tv Hannity FOX News December 1, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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>> tucker: that is it for us. another hour gone. thank you for joining us. we will be back tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m., the show that's the total, since your enemy of lying, prosody, and groupthink. coming up next, from new york, the great sean hannity. >> sean: great show as always. welcome to hannity. and that we are going to do things little bit differently. we are going to hear a little less from me in the opening monologue, more from your fellow american citizens. in other words, whistle-blowers from around the country who are now speaking out and coming forward and sharing what are the first-hand accounts of election irregularities. these stories are shocking, several of the whistle-blowers will join us live in just a minute. they will tell you their story played plus will highlight some of their allegations from today's hearing in michigan and the press conference in virginia. to the mob, the media, witness testimony in court would be
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something called evidence. you have kept asking, where is the evidence? pay attention, we will educate you tonight. in some jurisdictions, if a witness to a murder is on the stands in a murder trial case and offers credible testimony, that jury can convict based on that eyewitness testimony alone. but you are not going to hear any of these serious claims from american citizens one after another on any of the other networks. the media mob, the new york toilet paper at times the washington compost. the mob is ignoring what witness is, or maybe you want to call them "whistle-blowers" are saying. once again we'll do the work that the so-called journalists, although journalism is dead, that the media mob refuses to do. we will remain independent. we always forge our own path, we always go our own way. we are not the democratic party
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operatives like pretty much everybody else in the partisan press. we vetted obama, will they didn't. we expose the russia collusion hoax. we got it right, they didn't. we actually vetted joe biden when he was hiding in his basement. they did not. we expose the biden family corruption, cashing in joe biden's name and position, also rebuked the ukrainian impeachment publics, they got that wrong too. democrats, they tried to remove a sitting president from office based on speculation from somebody they told us we should love and admire, courageous and amazing, somebody that was not a whistle-blower but a hearsay whistle-blower. and other hearsay witnesses with no first-hand knowledge at all of their own allegations. the one real witness, only one, actually corroborated president trump's story. they took a perfectly routine call between the president, his
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ukrainian counterpart they were not part of an falsely twisted into something that was sinister. it was not. the mob, the media, the democratic party, they lavished there is one nonwhistle-blower, exalted the hearsay whistle-blower for their bravery and the patriotism but kept the anonymity of this person. they demanded all americans pale magy to the heroic actions. you might remember. we do. take a look. >> this whistle-blower who i want to say is a patriot, what he did is, listen, i saw something during my time. i have a responsibility to inform and i'm going to follow the proper channels. >> first let's applaud them for their patriotism. despite the fact that the president of united states who was also the commander in chief
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has threatened to slam them, i believe based on level country to come forward and let the american people know exactly what happened. >> i'd like to say for these whistle-blowers and potential whistle-blowers, you are the patriots. you are the ones who care about this country. >> this person has been deemed credible and a patriot your own director of national intelligence. >> i want to thank the whistle-blower for their coura courage. >> that means based on their definition, all of the whistle-blower is that testified today are all patriots and heroes and courageous. democrats, the media, they revere whistle-blowers. you just heard it. unless it doesn't benefit them politically. now we have hundreds of whistle-blowers coming forward, many of them with sworn affidavits, first-hand accounts of election irregularities they witnessed but not hearsay, not speculation, they are telling their stories publicly.
