just said, which i can't retract. >> trump knows he is an illegitimate president who got illegitimate foreign help. [cheers and applause] brian: the crowd roars and, joe, with the president getting even more votes this time than last time it proved 2016 was no fluke. >> what we saw after 2016 and i
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have gone back and looked at a lot of transcripts and press coverage in november and december of 2016 leading up to the inauguration it was almost all about russia. it was all about russian influence and pushing donald trump over the finish line as far as actually changing votes, which was proven that never happened. you want to talk about russian interference as far as ads and so on, sure. in terms of actually changing vote tallies that never happened. yet, two thirds of democrats thought that donald trump actually won because the russians were able to hack voting machines and change vote tallies. real number. when you see those types of montages that you guys put together that's exactly right. we saw this daily downpour of russian coverage making president trump illegitimate now we get lectured from these same people saying you can't question this election and the president shouldn't have what is his legal right to go through the process in terms of recounts and in terms of looking into allegations of voter fraud is and they don't find anything, then we have a president biden.
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until then, we don't know one way or another and as journalists hold out judgment or at least investigate these claims instead of dismissing it outright from day one which is what has happened so far, guys. steve: all right. thanks for joining us on thanksgiving eve. get your minute society viking smoothie. enjoy your holiday weekend with your family. thank you, sir. >> i will try, thank you. that's horrible. steve: janice dean the smoothie machine was here, how are you? janice: i'm good. it looks delicious. it's the first time i have ever seen brian kilmeade eat on television. brian: i didn't need my teeth. steve: it's good. [laughter] janice: brian, i love you, man. you are amazing. listen, let's take a look at the potential for some severe storms across portions of the mississippi valley today. last night we had a report of a tornadoes outside of dallas, texas. these are the storm reports.
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so although we don't have a tornado report. the national weather service is going to go out and investigate because certainly had a lot of damage. arlington, texas. this front is going to be on the move over the mississippi river valley today interacting with some warmer air and the potential for stronger storms including large hail, damaging winds, perhaps some isolated tornadoes. so that's going to happen today. and then all of this is going to come towards the east coast on thursday. so the big travel day today, of course. a lot of folks won't be traveling. if you are along the mississippi valley is where we could see the potential for the stronger storms. we will keep you up to date. i am jealous of the smoothies, the pumpkin smoothies today and i have a copy of your cookbook, steve, it's amazing. everyone should get it. even i can cook from it. steve: it literally takes one minute to make. i did it in the green room. janice: it's amazing. jedediah: thank you, janice. we will head over to jillian now for headlines. jillian: i was witness to this one minute event in the green
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room. steve: she taped it. jillian: i did. begin with the headlines four florida firefighters recovering from burns after running into this burning home. the team attempting to make a rescue after a neighbor thought someone was inside. no one was found. the jacksonville fire and rescue chief credits the quality of their gear from preventing more serious injuries. legendary country music singer hal catc kevinketchum has died ♪ small town saturday night. >> new england known for hits small town saturday night inducted into the grand ole opry in 1994. his wife posting this photo on facebook. saying he passed away due to complications of dementia. she was 67 years old. remote learning leads to a sudden spike in failing grades in virginia's largest school
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district. the new study by fairfax county public schools reveals 83% increase in middle and high school students with multiple failing grades and 111% jump in failing grades amongst students with disabilities. the district saying in part, quote: we are identifying these students by name and by need and are working on specific interventions to support them. send it back to you guys. brian: all right. thanks so much, jillian. meanwhile, coming up straight ahead. gyms could take another hit as more restrictions and lockdowns loom. will they survive? fitness legend jake steinfeld is here with a future of fitness and how working class people are paying the greatest price. ♪ ♪ then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c.
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jedediah: dismissing claims it changed its algorithms. lauren simonetti e from fox business joins us live with the latest. lauren? >> reporter: hey, jed, good to see you. the new times reporting after the election facebook changed its algorithm. it wanted to decrease inaccurate news and highlight authoritative news, but who determines that?
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facebook. here's senator blackburn earlier. >> the american people want that power themselves as they do not want big tech to filter what they're going to be able to see or hear or read. and then have big tech pressure on what they think and how they vote. >> reporter: and big tech critic senator hawley tweeting this: facebook throttling conservative outlets to decrease their read orership. big tech wants to control all news in america and soon will if we don't stop them. facebook with this response: the assertions in this report based on sources who have no product decision authority and are advancing their own narrow impression of how our process works. so the times says facebook came um with what's called a news ecosystem quality score to judge the quality of journalism. and guess what? it demoted temporarily partisan pages like breitbart and
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advanced pages like cnn and the new york times. problem was that tweak meant people spent less time on the web site. profitability was at stake, and that reflects the ongoing and internal battle at facebook between popular and profitable versus i'd list aric and what some employees want. jed? jedediah: thanks so much, lauren, we appreciate it. we're going to head over to brian now. brian? brian: as lockdowns loom across the country again, new restrictions are affecting gym es, small business owners, fitness centers. how can the industry survive, and what about the people in america that need it for personal, for their personal and psychological benefit? here with his take is one of the best in the business, creator of body by jake, jake steinfeld. i'm just looking at some of this, november 20th, minnesota shuts down their gyms. rhode island on the 30th, washington and right after that, it's going down.
