tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News November 25, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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do. check it out trade thank you for joining us and a wonderful thanksgiving tammy bruce is in for laura ingraham. hey, tammy. >> i hope your brother-in-law knows you will say that because tomorrowis will be interesting. >> trey: i can't wait. thank you very much. >> trey: you too. >> trey: tammy bruce in for laura ingraham and this is special edition from "the ingraham angle" from excitingly, moderate new york city. rules for thee but not for me. which hypocrite liberal telling you to stay home this thanksgiving while flaunting the roles himself? we will tell you later in the show. and a new ban on outdoor dining going into effect in just hours. we talked to a restaurant owner who says this will devastate small businesses r and familiesn california. plus laura here for thanksgiving addition of "seen and unseen." -- edition of "seen and unseen"
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you don't want to miss this. but first joe biden thing out priorities for first 100 days in office. he and his very first interview since the election. so what is at the top of his list? not covid. >> the first 100 days, i will send an immigration bill to the united states senate, the pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in america. >> tammy: okay, it is his second priority, that has to be covid, right? wrong! >> i am moving to do away with very damaging executive orders that have significantly impacted the claimant worse and making it healthy. >> tammy: so what is biden's third priority, bailing out blue states, of course.ri >> and also things i want to do to relate to the ability to make surere that we get immediate assistance to state and local governments to keep them from
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basically going under. >> tammy: the same agenda and a movie we've seen before does not end well. joining me sara carter fox news contributor and host of "the sarah carter podcast" and laura loken, host of "laura logan has note agenda! and fox & friends weekend cohost and author of the brand-new book "modern warriors", which we all are everybody watching us. we are sitting here and it is an honor, great to be here with all of you guys. thank you for joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> so pete, biden made covid his running mate and the reason why the democrats did everything they were doing. it was their excuse and noted years ago that you don't want to let a good crisis go to waste. and t now he doesn't even mentin it as the top of his list and yet this was the thing. what is going on here? >> what is going on here at the
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left wing take over, we knew he was the vehicle for.ft so we can open borders and amnesty, claimant shaming with john kerry running around in his jet and bailouts for blue states, not to mention he forgot raising taxes and increasing regulation especially on oil eroding energy independence. nancy pelosi wants a lock-in mail in ballots with hr one and of course sovereignty toen international institutions which will do too. he is the vehicle for the left and beholden to them. he's got a list of things to pay out to begin with. covid is already in the works with state governors and he will ask a mask mandate and raise taxes and so we know exactly who he is. this is actually no surprise. why wouldn't the pandemic slowly becoming -- that was just an excuse. we will manage up with the fact he will take credit for it somehow and then move on. >> tammy: it was an excuse. sarah, what is interesting this kind of attitude, this agenda
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that he has expressed here is exactly why americans fired the democratic party in 2015. in this last election and yet moving along as though the 73 million people have voted for donald trump and the extra 10 million people have voted for him this time around just don't exist or evaporate. what is that about? do you think he really understands what happened with the selection? >> no, i don't. i don't think he cares and neither does the biden/harris administration and planning on bringing on board. look at those selections. they plan on joining the paris claimant accord again.e and becoming members of the world health organization. they want to do a 360 on everything that president trump has done and the 73 million americans that you talked about. this is about america last, to
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me. and putting globalism forward, and the reason his first statement was let's get 11 million illegal immigrants in the united states legalized. and probably more like 20 million. what about all those people who are suffering in central america and mexico? do you think the democrats really care about them? do they care about the drugpl cartels and human trafficking moving people across the border and the fact that policies like biden will be bringing back are ckgoing to perpetuate that behavior. not only damage americans, but damage the people across the what we are seeing here is a real devastation of not only america first policies, but of global policies. >> tammy: it is interesting because for some reason we have heard these arguments before, joe biden doesn't wantgl peopleo think that this is about barack obama. that this is somehow some new policy or some new vision. i think we've got hisow rejectin
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of that idea. can we play that, please. >> what do you say to those wondering if trying to create a third obama term? >> this is not a third obama term because we face a totally different world than we faced in obama/biden administration. the president trump has changed the landscape. it has become america first. it has been america alone. >> tammy: yeah, you know, laura you have been out in the world. you've done extraordinary international reporting. you know what the world has been like. you know what it was like under obama/biden. we all know the extraordinaryhe changes in the success the president has had, middle east peace, north korea dealing with russia and china. anden the dynamics of so many familiar faces from the obama years. is this going to be the same kind of approach but just a replay of the same movie we have seen?