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the mob is protecting, of course, all things democratic party socialist and the agenda of all things biden. first-hand eyewitness accounts, most of which made affidavits under the penalty of perjury. the media mob could care less. they're actually trashing anyone who takes witnesses and whistle-blowers seriously because they got the results they wanted. pure politics for them. real election integrity means nothing to them. so now the same conspiracy theorist that lied to us, breathlessly pushing the russia collusion hoax for three years, there ukrainian hoax for three months, they lecture us on how to behave for the good of democracy. we don't take orders from the media mob and such breathtaking hypocrites and sent the money is like them or anybody. we will follow the facts and tonight those facts lead us to michigan with multiple allegations of election abuse
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brought forward by eyewitnesses. whistle-blowers. that includes one poll observer who was blocked from getting close enough to actually see the ballots which the law actually allows. take a look. >> any time as a challenger i tried to look at the ballot and try to verify it, i would get two or three of the poll workers literally screaming at me to get back 6 feet. however, we did not know that that had been overturned the night before, which would've been helpful. but at no time were we able, actually to physically see the ballot and see it in the poll, the electronic books. >> tucker>> sean: the law allows partisan observers to watch every vote counted. that didn't happen. that would be a patriot truth telling whistle-blower courageous. another michigan election observer, another whistle-blower
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saw a very alarming instance of potential fraud and describe that today. take a look. >> not one of the military ballots or a registered voter and the ballots look like they were all exactly the same xerox copies of the ballot, they were all for biden across the board, not a single trump vote and none of the voters were registered, they had to manually enter the names in and a birthdate of 1/1/2020 widget override the system and lot on the register nonregistered voters which i saw several that day. that's how they would override voters neither in the electronic poll book or the supplemental updated poll book. >> sean: witness after witness after witness, or if you prefer, one whistle-blower after another came forward discussing a variety of disturbing election day irregularities in the state of michigan. take a look for yourself. >> i found highly unusual that every military ballot that was logged into the system had a birthdate of january january 1st
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1900. >> i also saw the ballots being dropped off 3:00, 3:30, 4:00 in the morning. also standing to the lead attorney and we were all talking about, why are these ballots showing up as late as they did. >> i witnessed room erupted in thunderous applause and republican poll workers were ejected from the room repeatedly by police escorts. they picked out so many g.o.p. poll workers that there were probably only a few dozen left. >> these irregularities are not isolated. just to the state of michigan, during a press conference in virginia, we have whistle-blowers all across the country, they came forward to share their claims. one subcontractor for the u.s. postal service said that he was asked to deliver ballots taken from one state across state lines to another state. watch this.
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>> i know i saw ballots with return addresses filled out. thousands of them. thousands. loaded onto my trailer in new york and heading for pennsylvania. but as things became weirder, i got to thinking and wondered why i was driving complete ballots from new york to pennsylvania. i didn't know... i didn't know why. so decided to speak up and that's what i'm doing today. >> tucker>> sean: wilding allegs including claims of 100,000 missing ballots, u.s. postal service workers of lawfully backdating ballots and much more. you don't believe me? here's a courageous patriotic whistle-blower in their own words. >> the order came down from the
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wisconsin illinois chapter for usps that 100,000 ballots were missing. told me that his post office had this placed ballots around 4:00 a.m. and that only seven or eight were found. based on my previous experience and habit of double checking for ballots, i believe that to be alive. i had a combinatio conversationa different usps where he admitted usps employees were ordered to lock ballots too late to be lawfully counted for didn't bring this to the attention to any of my supervisors at usps at the time to do what i perceived to be their hostility towards president donald trump in their contempt for the law. i'm not a trump supporter. i'm not a biden supporter either. in fact, i didn't vote for either of the main candidates. but something profoundly wrong occurred in wisconsin during the presidential election and the american people have a right to
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know about it. >> sean: as it stands today, there is a 20,000 vote difference in wisconsin between wisconsin, arizona, and georgia. 44,000 both difference. those three states, it's not critical that we as a country get to the bottom of serious allegations made by eyewitnesses and whistle-blowers. in fact, every regularity must be investigated. make no mistake, this is about, well, as high as the stakes are for the 2020 election, it's about more than that too. is about every single election moving forward in this country. what we are all witnessing here is unacceptable. partisan observers were blocked from doing their lawful job of viewing the process everywhere. election laws broken in every state. relax voter i.d. laws, especially for mail in ballots. u.s. postal service employees saw contractors handling massive amounts of mail in ballots.