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in california i don't even think you guys have judgements open. what's the -- >> first of all, brian, great to see you, great to see the gang, appreciate everything you guys are doing. keep up the great work and, yeah, the gyms around the country are closing again. i talk a lot to a lot of these gym owners who are working diligently to keep their fitness centers open. and it's not just about your bodies, it's about your minds. you said it, a lot of the essential workers need to blow off some steam. not everybody can afford those expensive pelotons. i was the first guy to do personal fitness training and made it an occupation going to the big hollywood stars' homes using a broom stick towel and a chair. anyone can do these very simple exercises. it's great for your body, great for your mind and so important for your health. brian: but what i notice, there's a crunch right near me,
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everyone's got to wipe down the machines, everybody wear withs masks, the place is packed again. they trace, nothing's coming up positive. if they proved a good track record, isn't that enough to keep them open? >> i don't disagree with you, man, but you don't want to stay out of the gym. you want to get your body moving, so we want to get everybody back to the judgements. i'm talking to so many -- to the gyms. i'm talking to so many gym owners who are working so hard a, we need to help them i stay in business, for crying out loud. and most importantly for you and everybody at home to stay healthy. you know, really exercise is a vaccine. when you're exercising, those endorphins are popping, and you feel great. as i said, man, we're doing it for you. doesn't cost $3,000, it's free. anything around the house, as long as you get your body moving. you want to keep that smile on your face, and now here we are at thanksgiving.
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you guys have been outstanding, and i want to give you a cheers, bri -- brian: don't quit. >> don't quit, baby. open the fridge in the morning, don't quit. brian: jake, the oh thing you're doing is schools. they say the safest place. the science, safest place is for kids to be is in school. you're putting the gyms in schools, low income schools in and many cases. they can't get to the gym, they can't get to the classroom. does that burn you up? >> well, i tell you something, we put brand new fitness centers in alabama, indiana, oklahoma and kentucky. kevin, eric, i've got to tell you something, some great, great folks, and we have 1,200,000 dollars of brand new fitness centers that aren't being used. we want to get those kids in there, but we want to be safe. come on, let's go. you must not quit.
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happy thanksgiving. brian: jake, your final message to those politicians who aren't business people like you and have to make a payroll. what's your message to them as they say they're locking us down for our safety? >> i'm saying let's do what it smart, let's do it safe, but come on, west virginia got to -- we've got to give everybody a shot because our bodies and our minds are very important. so many people are depressed right now. want to lift that depression. get your bodies moving. it's super simple too old, brian, and you do a great job. steervetion i hope he's doing too. brian: yeah, he's fine. and, jake with, obviously, is still working out. jake makes it work. messages for the working class that can't do the peloton, they can't afford all this stuff -- >> yeah, that's right. just with a broom stick, a towel, as you said, go on official body by jake on instagram. let's do it together. we're going to administer exercises every day, and i want to wish you guys a very happy
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thanksgiving. cheers. don't quit. brian: i hear ya. jake steinfeld, thank you so much. he's always upbeat. jake, we'll check in with you again. all of california is basically locked down. meanwhile, the final hour of "fox & friends" starts now with some catchy music and a montage. ♪ >> covid-19 warnings, they are not stopping more than 50 million americans from traveling. >> even with the potential vaccine around the corner, lockdown measures continue. >> l.a. county's ban on in-person dining starts today. >> the dow eclipsed the 30,000 mark for the first time ever. >> it's a sacred number, 30,000. >> it's through the roof. we're having an amazing year. >> what do you say to those who are wondering if you're trying to create a third obama term? >> this is not a third obama term. >> a lot like the return of the obama administration's foreign policy, and that had disastrous consequences for our nation. >> president trump is reportedly planning to pardon michael
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flynn. >> this would be very, very popular among republicans because they believe michael flynn was railroaded. >> on behalf of the entire trump family, i want to wish every american a healthy and very happy thanksgiving. i grant you a full pardon. thank you. [applause] ♪ i just want to celebrate another day of living. ♪ i just want to celebrate -- brian: that is sixth avenue, and that is our christmas tree, our red, white and blue fox square christmas tree. all-american christmas tree at fox square is probably the way to do it. i'll correct that for the west coast when we re-air. but, steve, were going to get a parade on that very block in 28 hours, and that's probably as close as we're going to get because they don't want people there. they just want to see people playing the trombone. steve: i think they're only going to do the proud for a
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couple of blocks -- brian: exhausting. steve: they're going to encourage people to simply watch on television. they'll still have the floats and the performers, but with, jed, the macy's thanksgiving day parade, very 2020. it will be a virtual event. jedediah: yes with, that is true. but despite that, a lot of people are looking forward to thanksgiving, looking forward to seeing their families, obviously, seeing that beautiful christmas tree brightens up everyone's day. we want to wish a happy thanksgiving to everyone, and if you're smart, you'll make something out of steve's cookbook. some of that food makes your mouth water. the photos alone are worth it. we are going to head over to griff jenkins first because he is live in washington as president-elect joe biden introduces his key cabinet picks. >> reporter: that's right. joe biden introducing his top foreign and national security picks, declaring that america's back and signaling a shift away from president trump's america first policy.