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>> well, it is interesting because when you speak to a lot of people, what you hear about is the main concern putting back into this government, people from complicit and perpetuating one of the greatest lies on the american people, right? a because there were intelligence officials and they did not stand up and say we have seen intelligence. we know there is no collusion with russia. and we know the president is a russian spy. and many people are complicit and perpetuating and brought back into government. there has been no justice. no accountability and in a position to not only get away with it and to cover it up even further so that the truth never comes out. but my sense is that there are millions of people in the country who are very concerned about this. and they are ignored. the other part is joe biden said in that cookie plate it is
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america first in america alone. that is not true at all. look at what is happening in the middle east. look at the middle east and benjamin netanyahu sitting down with saudi arabia. and the president has been nominated for three nobel peace prize does, i believe two or three. and so that is not an america alone policy whatsoever. the problem with this whole narrative is that complete lie. it is just not true. and what is the biden administration going to do now? will they will back on the middle east peace agreements? because obama wanted out ofoi that. t trump has been getting out. i'm not saying that is the right think thatem it is. however, it depends on what they will do about that. >> tammy: a lot of this will depend on and i think you will agree, on what president trump moves quickly to do in these next couple of months, especially afghanistan. but biden has made it clear he
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wants to move forward. let's listen to this. and proudly talking about a progressive agenda. let's listen to this. >> i have a very ambitious aggressive agenda. and it is going to take really strong leaders in the house and senate to get it done. >> tammy: considering so many were flipped from blue to red because americans rejected the progressive agenda. they rejected identity politics and that cancel culture. they rejected all of that nonsense.ic and now he is saying the leadership in the house in the senate to help him move an agenda that the american people do not want and do not expect him to pursue. >> i think he lives in a fantasy land of washington, d.c., and not a place to roll out the red carpet and what they did
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investigating and boycotting every aspect. the media to sort of lay out his success. they will frame everything as positively as humanly possible. when he surrenders sovereignty to an international institutions and talk about how humane he is, you will have all of those advantages. but ultimately, he is rejecting the sentiment that most americans have been woken up to that they've been lied to. and their government has deceived them and that will not work for them. >> tammy: and i think this has something else also. this is a great point about your book. with everything that we will be facing, you know, we cannot even imagine what the next four years will look like. we could not have imagined what the last four years would look like. when you write about in your new book and i think we have a special on fox nation on sunday of modern warriors, this really
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is certainly about the military, but would you apply this to the average american citizen what we are facing in the states? >> we are fighting for core freedoms in this republican both laura and sara with the troops overseas, they are the real 1% to put their lives on the lines to defend us. we are on the front lines for the civil liberties. and this will teach you how to do that as well while also honoring the men and women who did the dirty work in dangerous places for two decades to keep us free. you hear the raw, politically incorrect honest assessment of those wars and proud to be an american. >> tammy: it is the inaugural book from the newly launched fox news book imprint. so that is very exciting as well. >> i think that sounded pretty good. i'm going to buy it now. >> me too.
