tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News November 30, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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wed. we got to the bottom of the russia hoax, the rest of the media lied on a spectacular level. it never admitted it. in an investigation with biden -- neither his campaign or his corruption. we will stay with all of it. we will be independent. let not your heart be troubled. the news continues with laura ingraham. >> laura: hannity, did you have a good thanksgiving? >> sean: i did, you? >> laura: i had a great thanksgiving. >> sean: i needed a break, but i'm out of it. >> laura: okay. >> sean: can you believe wiseman -- three years of a witch hunt? no collusion. if there's a new ig, investigate trump. these people are sick are sick. >> laura: this is all they know how to do. we know they want to know how to grow the economy because it's going to flatline. but they do know how to trump up investigations against conservatives who happen to be inconvenient to the elite.
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fantastic show tonight. speak to you are making me laugh. i have not been in a great mood. >> laura: we will reveal the inside joke later. >> sean: okay. >> laura: this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. i hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving. president trump has been asking why the fbi and doj have been a lot though mike investigating election fraud read "the ingraham angle" has an important update. get this, biden's dog breaks a bone. what is that about? and laura grant just trying to ruin your holidays. first, biden's false prophets. that is the focus of tonight's angle. in the new testament book of matthew, warns that we should beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's
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clothing. in politics and in the media, there are plenty of false prophets who try to sell you on policies that deliver ruin instead of result. enter "the new york times." over the weekend, it published an editorial called "let's talk about higher wages." the nation in the democratic party desperately need to replace the tired story that tax cuts drive economic growth. but when you read on and the editorial, you see that the geniuses at the time have no clue about what should happen next. here is their conclusion. the nation's laws, social norms, and patterns of daily life have all been revised and recent decades to facilitate the suppression of wage growth. exactly. but that's what we populace have been telling you for the last ten years. the question is -- what to do about it? and "the new york times" only practical suggestion is that we
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begin by telling better stories about the way the economy works. thanks, "new york times." i'm sure workers everywhere this time of year are going to run to your website and pour over every twisted tale you tell. what's more mark about this editorial is that the words "president trump" appear nowhere in it. american workers trusted him to improve conditions for them. furthermore, and the first term, he succeeded. it just blows away expectations. speak of this is the best i've ever seen in my life. >> you can't contradict that this is the best numbers of our lives? >> getting support from both democrats and republicans. >> how significant is this deal? not just for israel for that matter, buter f, but for the ree region. >> pretty significant.
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in fact, it's historic. >> a new narrative, a narrative hope and prosperity. >> laura: the times complains about wage stagnation. but those completes are out of date. we've told you many times, real median household income in the united states grew by $6,000 from 2016 to 2019. forgive me for actually dealing in facts tonight. they increased by 4%. so we don't need to better stories about wages, we just need to study the policies that we pursued under president trump and understand why they worked. now, lucky for us, it only takes a basic understanding of econ 101 to explain the success of america first policy. for starters, wages are the price that businesses pay for labor, red? like a any other price, they are determined by demand.
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that means eliminating unnecessary regulations. president trump encourages american businesses to hire more workers. that's good, but that's not enough. which is why president trump restricted the supply of labor. he used tariffs and trade policies that were smart to make it harder for companies to shift jobs offshore. and by enforcing immigration laws, putting tighter controls on work visas, president trump made it harder for businesses to drive down wages for american workers. these policies were extremely successful. that wasn't in "the new york times" editorial. by february 2020, the last month before the pandemic hit, the u.s. unemployment rate was only 3.5%. unfortunately, biden and his globalists will take up in the opposite direction.