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sparsely monitored drop box is not monitored at all, allowing people to cast ballots from beyond the grave, inefficient voting systems vulnerable to interference. some boats, yep, almost a month later not finished. and now sworn in public claims major election irregularities in nearly every battleground state. so the question is how do you update the trust in this process? i do not. do you believe the whistle-blowers? i do. they irregularities they brought to light are unacceptable. by the way, there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of sworn legal affidavits here the american people in every state, we deserve better. all the states that got it right, we have full confidence in the integrity of the vote and the outcome, they deserve a fair
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vote in every state for them t too. in order to find the solution, we need to know what went wrong. joining us now are three whistle-blowers. one is kristin caramel who was an election voter from michigan who testified today. also ethan peet's, u.s. postal service contractor from wisconsin. jesse morgan, the truck driver sub country by the u.s. postal service. both are nonpartisan. let me ask you both. you are both nonpartisan. politics not important to you? >> i didn't vote this year. i mean... >> i'm not really a democrat or republican. i consider myself an independent or libertarian. >> sean: all right. ethan, tell your story. you told a story today that you
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are working in wisconsin around election day. your job was to drive ballots to a postal service center. you are nonpartisan and you said you were told by two separate postal workers that they were gathering over 100,000 ballots on the morning of november 4th, a day after the election and backdate those ballots. can you please tell us that story? >> yes. so... let's see. on election day, i only had -- i had no ballots to take on election day. the day after the election, i didn't think anything of it until the postal service supervisor asked me if i had forgotten ballots the night before and i didn't have any. so i was like, that's kind of a weird question. no. he explained to me that 100,000 ballots were supposedly missing in the state of wisconsin and in
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order came down look for them from wisconsin and illinois usps chapters of the postal service. >> sean: by the way, you signed an affidavit. you know if you sign a false affidavit that you could be charged with perjury. correct? >> yes, sir. >> sean: jesse, you told a story that you drove almost 300,000 ballots across state lines, what, they filled out in bethpage, new york? >> yes, sir. i do not know the exact number of ballots, it's like guessing how many jelly beans there are in the jar. but i can tell you i took 24 pallets from bethpage new york to lancaster. >> these were pennsylvania ballots that you are bringing in from new york.
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what was the date of that? >> this happened october 21st. i picked them up in bethpage, new york. and drove them to harrisburg. and from harrisburg i drove them to lancaster, dropped my truck off and went home. >> did you get a chance to see those ballots? >> i saw them loaded on my trailer. >> sean: did you notice how they were marked or were they concealed? >> i saw on the top corner... the address on them. it was filled out. i didn't see it on every single one. it wasn't like i was sitting there just looking, you know? i was more so seeing how it was put in to make sure it was secure and everything like that and some of the palace where they drove by some letters were out and i could see them a
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little bit. i couldn't tell you a name, i was looking for names or anything like that, you know? >> you signed a legal >> sean: you know you signed a legal affidavit also. you know that you could be charged with perjury too? >> yes, sir. >> sean: wow. why did you both decide -- if you both are nonpartisan commute don't really care about politi politics, what, ethan, motivated you to come forward and tell the story. why was it important to you? >> being that i am pretty young. i'm only 20 years old, this is clearly probably the most important election of my lifetime. i couldn't go to the grave knowing what i knew and just keeping that to myself, knowing that something went wrong in this election. >> sean: yeah. let me bring in christina for a
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minute. your shot went down. i'm glad you're back. you testified today that you witnessed ballots marked straight ticket democrat republicans and you were told that they would to be counted even that they were the public in as democrats but you challenged it, then you lost the challenge? these republican votes that you saw? >> what happened was at the adjudication table, a ballot came up and the person who voted for straight republican and those were intentional marks. the adjudication table is they are to that this person voted for more than they were supposed to for a particular race or they didn't make it clear or there were marks, that's where they try to figure it out. a person didn't make any other votes for judges, nothing else. in the poll worker was just, like, i'm going to give it to
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the democrats. so i'm like, no, that ballot needs to be tossed out in this person had creatively given a vote the joe biden were a voter voted for joe biden in the green party candidate for president so she voted for joe biden for that's what alerted my attention. after that, i want to get her supervisor at the level, what do you think question mike i'm disgusted, what does he think and what doesn't matter, the ballot needs to be tossed out. i go get the guy who was overseeing this 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. after the process and he does the exact same thing. and so i asked my girl, the she think that i simply asked a question. why not give it to the republican over the democrat? me and him had a big argument. he said, you could do what you want. extremely nasty, extremely rude, and told me to push open fraud in my face. this is just one incident. no, there's a bunch of incident.