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makes me thankful. >> we will love it. >> tammy: the three of you americans know terrific patriots, terrific lawyers with the work that you have all done and it is an honor to see you guys tonight. we have a lot of work ahead of us. sara, lara, pete, thank you for joining me tonight. great stuff. joe biden may be calling for unity, but former boss is not helping. during an interview about his new memoir, barack obama took the time to shame hispanics who voted for president trump. >> there are a lot of evangelicall hispanics who, you know the fact that trump says racist things about mexicans or puts detainees undocumented workers in cages, they think that is less important than the fact that he supports their views on gay marriage or abortion. >> tammy: wow, remarkable. joining me now is the perfect person to address this steve cortes, senior advisor for
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strategy. you know, it is funny because he designed those cages for children. t that was his strategy. he implemented fact. but it sounds like, steve, he is complaining hispanics voted for trump are clinging to religion and their vote. how is this going to work when it comes to the issue of unity? >> well, it is not. you are exactly right. this is the sequel we are bitterly clinging to guns and >>bibles. sometimes those who proclaim thu loudest, to me they are uniter's and healers are the most divisive people in american society. exhibit a president obama. he said he we would win over the votes of hispanics if they weree not such small minded christians. if they could just get over their faith. they would vote for us. so listen, we hispanics are. he is right about one thing, we hispanics are more pro-life than the rest of america and proud of that out. he is very wrong about a couple of things. number one, there was a stunning allyf that statements where
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hispanics rallied to president trump because president trump is against gay marriage. wait a second, barack obama was elected to the presidency, to the white house when he was adamantly against gay marriage. this president was the first president elected to the white house who was in favor of gay marriage. and also secondarily, the idea -- and this is what liberals love to do like obama they want to diminish us and put us into a meat box and those hispanics, they vote this way or should vote this way but they don't. and it renders us incapable of making multidimensional decision regarding voting. >> tammy: like everybody else, right, hispanics or babies who can't think for themselves according to the democrats. >> so the life issue is important, absolutely. you know what is more important for hispanics and recent they are railing for president trump in the first, economic prosperity and on that score an incredible story to tell an incredible credibility with hispanic community in the history of the united states.ty
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there have been 28 months where hispanic jobless rate was below 5%. records have been kept. all but one of those have been under the leadership of president trump here there was one time in 2006 where the president bush, george w. bush, one month and the other 27 months have been during the china virus now trump boom 2.0. >> tammy: what we found, steve the american's color blind, and it is something all of us care about are here to immigratee because you are fleeing things and regimes that kept you from being ableat to do it. trump represents, you know, the attitude of general personal freedom. and obviously he did way better among hispanics this time around and then 2016, nationally, he increased his share of hispanic vote by seven points.e in florida, it shot up by 12 points, as you know.
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he got half of the hispanic vote in that state and in texas, and otshare increase by seven point. and so i think it is fair to say hispanics who are in florida, cubans from south america are fleeing tyrannical totalitarian regime and have heard what the democrats have been saying. they recognize it as a thing that destroys lives. it isn't what hispanics in particular like in trump? >> absolutely, tammy, you hit the nail on the head. lots of hispanics, millions of hispanics came to this country to flee latin america. people like my own father. they did not come here to replicate the failings of latin america. so we can be o properly proud of our culture, history, food, traditions, but what we do not want to bring from latin america to the united states are governmental policies, socialism, statism, corruption, and latinos are particularly and keenly aware of those dangers.
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i think it is one of the reasons we won florida so handedly but not just florida historically. the texas/mexico border president trump flipped hispanic counties that have not gone republic in decades. sot this message of economic opportunity if yes, respect for life, thisis message is resonatg with the hispanic community. i think president obama is worried and he should be. >> tammy: thank you, steve,re for that. obviously, the approach would be to recognize what it is that happened. and what these individuals who can think for themselves and have responded to instead of treating them like people who should be shamed into conforming because that is what they have beennd doing. steve cortes, great job, thank you very much. now, less than three hours fromt now people living in los angeles will no longer be allowed to eat outside at restaurants. can you believe i even have to say that sentence to you guys? that band goes into place at
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l.a. expect to survive when they have taken away our ability to make money? >> we will have to let our employees go home. how are they going to pay their bills? how are we supposed to survive now? >> my husband has been in this industry and he is out of a job too so we are both unemployed now. >> tammy: some of the victims of the new ban on all outdoor dining's at restaurants. which goes into effect in just hours. and what makes this a slap in the face is that it is so difficult for working americans is the fact l.a. county officials have not produced a shred of scientific evidence. they love science to support these insane restrictions. these draconian measures will inevitably for small businesses to close their doors likely forever and ruin thousands of lives. my next guest fears for his future,fo joining me now lou giovannetti, owner of the primo italia restaurant. welcome aboard, it is great to see you.