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now, these faces are familiar washington faces, toni gnu blink for ec -- tony blinken, alejandro mayorkas and john kerry e to lead the white house on climate change. many democrats on the hill are praising their experience, but some say they were too cautious and too slow bringing about change last time. senator tom cotton reacting here on this show in the last hour says a return to the leadership of the obama administration alumni is a dangerous one. >> it was on the watch of so many of these nominees that china literally built islands out of the water in the south china sea and militarized them. that foreign policy had disastrous consequences for our nation. >> reporter: this as biden lays out his priorities for his first 100 days in an interview with lester holt says an immigration bill is on the top of the list as well as up doing president trump's executive orders that he believes made the climate worse. he also rejected the notion that
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he's creating obama 3.0 with his cabinet. watch. >> this is not a third obama term because there's -- we face a totally different world than we faced in the obama/biden administration. the president, president trump has changed the landscape. it's become america first which meant america alone. >> reporter: biden will give a thanksgiving address sometime later today, so we'll be watching for that. meanwhile, president trump not giving up his legal battles. it's been reported and a source tells fox news that the president is expected to travel to gettysburg, pennsylvania, at some point today and meet with local pennsylvania officials about the election results. jed with, brian, steve? brian: thanks so much, griff, appreciate it. so what's going on with the trump campaign for 2020, and what's going on with the transition? let's bring in lara trump, 2020 senior adviserrer, president trump's daughter-in-law who might just be running for
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senator burr's seat in north carolina. but first things first, ors lara, people are saying turn the page, but yet only 3% of trump supporters say the president should. what do you think? >> well, i think whenever you looked at this election, it's become very clear to people that something is very, very wrong here. i think people have a hard time rationalizing, brian, how is it that a guy like joe biden who throughout the course of his campaign could barely scrape together, you know, a dozen people at an event all of a sudden got 80 million people so inspired that they came out to vote for him? you contrast that with what we have seen continually throughout the entire time donald trump has been in office which is that he has continued to hold rallies, and those rallies have attracted ten of thousands of people. people waited in line for days, as you guys know, to see the president. we know where the enthusiasm lies, we know that, you know, there were 74 million people that we at least know of, i think probably even bigger than
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that, that came out to vote for donald trump. but people feel like something is really off with this election which is why we are saying we want every legal vote counted. we are continuing to push forward and make sure that happens. i know there are a lot of people that want to sweep this under the rug and say, okay, we're done with this election. we are far from done with this election. there has been so much fraud that we have uncovered as a campaign and, listen, people need to know going forward it's not just with about right now. every election we hold in the united states of america, we need to know it's fair and legal and every legitimate vote gets counted. steve: that's right. because the faith in voting is critical in this nation because that's how we choose our leaders. you know, lara, or going to the poll that brian quoted a moment ago, it was done by cnbc where they say 73% think president trump won the election. but it also says 31% want the president to fight in court until the states certify the election findingses.
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in the report from griff a moment ago, it sounded like-alluding to the owned -- he was alluding to the fact that that the prime minister -- the president may go to gettysburg to speak about the count. could you bring us up-to-date with where we are with your legal ballots and challenges. >> i don't know exactly what the president himself plans to do, but we continue to push forward in georgia, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. we want to make sure, you know, that, again, the right thing happens here. you saw that in georgia they held a recount. now, they didn't even look at the signature verify caution in this recount. so we're saying we probably need to have another one where you guys actually check the signatures, if the signatures matched at all. they uncovered thousands of more votes, many of which went to donald trump, whenever they did that recount. we're having state legislatures that are saying there was something amiss here, and they're holding hearings over the next several days that they want to hear from people who
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say, you know, i saw fraud. we have affidavits signed by people all across the country who say i witnessed vote or fraud, i was part of something where they prevented me from voting, or i saw them bringing in ballots through the back door. all of those things need to be talked about and discussed, and i think we're going to hear those over the course of really about the next week or so. jedediah: you know, march rah, you talked about the -- lara, you talked about the surprise. but what do you say to people -- and i've pointed this out many times -- that feel there was that surprise because the mail-in ballots heavily favored joe biden, and because of the rules made by the legislature, they were counted late. when you saw a lot of same-day votes being counted for president trump and then those biden votes coming in, also joe biden wasn't holding rallies. president trump was out front and center doing these big rallies, or joe biden wasn't doing those, so there may have been a silent biden voter that showed up on election day. so far in court the trump legal