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janet yellen, choice of treasury, there's no reason to believe he's not going to follow the same game plan that biden advocated during the campaign. which is higher taxes, more regulation, greater hostility toward business. push for lockdowns, et cetera. on the other hand, there's going to be huge giveaways to unscrupulous companies that prefer not to pay a decent wage to americans. because under biden, it's going to be easier to offshore jobs and use illegal labor to fill the hole. thus, they will kill the demand for american labor. so the average american worker ends up getting shafted again under biden's rules. now, biden is picked ahead. he prayed a lot about her tonight. she claims that rising income inequality was the consequence of decades of conservative attacks on workers rights to
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organize and that labor unions are a powerful vehicle to move workers into the middle class. and keep them there. okay, i have a question for ms. pandan. what happens when a union goes to management and demands a pay raise? what happens when management says okay, we are going to move our company to india then, by. of course the focus on income inequality is foolish. building up the middle class as trump date is the way to go. and by the way, even if you believe in their stated income inequality, you don't help bridge the income inequality by hammering the middle class which is exactly what's happening in places like california and new york. >> people saddle like the restrictions, i have covid fatigue, how could you say i shouldn't have more than ten people in our house goes to mark this is where the spread is up in front o. >> given their liberal
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leadership, these states -- i forget covid. push covid aside for a moment. these should be worker's paradise? but even before the pandemic, before all the talks of lockdowns and restrictions, people were fleeing new york and california. then a middle class is virtually nonexistent. there is the rich and fair as everyone else. now check out the exit polls among those who said the economy was the most important issue to them. 82% of those voters went for trump. well, these photos were to set up at the old trade deals, the old policies that gave away the store to places like europe and china. of course, biden is going to push the partnership and that is designed to make it easier for multinational companies to lay off workers here and ship their production to places like vietnam, malaysia, and of course china.
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the 74 million americans who voted for president trump already knows this. it may have to take that message the working class people all across country. and all of you voters in georgia -- i hope you understand what is at stake here. by sending them back to washington, you will send a powerful message to d.c. return to the failed policies of the past and we will block you in the senate and fight you every step of the way. under biden's team of false prophets which is really the old obama team, the rich will get richer as the working people get stiffed once again with stagnating wages. i think more and more americans would be interested in learning about why income sword under president trump. republicans running in 2022 and 2024 -- they have an easy answer.
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we know it works. i liked us and we will do it all over again. and that's the angle. joining me now is ari fleischer. also with me, victor david hanson. gentlemen, great to see you. victor, these efforts of working against american interest have been pushed by silicon valley and china, yet our liberal elites prop both up. what's going on here? >> well, you have to remember to start off with joe biden and the democrats raised the republicans about 2.5 to 110. large amounts came from silicon valley. they have a codependent relationship with china. they understand their technology is being peeled off and stolen, but they also understand getting a 1.4 billion mark up. it's their way of thinking -- it's not good business to put
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jobs here in the united states. it's not good business to plop down on the chinese. then they make that sentiment felt in a lot of insidious ways. one through hunter biden when he lands in china. michael bloomberg, for example, said china wasn't an authoritarian government when he was helping to leverage the creation of chinese communist companies with western capital. where i work, stanford university is the brainchild of all of silicon valley. being investigated by the department of education along with all of our top universities that have failed to report hundreds of millions of dollars in gifts. many of them from the chinese communist affiliated companies and individuals. and we just had a visiting professor from china in neuroscience that we didn't know had ties with the chinese military. so i'm not blaming them, i'm just saying they are insidious in their ability to gain
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leverage within the powers of the united states government corporate culture, nba, you name it. >> laura: i want to get into the corporate culture. it's interesting they overwhelmingly supported joe biden yet they are trying to claim the mantle of we are for the working guy, we are for the little people, we are the little people. maggie, 94% gifted by them. okay, their employees, apple, 92% gave to biden. coca-cola at 66% gave to the democrats. this isn't the little people. these are the big boys. >> you are onto it. one of the biggest trends predated donald trump, but he made it to accelerate. democrats are increasingly becoming the party of the rich anand republicans are working fr the working people. it came out two months ago in the middle of the pandemic, it
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didn't get a lot of attention, but the poverty rate just prior to the pandemic was the lowest it has been since 1959. think about that. before the great society programs, donald trump wanted to alleviate poverty. the unemployment rate for people with just a high school degree or less, the lowest in recorded history. so who is it who is policies of low taxes, no regulation, low regulation actually did more to help people to start to climb the economic ladder of life? it was donald trump's economic policies. one of the reasons that corporate america today is the pursuit to sell things at the lowest possible price which is understandable. that does help people. but it also drew american businesses to china to too great of a degree. wikhopefully, that want to conte
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when people will bring businesses back to america, not in china. we should've learned our lessons. >> laura: i think of the regulations and taxes are what they are going to be here in the united states, the encouragement, victor, is going to be look, let's send it over to malaysia. don't have to deal with the unions or any of this stuff. democrats want to do anything to stop that. they have silicon valley in their back pocket or vice versa. what's most shocking is how these corporations are salivating over biden. "new york times" reported that nike and coca-cola lobby against this forced chinese labor bill. and the legislation was called the prevention act -- it's been the target of multinational corporations. including the u.s. chamber of commerce. victor, you have an you and i he been exposing them for years. this year they supported a
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number of democrat candidates. what's behind this? >> well, the chinese are brilliant propagandist. they have labeled this -- the chinese have labeled this infusion into american corporate culture is something that is cool. what you just said, or what i just said, i will get an email tomorrow from someone saying i am racist because all of our suspicions of -- it's based on race, class, issue. they have this brand that is cool. you can see it in hollywood where it is been corrupted. you can see it in professional sports. you can see it on very liberal silicon valley where guys with flip-flops and the shades that drive-in convertible be marries -- some of the most reactionary. and selfish people in the world. >> laura: i want to hit this point. listen to this chilling message from a chinese sociologist.