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and i am feeling for you because this has got to be absolutely maddening. >> thank you so much for having me, tammy. you have absolutely no idea the amount of people that have contacted me. please say this, please say that. it is absolutely devastating to think three people on our county supervisor board deemed appropriate,ly as you said, lite to no data whatsoever to shut us all downee except for takeout, which is for a lot of businesses after everything we have d been through the last number of months. >> tammy: it seems it isis arbitrary and when we ask about the science, it is this tracing thatat there is no evidence of that any kind of spread goes especially to outdoor dining. you might want to make an argument regarding indoor dining. then the spending of money that restaurants have done to build up these dynamics outside. you are in southern california which can get a little chilly
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but not like the east coast. what does this mean ultimately for your business will you be able to survive and what do you plan on doing as we head into the holiday season? >> what we are doing right now, we are planning together in groups and really going to look at this and see what we might be able to dooi ourselves. our community, our neighborhoods are s so behind what we do. we feed people. thatgh is what we do. to make an arbitrary decision to just shut us down and tell my employees, husbands, wives and kids that we will not be able to just show up at work and do what we normally do safely with great responsibility. i think that says something a lot of the leaders don't understand.i >> tammy: here in new york, here in new york, there is't outside dining. in los angeles, it was never really a big thing. did your patrons and are your patrons enjoying it and have people adapted and outdoor a
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diners now normally be patronizing you? >> dramatically and i'm talking from the restaurant right now. we have propane heaters. we literally loved our restaurant up and down three flights of stairs, primo priazza and lou, let's do it we can do it every single day. everybodyy comes out. we are absolutely packed, properly socially distance and people wear their masks. we do it right and yet, this idea that we have leaders who think that we can't responsibly get together as neighborhoods,ea neighbors, employees, as patrons, and come together and do something positively is crazy. >> tammy: lou, they acted on the department of health and actually tried to shut you down. i know you are italian so i guess you weren't singing which is what we do as italians. what happened there? >> we do.
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when we did outdoor dining it was successful. in the meantime, what do we do? i told people in social media may be i will sing you a song. the next thing 4:00 the next day the health department is here te tell me that they are going to shut me down for 30 days because i was going to sing a song. >> tammy: wow! >> i simply told them, listen i don't accept and i reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and i absolutely believe -- >> tammy: lou, are you going to survive this when it comes down to it? >> we have survived so far but i've done nothing but fight for my employees and has a business owner. we have light at the end of the tunnel. there is a vaccine. we have worked so hard and now for our leaders to literally blow up that tunnel and tell us to get out their shovels andde think again is absolutely, it is a responsible. >> tammy: we have learned a lot, haven't we? about the inclination of politicians and people like that
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three-person supervisor framework of what they do and what they don't know and with that they are connected to you and if they care about you and if they have real sense of what normal people's lives are like. the forgotten man and woman, which are really the entrepreneurs of this country that make everything tick. >> tammy: we are out of time. >> thanks, everybody. thank you for having me. thanks everybody. >> tammy: good luck to you. joining me now harmeet dhillon and other wear your civil rights attorney and ceo the simple american's liberty, thankk you for all the work you do and i'm on social media and icu are in front of all the pushback on thiso outrageous kind of totalitarian effect on our small businesses. so as a judge this week already declined to block the ban on outdoor dining. they did try that and that they will do. what restaurant owners like lou
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have been the situation. this will destroy families, the entrepreneurs of people in the community. what is the next step they can take? >> well, there are brave people fighting back. one of my good friends a prominent lawyer, los angeles county filed a lawsuit this week. i was told the hearing is going to be on monday for an injunction in that lawsuit. some people are not taking this lying down. so many people are leaving the state of california because this is breaking businesses, breaking hearts. this is so irrational. it is impossible for a business owner to be able to plan, comply, and people to work there to know if they will be able to pay their mortgages and pay their rent on the basis of these radically changing policies. i think it is a form of emotional abuse and callous and negligence on the part of the government and los angeles county dr. barbara ferrer casually making these decisions and not able to defend
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ins a press conference yesterdy with science, data, or facts for los angeles county. >> tammy: and it's like that every county. again, this is not a one-off situation. i think people in all kinds of communities c can relate to what is happening here, but it is more harmful and more consulting, harmeet, and i want to get your thoughts on this as well. the "los angeles times" is reporting that california has been sending covid release benefits, convicted murderer scott peterson as well as other death row inmates are to have people who are losing their businesses being shut down and millions of dollars apparently have been going illegally to people on death row. harmeet, it is the most significant fraud on taxpayer funds in what are your thoughts on this and who is to blame in this new debacle in california? >> the scandal is not that thisl
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is happening, but apparently, prison gangs do this, unemployment fraud t for years. the scam is that prosecutors have known about it and blown the whistle on it and the statee unemployment board to do something about it. they don't even bothern to answr the phone. so i have friends to apply for unemployment. they can't get through and the state casually allows millions of dollars to drain into pockets of god knows who. to be clear that checks are not going to death row in san quentin. they are going somewhere else. and they remain with these people. so this is what california is doing to lawful citizens that can't get through the employment line. the criminals a.m., and it is like the state is burning and the governor, let me have some more opus $1,000 and enjoy myself. our governor is to blame. and if people are not -- you should visit the website.