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team has not alleged a stolen or rigged election. that has been alleged by the president on twitter and press conferences, but we're not seeing that in court. what can we expect from the president if nothing comes forward in court actually to show that the election was, in fact, stolen as he's claiming that it was? >> well, i'll say, you know, joe biden did hold events. i know he didn't call them rallies, but he had people sort of in their circle, and he held the events where people kind of drove in and did the drive-in rallies of sorts. but look, i think people know very clearly that there was a problem with this universal vote but mail. i have been talking about it, the president has been talking about it, our campaign was pointing out for months leading up to in that whenever you so vastly change an election process that west virginia had in this country for -- we've had in this country for so long and you do it in the course of 90 days, it is ripe for voter
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fraud. we have reports of people by the hundreds that say i didn't ask for a ballot. it was sent to me. there were people who got two, three ballots in the mail, dead cats got ballots in the mail. i mean, these are true stories out there. so whenever you have people that are receiving multiple ballots in the mail, some by maiden name, the married name, muddle initial, where was the check on that? the answer was there wasn't. we knew that there was going to be a big problem with this. there is no way to confirm that all of those votes were legitimate. and that's something west virginia been pointing out for a very long time that has been a big concern and continues to be. brian: yeah, rudy heading up the legal team, has had almost no success in court. the president did speak yesterday. here's a little of what-citing, and that is dow jones going over 30,000. listen. >> and i just want to congrata late everybody. the dow jones industrial average just broke for the first time in history 30,000.
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it's now -- [applause] that's good, that's great for jobs, and it's good for everything. i just want to congratulate everyone that to worked so hard, the white house. but maybe most importantly, the people of our country. it's a tremendous achievement. brian: this is an easy question to duck. the president came out and spoke for about a minute, he had those brief remarks. he has not taken any questions from the press. how would you describe your father-in-law's mindset right now? is it angry? disappointed? determined? what do you, what do you -- how do you characterize it? >> well, i think he's very optimistic. he feels what we all feel, that he won this election. we just have to show all the legitimate votes. but, look, what-talking-- what s talking about with the dow jones, it was incredible. before he took office, they said if he was elected, the stock market would crash. it started around 17,000 whenever he was elected. i mean, that's amazing.
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in the midst of a pandemic, it is to his credit not only what he's done with this economy, but with the vaccine that he fast tracked. and you've seen how incredible that is going to be, i think, going forward for the future of this country. he deserves a lot of credit for that big number, 30,000. i thought that was really, really impressive. steve: that is, indeed, a milestone. lara, fox news has learned, we've heard apparently from people familiar with the president's thinking, sounds like he's on the verge of pardoning michael flynn. could be in the next day or two or by the week's end. what can you tell us about that? >> well, i haven't directly talked to him about that, but i think that people can very clearly see that michael flynn got a very bad deal. i mean, what they did to this man was unconscionable and should never happen to any united states citizen. i think that it would be the right thing to do in my personal opinion. we'll have to wait and see what happens, but the way that he was treated and the things that were done to him was absolutely
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outrageous and should never happen to a united states citizen. so he would be well within his rights to do that, and i think he would have a lot of people on husband -- on his side. jedediah: well, march are -- lara, we want to wish you a happy thanksgiving. what are your plans with your family? >> well, we're going to all be together, i think we're going to gather together somewhere in the d.c. area, and we look forward to celebrating together as a fam huh e. you know, this is a year that's been tough for a lot of americans, and we're all finding unique challenges that we have to overcome. i think we all have a lot to be thankful this year just getting through it, quite frankly. brian: all right. we know the president's going to stay, for the first time, at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. maybe you can find your way over there. lara, appreciate it. when do you decide if you're going to run for the senate? >> you know what, let's get through this one, and then we'll talk about the next one. brian: but it intrigues you, right? >> it would be an incredible
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thing. it's my home state, a state i love so much, and look, i think we need some strong republicans in washington d.c. we had a great run with the senate and the house this go around but, i don't know, let's see what happens. brian: all right. that sounds like a maybe. thanks, lara, appreciate it. [laughter] >> thanks, guys. brian: jillian's got the news. jillian: good morning. two ny if pd officers are shot in the line of duty. they were helping a woman at her home in queens after she reported her husband for assault, police say that's when he walked inside and opened fire. the officers returned fire and killed him. both officers are in stable condition. this just in, the fda approved the new covid-19 antibody test which measures the specific amount of antibodies produced by a person's immune system after exposure to the virus. it tells them how well they're protected against the virus. it's only previously approved
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antibody test that tell people whether or not they've had the virus. and a live look from reagan international airport in the d.c. area as covid-19 warnings aren't stopping more than 50 million americans from traveling this thanksgiving. take a look at a map showing more than 7,000 flights in the air yesterday afternoon. the tsa says more than 6 million are taking to the skies alone are. in new york a quarantine crackdown on drivers as 19 checkpoints will be set up at bridges and tunnels. and in los angeles an in-person dining ban starts as democratic leaders of both cities are reminding residents it's not too late to cancel holiday plans. and jeopardy champ ken jennings giving all the credit to the late alex trebek after scoring a grammy nomination for his work narrating trebek's memoir. he wrote the book and reads much of the audio book. trebek died earlier this month after battle cancer.