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we had no way of coordinating this mass story is that all add up. but the democrats had plenty of time to coordinate their stories. it doesn't make sense that all of our stories are telling the same type of situation we witnessed massive vote fraud. birthdays being given to people, can teaming in voters. why are these voters not on the voter roll. it just doesn't make sense. ballots being dropped off in the middle of the night, thousands of them. it was awful. >> sean: you are telling your story, you signed an affidavit also, like ethan and jesse come under the threat of perjury. you know it's a legal document. >> absolutely. >> sean: why was this important to you, christina? i would assume that this is not your average day, to be a public figure. >> the thing about it, sean, yes, i'm a republican but this is beyond republicans and
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democrats. this is about our republic being protected. if we don't have confidence in our election, we don't have a nation. we give our consent to be governed by those in office, by those not in power, but in office to make decisions on our behalf. but if we don't pick the people making the decisions on our behalf, we have a rogue government doing whatever they want to do. that's completely unacceptable. the way the media won't take the time to investigate our claims, they roundly dismiss us, just roundly dismiss us! not even to talk about us, to see what we say? a lot of our officials don't want to hear us. we are the citizens. they work for us. our tax dollars pay them. when you have hundreds and hundreds of people telling you that we witnessed fraud, not to bother to not even hear us, we are talking almost a month ago. this should have been talked about as soon as we started complaining that many of us
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started filing our affidavits right away. i'm just really upset about this whole situation. >> i want to thank you all for telling your story. i know this is probably not easy for many of you and it's amazing how one whistle-blower, every democrat and everybody in the media wanted to believe and said he was the greatest. they don't want to hear from anyone else because of politics. that's sad. thank you all, christina, ethan, jesse. with reaction, kayleigh mcenany is back with us. on this very program this afternoon, christina is from the detroit area. actually held up 234 affidavits, signed affidavits on this program that i think fake new cnn claims weren't real. apparently they are very real. >> they are very real and i want to commend pristina, ethan, jesse for sharing their story. that takes courage for these people are doxxed, harass,
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threaten, and to share your story takes its menace amount of courage. to hear christina's story, the media ignore me but i'm sharing my story. yes, she is and yes, she should not be ignored and we have sworn affidavits to back up everything you have shown this evening. you mention the one individual who saw ballots in detroit being backdated to birth dates to january 1st 1900, affidavits where they list out all the circles being different ballot numbers. they have written the specific ballot number down that was dated january 1st 1900 for someone who didn't have a birthday. these are facts driven. they are real people. you just heard from them. where is the media asking these questions? it's irresponsible. thank you for giving them a platform, sean, because their voice matters and president trump will fight for the 74 million individuals who showed up to vote for him. >> sean: in all of these states, correct me if i'm wrong,
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hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people who sign these affidavits under the threat of perjury. you go back to the ukrainian witch hunt. what did we have? we had one hearsay anonymous whistle-blower. praised to the hilt by the media, praise to the hilt by the democrats. where is the praise for all these people? >> exactly. there is no praise. this is one county here, one county where you have hundreds of pages in one county, wayne county detroit all across the country we hear stories like this but most specifically in those four cities where joe biden somehow over performed hillary although he underperformed her in every other metro. we know in detroit, atlanta, milwaukee, philadelphia, he over performed and we have affidavits detailing this collection not just this cycle, but for cycle after cycle in these democrat run cities. this time, sean, it was amplified because you have mail in ballots, no signature
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verification, they created an electoral epidemic. we are finding new losses today and wisconsin filed 366 pages detailing how wisconsin law was violated. these people are real. these stories are important. >> sean: kayleigh, thank you. you took a lot of heat. now it has all been corroborated in your own voice. i wish it would've happened sooner. but we've been waiting to hear from people. we are hearing from them. very important. more troubling allegations coming out of the state of georgia tonight. undercover tapes, fake new cnn, the chief jeff zucker will join us for an exclusive interview new and we got the first day tapes right here straight ahead.