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[speaking foreign language] >> laura: it we have gained absolute superiority over the united states. covid was bad for europe and the u.s., but beneficial to china. ari, your reaction. >> why do you think is the official policy of china to steal from us, to steal our intellectual property, to make american businesses pay to do business with china. it's because this is the chinese long-term playbook. it's on top of their military expansionism where they go into areas of dispute such as the south china seas and in the himalayas and just forcefully build military installations in disputed territories. they claim it for themselves.
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look, china takes the future seriously. donald trump is the only person i know, the only outsider with enough courage to take them on. most politicians cave and fold. jump didn't. that's one of the reasons china policies going to be sorely missed. >> laura: yeah, i completely agree. i think americans, looking back at this, saying why do we not have more men of courage. i think they will miss it a lot. gentlemen, think is a much night. should biden be next, cabinet picks like toby blinking. failed experiments of the obama era. with him at state, he will rejoin the economy crushing paris climate accord as well as the insanely stupid iran nuclear will deal. all the while, american taxpayers forced to play more
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for europe's defense. my next guest thinks this is necessary to save the world. he writes, joe biden would rescue world alliances with antony blinken. joining me now is an old friend, doug shown. and president clinton. do you think the american people really voted to rescue the stale global alliances like nato? >> i don't think nadel i nato i. i think most americans reinforce a conservative advocacy of american values like freedom and liberty. and yes i do. in asia we have to confront china, i agree. but we do that through alliances, not by going out of the loan. >> laura: if you say that do that through alliances, why wasn't that done during eight
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years with obama? he was liked, plotted, huge people showed up to his speeches in europe had basically when obama was president europe got whatever europe gon wanted. how is that confronting china? >> i'm not here to advocate for the failed policies of the biden administration. we need to confront china with new alliance -- strengthening nato and biden has said -- and he's right -- we only go back in the iran nuclear deal if they comply with the terms of it. if they don't, we won't. this is bipartisan politics, laura. it's not advocacy of democrats against republicans. >> laura: china has never been as far back on its heels as it has been over the last four. let's go for another claim in your piece you wrote the not dell nonextadministration has do
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jettison with donald trump. but my question to you -- didn't trump get i get a new deal thats overwhelmingly approved by congress and didn't they forge trade deals with south korea obviously ultimately with china, japan, they node negotiate nego. we have all these peace agreements. >> writes, i just spoke about the middle east. i applaud that. i think we need to build on what trump did to get back in. i know you don't like. >> laura: oh, my god. >> they just formed an alliance with a number of our allies in asia. we need to confront them. we do that best with global alliances, not going alone. and i really believe that this is not a bipartisan politics.
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we should do it with republicans and with muscularity and determination to confront russia and china and rogue nations everywhere we find them. >> laura: when you say to confront russia and china, russia's economy -- last time i checked it's about the size of france? china has a larger a standing army than ours. china is poised to overtake the u.s. economy, no doubt about it. but in russia and china in the same plane -- that seems outdated. >> i don't think so. they have a military alliance. >> laura: right, which is why we needed a stronger relationship than russia. >> they are building alliances against us which we must confront. forget obama. >> laura: still waiting for that the russian reset.