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back to you. steve: thank you very much. meanwhile, straight ahead on this wednesday, thanksgiving eve, you're going to meet the newly-elected republican mayor of stockton, california. how marine vet kevin lincoln managed to unseat a democrat with a message of more police on the streets. the mayor coming up next. this woman coughs... and that guy does, too. people cough in the country, at sea, and downtown. but don't worry, julie... robitussin shuts coughs down. (children laughing) ♪ (music swells)
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♪ ♪ jedediah: after weeks of counting votes, stockton, california, has a new mayor. a marine vet and former pastor kevin lincoln beating a democratic incumbent who had rolled out programs like a universal basic income and paying violent criminals not to commit crimes in the blue collar town. joining us now is kevin lincoln.
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mayor-elect, welcome to the show, we appreciate you being here. i want to ask you, this has been a fascinating race to watch particularly because your opponent won four years ago with a large majority of the vote, and people seem to have really changed their mind this time around. what do you think you can owe that to, that change of heart and why people came out and voted for you? >> well, the people of stockton, you know, they wanted safer, they want safer streets, they a want a community that will come together and will unify and, you know, the current mayor has focused throughout the campaign on the national level in terms of pushing his own agenda. but the people of stockton, they want a leader that's going to represent and address the fundamental needs of our city so that we can move our city forward into the type of healing we know our city needs to see and realize the tube of potential our city can achieve. jedediah: let's look at some of the components of your agenda. build more shelters and public housing to address the homeless crisis, put more police officers on the streets, more access to
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millionth and drug addiction services, bring city hall to the neighborhoods. of those issues that you see now that we just brought to the audience's attention as well, what do you think was the key issue? was it crime and the anti-police sentiment that has erupted around the country? what was it for you? >> the key issues were all the above. when it all boils down, it all boils down to improving the quality of life for all people in our city, not only our homeless population that's not only plagued our city and county, but state and and even becoming a national, you know, pandemic here. but, you know, it's improving the quality of life and, again, the people of stockton, you know, they don't, they didn't want to defund the police. where there wasn't a clear defund the police movement, there was one at our unified school district and where the current mayor was very open about supporting that initiative. and, you know, the people of stockton, we have a city that you have a 30-year population
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that is under the age of 18, people want to insure that their kids are safe. we have one of the, one of the largest school districts in the nation with over 50 schools and over 40,000 students. and so safety and security through the the city of stockton is extremely important to the residents. jedediah: yeah. you know, that policy of universal basic income, that sounds really good, and you would think people would jump on that, but many people actually rejected that policy which was put forth by your opponent, so it's been interesting to watch it unfold. we congratulate you and wish you success. thanks so much for being here. >> thank you. jedediah: coming up, facebook tweaking its algorithm after the election to favor established news site over so-called hyperpartisan sources. parlor ceo john mackey says it proves facebook bias, and he talks to us next. might be to blame. looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes
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♪ brian: all right. facebook ceo mark zuckerberg reportedly signed off on changing the platform's algorithm after the 2020 election aiming to reduce the spread of information, big mainstream publishes like cnn, "the new york times", all posts from highly engaging partisan pages such as breitbart became less visible. let's get the reaction from an emerging social media empire ceo, john matze of parlor. john, what's your reaction to this confession? >> well, it's just really interesting because, you know, parlor believes that people should make the determination for themselves what they think is hyperpartisan or they believe in and what they'd like to follow, and they can choose on their own on parlor what they'd like to get engaged with.
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so for me, this kind of facebook secret internal algorithm thing is kind of, you know, orwellian. and so we believe in having a simple chronological algorithm that allows people to filter or out and determine what they want to view, and i think that's the best way. i don't think any of us likes hyperpartisan, you know, content. and so when people can decide on their own what they believe is within the norms of society and what they want to talk about, we let them choose on their own. brien: here's what -- brien: here's what facebook said about it, the i assertions in this report are based on sources who have no product decision making authority and are advancing their own narrow impression of how our process works. they know it will be detrimental to their product if they think they're turning off people, let's say, 74 million people who voted for donald trump. how does parler approach something like that?
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how do you continue to be somebody that doesn't care if you're right, left or middle? >> we do that by not getting involved and not ranking media outlets based off some kind of internal perception. we don't pretend to be experts about the news or about, you know, fact-checking. with just offer people a platform and let everybody else decide what they want to engage with. and i think that's the right way to do it. you know, stick to what we know, which is social media, delivering content that you can for and doing it in a way that's not biased. getting into this kind of business of checking people's news articles for potential bias is in itself, you know, there's no way for it to be fair. brian: john, you essentially said let everybody govern themselves, so if i go out and i'm on parler -- i am -- but if i write something that's proven to be untrue, you're not going to monitor me. it's up to the other users to decide whether i'm worthy of their time or not. >> yeah.