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♪ >> sean: >> sean: when you think things can get more corrupt, more troubling development tonight out of the great state of tageorgia as we are now learning that an executive at the "nonprofit" that is assisting in the georgia recount has a history of ireland anti-trump tweets and has expressed his hate of the president. tweeted "f donald trump and all his enablers." nice guy. also paul "the g.o.p. rotten to the core."e. severance they were hired by that geniusif state to provide logistics and l assistance of technical support during the so-called "georgia audit." does that sound like someone
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unbiased, instills any confidence in our election process in the state of georgia? remember the dopey secretary of state made a deal after being sued by democrats with two different verification systems, a very easy one for mail-in ballots and an easy one for a male and voters. more questions and answers out of fulton county, that's the largest county to not have completed the recount prompting criticism from the secretary of state. a little late. here to explain more, author of don'"don't lie to me," judge jee shapiro, i understand that you made you've made a full recovery. are you doing well? >> i am. >> sean: glad to hear it. judge, will start with you. the georgia secretary of state, if you mailed in the ballot, they have a whole different signature verification -- that
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was a less stringent standard. the governor can called the legislator back and fix it, says he has no he does have the power. you look at the bias going on with the company, why are they even in the state? >> let me tell you what's going on in georgia. there is a fundamental problem in georgia and that problem is the people who are counting votes in the attempt in this runoff the secretary of state appointing this guy who hates trump, who hates republicans, who has donated to democrats, tos republicans are willing live with fascism, he's now part of the strategy that's actually going to audit the presidential election. let's get to the more fundamental issue and that is when the secretary of state cut a deal with stacey abrams, then
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what happened was they violated the united states constitution, article one, section four. in the state of georgia and every state of this country, you cannot change the election law and the federal election unless the legislature does it. in this state as far as i'm concerned, when they'd change that law, those votes cannot be counted and is going to the 11th circuit, the answer should be there soon and he can go take that the supreme court. all kinds of fraud going on in georgia and that's why the people of georgia don't want to vote in the runoff. >> i'm telling you now, if you want the president investigated in perpetuity by a democratic senate potentially depending on the final outcome here and his agenda undone, that would be beyond dangerous but republicans, they better understand that in georgia, a lot is hanging in the balance
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here. dave bossie, your thought on it all? >> we need to investigate the auditors at this point. stacey abrams is now under investigation by the state for running an organization that was sending ballots to people who lived outside of the state of georgia! it is outrageous. senate candidate doing this. needs to be investigative very quickly. don't have the time standing around waiting on this. america and our future is at stake, the filibuster is at stake. every policy decision is at stake why the republicans have m the majority or are in the minority and it means everything to the american people and to the 75 million people especially who voted for donald trump. >> quick legal question.
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all the people who sign these legal affidavits under the threat of perjury, is that considered evidence? >> of course that is evidence. what the media is telling you is not evidence, don't listen to them. the general fraud that occurred in the state of georgia will continue in the r runoff unlesse stop it. they have teed it up to a perfection. until we stand up or the courts get through the we know we've got the evidence. stop letting people tell you that we don't have the evidence. this is only going to continue.c this fraud will continue and america will be doomed for the next 20 years. >> sean: thank you, both. we are glad you're feeling better. thank you. whene we come back, project veritas exposing fake news cnn.