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list so far? the list of top nominees is already the who's who of establishment retreads. none fits more so than biden's nominee for heading up the office of management and budget meant so much. the media of course loves her. >> i think he's incredibly talented. the most progressive lmp directory. >> she someone who is fearless. calling people out for not doing their jobs, for not standing up for the american people, and in particular not standing up for working americans. >> laura: let's talk about the people who fund the think tank she heads up. the center for american progress. last year "the new york times" reported they took in millions.
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big banks, silicon valley titans, foreign governments, defense contractors, and the health care industry. in other words, the folks who sold out american workers for decades. one former staffer told the intercept about the not-so-subtle ways they were pressured to abandon positions that defended the center for american progress as donors. one instance, according to "the new york times," she removed an entire chapter from a report on anti-muslim bias. of course, this all happened after bloomberg breached the skids with 1.5 million bucks by the time the report was finished. he is still listed as a major donor on their website. now, her effort to cover up her work -- that has come in handy. she has purged over 1,000 never tweets most critical of republican centers and looks to secure her nomination.
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this type of corruption is positive to never-trumper who tweeted -- hard-hearted liberals should -- she is the right person for the job. >> laura: anyone who loves their country should ignore. they fought for working people against the rich. it took over the g.o.p., thankfully. it drove the bushes and the flakes and the corker's out of the party. it stood up to china and forced american companies to pay higher wages. before that, it brought unprecedented prosperity to all groups which in turn convinced a record number for republican candidates and the president's seat 74 million turned out to support this pro-worker agenda. when push came to shove, the
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progressives cited against the president. and all of us. for progressives, helping working people is always something to talk about. it's not really something to do. yesterday president trump asked the question that is on the minds of at least half the country. >> you would think if you are in the fbi or department of justice, this is the biggest thing you could be looking at. where are they? i haven't seen anything. >> laura: tonight, we may have an answer. my next guest says the fbi has requested a look at data that he has collected that allegedly shows widespread voter fraud. joining me now is philip klein, former attorney general and director of the m stat project. philip, tell us what you found and why the fbi now wants to see it? >> what we have done, laura, is throughout our investigation we identified lawless acts by blue state officials, particularly
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inside stepping state laws. we then identified the ballots that would be affected. and then we got the experts in the door. the data experts, the public opinion experts, all of them. we started reaching out directly to voters. and what we found our hundreds of thousands of ballots that were not cast consistent with what the voters said relating to their behavior. for example, some of them in front of me. we have filed lawsuits regarding these. i'm looking at arizona. 75,000 republicans -- it's estimated -- we've contacted and called thousands of them. 75,000 republicans voted, but their vote wasn't counted. additionally, over 204,000 republicans had their ballots requested by other people other than themselves. and we go through all of these categories and in each and every
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major swing state, we are talking a far more than the margin of victory. >> laura: and yet in arizona they certify the boat today, right? >> yes, the certification and the laws merely validate the fraud. those laws were written at a time they didn't contemplate the use of these machines and the use of the ballot boxes. you know, the drop boxes with hundreds of thousands of ballots pouring in. so those laws are not fashioned to handle what we had this year, which was an unprecedented election. and as you know, funded by one of our corporate oligarchs, mark zuckerberg. >> laura: you know what i'm really worried about, philip? i'm astonished about all of th this. i'm looking at what is happening right now as we are getting ready for this early vote for the runoff in georgia. are we not going to have this same problem?