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other people will make that determination. and other people will fact check you in the comments. it's natural, right? people have discussions about this, hey, i think that's false or i think that's true or this has been debunked. if you look in the comments, you can see people do that. even on things that they might be biased otherwise about, people are fact-checking stuff, so let the community decide. really that's what it comes down to. you can't change people's minds through censorship or through manipulation. up to change it through discussion and talking about topics. brian: so, john, what about the whole crowded fire -- i can't yell fire in a crowded movie house even though i have freedom of speech. if i say something unsave isly whether it's terroristic or i'm a member of al-qaeda, i say we're going to blow up that building, is that okay with parler? >> well, everything has to be legal, so it has to be legally protected by the first amendment. there are some caveats, such as unsolis is sited doing we don't
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allow are, but otherwise as long as it's legal in the united states, follows the first amendment, that is what is allowed on parler. brian: right. and you guys have already now 31 million users, correct -- 11 million users, correct? >> yes, we're well over 11 million accounts, and we're still growing every day. brian: wow. i imagine more and more people want to go to parler. john, thanks so much. >> thank you very much. take care. brian: coming up straight ahead, as joe biden introduces husband cabinet, the media has high praise, even going so far as to call them superheroes. charlie hurt reacts next. ♪ rocking around the christmas tree at the christmas part hop -- ♪ mistletoe where you can see -- ♪ ♪
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flushing muck♪ >> this is not a third obama term because there's -- we face a totally different world than we faced in the obama/biden administration. the president, president trump has changed the landscape. it's become america first, it's
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been america alone are. we find ourselves in a position where our alliance ares are being frayed. it's totally different. that's why i found people who will join the administration and keep points that represent the spectrum of the american people as well as the spectrum of the democratic party. steve: okay. there's the president-elect on tv with lester holt last night. now we're on tv with charles hurt, washington times opinion editor, fox news contributor. charlie, good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. steve: okay. so-responding to the fact that a whole bunch of people in the incoming biden administration are people west virginia seen before. so he said it's not going to be a third obama term, but is it kind of obama 2.0? >> yeah, i would say it's a little bit like the rolling stones. they're getting the old band back together with all these old geezers rocking around on stage. but the amazing thing, steve, about that club right there
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was -- or that clip right there, is joe biden is actually attacking america first. and they do this out loud, and it's kind of astonishing if you stop and think about it that you would actually have a political force in this country that has a problem with putting america first, putting america's interests first. what in the hell do they think elections are about? why do american citizens vote for anything? but, of course, it's to put america's interests first. that's the whole point of all of it. but the thing i think they're completely missing here is that, of course, this is exactly, you know, for them the great evil in this world was the rise of donald trump. this caused the rise of donald trump. and they are doing -- the very first thing, as soon as they get out of detention, they're allowed out of the corner and they come back to the stage, the first change they do is everything that gave us donald trump in the first plus. jedediah: i love that analogy about detention as a former teacher, got that tell you, charlie. all right -- >> i know it because i spent a
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lot of time there. [laughter] jedediah: i imagine that to be true, i imagine that to be true. when we talk about joe biden's cabinet picks, media has already begun to react to that -- [laughter] we have a montage we're going to play, and then we'll e get your reaction. >> i was talking to a democrat who said this felt like the avengers. it felt like we're being rescued from this craziness, here are the superheros to come and save us all. >> and joe biden saying these are people, this is a team that's going to tell me what i need to know, not what i want to know. that is a big change. >> they are deeply experienced, they are humble and they are lifelong pluck servants. -- public servants. they are not political, they are just career people. they have worked together for many years. of. jedediah: charlie, we've got spiderman, superman, the hulk rolling in, we just didn't know
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it. >> incredible. i mean, and you juxtapose that to the past four years and what these very same people, the hysterics these very same people went into over peddling conspiracies and hautful speech, everything -- hateful speech, everything that you could imagine about president trump. and joe biden hasn't even entered the white house yet, and this is the way they're treating him. and, of course, it's not all that different from what joe biden has enjoyed for the past eight months during the campaign when he didn't actually campaign. he simply got a complete pass on all that. it's going to be -- we're heading into a very, very dangerous time where you have the media just completely surrendering all pretension of trying to ask questions and get important answers from powerful people in this country. it doesn't exist anymore. brian: it's just unbelievable where some people say that's reassuring, they work together, they're lifelong public servants
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and other people are horrified. we saw what happened last time, and we did not mind -- i don't see a lot of problems with america first being bad because it was never america alone. that was joe biden's ad lib. >> right. brian: jennifer epstein on bloomberg was asked a question about joe biden, hey, how about this? george h.w. bush was known for husband socks, maybe biden will be too. today he wore dark blue socks -- [laughter] yet there are plenty for substantive things to tweet about yet we can have some fun too. some fun tweets she had about president trump. she never had any, nor did anybody else. it's amazing. i don't have anything against having fun tweets, but at least tend to be somewhat equal. >> yeah. no, and that's not happening. literally, we had -- we just finished an election where one of the candidates did not even have the decorum, the decency to go out there and ask people for their votes. didn't even go out there and
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make the case to people on the issues for why you should vote for him. his only argument was i'm not donald trump, and i'm a nice person, and i'm part of washington and so i'll put humpty dumpty back together again. that was his entire campaign, and the media let him get away with it. the one thing i do think is sort of interesting watching all of these old people from, you know, joe biden's 50 years in washington getting pulled back in to service in this administration is this one thing, and that is where is bernie sanders and where is elizabeth warren. there are not part of this right now. and either he goes with them and they go full socialist and it becomes a complete nightmare, or he doesn't and the whole thing goes up into flames in a civil war among democrats, and it still goes down in flames. steve steve yeah. progressives won't be happy about that. charlie, thanks for joining us before you yard brine your turk. have a great holiday.