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an interview you'll only see exclusively tonight here on the "hannity." with no obligation. and if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus, get 20% off your treatment plan. enjoy flexible payment options and savings when it matters most. we're here to make your smile shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental 7 days a week or book today at
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you know, history has shown that when a nation turns to god, broken families are healed, people break free from addictions and alcoholism, crime rates plummet. in the welsh revival last century, all across wales, police and judges had nothing to do. why? because there was no crime and it can happen here by god's grace, when you come to him. - [narrator] when nations turn to god, they find their societal problems disappear. there is hope for this broken world, if you just know where to look. won't you consider looking to the one who made you? visit to learn more about his plan for your life. again, that's
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♪ >> sean: bre >> sean: breaking tonight from explosive new recordings from inside fake news cnn exposing project veritas exposing fake news frauds jeff zucker like never before. earlierer this morning, project veritas' founder ceo james o'keefe, he called into cnn's morning editorial call and you would s say that humpty dumpty's boss mr. potato head didn't know what was coming. take a look. >> i'm hanging up. >> jeff zucker, are you there? this is james o'keefe.
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like to listen to your cnn calls for basically two months recording everything. just wanted to ask you some questions if you have a minute. do you still feel you are the most trusted name in use because i have to say from what i've been hearing on thesen phone calls, i don't know about that. we've got a lot of recordings to indicate you aren't really that independent of a journalist. >>is okay. thank you for your comments. in light of that, i think what we'll do is we'll set up a new system... b1 project veritas tonight released of first installment of these reporting. first up wee h have a cnn field producer and zucker talk about covering the president's decision to not yet conceded the race suggesting that cnn should frame the story by invoking the 9/11 terror attacks. we always let you decide.
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here is the video. >> the 9/11 report talks about one of the problems, the trouble that we've been brewing got lost during the transition. so if you wanted a concrete example of what happens when you don't have the big transition, look at the twin towers. >> i think that is an important point. i think just a little bit yesterday in terms national security. i think it's really important to raise again. >> do you ever remember fakeki news cnn talking about the national security ramifications the deep stateusing hillary's dn dossier to spy on candid and trump,is president trump, his administration, the biggest abuse of power, corruption, scandal in history?? they are the ones who peddle the conspiracy theories,
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perpetuating years and years of a russia hoax. what about those national securityty concerns? they are glaring in their bias and utter disgusting hypocrisy. couldn't be more obvious. and it gets worse because next up in october with president trump recovering from the coronavirus, zucker telling his staff that they need to resist normalizing the president and do not normalize what zucker calls "desperate behavior." does this sound like objective news to you? >> i think we cannot normalize what has happened here in the last week with trump and his behavior. this is a president who knows he's losing, he knows he's in trouble. he is sick. maybe he's on the after effects of steroids or not, i don't know. but he's acting erratically and desperately, and we need to not
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normalize that. >> sean: joe hiding, that was normal? weeks ago, zucker instructing fans to a lindsey graham, that he needed to go well after lindsey graham, target the guys we don't like. >> if we make any mistake is that our banners have been too light and we need to go well after lindsey graham. there is a lot of news out there, and lindsey graham briefly deserves it. >> sean: cnn prospects saying didn'tcite any laws allegedly violating it. he is the ceo, founder of project veritas, james o'keefe is with us. any time you have been sued as any one done it successfully? >> noel, sean.
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we won every single lawsuit at project air test. i know they say that cnn legal's expert may say this is a felony, we have legal experts at project veritas and we think that jeff zucker is very mad i will be exposed. >> sean: we are going to release more tapes every week so we can focus in on what we are going to release every day. so they peddle this russian ally for three years over there. they never apologize, never corrected the record, and they reported fake, phony news, and advanced conspiracy theories. is this a news organization to you? >> no, sean penn or this is something that doesn't shock people if it confirms a lot of suspicions. to see the president of a media conglomerate barking orders at his reporters and journalists, telling them what to cover, what not to cover, that's not anything resembling journalism i
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know. i'm not -- they aren't yessing me, they are challenging me. what jeff zucker is doing on these phone calls is telling people what the story is, telling them what not to cover. this is propaganda and i think in a country where citizens have to exercise their rights and duties, consent needs to be informed. this is a manufacturing consent and never seen it, a fly on the wall, you can hear the president of the company and struck his reporters with the narrative ought to be. this is the furthest thing from journalism i know and i think cnn owes an apology to people. this is t >> sean: it looks like they had picked a side. they had picked joe biden's si side.ou the way you do things, you have a lot more how long did you record these morning calls?