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♪ >> tammy: now it is time for our special thanksgiving edition of "seen and unseen." for that we go to raymond arroyo author of "the spider who saved thanksgiving." raymond, aren't you like bill o'reilly doing a book for every holiday? who saved easter. >> i'm looking forward to the spider who saved july 4th. >> this will be a different thanksgiving for many families. the cdc guidelines are -- let's just say a little restrictive for us with ruffling feathers.
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>> among other recommendations they suggest guests bringg foods and utensils. why bother getting together at this point? number two, offer guests disposable food containers. just go to chick-fil-a and throw the food on grandma's lawn. happy thanksgiving, mom. wear masks indoors. laura, i've been thinking about this considering that a face onn most people this could be a blessing in disguise. we are glad to hear that uncle pulled the mask up, thank you. so there are options you have to use. against relatives. >> think about the time they will slatherer all that makeup , you know, really? it is not as necessary but the last to go cdc recommendations and these are real doozies. encourage guests to avoid singing or shouting, number one, never been to an italian thanksgiving, and number two, don't drink alcohol.
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how is any went to getve through thanksgivingan without alcohol? >> laura, i don't know who this family is that can't shout and can't have booze with the relatives over. i've never met this family. so the cdc recommendations they will. but these recommendations are too much, "the today show" has another idea. zoom-giving. >>an when time for dinner and place the camera and a spot to see each other. if you have lots of family joining in the remote celebration take a 15 minute window that works for everybody. avoid zoom fatigue by taking breaks. >> i think i will take a perpetual break from zoom giving. thanks to god for blessings and for each other. it is a special time. it shouldn't be another zoom call. surely, you can do this safely connecting with family in reality, not just virtually. >> you know, biden, joe biden and andrew cuomo, i think they would agree with you, raymond.
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they are in the thanksgiving day mood. >> thanksgiving day is coming up. well, they said, joe, maximum ten people in your home. maximum, joe. m well, you know, there will be three of us. because you can't mix families. that have been away, quarantined. >> you know what love is on thanksgiving? i love you so much and i'm so thankful for you that i'm not going to see you. is it hard to police? yes! but if you see it, stop it. >> laura, nothing says happy thanksgiving like we cut you from the guest list, ma, we would love to stay for dinner but the cops are behind you taking you to jail. this is unbelievable. >> first of all his not being at thanksgiving is to monumental loss at this point.
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if you want to bore someone, or someone into submission thanksgiving definitely have the governor over. otherwise, slap the cuffs on the turkey leg. what else? >> laura the most ridiculous thing are an are these new mall santas. to see santa, the kids now have to approach a plexiglass wall. santa is basically in bubble wrap with a face protector and gloves. it's like he's held in a yuletide black site. the problem is, the poor children don't know what the heck santa is saying, and the jolly old soul can't hear them either. >> laura, what? you want a yoga lady? oh, you want a baby yoda, i get it.
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he can't hear a thing. this isn't working. can you imagine taking a picture of a kid in front of a plexiglass. all you get is a glare with your child. i don't see how this works. >> a good thing like, kid, my son who is afraid of santa f noa healthy social distance from that old drunk with a failed -- velvet costume. this caught my attention, raymond has a dog lover. the first christmas single for dogs has been released. now, abbey road studio and supposed to come out alertness w,and listening canine. ♪ >> do you buy that at all, laura? would your dogs react to this? my maddie would go straight to sleep if she heard this noise. on the stereo. >> first of all, when you say my
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maddie, when you go to raymond's house, suddenly when you say, oh, my maddie. nice try, raymond arroyo. you need protection. >> finally, i have found the perfect gift for you., and it's not a dog collar. i know your nativity scene, laura, under the tree is getting a little stale. a nativity artist has come up with a wonderful joe biden figurine. for $350, you can have a large biden figurine or $17 the smaller version that would fit under theri tree. guess which one you are getting? aside from looking like bill clinton, it is perfect for your nativity. i always say where bright lights, there are always long shadows, laura.. >> the good thing is this thee figurine actually comes apart around the forehead. you open it up and there is a special treat inside, no brain.