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>> happy thanksgiving. steve: you wet. all right. -- you bet. a lot of people are traveling, and janice dean is in the weather bunker with the fox cast. janice: yes, and we had the report of tornado just outside of dallas last night, and it looks like we could see the potential for severe weather today as well. not an outbreak, but certainly the potential is there as this front moves through across the mississippi river valley. and we have a tornado-warned storm out now in south-central louisiana, south of alexandria. looks like we have a severe thunderstorm warning as well near jackson, mississippi. so you see this line are, that could produce some stronger storms including hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. so just keep an eye to the sky and certainly an ear to your local forecast because that's the potential as this front continues to move through. the east coast is going to get wet tomorrow, i don't think we're going to see severe weather, but we could see some isolated thunderstorms. there's your forecast precipitation.
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while quiet tomorrow, as we get into the weekend we're going to see more widespread rainfall along the gulf coast, so keep that in mind if you're traveling this weekend. here's your thanksgiving day forecast. remember that line of thunderstorms is going to go across the mississippi river valley today, across the east coast tomorrow and then quieter forecast and very mild for much of the country. i mean, we'll take it, 61 in new york, 70s along the gulf coast, 72 in phoenix, 43 in denver. we could see some snow in the higher elevations. there's your forecast highs today. so keeping an eye on those severe storms moving through portions of louisiana and mississippi, we will keep you up-to-date, but extra careful, listen to your extra forecast. happy thanksgiving, my friends, i love ya. jedediah: happy thanksgiving to you, janice. now over to jillian for some headlines and happy thanksgiving to you as well. >> reporter: you too, good morning. jobless claims just released, 778,000 americans fueled for unemployment last -- filed for
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unemployment last week, that is more than expected. that number just coming in. we will keep you updated. in the meantime, we're following this, silver spoons actor ricky schroder is defending his decision to help ball out kyle rittenhouse. he told "the new york post" he's putting up hundreds of thousands of dollars for his bond and legal defense as he awaits murder charges. schroeder saying, quote: it made meed mad, this boy is innocent, and he will be proven innocent. i did what any father should have done and that's get a kid out of jail that doesn't deserve to be there. and in other news, a california church is asking the supreme court to block governor gavin newsom's covid-19 restrictions, gatherings are banned for worship for 94% of the state. the pastor joined us earlier to make his case. >> during the covid-19 when people are depressed, the suicide rates are off the
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charts, domestic violence is increasing, people need spiritual encouragement. jillian: meanwhile, another california pastor makes a mockery of the restrictions, briefly turning a chapel into a strip club. the move comes after a judge allows a strip club to reopen but not houses of worship. he jokingly removed his tie which apparently then made it legal to hold services. that is a look at your headlines. brian: all right. that's very interesting. i've got to find out how that ends up. meanwhile, jillian, good job. starting today you can actually download a brand new special on fox nation, it's called a very nation thanksgiving, a look back at 400 years since the mayflower landed at the wrong place but, man, they made a lot of great moves despite terrible conditions. here's a clip from the real story of thanksgiving. watch. >> the thanksgiving that we celebrate every single year is based on the story between the mayflower pilgrims and the woman
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pa nothings. >> the indians and the pilgrims were holding hands, the story you hear in school. no, the real truth. understand that story. >> it does an injustice to what really happened and to the relationship that truly existed between the woman pa nags and english settlers. brian: they would not have survived would want the indians. that is great more than story in 1620. rita, who has descendants that go all the way back to the mayflower, joined us last hour to talk about this relationship. >> they were very helpful. they helped to teach the pilgrims how to plant and create a good harvest and eventually a piece alliance was agreed to by both -- a peace alliance was
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agreed e to by both sides that they kept for a good half century. and they protected each other. it was probably not a best friends situation, but they certainly looked after each other and helped each other to survive for 50 years. brian: they had the mayflower compact, they wrote up a bunch of rules, they rotated the leadership that would later lay the foundation for our constitution, especially over in massachusettsment you can watch all this and get the real story, propaganda is not allowed, on thanksgiving. it's called a very nation thanksgiving, another reason to get fox nation. steve: we all have fox nation, we love it. we'll be watching your special this weekend, brian. it looks terrific. brian: they did a great job. steve: all right. coming up on this wednesday, the tunnel to towers foundation kicking off the season of hope by giving away 36 homes in 36 days to our heroes. we talk to the first vet getting a new house coming up next. but first, let's check in with sandra smith, find out what
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she's got cooking at the top of the hour. sandra: where's few pumpkin pie smoothie, steve? steve: it's in the blender in the green room. sandra: more restrictions getting piled on across the country. we've got brand new information on the vaccine. join us live from america's newsroom, top of the hour. today's ways of working may work differently tomorrow.