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i mean, secretary of state is already investigating i guess 250 cases of voting irregularities. is it connected to that election? >> yes, yes, they are inviting people to come in from other states and establish a residence and vote into u.s. senatorial elections which we don't believe is allowed. they are performing the same thing, mark zuckerberg money is flowing into that area. and we are going to initiate a lawsuit to stop that. and additionally come out tomorrow, we are going to release additional evidence that the fbi has already indicated a interest. and that is far-reaching affecting each one of these swing states. >> laura: some of the statistical anomalies in the selection are -- i mean, you read them. you are like, how is this even possible? and yet, court after court, this
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dismissed claims seemingly to average americans who maybe don't -- art that well-versed in legal procedure. people are very, very concerned about the future ability to elect a republican president under these rules if these things aren't changed. philip, really quick, close it out. >> absolutely true. there is significant evidence that republicans and democrat areas were treated differently. that's a violation of bush v gore. >> laura: we have to win in court. philip, they give so much. the media goes gaga over pets that biden could bring to the white house. and what does ankle gate foreshadow how the media will cover poor joe? "seen and unseen" next. ♪
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>> laura: it's time for the segment will revert feel the stories behind the headlines. joining us is raymond arroyo. raymond, joe biden hurt himself yesterday while engaging history. explain. >> you will remember the breathless coverage that joe biden's pet received in recent days. note the historical and the first time ever modifiers. >> the white house isn't just getting new human occupants.
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>> meet champ and manger. >> major is the first-ever shelter rescue dog to live at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. love it. >> the bidens tell us exclusively that soon they will be joined by a cat. >> laura, turns out all that history can get you hurt when you are 78. while allegedly playing with his dog, major, he fractured bones in his foot and he will require a boot brace. the traveling media was not allowed to enter or see biden leavunder the doctor's office. isn't it fascinating how there is no cause for x-rays or further details on this episode? i mean, biden has suffered aneurysms in the past. did he trip over the dog? did the dog knock him down? none of that we are asking, and none of that has the media asked today.
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>> laura: i want to see the dogs x-ray. those are adorable dogs. i want to see what happened to the poor dogs. and someone was brewed -- can you believe this was rude on twitter. said biden kicked the dog because the dog had a maga shirt on. i was like what, that couldn't happen. remember the media posture when trump got his covid diagnosis? that was interesting. >> there is a long and ugly history in this country of presidents not being honest about their health. >> the sad truth is that we really can't trust at face value what comes out of the white house on this. >> there is a significant level of concern. they wanted to try to make it look like a rosier picture. it's worrisome. >> laura: but now everything is fine, laura. the fact that biden is limping, can barely walk, may be further than we know appeared no problem at all. my advice, keep the dogs in delaware. he should bring them nowhere else when you are 78 and don't
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quite know your way around. it's a bad thing to have underfoot, particularly dogs that size. >> laura: you know the utterly late, they always say should roll up the rugs. we are all getting older. roll up those rugs. a lot of rugs in the white house. >> biden has announced a historic all-female comp scheme. >> joe biden is now demonstrating, correctly, that women can run things really well. we are all going to be witness to it. let the world see how well women can do. when they were put in a spot. when they could do the job. i am so excited about this team of women. this team of moms. they smart and accomplished group who will be not just speaking for the president, but barely coming up with strategies for how to communicate with the whole country.
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>> except way we arty have alrea all-female team. >> laura: kayleigh mcenany, sarah sanders, all women. all mothers. our old intern was the vice president's press secretary. and as now they are calm director. >> the overheated historic talk -- it's just not true. because the only thing historic year as we have the oldest president going and ever and we may have the most congenital -- cognitively compromised. other than that, i don't see why everything has to be historical. >> laura: amy coney barrett is a mother, but she didn't count as working mother. what else question marks pickled laura, the holidays are really
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in danger. this is dr. deborah books to young americans. >> we know people may have made mistakes over the thanksgiving time period. if you are young and you gathered, you need to assume that you are infected. don't go near her grandparents and dads and others without a mask. >> never see the family again, laura. stay away from family. >> laura: i didn't even recognize her. i thought that was her scarf around her. she's a very talented person though. merit bill de blasio ringing in the season in his city. >> this is something in normal years we all go to see in person. i know some people are going to still want to go in person. and i'll tell you upfront, please -- if you could make the decision to watch on tv, that so much better.