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so it is beautiful. it is a beautiful, beautiful way to learn the human physiology in a holiday appropriate manner. >> like the stalls you keep unpacking. >> except in this one, nothing inside. raymond thank you. >> the kamala harris side. >> aren't we cheery and charitable? i mean to put plexiglass up between us via satellite, raymond. have a great thanksgiving to you, rebecca, and the kids. >> tammy: all right, still ahead the doctor and matt schlapp take on the covid tyrants and hypocrites, not that there are any of those, looking to control your life. don't go away. ♪
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ocean spray works with nature every day to keep you healthy ♪ >> vaccines are right on the horizon. if we can just hang in there a bit longer and continue to do the simple mitigation things we are talking about all the time, the mask, the distancing and avoiding crowds particularly in the door. if we do those things, we will get through it. >> tammy: all right, well, hang and they dr. fauci said we might not get back to normal until 2022. joining me now is dr. harvey risch, professor of epidemiology of public health and matt schlapp american
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conservative chairman. doctor, let me ask you, this attitude is very interesting because we also even half the world health organization telling people you shouldn't continue to do lockdowns. those aren't working. wewe are getting the goalpost ce don't keep changing and americans are wondering what to believe. what is your take on this now that the vaccines are in view? what do you think is the timeline and what is happening rhetorically with dr. fauci and what we can expect? >> we haven't done anything for the last six months except what you recommended. you can see it has not worked well over that time. right now, what we are observing many of the states of the midwest, the epidemic has peaked and knew case numbers, daily case numbers are coming down. if this continues as i expect it will, we will be approaching the end of the pandemic in those states. and as long as that continues,
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eventually, things will come down a lot. whether that beats the vaccine or not, we will have to see. it becomes a trade off at this point. >> tammy: it is interesting because with this framework where we now have a view of europe, the w.h.o. troubled byis the chinese connection with the world health organization, but we do see what worked and what didn't work. yet, strange decisions are made in new york restaurants might be shut down again entirely, gyms again, and it's as though there is an inability to take into account what we have seen fail and succeed. is that just because off politicians? why is that, do you think? >> i think people don't know what to do. there is a lack of common sense. we have the cdc said the biggest risk factor for getting covid was eating at a restaurant. that probably applied to indoor eating and weight onto outdoor
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eating with -- you have to use judgment. a >> the most simple thing in the world, common sense, use your judgment. human beings have been dealing with viruses for a long time. doctor, thank you for that. i want to share with you something else when it comes to hypocrisy on the issue. democrat mayor michael hancock in hot water tonight. this morning he sent a tweet telling people to stay home and avoid traveling. about 30 minutes after sending that tweet, hancock hopped on a plane to spend thanksgiving with his daughter and wife in mississippi. so matt, this is another example white americans looking around, thinking how does this happen? what are we supposed to believe? that lockdowns over little people but not the politicians? >> yeah, this is so true. there was a tweet from a friend of mine that said we started off 2020 saying we are in this together and ended 2020s saying call this 1-800 number
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and tattle on your neighbor. these leaders, especially these mayors, especially the mayor of atlanta celebrating joe biden's birthday without a mask. the mayor of chicago going into the street with a bullhorn and no mask. chuck schumer out in the streets after the election celebrating democratic gains, i'm not sure which one he was talking about because not too many in the senate. you look at this hypocrisy and here is the sad thing 73.3 million americans feel like this election was handled in a way where dirty deeds were done. and i also think there is a separation between at least half of america, red america, common sense america starting to not listen to these health officials because they realize they are just taking things for the sake of saying things. there is no harm if grandma stays home for thanksgiving. no harm if my kids don't go to school and zoom all day. no harm to do these things. you know what i realized, there
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were a great harm in these things destroying these kids school a experience and taking away people's civil liberties and ability to run and govern their own lives is great harm. >> tammy: we discussed that last night and of course it becomes difficult when we see that doctors are also getting frustrated and i think with the turnout and this dynamic. dr. risch and matt, appreciate itth very much. mymi final thoughts when we return. we will be right back.
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it's thanksgiving, i am particularly grateful for my puppy ruby and all of you as well. if have a great thanksgiving, i'll see you next time. thanks, in tomorrow for our thanksgiving fan mail special. ♪ >> mike: good evening, welcome to washington i'm mike emanuel in for bret baier in tonight president trump pardons michael flynn. we will have details shortly. >> welcome to washington. donald trump pardons former national security adviser michael flynn. we will have details. millions of americans are taking planes, trains and automobiles to thanksgiving holiday destinations despite pleas from the government to stay home and limit gatherings to minimize the spread of coronavirus. we will have complete coverage of that in a moment but we begin
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