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♪ ♪ steve: tunnel to towers is kicking off its second annual season of hope, giving away an amazing 36 homes in 36 days to our nation's heroes between now and new year's eve. this year's first recipient is a wounded army vet who lost both legs when an ied went off in afghanistan in 2012. here now we have the ceo and chairman of tunnel to towers, frank siller, and also joining us, u.s. army veteran, specialist terence bo jones who is receiving the first home this season. guys, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning. steve: all right. so, frank, let's start by you ebbs explaining why -- explaining why tunnel to towers presents these homes to people in such need. >> well, we call it the season of hope because a lot of our great warriors, those who have given their lives and some have
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given their limbs like specialist bo jones have been waiting a long time. he got injured in 2012, and because of the goodness of america, you know, we always ask for $11 a month. we ask you go to tunnel 2 and donate $11 a month. we had dan and gayle who stepped up and made this season of hope a possibility with a tremendous donation. but these guys sacrificed everything for us that we can live in this great country. and in bo's case, he gave up two limbs, almost lost his right arm, and he deserves this smart home. but we have all the first responder families that are left behind and those who died in the lube of duty and young kids and gold -- line of duty and young kids. so teach your kids and grandkids, do the right thing. let's give thanks that we live
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in this country by going to tunnel 2 and donating $11 a month. steve: bo, tell us a little bit. i know you have not moved into the smart house yet, but what is the new home going to be able to help you with that you can't do right now? >> it's going to make my life easier as far as mobility, and like one of the big features i love is the stove. it goes down. it won't be a battle the see if hi face gets burned in the morning cooking bacon anymore. [laughter] things will take less time because they won't be as much of a struggle or a struggle at all. give me more time for my dreams. steve: well, the house looks simply amazing. it's a smart house that's able to help you with so many different things. tell us about your life now because i know after you were injured, you had a passion for building and tinkering, and you went to welding school, i think. >> yes, sir.
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i graduated from a welding college in san antonio. i met a man who owns a wheelchair company and began working for hum building custom wheelchairs, and it's just been a wonderful journey. steve: it is, indeed, and congratulations on receiving the first home. frank, we with only have about a minute and a half left. for the folks who are watching right now because they're off work or they're starting their holiday early, explain why you started tunnel to towers. >> my brother was a new york city firefighter on september 11th, 2001, gave his life up. he ran through a tunnel to the towers, can and he une spired -- inspired his older siblings to do good. we need to do good in this world. we have in this country a beautiful country, and he gave up husband life. and he -- his life.
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he inspired us and has inspired many people to be selfless. and those who serve, those who willing to die for you and me, steve, we've got to take care of these families that are left behind. we better do it as a country, and we are at the tunnel to towers foundation. that's why we've had so many people join us on this mission. bo's been waiting a long time. he's been patient. he he deserves what he got, and god bless you, bo, and happy thanksgiving. steve: indeed. and, bo, how are you going to be celebrating thanksgiving this holiday season? >> i'm going to be spending it with my family and friends and just giving thanks. i mean, i have a beautiful house to be thankful for here. a lot of great people on this journey. steve: well, it's great to meet you and thank you very much. and, frank, the great work. once again, anybody who is interested go to tunnel 2 guys, thank you very much and
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have a very nice holiday over the next couple of days. >> happy thanksgiving. god bless. steve: thanks, frank. thank you both. all right. brian, were got something special now, don't we? brian: yeah, that was a great gift. doesn't compare to a house. what frank siller does is absolutely awe maigz. help out that great foundation. as a country, we're out of mugs, and we're doing our part here at our network. we've got a fox nation mug. of go to fox shop right now, check out the biggest deals of the year. shop, get 20% off. get this out. i don't know what you have, steve -- steve: i've got ornaments too, but did you know "fox & friends" had socks? we have socks? brian: i had no idea. [laughter] steve: this one's still in the bag, that way we can ship it out. jed, there's plenty of stuff for folks who are interested. go, you get 20% off today.
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brian: yep, you don't need a coupon if, just use our word. a lot of people will only put these on their trees because we got new ornaments this year. steve: thank you very much for joining us today.


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