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>> de blasio is only allowing for people at a time to see the tree and only by reservation. you've got to come up with a creative way. what about kids? he just reopened the schools. let children come watch the tree. put a conveyor belt on fifth avenue. >> laura: no fun allowed unless you are a liberal mayor and then you can go to fancy restaurants or a liberal house speaker and you can sit around in your fancy multimillion dollar house eating fancy ice cream and going to all the fancy parties. raymond, thank you so much. they are killjoy's over there. all right, insane covid shutdowns. they are furthering in power and big corporations be at a restaurant owner in california his crosshairs -- he joins is next to explain. ♪ [ whispering ]
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what's this? oh, are we kicking karly out? we live with at&t. it was a lapse in judgment. at&t, we called this house meeting because you advertise gig-speed internet, but we can't sign up for that here. yeah, but i'm just like warming up to those speeds. you've lived here two years. the personal attacks aren't helping, karly. don't you have like a hot pilates class to get to or something? [ muffled scream ] stop living with at&t. xfinity can deliver gig to the most homes.
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>> laura: coast-to-coast, draconian covid rules are killing small businesses for people who depend on them. covid dictates are suffering the economy in new york. according to a database, 29% of small businesses in the empire state have been closed since january. and the phil murphy's new jersey, it's even worse. nearly one-third haven't opened.
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in the american southwest, new mexico's insane lockdowns has citizens feeling like they are living in the ussr. restrictions on grocery store capacity are so severe that people wait in line for hours to buy basic food and medicine. so next time the left talks about a new normal, just know what they really mean by that. in l.a., bravery brewing company spent over $1,000 to comply with the county's new covid rules, but it was all for nothing. because now, l.a. county has band indoor and outdoor eating. owner flatfish restaurant in california. enter, you are like so many restaurant tours. you had to spend thousands to meet these guidelines. any scientific evidence to back up of the shields hanging from the ceilings and everything else you've done?
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>> i mean, when we ultimately started all of this there was signs all over the place. we were really just trying to follow the guidelines and try to make people feel safer. also reflected in the fact that we took this seriously and we want to stay open, right? so every single step along the way, we kept hitting a barrier. they either shut us down or they shut down indoor dining. we kept investing and investing, trying to follow their signs when every turn we took was a dead end. >> laura: enter, we have another hypocritical lawmaker. he will be shocked to hear i'm sure. violating her own rules. katie tvs vilma logan breaking this just moment ago. supervisors she cool was caught dining outdoors in santa monica. so andrew, citizens are going to be slapped with major fines and restaurants too. but politicians go out there and they go and do exactly what the
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regular people cannot do. >> nothing says take my roles less seriously than not following your own rules, right? this most recent, which obviously that kind of distilled down from the top. after gavin newsom's 15-20 course hypocrisy dinner eating indoors, eating without masks on, group of over 20 when the day before he said don't do all of the things about to do. now they ban outdoor dining which actually -- there is no science saying you should ban outdoor dining. that one, the sciences unequivocally that everyone agrees there is no reason should be banning outdoor dining. but they still go and dine outdoors. >> know your governor announced today that there could be these more -- very serious new rules that go into effect on covid. watch. >> if these trends continue we are going to have to take much more dramatic arguably drastic more action that is more
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equivalent, more in line with the stay at home order. that folks were familiar with in the beginning of this year. >> laura: go back indoors, don't go outdoors in the beautiful sunshine of california. your response. >> look, now that's just about cutting out all the small businesses. because guess what still going to be open? amazon, target, businesses. all of these big-box toys. from the engine of ingenuity. up into the top. we are going to lose employees, we are going to lose all of our staff. we are going to lose our businesses. maybe we get a low plane down my paint job. these are good jobs we're talking about. when it comes to the restaurants, this is good food too. pizza hut, domino's, i don't want to put them down but at the end of the day most of these small businesses -- this is scratch made food pain their own family members. >> laura: angier, i am coming. you have to stay open beard i'm coming to see you.
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>> laura: the famous america the beautiful and that's exactly what americans need after such a difficult year. a lot of red, white, and blue. never forget that. not a single magazine thought milani i was worthy of a covered despite all of her grace and beauty and patriotism. tells you all you need to know about the smallness of these people. that's all the time we have tonight. shannon bream and the "fox news at night" team take it from here. did you have a good thanksgiving, shannon? >> shannon: i did, i hope you did as well. >> laura: i did. >> shannon: i know you are watching that bama/auburn game as well. >> laura: have a great show. >> shannon: thank you, we will. welcome back from this thanksgiving holiday. we are following several stories tonight. after months of criticism over his
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