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>> i told zucker this morning when i live streamed the call, i've been doing this for a few months ande he was kind of shell-shocked by that. we had been recording weeks and weeks, christmas december 1st is going to be an advent calendar. going to be releasing tapes every day and we have more tapes tonight, tomorrow, and it's going to be -- this is the brave whistle-blower insider who came to us with this information and we encourage more people inside media enterprises to call dell might blow the whistle on the corruption. >> sean: we look forward to installment two. attorney bill barr has upgraded, employee john durham as special counsel which means the investigation of the origins of the russia probe, if biden ever became president, would not end, but why haven't we got the low-hanging fruit?t? why? mr. durham, why? straight ahead.
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♪ >> sean: we do have breaking developments out of the deep state investigation tonight. the attorney general attorney general bill barr revealed today that he has appointed john durham's special counsel to investigate the origins of the russia hoax which will allow the investigation to continue. joining is now with reaction, author of the new book "firebrand," fox news correspondent matt gaetz, fox news analysts gregg jarrett. from my perspective, john durham has more than enough informatioo about russian disinformation dossier, premeditated fraud on the fisa court, and he's had forever to do it. why hasn't he got the job done?
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>> according to the attorney general, he needs more time. covid interfered with the legal process. but this was a shrewd and smart move by bill barr. he's essentially named john durham eliot ness. he's untouchable, naming them elevated status. the ag is gone when the administration comes in. but now he can continue his i investigation until its conclusion unimpeded. it's difficult for a new president to fire a special counsel or the attorney general. remember when trump just talked about firing bob mueller, democrats and the media accused him of obstruction of justice. the second important j thing is durham in addition to issuing indictments can now write a report to provide a full
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retelling of the corrupt outcome of the abuse of power by people like james comey, andrew mccabe, peter strzok, and others, i would include rob rosenstein, maybe even sally yates inst this. yates is now effectively off the table i think as the next attorney general in a biden the administration assuming the electoral college chooses him. >> sean: there is a news cnn story tonight debunked about the trump administration official and money for pardons. they say no government official was or is currently the subject of any target or investigation they can disclose. matt gaetz, i read "the new york times" op-ed by andrew weissmann. for three years, he was rubbing mueller's pit bull. didn't get the results he want wanted. now he's saying that if biden pbecomes president, as an ag, e wants to be a five investigated
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into perpetuity. you had said it first and i agree with you. if i this is the threats they ae going to make to a guy leaving office perhaps one day, my question is why wouldn't he just pardon himself and his family on the way out the door because i think they would be right to do so because these people are nuts. >> the president should pardon himself from his family, administration officials, and supporters who have been targeted. this department of justice and fbi targeted president trump and wanted to accuse him of crimes when he was the incoming what do you think they are going to do when he's the outgoing president? i think the durham announcement is a letdown. wwe made the ending by appointig a special counsel, it'll be a letdown to allot americans who saw the doj be politicized. no difference like any other agency in washington. >> sean: thank you both.
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♪ >> sean: unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening. i hope you set your dvr, never miss an episode of "hannity" and will be m ca let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham, big show today. >> laura: yes, i just tweetedus about the whistle-blower because you booked him so we couldn't. but they were great. >> sean: what did we do? >> laura: you booked them on the show, the whistle-blowers. we couldn't because they were already booked on your show but i was riveted and watch every minute and tweeted about it. so kudos. >> sean: there were other great people. it was so compelling. there are hundreds of them. >> laura: we've had some of them on. they are minority voices, young voices, they are being dismissed summarily. >> sean: wait a minute! i thought whistle-blowers were patriotic and
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